#joe liebgott blurb
hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Easy Company HC's: Letters Home
A/n: I'm really rolling with these BofB headcanons! hope you enjoy :)
Characters included: Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, Ronald Speirs, Carwood Lipton, Buck Compton, David Webster, Joe Liebgott
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Dick Winters
Writes frequent, short letters
Meticulously dates his letters and includes a blurb about the weather. January 12th, 1945. It’s snowing outside, dark and cold. 
Starts each letter with My dear y/n 
Always asks how you are, even though he’s the one fighting a damn war
Follows up on every little question or story you include in your letters. How was the bake sale? Did you ever hear how Louise Graham’s brother is doing after taking that shrapnel to the shoulder? Hope you were able to get someone out to look at the washing machine.
Ends his letters with classic but sentimental sign-offs, like Affectionately yours and All my love
Makes sure not to include anything in his letters that would worry you. Doesn’t necessarily lie or fake being happy, but just gently side steps that. 
Although every once in a while you get a longer letter where Dick’s handwriting is a little messier. You know it’s from writing fast, you can almost feel the pressure behind the penmarks. He opens up more in those letters, talks about losing too many good men and sometimes will say things that just absolutely break your heart, like sometimes I wonder how all of this is really going to end for the men who are over here fighting. 
Even in these letters, Dick never says “I” or “Me”, always writes about the men and the boys. You know - and so does he - that he’s including himself in those boys.
His next letter he always makes sure to reassure you. And it’s genuine, you can tell. He’ll say something like I have to put some of these heavier thoughts somewhere, and there’s nowhere I trust more than with you. 
When he comes home, you find a stack of letters you wrote to him tied up in a neat bundle and stashed in an inside pocket of his Ike jacket that he sewed in especially for that purpose. You could tell by the flimsy, near-ripped creases and dirty paper that he’d read each one about a hundred times over. Buried in the middle of the stack was the picture you’d given him before he’d left for training. On the back, he’d written simply your name, the date the photo was taken, and a short instruction: in event of my death, please send all personal effects to with your home address. It made you sob but you never told him you found it.
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GIF by mads-weasley
Lewis Nixon
Rarely writes. Actually drives you crazy with worry most of the time.
When he finally does, you can tell that he’s initially annoyed at having to put his thoughts down on paper. Letters start off with short, sarcastic sentences like nothing new here. Still fighting the war, in case you hadn’t heard. Enjoying German hospitality. 
But as the letters go on he relaxes into it and stops being so grouchy. 
Because he’s always grumpy at having to write (you should probably thank Dick for cajoling Lew into actually sitting down to write to you), he usually doesn’t write any sort of introduction or sweet address, just dives right into it.
His letters usually don’t say much, he just kind of rambles about how much he hates being away from you and how he can’t wait for the whole damn thing to be over. 
Sometimes he’ll write something so incredibly romantic it takes your breath away, like I’d fight a whole division of Panzers myself if I could just get one more sniff of your perfume. 
Those are the letters you save and reread to yourself over and over again when you’re waiting weeks for the next one.
Always signs off with something kind of sassy but also sweet?, like You know I love you or Keep our bed warm for me. 
Sometimes you feel like you can smell whiskey on the paper, which both worries you but also reminds you of Lew
When he finally gets home and you ask him about what he did with your letters, he kind of looks at you like you’ve gone crazy and says I read them of course, what else was I supposed to do with them? 
This hurts your feelings at first which of course he doesn’t understand, but after a few weeks you start to realize that he actually did read them and not only that he memorized their contents. Like he refers to your mother as “the Wicked Witch of Wichita” (something you called here after you wrote him a long rambling letter about how angry she made you at your sister’s bridal shower) and buys you a bouquet of daffodils because you wrote him a letter with a daffodil doodle in the margins of the page talking about the spring gardens. 
You realize that Lew shows his love in the little details, and it makes you appreciate him all the more.
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GIF by beautifulguycollector
Ronald Speirs
Ron’s letters read like military bulletins. 
Doing well despite the cold. 1st sgt sick with pneumonia. Think of you often.
Writes predictably once per week. Never misses a letter. Ever. 
You always write him long, lengthy, romantic letters. Sometimes even a little raunchy, if you’ve had some wine. After one particularly *ahem* suggestive letter, you feel ridiculous and say so the next time you write.
In typical Ron fashion, you get a short, to-the-point reply, but it still puts a smile on your face and a blush on your cheeks: Loved your letter. Keep writing. 
Towards the end of the war, Ron starts a countdown to when he expects to be coming home. Two months now, maybe less. Home for the Fourth of July. 
Also signs off with R.S. Which makes you laugh, as if you could forget who was writing to you.
Whenever your girlfriends find a letter from Ron (you keep them all in a shoebox in your closet), they tease you and ask how you can possibly be in love with someone so stiff and formal. To which you can only chuckle to yourself, because you know it’s just that they don’t understand that Ron doesn’t tell you he loves you, he shows you. Writing a letter every single week. Updating you on everything going on, even short updates, because he wants you to know how he’s doing. That’s Ronald Speirs’ love language.
Maybe three weeks before Ron comes home, you start getting boxes of (stolen?) German silver at your door. At first it freaks you out and makes you feel slimy for having lavish riches from an enemy country, so you don’t unpack the boxes and you just stack them up in the back bedroom. When Ron gets home and sees the boxes unopened and shut away, he immediately asks you what’s wrong. You stammer out an explanation and without blinking an eye, Ron loads them into his truck and takes them to the dump. 
(Later you convince him that a better use of those would be to donate them to the local orphanage, so off he goes in his truck to get the boxes back out of the dump and bring them to shelter.)
One night when you’re lying awake, head on Ron’s chest, talking idly about things that don’t matter, he interrupts you to ask Can you guess which letter I kept? 
You instantly blush, thinking of that risque letter you wrote him when you were halfway through your second bottle of white wine. He shakes his head and pulls a letter out of his nightstand and hands it to you. You don’t recognize it immediately, although you do see that it’s too short to be one of the naughtier correspondences. 
It’s too dark to read, so you ask him which letter. He says it’s the one you wrote to me for my birthday. 
You don’t remember that one and you tell him as much, so you ask him why he kept that one instead of some of the others. He looks down at you with a serious look in his eyes, a little surprised that you can’t figure it out. Then he tells you: it’s the first time you wrote that you loved me. 
The next day, you sneak a peek at the letter and realize he’s right. You signed it, I love you Ron. 
From then on, you make sure to tell him that every night before he falls asleep.
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Carwood Lipton
Formal, sweet letters. This man is a king of romancing by words.
Writes as often as he can, but you know that Lip needs peace and quiet for an entire evening to get one of those letters done (he probably definitely writes a draft or two before he gets it right). And let’s face it, Easy Company doesn’t have the luxury of many quiet evenings. 
Always, always, always starts his letters off with Dear (future) Mrs. Lipton, which you honestly think is hopelessly corny but it’s way too adorable to tell him so. And besides, you secretly love it.
He always reminisces about home in his letters. Tells you how much he misses the smell of your baking, the squeak of the front porch swing that you two would sit on and watch the sunset. 
He worries a lot about you and his family. He always asks you to look in on his mother if it’s not too much trouble. 
Lip doesn’t talk much about the war, in fact he hardly acknowledges it at all. And he never uses the term ‘war’ or ‘battle’. Instead, he says things like The boys over here are still committed to doing the job or Easy presses on.  
Lip’s letters get a little shorter and less soft after Bastogne. He starts including the names of the casualties in his company in the P.S. Even though you don’t know these men except by name - and some of them, not even that - you feel honored that he trusts you with their memories. 
Lip has saved your letters and all the pictures you sent to him - he loves pictures, and asks for an updated one of you almost every month - tucked in his foot locker and safely between the pages of his Bible so they don’t get creased or dirty. 
You also find that he’s kept stacks of letters from some of his men that died in the field. When you ask him what he plans to do with the letters, he gets a heartbreaking, far-off look in his eyes and says I reckon I’ll try to get them back to their families. 
You take on the burden of doing that, and you write to some of the families introducing yourself and introducing Lip and offering to forward them the letters.
All the replies you get back mention that their soldier talked about how good a leader and friend Lip was. Their replies bring tears to your eyes. For some reason, you don’t show the letters to Lip, although you do tell him about them. He never asks to read the letters, he just kisses you on your forehead and tells you that he’s never loved you more. 
Even after he’s home, he’ll still write you a letter from time to time, usually at Christmastime or for your birthday in the summer. His letters are always talking about his favorite memories with you, and there’s always a paragraph at the end where he talks about how in love with you he is. It’s borderline poetry and it makes you cry every single time.
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GIF by balladofthe101st
Buck Compton
Basically just writes a list of questions for you to answer in every letter.
Wants to know everything about what’s going on at home. Especially sports teams.
Doesn’t write frequently, so sometimes it’s hard to feel like there’s a conversation happening. 
But he always includes sweet little notes about how much he’s thinking of you and how he’s counting down the days until he can hold you again, so you’re not complaining. 
Not the most poetic writer. Always says what he thinks and feels though. Completely honest and open. 
Does not tell you anything about the war. Basically ignores the entire thing. 
Sometimes you think about asking him about that, but you figure that he’s not talking about it for a reason, so you follow suit.
Calls you baby in his letters. 
Doesn’t actually say ‘I love you’ in his letters, although says everything else. Miss you baby. Dream about you all the time. When I get home, I’m putting a ring on your finger. 
One time he writes that he woke up last night out of a dream and swore I could taste you and it makes your toes curl.
You save that letter, tuck it in your underwear drawer. 
Signs his letters very simply: Buck. Sometimes he’ll put something in like until next time or I’ll write soon. But usually nothing super romantic or sentimental.
Doesn’t save your letters, but that really doesn’t bother you too much because all you wrote in them was basically just rambling details that Buck requested about your boring day-to-day. 
Buck’s always better in person than in writing - he’s a quality time and physical touch kind of guy - but you know that your letters were his only lifeline to normal during the war, and you’re just happy to have him back at all. 
He does surprise you one night when it’s really quiet in the house and you’re sitting on the couch together, each reading a book. He suddenly turns to you and says You know baby girl, your letters saved my sanity over there. It’s the most he’s really ever said about the war, but it’s enough, and you kiss him so he knows that you get it.  
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GIF by balladofthe101st
David Webster
Unsurprisingly, Web is probably the best letter writer in all of Easy Company. 
He helps a lot of the other guys write letters home, especially if they’re trying to say something important. Web just has a knack for words unlike any other. 
He writes a lot of letters home, not just to you, but to the rest of his family, his siblings, some of his friends, and definitely his professors. 
So because you’re close with Web’s family, you do get to read a lot of his writing. 
His letters to you are different though. They’re darker and a little less polished. Sometimes, they frighten you a little bit. Web talks about things you’re not you really understand - like how pointless death is, how empty it makes him feel to see his friends get KIA, how he carries around guilt about surviving this long like an anchor. 
Refers to you exclusively in his letters by your first name, his writing is always serious and somber and drenched with heavy emotions, so pet names just really don’t fit the vibe.
He quotes poetry and literature quite a bit when he writes. It all feels a bit Gothic, but you’ve always known that Web has found clarity in the world through books, so you don’t begrudge him a little poetic license.
Signs his letters Yours in perpetuity, David K. Webster. 
Asks you to send books. Sometimes he asks for something specific, but other times he’s happy to get whatever you pick out for him. Your tastes are different from his; you prefer to choose shorter, gentle pieces about life in the British countryside or Western adventure novels. Web would prefer Wadsworth or Hemingway, but he figures it’s probably in his best interests to read things that don’t tackle dark themes. You always tuck a letter for him into the first few pages. 
He doesn’t save your letters, per se, although he does save every single book you send to him. When he gets home, he puts them all up on the bookshelf in his office. Even though they’re beat up and stained and not at all fitting with the rest of his collection, they’re front and center. 
Sometimes he takes a stab at sketching in his letters. He’s not bad, either. You try to encourage him to take lessons when he gets home, which he never does. He secretly loves how much you love his drawings though.
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GIF by yourspeirs
Joe Liebgott
You definitely like to re-read his letters… again and again…
Not every letter is a dirty one. But most are. Or at least have a dirty section in them. 
You don’t know how this man makes you feel wanted from halfway around the world, but somehow he does. Lord knows you love a lot about your Joey, but you didn’t realize how good he was with words until you found yourself practically stalking the mailman, hoping for another delivery from Joe.
Uses a lot of pet names in his letters. Baby girl, Doll, Princess are some of his favorites. Literally never calls you by your name.
Always signs off with Your Joey. 
Even when Joe is clearly in a dark place, his letters are saturated with how much he needs you and how he can’t stop thinking about all the ways he’s going to have you when he gets home. 
When your mother finds one of Joey’s letters to you, she throws an absolute shit fit and freaks out that you’re sleeping with someone before you’re married. It takes a long time for you to convince her that you haven’t slept with Joey yet, you’re just… really into dirty talking.
She kinda chills after that but still looks at you suspiciously every time you get a letter from him.
She never tells your dad though, which makes you think maybe she’s more supportive of your relationship with him than you realized.
After working up the courage, you write Joe a letter that is so sinful you actually doubt whether you should send it in the mail, it just feels so wrong.
When I say this man goes crazy for that letter, it is an understatement. He is out of his mind and immediately writes you a reply telling you so. Basically begs you for more.
Even though your letters back and forth with Joe are pretty raunchy, there’s also a sweetness to them. He’s always sure to mention that This ain’t just all talk, Doll. When you’re Mrs. Liebgott, you’re gonna see exactly what I’ve been writing about. Which you know is still pretty dirty, but hey, he’s basically proposing to you, right?
You are not the least bit surprised to know that he kept your naughtiest letters when he finally gets home.
But, Joseph Liebgott is a man of his word, and even though he is clearly dying to and you’re practically begging him to, he doesn’t make good on all those dirty promises until after you’re wearing his ring.
Much to your delight, you find that he is just as good with actions as he is with words.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
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Key: f=fluff || a=angst || f-a=fluff+angst || ≈f=mostly fluff || ≈a=mostly angst || os=oneshot || hc=headcanons ||mp=multipart || ?=request || db=drabble/blurb
Back to the front line (≈a|os|?)
Mutuals as BoB characters (x)
Request could request a malarkey x reader where the reader got shot in Bastogne and they meet again in Haguenau? w/ a happy ending and teasin from the boys?
Smile for me [Part I] [Part II] [Part III] (f-a|mp)
Summary: a young promising war photographer is sent to document the Airborne's first missions on french soil, where she inevitably meets Easy Company, and Don Malarkey becomes immediately smitten by her. Lucky him, France wouldn't be the only place in which their paths would cross.
'Bout damn time (f|os|?)
Request: Could you write some George Luz fluff where he and the company's female medic have had crushes on each other since Toccoa and their feelings come out while watching Trigger for Talbert while in Holland (set around the Crossroads episode)?
It's just me (f|os)
Summary: Y/n Y/I/n has been playing the matchmaker role for the Easy Company boys since Camp Mackall. Curious about how she is so good at it, George Luz questions his friend about a few things, which leads to one dangerous question; who does the matchmaker fancy?
Stranded (f-alos|?)
Request: may I request a stuck together overnight fic with Luz??
See you around (a|os)
Summary: for most of Easy Company, war took away more than it gave. Pieces of them stayed buried six feet under in foreign land while they were forced to carry on with their lives. George Luz and Y/n Y/I/n, who took time for granted, were no strangers to this tragic fate.
Secrets of an Austrian night (f|os|?)
Summary: Turns out all Y/n needed to pour their heart out was a sleepless night by the fire in a lovely Austrian hotel.
You got me, I got you (a|os)
Summary; the European conflict seems to be coming to an end when Easy Company stumbles upon the true horrors of it. This terrible discovery shakes Liebgott to his core, forcing him to be pulled back by Y/n. Having some time alone with each other, their friendship appears to be reaching its culmination.
Handle the situation (a|os|?)
Request: Can I request an angsty lieb x reader fic in which the reader pushes alley away from the potato masher at crossroads and it hits her instead and like joe is literally dying inside cuz they had been fighting prior to that?
Poison in your coffee (f|os|?)
Request: got a request for you, Liebgott x reader with the prompt "+If I were your wife, I'd put poison in your tea/-If I were your husband, I'd drink it"?? Not too angsty.
The bridesmaid problem (≈f|os)
Summary: Y/n and Joe's friendship, much like the war, came to an abrupt end in Berchtesgaden. Years later, in their close friend's wedding, fate provides them a second chance to mend what they broke off.
Deserve better (f-a|os|?)
Request: Can request angst to fluff fic with bill guarnere x reader, where maybe they see each other after the war, when she comes to Philadelphia to see him but he's like, 'you should find someone better than me' y'know?
Sniper s/o (f|hc|?)
The boys reacting to their significant other being a great shot and having a high kill count. (Luz, Liebgott, Malarkey, Shifty)
Artsy!reader & Easy Co. (f|hc|?)
The boys reacting to the reader sketching them. (Toye, Luz, Bull, Shifty)
Women in suits (f|hc|?)
The boys admiring women wearing suits. (Malarkey, Hoobler, Luz, Shifty, Bull)
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mccall-muffin · 2 years
It’s your secret Santa! Are there any specific OC ships you’d want written for your gift? :) if so, could I get little blurbs about them maybe? :)
Ohhhh hey :) So nice hearing from you!
Weeeelllll... My absolut favorites are Joe Liebgott and Don Malarkey... But I'm really up for Dick Winters or Carwood Lipton as well. (We really don't get enough Lipton Stories imo...)
And about the OC... I'm absolutely happy with one of yours tbh. Or you can do a x Reader ship as well :) I will be happy about everything actually :)
Thank you so much! And I'm really excited for my gift :D
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Easy Co. reacts to the baby kicking for the first time
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request: anon
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @order-of-river-phoenix @tvserie-s-world @ricksmortys @50svibes
Joe Liebgott:
- Joe demands silence when you tell him the baby is starting to kick.
- You aren’t sure why- silence isn’t going to make your child start kicking your stomach like a ball, but Joe demands it anyways. 
- His eyes are wide, hand pressed against your bump as he waits, looking anywhere but you. 
- It’s quite the celebration when he feels it for the first time, eyes welling up with tears as he hugs you. 
- Every night before bed after that, he touches and talks to your stomach, pressing soft kisses to where he imagines your child’s different limbs are. 
- Every time the baby kicks when he’s talking to it, it’s like a huge ego boost. 
- “Yeah, daddy’s here. Already like me more than mommy, huh? I don’t think you start kicking when she talks to you, do you?” He’ll always say, insisting later on that he was joking. 
Ron Speirs: 
- Ron is excited but not as outwardly excited as Bill is. 
- He keeps it toned down, even though inside he’s screaming. 
- He rushes over to you as soon as you tell him the baby is kicking, making his way across the room in seconds.
- A wide smile, hand pressed firmly against your bare skin as his heart pounds in his ears. 
- He looks like a wounded puppy as you both stand there for minutes, feeling no kick. 
- Just as he’s about to pull away, he feels it, a wave of emotion coming over him as he pulls you into a tight hug. 
- “That’s our baby.” He mumbles in shock. 
Joe Toye:
- Joe is almost reactionless the first time he feels it. 
- His lack of emotion is concerning, and you’re worried that he regrets his choice. 
- But really, he’s overwhelmed, the realization that you’re really having a baby is overwhelming, and he’s unsure of what to do. 
- “Wow..” He barely manages to get out, his mind in a different place, his hand still pressed against you. 
- You want to urge him to say more, but you decide against it, knowing it’s best to let him work through it on his own. 
- He’ll come back to you later, barely making eye contact with you as he puts his hand back on your stomach. 
- “Think they’ll kick again? I want to feel it one more time.” He mumbles, accepting the fact that you really do have a child coming in a few short months. 
Bill Guarnere:
- Bill is excited, to say the least.
- He’s felt a baby kick before, all of his sisters, his mom, even his aunt.
- But feeling his baby kick is entirely different.
- He calls everyone he knows: family, friends, neighbors. Really anyone that will listen. 
- He puts his hand on your stomach every chance he gets, patiently waiting for another kick. 
- He’ll even rub it because one of his sisters’ husbands told him it would help. Bill does it, not sure if it’s even true or not. 
- He just wants to feel the baby kick again- to him, it’s one of the greatest feelings in the world. 
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heffrcns · 5 years
just a thought!
so, i was thinking of the idea of writing headcanons/blurbs for band of brothers, 1917, dunkirk (and maybe a few actors, such as george and dean)? this will mainly be from people’s requests, so if anyone is interested please let me know!! i don’t feel like i have the time to write full imagines/fics, so i think lil’ headcanons or blurbs would be cute if i get any interest :)
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lostinthewiind · 5 years
Blurb #1: Letters & Lamps
As per request, this is a blurb from my larger Band of Brothers story. I decided to post this because writing it made me feel so happy, and I want everyone else to feel happy too :) I hope it makes sense out of context with the rest of the story! Enjoy!
Easy Company spent the night after arriving in Eindhoven on the outskirts of town near some smaller farmhouses and homes. Most men were able to find citizens of the town who were more than happy to give them a place to stay for the night, but the few who didn't weren't all that bothered by sleeping among the soft grass and comfy piles of hay. It was a beautiful evening, and either way, it beat the hell out of sleeping in a foxhole.
Annie, who had been taken up by a lovely older couple along with a few of the other troopers from Easy Company, was sitting up on the couch in the living room with a pillow tucked behind her and a blanket draped over her body. It was late at night, so everyone else in the house was asleep or in their room for the evening, but Annie just couldn't sleep.
The hospitality the older couple had shown Annie from the minute she walked through the threshold had warmed her heart tremendously and made her think of home. The small blonde was missing her parents a great deal and as a consequence, couldn't find sleep that night.
Reaching over, Annie turned on the small lamp beside the couch and leaned over to grab a letter out of her bag. Earlier that day, back before they had even made the jump into Holland, Vest had handed Annie a letter from home.
With the small lamp providing a gentle, warm glow in the otherwise dark living room, Annie carefully opened the envelope and pulled the letter out. Before she could unfold it though, the sound of a step creaking caught her attention. Looking up, Annie noticed a shadowed figure coming down the stairs.
"Hello?" Annie asked. She was sure it was one of the guys sharing the house with her, but she wasn't positive on exactly who it was.
Stepping into the radius of light from the lamp, Liebgott rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "What are you still doing up?"
"Can't sleep." Annie shrugged. "Why are you up?"
Walking over, Liebgott sighed and sat down beside the girl. "I saw Tipper again...in my sleep." he confessed. "I got a letter from him a few weeks ago and he's doing good...getting sent home soon, but...I just keep seeing him. His eye...the bone sticking out of his leg...all of it."
Annie felt her heart hurt for her friend. "How's your face?" she asked, changing the subject even though she knew the blow he had taken from Cobb had healed completely only days after it had originally happened.
"I think I'm still as handsome as ever," Liebgott smirked. Annie kept her laugh to a minimum as to not wake anyone else, but when another set of footsteps could be heard, she knew she had failed.
The stairs squeaked just like they had before and soon Luz emerged from the darkness as well. He didn't even bother asking what was going on as he shuffled over and sat down on the other side of Annie. The three sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company, before Annie remembered the letter in her hands.
"Got a letter from home," she whispered to the guys. "Haven't read it yet."
Leaning over, Luz rested his head on Annie's shoulder and closed his eyes. "Read it out loud." he requested.
Annie was hesitant at first. Sure, she often told the men about what was in the letters from home, but the only person she had ever read them out loud to before was Margot. Sometimes when Annie read the letters for the first time, she heard her parents voices, or even her siblings' voices, in her head and it made her miss home extremely.
However, Annie eventually decided that she could trust Luz and Liebgott enough. Luz had always been kind to her, even sometimes before she climbed that dreaded wall in Toccoa and finally earned her respect. And Liebgott had taken a punch in the face for her, so he had proven himself.
"Okay." Annie unfolded the letter and let the boys get comfortable before reading the words out loud in a hushed whisper.
Dear Antonia,
Your father and I are so happy to hear that you're enjoying your time in England. We've always wanted to visit there, so you'll have to tell us all about it when you get home. I've heard the countryside is beautiful and tranquil. Of course, I'm sure you don't have much time to admire the scenery very often, but you should. Whenever you can my dear, take the time to enjoy the moment. You only get so many moments in life.
To answer the question in your last letter, yes, Timothy is still jumping off of furniture with a bedsheet over his head. He is starting to escalate to bigger jumps off of higher things, so everyone in the house has to stay on high alert to make sure he doesn't break a leg. A new development, however, is that he has also started strapping a cardboard box to his back and calling himself a radioman. Whenever you write about one of your friends he always makes us explain to him exactly what it is so he can plan his next 'mission' accordingly. Through this, everyone is learning a great deal about the different jobs of a Paratrooper.
Julia is still loving her painting classes, and last week she came home with a new painting of you. She said she wanted to make sure she didn't forget what you looked like, so she's started painting you a lot. I think she's starting to miss you more than she thought she would, but then again, so is everyone. The house feels different without you, my sweet girl, but I don't want you to worry about that. You've got enough to deal with, what with all those men to look after.
I'm also very happy to hear that Margot is still doing well. You make sure to remind her that she is welcome at our place at any time. In fact, any of your friends are. They have become such a big part of your life and we would be honored to meet them all someday.
We are all very sorry to hear about Steve. Philip and your father were especially mad, but I convinced them to just let it go. I'm sure you've been told this a million times by now, but as your mother, I feel I must also say it; you are better off without him. Any man who cannot see your kind heart and gentle soul is a foolish man.
The whole family wishes you well and we can't wait to hear from you again. Receiving one of your letters is like receiving a Christmas gift a day early. Everyone sits down and reads it together, and sometimes, Julia even asks to be read them again at night instead of a bedtime story.
Good luck, my sweet girl, and stay safe. We are all very proud of you, and we all love you very much. Next time I will try to send one of Julia's paintings as well.
With love from the bottom of our hearts,
Mom, Dad, Philip, Timothy, & Julia
By the time Annie had finished reading the letter, Liebgott had curled up with his head on Annie's lap and Luz had slumped down even further, though his head was still resting on her shoulder. Like a proud mother who had finally gotten her fussy kids to sleep with a bedtime story, Annie smiled wide.
"You wrote home about me." Luz's voice was low as he shifted slightly to cover himself with the blanket. "I'm the radioman."
"You are the radioman." Annie folded the paper back up and tossed it onto the floor with the rest of her stuff, making a mental note to remember to stash it away with the rest of the letters in a safe place in the morning.
Reaching her arm over Luz's shoulder, Annie turned the lamp off again and the living room plunged back into darkness. Liebgott began to snore softly and Annie gently ran her fingertips through his messy and slightly dirty hair.
With a relaxed exhale, Annie tilted her head to the side to rest it on top of Luz's and closed her eyes. Feeling safe and warm, the medic managed to find sleep that time, and within seconds the three Paratroopers were passed out together on the couch with a single blanket sprawled over them.
For the first time in years, Annie felt like she was home again; even if only for a fleeting moment.
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floralfloyd · 3 years
Started: 8th April 2020
Last Updated: 01/03/2022
Works: 25
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Band of Sisters - The OFC's of Easy Company Masterlist
Band of Brothers
George Luz
Sentimental Journey (George Luz x OFC)
Chuck Grant
Get Well Soon (Chuck Grant x OFC)
Joe Liebgott 
A Seargent's Sorrow (Joe Liebgott x OFC Platonic)
Edward ‘Babe’ Heffron
Dick Winters
Floyd Talbert
Frostbite and Kisses (Floyd Talbert x OFC)
Bill Guarnere
Lewis Nixon
Cold Ice, Warm Hearts (Lewis Nixon x OFC)
The Pacific
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith
Robert Leckie
War is Over (Robert Leckie x Reader)
Lew ‘Chuckler’ Jurgens  
Eugene Sledge 
Andrew ‘Ack Ack’ Haldane
Nolan Hemmings
Jamie Finn (Heartbeat)
Young Love (Jamie Finn x OFC)
Jacob Pitts (Coming Soon)
Deputy Marshall Tim Gutterson (Justified)
Cooper Harris (Eurotrip)
Bill ‘Hoosier’ Smith (The Pacific)
Gwilym Lee
A Field of Flowers (Samuel Castell):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Epilogue (Coming Soon)
Since I’ve Been Loving You (Gwilym Lee)
A Winter’s Tale (Gwilym Lee)
Confidence (Brian May x Reader)
Dreamers Ball Part 1 (Brian May x Reader)
Pink Floyd
Tears Like Raindrops (David Gilmour x Reader)
 If there’s someone not on the list above that you would like a one-shot, series, or even blurb about, feel free to ask my inbox and I’ll happily include them if I can. I’m always expanding my genres and characters so keep an eye out.
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madame-brioche · 5 years
Can you do a little blurb on what would they would call the reader? ❤️
We talking nicknames? I gotchu. Also I wasn’t sure which boys you’d want to see so I just did some random ones :)
Winters: Aw, Richard’s way too shy and old fashioned to call you anything other than "Ms. (Y/L/N)" right off the bat. He’d probably only give you a nickname if you two were romantically involved, something quaint like “Love” or “Honey.”
Nixon: Ok Lewis’ nickname for you would be from an inside joke, like “No Shots,” or the name of the place you’re from, like “Hollywood.” Romantically, he’d totally call you “Captain” in a jokey following-orders kind of way, or he’d call you “Darling.”
Speirs: It’s gonna take a minute for Ron to call you anything, period. Probably starts out with your given name, and then progresses to a nickname for your given name that everyone else uses. But eventually, having won your way into his heart after a lot of work, you’ll start hearing things like “Baby.”
Toye: Suave Casanova Joe is already calling you “Dollface” the second he kisses your hand upon introduction. It’s a backwards regression for him, because he starts out laying it on heavy. However by the end of the war he’s calling you “kid” or by your last name, but not platonically ;)
Luz: George immediately calls you by something that has to do with your physical traits, like “Blue Eyes” or “Lefty” or “Dimples.” You’ll know you’re moving past the friendship stage when he starts calling you something without teasing behind it, like your own name.
Guarnere: Bill calls you “girly” for a little bit, until you tell him how much you hate that. When he catches feelings for you though, be ready for him to refer to you as “Bella,” meaning beautiful in Italian.
Roe: Quiet and stoic Eugene will not say a word to you at first, let alone give you a nickname. Probably starts off with “Nurse” or whatever your position title is. If you’re involved romantically, expect to be bombarded with “Mon coeur” and “Mon amour” without apology
Heffron: Awww Babe’s trying his luck with you from the start, calling you “Sweetheart” and “M’Lady” whenever he does something for you. Lots of teasing, never calls you by your actual name. If he does, something’s not right.
Sisk: Skinny nicknames you “Angel” or maybe “St. (Y/N)” because of how much you look after and care for all the men. He’s literally in awe of every little thing you do.
Powers: Shifty has been eyeing you from the beginning, adoring you in silence. He calls you “Sunshine” because you remind him of better times and that there’s hope after the war.
Liebgott: Joe has no problem calling you “Princess” but he gets pissed if anyone else tries to call you that. Privately, he calls you something cute like “Liebling” meaning favorite one to show that he has a soft side.
Talbert: Constantly calls you something bordering casual and sexual, making you question if he sees you as a friend or not. Seductively calls you “Killer” and “Ma’am.”
Webster: Goddamn David’s got all kinds of words to describe you, but he nicknames you something poetic like “Nightingale” after the nurse or “Ladybird” from Romeo and Juliet *swoon*
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
hi ma'am i'd like one (1) bob ship please! i'm 5'7 with brown hair and brown eyes. i'm a straightforward and outgoing person who wears my emotions on my sleeve because i'm v difficult to upset or deter. all about being here for a good time (sometimes at the expense of a long one) and taking risks, but i'm fiercely loyal to my friends who i love with my whole heart and would do anything for. hobbies include pub crawling, hanging out with friends, dancing, cooking, debating and playing the guitar.
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Ron Speirs
ok listen I have one intense reason why i ship this and it’s solely on how you both deal with your problems
the fact that you wear your emotions on your sleeve is really good because Ron doesn’t like to deal with his emotions for shit
like at all
he finds it oddly comforting that he know what you’re feeling because it’s not hard to figure it out... it also teaches him to be more open about his emotions, which is an entirely different story (he really should work on that, though)
you two go dancing every single Friday, and occasionally you go out with Easy Co. to a pub
Ron had no idea how to dance before you
even now he still has his two left feet moments, despite being incredibly agile on the battle field
he claims the reason he didn’t know how to dance before was because no one asked him to (L I A R)
you, Luz, and Liebgott all enjoy pub crawling/bar hopping, so Ron usually has to drag you home drunk
it’s all in good fun though
secret talent of Ron’s: he’s actually good at baking
you both have a system worked out, where you cook dinner and he bakes the dessert
sometimes, when he’s having an off day, you cook and bake for him, which he’s incredibly grateful for
he thinks it’s hot when you debate people, and sometimes he starts little arguments about things he knows you have a passion for just to get you to debate him
he loves how straightforward and honest you are
he struggles to explain himself or open up in general, so he appreciates that sometimes you’ll say what you’re both thinking
as we all know, Ron can be very insecure
he gets worried that you’ll find someone who will treat you better or that you’ll realize that he’s too emotionally unavailable and leave him
many people would get upset with the amount of times you’ve had to have the conversation that you’re not leaving him or they’d get impatient with him, so he values how understanding and loyal you are to him
y’all are that smart couple that does dumb shit together
i can’t explain it any other way.... like what the hell are you two doing DON’T THROW KNIVES FOR FUN
i mean, at least your adventures will be a good story to tell at family dinners?
he tags along and hangs out with your friends... he’s like that quiet friend that everyone loves
how you two met
like everyone else, you were apart of Easy Co.
you had finally graduated with your jump wings, and you were celebrating the night away
you and some of your fellow troopers had occupied a booth, and good lord was it chaotic
you and Joe Liebgott had been locked in a heated debate about the best brand of chocolate for the past 10 minutes, before the strange CO of Dog Co. approached your booth
everyone except you, Liebgott, and Luz had fallen silent upon his arrival
why? because some people listen to rumors and are s t u p i d
a n y w a y s
however, once Speirs had joined your table, he immediately joined your debate
“Hershey’s is not the best chocolate, you’re just lying to yourself.”
both you and Joe looked over in the direction of the mysterious voice
Joe gaped in outrage, slamming his fiston the table “Bullshit! Hershey’s is the best chocolate around, it’s classic!”
you turned to Speirs “I know, right? Joe, sweetie, you’re just lying to yourself. Hershey’s is the only type of chocolate you’ve ever had!How would you know it’s the best?”
Joe whipped around to face you again, “I don’t need to taste no other chocolate because I know I’ve already had the best! It’s Hershey’s!”
you, Joe, and Speirs debated about chocolate drunkenly for the rest of the night
Ron had decided he liked you, especially how calm your demeanor was, even when Joe was yelling in your face
you continued to talk to Ron throughout the entire night, treating him with kindness, almost like you were old friends
he found it comforting that you were so easy to converse with
he decided that perhaps it was nice to have at least one friend in the paratroopers
I’m so sorry this took forever! I hope you enjoyed this little blurb though. Have a lovely day! 💕
~ Ky
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shiftyskip · 6 years
Little Story Blurb
I just had to get a very shaky rough draft out of this story because it was too good to pass up.
I introduce to you the story of George Luz and Mr. Hitler
“So Easy Cabin has one special thing that none the others do,” Guarnere said to Skip Muck one afternoon.
“Common sense?”
“Are you kidding? We have Luz. But no it’s a fish tank. We only gots one fish.”
Guarnere lead Muck over to a gigantic ten gallon tank by the restrooms. Inside it was one...rather large goldfish with a black spot that resembled a very particular mustache.
“Skip, meet Mr. Hitler.”
“....you seriously named your fish Mr. Hitler?”
Guarnere tapped the tank to make sure the fish was still alive.
“Luz named it.”
“And why is Mr. Hitler alone in his tank?”
“Because Mr. Hitler doesn’t play nice with others. You shoulda seen what he did to Liebgott’s gold fish.”
“Isn’t Lieb...”
“And Mr. Hitler...”
Turns out, when children don’t know jackshit about historical psychos...they fall in love with their fish form.
Luz would entertain the campers daily, putting on a Mr. Hitler show. Like the Shamu the poor, abused whale show down in Seaworld, Mr. Hitler got his own show for the children.
Mr. Hitler didn’t do much. He had killed off his former play mates and was now stuck in a large tank. But the kids seemed to love him.
Nobody else loved Mr. Hitler.
Every weekend, Winters, Toye, and Speirs would either receive angry emails, letters, or phone calls from parents wondering why their kid wanted to introduce them to Hitler. Winters often to had to explain to these parents that no, their child did not love Hitler, no they were not considering mass murder, no, they do not encourage Nazis.
Finally Joe Toye snapped. One day after all the campers had left earlier that morning to go back to their homes, he received yet another angry call from a mom asking why her son had written an entire essay on tricks Mr. Hitler could do. After trying to patiently explain to the woman that he’s sorry a dumbass counselor decided to name their fish Mr. Hitler but the fish was stuck with the name and that the camp is not a nazi worship center in disguise, he promptly told the woman he’d call her back. He stormed out of the office. Guarnere called after him on his way out the door.
“JOE! Where ya headed?”
“I’m going to go fucking kill Hitler.”
Guarnere leaned over to Speirs and asked him what Joe had said.
“Something about fucking Hitler.”
There was no ceremony for Mr. Hitler. Luz found his fish belly up in its tank and not a soul would own up to how Hitler died. Most of the counselors knew it was Joe Toye, but no one had the balls to rat the man out. In fact, they slid him $10 to keep silent and Winters secretly named it Joe Toye day in honor of the fish’s death.
Luz had his own private ceremony by the lake in honor of Mr. Hitler, the beloved fish of Easy Cabin. He put Mr. Hitler on a leaf and sent him off into the lake, playing taps on his cell phone.
A bird swooped down and ate Mr. Hitler in front of Luz.
Winters refused to put up a sign to honor Mr. Hitler near the lake. Now he teaches the children every year that Hitler is a bad man and you should never name your fish Hitler. None of the kids understand it but Winters was happy they got some education over summer.
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georgeluz · 8 years
SO GLAD YOU'RE STILL DOING THE ASK GAME! I'm 5'11, curvy, I have dark almost black eyes, brown curly hair that I make into bouncy waves, and I'm pretty pale. I love make up -I'm the eyebrow QUEEN of my friends. Personality: confusing - I'm definitely an angry, bitchy, sarcastic sinnamon roll, that's a little insecure about myself, but I have my friend's backs - I have these random spurts of kindness that confuse the hell out of my friends sometimes 😂😂. INTJ-t. Thank you!! 😊 (bob boys please)
FINALLY. I have been waiting to do your’s forever wow Im sorry you’ve been next in line forever how much torture would that have been if you had known omg. Anyway.
The Character I See You As: THE ULTIMATE SINNAMON ROLL. JOE LIEBGOTT. Fiery as hell and somehow gentle on the inside? Remember when he hugs that one guy that gets blown up in episode 2™. Pepperridge farm remembers. Also… pale af. But honestly I love Joe Liebgott so much because yes he’s a handful and yes sometimes he’s insensitive and SPACEY but he’s also such a good friend when he needs to be. You can count on him next to you in a foxhole and you can count on him if your secret needs to be kept safe (lookin’ at u Webs).
Your Three Best Friends: Johnny Martin, Pat Christenson, David Webster
The One You Don’t Get Along With: Cobb. We only have room for two hotheads in this house and it feels like Cobb is bREATHING DOWN YOUR NECK 24/7. Also, frankly, he bitches about things that aren’t worth it. At least when you complain, the complaint has some sort of substance to it. Cobb is just a nightmare.
Who I Ship You With: First of all, with your personality, I feel like I wanna ship you with everyone. But I gotta say Carwood Lipton! The cutest of men, honestly so bashful and sweet. He sees the best in you when others pass you off as a pessimistic, too arrogant, not enough emotion, etc etc. Plus he’s patient when you have a little moment, and he brings out the best in you because he starts rubbing off (but not pressuring you because Lip is just ugh so good so gentle) just YES. Brings u chocolate when ur mad. Everyone needs a Carwood in their life.
Wildcard: 2nd Lieutenant. 1st Platoon. Rifleman. Easy Company (transferred from Dog Company after D-Day).
Lil Blurb: You overworked yourself. Everyone knew it, but with that fire in your eyes and the desperation to prove yourself, no one dared try to intervene. Ever since Bastogne you’d been hacking and wheezing, but you had no intention of being taken off the line. Roe doted on you like you were dying and there were times when you were afraid you had snarked at him a little too much. But Roe kept bouncing back. Your irritability seemed to roll off of him like water off of a duck’s back, but that didn’t stop you from feeling guilty.
When the company holed up in Hageunau, you took the time to sip on soup and rest your chin on your knees. You were flushed. The coughing had gotten worse. Back home you were the worst about staying in bed with just a minor headache or inconvenience, but here, with these men leering at you at one sign of weakness, you stuffed it down and focused on keeping busy until Johnny Martin became so fed up that he cornered you in a living room of one of the French resident’s homes.
“Y/N, you can’t keep doing this. Sit, sit on the couch for god’s sake.” He practically pushed you onto the couch and threw a blanket over. “Christ almighty, kid, you aren’t going to get better on your feet. And we need you, you’re a damn fine marksman.”
“Hell, Johnny, sounds like we’ve become friends. Who’d of thought?” The compliment brought a rueful smile to your face, but only momentarily before the plush pillow underneath you made your head spin. 
His voice seemed faint. You mumbled something faintly before nodding off, or rather falling unconscious, whichever came first.
When you awoke, you found your head throbbing, aching. You realized you’d been sweating. You thought you must have looked a mess, worse than Lipton who was laying on the bed next to you. You both were confined to the “sick room” with pneumonia, and luckily the bed was big enough that the both of you could fit without rolling on top of each other. Christ. Your head felt like it was going to fall off any moment.
“Feeling better?” Carwood’s voice was half-muffled by the pillow his face was against, hands underneath it as one eye peered over the edge.
“Depends on what you define as better, Lip. My joints are aching. My head is killing me. I think I might be dyin’.”
“Yeah, I felt the same way yesterday. And the day before. It’ll break. I think I’m getting better.”
“Well, shit, that’s good,” you mumble, burrowing your own face into your pillow, biting back at moan as the pressure to your forehead momentarily relieved the pain.
“Do you remember Doc Roe coming in here and giving you antibiotics? You about had a fit, I had to help hold you down.”
“No, Jesus, did I do that?”
Lipton started chuckling, moving his hand to massage your shoulder. “Hell, Y/N, I thought you were going to kill us both. Makes sense you were sleep-walking, I guess.”
You lifted your head slightly from the pillow and cracked a crooked grin at the man beside you. “I’m sorry.” You didn’t know what else to say.
“Nah, it’s alright, long as you’re on the mend.” His hand was still on your shoulder. He seemed to realize it at that moment too and immediately withdrew, a red flush spreading across his cheeks (though you knew it wasn’t from the pneumonia). 
“Hey, Carwood?”
“You think they’ll give us some chocolate in here? I think we deserve it.”
“Maybe. Soup first?”
“Soup first,” you agree softly, reaching to playfully tug at the fabric of his sleeve.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Joe Liebgott Fluff Alphabet
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Gif not mine! credit to owner.
request: anon
warnings: none
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @immrsronaldspeirs @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix @contrabandhothead
Inspiration: As much as he hates to admit it, you really changed Joe for the better. Before you got together, he wasn’t patient, and was extremely cynical. You made him feel loved for the first time, and have taught him so many things about himself and how to better care for himself and others. He’s very sweet, and it takes a lot more than it used to to get him upset. He’s a lot more patient with himself, and realizes it’s okay to cry, and to be sad. He’s not afraid to show who he really is and how he feels around you.
Romance: Joe isn’t necessarily romantic, just thoughtful. He remembers every important date, and will bring you home something that he saw that reminded him of you. He has a very good memory, so if you point something out in a store you like, expect to get it for a holiday; your birthday, your anniversary, or just because he felt like spoiling you.
Support: Joe is one of the most supportive people around. He truly believes you can do anything you set your mind to, and he always tells you that. He’s reminding you of how smart you are, and how proud he is of you. He talks about you and your achievements to anyone who will listen (and will just keep talking even if they aren’t). He’ll always pick you up when you’re down, and tell you you just need a little break before you get back to it and try again.
XOXO: While Joe hates to admit it, at night he is a complete cuddle bug. His favorite thing to do is to jump into bed after a warm shower, and pull you into his chest. He talks for a while, complaining about the weather and customers, telling you funny stories in between. He listens to you for a long time, gently brushing his fingers through your hair as he does so. He’s not very affectionate and cuddly during the day, but at night and in the morning he's curled into you.
Yearning: Joe is an absolute mess when you aren't around, it’s like he forgets how to function. He’s writing to you as soon as he gets home from work, and calls you as soon as he’s done getting ready for bed. He’s sweet, telling you he’d do anything for you to be back at home with him. He tells you how much he misses kissing you, cuddling, hugging you as soon as he gets home, and your cooking. And of course, asking where certain dishes are and how to do laundry. He always ends the calls by saying how much he loves and misses you, and how he can’t wait until you’re back home.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Two’s Company
Joe Liebgott x Reader
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gif not mine! credit to @basilone
request: @dark-gambit23
A/N: i’m so sorry this took so long... this request is literally from august. i hope you like it, and i’m sorry again this took so long!
synopsis: After months of teasing, Joe finally gets the courage to tell (Y/N) how he feels.
warnings: none
taglist: taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix
The night air was brisk, the light wind having a cold nip to it. It was dark, the full moon being the only source of light for miles. Joe and (Y/N) led a small group of German POWs down the dim, dirt road, Joe barking occasional demands at the men in German. 
(Y/N) was displeased when she heard she would be going with Joe. They didn't get along well and hadn't since their first days at Tocca. He was always saying things to her, trying to start arguments and get reactions from her. It was frustrating and tiring, and she wanted to avoid him as much as possible. Walking for miles with him and a group of German POWs wasn't how she wanted to spend her night. 
There were other reasons she avoided Joe, though. Even though he got under her skin, she couldn't help how she felt. He was beautiful, funny, and smart, and she struggled to be around him for too long without blushing. The other guys always teased the two, saying it was sooner or later before they ended up together. Joe would shake his head and brush it off, but deep down, he hoped that that really could be the case. 
The night had started to drag, and the prisoners were becoming more restless. They were tired and wouldn't stop yelling things back at Joe. She poked one of the German soldiers in the back with her gun, reminding him that they were still there so he would stop talking. 
"Tell him to stop.” (Y/N) told Joe, not wanting to risk saying the wrong thing as her German wasn't the best. She smiled when he barked something at them in German. 
"You should try to learn German for stuff like this." He suggested.
"When I find the time, I will." 
"You're not very intimidating, you know." Joe chuckled, his eyes flashing over to her in the dark. "Maybe learning it would help with that."
"I am, thank you very much." (Y/N) quickly fired back, earning another chuckle from him. "You must be the only one who doesn't see it."
"Aw, you're so cute." He said sarcastically, smiling at the reaction he was getting. 
He felt like a little boy teasing the girl he liked, but it was the only way he knew how to talk to her. 
"You're rude." She was quick to say, annoyed with how much he was undermining her. 
"You're oversensitive." He immediately fired back, turning his head to look at her a bit. "You shouldn't take everything so seriously." 
"And you shouldn't keep talking. I'm serious, Joe, shut your mouth and pay attention before they try to run." 
They delivered the prisoners to CP, walking back to the camp in silence. It was later now; a few yawns exchanged between the two of them. (Y/N) knew she wasn't going to get much sleep. 
"Are you mad at me?" He asked after a few minutes had passed. 
"Mmh." She mumbled back, not interested in striking up a conversation. She was surprised he had tried to talk to her but figured he was trying to start another fight, and she was too tired to deal with that. 
"Why? You know I was joking."
"Because I don't like it when you act like I can't do the same things you do. It doesn't matter what my gender is. I'm still capable. You're just an asshole." 
It was silent for a few seconds, her words hanging in the air. 
"I think you're competent, hell, more capable than most of the men here. I didn't mean to offend you, honestly. I like teasing you, but I won't about that stuff anymore. I don't want to upset you." He stopped, turning to look at her when she also stopped. "Can you find it in yourself to forgive me?" He asked, a slight smirk on his face as he stepped closer. 
"I suppose I can try.." 
He smiled, leaning closer, his breath hitting her lips. "Let me make it up to you." His eyes flickered to hers and then down at her lips. "Show you how much I like you."
She nodded again, his lips quickly pressing against hers, his hand finding its way to his cheek.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
hello!! :) “i need a hug” with joe liebgott if u wish!! 💛💛 i hope you’re having a lovely night! <3
War wasn’t something you were familiar with, Joe had never talked about it no matter how hard you tried. He struggled, the memories haunting him as he woke up every night crying from nightmares. You never complained, letting him have his space as he went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and calm down. But this night was different. 
He woke with a loud cry, his hands balling into fists as he sat up. Sweat and tears dripped down his face as you woke, guilt filling his chest as he saw how tired you looked. You both hadn’t slept a full night in months. 
“G-go back to sleep.” He urged, his voice breaking as he covered his face with his arm and sobbed. 
“Joe please.” You begged as you got on your knees, rubbing his shoulders and pressing kisses to the back of his neck. “You can trust me, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” You tried to soothe, his quiet whimpers filling the room. 
“I don’t want you to think any less of me.” He choked out, moving to wipe the tears streaming down his face. 
“I wouldn’t. Ever. I want to be here for you, I want to understand.” When he didn’t respond, you tried a different approach. “What do you need from me?”
“I need a hug.” He said in a tone you weren’t familiar with. You had never heard someone sound so sad, embarrassed, and defeated. 
You quickly wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly against you as his body shook with sobs. “I love you.” You spoke softly into his skin, letting your hand draw patterns on his back. 
“I love you too. Thank you for putting up with me.” 
Request a blurb!
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ourmiraclealigner · 3 years
Hi! Are you still doing Bob ship requests? I sure hope so because I'm really itching for one <33 if not, no worries! But if so... I'm 5'6" with dark brown hair and light blue eyes, fairly athletic with some curves. I'm a feisty gemini with a lot of opinions but a natural introvert. I was a bit of a trouble maker in school and wasn't a great student which is ironic because I now teach history. I love to go dancing with my friends, listen to all kinds of music, and write!! Thanks!!
i ship you with Joe Liebgott!
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- Joe is far from an introvert, but he loves bringing out the extrovert in you
- He doesn’t mind the moments of silence, usually it would make him uncomfortable, but with you- it feels right
- He also loves hearing your opinion, and sometimes will disagree just to watch you get fired up
- Even if he knows the songs or artists you show him, he pretends he doesn’t, just so he can hear you talk about them more
- He thinks you’re a saint for being a teacher (and he tells everyone he knows that)
- You’re the only one who Joe will let his guard down in front of
- Which ends up in lots of kisses and cuddles
- But he knows he’ll always have a home with you, and that’s more than he ever thought he’d get
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
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Individual Characters
George Luz
➤ Stolen Kisses
➤ Rainy Day in Bed 
➤ Oklahoma
➤ Contagious Laughter
➤ Shower Buddy
➤ The Difference Between Us
➤ The Name Game
➤ First Date Post-War with George Luz (Headcanon)
Joe Liebgott
➤ Frosted Windows
➤ Sick in Haguenau
➤ That’s What Love Sounds Like
➤ Lakeside Lovers
➤ Please Say Yes
➤ First Date with Joe Liebgott (Headcanon)
Joe Toye
➤ Keeping Watch
➤ One Last Game
➤ Good Days and Bad Days 
➤ Help Me, Help You
Johnny Martin
➤ Verbal Volatility (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
➤ Nothing More to It
➤ Red-Tinted Snow
➤ One Little Smile
➤ A Happy Birthday Indeed
Carwood Lipton
➤ Sick & Stubborn Sergeant 
➤ Drunk in Love
➤ Morning Coffee
➤ Our Own Little Slice of Heaven
Ronald Speirs
➤ “You Did Not Kill That Boy”
➤ First Time
➤ For the Better
➤ Stained-Glass Secrets
➤ Speirs Comforting You After a Bad Day (Headcanon)
➤ A Weekend in Paris (Headcanon)
Bill Guarnere
➤ You’re the Home I Wanna Come Home to
➤ I Like you, I Love You
➤ Friction
➤ Child-Like Wonder
Edward “Babe” Heffron
➤ Shooting the Shit
➤ Lesson Number One
Donald Malarkey
➤ Among the Tulips
➤ A Flash From the Past
➤ Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
➤ Champagne Surprises
Warren “Skip” Muck
➤ You Are the Air In My Lungs
Richard “Dick” Winters
➤ Right Here, Right Now
➤ Clawfoot Bathtub
➤ Other Ways
Lewis Nixon
➤ Happy
➤ Drinking You In
➤ Tell Me More
Eugene Roe
➤ Until Tomorrow
➤ Keep Quiet
➤ Tu Me Manques
Chuck Grant
➤ “I’m Not Jealous”
➤ Raindrops Keep Falling
➤ Blue Lines
Floyd Talbert
➤ Please Be Patient with Me
Wayne “Skinny” Sisk
➤ One Prank to Rule Them All
Darrell “Shifty” Powers
➤ These Hands are Made for You
➤ Eyes Shut
Walter “Smokey” Gordon
➤ Latrine Duty
Denver “Bull” Randleman
➤ My Girl
➤ Sizing You Up
➤ Lost Without You
➤ Words Are For the Weak
Buck Compton
➤ A Few Moments Longer
➤ So Cold
Henry Jones
➤ Disrespect is a Dangerous Game
➤ I’ll Let You Guess 
➤ A Girl Worth Fighting For (Mulan Song Fic) 
➤ Letters & Lamps (a blurb from my larger fanfiction)
➤ One of Us
➤ The Adventures of the Easy Company Officers Aboard the SS Samaria (Headcanon)
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