#joe mazello x you
zodiyack · 1 year
Love At First Package
Pairing: Gardner Langway x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluffffff
Words: 843
Request: Could I request a fluffy Gardner Langway x fem. reader long oneshot where reader wakes up and hears giggling and finds Gardner in the living room playing with their 2 little girls and reader just gushes over how good of a father Gardner is to their girls and while she’s watching her little family, reader thinks back to how she met Gardner from him being her mailman and it was love at first sight?
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Taglist: @matth1w , @redspaceace-writes , @fandom-puff , @darling-i-read-it , @simonsbluee , @sebastianstanslefteyebrow , @livlaughquinn, @bubsonnobx, @bunnyweasley23​
Masterlist | Joe Mazzello Masterlist
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Waking to the sound of laughter, she bolts upright and her hands fall onto the bed next to her sides for support. Noticing the lack of another body weight in the bed, she turns to see that Gardner is nowhere to be found. The giggles continue, a high pitch voice as well as some chuckles from a deeper voice. Gardner's voice.
It clicks as she rubs her eyes, a small smile on her lips as she thinks of her baby girls and husband. It had been a few years since she'd given birth to the most recent bundle of joy, Sammy. Two year old Sammy and five year old Alyssia were quite the handful, but with Gardner, she somehow survived.
Getting out of the bed and waking to the living room, her smile grows at the sight she's greeted with. Gardner, in his mailman uniform, is on his knees, Lyssie on his back and Sammy being chased by the duo. Y/N crosses her arms and leans against the wall, deciding she'd rather watch her happy trio a bit longer.
Gardner wasn't the most outgoing person, but his girls got the most energy and attention any of his coworkers had ever seen him put into another human being.
As she thought about his change with becoming a father, her mind drifted further back down memory lane.
The shy, antisocial mailman sighed as he looked at the letters in his hands. He loved his job, he loved stamps, and he loved the routine of his route. Walking to the next house on said route, he noticed a woman sitting by the front door, a box in her lap and a worried look strewn across her features.
"Excuse me?" She spoke when he came into her vision. Her voice was sweet like honey, sending a chill down his spine.
"Someone left this on my porch, but I'm afraid it's not the right address. I'd hate to have this package not reach it's rightful owner. Do you think you could deliver it?"
A small smirk met his face. What a decent citizen. He nodded and walked over to her to collect the box. However, he froze just as he approached, his face mere inches from her own. He gulped. What was this feeling?
She appeared to feel it too, the way her face flushed as she averted her gaze. They stood there for a few moments before she handed the mailman the box. "Thank you..."
"Gardner. And I'm assuming your name is..." he checked the envelope in his hand, the address reading the same as the one he was at currently, "Y/N?"
Her face flushed again before she nodded. "Yep, that's me."
That's when Gardner did something he never did. He handed Y/N her mail in person. The second their fingers touched, he felt a strange chill run over him, a shiver throughout his body. It wasn't an unpleasant shiver. Rather, it was one he wished to feel again.
"Thank you, Gardner."
With a nod, he turned to walk away. Before he made it past her fence line, he stopped and looked back, "Same time tomorrow?"
The seventeenth time, he'd been counting, that he dropped off her mail, she wasn't home. He'd started hand-delivering hers, just to feel that spark again. A part of him felt down. He couldn't experience it with her being gone, no, but that wasn't the only reason. He'd felt sad that his favorite stop on his route was nowhere to be found for the day. Dare he say, he missed her.
Hesitantly, Gardner stuffed the envelopes in her mailbox. He tried to stall for time, fiddling with his bag, resorting the letters he'd put in the box. Eventually, he realized she just wasn't there, and continued on his route. He cursed himself when he noticed how much time he'd wasted while on the job- he was never late, never missed a box, never forgot a letter. Was breaking his good streak for her really worth it...?
He thought back to that question when he kissed her for the first time. The answer? Yes. It was worth it all, and he'd gladly do it again.
"Hey you." Smiled Gardner. The moment he addressed her, their kiddies whipped around and ran towards their mother.
"Momma!!" They squealed with joy, and a little too much energy for such a lazy morning.
Regardless of her current state of conscious, she returned their smiles and lifted both of the girls up, one on each hip and a loving peck on each of their heads. Then came Gardner's "loving peck", to which the girls audibly complained about, eliciting chuckles from the couple.
Looking back, she's glad she collaborated with the neighbor to make a package that would give her the courage to talk to the cute mailman. After all, she got two beautiful girls and a loving husband out of it. Of course, Gardner lost it, laughing so hard he held his sides when he found out, and he hasn't stopped teasing her since.
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writingformadderton · 2 years
Heyy, underneath the cut you find all our posted fics. The link to a second masterlist with all our Madderton series is below this text. We hope you enjoy it!
Work Count: 68
Characters/Actors written for:
Taron Egerton (x Richard/ x Reader (female/male))
Richard Madden (x Taron/ x Reader (female/male))
Eggsy Unwin (x David)
David Budd (x Eggsy)
Joe Mazello (x Reader (female))
Love is worth sharing
Treat you better
I'm right here
Please come back to me
Carpool Karaoke
Back to you
Weak Spots
Merry Christmas, love
I know I'll always be safe with you
Sunday Mornings
I'll always protect you
Touch me
Rough with me
Happy Valentine's day, Daddy
Coming home
Change of Heart
I'm something stupid, do me
Happy birthday, bub
Happy birthday, baby
Just an offer, mate
Why don't you kiss me?
Why don't you kiss me Part 2
Being a brat
Suprise date
Oops in Vegas
This feeling inside
To the moon and back
Looking gorgeous, Sir (CEO x assistant)
I'm gonna love me again
Plank all over me
I need you
Birthday Blues
Happy Birthday, Richie
Want you to be mine
A better life
Love, you are amazing
He's perfect
Somewhere safe
Only yours
Don't be a tease
I prefer you having control
You're in for a treat
Valentine's Day
Blissful hours
Taron Egerton
x Female Reader:
Flaws and all
You'll be okay
Say it
x Male Reader:
I missed you
Richard Madden
x Female Reader:
Please, Miss
Yes, Sir
x Male Reader:
Madderton x Jophie
Christmas was fun
You're my hero
I think you should leave
I think you should stay
Joe Mazello
Love at first sight
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fancycakedragon · 5 years
Y/N: *wearing ripped jeans*
Joe: Wow Y/N I really like your church pants.
Joe: You wanna know why they're church pants?
Joe: Because they're holy!
Y/N: *trying not to laugh*
Ben: Don't take this away from him, it's all he has.
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rosedaewaters · 5 years
I Get To Love You - Joe Mazzello x Reader
Synopsis: Wedding jitters suck.
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Word Count: 1.7k - short one but fluffy one.
Warnings: none! just cutesy stuff I think - i hope AHAH
A/N: Hiya, it’s Cel, back with another one I guess. I hope you guys enjoy it, this has been in my head for a bit, but I haven’t been able to type it out. It’s kinda crappy but I think everything I write is crappy so oh well. Enjoy! :)
I stood in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection, smoothing out my chiffon dress as others rushed around me. Some were yelling at others to grab a makeup brush from the table, or a comb or even some false eyelashes, some were drinking glasses of champagne and the others were fixing my dress along with me. My best friend fixed up a strand of my hair, her beautiful wine red dress flowing to the floor, the twists of the straps were gorgeous, the shade of the dress complimented her skin colour so well.
“So, you ready?”
I’d been asked that question a lot lately, and more times than I’d like to admit, I’ve said perfect, but I’m not. I thought I’d be ready, that’s what I’d been saying this whole time. Now that I come to think of it, I may not be ready. I might not be ready to give my life away to this man. My thoughts come into play, the anxiety creeping onto my face didn’t go unnoticed by her either. She looks at me with a frown.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
I began to tear up, what happens if he doesn’t love me anymore? What happens if our love dies out and we split? What happens if I get pregnant and he doesn’t want the kid? I began to breathe erratically, I fan my face with my hand as a means to try to stop the tears. I feel her leave my side for a few seconds, coming back with a paper fan, trying to blow air at my face to stop the tears. I close my eyes, trying to will away the fear, but it keeps crawling back into my head, my throat almost closes up.
“What if he doesn’t actually want to stay with me?” I breathe, grabbing the fan off of her, fanning myself faster, harder. “What happens if he’s just saying all this? What happens if he doesn’t actually love me-” She grabs at my shoulders, pulling me up so I’m able to look her in the eye.
“If he doesn’t love you, then why’d he help you plan the wedding?” I look at her eyes, flickering back and forth between the determined gaze. “Why’d he pick out your rings?” I try to speak, nothing comes out. “If he didn’t love you, why did he call you last night, while he was in his own hotel room with his mates, to say that he’s ready to get married to you? That he loves you? That he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you?”
“I-” I’m at a loss for words, not knowing what to say to that.
“Get him on the phone now!” She yells to someone, making my eyes widen.
“Wait, no- don’t!”
“He’ll reassure you, my darling,” She pauses and grabs the phone from one of the girls grasps. “Hi there, darl, could you please tell Y/N that she’s being completely irrational, that you do want to marry her, otherwise we wouldn’t be here if you didn’t?” She nods once as she hands the phone to me. I shakily pick up the phone, placing it to my ear.
“Hi,” I reply meekly, not knowing what to say. I sigh when I begin to hear his voice. I let out a shaky breath.
“Hi sweetheart, are you okay?” His smooth, velvety voice rings through my ears, his accent calming me down almost immediately
“Just a bit jittery, I guess,” I nervously chuckle, pressing the back of my hand to my forehead in attempts to focus my breathing. My nerves had calmed down a little bit, but they were still prevalent in my mind.
“Hey, just remember I love you, so much, and I can’t, and I cannot stress this enough, wait to marry you.” I let out a small laugh at his statement, my nerves flying out the window, hopefully, to never be seen again.
“Sorry for calling you, I didn’t want them to but-”
“You were freaking out, which is okay, pre-wedding jitters suck apparently, I understand. But I do love you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” He sighs through the phone in content, he’s happy, he’s happy to marry me. “I bet you look beautiful.”
“I’ll let you be the judge of that,” I whisper, a small giggle leaving my lips. “You’ll see in about half an hour. If you don’t cry, I’ll sue.” I let out another laugh as I hear a ‘pfft’ come from the other line.
“And ruin my reputation? Darling, no way,” He laughs. I hear muffled voices, hearing Joe say a few ‘yeps’. “Alright my love, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you at the altar?”
“Of course you will. I love you.”
“I love you so much.”
We hang up and as I place the phone down on the table beside me I giggle, looking back in the mirror. I saw a much happier version of myself. A version of myself who was ready to finally wed the man I love. The man I’ve loved for 3 years. The man who proposed to me on a night out on the town, on our 2 year anniversary, stopping in front of a McDonalds to get down on one knee. The man who made me bawl my eyes out before I said yes.
I was ready. I was ready to marry him, I was ready to become Y/N Mazzello.
Joe would completely deny that he cried when I walked down the altar with my father, even though the video cameras caught it all. He would deny that he cried when I stood next to him, my beauty shining in his face (his words) and wiped a tear away from his cheek, his face rosy and almost sweaty. I let out a nervous laugh as he began his vows.
“Wow, what to say about the woman I love?” The crowd let out a collective light laugh. “I’ve loved this woman since I laid my eyes on her, when she walked into that coffee shop I was at, getting coffees for my cast mates on the way to work. I had to speak to her, she had this beauty that I didn’t expect. It was strange, I’d never felt that way before.” As Joe paused, the crowd let out some ‘awws’ to accompany the sentimental thought. “This woman before me has changed so much over the years, she’s become the best version of herself.” His eyes search mine as he places his palm over my cheek. Tears filled my eyes for the second time today, but this time was for good reason. As I close my eyes briefly, a tear falls from my eye, making me let out a small choked laugh. “Oh great, now she’s crying,” Joe laughs, wiping away the tear with his thumb.
“She’s kind, generous, beautiful and just all over a great gal.” Joe laughs, his hand gripping mine tighter, the other hand falling to my shoulder.
“I love her a lot, even when she dances weirdly in the kitchen, I’m joking-” I laugh.
“Y/N’s been there for me in times of need, want and love. She’s the love of my life. I wouldn’t be able to live without her.” I let out another sob as Joe finishes his speech. He slides the silver band on my ring finger, I begin playing with the engagement ring on my right hand with my thumb, his hands were shaky and clammy, something I wasn’t used to feeling from Joe’s hands.
“How do I even follow that up?” The crowd lets out another collective laugh. I stare into Joe’s eyes, his gorgeous chocolatey eyes, those of which I could stare at until I fall asleep.
“Joe, you’re a handful sometimes, I’ll admit that, but you’re my handful, loving, caring and did I say loving?” I let out a small chuckle, looking into his eyes. He was smiling with every aspect of his face, the crinkly eyes, the flared nostrils and of course, his gorgeous lips curved into the smile I love. “You’re so kind, so selfless and- so invested in Ben sometimes, but it’s okay because I know you love me too.” Joe lets out a cackle as he looks over to Ben to shoot a wink at him. Ben gives a finger-gun in response, with a little click from his mouth.
“When I first met you, I was surprised you’d even noticed me. I mean, you looked like a god in that coffee shop.” I laugh, the crowd joining in too. Joe looks down, bashfully, bringing his blushing gaze back to me.
“You find the light in every situation, you make me laugh in the worst possible scenarios. I love that about you. You’re a light in my darkness sometimes when I have terrible days, you don’t need to know about it, you just cuddle me until I fall asleep, or until I stop crying. You make me so happy Joe, you have given me so much happiness, I cannot thank you enough for that.” Another few tears slip down my face, Joe wiping them away as he stares at me, love, adoration and complete confidence in his decision to marry me.
“I love you so much, Joe. You’ll never be able to get rid of me at this point, boy, you’re stuck with me for life.” I let out another choked laugh, sniffling a little to try to stop the tears. “I get to love you for the rest of my life, and even life after that, because I will love you then. I will always try my best to make it back to you because you are my person.” I place the simple band on his finger as well, hands still shaky and clammy. He brings my hand to his lips, placing a smile kiss onto the finger with the band. I let out another teary chuckle, smiling widely at him.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, my love.”
“I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride.”
Joe grasps my face in both of his hands, smiling as he leans in to kiss my lips, the crowd cheering along for us. He pulls away slightly, his lips still on mine but enough so he can speak.
“I can’t wait for our honeymoon, babe.” A smirk on his lips as he pulls me in by the waist. I let out a squeak at the sudden movement, placing a hand to the back of his head.
“Only a few more hours to go.”
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The Game | 2 | Joe Mazzello
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4,677
Summary: When Joe visits Ben in London and they’re sent a round of drinks from a pair of girls at a pub, Joe is ready to play a game of love
Part 1
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Ben and Joe quickly pulled on their coats, gesturing for the girls to walk on ahead before following them out. “So, where would you ladies like to go?” Joe smirked, clapping his hands together as they came to a stop outside the pub.
“Uh...well I know of another few other pubs not too far from here if we want to head in that general direction first, if things go well, we can figure out something from there.” (Y/N) suggested with a shrug.
“Lead the way!” The American cheered. (Y/N) smirked mischievously at him before grabbing (Y/F/N)’s arm, pulling her on ahead in the direction of the next pub before starting to chat quietly to her.
Ben looked at Joe with a quizzically raised brow seeing the stupid grin on his face. He was clearly smitten over (Y/N) in just a few minutes. He was hopeless. Ben smirked slightly. “You sure you know what you’re doing there mate?”
“Please by the end of the evening she’s going to be putty in my hands.” Joe tried to wave him off as they walked off in pursuit of the girls. He was either going to get this girl or be extremely depressed the rest of the night, there was no in-between.
Ben rolled his eyes. “I could tell by the way she’s throwing herself at you…” Joe looked up to see (Y/N) turned around looking at the pair of actors with a smirk glued to her lips. God was she beautiful. She laughed before turning back to her friend. “See, she doesn’t even know what we’re talking about and she’s already laughing at you.”
“Oh, fuck off. I’ve got a whole plan worked out. Just watch.” Joe smirked as they walked up next to the girls who were stopped on the corner waiting for the light. The American deposited himself at (Y/N)’s side, hands deep in his pockets trying to keep warm in the frigid winter’s air. “So, uh (Y/N), what’s the name of this pub we’re off to?” Joe took a moment to take the female in, in the low lighting of the street. She was absolutely stunning. The way her (h/c) locks were being blown back from her face in the light wind. The scintillating glint in her dazzling (e/c) orbs from the soft light of the streetlight above them, complemented by the perfect smoky eye she had done that showed them off so fantastically. Her outfit complimented her every curve and showed off her best assets and god was it hard for him to stop looking at her.
He couldn’t get over how incredible she looked, so much so he didn’t hear her reply. “Hey, space cadet!” She waved her hand in front of his face.
“Hmm, what?” Joe asked, closing his eyes before shaking his head out.
The three people before him snickered slightly. Ben placed a hand over his mouth to try and disguise his amusement for Joe’s sake. Of course, Joe saw anyway and just gave the blonde an unamused look. “I told you he wasn’t listening.” (Y/F/N) giggled softly as she and Ben walked on ahead with the change of the light, allowing the pair to be alone.
“Alright?” (Y/N) asked the actor with a soft giggle as they stepped off into the street.
“Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna light myself on fire right about now.” Joe chuckled awkwardly. “I must look so stupid right about now.”
“Yeah, pretty much.” (Y/N) looked at him with a straight face before she giggled softly, seeing the dejected look on his face. “I’m only teasing, I think it’s cute.” She smiled.
“I do have a certain irresistible charm, don’t I?” He smirked.
“Cheeky.” She laughed, playfully bumping shoulders with the actor. “But we’re going to a pub called The Dog and The Duck.”
Joe nodded as he sunk his hands deep into his pockets, as he trudged on next to (Y/N). “You look amazing tonight, by the way.” He looked over at her, hoping he was making up for earlier a bit by complimenting her.
(Y/N) smiled softly, feeling a blush spread over her face as she looked over at him. “Thanks.”
They arrived at the pub shortly after. The four of them grabbed one of the only remaining tables before the boys went up to the bar to grab them the first round of pints. “So, you and (Y/F/N) seem to be getting rather close,” Joe smirked, nudging Ben ever so slightly. He was getting awfully close to her on the walk over, Joe might just be stuck listening to Ben having the time of his life through the wall all night if he didn’t work fast enough. “Do I have to be worried?”
The blonde actor rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on, don’t be daft. We’ve hardly said anything to each other.”
“Baby steps, my friend.” Joe waved him off as his pints for him and (Y/N) were set in front of him. He had at least a basic concept about how he was going to snag the (H/C) woman back at the table. He should at least give Ben the common courtesy bestowed upon Joe by the ‘bro-code’ and help him get a girl tonight as well. “I could be your wing-man.”
“I think you’ve got your hands full with her friend.” He chuckled. “And what about you and (Y/N)? You two looked as though you were getting pretty cosy on the walk over.” Ben jested turning around ever so slightly. He smirked seeing (Y/N) quickly look away before turning back to (Y/F/N). “Can’t keep her eyes off you.” He chuckled.
“What can I say, I’ve got all this…” He paused a moment brushing off his shoulders trying to act cool. “American charm.”
“If that’s what you want to call it. Whatever helps you sleep at night. mate.” Ben chuckled.
Meanwhile back at the table, the girls had been chatting quietly amongst themselves as the boys stood with their backs to them at the bar. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my fucking god…!” (Y/F/N) breathed with an incredulous smile on her face as she looked at her friend next to her on their side of the table. “We’re actually here with them! They’re actually with us!”
“I told you that sending the drinks was going to be a good idea.” (Y/N) smirked, looking over (Y/F/N) shoulder at the boys as they stood at the bar. Joe wasn’t normally the type of guy that she would’ve gone for, but something about her drew her to him. She bit her lip as she stared at the back of his head, there was a certain charm to him that she was desperate to figure out. She’d spend as long as it took to figure out how he had managed to crawl his way under her skin so quickly. “They’re quite charming, aren’t they?”
“Yours seems a bit oblivious if I’m completely honest.” (Y/F/N) teased gently.
“At least mine talks.” (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at the (Y/F/H/C) next to her before turning her gaze back to Joe. She felt a stupid grin spreading across her lips until Ben turned around, looking back at the table, a smirk poised on his lips as he talked to Joe. The (H/C) female drew in a sharp breath as she quickly turned to look back at (Y/F/N), hoping to god that the blonde at the bar hadn’t caught her staring at his friend. “Yours seems interested by the way. Just checked you out.” (Y/F/N) blushed fifty shades of crimson as she giggled softly to herself. “Awe, come on babe, you got to own your hotness every once and a while. You’re a real catch!”
“So you keep telling me, but it has yet to happen.”
“Well, tonight could be your lucky night.” (Y/N) winked at her friend, seeing the boys returning to the table over her shoulder.  
“Here we are!” Joe cheered, setting the pint down in front of (Y/N) before taking his seat across from her. “You said a Strongbow Dark Fruit, yeah?”
“Sure did, thanks.” She smiled at him as she took a sip of her drink. “Ah, that’s the ticket right there.” She sighed leaning back in her seat as she smirked across the table at the American. “So what brings you to England then?”
“I’m going to be moving here in about a month for work for a bit. For now, I’m just here for some, I guess you could say interviews.”
“Oh, so you’re going back to America then?” (Y/F/N) sighed, slightly disappointed. She was wasting her time, wasn’t she? Even still she was determined to spend the night with Joe if anything to show him what he was going to be missing out on.
Joe smirked cheekily. “Don’t you worry, I’ll be back in a month.” He winked at her. “I’ll have my own place then, but for now I’m crashing with this guy.” He pointed his thumb over at the blonde sitting next to him. It was then that Joe noticed how intently that (Y/N) was staring at him, but not in a lustful kind of way. More in like an I know your secretkind of way. “Why do I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before?”
“Uh…” Joe’s heart sped up ever so slightly. He was used to not many people recognizing him, but even still that didn’t mean that he didn’t enjoy being able to be a completely normal guy who hadn’t been in an extremely successful film franchise as a child, or in one of the biggest biopics about one of the greatest bands in history a few years back. “I really doubt that.” He shrugged her off, deciding that telling a little white lie would’ve been in his best interest. The last thing he wanted to do was answer questions about being in the entertainment industry all night. “Must have a twin or something in London.” He chuckled. “Though I have been told I look like a young John Deacon so maybe that’s it.”
“Yeah...I suppose you’re right.” She squinted her eyes at him before looking over at Ben. She stared at him, lost in (Y/F/N)’s eyes despite the fact that she wasn’t looking at him before looking at (Y/F/N). “Don’t you think he looks a lot like the guy who used to play Peter Beale on EastEnders?”
“Now that you mention it, he does a bit…” (Y/F/N) furrowed a brow quizzically at the blonde across from her.
“Hey Ben!” (Y/N) tried to grab his attention. “I know I’ve seen you somewhere before. You wouldn’t happen to know EastEnders, would you?”
Joe turned his gaze to the younger actor next to him expecting an answer, but to nobody’s surprise, it was Ben’s turn to be lost in thought as he stared at the (Y/F/H/C) across the table from him, a stupid, lovesick look on his face. The group laughed a little bit at his dazed state. “Ha, now who’s being the oblivious one.” Joe teased gently.
“Go on (Y/F/N), try to snap him out of it with a witty remark or something.” (Y/N) nudged her friend with a smirk, referring to what she had said to Joe earlier when he had been gone.
“I am absolutely not asking him if he wants to see my tits like you did.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Wait you said what?!” Joe laughed in surprise. He hadn’t realised that. Boy was this kid lost. Joe chuckled softly as he tried to shake the blonde from his distracted gaze. “Hey, Romeo, snap out of it.” Joe teased waving a hand in front of his face, snapping Ben back to reality.
“Oh uh...sorry what were you saying?” He asked, turning to look at the other actor, a slight glare of annoyance for interrupting his staring to his gaze.
Joe snickered softly at Ben before turning over to look at (Y/F/N). “(Y/N) was just asking why she feels like she’s seen us before.” He explained, not sure if Ben wanted to disclose that information.
It wasn’t often that they got to go under the radar as normal guys, especially Ben. EastEnders had been the thing to put him on the map here in England, and so many people knew the show, so he figured he’d let the younger actor take the lead on this one.
“Oh, well, you know I live here in London, perhaps you might’ve seen me around.” Ben tried to wave her off.
“In a city with over a million people living in it?” She scoffed. “Highly unlikely.”
“Never know, if you’re a frequenter of that first pub, then you’re bound to catch me in there with my mates for a pub quiz on a Friday night.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his pint. On the surface, (Y/N) seemed to accept this answer, but inside something was screaming at her that the blonde and his friend were hiding something about themselves, something that was drastically important. After a while, they migrated over to The Lyric, where they had a high-top table to sit around, this time Joe and Ben across from each other with the girls in between them. It had been a pretty chill night so far, discussing music and films, while the two actors casually danced around their own professions. “So (Y/F/N) what would you say your favourite film is?”
“Oh you ask me to choose my favourite child! There’s so many amazing films out there.” She groaned as she pondered his question. “I guess if I had to pick one, it would have to be...Jurassic Park.”
Joe’s eyes lit up when (Y/N) had said Jurassic Park. “Really?” He asked leaning forward in his seat, a wide grin stretching across his features. “What about it do you like so much?”
“Well let’s face it, nobody can compose a score like John Williams.” She laughed. “Star Wars, Harry Potter, ET, Indiana Jones, what’s not to like? Then I guess the acting was pretty good, especially the kids.” Joe beamed at this answer. Sure (Y/F/N) wasn’t the one that he was interested, but it was always nice to hear people compliment his work, especially when they didn’t realise, they were. This look of adoration didn’t go unnoticed by (Y/N). She stared at the man trying to figure out why all of a sudden, his loyalties had changed. It wasn’t until he started talking about Jurassic Park, particularly about Timmy, did it finally dawn upon her where she had seen him before. This man sitting next to her was the grown-up little boy from Jurassic Park! Oh, (Y/N) just had to tell (Y/F/N), right now. It was luck that at this moment both girls were finishing up their drinks. They wouldn’t dare leave the table together before they were gone. She motioned her head toward the sign that said ‘Toilets’ with an arrow pointing in their direction. (Y/F/N) nodded before rising with her. “We’ll be right back, just going to pop off to the toilet’s really quick.” The boys nodded and fell into their own conversation as the girls wound their way through the crowded pub.
“We get it Joe you were a successful childhood actor. No need to go rubbing it in my face.” Ben chuckled softly, winking cheekily at the older actor.
“Well, you know it’s not every day I get to hear people’s genuine opinions on my work.” Joe chuckled as he finished off his pint.
“Uh-huh, well could you get those opinions without making it seem like you’re moving in on my girl?” Ben asked with a raised brow. “I think (Y/N)’s starting to get a bit jealous, she was looking at you a bit weird just now before they left.”
“Oh god, you don’t think she thinks I’m hitting on (Y/F/N) do you?” Joe asked, a bit mortified at the very idea. (Y/N) had been great fun all night, she was so witty, not to mention beyond beautiful. Last thing he wanted to do was make it seem like her friend was getting all the attention.
“Well, if she does, I’d recommend doing some major clean up if I were you.” Ben suggested as the girls reapproached the table, Ben and Joe grinned widely at them as they sat down with the next round in hand.
“Can you two be any more perfect?” Joe chuckled as he took the last sip of his other pint before reaching for the other.
“You’ve just about read my mind.” Ben chuckled doing the same.
The conversation quickly picked up where it had left off, this time Ben more so staying in conversation with (Y/F/N) and Joe with (Y/N). After a while, (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice how Joe seemed rather distracted by something as she was telling him a story about her favourite song and the meaning it had to her. He frantically began to look around the table. “Oh, goddamn it.”
“What’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked with a raised brow, confusion laced over her features as the other two broke from their conversation to look at the American actor.
“I don’t have my bag. I had a work thing before Ben and I went to the pub you guys found us in.” Joe groaned as he leaned forward on the table banging his head up against it. The new script for the film he was about to be working on was tucked in there with his name written all over it. If that script was leaked before the film came out, and the producers found out it was him who had been so careless, not only would he be fired in an instant, but probably blackballed as well.
“You didn’t have a bag when we left the first pub, perhaps you left it behind.”
The American was clearly beginning to panic at this point at the thought of his bag being lost out there in the cold dark streets of London...all on its own. “There’s confidential script things in there. If that gets leaked, I’m so fired.” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at this statement. Script things? Could her suspicions about Joe be true?
“Hey.” (Y/N) reached out gently placing a hand on his trying to calm him. “It’ll be alright. We’ll find it. Just call the pub.”
Though frazzled, Joe took out his phone and began scrolling through the names of the nearby pubs, desperately in search of the contact info for the pub they had been at before. He eventually found it, and while he was distracted on the phone, Ben turned to the two ladies on either side of him. “I guess that means we’re going to have to take off.” He sighed sadly, his eyes connecting over with (Y/N)’s for a moment. “He’s not from around here, can’t have him getting lost…” He explained with a frown.
“Well, I’ll go with him.” (Y/N) name spoke up looking over at (Y/F/N) with a smile, hope sparkling in her eyes. Now was her chance to be alone with Joe and find out if her suspicions were true. She’d still be interested in him regardless of if they were or not, but there was something exciting about the prospect that she was.  “That is if you don’t mind being left alone with…” She looked over at the blonde actor, a soft giggle escaping her lips before back at her friend.
(Y/F/N) nodded before she stood, walking over to whisper in (Y/N) ear. “Now’s your chance. Don’t fucking blow it.” (Y/F/N) laughed in her ear. “And remember, use protection.
(Y/N) turned a dark crimson at what she said. (Y/F/N) was normally so innocent so to hear such a thing escape her lips was new for the (H/C). “I’ll be fine. Just text me if you need me.” (Y/F/N) giggled at her friend as she rounded her way back around the table, sending Ben a bright smile.
“Okay, thank you so much.” (Y/N) heard Joe say, grabbing her attention once again. “The first pub’s got it.” The American actor shrugged on his coat as he stood looking over at Ben. “I’m going to go grab it, I’ll be back soon.”
“Would you like some company?” (Y/N) smirked, smoothly timing her attempt at spending some alone time with Joe. Judging by the way he stood there for a moment, clearly in shock she certainly had the American wrapped around her finger. Getting the rest of this evening to go her way was going to be all too easy.
Joe on the other hand was absolutely floored. She wanted to come with him. He was actually going to be alone with her. It was now or never, he had to make up for what an idiot he had been earlier on the street “Uh...Yeah! Sure! That’d be great!” He nodded, rambling ever so slightly as (Y/N) stood, his eyes glued to her as she pulled on her jacket. “I could use someone to show me around.”
“I think I can do that.” She winked at him cheekily, sending a flush over the actor’s cheeks as she turned to look at the blonde and the (Y/F/H/C) who remained at the table. “Don’t do anything I would do, but then again don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little grey area there for you (Y/F/N).” She winked again before leaving the pub with the other actor.
The pair walked along in silence for a little bit. “I uh...thanks for coming with me.” Joe stumbled over his words a bit. “I’m sure I would’ve gotten horribly lost and ended up getting mugged in an alleyway or something.” He laughed.
“Well, I wouldn’t count yourself completely out of the woods yet. The chances of me mugging you in an alleyway may be slim but they’re still there.” She winked cheekily.
Joe gasped in fake shock, placing a hand over his chest. “Are you saying you would do things to me in an alleyway?”
(Y/N) smirked softly as she slyly looked over at the actor. “Eh, probably not.” She chuckled under her breath slightly seeing how dejected Joe looked for a moment. “Now in my bed however...that could be fun.”
Joe smirked pulling the girl to a stop by a hand around her waist. “Oh-ho.” He chuckled softly, pulling her close so she was but a lips distance away from him. “Is that a bit of desire I’m sensing?”
“Among other things.” She winked cheekily, kissing his cheek before pulling herself out of the actor’s arms, continuing on toward the pub he had left his bag at. Joe stood there dumbfounded, what was the girl doing to him that he was so whipped this early on? “Hey, Stars and Stripes, you coming?” She called over her shoulder for the American actor.
Joe quickly caught up to the girl as they made their way back to the first pub. He saw her checking him out from the corner of his eye every once and awhile. “I can feel you burning holes in my head.” He chuckled.
“I’m sorry for staring it’s just...you look so familiar. You’re sure we’ve never met before?”
The actor gulped slightly; he was rather enjoying not having to talk about his films with someone he was interested in in the longest time. “If you had to say who I look like, who would it be then?” He asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
“Hmm...well if I had to say one, it’d be the grown-up version of Timmy in Jurassic Park. Or, like you said, maybe even John Deacon from Queen.” She shrugged. She was almost positive that Joe was, in fact, Joe Mazzello the actor, but she didn’t want to assume anything. If he wanted to tell her that he was that actor, he’d do it in his own time.
Joe narrowed his eyes as they stopped outside the pub that had his bag. “Alright, how long have you known?” He asked with a slight smirk.
“For sure? About five seconds.” She winked. “Before then, I only thought you looked like him.”
The actor groaned, rolling his eyes as they entered the pub. “You’re not one of those crazy overzealous fangirls who’s going to try and murder me or cut off a lock of my hair when you think I’m not looking are you?”
“No, why? Does that turn you on?” She smirked cheekily, making the actor burst out laughing.
“Only every second Tuesday.” He said before turning to look at the host. “Hi, I called earlier about a bag I left behind?” As the worker left in search of the bag, Joe turned to look at (Y/N). “Well, you’re right, I am Joe Mazzello.” He sighed. “Please don’t think any differently of me now that you know…”
“You mean give you special treatment?! Nah, I’m going to treat you like the worthless piece of pond scum you are.” She winked at him, making him laugh again. She had no idea where this sudden boost of confidence was coming from. She desperately hoped deep inside that he was genuinely finding her humour as just that, humour and not that she was actually insulting him. That would be her luck. She had started talking to him because she thought that he was funny and handsome not because he was Joseph Francis Mazzello III.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He smirked. “You’re not like other girls I’ve met.”
“Because I’m sexy beyond belief?” (Y/N) asked, striking a ridiculous pose batting her lashes at the actor. That would be an understatement, the actor thought to himself. The girls that he often met in his line of work were typically like the triangle of choice between two things and not getting the third. The three points were usually good looks, good personality, and humour, and somehow this girl standing next to him with her beautiful sparkling (e/c) irises, and flowing (h/c) locks, she was a novelty in the regard that she somehow checked all three boxes. He wasn’t about to let this one get away.
“No, I believe that would be me hun. I mean just look at this piece of ass.” He smirked as he struck a pose making her laugh as the pub staff brought over the bag the actor had lost earlier. He thanked the host before they walked out of the pub together for the second time that night. “So...back to the other pub then…?” He asked quietly, silently hoping that she would suggest something else.
“I mean if that’s what you want.” She shrugged as they trudged along...in the complete wrong direction despite the fact they both knew very well where they had to go.
“Look I think it’s safe to say that we’re both attracted to one another.” Joe stated rather bluntly. “I don’t know about you, but I’d be an absolute fool not to act upon the choice opportunity that’s been presented to us, don’t you agree.” Without hesitation (Y/N)’s arms were around the actor’s neck as she pulled him into a rather heated kiss. When they broke apart only for air, the actor smirked. “I’m going to take that as a yes then.”
“We’ll go to mine then, yeah?” She asked as they kissed again.
“Well seeing as how Ben might think I was overstepping guest boundaries by doing it on his couch….” He chuckled as they both broke out their phones to text their respective friends.
Joe - See ya in the morning 😎😏😉
Ben - You’re abandoning me? 🥺🥺
Joe - Sure am 🖖🏻👅
Ben - 🙈 Really Joseph, I thought we had something special 😭
Joe - Just think of it as a temporary eviction 😜
“So, where were we?” Joe asked as he kissed her again.
“Not a question of where were we, it’s where are we going?” (Y/N) laughed pulling the actor off in the direction of the nearest tube stop to get to her flat.
“Will there be more drinks?” He chuckled.
“I’ll put the kettle on.” She winked. Afterall, it was going to be a long night.
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Day 13- Snowed In
A/N: Prompt #13 for @acdeaky ‘s writing challenge! I changed the prompt a little bit, but I still loved it
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Female!Reader
Summary: You and Joe are roommates and have to deal with the power going out during a snow storm.
Warnings: Fluff , cursing, confessions, mentions of cheating
Taglist: @queenlover05 @theblossomknows
 You came stomping into your apartment building, trying to get the snow off your boots. It was mid-December so you shouldn’t have been surprised that there was snow, but it was still annoying.
You walked up the steps to your apartment, ready to just relax with a bottle of wine, and the book you were currently reading. Your day at work hadn’t been terrible, it was just long. It didn’t help that it was dark when you went to work and dark when you came home.
You walked inside your apartment, ready to relax. You went to your bedroom to change, turning the lights on as you did so. You changed, came back out, and went into the kitchen. You pulled the wine out of the fridge and started to pour yourself a glass when your apartment went dark.
You sighed. “Really?” You walked over and flipped the light a couple times, realizing that it wasn’t the light. “Shit.”
“Did we just lose power?” A voice came from behind you.
You jumped in the dark. “Fuck, Joe. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You swatted at where you thought he was standing.
Your roommate chuckled. “Sorry, but you didn’t answer my question.”
You sighed. “No, I just magically turned all the power off in the building.”
“Somebody’s cranky.”
You rolled your eyes and ignored him, reaching into your pocket for your phone. You turned the flash light on so that you could actually see Joe’s face. He squinted against the light and then smiled at you.
“Well hello, gorgeous.”
You shook your head with a slight smile. “Come on, we gotta find candles or something.”
You and Joe searched the apartment for candles and matches, finding a couple in the bathroom closet.
You lit them and the two of you set up a sort of base in the living room.
“I thought you and Erika were doing Christmas tonight?” You said, bringing your glass of wine over, along with one for Joe.
“Welp, we decided to do something different this year. I got her those earrings she said she wanted and she gave me a speech about how she cheated on me.”
You nearly spit your wine out. “I’m sorry, she what?”
“Yup,” Joe took a big drink from his glass. “Told me it was just a couple times and she was so SO sorry and blah blah blah. That was until I pushed her on it. Turns out that guy from her work?”
“Yup! Apparently they’d been sleeping with each other for close to a month now.”
“Oh, Joey, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe that.”
Joe just shrugged and drained his wine. “So, that’s why I’m not at Erika’s.”
Joe then rested his head on your shoulder. You pressed a kiss his forehead and then placed your head on top of his. “If it helps, I never liked her.” It was true that you didn’t like her, but for reasons that Joe didn’t really know.
Joe chuckled. “I know you didn’t.”
“Let’s get some dinner.”
“Do we have stuff that doesn’t need to be cooked?”
The two of you got up and threw together some sandwiches with chips, refilled your wine glasses, and then went back to the living room.
You tried to get Joe’s mind off the breakup by telling him some funny stories about work and the phone call that you had during your lunch break.
“...nearly fell getting the lights on the house.”
Joe laughed. “Doesn’t he do that every year?”
“Yes! You’d think he’d learn.”
Once the two of you were done eating, the two of you discussed what you could do.
“I mean, I’ve got data so we could watch something on my phone,” Joe offered.
The two of you agreed on The Office and configured it so that you both could see.
“It’s freezing in here,” you shivered after an episode.
“Heat isn’t working either I take it,” Joe said as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. You grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around both of you, scooting closer to Joe. You rested your head on his shoulder, leaning closer into him.
This wasn’t the first time the two of you had cuddled like this. Joe was a touchy guy so things like this had never bothered the two of you. However, it was the first time that the two of you kept each other close because of warmth. And were being lit by candlelight. It was weirdly intimate.
‘Intimate’ wasn’t usually the word that came to mind when you thought about Joe. You hated that you didn’t get to have that. There was a reason you hadn’t liked Erika. The truth was you hadn’t liked any of his girlfriends because you wanted to be his girlfriend. It was stupid. The two of you had been friends for about two years before you moved in together. You’d been living together for nearly two years and over those two years, you had fallen in love with him. The funny guy with the heart of gold. And the way the sun hit his hair when he was sleeping on the couch…
“Hm?” You opened you eyes. When had you fallen asleep?
“Your phone is ringing.”
You blindly reached for and answered your phone, bringing the portable charger with it.
“Y/N,” the voice of your boss came through, waking you up. Had you over slept?
“The streets to the office still aren’t plowed, so we’re not having anybody come in. Have a nice day.”
“Thank you,” you replied before you heard the phone beep telling you the call had ended. You hung up and snuggled back into the warmth.
Joe chuckled. “No work for you today?”
You hummed in agreement, still mostly asleep. Then you sat up, realizing you were still on the couch, your back to Joe’s chest. You turned and looked at him.
“Hey, come back, it’s too cold.” Joe opened his arms up. His voice still had that groggy touch to it.
You hesitated, wondering if you should talk to him now. You decided against it, and cuddled back into Joe, just to pretend for another hour or so.
“Can I ask you something?” Joe mumbled when you had taken your position again.
“What’s up?”
“Why didn’t you like Erika?”
You hesitated, debating on if you wanted to tell the truth or not.
“Women’s intuition?”
“Come on, really, why didn’t you like her?”
You couldn’t see Joe’s face, but clearly he didn’t buy it. Maybe it would be easier if you weren’t facing him.
You took a deep breath. “Because…she had you. And I…didn’t.”
There was silence in the room.
“That um…does that mean…I…that seems to imply that you wanted me.”
You turned and looked at him, not saying anything.
“Y/N, do…do you want me?”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. “I…I don’t know when exactly it happened, but…”
You were cut off by a pair of lips. You kissed back, wrapping your fingers in Joe’s hair.
You pulled away and stared at him, breathing heavy. “What the hell was that?”
“Something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time,” Joe smiled at you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“You have?”
“Of course I have. I just…you were with Dwayne, and then Steven, and then I started dating Erika and…now that we’re both single…”
You grinned. “Really?”
“Really. I mean, ever since we moved in together, honestly.”
You pulled Joe in for another kiss. He kissed you back for a bit before he pulled away for a moment.
“You know, we both have beds, and all day.”
You stood up, pulling him with you. “Race you.”
The both of you took off for Joe’s bedroom.
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Refresh My Memory (John Deacon x Reader) 
Request:  bruheh could you hook a sister up with some john deacon smut 👁👁 maybe the reader is part of the band and she and john grow close at ridge farm and end up having sëx 👁👁
Warnings: Smut, Drinking, Cursing
A/N: Lovies! Back again! @dreamer821​ and I have some John Deacon smut on the way, but I loved this request. Working on a Brian request and Filling Blanks: III. Thank you for your comments and feedback! It means the world if you take the time to comment anything on my work! As always, this can be read as John or Joe!John. Roger’s hair is so cute and curly in this gif! Sweeties!
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John wished he could remember what it felt like to kiss her. Well, he wished he could remember kissing her at all. He scoured his memory for any trace as he sat there, watching her laugh at something Freddie had said. His friends, of course, remembered it vividly, her hands in his hair as his hands roamed her body. And yet, as if some cruel trick of fate, his only memory from said night was the light hickey he'd found by his ear the next morning, and that was gone far too soon.
He'd told himself he'd never drink again. That is, when he was nauseous in his bed the next morning with a throbbing headache. He seemed to be forgetting that memory too now as Brian poured shots. He could tell she was already tipsy as she sneaked up on him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. She giggled as he turned to meet her eyes, hands rested on her hips as she hung all over him. "C'mon Johnny! Take a shot with me!”
John chuckled as she stuck her lower lip out at him, batting her eyelashes. "Some friend you are, trying to get me wasted!" He teased
“I'm trying to get you to have fun!" She argued, tugging at his collar, sweetly. "I know you hate Tequila but there's Vodka, too! Roger said he'd make me a screwdriver!" John cringed, remembering the last time his friends had tried making any sort of mixed drink. "I'll let you have it if you want! Just get tipsy with me. Please, Johnny? We can dance together. It'll be such fun."
Johnny. Fuck, it always worked on him. "Bring two shots over. You'll do one with me?" She giggled, grinning as she kissed his cheek, "Of course! I'm bringing you two, though. You've got to catch up." John's cheeks went pink as he hid his smile, shaking his head at her in amusement. Suddenly, Roger grabbed John's shirt collar, pulling him over to mumble something in his ear. "You better 'er in her pants soon or someone else will, mate." John furrowed his brow as he shoved the blonde away, " 's not like that, Roger. Don't be nasty." Roger smirked, "So you're saying you don't want to take her to bed? Do unmentionable things to her?" He grinned wickedly as he slurred his words. John sighed, "Shove off." Roger chuckled as Y/N set the shot glasses down on the table, sliding one to John. He held up the shot, nose crinkling in disgust. Y/N laughed, holding hers up as well. "Ready?" John smiled, happy that she was happy. "Three...Two...One!" Down the hatch. * John was drunk. Shitfaced. His eyelids grew heavy as he sat on Freddie's carpet, clutching Y/N's hand loosely like a security blanket. Freddie had started a game of spin the bottle ages ago, hoping he'd be able to win John a night with the girl he so clearly treasured, but it seemed unlikely now with everyone in the house having joined in to play. It went on for a long while, John watching passively as his friends exchanged shy pecks. He was so sleepy. Roger's turn. John forgot to pay attention. He suddenly remembered to pay attention when he felt Y/N’s grip on his hand loosen, and he looked over at her, just as Roger brought his lips to hers. He kissed her hard, grabbing her shirt as he nipped at her lips, tongue exploring hers. Y/N was taken aback. This hadn't been Roger and Freddie's original plan. Roger was improvising. And it seemed to be going pretty well. John flushed with anger. He shoved Roger away from her, nearly loosing his balance. "What the fuck, Roger!?" Roger wiped his mouth on his sleeve carelessly, lips swollen. "What? It's bloody spin the bottle!" Y/N looked like she was in shock, eyes meeting John's sad ones as she fought for words. John stood from the floor, angry tears burning in his eyes as he trodded down the hallway to his room, throwing his bedroom door closed behind him. God he hated being drunk. Nothing made any fucking sense. He held his spinning head, laying down on top of his comforter. Y/N stumbled to her feet, "John? John!" She Immediately followed him, toeing off after him. "Johnny!" She knocked on the bedroom door, laying her head against it. "John are you cross with me? Please don't be cross. Didn't mean for 'im to go and kiss me like that. I thought he'd just give me a lil peck like everyone else was doing!" John didn't respond, rubbing his stinging eyes. "I'm coming in." Y/N warned, slowly opening the door. There was John lying on his side, curled up atop the bed. His brow was still furrowed. "Oh, Johnny..." She cooed, clumsily climbing up beside him. She laid as close to him as possible, hugging him to her and snuggling her nose into his back. John couldn't deny that it immediately made him feel better. "Johnny, say something. Please. Don't be sad. I don't like it when you're sad. Makes me sad too." She sounded pitiful. Like a child. John could barely remember what had upset him now. "I don't want Roger to get you. I want to get you. I want you to be all mine. Roger gets everyone." Y/N hummed sadly, "I don't want Roger to get me, either." He grew drowsy as she started playing with his hair, "It was s'pposed to be me." "I wanted it to be you." There was a silence, "I...don't like it when you're sad. I don't want you to be mad at me. I want you to smile. I like it when you smile. Your eyes crinkle." Her words were soft now as her eyelids fluttered shut. John smiled a little, sighing contentedly. "You always make me smile." Her heart fluttered. Slowly, she moved his curls over with the palm of her hand, leaving one, sweet, drunken kiss to the back of his neck. John swallowed, thickly, sitting up as he wrestled off his t-shirt. He threw it off the bed, laying back down. He took her hand, wrapping himself up snugly in her arms again. "I just wanna sleep. Can we sleep now?" She hummed a little yes, already drifting off beside him. * Freddie turned to Roger the moment Y/N was gone. "What the hell was that? We're trying to get John laid and you start snogging the love of life in front of god and everyone!" Roger rolled his eyes, cockily, "Really? I'm not stupid, Freddie. Tell me Brian, where are they right now?" Brian frowned, "John's bedroom." His eyes lit up with realization, "They're alone in John's bedroom! Rog, that's genius!" Roger scoffed, "I knew he'd get pissed and she'd chase after him. He's jealous. Worked up. Give 'em ten minutes and you'll be hearing her moan his bloody name." Ten minutes passed. Then twenty. Thirty. Still, not a sound from John's bedroom. Freddie grabbed Brian's arm, pulling him along as Roger led him down the hall, pressing an ear to the bedroom door. "Nothing." He whispered, frowning. His plan had seemed seamless, though he was, admittedly, wasted. "It's dead quiet in there." Freddie frowned, slowly reaching to grab the door handle. Sure enough, there was Y/N and John. And they were in bed. Fast asleep. Brian chuckled, "Well look at that." Y/N laid on her side, John curled up into her like a little spoon. "I bet that arsehole started pouting! Got all sentimental on her! God he's such a twat when he's drunk!" Freddie groaned, sighing to himself as he held his temples. "I bloody give up." * John woke up three times before Y/N did, each time deciding he was far too content to get up. They'd shifted in their sleep and John had ended up with holding her in his arms, her head resting safely on his bare chest. He admired her as she stirred, yawning. He missed her body warmth immediately when she sat up, moaning as she stretched. God, John thought to himself. What a perfect little noise. He didn't have to miss her for long. She curled right back up against him when she laid back down, mumbling a croaky "Good Morning." John smiled, looking into her eyes, drowsily. His head throbbed, and he groaned his brow furrowing as he held his temples. "What all happened, last night?" She sighed, "Well, I'm not entirely sure. I remember kissing Roger." The memory made a sickly feeling settle in John's stomach as he propped himself up on his elbow. He grumbled as he laid her against the bed. "Wish I'd forgotten that part." She gave an amused smile, tucking a curl behind his ear as he looked down at her. "I remember wishing it was you."
John's heart fluttered. There was a long silence as the birds began to wake outside their window. "Did you really wish it was me?" There was a long silence and he met her eyes again. Their faces were close. Y/N let the corner of her mouth quirk up just a little. "I've always wished it was you, John." He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss her so bad and she was right there, waiting for him. But somewhere deep in the back on his head, some small voice told him she was only being playful. Flirting. He swallowed thickly, giving an awkward chuckle. He was completely unsure of how to respond. His cheeks went pink as he gave a weak smile. "Oh...I...Well...Now you just flatter me." Y/N's heart sank. He didn't want her. She'd basically laid every bit of herself out on the line for him and still, he hadn't bitten. She cleared her throat a little, knowing the moment was over. Sadness weighed in her chest as she struggled to find words."You're...You're a good friend, John." The word stunned him. Friend. He couldn't stop the flash of hurt in his eyes at the thought. That's how she saw him. That's all he was to her. A good friend. And Y/N saw it. The way his whole body sank a little. The longing in his eyes. Sadness. Her heart broke as she realized what she'd done. "John, I-" His eyes fell to his hand where he played with the bed sheets, his arm still tossed over her stomach. He pursed his lips, shaking his head. There was another silence. Y/N felt a small knot forming in her throat. "John..." He met her eyes, brows raised expectantly. "I didn't realize-" "I know." He mumbled, nodding. "I know." The room was quiet. Y/N could hear the remnants of a rain storm dripping from the window pane. Still, their eyes were locked. Slowly, as if not to startle her, John leaned down to her, pressing the sweetest, softest little kiss to her forehead.  He went to pull away again, but Y/N kept a hand against his bare shoulder, keeping him from going very far, at all. Slowly, her palm slid up his shoulder to his neck, cradling his face. His his eyes closed for a moment as he leaned into her touch. They were nose to nose now. John looked beautiful there, a mix of want and confusion in his eyes. Gently, she grazed her thumb over his lower lip. He let her, pressing another little kiss to the pad of her thumb. She could feel the heat of his breath against her lips. He gave a shaky breath, heart stuttering at the proximity. It felt as if everything in the world had gone still. She guided him down to her, kissing him. It was slow and deep. Gentle and chaste, with his nose nudging against her own. Only lasted about five seconds, but his lips were soft. Warm. So warm. And she radiated that warmth from every spot where his skin was pressed against hers. His brows were knitted when she pulled away. He looked overwhelmed, his eyes wide with shock. Anxiety pitted in her stomach. "Fuck, John, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-" "Do it again, please." He choked. His voice was so desperate for her. Almost begging. Her mouth opened to say something but she couldn't find words, and before she even knew what happened, she'd found his lips again. It all happened so fast, as if both were worried the other would change their mind. Or perhaps it was just the culmination of every unspoken thing between them now floating to the surface. It was pure desperation. John moaned as Y/N laced a hand into his hair, tugging his curls. Her other hand found his naked back as he settled himself between her legs, her nails digging at the soft skin there as he grinded down hard against her. She rolled her hips up against his, granting them both more friction. John groaned at the feeling of her clothed heat bucking against his own. Somehow, with John's help, she managed to pull off her tank top, exposing her bare breasts to him. His lips found her neck as he brought his hand up to grope at her blindly, tugging and pinching her one of her nipples. She gave a pitiful whimper as his mouth moved down her neck to her chest, taking her other nipple into his mouth and sucking at her breast. His eyes closed, getting lost in the taste of her skin as her legs hooked around him. Her hands were all over him, his hair, his back, his ass, the tent in his pants. The way he moaned for her made her feel like she was going to melt right into him. She hadn't noticed him clumsily pushing off his joggers, but she certainly did noticed when he parted her legs, pressing his knee up against her heat. She cried out, rocking her hips against his leg as her shorts started to soak through. She wanted to see his cock. Wanted to taste it. But she couldn't bring herself to stop grinding against his leg or deprive herself of his delicious body warmth. She felt John's teeth graze over her nipple and she gasped, moaning his name. He dragged the very tip of his tongue over her, soothing the spot. "John..." She croaked needily as her hand found the outline of his dick in his boxers. She palmed him, stroking him through the thin fabric. His eyes fell closed and he muffled himself as he groaned in pleasure, "Fuck..."  He buried his face against her sternum. "Want your cock in my mouth, John, please." He cursed again, rolling his hips as his arms started to weaken with lust. He relaxed them, turning over onto his back for her. His heart sped as he watched her push her little shorts over her ass and off of her thighs, tossing them off the bed. He groaned at the sight of her in only her pale blue panties, an obvious wet spot soaking through their center. She mounted his hips, and he could feel how slick her thighs were with arousal. She gave a devious sort of smile, tying back her hair with an elastic. He knew exactly why. She wanted him to have something to grip. 
She met his lips again, letting him enjoy the feeling of her weight on top of him before she moved to his neck, running her tongue along the sensitive skin below his ears. She kissed down his chest, biting and sucking little marks into the smooth skin of his stomach the lower she went...a trail. Then she met his waistband. His eyes were locked on hers as she toyed with the elastic, mouthing at his cock hotly through his boxers. He bit down hard on his lower lip, giving a hoarse whine as his hand moved to hold her hair, instinctively. She grinned up at him playfully, and he fought to steady himself, knowing he was getting far too worked up to last. Then, before John could even catch his breath, she'd pulled his boxers down over his hipbones, taking him deep into her throat. John gasped, cursing like a sailor as she swallowed around him, her tongue moving against his shaft. His grip on her hair was tight as he bucked against her mouth, choking her a little. He started to apologize, but was cut off by another string of his own moans as she bobbed her head against him, taking his length. He tasted so good to her, warm and heavy against her tongue. And his face. Fucking hell, just watching his face was enough to get her going...His eyes fallen shut with pleasure, head pressed against a pillow as his back arched off the mattress. Bliss. It made her heart stir knowing she could make him feel so good. She took him in her hand, jerking him as she circled her tongue around the head of his dick, tasting his precum. He gave a whine as she kissed him there before taking him in her mouth again, cupping his balls this time.His hand found her hair again as he gave a breathy sob, trying not to thrust into her mouth. She could feel him pulsing in her mouth and she knew he was close. She smiled to herself as she took him a little deeper. "Y/N, I'm-" He couldn't even get the words out before she took a deep breath, taking him all the way to the hilt. He came down her throat, moaning her name as he held her against him, weakly. She pulled off of him a bit, taking the last of his load in her mouth as she jerked the base of his cock with her hand. John felt like he couldn't breath. His whole body trembled and buzzed as he came down from his high. He locked eyes with Y/N, and she smiled, opening her mouth to show she'd swallowed everything he'd given her. "Fuck", he groaned deep in his chest, almost unable to even process just how incredibly hot he found that. He grabbing her wrist weakly, tugging her towards him. "C'mere." She frowned, crooking her brow as she crawled up his body. He grabbed at her thighs. He could barely speak, let alone verbalize what he wanted, but he was desperate to get her thighs over his shoulders. She was mounted high up over his chest, still not quite understanding what he was wanting until it suddenly hit her. Oh. Oh. Heat flooded her body. "John...Johnny, just wait a second sweetheart. Catch your breath firs- Oh!" She let out a wanton moan, her fingers gripping his curls as he pulled her panties to the side, burying his face between her legs. She sobbed in pleasure, her hips instinctively starting to roll as he sucked her clit. She wondered if he'd been wanting this for a while. His tongue was heaven to her in that moment. She rode his face as he ate her, pushing his tongue up inside of her. Her head tilted back and she gasped as his arms looped over her legs, pulling her even further down against his perfect mouth. John could have lived the rest of his life there, face buried in her cunt, and he would have died a happy man. His nose nudged against her clit as he moaned, contentedly, her arousal painted across his chin. She tasted so good...and she was so wet for him. She trembled, legs clenching around his head a bit. Her hand gripped the bed post as she steadied herself. "John..." God, the way she said his name.  It made his mind go hazy. "John...Oh! I'm close, Johnny, Fuck!" He didn't stop. If anything, be doubled his efforts, holding legs firmly with his arms to keep her from squirming away from the movements of his tongue. She sobbed hoarsely, waves of pleasure rolling through her body as John pushed her over the edge. She cursed, rocking her hips against his face as he worked her through her high. He didn't stop until she was nearly pushing him away with over stimulation. She moved her legs from his shoulder, dragging herself back down his body to lay on top of him, head resting on his chest. John wiped his face on the back of his arm. Y/N, tucked a curl behind his ear, kissing him needily. She moaned, tasting herself on his tongue. He pecked her lips one last time, chastely. "You alright?" He smoothed her hair, watching in admiration as she came back down to him again. She smiled lazily, "Perfect." He grinned, giggling as she kissed him again, starting to catch her second wind. It was sweet at first. Gentle. But the heat behind it grew quickly as their naked bodies moved against one another. John moaned as he slid his hand underneath the back of her panties, groping her ass. Y/N sighed contently, smiling into the kiss as he got fed up and pulled the fabric down off her hips. She kicked them off the side of the bed, and John went back to exploring her, now fully naked, body. The kiss slowed, and he smiled down at her, rubbing her thighs lovingly. Carefully, eyes still locked with hers, he let his thumb trail to her clit, rubbing circles there. She buried her face against his chest, squirming and whining a little at how sensitive she still was, before her body gave in and once again started to relax into his touch. "Good girl..." He whispered, smiling as her hips started to move with him, as they had before. He teased her for a bit longer, giving her just enough friction to keep her happy, but not enough for the sensation to build. Finally, just as she was starting to get frustrated, he flipped her, laying her against the bed as he positioned himself between her legs. She spread herself open, thinking he was finally going to fuck her. "Not yet, love." He mumbled, rubbing her thigh comfortingly with one hand as he teased her entrance with the other. She frowned, and he paused, locking eyes with her as he sunk his finger deep inside of her. He didn't stop until his knuckle was pressed against her. She gave a shuddered breath as he crooked it inside her, fucking her with it slowly. His fingers were long and thin, and he was damn good with them. He played her like his bass, sliding a second finger inside her and strumming gently and quickly against a tender spot, way deep at the bottom of her stomach. She squirmed, rocking her hips against him. She was already so sensitive from his mouth and the sensation was building quickly. Without warning, he pulled his fingers from inside her, bringing them to his lips to clean her wetness from them. She whined, all too worked up and desperate for him. She started to complain before she realized why he'd stopped. John dragged the tip of his cock up and down her entrance. She gasped at the slightest pressure... The gentle poke of his length against her opening. He leaned over her, grabbing a second pillow to prop behind her head. She could see him better that way. They were closer. He didn't move back yet, instead he stopped to press a second kiss to the center of her forehead. She cradled his face just as she had before, guiding him down to kiss her lips as well. His voice was little more than a whisper against her. "You ready?" She nodded quickly, and he smiled at her enthusiasm as he brought her back to him yet again, indulging the soft movements of her mouth. She felt him press into her slowly, and she groaned as he sunk deep into her warmth. She scrunched her nose a little at the slight discomfort of the stretch. John noticed, pressing kisses to her temple as she adjusted to the stretch. Gently, as if testing the waters, she rolled her hips against him, letting him press even deeper. John gave a high pitched moan, letting his own body finish the stroke. He thrusted into her again, slowly. She spread her legs for him a bit more as he found rhythm. And god, it felt like he was meant to be inside her. The way the head of his cock nudged her g-spot was making her entire body buzz. She was tight and warm and wet, and John thought the little whimpers falling from her lips were enough to finish him off on their own. She pushed him flat against the bed, rolling on top of him again and sinking down on his cock. A cry slipped from her lips as he put pressure against the exact right spot inside of her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he bucked into her, bringing his hands to grip her waist firmly. Her hips bounced against his cock, making the most beautifully lewd wet noises as they grinded and fucked. John pulled her down against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. He held her against him, and she moaned his name as he fucked up into her. She moved faster against him, reaching down to rub her clit as she clenched around him. She could feel him throbbing inside her. "I'm close." He breathed, grabbing her ass as he thrusted into her harder, his hips smacking against her pubic bone. "Me too.-" She cried out as he pressed hard against that spot inside her. "Right there. Fuck, John, that feels so good." She sobbed, her body trembling as he bounced her against his middle. She bit her lip, thighs clenching as she tried to hold back her high. "Cum inside me." She begged, starting to tip over the edge. "Fill me u-" She gasped, head falling back as her orgasm hit her like a wall. She cried out, muscles succumbing as her whole body pulsed and buzzed with a numbing, hot, white pleasure. John felt her insides clench and flutter around him, pulling him over with her as she tightened and spasmed. The knot in his stomach released as he spilled inside her, his warmth filling her as he assured they both were able to ride out the feeling as long as possible. Y/N collapsed against John's chest, shivering as her body twitched with residual sensitivity. He kissed the tears from her cheeks, wrapping her up snug in a blanket and sliding on his boxers before he ran to the bathroom for a washcloth. Her teeth were chattering when he returned, kissing her forehead. "I'm going to steal this away for just a second, but I'll give it right back, Ok?" Y/N nodded as he pulled back the blanket. tapping her knee, gently. "Can you open for me?" She obeyed, watching him with love in her eyes. He pressed a kiss to the inside of her knee as he gently cleaned the mess he'd left between her legs. He slid her panties back over her thighs, helping her lift her hips to get them on, and wrapped her up again when he was done, disposing the washcloth before he climbed into bed with her again. He held her close, rubbing her back and hushing her soothingly as she continued to come back down. He kissed her tears away. "Shh, I've got you. I've got you, sweetheart." It wasn't long before they were asleep again, tangled up in each other. Y/N woke up a few hours later, just as a handful of the others had started climbing out of bed for the day. The mattress shuffled as she tucked John back under the blanket, kissing his forehead. He grabbed her wrist just as she was about to leave, his voice croaky and small. "Where're you going?" He was glad to see that she was still naked, if only to confirm with himself that it hadn't all been a dream. "I'm just going to make you some breakfast." He groaned, pulling her back over to him, "Just stay a little bit longer?" She laughed, but didn't resist his pull. He settled her on top of him, head resting on his chest, and she stroked his hair, lovingly. "It's almost noon, sleepy boy." He hummed, pressing his lips against her's. Slow and sweet and lazy... He smirked drowsily against her lips, "What? 've you got a date?" She gave a mischievous grin, "Not yet. Thought I might ask Roger if he wanted to catch a movie." Deaky groaned, scrunching his face in disgust as Y/N laughed. He pinched her ass in retaliation and she yelped, ready to tell him off, but he was too quick as he took her face in his hands and pulled her into another long kiss. She smiled, lips still against his as she spoke between kisses, "I'll make you cheese toast if you let me go now." He narrowed his eyes, humming as he considered her offer. "That's compelling, I'll admit. But I'd rather have you than cheese toast." She giggled, "So you'll just stay in bed forever, then?" "Yes, that's exactly what I want, actually." She hid her grin, rolling her eyes as she sat up, still straddling him. "Well, What if...", she cooed with a half smile. His hands found her waist, whimpering as she gave a test roll of her hips against his. "I make you breakfast..." She slid her hands up his bare chest, laying against him and whispering in his ear as she continued to rock her hips on his clothed length. "And then afterwards..." She nipped his earlobe, making him gasp. "I'll suck your cock again." John groaned, loudly. "Fucking hell, you'll be the death of me." She hummed a chuckle, "Gotta stay quiet, baby. They're awake now. John exhaled shakily. "What do you say, Johnny? 've we got a deal?" He nodded, and she gave him one last heated kiss before she climbed off the bed. He whined at the loss of her body heat, but watched contentedly from the bed as she got dressed. She winked at him and tossed him his shirt, as if inviting him to stare all he wanted. *
John pried himself up out of bed about forty-five minutes later when the smell of bacon and eggs began drifting around the old house. His eyes were still clouded with sleep as he stumbled into the kitchen. "There's Johnny!" Roger cheered, shoveling another fork full of eggs into his mouth. "You slept in. Must've had some exciting dreams, huh mate?" John rolled his eyes, stretching his arms over his head as he gave a yawn, his loose t-shirt riding up over his tummy. Roger's fork clattered as it hit the plate. Freddie laughed, grinning. "Looks like it was more than a dream, wasn't it, darling?" John’s brow crooked, as he glanced around the room. Y/N's face had gone pink, amusement in her eyes. His friends all gawked at him. Suddenly, it hit him. He grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it a bit to see the trail of hickies Y/N had sucked into his lower stomach, down past his waistband. His eyes went wide as they met Y/N's. She giggled, covering her face as his cheeks went beet red. Brian laughed as Roger cheered teasingly, mussing John's hair as he put his plate in the sink. "Aw, look at him! All shy now!" John shoved Roger's hand away from where he was trying to pinch his cheek, smothering a shy smile. "Wasn't so shy last night, though, I bet!" Freddie giggled along side Roger as the blonde gave John a friendly smack on the back. Y/N watched John as they teased him in good fun. There was a smile on his face as his cheeks grew darker and he shrunk back a bit in embarrassment. She took another bite of eggs as Roger's attention moved to her. "Better eat a big breakfast, love. Seems like our boy John has got a long day scheduled for the two of you." Brian chuckled as Y/N tossed her plate in the sink. A smirk crawled to her lips as she walked straight over to John, pulling him into a long, deep kiss. The boys whooped and hollered as John melted into the kiss, starting up again when his hands slid down her back to her ass. He couldn't care less now. Because he was kissing her. And he never wanted to forget what it felt like ever again. ************************
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myficreccs · 4 years
ooh ooh ooh the best joe writers right now are supersonicfreddie, deacyblues, and joemazzmatazz
@joemazzmatazz is lit! I love Regan’s writing!
I definitely have to look more into @supersonicfreddie and @deacyblues though
Thanks for the recs anon ❤️
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verstappenist · 4 years
Little Tiger | Joe Mazzello
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A/n: Basically, College!Joe and his gf getting a kitten! Because i found this gem and got soft! Also the ending seems so rushed? im sorry for that!
Word count: 1,277
Warnings: none, just fluff and bad writing!
When you met Joe in that little coffee shop right off campus, your life got flipped by 180°. In a good way though, very good way.
You were confused at first what a New Yorker was doing in LA but the longer you talked and the more you found out about him, the happier you were he decided to go to university on the other side of the country.
After the accidental run-in, followed a coffee date the next day, which was the only the first of many more to come.
Three and a half years into the relationship, the two of you were just as in love with each other as on the very first day. You moved in together about nine months into the relationship, after deciding it would be beneficial in many ways, you could save a lot of money and you'd be able to spend more time together.
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"Okay, what do you think about getting a pet?"
To say the question surprised him was an understatement, he nearly fell off the couch. “Y-You wanna get a pet with me?”
“I mean… if you want to? It’s just, you know we’ve been together for so long a-and we love each other, right? And I don’t think, well I hope we’re not breaking up any time soon, because again I love you and I see us still together in ten years... maybe have kids together- but we’re still a tad too young for that, that’s why I was thinking we could maybe get a little kitten or something?”
Your little speech alone was enough to convince Joe to get a kitten, not that it would've been hard anyways. He always wanted a cat and you had a point, you loved each other dearly, and were in a serious relationship for over three years now. While you were still working on your masters degree in economics, Joe was already done with school, currently doing some acting jobs around LA, so someone was always home to look after one, to stay with it etc.
"Okay, let's get a cat!"
Unable to contain your happiness you jumped into his arms, peppering his face with tiny butterfly kisses. "Did I ever tell you that you're the bestest boyfriend in the whole wide world and that I love you?"
"Eh just about a thousand times today, but one more doesn't hurt either of us", the auburn haired young boy smiled, kissing you properly. "If you want we can go to the shelter first thing tomorrow okay?"
Nodding excitedly you turned off the TV, practically dragging your boyfriend into your shared bedroom. You really were acting like a little girl on christmas eve, unable to wait until morning, but he would be lying if he'd say he's not excited himself.
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When Joe woke up next morning, your side of the bed was long cold, making him wonder if you already left for the shelter on your own. But you wouldn’t right?
After a few more minutes of savouring the warmth of the bed, Joe finally decided to investigate. The auburn haired man didn’t need to search for long though. He found you sprawled out on the couch, laptop on your lap and a notebook in hand furiously writing stuff down.
“Good morning, Princess. What are you doing?”, his voice still groggy from just waking up with a confused undertone.
“Morning, Joey! I’m just writing down what else we need for our baby!”
“How ‘bout you tell me what we need while i make some breakfast for the two of us? How do pancakes sound?”
“Yeah sure, whatever?” Chuckling at your disinterest he placed a tender kiss to your cheek, before proceeding into the kitchen. “Wait, Joey! What if we get something to eat on our way to the shelter?”
Suddenly standing in the kitchen next to him startled your boyfriend, nearly causing him to drop the pan because of it. "Y-Yeah sure, just, don't sneak up to me again? Ever? Especially not with a pan in hand? Please?”
You really must’ve scared the boy.
“Would please get ready? We got to go!”, you urged your boyfriend whilst getting ready yourself.
Not even five minutes later you were in the car on your way to the café the two of you met nearly four years ago.
Neither of you were particularly hungry, well you were but, the excitement… so you kept breakfast short.
Next stop was the Petco in downtown LA, where you got everything the kitten will need. At one point you were even sure you had lost Joe somewhere while looking for a cat tree. You spent about an hour getting various things such as food and water bowls, a bed, litter box, toys and grooming tools for the kitten, etc. before you had everything.
The last stop was the shelter. Finally.
As soon as you were inside the building you dragged your boyfriend to the cats in the far back. Joe was overwhelmed, seeing all the small kitten and grown cats in cages, he wanted to adopt them all. Every single one of them. Well that was until one of the older ones reached out for him, claws out.
The look of pure horror on his face made you laugh, “Are you scared of this cutie?”
“Pfft no. I have this terrified look on my face because of all the fun I’m having!”
Still laughing you walked over to the little ones, looking at the playing bunch. One stood out the most to you. It was smaller than the others, with big green eyes and grey, black white and brown fur. It felt just like when you met Joe for the first time, love at first sight.
“Joey! Come look at this one! Can we- please?”, you called out to him, not letting the little ball of fur out of sight.
He was by your side immediately, looking at it as well. His expression matched yours, pure adoration for the little creature, “Yes. That’s the one.”
It looked just like a little tiger, just different colours, but there was something so wild behind it’s eyes you almost thought it was.
One of the volunteers nearby overheard you talking and was more than happy that one of them found a new loving home. She got the one you wanted, informing you that it’s a he and that she’ll let you have some time with him while getting all his papers ready.
“We need a name”, stated your boyfriend white petting the kitten, scratching behind his ears.
Joe really did not want to leave the kitten, pretty sure now after not even five minutes he loved the little one more than he loves you - but you can’t hold it against him - so it was you who needed to get all the paperwork done and eventually drive you back to your apartment.
The two of you were playing with the little one for most of the day, only stopping to try and teach him how to use the litter box and for Joe to explain in which rooms he was allowed to go into and which ones are taboo.
Later in the evening the three of you were cuddled up on the couch, watching whatever was on TV. “We still don’t have a name for him”, you smiled softly at the purring kitten in your lap.
“I like Jeff.”
“As in Jeff Goldblum?”
“Yup! If you want?”
“Can we name it Jeff Murphy? Because you were just the cutest in that movie! Like this little fella”, you grinned at your boyfriend, noticing the slight blush covering his cheeks.
“Jeff Murphy it is!”
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Tag list: @anotheronebitestheskye @queenlover05 @feltsonmarauders
(If you want to be added to my taglist just send me an ask or a message!)
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mazzellocheese · 5 years
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happy birthday to this sweet baby angel.💜
if you use this pic please give credit because i literally cried while trying to find these kinds of pictures of him
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
Unwanted feelings  [Ben Hardy x F!Reader]
Words : 3, 900 K +
Warnings : angst, fluff, sad joe hours
Summary : Joe fall for Ben’s girlfriend. And obviously, it hurt.
Note :  Poor baby Joe !!! I wrote these two parts in only few days bc i was super inspired for this request, thanks again @gardenjungle ! There a part 2 almost done to finish this story bc it would been too heavy in one part, tell me what you think lovies !!
☀ Masterlist ☀ 800 followers celebration !!!
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Joe never meant to feel something for (Y/N), he was aware how wrong it was. Ben and (Y/N) were together for five years now and, recently, they get engaged. Joe’s heart broke at the new but he had no right to feel sad or jealous, she wasn’t his and she never will. But feelings weren’t something that Joe or anyone could control, they were here and there weren’t much Joe could do expect waiting for them to fade away.
Ben introduced (Y/N) to him and all the bohemian rhapsody cast during the shooting of the movie and at first, it was just an innocent crush for Joe. (Y/N) was a beautiful girl and even a blind man could see that. She had the prettiest and most charming smile he ever saw, his heart fluttered heavily in his chest every time. He also really like her doe-eyes, full of happiness and excitement each time she went on set, making Joe weak on his knees. Yes, she was absolutely a true beauty.
But things went down when they became friends and saw each other more and more, Ben was very happy that his girlfriend and his new friends were having fun together so he brought her everywhere. Joe felt himself falling harder. She was also a really fun person, always giggling at his jokes, even when they weren’t funny, she was definitively a good audience. Always a witty comment to tease back Joe, catching him off guard most of the time because he was noticing how similar they were and how much he wanted to know her more. Without Ben. But it was awful thoughts to have so he kept his mouth shut. Ben used to call (Y/N) sunshine and Joe never more agreed in his life, she was a literal ball of pure joy, in an eternal good mood and the red hair knew they could had been such a good match. He was just five years too short, life could really be unfair.
The other thing which wasn’t helping Joe about forgetting his feelings was how much (Y/N) was a touchy-feely person. She loved hugs and cheek kisses and everything that was friendly and totally innocent but it made Joe shivered every time. The other day, she cheekily pressed a finger on his nose, making a boop noise and Joe almost chocked at the gesture. She didn’t seems to notice how much this simple and childish act had make her friend blushed, Ben had just entered the room and nothing else existed anymore. Usually she only did the nose-boop to her boyfriend, loving to tease him and after that, Joe had think about the meaning, why she was suddenly so friendly ? Did that mean something ? Was he overthinking a stupid think ? He didn’t have the answer and wasn’t sure if he wanted them.
Joe knew he was too deep in with (Y/N) to not fall in love with her, after a year or so, during shooting, trying to repress his feelings for Ben’s girlfriend, it was worse than at the beginning. But during the seven next months, he saw her less, him and the cast were promoting the movie around the world and he didn’t think about her too much. He just knew she was with Ben in Italy for the shooting a new Netflix movie and he honestly thought that he was finally free of these stupid and forbidden feelings for (Y/N). He was so piss off with himself because Ben and (Y/N) were such dear friends to him and he could ruin everything if someone knew his real thoughts about her.
So when Ben invited everyone to celebrate his engagement with (Y/N), Joe was rather confident, his feelings were weaker and almost none existent at this point. Life was good again and he could hang out with his best mates without fearing to spill his feelings for (Y/N). But life wasn’t that easy. He should have know that. As soon as he stepped into the brand new house of Ben and (Y/N), he felt weird. Especially when Gwilym and Rami were doing bets about when (Y/N) would get pregnant. ‘In the next six months!’ Rami seemed very sure of himself and Joe’ stomach twisted uncomfortably. And then he saw her. Well, not really at first because she literally jumped on him, hugging him tightly and rambling about how much she had miss everyone. Her lips pressing in a loud Mwah! on his burning cheek and then she screamed for five minutes straight with Lucy about her engagement ring. The two girls gushing excitedly about how beautiful the jewellery was, looking at it in every angle of light possible, bouncing on their feet like kids in front of a candy shop.
Allen and his wife snorted loudly when Lucy sent a knowing glance to her boyfriend, Rami swallowed nervously at the silent meaning ‘what are you waiting to ask me the same question dumbass ?’ He could swore she actually mouthed the word dumbass.
Joe felt even weirder when he hugged Ben, who was telling him how happy he was to see him. Then the red hair looked back at (Y/N) and the guilt and shame were now very clearly the reason he felt weird. His feelings for (Y/N) hit him like a brick in his stomach, coming back even stronger than before. She was also prettier than he remembered or maybe it was just her glow from her recent engagement that was making her so breath-taking, she was literally shinning. The rest of the evening was blurry for Joe, he drank much more than necessary but it was the only thing he had to survive that night. Especially when Ben and (Y/N) stood up, his arm around her waist as he raised a toast at his future wife, telling everyone how much he loved her and how excited he was to spend the rest of his life with her by his side. The words of Ben weren’t the most painful for him, not even when he talked about having kids with her, no. The worst was the way (Y/N) was looking at him, her head raised toward the blond, eyes glossy and a smile of pure adoration on her features, like he was the only person in the room at this moment. It was love, pure and raw. Ben bowed to give her kiss and she beamed at the gesture, her fingers caressing his cheek so softly that it felt too intimate for Joe to watch. He wanted to do nothing else than go home and cry. And that what he did. After saying he was feeling sick, and it wasn’t a lie, only it wasn’t from the alcohol, but he kept this detail for himself, he left in a Uber and sobbed during all the way back to his place.
Joe made his best to avoid the couple during the next months, he was so ashamed of himself, he was supposed to be happy for his friends, not stupidly jealous. But he didn’t want to raise any suspicion and so he found excuses to not go mostly when (Y/N) was around, focusing on going out with only the boys. He even had a girlfriend! Her name was Molly, she was cute and adorably small and Joe liked her very much, she was really a nice girl. But she wasn’t (Y/N). He felt horrible because he was desperate to have a date at (Y/N) and Ben’s wedding, he couldn’t go alone, he would just break down. That why, when he noticed the way the waitress from his favourite café was looking at him, he asked her for a date. And from there, they started dating, making forget the pain in his heart for few moments.
Exactly eight months after the engagement party, it was the wedding day. Joe was sick, truly sick. The thought of watching the woman he was deeply in love with, marrying one his best friend was making him almost throw up. And he was the best man of Ben, like his life wasn’t enough of a joke but he couldn’t have said no to his friend. Despite being in love with the bride-to-be, he was happy for his friends, it was a bitter-sweet feeling.
“I’m so fucking nervous” Ben breathed as he watched himself in the mirror, straightening his vest for the million times. “What if she don’t come ? Maybe we planned our wedding too fast, maybe she is already far away and I’m gonna end up alone at the altar and–“
“Ben, relax, it’s just the wedding nerves which are talking” Joe put a friendly hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. “She loves you, it easy to see that mate, you and her belong together, she will come today, I promise you that” The red hair added with an emotional voice and Ben shook slowly his head, giving him a grateful smile.
“You’re right, she loves me and today we are going to get married” The blond took a deep breath then a sip of his neat whiskey – to calm his nerves but he was careful to not get drunk either – and readjusted his bow tie with shaky hands. He noticed how Joe discretely wiped his watering eyes and gave him a tight hug. “Don’t start crying now mate or I’m gonna cry too, I can’t go to the altar with puffy eyes” He joked with weak voice, making his best to swallow back his tears.
“I’m just so happy for the both of you” Joe replied with a sad smile. It wasn’t completely the reason for his tears but he wouldn’t never say the truth to Ben. “Let’s get you married, Jones”
"The future bride want to see you, best man" Lucy’s head popped up by the door and smiled fondly at Joe and Ben’s embrace.
"I’m coming" The red hair nodded and patted Ben’ shoulder. "I see you at the altar" He winked at the blond who chuckled lightly, still trying to shake out his nerves.
Joe followed Lucy in a long hallway until (Y/N)’s room. He took a deep breath before entering after the little blond, a bit anxious to see her in her wedding dress.
She was peering at the window, watching the guests walking to their seats for the ceremony. Joe’s breath itched in his throat at the sight. Now he was certain she never had been so stunning. Her white wedding dress was hugging her perfectly and wasn’t too classic, it was a true reflection of (Y/N) personality. She had a light makeup because I’m going to cry anyway! she had say to Lucy with an already glossy gaze. The little blond had left to check if everything was ready for the most important day of her friend. Joe had no idea for how long he stayed quiet, looking at her with pure wonder and so much fondness. The way her brows were frowning just a tad and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth were showing that she was nervous.
"You are beautiful" Joe breathed suddenly like he couldn’t keep it for himself anymore. (Y/N) jumped at the voice and turned around with a light giggle. "Absolutely perfect" It was probably the only day he could give her so deep compliments without seeming too desperately in love with her.
"Thank you Joe" She blushed and made a twirl on herself, making the red hair clapped. "You look good too, very nice suit" She smiled widely, her voice was sweating with excitement.
"Lucy said you wanted to see me ?" In a cheesy romcom it would be the perfect moment for (Y/N) to confess that she couldn’t marry Ben because she was in love with him instead. He would run away with her without a single hesitation, he didn’t care how mean that sounded, he would do it in a heartbeat.
But of course, that wasn’t the reason she called for him. Ben was the reason, her future husband and the love of her life.
"Is he okay ? Still want to marry me, right ?" Her fingers were fidgeting together as she sat on the sofa. "I’m so nervous"
"Ben is in the same state as you (Y/N). He is and I quote so fucking nervous that my ass is literally sweating, Joe, my ass is sweating!" The bride-to-be let out an airy laugh echoed in the room, her eyes glittering with adoration. "So yeah, he is nervous but he is very eager to marry you" Joe murmured, his gaze exploring every inch of her beautiful face, he didn’t want to forget this image.
"That sound like my Benny" She replied with a honey coated voice, her finger playing absent-mindedly with her engagement ring. Soon to be exchange for a wedding one. "I’m so excited Joe and so damn nervous too, what if I tripped on my way to the altar ? Oh my god, this is totally something that could happen to me !" She clasped her hand on her mouth with a loud gasp, her mind racing at the thought.
"I’m sure Ben would still marry you anyway" Joe chuckled and handed her a glass of bubbly champagne. She thanked him quietly and took a little sip, savouring the taste on her tongue. "I never saw you so stress before, you have no reason to doubt about your marriage" He gently rubbed her arm and she sighed deeply, her leg bouncing on the floor.
"I...I’m just...scared" She whispered, her eyes glued on the drink. "Sometimes I feel like Ben shouldn’t be with me, he is a freaking famous actor now and I’m still...me, the old and boring (Y/N)" She sniffled quietly before taking a bigger sip. "I’m afraid, one day he will notice that too, he could have any beautiful model or actress in the world but no, he is still with me and I know he loves me but...he could go for so much better" Her voice broke at the end of her sentence as well as Joe’s heart.
The red hair shook his head and grabbed her shoulders.
"(Y/N), look at me. This is bullshit okay ? Ben is crazy about you and in few minutes he will be waiting for you at the altar, you can’t think like that" She nodded slowly, her chest panting a bit with anxiety. "You are...I don’t even know how to describe how perfect you are, you’re funny and smart and incredibly caring, always brightening the room every time you step inside. And you are so beautiful, I wish you could see yourself the way I — the way Ben see you. He is madly in love with you" (Y/N) froze, blinking furiously and she wasn’t sure if Joe was really speaking about Ben anymore. The look in his eyes...she was sure he didn’t look at Lucy that way.
"Joe..." She didn’t know what she wanted to say or to ask, she was too confused right now.
Joe locked his gaze with her and saw the surprise in her eyes, he could see how she was wondering about his words, almost discovering his dangerous secret. And he never wanted to kiss her so badly before. Her pretty lips, covered in a light shade of pink, shinning and terribly inviting, seemed to call him. But he didn’t, he couldn’t. Instead he cleared his voice and stood up, placing his trembling hands deep in his pockets.
"Sorry I already took too much of your time, I need to go, Ben’s probably waiting for me" He gave her a fake smile and hugged her quickly. "You’re absolutely perfect for each other, stop doubting yourself, okay ?"
She nodded and watched him leaves, her mind clouded with questions. But Lucy came back right after, followed by (Y/N)’s dad and marrying Ben was the only thought floating in her mind.
The ceremony had been beautiful, in a little, cosy garden coated with flowers everywhere. It was like looking at a Disney movie and the bride and groom-to be were definitively looking like a prince and princess at the altar, both of their gazes glossy before the start. When (Y/N) had appear, Ben had gasp loudly, lips pinched together as he tried to shake away the tears. The first row of guest had let out a collective Aaww, all of them melting at the flustered Ben. The wedding symphony was echoing through the garden as (Y/N) walked slowly, her arm crossed tightly with her father’s, an adoring smile only destined to her future husband. Her cheeks were already soaked with tears, happy tears obviously. Joe, as well as Ben, didn’t look away from her for a split second, he couldn’t stop. For a minute it felt like she was walking to him, her glittering eyes looking at him and he smiled sadly, a shaky breath leaving his parted breath because he knew it wasn’t the truth.
That was almost the only thing he remembered from that night, booze helped him forget the rest. The vows had been so deep and sweet toward each other, promising eternal love then the kiss, loving and sweet one, sealing their union and putting definitively Joe out of the game. Which was a stupid thought really, because he never had been in the game to begin with, it always had been (Y/N) and Ben. He was just the idiot who was in love with the last person he should. He watched them all night, twirling together at the rhythm of the music, gazes locked with each other and smiling so widely, it was painful to watch for Joe.
"You’re okay Sweetheart ?" Molly plopped herself in his lap, throwing an arm around his neck as Joe was sitting alone, watching the others danced. He swallowed back a grimace at the nickname Sweetheart. He didn’t like it. The only time he loved it was during a drinking game, when (Y/N) and him were married —meaning they had to drink as much as the other did — and she had a lot of fun calling him Sweetheart during all the evening. Now, in Molly’s mouth, it just sounded stupid.
"I’m great" He replied before stealing another glass of champagne from a waiter. 
"That was a lovely wedding, wasn’t it ?" Molly sighed as she watched the bride and groom sharing a sweet kiss, both of them giggling like kids. "They look so happy together" Ben made (Y/N) twirled on herself before catching her and pushing her flush on his chest, rubbing their noses together.
He hummed in agreement and gave her a light peck on the lips, knowing she was waiting for that. She smiled and blushed before resting her head on his shoulder sighing softly. Joe knew he was very selfish in his relation with Molly, she was clearly into him and, well, him...was trying to forget (Y/N), it wasn’t nice from to not be honest with her but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth.
Joe needed to forget about his feelings, it was an emergency now. Ben and her were freaking married, it had to stop. He was decided to. That why he didn’t understand how he could have made the biggest mistake of his life during that evening.
"(Y/N), your tan look so good on you ! I’m super jealous !" Lucy gushed when they all arrived to Gwilym’s new place. "And no bra mark ? Someone had been cheekily topless during her honeymoon" She grinned at (Y/N) who blushed a bit but smirked anyway.
"Believe me or not, most of my clothes disappeared as soon as we arrived in Bali" she giggled and shared an intimate glance with her husband who wasn’t far, listening to the conversation.
"Was too hot for clothes, sunshine" The blond replied and stole a kiss from the newly bride who happily deepened it, making there friends whistled. "And with tits like yours, wearing a bikini top would be a total insult to your body, too pretty for that" He playfully smacked her ass as she gasped loudly, throwing him a shocked look which quickly turned a soft one when he kissed her again and murmured a low I love you.
"Well, I guess your honeymoon went more than great" Gwilym smiled affectionately at the couple, taking a sip of his beer.
"It was perfect" (Y/N) gushed with dreamy eyes as they all walked in the little garden. The weather was really nice and the sky clear, they all sat in the garden chairs, drinks in their hands. Ben made grabby hands toward his wife and she rolled her eyes but sat on his lap anyway. "Silly" She chuckled and nested her head against his neck.
Ben told everyone about the honeymoon, how the place was a real little paradise and Joe was pretending that everything was okay. But it wasn’t. He was ashamed but he couldn’t forget Ben’s words about (Y/N)’s nipples. His thoughts were going wild and it was fucking wrong, his gaze wandering few times on her top, which she was wearing without a bra, letting the shape of her tits visible. Joe swallowed nervously at the sight, cursing himself.
Most of the night went like that, good mood, few drinks and Gwilym ordered pizzas for everyone as they all told each other the last gossips of their respective life. Joe felt lonely. Gwilym was with his fiancée, an arm around her shoulders, Lucy and Rami was cuddling in the bench and (Y/N) was still on Ben’s lap, his arms wrapped around her waist. And Joe was all by himself as Molly had other plans for that night.
Before it was time to go, Joe was in the bathroom, not feeling great. His heart was broken, spending all the evening with the sight of (Y/N) and Ben glued together was painful. And he also had way too much drinks. Spinning head, slurred words and twisted stomach. Pathetic.
"Oh, sorry!" (Y/N) exclaimed when she opened the bathroom door and found Joe, bended above the sink, looking pale. "You’re okay Joe ?" She frowned her brows and entered the bathroom, taking a closer look at her friend.
"Fu...fuckin perfect" He hiccuped before splashing water on his face.
"Someone is very drunk" (Y/N) shook her head with a little smile. "Come on, let’s order you an Uber. We’re all leaving anyway" She slid an arm around his waist when he almost tripped on his own feet, trying to take a step forward.
They slowly walked on the long hallway and Joe was sweating, she never had been so close to him for such a long time. He could feel her breath on his neck and there faces were only few inches from each other.
"Wait, I...give me a minute, m’ not feeling great" He laid against the wall, his eyes closed and took deep breath, doing his best to not vomit. "Fuck, my head" He whined, everything was spinning around and he hated that sensation.
"Joe, are you going to throw up ? Should I get Gwil ? You look really pale !" She bowed her head a little, reached eyes level with him and looked at him through her eyelashes.
"I just need a second" Joe protested, his heart beating furiously in his chest at the closeness with the woman he was in love with. Her pretty eyes was making him weak on his knees and the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy, suddenly he wasn’t feeling so sick anymore.
"You’re sure ? You don’t look—" Joe couldn’t take it anymore and in a very stupid and drunk gesture, he grabbed her neck and crushed his lips against her.
Tag list :  @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows
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Yes hon do whatever you want its your day ❤️
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gayspamer · 5 years
"Dear Sidewalk" photos I LOVE
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(Part 1/?) 
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fancycakedragon · 5 years
Four's Company
Gwilym Lee x Reader, Ben Hardy x Reader, Joe Mazello x Reader
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Warning(s): none
A/N: none
You had been invited to a cocktail party hosted by a mutual friend of you and Rami. It was a casual night just people mingling and catching up with anyone they hadn't seen in a while. After chatting around a bit you noticed Rami nursing his champagne as Lucy was off talking to some random guest.
You walked over to him with a smile, "Hey babe, what's going on?"
"Eh, not much just bidding my time till I can have Lucy to myself."
You chuckled, "I honestly wasn't expecting you two to make it to the party."
"Yeah been busy with the movie and awards season."
"You taking a some time off before your next project?"
Rami nodded, "I have couple months before I start my next project. What about you, anything you're working on?"
You took a sip of your cocktail before answering, "I'm just finishing up with the Monroe's mansion before the interior designer takes over. We already talked about what the finished product should look like but I'm not gonna be here when that's being done. I have to fly over to London and meet with the Wellixtons before starting on the blue print design for their summer house."
"Will Lucy and I be able to take you to lunch at some point?" Rami asked.
"Only if it's tomorrow."
"Deal," the two of you tapped your glasses against eachother.
Your eyes roamed the room and landed on Gwil's. Rami noticed where you were looking and smirked when Gwil smiled and offered a small wave.
"Can I introduce you to my friends from Bohemian Raphsody? We've both been pretty busy and I don't think you've properly met."
"Yeah, sure, ok."
The two of you walked over to Gwil, Ben, and Joe. "Hey guys, I want to to introduce you to a close friend of mine. Y/N these are Ben, Joe, and Gwilym."
You shook their hands, "Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you. I watched your movie in support of Rami but you were all amazing really."
"Y/N....L/N as in the up and coming architect?" Joe asked.
You smiled, "That's me but no one ever knows who I am."
Joe shrugged, "My mom subscribes to Architectural Digest and I've read a couple of articles. Though none had any photos."
"That would have been beneficial..." Ben muttered.
Rami leaned in towards you, "They're implying that your attractive."
"Yeah, I got that."
Gwil chuckled, "Don't worry we don't bite."
"What if I asked nicely?"
Ben choked on his drink, Gwil stared at you unsure what you say, and Joe erupted in laughter.
You laughed a little and fell into a comfortable conversation with the guys.
"You're pretty fun, we should all hang out a bit before everyone goes off in their seperate ways," Joe suggested.
"Of course, that sounds-" suddenly your phone began to ring and you picked it up to check the caller. "Oh sorry boys I gotta take this call." With the phone up to your ear you walked away.
The three men stared after you only to be interruped by Rami clearing his throat, "I'm still here."
Lucy walked up to Rami and gave him a peck on the cheek before turning to the others, "So, uh, are all three of you attracted to, Y/N?"
The men all came up with a jumble of excuses but Rami and Lucy just gave eachother knowing looks.
'Bout to hit you with Part 2! Part 3! Part 4!
Want to read more? Send a request.
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Would You Rather
Watch National Treasure with Ben
(“hey... you smell that? It’s freedom.”
“The Boston Tea Party was a power move and ya’ll are still recovering”)
Watch The Mummy with Joe
(*Evie makes all the book stacks fall* Joe: “psst... that’s you.” )
30 notes · View notes
The Game | 1 | Joe Mazzello
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,969
Summery: When Joe visits Ben in London and they’re sent a round of drinks from a pair of girls at a pub, Joe is ready to play a game of love
A/N: Want to end up with Ben instead? Want to fill in a few of the gaps? Read the story from Ben’s point of view here ----> Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy | 1 | Ben Hardy
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“Thank you for flying with American Airlines, enjoy your stay here in London or if you are continuing on from here, we wish you a safe rest of your journey. We hope to see you again!” The stewardess’s voice came over the speaker as Joe’s plane, after seven long hours finally touched down in England.
“Finally.” Joe breathed a sigh of relief as the plane wove its way around the tarmac until it finally made its way to the gate. Joe was absolutely exhausted from his long hours of work, and many hours traveling, but he was looking forward to finally seeing the real-life version of his good friend Ben Hardy once again. As much as he loved Ben Cardy, Cardie B, or whatever the fanbase was currently calling the cardboard cut-out they had introduced to the world on the Japan press tour for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, he wasn’t at all a good enough substitute for the real, living, breathing deal. In any case, the two former co-stars hadn’t seen each other in person in well over a year, it was a long overdue reuniting in the American’s mind. The auburn-haired actor quickly pulled his carry on out of the overhead storage as they were allowed to disembark from the plane, absolutely desperate to stretch his legs and breathe in the fresh English air. “Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee…” Joe mumbled to himself, in a sleepy haze as he wove his way through the long hallways of Heathrow on his way to border security. He was thankful to be on one of the first flights in that morning, so he was able to quickly get through and on his way to baggage claim. As Joe walked out of customs, into the arrivals waiting area, he scanned the crowd for his blonde friend.
Joe smirked seeing him leaning against a nearby column next to, thankfully, a Costa Coffee. As the American approached the Brit, he watched with a furrowed brow as the blonde’s facial expression slowly changed from one of joy to one of confusion, to finally sadness as he glanced intently at his phone. He must’ve just received some unfavourable news, nothing serious he hoped. Ben’s brow only furrowed further as he hastily typed out a response before pinching the bridge of his nose breathing out in annoyance. Clearly something wasn’t going quite the way he wanted. “Geez, try not to look so depressed Ben, I’m here now.” Joe’s spoke, pulling the blonde out of his trance and out of the digital world. Ben looked up to see his friend standing before him. The American smirked, watching as a smirk overtook Ben’s features replacing the previously distraught look as he realised his friend had finally arrived. Whatever had soured the blonde’s mood in the last few seconds was far gone as Joe stopped his suitcases, stretching his arms out as he looked up at the ceiling, trying to appear dramatic. “I have arrived.”
“About damn time if you ask me.” Ben smirked, offering his friend a one-armed bro hug. “Great to see you again, mate.”
“You too.” Joe chuckled, before he grabbed Ben, placing a hand on either side of his face. “Don’t you dare leave me again, you hear me?”
Ben chuckled, pushing Joe off of himself. “Well lucky for you I brought the handcuffs.” Ben winked cheekily.
“Ooo, someone’s horny this morning.” Joe laughed deciding to escalate the situation further. It had been so long since they were able to mess with each other like this in person, he wasn’t going to waste any opportunity that presented itself. “Couldn’t satisfy your morning wood on your own?”
They laughed wholeheartedly as Ben moved to grab Joe’s main bag. “My car’s out in the carpark, shall we?”
“Coffee first.” Joe completely ignored the blonde before heading into the Costa. As the pair made their way out to Ben’s car, Joe couldn’t help but notice how down Ben still seemed. It was completely out of character for him, usually he was so energetic and had a plucky, upbeat attitude, but not this morning. He hadn’t even wanted coffee when Joe had offered to buy him one. “You alright? You seem a lot more down than usual.”
“Ah, it’s nothing…” The blonde tried to wave him off. “Just life, you know?”
“Not in the slightest, but that could be the thirty-six hours of non-stop travel talking.” Joe shrugged, taking a long sip of his coffee. “That’s some good hot Joe right there.”
“I’ll say.” Ben winked cheekily.
Later that night, Ben and Joe sat across from each other at a pub not too far from Ben’s flat. It was a cool little place, decked out in neon and had an old school rock ‘n roll vibe to it. Even with the rock ‘n roll music pouring out of every speaker, it still managed to have a very warm, inviting feeling. Joe was deep into a story surrounding his latest blunder of a project he had just come off of. Somehow, he had misread the contract and didn’t realise that he would be having work with live animals, let alone hold them for eight hours a day. As much as he liked animals, they were a bit intimidating to work with at times, they had minds of their own, ones he wasn’t exactly sure how they worked. Joe couldn’t help but notice Ben’s eyes as they glued themselves to something behind him near the door to the pub. He raised an eyebrow but continued telling his story anyway, but Joe too found himself getting distracted as two girls, one with a (Your Friend’s Favourite Colour (Y/F/F/C)) flowy blouse and the other with (h/l) (h/c) flowing locks and the most form fitting (Your favourite colour (Y/F/C)) top the American had ever seen passed their table. It showed off all of her assets, as did the coated skinny jeans she wore. Joe found his eyes trained to her bum as she swayed her hips seductively as the pair of them made their way over to the only remaining table in the corner. He watched as they sat down, and Joe caught sight of the girl’s face for the first time. He felt his breath hitch in his throat. She was absolutely gorgeous; he couldn’t believe it. “So then I told my agent if I ever had to work with ducks again it’d be too soon.” The American laughed as he took a swig of his pint trying to play it cool and stay in the moment, last thing he needed was to ditch Ben for a girl when clearly something was bugging him.
“Yeah?” Ben smirked. “That’s great mate.”
“You weren’t listening at all were you?” Joe asked in mock hurt. “Really Ben, I could expect this kind of crap from Gwil, but not from you!” He accused, making the Brit roll his eyes. “Did it have anything to do with those two girls that just sat down in the corner because wow! They’re stunning. Especially the one in (Y/F/C).” Joe smirked before whistling low. The things he would do to her if given the opportunity.
“I’m rather partial to the one in (Y/F/F/C) myself.” Ben shrugged, taking a sip of his pint.
“Well at least we’re in agreement over who gets who later on.” Joe chuckled. Maybe he had a chance with this girl after all, especially if his young companion fancied her friend. They could easily be the other’s wingman and still end up with the one they wanted. Sure, the auburn-haired actor was a little out of practice, but flirting, the whole dating game, it was like riding a bike, once you did it a few times you never forgot how to do it. “We could buy them a couple of drinks, invite them over, it’ll be a good time.”
“I don’t know about that, mate. Maybe not the best idea…”
“What are you talking about, of course it’s a good idea!” The very idea that Ben would suggest that trying to impress two girls was a bad idea was absolute blasphemy to Joe. It was part of the Bro code you had to be a wingman if the other needed it.
“You don’t think that’s coming on a bit strong?”
“Jesus, I have so much to teach you...now listen here you British heart-throb…”
Meanwhile at the table in the corner (Y/F/N) and (Y/N) had just put in an order for some pub food and a couple of pints. (Y/N)’s eyes scanned over the tables of the crowded pub before landing on an auburn-haired man seated across a table from a blonde who had his back to them. She smirked seeing he had his eyes locked on her for a moment before focusing once again on his friend. He was attractive and he had begun the game, all she had to do was play along with it, her heart had already decided she would from a single look. “Don’t look now, but there’s a really hot guy over there…” (Y/N) leaned over the table to speak to her best friend a bit quieter to keep from prying ears before pointing over at the table containing the pair she was talking about.
(Y/N) watched as (Y/F/N)’s face slowly turned red with blush as she turned her gaze over to where the guy was sat with his blonde friend. “Which one, the blonde or his friend…?” (Y/N) asked hesitantly.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes slightly, a smirk on her lips. She knew (Y/F/N) knew her type, the fact that she would even suggest the blonde was her type was honestly laughable. “The auburn haired one of course! Something about those stormy eyes of his, oof.”
“I know what you mean...he’s quite attractive.” (Y/F/N) admitted turning her gaze back to (Y/N). “So, you going to go for him? Leave me alone yet again tonight?” She teased lightly. (Y/N) knew (Y/F/N) loved her to pieces, but when (Y/N) got someone she wanted in her sight, she’d stop at nothing to get that guy, especially this one. This was her life, and this time she wouldn’t play hard to get, she’d do whatever it took to get him into her life.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure a good-looking guy like that, his blonde friend there has to be just as good as him.” (Y/N) giggled softly, raising a knowing brow at her friend across the table.
“Oh, he was…” (Y/F/N) trailed off, a hit of blush covering her cheeks as she looked down bashfully.
“Ooooo, is that a hint of blush I see? Somebody’s smitten.”
“Oh, give me a break, (Y/N). It’s just looks, it’s what’s inside that counts.”
“True as that may be, we’re in agreement that the outside looks are a bonus?”
“Oh, one hundred percent.” (Y/F/N) bit the inside of her lip, eyes flicking back over to the table containing the two guys. (Y/N) watched as she could visibly see the gears turning in (Y/F/N)’s head an idea popping into her head before she turned to look at her again. “What if we sent them a couple of shots.”
(Y/N) smirked softly, sitting up a bit more in surprise. Had she finally rubbed off on her friend for the better? This was completely out of character for her. “Well, well, well look who’s suddenly being bold.”
“Well I...you know...I just...is that something girls do? I mean usually it’s the other way around, and I don’t want to challenge their masculinity and all that…”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes looking at (Y/F/N) with a knowing glance. “(Y/N) it’s the twenty-first century, I’m pretty sure we can do whatever the hell we want. But I’ll let you decide if we do it.”
“Why me?”
“Because you need to be more spontaneous.” She smirked.
“Alright Harry Bright, whatever you say.” (Y/F/N) giggled, reaching for her handbag before pulling out a £1 coin. “We’ll leave it up to the gods of fate, heads we send them drinks, tails we don’t.”
Back at Joe and Ben’s table, Joe had just finished explaining to Ben why he needed to take more risks in life. A strange silence had fallen over the pair prompting Joe to take out his phone to acknowledge a text from Gwil in their WhatsApp group chat.
Joe: So, what time you coming over then Gwil? 😉😏
Gwil: You wish
Joe: [Sent Photo containing Ben kissing Joe’s forehead]
Gwil: [Sent Photo of himself with a pissed off look giving them the finger]
Joe laughed seeing Gwilym’s response as Ben’s voice pulled him back to reality. “Joe...can I ask you something?” Ben mumbled not looking up from his pint.
The American put his phone face down on the table before proceeding with his response. “I thought, you’d never ask! Yes, Ben, I will marry you!!!” The American jokingly cheered, throwing his arms around the blonde Brit across the table.
Ben rolled his eyes and sighed solemnly. “I’m being serious mate…”
“You alright?” Joe raised a brow, his concern beginning to grow. Whatever had happened earlier, it definitely wasn’t good.
“Is...is there something wrong with me?”
“Well, you’re too pretty for your damn good for a start.” Joe chuckled but his smile faded seeing Ben cast his eyes down at his barely touched drink, maybe now wasn’t the time for jokes. This was obviously a lot more serious than he originally thought. “I don’t follow.”
The blonde sighed heavily taking a long swig of his Jack and coke. “I’m thirty. I’ve been in one serious relationship, one I honestly thought was going to be it, and ever since she left me, I just...I can’t seem to get and keep a girlfriend!”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it, dude.”
“I’m beginning to think I might be undatable.”
“Alright now that’s so not true. Hell, if I were a girl, I’d date you no questions asked.”
“Gee, thanks”
“I’m being serious dude. Some of the things you’ve told me you’ve done for your past dates and girlfriends; you give the rest of us guys a bad name. You’re such a romantic. You wear your heart on your sleeve and it’s the most wholesome thing.”
“That’s just the point, I feel like I’m putting it all out there and I’m not getting anything in return. They like me for EastEnders, for my body…” He trailed off, sighing softly looking back down. “They don’t like Ben Jones...they like Ben Hardy.”
Joe paused a moment seeing how distraught the blonde across from him was. Did Ben genuinely think he wasn’t ever going to be good enough for any girl? How utterly absurd, he was such a catch. Joe would give his left arm to be half as good as the blonde across from him. The older actor sighed and rolled his eyes. “The right girl for you is going to come around one day, bro. And it’s going to be sooner than you think.” As if on cue, a waitress came by and set two shots of Jack Daniels in front of the actors. “We didn’t order that.”
“Oh, I know, these are from the two girls at the corner table there. Two shots of Jack Daniel’s for the blonde and his friend.” She pointed at the table with the pair of girls that passed earlier. They were engrossed in their own conversation watching them out of the corner of their eyes. Seeing the waitress at their table they turned their full attention over to the two actors, watching intently for what their reaction might be. Ben and Joe turned their glances to see who she was talking about. Joe smirked making eye contact with the girl in the (Y/F/C) colour top as Ben smirked softly, locking eyes with the other. Joe watched as her friend blushed heavily before putting her head down in her arms while the (H/C) one he fancied laughed, winking confidently at Joe before she too turned back to her friend who was still trying to make herself invisible. Joe liked a girl with confidence and clearly, she had a lot of it. “Enjoy lads.” The waitress smiled before walking off.
“Well then, would you look at that.” Joe smirked, picking up his shot with a chuckle. “Looks like they beat us to it then. Normally it’s the other way around, I admire their boldness.”
“I’ve never had this happen to me before.” Ben chuckled, picking up his shot as a wide smile spread across his face.
“You’ve never had someone offer to buy you a drink before?” Joe asked as his eyes flicked back over to the girls.
“No, I’ve had dates offer to pay for a round or their own share of the date, I just mean I’ve never had someone send me a drink from across the pub before.” He chuckled as Joe hit his arm. “This is a new experience for me.”
“They’re looking over here, quick, raise your shot at them to thank them.” Joe commanded, the blonde turning around as told. Joe stared down the one in (Y/F/C), seemingly asserting his ‘dominance’ but the female didn’t back down. She stared back with just as heavily of an intensity. The American smirked looking back to Ben as he turned around. The two actors clinked their glasses together before downing the shots each groaning happily at the taste. “Oh, we for sure have to go talk to them now!” Joe cheered. “After all, they bought us drinks, and that was some top shelf stuff!”
“No way, mate, not me.” Ben chuckled leaning back in his seat.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, I’m just…” He sighed happily, in a slight daze. “I’m just so flattered, you know. Something like this doesn’t happen to a guy like me, it’s almost always the other way around you know?”
“All the more reason to go talk to them!”
“I wouldn’t even know what to say if I did go over. You go thank them; I’ll sit this one out mate.”
Joe shrugged, picking up his pint as he stood up. “Your loss dude, but there are two of them.” Joe made his way across the pub, eyes locked on the two girls as he approached their table. Their happy chatter slowly died down as he walked up next to their table, a smirk on lips of the one in (Y/F/F/C) as she knowingly looked at her friend in the (Y/F/C) top. “I just wanted to come over and say on behalf of myself and my friend, thanks for the drinks.” Joe smirked.
“Oh, you’re very welcome.” The one in (Y/F/C) smiled brightly. “It was actually her idea.” She said pointing across the table to her friend who smiled sheepishly.
“Well actually it was the coin’s idea.” She giggled a bit awkwardly. “I wasn’t sure if was a thing that girls did and I... you know...I just...yeah…”
“And I convinced her she needed to be more spontaneous, so here we are.” The one in (Y/F/C) chuckled.
“What a coincidence, I was doing the same for my friend earlier.” Joe chuckled softly. “Well, I’m Joe.”
“Nice to meet you.” The one in (Y/F/C) smiled. “I’m (Y/N).”
“(Y/F/N).” The other nodded toward him.
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Joe smiled, eyes connecting with (Y/N). She had been gorgeous from a far, but up close, she was a work of art, a masterpiece even. Her (e/c) irises glittered brightly in the low light of the pub. He wanted so desperately to run his fingers through her (h/l) (h/c) locks. Then her lips, god he could just imagine what they must feel like pressed up against his own, let alone what they must taste like.
“Why...why didn’t your friend come over…?” (Y/F/N) asked a bit disheartened as her eyes flicked over to the back of the blonde’s head.
“Oh, he can get a bit shy sometimes, I’ll get another drink in him and I’m sure he’ll come around.” Joe chuckled again. “So, uh, whatchya guy’s drinking, we’ll send you a couple of drinks back.”
“Oh, you don’t have to.” (Y/F/N) tried to wave him off.
“(Y/F/N), (Y/F/N), if this lovely gentleman and his friend want to be so kind as to buy us drinks, who are we to deny them their pleasure?” (Y/N) winked at the auburn-haired man before her. “I’m having a (Your Favourite Drink).”
“Alright, well uh...a (Your Friend’s Favourite Drink) then I guess.” (Y/F/N) smirked bashfully.
“Sounds good to me.” Joe smirked before turning to (Y/N) as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “And uh, in case there’s a problem with the drinks, perhaps I can get your phone number?”
“Wouldn’t I have to have yours then?”
“Well, that’s just a given.” Joe chuckled, placing the phone down in front of her. (Y/N) quickly typed in her name and number before handing the device back to the actor. “I’ll shoot you a text.” He winked. “I better get back over to my friend, (Your Favourite Drink) and (Your Friend’s Favourite Drink), yeah?” They both nodded confirming his knowledge. “Alright, see you in a bit.” Joe smirked turning back toward the table containing Ben as he shot (Y/N) a text. He plopped himself back down in the seat across from the blonde. The American had a wide smile covering his features as he waved over the waitress. “I’m assuming it went alright then?”
“Better than alright, I got the one in the (Y/F/C) top’s phone number.” Joe smirked as the waitress came over.
“What can I get for you lads?” She asked.
“Yeah, could we send a (Your Favourite Drink) and (Your Friend’s Favourite Drink) over to those two girls in the corner over there.” Joe asked, thanking the waitress as she nodded and walked off. “You really should’ve come over. (Y/N)’s friend there seemed a bit disheartened that you didn’t come over too.”
“I would’ve just made a fool of myself, mate. Trust me when I say that it’s better that I didn’t.” Ben sighed. The pair continued to drink for a bit and talk about their various projects when Joe smirked softly, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat as he saw the girls standing up from their table. “What’s the matter with you? The blonde asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The girls are coming this way.” Joe informed him nonchalantly sipping on his drink as they approached the table. “Ladies.” He smirked.
“Hi!” They both greeted them as they stood next to their table.
“Thank you for the drinks!” (Y/N) smiled, pushing (Y/F/N) a little closer toward the blonde actor who was looking her up and down.
“Ah it’s no problem really! We were happy to do it!” Joe waved them off. “This is Ben by the way.”
“Hi nice to meet you.” Ben smiled brightly, at (Y/F/N) in particular.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N).” (Y/N) waved before nudging (Y/F/N) a bit when she hesitated too long to answer.
“(Y/F/N).” She blushed softly, looking down bashfully.
“Are you two leaving?” Ben asked, smirking softly at (Y/F/N)’s shyness.
“Yeah, we were thinking of hitting up another pub not too far from here. We were wondering if you guys might like to join us.” (Y/N) smiled, looking at Joe in particular fluttering her eyelashes at him. She was determined to win the game they had started with each other from across the pub. Joe kept eye contact with her, not one to back down from the challenge she was presenting him with.
The blonde looked to his American friend with a smirk and shrug. “I’m game if you are.”
Joe, eyes not leaving the (h/c) female before him responded with a smirk. “Who am I to deny the request of a lovely lady.” Joe winked at (Y/N) as he and Ben threw the remainder of their drinks back. This night was about to get interesting.
Part 2
A/N: you definitely don’t need to read Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy | 1 | Ben Hardy to understand this but it does give more pieces to the puzzle like what we’re the girls talking about prior to Joe coming over and more texting conversations with Gwil. Both stories will be updated simultaneously for this reason
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