#joe quinn hours <3
groovyangelkisses · 1 year
i love joseph quinn! (i wanna lay on his big broad chest while hes wearing a cozy warm sweater and i wanna hold his chain in my mouth between my lips n i wanna sleep and hear him talk and feel him hold me so tight)
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2jihiir0 · 3 months
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“Kneel, little dove, or else I shall break thy wings…”
I had to get this out of my system after seeing the new gladiator II pictures !!!!!
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
In 120 Hours
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: You work as a temp and are offered a very exclusive interview for a very exclusive job. You see, someone needs a personal assistant for a very eventful week, and you happen to be the perfect fit.
CW / disclaimer: 18+, language, drinking, rpf, fem!reader
Author’s note: part three! quick thanks to choke-me-joey and flouraie for the stellar help I asked for and very quickly received! you're brilliant, amazing amazing, big thanks!!
Wordcount: 3.2K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
You learned the hard way that Joe slept with his TV on. Volume set to the number high, what ever the fuck that was - it was loud.
The sound coming from upstairs only stopped when you went for a morning shower, and you thought to yourself, actually, Joe, you better keep that fucking TV on, because this is the perfect fucking time to watch TV now that people in your house are awake.
Getting yourself a good pair of earplugs was going to go onto your to do list of that day.
In the shower you had flashbacks to the night before. Of how Joe seemed to always either be holding two drinks, double fisting it, or none at all, both hands then hidden in his pockets instead. Of how he fiddled with one of his rings with the thumb of his same hand over dinner, making you realise you'd been doing the same thing with yours. Of how he’d spoken to important important people, just for a second, said hi, shook hands, exchanged pleasantries and then immediately went to find you again to stand next to. Of how he'd introduced you to every single person that stopped to talk to him, and he would just give them your name. No occupation. Just, your name, no further information.
You would see their confused faces, and wouldn't hesitate to explain that you worked for Joe. All of them would relax instantly when they learnt you weren't important. There was no need to impress you, and so, full attention would return to Joe as they talked about the film they just saw, all the people it involved, and then about all the things they knew about Joe. People just kept telling Joe things about himself, and it was odd, but Joe acted like they were totally normal conversations to have with random people he'd just met.
You didn’t understand what it meant when they told you, "Joe tends to wander", because every time you stepped away from him, even just to give him some space, he’d search for you. The first time it happened, you were sure it was just to check if you were all right, but then it kept happening. Even when you went to the toilets, you found Joe right outside the doors with an air of soft cluelessness about him as you stepped back out.
But then someone would come up to him, and it’d vanish in an instant.
People loved Joe.
They had good reason to. You understood. Seeing up close how Joe made the most intense eye contact with every single person he spoke to, really listened to them, tuned in properly, you got to see how all of them fell in love with him. Men, women - just fucking everyone.
Made you realise that the spell you were under was a universal one. Good. So it wasn't really your fault. It was all blood on his hands, not yours. And it seemed like Joe didn't even notice his effect on others. He carried a charming obliviousness that only heightened it all. Either that, or he really was that good of an actor.
You mingled a little yourself, found some other personal assistants and after talking about the celebrities you all belonged to – just vague descriptions, everyone was tied back by extensive NDAs, which was fine, you wouldn't know half of the important people anyway – you found there was literally nothing else you had in common with them. They were all nineteen year-olds, dressed to the nines like they were celebrities themselves, all eager to be influencers with perfect insta themes. And you were just a temp, chasing money and if you were lucky, a good time alongside that.
You were lucky. So far everything about this job had been pinch-me moments stacked upon each other and it was already getting hard to reach.
You had two sips of a drink until you saw how Joe was necking his, then decided, maybe it was best if you stayed completely sober. You spent the rest of the evening declining drinks from Joe until you started feeling rude for it.
"Are you having fun?" Joe asked when he started getting tipsy.
"Are you?" you spoke around a laugh.
"I am!"
"Then so am I."
You’d lost count on how many times you’d told your driver sorry after he’d waited outside a random pub for over an hour because Joe had found a couple people that wanted to keep the party going. Cut to two hours later, and Joe was asking people for a lighter with a cigarette hanging from his lips, knowing full well he had one in his own pocket. Joe was drunk, and it was a bit silly how you ended up having to push Joe into the car, onto the backseat, your hands with their fingers spread wide on his butt cheeks because, "Move over Joe, I have to fit in there too."
Joe’d slept the whole drive home.
Joe's day didn't need to start until noon, which is when you'd be picked up to go to a New Upcoming Talent panel that Joe got to speak at. This granted you time to get some things done whilst he slept upstairs still.
You got breakfast. Accepted the Tesco delivery and organized the fridge. Screenshot a lot more furniture for Joe to look at later. Laid out a bunch of sharpies beside a stack of the Eddie photographs - on the kitchen counter, because Joe didn't have a table - because there were five thousand of them, and they all needed to be signed as soon as possible.
And you kind of wished you could sneak into his room to get your hands on those messy suitcases, sort those out, but you weren't that insane. Not yet, anyway.
Joe's schedule said wake-up call at 9:30, and so at 9:30, you called up the stairs,
And got a groggy, muffled "Please," in return.
"Knock, knock," you said, not even knocking, but Joe's bedroom door was already open and he was still in bed and maybe that was why you'd been able to hear his TV all night. "Good morning,"
"Morning," Joe forewent the good. He was hungover.
He was lying on his stomach, his duvet only half covering him, and he pushed himself up onto his elbows, half hugging his pillow as he watched you place down a coffee on his bedside table.
"What's your favourite colour?"
You just stood beside his bed, and it took Joe a second to fully grasp what you'd just asked him. He looked up at you with squinty eyes, one of them practically closed still.
"Your favourite colour,"
"It's," Joe let himself fall back into his pillow. Curls everywhere. "It's too early for that shit, which fourteen-year-old wants to know?"
"This one." you said, pointing a quick finger at your own face. Joe didn't see. "For your house, I'm getting you furniture. What colour won't you get sick off being around all the time?"
"Lime green," Joe spoke into his pillow.
"Fuck off,"
Joe grinned, eyes still closed. Then he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of coffee and remembering it was right there within arm's reach.
"I don't know, do whatever," he propped himself up again, now reaching for his coffee and going in for a sip.
"Careful," you warned, because you really would do whatever.
"All right, give me a second," Joe said, "Let me finish this and have a shower first,"
"Yes, of course!" you said, instantly aware that it was weird that you were in Joe's bedroom, staring at his bare back, shoulder muscles working and on full display, and you started making your way back to the door.
"Breakfast is waiting in the guest room,"
"The guest room?" Joe looked back over his shoulder, face scrunched up in confusion and you guessed in pain from his hangover.
"It's the only room that has actual seating,"
And so half an hour later, you were sat opposite Joe in the room you'd tried your best to sleep in hour earlier, with the bed made to look like you'd never even touched it. At home you never made your bed, but, knowing Joe was going to be sat eating breakfast in this room made you tidy yourself into non-existence.
After Joe asked four times if you had also made yourself a coffee, and if you really had already eaten, he tucked in and you used the moment to show him pictures.
Joe liked everything, which didn't help. So you made him choose between some, and got a sense of what he liked.
"Are you sure that I'm really allowed to just... get you things? Furnishing a house isn't exactly cheap, you know?"
Joe chewed, swallowed a bite, said, "Yea, you've got a card, right?" and went in for another.
You'd been given a credit card to use for whatever Joe wanted and slash or needed. It was one of the fancy ones: shiny, black, didn't even have a name on.
"If you don't give me a budget, I'll max it out,"
"Go for it, enjoy yourself,"
Fuck. Joe was already sexy enough as it was. He didn't need to be telling you things like that, Jesus Christ.
"Can't make it any worse than it is now,"
And you disagreed, but you didn't say anything. Instead you went over the schedule for the day.
Panel. Two film screenings. Industry Happy Hour. Those were the big things. Tomorrow there was an early morning photoshoot, so maybe, let's not do pubs after until late again, you said, and Joe just smiled, said, "There's always pubs after," but you'd given him a face, as the hypercompetent personal assistant that you were, and then he'd just nodded.
That afternoon you were sat in an audience, down near the front, but all the way on the side, and Joe was up on a stage with several other people - none of whom you knew - and it was all questions about being new on the scene. Upcoming talent. What is it like to step foot into this industry? As if Joe didn't already have years of work under his belt. But fine, it was whatever.
The room was packed full of people, and you weren't sure you were really allowed to be there, hogging a seat, but Joe had insisted.
"No, you can go sit, she can go sit, right? Yea, go sit, somewhere on the side, it's fine,"
And so you'd gone to sit and listen, but not before Joe had asked if you had any chewing gum, which, of course you did. Best PA ever, remember?
You got to observe. Joe seemed nervous. You only saw because you weren't following at all what they were talking about - you were just watching Joe, and every time Joe got to answer a question, he'd look just past the moderator and looked directly at you as he answered.
You noticed you started giving encouraging little nods, like Joe was an anxious kid who was about to ask a stranger a question for the first time. You hoped it didn't come off condescending, but it honestly felt like he needed secret little signs of encouragement from you, so you gave them. You were glad Joe got to hold a microphone, because you knew that giving his hands a job meant he wouldn't be constantly fiddling. Like you were.
Later that day, with several pieces of furniture ordered, you were adding delivery times into Joe's schedule, tapping away on your phone as Joe networked, when suddenly a hand moved hair that was hanging down your face behind your ear.
No! Too soft! Too tender! Too close!
"Let's go, we're going for a drink."
"You've got a 6AM wake up call," you warned, not even looking up from your phone as your face burned up, because, what the fuck?! How were you ever going to make eye contact with him again and be normal about it? You already barely were normal about anything to begin with!
"Just one drink!" Joe practically begged, as if you were his mother and you got to tell him when to go home. Did you get to tell him when to go home? You weren't his manager. You basically kind of just had to get him from A to B, right?
"7AM photoshoot, one that'll have your face in," you looked up now, just your eyes, and then Joe flashed you that smile again. That fucking smile.
"All right," you sighed, caving far too easily. "But just one!"
"Just one, I promise. We'll make it a good one."
And then of course, it wasn't just one, obviously it wasn't, because Joe found out that a big director was at the same place you'd just walked into and with a little Dutch courage, he went to sit down next to him and they got to talk film. Joe did better one on one, two beers in front of him, in a familiar place he probably had been going to for years. He seemed relaxed, wasn't going through his drinks at lightning speed, and so you sat at the bar, drank a Sprite, kindly didn't talk to any of the guys that tried to talk to you, and stared at your notes app, the empty page staring right back at you.
What the fuck do people even say when they win awards besides thank you?
You stared at your phone, tried some things, but deleted all of it every single time, until suddenly a hand reached over and a finger typed, hi. You recognised the hand. Of course, you recognised the hand. Had you seen his hands? You'd recognise his hands.
"I'm going for a smoke, can we leave in 10?" you saw the guy he'd been speaking to - Steve Jobs kind of looking dude - step out and join the other smokers outside the pub on the pavement.
"Car's already waiting, so whenever you're ready,"
Joe raised his eyebrows, nodded like he was impressed with you. Except you hadn't really done anything, had you? You had just let the driver know where you were. Was Joe even aware that the car was always waiting for him?
You watched Joe smoke from your barstool where you finished your drink when suddenly, your phone rang.
Joe's management.
"Why aren't you at home?" someone accused, and you recognised the voice. This was one of the guys that interviewed you.
Um, cool way to say hello, asshole, you thought.
"Because Joe is networking," you adopted the same accusatory tone. They'd been very clear on the networking, had said Joe had to do a lot of it. So surely, this was good. You were doing a good thing.
"Industry Happy Hour ended over an hour ago," he sighed in frustration. "Did we not tell you Joe wanders?"
"Joe's not wandering! I'm looking at him right now! He's talking to-"
"Oh my God, he took you wandering with him?"
You frowned in confusion. Did wandering mean going for unplanned drinks? If that was the case, you wandered in your free time a lot.
"He took her with him," you heard him say to someone else. "That's why- Jesus, okay," back to you now, "He's not answering his phone, please tell him to answer his phone, and get him back home as quick as you can, he's got a-"
"6AM wake up call, I know,"
You didn't appreciate this check-up that was really doing its very best to make you feel inadequate and bad at your job. What were they expecting of you? You had reminded Joe of his early morning start the next day, but he had wanted to go for a drink anyway. So what?
You got a few more questions about expenses made that day, and you explained that Joe asked you to buy some things for the house. You weren't going to tell him that technically, you'd asked Joe if you could decorate literally the whole thing, and he'd given the go ahead without much further thought. What was the use of giving this guy more reasons to yell at you?
"All right, just making sure. I'm sorry, I guess we just assumed someone would be home to sign for some scripts we sent over."
And that was that.
Joe knocked on the window, caught your attention and nodded his head for the two of you to leave.
In the car on the way back, you asked Joe to check his phone, and he groaned when he did. Eight missed calls and three messages asking him where he was and why he wasn't answering.
"I'll call him back tomorrow,"
"No need, he just needed me to tell you to answer next time,"
Joe chuckled, got rid of all the notifications and then put his phone away. You stared out of the window at London passing you by, until you felt Joe's eyes on you. When you turned to look, he smiled politely.
"Did you have fun?" he asked, just like he had the night before.
Did you have fun sitting around, waiting for Joe to finish watching films? How were you going to break the news to him delicately?
"Um... did you?" you asked diplomatically, and it made Joe huff out a laugh through his nostrils.
Actually, you did have fun. Buying a lot of things with money that wasn't your own was a different kind of thrilling. Retail therapy with a different kind of guilt attached. Fun though, still. Definitely fun. You were about to tell Joe, but he beat you when he asked,
"Not that into the attention you got, then?"
You frowned quizzically. When had you gotten attention?
"Oh, come on, I saw at least six guys come up to you tonight, giving it their best shot," Joe revealed and you scoffed loudly. Cool, cool, cool. No, it was fine to learn that Joe had been looking at you for prolonged periods sat on a barstool all night. Definitely, so fine.
"Yea, all right," you instinctively brought fingers to your ring, and you reached for the wrong finger first, before finding it on your other hand and you saw Joe look.
"They did!" Joe argued.
"Stop," you shoved his arm, gave him a look, and you both laughed before you turned back to look out the window, and for a little while it was silent. You liked London at night better than during the day, you thought. Less people. Streetlights on, all of them reflected on the wet streets. Not necessarily quieter in some places, but still nicer, anyway.
"No, it's good," Joe then said. "Don't want you getting distracted when you're supposed to be mine for the week."
And when you looked, he was staring out of the window too, and you couldn't read his face and fucking hell, Joe, what the fuck were you doing?!
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @jenisnotlost @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower - (taglist currently full, sorry)
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delicatepoets · 1 year
BESTIES!!!! wish me luck pls! omg im so nervous in my car lmao
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sweetprfct · 2 months
Strawberry Frosting
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Waking up from your nap, you found your husband Joe and your daughter, Rosie baking sugar cookies.
Author's Note: Okay, thanks a lot @ceriseheaven for talking about more girldad!Joe . I'm gonna be making more after this. Forgive me I'm still learning how to write fics with kids in it since it's not really my cup of tea most of the time. I hope you enjoy!
Wordcount: 1.9K
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The sound of the mixer whirring in the late afternoon was what woke you up from your nap. You had decided to leave your little girl with your loving husband as you took a nap and relaxed for a while. You have spent your Saturday morning cleaning around the house and catching up on chores that you kept putting off during the week. Now, your back was hurting, you had a throbbing headache, and you needed some peace and quiet even just for an hour. 
Waking up at 4pm and seeing your husband covered in strawberry frosting was the last thing you expected to see. Getting up from your bed and making your way down the stairs, you paused in your tracks when you heard laughter and giggles echoing from the kitchen. You leaned against the doorframe and watched Joe turn the mixer on. 
The kitchen counters were covered in flour, drops of different liquid ingredients and dirty bowls and spoons. Your 3 year old daughter, Rosie, was sitting on the counter top, watching her father try his best to bake her some sugar cookies. It was moments like these that made you want this world to stop and just watch this moment over and over again. 
Rosie had always been a daddy’s girl, and you couldn't honestly blame her for being one. Joe loved to spoil her even before she was born. When you were pregnant, Joe would buy just about anything he could find at the store. 
“Don’t you think she would love this?” He picked up a stuffed pink bear, and you couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Joe, didn’t you already get her a teddy bear?” 
“Yes, but this one is pink!” Joe argued. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle as Joe shrugged and placed the pink bear in the cart. He didn’t care if he already bought her the same one in a different color. If he thought she would love it, he would get it. 
The moment Rosie was born, you could instantly see her resemblance to Joe. Her big brown eyes and as she grew older, her hair was curly just like her father’s. He was his mini copy as what you would always say. Joe always had been such a good father. Even with his busy schedule, he refused to miss the big moments with you and Rosie. He would drop everything in an instant for the both of you, and you didn’t even know you could love him even more. 
“Mum!” Rosie exclaimed, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You shifted your eyes at Rosie, who was pointing at you, her shirt and face covered in frosting.
“Hey, darling.” Joe smiled. “You’re awake. Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, thank you.” You grinned happily, making your way towards the kitchen counter.
You watched as Rosie reached her arms towards you. You chuckled softly, grabbing the kitchen towel to wipe her face from all the frosting. You have no idea what they have been doing, but they definitely made a mess in the kitchen.
“Oh my goodness!” You laughed softly, taking Rosie in your arms. “I think someone has been eating too much frosting.”
“We made sugar cookies.” Rosie smiled, pointing at the freshly baked cookies on the tray. 
“I see that. You and Daddy made it from scratch?” 
Rosie nodded her head, her brown curls bouncing. You smiled and shifted your eyes at Joe. He was still playing with the mixer as he tasted the frosting that he was making. He was wearing your floral apron, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of him. He had flour and pink frosting on his beard and cheek. He certainly looked like he had been trying his best to bake cookies for his daughter.
“Do you need help?” You asked, watching Joe sucked the frosting off his finger and made a disapproval expression.
“This is my second batch, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” Joe shook his head, staring at the mixing bowl.
“Let me try.” You walked over to him, placing Rosie on your hip. 
You reached over to the bowl and sucked the frosting off your finger before making a face. 
“That’s so sweet.” You scrunch your face. “How much sugar did you put in this?” 
“It said five cups.”
Your eyes widened, “Five?!”
You walked around Joe and read the recipe in the recipe book and bit your lower lip. You gazed up at Joe and gave him your sympathetic eyes. The poor thing must be that tired because he read the instructions wrong.
“No, it’s five tablespoons of milk.” You said. “It’s three cups of powdered sugar.”
You heard Rosie giggle as Joe knitted his brows and leaned in towards you. He blinked a few times before slapping a palm on his forehead.
“Ohmygod, my eyesight is that bad now? I thought it said five cups!”
You laughed softly, caressing his back softly. You and Joe turned when you both heard Rosie laughed softly. Immediately, Joe raised a brow at her, his fingers poking her small tummy.
“That’s funny to you, yea?” Joe teased, tickling her on her side as Rosie kicked her feet and laughed harder.
You laughed, holding on to Rosie in your arms as she continued to squirm, while Joe continued to tickle her. 
“That’s funny, yea?” Joe asked. “You won’t have any cookies if you keep laughing at me.”
Rosie immediately went dead silent as she pouted and reached her arms towards Joe. Taking her up in his arms, Joe swung her around in the air, making her laugh before nuzzling his frosting covered face on hers. He left repeated kisses all over her face as Rosie laughed, kicking her feet in happiness. You couldn’t help but watch them together. They were so adorable like this, and you honestly didn’t even want to ruin the moment at all. 
Joe placed Rosie back on the kitchen counter as he wiped off the frosting that got stuck on her face from him. You grabbed the mixing bowl and dumped the bad frosting in the bin before washing it.
“Darling, I got it.” Joe murmured, hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek softly.
“Are you sure?” You raised a brow at him.
“Yes.” Joe smirked. “I know what to do now.”
Letting out a soft hum, you grabbed a clean kitchen towel to wipe off the excess water inside the mixing bowl before handing it back to him. You never tried to get in the way when it came to their daddy-daughter time. Leaning on the kitchen island, you watched as Joe read the instructions—carefully this time— and asked Rosie to hand him the ingredients. 
Together, they would measure the ingredients and dump it in the bowl before Joe would turn the mixer on. Sitting on the counter top, Rosie swung her legs excitedly, while Joe washed his hands and carried Rosie in his arms. 
“Strawberry frosting.” Rosie murmured, pointing at the perfect frosting that Joe had finally made.
“Let’s try it, yea?” Joe leaned Rosie forward in his arms as she dipped her finger on the frosting and smiled happily. 
“Good?” Joe asked, smiling at his daughter.
“Good!” Rosie gave him a thumbs up before turning her head towards you. “Mum, try it!” 
You grinned at them and walked around the counter. You stared at the bowl before dipping your finger on the frosting and tasted it. You could see Joe was waiting for your reaction, his eyes pleading that it had turned out better than the last two batches he had made. 
“How is it?” He asked. 
“Perfect.” You smiled. 
Joe pumped his fist into the air before giving Rosie a high five and placed her back on the counter again. You laughed softly, watching Joe grab the tray of cookies and place it on the plate next to Rosie. 
“Okay, darling.” Joe said. “Let’s decorate these cookies.”
As Joe grabbed a piping bag, he shoved some frosting in it before handing it to Rosie. You stood to the side and enjoyed the scene that was in front of you. You leaned forward against the counter, your chin on the palm of your hand as you watched them both. Joe helped Rosie decorate the cookies, making more mess in the kitchen as they laughed together. You could see the tiredness in Joe’s eyes, but you knew he refused to go get some rest until he was able to finish these cookies with Rosie. 
Joe had been promising Rosie all week that he would bake with her, but he had been super busy with filming, and he was glad that he had found time to spend time with her on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. However, Joe was filming late at night so he didn’t come home until this morning. 
“Wow!” Joe exclaimed, clapping his hands. “That looks so beautiful, darling.” 
You tilted your head as you watched Rosie add a mountain of pink glittery sprinkles on the cookie. You couldn’t help but chuckle softly as you walked over towards them. 
“Let me see.” You said, looking at the tray of sugar cookies with pink frosting and glittery sprinkles.
“That looks so beautiful.” You smiled at Rosie, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
Rosie picked up one of the cookies from the tray and reached it over for you to take a bite out of it. You let out a soft approving hum, chewing on the cookie and nodding your head. 
“Delicious.” You grinned, brushing her soft brown curls. “You and Daddy are such good bakers.”
“Yay!!” Rosie clapped her hands as you and Joe both laughed. 
You started picking up the dirty dishes and placed them on the sink and started washing them before you felt Joe’s strong arms wrapped around your waist. He hugged you from behind, setting his chin on your shoulder, grinning happily.
“I can handle that, love.” He whispered, kissing your cheek.
“Hmm…” You turned around as he yawned softly. 
You picked up a clean dish towel and wiped the frosting off his face. “You and Rosie get some rest, and I’ll finish up around here.”
“No, it’s my mess. Let me clean it up.” Joe argued. 
“No, no. You both go to the living room and relax. I can handle it.” You gave him a reassuring smile. 
“Okay, thank you.” Joe smiled, kissing you softly on the lips. 
“Just make sure to change her into a fresh shirt, please.”
“Will do!” Joe called out as he carried Rosie in his arms and walked out of the kitchen.
You couldn’t even feel frustrated or mad about all of this. Even if you had just deep cleaned the kitchen this morning, you were too caught up admiring the sight of them earlier. You couldn’t help but smile, thinking about how much Joe loves the both of you. How much he’d do anything for Rosie even if he was exhausted. 
Putting away the clean dishes back on the cupboard and wiping the kitchen counters, you placed a few cookies on a plate and made your way towards the living room. You could hear the movie Tangled playing on the television and the next thing your eyes caught made your heart swell even more. 
Joe was laying on the sofa with Rosie on top of his chest. Rosie’s soft curls were sprawled on Joe’s arm, her tiny arms wrapped around his neck. Joe’s one arm was underneath his head and his other one wrapped around Rosie’s body. His chest was rising and falling steadily as they both slept peacefully. 
You couldn’t help but just stand there and watch them for a moment. 
You certainly love this little family of yours. 
The End. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @quinnyficsy @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover @mdurdenpitt @siriuslysmoking @blueleonor @bejeweled13swiftie @ceriseheaven
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loveswrites · 1 year
Is love enough? Poly Joe x Love x reader
Poly! Joe Goldberg x reader x Love Quinn
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Time it took me: 5 hours spread out a few days
Word count: 1058
I asked you guys on a poll if you guys would like a poly xreader with Joe and love and you guys definitely did! So Let me know how you guys like it! The closer I got to the end I was thinking about making this one into a mini series! As I could do a lot more with this one! Tell me if you'd like a part two!
When you finish reading tell me. Do you think love is enough?
Love <3
"Depression makes you do crazy shit Joe!"
"That doesn't make sense, Love! just accept the fact that you killed her for no reason but the fact that you can't control yourself!" Joe yelled at love with wide eyes. 
"I can't control myself? I can't control myself?! You were the one obsessing over yet another woman! What did you expect me to do?! We have a family!" Love yelled back at Joe with tears in her eyes. But they weren't tears of sadness.
"Babes? What's with all the yelling what's going-... on.." You questioned coming down the stairs but paused seeing exactly what the yelling was all about.
"What happened?.." You whispered. On the ground all you saw was blood and the body of some blonde. 
"What are you doing here!?" Love and Joe yelled in unison.
"You told me to come pick up Henry so you could finish on some things- What happened!" You yelled, snapping out of your explanation of your presence.
"I- I she fell-" Love attempted to say but you quickly cut her off.
"Into an Ax!?" You yelled.
"It was an accident!" Love tried defending herself.
"What the fuck! What the actual fuck? I- Where is Henry?!" You yelled out looking around the dark basement for the child you came to pick up.
"He's over there he is fine!" Love gestured to Henry who was literally a baby in a corner.
You watched as Joe paced the floors as you could only assume he was thinking about what to do about this.. situation that lies in front of you three.. and a half. 
You Joe and Love were in a relationship together. It was a loving happy relationship you felt secure in some aspects of it. Besides that fact that you never knew if the police would show up at your front door and arrest you was all. It was one of the things that made the loving happy relationship feel a little less secure. Also with love's impulsive behavior and Joe's constant need to have a new fixation every other month put a damper on the relationship at times. But none of that stopped you from loving them both. And them loving you. 
"You said no more. No more killing. No more death. A fresh start and a New beginning. And Joe you no more.. obsession plus the killing also." You whispered shifting your eyes between you two lovers. 
"How can neither of you keep your promise?" 
"I haven't killed anybody!" Joe yelled.
"But you stalk! And you creep! And you lie and cheat on both me and Love! Why?! Why are we not enough for you? I keep your secrets, I'm there when you're scared! When you're scared that you might do another bad thing! And you Love I'm there for you every sleepless night when Joe is gone! We were all supposed to be happy here! But since we're all killing and lying, I'm going to tell the truth I hate it here! I hate the suburbs I'm a fucking city girl I don't belong here yet I am trying to adapt for you for you both because I love you! You both ripped me apart from a city that I loved so much to lie in a house with two people that I thought loved me more than I loved that city just to feel like some neglected piece of trash! I hope to God Henry never feels like this- Oh wait he probably already does since he's facing a corner chilling in a room with a dead body!" You screamed with so much pent up aggression you snatched up the baby carrier that held Henry.
"Pleas-" Joe started but you cut him off without turning to face them.
"Don't call me, don't text me. Fix your mess then maybe me and Henry will come back." You said causing panic to rush through both of their veins.
"Maybe?!" Love yelled her eyes widening. 
"What do you mean maybe?! I love you, there is nothing that I wouldn't do to make you stay!" Joe yelled.
"Shut up." You said, shaking your head as you walked up the stairs leaving the bakery. 
When you've been in a relationship with basically two insane people you learn when their threats mean you harm or not. In that case Joe threatened you out of fear. Not anger. He was never angry at you much. He got mad at Love more than he would you. Him and Love fought more than you, him and love ever did combined. Which you couldn’t lie was understandable because seeing that their habits could land us all in jail. You’ve never killed anybody but that still doesn’t make you a good person. 
You’ve lied for them. Threaten people for them. Even though Joe and Love do their best to keep their dirty habits away from home, it’s inevitable that one of those habits will come knocking on your front door. You’ve helped with the..bodies. So no matter how sick it makes you or how bad you feel about it you are and will forever be an accomplice to their crimes for no other reason than the fact love makes you do crazy things. 
When you got to your car you went to buckle Henry into his car seat. He was crying. You almost missed that.. How could you miss a screaming baby? As you tried to zone yourself out of your deep thoughts about your two loves you tried calming the only love that mattered right now. You found it hard to do this as tears rolled down your own face. Who was going to calm you down with their love? As you shhh henry to calm down rocking him in your arms on the side corner of the bakery you started to think what if this was all?
What if this was it? 
What if all your life now consisted of was lying, hiding, running, crying, screaming, fighting, shovels, dirt and muddy midnights. But at least you had your two lovers by your side, That’s all that matters right? Could the love between three people be enough to grow into a happy family?
Getting into the driver's seat you started the car. And as you drove away from the bakery you couldn’t help but think, is love enough?
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scrollf0x · 10 months
(Spoiler Free)
Resident Lover Routes Ranked
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As tradition when good things end, we overfixate on it! After 48 hours of completing all routes in Resident Lover, here's my spoiler free ranking of the good and bad endings in the game brought to us by Team AVIA 🙇🖤
Top Romantic Endings (Good ending)
#1 Miranda
As recommended by Team AVIA this route should be played last after completing all the other routes, and istg this was the best approach to the game, there's so much stuff going on (in a great way), it ties up all stories together, it explains the biggest mystery in the game and the end was SO SATISFYING. Mother Miranda was MOTHERING so good and I'm definitely obsessed with MM now. There's so much I want to talk about but won't for now to keep this spoiler free.Best route ever hope you enjoy it! 🐦‍⬛🧎
(UPDATED REVIEW: As MCs we can't escape her fr fr. You should see all cult endings in all routes before going to her cult ending. She's unbelievable but it's so hard to hate her once you get into her route and I can't explain why I still love her but holy fuck, Miranda. You make Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn look like novices for the things they do for love. Miranda literally took Yandere to a whole new level...and I love it 👀)
#2 Donna's Route (UPDATED)
We get our Flourist AU with our resident spicy sweetheart (you'd understand the spicy part later) Donna! Everything from her route was so mysterious and selecting her route before getting to Miranda's route was such a good build up before getting the answers to the numerous mysteries you'll uncover in the other routes. Donna and Miranda's route has SOOOO MUCH to bring into the table about the main mystery in the game. Plus the rivalry between Donna and Miranda for MC??? IM DEAD 😭💖
(UPDATED REVIEW: Holy shit y'all I just recently uncovered the actual cult ending for Donna's route, and as sweet and passionate her love is for us - the neutral ending was really sad, but holy fuck the double tragic endings in the cult version was just..I can't even react properly after finishing it I'm forever traumatized - see cult ending ranking)
#3 Alcina's Route
If you're into student-teacher relationship with much more murder mystery from the game and of course our Mother Alcina herself, this is for you! For all Alcina fans, buckle up for a ride because this route does not pussy-foot around romance between Alcina and player and my god THE SEXUAL TENSION. ILLICIT ROMANCE. SHEESH. Y'all are going to love it so much istg. Even the counterpart ending ate up (see tragic ending below)
TOP Tragic Ending (Cult endings)
#1 Angie and Donna's Route
Y'all would not expect the darkest ending for the sweetest character with the most lighthearted romance development of all routes. It starts off really innocent and sweet before it all goes downhill so fast, and Donna was so terrifying in this route 😭 Both bad endings were absolutely devastating and I really want to find out how Angie will react once she finds out - or if she will.
Donna (Updated review)
How was it even possible that Donna was so loveable and so terrifying at the same time? Everything from her good to bad route was just *chefs kiss*. Follow Team AVIAs guide to routes, and reach the cult ending (with additional 2 tragedy scenarios) I guarantee you both tragic scenarios will leave you terrified and heartbroken.
#2 Alcina
As amazing as the romance is with Alcina the bad ending route was downright nightmare-ish! We all love our hot psychopath mother but y'all would be baffled at just how CRAZYYYYY she is when you find out in her tragic ending route ☠️
#3 Dimitrescu Sisters
The Dimitrescu siblings SERVED in all routes Bela most of all but gaddamn as amazing and complex our relationship with them are, the tragic endings are INSANEEE. Bella's outfits were AMAZING and her storyline even more so. Cassandra is such a cassanova and a diva (so much teenage drama here btw you'll love it). And our precious Dani bby girl with our fake dating thing, she deserves so much love I wanna give her a hug. Their tragic endings are so so so sad, all I can say is Miranda did them so dirty 😭😭😭
Overall the game was AMAZING in every way, Team AVIA really put there heart and soul to this and it really shows, so please take the time to drop by at their page @resident-lover , give them your love and appreciation, and enjoy the game!
Let me know what you guys think ☺️
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
Just spotted your hoe-vember event. I'm wondering if I could request prompt 4 with Joe please. Also, love your work! ❤
Ahhhh omg thank you so much 🥹 I hope I've done your request justice!!!
4. You're so tight, fuck!
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Joseph Quinn x reader
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, rpf (don't like don't read), first time sex (but neither are virgins), oral (f receiving), protected sex, nothing too crazy tbh
Hoe-vember/Dick-cember masterlist
"Have you had a good time tonight, love?" Joe asks, you smile and lean your head on his shoulder as the Underground train starts to move.
"Mm, dinner was lovely, and the film was good, yeah." You link your arm through his, looking up at him. "Thank you."
"Don't have to thank me, Y/N, I wanted to take you out." Joe pecks the top of your head and you continue your journey in a comfortable silence. Once the train reaches your stop, you and Joe walk hand in hand back to his flat.
You'd been on several dates over the last 3 months after meeting through mutual friends and hitting it off right away. You were both smitten, that was obvious to see, but Joe's hectic work schedule meant that things had not....progressed as quickly as it normally would have by now.
Meaning, you hadn't had sex yet.
In fact, because of said hectic schedule, the most you'd had time for was a handjob on your sofa, or a quick ride of his thigh in his kitchen that one time, nothing more.
But tonight, a night where Joe didn't have to get up and leave for the airport at 3am the next morning, it was happening. He'd asked if you wanted to stay over at his place as you'd had too many late nights not wanting to be apart. You'd said yes without hesitation.
That was 2 weeks ago, so you had plenty of time to lingerie shop and panic.
You'd settled on a very racy black lingerie set, which provided a stark contrast to how simple your date outfit for tonight was - a burgundy roll neck jumper, black skinny jeans, heeled ankle boots and your leather jacket. Casual but not too casual, just like Joe with his jeans and endless collection of pinstriped shirts.
As you get inside the building and up the stairs to his flat, your heart starts beating faster. Your grip on his hand must have tightened as he stops, looking at you with a concerned frown.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just...nervous, I guess." Nervous. You sounded like a bloody teenager before their very first time. You winced at how pathetic you sounded. Joe smiles softly at you, squeezing your hand.
"It's just me, Y/N. We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. I didn't ask you to stay tonight expecting anything, you know. I just wanted to spend more than a few hours with you before I have to leave next week." Putting his keys in the door, he turns to give you a little reassuring hug. You hug him back, feeling yourself calm down a little. He kisses your head again before opening the door and letting you inside.
You take off your shoes and get settled on the sofa, Joe heading to the kitchen to open a bottle of wine. He returns a few moments later with two glasses of white and joins you on the sofa. He pats his lap and you pop your legs there, and he rests his hand on your thigh.
"You okay?" He asks softly and you nod, smiling at him over the rim of your glass. You both sit and sip your wine, chatting about anything and everything. It was so easy with Joe, that was one of the things you really liked about him. When your glasses were both empty, Joe gestured for you to cuddle up against him, which you did, your head resting on his chest as he absent mindedly played with your fingers. "You know, you have really nice hands."
"Do I?" You giggle, looking up at him with a smile.
"Yeah, you do. And really pretty eyes, too."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to flirt with me."
Joe grins. "Is it working?"
"Oh yeah, definitely." You return his grin and pull him into a kiss, the wine helping to fuel your confidence a little bit. You and Joe had kissed plenty before, with countless makeout sessions under your belts, but this time it was different; this was leading to something more and you both knew it.
You moan softly as Joe's tongue finds yours, and he lets you pull him on top of you as you sink into the sofa, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your fingers skate over his back, feeling the muscles under his shirt tensing as he holds himself over you. You shift your hips, brushing against hips and he groans against your mouth as you move over the bulge in his trousers. He presses his crotch to yours, making you gasp into his mouth.
"Bedroom?" He whispers and you nod eagerly. "Sure?"
"You're sweet, but if you don't take me into that bedroom and fuck me, your shower head is going to be my date for the evening." You quip, with a cheeky smirk. Joe chuckles, pulling you up off the sofa and leading you into his bedroom.
Once he shuts the door behind him, Joe's mouth is on yours again, this time more desperate and fiery. Your fingers find the buttons on his shirt and miraculously you manage to undo them whilst your lips are still attached to his. Once it's undone, you break away for a second to push it off his shoulders and gently rake your nails down his chest and stomach, teasingly stopping where the trail of hair disappears into his trousers. He shivers slightly before finding your mouth again, his hands coming to the bottom of your jumper.
"Can I?" He asks softly, and you nod, smiling. He pecks your lips reassuringly before pulling the jumper up and over your head. "Fucking hell." Joe groans, his eyes going straight to your tits in the black lace. His eyes then flick up to yours. "Trying to finish me off?"
"Depends, there might be matching underwear too." You laugh as Joe closes his eyes, resting his forehead on your shoulder and groaning loudly. "Wanna find out?"
"Fucking...yes, yes I bloody do. Lie down for me?"
You obey, lying on the end of his bed with your legs hanging off so he can unbutton your jeans and slide them down. Once they're off and flung somewhere, Joe stares down at you. At first you feel a little self conscious, but once you see the look in his eyes, the flush of arousal over him and the bulge in his trousers threatening to burst out, you relax. "Jesus, you're fucking perfect Y/N."
"I wouldn't go that far," you blush, sitting up and pulling him towards you by the belt loops of his trousers, which you quickly unbutton and unzip, purposefully ghosting your hand over his cock. "Oops." You smile coyly, glancing up at him.
"Tease. Scooch up, love." Joe steps out of his trousers and removes his socks as you move up the bed, resting your head on his pillows. You're surrounded by the scent of him and it just adds to the dampness in your underwear. You watch him as he crawls up the bed, hovering over you and you open your legs allowing his body to slot in between them. You glance down, biting your lip at the sizeable tent in his boxers. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, just...been a while." You admit, and Joe tucks some of your hair behind your ear.
"We can go slow, baby."
Baby. That was new. And it made your pussy clench. You really wanted this man to rail your brains out here and now. You decide to be bold, and reach between you, squeezing his cock through his boxers.
"I don't want to go slow." You say, eyes meeting his. "Want you to fuck me, Joe."
"Shit, don't....don't say that whilst you're touching my dick," Joe huffs out a laugh, his head dropping down. "Trying to bring my A-game tonight, if you make me cum in my pants that's going to be pretty embarrassing."
"Yeah, a little." You tease, making him laugh and kiss you again, his body pressed against yours, and you're able to feel every little kick and twitch of his cock through his boxers and through your barely there lace thong.
"Can I...Can I taste you?" Joe asks, trailing kisses down your neck and nipping at your collarbone making you gasp and your back arch slightly. You nod.
"Do I get to taste you?"
Joe swallows, hard.
"Fuck love, as much as I want that, as soon as that pretty mouth of yours gets near me it's going to be game over. Let me take care of you tonight, yeah?"
You nod again, making a mental note to wake him up with a blowie tomorrow morning.
Joe leans down once more, kissing you slow and deep, his hand resting tentatively on your stomach. You take it and place it on your boob, and he grunts, gently squeezing, teasing your nipple through the lace. You shudder. "You can take it off."
Joe nods, reaching behind you and expertly undoing the clasp. "Would like to see this again though." He shoots you a cheeky smile as he throws it across the room. He glances down at your bare tits, moving so he's sat on his knees and can cup your breasts in his hands, thumbs giving your nipples an experimental brush. You whine as they stiffen, a bolt of pleasure shooting through you. "Oh, sensitive, are we?"
"Joe..." You whine again. "Don't tease me, please..."
"Alright, baby, I got you." Joe says softly, then dips his head to your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, alternating between sucking and licking, whilst he rolls your other nipple between his fingers. You let out a loud moan, immediately trying to silence yourself. Joe pulls off your nipple with a soft 'pop'. "Hey, don't keep those noises to yourself, baby, you're so sexy. Plus, it's a massive ego boost for me."
"Shut up," you giggle, playfully swatting at him. Joe laughs again, gently biting your nipple playfully. He then kisses down your stomach and across your hip bones, before plucking at the string of your underwear. You get the message and raise your hips up so he can remove the lace garment, throwing it to join the matching bra somewhere. You instinctively close your legs, but Joe shakes his head at your slowly prying them open and gazing down at your glistening pussy.
"Fucking hell. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Shit, you're incredible." Joe settles invetween your thighs, swiping a finger through your lips and gathering some of your arousal. You breathe in sharply, the pulsing of your clit and pussy almost becoming unbearable now. "You're so wet, babe."
Babe. Again, him experimenting with new pet names had you shivering.
Joe dips a finger into your awaiting hole, making you grip the duvet in tight fists.
"So fucking pretty." Joe coos, before removing his finger and licking from your hole to your clit. Your mouth drops open and your hand flies to his hair, tugging on it slightly. This makes him groan against your puss, both at the taste of you and from you pulling his hair. You quickly release your grip on his hair and he pulls away from your cunt, making you whimper at the loss.
"M'sorry," you tremble with the need for contact, flushing at your boldness of assuming he'd like his hair being pulled as he was eating you out.
"You can fucking pull my hair all you want baby, you taste so good, feels so good." Joe practically growls, his voice deep with arousal. "Wanna make you cum on my face, okay?"
"Y-yeah, god, yes please." You whine, hips bucking as Joe attaches his mouth to your clit, sucking and licking, much like he did on your nipple. You should have taken that as an indication for how good this was going to feel, but honestly nothing could have prepared you for it. "Shit, oh my god, Joe, fuck yes!"
Joe moans in response, pushing his finger back into your pussy, quickly adding a second one. He curls his fingers upwards and quickly finds your gspot. "Oh my fucking god, there, there!" You cry out, and Joe responds by repeatedly curling his fingers over it whilst his tongue works your clit. It's not long before you feel the familiar coil in your stomach tightening. "Joe, Joe, I'm gonna cum, please, I'm so fucking close-"
Joa groans again, grinding his crotch into the mattress below him for some relief on his aching cock, and his free hand presses down on your lower stomach. You fall over the edge with a sharp wail, pussy fluttering around Joe's fingers. You cum so hard it knocks the wind out of you; the man is a pussy eating god.
"Fuck, that was a big one, huh?" Joe can't hide his smugness as he crawls up next to toy, lying beside you on the bed. You grab him and kiss him fiercely, tasting yourself on his tongue. He grins when you break apart. "That good?"
"That good. But I really want you inside me now." You answer, boldly reaching over and pulling down the front of his boxers, stroking his cock. You weren't ever going to get over how perfect his dick was. A decent length, thick and slightly curved. You knew the stretch alone would be euphoric.
"Fuck, yes, yeah, hang on-" Joe lifts his hips and together you remove his boxers. Now you're both fully naked, you take a moment to get close, skin on skin, and share a slow, deep kiss as you continue to stroke his cock slowly. "Lemme get a condom."
He reaches over into his bedside drawer, pulling out the small foil packet, which he rips open with his teeth and together you roll the condom down his length. Joe repositions himself on top of you. "Still okay?"
You let out a little chuckle. "Joe, I'm fine."
He positions his cock at your entrance, leaning down to kiss you as he pushes in, the stretch and slight burn making you dig your nails into his back.
"Relax, baby, I've got you" Joe says softly, his own body trembling. He continues to push in, agonisingly slow, until he's fully inside you.
"Fuck, Joe," you gasp; you're so full, so deliciously full, you swear you can feel him in the back of your goddamn throat.
"You're so tight, fuck!" Joe hisses, slowly pulling out and pushing back in. "Gonna make me cum way too quick."
"I don't care, you feel so good, fuck me, harder, please, I need it." You whine, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him in even deeper if that was possible.
"God, yeah, okay-" he starts moving faster, his arms either side of your head shaking with the effort of holding himself up. His cock hits your cervix on every thrust, sending a bolt of pleasure through you with each movement. His pubic bone drags over your swollen clit, and you start to feel your orgasm building again. "Shit, baby, so fucking good."
You moan out loud at his words of praise, cunt clenching around his cock. "Y/N, god, you have no fucking idea how perfect you are-"
"Not as perfect as you," you whisper, and Joe takes your hands in his, his body pressing more against yours. The kiss you share is more panting into each others mouths and heavy breathing than a kiss, but it's so fucking hot you don't care. "I'm gonna cum again, don't stop."
"Yeah? Do it, baby, wanna feel you cum on my cock." Joe grunts, licking his thumb and then reaching between you to rub circles into your swollen clit.
It only takes a few circles before you're coming, calling out Joe's name as your pussy grips his cock like a vice. He curses, thrusting once, twice and very shakey third time before he unloads into the condom, his mouth finding yours as he pants and groans. His body relaxes on top of yours and you lie there for a few minutes, kissing and touching each other, until he rests his forehead against yours.
"Consider your A game brought, Quinn." You giggle, and he chuckles, his cheeks flushing. "That was..."
"Fucking amazing." Sighing contentedly, Joe rolls off of you, removing the condom and throwing it into the bin. He pulls you into his chest and you wrap your arms around his naked torso, pressing your face into his chest. "Is this a good time to make this...official?" Joe's voice rumbles through his chest. You grin and lift your head up.
"Wanna be normal and just ask me to be your girlfriend?" You laugh and he feigns an offended face, frowning at you.
"Oi, cheeky." He kisses your head. "Fine, would you, Y/N Y/L/N, do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?"
You laugh at his over the top delivery, even bollock naked he was such a fucking goof.
"Yeah, go on then."
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hopelesswrites · 2 years
Midnight - Joseph Quinn
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Your long term casual partner calls you for a late night rendezvous 
18+ MDI
Warnings: Just smut, oral male receiving, little bit of pining
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Anxiety filled your chest as you sat at the edge of your bed re-reading the ’15 minutes away’ text.
You couldn’t understand why you were so nervous to see him. Maybe It was because it had been awhile, he was busy these days and didn’t have time for your nights together the way he used to. Maybe you were worried he would act different, big time now, he’s probably got models lining up, why would he come back to you?
You had lit your nice candles, put on his favourite set underneath your usual big t-shirt and pyjama shorts. You knew he was coming from a fancy event, you felt under dressed, unprepared, he had sprung this on you an hour before with a text reading ‘I’m in town tonight, fancy a visit?’.
You felt as if your life had been at a standstill while his was moving a thousand miles an hour, you felt so disconnected from the man you once shared your whole life with. For a casual relationship you acknowledge that you and Joe were a little bit closer than most, but it all felt different now.
A knock at your door startled you out of your thoughts. It was soft, like it always was to not wake up your flatmate. You smiled at the sense of comfort and familiarity of that knock before getting up to answer.
He stood there tall, stiff even, but with a warm smile that instantly melted away your anxieties.
“Hi” He almost whispered. You replied matching his tone.
You motioned beside you to let him in and closed the door behind him. There you both stood in your hallway, him looking down at you, but you couldn’t stop your gaze, admiring him. He looked stunning, as always, but this was different, he was dressed up in all black. It looked expensive, pressed shirt, satin jacket, even his pants had a pleat. His hair was shorter, beard less scruffy, but he smelled exactly the same, sweet, strong.
“Like what you see?” He asked, a soft giggle finishing his sentence.
You nodded before pushing Joe towards your bedroom, grip on both his shoulders placing him where you wanted him in front of your bed, earning more giggles from him.
“Here?” He jokes as you go back to close and lock your door.
“There’s perfect” You answer taking a seat on the edge of your bed where you had been minutes before.
Joe smirked down at you amused by your antics. He began to shrug his jacket off while taking a step closer, but you put your arm up to stop him.
“I’m not done yet, keep it on”
He took a step back confused, “Done with what?”
“Taking you in, I don’t know when ill see you again I want to savour this”
Joe nodded and fixed his jacket letting you admire every inch of him. You ran your hand down the length of his arm, feeling the stitching at the cuff before giving it a gentle tug. “You can take it off now”. Joe obliged, slipping it off his shoulders and tossing it over the armchair by your vanity. You noted how careless he was with such an expensive piece of clothing, still your simple naïve Joe.
“What now?” He offered, letting you undress him like he were a ken doll. You leaned up and unbuttoned his shirt once but unsatisfied with the amount of chest exposed, went back for another. You leaned back to admiring again, loving his silhouette in the flickering candlelight.
You took his hand in yours and admired the two rings on his hand before going to roll up his sleeve to his elbows. Taking initiative Joe assisted with the other sleeve and let you lean back again to take him all in. He was hot, you could not deny it, you felt privileged to even have him in your room right now.
“Good?” Joe asked, breaking the silence you had both fallen comfortable with.
“Yep” you answered simply.
“Can I fuck you now?” Joe laughed taking his step back in between your legs.
You shook your head no. “How long do you have?” You asked, looking up at the man.
“All night, love”
You took that as your opportunity to continue savouring the man, rubbing up and down his legs, digging your nails in gently on the way down. You could feel the hardness under his pants, his eagerness clear as day.
“Mind taking things slow with me tonight?” You asked as you fiddled with the buckle on his pants. You wanted to tease him, drag everything out, make tonight better than any other night Joe will have in any other country he visits. You wanted him to want you when he was alone in Spain or Paris or Japan, wherever work takes him.
“of course, whatever you want” He answered quietly, letting you take charge.
You pulled the buckle and began to remove his belt at an agonising pace, the small exhale that left Joes lips let you know how hard he was holding back.
Your hands ran up his legs once more landing on the waistband of his pants where his shirt was tucked in. gently you tugged his shirt up exposing his stomach.
Your attention was drawn to the buttons on his shirt where you slowly began to unbutton them one by one. Impatiently, Joe assisted with the top buttons and tugging his shirt off faster than you would have.
“We have all night, don’t we? What’s the rush?”
“You’re killing me here” Joe sighed as you popped open his pants and slid down the zipper, relieving some of his tension.
“I think you’ll survive”
You leaned in and began to place small kisses along his stomach, ghosting the waistband of his boxers as you tugged down his pants, silently hating the creases you left in the expensive fabric.
Your mouth trails down his boxers, offering wet open mouthed kisses to the hardness underneath, Joes breath hitching at the contact. You looked up, fingers running just underneath the waistband as if asking for permission, receiving a subtle nod in return.
Without any more hesitation you pulled down his boxers, cock springing free. Taking it in your hand you began to rub him a couple times, the motion and the weight in your palm feeling all too familiar. Getting him off was second nature at this point, you knew exactly what he needed, and you knew he was not in a position to be lasting very long.
Joes hand ran through your hair, gripping softly and tugging your head towards him, a signal to hurry along. You took the head in your mouth and gently sucked, using your tongue to lather the tip.
“That’s it” Joe spoke through a groan as you sunk down further, bobbing your head up and down taking him half way. You knew he wanted to push you further but respected your wishes to go slow.
You continued at a steady pace, listening to the soft whimpers that Joe would release, sharp inhales every time you would change a motion or suck a little harder.
“won’t last long babe” Joe whined in between moans as you took him fully in your mouth now. He looked down at you as you refused to give up, getting him closer and closer to his release.
The hand in your hair trailed down your face gently rubbing at your check before cupping your chin, forcing you to look up, cock still filling your mouth.
“Be a good girl and let me cum down your throat?”
You nodded your head, gagging just a little as Joe pushed you further until your nose was flush with his skin.
“There you go” Joe groaned as he slid himself in and out. Joe had a tendency to be as gentle as possible during moments like this, you admired him for it, taking care of you while getting himself off.
You felt him twitch in your mouth, a chorus of curses leaving his mouth as hot liquid was soon filling you up. You took this moment to take control again, sucking the length before pulling off and swallowing his load.
“Fucking hell” Joe sighed, leaning down, both hands cupping your face as he planted a hard kiss to your forehead followed by one to your lips.
“Give me a moment and I’ll return the favour” Joe laughed, flopping down onto your bed beside you.
You laid down beside him, letting him tuck you in under his arm and run his fingertips down your spine comfortingly.
“What are your thoughts on me stuffing you in my suitcase and taking you to LA with me next week? I could use a night like this again” Joe spoke from above you.
A pang of hurt entered your chest but you pushed it aside. “Don’t you think its better if you have to wait for it?”
“Yeah, but I miss you, I can’t wait”
You hesitated before replying “I miss you too” The confession was too loud, you both knew what it meant, it wasn’t just about sex. You needed him just as much as he needed you but were too afraid to admit it wholeheartedly. You knew you would both separate after tonight and treat it like every other night together, casual meaningless sex.
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pedroschka · 2 years
not my type
Joseph Quinn x reader
words: 1.9k fluff
Summary: one sided feelings can destroy friendships, so you and Joe make it very clear that you both are not each other's type, pinky promise clear
A/n: @ghostinthebackofyourhead grab your favorite bread and (hopefully) enjoy because I'm your secret Santa!! thanks to @quinnyfairy for organising this <3
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Mid laugh, brown eyes crinkling and his head thrown back, that's the blurry image of your best friend in front of you for the last two minutes.
"Joe as much I love to see your little potato head but your screen is frozen."
" ugh, shit! The bloody wifi connection at my parents' is the worst. Wait a second!" his voice on the other end is a bit muffled as he seems to be moving around, trying to fix it.
It was one day after Christmas and you and Joe are trying to have your own little celebration via video call while you both are at your family's and didn't want to wait till you eventually see each other in person again, unpredictable with Joe's busy schedule nowadays anyway. So you both had sent each other's presents via post and now wanted to unpack them together.
So now you sit on your bed in your old bedroom, presents scattered around you and your tablet in front of you with the frozen image of your laughing friend.
" OK, what about now?" Joe's face finally in time again and him waving at the camera
" yes, now get started I already tried peaking but you really are serious about your sticky tape"
" and see how it came in handy" his cocky little smile makes you roll your eyes while grabbing the first present on your left which already has a bit of wrapping paper ripped out, but sticky tape all around it preventing you from making out what it could be.
At the end, you both sit in a colorful mass out of wrapping paper, presents sorted in a little pile beside you, and now updating each other on the newest family tea.
" no! I swear my aunt was full-on gushing about how Eddie looked like her ex-boyfriend's when she was a teen and started showing pictures of you as Eddie all around the dining table, it was soo uncomfortable!" you comically shuddered and Joe's snickering like a little kid at your theatrics.
As comfortable and at ease you were now around him was the complete opposite when you first met each other a year ago.
You sat on your friend's couch, phone in hand, and playing some stupid game, that only seems to come to use in social situations out of ultimate boredom, but trying to look very busy for the people around you. Questioning why your friend even thought it was a good idea to invite you to one of her parties, celebrating whatever with a bunch of her actor friends, when you were the epitome of socially awkward and just overall really bad at meeting new people.
You tried, you really tried to be a part of some conversations, standing in a group full of, on first sight, cliché book extroverts, all of them with interesting lives and using big words talking about different plays, with you just standing there and fake laughing at their jokes you didn't understand and attempting to stop comparing yourself with them. Which didn't work so after a few exhausting hours in which you've been ignored or got an awkward "was nice meeting you" after you ranted too much about a topic you finally could understand you gave up. Your social battery drained and you loathing in self-pity.
Loud cheers and greetings make you look up from your phone, great even more people. The new guest is a very ordinary-looking guy, plain light washed baggy jeans hanging low on his hips, a plain white shirt, sneakers. Not bad on the eye with tousled brown curls as well as brown eyes but not really your type.
Still he held an aura around him that forced you to keep your attention on him, apparently the people around him felt the same effect as they were hanging on every word that was coming out of his mouth. Or is he... Famous around here?! And you are just the only one who has absolutely no idea who he is?
But you're already admiring him for a different reason, Looking so awkward but at the same time so charmingly charismatic and being able to find the right words and topic for each person. You couldn't help to be slightly jealous.
Forced to look down again as he looked across the room and dangerously close in your direction you continued your game, only looking up again as you felt the couch dip as someone sat themselves beside you, and you hastily tried to turn your phone away to not get caught.
"well, that looks fun" shit.
Unknown ordinary looking /maybe famous guy is smiling at you and nodding at your phone
"uggh, kinda" and your brain is letting you down again.
But he doesn't seem bothered by your brain-dead state and tried again to engage you in a conversation, ending up with him having your phone and you, hanging half over his shoulder, explaining to him how to play the game.
"oh, I'm Joe by the way!"
You met Joe a few times after that again and eventually exchanged numbers which resulted in a weird and chaotic friendship. With his ability to make you feel so comfortable around him and just being yourself, he has to endure your ranting over the most ridiculous topics or oversharing the most private things, but it doesn't seem to bother him, on the contrary, he seems to even encourage your weirdness and just adapt to it.
Because of this connection between you both, you lost count of how many times people thought you both were dating or how many times your friends and family tried to play matchmaker, so a pinky promise between you and joe was made that you both are on the same page, that you are not each other's type, both of you already familiar with how one-sided feelings can destroy a friendship, so better making sure at the beginning right?
It was now new years eve and like you planned with Joe in your last call you both were gonna drive over to a friend's house who's throwing a party to celebrate it together, in person this time.
Joe's gonna be at your place to pick you up in nearly 20 minutes and you're still sitting in front of your wardrobe in only your bathrobe and still wet hair, nibbling nervously on your fingernails and looking over all your clothes, eyes wide with panic debating what you should wear to look presentable for him.
Which is absolutely ridiculous because Joe has already seen you in your absolute worst states, coming over to you with pimple cream all over your face, greasy hair, and sloppy oversized shirts with holes and stains you couldn't even explain.
But you haven't seen each other for nearly a month now, well except for the few video calls but that's just different, and now you are a nervous mess, suddenly worried about your appearance and you hate it.
The buzzing of your doorbell makes you jump slightly, spraying the last bit of hairspray on your head and turning the music off, which you needed to hype yourself up, and speedwalking to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.
Joe's standing in front of you in black slacks and a slightly striped white shirt, the last button undone and a necklace peeking out of it, and you feel your heartbeat throbbing in your ears.
With a happy call of your name, he went straight into a hug and you suddenly felt distracted by the smell of his perfume, still the same one you smelt a thousand times but different regardless, Like his arms around you, squeezing you firmly into him, it's like your sensory perception is on high alert and suddenly everything feels more intense.
The car ride to the party is awkward to say at least, your nerves preventing you from coming up with anything other than occasionally humming or nodding as an answer, and after a few more tries from Joe he gave up, thinking maybe you're just nervous again because of all the people that are gonna be there and needed a few more minutes for yourself, so the car becomes silent and you hate it because that was your least concern right now, you felt like a bad friend, not seeing each other for a month and you can't even talk to him because this bloody nervous feeling just won't go away. So you both just stare at the road in front of you.
It's loud and full and lights flickering everywhere and you're so overwhelmed and tense that the weird feeling is forgotten for a moment and you're clinging to Joe, following him around like a lost puppy. Him ordering drinks for you both and chatting with people, trying to include you, taking you with him for smoke breaks, the only time when you both are separated is when one of you has to go to the toilet.
A few minutes before midnight a group of people had gathered on the balcony, with them you and Joe, shouting the countdown to the new year and watching fireworks exploding and illuminating the night sky.
" happy new year!" you screamed in each other's faces and laughed as you tackle each other in a big hug. People around you doing the same or walking around and giving the traditional New Year kiss.
Observing this you both looked at each other and shrugged while giggling, both slightly tipsy, and pecked each other on the lips. Physical contact wasn't unfamiliar to you, both being touchy when around people you feel comfortable enough, small kisses when saying goodbye, or cuddling together on your small sofa when watching some movies weren't new either. What was new was the feeling you felt as your lips met his.
As you separated you looked into each other's eyes, you always thought that his eyes were beautiful, even told him so, but you never felt such strong emotions when looking into them, unable to hold eye contact your gaze trailed to his lips, so full and soft looking and you never felt such a strong urge either to be near them. Subconscious you both lean in again and your lips met again but this time for a real kiss.
Warm flooded your body and you can't think of anything else other than the feeling of his lips against yours. His hands found the back of your neck to bring you even closer and you copied him, trailing your fingers through his curls, both of you starving for each other's presence and hungry for more, captivated and lost in your own little world.
Until a person stumbles into you and you remember again where you are.
Both of you catching your breath as you separated again, waking up from the trance-like state, emotional chaos whirling up in you again because you just made out with your best friend, with which you made a silly pinky promise and made very clear to not be each other's type to save this friendship but now you experienced the best kiss you ever had and when you look at his face now he is so beautiful and you can't help to want to kiss those lips again but you were also so overwhelmed because what the fuck does this all mean now.
Luckily Joe answers your questions as he leans in again for a third kiss, shorter but still as breathtaking.
" I know we promised to be not each other's type but do you wanna go on a date with me?" he asked against your lips and you both giggled as you nodded 'yes' before going into another kiss.
(reblogs and comments are very appreciated additional to your likes)
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
Reinvent Love
♥ ♥          Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You and Joe are treading new waters. You’re no longer flatmates, but still close. More than friends, but nothing defined. Nothing labeled. Determined to not lose what you have, though. But, can you?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, language, adult themes, jealousy, accusations, soft fluff, lil smutty, reader has hair long enough to tie up, season 3 of my flatmate!joe
Author’s note: oohhh big changes! we are TALKING! with our MOUTHS! what a time. This is the last part of flatmate!Joe - for real this time. I truly hope you've enjoyed what is still my most plotless (imo) bit of writing, lmk your thoughts <3
Wordcount: 4.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
There was something living inside of your chest.
It was only small, but definitely there. Soft. Vulnerable. Silently shrinking. It had gotten hurt and was wearing its bruises on the outside. When it got poked, you could feel the shooting pains as it curled in on itself more. It would find the safest spots to squeeze its eyes shut and you’d mentally tell it, it’s okay. You’re okay.
It wasn’t okay.
Maybe therapy wasn’t an insane suggestion, anymore, at this point. You felt like you were protecting a child to the point where you couldn’t let it see the light of day. Couldn’t let it go outside and play. Couldn’t let it have friends – let it meet Joe. Couldn’t let it experience anything joyful, because if you did, it’d probably experience more hurt too.
But it was hurting anyway.
And now it was only pain it got to feel. Never joy. Just bruises and cuts. Scrapes that slowly formed thick drops of blood that hardened into scabs which pulled at your skin and eventually turned into scars.
You wished you’d known that before you locked it up inside.
There was something living inside of your chest, and it carefully wished it could speak up and be heard.
When you’d walked out of your bedroom and into the living room, a surprised Josh raised his eyebrows at you. He was leaning back into the sofa and had an acoustic guitar in his lap that he was absentmindedly playing whilst he was watching TV on a low volume. The guitar playing stopped when he saw you and didn’t pick back up as he watched you walk over, pillow in hand, facial expression drained.
“Hey, what’s up?” the guitar got moved onto the floor.
You didn’t answer when you put your pillow down on the opposite end of the sofa and took the blanket you’d slept under before. You curled up, ignored Josh who tried to ask if you were okay a couple of times as you stared at the TV. He asked if you wanted to talk about it. Said you probably should talk about it if you didn’t want Josh to think about this all night.
“It’s going to keep me up if I don’t know if you’re okay.”
You ignored it all, didn’t give a shit if Josh was going to get a good night’s sleep, and eventually turned over and faced the back of the sofa. It sent the message it needed to. It took just another moment before Josh turned off the TV, and then the lights as he left you alone.
This was stupid.
But you were stubborn.
You were stubborn and were going to go to sleep on your sofa, even though you were the one that lived here, and maybe Joe should be the one to sleep on the sofa.
Or actually, he could go home. To his own flat. Where all things were his, and the only things that felt like they were yours were the plants you’d brought in and the toothbrush you’d left by his sink.
Joe could just leave.
You didn’t care that he was still paying rent.
 But you didn’t actually get up to go and tell him that. Of course not. You just wallowed in thought. In all the would-dos and would-says. Shivered because this new stupid blanket Josh got wasn’t thick enough to keep you warm throughout the night.
You made yourself cry inside of that soup of goopy misery. Felt what lived inside of your chest as it drowned and mentally apologised to it when, after three hours of not being able to actually go to sleep, after three hours of anger that turned into fragile neediness, you decided to get up and make your way back.
Find Joe.
Because, and fuck him for this, Joe always knew how to fucking fix it.
And there was something so silly about walking down the hallway of your flat with tears staining your cheeks to sneak into Joe’s old bedroom. To find Joe inside of the bed there, the lay-out of the room still the same. Joe’s side of the bed still the same.
The click of the door closing made Joe lift his head up in an attempt to see into the dark.
He hadn’t expected you at all, so for a second, he thought that maybe you’d just walked in to get something. Your phone. Or your charger. But then you walked around to your side of the bed and got under the covers. It was too dark to see your face, but you found Joe’s warm body and snuggled up. Pressed your forehead to his jaw and hummed through a sigh and Joe didn’t need to see your face to hug you closer. Didn’t need to see if you’d been crying to wrap arms around, and to tangle legs, and to press a small kiss into your hair.
You wiggled as you settled and sighed as you sunk deeper into the mattress. You could deal with the disappointment within yourself in the morning.
“I’m sorry.” Joe whispered into the dark, and you decided you could also deal with your disappointment in Joe in the morning, so you softly whined and said, “Pause.”
Everything could just be paused. Postponed. Just for a few hours. You just needed to get some sleep.
Joe wasn’t in a position to not accept that. His heart felt full with the nostalgia he unexpectedly found with you sneaking into this room in order to get some sleep. It used to be like this. He was in the same location. In the exact same spot. Just, everything was yours now.
Me too, Joe thought.
Everything was yours now, including Joe. Whether you wanted him or not.
He squeezed you tighter and saw that you got to sleep. Traced finger tips across skin that warmed under the covers, and tickled into your hair by the nape of your neck, and he could feel how you were drifting off and, fuck off, he was yours.
He’d tell you in the morning.
Joe was going to tell you in the morning.
He would.
When Joe woke up, you were gone.
Fucking figures, Joe thought.
The private moment of waking up together that would’ve granted him the security and comfortability to say whatever needed saying was gone now.
Joe rubbed both hands over his face and scolded himself for not waking up as you had gotten out.
But it was fine.
There’d be another moment for it, he’d make sure.
Venturing out of your bedroom, you weren’t in the bathroom. Nor in the living area. He did, however, find Josh in the kitchen.
After awkward but polite good mornings shared, there was some uncomfortable shuffling around. Joe had made breakfast thousands of times in this kitchen, and he was already reaching to open the fridge when he realised that, actually, that was a weird thing to do. He no longer lived there. He couldn’t just go into cupboards and find the food that he knew was there – he knew exactly where the oatmeal went. He knew exactly where to find the cinnamon to sprinkle on top. How the coffee machine worked. Which cupboard to open to find the mugs.
Joe opted to busy himself making a coffee first. The machine was right there on the counter – less weird to reach for it and prepare himself a morning brew.
And Josh was cool about it. Opened a cupboard for him to fetch him a mug. It was a bit of an awkward dance, but a friendly one, tight smiles shared as Josh prepared his own breakfast.
It wasn’t until the loud noise of coffee beans being ground up that Joe decided to just… ask.
Might as well act like last night actually happened.
“Sorry about last night, mate,”
“Oh yea, no worries, I didn’t…” Josh frowned and shook his head as he scraped some butter onto his toast. He didn’t finish his sentence. Didn’t need to. Took a bite before buttering the second piece.
“Have you seen her?” Joe tried sounding as casual as he could, but failed miserably.
It was as honest and vulnerable of a question he was ever going to ask Josh. It revealed he had no idea where the fuck you’d gone, which in and of itself revealed that there was probably a reason you hadn’t told him.
But Josh was relaxed about it.
“Yea. Morning run. You just missed her, I think.”
And it took all within Joe to pretend that didn’t surprise him as much as it did. He just nodded. Pretended like that was a normal thing to hear about. Morning run. Sure. Miss be-useful-first-thing, what the fuck? When had you picked up that habit?
The coffee machine stopped whirring, and Joe took his coffee. Went for a sip immediately and instantly burnt his tongue. Rookie move.
“Is um… is everything okay? I don’t want to pry, but,” Josh asked as Joe moved around the island to sit down.
“Ah, well… you know,”
No, actually, Josh didn’t know.
Which was good.
Joe didn’t really want him to know.
Joe didn’t really want to explain.
Couldn’t really explain.
Where the fuck would he even begin?
“Hmm, yea,” Josh accepted the non-answer easily. “She seemed upset, but wouldn’t really say anything.”
Joe had to suppress a smile.
Of course you hadn’t fucking said anything.
“I asked like fifty times if she was okay, but she… I don’t know, she fully ignored me I guess. Kind of went catatonic on me a little.”
Joe drank his coffee and nodded.
“To be fair though,” Josh made big eyes at himself, “I was being really fucking annoying. I would’ve rolled over and ignored me too, I think.”
Both men let huffs of air escape them in silent laughter.
Then a moment of silence followed where Joe drank his coffee and Josh ate his toast. Joe realised he didn’t like how Josh knew things about you that he didn’t, but the upside was that it was incredibly useful, actually.
Josh talked where you... well, you did not.
“Did she cry?”
He wanted to know.
“No, she just… watched TV for a bit. I don’t know, she seemed tired so I went to bed shortly after to make sure she could get some sleep.”
That meant that, if you’d cried, you had waited for Josh to leave the room. Joe didn’t know if that was a comforting thought or not.
It didn’t take much longer for Josh to finish his toast and to casually suggest for Joe to make his own breakfast. Mentioned that everything on the bottom shelves of the fridge was yours before he walked out, and this morning was just full of surprises.
You split the fridge?!
What kind of sensible flatmate behaviour was this?!
When it was you and Joe, your stuff would just be thrown in wherever. None of it sorted. Joe would end up having your oatmilk in his coffee and you’d end up using his cheese in your omelettes.
Actually, he remembered how this had been the source of bickering for more than once. More than a couple of times. You would fall out over Joe having your food all the time, if he really thought about it. But it was always playful. Always something fun about it. A reason to swear at him until you made yourself laugh, and a reason for him to shut you up with poking fingers in your sides. The back and forth had never prompted you to split the fridge.
Had you and Joe ever been normal flatmates?
Probably not, he guessed.
Joe decided against breakfast in the end and just finished his coffee. Waited until you got back from your morning run, which he still had a hard time wrapping his head around, and when he eventually heard the front door open, he got up to make you a drink.
You knew Joe was still there by his coat that was hung up by the front door.
It was fine.
You were sweaty and sticky and hot and you could feel your heartbeat in your face, but it was fine.
Walking into the kitchen, you were welcomed by Joe in jeans and a T-shirt, bare feet, hair stupid, already holding out a glass of juice for you.
You took it and refrained from talking as you had a sip. Looked at him over the glass though, and you hoped that what Joe would see was determination. Strength. That he saw someone who wasn’t going to take bullshit, because you weren’t.
You’d just gone for your very first morning run for fuck’s sake.
For a moment Joe just looked right back at you. Watched you have the drink he poured for you. You had bits of hair stuck to your flushed neck and had to breathe through flared nostrils. It was wildly attractive, if you asked him.
“Morning run?”
You caught a small smirk from Joe that you turned away from. Couldn’t look at him be cute when you were supposed to be mad at him still.
Then, in a rogue move, Joe opened the freezer and took a single look inside to find a frozen pizza he took out and tossed onto the counter.
That was meant to mean something.
You gave it a blank stare as Joe looked at you and you sighed.
“Hey,” Joe tried getting your attention back on him, but instead, you put the glass down and turned around. Walked out. Went to your bedroom.
Joe followed.
“Hey,” Joe tried again, stood in your doorway, watching you collect an outfit. “Talk to me.”
It went ignored.
This was the worst part of not having an ensuite; having to take just enough clothes into the bathroom to change in there. You and Josh weren’t exactly on a just-a-towel level yet. Bathrobe felt scandalous too, somehow, even for the five steps it took to get from your bedroom into the bathroom.
Josh could see you in clothes or not see you at all.
Joe easily moved aside when you walked past him, out of your room, and you looked at him as you did.
“Come on. Tell me what you’re thinking.” Joe tried again.
It didn’t feel like you were fully ignoring him, but you weren’t answering him either.
You were thinking Joe was being an idiot.
You were trying, had been trying really hard to meet him where he wanted to be met, and then he just went and let you know he didn’t trust… you? Your flatmate? The situation he’d created with his own two hands?
Felt unfair.
You didn’t say any of that though. Just walked into the bathroom, and then left the door open.
Joe would get the hint, you thought.
He did, but only when you started peeling off your sweat-soaked top with the door wide open, still.
Joe moved quick. Sort of scrambled to get into the bathroom, to lock the door behind him, and then to help you get your top over your head as you struggled with the damp fabric around your shoulders.
You undressed, and Joe helped, and you made eye-contact the whole time.
You could see how he was searching. Trying to find whatever you weren’t saying in your eyes, his chin tucked in, his eyes pleading, all soft and rounded.
Joe tried.
He really tried.
You were getting naked right in front of him, body flushed and glistening with sweat and he got a good look as you stretched your body over the bath to turn the shower on and then you kept staring right at him as you removed more clothes and you were doing something with your eyes and Jesus fucking Christ, Joe was trying.
Trying to not grab you by the shoulders and give you a good shake.
Trying not to let his eyes skirt downward because you’d just removed your sports bra and, oof, man, that was a lot of skin on show.
Joe was trying not to hold you by the face and trying not to get real close and trying not to whisper words into your mouth in hopes of coaxing out some of your own. Which… he failed. Because he did get your face into both his hands just after you’d reached up to untie your hair. He did get real close. And he did ask you once more to just talk to him, please.
You handled the close eye-contact fine.
Handled the cupping of your face fine.
And Joe couldn’t stop searching your face.
Was there truly no budging?
Was this… was this it?
Had he just gone and fucked it all up for himself? Had the big plan behind his move imploded because he couldn’t deal with the fact that you were now… no longer in his flat with him? Joe’s mind tried to make sense of it, but all he could really come up with, was that you probably didn’t even consider the two of you to be together.
You’d never talked about that.
Had never mentioned it.
Hadn’t labeled it.
You were just close flatmates that weren’t actually flatmates anymore, and… and now what?
He just wanted you to talk.
You were just in your underwear now, stood in a small bathroom and Joe ticked off all boxes in his mind: you were alone, check. You were close, check. You were in your safe space, check.
The shower was hot now, slowly filling the room with warm steam and, fuck, if you would just fucking talk.
Joe was about to repeat himself. Was about to say it again. But then he saw it.
Something changed.
Your eyes softened and your mouth tightened as you tried to keep your lips wobbling. As you tried to not let what was living inside of your chest get out. When you started blinking more rapidly as your eyes stung with tears, you also began avoiding eye-contact and, good. This was good. Joe let you go then, and watched as you got out of your last piece of clothing before you stepped into the shower.
You left the shower curtain open, and Joe thought he’d never undressed quite so fast.
You’d never shared a shower before.
Something about it felt really momentous, but you didn’t have the opportunity to think about it for too long. The thought vanished just as quickly as it had crossed your mind, because when Joe stepped into the bath behind you and held you by the shoulders before curling his arms around to hold you close, you decided that, actually, you were going to talk.
“You left,” you started, voice far thinner than you wanted it to be.
“I know.”
“You left and you’re making me feel bad about it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not fair. It’s not my fault you moved out,” you reached up to hold onto Joe’s arm across your front and you felt how your eyebrows knitted together when you softly followed with, “Is it?”
And, fuck.
Something snapped into Joe’s chest.
Something swelled and popped.
He didn’t know what that was, all he knew was that it hurt.
“No!” Joe tightened his arms before he let you go enough to turn around. “No, baby, of course not, is that– do you think I left because of you?”  
You looked at each other, and for a moment, Joe didn’t know if he was looking at shower water or tears that were running down your face.
You gave a small shrug before Joe lifted his hands to your face to wipe at your cheeks. If they were tears, they had no business being there, so he needed them gone.
“I didn’t leave this place because of you. Hey,” you avoided eye-contact, so he grabbed hold of you by the face again where both your of your hands found his wrists. “Look at me. Look– I did not move out because of you, all right?”
Well, he did… but, it was nuanced. He moved out for the both of you. He had to be careful. He couldn’t say the wrong thing and ruin what already felt ruined enough.
You gave a tiny nod that he could feel more than he could see, and you looked so fucking sad, Joe couldn’t help but move in to try and kiss some of it from your face.
He hoped you believed him.
You were naked in a shower together, of which Joe was getting none of the stream, and you were trembling because of things Joe had said and done and all he could think to do was hold you.
So he did.
It was a terrible waste of water, but it felt so incredibly necessary for him to not pull back until you did. Let you take the lead. Curl an arm around your head, the other around your waist, and follow your pace.
Joe felt how you were trying to control your breathing, and, you were right. He wasn’t allowed to be the cause.
He was the reason why you were feeling the way you were feeling and he realised he had been, for a while, probably.
Joe pushed you.
Joe had been pushing you.
He shouldn’t have.
He shouldn’t have left and he shouldn’t have tried with all his might to keep you as close to him as you had been before and he shouldn’t have taken his jealousy out on you and he shouldn’t have repeatedly asked you to talk to him because look! Look what all of it had lead to?
Your lead.
Your time.
Your pace.
No more making you meet him halfway.
Joe was going to wait for you.
He would.
It didn’t fucking matter how long it was going to take you, or if you’d even get there at all. He was going to wait. If that meant actually befriending Josh like a normal person, then he was just going to have to befriend Josh like a normal person.
Joe held you close until your finger tips stopped digging into his skin so much, and then he softly said, “I’ll wait.”
That made you look up at him.
“I’ll wait for you. I can be patient.”
And, you frowned. Because what the fuck was Joe talking about.
“But…” you started, and you felt it then. You could feel whatever was inside of your chest collect every little speck of bravery it could find within your body. It pulled it from the muscles in your legs and from the bones in your arms. Found some hidden inside the beating of your heart and then some more in the humid shower air inside your lungs. And then, it said it.
“I’m right here.”
Joe blinked at you. Didn’t get it.
“I’m right– Joe, what do you mean, you’ll wait. Have we not been– is this not what we’ve been…” you furrowed your brow at how words seemed to escape you. All bravery gone.
Joe saw.
Heard what you were saying and, before you even fucking knew what was happening, Joe had both his arms around your waist and lifted you up, effectively pressing his face right into your tits as he scared the living daylights out of you because you were in the bath.
“Joe–” you shrieked, but were quickly shut up by his mouth that pressed to yours before your feet had even properly touched down again.
“I love you.” Joe squeezed it from his own mouth right into yours. Barely got the words out normal as he didn’t want to stop kissing. Didn’t want to break contact, lips and hands doing the most.
“Joe,” you laughed, giving his shoulders a light push before you felt something against your hip, and– oh.
“No, I’m sorry. Ignore that. I love you. Did you hear me? I love you. I said I love–”
“I love you too.”
Joe froze before he groaned with both eyes squeezed shut, and you looked down to see how hard that had made him.
“I love you too,” you repeated yourself and saw it jump, leaking already, and Jesus, that was quick. This was a fun game actually. Talking suddenly didn’t seem so bad.
“Hey, I love you. Did you hear me? I said I lovemmpf–” Joe got a hand over your mouth just for the sheer agony of what it was doing to him.
You took your shot and bit right into his fingers.
“Stop it, you’ve got to– you can’t–”
And, yea, you could actually. You shut Joe up with kisses of your own this time.
You were sharing your first shower together, and it felt sort of momentous.
It felt momentous because you’d shared words that had been stuck in the back of your throat for a while now.
It felt momentous because Joe just told you that he loved you.
It felt momentous because you said it right back and everything about it felt right.
It felt momentous because you were going to have loud shower sex and Josh was likely going to hear you and you actually didn’t care about it. You cared more about the pizza that was slowly defrosting on the kitchen counter which actually sounded like the perfect breakfast food, if you were being honest.
You and Joe were just flatmates, but not.
Were just close, but more.
Were in love. Had said the words now, for the other to hear with their ears, and wasn’t that a shocking turn of events after last night?
Joe couldn’t explain it if he tried.
Didn’t really want to either.
As long as you knew. As long as you understood.
And you did. The proof was in the pudding.
Something felt alive in Joe’s chest. And in yours too.
Maybe someday, they could meet.
Have a chat.
Talk things through.
Or not.
They could also just look at each other. Sit on the sofa. Curl into each other and eat pizza. Watch the first ten minutes of films before they’d doze off together. Make fun of plants that got overwatered in a desperate attempt to keep them alive because they were buddies with yours and Joe could never be responsible for the death of plants that had friends, were you joking?
They’d call you idiots.
And, yea you were.
But it was fine.
You were just close. In love. Together. And that didn’t need explaining. As long as you knew and understood, that was all that mattered.
You were all that mattered.
Your lead.
Your time.
Your pace.
Your love.
the end
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson,
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@dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee,
@figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4,
@hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke,
@lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr,
@munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories,
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taglist currently full, sorry
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hfrpfanmail · 6 months
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
hi lana! i love your content and i was thinking if you'd accept this little request of mine: reader is pregnant, they find out they're having a girl and from that moment on joe is just mesmerized by the fact he's having a little girl. neither reader or joe had any preference, they just wanted the baby to be healthy and happy. the entire thing culminates with joe holding his little girl for the first time, crying and thanking the reader and he's really star struck.
“It’s a girl!”
Those 3 little worlds changed your lives for the better, not just knowing you had a healthy baby growing inside of you, but it altered the way you both felt towards the human you had in your stomach, now that she was marked with a gender; it kind of made the pregnancy feel more real.
From that moment on, there wouldn’t be a single second wasted where Joe wouldn’t be coming up with names for your little girl, giggling about who’s features she’d gain more of. Every moment spent laid with his hand stroking your ever changing tummy, promising her all the things he’s going to do right by her in life.
Joe spoilt her constantly even though she was still a couple of months off arriving, buying little bits and redecorating what was going to be her bedroom in a flash, prepping and excited for the moment he could hold his baby girl in his arms. Clothes, toys and lots of pink and white shone across your view in the bedroom, looking fit for a princess, his little princess.
The time finally came around when you gave birth 3 weeks prior to your due date, it was all a bit of a blur from your water breaking suddenly after being sat snuggled on the sofa with Joe and a curry he had prepared for dinner that night, but you’d since read that spicy food was what probably spurred on the labour.
You’d never seen a more happier gaze on Joe’s face than that of when he first got to hold his daughter in his arms, your love for him had never felt stronger. Daddy and baby together as one, ready to take on life together, you knew from that moment and every day on that he would protect her with all his might, just the way he promised. The loves of your life huddled perfectly. Her big brown eyes only added to the feeling, knowing she had gained the sweetness of his chocolate button eyes, the ones you fell in love with all of those years ago.
Joe looks on at you, tears flowing from his eye lids as he gives you the most real and enamoured smile, the dimples strong and raging, the rosiness in his cheeks purely from tiredness yet contentment showed that not only was he the most luckiest man in the world, but the proudest for what you’d given him, what you’d created together and what had brought your bond closer than you could ever thought possible.
You fell asleep for a few hours before waiting to be discharged from the hospital and you’d wake to find Joe rocking her in his arms, the same smile cultivating his features as his little finger was clutched by her tiny hand. “Daddy’s got you my sweet girl, you’re going to have such a fantastic life with me and mummy. We love you so much.”
Your eyes were droopy and full of exhaustion but you could peak just a little to see the way Joe was talking to her, full of intent expression and love, the way you’d always dreamed the father of your children would be.
He was simply star struck by his own daughter, the time he got to spend with her when he wasn’t away filming or doing conventions, he’d be straight back home with you, helping you out, getting up for the night feeds and you’d even find him as time went on missing in the middle of the night, only to find him in her bedroom, sound asleep on the carpet but his hand gripped to hers through the railings of the cot.
Joe would never stop thanking you for this precious gift and he’d never stop badgering you to have another either, he decided he wanted his own little cult of Quinn’s; it was something you were prepared to do since the first one went so well.
210 notes · View notes
alonetimelover · 2 years
Action! - 2023 - Social Media
Pairings: Director!Reader x Joseph Quinn (+Ex!Harry Styles)
Warnings: swearing, some angst in comments(?)
Summary: Harry unexpectedly releases a new album. Fans are shocked. Twitter is in flames. A small restaurant in London becomes a gossip place. New beginning.
Side note: The album is made of songs by Joji, Bruno Major, Giveon and Lewis Capaldi.
Also it was supposed to have a written blurb within, but it already has 3k words. Just let me know if you want to read about Joe listening to the album and the confrontation.
check out this series SM posts! part1 part2 part3 part4 part5
series masterlist feedback
Part based on a message I got from @little-freak-satellite. thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache, hArrysbtch, harryshoee and 19 192 828 others
harrystyles •1133•27192• my new album is OUT AT MIDNIGHT
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harrysmoustache excuse me???? i- speechless
harryupdates another sleepless night, thank you, harry!
ynupdates oh... i have a bad feeling
⤷ ynsmybestie i do too, i hope it's nothing too bad
⤷ ynshands besties.... you think he wrote a whole album for her (again)?
⤷ ynsmybestie probably. look at the artwork. his hand is real and has a shadow. the other one is only a shadow. this person is probably no longer with him, just like yn
⤷ ynshands noooo, im not ready to cry 😓
⤷ ynsmymama i did a quick calculation and, well, 1133 days are 27192 hours, it's about 3 years and a month...
⤷ ynshands youre kidding! the time they were in a relationship is an album title?????
⤷ ynsmybestie oh god, he really hasn't moved on
annetwist ❤️
harryshoee ehmm, are you okay??
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liked by ynupdates hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache, harrysmylife and 10 182 others
harryupdates Like you all know Harry announced today his newest album - 1133 27192. His website also got an update - after it loads on your computer for a split second one of 13 photos is shown. Each photo can be seen only once on an individual IP address. Those photos are the ones that got caught by fans.
1133 27192 out at midnight. Pre-save it on Apple Music and Spotify now!
view all 2 028 comments
ynupdates this is so fucked up... harry, what are you doing...
ynshands he used the photos we've never seen of them???? wtf, harry. wtf
ynsmybestie im ready to fight him. yn just got married two months ago, and had her first baby and he's pulling this shit??? nah, man. not with me those tricks
ynshands im just wondering if there wasn't even one person on his team that said 'Harry, its a little too far' BECAUSE IT IS TOO FUCKING FAR!!!
harrysmoustache well, i cant keep defending you, harry
harryshoee at least these are some nice photos! 😬
user182 isn't that an invasion of privacy?
joeandynfann im wondering what joe's thinking of it
⤷ ynshands this poor man. he's a new dad, has a wonderful wife, and needs to somehow deal with her unrestrained ex
⤷ ynsmybestie i feel so bad for him. if i were him, i would probably not last with yn. he loves her so much 🫠
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
you remember me from Harry's house breakdown? well, the 'numbers' album dropped almost six hours ago and let me tell you... i've listened to it 5 times already, cried my eyes out - im dehydrated. but...this album is just for, about and everything YN so i have to do a breakdown (1)
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16k comments 💬 80k shares 🔃 201k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornorbabe 2h
1. she chose me: it's the easy one - song that didn't make it to Fine Line (Harry's house too). just harry not comprehending how YN could love him. 'Why was it I and nobody else? The most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen And she chose me' (2)
14k comments 💬 65k shares 🔃 193k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
2. tapestry: through the first listen - this was the song that firstly made me cry. it's basically harry's response to champagne problems (that i BET is a story about how yn rejected his proposals). in champagne problems there is a line 'you'll find the real thing instead, she'll patch up your tapestry that i shread'. and harry's responding yn with 'you'll always be a part of my tapestry' meaning - without you, no one will patch up this tapestry - his life. ALSO it's a second on the album, just like champagne problems is. (3)
17k comments 💬 15k shares 🔃 65k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
3. nothing: again a song that didn't make it to Fine Line (either Harry's house) 'there is nothing like doing nothing with you' (4)
11k comments 💬 12k shares 🔃 57k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
4. pointless: ehh, this is a song where harry is in denial, i think. he's singing about how well yn and he know, love and cherish each other. 'i'll wait for you, you'll wait for me too' is repeated throughout the whole song until the actual end - when he realises the truth 'of all the things I'm chasing, there's only one I choose, everything is pointless without you'. (5)
15k comments 💬 14k shares 🔃 57k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
5. feeling like the end: i think he wrote this song while being angry, quite blaming yn for what had happened between them 'you used to promise me it would be forever, feeling like the end, don't think it will get better' (6)
13k comments 💬 16k shares 🔃 60k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
6. unholy matrimony: CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS CONFIRMED! harry did propose to yn, she rejected him - break up. but this song is more or less a hypothetical turn of events if she accepted engagement. 'now i know we'll never know what happens when our love just ain't the same no more' - maybe it would be different if their love stayed the same. 'our love story's ended way too soon, you're supposed to love to the tomb' and also 'love will give you what you need but also take what you don't appreciate' (7)
14k comments 💬 17k shares 🔃 62k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
7. before the day is over: i think it made be the first song he wrote after the reality kicked in - yn was not his anymore, he wasn't hers; but he was still hoping she would call, text. 'say something soon, we might lose it all'. and then 'i can't take another day, i could go insane, there's only so much i can take' he deep down knew it was ultimate end, no turning back, no 'saying something soon'. (8)
16k comments 💬 16k shares 🔃 61k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
8. die for you: song about harry getting to know about yn and joe being together. 'i heard that you're happy without me, and i hope it's true' 'i hope you're getting everything you needed' when he is 'not the same without your head on my shoulder' 'and it's true i need you here closer'. yn being happy is killing him but 'that's okay 'cause i'd still die for you'. and they're not friends because 'only time we speak is in my dreams' im crying again... (9)
19k comments 💬 15k shares 🔃 65k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
9. glimpse of us: BE AWARE ! WATERFALL OF TEARS ! harry has/had a new woman, she's perfect but he still wishes it was yn - because 'sometimes when i look into her eyes, and that's where i found a glimpse of us'. he's a dick. because that lovely woman is his rebound. and then this man is crossing a line, ladies, gentleman and non-binary folks - 'maybe one day you'll feel lonely and in his eyes you'll get a glimpse, maybe you'll start slipping slowly and find me again' THE NERVE ?! im so angry but im crying so much as well (10)
21k comments 💬 19k shares 🔃 71k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
10. dissolve: here he knows that it was a dick move in glimpse of us, he sings 'who the hell am I to think you're my angel from above? it's not right' BRAVO, it's not, harry. and then again 'you got the life you always wanted, please don't leave me behind'. he can't stand yn being happy with joe (11)
15k comments 💬 17k shares 🔃 64k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
11. heartbreak anniversary: so, after using my math skills i calculated when the heartbreak happened. it was around 3rd of July 2020 - around the same day and month in 2023 yn's pregnancy got revealed. i think (i'm certain) this song is a product of harry getting the news. (12)
13k comments 💬 18k shares 🔃 68k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
12. to let a good thing die: it feels like a warning harry gives us, 'life isn't like a movie, but it sure will make you cry'. it also feels like harry's telling us about what that 'good thing' did to him, he wants to prevent us from that pain. ending the song with 'stop wishing for forever, 'cause nothing ever lasts, if it's keeping you from sleeping wipe the tear from you eye, 'cause sometimes, it's time to let a good thing die.' it's not a healthy advice but harry doesn't know any other, heartbreak consuming him still. (13)
16k comments 💬 19k shares 🔃 70k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
13. the most beautiful thing: it might be a song where harry's saying that he's over yn. i don't believe it. in 'she chose me' he calls yn 'the most beautiful girl' and here he's singing 'the most beautiful thing that i have never seen'. maybe he wants something new, maybe his over yn, but considering he released 12 songs saying how much he still loves her, i don't buy this 'i'm over you' bullshit, a a (14)
18k comments 💬 16k shares 🔃 69k likes ❤️
harrysbtch @iheartharryandyn 1h
i cried so much while listening to this album. and i still haven't stopped listening. he's voice - so heartbroken, hoarse and low???
1k comments 💬 0,4k shares 🔃 3k likes ❤️
joseph my love @joemyman 1h
it's a beautiful album but i feel so sorry for joe, he hasn't got a day in peace since starting a relationship with yn
2k comments 💬 0,9k shares 🔃 5k likes ❤️
yn the queen @ynmyqueenandsaviour 1h
@joemyman i just hope he and yn just haven't listened to it yet and don't plan to. it's really too much to handle, i think. especially with having a little baby under your roof.
2,3k comments 💬 1,1k shares 🔃 5,6k likes ❤️
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache, harrysupdates, ynsmybestie and 8 292 others
joeandynupdates Joe this morning at the London café! The person that took the photo said that Joe was checking his phone constantly, getting visibly upset by something.
Just let me remind you that it's been just about 9 hours since Harry dropped another album about YN.
credit: josephmyman
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ynupdates i hope it wasn't the moment he got the news about the album...
hArrysbtch i still have hope that Harry had contacted YN before releasing the album... i know, i am naive
harrysupdates please tell me no one was bothering this kind human being
⤷ josephmyman so hi! im the one that took the photo. After that, i politely walked up to him to just say hello and literally praise his work. he was soooo kind and lovely, so smily. he refused a photo ('so sorry, love') but propose a hug and to sign something for me. i was more than happy!
⤷ ynsmybestie do you know if him and yn know about the album?
⤷ josephmyman im more than certain. his phone was on the table and from the corner of my eye, i saw IG opened with a post about THAT album. he also smirked at my t-shirt (unfortunately i had a tee with harry's photo with the text 'that's my man' on it)
⤷ ynshands id love to see joe's face 💀
eddiesbaby dad life treating him well, look at this man 🤤
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liked by josephquinn, taylorswift, florencepugh, tchalamet, ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 11 028 383 others
yourinstagram meeting granny and papa for the first time 🩷 (I'm afraid i'm gonna turn into an instagram mum...)
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josephquinn best nannies in the world
⤷ florencepugh excuse me?
⤷ taylorswift excuse me?
⤷ tchalamet excuse me?
⤷ yourbestfriend excuse me?
florencepugh little Mae my love 🥰
tchalamet THAT'S MY GODDAUGHTER!!! 👶
taylorswift look at her holding her head without a problem! she's growing up so quick 😭
⤷ yourinstagram don't, tay. i cried today because she has two times more hair than a few days ago...
ynshands her name is Mae???? it's so beautiful !!!!
⤷ ynsmybestie i think it's a nickname
⤷ ynsmymama what if its Maeve??? it matches and its from Irish mythology that yn likes so much
⤷ hArrysbtch yes!!! i agree! Maeve was a warrior queen!
harrysmoustache look at you being unbothered, Queen behaviour!!!!
harryupdates beautiful family! 😍
harrysmylife i think she still doesn't know about the album...
⤷ joemyman you think joe didn't tell her?
⤷ harrysmylife I mean... if I were joe, i wouldn't tell her
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie, joeandynfann, ynshands and 28 293 others
There is no information of where it was on who got the photo.
view all 6 293 comments
ynshands what in a matrix just happened?????
ynshands excuse me?????
ynshands im so confused i- WHAT?!
ynshands wtf
harrysmoustache jeixhejisjdjdiis you're kidding!!!!! its not real
hArrysbtch what in the fuck is going on???? is it real? is it photoshop? are the fans lying??? maybe it was someone else? not yn and joe? whaaaaat
joeandynfann this is so random
user492 is this some kind of pr move? why are they meeting in public?
⤷ ynsmybestie i may be wrong but I can't imagine yn inviting harry to her and Joe's home. and neither going to harry's house where they made so many memories
⤷ user492 it makes sense
⤷ user917 but why not some low-key restaurant?
⤷ ynsmymama tmz uploaded a video of them leaving. it's literally some small restaurant outside of London. there were just a few people there.
ynshands i calmed down, do we know more about it??
⤷ ynsmybestie well, apparently it was all about the album. a person that got the photo also recorded them. tmz has it on its website
harrysupdates oh, that's so strange
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liked by harrysmoustache, ynsmybestie and 293 292 others
tmz "Well, it's not only about you. Not everything is. She didn't have a say in it. You did it behind her back. The least you can do now is apologise. And I don't think your proud ass can do that." Those were some of the words that Harry Styles (29) heard from his ex-girlfriend - YN YSN - husband - Joseph Quinn (29). The actor didn't hold back with words towards the pop star and neither did YN - just calmer. To listen to their conversation go to the link in our bio!
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harrysmoustache "You know how much it hurt to have my, our photos out there without permission. You said you felt the same. And now, you're reliving the past. But I'm the only one just off the boat. You betrayed all my trust, even the last strands of it that I've had." Oh man. it feels so wrong to listen to it, buuut tea 🍵 yn said what needed to be said
hArrysbtch "Man, I'm not asking you to do anything for me or because of me. I know you hate me, and if I'm being honest you're not my favourite person on the planet either, but if what you sing and write is true about YN, do it for her. For the last three years, she didn't catch a break. You're everywhere and it's tiring. You're a famous one, so you really can just stop this. For her." JOSEPH YOURE THE MAN I LOVE. LET ME GET ON MY KNEES.
ynsmybestie "Talk with Anne and Gemma. They know you like nobody else, they're there for you. Just, just get better, Harry. All of this is consuming you. You deserve better than still hanging on something that is no longer there." she still cares. she still is giving him advice. 😭
harrysmylife "I really am sorry, YN. Please tell Joseph. I regret, I regret what I did. I know it looks like a PR move. It wasn't. I just was a prick, did it for myself, for private benefit. I'm sorry for affecting you and your family, again. I'm so sorry, darling." HE SLIPPED THE PET NAME. HARRY YOU SIMP, OH GOD
harrysupdates i literally hate the person that recorded them
ynshands does the person that recorded know its illegal???
ynsmymama you're sick for uploading it! it was a private conversation!
⤷user396 they were in public. should've stayed at home.
⤷ ynsmymama just because it was at the restaurant, doesn't mean they had the right to record.
ynshands oh Harry... thank god Joseph is a nobleman and didn't beat your ass up. I wouldn't blame him. I'd beat you up if you were saying all this about MY WIFE
joeandynfann I can't believe im the only one drooling over joe smoking????? he looks so hot
⤷ ynshands it is!! but didn't he quit (because of becoming a dad)?
⤷ joemyman he did say that. maybe because of all the stress he just needed one?
joesupdates also joseph didn't say half of the things that are in your caption. why are you trying to put him in a bad light?
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♥️ 💬 ➤
liked by yourinstagram, ynupdates, ynsmybestie, joeandynfann, joesupdates and 2 201 910 others
esquire "They are my whole world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. Being a husband and a father are the best things that happened to me in 2023 or my life. I'm just so happy with having met YN those four years ago. Without her, I really don't know who I'd be." says Joseph Quinn, this year's last front page star. To read the whole article click the link in bio, or buy the paper magazine!
photographed by yourinstagram
styled by yourinstagram
view all 102 392 comments
ynupdates "I don't want to comment on that. It has enough attention, in my mind. I'd just wish it all went differently. Preferably without affecting my wife this badly." I knew that YN wouldn't take that album slightly...
ynshands "My wife is, how can I say it without talking for hours? She's special. Too good for this world. My best friend, my love, the mother of our beautiful daughter. She went through so much the last few years, I still am in awe. She's the strongest woman I know." crying....
ynsmybestie "It's scary to have a child. That little baby's counting on you with their life. It's- it's absolutely terrifying. But seeing her grow so quickly, learn and just be happy with the world is super exciting." Maeve, baby, can I borrow your daddy for a day or two???
joemyman lookin good dad
yourinstagram is he single???
⤷ josephquinn nope. i have a wife, lady.
⤷ yourinstagram damn it!
florencepugh dad life is paying of, joseph
ynsmymama b e a u t i f u l man
harryupdates he's so in love with yn. it's lovely to see!
hArrysbtch happy to see them happy besides all the drama
harrystyles stopped following yourinstagram
you deleted the number: yn🌻
text messages between Harry and Anne
i did it. i'm starting fresh.
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ericaand · 1 year
Waking Up to Joseph Quinn - Part 3
Characters: Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe confesses his attraction to you.
Word Count: 800+
Warnings: None. Fluff.
Butterflies filled your stomach as you found your floor. It sure wasn't as gorgeous as Joe's room, and honestly, you hadn't even spent much time in it. The silver doors parted as the ding rang in your ear.
Down the hall, Natalia was leaning against the large cream-colored door, scrolling through her phone.
Her eyes shot toward you, and her mouth flung open into a large 'O', as she mouthed 'Oh my God'.
You continued to walk toward her, shaking your head with a smile; Realizing what it most definitely looked like - dress draped over your arm, and shoes on your hands instead of your feet. Talk about the walk of shame.
"Thanks." Taking the card from her thin hands.
"So, tell me ALL about it. I'm dying to know."
"Well, honestly, there's not much to tell. I was just really drunk, and thankfully he was there. If not, I would have probably looked like such an idiot in front of you all and everyone else. He was going to just walk me to my room, but you'd already left with my card."
She was nodding, with her arms crossed over her chest, and half of her lips curled into a smile.
"So, he took me back to his room. Gave me this, and then we went to bed." You tugged as your shirt and shrugged.
"Huh." She stared blankly and wrinkled her nose. "Well, don't forget about the interviews we have later today. Take some Tylenol and get some carbs, you're gonna need it."
You hovered the card over the sensor as the light flashed green. The room, even though exactly how you left it, felt a little different now. After pulling yourself together, you noticed it was quickly reaching the hour mark to meet Joe. The butterflies returned again. You weren't sure what exactly he was going to say. You weren't even sure what you were going to say.
The lobby was adorned with large crystal chandeliers, white marble flooring, and chic gold and navy blue seating. You recognized Joe's curly hair, with his head resting on his hand, which was resting on the arm of the couch.
"Ready?" Your eyebrows knitted together.
Joe grinned and reached his arm out in front of you while resting his hand on the small of your back. You allowed Joe to lead - choose the car, place to eat, and even seating.
"So, are you okay with talking here?" His eyes wandered the restaurant.
You nodded.
His brown eyes captured yours, and he opened his mouth to speak.
"Obviously, we've grown incredibly close. I'd be absolutely stupid if I didn't acknowledge that somewhere, within me, Natalia's right." He scanned your face.
"You can't tell me that you don't feel this... electricity. This chemistry?"
Your heart began to beat faster. "I do. I have for a while actually." You peered down at the table, tracing the knots and swirls within the woodgrain. Then, back to Joe.
"I just...I don't know how to do this." You pointed your finger towards yourself, and then to him.
"I don't understand? What's so complicated, love? I like you. You like me. What more does there need to be?"
You inhaled, and forced a long exhale; all while keeping your eyes on Joe's. You felt the corners of your mouth turn into a smile. "Nothing, I guess."
You laid your hands on the table face up, and you felt warm hands sliding up your forearm, and squeezing firmly on both sides. Joe couldn't hide his cheeky grin.
After brunch, Joe paid the tab and escorted you to a large black SUV. He grasped the door handle and swung it open, grabbing your hand to guide you in.
The hot leather seat warmed your chilled body, as you clicked the seatbelt into place. Light quickly bounced in from the other side, soon to be shadowed by Joe's frame as he slid his way in. He chose the middle seat, and quickly placed his hand on your thigh.
You smiled in not-so-secret, as you giggled. You felt his gaze upon you and turned your head to match his.
"I hope you don't mind this," You felt his palm on your jawbone and his fingers curl around the back of your neck. "But, I've waited far too long to kiss you. I've wanted to since the moment I laid eyes on those perfectly pink lips of yours."
Your heart began to pound, as your breathing became quicker. He parted his lips and brought them to yours. Gently at first, aligning with your lips.
He pulled inches away and scanned your eyes from left to right, right to left. He dove back into your space, lips parted, fingers now pulling you toward him. When he made contact, he gently sucked your lower lip into his mouth. His mustache tickling the lower part of your top lip.
Your mouths moved in sync; gently tugging each other's lips. He loosened his grip on the back of your neck and allowed his hand to fall from your shoulder down to your hand. Leaving you with a nibble on your bottom lip.
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demonsanddemogorgons · 10 months
Sunny in Philadelphia - A Joseph Quinn Story (Chapter 16)
Chapter 16 - 110%
CONTENT WARNING: MATURE CONTENT/SMUT. MINORS DNI. Seriously, scram. And if you don't like rpf, this story isn't for you. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Dinner wasn’t until 6:00 and to be perfectly honest, after the events that had just unfolded, you weren’t really in the mood to do much of anything for the day. It sucked that Drew could ruin your mood so easily, but Joe understood and was perfectly fine with spending a day on the couch, especially because he knew it was going to be stressful for you in itself to introduce him to your family later.
“It’s alright, love,” he said as he hugged you, rubbing circles on your back. “We can have a nice cuddle and binge watch your favorite show with some snacks.”
“What if I told you my favorite show was Stranger Things?” you said with a giggle. Joe smirked at you, knowing you were joking about him having to watch his own show, which he didn’t do often because it just felt weird for him. “For your sake, I will settle for second favorite.”
“And that would be?” he asked, brushing your hair behind your ear soothingly as he looked down at you with glistening eyes. Even just the way he looked at you made you weak in the knees.
“Ah, alright. I’ve heard of that, but I haven’t seen it.”
You’ve never watched Supernatural?! God, Joe, you don’t know what you’ve missed.”
“Well, start it up then, darling,” he chuckled.  “I will grab some snacks.”
You made yourself comfortable on the couch with your favorite blanket and got into Netflix on the smart TV as Joe dug through the pantry for munchies. As you pulled up Supernatural, Joe returned with a bowl of cheese puffs and two glasses of iced tea, one for each of you.
“Thank you,” you said as he handed your glass to you and sat next to you. He pulled you into his side and rested his arm around you, pulling the blanket over to cover both of you. You rested your head on his shoulder and a hand on his chest, sighing in relaxation and briefly shutting your eyes. You wanted to really feel the comfort for a moment, absorb it with no other senses getting in the way.
“You alright, love?” He asked. He had noticed your eyes being closed. You opened them and looked up at him, meeting his concerned face.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just taking this all in.” Your lips formed into a small smile to reassure him. He smiled back, rubbing the side of your arm with his thumb. “It’s just nice to have someone here again, someone that makes me feel at ease, even just by sitting here with me. I can finally start associating warm memories with this house.”
“I’m so glad for that, darling, and so humbled to be that person for you. That’s so amazing of you to say.” He leaned down and kissed you softly, flushing you with more warmth. You were finally starting to feel at home in your own home again, and it was mainly because Joe’s arms were becoming that place for you, too. You pulled away slowly with a smile, resting your hand on top of his.
“Okay, so, I feel it’s best you start from the beginning and not where I left off. So you don’t miss things.”
“Sounds perfectly reasonable to me, darling. But are you sure you want to start it over and have to watch it again?”
You laughed.
“Joe, honey. I’ve watched it all the way through 3 times.”
He gave you a surprised smile, almost in disbelief.
“3 times?! Love, you know there’s other things to watch on here,” he joked.
“Yeah, I know,” you giggled. “It’s my comfort show.”
“Alright, well, fire away,” he said with a chuckle, handing you the remote.
You pressed play on the first episode and settled in closer to Joe, who was more than happy to hug you a little tighter.
A few hours later, Joe picked up the remote to turn the TV off at the end of an episode.
“So it was a demon that made the planes crash then?” He asked.
“Yep,” you responded, readjusting yourself on the couch since it had been a while since you’d moved.
“Interesting,” Joe hummed, pushing the reclining footrest on his side of the couch down with his legs and standing up.
“It gets better. There’s a reason it was on for fifteen seasons,” you chuckle at Joe’s reservations that weren’t as subtle as he was hoping.
“It’s good so far,” he reassured you as he cleaned up the snacks that were left on the end table. “And if it means more cuddles and binge watching with you, I’m all for it.”
You smiled and pecked his lips.
“Good. Well, it’s 4:30. I should get showered and ready for dinner.”
Joe took the snack bowls and cups to the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher. You followed him, making your way through the kitchen to head upstairs. Joe stopped you, pulling you in by your waist.
“Hey, you feeling better?” He asked in reference to the incident earlier in the day, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You placed your hand over his that he had positioned on your face and smiled, turning your head into his hand, and placing a kiss on his palm.
“Much better, thank you.” You pulled away and started heading towards the stairs, turning back and looking over your shoulder at him with a smirk. “But not 100%. May need a little help with that.”
Joe’s face morphed into a big devilish smile. He had caught your drift. He ran up behind you, wrapping his arms around the front of you and burying his head into your neck, lightly kissing and biting. You giggled, leading him to the stairs as if he was glued to you. He only let go so you could run up them, him following closely behind and giving your ass a playful smack. You threw the bathroom door open, the two of you lip locked and running hands all over each other. You stepped out of your clothes and let them fall to the floor. Joe did the same with his sweatpants and boxers. He lifted you up and sat you on the sink, hands roaming everywhere, leaving nowhere on your body untouched as his tongue explored your mouth. He pulled away long enough to ask a question.
“What percent are you at now?” he chuckled. You moved your eyes up and pursed your lips, pretending to think wisely for your answer.
“Hmmmm. 60,” you joked. That answer just wasn’t good enough for Joe. You knew it. He knew it. You wanted him to know it.
“Looks like I’ve got some work to do,” he smirked, lifting you up so you were straddling him and carrying you into the shower. You giggled and squealed as the water hit you, but you went from feeling light and ornery to turned on like the flip of a switch when he pinned your back against the shower wall and started his work on your neck.
“Mmmm, y-you sure aren’t w-wasting any t-time,” you stuttered through breathy moans, your core heating up from Joe’s touch. He smirked against your neck.
“I want my girl to be cheered up as fast as possible. It’s only just,” he muttered between kisses. It didn’t take long for you to feel Joe’s member bumping against your thighs. You reached down between you and started touching him, earning a deep growl against your neck. “I’m supposed to be making you feel good, but you’re being rotten,” Joe mumbled in your ear with a breathy laugh.
“Who said you couldn’t feel good, too?” you responded, almost in a whisper, pulling him in for another sloppy kiss as you continued to touch him. He put you down, and you pouted from the lack of touch for a second, until you were taken aback by being spun around and your front pinned to the shower wall. You felt Joe lean against your back until his lips were at your ear, his hot breath heating you up more than the shower steam ever could.
“You’re so bad, darling. So fucking bad,” he whispered, running his fingertips down your waist, making you shiver. He bent your hips a bit and pushed his hips against your ass so you could feel his hard member touching you. “You feel that, what you do to me?”
“Mmmm,” you moaned seductively, biting your lip as you looked back at him over your shoulder to tease him. “I could feel it more inside me.”
Joe’s eyes darkened as he comprehended your words. He took that as a challenge. He put his palm in the middle of your back to bend you over, gripped onto your hair, and slammed himself into you from behind in a matter of seconds. You wished you could say it was without warning, but it was exactly what you wanted him to do. You knew how to get him riled up, and he knew that very well. He rutted into you roughly, one hand gripping your hair, the other holding onto your hip to keep you steady, grunting a few times through his heavy breathing.
“Uhh, so good, baby. So tight,” he said through winded breaths and groans. You were releasing noises of your own, letting him know without words that he was making you feel good. “Mmm, never knew you liked it rough, darling,” he said, slamming deep into you one last time before you stood up and turned around to face him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer against you.
“Oh, I love it rough,” you teased with a lip bite. “Please, baby. Rail me.”
Joe smirked. He didn’t have to be told twice. He gripped one of your legs under your thigh and lifted it up, lining up to go back inside you at a new angle, one you liked much better so you could be closer to him – face to face. He pulled in for a rough, wet kiss as he slid himself back inside you. You moaned in his mouth at the fullness as his tongue explored yours. You felt him hitting places inside you he wasn’t before. This position was helping him find spots that made your head spin and your legs go weak. “Mmm, o-oh,” you moaned at the newfound pleasure. “Fuck, uhh, right there, just like that. That’s 99%.” Joe smiled devilishly, proud of himself for making you fall apart right in front of him. You continued groaning and grinding against him, the pleasure increasing rapidly. Your climax was fast approaching. Joe kept his pace as he could tell. You could hear his breathing getting heavier and his grunts getting louder, indicating that his high was on its way as well.
“Do it, babe. Come for me. I’m there, o-oh fuck.” Joe knew his words had just as much power over you as his movements did, and he was trying to hold on for you. As if on command, you finished with the loudest moan you had let out. Your head fell back, feeling like it was in the clouds. The noise you had released sent Joe over the edge. The two of you grasped onto each other, continuing your rhythm to desperately keep your highs going for as long as possible as you groaned in pleasure. As the sensation died down, the two of you slowed and Joe pulled out, releasing your leg, and pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You pulled away and put your forehead against his. “So, what’s the final verdict?” Joe asked eagerly, ready to hear how much better you felt.
“Mmm,” you hummed, looking up into his eyes lovingly and stroking his cheek with your thumb. “110%.”
Joe smiled sweetly at you, his eyes shining with pride, and pulled you in for another kiss.
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