#joe velasco one shot
I’m here for you
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Joe Velasco X Reader 
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this !! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. 
Me and Joe had this will they wont they thing going on for a while now. You felt like the vibes were there but it was hard because he was a quiet guy. 
You also were a little reserved so no one had the guts to talk to each other. But slowly by surely the two of you opened up to each other. Talking and texting every chance you got.
It had only been a couple of months and you were head over heels in love.  
Lately thought he had gone through a rough patch and you were trying to be there for him without stepping on toes.
 Olivia our captain was against me even talking to him. Which i personally didn’t understand. 
I Mean I know what he was accused of but i think we all deserve the benefit of the doubt.
 I mean just become someone decided to secretly record an interview we should all turn on him. I feel like he deserved to tell his side of the story. 
I let everyone in the unit how I was feeling about the situation which was causing a lot of heat in the unit. 
“Y/N what did I tell you about staying away” Captain Benson asked. 
“All i did was text him to make sure he was doing that’s all” I said 
“You disobeyed my orders i told you flat out no communication” She said 
“I didn’t ask about the case or anything he’s my friend I ‘m not going to turn my back on him especially when he needs people now” I said in a defensive manner. 
Cap just looked at me and I could tell she was trying to find the right next words to say to me. 
“Listen to me I am saying this because you are a great detective and you have a great career ahead of you and you need to stay focused okay” She told me 
The words she said to me kind of irritated me a little bit but i kept my composer and bit my tongue. I didn’t want to start a fight and cause more tension. 
“I understand cap” was all you could muster out at the moment. 
“Your dismissed the days over just go home and get some rest and think about what I said.” She said. 
“Yes Ma’am thank you” I said 
She put her glasses on and started pulling some papers out of her giant stack she had and started focusing on them. 
Finn and Amanda both looked at me with worried look on their faces. I think when I walked out I looked a little mad and upset. 
“You know she’s right you just gotta focus on you at the moment” Amanda said 
Something in you broke a little and what ever you had been pushing down had worked it way up.
Because you looked over at them sitting in their desk and then spoke out 
“I find that a bit ironic considering your history of dating you and Nick Aamaro and then getting pregnant by Lt Murphy who you were under by the way. Me and Velscao are friends and im finding it pretty messed up that were just supposed to turn our back on a friend” You snapped. 
Finn looked surprised as hell and Amanda was taken back and not sure on what to say next. Which you didn’t even bother giving her the chance.
You quickly gathered your stuff and then headed out. In the background you heard Finn say 
“Just let go and let’s go home” He said 
You walked out the squad room and headed downstairs. You were to worked up to even wait for the elevator. 
You ran down the stairs and then headed out the front door. The fresh air hitting you in the face made you instantly feel a little better. You just headed to the car and threw your stuff in. 
You didn’t even think about going home you just began driving. You tried to clear your head to make you feel a little better. ]
Your stomach started growling and you decided to stop for some dinner. There was a local diner that Joe introduced you to. 
You pulled up and got out and walked in . It was pretty quiet and you were thankful for not having to deal with people. 
You sat in the booth you and Joe always sat in. You were looking at the menu but not really even paying attention. 
You tried to push back frustration tears from everything going on. Suddenly a man wearing a hoodie sat across from you which scared the crap out of you
“Omg what the hell” You asked 
You heard a familiar laugh and then calmed down immediately when you realized who it was. 
“Joe what the hell are you doing here” You asked 
You looked up at him he gave you a sad look. 
“I guess i just wanted to see you”  He said 
“Yeah me to but how did you know I was here” You asked 
“Because I know you I figured you were just getting off of work and was probably hungry so you came here and sat in our booth” Joe said 
You blushed and smiled at him knowing you so well. Or were you that predictable you thought 
“How are you with everything” You asked 
“It’s been hard you know having to turn on Chilli and not also you know” Joe said
“ you know what” You asked 
“Not being able to talk to you. You have no idea how long I have been wanting to talk to you and see you it killed me” Joe said
“It’s not fair that Cap thinks she can just dictate our personal lives you know I missed you to a lot I have been wanting to see you It killed me too not beng able to see you” You told him. 
“I don’t want to bring you down with me” Joe said 
“You wouldn’t do that I’m here for everything the good and the bad” You said grabbing his hand. 
He took your hand and looked up at you and smiled and gave your hand a squeeze. 
“I’m here for you always” you said to him 
“I know and that’s the problem he said
Your face kind of dropped and it was hard not to feel hurt. 
Joe noticed your face and took his other hand and grabbed your free one and squeezed both of them together. 
“It’s not like that i don’t wanna drag you down with me I love you to much” He said 
You gave him a surprised look followed by a smile 
“You love me” You questioned 
He laughed a little bit.
“I’m being serious” you said pouting 
“I know me to I’m trying to tell you I love you. Like more than friends you know and I don’t wanna be the reason your career goes up in flames” He said 
“Listen here Joe Velscao” you said 
“Oh my whole government name it’s serious” Joe said smiling 
“Shut the hell up and listen I love you so much and you are the best part of me and I am a better person and detective because of you know and I know it’s only been a couple of month but when you know you know and I just know” You said rambling towards the end. 
Joe leaped towards you and kissed you hard. You kissed him back and you were both smiling in each other’s faces. 
The kiss broke and he sat down. 
“Listen Y/N i love you so much and like you said when you know you know and I do feel that way about you which is why I wanna protect you” Joe said 
“I’m here i’m a big girl we are going to figure this out together but you gotta tell me the truth that stuff you said in the tapes was it true” You asked 
“Yeah it is but to a point i’m clean I never touched drugs ever but with the dad and son Chilli covered my ass and I owe that to him to help and try and cover his” Joe said 
“I know you feel like that but you also know what ever is going on in the past you gotta close the wound and it should be on your time not anyones else’s okay but you know what the right thing to do is” You said 
“I know I know your right and i know what i gotta do i just don’t the accusations and the rush to judgement” Joe said 
“I get that and I agree that’s not fair to you and you shouldn’t have to prove who you are after all the hard work you been doing. But this is where we are so you need to go and sit down and talk to Oliva and be honest with everything and let the cards fall where they do” You said 
“Yeah you're probably right and I know it’s just hard actually doing it” Joe said 
“I will go in with you tomorrow okay i got you. You won’t go in there alone.” You said 
“Thank you” Joe said squeezing my hand
“Now let’s eat I’m hungry that’s the whole reason why i’m here” You said laughing 
“Yes Ma’am” Joe said 
The waitress came back over and the two of you ordered. Of course she knew what you were getting because it was the same old thing. 
“So uh after this little confession is this considered a date” You asked 
Joe’s face lit up red and he looked up at you and smiled. 
“Nah trust me you deserve a much better place than this for our first official date” He said 
“Oh you don’t know what you just walked yourself into. Because i am going to take you to the most expensive restaurant i can in New York” You said laughing 
“Oh you the person who orders the most basic food ever you wouldn’t even eat the nice food so good luck with that” Joe said laughing 
“Don’t worry about me” You said smirking. 
You both couldn’t contain your laughter of that. Joe really loosened up and relaxed and you both dropped the work conversation after that. T
alking about everything from your favorite shows you would watch together. 
The food came out just a little bit later and you both shoved your faces with food. It was either really good or you were really hungry.
The rest of the night you both laughed and talked. You also couldn’t help but wonder how Liv was going to take you defying her orders but that didn’t matter right now. 
Because there is no one else you would rather be with than Joe. Nothing could keep the two of you apart from each other. 
No matter what happed the two of you would always be there for each other 
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xoxo-author · 2 months
Partners in Crime
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Authors note: I know SVU doesn't get a lot of love here on Tumblr but I've been binge-watching and love Valasco so here we are!
Pairing: Joe Valasco x Reader (Fem)
Warnings: My god-awful writing, mentions of violence
"You're awake! How are you feeling?"
I tried to offer Rollins a small smile but could only wince as pain shot through my face, "Sore, very sore."
Amanda picked up a chair before setting it down next to my hospital bed and sitting down, "Well after the beating you took, sore is to be expected." 
I close my eyes and let my head fall back, letting what happened flow back into my mind. Working the case, getting the tip that Barban was going to be at this warehouse meeting where he wanted to see new talent, him being interested in me and then losing it, the pain for his hits and kicks, his hands wrapping around my neck, and I'm pretty sure I remember Joe coming in but that's when things start to get a little fuzzy.
"Did we catch him?"
Shaking her head, Amanda let out a sigh, "After you were made, we rushed in. Velasco was the first one in there and by the time the rest of us got in there, Barban was unconscious on the floor next to you, and his face took a pretty hard hit. We get you into an ambulance and off to the hospital then we get Barban loaded up and off to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, his bus got ambushed and someone helped him escape. We don't know where he is yet."
"So I look like this for nothing?" 
Amanda chuckles before reaching out and gently squeezing my bandaged hand, "We'll catch him."
I give her a nod before letting out a sigh, a feeling of uneasiness spreads throughout my body. Barban was the worst of the worst and having my cover blown was less than ideal. If he figured out I was a cop then he could figure anything out, he could figure me out. He could figure out where I lived, my family, what precinct I worked in, and who in my life meant something to me. 
Letting my head lull to the right, my gaze lands on Joe who was passed out on the tiny green recliner chair. 
 "He hasn't left since you got here. We've tried to get him to go home, to shower, to eat, to sleep, to take a break but he refuses to leave your side. I have never seen him like this or how he was when you were in the warehouse." 
Before I could say anything, her phone started to ring, "It's Olivia, I'm going to take this outside and tell your doctor that you're awake. You should wake him up." 
My eyes follow her as she leaves the room, quietly shutting the door behind her, before letting my gaze fall back to Joe. 
Slowly, I push myself up into a sitting position and gently move my legs over the side of the bed. Gripping the handrail of the bed and as soon as my feet touched the ground and I was standing, a whimper fell from me causing Joe's eyes to shoot open. 
He was over to me in record time, gently grabbing my forearm, "What're  you doing?"
Swallowing so maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad to talk, "I'm up, so you're up."
Joe tried to guide me back to sit down but I shake my head, "I want to stand for a little." He nods and his eyes take in my face before moving lower, no doubt checking the damage. 
"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."
I shake my head before tilting it to the side, "This is not your fault Joe."
"If I had been faster to get to you or if we had sent another UC in there with you, none of this would've happened." 
Reaching as high as I could without wincing, I place my hand on his chest, "Joe,  he figured me out, this is not your fault."
Leaning down, he gently places his forehead against mine, " When I got in there, he had his hands around your throat and you weren't moving and I couldn't tell if you were breathing. I thought I had lost you." 
"But you didn't." 
"Everything is looking good, the swelling has started to go down and will only continue to do so. The bruises will take a while to heal due to how significant they are. You can take your brace off your hand to shower but I want it on as much as possible. Take your pain meds as prescribed. If there are no questions, I will leave your discharge paperwork, leave you to get dressed, and send transportation to help you. Take care of yourself." 
Joe places a bag next to me on the bed before unzipping it, "I brought you some of my clothes because I thought you wouldn't want things rubbing against your bruises." 
I smile up at him, "Thank you."
Reaching into the bag, Joe takes out a pair of sweatpants before kneeling to the ground. Joe gently guides my legs through the leg holes before pulling the pants up to my knees. I grabbed the waistband of the pants while he gently wrapped an arm around my waist to help me stand from the bed. I tied the strings while Joe grabbed a white t-shirt from the bag. 
I take my arms out of the hospital's gown armholes and hold the gown to my gest. Joe tilts his head to the ceiling while I, as quick as I could, maneuver the shirt on. "You can look now." 
Joe shoots me a smile before going to open the door so the transportation guy can wheel the wheelchair in. Walking back over to me, Joe grabs my hands to help me sit in the chair, "By the way, you're staying with me until we catch Barban."
I went to argue but the look on his face told me that there was no way he was going to budge so I simply nodded.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months
Oh hiiii 👋🏻 if you're feeling it, could I please get prompt #18 "You tell all the boys no" with Joe Velasco? 👀
Hope you're having a good week so far! 🥰
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You don’t date. It’s something Joe has noticed over the past few years of working with you. It’s not like there isn’t interest, he’s been there when guys have sent over a drink or asked you out. It’s always the same answer, there’s not even a hesitation.
“What’s her deal?” Yates asks him after being shot down.
Joe just shrugs.
“It’s not my business.”
The two of you are on a stakeout when you tell him the real reason. There’s a packet of Skittles open on the dashboard and he’s sorting them into colours because you hate the yellow ones, and they are his favourite. It’s something the two of you have done since your partnership started.
“It’s this.” You tell him gesturing at the colour organisation. The three flavours you love the most are on the right and the three flavours he loves on the left.
He doesn’t understand. He assumes your talking about the Skittles, that there’s some sort of hidden message buried in them that he’s not privy to.
“It’s you.” You say finally. “There’s nobody that really compares to you.”
“Me?” He asks, almost choking on the Skittle he’s just put in his mouth.
“Come on Joe,” You say wearily. “You must know how I feel.”
His hands come to rest on the steering wheel as he stares ahead. He didn’t expect to be having this conversation tonight. This thing between the two of you it’s always been unspoken. He’d tried to move on, but the thing is you’re right, nothing compares to the person you’re in love with. Noone even comes close.
“I do.” He says quietly. “And I know it goes both ways.”
“Yea.” You tell him.
“So what do we do about this?” Joe asks you, tilting his head so he can read the expression on your features.
“The same thing we’ve been doing.” You tell him as you settle back into your seat. “Absolutely nothing.”
@crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 '@withakindheartx @plaidbooks @misscharlielulu @witches-unruly-heart @storiesofsvu @xoxabs88xox @magic-multicolored-miracle @rosaliedepp @cycat4077 @deekaag @cixrosie @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @mysoulisasunflower @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatesqcrush @mydarkestsecretlol @the-adzukibean @wooshwastaken @imaginecrushes @kiwiithecrazybird @justreblogginfics @anime-weeb-4-life @hey-dw @alwaysachorusgirl @telepathay @weiwei0210 @nessamc @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @irishavengersassemble
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adarafaelbarba · 3 months
Can you possibly help me find a one shot about Joe velasco and I think it’s Mike Duarte Mike comes home and yells at the reader and Joe finds her crying or upset and comforts her and warns Mike about doing it again I found it months ago and now it’s all I wanna read and o cannot find it at all 😭😭 thank you xxx
I’m intrigued and want to read it too 😅
@bullet-prooflove @storiesofsvu @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @beccabarba ??? ❤️ have you guys heard of this fic? 🥰
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Terry Bruno Masterlist
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Terry Bruno x fem!reader
One Shots:
Princess Treatment** ft Joe Velasco
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cycat-carisi · 2 years
I’m supposed to be writing a thesis, yet this little drabble hit me like a ton of bricks...so yeah, I’m yeeting it into the Tumblr world! Enjoy? Could fill the “Fresh Start” square in @adarafaelbarba’s birthday bingo!
Summary:  Just a little hurt/comfort drabble with Joe (: Pairing: Joe Velasco x Reader Warnings: language, mentions of domestic abuse, hurt/comfort Words: 806 AO3 here
You are drunk again. A few of your female police officer buddies had joined you for drinks after your shifts. Afterall, it had been a particularly hard day. First, you were called to the scene of a bad accident, then it was followed up with a potential case of assault, and to top it all off, your boss yelled at you for some dumb thing that the alcohol has already made you forget.
Yet another shot is being downed when suddenly he walks in. The sexiest man you have ever seen. Tall, dark and most certainly handsome. Light stubble lines his cheeks and that leather jacket...oh boy, that leather jacket!
"Chiquitita . Time to go home," he speaks in a voice barely audible over the music in the bar.
"Why, hellooo handsome!" you whistle. All your friends' eyes are on you, but you’re too drunk to register their stares.
"Come on," he whispers against your ear.
"Trying to take me home, eh? Well, good lookin', it's a good thing you're so good lookin' because I'm definitely gonna let you take me home!" You stumble a bit, bracing a hand on his firm shoulder.
His find your waist to steady you while, under his breath, the man lets out a curse in Spanish. "I’m your boyfriend, Chiquitita, and it's time to go home now." His voice is stern, dripping with annoyance.
"You're my boyfriend!?! Damn girl, you done goooood!" you give yourself a sloppy pat on the shoulder.
"Please," he begs with those big green eyes. "You do this every time. I dread getting this call but it keeps happening. This has to stop."
You had met Joe Velasco when responding to a call of domestic violence a few years ago. The two of you locked eyes immediately; some kind of electric exchange happening from across the room. He had been the one to ask for your number and there had been no going back since.
A large frown causes your brows to wrinkle but you nonetheless allow Joe to lead you out of the bar. The cool night air feels like a slap to the face, yet it allows you a moment of clarity. "What's the matter with you?!" you demand, perhaps a little too harshly.
"What's the matter with me?" he scoffs, still supporting you in his arms. "You're the one whose friends repeatedly call me to come and get you when you’re drunk out of your mind!"
You add fuel to the argument, exclaiming, "I had a bad day!"
"We all have bad days! But you get completely wasted and…you know how it makes me feel."
"But you knew going into this whole thing that I’m a bit self-destructive!"
"A bit? Come on, please!" Joe rolls his eyes, exasperated.
"I grew up with five brothers! You'd think that after five boys my parents would have wanted a girl.” You sputter out an angry laugh. “Ha! Nope! I was the accident that came out with an X chromosome instead of a Y and they never let me forget it!"
Joe has repeatedly been there for you when it came to how your family treated you, but right now he’s tired of you using it as an excuse for your drinking. "And I had an abusive father,” he rebuts, “who...who would..." There's pain etched across Joe's face as he says the words. "He would drink until there was nothing left, which only made him angrier. That anger had to come out somewhere..."
Your foggy mind immediately flashes to the scars you know litter Joe's back. Suddenly, the guilt hits you like a ton of bricks. "I'm so sorry, babe," you sob out. "I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't mean to make you think of him. I'm sorry." The tears run freely. Clearly, you are an inconsiderate, self-absorbed asshole to a boyfriend who has been nothing but good to you.
Joe's face softens, his tone lowering to match. "Hey, don't cry, Chiquitita. I'm sorry you had a bad day, but drinking won't make it better. I know my schedule is nuts, but I will always be here for you to talk with. I wish you would turn to me instead of the bar."
You honestly didn't deserve him, yet Joe still made you want to be a better person. "I promise, Joe! I promise to talk. I promise not to drink. I promise to be better to you!" You fling your arms around his middle and squeeze.
It's not a moment later that his arms fully envelope you, pressing you tighter to his chest. You can hear the steady thrum of his heart, beating like a calming melody in the most frightful of storms. "I love you," you murmur against his shirt.
"I love you, too," he whispers into your hair. "Now, let's get you home."
Tag list: @plaidbooks @adarafaelbarba  @misscharlielulu @barbasbodaciousbeard @caracalwithchips @averyhotchner @one-sweet-gubler @anlin2058 @katieslotherford @pjkimrn @aynansstuff
I realize it has been an insane amount of time since I last posted, so please let me know if you’d like off/on this list ^^ 
*crawls back under my rock until the next idea needs out of my head*
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About me and my blog
Hello all,
I hope you find the below information helpful (thank you to @thegayhimbo for providing a template on how to do this)
Below you will mostly find information on my writing but I want you to know who you're following so I'll let you know a little about me too.
All about me
I'm a twenty-four-year-old woman living in wonderful Australia (AEST). I have had this blog for a very long time but only became active over the last three years and only started writing early last year. I'm also busy studying to get a bachelor's in a helping profession. I have a dog and a cat and I love them more than anything.
My blog
First and foremost, please don't follow me if you're under the age of 18. I don't want you here, especially considering the content of what I post. I do not make exceptions even if you coming to talk to me about something that is safe for work.
I am passionate about many social issues and will share posts about them from time to time. I have been told from knee-high that I'm opinionated and I'm very happy to share said opinions. Bigots of any shape will be blocked.
I love talking to people about their passion, ideas and thoughts so if you're having to urge to info dump about anything, please say hello.
My writing
Main Masterlist
I write for lots of fandoms for both men and women. I do both reader and OC although I'm moving towards OC more and more. I only do requests very rarely, mostly for milestones. I prefer to use canon as a starting point and most of my work deviates very heavily.
What I write:
One shots Series Fluff Smut Angst
I write for:
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller Lyla Winston
Mayans M.C.
Guero Manny Angel Reyes EZ Reyes
Law & Order: SVU
Terry Bruno Joe Velasco Mike Duarte
The Punisher
Karen Page Billy Russo Frank Castle
Call of Duty (Video Games)
Simon 'Ghost' Riley Valeria Garza Phillip Graves Kate Laswell
The Gentleman
Raymond Smith
Peaky Blinders
Alfie Solomons John Shelby
Gangs of London
Sean Wallace
Many of my fics have very dark themes, and I fully believe that fiction should be used to explore the worst parts of humanity. However, it needs to be done well.
I will not write:
Any form of violence against women for the sole purpose of furthering a man's story. Violence against animals or children. Sexual assault smut. All my smut heavily features enthusiastic and mutual consent
General things for readers
I am more than happy to talk about my work, I will give spoilers and talk about my process if you want. Just ask!!!
I have a tag list and I'm happy to add you but if you are inactive for five posts, I will remove you.
You are under no obligation to read my work so please do not struggle through anything.
This is a hobby and I do this for free, I do this for myself so I'm happy to receive feedback but please don't complain.
Comments and reblogs are loved and cherished.
Thank you for reading this far, I wish you fun on your journey through my blog.
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plaidbooks · 2 years
A Sign
A/N: Karen hosted a small Secret Santa, and this is my entry that I wrote for @bullet-prooflove​ ! I hope you like it! It’s a Joe Velasco x reader fic.
Tags: guns, whump, mentions of death
Words: 1290
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart​  @beccabarba​  @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @permanentlydizzy​ @ben-c-group-therapy​  @infiniteoddball​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​ @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @alwaysachorusgirl​  @glimmerglittergirl​ @joanofarkansass​ @caracalwithchips​ @beardsanddetectives​
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When Joe asked Sonny how he knew Amanda was The One, he was expecting something a little more concrete. “She was vulnerable, but so strong. And I knew,” Sonny had said. But what was Joe supposed to do with that? He wanted a sign, some divine calling that slapped him in the face with it! All this guessing and double guessing was driving him wild. Besides, you deserved better than that.
Better than me, his insecurities reminded him. Late at night, when you were tucked against him, fast asleep, he would lay there, going over your whole relationship in his mind. He loved you, so very much, but was that the sign? Did that mean you were The One, the end game, the final prize? He wasn’t sure. But he was damn sure that stringing you along while he figured it out was shameful—beyond shameful. But he couldn’t let you go, either.
“Please,” he muttered, looking at his ceiling while you dozed silently against him. “Please give me a sign that this is it—that I’m making the right choice here.” He waited in silence for an answer that wasn’t coming, then finally closed his eyes and hoped for sleep.
“Come on, Joey! I’ll race you to Carisi’s office!” you declared with a laugh, dodging around the hustle and bustle of the city towards the DA’s building.
Joe rolled his eyes playfully before grinning. “You’re on!” He broke into a sprint, running past you. “Last one there buys lunch!” he called over his shoulder.
Instantly, you were bolting past him, and he watched, awestruck, as you easily outpaced him up the stairs to One Hogan Place. By the time he caught up to you, he was panting; Joe was a fit guy, but sprinting like that left him breathless.
“You keep me young, ya know that?” he said between breaths, his hands on his knees.
You chuckled, patting his back lovingly. “Yeah, my old man here can’t keep up.”
He shot you a warning glance, but you just laughed at him, making a grin split across his face. He loved your laugh, and he loved it more when he was the one that made you laugh.
You stopped laughing, but a smile was still on your lips, as you looked at him. But something caught your eye over his shoulder. You didn’t think, simply reacted.
“Gun!” someone screamed—was it you?—before you were pushing Joe back out of the way. A gunshot rang out, people started screaming, the security guards were trying to control the crowd while dealing with the gunman.
All of that was white noise as your legs buckled and you fell towards the concrete. Strong arms wrapped around you, and you vaguely picked up Joe’s cologne.
“Easy now—just lay down,” he muttered softly in your ear. He helped you to the ground, and it was only once you were lying down that you were confused.
You meant to ask, “why am I down here?” but all that came out was a weak, “why…?”
“Dunno,” Joe replied, pulling his jacket off and holding it to your abdomen. He looked over his shoulder at the guards, yelling, “call a bus!”
“Joe,” you whispered, and his eyes were back on yours.
“Just relax, okay, and stay with me. Don’t close your eyes, understand? Just talk to me.”
He pushed a little harder on your torso, and that’s when you felt pain unlike you’ve ever experienced before. You winced, gasped, and your vision flickered.
“Come on, stay with me, sweetheart. Tell me about…about what you want for dinner tonight, okay?” Joe said. Now that you were more aware, you could hear the tremor in his voice.
But darkness was coming quickly, and it was getting harder to stay awake. You knew what closing your eyes meant, and you didn’t want to die, not now.
“Joe, I’m scared,” you murmured, your mouth making the words without your permission. If those were your final words to him, you’d be kicking yourself in the grave.
“You’re okay, understand me? You’re going to be just…just fine. I’ve got you,”
You tried to blink away the tears forming, but with every shut of your eyes, the harder it was to open them. “I—I love you, Joe—never forget th—that.”
Slowly, you started to close your eyes. You could hear Joe’s panic as he tried to wake you, but it was too late—there was no way for you to fight it off any longer.
Joe sat in the hospital chair, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep and sobbing. The other officers mulling about, giving him kind words—it all meant nothing to him. The only person he wanted to hear speak right now was you, but that wasn’t going to happen.
“Detective Velasco? Are you ready to see her?” a man in scrubs asked.
Okay, maybe there was someone else’s words he was waiting on.
He nodded as he stood, following the man. Officers gave him a small nod of encouragement as he left the lobby, and his heart jumped into his throat. The hallway to where you lay seemed to take a thousand years to traverse, but once he was there, he seemed frozen in the doorway.
There you lay, eyes closed. Your hair was a bit of a mess around your head, and your skin was ashy, pale. He hated seeing you like this, so…ghostly.
“She should be waking up any moment now, if you wanted to take a seat there,” the man said, indicating the chair by your bed.
Joe sat, and his leg immediately started bouncing. It was like a vice was constricting his chest as he watched you sleep. Up, down, up, down, the blanket over your chest went, proving that you were still alive, still there with him. But he needed more than that; he needed a sign that you truly, genuinely lived.
As if in answer to his unspoken prayer, you gently opened your eyes. As soon as they found his, your lips broke into a smile.
“Hey Joe,” you muttered softly. “Did I sleep in again?”
He chuckled to cover up the sob that escaped from him. “Yeah—you know the Captain’s gonna give you hell for sleeping on the job.” He quickly wiped his tears, and you reached out with a hand, silently asking for his. He sniffled quietly, linking his fingers with yours.
“No crying over me, okay? I’m still here, with you,” you said, stroking his knuckles with your thumb.
Joe squeezed your hand. “Look at me; you get shot and you’re the one consoling me. This is a bit backwards.”
You smiled warmly at him. “I’ll take a bullet for you any day of the week—and I’ll love you every second of the day.”
Suddenly, it all clicked for him—the strength while being vulnerable, the love he felt for you and vice versa. It all made sense; how did he not see it before? Of course, you were the end game, the final prize, The One. How could you not be? He wanted to spend every waking moment with you, wanted to grow old with you, wanted everything with you. And he had been stupid enough to think he needed some divine sign.
“You’re thinking awfully loud,” you said with a frown, eyes scanning his face.
Joe blinked to clear his thoughts. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just…I’m so glad you’re alright. You really scared me there.”
You squeezed his hand. “Sorry to scare you, my love. I promise I’m okay, though.”
“I know. I—I love you, very much. More than I could ever say. And I’m so thankful that I get you every day.”
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thebiggerbear · 2 months
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
I Choose You Everyday
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Requested By a Anon !!
I really hope you like it ! I’m sorry it took so long for me to finish it. I also didn’t know of any Indian names so I used a generic name so I hope that’s okay. 
Joe Velsasco X Indian Reader 
Hi , I was wondering if you could please  do Joe Velasco imagine with an Indian American reader ( civilian reader around 26 to 27  ) , where he has feelings for the reader and loves to get to know about her culture . The reader has feelings for him as well . She invites him and the rest of the SVU squad  to a Diwali party her parents are hosting .  Her parents like him , how ever there’s one problem , her family friend keeps trying to set her up with their Indian  American son , who is a quantitative analyst at Goldman Sachs . Joe kind of gets  insecure because he knows he doesn’t earn nearly close enough to what that guy gets . He is starting to think maybe that guy is better fit for her , which ends up with the reader and him getting in to an argument about it .
I Choose you Everyday 
Working as a Journalist was a dream. Always chasing a good story and being able to write was a passion. It also meant you worked along the police a lot. 
You worked alongside a lot of cops. Some were kind and some were nice. You did a lot of work with the SVU unit. Oliva and the rest of the team were really nice. 
Meeting Joe was the best thing that ever happened to you. He was so kind and sweet and always treated you good. 
He was a little over protective but you didn’t mind. The two of you meant through mutual friends.
He also showed a lot of interest in your culture. Always asking questions and participating in cultural activities with you. 
You were friends but it always seemed like a little more than that to you. But you were worried he didn’t feel the same thing. It also wasn’t that things were a little more complicated than that. 
Family friends kept trying to push you and their son together. The main things were the cultural reasons. 
That you should be with someone of the same background. But that’s where you thought different. 
It never even mattered to you. As long as they treated you good it never mattered where they came from. 
Like with Joe, it was love at first sight for the two of you. Those eyes and that smiled pulled you in everytime. 
You always tried to find the best time to tell him how you felt. But it never seemed like it was right. 
You never wanted to ruin the friendship between the two of you. Also the embarrassment of being turned down was to much to bare. 
Your parent’s always encouraged you though. They always said it was best being honest and open. That just being scared of something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. 
So when Diwali came along and your parents were hosting their annual party they thought it would be a good idea to invite him and the whole squad over to the party.
With Joe always been interested in the event so you knew he would come no problem. And inviting the rest of the squad could seem like a good time. 
Heading into work you decided to ask him. You were going to be spending a lot of time at SVU today.  There was a big case unfolding and you were getting first bite at it. 
You dressed up a little more cute today than usual and then made your way in. The precinct was busy today and there were patrolmen and detectives running all over the squad room. 
You tried looking around for a familiar face but then someone basically body slammed into you. 
“Whoa watch where you're going” You yelled. 
“Hey im sorry” That smooth voice you recognised so well asked you. 
You could feel the blush in your face heating up 
“Hey Joe sorry I uh I’m sorry I didn’t see you there” You stuttered   out feeling caught off guard. 
“No worries what’s up what brings you by” Joe asked 
“Captain Benson said she had a story that she needed to hit the papers by end of day” You said 
“Yeah cool let me take you to her” Joe said 
The two of you headed into that direction and it was pretty silent the way down. You could tell he was stressed out and tired. 
Capt benson was in her office on the phone. When she saw the two of you she waved for you both to come in and Joe shut the door behind him. 
“Yeah uh thanks gotta go” Benson said into the phone as she hung up. 
“Hey thanks for coming in Y/N i need your help with something” She said 
“Of course anything for you guys how can I help” You asked
“Were working on a case with a big name celebrity and right now we only got witness” Oliva said 
“And your hoping if I release the story that more people will come forward” You said 
“Exactly I’ll give you everything we got you can work here. If that is of course okay with you” Oliva asked 
“Of course thank you” You said 
“No thank you” Oliva said 
Joe walked you out and showed you to where you would be working. The paperwork and everything was already there. 
“So uh if you need anything I’m here you know where my desk is” Joe said 
“I do thank you”  You said smiling. 
He gave you a sweet smile back and then left. You started working, It was a lot to do your research. Then began writing it. You couldn’t just start writing without knowing anything. 
It took you a while to sort out everything. Going through all the victims and making sure every detail was perfect. You didn’t realize hours had passed you by.
There was a knock on the door and you looked up and saw Joe smiling at you with a pizza 
“Figured you would be hungry and you can’t go wrong with pizza” Joe said 
He sat down next to you and you moved all the papers to make room to eat. He opened up the box and started passing out the food. 
“Your just so sweet and kind” You went off 
“Shut up you only like me because I bring you food” Joe said 
“I mean of course” You said laughing. 
“So hows the piece coming along” Joe asked 
“It’s coming along good I am almost done it should hit the news channel prime time” You said
“Good this rat bastard deserves to be taken down.” Joe said
“I agree I hope more women come forward” You said 
“Enough about time shop talk what’s going on with you It’s been a while sense we talked about anything” Joe asked 
“Good uh I’ve been meaning to ask you my parents are having their traditional Diwali party and wanted to know if you and the squad would want to come it’s a huge party and a big deal” You asked. 
“Yeah of course when it is sounds like a lot of fun I’ll let everyone else know but I’ll def be there” Joe said smiling at you. 
“I can’t wait it’s always a lot fun” You said smiling. 
The two of you finished your meals and talked about everything just catching up. It was nice to be able to see him again. 
Joe had gotten called away back to work and you took the time to finish your piece. You left a copy on Oliva’s desk so she could have first look. Then you went ahead and sent it your bosses. 
Joe texted you later in the evening that everyone was down to come and that they were excited. 
About two weeks had passed sense then and things for the party were in full swing.
 Everything looked so beautiful everywhere. Lights and so many colors and traditional food. It really was a dream. 
It was finally the night and the nerves were getting stronger and the butterflies in your stomach was in full swing. 
Everyone was getting busy getting everything together. You always wore your traditional clothing. 
It always made you feel powerful and beautiful whenever you wrote it. Your whole family and friends were attending. 
But you only cared about seeing one person. Although on the other hand you were hoping not to run into Mike and his family. 
They always pushed the two of you being together and it always irked you. You were perfectly capable of making your own choices. 
You finished putting the final touches on and damn you looked good if you must say so yourself. 
You headed out and of course in you typical fashion you were running a few minutes late. Well a few minutes late in your opinion others would say much longer. 
When you got there you scanned the room looking for Joe.  But of course Mike and his parents got to you first. 
“Y/N hey how are you” Mike asked
“Good how are you doing today” You asked trying to be polite 
“So how’s the boyfriend situation going” He asked 
“Same as always you know” You said 
You looked up and made eye contact with Joe and he looked at you and had a weird look on his face. He kind of looked upset. 
He just shook his head and walked away. Mike was rambling about something that you had zoned out. 
“You know what I mean” Mike said 
“Yeah sure but uh enjoy the party but I have to run actually” You said walking away. 
You ran all over the whole place looking for him and saw him out their sulking. You ran out and it was a little cold out there. 
“Hey what are you doing out here” You asked 
“Nothing, just wanted some space.” Joe said 
“Dont do that don’t shut me out” You said 
‘I don’t belong here” Joe said 
“Don’t say that of course you do I want you here my family wants you here” You said. 
“What about Mike he want me here to” Joe asked 
You gave him a confused look 
“Is that what your mad about Mike because his family is friends with mine so of course there here” You said 
“Come on Y/n how do you truly expect me to compete with this guy” Joe said 
“I’m not expecting you to there isn’t even a competition” You said 
“I know who he is I know he works at Goldman Sachs I know he is loaded he’s probably better for you than me” Joe said 
“You think I am shallow that I care about money because I don’t” You said upset 
“I’m sorry I don’t mean it like it i just mean all things considered he seems like the better choice” Joe said 
“Well are things considered he is not the better for me you are and I love you” You said 
“I love you to Y/N I do” Joe said 
“ I choose you today and everyday because you are kind and smart and funny and the best person for me” You said 
“You are so beautiful and everything I could have ever wanted” Joe said 
He walked over and kissed you and you kissed him back. It made you a little weak in the knees and you melted. 
When you two pulled apart you looked at him and smiled. 
“Now let’s go back in and enjoy this wonderful party” You said
“Yes Ma’am” Joe said. 
You walked back in hand and hand. You saw the squad and walked over and they smiled at you. 
“I see were holding hands” Amanda said
“It’s about damn time” Finn said
“Were just happy for you two and a wonderful party Y/N so beautiful thank you for the invite” Olivia said. 
“Thank you for coming and celebrating with us it really means a lot” You said. 
The rest of the night was filled with lots of dancing and special traditions. It really was the best party of all time.
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Why did you elbow me? 203
Achilles Castle part 105
Lemonade and lies Part 48
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 12
Amanda Rollins: pov Elliot asked me why Cassidy is in Liv's office with her. Because Elliot, he was watching Noah for her. That whole DV case popped up suddenly and she needed someone to pick Noah up from school.
Joe velasco: pov a bunch of officers I really don't know well are telling stories about Munch, Fin says conspiracy theories were his bread and butter. Liv says remember the Hector Rodriguez case, Fin says don't remind me you and him were right about that one. Elliot says I don't remember that case, but you talked about it a lot in the early years.
Olivia Benson: pov because you were on vacation with your family during that case it was 1999 me and Munch were partnered together on it, Fin hadn't joined the squad yet. You know we solved it after about 13 years, in 2012 the squad got a case with a similar motive. Fin finishes the story for me mentioning about the blonde hair dye, how we tracked down the current missing kid. How cement was ordered for a building a block away from a fire claiming water damage and when we pulled up the cement in that basement there was Hector and his checkered backpack. He was in that basement the whole time under that slab of cement.
Fin tutuola: pov remember the time he got shot in the ass. He was also so happy to see you as a mother, Liv. He also wanted to win the bet, Elliot says what bet. How do you not know about the bet Elliot the one on you and Liv. You know one of the hardest calls I had to make was to tell Munch that Olivia was kidnapped, but you know what i got to call and tell him you were safe.
Olivia Benson: pov I remember bits and pieces from the hospital Munch would just sit with me to give Cassidy a break and he would talk about conspiracy theories non stop. Now that I think about it he was taking my mind off of what happened to me.
Cassidy: pov I remember Cragen trying to get ahold of Elliot with no luck, Munch and Cragen eventually helped her deal with the fact that Elliot wasn't coming to save her. Fin says that was definitely a rough time for her with Elliot not being there and her not feeling safe. Everyone continues to tell stories about Munch as we eat our pizza.
Castle: pov besides worrying about Kate I have been getting a lot of writing done. Food sounds good right about now. Alexis and Dave are eating at the dining hall at college tonight with some friends. Mother is out with a male friend of hers. I hope she doesn't bring him home with her but then again it's her choice if she wants to bring him home. Chinese food sounds good right about now. I make my way on my crutches for support, to the drawer with the take-out menus. Once I find the Chinese food menu I place my order for the egg roll, stir fry with white rice and the dumplings. Everything looks so amazing, it should only take a few minutes for my food to arrive then i can sit down and eat. I make my way to the living room to wait for the food to arrive, I decide to play a game on my phone until then. A few minutes later I hear the doorbell. My food must be here. I grab my crutches and head to the door, the delivery guy is nice enough to put the food on the table in the living room. I pay him before he leaves now I just have to find something to watch.
Esposito: pov me and Ryan are having dinner with Jenny and Lanie at the precinct. Jenny is picking up the food on the way. It's from a new Chilli place near our house. We have been waiting to try it but with Kate's health we did not want to eat it in front of her because she can't have it. That would be mean, to eat it in front of her. The sides are white rice, corn chips, sour cream and some fruity drinks. Let's hope Jenny doesn't get indigestion from this food. Then again it's not my problem if she does it's Ryan's. Once the food is placed in the break room the four of us start eating, the food looks amazing and it has the perfect amount of spices. Me and Ryan are both worried about Kate, Lanie mentions that she texts Kate and Nick regularly. So she is doing okay.
Lanie: pov besides the whole flat tire thing then yes. Esposito asks what I mean about the flat tire thing. Nick texted me asking for advice. His tire blew while they were driving and it scared/startled her. She was having a little bit of a PTSD episode. He had to give Kate her meds. He texted me a few minutes ago letting me know she was doing better and they were waiting at the repair shop for the tire to be fixed.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov the car is finally done, Kate texts Noelle to let her know we are on our way home from the repair shop. The ride home is short, I'm so thankful Noelle made us dinner. It's been an eventful day especially for Kate, I know she just wants to speak to her husband Castle. The roasted vegetables, salad and chicken look amazing. After filling our plates the 3 of us sit down to eat, Noelle is going to stay with family starting tomorrow, her sister is coming in the morning to pick her up. I pull Kate aside in the bedroom to talk privately to her. Kate says i don't know if she has any baby supplies yet and she is getting closer to her due date. Kate if you're feeling okay, why don't we head to the baby store and get a few things for Noelle. I don't know if she works or is on maternity leave but I doubt that will pay her bills. To be continued. ……….
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Scarface’s Tony Montana vs. Michael Corleone: Which Al Pacino is the Boss of Bosses
Scarface hadn’t been made when Pete Townshend’s 1974 song “The Punk and the Godfather” came out, but The Godfather certainly had. The Who’s anthem was a musical allegory about the rock scene, but the lyrics might as well be interpreted as a conversation between Michael Corleone and Tony Montana. Possibly right before they rumble.
Al Pacino played both men in both movies, and in each film, he begins the story as a punk. But in The Godfather, at least, he grows into the establishment. Michael becomes don. Tony was a shooting star on the other hand, one on a collision course with an unyielding atmosphere. Both roles are smorgasbords of possibilities to an actor, especially one who chased Richard III to every imaginable outcome. Each are also master criminals. But which is more masterful?
The obvious answer would seem to be Michael Corleone because he turned a criminal empire into a multi-billion-dollar international business, and lived to a ripe old age to regret it. Cent’anni, Michael. Tony Montana doesn’t live to see the fruits of his labor, but his career in crime is littered with the successes of excess.
Montana is a hungry, young, loose cannon, just like real-life’s “Crazy” Joe Gallo, who went up against the Profaci family in the street fight which Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola used as inspiration on The Godfather. Gallo stand-in Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo (Al Lettieri) did a lot of damage while he was trying to muscle in on Don Vito Corleone’s territory, selling white powder. Montana leaves a larger body count in the wake of his cocaine empire career. 
Scarface is Pacino’s film. The whole movie is about Tony Montana and his meteoric rise through money, power and women. The Godfather is a mob movie, crowded with top rate talent in an ensemble case, but it belongs to Marlon Brando. While Michael inherits the position by The Godfather, Part II, he shares Godfather roles with Robert De Niro there, and people come away feeling a little sorry for Fredo. Michael isn’t the focus of an entire film until The Godfather, Part III, and by then folks were only distracted by his daughter. Tony Montana owns the screen from the moment it opens until his last splash in the fountain under the “World Is Yours” sign. The picture was his.
Making Your Bones on First Kills
Pacino brings little of the wisdom of his Godfather role to Scarface’s title character. This is by design. Every crime boss has to make his bones. In mafia organizations, real and cinematic, the button men on the street are called soldiers. And every soldier has to go through basic training before they’re ready to earn their button. Michael gets assassination training from his father’s most trusted capo, Pete Clemenza (Richard S. Castellano) before he goes out to enjoy the veal.
Scarface doesn’t give us many details of the crimes Tony was involved in while still in Cuba, so he makes his cinematic bones executing General Emilio Rebenga in the American detention camp for Cuban refugees. The two scenes are polar opposites in all ways but suspense.
When Michael is sitting at the dinner table with Sollozzo and Police Captain McCluskey (Sterling Hayden), he lets Sollozzo do all the talking, easing him into comfort before pulling the trigger. Tony barely lets Rebenga get a whimper in during his first onscreen hit, which plays closer to an execution. Tony covers the sounds of his own attack with a chant he himself begins. It is a brilliant overplay, especially when compared to another scene that resembles The Godfather, with Tony killing a mid-level gangster and a crooked cop towards the end of Scarface. 
A major difference between the two roles is best summed up in a line Tony says in Scarface. He learned to speak English by watching James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart. Montana comes from the Cagney tradition of broad gangster characterizations. In The Godfather, Kay Adams (Diane Keaton) asks Michael if he’d prefer Ingrid Bergman. The young soldier has to think about it. This is because Pacino is miles removed here from Bogart, who played Bergman’s lover in Casablanca. Pacino’s two gangster icons approached their criminality differently, and Pacino gets to play in both yards.
Pacino remains on an even keel in the Godfather films, but gives a tour de force of violent expression in Scarface, which burns like white heat.
The Handling of Enemies and Vices
In Scarface, Pacino gets to be almost as over the top as he is in Dick Tracy. His accent would never make it past the modern culture board at The Simpsons, but he pulls it off in 1983 because he says so. Pacino bullies the audience into believing it. It’s that exact arrogance which makes us root for Tony Montana. We don’t want to be on his bad side. But the chilled reptilian stare of Michael Corleone is a visual representation of why Sicilians prefer their revenge served cold.
Michael is diabetic, and is usually seen drinking water in The Godfather films. Sure, he has an occasional glass or red wine, and possibly some Sambuca with his espresso, but Michael always keeps a clear head. Tony, not so much. He makes drunken scenes at his favorite nightclubs, and not only gets high on his own supply, but gets so nose deep in it he develops godlike delusions of superheroic grandeur.
Montana is impulsive, instinctive, and decisive. Tony kills his best friend Manny Ribera (Steven Bauer) immediately upon finding him with his little sister Gina (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio). Michael waits until his sister Connie (Talia Shire) is on a plane to Tahoe before he has her husband killed in a hit years in the planning. Later Michael hangs his head silently as the shotgun blast which kills his brother, Fredo (John Cazale), echoes in the distance.
Tony, meanwhile, continues yelling at Sosa’s right-hand man long after his brains are all over the automobile’s interior.
Clothes Make the Man
Tony is written to be charismatic. Even coked out of his mind, he’d be a better fit in Vegas with Fredo’s crowd than with wet blanket Michael in Tahoe. Tony sports white suits, satin shirts, and designer sunglasses. Michael accessorizes three-piece ensembles with an ascot. This isn’t to say Michael had any issues with getting somebody’s brains splattered all over his Ivy League suit. 
Designed by Theadora Van Runkle, Michael preferred dupioni silk. That’s smart. The dark navy wool chalk-stripe suit Tony wears in his death scene was designed by Tommy Velasco and carries the class of a tuxedo. It was after 6pm. What do you think he is, a farmer?
“I’m the guy in the sky, flying high, flashing eyes. No surprise I told lies, I’m the punk from the gutter,” Roger Daltrey belts out on “The Punk and The Godfather.” This is exactly against the no-flash advice Frank Lopez (Robert Loggia) tries to impart on his young protégé in Scarface. Tony was raised not to take any advice other than his own. He also ignores his consigliere’s advice on several occasions. When Manny reminds Tony the pair of them were in a cage a year ago, the rebel gangster says he’s trying to forget that, he’s going after the boss’ girl. 
“I come from the gutter,” Montana proudly contends. “I know that. I got no education but that’s okay. I know the street, and I’m making all the right connections.” 
By contrast, Michael attended Dartmouth College and then dropped out to join the Marines after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Michael is both intelligent and well-connected, loosely modeled on Joseph Bonanno and Vito Genovese. He also accepts the wisdom of his father, who most closely resembled “The Prime Minister” of New York’s Five Families in the 1950s, mafia boss Frank Costello.
The Better Family Man
Pacino’s Don Michael Corleone has access to all his family’s connections, stretching back to the old world. He learns to expertly pull the strings of powerful men, like his father did, but as he grew, he bent. Michael is friends with senators, meets with the President of Cuba, has money in the Vatican, and confesses his sins to a Pope. Michael was insulated throughout his childhood and criminal career. If Tony gets in trouble, he has to get out of it himself, or with the help of a handful of low-level operatives.
Michael is the family rebel, risking his life and getting medals for strangers. He also gets to be both the prodigal son and the dutiful son. He gets the fatted calf and pays the piper. He even tips the baker’s helper for the effort. Michael comes back to both of his families, crime and birth, with a vengeance. He is there for his father the moment he is needed. Michael is the better family man. Tony’s mother is ashamed of him, and he completely ruins his sister’s wedding. Michael’s family means everything to him, and while he still manages to lose them, he actually maneuvers his two families well over rough waters for a very long run.  
Tony Montana is the rebel’s rebel. Even before he tosses off his bandana at the dishwasher job to make a quick score, we knew. He was born bad, in the cinematically good way. This also makes Montana a natural at crime. In The Godfather, Michael has it in his blood as a Corleone, but has his heart set on college, a straight career, and a shot to bring his whole family into the American Dream, which for Montana only exists as a wet dream.
Tony never gets past the hormonal teenage phase of his love of America. He wants to love his new country to death. He is turned on by the dream. He wants to take it. Not earn it. No foreplay necessary, as he claims his latest victim’s wife as his own.
Managerial Skills
Michael is pretty good with his underlings, when he’s not having them garroted on the way to an airport or advising them to slit their wrists in a bath. He promises Clemenza he can have his own family once the Corleones relocate to Las Vegas. He lets Joe Zaza (Joe Mantegna) get away with murder as the guy he sets up to run his old territory in The Godfather, Part III. Michael doesn’t keep turncoats like his trusted caporegime Tessio (Abe Vigoda) around for old times’ sake, and he doesn’t suffer fools at all. It may seem he cuts Tom Hayden (Robert Duvall) loose a little fast, and without warning or due cause. But if he was a wartime consigliere, he would have seen it coming.
While Tony Montana may have a competitive and fast-tracked entry program for new workers (“hey, you got a job”), he’s also the guy who shoots his right-hand man Manny for marrying his sister. Tony exacts a brutal and dangerous revenge for the death of his friend Angel Fernandez in the Miami chainsaw massacre, but doesn’t lift a finger when his cohort Omar Suarez (F. Murray Abraham) is hanged to death from a helicopter by drug lord Alejandro Sosa (Paul Shenar). Michael does have a tendency to have his soldato kiss his ring, but he’s not entirely a .95 caliber pezzonovante.
Read more
Scarface: Where Tony Montana Went Wrong
By Tony Sokol
The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone Proves a Little Less is Infinitely More
By Tony Sokol
One of the most important skills a boss must exhibit is how to delegate, and Corleone is a minor Machiavellian master at his delegation. He whispers orders from behind closed doors. Tony is more hands-on. The only reason he tells Manny to “kill that piece of shit” Frank is because he’s already humiliated his former boss into a shell of a real man.
Montana is in the trenches with his soldiers and sets standards by example. He shoots a guy on a crowded Miami street in broad daylight. Montana is a born triggerman and only reluctantly delegates the duty. He has 10 bodyguards when Sosa men raid his mansion fortress. He takes the invading force with one little friend, an M16A1 rifle with a customized grenade launcher. But it sure doesn’t help the employees getting murdered outside.
A Handle on Finances
We don’t know what kinds of criminal activities the Corleone family were involved in between 1958 and 1979. Still, Michael had proven himself a traditionalist and a bit of a prude, so he spends most of his career shaving his take from harmless vices and avoiding drugs, which he sees as a dirty business. But through whatever means, by The Godfather, Part III, Michael has earned enough capital to buy himself out of crime.
Michael gambles successfully on Wall Street, keeps the Genco olive oil company going, and invests in hotels, casinos, and movie studios. He’s got to be pulling in a billion dollars a year in legitimate business. He makes enough to pad the coffers of the Vatican, and his share of Immobiliare stocks pulls in another $1 billion.
Tony looks like he’s earning about $15 million a month. But it doesn’t look like he puts much stock in his future. He makes no investments, only purchases. His only visible holding is the salon his sister works in. But we also have to take into account that he built his empire from scratch. Michael inherited his. And while the head of the Corleone family can blackmail a U.S. senator with a tragic sex scandal, Montana fares no better than Al Capone with tax evasion.
Who Would Win in a Mob War?
Scarface is as violent as the 1932 Howard Hawk original. Blood is a big expense, and 42 people are killed in the 1985 film. It came out amid other over-the-top action blockbusters like First Blood and the contemporary reality of the South American drug trade. So, it would seem, the film has far more violence. But they are easily matched.
The Godfather has a horse’s head, Scarface has a chainsaw. Michael’s brother Sonny (James Caan) gets machine gunned to smithereens at the toll booth, Tony blows the lower limbs off his would-be assassins at a nightclub. Omar is lynched in a chopper, the upper echelon of the mob is taken out by helicopter fire in The Godfather, Part III. Tony and Michael each get to kill a cop.
Both mob figures survive assassination attempts. Michael loses his wife Apollonia in Sicily in a car bombing meant for him. He also avoids the trap Tessio sets at the meeting with Emilio Barzini (Richard Conte), on his turf, where Michael “will be safe.” Tony lives through his initial professionally ordered hit, as well as being saved by Manny from certain death by chainsaw.
While Michael Corleone is able to take care of Barzini, Victor Stracci, Carmine Cuneo, and Phillip Tattaglia – the leadership of the five families – at the end of The Godfather, Tony Montana can only put up a good fight. The Corleone family would win in a protracted war against Montana’s cartel, but there is a possibility Tony would have outlived Michael while the battles raged. Expert swordsmen aren’t afraid to duel the best in the field, but they’re scared of the worst. 
As far as crime tactics and strategic villainy, Michael Corleone plays a game of chess. Tony Montana plays hopscotch. He wins by skipping cracks in the street, but he only rises as far as the pavement.
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The post Scarface’s Tony Montana vs. Michael Corleone: Which Al Pacino is the Boss of Bosses appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3o0W2Ie
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
I've just watched a pregnancy simulator and now I can't stop laughing at how Joe Velasco, Terry Bruno and Mike Duarte would react to them ><
(if this isn't something you are comfortable with, I completely understand)
I don't envision Terry and Mike wanting kids, but I can see them coming over to help Joe with the nursery and putting together the baby furniture because he's left it too late and he's panicing.
I kind of could see it as a drinking game of whose the toughest between the three of them. I don't know how it ended up in the apartment, probably Joe's partner bought one because Joe naively made a comment about child birth and she was like fine, let's see how tough you are.
Reaction wise I could see it going like this:
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Terry likes to think of himself as an enlightened man, would never claim childbirth is a walk in the park. He knows better. He taps out within thirty seconds.
"Being stabbed hurts less than this."
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Made the comment that started this whole thing in the first place. He was tired at the time, you were talking about your apprenhension to do with the pain that comes with labour as it's coming up fast. He tried to play it down, reasure you, said the wrong thing and it spiralled.
The next day, the thing appears in the mail and you're like "fine tough guy, let's see how well you do."
Will try to remember every single technique from the birthing classes to power through. Ends up hunches over the kitchen table cursing before he gives up, will apologise profusely to you the next day.
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Mike is the last to go, sees how bad it is for the other two and mentally prepares himself. He's been beaten, shot, stabbed, and slashed and the pain was nothing cared to this. Grinds his teeth throughout the whole thing, there is not a curse world left unspoken. He goes the longest.
The experiance literally reinforces his belief about not having kids, he could not put his partner through that type of pain.
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Pleading Innocence - Joe Velasco x reader
AN: this thought has been stuck on my mind since the previous episode when Liv started the investigation... I'm kinda projecting my own anger towards her here ... soooooooo 🤪 This piece also has a Terry + reader friendship, where he's given her the nickname bee ... cause I think it's cute 🥰 And without further ado ... good reading ❤️ please reblog if you like the fic, would really help me out 😌❤️
WC: 1352
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“You’re a real hypocrite...you know that right, Liv?” Glaring at your Godmother as you stood in her office, she looked gob smacked. 
Although you absolutely adored her, and loved all the moments you had spent together for as long as you could remember, you easily got angry with some of the decisions she made.
“Excuse me?”
“You have no problem defending Mr. Humphreys or your old partner detective Stabler! But as soon as it’s detective Velasco, you assume guilt!”
“They were both innocent—”
Your hands shot up in the air in frustration. “That is not the point Captain! The point is you didn’t assume the worst in them, even when it seemed they were guilty. But before even hearing Velasco’s side of the deal, you assumed his guilt! He’s done nothing but try and earn your respect. And you just stab him in the back at first opportunity!”
You could feel how people were looking at the two of you now through the windows covering her wall into the bullpen, not that you really cared. Hell, let them talk.
“You don’t even know Velasco! You’ve been here five minutes, detective—I’m certain he’s done what he confessed!”
“You didn’t really know Mr. Humphrey’s before he came to you!”
Fin stepped in then, suggesting you take a walk.
“Perfect idea, sergeant. I’ll go have a chat with McGrath.” You glared at Liv once more before leaving the room, grabbing your bag and jacket off the back of your chair on the way out.
You’d almost made it to McGrath office when Terry called you on facetime, asking what the hell you were doing, going above Liv.
“Chief McGrath hired Velasco, surely, he wouldn’t vouch for him if he was crooked or a killer. And then I’m talking to Velasco after. Get his side.”
“Wow, not so fast bee—you heard Cap, we’re not to talk to Velasco about this case!”
“Terry—he’s going in here blind. How would you feel if that was you being thrown to the wolves?”
He took a deep breath. “I’d be pissed and scared. But I wouldn’t want you or anyone to take a fall to warn me.”
“I’m serious, y/n.”
“Velasco is gonna hate me if he finds out I knew but didn’t tell him.”
And there it was. Your real motive for wanting to help Joe. You could see it in Terry’s eyes that he knew there was more that wanting to save a friend.
“How long have this been going on, bee?”
“I’ve loved him since the first time I met him. He doesn’t know though. I never had the guts to tell him.”
Terry gave you a sympathetic look. “You must really love him if you’re willing to risk your career for him.”
That made you let out a small, teary chuckle. It was true. You would risk your life for him. Had this been a few years ago you would never. Your past was filled with once sided love, and troubled relationships. Past you would never have done this.
“You’re the first one I’m telling about this, so promise you won’t tell anyone.”
“I promise bee.” Terry looked at you in anticipation.
“I’ve been looking into transferring. Captain Murphy said there might be a position opening in Hate Crimes. If not Duarte says they could always do with more detectives.”
Terry looked stunned, taking a step back. “You’re leaving?”
There was nothing you wanted more than to hug your best friend. But you made a mental note to do it later when you saw him.
“Just need to get the papers signed at my new precinct, and then I’ll had in my notice with Liv. Regardless of this case or not. I wouldn’t be able to work with Joe anymore. Especially not if I told him how I felt. Liv would kick Joe off the force before I even got a chance to leave. So, it’s better this way.”
“Still hate that you’re leaving though bee.”
“Yeah, same.”
Several hours late you were back in Liv’s office, looking in on the interrogation that’s going on between her, Fin and Joe. Your heart ached as you watched him, wishing you could go in and hug him.
Terry and Grace stood opposite sides from you, rubbing your back, and making sure you didn’t run in to the room.
“They’ll see they were wrong about him; don’t you worry.” Grace tried. But it sounded like she wasn’t too sure about her own statement.
For the most part you just stood in silence. Tears streaming down your face as you saw how broken Joe was getting over this.
At a point you couldn’t keep looking, turning to lean your forehead on Terry’s shoulder, your own shaking as you started crying more.
Your biggest worries were that they were right about him, but more so, you didn’t want them to wrongfully convict him either.
“He’ll be okay, bee. You’ll both be.” Terry said softly, rubbing your back which also holding you to him.
You almost didn’t notice when they wrapped up in there, or when Joe asked, “Can I leave?” If it wasn’t for Grace speaking up to say they were done for the day.
Liv appeared in her office then, looking at the three of you. “We should talk, y/n.”
The others scurried out, leaving you in the office alone with her.
“Not tonight. I’m too tired.”
“I’m serious, y/n, that little stunt of yours earlier should have me filing a disciplinary action against you.”
“Then do it. Just cause you’re my godmother doesn’t mean you can’t write me up. You’d do that to the others.”
She gave you a warning look.
“But either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m moving to a different precinct. Murphy offered me a spot in the hate crime unit. I’ll start on Monday.”
“No, Aunt Liv, it’s done. We shouldn’t have worked together in the first place. Work and family shouldn’t really mix.”
She gave you a sad look then, stepping forward a little. “Can you reconsider?”
“No. I’m sorry. I can’t.”
Then she nodded, putting on her best smile. “Well then. Thank you for your time here. And I hope your time with them will be good.”
You hated how a rift between the two of you had been created. But it was for the best that you left. Hopefully it would salvage the friendship.
Stepping out of her office again, you didn’t look back. Just went to grab whatever items you had, everything stored in your desk.
You left the building shortly after, skipping on the goodbyes.
“You’re leaving?” Jumping slightly at the voice, you turned to see Joe, leaning on his bike.
“Yeah, I was offered a new job.” Wasn’t a complete lie.
“Wait—I meant leaving as in going home—you quit SVU?!” He stood up then, moving to you. 
Maybe having so little that you could fit it all in your backpack has its perks? “I’m sorry Jose. I wish I could have told you earlier. It’s just—it’s been so hectic recently, and then the interrogation happened, and well—fuck it—I love you, Jose. And that’s one of the reasons why I can’t work the same precinct as you. I just—thought you should know.”
He stared at you, mouth agape. Then snaps back to reality and rushes forward, pulling your face to his and kissing you. “I—I—I care for you too, y/n.”
“You don’t have to say it until you’re ready, Jose, I can wait.” His eyes glassed over with tears at what you said, which made you melt against him, kissing him more, never wanting to stop.
“Let me give you a ride--”
“Yours please, I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
He nodded, pulling you in for a secure hug, “I don’t want to be alone either.”
Grabbing the spare helmet he had in the seat compartment, Joe helped you fasten it, then helped you onto the bike itself. “Hold on tight darling.”
And you planned on never letting go.
Tagging: @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @plaidbooks @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @muchadoaboutcj @misscharlielulu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @bullet-prooflove @mysoulisasunflower
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
You probably already answered this recently and im probably just blind as a bat here but:
What you got in that WIP/To-be-written pile?
Cant wait to know what i have to look forward to!
hahha it's all good! i tried to find it to link but i couldn't s... here's what we've got (for one shots. series i'm not including lol)
Elana Barth x reader-> mommy kink smut
Byran Kneef-> where yn's been teasing him all day and now he's going to tease her relentlessly back and be a little mean
Casey Novak x Rita Calhoun -> fluffy morning after (established relationship)
Sonny Carisi --> relationship angst where they come to a realization that while they thought they wanted the same thing, opinions change.
CM ladies mega smut -> yn friends w JJ, briefly and casually dated Em before Paris, briefly and casually dated Alex when she was on the team and now has just met Tara and is trying not to drool. Makes a joke to Em about how she doesn't know who to go home with and Em takes matters into her own hand.
Derek Morgan --> soft reassuring smut ending with some squirting
DiNozzo -> One first morning after fluff -> One first date fluff
Emily -> secret marriage fluff where the team finally finds out who she's married to
Hotch -> fluffy semi established relationship, fools in love kinda thing with a twist -> sneaky courtroom bathroom quickie ->developing relationship, protective hotch, stay the night fluff -> fluffy, developing relationship morning at work fluff
Poly Barhoun -> meeting somewhat shy/inexperienced yn at a sex club where they take her home and show her the ropes
-> pegging smut
Sonya Paxton -> comforting fluff. yn and her met outside of work post rehab stint. sonya hesitant about coming clean about her past.
Rita Calhoun -> sub rita smut. she's had a long, stressful week and yn takes it upon herself to make sure her weekend starts off in higher spirits
Addison Montgomery -> super fluffy, first kiss/first admittance of feelings.
Joe Velasco -> idiots in love trope, involving the whole squad
-> yn, bruno and joe find themselves sharing a hotel room while at an out of town conference with some rather loud and rambunctious neighbours. they figure if you can't beat 'em, join them... and have some fun of their own.
Abigail Borin -> daddy smut. pwp
Amelia Sheherd -> developing relationship super fluffy cuteness ->blooming flirtation fluff
As for series:
Alex Blake has one: fluffy, hurt/comfort
Rafael Barba: one spicy, fluffy one -> one mainly fluffy, sorta poly!barhoun harvard au style mini series
Heather Dunbar: -> three, all spicy fluffy, one with a bit of h/c -> one political thriller that's poly heather x jackie x reader
Hotch: -> 2 fluffy, semi spicy ones
Rita Calhoun -> 4. 2 AU's that are mainly spicy with a hint of drama. 1 mega fluffy. 1 fluff, hurt/comfort
Emily Prentiss -> one mainly fluff with a hint of thriller
One that's a CM and SVU crossover but i haven't figured out details and pairings yet!
I've also been going through prompt lists recently like i did when i first started writing to find ones that stand out to me and then assign them to character/see if anything sparks a good idea in my head. I either haven't been getting requests recently, or they're ones that have ONLY been the prompt and it hasn't sparked anything. I also deleted a bunch of stuff that was in my WIP folder cause it had been sitting too long without any work being done on it cause again, no ideas on how to flesh things out.
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cycat-carisi · 2 years
All Those Things and More
I tried a thing! We don’t know an awful lot about Detective Vlassic Pickle Joe Velasco, but I peg him as this more stoic person who keeps a lot of things bottled up inside. That said, I also think he would be a supportive person to those he cares about. Hence this drabble thing...Tah-dah!
Summary: You arrive at your long-time friend Joe’s apartment a drunken mess and in need of some answers. Pairing: Joe Velasco x Reader Warnings: Alcohol and language Words: 872 AO3 here
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"I just don't get it, Joe!" you exclaim, haphazardly waving around the open bottle of wine in your hand. "Why are all men the same? Why d-do they all want women who l-look like carbon copies of each other?!?"
The Joe you are referring to sits across from you on his apartment floor, both your backs rest against a sofa. You had shown up at his door at 9pm, already half way through a bottle of wine and of course he had let you in.
You see, Joe Velasco had been your best friend since college. You'd taken the same classes, worked together on projects and found a mutual detest for your shithead fathers. The two of you clicked, understood each other and were just mutually supportive. Even going so far as to help one another through the roughest and darkest times in your lives. You and Joe could be yourselves around each other and neither of you were strangers to late-night venting sessions like this one.
"T-tell me," you press on, "yourra dude. Tell me why men d-do that!"
Joe speaks to you calmingly. "Okay, Chiquita, you’re drunk. Back up a bit. I have no idea what you're talking about."
You give him a scrutinizing look. Maybe you had just burst through his door and plopped yourself on the floor without an explanation. "M-my bad," you begin taking another swig from the bottle. "So, remember that reeeeally hot guy I've b-been wanting to get the n-number of?" Joe quirks a dark eyebrow at you. "A-anyway, so I, umm, I was a-about to waltz riiiiight up to him today b-but before I could this supermodel shows up out of the fucking blue and l-latches herself onto him! H-he's like, 'hey baby'", you imitate a deep voice before bringing it up several octaves, "and she's like, 'Hey baby!' and - and then they walk off together!" You raise your free hand incredulously. "Can y-you believe it?!!"
"So…he has a girlfriend?" Joe treads carefully.
"Duh! B-but that's n-not the point, Joe!" you aim a finger at him. "The p-point is that all men want the same thing! All of them want these size z-zero, five-foot ten b-bombshells with perky little boobs and tight butts!" Joe opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off. "No! Shhh!" you slam a finger to your lips. "I've s-seen you on Tinder, pal. I've s-seen the hotties you s-swipe right on. Don't lie to me, Joe! All men want the s-same thing. I-I just wanna know why!"
Joe tries to speak again, but you're in your own little drunken haze and continue to ramble. "I'm s-smart and I'm f-funny and I'm fun, but ooooooh noooo, I got tummy rolls!" You lift the hem of your shirt exposing your stomach. "Lookit it!" you exclaim, tapping your tummy. "It jiggles and w-wiggles and I g-gotta try and hide it in my pants!" Releasing your shirt, you then hold up and arm and shake it. "N-now look at this! My arm j-jiggles too! And don't even get me s-started on my ass!"
Rant over, you finally turn an expectant gaze onto Joe across from you. As usual, the bastard's resolve doesn't crack. "You done?" he finally speaks, unlinking his crossed arms. You flash him an angry pout. "Look, it's true that I've swiped for women who fit the quote-unquote supermodel look, but really, Tinder is a stupid place to date. None of those women wanted anything more than a hookup. Maybe they're nice people, who knows, but nothing came of it for me." Joe holds your gaze, steady and cool as always. "As for that guy today, well, it's his loss. Sometimes people are superficial and are only attracted to what someone looks like, but in 20, 30 years when those looks fade, what's left?"
Joe's expression softens, those dark eyes holding yours and grounding you in reality. That fiery fury that raged inside of you earlier is quickly extinguished by one single look from your long-time friend.
"Listen, Chiquita," he continues when you don't interject. "Like you say, you are smart and you are funny and you are so much fun." A smile spreads across his face. "And any guy who can't see that doesn't deserve you, tummy rolls or no tummy rolls, okay?"
Your shoulders slouch, touched by his words. You feel as if you're about to cry. "W-why are you always so g-good to me?" you sob before setting aside the wine bottle and scooting across the floor to hug him.
Startled at first, Joe hesitates, but as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, he relaxes and envelopes you in a warm embrace. A moment passes before he whispers softly into your hair. "Because I think you're all those things and more, Chiquita. To me you are beautiful."
Joe's certain you can feel his heart thundering in his chest, yet he doesn't get a response from you. Instead, he hears a quiet snore sound off in his ear. He gently leans you forward to see you sound asleep. He chuckles to himself, giving off a sideways smirk before delicately transferring you his sofa. For now, his little admission would just have to wait.
Tag list! @teamsladsandgents​ @witches-unruly-heart​ @barbasbodaciousbeard​ @caracalwithchips​ @averyhotchner​ @one-sweet-gubler​ @anlin2058 @katieslotherford​ @misscharlielulu​ @pjkimrn​ (I know this isn’t a Sonny fic, so if you wanna be removed for other character fics, no worries! Just lemme know!)
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