#john geiger
xenoanamorph · 2 months
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John Shaw Torrington🩵 An attempt at a facial reconstruction.. I did this in 2020 and for some reason was very hesitant/shy(??) about posting it. To be fair, not much “reconstruction” was necessary since he was in remarkable shape at the time of his exhumation (and I assume he still looks fabulous thanks to that good ol’ permafrost treatment🧊).
Now some thoughts… because I’ve never articulated this online before..💭
I’ve had a fixation on him since I was 14 (I’m 29 now) and have attempted many times over the years to draw him in a more…well, alive state..
and I’ll just say it straight up; I think he has a beautiful, ethereal face. I’ve always thought that, even when I was a kid. If he looks that way in death, I can only imagine what that beauty was like when he was among the living. I tried to capture that in this drawing..
Anyway.. I could ramble on…
This, I think, is the most presentable drawing out of all the attempts I’ve done in the 15 years I’ve ‘known’ him— though it certainly won’t be the last. 🩵
I’m planning on doing similar portraits of Hartnell and Braine… I expect Braine will be difficult because he was not in good shape compared to the other Beechey boys..
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** I’m overwhelmed by the positive responses this piece got! Tysm everyone!🥲🙏 It really makes me so happy to see JT get so much love— and I’m sure it warms his heart as well 🩵
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illiana-mystery · 6 months
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I love how over the top he was in this movie. 😍
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 months
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astonishinglegends · 7 months
Ep 279: The Third Man Syndrome Part 1
"Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together But when I look ahead up the white road There is always another one walking beside you"  -- The Waste Land by T. S. ELIOT
A strange occurrence often happens to people engaged in an adventurous activity or who fall victim to an unfortunate circumstance. They find themselves with a companion whose presence would typically be impossible. Usually, the person is at a critical moment in a life-or-death situation in an extreme and unusual environment. When they are weakened and dying from exposure, suffering privation of sustenance, lost and alone, when they are about to lose all hope and accept their demise, that’s when this otherworldly friend suddenly appears to render aid and encouragement, giving them a superhuman will or strength to survive. Psychologists label this a “sensed presence experience” but are at a loss for a simple explanation. These presences may be seen, heard, and sometimes even touched. They appear in dire situations to people from all walks of life. They may materialize as a known friend, a deceased relative, a religious figure, or an indeterminate benefactor. Still, whatever their form, there is no doubt to the one in danger that this being is real and there with them. Although this sensed presence appears most often to mountain climbers, sailors, divers, and polar explorers, it can also happen to astronauts, prisoners of war, and disaster survivors. One of the most intriguing aspects of the sensed presence experience is that the ethereal saviors aren’t just there to provide comforting words; they actually help with knowledgable advice or guidance or can even seemingly take over the actions of the afflicted – whatever is necessary to increase the odds of survival. Join us as we explore a phenomenon more common than you might think, a syndrome also known as the “Third Man.”
Reference Links:
“The Sensed Presence as a Coping Resource in Extreme Environments”
by Peter Suedfeld & John Geiger. From Miracles: God, Science, and Psychology in the Paranormal on Omnilogos.com
“The Sensed Presence as A Coping Resource in Extreme Environments” on the Julian Jaynes Society website
“How does our understanding of the sensed presence phenomenon in extreme settings change the way we talk about so-called mental ‘illnesses’ in daily life?” by Blaise Cottingham on Medium.com
Angels of Mons on Wikipedia
Vincent Lam
“Extreme environment” on Wikipedia
King Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel 3:24-5 on BibleGateway.com
The Savage Curtain episode of the original Star Trek series
“Charles Lindbergh and the Third Man Factor” on Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State blog
Poet, memoirist, and songwriter Mary Karr
“The Liars’ Club” by Mary Karr
Kanchenjunga, the world’s third highest mountain, on Britannica.com
“Wilson,” the volleyball from the motion picture Castaway
“Ernest Shackleton's Crew of the Endurance – Imperial Trans Antarctica Expedition 1914 -17” on CoolAntarctica.com
Husvik, the former whaling station on the north-central coast of South Georgia Island, Antarctica
Elephant Island, Antarctica
“Excerpt: The Voyage of the James Caird by Ernest Shackleton” from the American Museum of Natural History website
Alfred Lansing
Caedmon, widely considered to be the world’s first audiobook and launch of the spoken word industry
“The Waste Land” by T. S. Eliot on Project Gutenberg
Stromness, South Georgia
Sir Ernest Shackleton and T S Eliot’s ‘third man’ from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society
The Waste Land Part I – The Burial of the Dead from the Poetry Archive
The Waste Land from The Poetry Foundation
“T. S. ELIOT SAW ALL THIS COMING” from The Atlantic
The Waste Land on Wikipedia
Jane S. P. Mocellin and Peter Suedfeld’s research on behavior in extreme environments from ResearchGate.net
“Shackleton's whisky returned to Antarctic hut” on CBC.ca
“Spirits of the South Pole” from The New York Times Magazine
“Wild Survival Story About 1983 Rockies Alpine Avalanche” – the story of Jim Sevigny and Richard Whitmire
Distance Line for cave diving
“UK scientist has her lab in underwater caves” – Stephanie Schwabe article from the Lexington Herald-Leader
Kendal Mint Cake on Wikipedia
Romney’s Kendal Mint Cake on Amazon
Reinhold Messner
“The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner” music album by the band Ben Folds Five
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Episode 279: The Third Man Syndrome Part 1. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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nosamyrag · 2 months
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indeedgoodman · 2 months
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junearchive · 2 years
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myhikari21things · 9 months
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Read of Frozen in Time by Owen Beattie & John Geiger (1987) (262pgs)
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veryslowreader · 1 year
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The Third Man Factor by John Geiger
Sense8: "Happy Fucking New Year."
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followmysmoke · 2 months
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reefdestro · 3 months
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IG ReefDestro
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illiana-mystery · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
I've recently picked up another two fics that have been in hiatus. Hopefully, they will be fully updated soon 🤞🏾 But until then, here's a sneak peek of the current chapters of Prisoner of Love and Delivery for Mr. Pembrooke.
And read all the way through for the working plots of two upcoming fics. 😉
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Taglist: @ghnaim24, @emily-ella-nightshade89, @goran-dafoe, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @goodoldcharley
Prisoner of Love
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(Author's Note: Geiger changed his name to Sam Gilbert, which is mentioned in Chapter 1. That's why she calls him Gil, although it's also a meta joke because I can't help myself.)
You didn't see him or hear him so as soon as he grabbed you from behind, you jumped.
"Gil," you grumbled. "You scared the shit out of me."
He chuckled before moving his lips to your neck, pressing little hickeys into your tender skin.
"Well who else would be here, Shy? It's just you and me," he hummed into your ear. "How did you sleep?"
"I slept perfectly," you honestly answered. "Because I was wrapped up in the arms of my sweet lover."
He smirked.
"You know why I had to keep you here, Shy," he started while kissing your shoulder. "Because I couldn't bear the thought of us being apart or you getting hurt. But now my fears have fallen. I trust you and the world. I just hope I won't regret my decision."
"I know, honey," you moaned. "But I'm glad to have my freedom back. I promise I won't leave you. I love you, Gil. Promise."
"I love you too," he hummed, before you moved your head and kissed him. Swiftly, he deepened the kiss before you both just looked at each other again.
You could both tell that you wanted to continue with the activities of last night. And just that twinkle of lust in your eyes gave him the green light he needed.
"Seeing you so joyful and hopeful like this, Shy, is really beautiful. I would like to adore you more."
"My hopefulness is sexy to you?"
"I guess it gives you that spark, that light that I like, you know?"
"Reminds you of how bold I was when we first met?"
"Yes. You just read my mind," he flirted in your ear, before instructing you, "Stay still and press your hands to the glass."
You nodded and swiftly obeyed his command, which earned you a sensual caress around your waist. His skinny, calloused hands just felt so good on your sensitive skin, it made you want to cry.
Your fiancé's touch never made you feel like that. So it was more than strange to you. And you let him know that by your reaction to his soft strokes.
"You really were starved," he moaned into your shoulder as his fingers moved down to your waiting cunt. Your legs were closed, but soon he kicked them apart to get full access of your jewel.
"Daddy!" you cried as his digits began to move inside of you. Immediately, your body reacted by leaning closer to him although your hands remained on the glass.
Your rough breaths stained the glass like your fingerprints and you watched as it condescended near the reflection of his smirking face.
"Let go, babygirl," he instructed. "Let daddy know how good he made you feel."
Delivery for Mr. Pembrooke
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"You're going back to Old Man Pembrooke's tonight?" Los asked, startling you. You had just come out of the employee bathroom, now dressed in another loungewear set that was yellow and decorated with chibi spaghetti and meatballs on the top.
But seeing Los again surprised you. It was your first time seeing him again since the morning. And you figured that everyone was gone since it was so quiet when you came back from your all-day shift.
"Yeah," you answered, noticeably looking around.
"Don't worry. I'm the only one still here. I had to help Renae with some minor tasks."
"Oh," you replied, opening your employee locker. That's when Los noticed the bouquet of yellow roses.
"Did he buy you those?" he asked, eyebrow raised.
"It was the mystery item," you explained. "Surprised me too. He even included a sweet message. I was wearing one of them in my hair, but I put it back in the vase. Luckily when I came back from dropping off two deliveries after visiting him, no one was around so I was able to sneak these in my locker. Only you know about them."
"And I'll keep it that way. They don't need to know," he assured. "But I do wonder..."
"I don't mean to overstep but Tasha, do you like Mr. Pembrooke? Like actually like him? I used to think you just pitied him, but it seems like there's more to it."
"Los, if I'm being honest, I've liked him from our first encounter. It was never pity. I wanted to visit him again to check on him. I like delivering his groceries. He really is sweet if you get to know him. And I know this sounds weird, but I think he's quite handsome for his age..."
Los shrugged.
"No judgment. There's plenty of older women I deliver to that I find attractive," he admitted. "And honestly, I think it's sweet that you're so kind to him. I always thought he just needed a friend too. I got mad respect for ya, Tasha."
You giggled.
"Thanks, Los. Just promise me you won't tell anyone."
"I won't, promise," he insisted, before saying, "I did learn something interesting about him, though."
"What do you mean?"
"I found an interesting documentary on ESPN Classic while scrolling through the channels yesterday," he explained. "It was called..."
"Behind Lionel Pembrooke?"
"Yeah! That's it. Wait, did you know he was an Olympic ping-pong gold medalist?"
"My dad was a fan," you started. "Didn't realize it was him until yesterday. Then again, I haven't thought about Olympic Ping-Pong in years."
"Hmm, guess you were destined to melt his cold heart then."
You laughed.
"It's nothing like that," you insisted. "We're just friends...I mean we just met."
He nodded, but also sported a smirk on his face.
"Right. Well I'll leave you to it. Don't want to keep the old man waiting," he teased. "See you tomorrow, Tasha."
"See you," you said back, hugging him before he grabbed his bag and left.
Once he was gone, you finished packing your work clothes in your bag and grabbed your flowers. You were about to turn around and leave when you were startled by Renae.
"I'll lock up," she told you. "Go on ahead. I'm sure Lionel's waiting for you."
You smiled.
"Thanks, Renae."
"You bet, rookie. Also check your text. I thought you should see your review."
You looked puzzled, but did as she said. You toggled to her message and immediately began to read.
I don't know where Grocer found Natasha Roundtree, but I'm starting to believe they found her after she fell from heaven. I've never had such wonderful service from this company until she delivered my groceries for the first time yesterday. She was so kind and compassionate, she even helped put up everything after I threw my back out. So after she left, I immediately requested that she deliver my groceries from now on. But I don't want to be selfish. I definitely want her on Tuesdays, but any other days, you should request her. And give her a good tip too. Honestly, I couldn't recommend her more.
Your eyes started to tear up as you read every line. Renae had told you how sweet his review was, but actually reading it made you feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
"He really likes you, Tasha. I've never seen that man give any other delivery driver five stars. At the most, three and he was just being nice."
"He really is sweet once you get to know him."
"I know. He wasn't always like he is," she stated. "I met him the year after he retired when I was a kid. I used to play table tennis and he was signing autographs and meeting fans at the convention center. He was so warm and inviting to everyone. It's sad to see what he's become. I don't know what turned him into the monster of his street, but I'm glad you're starting to turn him back to who he was previously."
"Wow," you moaned. "Maybe I'll learn what happened in due time. I'm not gonna force him to tell me though."
"Yeah, don't," Renae agreed. "Now get out of here. I'll see you tomorrow."
You laughed.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow."
Okay now onto the working plots of two upcoming fics. I've been stewing and talking over these with some close mutuals, and I think I've finally come up with something concrete for both.
One of these fics was a long time coming, the other is an ambitious crossover. But I think they'll both be enjoyable.
Let's start with the one that was a long time coming...
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Snow Angel (Leonhard Seppala)
Two years after the tragic death of his wife, Leonhard is shocked to find a strange Yup'ik Native Woman sleeping in his bed with her two huskies, Hedy and Laika, by her side. After waking her, he learns her name is Tatiana and she broke into his home for warmth and shelter after being lost in a snowstorm. She volunteers to leave, but he lets her stay since she kind of reminds him of his wife personality wise. In return for his kindness, she helps him around his home and bonds with his huskies. And as they spend more time together, they both fall madly in love. However, their budding romance is soon disrupted by Tatiana's uncle and baby brother who come to bring her back to her home village. Since she is the de facto leader, she does go back. But will she stay in the village or will she follow her heart and return to Leonhard?
And now the ambition crossover...
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Standing Ovation (John Geiger and Mike Hubble)
In a strange game of cat and mouse, Executive Director Sinclair Banks is being pursued by not one but both of her new hires at the Vancleef Arts Center. One of them is the Director of the Music Education Department (Mike) and the other is their IT/Security Guy (Geiger), handling all the security tech and the system that all of the venue uses. The two constantly flirt with her, although she always rejects their advances. But that all changes when Geiger comes up with a plan to ambush her in the theater. The two men pick a night where she's in her office late and inact their plan. First, Geiger purposely makes the power go out, which makes her panicked. Then she tries to find a light source before Mike comes up behind her and chloroforms her. He brings her to the theater and she wakes up in one of the theater chairs. She's confused and tries to leave before both men come through the only unlocked door and ambush her. They lead her to the stage, giving her the performance she had been dying for. Will she be theirs after? Or will she resist their charms after the ambush?
Alright, well that's all for now. I'm currently trying to get my writing schedule for this year straightened out. So hopefully I'll put out more content frequently. Wish me luck. 🤞🏾🍀
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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goodgarbs · 1 year
Footwear| John Geiger & Steal Boyz Present "Pastel Pack" Vol 2.
Renowned streetwear and footwear designer John Geiger teams up again with Steal Boyz who are notably known for their meticulous dyeing techniques and reworks. Here to deliver a re-imagined Nike AF1, the duo presents their “Pastel Pack” of ‘Steal Force 1’. The collaboration comes to life as a “Pastel Pack,” with the Steal Boyz taking base white GF-01s and submitting them to a meticulous hand-dyed…
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luxebeat · 1 year
John Geiger, The Steal Boyz Drop "JG X Steal Boyz Vol 2" Release
Superstar streetwear designer John Geiger, is one of the hottest names in sneakerhead culture, with his highly coveted shoes selling out within minutes after being released online. His craft sets an even higher standard for what today’s younger generation considers to be modernized luxury.  But don’t expect to find the extremely popular sneakers in any sneaker store like Foot Locker or Dick’s…
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lynnemariehedvig · 2 months
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United States of America
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