#johnny get uuup
crimmson-sight · 1 month
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You like Speedwagon? 😳😳 Cobra Kai 1x09
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dxrksong · 1 year
Jason 13 au memes part two
Bruce: *slams a door on accident*
Jason 13, calling Danny on speed dial: JAIL FOR FATHER!!!!
Jason: to be fair, I forgot???
Kitty: speaking of which, hows that going out for you?
Jason: it's been....emotional.....not to mention the whord of shades trying to mother hen me 24/7
Kitty: I've been meaning to ask you about those.
Jason: I thought you wanted to talk about our relationship?
Kitty: we have communication rings, we can do that later. I'm more worried about the tall intimidating city spirit behind you.
Jason: oh that's just Gotham
Gotham: *tall black lady that can kick your ass* ;)
Kitty, sweating:
Jason: don't worry, she's nice. She's just a litte over protective of her kids.
Kitty: there's MORE of you????
The batfam:
Kitty, surrounded by baby ghost cores like stray kittens: I don't know what's worse. How much they look like you or the inane urge to just adopt them all, oh nooooooooooo!!
Jason: now you know how it feels old man.
Bruce: *confused in bat*
Kitty: crimes?
CatWoman: hell yes, kitten!
Kitty: you know considering my name it's a little odd that you're the one being all cat like.
Jason, laying his head on her lap while she cards through his hair: shut uuup, it's not like I can ask anyone else for attention like this. It'd be weeeeiiiird.
Kitty: *sighs* better hope you didn't leave your comm on.
Kitty: Johnny.
Jason: I can't remember if I turned it off or not
Dick: you know little wing, if you wanted attention you could've just asked-
Jason: SHIT!!!!!!
Spectra: so are you still dating him or..?
Kitty: you know? We died basically around the same time and we were introduced to each other first before anyone else, so we kinda just stuck together. And really everyone had kinda just started calling us boyfriend and girlfriend, and we just didn't think otherwise to correct them.
Ember: wait, so you two HAVEN'T been dating??
Kitty: it was never official, if anything it was an ongoing bet to see how long it would last before people started to notice. We're more like.....siblings but not quite. Or emotional support ghosts for each other.
Spectra: that....actually makes a lot of sense. You two are hardly seen without the other and you haven't exactly been dead for long, so it would make sense you're still settling down from the trauma of dying.
Kitty: did you just psychoanalise me?!
Spectra: You basically gave it to me on a silver platter!! It's a force of habit!!!
Jason: hey squishy
Blob ghost in Johnny 13's bike: ?
Jason: think you can get this blob ghost out of my corpse-
Squishy: *Rev's backwards out of the bat cave*
Jason: ouch! Not even my own pet will help a zombie out.
Danny: so how you feelin Jason?
Jason, sarcastically: oh just great, I've only had ONE murderous breakdown this week due to Zom!
Danny: Zom????
Jason: the blob ghost possessing me.
Danny: You named it????!
Danny: I'm telling frostbite-
Jason: Don't you DARE!
Dick: Hey, Jason? Can you come over? I need your help.
Jason, muffled by a humming noise: sorry, I don't think that'll be possible at the moment?
Dick: what do you mean by that Jay, and what is that sound?
Jason, swallowed into the shadows and getting fussed over by the shades: would you believe me if I said I got readopted by shades?
Dick: U Wot?
Batman: Jason, what's this about shades adopting you??
Jason: look I didn't ask for it, it just happened.
Bruce: and are they....good? Parents?
Jason: well they like putting me in shadow jail alot.
Batman: Shadow jail?????
Jason: not to mention the constant babying-
Bruce: WHAT?!?!
Jason: ?! Jeez Bruce!! Wha-
Jason: .....are-are you JEALOUS?!
Bruce >:'(
Dick: ok, so to recap! *pulls out a projector and a Google slide document*
Dick: Jason got reanimated by something going awry and messing with reality, accidentally reviving Jason. *click* He gets scooped up by Talia and revives him fully. *click* this leaves him with powers and uncontrollable emotional problems *click* apparently he can talk to ghosts and they are often friendly to him back. *click* so much so, according to Jason himself, he has been adopted by the entirety of the ghost population in Gotham *click* including the SPIRIT of Gotham herself.
*it's a vague drawing of what Gotham looks like*
Dick: any questions?
Tim: yeah, uh. Who's that?
Danny: hi! :D
Dick: no clue, next question!
Danny: I'm phantom! I used to beat Jason up when he used to go by Johnny 13!
Cass: does the Lazarus pit taste like lemonade?
Dick: no, it tastes more like sprite.
Duke: wait-how do you-
Jason, 'living on his own':
The Shades: :)
Squishy: :)
Gotham sometimes: :)
Kitty: :P
Danny: >:)
The various bird and/or bat: :)
Damien: :
Ember: lmao I'm the older one now! >:D
Spectra: (usually only when Kitty shows up)
Skulker: (target practice training) >:)
Technus: (built Johnny's bike believe it or not) >:)
The box ghost: (this man has dad energy, change my mind) >:)c
The lunch lady: (every growing ghost needs proper calories!) :)
Jason: ...............I need a bigger house....
Batman steps into the batcave to see green fire everywhere, Jason in his ghost form, and Damien trying to stab him with a sword.
Damien: it was Todd's idea!
Jason: Damien, you fucking snitch!
Batman: language!
Damien: yeah Hood, watch your fucking language!
Batman: DAMIEN!
(Reference to this)
Jason: remind me why you're here again?
Danny: what? Like I can't visit my favorite Rouge?
Jason: I thought that was plasmius?
Danny: he's my arch nemesis, not a rouge! He doesn't count!
Jason: if you say so. But why am I your favorite, and I'm pretty sure I no longer qualify to be one of your rouges?
Danny: dude you're the only one I can have a serious conversation about! Vlad's a fruitloop!!
Jason: yeah but at least he knows what he's taking about half the time.
Danny: psh. 'Half the time'
Danny: you can still turn into Johnny, right?
Jason: I mean if I concentrate real hard I guess? But it'll take a lot of energy.
Danny: wanna convince Vlad he's going insane?
Jason: only if I can record it.
Danny: DEAL!
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madsnowstorm · 1 year
take me home for christmas | j. seresin | part five
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that christmasy feeling - johnny cash
summary : jake wants to take you home to texas for christmas to meet his family.
warnings — series, 18+, fem!reader, established relationship, some angst, family dynamics (both healthy and not), mentions of therapy, no religious aspect to the holiday, dogs named after famous texans, anxiety, no use of y/n, little angsty, but mostly internal
notes — uh, its been a while. work has been crazy, so i haven't been able to work on this like i've wanted. truthfully, i'm not sure what i think about this chapter. what i am sure of is that i love writing uncle jake.
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“Wake up!” An unfamiliar voice startled you. “Wake uuup!” The voice was squeaky and accompanied by a bell-like giggle. “Uncle Jake, why isn’t she waking up! Maybe you should wake her up like Snow White!” You could hear your boyfriend’s laugh through the sleepy haze you were beginning to surface from.
“Nah, Sophie. Let’s just wake her up gently. The both of us.” You felt your shoulder warm with the touch of Jake’s large hand and much smaller one underneath it. Your eyes fluttered open and you stretched. “Hey there princess.” The small girl next to Jake giggled again.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Your voice was scratchy with sleep. The last thing you remember was sitting on the couch. Your legs had been tangled with his, your head on his firm chest.  A Christmas Story was on the TV and the last thing you remembered was Ralphie Parker getting a boot to the forehead. 
“You just looked so cute.” Sophie laughed at her uncle’s words and you couldn’t help but join in. She was an adorable girl with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes similar to those of her uncle. “Anytime you aren’t snoring is pretty cute.” His comment, which was so typical, made you roll your eyes. You knew he probably had a point. You did snore sometimes.
“You must be Sophie!” Your attention was now on Jake’s niece. Her head was moving up and down in an enthusiastic nod. Her smile was wide enough for you to see that two teeth were missing. You scooted into a sitting position.
“Yeah!” Without warning the girl threw herself in your lap.
“Woah!” Jake placed his hand on your back to keep you from toppling over. You let him know you were good  and positioned the girl to make both of you more comfortable. “A little warning next time, Soph!”
“She’s okay. You’re just excited, aren’t you Sophie?” She was nodding once again. “Who wouldn’t be with Santa coming tomorrow?!” The mention of Santa and Christmas Eve had Sophie wiggling with joy. You were still trying to fully wake up, but her childlike wonderment was infectious as she talked about Christmas Eve. Both you and Jake let her ramble for a few moments. After she talked about all the different cookies she wanted to leave Santa, Jake plucked the girl from your lap and told her to go find one of her brothers. Once she was gone, you looked at him. His eyes were roaming over your face. “Do I have sleep lines?” You started feeling around your temple. “Oh my God, did I drool?” Jake laughed.
“You’re good darlin’.” He stood up and held a hand out for you. You took it, looking down at your clothes, running a hand over some wrinkles. “I said you were good.” His tone was light, but had an edge of bossiness that was typical of him. “Come on, there are people I want you to meet.”
You let him tug you towards the kitchen, nerves gripping you. You weren’t quite sure why you were nervous considering how well things went with his parents. They really made you feel as though you’d always been one of them. That morning you and Vicki drove down to the feed store to pick up an order that had come in. As you loaded large bags into the bed of the truck you’d been in, the two of you joked around like people who knew each other for years would. It left you feeling like you were in a dream and you weren’t sure you wanted to wake up.
“There they are!” Thomas yelled out loudly. You smiled shyly, fighting the urge to raise your hand in an awkward wave. There were multiple pizza boxes sitting on the kitchen island, which several people were standing around. Vicki and Thomas you knew, as well as Julie, who was standing next to a man that held baby Lily. There was another man to his left and as you took him in you noticed several features that Vicki also had. That must have been Jackson. A short woman, with red hair, stood in front of him. The only people that were missing were Jennifer and her family, and June. Both of them would be in from out of town the next day. 
“Yeah, here we are.” Jake’s hands were on your shoulders, he was standing at your back. The heat coming off of his body was comforting. “I don’t know about y’all, but I’m ready to eat!” 
Jake filled you in earlier in the day. On the twenty-third there were always carolers in the small downtown you’d been driven through the day before. Hot chocolate was typically sold by the high school band as a fundraiser. There was also a local couple that dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus and walked around entertaining little children. He explained it as a low-key affair that had a lot of heart. It had been going on as long as Jake could remember and had become a family tradition. They’d always eat pizza, drive around to look at lights, and then end up downtown to enjoy the festive atmosphere. 
“Yeah, Nana! We’re hungry!” A young teenage boy echoed, walking in. Sophie was at one elbow and another young boy was at the other. 
“Come here, squirt!” Jake growled, throwing his arm around his oldest nephew, Will, drawing him into a headlock.
“I’m not a squirt!” The boy replied, his voice cracking in that familiar pubescent way. He squirmed away from his uncle.
“No, you aren’t, but he is!” Jake bent down to pick up Cole. You remember in the weeks leading up to this time with his family, you made Jake quiz you on who was who. Names were not hard for you, so you were able to pick up on all the members quickly. Cole was laughing as his uncle attacked him with tickles. Sophie was jumping up and down, adding to the chaos. You could only imagine the energy that would be in the air once the rest of the Seresin family arrived.
“Come on, knuckleheads,”  Jackson spoke up, opening some of the pizza boxes. “Let’s eat.” And, as if his words were magic, the kids (and Jake) straightened up and got in line. 
“They are always such a rowdy bunch.” The redheaded woman spoke as you walked over to grab a plate. “Hi, I’m Claire.”  You introduced yourself to her in return. “Whenever Jake comes to town, the kids are extra crazy.” 
“Yeah, I’m picking up on that.” You laughed. 
The kitchen was filled with noise as everyone moved around and began eating. Outside the window the sun was setting, which meant that soon you would all be perusing toward town, taking in the magic of different lights.
After grabbing a couple of slices of pizza, you found yourself squished in between Jake and Sophie. Claire tried to pull her daughter away, reminding her of her manners, but you let her know it was okay. Throughout dinner you listened, with one ear, to Jake entertain Sophie, Cole, and Will with stories about his most recent mission. Details were exaggerated and sound effects were incorporated. While he did that, you engaged in conversation with Claire about a show you heard her mention while you were each up grabbing your food.
Once dinner and conversation were done (and cowboy hats grabbed) you all divided up amongst two different vehicles. Jake, you, Julie, her fiance Luke, and Lily piled in their mid-sized SUV, while Vicki and Thomas squeezed into Claire and Jackson’s Suburban. That forced the three kids in the back seat. Jake and Jackson both had walkie-talkies clipped to their jackets. Jake explained that it was so both vehicles could talk while looking at lights, without interrupting any music. The Seresin’s were all about feeling the spirit of Christmas.
Lily sat between you and Jake, buckled tightly into her carseat. Julie said they could pull up the back seats to make things more comfortable, but you told her it was fine. It gave you an up close look at just how soft Jake could be. You were enjoying this new side to him. He sang to her when a particularly good song would come on. While he didn’t have the best voice, the slightly accented twang he added made you melt. The man would also tell jokes to the other kids over the walkie-talkie. 
“Soph’, what does Santa call a reindeer with no eyes?” He asked as your caravan pulled in front of a house that had a yard littered with glowing reindeer. 
“I don’t know, Uncle J!” Came Sophie’s sassy reply. You snickered. Her attitude reminded you so much of the one her uncle usually displayed. You locked eyes with Julie who nodded, having picked up on your line of thought.
“I have no eye deer!” As he delivered the punchline he looked over at you, his smile so wide it practically took over his face. Luke snorted which made Julie laugh. Lily cooed from her carseat. You turned your attention to her, brushing her forehead with the pad of your thumb. 
“Your uncle is so silly, isn’t he? Isn’t he?” She cooed again and you laughed, looking at Jake pointedly.
“Uncle J, that was so bad!” Will’s voice came over the walkie-talkie. It was impossible to miss Sophie laughing in the background. 
“Some would say it’s so bad, I’m on the naughty list right?” You, Julie, and Luke all groaned at the same time. Before you really knew what you were doing, you reached over the carseat and grabbed the walkie-talkie from Jake’s hand. He looked at you, bewildered.
“Someone come get this man!” You said into the receiver after pressing the orange button on the side. There was silence for a minute before Jackson’s voice filled the car.
“Sorry darlin’,” If Jake wasn’t sitting right in front of you, you would have sworn he was the one speaking. “We’ve been dealing with him for over three-decades. It’s your turn now.” 
More taunts, bad jokes, and laughs were exchanged as you all continued to look at lights that decorated homes that were a part of Jake’s past. Jake would tell you some random fact from his childhood as you passed by the different houses. Julie would chime in occasionally, adding to the stories he told. You learned about his friends and the shenanigans they got up to, especially while in high school. There were pranks and hijinks of all kinds thought up in the houses that were being driven by.
Eventually the car turned down a street where vehicles were parked on both sides. It took a minute to find a spot, but eventually two were found not that far from each other. Together, as a family, you all walked up the sidewalk, towards the warm light radiating from the busy part of town. Sophie, Claire, and Julie were singing about Frosty the Snowman. As you kept walking the crowd seemed to be growing.
While the downtown area looked charming during the day, there was something magical about it at night. The lights mixed with the music from the carol singers mixed with the fake snow floating through the air created an energy and excitement that you had not experienced since you were a young child. You were so enchanted by everything around you, you didn’t realize you’d stopped walking.
“Darlin’?” Jake called out. He was looking over his shoulder, his family still walking ahead. You were trying to find the words to explain how you felt. “You okay?” You nodded as he walked to you. 
“It just…” The words weren’t coming to you, but he waited patiently. “Thank you for bringing me.” His smile was dazzling and dangerous. You tucked one arm around under his denim jacket, and wrapped it around his waist. You lifted the other, using your hand to tip his sand colored Stetson up. It would get in the way of your goal. Without mentioning this goal, Jake understood and pressed his lips against yours. As you pulled apart you could hear Cole behind the man in your arms.
“Come one guys!” There were strangers moving around you, smiling as Cole brought attention to the obvious fact that you were not with the family who was stopped at the hot chocolate booth.
Jake moved your arm out from underneath his jacket, but didn’t let go of your hand. His palm was warm against yours and it grounded you. He pulled you towards the booth and somehow managed to take a few dollar bills from his wallet with one hand. He handed it to the high schooler behind the table and you both grabbed a cup. You never thought that being in Texas with Jake and his family would feel as right as it did. It was nothing like you expected, but in the best way possible…And there were still three days left and more family to meet.
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years
Apado gwaenchana Chap 11
Magazine workers (enemies to lovers AU)
Warning for this chap: Mention of alcohol, kissing games etc... (parties stuff)
Fluff, angsty sometimes, smut.
Pairing: Doyoungxreader (at first) // RenjunxReader (Only y/n’s actual name is ‘Skyler’ cause I love that name and that’s it but it’s still ‘y/n’ ok?) Btw I made everyone here older than they actually are cause they’re working at an office etc…
You (Skyler/BlueAbsinthe) work as an editor at an office for a magazine called ‘Fashion Killa’ along with your two besties, (Chloe/uwuBabe writer for the health and beauty department and Blair/NotARavenclaw, a photographer). And everything is fine untill you have to work along in an assesment with your ‘mortal enemies’.
(Dont mind the time on the chats I just write late at night, lol) Idk if I need to say this but I love Chenle, president Chenle forever💖, but he’s a jerk in my series, so sorry. Ily Chenle pls forgive me.
Nct members as:
Mark: Editor. Renjun: Photographer. Chenle: Editor Lucas: Model Doyoung: Model Park Jisung: Model Johnny: Model Yuta: Model Taeyong: Model Jungwoo: Model Other Idols:
Felix: As an Stray Kids member Han Jisung: As an Stray Kids member. Wonho from MX: As a model Joohoney from MX: As a model TOP from BB: As a model. Siwon from SUJU: As a model. BoA: As your boss
Chap 11. ‘Hang out’.
You wake up the next day, only you don't know what time it is or anything. You just sit up on the bed and feel that headache throbbing. -Oh wow. -You say, massaging your temples. You look around and see someone sleeping right next to you. It's Doyoung. You've seen him like that before. -Oh, wow. -You say again as you try to get up.
He wakes up too and rubs his eyes with one hand. -Skyler? -He looks sleepy as fuck. -Are you leaving?
-Well, I guess so.
-Oh, okay.
-About last night. I know it was mostly my fault.
-It's okay, we were drunk. I'm not complaining to be honest.
-Yeah I know but...
He gets up and walks to you. -I know. -He holds your face softly with one hand. -Don't worry about it. -He kisses you gently and lets you go. -Let's hang out later. I promise I won't kiss you.
He won't? That's dissapointing. -Yeah, sure. See you later then. -You say as you open the door. He waves at you smiling.
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So your head hurts. At least you don't feel like throwing up or anything. 200$ vodka turned out kinda ok. You sleep for two more hours which feels like five and then take a shower to go out. You see Mark and Renjun at the hallway, you smile at them and wave. They just look at you go. Hopefully they're mad right now.  You knock on Doyoung's door under the watchful eyes of the other two guys. When he opens the door he's ready to go.
-Where are we going? -You ask him
-Ah, there's a place near here where you can watch the whole city.
-Cool, let's go then. -You turn and say bye to Mark and Renjun.
You don't take a lot to arrive to that coffee shop but it's already dark. You go upstairs and outside to see the city lights. All the way there you were just talking and laughing with Doyoung remembering last night at Lucas's.
-What's with those two by the way? -Doyoung asks. -They were ignoring you earlier.
You laugh. -Yeah, I know. They're just idiots. They hate me again or something.
-Huh, really? Maybe they're jealous.
-What are you talking about?
-I've always thought Mark liked you. He shows it in a very childish way but...
-No way. -You laugh.
-No? Okay. -He laughs too. -But Lucas told me he lost when he played 'too hot' against you. And that he moaned while you were kissing him. -He laughs again. -I mean, I don't blame him but...
-Nah, he was just drunk. I've worked with him for like 4 years now I don't think he sees me like that.
-Then... Try and kiss him when he's not drunk.
-You want me to kiss sober Mark?
-Well, yeah, for the sake of our argument.
-No way, I don't want anyone to think I want something with Mark.
-Anyone or just the one person?
-What?? Who?
He raise his eyebrows. -Well I don't mean me, just in case.
Your head hurts too much to think. -Anyway I don't think I'm kissing Mark again, at least sober.
-Oh, so there's a posibility...
-Shut uuup. -You laugh again. -Ahh, I'm kinda cold.
-Really? Let me see. -He says, holding your hand. He looks serious now. -Ah...
-Nothing. -He stares at your hands for a little while then looks back to you. -You're indeed cold, maybe we should get back.
-Oh, okay.
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Chap10_Chap12 💖
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love-for-ever-more · 5 years
I wanna feel love: Part 7
When John woke up the next morning, Freddie had already been up. The phone had only rung twice before John got up to answer it.
"Hullo.." a sleepy voice came out of his mouth.
"Morning!!!" Roger cheered from the other side "Why are you still sleeping? It's a wonderful day!!"
The sound of the roaring thunder bit John's reply in velocity. He yawned and imagined Roger having a smug look on his face "enjoying London's weather, aren't you?" he laughed.
"Shut uuup.." John managed through yawns "How was your night with your girl Rog?" he asked.
Roger laughed loudly at his 'girl- remark' "well..it was p-e-r-f-e-c-t if you must know, Sherlock! How was yours? How's Freddie today?"
"I haven't seen him yet..He must have gone in his room while I was still sleeping.."
"What do you mean?"
"We fell asleep on the couch" John said casually.
"TOGETHER?" Roger screamed through the phone "in each other's arms?"
"Something like that.." John smiled. His brain had started working, after Roger's yell, remembering last night with Freddie.
"Oh my God!!" Roger squealed in excitement "ok, ok you have to tell me everything!"
"Rog.. take it easy..will you?" he tried to suppress a laugh "we only talked for.. casual stuff and we happened to fall asleep on the couch.. that's all"
"Oh nooo don't 'that's all' me Deaky! You sound quite excited..tell me, what happened? Did you hug him? Did he hug you? Did you spoon him to sleep or.. did it happen the other way around? Oh oh! Did you sleep face to face? Were you on-"
"Rog stop it! Will you?" John laughed.
"Were you on your boxers Deaky?" Roger's tone sounded naughty enough to John.
"Why don't you go and bother Brian, Roggie?" he laughed again.
"Aww you're no fun!" Roger whined and John imagined him to pout his lips and cross his hands on his chest. "Ok just tell me this. Did you get a hard on?"
"Roger!" John exclaimed as if he was offended.
"You little devil!! You did get a hard on!" Roger was now screaming again...
"Bye bye Rog!" John laughed and hung up the phone.
John's cheeks were still blushing at Roger's questions. "How could he guess?" he wondered.
It was true though. John did have to rush out of the sitting room last night, to keep his arousal secret from Freddie. He had stopped paying attention to the movie when Freddie fully entangled himself around his torso and it got worse when Freddie rested his elegant hand, comfortably, on his lower stomach.
"Thank God he kept fidgeting in his seat and.. I was able to.. to pretend to straighten my t-shirt on my..hmm" he smiled.
Having a boner because of Freddie wasn't new to John. It had happened countless times to him. Most of them when they were on stage, watching Freddie perform and be so fucking sexy and hot... thankfully he was playing a bass and not a violin!
It took him a long time to learn how to hide it from others and especially from Freddie but he still had enough to learn, considering his latest one... when he had to flee out of the room to get rid of his erection. At first, he tried to forget about it.. thinking it would go away..but with Freddie so fucking close to him, touching him, feeling his hot breath on his neck.. it was impossible to forget about it.
"Thank God the lights were turned off..." he mumbled.
In the end, he had to rush out having a full blush on his cheeks and go to his room in order to relieve himself of his arousal. Yesterday he felt blessed and cursed at the same time..
"Having him so close to me and yet not mine.. is getting harder every single day.." he groaned. "To have him next to me and still miss him so deeply.. to have him next to me and not being able to kiss him.."
John entered the kitchen to prepare his first cup of tea for the day. He saw the scattered popcorn on the floor and smiled widely. Yesterday night was a happy memory. He had spent it with Freddie and he felt happy for it. 'Where is he by the way?' he wondered. "Freddie!" he called once but took no response.
Freddie's morning face had turned out to be one of his most favorite views. Sometimes a little bit sleepy, sometimes a little more grumpy.. a bit disheveled.. but always beautiful! Even yesterday morning when he had woken up crying, John could see the beauty in his face..and in his eyes.. Once again, Freddie's voice filled his ears as if he was standing next to him.
"I can't be with her anymore... it's not what I want.."
"It's ok Freddie, we owe it to ourselves to be happy and if you can't be happy with Mary then you did the right thing" was the only thing he got to say to him, gaining a small smile, before Freddie would go on.
"I thought that I was doing the right thing by staying in a relationship with her.. but I can't take it anymore John.." and John saw small tears gather in his eyes as he sighed "I tried to fight it.. but I can't.. I feel sorry for letting her down..I know she loves me and I love her too, I told her that.., but not in the same way.." he managed through sobbing "I-I should be happy.. with her but I..I am not..." he sniffled "and..I know what I can be at times.." the tears escaped his eyes as he was looking at John and started rolling down his cheeks. "I know I'm a real pain, arrogant.. pretentious and..insuffera-"
"Freddie please, don't spe-"
"No John, please, let me finish.." he sighed again and saw John nod his head silently, so he continued "I know, everyone thinks that.. and they are right..but that's me... I know no one will ever.." his words were coming out with great difficulty but he couldn't stop them "no one will ever stand me..I know that.. and..and no one will ever love me..truly.. cause I'm like that.." he said and wiped the tears from his eyes again. "I'm.." he inhaled trembling, trying to control himself as he divulged his greatest fear to John "I'm.. just me..that's who I am.."
"Hey, look at me" John said firmly, kneeling in front of him "Freddie, look at me.." John touched his knee gently as if he was giving reverence to him and lightly shook him.
Freddie slowly lifted his head, letting out another shaky breath and looked at John through teary eyes.
"You are an amazing person! Don't speak like that about yourself.." he started and shook his head firmly. "You are loving and caring and protective.. and you know what else? You are kind and generous.. I wish there were more people like you in the world, honestly..and I wish.. everyone could see you the way..-" he bit his lip "the way you deserve to be seen.." John paused as he saw Freddie's face start to lighten up.
"You are like sunshine Freddie" he smiled, looking intently at Freddie's eyes "you are exuberant..and bright and gloriously heart-warming and.. full of life" the words were effortlessly rushing out John's mouth, bottled up for too long, he couldn't control them..not anymore.
He could see Freddie's eyes now gleam with excitement. His sad look had faded away and the tears had dried in his cheeks and that pushed him to continue even further.
"But.. but at the same time Freddie, you are relentlessly dazzling and.. blinding... and fierce..and.." he gave a light squeeze at Freddie's knee making him smile widely "..and untamed" John ended biting his lower lip nervously as he lowered his head, breaking their eye contact.
He let his hands slip from Freddie's knee when he heard him breathe uncontrollably.. He felt his pulse raising up. He couldn't believe he had overcome his natural shyness so much more than he could ever imagine. His hands were now hanging limp on his sides as he whispered "You were born to be loved Freddie..." staring at him, anymore "never doubt that"
Embarrassment took over him and he felt his heart ready to explode. He secretly wished he hadn't said that much..He slowly got up and sat next to Freddie on the couch.
Freddie was staring at the empty space in front of him -John's previous position- looking bewildered. John immediately broke into cold sweat as he saw him wince and frown for a nanosecond.
"Freddie.. I'm sorry.. if I made you feel..uncomfortable" he mumbled keeping his eyes on Freddie, even though Freddie didn't seem to listen to him anymore. "I-I didn't mean to..I- I just.." but he stopped before finishing his sentence.
"What?" Freddie asked as if he was hypnotized and couldn't focus his eyes on his surroundings.
"Freddie I'm sorry for what I said I.." John repeated even more coyly than earlier as he watched Freddie staying there motionless.
"Oh no Johnny.. it's ok dear.." he suddenly sprang from his seat and rushed into the kitchen to grab his cigarettes. "It's fine.." he smiled as he sat down next to John again. He gave a feathery touch on John's cheek with the back of his palm "I've.. umm.. I mean.. never.. ever..um" he stopped and smiled nervously "Veronica is really lucky to have...you, Deaky" he turned and looked John deeply in the eyes.
"Mmm yeah.." John's voice came out rather hoarse at Freddie's mention of Veronica. He cleared his voice but decided not to say anything else, since he wasn't fully convinced by Freddie's answer.
He didn't want to think about Veronica now. His heart was screaming from the inside.. to, finally, reveal his feelings to Freddie.. she was pleading to be heard for once.. but John chose not to listen to her and only nodded a pathetic "thank you" to Freddie.
They spent the rest of the night talking about their upcoming days as Queen, they dreamt together about having sold out gigs and stadiums full of people who had only come to watch them perform and they promised each other they would keep working hard to achieve their goals and make their dreams come true.
They were sharing the couch and Freddie had fallen asleep with his head on John's chest and his hands around John's torso. John, of course, didn't want to wake him up to get him to his room. He didn't want to miss the opportunity, to sleep next to Freddie and wake up next to him. He slowly lay his head back on a pillow and pulled Freddie gently with him, keeping him in his arms. It was a wish of him and it was just about to come true..
"Yeah..right" John's smile faded once he remembered that he was alone in the house.. "I must contain myself.. what came over me and.. almost confessed in him? You idiot!" he scoffed, shaking his head in disdain. "Don't you dare pretend to be surprised if he doesn't come home at all today.. or if he shuts himself off, from all of you again!!" he snapped in a scornful tone that echoed in the empty house. "You did it!"
He plodded his way to the bathroom. He thought about last night's events again, only he wasn't feeling very happy about some parts of it; this time. He took a shower and shaved his face without getting into trouble to change his clothes. He put on the same jeans and the same t-shirt he was wearing yesterday and decided to call Veronica and make up to her.
It was true though, Freddie had sneaked out, under John's nose. He had managed to get himself off the couch and away from John, in a surprisingly short amount of time with extra precaution not to wake him up. He slipped out of John's hug despite having one the best sleeps ever, in it and despite waking up in a huge smile once he realized where he was and who was sleeping next to him.
Two days ago John was only his best friend.
Less than twenty-four hours ago he had brushed his lips on John's lips and he had spent most of yesterday's afternoon thinking about that kiss -was it even a kiss?- he couldn't really tell but he kept thinking about it over and over again.
Less than twenty hours ago he had found the strength to break up with Mary and he felt relieved to have done so, after all the time he wanted to.
Less than eight hours ago he was complimented in a way he could never dare imagine anyone would ever treat him with and furthermore, it was John who treated him that way. Freddie felt genuinely happy about it.. a huge smile was plastered on his face.
Less than six hours ago he had fallen asleep in John's arms like a baby, on the world's most narrow couch, hugging each other as if they belonged together; till Freddie woke up.
'And here you are now, having rushed in the bathroom after waking up in John's arms and getting a hard on while trying to stay there... did John cause it Freddie?' his inner voice sang. 'Did you press your erection on his thigh?'
"Shut uuup.." Freddie hissed, standing in front of the mirror as he gently touched his hard cock above his pants.
'John was also aroused too, you know..'
"You saw that too?" Freddie muttered as he undid the button and the fly in zero time.
His tight pants had made it quite hard for him already. "Ahhh.." he let a small sigh of relief when his bulge was free from its confinement. He swallowed hard when he brushed his finger over his cock above his boxers.
'Of course! Yesterday night.. when he kept fidgeting with his t-shirt..'
"Mmm yeah..." Freddie exhaled deeply as he put his hands into his boxers and grabbed his throbbing cock. He started stroking it slowly as John's image filled his thoughts.
'He was aroused yesterday when you were stuck like an octopus on him, touching and squeezing him...in a friendly way, right?'
Freddie smiled at the metaphor and let his eyes flutter open just a little as he looked at his hand, pumping himself but he quickly closed them again. He threw his head back, picking up the pace "ooh John..ahhh!" he moaned heavily.
'He hurried out of the room...no wonder where he went...'
"He wanked in here..."
Freddie licked his lips teasingly at John's image pleasuring himself...His breath was stuck in his throat. Hot precum was dripping from its tip making his hand slip easily up and down... It had its own rhythm by now... He couldn't control the pace anymore.. "ooh John.." he groaned as he thought of John playing with himself, because of him. He grabbed tightly at the edge of the sink with his left hand as he felt his legs shake "Oh my...fuck...John!"
'..he wanked in here, with you being downstairs..'
"Oooh oh my God.. I'm..I'm..so cl- aah close" he moaned and felt his orgasm closer and closer. "John mmm yeah.." he kept stroking his cock hard and fast until he felt his hot load dripping down from his slit and on his hand. He let a loud and long groan escape his lips and bit himself not to scream John's name.
Freddie held tight on the sink and bent over it to keep himself steady. He stayed there, hair stuck on his neck from sweating, breath coming out in short pants..till his orgasm subsided "Oh God.." he sighed freeing his cock from his hand once he finished draining himself.
He slowly straightened his back and took some steps backward to rest his body on the wall. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw his eyes beaming with pleasure. He licked his lips... a contented smile appeared as he glanced down at his right hand and the visible signs of his morning occupation.
"Yeah... keep thinking you don't like him, dear" his inner voice mocked.
"That's... interesting..." Freddie giggled as the warm water fell on his body.. He took a long and nice shower while he replayed last night's events on his mind. He couldn't stop smiling... So many things had changed within a few hours. Plus, he had just cum having John's image in his mind.
'Did I get a crush on him?'
It was around 10:30 am when Freddie left his note on John's nightstand, asking him to join him for lunch at 13:00 pm at his favorite Asian restaurant, wishing John would be up, soon enough to get ready and meet him there.
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