#johnny o album special
cobrakaisb · 2 years
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“what’s wrong with y/n?” theo asked draco, pointing towards the uncharacteristically quiet girl in the slytherin common room. “y’know family issues. the usual,” draco answered casually, barely looking up from his homework. 
“family issues?” theo asked with furrowed eyebrows. as far as theo knew, your family was one of the only normal, non-toxic, pureblood families within the community. aside from that, you were always so positive and happy that theo never would have suspected that something was going on in her life. “i’m going to talk to her,” theo decided, closing his potions textbook as he gathered his belongings and moved to sit next to you. 
“hi. i’m theo,” the boy said as he sat down next to you. “um hi,” you answered, eye flicking towards him nervously. “i just wanted to get to know you better, i hope that’s okay?” he said, eyes watching you intently. your breath hitched and a light blush coated your cheeks. “yeah that’s fine. i’m y/n,” you introduced yourself, settling back into your work. theo smiled before following your lead. 
weeks went by and you continued to meet up with theo. the two of you would hang out in the common room, great hall, library, or sometimes the astronomy tower. that’s where the two of you are now, sitting on the astronomy tower at midnight. theo was transfixed by you and the way your hair blew slightly in the cool breeze. your lips were moving as you confided in him, telling him the truth about your family. 
“and my mom, well she had her doubts. my dad was never around, so i did everything by myself,” you explained softly, swallowing down the bitter taste in your throat. “i’m sorry love,” theo whispered, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. 
“it’s fine theo, you couldn’t have known,” she replied, releasing a deep breath. “anyways i moved out this past summer,” you continued casually. theo’s eyebrows shot up in shock. “but you’re only sixteen.” “sixteen but twenty one,” you answered sadly, tears welling up in your eyes at the look of pity and realization that crossed theo’s face. “all i’m doing is coping,” you said softly as you finally let the tears pour while theo held you tightly in his arms.
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you-fuckers-are-asses · 3 months
I found this pic on Pinterest & I know like 10 things on the list lmao. How much are you aware of/know the stories behind, and maybe have stored in your large collection of various Jackass-related tomfoolery? (Like the "Too Hot for MTV" which I badly wanna see if possible lol)
Just for credits sake, the person that made this iceberg is @loomisfallsgf
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Tip of the Iceberg:
Most if not all of these are known-about mainstream things that most fans would know about. All of these things are available on the discord server.
Jackass the TV series (TURD remux & TV rips) & Movies (All available in varying qualities)
Viva La Bam, Jackass spin-off focused on Bam & the CKY crew. Basically a CKY series. (DVD & TV Rips & Spring Break special)
Big Brother Skate Videos, Boob, Crap, Shit & Number Two (not in that order) were movies that went along-side the Big Brother skateboard magazine, they're essentially early Jackass featuring folks that worked on the magazine in the early days, like Knoxville, Tremaine, Kosick, Cliver, etc. etc. A lot of folks that came from the magazine and videos ended up working on Jackass (These are on the server including a custom ISO with all the movies on it and a DVD menu etc.)
Jackass Shark Week & Shark Week 2.0 were discovery channel specials aired in 2021 & 2022 featuring some of the cast doing things with sharks, they're are both available in 1080p
Wildboyz, Jackass nature spin-off with Steve & Chris. (DVD & TV rips available)
CKY Skate Videos - Landspeed, CKY2K, CKY 3, CKY 4 & CKY the documentary. These were videos that the CKY crew made before Jackass, from when they were in high school to after Jackass began. Available on the server in DVD, VHS & Remastered versions.)
Dickhouse, the original production company for Jackass, run by the cast & crew & former big brother magazine workers.
Bad Grandpa & Bad Grandpa.5 were a Jackass Presents spin-off of the original movies featuring only Johnny, Spike and the crew of the Jackass franchise. The other cast members weren't told they were making it not were they asked to be in it. (Available on the server)
Wee-Man's chronic Tacos is Jason's side business, he runs multiple taco joints. He was meant to have a TV series focusing on this, but it never got picked up. We have the promo on the server tho.
r/Jackass is... well. I have nothing really to say about it. (We have all AMAs from there tho.)
Wendy from Peru refers to a dog that Steve saved from the streets of Peru while he was there filming Ultimate expedition. He still has Wendy. (The youtube video where he talks about Wendy is on the server.)
Bam's Unholy Union was a VLB spin-off that focused on the lead-up and planning of the Wedding between Bam & Missy back in 2008. Dunn was missing from it due to him dealing with his blood clot and Lyme disease issues. He attended the wedding and he was around but as far as I remember he wasn't featured regular. (Available in both DVD and TV rip quality on the server.)
CKY, I assume just refers to the band. We have their entire discography, DVDs, videos, specials, BTS, etc.
Steve-O's Rap. A bad time in his life, during the worst of his addiction, Steve made a rap album named "The worst asshole in Hip-hop." It was horrendous, is still horrendous and is a hard listen. (We have the full album & Bonus DVD on the server.)
Steve-O in clown college could refer to the actual attendance of clown college, but there is a video from his website specifically named that, so I assume it's talking about that. Yes we have that on the server.
Tier 2:
Jackass the Game: Released after Number 2 for DS, PSP Playstation 2, the game is pretty fun honestly and still a fun little game to play today. (We have the game files, the manual, the actual game, the videos & montages, the voice overs etc. on the vault.)
Big Brother Magazine, I'm not sure why this one is below the videos, because I feel like the magazine was more known but I digress. (We have a number of issues of BB magazine on the vault, not every issue but a good chunk with the intention of adding more soon.)
Rick Kosick, I mean... does this just refer to him in general or? Rick's a long-time member of the crew, who also wrote, edited, filmed/photographed for Big Brother Magazine & videos. He's been heavily featured in most of the Jackass franchise content.
HIM, being Bam's favourite Band and heavily featured in anything he produced. We do NOT have their entire discography on the server *yet.
Action Point is a 2018 movie that featured Johnny & Chris that told the story loosely of Action Park which was a condemned amusement park that really had no rules, regulations or cares. The movie is avaliable on the server along with a lot of other movies featuring Johnny.)
MTV's Dunn Tribute was a special that aired on MTV in 2011, it was a documentary about Dunn, his life, his career and featured interviews by his family members, the jackass cast and crew, Ape & Phil, etc. An absolute must watch if you haven't seen it. (Yes, it's on the server.)
Haggard was a 2003 film made by Bam & the CKY crew loosely telling the story of Ryan's fucked up relationship with Lauren, his girlfriend back in the early days. She cheated on him and treated him like garbage. Obviously the movie is CKY-core, so it's not all serious but it is a good movie and definitely a must-watch for any fan. (We have it on the server & a HD remaster version.)
Dudesons, self explanatory I think. 4 Finnish men who've been doing their own version of Jackass since before Jackass began. This is referring to the relationship the Jackass guys have with the dudesons who've been heavily featured in Jackass media, the guys have also featured in a lot of Dudesons media. (Yes, we had a dudesons collection but it's currently down.)
Homewrecker was a TV show hosted and featuring Ryan which saw him "redecorating" people's homes/bedrooms in absolutely insane ways while in between teaching at-home pranks and generally being Ryan. One of the only things that doesn't feature Bam along-side him. (Available on the server.)
Bam's Bad Ass Game Show came out in 2014, it was one of Bam's first moments of "recovery and coming back to TV" but it bombed pretty hard. It was just a typical game show, where folks took part in stunts to win. Novak featured heavily in it with him. It ran for one season. (Yes, it's on the server.)
Dr. Steve-O was considered lost media (not to us tho, we have it) and it was basically a shitshow at the beginning of Steve's lowest point. It was essentially Steve-O trying to turn "pussies/nerds" into real men who could get a woman. Hard watch, but if you haven't seen it, a vital part of Steve lore. (Yes, it's on the server.)
#FreeBam refers to the batshit insane, idiotic fucking stupid movement created by that dumb bitch "Thatsurprisewitness" whos obsession with Bam and attention led her to create a movement to specifically hinder any progress or healing Bam had the potential to make. It's essentially a movement to keep Bam unhealthy, struggling and leading him to his death. The movement specifically targets the Margera family with harassment and blames them for any time Bam tries to get help, claiming they're "harming him." Anyone who supports the movement hates Bam and wants to see him die, period, full stop. (We have got interviews with him by that silly bitch, but I'd never suggest to anyone to watch them.)
Minghags was a 2008 movie created by Bam & Dico. It was essentially supposed to be a sequel to Haggard but it isn't fully if you watch it. It's not good and doesn't compare to Haggard at all. I watched it once and have never watched it again. (Yes, it's on the server.)
Manny Puig is a nature dude who's heavily featured in Jackass, Wildboyz and Shark Week. They seeked him out and asked him to be on the show back when it was on TV and they enjoyed his energy so much he became basically part of the cast & crew. Manny's also had his own shows, such as Ultimate Predator and Savage Wild, which are nature shows. (Both available on the server.)
Bam VS HIM refers to the DVD "Love Metal Archives: Vol 1" which had a bonus disc featuring behind the scenes, storytelling and general buffoonery with Bam & Ville while working on the DVD & multiple music videos. (Yes it's on the server.)
Ignited Farts in bathtub, Turbonegro - I'm not sure what specifically these are referring to, especially Turbonegro, besides them being a band Bam liked.
Jackass by Sean Cliver I assume is referencing the Jackass the movie companion book. (It's available on the server.)
Tier 3:
Ultimate Predator, as mentioned above was a movie featuring Manny, talking about and encountering various wild animals. It featured a number of crew members from Wildboyz like Mark Rackley & members of Jackass like Johnny, Chris and Steve. (Yes it's on the server.)
Jackassworld.com was the original Jackass website which shut down a number of years ago. The cast & crew would regularly share videos and photos on the site that featured shenanegans in the dickhouse offices, interviews, skits, bits, behind the scenes and specials. The majority of content from the website is lost media, though we do have a number of the lost videos available on the server (not all), which includes the jackass road trip also mentioned in this iceberg, minus part 12 which was corrupted.
Bam's World Domination was supposed to be a multi-part series of Bam going around the world doing random shit, however after one episode it got dropped and they came out and said it would only be a one-episode special. It featured Bam, Ryan & Tim O'Connor travelling to England and partaking in the Tough Man Challenge obstacle course. (Yes, it's on the server.)
23 Hr takeover refers to the special takeover of MTV studios by the Cast and Crew in 2007. It was a 24-hour livestreamed event that started off pretty great and then devolved into chaos. Ryan was notably missing because he was still dealing with his Bloot clot & Lyme Disease, and Steve-O got kicked out of the studio for being too fucked up. The takeover was when people realised how bad Steve was. (We have 19 hours of the takeover & the best bits special on the server.)
Dunn's Lyme Disease refers to the diagnosis he recieved when he was being seen about his blood clot he got from filming the ending of Number 2.
Gnarkill was a CKY-esque comedy band featuring Dico & Bam. (Yes we have their full discography available)
OG Lambo tooth pull, refers to the original take of the stunt which originally featured Don Vito getting his tooth pulled. It was initially filmed for Number Two, however due to Vito's legal issues and subsequent ban from being on TV, the whole bit got pulled and never used. Bits of it have been seen before, notably the actual moment the tooth is pulled but the full skit is still lost.
Jackass backyard BBQ was a special from 2002 where the entire cast and crew got together to have a BBQ and a party. AFAIK it was originally on Jackassworld.com (Yes, it's on the server.)
I'm not sure why Steve-O out on bail is so far down the list, because it's one of Steve's mainstream videos. The 3rd in the Don't Try This At Home series. Steve filmed this while he was out on bail for drug smuggling if I remember correctly. He then got re-arrested during filming of it. (Yes, that and all the other old Steve-O movies are on the server.)
Jackass: Too Hot for MTV was never actually supposed to be released. It was leaked by a production member on dailymotion and features never-before-seen moments filmed for the show that they couldn't air, like the convict, the gun part of the self defense test, the original vomelette, the body in a dumpster, etc. Definitely a must-watch if you've never seen it. The quality is poor because it's a VHS rip. (Yes, it's on the server.)
Idk why the lost tapes are in here twice, nor do I know why they're below too hot for TV because it's much more known-about and also technically mainstream. It's basically too hot for MTV, but the approved released version.
PurpleStickey is the name of a band Rake is a member of.
Don Vito's Crimes refers to multiple legal issues Vito had pertaining to inappropriate touching, groping and underage molestation. This led to him being banned from portraying the Don Vito character on TV, meaning all bits they filmed with him for Jackass Number two (which was actually a lot) had to get cut and have never been seen. The limitation for him appearing in media is long past.
Darf is referring to Dave's drunk alter ego.
Tier 4:
Loomis Fall's music. Simply refers to Loomis's music, it's not well known and he's not really known as a muscian, but he has a couple albums out. (Yes, they're on the server.)
Novak's House refers to Novak's rehabilitation centre and journey.
Laskian Striggoi is Bam's made-up language he began creating at the beginning of his mental health collapse. He still regularly uses it.
Dave's one testicle, refers to... dave's one testicle. He lost it during a snowboarding accident, I'm not sure what year exactly.
Stephanie Hodge's Injury is referencing when she shattered her spine and pelvis doing a stunt with the cast where they were going down a large hill on random objects. She stated that she understood it was just an accident that couldn't be avoided and she said it helped her better her friendships with the guys, eventually getting better and starring in the movie with them.
Fuckface Unstoppable was Bam's attempt at a Gnarkill ripoff, but it never hit like it was meant to. Bam and FFU toured for a number of years and then after drama with Alex flamsteed, they stopped, their tours were batshit crazy filled with drugs, alcohol, novak dancing around stage naked, Nikki getting her tits out and Bam screaming drunk into the mic. (yes, we have their discography on the server.)
DiCamillo sisters, essentially was like Gnarkill but focused on a more pop sound. Featured Dico, Bam, Jimmy Pop, Raab & Rake. Mostly known for their song "why's it so cold?", I think that's really the only song they did. Oh, and Santa's coming, but that one was branded as a CKY song which I'm not sure why.
Wax.... a little too broad, I have no idea what this is about.
Jackass presents tribute to evel knevel was actually a Nitro Circus special which featured Johnny & Steve-O and was created by Jeff and the crew behind Jackass. Johnny ended up breaking his pelvis during a jump. (Yes, it's on the server.)
Jackass: The Beginning is a documentary about how Jackass started and the lead up to the first movie. It was featured on the bonus features of jackass 3. (Yes, it's on the server.)
KatieMarie88 references a youtube channel which used to host most, if not all, of the Jackassworld videos. A lot of them have disappeared and the channel isn't active anymore.
Bam's IG rants. Self explanatory, during his moments of mania/bad mental health, Bam goes on social media rants about his friends and family, talking bad about them and just being manic.
Jackassworld Roadtrip 2009 was a Jackassworld.com special that aired in 12 parts, it followed the Jackass cast on a roadtrip and visiting Steve-O in his rehab facility etc. (11 parts are on the server, part 12 is lost media.)
Scrad and Charlie refers to the characters Johnny played in Men in Black II.
Jenn Rivell ebay, I'm not sure about this one. Didn't know she ever had one, I only ever knew about Jess's ebay.
Tier 5:
Bam's Sex Tape, self explanatory. It was a sex tape with Jenn. Loud ass music, quality camera garbage and it was only around 1.5 minutes long. Used to be on pornhub but idk where you could find it now.
Steve-O's ghost story I think refers to the ghost story he told on H3's podcast, I'm not sure.
Jackass Totem Pole skit. This one.. ah. I wish we'd left this one out. It's referencing the blatantly racist Jackass skit in S3E9, where Preston, Jason and Steve don blackface with totem masks and the cast and crew threw things at them. We don't talk about the totem pole skit.
The Note (bar) was a local in WC which Bam and his friends regularly attended. It closed down in 2014.
Greg Wolfie Brozillian refers to a deleted scene from the 3rd movie where Wolfie gets a brazillian wax.
Dave on reddit, I'm not sure what this is specifically referring to.
Amanda Lanise Vadis Myres is the name of a woman who aggressively stalked Bam between 2011 - 2013. She was known as the "florida stalker" and she was caught inside his house masturbating over his bed where he was sleeping, he called the cops on her and she got arrested.
MTV Random Hero show was supposed to be a show featured around Ryan, who would seek out the next "Random hero" from contestants who partook in stunts and whatnot. It was never picked up, the most we got was a promo. (Which is available on the server.)
Extended Playgirl Pontius refers to the whole Playgirl pontius bit that was never aired due to the nudity.
OG Butt Chug refers to a never released bit from the original show, where Steve shot gun a beer through a tube in his nose, Knoxville said it was lame so he should shove it up his ass. He did, the footage never got released and they re-did it for the movie.
Zachary Hartwell was the passenger in Ryan Dunn's car during his 2011 car crash. Both of them were killed in the crash. He was a known friend to the Jackass cast and the CKY crew. Most of the reports about Dunn's death never mentioned Zachary.
Angelfire fan websites. Self explanatory. Basically tumblr blogs from back in the day before Tumblr.
Dreamseller, Novak's book title and documentary name. Tells the story of Novak's life through addiction, etc. (All available on the server, includes audiobooks.)
Ryan Dunn Haunted Car Parts is in reference to an ebay listing after Dunn's crash, people were selling parts of the wreck.
Tier 6:
Fanfiction, self explanatory.
FantASStic Whores 4 featured Bam and Novak and was essentially a porn movie where Bam had sex with Gina Lynn.
Barvarian Dumbasses Death refers to the death of a 20 y/o german man who was attempting to recreate a Jackass stunt for his amatuer Jackass social media pages with multiple of his friends.
Chris & Loomis on Rodge & Podge, self explanatory, they were featured on the show. (Not on the server.)
The career ending footage of steve-O is a bonus movie on the Don't try this at home first video. It features Steve masturbating and repeatedly cumming on his production manager's phone and keyboard in his office.
Cunt: the movie, idk about this one.
Ryan's last photo references the photo of Ryan and Zachary at the bar right before they left and got into the deadly car crash.
Stevie Lee was featured in Jackass 3, he died of a heart attack in 2020.
Steve-O's overdose is in reference to Steve's drug addiction climax before his intervention.
Bam's Bulimia, not a very well known fact about Bam but he's had bulimia since the early days. It's very briefly mentioned by Ry in some sort of special, but I can't place which one.
Desert Blues has no reason to be at the very bottom of the list, but regardless, this was a soft-porn movie featuring Johnny before he ever featured on TV or in Big Brother.
So basically, everything that is media on this list with the exception of the things I don't know about or the things I've specifically mentioned are lost media is available on the discord server.
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jossujb · 1 year
@puella-peanut tagged me into this, thanks :D
3 Ships: 
SPN: Sabriel. I mean like, there are people who ship Sam and Gabriel and then there are people who are wrong ahahahha xD
No but seriously, their character beats mirror each other, they are little brothers who got forced into situations they don’t wanna be in. Besides, tho Sam and Dean are the protagonists, the writers favored Dean that he became de facto the main character. Gabriel is one of the very few characters in the whole series who paid primary attention to Sam. I dunno, i ticks me, every time I think of I am done with this fandom I get fond feelings over them
Cobra Kai: Lawrusso. Oh my fucking god with these karate trainwrecks xDD No but, they kinda compliment each other too. Neither of them is completely stable in the head, Johnny is more outwardly trash, but sometimes I am like, you know, Daniel is kinda sad sod too xD Plus admire balls to the walls lets ruin our lived over karate kinda attitude. Mach made in karate heaven, I mean, what are the changes of finding that person who is just equally as fucking wild about the special interest. Besides I started karate classes myself because of these motherfuckers.
Jago & Litefoot: Prof. Litefoot/Mr. Jago :D I man, what I can even say, other than list Chronoclasm and tell me Litefoot didn’t just like declare his love in action right there. Not mention the the triangle drama with vampire, couple shenanigans on the run or in another universe. Jago was crying when he though Litefoot was stuck in that snowglobe and giving a full I love you speech. Only reason thy might not be in the books as canon is the fact that they’re both Victorian idiots who can’t express their emotions right.
Last song? Kiss from a Rose by Seal. I’ve been listening the Soundtrack album for Batman Forever on repeat for couple weeks now, I dunno. Gives me the feels.
Last movie? I watched the Puss in Boots in theaters. That was quite honestly the best movie of the year, not gonna lie.
Currently consuming: I have some sugar free ginger soda I bought from post xmas sale.
Currently watching: I am in the middle of Sophmore year on D20′s Fantasy High, even though I know I am not even getting more content for my shipping feels xD
Currently reading: I got a vintage edition o Yrjö Kokko’s fairytale Pessi & Illusia about a little troll boy and a fairy and that’s a classic. 
Currently craving: I just really want to eat all the sweet stuff, candy and chocolate and whatnot, but I am trying to be healthy so like. Suprssing those feels I guess.
Anyway, thanks for asking :D
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d-razvan · 1 year
Borealis - Illusions (2022)
Borealis – Illusions (2022)
Ultimul album Lannon mi-a plăcut foarte tare în special datorită stilului vocal pe care îl are Johnny Icon. Discurile Evergrey au mereu un soi de haikai în special datorită vocii lui Tom Englund. Iar recentul material Borealis aduce laolaltă tot ce-i mai sensibil din numele amintite. Și o face nu doar prin formidabila prestație vocală semnată Matt Marinelli, ci și dovedind că încadrarea în…
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mondoradiowmse · 1 year
12/21/22 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's special edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "Hooray for Captain Santa Claus and His Reindeer Space Patrol" - A Very Mondo Xmas 2022! If you dig these seasonal sounds, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
Ramma Lamma - Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme - Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme (Single)
The Fireflies - Pretty Christmas - The Fireflies Tackle Your Christmas Tree
Tyler Chicorel Feat. Ashley Smith - Give It All Away - Give It All Away (Single)
Tyler Chicorel - Christmas At Home - Christmas At Home (Single)
Space Raft - Another Holiday Is Here - Another Holiday Is Here (Single)
The Midwest Beat - That's What Christmas Means To Me - That's What Christmas Means To Me (Single)
Dungeon Broads Feat. Jacob Berendes - O Christmas Tree - A Very Messy Holiday
Alligator Indian - Merry Xmas, Melissa Diaz - New Weird Xmas
The Flaming Lips - Little Drummer Boy (Live) - Heady Nuggs: 20 Years After Clouds Taste Metallic 1994-1997
Wooden Shjips - O Tannenbaum - Holiday Cassingle (Single)
Imagene Peise - White Christmas (Binson Echorec Sleigh Ride) - Atlas Eets Christmas
Root Boy Slim & The Sex Change Band With The Rootettes - Xmas At K-Mart - Just Can't Get Enough: New Wave Xmas
Henry Rollins - 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - O Come All Ye Faithful: Rock For Choice
Johnny Adams - The Little Boy That Santa Forgot - Christmas In New Orleans With Johnny Adams
Cue Recording Studios/Mel Kaiser - Street Noise At Xmas Time - Documentary Sounds, Vol. 1
Ernest Hare - Santa Claus Hides In The Phonograph - Voices Of Christmas Past
Liberace With George Liberace And His Orchestra - The Toy Piano - Christmas At Liberace's
The Singing Dogs - Jingle Bells - Dr. Demento Presents The Greatest Christmas Novelty CD Of All Time
Roger LaVern & The Microns - Christmas Stocking - Vampires, Cowboys, Spacemen & Spooks: The Very Best Of Joe Meek's Instrumentals
Bobby Helms - Captain Santa Claus (And His Reindeer Space Patrol) - Captain Santa Claus (And His Reindeer Space Patrol) (Single)
Fat Daddy - Fat Daddy - A John Waters Christmas
Detroit Junior - Christmas Day - Blue Yule: Christmas Blues And R&B Classics
Darlene Love - White Christmas - A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Solomon Burke - Presents For Christmas - The Original Soul Christmas
James Brown - Santa Claus Is Definitely Here To Stay (Vocal) - The Singles, Vol. 7: 1970-1972
Bob Seger & The Last Heard - Sock It To Me Santa - Heavy Music: The Complete Cameo Recordings 1966-1967
Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight) - Brain Drain
James White And The Blacks - Christmas With Satan - Off White
Bob & Doug McKenzie - Twelve Days Of Christmas - Great White North
Amil Byleckie - Whats In The Bag (Old Man)? - Good Angels Guard Thee
Heather Noel - Santa Came On A Nuclear Missile - The American Song-Poem Christmas: Daddy, Is Santa Really Six Foot Four?
Monty Python - Christmas In Heaven - Monty Python Sings
Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime (Edited Version) - McCartney II
Squeeze - Christmas Day - The Big 80's: Christmas
Heidecker & Wood - Christmas Suite - Starting From Nowhere
Sparks - Thank God It's Not Christmas - Kimono My House
Nilsson - Remember (Christmas) - Son Of Schmilsson
Wizzard - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard Brew
Slade - Merry Xmas Everybody - Get Yer Boots On: The Best Of Slade
John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Gimme Some Truth
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soweirdondisney · 1 year
Christmas with Dionne
In 1993 Dionne Warwick joined Spanish opera singer Placido Domingo for his televised special event, Christmas in Vienna II.
Sometimes referred to as Celebration in Vienna, the pair were joined by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the Mozart Boys Choir as they performed a mix of carols like O Holy Night and well-known songs such as Over The Rainbow.
“My Favorite Time of the Year” was Warwick’s 2004 Christmas album. With songs like Joy to the World, White Christmas, and a cover of My Favorite Things, it’s 13 classics sung by Dionne.
In 2019 Dionne released another album, “Dionne Warwick and The Voices of Christmas”. Unlike the 2004 version that only featured Gladys Knight as a guest, this one co-starred Johnny Mathis, Aloe Blacc, and Andra Day among others.
Besides watching the entire Vienna show at the first link above, the last two albums are official playlists on her YouTube account:
My Favorite Time of the Year
Dionne Warwick and the Voices of Christmas
Spotify also has links for all three albums:
Celebration in Vienna
My Favorite Time of the Year
Dionne Warwick and the Voices of Christmas
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laflechanet · 2 years
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/los-nominados-de-los-premios-grammy-2023/
Los nominados de los Premios Grammy 2023
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Los temas “Easy On Me” de Adele, “Break My Soul” de Beyoncé y “As It Was” de Harry Styles, entre otros, han sido nominados en la categoría a Mejor Grabación del año para la 65ª entrega de los premios Grammy, que tendrá lugar el próximo 5 de febrero en Los Ángeles.
Además, Beyoncé (“Renaissance”), Adele (“30″), Bad Bunny (”Un Verano Sin Ti”) y Harry Styles (“Harry´s House”), entre otros, competirán en la categoría a Mejor Álbum del año.
Beyoncé lidera con nueve nominaciones, Kendrick Lamar le sigue de cerca con ocho, y Adele y Brandi Carlile con siete. Cuatro contendientes ingresan a la carrera con seis nominaciones cada uno: Future, Harry Styles, Mary J. Blige, DJ Khaled y Randy Merrill.
Otros artistas que competirán en las tres categorías principales son Taylor Swift (la versión de 10 minutos”“All Too Well está nominada a canción del año), Doja Cat (candidata por “Woman”), Coldplay, DJ Khaled, Gayle y, haciendo un regreso sorpresa, la reina de los Grammy de los 90, Bonnie Raitt.
La música latina no tuvo la presencia que se esperaba en las categorías generales. Bad Bunny fue nominado para lo que muchos consideran el premio mayor, Álbum del año, por su éxito “Un Verano Sin TI”. El músico solo obtuvo dos nominaciones en total. También se pensó que Rosalía podría entrar en una de las categorías principales, pero no fue así, ya que obtuvo solo una nominación. Anitta competirá como Mejor Artista nuevo.
Las nueve nominaciones de Beyoncé la colocan en un empate en las nominaciones al Grammy de todos los tiempos con su esposo, Jay-Z.
  La lista de nominados en las categorías principales:
Mejor interpretación pop solista:
Easy On Me, Adele
Moscow Mule, Bad Bunny
Woman, Doja Cat
Bad Habit, Steve Lacy
About Damn Time, Lizzo
As It Was, Harry Styles
Mejor interpretación pop de dúo o grupo:
Don’t Shut Me Down, ABBA
Bam Bam, Camila Cabello ft Ed Sheeran
My Universe, Coldplay y BTS
I Like You (A Happier Song), Post Malone & Doja Cat
Unholy, Sam Smith y Kim Petras
Mejor Álbum Vocal Pop Tradicional:
Higher, Michael Bublé
When Christmas Comes Around…, Kelly Clarkson
I Dream of Christmas (Extended), Norah Jones
Evergreen, Pentatonix
Thank You, Diana Ross
Mejor Álbum Vocal Pop:
Voyage, ABBA
30, Adele
Music Of The Spheres, Coldplay
Special, Lizzo
Harry’s House, Harry Styles
Mejor interpretación de rap:
God Did, DJ Khaled Featuring Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, John Legend y Fridayy
Vegas, Doja Cat
Pushin P, Gunna & Future Featuring Young Thug
F.N.F. (Let’s Go), Hitkidd y GloRilla
The Heart Part 5, Kendrick Lamar
Mejor álbum de rap:
Best Rap Album
God Did,DJ Khaled
I Never Liked You, Future
Come Home the Kids Miss You, Jack Harlow
Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers, Kendrick Lamar
It’s Almost Dry, Pusha T
Mejor canción del año:
abcdefu, Gayle
About Damn Time, Lizzo
All Too Well , Liz Rose y Taylor Swift
As It Was, Tyler Johnson, Kid Harpoon y Harry Styles
Bad Habit, Matthew Castellanos, Brittany Fousheé, Diana Gordon, John Carroll Kirby y Steve Lacy.
Break My Soul, Beyoncé, S. Carter, Terius “The-Dream” Gesteelde-Diamant y Christopher A. Stewart
Easy on Me, Adele Adkins y Greg Kurstin
God Did, Tarik Azzouz, E. Blackmon, Khaled Khaled, F. LeBlanc, Shawn Carter, John Stephens, Dwayne Carter, William Roberts y Nicholas Warwar
The Heart Part 5, Jake Kosich, Johnny Kosich, Kendrick Lamar y Matt Schaeffer
Just Like That, Bonnie Raitt
Mejor Álbum Pop Latino:
Aguilera, Christina Aguilera
Pasieros, Rubén Blades y Boca Livre
De Adentro Pa Afuera, Camilo
Viajante, Fonseca
Dharma +, Sebastián Yatra
Mejor Álbum de Música Urbana:
Trap Cake, Vol. 2, Rauw Alejandro
Un Verano Sin Ti, Bad Bunny
Legendaddy, Daddy Yankee
La 167, Farruko
The Love & Sex Tape, Maluma
Mejor Álbum de Rock Latino o Alternativo:
El Alimento, Cimafunk
Tinta y Tiempo, Jorge Drexler
1940 Carmen, Mon Laferte
Alegoría, Gaby Moreno
Los Años Salvajes, Fito Paez
Motomami, Rosalía
Mejor Álbum Latino Tropical:
Pa’lla Voy, Marc Anthony
Quiero Verte Feliz, La Santa Cecilia
Lado A Lado B, Víctor Manuelle
Legendario, Tito Nieves
Imágenes Latinas, Spanish Harlem Orchestra
Cumbiana II, Carlos Vives
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nctmaeve · 3 years
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Stage Name: Maeve. 
Birth Name: Maeve Marques Tutsumi.
Supposed Korean Name: Mee Lee.
Supposed Chinese Name: Mei Huang.
Birthday: June 17, 2002.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini.
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse.
Nationality: Half Portuguese/Half Japanese 
Height: 162 (5'3″)
Weight: 45 kg.
Blood Type: O
Fandom Name: Maeberry.
Emoticon: 🫐
Positions: Lead Vocal, Lead Rapper, Dancer, Maknae.
Instagram: @maeberries.
Both face claim and voice claim can and will change according to necessities. 
Maeve Facts:
– She was introduced as a new member of NCT before NCT 2018 Empathy album (NCT U).
– She was reintroduced as a new member of NCT on 23rd September 2020 during the special ‘Resonance Live Event – Wish 2020’ broadcast on V Live.
– She was born in Porto, Portugal. 
- She lived in Macau from when she was 12 until she was scouted when she was 15. 
- She has an older sister, her mother and her father are divorced, she mainlys talk about her father, there isn't a lot of infos about her mother.
- Can speak Portuguese, Japanese, English, Korean, Mandarin, and Cantonese. She struggles with Korean the most.
- Was in Produce 101 China - ranked 3 - ended up being part of Rocket Girls.
– Hobbies: Gaming, sleeping, and soccer.
– Favorite Foods: Pastel de Nata.
– Charming Point: looking like a bunny.
– She is ambidextrous-handed.
– Her favorite ice cream flavor is White Chocolate. 
– She likes rainy days.
– She likes sports and dance but she is lazy.
– Shares room with her manager.
– Her ideal type is something between JaeHyun and Johnny. Tall, handsome and the name starts with a J.
– Nickname: Mavis (JungWoo), Mei (WayV), Mee (DoYoung and TaeYong), Sumi (Yuta).
She is friends with WJSN XuanYi and Meiqi, besides that, she is friends with AKB48 Team SH, Liu Nian. All of them  were Produce 101 China contests.
She and her father moved to Macau due to her father’s businesses and her parent’s divorce. 
Became an NCT member in 2018 together with Kun, JungWoo, and Lucas. But didn't promote any song besides Boss and Yestoday. After promotions for Empathy ended, she went MIA. She would only appear three months later in Produce 101 China. Then in 2020, together with Shotaro and SungChan, she came back and promoted From Home.
She has had trouble sleeping since she was little and thinks she works better at night, so she is almost always the last one to record her parts in the songs as she finishes it by 1-3 am.
Due to that, she used to share the dorm with her manager (HaYeon), because if she had an insomnia crisis the manager could help her without waking up the other members.
She had a nose job, a septoplasty, that helped her breathe better. Due to allergies, she always felt her nose was "closed".
Even though she likes dancing and is good at freestyle, she is kinda slow when grabbing choreography, so the choreographers and Kun + MarkTae (when she had BOSS + Resonance) always try to help her, going until sunrise passing the choreography slowly, so she could understand. She felt bad taking precious sleeping hours from the members but they always say it is fine.
She can speak Mandarin almost fluently, due to the increasing number of Chinese people that are going to Portugal, she decided to learn the language and help some of her school friends (she started when she was 7). And then living in Macau helped too.
She was scouted in an EXO show in Macau in 2015 (when she was 13). Her actual Manager, HaYeon at the time was a scouter and asked if she wanted to audition in SM ent. She auctioned and started training in 2016. 
As the years passed, she thought that she would debut together with Ningning as they were the only SM trainees that continued at the company.
She debuted in Rocket girls together with XuanYi and Meiqi from Cosmic Girls. When both Cosmic Girls' members were withdrawn from the Group, Maeve was too, due to the inability to arrange a contract. But after a while, it was announced that they came to an agreement, and  Maeve was going to promote together with them. She was promoted with the group from June 2018 - June 2020. Rocket Girl’s last EP was in May 2020.
When promoted in China she was a Zhang Yixing Studios trainee. Then when she debuted at WayV she became a Label V artist.
SM couldn't debut in WayV in 2019 due to the fact she had competed in Produce 101 China. 
As a WayV member, she only took part in Resonance and Kick Back comebacks.
Fans are speculating that Yuta, Maeve, and Shotaro will form the Japanese subunit. Fans also speculate Maeve will enter a hiatus in WayV (just like WinWin and 127) when the Japanese subunit comes around.
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rpf-bat · 4 years
You Can’t Keep My Friends
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 4. Prompt: “Bat Country”. 
It’s the summer of 2005, and you, and the other members of My Chemical Romance, are on Warped Tour. You start making friends with your tour-mates, Avenged Sevenfold. But, an unexpected comment from their guitarist, makes Mikey jealous. 
You were relaxing on your tour bus, reading the new issue of Fangoria, when you heard a knock at the door. You got up, wondering who it could be. 
“Hi,” greeted an unfamiliar, black-haired man, when you opened the door. “Is Mikey here?” 
“Sorry,” you shrugged. “He’s not around. I think he went over to Fall Out Boy’s bus, to hang out with Pete.” 
“That’s okay,” the man shrugged, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.” 
“Yeah, what’s your name?” you wondered. 
“I’m Zacky Vengeance,” the man smiled. “Ok….I’m actually Zacky Baker. But, you gotta admit, my stage name sounds cooler.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Vengeance,” you laughed. “I’m Y/N.” 
“You plays drums for My Chem, right?” Zacky guessed. 
“Yeah, that’s right,” you nodded. 
“I’m in Avenged Sevenfold,” Zacky explained. “I play guitar.” 
“Good to know,” you smiled. “Did you want me to tell Mikey, when I see him, that you stopped by?”
“I actually wanted to thank him,” Zacky confessed. “Our bassist, Johnny, broke one of his strings during soundcheck.” 
“Oh, that sucks,” you said sympathetically. 
“Yeah, and somehow, we couldn’t find our replacement strings anywhere!” Zacky frowned. “But, thankfully, Mikey let us borrow some of his.” 
“Oh, that was nice of him,” you replied. He really is a kind person, always going out of his way to help others. It was one of the things you liked most about him. 
“I wanted to give him this, as a thank you,” Zacky said, pulling a beer bottle out of his pants pocket. “Could you give it to him, for me?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, taking the bottle. “I’ll put it in the fridge for him, and let him know it’s there, when he comes back.” 
“Thanks, Y/N,” Zacky smiled. “It was nice meeting you.” 
“Yeah, you too, dude,” you replied. This was one of your favorite parts of Warped Tour - you always made new friends, with other bands. 
Now, you thought, back to reading about the new Romero movie.
You looked up from the page, when you heard the bus door open. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Mikey greeted, wiping sweat off his forehead. 
“Hey,” you smiled back. “Hot out there today?”
“Scorching,” Mikey laughed. “What’s up?” 
“Zacky from Avenged Sevenfold was here,” you explained. “He gave me a beer, to give to you. He said thanks for helping them out.” 
“Oh, sweet!” Mikey grinned. He went into the fridge, took out the beer, and twisted the cap open. “He got me my favorite kind, too!” 
“I wish we had our own supply, this year,” you confessed. 
“Well, Gerard’s trying to stay sober,” Mikey pointed out, taking a sip. “So, for his sake, we can’t really keep them on the bus, like we did last summer.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you sighed. “I was being selfish.” 
“If you want one, I’ll try and find you some,” Mikey offered, having another swig. 
“Nah,” you declined. “It’s not like I need it that badly.” 
“Speaking of which,” Mikey wondered, “where is Gerard?”
Your vocalist had been staying on the bus, like a hermit, for most of the tour. It had to be boring for him. But, you supposed it was the best way, for him to avoid temptation. 
“Apparently there’s a comic book shop, not far from the venue,” you explained. 
“Oh, so, he went shopping?” Mikey realized, finishing his drink, and tossing the bottle into a trash bin. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I mean, we’re not going onstage, til like, eight o clock tonight, so he’s got plenty of time, to get there and back.” 
“That’s true,” Mikey reasoned. “It’s kinda crazy, isn’t it? How when Warped Tour started last summer, we were on at like, midday, because nobody knew who we were…”
“And then our time slot got moved!” you recalled. “Because suddenly, Revenge was like, the hottest album of the year.” 
“And now, this summer, we’re headlining,” Mikey said proudly. 
“We really have come a long way,” you agreed. 
“Since we have so much time on our hands,” Mikey suggested, “do you want to go check out Avenged Sevenfold’s set?” 
“Sure!” you agreed. “Do we need to take a couple security guys with us?” 
“Nah,” Mikey chuckled. “Just put your sunglasses on, and your hood up, and we’ll be fine.”
You joined the crowd, just as the band was starting to take the stage. The vocalist, you noticed, was a buff-looking guy in a muscle tank, wearing a backwards baseball cap. He was almost the antithesis of Gerard’s pretty-boy aesthetic. 
“I’ve met him,” Mikey said, following your gaze. “He’s actually a pretty cool guy.” 
“What’s his name?” you wondered. 
“He calls himself M. Shadows,” Mikey replied. 
“Edgy,” you joked. 
“Maybe I’m the lame one, for using my real name,” Mikey considered. “I could have been, I dunno, Mikey Nightmare, or something.”
“I like your name,” you assured him, taking his hand. 
Mikey blushed. 
“WHAT’S UP, DENVER?!” M. Shadows screamed into the microphone. 
“....Is that where we are today?” you blinked. 
“I guess,” Mikey chuckled. “I’ll be honest, the cities start to blur together, after a while.”
The crowd cheered. 
“ALRIGHT!”,” the singer announced. “THIS SONG IS CALLED….BAT  COUNTRY!”
You banged your head to the beat, as Avenged Sevenfold launched into the song:
Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay
I tried to drive all through the night
The heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights
No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me
Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone)
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone)
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention
After the set ended, you and Mikey showed your passes to their security guy, and walked backstage. 
“Dude, your show was amazing!” Mikey complimented. 
“Oh, hey, Mikey!” Zacky grinned. “Y/N, you came to watch, too?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “He’s right, you guys really killed it up there today.”
“Thanks,” Zacky replied. “Oh, hey, let me introduce you to the rest of the guys!” 
“Sure!” you nodded. 
“This is my man, Synyster Gates,” Zacky introduced, indicating a man in a grey hat. “But, you can call him Syn.” 
“Hi, Syn,” you greeted. 
“Hey,” Syn waved. “Nice to meet you. I’m the other guitarist.” 
“He’s lead guitar, and I’m rhythm guitar,” Zacky explained. 
“Oh, so, basically, the same setup that Ray and Frank have,” you figured. 
“I feel like I need to meet this Frank guy sometime,” Zacky quipped. “People keep telling me I look like him.”
“You kinda do,” you confessed. You glanced over at the drummer, who was sitting down in a folding chair. “Does he have a heavy metal stage name, too?”
“I’m the Reverend Tholomew Plague,” the drummer grinned. “But, my friends call me Rev.” 
“Hi, Rev,” you chuckled. “I’m Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you,” Rev replied. 
“I’m Johnny Christ,” said a third man, who sported a fauxhawk. “Hey, Mikey, thanks again for the assist earlier!” 
“No problem, dude,” Mikey said casually. “Where’d Shadows run off to?”
“He went to get drinks for everybody,” Zacky told him. “I’ll text him, and tell him to bring two extra, for you guys.” 
“Thanks,” you smiled. 
Just then, a summer breeze blew through the backstage area, sending Syn’s hat, flying off his head. 
“Shit!” Syn swore, watching his hat blow further away, back onto the main stage. “This is why I hate outdoor venues.” 
“I’ll go get that for you,” you offered. 
“Thanks,” Syn said gratefully. “Quick, before it blows over the barricade!” 
You ducked past the crew members, who were taking down Avenged Sevenfold’s banners, and preparing the stage for the next band. The Offspring, if you weren’t mistaken, were supposed to go on in an hour. 
A tech was taking down Rev’s drum kit, and setting up Atom Willard’s. You spotted the hat, next to the bass drum. 
“Excuse me,” you muttered. The drum tech got out of your way, and let you take the hat. 
“Oh my god!” you heard a fan gasp, who was still by the barricade. “That’s Y/N, from MCR!” 
You turned, looking at the gaggle of teenagers. They had probably stuck around, so they didn’t lose their front row seats. 
“Y/N!” a second fan called out. “Will you please sign my shirt?” 
“Sure,” you smiled. You leaned over the edge of the stage, taking a marker that was held out to you. You signed your name on the blushing teen’s band shirt. 
“Thank you so much!” he gasped. “I can’t wait to see you and the guys perform tonight!” 
“Thank you for coming to see us,” you replied. 
“Y/N, will you sign my ticket stub?” another fan pleaded. 
“Yeah, why not?” you acquiesced. You stayed by the barricade for a few moments, signing autographs, and posing for pictures. 
“Alright, guys,” you said finally. “I really do need to go give Synyster his hat back.” 
“Ok!” the fans said agreeably. “Thank you for taking time for us! Say hi to Gerard and Frankie for us when you see them!” 
“Will do,” you chuckled. The MCRmy were such nice kids. It made you feel special, to be loved by such a great group of people. 
You were about to turn the corner, and re-enter the backstage area. But, you froze, when you heard your name. You realized, that the guys were talking about you. 
“So,” you heard Zacky ask, “is Y/N single?” 
“Uh….,” Mikey hesitated. “Yeah, as far as I know, she’s not seeing anyone.” 
“That’s surprising,” Syn commented. “She’s, like, really pretty.” 
“If I asked her out,” Zacky wondered, “do you think she’d say yes?” 
What?!, you stifled a gasp. Zacky was interested in you?
“No!” Mikey blurted out. “You definitely don’t want to do that!” 
“Why not?” you snapped, revealing herself. “You think I’d be a super annoying person to date?” 
“Y/N?” Mikey gasped, turning his head around, towards you. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough,” you frowned. “Why are you warning people not to ask me out? Am I that unattractive, when I don’t have my stage makeup on?” 
“No!” Mikey said quickly. “Fuck, that’s not what I meant, either!” 
“Then, what did you mean?” you demanded. 
“I….,” Mikey trailed off, his whole face turning red. “I can’t tell you.” 
“Bullshit,” you barked. “Here’s your stupid hat, Syn.” 
You practically threw it at the guitarist, then turned, and began walking away. 
“Where are you going?” Mikey cried, following you. 
“Back to the bus!” you growled, walking faster. 
“Y/N, please, slow down!” Mikey begged, jogging to keep up with you. 
“No! Buzz off!” you told him. Your cheeks burned. 
Does he think I’d be a shitty, clingy girlfriend? you wondered. Why would he tell some complete stranger, that I’m not worth dating? I should’ve known...he’d never be interested in me. 
You climbed back onto the bus, and immediately threw yourself into your bunk. You pulled the curtains around you, as if you were going to sleep. 
Mikey pulled the curtain back again, and sat beside you. 
“Can we please talk?” he implored you. 
“What is there to talk about?” you huffed. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Mikey said gently. “Look...do you really want to date Zacky? If that’s what will make you happy….I’ll go back there, and I’ll tell him to shoot his shot. I can even give him your number.” 
“I don’t want to date Zacky,” you confessed. 
I want to date you, you stupid man. You wished you could tell him that, but you didn’t have the guts. But, that will never happen. 
“I didn’t tell Zacky, not to ask you out, because I think you’re annoying, or unattractive,” Mikey explained. 
“Then, why did you say it?” you demanded, wiping tears on your sleeve. 
“I said it because….,” Mikey hesitated. 
“Spit it out,” you insisted. 
“I said it, because I wanted to ask you out myself,” Mikey said finally. 
“I’ve been trying to find the balls, to ask you out, all summer,” Mikey confessed, reddening. “But, I could never find the right time, or the words. I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” you said softly, moving closer to him. 
“I have no right, to tell you who to be with,” Mikey sighed. “Y/N, I hope I haven’t ruined our friendship, by telling you how I feel about you. I understand, if you aren’t interested in…”
“I’m interested,” you interrupted. 
“Huh?” Mikey’s eyes widened behind his glasses. 
“I’ve been interested in you for a long time,” you confessed. “I just didn’t have the balls to tell you, either.”
We’re both idiots. 
You leaned over, and lay your lips on his. He kissed you back, eagerly grabbing you, pulling you closer. You kissed him, again, and again. 
“....So,” Mikey gasped breathlessly, coming up for air, “does this mean you and I are dating now?”
“Now,” you grinned, grabbing him by the collar, “and forever.”
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carebearbliss · 4 years
How NCT 127 would confess to you
A/N: This took way longer than it was intended, but here it is! Hope you enjoy~
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Taeil went over the plan at least 50 times to make sure the delivery would be as smooth as he hoped it would be
Probably couldn’t really sleep the night before cause what if you reject him????
Plans on singing a love song specially for you, like a private mini concert in a rented out café you two frequent a lot
When you get to your usual hangout spot, the lights were out and you were confused af
But then as the lights went back on again you saw Taeil standing on a makeshift stage and the café was decorated with cute fairy lights and balloons and all
Then music started playing as he serenaded you sweetly and honestly you were already sold from the minute he started singing ngl
Kinda messes up what he prepared to say to you afterwards because he doesn’t want to screw it up but also when he looks at you his mind kinda goes blank
So happy and relieved when you tell him the feeling’s mutual that he lowkey almost tripped on the way back to his seat cause he lost feeling in both his legs
Lots of shy and awkward gazing and blushing on both parts, but when you meet each other’s gaze he gives you the brightest smile ever
Overall just really adorable????
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I swear 10/10 this guy had something elaborate and romantic planned out the moment he realized his feelings for you
Would probably pull out something kinda cheesy to impress you, like playing your favorite song on the piano (or teaching you how to play,       o o f)
I can see him taking you on walks around the city afterwards, someplace quiet with a nice scenery that would provide a nice backdrop for his confession
Tells you he’s gonna go pick up a call real quick, then kinda disappears
You get lowkey angry like wtf Johnny w h a t are you doing, but then he sends you text messages to a sort of scavenger hunt
Was actually planning on just telling you verbally what you mean to him and how he feels for you but then realized he’s not really good at doing that face to face so this is his fun alternative
Anyways, he gives you hints and directions through text message and at each ‘landmark’ he directs you to, you find small notes where he wrote down what exactly he likes about you and moments he realized he’s in love with you
Basically the boi wrote you a love letter but scattered around at least 7 different spots while he’s hiding who knows where
By the time you get to the final spot you see him standing in front of you with a large bouquet in his hands (for you) and this silly grin on his face
Lowkey almost moved you to tears as he told you he likes you
You spend the night looking at the stars and walking hand in hand as you two talk about anything and everything at the same time
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Y’know those smooth pick-up lines he pulls out of his sleeves? Yeah, prepare for those cause they are definitely coming your way
Would probably go for a sweet and sentimental confession
Lowkey tries to hint at his feelings for you by recommending love songs every now and then
One day he randomly shows up at your doorstep with your favorite flowers in one hand and a gift in the other (and also some snacks and sweets cause why the heck not)
I can see him gifting you something very meaningful, like a photo album with pictures of you two and places you went together or an entire playlist of songs that made him think of you
You thought it’d just be a normal hangout with your best friend
But then he tries to coyly recommend a song to you and asks you to listen to it and tell him what you think of it
5 seconds in you realize it’s actually him singing a self-made confession song for you
He gets embarrassed halfway through you listening to the song cause you keep staring at him with this touched expression on your face
But when the song’s over you’re just kind of left speechless until you tell him “me too.. I like you too” and it’s like his heart stopped skipping a beat and he was sent straight to heaven on earth
All in all just a really sweet and thoughtful confession asdfghjkl;
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Ever since Yuta realized how he felt toward you, he’s been trying his best to not impulsively blurt out that he likes you, especially because he’s not sure if it’s mutual
Occasionally can’t help but murmur “you’re so cute” under his breath when he’s spending time with you though
You know he tends to be quite playful and flirtatious around you, so whenever he tries to make advances you just play it off as him joking around (half the time he’s actually seriously stopping himself from stealing a kiss ngl)
One day he decides to ask you out on a date over the phone and you agree thinking it’s just him being goofy again cause what else could it be??
Yuta takes you on a hiking date, aiming to take you to this nice and scenic viewpoint and confess there
But things take a different turn when halfway through the hike you realize that he was actually being serious about this date and he realizes you thought he was playing around
Then he kind of goes off on this impulsive rant like ‘Damn it Y/N I’ve been flirting with you for an entire year why do you keep thinking I’m not being serious about this’ and yeah he kind of floops out that he’s been crushing on you ever since y’all met
So things didn’t really go as planned but you had a serious conversation about it and by the time you reached the viewpoint you were already holding hands and smiling fondly at each other :’)
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Has been torn for weeks about how to confess to you and it’s showing
He wants to plan something that would make sure you knew how much he cared about you, so he scoured every possible source he could find, including the internet, all his good friends he could confide into, and even asked his parents who confessed to the other and how..
Anyways, when Doyoung meets up with you he still hasn’t made his mind about how to confess
And technically he wasn’t planning on doing so either, until he saw how battered up you looked from an ugly fall off the stairs last week and how you tried to hide that wearing a big hoodie and sunglasses
During winter
You thought he didn’t notice though until he kind of had enough of your act and just pulled off the hoodie from your head and took off your glasses to reveal this bigass purple bruise on your face, still evident beneath your make-up
Doyoung couldn’t help seeing you so vulnerable and inattentive toward your own wellbeing and so gave you an entire lecture nagging at you to be more careful
Over the next few days he comes by unannounced to check the safety of basically your entire home to make sure you wouldn’t trip again and also takes care of your bruise and minor grazes on your arms and knees
And it just so happened that he accidentally murmured “How did I fall in love with such a clumsy human being” just when he thought you didn’t hear it
You replied with “How did I fall in love with such a nagging mom-figure” and well, the rest is history :’)
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Actually, you kind of knew for a while now that he probably had a crush on you because of that one time he accidentally sent a text to you that said “I don’t know what to do, should I confess to Y/N?”
You read the message before he quickly deleted it and since then both of you pretended that never happened
Anyways, I can see Jaehyun taking you out for a nice dinner at this new and trendy restaurant (complete with lit candles and fancy music and all)
He’d try his best to appear calm and composed, and he would’ve succeeded had his hands not been trembling when he poured more wine in both your glasses
Probably has this whole speech ready in his back pocket just in case he forgot what he wanted to say
But before he can start on that you casually say “So is this how you’re planning on confessing to me?” and Jaehyun automatically answers yes before he’s processed that you in fact knew all along how he felt for you
You let him finish his confession speech though cause he worked so hard on it, and you obviously accept to be his girlfriend
He even prepared a little surprise for you together with the staff, it was a cute cake with both your names in the shape of a heart
The date ends with you two talking and having fun conversations at the restaurant until it closed (and you had to be kicked out)
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I see so many ways in which Jungwoo would confess, simply cause he can be so shy and reserved but also really sassy and goofy at the same time
Anyways, I think he’d go for something a little more subtle than his hyungs would, kinda secret admirer style?
The first time you realized you had a secret admirer was when you found a note in your bag containing a compliment directed toward you and a cute drawing next to it
You thought it was really sweet and so Jungwoo continued sending you love notes and putting it in random but somewhat inconspicuous spots, like your locker, your books, etc.
This went on for a couple of months until one day Jungwoo decied it was time to make it known that he was the secret admirer, so he started announcing in a note that he was someone you knew well
That’s when you started finding notes at the most random of places: inside your phonecase, heck even the inside of your shoe
You had absolutely no clue who this person was and were growing kind of agitated at the fact that you couldn’t send him notes back, until Jungwoo slipped up once and complimented you in the exact same way as your secret admirer did
On the day he planned to confess, you were just casually studying together (or more like, you were trying to study and he was just staring at you boredly)
Jungwoo waited patiently until you finished, then told you you had something stuck in your hair
And as you reached for it, you found it to be a folded piece of paper stating “I like you”, with Jungwoo smiling knowingly at you
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Would be a panicking mess, let’s be real
Asks all the hyungs for advice on what to do
Mark would take you to someplace special for the both of you, like the place you first met or where he first realized he has feelings for you
He wouldn’t hold a big speech or make it into a big event, he’d want to keep it simple and to the point so as not to burden you too much
I see him just wanting to make it a fun day when you two meet up, confession or not
Like a walk along the river or at a park, some icecream, maybe even biking or (roller)skating around and picknicking
Tries to find the right timing to break the news to you, fails miserably at doing so most of the time
You knew he had something to say though cause he avoided making direct eye contact with you throughout the entire day
But when he’s ready, he musters up all his courage, coughs a little as a way of making clear that he has something to say, and then just goes for it
Panics halfway through the confession, like he just turns into this shy blushy mess, especially when he stutters or messes up his words
Kinda rambles his way through it but looks you directly in the eye when he says that he likes you
Would add something like “I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship” after confessing cause that’s legit been the nr. 1 reason why he was hesitating confessing to you
Overall would be really nervous about it, but also very sweet and sincere!
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9/10 would go for an over the top public confession, just cause he can
You two met up at this arcade, your usual hangout spot to relieve yourselves from stress and play fun games together
You originally thought it would be just a normal day meeting up with your longtime friend, but turns out you were completely wrong 
Cause the minute you stepped into the venue, you were met with all kinds of festive decorations, balloons, and familiar faces shouting “SURPRISE!!!” at the top of their lungs
Turns out Haechan planned a surprise party for you complete with hilarious banners with him making heart signs
When you turned around to look at Haechan, he was kneeling on the floor holding a big bouquet of your favorite flowers and this giant teddy bear 
As he looked up to you, he asked you to be his girlfriend, to which you said yes and were met with a rainfall of confetti and cheering
You spent the day playing fun games with your boyfriend and friends
(And to Haechan’s discontent and envy, you kinda beat him at almost every arcade game there was to play)
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cobrakaisb · 2 years
someone will love you better
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view soundtrack
<<<previous next track>>>
“y/n? do you ever wish you were still in love?” robby asks while the two of you sit on a blanket under the stars. you laugh at his question because how can you wish you were still in love when you are in love right now? “what do you mean wish? i am in love with you,” you answer, poking his side playfully. 
“that’s the problem,” he whispers, causing you to freeze.
the playful mood is gone as realization sets in: robby was breaking up with you. “robby what?” you mumble, still trying to process the inevitable. he looks at you sadly, a frown on his face and regret deep in his eyes. “we can’t do this y/n. you know we can’t. i’ve been running for way too long and now there’s nowhere for me to hide,” he explains, licking his lips. “with me. you hide with me,” you say, reaching for his hand. he pulls away before you can grasp it. “robby,” you gasp, the first few tears falling. 
“i’m sorry y/n. i am, but i can’t keep fighting this war with my mind. i have to let you go. you don’t deserve to be with someone like me. someone with all my baggage,” he tries to reason, eyes pleading with you to understand. “that’s not your choice to make robby,” you shout, still trying to reach out for you, and for some reason, robby embraces you. 
he pulls you flush against his chest, rubbing your back in soothing circles in an attempt to calm you down. “this is going to hurt y/n, but it’s for the best,” robby whispers into your ear. you step away from him, keeping him at an arm's length as you pull your his sweater tightly around your torso. “i don’t understand,” you start to say but he cuts you off. “i’m joining cobra kai because fuck my dad and mr. larusso. kreese will teach me shit; he’ll help me.” “let me help you robby. i can help you,” you beg. “not the way i need you too. besides, i’m a criminal y/n and you deserve someone better than that. someone who can give you more,” he continues, causing your heart to break even more. 
“i think we should just call it a night robby. you’ll regret this in the morning and…” you try to say but he doesn’t let you. “no, i won’t regret it because i loved you first, but someone will love you better,” he says with nothing but sincerity in his voice before walking away, leaving you heartbroken and alone.
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jaesqueso · 3 years
What if Johnny debuted in EXO?
If you didn’t already know when Johnny joined SM Entertainment he trained with the EXO members and he was actually part of some initial line-ups but ultimately not debuting until years later with NCT instead. As EXO are one of my favourite groups and Johnny happens to be my NCT bias wrecker sometimes I wonder what would happen if he had actually debuted with EXO so if you’re interested in it to, do join me on this ride!
Position, Unit, Symbols and first Teasers
For position I think he would have the same as he currently has in NCT: Lead dancer, sub-rapper and vocalist. These positions really fit him and I think he would specially be a good addition do the dance line. He would also be replacing Sehun as the maknae as he is the youngest of the EXO final debut line-up.
Since EXO initially debuted with the Korean and Chinese sub-units concept I think he would fit more with the members of EXO-K than EXO-M so I believe he would be placed there until eventually the units are blend.
From the existing powers I think the most fitting one for Johnny would be Fire (because let’s face it, he does light a fire within us, right? No? Just me? Ok). But if he was an addition to the line-up instead of a replacement they would give him a new power so I think it could be something like speed, that would be a good addition to the existing ones. As for his number, since most numbers are based on their birthdays or favourite numbers he could either be 09 or 02.
EXO was announced in December 2011 but only officially debuted in April 2012, in the meantime we were presented by several teasers introducing the members. I believe Johnny could have easily slayed the “Lightsaber” teaser (originally by Kai), be part of one of the teasers that feat several members or even having a brand new teaser with another demo that SM teased but never released (the fact that we never got a full version of Metal still doesn’t sit right with me…).
Mama (EP)
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“What is love” was the first pre-released track sang by D.O and Baekhyun (Korean version), and being the vocal song it is Johnny wouldn’t be part of it much like the rest of the members.
“History” was the second pre-release single and all the members are included in the vocals and dance so he would too. Johnny would probably get Chanyeol ad-lib’s in the beginning of the first and second parts of the song, as for dance he would probably be centre at least in one of the chorus and mostly in the front line of the formations. Out of the 3 singles for this EP I think this is the one that would fit him best.
“Mama” was the last single promoted for this album. I don’t think Johnny would have a lot of lines here because most of the song they all sing together. Honestly I do believe this choreography could’ve looked better with 7 members instead of 6 as some parts look a bit strange, and I think Johnny could have quite a few centre parts instead of Kai (don’t get me wrong, I love Kai but we gotta admit SM was way to biased in the beginning).
As for the other songs: “Angel” is sang by the vocal line and “Two Moons” by the rap line, I think Johnny would fit “Two Moons” better. “Machine” would also be a song he would fit in well.
XOXO (Studio Album)
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“Wolf” is the title track for this album and there are a lot of parts for Johnny to slay, from the beginning divided by the rap line to the last section of the second part before the chorus. I would love to see him being another branch on the EXO tree (I love this choreography so much) and since all the members come together on this song he could have a lot of time in the front line.
As for the other songs: I don’t think he would participate in “Baby Don’t Cry” like Kai and Sehun because I think it’s really well split between the other 4 members. The songs that would most fist him in my option are “Let Out the Beast” as it has some good parts that would fit his voice, “Heart Attack” (I might be a bit biased on this one as it’s my favourite track on this album) and “My Lady” as I think the all vibe of the song would be very interesting to see him in.
XOXO (Repackage)
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“Growl” is a very fitting song for Johnny in my option, he would absolutely kill this choreography and the whole school concept would look so good on him.
As for the other songs: he would be freaking adorable singing “XOXO”.
Bonus note: I would love to see his acting skills in the little drama they did for this album. SM could’ve done so much more with it if that concept had been more developed.
Miracles in December (EP)
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“Miracles in December” this track is only sang by the main vocal line so again I don’t think Johnny would be part of it, although he would look gorgeous in that music video (the acting scenes).
As for the other songs: the most fitting one in my option would be “The Star” as I think it has the best vibe for him. Also can you imagine him in the elf costume? A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!
Overdose (EP)
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“Overdose” would also be a good tittle track for Johnny from styling to the choreography. In this one the rap line barely has any lines but I think he could’ve blend in with the vocal line instead.
As for the other songs: he wouldn’t participate in “Moonlight” as it’s only sang by D.O and Baekhyun but I would love to hear him in “Thunder”.
EXODUS (Studio Album)
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“Call Me Baby” has a very nice vibe for Johnny, again styling and choreography wise he would absolutely slay this and I feel like he could also get quite a few lines (but last face it, this would be the perfect song for EXO if they stuck with the original tittle “Call Me Daddy”).
As for the other songs: he would participate in “My Answer” as again is focused on the main vocal tine but I would love to hear his voice in “What if…”, “El Dorado” and obviously “Playboy”.
Love Me Right (Exodus Repackage)
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“Love Me Right” has such a beautiful aesthetic we would get so many cool Johnny shots. And even thought the stylist screwed up making them wear American football uniforms with baseball hats (logic where are you?) I would love to see him with that. For this one I don’t think he would have many lines but there are a lot of parts in the choreography where he could easily be centre.
As for the other songs: “Tender Love” would suit him so well.
Sing for You (EP)
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“Sing for You” is a slower track pretty much sang by D.O, Chen and Baekhyun so I wouldn’t see him having a lot of lines, but also it wouldn’t be the most suited concept for him.
As for the other songs: obviously I think he would fit “Lightsaber” as I previously mentioned he could’ve been in the initial teaser, but also “Girl x Friend” has some good lines for him.
Ex’Act (Studio Album)
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“Monster” has a very cool choreography for Johnny to slay and there are a lot of good lines for him too. Visually we’ve seen dark Johnny a few times so he would fit right in.
“Lucky One” would have me go crazy with Johnny in those white suits. Also if his power was speed, like I mentioned in the beginning, it would be cool seeing him use it in the music video to trick those women who are keep EXO locked down.
As for the other songs: in terms of side tracks this would be a very good album for him as most songs would fit his vibe, except “Stronger” that is sang by the main vocal line and I don’t really feel like there would be space for someone else as the original distribution is really good.
Lotto (Ex’Act Repackage)
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“Lotto” is my favourite EXO tittle track (I don’t even understand why some many people hate it) and I would love to see Johnny there. The whole concept just screams his name, even if they didn’t gave him a lot of lines he would still stand out here.
As for the other tracks: “Can’t Bring Me Down” would also be a great track for his voice and I think he could’ve also joined the line-up for “She’s Dreaming” even though it’s not sang by the whole group.
For Life (EP)
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“For Life”, just like “Sing for You” would also be a track where Johnny wouldn’t have many lines.
As for the other tracks: like in their first EP we have two songs one for the vocal line “What I Want for Christmas” and one for the rap line “Twenty Four” and although I would love to hear him on the first one he would’ve definitely be in the second one instead because it’s so much his vibe.
The War (Studio Album)
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“Ko Ko Bop” is the tropical vibe I crave to see Johnny in. Ever since I saw him in that floral shirt for the “Resonance” teaser pictures I knew he would’ve slayed this. Also it would be amazing to see him dance this choreography.
As for the other tracks: let’s just cut to the case and admit we just want to see him do the choreography for “The Eve”. Now that we got that out of the way I can also say that this would be a very good album for him in terms of side tracks as I could see him fit any of them.
The War: The Power of Music (Repackage)
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“Power” is my least favourite EXO tittle track but honestly I could see Johnny in this music video with the other members fitting that weird spaceship with Doctor Octopus arms and they could’ve even used his speed power to defeat the villain. This would be a great opportunity to show case his bright and corky personality. It would also be amazing to have his ‘superhero’ cards and have him included in the comic that you get from the physical albums.
As for the other songs: “Sweet Lies” would be an amazing song for him.
Universe (EP)
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“Universe” is another slow song so it would pretty much be like “Sing for You” and “For Life”.
As for the other songs: this album has my favourite side tracks so I’ll be biased and say he would sound amazing in all of them. Well, except for “Lights Out” which I think is the same situation as “Stronger”.
Don’t Mess Up My Tempo (Studio Album)
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“Tempo” would make all our biker Johnny dreams come through. There are some pretty good line options for him and he could also have some killer parts in the choreography. Overall another great tittle track for him.
As for the other songs: this would be another great album for his vibe, specially “Sign” and “Oh La La La”. Also I would die hearing him sing “Smile On My Face”.
Love Shot (Don’t Mess Up My Tempo Repackage)
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(There are no individual pictures for this shoot)
“Love Shot” is another tittle track with a great choreography for Johnny to slay, can you imagine him dancing that chorus? Anyway, when I saw the editorial NCT 127 did for Elle Japan I just knew his yellow suit would have looked so good next to EXO’s suits for this era.
As for the other songs: I would’ve loved to know how his voice would complement “Wait”.
Obsession (Studio Album)
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“Obsession” has such an amazing duality concept, I would love to see Johnny against x-Johnny. Styling wise it would be something very interesting for him to try. In terms of line I think this would be the hardest one to fit him in as I think this is probably the best EXO distribution of their discography but anything is possible.
As for the other songs: the best ones for him in this album would definitely be “Trouble”, “Jekyll” and “Ya Ya Ya.”
Wow, this took me so long to put together but it was worthy to walkthrough the EXO memory lane with Johnny. In my honest option I think it was the right decision to not debut him with them as I feel like he fits the whole NCT vibe way better but it’s always fun to wonder!
Do let me know your thoughts on this and also if this is something you’d like to see again maybe with other groups or members.
Thanks for reading ❤︎
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cuttingedgexmas · 3 years
January 1st
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness - New Year Song (Single)
January 18th
Rivulets - Happy New Year (Happy New Year (EP))
April 12th
The Jason Frederick Cinematic Trio - Linus and Lucy (Single)
June 4th
Bek Sarkoezy - New Year (Single)
July 30th
June Bisantz & The John Burr Sextet - 7 Shades of Snow (EP)
August 4th
Katy Weirich - Joy to the World (Hallelujah) (Single)
August 12th
Blackaby - Plastic Mistletoe (Single)
September 10th
Kirk Whalum - How Does Christmas Sound?
September 17th
Gabriel Lapano - Christmas Card From Elvis (Single)
September 20th
Petr Šimandl - The Winterking/Daylong Dance (Single)
September 21st
Brian Eno & Roger Eno - Wanting to Believe (Oh Holy Night) (Single)
September 22nd
Teflon Beast - Sun and Snow (EP)
September 24th
The Sweeplings - Comfort & Joy (EP)
Chris Tomlin - Emmanuel: Christmas Songs of Worship (Live)
Carrie Underwood - My Gift (Special Edition)
September 30th
Kimberley Locke - Christmas is Here
October 1st
Margaret Dorn & The Accidentals - A Cappella Holiday Classics
Jeff Hamilton Trio - Merry & Bright
Gave Lapano - Happy New Year Baby (Single)
The Little Unsaid - December Songs (Reissue)
Shaggy - Christmas in the Islands (Deluxe Edition)
The Sixteen - Carol of the Bells
October 7th
Gabriel Lapano - Fantastical Magical Christmas (Single)
October 8th
Blondie (ft. Fab 5 Freddy) - Yuletide Throwdown (Single) (Reissue)
Darren Criss - A Very Darren Crissmas
Curtis Grimes (ft. Doug Stone) - Pretty Paper (Single)
Ryland James (ft. Ralph) - A Christmas to Remember (Single)
Chad Lawson - Christmas in My Dreams (EP)
Orleans - New Star Shining
Tonic Sol-fa - Shake Up Christmas (Single)
Josh Turner - King Size Manger
Tassia Zappia - Blue Christmas (Single)
October 12th
Various Artists - A Rock By the Sea Christmas, Vol. 12
October 13th
Night is Alive - Old New Borrowed & Blue
October 14th
Lady Bri - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Single)
October 15th
Gary Allan - Please Come Home for Christmas (EP) (Reissue)
Jim Brickman - The Ultimate Christmas Playlist (Reissue)
Kelly Clarkson - When Christmas Comes Around…
Gaither Vocal Band - All Heaven & Nature Sing
Highlands Worship - Comfort & Joy
Norah Jones - I Dream of Christmas
KYEN?ES? - Somos Navidad
98° - Christmas Carols (EP) (Reissue)
L. Shankar - Christmas from India
Teddy Swims - A Very Teddy Christmas (EP)
Uptown Vocal Jazz Quartet - Fools for Yule
Vitamin String Quartet - It Feels Like Christmas
Steve Wariner - Feels Like Christmas Time
Stan Whitmire - Heaven’s Child: Christmas Songs of Comfort and Peace
Brian Courtney Wilson - At Christmas (EP)
Various Artists - Winter Tales
October 16th
The Annihilators - The Christmas Album
October 21st
Tim Atlas - Christmas Coffee (Single)
Rosie Darling - Love is Christmas (Single)
Joshua Radin - Happy Christmas (War is Over) (Single)
Tom Speight - Driving Home for Christmas (Single)
Wrabel - merry christmas, merry christmas to you (EP)
October 22nd
Jim Brickman - A Christmas Symphony
Celtic Thunder - Celtic Christmas Eve
Kristin Chenoweth - Happiness is…Christmas!
Jason Crabb - Home for Christmas (EP)
Brett Eldredge - Mr. Christmas
Lindsay Ell - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Single)
Everette - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (Single)
Jordan Feliz - Joy to Our World (Single)
for KING & COUNTRY - A Drummer Boy Christmas (2021 Edition)
Hiss Golden Messenger - O Come All Ye Faithful
Steve Holy - A Christmas to Remember
Hunter Brothers - Joy to the World
The Imaginaries - Christmas Town (Single)
The King’s Singers - Christmas Carols with The King’s Singers
Life.Church Worship - Gloria (Live)
Lil Xxel - Wishlist (Single)
Tara Louise - It’s Christmas Day All Over Earth (Single)
Tim McGraw - Christmas All Over the World (Single) (Reissue)
Luke McMaster - Last Christmas (Single)
Drake Milligan - Cowgirl for Christmas (Single)
Gordon Mote - Christmas Hymns & Carols
Jamie O’Neal - White Christmas (Single)
Johnny Orlando - How Can it Be Christmas (EP)
Peach PRC - I’ve Been Bad, Santa (Single)
Pistol Annies - Hell of a Holiday
Rob Thomas - Something About Christmas Time
Cade Thompson - Cade Thompson Christmas (EP)
Tenille Townes - Songs for Christmas (EP)
Train - Mittens (Single)
Voctave - The Spirit of the Season (Deluxe Edition)
Morgan Wade - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single)
Morgan Wade - Santa Claus is Back in Town (Single)
We the Kingdom - A Family Christmas (EP)
Zach Williams - I Don’t Want Christmas to End
Lainey Wilson - Christmas Cookies (Single)
Brett Young - Brett Young & Friends Sing the Christmas Classics
Various Artists - Together for the Holidays: Traditional Classics (Reissue)
October 25th
Patrick DeVille - Christmas Train (2021) (Single)
October 26th
Rosie Galon - Eight Nights (Single)
Quichenight - A Real Tree This Year (Single)
October 29th
American Authors - Favorite Time of Year (Single)
Brooke Annibale - Christmas, Happy You’re Here (Single)
BANNERS - Happy Xmas (War is Over) / 2000 Miles (Single)
Gabby Barrett - Silent Night (Single) (iTunes)
Till Brönner - Christmas
CAIN - Wonderful (EP)
Landry Cantrell - Last Christmas With You (Single)
Peter Cincotti & Jim Brickman - Slow Down Christmas (Single)
Nat “King” Cole - A Sentimental Christmas with Nat “King” Cole and Friends: Cole Classics Reimagined
DMX - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Single) (Reissue)
Eslabon Armado - Navidad Sin Ti (Single) (iTunes)
Firewoodisland - Snow (Dripping Woollen Jumpers) (Single)
IDK - Coal (Single) (iTunes)
Molly Johnson - It’s a Snow Globe World
Vance Joy - Fairytale of New York (Single)
Jonas Kaufmann - It’s Christmas! (Extended Edition)
Tori Kelly - A Tori Kelly Christmas (Deluxe) (Reissue)
Tasha Layton - This is Christmas (EP)
Peggy Lee - Christmas Carols (EP) (Reissue)
Ari Lennox - My Favorite Things (Single) (iTunes)
Tasha Cobbs Leonard - The First Noel (Single) (iTunes)
Love & The Outcome - Christmas Lights (Single)
Macklemore (ft. Windser) - Next Year (Single)
Manchester Orchestra - Christmas Songs, Vol. 1 (EP) (Reissue)
Tate McRae - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single) (iTunes)
Ian Munsick - You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Single)
Neon Trees - Holiday Rock (Single)
Newsboys - The Christmas Song (Single)
98° - Festive Christmas (EP) (Reissue)
Joy Oladokun - Jingle Bells (Single) (iTunes)
Dolly Parton - A Holly Dolly Christmas (Deluxe Edition) (Reissue)
Pentatonix - Evergreen
Carly Pearce - Mary, Did You Know? (Single)
Point of Grace - Sing Noël
Eden Prince & Karen Harding - Last Christmas (Single) (iTunes)
Sabaton - Christmas Truce (The War to End All Wars)
Secret Garden & Cathrine Iversen - Sacred Night: The Christmas Album
SAINT PHNX - Peace (Single)
Shenseea - Hallelujah (Single) (iTunes)
The Sing Team - The Last Christmas on Earth…Again!
Jordan Smith - O Come (Let Us Adore) (Single)
Mitchell Tenpenny - Naughty List
Meghan Trainor - A Very Trainor Christmas (Deluxe)
Sofi Tukker - What a Wonderful World (Single) (iTunes)
Tai Verdes - This Christmas (Single) (iTunes)
Bryce Vine - The Holiday (Single)
Rhett Walker - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single)
Tauren Wells - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (Single) (iTunes)
Matthew West - We Need Christmas
Jay Wheeler - Me Voy a Regalar (Single) (iTunes)
Anne Wilson - I Still Believe in Christmas (EP)
Sam Williams - Blue Christmas (Single)
Wolf Alice - In the Bleak Midwinter (Single) (iTunes)
Various Artists - DREAM Christmas, Vol. 6
November 1st
Peter Kater - For Christmas (Reissue)
Pia Mia - Christmas (EP)
Joel Rakes - (the best of) festive mood inducing music
Teflon Beast - Santa Dad
David Woodard - Around the Power Pop Tree (EP)
Various Artists - Have Yourself a Dandy X-Mas (EP)
November 2nd
Patrick DeVille - We Shall See His Glory 2021 (Single)
Jami Smith - All This is Christmas
Valentina Way - A Morston Christmas Tale (Single)
November 3rd
Leon Bridges - Purple Snowflakes (Single) (Amazon Original)
Camila Cabello - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Alessia Cara - Jingle Bell Rock (Single) (Amazon Original)
The Caraway - Another Christmas Will Come Around This Year (EP) (Reissue)
Coeur de pirate - Parfait Noël (Single) (Amazon Original)
Dan + Shay - Pick Out a Christmas Tree (Single) (Amazon Original)
Olivia Dean - The Christmas Song (Single) (Amazon Original)
George Ezra - Come on Home for Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Norah Jones - The Christmas Waltz (Single) (Amazon Original)
La Oreja de Van Gogh - Blanca Navidad (Single) (Amazon Original)
Lang Lang - The Christmas Song (Single) (Amazon Original)
NEEDTOBREATHE, Switchfoot & JUDAH. - Hometown Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Reik - Last Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Sech - Carta Navideña (Single) (Amazon Original)
She & Him - I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm (Single) (Amazon Original)
Chris Tomlin (ft. Anne Wilson) - Emmanuel God With Us (Single) (Amazon Original)
Marcos Witt (ft. Elena Witt-Guerra) - Noche de Paz (Silent Night) / Santa La Noche (O Holy Night) (Single) (Amazon Original)
November 4th
Manos Wild - Santa Claus is Blue/An Old Christmas Card (Single)
LeeAnn Purvis (ft. Kian Sanchez) -The Gift (Single)
November 5th
ABBA - Little Things (Voyage)
Ralph Allwood & The Twelve - Christmas Carols, Old & New
Dave Barnes - Christmas Back Home (Single)
Rhyan Besco - A Riverboy Christmas!
Forest Blakk - Sing Along With Me (Single)
Karla Bonoff - Silent Night
The Browns - Christmas Now!
Building 429 - Breath of God (Speak Peace) (Single)
Mariah Carey (ft. Khalid & Kirk Franklin) - Fall in Love at Christmas (Single)
Terri Clark - Little Drummer Boy (Single)
Jordan St. Cyr - Rejoice (Single)
Brian Fallon - Night Divine
Genevieve Goings - VERY MERRY (EP)
Chilly Gonzales - A Very Chilly Christmas (Reissue)
Goo Goo Dolls - It’s Christmas All Over (Deluxe Edition)
Ethan Harris - It’s Christmas (Single)
Hiss Golden Messenger - The Sounding Joy: Hiss Golden Messenger Meets Revelators on South Robinson (EP)
Billy Idol - Happy Holidays (Reissue)
Morgan James - A Very Magnetic Christmas
Adam Kennedy & His Creative Commonaires - Literally Shrunken Down and Living in My Christmas Village
Elle King - Please Come Home for Christmas (Single)
Levi Kreis - Christmas Must Be Tonight (Single)
Life.Church Worship (ft. Ryan Ellis) - Joy (to the World) (Single)
Loud Forest - Christmas Star (Single)
Karl Loxley - Christmas
Ingrid Michaelson - Songs for the Season (Deluxe Edition)
Jamie Miller - Home By Midnight (Single)
Madison Olds & Nearly York - Christmas at Home (Single)
Passion (ft. Crowder) - O Holy Night (Radio Version) (Single)
Steve Perry - The Season
Grant-Lee Phillips - Yuletide (EP) (Reissue) (Bandcamp)
Mac Powell - Jesus Christ is Born (Single)
The Puppini Sisters - Jingle Bells (Single) (Reissue)
River Valley Worship - His Name Will Be (Single)
Josh Rouse - Two Winters Long (Single)
Mat & Savanna Shaw - The Joy of Christmas
Tyler Shaw - A Tyler Shaw Christmas
Sia - Everyday is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition)
Sigrid - Home to You (This Christmas) (Single)
Ronny Smith - Holidays Are Here
Stars Go Dim - The First Noël (EP)
Daniel Tashian - It’s a Snow Globe World (EP)
Tenille Arts - A Winter Wonderland (Single)
Giada Valenti - Silent Night (Single)
The Wanted - Stay Another Day (Single)
Various Artists - Best of Green Hill Music: The Christmas Collection (Reissue)
Various Artists - Home Fires Burning: A Holiday Compilation from Red on Red Records (EP)
November 7th
The Peppermint Kicks - It’s a Peppermint Christmas (Single)
November 8th
Laura Cantrell & Michael Shelley - Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus (Single)
Matt Felts - The Sound of Christmas
John Gannon - Sleigh Ride Around the Moon
Winterbrook - (I Won’t Be You) Christmas Turkey (Single)
Winterbrook - My Boyfriend is a Snowman (Single)
November 9th
Dan + Shay - Officially Christmas (Single)
Billy Gibbons - Jingle Bell Blues (Single)
John Mark Nelson, Tancred & Jenny Owen Youngs - Fireside (Single)
Sara Noelle - Like Snow (Slowly Falling) (Single)
Tami Neilson - River (Single)
November 10th
Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship - CHRISTMAS EVERYWHERE! / Christmas Crab Walk (Single)
Various Artists - Joy to the Burg 2021
November 11th
Patrick DeVille - The Best Christmas Ever (Single)
Daði Freyr - Something Magical (Single)
John Legend - You Deserve it All (Single)
Anthony Nunziata - Together for Christmas
Penniless Punk - Blue Collar Xmas Party (Single)
Plain White T’s - Winter Wonderland (Single)
Sheppard - Christmas Without You (Single)
November 12th
August Burns Red - Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Single)
Brites - Xmas in the New Old Way (Single)
Craig Campbell & Family - White Christmas (Single)
Brandon Camphor & OneWay - Christmas Joy (Single)
Julia Cole - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (EP)
Sarah Connor - The Christmas Song (Single) (Amazon Original)
Victor Crone - Christmas Time (Single)
Cup O’Joe - Christmas Kin (EP)
Darius de Haas - Let Me Carry You This Christmas (Single)
Skip Ewing - Christmas
Bri Fletcher - Whisky Weather (Single)
Sophia Fracassi - Christmas All Over Again (Single)
Lennie Gallant - Christmas Day on Planet Earth
Teigen Gayse - Hey Christmas (Single)
GENTRI - Season of Light
Debbie Gibson - Christmas Star (Single)
Dave Hause - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Rhonda Head - Christmas Time is Coming, Vol. 1 (EP)
Honey County - Do You Want to Build a Snowman? (Single)
Jade 10 (ft. Sisters Noel) - My Ugly Sweater (Single)
Savannah Keyes - Feel Like Christmas (Single)
The Lathums - Krampus (Single)
Jeremy Lister - Happy Holidays, Everyone
Manwell - A Manwell & Friends Christmas
Marc Martel - Hark! (EP)
Sandra McCracken (ft. Dave Barnes) - The Christmas Song (Single)
Mokita - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single)
Natasha Owens - Christmas Memories (Deluxe Version)
Grant-Lee Phillips - Yuletide (EP) (Reissue)
QW4RTZ - Ça goûte Noël
Nicole Rayy - A Merry Little Christmas (EP)
Ben Rector - A Ben Rector Christmas (Reissue)
Sarah Reeves - More the Merrier
Rod + Rose - Mary Had a Little Lamb (Single)
Jordan Rowe - Hometown Christmas (Single)
She & Him - Holiday (EP)
Amanda Shires - For Christmas
Reyha Stevens - ‘Tis the Season
George Strait - Strait to Christmas: Classics (Reissue)
Carrie Underwood - Stretchy Pants (Single)
Summer Walker - I Want to Come Home for Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Why Don’t We - Mistletoe (Single)
Sam Williams - Snow Angel (Single)
November 14th
Valentina Way - The Advent Calendar (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas Times A’Comin’ 2021 (Medicine Show Records)
November 15th
Marcel Kapteijn - A Family Christmas (EP)
Manos Wild - Special Christmas Time!
November 16th
Chis Daily - The Third Noel
Lucas Hoge - 12.25
Anson Seabra - A Heartfelt Holiday (EP)
November 17th
Ashnikko - Carol of the Bells (Single) (Spotify)
El Alfa, El Cherry Scom, Kiki El Crazy & Shelow Shaq - Prende el Arbolito (Single) (Spotify)
Caylee Hammack - Hard Candy Christmas (Single) (Spotify)
jxdn - Happy Holidays, You Bastard (Single) (Spotify)
L.A. Exes - My Favorite Time of Year (Single)
LeeHi - For You (Holiday Remix) (Single) (Spotify)
Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Tinsel in the River (Single)
LOVA - Happy New Year (Single) (Spotify)
Maitro - Holiday Season (Reissue)
MisterWives - Jingle Bell Rock (Single) (Spotify)
Chandler Moore - It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Single) (Spotify)
Nao - This Christmas (Single) (Spotify)
Spoon - Christmas Time (is Here Again) (Single) (Spotify)
Alexandra Streliski - Silent Night (Piano Solo) (Single) (Spotify)
Surfaces - Little Saint Nick (Single) (Spotify)
Up With Glue - Up With Glue Christmas
November 18th
Jazzy Ash - Fly Through the Sky (Single)
Jazzy Ash - ‘Zat You Santa Claus? (Single)
Will Joseph Cook - No Time to Be Alone (Single)
Dream Nails - Lonely Star (Christmas Song) (Single)
Never Ending 80s - Never Ending 80s Christmas EP
Sarah Ryder - You Ain’t Gettin’ $#!T This Year (Single)
Various Artists - XO for the Holidays, Vol. X
November 19th
Josh Abbott Band - Christmas Was (EP)
Todd Almond - A Pony for Christmas
Anthem Lights - Last Christmas/Leave Before You Love Me (Single)
Jonathan Antoine - Christmasland (Platinum Edition)
The Aquabats! - I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas Too! (EP)
The Aquadolls - Xmas Wrapping (Single)
Sarah Aroeste - Hanuká!
Dave Barnes - I Wish it Would Snow (EP)
Jamie Barnes - Christmas, Vol. 6 (EP)
The Bittersweets - Love Came Down at Christmas (Single)
Blackbird - Christmas Getaway (Single)
Blackmore’s Night - Winter Carols (Deluxe Edition)
Branden & James - A Christmas Gift
Brassfield - A Christmas EP, Vol. 2
Michael Bublé - Christmas (Deluxe 10th Anniversary Edition)
Elizabeth Chan - Greatest of These Days
Jamie Cullum - The Pianoman at Christmas (The Complete Edition)
Aaron Drake - O Silent Transparencies: An Anthology of Christmas Music
Eagles of Death Metal - EODM Presents: A Boots Electric Christmas (EP)
Kat Edmonson - Holiday Swingin’!: A Kat Edmonson Christmas, Vol. 1
The Pete Ellman Big Band - The Twelve Grooves of Christmas
Ciara Fox - Across the Miles (Single)
Delta Goodrem - Only Santa Knows (Deluxe Edition)
Jake Hoot & The Tenors - When Christmas Has Come and Gone (Single)
TJ Jackson - Snowed In (Single)
José James - Merry Christmas from José James
Cody Johnson - A Cody Johnson Christmas
Justy - A Very Justy Christmas (EP)
Paul Kelly - Paul Kelly’s Christmas Train
Chad Knight - A Silent Knight Christmas
Land of Color - O Holy Night
L’aupaire - Jingle Bells (Single)
María León, Paty Cantú & María José - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single) (Amazon Original)
Leona Lewis - Christmas, With Love Always
Nils Lofgren - Season’s Greeting From Nils & Amy (EP)
Make Like Monkeys - Aaahh!!! Real Christmas
Reba McEntire - I Needed Christmas (Single)
Lori McKenna - Christmas is Right Here (EP)
The Mining Co. - Last Stop for Tired Reindeer/Holy Star (Single)
Moscow Apartment - Just Like Christmas (Single)
Nihilistics - Merry Christmess (EP) (Reissue)
John Owen-Jones - The Christmas Album
Billy Porter - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Rod + Rose - Winter Wonderland (Single)
David Shaw & The Gifters - Blue Christmas (Single)
Stippenlift - Last Mij Kerst Maar Alleen (Single)
Tall Poppy Syndrome - Come Some Christmas Eve (Holiday Mix) (Single)
The Sing Team & John Mark McMillan - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single)
Bryson Tiller - A Different Christmas (EP)
Randy Travis - An Old Time Christmas (Deluxe Edition)
The Trills - Like It’s Christmas (EP)
Vineyard Worship - Adore Him: Vineyard Worship Christmas
Nick Vivid - Christmas Alone (Single)
Ingeborg von Agassiz - Coventry Carols
Patricia Vonne - My Favorite Holiday
Nicky William - It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Single)
Lucinda Williams - Lu’s Jukebox, Vol. 5: Have Yourself a Rockin’ Little Christmas (Reissue)
Various Artists - The Jolliest Elf (Original Soundtrack)
Various Artists - A Very Cherry Christmas, Vol. 15
November 20th
Joost Dijkema - An Arm Around Jack Frost (Single)
Lisa Howard - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
November 21st
Tom Cardy - Not Quite Almost Christmas Time (Single)
Jenna Citrus - It’s Christmas Time (Single)
Eddie James - Glory
November 22nd
David Begun - The Twelve Days of Kendrick
Louise Connell - For Christmas (EP)
Red Desert Motel - Busted Christmas (Single)
Rich & Rowe - Santa’s Got a Dirty Job (Single)
Marit and Rona - Nollaig (EP)
Sleeping at Last - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Single)
Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm (Old Timey Version) (Amazon Original)
November 23rd
King Khan & Rip Hickie - FUCKKK YOUR HOLIDAZE​!​!​! (Single)
Maccabeats - Illuminating (Single)
J.D. Shelburne - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas (Single)
Six13 - West Side Chanukah Story (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas Mistletunes (Nettwerk)
November 24th
Gabrielle Aplin - Just Like Christmas (Single)
Beautiful Chorus - A Beautiful Christmas
Dolly Valentine - Holidays, I’m Far Away (Single)
Kellers - Lump of Coal (Single)
Memorial - In the Arms of December (Single)
Petrol Girls - I’ll Give You Motherfuckers Christmas (Single)
Dallas Rodin - Seasons Change…We Change Too
Kelly Rowland - Wonderful Time (Single)
Sofia Talvik - A Memory of Snow (Single)
The Wonder Years - Threadbare (Single)
Various Artists - Scarlet Moon Christmas, Vol. VI
November 25th
Braden Blake & The Oh Wells - Satin Bows (and Arrows) (EP)
Deb Bowman - A Big Love Holiday
The Classic Brown - For Christmas’ Sake (Reissue)
CRUST - A Very CRUSTy Christmas (Definitive Edition)
Hob the Troll - Troll the Ancient Yuletide Carols, Vol. 2 (EP)
Low Key Trampoline - A Low Key Christmas
Make Like Monkeys - Just One Song for Christmas (Single)
Marquis & The Rhythm Howlers - White Christmas (Single)
David Schembri - A Christmas Lament (Oh Shit It’s Christmastime Again) (Single)
SilkTies - Let’s Christmas Like We’ve Never Done Before (Single)
Various Artists - A Sota Christmas (Reissue)
November 26th
Lee Aaron - Almost Christmas (New Version)
Gary Barlow - The Dream of Christmas (Deluxe)
Anna Bergendahl - Christmas Day (Single)
Caleb and Kelsey - The Christmas Ballads (EP)
Cort Carpenter - This is Christmas
ChumZilla - Gruß vom Krampus
Wild Earp & The Free for Alls - A Cynical Christmas
Mike Farris - Havana Santa (Single)
G. Love - Coming Back Home for Christmas!
Gerhardt - Let Love Lead the Way (Single)
Paul Gilbert - ‘TWAS
Beth Hart - Angels From the Realm of Glory (From the Netflix Film A Castle for Christmas) (Single)
JAGMAC - Wrapped Up (Single)
JUSTY - Christmas Without Me (Single)
Randall King - I Only Want You for Christmas (Single)
Ricky Koole, Frank Lammers & Ocobar - My Own Damn Christmas Tree (Single)
Lagoona Bloo - Blue Christmas (Single)
Duncan Laurence - Wishes Come True (Single)
Emmy Law - Different This Year (Single)
Linneah - Naughty and Nice (EP)
The Loud House - A Loud House Christmas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Luckiest Citizen of All - Jingle Bells to Far Away (Single)
The Lucky Face - Another Christmas Song (Reindeer Edit)
Majestica - A Christmas Carol (Extended Version)
Kimié Miner - Christmas in Hawai’i (EP)
MxPx - Hold Your Tongue and Say Apple (Single)
William Nesmith - Deck the Halls (Single)
ORCumentary - Fully Festive (Single)
Kamryn Palmer - Go Tell it on the Mountain (Single)
Rachel Panchal - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
The Peppermint Kicks - It’s a Peppermint Christmas
Planetshakers, Mateus Asato & Jesus Molina - A Very Merry Christmas (Single)
The Puppini Sisters - Dear Santa, I Can Explain… (EP)
Greta Ray - It’s Almost Christmas in Philly (Single)
Ben Rector - The Best is Yet to Come (A Song for the New Year) (Single)
Cliff Richard & Collabro - Mistletoe and Wine (Single)
ROZES - A Very ROZES Christmas, Vol. 2 (Single)
RuPaul - Hey Sis, It’s Christmas (Single)
Zachary Russell - The Twelve Days EP
SayWeCanFly - Cup of Cheer (Original Movie Soundtrack) (Reissue)
Saint Etienne - Her Winter Coat (EP)
Ron Sexsmith - Maybe This Christmas (Single) (Reissue)
Simple Plan - My Christmas List (Single) (Reissue)
Robin Thicke - Perfect Holiday (Single)
This Modern - Blackin Out 4 Xmas (Single)
Track Dogs & The Barefoot Movement - How Christmas Was Meant to Be (Single) (Reissue)
Vista Blue - A John Waters Christmas Tribute (EP)
Vogon Poetry - The Christmas Song (Single)
Watoto - What Child is This (Emirembe)
Winterbrook - Polar Bear for Christmas (Single)
The Yule Logs - Fezziwig
Various Artists - Christmas Dreamers: Yuletide Country (1960-1972) (Reissue)
Various Artists - It’s a Cool, Cool Christmas (Reissue)
Various Artists - R#XMAS (Metalville Records)
Various Artists - 24 (wiaiwya)
Various Artists - A very South Bay Xmas: First Edition
November 27th
Casta - The 12 Beats of Christmas (10th Anniversary Edition)
The Fisherman and His Soul & The Radio Field - Santa’s Bat (Single)
Jawan M. Jackson & Isaiah Templeton - White Christmas (Single)
The Rod Moore Band - Why Can’t Christmas Be Just Another Day (Single)
November 28th
Aicia Keys - Oh Holy Night (Sweet Dreams (EP)) (iTunes)
Kosha Dillz & Nissim Black - The Hanukkah Song 2.0 (Single)
Sexy Robotnik - Scenes From a Bad Time
Various Artists - Fleas Naughty Dog, Vol. 9
November 29th
Tim Dawn - Christmas Time (Make it Up to You) (Single)
Beau Jennings - The Christmas Light
Stray Kids - Christmas EveL (EP)
November 30th
First to Eleven - Christmas 2021 (EP)
Leslie Jordan & Cheyenne Jackson - Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth (Single)
Devon Kay & The Solutions - Christmas Wrapping (Single)
Maverick City Music & Mav City Gospel Choir - A Very Maverick Christmas
The Non Traditionals - I Don’t Carol (EP)
Sabertooth Unicorn - Merry Fuckin’ Christmas
Single All the Way - Single All the Way
Solo Project - I Wish it Was Christmas (Single)
Alyssa Trahan - Gingerbread House (EP)
Vulture Club - Let it Snow (Single)
December 1st
Justine Blazer - Jolly!
Cast of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist - Music from Zoey’s Extraordinary Christmas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Cavernous - A Very Cavernous Christmas
Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts - Chrystmas Cuts
Darren Criss - A Very Darren Crissmas (Deluxe Edition)
Dale - Lucifer’s Christmas (Single)
Dolly Valentine - Hey Santa Claus (Single)
Matt Dorien - Christmas in LA (Single)
Charlie Faye &The Fayettes - Rockin’ Through the Holidays (Single)
Shanta Fuentes - Snow Baby (Fa La La La Love) (Single)
Galactapus - You Better Not Cry (A Xmas EP)
The Happy Somethings - It’s Christmas Time (we’re as miserable as sin) E.P.
Kody Havoc - The Christmas EP
Don Insect - Christmas 2021
The Lumineers & Daniel Rodriguez - This is Life (Merry Christmas) (Single)
Zach Malm - What Does Christmas Mean to You? (Single)
Billy Nomates - Christmas is for Lovers, Ghosts & Children (Single)
Maura Shaftoe - The Places We Belong (Single)
Signals in Smoke - Santa Can Wait (EP)
Smalltown Poets - O Holy Night (Single)
Luke Stone - Actual Footage EP
The Ugly Lovers - Gettin’ Drunk for Xmas (Single)
Dolly Valentine - Hey Santa Claus (Single)
Ivana Raymonda van der Veen - Sweetest Christmas (Single)
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - Electric Snow at Birth (Single)
Wild Bill & The Lost Knobs - Honky Tonk Holidaze (Live)
wingclipper - Holiday Breaks
Various Artists - Fixed Frequency Presents: Holiday Wrecker, Vol. II
Various Artists - Miracle on Comm Ave 2021
December 2nd
Jim Babjak - It’s Love on Christmas Day/Christmas Eve, Without Your Love (Single) (Reissue)
Christmas Aguilera - All Wrapped Up/All I Want is You (Single)
Hotel Nights - Angels in the Snow (Single)
Shelem - Cheers! It’s Christmas Baby (Single)
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - The Christmas Lessons (Single)
December 3rd
Apollo5 - A Deep But Dazzling Darkness
James Arthur - Christmas Bells (Single)
AWALK - Holy Night/Silent Night (Single)
Bay City Rollers - Rollin’ Into Christmas (Single)
Beach Bunny - Christmas Caller (Single)
David Boulter - Twelve Bells for Libuse (EP)
The Boy Least Likely To - Two Christmases/Merry Christmas Everyone (Single)
Neil Brogan - Two Christmas Songs, 2021 (Single)
Bungas - A Very Burgas Christmas (EP)
Christmas Crackers - Christmas Crackers (EP)
Clean Pete &Robin Kester - Slaap Diep, Slaap Zacht (Coventry Carol) (Single)
The Cleaners From Venus - Christabel’s Party (EP)
Corvair - Under the Tree (Single)
Death By Eggnog - Death By Eggnog, Vol. 2 (EP)
Don’t Call Me Ishmael - From Lapland (With Love) (Single)
El Sancho - Jollier Than Thou
Elvis E - Elvis E Christmas (EP)
Eureka Machines vs Chris Catalyst - Stay Another Christmas Every Day (EP)
Lowri Evans - Christmas Collection: Casgliad Nadolig (Reissue)
Exile - Joyful Noise
Feline & Strange - Keinachten/Nolidays (EP) (Reissue)
Ferals - Last Christmas (Single)
The Floozies - Miracle on Funk Street (EP)
Fotoform - They Say It’s Always Lonely (Single)
Grandaddy - It Was A Silent Night Until Jeff Lynne Arrived (Single)
The Hannah Barberas - Winter EP
J.M. Hart - Maybe Next Year (Single)
THE HECK - Bad Christmas (Single)
The Incurables - Christmas Comes Tonight (Single)
Zachary James - Wonder & Joy
Norah Jones - I Dream of Christmas (Deluxe)
Krampusnacht - Krampusferatu
Librarians With Hickeys - Jingle Jangle Heart (Single)
Little Magic Sam - You for Christmas (Single)
S. Lois - We Now Bid You Welcome (Single)
The Lottery Winners - Something to Leave the House For (Christmas Edition)
Tyler Meacham & Margox - Winter Song (Single)
Francis Moon - Christmas With You (Single)
New Found Glory - December’s Here
Joe Newberry & April Verch - On This Christmas Day
David Newton & Thee Mighty Angels - Winter Tragedy (Single)
Peach PRC - I’ve Been Bad Santa (EP)
The Photocopies - Under Christmas Lights (Single)
Katie Pruitt - Merry Christmas Mary Jane (Single)
The Push Stars - When Christmas Comes Home
Anika Pyle - The Way You Look at Me (Single)
al Riggs - Christmas or Else
Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Merry Christmas (Single)
E. Dewey Smith - Let Praises Ring (EP)
Straight No Chaser - Christmas Like (Single)
Swansea Sound - Happy Christmas to Me/Merry Christmas Darlings (Single)
Maggie Szabo & Dylan Chambers - Christmas Without You (Single)
Terrorvision - Santa Never Came (Single)
This Wild Life - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Frans van Deursen - Christmas Wasn’t Made for You and Me (Single)
The Vandals - 25th Annual Christmas Formal
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - Christmas People (Single)
We Banjo 3 - A Winter Wonderful
Kathryn Williams & Carol Ann Duffy - Midnight Chorus
Jack Willow Jr. - Merry Xmas (to my ex-miss ) (Single)
Worthington’s Law - I Don’t Wanna Be Santa (Single)
Ye Banished Privateers - A Pirate Stole My Christmas
Various Artists - On the Upbeat Presents…Arose Such a Clatter 2021
Various Artists - ASTR Holiday Rambler 2021
Various Artists - Holiday Songs in B Flat (HolyCrapCommunity)
Various Artists - No Sleep till Christmas 9
Various Artists - Shitter’s Full
December 4th
Gold Baby - Looks Like a Cold, Cold Winter (Single)
The Green Reflectors - Reindeer Vacation (Single)
The Winona Project - The Legend of Iglos
December 5th
Rhonda Burchmore - A Red Hot Swingin’ Christmas
The Jason Frederick Cinematic Trio - Wonderful Christmastime (Single)
Tenderhooks - Santa (Single)
Various Artists - Mark Malibu Presents: Surfin’ Kitty X-mas 2
December 6th
Eliandnet - The Soothing Christmas Album
The Girl With the Replaceable Head - The Lipstick Botox Singles (Reissue)
Krista Herring - Make the Most of the Mistletoe This Year (Single)
Peesh - Festive Four EP (Reissue)
Matt Squared - Synthmas Tidings (EP)
Russell Shaddox - A Pair of Spicy Christmas Nuts (Single)
Sleeping at Last - Winter Wonderland (Single)
The True Olympians - Holiday Collection (Reissue)
Various Artists - 2021 Holiday Special (Joyful Noise Recordings)
December 7th
Bad Bad Hats - Sally Sweet Tooth (Single)
Ex-Rental - Christmas in the Synthesizer Age (EP) (Reissue)
Jimmy Fallon, Ariana Grande & Megan Thee Stallion - It Was a… (Masked Christmas) (Single)
Mike Jones - Santa Season!
Sally Shapiro - Christmas Escape (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas With The Chosen: The Messengers
Various Artists - Nollaig V: Brollaig
December 8th
Big Freedia - Tis the Season (Single)
The Currie Brothers - Christmas With The Currie Brothers II (EP)
The Dollyrots - One More Sleep (Single)
Claudia Robin Gunn & Friends - Little Wild Christmas, Vol. 2
Jon Gambles - Nobody Wants to Be Alone (at Christmas) (Single)
Hazy Sour Cherry - Bell of the Beginning (Single)
Jonny Houlihan - It’s Christmas Time Again (Single)
Sean Keller - Holy Friggin Crap It’s Christmas (Single)
Daniella Mass - A Very Festive Christmas With Daniella Mass
Pedwell - A Different Kind of Christmas 2
Skatune Network - Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Single)
JM Stevens - A Different Kind of Christmas (Single)
Surfbort - Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer (Single)
Vandell Andrews - Holiday Melodies (EP)
Various Artists - A Billsdon Christmas III: An Independent Festive Songbook
December 9th
Cheer Up! - Merry Christmas From Cheer Up! (Single)
Katie Ferrara, Lucy & La Mer - Ribbons and Bows (Single)
Mike Goodrick - Run Run Rudolph (Single)
The Grapes & Friends - One More Christmas (Single)
Lisa Knapp - Cherry Tree Carol (Single)
Leverage Models - Celebrant: Holiday Songs From the Hope Chest (2011-2013) (Reissue)
Randolph’s Leap - Christmas Album (Reissue)
SB19 - Ligaya (Single)
Shame - Baldur’s Gate (Single)
Twitchers - Ode to Just Like Christmas (Single)
December 10th
Bellefrog - Iceberg Theory (EP)
Bert & Vief - Alles Wat Ik Wil (Single)
Better Than Ezra - Merry Christmas Eve (Single) (Reissue)
Boris - Noël (Single)
Nicholas Burgess - Crystal Christmas Sky 2022 (Single)
Rudy Currence & Raheem DeVaughn - Christmas Pick Me Up (Single)
Beatrice Deer - Christmas (Shifting)
Division Order - Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Everyone! (EP)
Lowri Evans - Bron yn Ddydd Nadolig (Single)
Lowri Evans - Not Long Till Christmas (Single)
The Fabulous Playground Family - Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Single)
Half Past Two - Holidays (EP)
Ro Halfhide - Santa Claus is Leaving (Single)
Haolocene - Holocene Holidays: 2021 (EP)
JJ Heller - Welcome to Our World (EP)
Hotel Nights - Jesus Jazz (Single)
Jennifer Hudson - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) (Single)
jxdn - Christmas Sucks (Tell Me About Tomorrow (Deluxe))
Labasheeda - Old Traditions (EP)
Lorna - Footprints in the Snow (Single)
Lost Cat - Winter Wonderland (Single)
Lowbrow - All I Want for Xmas is You (Single)
Lucas Meachem - All I Want (EP)
Mela Collective - Santa Can’t Find Me If I Hide Under The Xmas Covers (EP)
Milkweed - Milkweed Sings Carols (EP)
Hayley Orrantia - The Same Way (Single)
Park - Drunk at Christmas Again (Single)
Kristian Noel Pederson - Songs About Christmas (AKKCXIII) (EP)
Pom Poms - Christmas Postcard (Single) (Reissue)
The Ragged Flags - Christmas in the Rain (Single)
The Ragged Flags - Ragged Christmas Crackers (Reissue)
Edsilia Rombley & Niels Geusebroek - Mary, Did You Know? (Single)
Rosie & The Rivets - Hey! Santa (Single)
Ryanhood - A Winter's Evening With Ryanhood (Live at Hotel Congress)
Alexander Rybak - Hold Me (Single)
Salvation Alley - Marshmallow World (Single)
Screaming Orphans - Happy Christmas, Vol. 1
The Shacks - Gotta Be Christmas/Christmas Time is Here (Single)
Laurie Shaw - Snow Day (E.P.)
Julia Stone - Everything is Christmas
Todd Tilghman - Old Photos at Christmastime (EP)
U2 - I Believe in Father Christmas (EP) (Reissue)
Nicky William - You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Single)
Elle Winter - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) (Single)
Ziemba - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Unsubtle Magic)
Ziemba - Only Lonely Christmas (Unsubtle Magic)
Various Artists - A Damaged Christmas Gift for You (Reissue)
Various Artists - It’s Hard to Dance When It’s Cold and There’s No Music: Kill Rock Stars Winter Holiday Album, Vol. 2
Various Artists - No Sleep till Christmas 9
Various Artists - Snowflakes Christmas Singles (2021 Edition): The Shacks - Gotta Be Christmas/Christmas Time is Here (Single)
December 11th
Christian Cordes - In the Key of Christmas
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - The Christmas Card Committee (Single)
Various Artists - Hey Santa! The 2021 Cape Cod Christmas Cavalcade for the Homeless
Various Artists - Hot Nog: A Small Batch Holiday Compilation
Various Artists - Super Friends: Holiday Mix, Vol. 11
December 12th
The Dice Cubes - Take on Christmas
Andy & Elise Pokel - One and All: Vespers for Advent
December 13th
Ingenious Devices - WAR ON XMAS! (Single)
Long Neck - Night Before Christmas Eve (Single)
Eddie Money, Jesse Money & Dez Money - Everybody Loves Christmas: A Song for Dad (Single)
Skatune Network & Really From - The Christmas Song (Single)
Various Artists - A Very DIY Christmas 2021
Various Artists - Wild Xmas With Bomarr, Vol. 13
Various Artists - A Polaroid for Christmas 2021
December 14th
Jhené Aiko - Wrap Me Up (Single)
Aaron Hale - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Jonny Houlihan - Santa Claus, Could You Bring Me a Beer? (single)
Blue Kathee - Xmas on Arakis (Single)
+/- {Plus/Minus} - All the Light Left Behind (Single)
Spaceface - Nicky (Holiday Song) (Single)
TATSU - Wrap it Up
Tony Trischka - The Christmas Medley (Single)
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - Ye Miner St. Christmas Hymnal (Single)
Various Artists - Shapeless Surprises (4-4-2 Music)
December 15th
Ray Angry, Marcus King, Liv Warfield, Questlove & Black Thought - #Toyland (Single)
Bankshot, TheFatJuice & Boxer Ninja - Wrapped Up
Department of Creative Affairs - Waikiki Christmas (Single)
Girl Named Tom - No Snow for Christmas (Single)
Shelley Harland - In My Arms for Christmas (Single)
Robert James - Sweet Tooth Christmas Mix (EP)
Modesty Blaise - I’ll Be Home for Xmas (Single)
The Ornaments - Cryin’ (Single)
J Ross - One More Merry Christmas (Home Demo) (Single)
Sentinel - Silver Bells (Single)
STUDS - Christmas Without You (Single)
TWICE - Doughnut (EP)
Ivana Raymonda van der Veen - Sleigh Ride (Single)
Windymills- Again it is Christmas (EP)
December 16th
Buggs - In the Bleak Midwinter (Single)
High Tropics - Lonely Christmas (Single)
Jules Larson - Bring on the Cheer (Single)
Little Treblemakers - Marshmallow World (Single)
One Member of Loose Articles & One Member of Hallan - Christmas in Hulme (Single)
Yoko Ono - Listen, The Snow is Falling (Single) (Reissue)
Software - A Very Softwire Christmas
Tony Trischka & Phoebe Hunt - Christmas Night (Single)
Various Artists - A Christmas Present for You (From Zero Hour) (Reissue)
Various Artists - Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada XIII
December 17th
The Bathroom Poets - Elf on a Shelf (Single)
Benny Benack III & Steven Feifke - Season’s Swingin’ Greetings (Deluxe Edition)
The Bittersweets - Joy to the World (Single)
Dax - Grinch Goes Viral (Single)
Katie Malco - The First Snow (Alternate Version) (Single)
Gucci Mane - So Icy Christmas
Charles J. Hunk & The Trainwreck - Trainwreck the Halls (EP)
Krizz Kaliko - Wrapped Up ‘21 (EP)
LadBaby. Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Sausage Rolls for Everyone (Single)
Hans Pucket - I Don't Know What To Get You For Christmas (Do I Really Love You​?​) / Drink With My Friends (Single)
Edsilia Rombley & Elske DeWall - Where Are You Christmas (Single)
Alexander Rybak - Hold Me (Amir Aly Mix) (Single)
Shack 25 - Low Carb Christmas (Single)
The Slow Summits - (Just Another) Holy Night (Single)
Small Signals - Merry (Reissue)
Pablo van De Poel - Only for You (Christmas Gloom) (Single)
Windymills- Christmas, Pt. 2 (Single)
Wolf Blitzer - Elf Union (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas Mixtape VII
Various Artists - Helpin’ Aht 4: The Holidays!
Various Artists - Lofi Holiday Mixtape, Vol. 2 (EP)
Various Artists - Nadal a 10 bandes, Vol. 2 (Discos Pinya)
Various Artists - Parking Lot Record Co. Presents: A Skeleton Crew Christmas Album, Vol. 2
Various Artists - Retro Promenade: It’s Christmas Time! VII
Various Artists - Songwriting Club Holiday Compilation 2021
December 18th
Cimitir - The Snowfall Slasher (and Other Creepy Christmas Conjurings) (EP)
Discomfort and Joy - Discomfort and Joy Presents​.​.​.​Have Yourself a Merry Little Half​-​Assed Christmas, Vol. 11: I'm Indifferent
The Fellas - A Regrettable Christmas Album 2021
Bryson Tiller x Pentatonix - The Christmas Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late) (Single)
Various Artists - The Pedale Baroque Christmas Single 2021
December 19th
Chestnut Brown - Music to Await Santa By (EP)
Kai Danzberg, Myles Josephh & Andy Patchell - Oh, What a Christmas!
Good Will Anything - The Christmas Impasse Split (Single)
Charlotte Moroz & Guy Capecelatro III - Mary Christmas
Aaron Spade - Santa Claus (Single) (Reissue)
December 20th
Baby Club - Naivety Scene (EP)
The Bellegards & Glad to See You - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Single)
Amery Bielli - Santa Claus Emergency (Single)
Cheekface - Emphatically Noel. (EP)
Skatune Network - Toy Day (Single)
Various Artists - Cigar Box Nation Christmas Album 2021
December 21st
After School Special - Stop the Cavalry (Single)
The Christmas Albums - The Xmas EP (Reissue)
Sarah Harmer & Georgia Harmer - Silver Bells (Single)
Sharks’ Teeth - Broken Trust in Santa (EP)
TOMORROW X TOGETHER - Sweet Dreams (Single)
Windymills - Christmas, Pt. 3 (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas 2021 (Z Tapes)
December 22nd
bxris bekka/Frankly - CHRistmas (Split EP)
Black Russians - Feel the Christmas (EP)
Hunter’s Christmas Project - 2021 (Single)
The Poppermost - Christmas With The Poppermost
Reindeer Tribe - I’m Gonna Shout It!
Sleigher - Seasons Greetings in the Abyss (Single)
Crawford Smith - Christmas in Hell (Single)
Aaron Spade & Spampinato Bros. - Merry Christmas Baby (Single)
State Champs - Ordinary Christmas (Single)
Wintermoot. - Bittersweet (A Holiday EP)
December 23rd
Robert Dayton & Drew Smith - The Best Christmas This Year (Single)
The Adam Glass - Merry Christmas You Old Building and Loan (EP)
How to Swim - Melt (Single)
Jebb - Christmas Time for Many Minds (Single)
Merkel & The Merkelettes - Christmas in Space
Kristian Noel Pederson - (Kinda) Live at Curries!
Mia Stegner - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Various Artists - Arbor Christmas, Vol. 22
Various Artists - The Great Pacific Presents: Pendleton Jazz Club & Friends Holiday Pageant (The Album), Vol. 2
Various Artists - A Very Bratty Christmas: A Benefit for SWMO Solidarity
December 24th
Andy Beisel & The Buccaneers - One Bitchin’ Xmas Presents: 5th Wave Xmas (EP)
Zack DiMarco - Next Christmas (Single)
Ziggy Grover - If it Gets Cold Tonight (Single)
Iced Shank - Yule Log (Single)
Kris Jenner, Travis Barker & Kourtney Kardashian - Jingle Bells (Single)
Jeff Jensen Family - Baby in a Manger (Single)
Jeff Jensen Family - Go Tell it on the Mountain (Single)
Marmelade - Happy Christmas! with some tobacco
Monkeys for Government - Kisses for Christmas (Single)
nostraightanswer - No Saints Around (EP)
Sjowgren - This Year for Christmas (Single)
Thrice a Chuckle - Volume VIII
V - Christmas Tree (Our Beloved Summer (Original Television Soundtrack), Pt. 5 (Single))
The Van Bloom Brothers - Tinseltown Tidings (EP)
Various Artists - Let's Talk Christmas 8: Now Here's What I Call Christmas: Christmas Can't W8ght
Various Artists - Merry Spookmas With Black Kingdom Records
December 25th
The Bears - Fuzzy Christmas (EP)
Joseph Bradshaw - The Night Before Christmas (in Texas, That Is) (Single)
NOT BY MY HANDS - Blue Christmas (EP)
December 28th
Born Without Bones - NYE (EP)
Anna Bergendahl
The Brave - Christmas Everyday (Single)
Cats in Space
The Church Will Sing - Christmas (EP)
Bryan Duncan
Lowri Evans
Keith Harkin - Santa Please Come Home (EP)
Cory Henry
Benjamin Ingrosso
K.C. Jones & Daniel Coolik - A Very Melancholy Christmas (EP)
Peggy Lee - Santa Caught a Cold on Christmas Eve (Single) (Reissue)
Legendary Vocals by Peter Hollens - All is Bright
Legendary Vocals by Peter Hollens - All is Calm
LUNARSOLAR - Christmas is You (Single)
Kailey Nicole - Blue Christmas (Single)
The Non Traditionals
The Ornaments
Sharks’ Teeth - Broken Trust in Santa (EP)
Ben Snowden - Christmas Mashup (Single)
SUN - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single)
Voicedude - Last Christmas it Rained Tacos (Cascada vs. Parry Gripp) (Single)
Voicedude - The Son is Coming to Town (Michael Bublé vs. The Beatles) (Single)
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Personal] Happy Birthday♡
it’s this time of the year again^^ 
Happy, Happy B-Day Yuuichi-kun♡
off to one of my favourite posts: tell me about your №1
I really ♡ Nakamura Yuuichi (中村優一; ← actor, not seiyuu!!!! )
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He is and will ever be the person I will LOVE the most of all those j-actors^^
He is such a lovely dork and I really like his smile.
Some facts first:
① born October 8, 1987 [he is 2½ weeks older than me笑] ② nickname ~Channaka~「ちゃんなか」(Naka-chan backwards) ③ best known for his role ‘Sakurai Yuuto’ (Kamen Rider Zeronos) in Kamen Rider Den-O (2007)… but did you know that he actually played ‘Kiriya Kyousuke’ in ‘Kamen Rider Hibiki’ (the first actor to portray 2 Kamen Rider)
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④ assigned to G-Star.Pro ( ジースター・プロ ) ⑤ has 2 Chihuahua ~Zero~ (Kamen Rider Zeronos) & ~Spica~ ↓ ↓ ↓ (Futatsu no Spica)
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⑥ was part of Johnny’s Jr. (~2003)
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⑦ had poor health as a child (asthma) [same here!!! in and out of the hospital] ⑧ loves reading shoujo-manga (ex: Good Morning Call グッドモーニング・コール / he had a cameo in the drama adaptation epi.15/16) and listening to jpop (Shounan no Kaze, Kis-My-Ft2, EXILE, CHEMISTRY, AAA ← friends with Nishijima Takahiro & Atae Shinjirou since ‘Delicious Gakuin’) ⑨ former member of a group of actors called D-Boys
as I talked about in one of my earlier posts… I really feel connected to Channaka and he kinda ‘helped’ me during the hardest time of my life. [check out my post about ‘Doukyuusei’ if you want to know why^^]
… when I heard he would be in the special unit called D☆DATE (together with Araki Hirofumi, Igarashi Shunji, Seto Koji & the new member Horii Arata) in 2010, I was so happy for him… because he deserved some more attention! He is one of the few boys who didn’t act in Tenimyu and that was really hard for him, because most of the D-Boys acted in it and became kind of “famous” for it.
In interviews he often talked about that he couldn’t get over the fact the he didn’t have a chance to be in Tenimyu and he couldn’t understand why, especially because he came out first at the 1st D-Boys audition.
And finally he got the attention he deserves, the most unthinkable thing ever happened. Right before his new stageplay (D-BOYS STAGE 2010 trial-2 ラストゲーム ) it was announced that he will take a break from work to cure his ‘chronicle back pain’. It was a huge shock for me because they announced it right before I moved to Japan. I still remember that I was sitting on my packed boxes in the livingroom when my friend called and told me the news…
almost a 1 year later we still had no real information about his condition… it was really depressing. I went to almost all D☆DATE events wearing orange things/stars (his member colour) and was even on TV (はなまるマーケット hanamaru market) with these ↓ ↓ ↓  uchiwas ↓ ↓ ↓  just to show that we were still waiting for him T^T
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At the 1st Concert Tour of D☆DATE we finally got some ‘news’. They talked about him, said that it’s sad he couldn’t make it in time for the concert, but he would be trying his best to show up on stage again as soon as possible. I was crying while they showed pictures of him during the con because I felt so helpless.
After all the terrible things that happend in the first half of 2011 (the Fukushima-incident, the sudden death of my aunt, trouble with my former workplace…) I was kinda happy to hear that Channaka was still part of the group and the members where all waiting for his comeback!!! I thought that it would be only a matter of time until I could finally see him safe and sound on stage again… I was soooo motivated that I created a photo album with many pictures from fans all around the world to cheer him up and show him that soooooooooooo many people are waiting for him!!! I wrote the first fanletter (~8pages) of my life and told him that his fans would always support him and would wait for him as long as it would take for him to recover… and I wrote something that some fans would never understand… ‘If you wanna quit, don’t worry about us… we will respect your decision!!’ actually there is a reason why I wrote something like that…  
I heard from a friend who worked as a model for Watanabe Enertainment, that he had no ‘back-pain-problems’ at all!!! He was suffering from depression… [he had a hard time in August 2010 and realised that he couldn’t perform with this unstable condition, so he stopped coming to rehearsal 2 weeks before the actual stage… I can understand that the other D-Boys member were not amused about it… but what I heard from my friend made me really sad: they started to bully Channaka and told him to quit… especially the D☆DATE members didn’t want him to come back!!!… from my experience with the industry in Japan, this is quite common (especially Johnny’s Enertainment) but I still find it hard to understand]  ← I got this information from a friend, no official statement!!! + I don’t hate any D-Boys members… I’m just sad about the fact at all!!!
And than,on November 8th, 2011 (4 weeks after I handed out my letter & 2 weeks after my B-day) it was announced that he would retire from D☆DATE/D-Boys _| ̄|○ (I had never expected that this would happen… I cried a lot!! who would think that this little sentences in a little fanletter from a little foreign girl would come reality. I don’t believe that it was the trigger for his decision… but still… the timing… I was shocked) The ‘official’ statement was ‘in order to recover he needs to conentrate on rehabilation more’… but I couldn’t believe this anymore!!!
The following year Watanabe announced that he would completely retire from the entertainment world and I was crashed… I met soooo many people from the industry (not only because I went to a lot of events… my job gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of people in private) but the only person I ever wished to meet in Japan ‘disappeared’ and my chances to ever see him in person were almost 0…
And than in the beginning of 2013, he all of a sudden started his new blog where he posted pictures of him posing with friends (O_O) Rumors started to spread that he opened up a café/bakery with a friend (but I have no detailed information about that). I was so relieved that he was doing fine^^
AAAAAAAND 1½ years later the best thing ever happened!!!! August 30th, 2014: Nakamura Yuuichi returned to the entertainment industry. I was jumping up and down in my room, called my best friend (who isn’t even a fan at all笑) and poured my whole soul out^^
It took a while for him to come back on screen, but it was worth waiting for!!! The first role he represented after his comeback was ‘Sakurai Yuuto’ in  ‘Superhero Taisen GP Kamen Rider 3 Gou’ (スーパーヒーロー大戦GP 仮面ライダー3号)
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I think you get it by now… Kamen Rider Den-O (Sakurai Yuuto/Ootsuka Houchuu aka Denebe) means a lot to him!!! and if you are still not convinced… try to listen to the recording from ‘Kamen-Raji-Ranger 仮面ラジレンジャー’ I was at the venue when they recorded the show T^T aaaaaand just for the records…
this was the first time seeing him in person right in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!!! (August 18th, 2015 will go down in history^^) can you believe it… it took me almost 5 years to meet him (O_O)
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(the pic I posted on twitter after I saw his post^^)
since then he acted in soooo many great productions and had a few leading roles (薄桜鬼SSL ~sweet school life~ / 舞台 裁判長!ここは懲役4年でどうすか 2016 / スレイブメン / 舞台 警視庁抜刀課 / 舞台 BRAVE10/ 舞台版 ヘルプマン! ~監査編~ / 最後の晩ごはん)
Seeing him working this hard after all that happend in the past, I decided that I will follow and support him as a fan for the rest of my life笑 He will always be my №1 ♡
If you feel like supporting him or just got interested in him… here are some things I recommend:
① check out his: twitter official blog wikipedia
② (re-)watch Kamen Rider Den-O
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③ take a look at his photobooks^^
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1st shashinshuu (2008)
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2nd photobook (2010)
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aaaand his newest photobook (was released October 8th, 2017 to celebrate his 30th B-day)
④ if you want to get emotional… watch:
Doukyuusei [同���生] Futatsu no Spica [ふたつのスピカ]   D-Boys Stage Vol.3: Karasu [10 D-BOYS STAGE vol.3「鴉~KARASU~」-10]
⑤ or consider buying any kind of media you might be interested in^^
if you made it to this point… thx for sticking along!!!! ♡ I would love to hear/read from you about your  №1 and maybe some thoughts about Nakamura Yuuichi^^ (maybe you want to make your own post and add @leenaevilin to it so I get notified)
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cyberpawn-arc · 3 years
Explaining Vale’s Character with OK Orchestra Lyrics
I tried to keep this to one verse or a few lines to each song so I don’t overload this post!! Yes I love A//J//R yes this album came out like a week ago and im still recovering
OK Overture: Vale’s Exhaustion, baybey!! And their optimistic tendencies!
But I'm too fucking young to feel so fuckin' old But I'll try, and I'll try, and I'll try But I'm not dead yet so I guess I'll be alright
Bummerland: Return of Vale’s optimistic tendencies!
Bummerland, it's kinda weird But you're only going up from here
3 O’Clock Things: Anxiety about truly opening up to those around them!
Would you go running if you saw the real me? Maybe you'd love 'em Yeah, maybe you'd feel me But I'll never ask you, no, that's super scary
My Play: It’s the ‘when I’m you’ for me. The You, We, I. Hi Johnny!
You did everything, everything, everything that you could We do everything, everything, everything 'til it's through I'll do everything, everything, everything when I'm you
Joe: Vale knows they have friends, yes, but they literally cannot forget their own fears and insults used against them. It all still stings.
I got friends all up the coast Proud of all the songs I wrote But I can't take this backpack off It comes with me where I go
Adventure Is Out There: The Vale ADHD and Fear Of Missing Out experience! They cannot and will not plant roots! Until they find someone they love but listen that’s another post entirely
Adventure is out there Adventure is out there So why am I in here So why am I in here today?
I'm way too young to lie here forever I'm way too old to try so whatever Come hang Let's go out with a bang
The Trick: Ah ha ...... ah.... vale telling their s/o about the relic and their impending doom....and also the fact johnny’s mannerisms pop through more and their s/o doin’ the “you’re changing” sorta talk...
We'll get out of this 'Cause I love you, I do We'll get out of this 'Cause I love you, it's true But if you're doubting this If you're doubting that I do Then oh my God, I'm screwed
Your downer friends think you're too happy, too happy 'Cause you still celebrate sometimes / ‘No, you're not stupid, you're just special, special' Well, that's what all your smart friends say
Humpty Dumpty: THE ENTIRE SONG
I’m not kidding please look up this song it’s about mental illness and hiding it in order to make other’s happy and wondering if people would really love you no matter the “face” you show and it mentions the expectations the world places on you to put on a happy face and it slaps and also the way his voice breaks when he sings “Aren’t you excited that I’m givin’ you the best me” is a bIG VALE MOOD
World’s Smallest Violin: Once again, a Vale going “no im fine im okay other people have it worse” to ignore their own struggles
Somewhere in the universe Somewhere, someone's got it worse Wish that made it easier Wish I didn't feel the hurt
Way Less Sad: Vale’s normal mood!! Night City is a mess and they’re having a rough time but they’re optimistic and fightin’ hard to help others feel way less sad too!
Don't you love it Don't you love it No I ain't happy yet But I'm way less sad
Christmas In June: This is Vale, post-game, older, wanting to have a family/married to their partner, but they’re so attached to the Merc life that takes up their entire life. They’re trying to balance merc and a “normal” life and it results in many “All I know is my streetkid past, but I don’t want to lose you” moments
Holy shit Now I'm sittin' thinkin' 'bout what else I'll miss Darling, if we're ever gonna have a kid Don't wanna miss it Can we just have him in June?
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trenchcas · 4 years
episode origins p1
i was watching moriah earlier today and was wondering what the significance of the name moriah was, so i searched it up. i’ll explain it here in this. i wanted to learn which episodes have titles derived from pop culture, literature, etc. so i put together this list. it’s not complete, feel free to reblog with more!
why did i waste hours on my life on this, you ask? i don’t know. 
season 1
pilot: obviously, all the first episodes of shows are called pilots. nothing new here.
wendigo: they’re fighting a wendigo
dead in the water: the phrase means “unable to function, move”.
phantom traveler: the name of the demon they’re fighting
bloody mary: based off the legend
skin: shapeshifters, also there might be a meta about how it’s a metaphor for dean
hook man: they’re fighting a hook man
bugs: bugs
home: they go home
asylum: they go to an asylum
scarecrow: scarecrow
faith: the concept of god first comes into play here, i thought that was pretty interesting. that’s why it’s called faith, duh. dean + faith is explored.
route 666: racist truck yes
nightmare: sam’s visions
the benders: i think it’s based off of the bloody benders, a family of serial killers
shadow: meg’s stalkery?
hell house: it was literally a hell house
something wicked: originally chanted by WITCHES in shakespeare’s macbeth. the full line is “something wicked this way comes, open locks, whoever knocks”. obviously the shtriga is a witch and it refers to that.
provenance: painting provenances, it’s in the episode
dead man’s blood: they use dead man’s blood
salvation: being saved or protected, like the boys and john do with the family
devil’s trap: the devil gets them in a trap. and they built a giant devil’s trap too.
season two
in my time of dying: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
everybody loves a clown: based off of the gary lewis song [x]
bloodlust: i think it’s for the vampires but they were also a band in the 90′s
children shouldn’t play with dead things: based off of the 1972 movie
simon said: the whole “you do what i say” thing with andy and evil andy
no exit: it’s a song by blondie and in the episode h.h. holmes captures blondes...? am i just clowning
the usual suspects: based off of the 1995 movie
crossroad blues: based off of the robert johnson song (fave!) [x]
croatoan: i like this one. okay, so you guys probably know about the whole roanoke/croatoan thing in the 1600′s. so there’s a theory that the settlers were wiped out by a disease (similar to this town). also, the town would disappear off of the map.
hunted: gordon hunted sam
playthings: dolls, but the little girl was the grandma’s sisters plaything
nightshifter: a shifter in the night
houses of the holy: based off of the led zeppelin song and album [x]
born under a bad sign: based off of this song [x] there are a bunch of others including jimi hendrix but...?
tall tales: yeah i think this one is self explanatory
roadkill: someone got killed on the road
heart: werewolf heart but also how sam gave his heart to madison aww also there’s a band called heart
hollywood babylon: based off of the book by the same name
folsom prison blues: based off of the johnny cash song!! [x]
what is and what should never be: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
all hell breaks loose: yes it did
season three
the magnificent seven: based off of the pretty famous western go watch
the kids are alright: based off of the who song [x]
bad day at black rock: based off of the 1955 movie
sin city: there’s a bunch of songs but the city was sinning so
bedtime stories: they were bedtime stories
red sky at morning: the full phrase is “red sky at morning, sailors take warning”. with the theme of this ep it fits pretty well.
fresh blood: fresh blood yes
a very supernatural christmas: i’m not sure. i think it’s based off of a christmas album?
malleus maleficarum: a 1400′s book of witches. latin for “hammer of the witches”.
dream a little dream of me: i love this song! based off this: [x]
mystery spot: mystery spot
jus in bello: i can’t really explain it but here [x]
ghostfacers: g h o s t f a c e r s
long-distance call: long distance call
time is on my side: based off of the rolling stones song [x]
no rest for the wicked: a biblical quote that means “evildoers will face eternal punishment”. also, “one’s work never ceases”.
season four
lazarus rising: in the bible, lazarus is the righteous man, which makes dean the righteous man. and he rises. so. 
are you there, god? it’s me, dean winchester: based off of the judy blume book (maybe?), are you there, god? it’s me, margaret.
in the beginning: they go back in time
metamorphosis: with the rugaru but also sammeh
monster movie: monsters and movies
yellow fever: referring to the disease i think, but also there are a few songs
it’s the great pumpkin, sam winchester: based off of it’s the great pumpkin, charlie brown.
wishful thinking: yeah
i know what you did last summer: dean + hell, sam + ruby. is it based off of the shawn mendes song? i don’t think it is because this came out way before the song.
heaven and hell: opposite sides meet, dean’s hell experiences.
family remains: there are remains
criss angel is a douche bag: idk?
after school special: based off of the abc program? i think?
sex and violence: there was a lot of sex. and violence.
death takes a holiday: death took a holiday
on the head of a pin: i’m not sure but this article is interesting, maybe related. probably related. [x]
it’s a terrible life: based off of it’s a wonderful life? i love that movie btw
the monster at the end of this book: ughhh! yes!!! first of all there’s a sesame street book by the same title. also, chuck actually was the monster at the end of the book! that’s crazy. insane. 
jump the shark: “(of a television series or movie) reach a point at which far-fetched events are included merely for the sake of novelty, indicative of a decline in quality.“ probably the whole long lost brother thing.
the rapture: a belief that christians will rise to “meet the lord in the air”. kinda like jimmy does.
when the levee breaks: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
lucifer rising: lucifer rose
season five
sympathy for the devil: based off of the rolling stones song [x]
good god, y’all!: cas goes to find god
free to be you and me: a marlo thomas album and the brothers split up
the end: yeah it’s the end
fallen idols: i think we get it
i believe the children are our future: a lyric from a whitney houston song
the curious case of dean winchester: based off of the short story, the curious case of benjamin button.
changing channels: channels were changed. the end.
the real ghostbusters: based on the 1985 animation
abandon all hope: the full phrase is “abandon all hope, ye who enter here” and that pretty much sums up this episode.
sam, interrupted: i’m not sure?
swap meat: meats were SWAPPED.
the song remains the same: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
my bloody valentine: based on jensen’s movie. but also the band?
dead men don’t wear plaid: based on the 1982 movie
dark side of the moon: a pink floyd album
99 problems: that one jayz song whatever
point of no return: a 1993 movie but also the poto song hehe
hammer of the gods: based off of the 1985 book i think? it’s about led zeppelin so probably yeah.
the devil you know: means that it’s better to deal with a situation you understand than one you don’t.
two minutes to midnight: this phrase is commonly used as a countdown to a global catastrophe (i.e. the fucking apocalypse)
swan song: someone’s final performance before retirement (i think this is about both brothers because it’s sam last battle and dean’s last fight before living with lisa)
season six
exile on main st.: based off of the rolling stones album [x]
two and a half men: it was a sitcom? but idk if that’s where it’s from
the third man: based off of the 1949 noir thriller? maybe? but there were also three men so idrk
weekend at bobby’s: it was a weekend at bobbys
live free or twi-hard: based off of twilight and that bruce willis movie that i watched once way back when
you can’t handle the truth: truth goddess. soulless sam gets exposed ig
family matters: based off of the 1989 sitcom? maybe
all dogs go to heaven: based off of the 1989 movie? probably
clap your hands if you believe: i think this is an original title idk
caged heat: based off of the 1974 movie i think
appointment in samarra: probably based off of the 1934 novel of the same name
like a virgin: based off of the madonna song [x]
unforgiven: sam does unforgiven things
mannequin 3: the reckoning: not sure
the french mistake: just... just read this link [x]
and then there were none: based off of the agatha christie novel of the same name
my heart will go on: y’all all know what’s up [x]
frontierland: they went to yeehaw town
mommy dearest: based on the 1981 film? maybe?
the man who would be king: based off of the 1888 novel by rudyard kipling
let it bleed: based off of the rolling stones album/song [x]
the man who knew too much: shares a name with the 1956 film
season seven
meet the new boss: they met the new boss idk
hello, cruel world: sad sam
the girl next door: there’s a 2004 romcom with the same name
defending your life: a 1991 romcom! wow!
shut up, dr. phil: sam and dean became philanthropists idk
slash fiction: hahahahaha i think we know what it means but wHY is it called that?
the mentalists: they met a bunch of magic people wow!
season 7, time for a wedding!: more like season 7, time for a slightly r*pey episode and GARTH!
how to win friends and influence monsters: based off of the 1936 book how to win friends and influence people
death’s door: they were at death’s door idk
adventures in babysitting: based off of the 1987 movie by the same name
time after time after time: based off of the cyndi lauper song? [x]
the slice girls: prolly based off of the spice girls idk
plucky pennywhistle’s magic menagerie: yeah idk
repo man: it’s a 1984 film too
out with the old: they were fucking around with antiques
the born-again identity: obviously based off of the bourne identity which i haven’t seen in forever
party on, garth: hahaha
of grave importance: it was very important
the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo: probably based off of the movie/book the girl with the dragon tattoo. 
reading is fundamental: reading is fundamental. go read a book.
there will be blood: there was blood
survival of the fittest: everybody fought idk
okay i’m gonna stop here for this one because i’m tired asf and i’ll do part 2 later 
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