#johnny slaughter x reader x leland mckinney
creepling · 9 months
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odd one out - j. slaughter & l. mckinney / 3k
synopsis: reader has been with her boyfriend leland since college started. they are your cookie-cut couple destined for love. that all comes to the flip-side when reader's friend from back home, johnny, pays a visit.
tags: fem!reader x johnny x leland. smut - MDNI. porn with plot. pining!johnny. cuck!leland. cuckholding. fingering (fem receiving). mild knife play. teasing/mocking. oral (male receiving). masturbation. vogeurism. use of 'girl' as pet name. manhandling/roughplay. fucked dumb. emasculation. possessiveness. doggystyle. mating press. breeding kink. unprotected sex.
“Is someone there?” Leland called into your house, holding your hand and standing in front of you protectively.
You had just returned to your dorm with your long-term boyfriend. The two of you have been inseparable since you met in college. And now, he is trying to protect you from the perpetrator who opened the mini fridge in the kitchen.
“It’s probably just one of my roommates, Leland. It’s cool,” You say, soothing his tense arm.
“Your roommate would have answered by now,” He said, standing guard.
The fridge-raider finally shows themselves, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Johnny – your friend from back home – leans against the door frame with a beer bottle in hand. He points it up in greeting, a sly smirk on his face.
“Johnny– what are you doing here?” You say, forcing a smile through your confusion. He had not said anything about visiting in your letters and didn’t leave a message. It was a surprise.
Leland was not so fond of the surprise visit, loosening his tension but crossing his arms over his chest. He never liked your friend, Johnny. He could tell a mile away he was a sack of shit. Everything about him made his skin crawl and bawl fists with anger. He never subscribed to the idea of him being a good friend for you, yet he also did not want to be one of those controlling boyfriends who tell you who to hang out with. Leland prefers to keep his wits about him when Johnny's around.
“I was in the city, thought I’d stop by,” Johnny leaned in to bring you into a hug, holding in his chuckle as he felt Leland’s eyes burning into his skull.
You hug back, clocking the beer in Johnny’s hand. “Well, it seems like you’ve helped yourself. You want something to eat or-?”
“Can I talk to you for a second?” Leland interrupted, making Johnny’s head turn. You look at Leland, wondering why his face is so stern, but you nod and excuse yourself. You take Leland to your room and shut the door, waiting to hear what he says in private. 
Leland paces the room, which he does when he’s agitated or stressed. You knew he never got along with Johnny. They’re opposites of each other. Something like this, pulling you aside, will only make the chances of them becoming friends impossible. You wished Leland had trust in Johnny, like he has faith in you.
“Don’t you find this a little odd? Him turning up out of nowhere, without calling or anything? You send letters every week, and he never mentioned coming to the city.” Leland voiced his frustrations, waving his hands in the air.
“Maybe he had to go last minute. He always comes in to fetch things for the yard, so no, Leland, I don’t think it’s weird,” You shrug off.
“He should at least have the decency to call you. How many phone booths are in Austin? Thousands!” He sighs out the tension built in his body, feeling guilty about complaining. “I’m sorry, it’s just-”
“I know you don’t see eye to eye. Johnny has his ways. He likes surprising me, and I like seeing him. That’s all it is. He didn’t mean to turn up unannounced.” You wrap your arms around Leland’s neck, looking at him with kind eyes.
“Where’s he gonna sleep?” He asked, convinced by your kindness. You always had a way of calming him down.
“The couch will do him just fine,” You giggle, giving Leland a peck on the cheek. Leland leaned down and kissed you, mentally cursing Johnny for sabotaging his alone time with you. He hides his vexation with a soft smile.
Johnny was sitting on the couch when you entered the standard room, smiling at the sight of you. You ask Leland to fetch more beers from the fridge, cosying up on the armchair across from the couch. Leland obliges and opens the fridge door, greeted with the empty sight. “All gone,” he called over.
“Dang, musta had the last one,” Johnny tutted, waving the empty beer bottle.
No shit, Sherlock, Leland thought.
“I can go to the store and get some more?” You suggest.
“No, it’s too late for you to be alone. I’ll go,” Leland said, pulling his jacket back on.
“Such a gentleman,” Johnny remarked, mockingly smiling at Leland, earning a hard stare from the brunette.
Leland went to the store before you could tell him off for glaring. Once Leland was out the door, Johnny looked back over to you, resting his arm along the back of the couch.
“Don’t call him that,” You tell Johnny, smiling at his so-called ‘playfulness’.
“What?” Johnny chuckled, acting dumbfounded.
“A gentleman, it’s patronizing,” You laugh, finding Johnny’s chuckle and charming smile contagious.
“I didn’t mean to offend him in any way, and you know that. I’m happy for ya. A pretty girl got herself a pretty boy,” Johnny badgers on, “a match made in heaven.”
You laugh it off, fiddling with the hem of your sleeve, peering out the window for the sight of Leland coming back. Johnny flicks the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip, carefully examining your features. You only got more beautiful as you got older, and if your strict family did not make you off-limits to him, he would have had you sooner. You could've been his fine-looking woman instead of that college boy rut getting the privilege to enjoy you. The thought of Leland acting all ‘boy-next-door’ to please your family sickened him. At least Johnny stayed true to who he was. Except Johnny was always the bad boy who was too old for you, a bad influence on you. He would corrupt you and take you down a destructive path. They were right about that, but Johnny cursed his inability to manipulate you. Once you looked back from the window, Johnny relaxed his face and kept his cool, as if the thoughts in his head were nonexistent. 
“How’s college treatin’ ya? You still the brains of the operation?” Johnny asks.
“Oh, y’know, I like it, but there are people here smarter and got more chance,” You shrug. Johnny slowly shook his head in disagreement.
“I mind you being a pretty face with brains. That’s a rarity. There ain’t no one like you,” The compliment made you smile bashfully, your mind not fully accustomed to the philosophy.
You never knew how to reply to Johnny at times since most interactions with him are compliments – flirtation, but he had a good way of hiding it. Maybe that’s why Leland can’t appreciate him. He senses the intentions. To you, it’s all just fun. Johnny could have any girl he pleased and took pride in that. When he flirts with you, you think nothing of it. Johnny wants nothing more than just flirtatious banter.
What you thought wasn’t the truth. To Johnny, you are the girl he wants. The forever girl, the one he wants to settle with. Even killers have wives, the one women they tokenise. How could anyone suspect him if he’s occupied with the Southern bell of Newt? It is his one-way ticket to displaying reformation.
“Yer man’s taking an awful while,” Johnny muttered, tutting.
“The store’s quite a bit away,” You say.
Still, it’s time for Johnny to buy. He watches you stand and excuse yourself to your bedroom. “I’m gonna go change. I won’t be long.” You say.
Johnny timed it in his head, counting the beats of his heart. He slowly rises from the couch and takes off his jacket, slinging it over the sofa. Before entering your bedroom door, he fixes his hair and sucks on his teeth.
Leland frowns at the absence of you and Johnny, the bag of beer cans dangling from his fingers. His heart began to race, expecting the worst. His mind convinces him of a better solution as he places the bag on the table and removes his jacket. Johnny’s finally left, and you’re away to bed. That’s all it is.
He heard moans coming from the bedroom, your moans. His heart sank. They got louder as he stood there, taunting him in his fragile state. Rage burrowed within him and began to come to the surface. He stormed to your bedroom door, planning to swing it open and start the confrontation. But his hand trembles as he lingers on the door handle. A lump forms in his throat, and all he can muster is slowly opening the door. The door creaks as he shuffles inside, forcing his eyes to witness the atrocity.
Johnny had you bent over his knee, your clothes hanging by a thread on your body. His fingers were toying with your cunt as you mewled into your hand. Leland eyes are blown out wide, and he balls his hands into fists. Johnny smirks sinisterly.
“Get your hands off-” Leland protested, but he was cut short at the sight of Johnny holding up a knife.
“I guessed you would try that, so I suggest you don’t. Or I’ll cut her up bit by bit,” Johnny threatened, “You like it anyways, don’t ya, darlin’?”
You couldn’t speak, your throat closed, shame shivering over you. Leland fought the urge to scream, tears collecting on his waterline. “Please… just don’t hurt her,”
“This is what we’re gonna do, pretty boy. I’m gonna fuck your girlfriend, and you’re gonna stand there and watch,” Johnny ordered, keeping his knife tight as he ran the blunt end up your spine. You gasp at the cold feeling on your skin. The breathy tones of your moans petrified Leland. Were you enjoying this?
When he sensed Leland would comply, Johnny returned to touching you, collecting your arousal in his fingers as he ran along your glistening slit. You bit your lip, glancing at your boyfriend with lulled eyes. “It’s okay, Leland. I’m okay,” You reassure him, humiliated by his dumbfounded expression. A moan runs from your lips as you feel Johnny enter a finger inside you, slowly pulsing into your warmth.
Johnny never takes it slow, but he wanted Leland to soak up every movement he made. Prolong the experience as much as possible until it breaks him. Leland backed into the corner of the room, leaning against the wall to hold himself up. Johnny chuckled at the sight of the boy’s hands shaking.
“She’s real tight,” Johnny drawled, “you must not fuck her enough. If it was me, not even a crowbar could pry me off her,”
Leland shook his head, biting the inside of his cheek, wishing he could beat the shit out of him. Nonetheless, he knows better than to get violent. Your life was on the line as Leland carefully watched where Johnny placed his knife. His breath hitched when its sharp end hovered and glazed your skin.
Johnny slid another figure inside you, quickly grabbing your hair with his other hand and pinching his knife between his fingers. His lips lean to your ear, his deep chuckle fogging your concentration.
“Look at him, just standing there, not doing a thing. You really date this pussy?” Johnny taunted. You press your lips into a frown, but your moans are audible, shattering Leland’s ears.
Johnny slips his fingers out, smacks your ass, and orders you to kneel. You comply, gazing at Johnny’s figure towering over you, his hand stroking the bulge in his jeans. “Gonna be a good girl for me?”
Thankful your back was turned from Leland, your lustful eyes look to Johnny in awe. In compliance, you nod your head. Johnny unbuckled his jeans, mesmerised by your eyes and forgetting Leland was in the room. Johnny cusps his hand behind your head and reveals his cock, guiding your lulling, drooling mouth towards him.
Leland silently winced, his lips in a grimace. At the sight, but more so of the feeling coursing through him. Gawking at your arched back, your head bobbing, your lips firm and perked on the tip of Johnny’s cock. He yearned to see your face, the way you look up at him when you suck his dick. Going steady with determination – for your nose to graze his snail trail. Leland sighs, hovering his hand on his crotch, feeling his jeans tighten. That should be him giving pleasure. Johnny captivates you, his cock a few inches bigger than his own, his member filling your mouth until you gag. Leland detects a twitch from his erection, pining for the touch of another.
Johnny changes the mood from across the room, shooting Leland an analytic side-eye. His lips tuck up a smirk at the sight of his hand slightly on his tightening jeans.
“Would you look at that,” Johnny awes mockingly, “Yer man’s starting to like it.”
Leland avoids eye contact with Johnny, focusing on your hushed eyes, trailing down to your craning neck, your movement eager and hungry. Leland unbuckles his jeans, shame overtaking him like a cold sweat.
“Say Leland, you like seeing ya girl sucking good dick?” Johnny taunts further before drawing his attention back to you, readying his hips to buck his cock deeper into your throat.
Leland strokes his cock, collecting his precum and warming the tip, biting his lip. The sounds of your struggle, mixed with greedy drool, send him into a spiral.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, girl,” Johnny groans, fucking your face into oblivion. Leland suppressed his whines, squeezing his eyes shut and bucking into the warmth of his hand. Sweat drips down his goosebumped neck, and he shivers from the mix of hot and cold sensations. Fear and arousal consume him, the tinge of anger lingering in his manner as he hastily pleasures himself.
Johnny slides his cock slickly out of your mouth. You gasp for air, a string of drool connecting your bottom lip to his tip. It drips on the floor as Johnny motions you to the bed vigorously, prompting your knees at the edge of the bed, pressing your cheek against his as his hand grips your neck. His manhandling sends a shiver down your spine. He whispers flattery into your ear, anticipating the warmth of your pussy, massaging your breasts and pressing his dick between your ass cheeks.
Knife tossed to one side, Johnny reigns your hips with his callous hands, the immersive size of his fingers squeezing your tender skin. His dick teases your entrance, motioning your hips to beckon him inside you. Leland attempts to suppress his pathetic moans as you beg Johnny to fuck you. Please. Please.
Johnny curses under his breath, the lustrous power controlling his instincts and satisfying him like a drug. His obsession transfers into his body as he clings onto you, pushing his cock slowly into your slick cunt, sighing in satisfaction at your breathy moans.
You perk your hips to adjust to Johnny’s size. He was bigger than Leland, his girth acting as pressure against your firm walls, encouraging the pulse of your heat to welcome him. “Johnny,” You whine, “Fuuuuuck.”
Leland could cry on the spot. Forced to succumb to the pleasure you felt from another and clouded with a carnal giddiness, gratification drowning your thoughts. He was a fly on the wall, sensing your love and passion poisoned by primitive arousal. His primal instincts conflicted with him. His heart now shattered, but his cock twitched, and he touched himself with more robustness. 
“That’s it, take it all in,” Johnny sinisterly encouraged. He advanced against your firmness, burrowing his cock deep inside you, finding your sweet spot as you gasped in satisfaction. His eyes-lids droop at the feeling of you tightening around him, your cunt salivating in anticipation. Johnny bucks his hips and graduates into thrusts. His breath hitched as he picked up the pace.
You surprised yourself when your stomach fluttered at the animalistic nature of Johnny’s technique. Your knees buckled under his muscular frame, your hands gripping the sheets. Johnny takes his strong arms to hold up your fragile weight, pressing you against his chest. Whines pour off your lips as he smacks your ass and bites your neck. You thought about telling him to slow down, but the majority outvoted it – you didn’t want him to stop.
Passion and sweetness were absent as Leland leaned harder onto the wall, unbuttoning his shirt as sweat dripped down him. His abs glistening and absent of your touch, he spits on his hand and wraps the moisture around his aching cock, wishing for warmth. Leland observes Johnny’s thick arms entangling your body – all those nights of passionate lovemaking gone to waste. If he knew you liked it like this, he would have given you what you wanted and acted on the dreams he wished were reality. Now, he witnesses the result of his procrastination and watches Johnny fuck his girlfriend better than he ever could.
Johnny’s stamina does not come close to faltering. His pace is consistent and rigid. He only slows down when he feels the build-up in his stomach, stalking his climax to prolong the moment he has manifested for so long. “You know how long I spent thinking about you?” Johnny husked into your ear, “About fucking you, having you as mine? It’s been too damn long. Yeah, I’m going to enjoy this.”
You whine as Johnny’s cock slips out of you, but he quickly turns you around and pins you down on the bed. His hands manhandle your thighs, pinning them down as his eyes hunger on your pulsing cunt. He latches his mouth on your plump lips, and your tongue welcomes his, letting the roughness of his tongue explore your mouth. His mass towers over you as his cock aligns with your entrance. Johnny enters you again with another deep thrust, his length more profound than before. It causes you to yelp, his tip kissing your hymen.
“Not used to a dick this big, darlin’?” Johnny teased, smirking against your lips. His dark eyes pour into yours, and you get caught in a trance. You let his stare overtake your vision, moans bubbling in your throat as he propels deeper into you. 
“You’re mine now. After getting fucked this good, you’ll never wanna see Loverboy again. Ain’t that right?” Johnny growled, his hands gripping your thighs. The reality of his words pierced through your cock-hungry mind. You glance over at Leland, biting your lip at the sight of him pleasuring himself. His eyes locked on yours, his groans audible as you whine as Johnny’s cock pummels into you. As Leland was close to climax, he squeezed his eyes shut, breaking contact. You look back at Johnny. His gaze fixated on your bouncing breasts before staring back at you.
“I wanna come inside you so bad,” Johnny’s words escaped. You look down at his cock fucking into you, your high rising. Johnny’s affirmation wanders in your mind before you moan in defeat, pleading it to be reality.
“Come inside me,” You squeak, your mind overstimulated and hasty. “Fuck. Please, Johnny.”
Aroused by your words, Johnny plunges your pussy, picking up the pace and gripping your neck. His forehead pressed against yours, and your shaking breaths harmonise with the vibration of his growls. The muscles tensing in his neck and the flex of his arms are enough to let your body surrender to him and prepare for his seed.
“‘M gonna fuck my cum into this little pussy. That’ll be enough to make ya mine, eh darlin’?” Johnny mumbles into your ear. You grow lightheaded as his harsh drills bring you to your climax, your bottom lip and legs quivering simultaneously.
“That’s it, girl. Come all over my dick. I’m so close, baby. So close,” Johnny grunts, “I’m gonna fill you up so good. Gonna make ya mine.”
Strings of hot seed fill your insides, and Johnny gasps and growls into your neck, his teeth scraping down your flesh. From the corner of your eye, you witness Leland moan and finish in his hands, his cum pathetically dripping off his knuckles and onto the hardwood floor. It was no match to Johnny’s broad frame pressing against you, his scent mistifying your senses. His dick slowly slips out of your sensitive walls, basking at the rutting sight of you with a smirk.
He had fucked you dumb, and the lust in your eyes was enough to beckon a second round. As Johnny tried to catch his breath, he glanced at Leland in his submissive state. He was now sitting on the floor, looking sadly at his mess. Johnny couldn’t paint a better picture if he could, and he enjoyed the moment while it lasted.
“Don’t think she’ll want you after that, pretty boy,” Johnny mocked, laughing at Leland’s defeat. “She’s better off with me, anyways. Don’t you worry, I’ll be sure to show her a good time – but you already know that.”
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lil-spider · 7 months
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Learning new things about Johnny while exploring his very messy shack lmao.
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notsogothgf · 10 months
You're Gonna Kill For Me Or Die For Me
Johnny Slaughter X AFAB Reader⭐18+ MDI⭐
CW: Blood, Gore, kidnapping
CHPT: 1 Escaping Basement
Oh god things couldn’t have possibly gotten any worse. Every corner I turned the rooms looked the same, filled with blood and bones. I was never going to make it out of here. To think I actually listened to Leland. I just wanted to help Ana look for her sister, but of course this lug head wanted to check out the man with the beat up truck coated in blood. How they never got pulled over for questioning is beyond me. We went poking our noses where we shouldn’t have. Now I’m stuck in a stupid basement full of god knows what. I especially didn’t want to know who or what these bones came from. It was freaking me out the longer I was around them.I tried my best to avoid touching the bones in between the doors. Trying even harder to distance myself from the maniac with a chainsaw. While peering down the dark tunnel ahead I failed to hear the footsteps behind me.Two hands quickly grabbed at me one keeping me quiet and the other holding me still. Gasping and grabbing the hand around my mouth the assailant spoke.
“Sh sh shhh. It’s just me sweetheart.” It was Leland.
I quickly turned around punching him in the chest, “Jesus Christ you oaf you scared the shit outta me!” He smiled, wrapping his arms around me. 
Overcome with so many emotions: fear, anger, sadness, maybe even a little bit of guilt. I held him tightly, shedding a few tears not knowing if this would be our last hug alive.
“Hey now it’s gonna be okay we’re going to make it out of here. Okay?” He held my face wiping my tears with his thumbs.
I nodded, leaning into his palms.
“Now, I’ve made up a couple bone shanks to keep us safe. We just need to stick together and find a way out.” Leland gave my face one last squeeze before letting go.
I let him lead the way as I felt like I was only going round in circles. Before moving too far he handed me one of those bone shanks. I didn’t pay much attention where we were going, opting instead to watch and listen for that rattling chainsaw. The smell of decay and mildew was overwhelming. Made me miss the smell of home real bad, hell I just missed home in general. Bet Ma is worried sick. Leland stopped quickly shooting an arm out to grab me pulling me in a closet. About to open my mouth and question him, the look he shot me told me I needed to be quiet. Holding my breath and looking out of the little slit I saw the owner of the pick up truck slinking by. 
“M’ on yer tail I know y'all ‘r round here somewhere..”
Looking at Leland with wide eyes he just put a finger to his lips. The heavy thuds of his boots circled behind us heading down the rest of the hall. Leland peaked his head out first, slowly stepping out and offering me a hand. Taking it and following him back down the hall opposite of that psycho path. We ended up in what seemed to be the room.
“You see that tin thing? I need ya to open that for me. You know how butter fingered I am” He nodded towards what looked like a pigpen door.
I slowly opened the pen crawling through into the red lit room. I gasped as I saw all the different skulls littering the walls. He crawled out right beside me letting out a small ‘oh god.’ He quickly turned my head and led me to the large metal door.
“Do not turn around, understand me.” He stated as he started fiddling around with the lock on the door.
Everything in me wanted to turn around. “Why?” I whispered. 
He sighed, shaking his head, “ It’s- It’s Ana. Now please don’t look darlin’.”
I needed to know what he meant by the way he sounded. It couldn't have been good. What if I just did a quick look no longer than two seconds? I did and I wish I wouldn’t have. Grabbing Leland’s shoulder and letting out a sob. Ana was sat on some kind of meat hook. Limp. There was blood all around her. Leland sniffled, still picking the lock as he knew I looked and couldn’t spare the time to stop. This was no longer just some scary prank but a fight for our lives. Once the lock popped open he hugged me tightly. He pulled away, grabbing my face lightly.
“We’re gonna make it out of here and we’re gonna go get help. Whatever happens I love you and ‘m sorry I dragged you into this mess.” He kissed me softly.
He was always so gentle with me.” I love you too. Nothings gonna happen. Ya hear?”
Nodding he gave me one last squeeze before letting go. “Now I’m gonna open this door and we’re gonna book it. Do. Not. Stop. Running.”
I wasn’t ready but I had to be if we were going to make it out of here. Leland counted on his fingers as soon as it hit three he flung the door open and started sprinting. I fell behind not being able to keep up with his long strides. I had no idea where we were headed. I just knew I didn’t want to lose sight of him. Playing football really paid off for him though he was fast and agile. He ran through the maze of doors and bones until we stopped at what we thought was the front door. Grabbing the door knob twisting and pulling. It was locked.
“Shit, I don’t have a lock pick.” He whispered.
“I don’t either.” I looked around closely trying to find anything worth using, but not leaving the room. I fear if I did I’d get lost.
“Leland the stairs.” I point to a staircase leading to the second floor. “Maybe we kind find somethin there.”
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sawyerslvt · 2 months
Johnny or Leland? | Episode 1
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Previous Episode ♡ Next Episode Hiyyaa <33 This is a choose your own ending story. I'm sure this has been done before on here, but I've always been obsessed with the option of choosing your own path in stories. I wanted to make a love triangle story between Leland and Johnny but I just couldn't choose who to pick in the end so this was the best solution to my problem. I have also included links to porn in this series, for better visualization ;) I hope you enjoy the story! <3 Word Count: 1,644 Warnings: MDNI, kidnapping
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You've always had such a hard time choosing. You find yourself spending ages making simple decisions and you don't understand how hard it can be… Do I want regular Coca Cola or Coca Cola cherry? You're standing in front of the open fridge at the convenience store, shutting it only after the cashier starts giving you dirty looks. You continue holding both of the glass bottles in your hand. Taking turns looking from one soda to the other. You feel this is a losing battle regardless, whatever you end up not choosing, will be the one you crave after taking one sip of your chosen drink. You take a deep sigh and don't take notice of the man approaching you. 
“Havin’ a hard time deciding?” Your gaze shoots up from the bottles and you're met with a young man smirking at you, leaned up against one of the soda fridges. “uhh, yeah… which one would you pick?”, you tilt your head curiously. You just want this small inconvenience to be over with already. “I'm more of a classic guy. Don't like cherry too much. Go with the original”. He’s confident in the way he’s speaking. “Well, I do like cherry. I just-” He cuts you off, “cherry it is then sweetheart, come on, i'll get it for ya”. He opens the fridge and grabs the original coke from your hand to place it back in its place. You feel his hand graze yours, making your eyes shoot up to look at his face. He’s close to you as he reaches into the fridge. You get a whiff of his cologne and he smells really good. 
He walks over to the cash register and you place the cherry coke on the counter. The man pulls out his wallet and flips through his cash to bring out a dollar bill. You haven't stopped staring since the first time you laid eyes on him, he’s beautiful and the way he occasionally licks his lips makes you feel some type of way. He finally takes notice, and as the cashier collects his change, he looks over to you to shoot you a quick wink. He lets his head drop, chuckling and your cheeks burn hotter than the sun. The cashier is unamused, rolling his eyes at the cheesy scene unfolding before his unfortunate eyes. You grab your drink off the counter while your head stays down to hide your hard blushing. 
He holds the door open for you and gestures for you to walk in front of him. Once you exit the store, you're met with the cool night breeze. The sun has already set so it doesn't burn your skin to be outside, but you still feel that damn heat nonetheless. “Thank you for the drink, sir. You shouldn't have” your voice is sweet and gentle, you appreciate his kind gesture. “Sir?! alright, please don't tell me I look like a sir to you!”. His mouth is left agape but you see him smiling through his shock. You giggle at his reaction… it was intentional, he didn't look old at all but you just couldn't refrain from teasing him. “Oh, I don't know. Why don't you introduce yourself?”. You look up at him with a warm smile and he laughs, loving your playfulness. “Well darlin’, since you asked so kindly. The name’s Leland, I'm not a sir and I’d love to get to know a beautiful woman like yourself”. He looks down to your blushed face and smirks, loving your mannerism every time he directly flirts with you. 
You look down at the ground but he steps closer to you, bringing his hand to your chin to have you facing him again. “No need to act all shy with me, sugar”. He’s only inches away from your face. You feel the warmth of his breath bounce off your lips. He’s still holding onto your chin and staring directly at your lips, making you lick them to prepare for him. He looks into your eyes briefly, smirking, then quickly pulls in to connect his lips with yours. His lips are soft and you feel like you're melting into the strangers arms as he uses his free hand to pull your waist closer. You shoot your eyes open as you hear a tree branch breaking behind you. It sounded close enough for you to turn around completely, facing the direction of the noise. 
Leland looks at you with a raised eyebrow, wondering what's with the theatrics. “Did you hear that?” Your voice is almost whispering. “It was probably some squirrel. What? You're scared of some cute critter?”. He teases you and you laugh, playfully hitting his shoulder. He makes a face, pretending you hurt him, holding his shoulder and letting out fake pained grunts until he eventually also breaks into laughter with you. His teasing made you let your guard back down. He gently turns you back around and pulls you in again, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched as you continued kissing him. You were most likely paranoid due to the pitch blackness of the forest behind you. Anything could lurk in the shadows and your fear of the unknown is taking a toll on you, it was probably nothing. You feel a chill run up your spine, making you shiver and hug yourself. Leland notices your discomfort and  pulls away from the kiss. He places both his arms around you, covering you like a warm blanket. “...you wanna warm up in my car?”. He looks down at you with his kind eyes. You nod into his chest and look up at him giving him a warm smile. He returns the smile and keeps one arm around your shoulder as the two of you walk over to his car. 
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Once both of you are seated in his car, he looks over to you. Your hands are tucked between your thighs, partially because of the dropping temperature. But it was also a way to calm the butterflies going wild between your legs. Just looking at the man made your thoughts act up. His lips were softer than cotton and thinking about them again made your lips tingle. Your thoughts get interrupted by his hand making its way to your thigh. His hand gives you a gentle squeeze as it rests warm and soft on your thigh. “You’re beautiful”. His words escaped him as if he was nervous. There were no hints of nervousness coming from him from the second you met him. You look at him and there is innocence to his mannerism, you find yourself smiling over his sweetness. Without saying anything, you lean in and let your lips find his. Your hands rest on his lap and he has one of his hands wrapped around your waist while the other is behind your neck. 
You deepen the kiss, squeezing your hands in his lap. Your hands are resting close to his bulge and you feel how big the curve is. You moan into his kiss and he responds giving you a deep groan. He introduces his tongue and you gladly welcome it inside your mouth. Your spit and tongues swirl together and you can tell he’s experienced. You feel your pussy get wetter as you kiss him but break away from it to look down at his growing bulge. You look into his narrowed eyes and you can tell he wants you badly. You stroke the print of his shaft from the outside of his tight fitting jeans. You bite your lip as you continue stroking and he leans his head back, releasing a wonderful groan to express how good your soft hands feel on his clothed cock. 
He lets his head return to meet your gaze and in that moment it was just you and him. Both of you were completely unaware of your surroundings as you started to unbuckle his belt. You unzip his jeans, breaking away from the kiss to focus on the zipper for a second. To your absolute horror, you hear the driver’s window shatter, and before you realize what had happened, you see Leland’s head collapsed on the steering wheel and blood gushing from the back of his head. You see the stone that was used to break the window and a faceless man rushing behind the car to make his way to your side. 
“Leland!!! Please wake up!” you try shaking him but your desperate pleas prove to be useless as he’s knocked out cold. Your fight or flight kicks in and you unlock the door to get away before the man gets to you. You swing the car door open, crying as you feel horrible for leaving Leland behind. You run but your heart skips a beat when you hear heavy footsteps chase after you. You’re smart enough to not look back and continue running for your life, screaming for help as you try to make it back to the convenience store. You had no idea how close the man was to you but you become very aware the second he manages to hit you across the back of your head, making you fall to the ground. Your head is pressed against the concrete with his big hands, making it impossible to move and your vision starts to blur until everything fades to black. 
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credit for dividers: @y-onb @plutism <3
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anaflcres · 7 months
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Born To Die | Sonny Williams
“When I get out of here- No. When we get out of here,”
1/8 character board for my story “Born To Die”, a tcm fan fiction. coming soon.
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Johnny immediately stilled, causing Leland’s eyes to shoot open with a loud whine. Trying to voice his displeasure at the lack of movement. Only able to let out garbled pleas. He was so cute when Johnny got him all desperate like this. You didn’t have the opportunity to dwell on it though. A sharp snap from Johnny’s fingers had your body moving before your brain caught up. He had you trained so well.
Johnny has fun with his little playthings.
This is written for @bisexual-horror-fan 's Multi May! Very fun very hot and I have one other Multi May idea that i might also write!
All my fics are also on AO3
Not Beta Read. Rating: Explicit. Length: 1,141. Ship: Johnny Slaughter x Leland Mckinney x You. Fem!Reader. Tags: Threesome - F/M/M, Toxic Relationships, Biting, Blood, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Fingering, Orgasm Denial, Overstimulation, Creampie, No Aftercare
Looking down at your boyfriend you remembered why you fell in love with him. The delicate part of his lips as he moaned. How his hair covered his eyes when he tilted his head just so. The warm grip of his hands as he clasped yours. How did you get so lucky to get a boy as pretty as Leland? 
Since you had both been captured you didn’t often think of how your relationship used to be. You had been happy. It never thought anything had been missing. But now, you couldn’t possibly imagine going back. And despite Leland’s embarrassed denial, you knew he agreed. The two of you had been shown a life you never could have imagined. Yes, it was full of violence and the two of you had the scars, and still open wounds, to prove it. But it was also full of passion and almost unending pleasure.
You traced your fingers over his cheekbone gently. Feeling the light sweat covering his face. He turned his head to press his nose into your thigh. Groaning against your skin. You chuckled gently as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“What’s so funny?” 
You’re head shot up, eyes widening as you met Johnny’s eyes. And for just a moment you forgot all about Leland. You couldn’t help it when Johnny looked so delicious while balls deep inside your boyfriend. The way his muscles tensed with each powerful thrust. He was gorgeous in a totally different way. You realised you were staring at him. He was grinning. Those teeth. You could still feel the sharp sting they would leave on your neck. Thighs. Just about anywhere he could reach. 
“Nothing…” You glanced down at Leland once again, who seemed to be totally out of it, and got an overwhelming rush of fondness and arousal. “I think he’s about to cum.”
Johnny immediately stilled, causing Leland’s eyes to shoot open with a loud whine. Trying to voice his displeasure at the lack of movement. Only able to let out garbled pleas. He was so cute when Johnny got him all desperate like this. You didn’t have the opportunity to dwell on it though. A sharp snap from Johnny’s fingers had your body moving before your brain caught up. He had you trained so well. Gently lifting Leland’s head off your lap and laying it to rest on the pillow below. Moving to Johnny’s side. A pleasant chill running down your spine as he ran his hand up your back to grip your hair. Guiding your head closer into a messy kiss. 
You should have expected the bite. Both you and Leland were covered in messy wounds from Johnny’s wandering mouth. But the pain still made you gasp. And he loved it when he caught you by surprise. Grinning against your lips as his teeth dug down until you tasted coppery blood. A happy grumble rising from the man's chest and making you whimper weakly.
As much as you knew Johnny loved the taste, he seemed to be getting impatient. Shallowly thrusting into Leland once again as he lapped at your split lip. You could sense the forced willpower when he finally pulled away. Lips red with your blood. The sight alone was enough to have you dripping. Along with the show the pair had provided you with you were squeezing your thighs together in search of any friction possible. 
“Desperate?” Johnny cooed. Chuckling when you nodded. “Why don’t we see if his cock still works shall we?” 
He lifted you so easily. One arm around your waist to position you exactly where he wanted, your back to his chest. Guiding Leland’s neglected cock inside you. You were so needy already that it slid in embarrassingly smoothly. Accompanied by yours and Leland’s matching moans. Behind you Johnny laughed. 
“You two are a fuckin’ mess.” He mumbled, wrapping both arms around your waist and holding you close, his shallow thrusts moving you and making you ride the crumbling man below. You felt his teeth once again sink into your skin, this time your shoulder. One of your favourite spots. A long cry of his name sounding from your lips.
Leland’s hips jerked below you. The poor man losing it as he was assaulted by an overwhelming barrage of pleasure. You knew from experience how intense Johnny could be. He could guide the two of you through hell and back and you would both still be on your knees thanking him. 
Blood dripped down your collarbone and you could feel Johnny’s confident thrusts falter. He was also getting close. Though there was no way he would let himself finish first. One hand moving down to your clit as he angled his thrusts to hit deeper. Causing you and Leland to almost scream in unison. It took only moments for Leland to arch his back and cum. Shaking beneath you as his orgasm ripped through him. 
Johnny didn’t stop pounding into him though. And you could see his face twist as overstimulation took over and he tried to squirm away. But with both you and Johnny keeping him in place he just had to take it. You could feel his softening cock twitch inside you right as your own peak hit. Leaning back against your second lover as you rolled your hips, riding out the high. Much to Leland’s displeasure. Though you didn’t even register his whines. Far too focused on Johnny’s fingers skilfully dancing over your clit. 
Once you came down Johnny pushed you forward and Leland’s cock slipped out of you as you laid on top of him. You and your boyfriend panting heavily, jostled by Johnny’s rough fucking as he finally chased his own peak. You almost started to relax, but the bastard wouldn’t let you rest. His fingers scooping up the cum leaking out of your aching cunt and fingering it back into you. An unexpected sob escaped you as you tried to reach down and push him away, but a harsh slap to your hand reminded you of your place and you just took it. 
Glancing up weakly you saw tears rolling down Leland’s face. He was so out of it. Nonsensical pleas filling the air until Johnny finally stilled. All was quiet for a moment, the only noise being all three of your heavy breaths. Once Johnny had calmed himself down he pulled away from you both. A final synced shudder as you and Leland were suddenly empty. Leland’s eyes were closed, desperately needing rest. You turned your head weakly to watch Johnny as he tugged his shirt back on.
“Clean him up.” Was all he said. You felt the urge to reach out for him. Ask him to stay. To take care of you both. But you knew better. He didn’t even look at you as he left.
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devilwearingdior · 9 months
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Maria Flores. Disappeared mysteriously during her photography trip. With no success from the law to find Maria; Ana Flores and her friends take the matter in their own hands and decide to put up their own search party; what they discover will change them forever… But what happened before Maria disappeared? This story will take the reader back to August 1973, 7 months before Maria’s disappearance. Follow the story of Olivia Green, a transfer student from California, and see everything unfold leading to the tragedy from the eyes of a new character.
First chapter will be released soon…
character list Here
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Howdy! I’ve been really invested in TCM roleplay and I’m looking for long term rp partners ₊˚﹕﹒₊‧
I have endless documents on Leland ( I prefer to use him ) and I have some for Johnny as well. Im willing to try Sonny or Julie if desired <333
Edit: I CANT RESPOND BC LOST EMAIL pls see new post for discord access!
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johnnyschainsaw · 3 months
I'm itching to write stuff for tcm, send me some stuff you wanna read
any pairing (within limits)
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johnnys-breastmilk · 4 months
gun interactive pls give us a wrestler!leland cosmetic😭‼️ i wanna see everything in a skin tight singlet or wtv and i know johnny would like it too
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johnnymassacre · 3 months
Texas chainsaw roleplay blog
minors do not interact
[updated 07/06/24]
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DMS and asks are open
nsfw is okay !
I'm online like 24/7 so responses are quick
please use correlating emojis depending on who the ask is for:
Johnny: 🔪
Choptop: 💿
Leland: 💙
Julie: 🧡
My main @johnnyschainsaw
A bit about meee
I'm 21, Australian and I use any pronouns. message me if you'd like I don't bite (usually)
I'd love to chat!!
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lil-spider · 9 months
Couldn’t Help Myself
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Pairing:Johnny Slaughter x Female Reader x Leland McKinney Summary: This fic also got heavily Inspired by @adaptacy story of Leland getting non-consensually cucked by Johnny. But in this one, reader is a filthy fucking whore with issues. (like me lmao.)
Note: I fucking love Johnny so much that I actually wanted to try and write my first fanfiction. This probably has a lot of errors so forgive me. But any feedback will be much appreciated!
Warning: This is 18+ and please! don’t read if you’re sensitive to graphic material containing heavy descriptions of non/con and murder. For those who don’t mind, I hope you enjoy
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I wake up with a soreness all over my body. I’m dangling in the air, feet barely touching the ground. My bleeding wrists tied tightly over a meathook. “Nnnnh,” I groaned, feeling so nauseated. “What the fuck happened?” I questioned, unaware of the danger that lurks by. Trying to get out of my groggy state, Now aware of the position I’m in.
“Ohh fuck, shit!” I quickly look around, I’m in a damp, dark, room with a single dull, light bulb that hangs low. A worn down, rectangular brown table that leads to an unconscious, beaten Leland. Hair always neat and styled, now disheveled. Clothes torn, gagged and wrapped tight to an old chair. “Leland! Baby!” I yelled loudly hoping to wake him. “Come on please!” Desperately wanting him awake.
“Bam!” The screeching sound of a metal door sliding open “Bam!” Again, closing. Loud footsteps getting closer and closer. Filling up with dread, unsure of what’s gonna happen. The loud footsteps come a halt.
The wooden door swings open to the man that led us here. Thought to be a kind stranger giving a helping hand after Leland’s car broke down. Offering a lift to the nearest gas station, listening intently to us talk about Ana’s missing sister. How we were searching for her. Now I understand why.
“Ah, looks like the princess is awake,” Johnny taunts in his southern deep voice. Hair neatly slicked back with a sly smile. He strides towards Leland and brutally backhands him awake. His eyes shoot open! He looks at Johnny, then me. Panic clear in them, he wriggles, trying to loosen his restraints. “Try all you want boy, but you ain’t getting loose.” Leland tries yelling but his gag muffled his cries.
“Now that you’re both awake how about we have some fun!” He looks at me with a charming grin. Johnny pulls out a long, curved knife from his utility belt. Walks towards me and tears my shirt in half letting my full breasts spill out. He starts slicing off the rest of my shorts and panties like if they were paper. Leaving me vulnerably bare.
”Ahh!” He sliced my inner thigh deep. “Aw, princess your bleeding now, here let me fix that.” He licks the wound as if he was so thirsty for water, desperate for a drink. Groaning, with my blood over his lips, he meets my eyes. “Darling you are mighty sweet”. He slaps my thigh hard making the cut feel worse. Bringing on tears.
I hear Leland’s muffled yelling in the background obviously disgusted at Johnny. Looking at Leland, I feel guilty for not trying to fight back, not stopping the violation. But I have no advantages against Johnny and the consequences terrifies me.
A new sensation hits me. I look downwards, Johnny is now kissing between my legs. Inching closer to my centre. Feeling his fingers dig into my thighs. He grabs both my legs and hoist them on his large shoulders, showing his strength by holding my weight up.
He head dives for my clit. Surprised at the suddenness! I couldn’t help but let out a long moan as he continues to suck on my little clit. It feels so good it’s making my head spin. Using his pointer and middle finger he starts to finger fuck my pussy. Intensifying the pleasure. Johnny shifting my leg, turns his head to watch Leland struggle and cry.
“You hear how she’s moaning boy?” “Bet you’ve never seen her this needy huh?” Chuckling cruelly, Johnny goes back to licking my clit, side to side with his hot tongue. Again I couldn’t help myself but enjoy it. Im panting, wiggling my hips closer, not wanting him to stop. He holds me tight bringing his handsome face closer.
The pressure on my clit. The fingers in my pussy. Feelings of guilt and humiliation, stir something inside me. “Ah..Ah! I’m gonna..” just as I was about to cum he stops. “Naughty girl, need to ask permission if your gonna cum.” He teases. Giving a gummy grin while my wetness cover his face.
Johnny reaches up and unties my wrists dropping me to the ground, pain shooting up my legs. My wrists are pulled forward and yanked down to be tied up again. The angle makes my breast squish out together. I’m then roughly manhandled and placed vertically onto the brown table. Wincing as bits of wood stick into my back.
Leland now has a perfect view of Johnny hovering over my naked body. I try to focus on Leland. Knowing he’s feeling helpless in my assault. I feel horrible seeing him cry and shake.
My nipples are suddenly pinched and smacked. “Focus on me princess.” Johnny unzips his Denim jeans and pulls out his throbbing cock, pink tip aching to fit in my pussy.
“Ugh!” suddenly getting filled up with thick cock rocks me. He so much bigger then Leland. Stretching me out. Reaching new places. Thank God for his previous ministrations, my wetness let’s him slip in more easily.
“Fuck this pussy is wet and tight!” He starts rocking into me. “You are one lucky mother fucker boy!” “Your girl’s pussy feels amazing.” Leland’s sobbing at this point fighting his restraints.
“No wonder you can’t stop crying, you didn’t wanna share it.” Johnny starts to rut into me. Grips my hips picking up a fast, hard pace that makes me drool. The table creeks as he hits me in all the right spots. It’s so good that I start to forget about Leland. “Yes! Harder! Johnny more!” Submitting to him, loving the ride.
Just as I was about to cum again he stops. “Nnnnnh” frustrated with him stopping again. He slaps harshly across my face. My face stings. Lip split. “Darling, if you want to cum you have to beg.” He goes to suck on my right nipple as he looks at me waiting.
In a sex haze of feeling unsatisfied. I give in. “Please can I cum Johnny?” “I will be a good girl I promise!” No hesitation, I start to moan his name, calling him to finish me.
Johnny stops sucking my nipples and smirks at Leland, “She doesn’t even care about you anymore.” “Look at the way she is crying for more.” Johnny gets of me and grabs his knife. In a blink he goes behind a distraught Leland and quickly slices his throat. Killing him.
Out of shock I couldn’t move, couldn’t believe what happened. It was so fast and sudden. I gaped at Johnny as he grabs my wrists. We go over to another chair facing Leland’s dead body. Blood still gushing out of his neck into a puddle at his feet. Dull pale eye wide. Haunting me.
Johnny arranges me in a reverse cow girl position. Knife up to my throat. “You’re gonna ride my cock and cum, if not then I’m going slice this pretty neck as well, so get to it.” He shoves his cock back into me and shifts his hips so I bounce on his lap. Riding his cock like a whore.
Distraught, I look away from Leland. Johnny holds my head. “Don’t look away sweetheart.” His other hand went to my clit to start rubbing it in hard circles. “Yeah! That’s it, cum on my cock!” “Cum on your boyfriend’s killer!” “take it! Take it!” He starts thrusting harder up into me. The movements of him hitting deep and rubbing my clit make me finally cum. “Uh..uh..uh.” I let out small moans while cumming and crying.
Johnny grabs my hips to speed up, finishing himself off. I quiver as his hot cum squirts into me. Sounds of heavy breathing and blood dripping fill the room. We stay still till his cock goes soft. He shoves me off him into the dirty ground. “I might actually keep you,” He has a satisfied smile on his face as he adjusts his jeans. “Not many girls can cum after their boyfriend gets killed.”
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creepling · 4 months
all works fall under the texas chainsaw franchise, including the films and video game. ⊹₊⋆ = involves smut.
. . . drabbles & headcanons
how the gang became friends (all victims)
modern au family headcanons (all killers, crack fic)
sawyer/slaughter family using captured!reader for sex ⊹₊⋆
sissy and johnny exposing the victims
college headcanons w/ the tcm boys ⊹₊⋆
educated-themed headcanons w/ family
habit-themed headcanons w/ family
random tcm victim headcanons
. . . fics
odd one out - (johnny x fem!reader x leland) ⊹₊⋆
to devour is to love (original character, fic series)
. . . drabble and headcanons
nubbins sawyer/sonny williams drabble
. . . drabbles and headcanons
stockholm syndromed reader (fem/gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
hunter/prey (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
reader around family w/ protective johnny (gn!reader)
solo johnny headcanons
johnny w/ stoner!reader s/o (gn!reader, fluff)
how johnny picks his victims (solo)
johnny's s/o enjoying the hunt (gn!reader)
reader stabs johnny to escape (gn!reader)
fucking johnny in the back of a truck (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
romance-themed headcanon (gn!reader)
johnny flirting with plus/mid-size reader (gn!reader)
johnny x POTS!reader, hurt/comfort (gn!reader)
yearning johnny (gn!reader)
johnny threating stockholm'd!reader (gn!reader)
. . . fics
the slaughtered lamb (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
that boy is a monster (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
busted cars and sunsets (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
disguised lessons (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
cotton white (fem!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
primal smut w/ hands (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
perv!drayton peeping-tom at reader ⊹₊⋆
. . . fics
you make lovin' fun (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
. . . drabbles and headcanons
danny helping you struggle w/ depression (gn!reader)
got to stay hidden (gn!reader) ⊹₊⋆
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sawyerslvt · 2 months
Johnny or Leland? | Episode 4
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This is a choose your own ending story. I have also included links to porn in this series, for better visualization ;) I haven't been feeling in a very 'writing mood' so please excuse the lack of episodes + this short one. I'm working on the endings but I can't get myself to love what I'm writing at the moment. I don't want to release stuff I'm not proud of. Hope you understand <33
Word Count: 1,346 Warnings: MDNI, abuse
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It’s difficult to keep track of time when you have no clue what time of day it is. You feel like it's been days, maybe weeks? Johnny brings food and takes care of you like he said he would. You fail to see what the end goal is. Is he gonna kill you? Is he planning on releasing you or… is this it? Being held captive in his basement, keeping you alive but you don't get to live life. You’ve grown really fond of him, he’s the highlight of your day whenever he walks through that door. Sure, he’s the only human interaction you get, but it wasn't bad human interaction, certainly doesn’t feel like a hostage situation.  He’s kind and gentle. He sits down and eats with you, youre talking and laughing. If the circumstances were different, you would be head over heels in love with the man. And of course, he fucks you real good. Sometimes he’s rough and other times he’s slow, passionate and loving, making you wonder if he’s as fond of you as you are of him. 
Johnny can't stay with you all the time and he leaves you in the cold and dusty room alone. He brought you a blanket and pillows to keep you company and warm when he’s away. But other than that it was painfully quiet. Sometimes you swear that you hear Leland calling for you. It echoes in your head but when you call for him, you don't get a reply. You know it's your mind playing tricks on you, hallucinating, but you miss Leland. You’re scared of what might've happened to him. With your time alone, you find yourself thinking about him a lot. His playfulness, laugh and charm was burned into your mind, stinging more and more. It's not rare for you to cry as you imagine him holding you. You remember his desperate screams as you were pulled away by Johnny. You hate how complicated everything is. You hate that you can't decide between the two men when the answer should be so simple. 
Your thoughts get interrupted when you hear the familiar door open again. It's Johnny and he’s holding your breakfast… or lunch… or dinner, you're not really sure which meal it is. It feels like your mind goes blank whenever you see him, you shoot him a warm smile and get up to greet him. You walk over and balance on your toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, he has to lean forward a little to have you reach him. “How did my woman sleep?”. Based on his question, you assume maybe this could be breakfast then. “She was lonely without her man to keep her company”, you make a pouty face and cross your arms. You were playful in your tone but you were serious. It was always so miserable and scary sleeping alone. He has slept with you a couple times but recently says he’s too busy to spend all that time with you. You hold some resentment, but you’re happy he’s back. 
He puts your plate on the ground by the mattress and comes back to give you a big hug. He holds you in his arms for a while without saying anything. Your head is pressed against his hard chest and you hear his heartbeat. “I missed you so much today, I couldn't even do my work proper… You were on my mind too much” his voice is low, like he hates admitting it to himself. You smile and look up at him, giving him a quick peck. He turns the quick kiss into a long and passionate one. He’s cupping your face with both hands and making out with you like he hadn't seen you in years. You welcomed his kiss, you had missed him too. His touch was enough to make you feel like you're floating. But you keep getting flashes of Leland. He’s haunting you. The more you enjoyed Johnny's presence, the more of Leland you saw and you think a big reason is because you think Johnny is the cause for something bad having happened to him. 
At the very least… you have to know. You have to find out what Johnny did to him. Is he still in that room waiting for you to come back? Does he think youre dead or did his mouth dig his own grave? Making Johnny kill him? You had so many questions and all of them could be answered by the man kissing you. You break away from the kiss and look down. “What’s wrong, doll?”. His voice is concerned and his brows are furrowed as he tries lifting your chin to make him face you. You reject his touch and continue looking down, you know he’s getting more and more worried. “...w-what did you do to him?” Your voice is soft and quiet. Johnny is so good to you, so kind but you're scared the mention of his name will make him snap. He sighs. “what i did to who?...”. He’s not asking cause he doesn't know, he's asking cause he’s testing you. You don't care if he snaps, you have to know. “...W-what did you do to Leland?”. His name was like a trigger and he grabs your face, harder than he’s ever done before. “Don't you ever utter his name. Besides, why do you care? You have me. Am I not enough?”. He squeezes harder with that last question, he’s hurt that you would bring him up. “you… y-you’re hurting me Johnny”, your voice is soft and careful. “Answer my question”. His voice is weak, he’s hurting and demanding for you to validate the feelings he already has for you, thinking you felt the same way towards him. “you’re more than enough”. Tears are streaming down your face at this point. It was true though, he was enough but that didn't erase the feelings you had for Leland. 
His grip loosens and he steps away from you, putting his hands behind his head, then on his hips. He’s pacing back and forth not knowing what to say or do. “Why do you fucking care about him anyways? You met him the same damn night you met me. You've spent more time with me than you did with him”. You don't know what to say, you don't even know what he wants you to say. It's a question designed to trap you no matter the answer. “I don't care about him… i- i just don’t…” he interrupts you. “Well obviously you do care, otherwise you wouldn't bring it up, would you?”. His voice is angrier than it's ever been and for the first time, you're scared for your life in his presence. “I’m sorry… it won't happen again” Your voice is weak and you try hugging yourself to calm yourself down, a form of self soothing. “Damn right it won’t happen again… I mean FUCK” He kicks your food that was laid on the ground. The food goes flying and the plate nearly hits you but you manage to dodge just in time. You hug yourself harder, trying to shrink yourself. Maybe if you stayed still enough, he wouldn't see you. He walks over to you and the sight of him angrily approaching, makes you backup a little. He grabs you by your hair and gets close to your face. His grip is hard and he’s hurting you again. “You’ve lost food privileges, I'll be back in a week”. He lets go of your hair and almost throws you away like he was disgusted seeing your face. He starts walking out of the door and you run after him crying, grabbing his forearm trying to pull him back. You don't care even if he slaps you, you didn't want him to leave you, especially for a week. You don’t care about the food, you want him. “Let go” he says simply and pulls himself from your grip and locks the door behind himself. You fall to the ground crying hysterically.
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credit for dividers: @kyunlouy
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anaflcres · 7 months
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Born To Die | Connie Taylor
“I’m tougher than I look!”
2/8 character boards for my upcoming tcm fic, “Born To Die”. Coming soon.
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lil-spider · 4 months
So Damn Pretty
Chapter 9
Part 8 : Part 10
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter X Female Reader
Summary: Johnny is sex starved and you’re very attractive, so attractive that he doesn’t want to kill you. Instead he finds ways to keep you around longer.
Note: I wrote this while having shirtless Johnny on my tv, his muscles are the only thing I can think about 😩.
Warning: This is 18+ and please do not read if your sensitive to heavy descriptions of non/con and violence. Including bondage, blood, gore, assault, objectification and unsafe sex. For those who don’t mind, I hope you enjoy.
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I stare timidly at the horribly cracked mirror, observing my naked body. It’s barely recognisable; blue and purple marks spread along my chest, hips, neck and thighs. Johnny has been getting a lot rougher during sex; ever since that night I killed that girl, he’s been more ravenous.
He’s been interrupting me from my tasks more frequently, dragging me off multiple times throughout the day to somewhere away from the house, only to bend me over whatever object he deems fit. His favourite thing to do right now is sit on a pulled-out, deteriorating car seat, drink, or smoke while I’m on my knees in the dirt, sucking him off. At least it gives my poor body a break, even though my knees are now suffering.
I take one last glance at myself before putting on a pastel blue dress decorated with cute yellow flowers. The dress is short and sleeveless. Starting high, wrapping around my neck, to just stopping at the top of my knees, simple but pretty.
Looking down in the sink, I pick up a broken-handled hairbrush and roughly begin brushing my hair. Sissy kindly gifted it to me with an apology for its damaged state, but I didn't care that it was broken; I was so grateful that I squeezed her in for a tight hug. I've been desperate to rid my hair of these nasty knots. My fingers are only able to do so much.
The bathroom is now the only place I get time to think. It used to be my room, but with late-night visits from Johnny, it's no longer available.
I put the brush back down and rummaged through Jessica's makeup bag. I was supposed to hide it originally, but I changed my mind and decided to use her stuff; it would have been wasting away and forgotten about if I hid it. Searching around, I pulled out a black mascara tube, black eyeliner, and a small brown eyeshadow palette with three shades. Having no brushes, I got to work using my fingers, delicately rubbing the pigments over my eyelids. It feels good to use makeup again, a luxury I guess I took for granted. It makes me feel better, feeling refreshed and pretty.
After applying the eyeliner along my eye shape and coating on layers of mascara, I take a second to admire myself, which is a tad difficult with a broken mirror. I won't have many chances to do this again, sadly; Jessica only carried a small bag of makeup wipes with her.
I bundle the makeup products and the broken hairbrush in my arms and swiftly leave the bathroom towards my bedroom. Pushing the door open with my foot, I place the items down gently on my bedside table, and I grab an old, ugly pair of brown sandles, sliding them on. They were perfect for getting around that house quietly without disturbing anyone; Sissy's style of barefoot isn't something I was too fond of. Buckling up the sandle straps, I march downstairs, feeling ready for today.
Reaching the dining room, I notice it's unusually quiet; there's no sign of Bubbaor Nubbins messing around; Johnny ain't here either, lacking the sound of his thundering footsteps and voice.
Did I spend so long getting ready that I missed breakfast? Hopefully, Johnny went with Drayton in the early morning. I can’t help but feel anxious thinking of what else he could be up to. It was weeks ago that he brought that woman back to purposefully antagonise me. My mouth always dries up thinking about that. Did Johnny even realise I had caught him before he brought me down to the basement? Or was that his plan to further anger me?
I don't like thinking about it, and I also can't stop. The guilt and excitement I felt were like none other. Killing her was intense. So much was happening all at once with such little consequence. It bothers me that I killed her out of petty jealousy, even more so that I'm happy she's dead. God, what is happening to me?
“Lookin’ very dolled up today, sweetie?” Sissy says with a smirk as she takes a bite from her buttered-up toast.
Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts instantly, and I flinch in surprise, not aware she was sitting so close. She really is the quietest out of the whole family.
 "I felt like using some makeup, just for fun.” I responded to her honestly; it was true. I just wanted to feel pretty.
“Shame Johnny ain’t here to see you all pretty this morning." She smiles at me teasingly, a glint in her dangerous eyes. Not bothered, I grab myself a plate with strawberry jam toast and take a seat in front of her.
“I didn’t do it for Johnny.” I tell her, taking a large bite of my toast. She stands after finishing her breakfeast, walking off with an unconvinced look.
I wonder if the rest of the family knows about Johnny and I’s relationship; Drayton and him did have that argument when I first arrived. Not to mention our lack of subtlety; I mean, we go off together for long periods and come back with dishevelled hair and clothes. It doesn't help that I am covered head to toe in bruises.
I nibbled on the rest of the toast while thinking. Maybe they don't care; I know Johnny doesn't lose sleep over other opinions on what he does. I am, for one, embarrassed if they know.
Am I the lucky one? Johnny has chosen me to be with him out of so many other girls; he likes me the most, or I would not be here right now, and I want to keep it that way. After everything I’ve been through, God forbid another woman tries to take that away from me. I just need more time to understand Johnny and what he truly wants from me.
I finish my small breakfast, standing up to clean up my plate. I better hurry up; it’s my turn to feed Grandpa Sawyer, and he is most likely hungry by now.
Ironically, out of everyone in this family, Grandpa Sawyer is the most pleasant person to be around. Feeding him the vial of blood that I had once found gross has become a normal occurrence, and afterwards, I just relax in the living room, sewing or knitting near him while he sleeps; it’s peaceful.
I just started sewing and knitting as a new hobby. With the hard work Sissy and I have been doing, we were all caught up on house chores. We get them done in a couple of hours instead of a whole day. I've also finished trimming all the bushes and flowers, with nothing else important to do. Sissy has been teaching me to sew and knit to kill time while she tends to her plants in her greenhouse. So I spend my free time fixing old clothes in the living room, near Grandpa.
Now that oh so sweet, peacefulness went away as Nubbins came stomping downstairs, crashing down on the couch next to me with a heavy photo album. It’s amazing that he didn’t wake up, grandpa.
"I-I-I got some new photos I-i took with my n-n-new camera." Nubbins informs me gleefully, opening up his album.
"Ah, sure thing, yeah," I tell him, surprised by the suddenness of his appearance. He usually keeps himself locked up in his room. I put my sewing needles and the shirt I was working on to the side so I could focus my attention on him.
With beaming excitement, Nubbins flips through the photo album, going to the back to show his most recent pictures. I look at the ones he is flipping through and see a variety of shots of sunsets and sunflowers. He seems to be very passionate about his hobby. It's nice to see how he spends his free time.
It was nice until I saw pictures of mutilated animals. I cringed at the horrid sights, flicking my eyes away and swallowing my distaste. He finally gets to the page he wants. Chucking the album in my lap, he begins pointing to each picture, telling me the meaning behind each one.
I couldn't help but chuckle looking at the super close-up shots of Drayton's angry face. I tell Nubbins how hilarious it is, and he needs to take more close-up shots of everyone. He giggles in agreement. He flips the page over while bouncing in his seat. Thankfully, there are no more gruesome pictures; his latest ones are all beautiful and sweet. I point to the ones I like best.
One is of Sissy and Bubba dancing out in the backyard; he's adorably holding her hand up as she daintily spins. Another set of pictures I love is of Johnny in a white singlet, covered in grease stains, bent over working on a car. It follows another picture of him standing back up, turned towards the camera with a confused face, and then the last shot shows him angrily marching towards the camera, trying to grab it. It's a bit blurred; Nubbins must have started running off as he took that last picture. 
"These are really beautiful Nubbins." I tell him wholeheartedly. The pictures are well shot, and there is a loveliness to them, showing the fun side of his family. 
He grins at me in delight, and with a stutter in his voice, he asks if he could take a picture of me since I look very pretty today and will make a nice new collection. 
I nod my head. I don't see the harm in a few pictures. Nubbins quickly hops off the couch and stands in front of me, grabbing his camera that's strapped around his neck. He starts rapidly snapping pictures, the flash blinding me slightly, but I quickly compose myself and begin to smile, sitting up straighter, hopefully looking okay. I get nervous about my photo being taken.
After six or seven pictures fall from his camera, Nubbins squats down quickly, scattering them in his hands, and hobbles his way upstairs, forgetting about his photo album that is still placed on my lap.
With a morbid sense of curiosity, I flip back to see what other pictures Nubbins has taken. It consists mainly of poor dead cattle, roadkill, more of the family, and property. Until I found a picture of Johnny smiling with the corpse of a dead girl, he looked ecstatic, carrying her over his shoulder, shirtless and sweaty. It appears like he was chasing her and finally caught her. Like a wolf hunting a rabbit. Before I could turn another page, I heard Nubbins coming back downstairs.
I quickly snap the album shut and plop it next to me while grabbing my sewing needles, pretending I was focusing on something else other than his photos.
 “F-forgot this.” He mumbles under his breath, snatching the album from the couch and placing it under his arm while scuttling back to his room.
I sigh in relief at not getting caught looking through his album. I don’t know how he would react to it; it seems he takes his photography very seriously and personally. The last thing I want to do is cause trouble. Snooping like that is dangerous for me; I won’t try that again.
A few hours have passed since that little incident, and Sissy and I had just finished making dinner—chilli again, of course; it’s the family’s favourite. Made only how Drayton likes it, as he is the chilli expert.
I finish placing the cutlery and ceramic white plates on the dinner table just as Sissy rings the bell, signalling that food is cooked and it's time for supper. 
“Pa and Johnny should be back anytime now.” Sissy yells out to me from the kitchen, and right on cue, I hear Drayton's beat-up old truck roll up front.
Heavy doors slam, and loud voices take over the silence. The more they get closer, the easier it is to tell that an argument broke out between them—more of Drayton lecturing over Johnny. But they both come straight to the dining table, sitting in their designated spots as I take my seat.
I’m in front of Johnny. I look at his handsome face and am happy to see him. He stares back at me, making heavy eye contact with me. He looks hungry, and I don’t think it's for chilli. I cast my eyes down, not being able to keep the contact. I’ve never been good at holding eye contact; it gets too much before I start feeling embarrassed; it's easier to just look away.
Bubba comes in dressed up like an old grandma, carrying the big pot of chilli. Using a large wooden spoon, he goes around the table, serving the portions on the plates. Sissy must have given him the task when he came up from the basement. He practically lives down there, barely coming up. I guess having your own lair would be nice; it’s spacious, but I don't see the appeal; each to their own.
Sissy comes skipping in right after with a tea spoon and medium-sized bowl of sour cream, plopping them down on the table for whoever. She glances around and notices Nubbins hasn’t arrived. She sighs in annoyance, skips to the stairs, and yells out his name while also yelling that it’s dinnertime.
"Hurry up before it gets cold!" She yells for the last time. She comes back, smiling and taking her seat right next to me. We wait to eat until Nubbins arrives, who, of course, rushes down the stairs to take his spot. Yapping on about the new photos he took today. 
As Bubba puts the large pot down and sits, we begin to eat, and I glance back at Johnny, who is no longer staring at me but just casually eating and focusing on the others. I'm a tad jealous that he’s not focusing on me anymore. I must be showing it on my face as Johnny looks back at me with a smirk on his face. I flush red as he winks, and I look down again. I hate being so easy to read and tease. 
After finishing dinner, I was helping clean up the leftovers and dishes. Then the most odd thing happened. Johnny started to help, packing up the plates and bringing them to me. Not once since I've been here has Johnny ever helped with dishes. Placing the dirty dishes in the sink, he slides behind me, sneakily pressing himself against my ass. 
“Meet me outside near the shed. I got somethin’ for ya’." He says this quietly into my ear. With a quick kiss on my cheek, he's moves away leaving me alone and most likely heading to the shed. 
I wonder what he planned for me tonight; I have a feeling it’s not just the usual romp but something more. Taking deep breaths, I head out from the back garden to the nearby large shed. I really hope this isn't a punishment after that incident a few days ago. After I had killed that black-haired woman, I yelled at him for sleeping with her. Yes, I murdered her, but I was still pissed that he did that. I felt betrayed.
Johnny, not reacting to my anger, turned and left, leaving me baffled. It's why now I'm getting nervous as I get closer to the shed. Moonlight giving me vision in the dark while the gravel crunches underneath my shoes, sounds of crickets and leaves rustling around me as I reach my destination. 
Walking inside, Johnny is sitting on top of a large crater, and near him is another woman, bleeding from many cuts, gagged, and tied with an old rope to a chair. The poor thing is a sobbing mess. The outdoor lamps reflecting the wetness from her tears.
“I kept her alive just for you, sweetheart.” He says as he takes a drag from his cigarette. He stands up from the crate and saunters closer to me. 
Did you fuck this one too? I wanted to say badly, but I held my tongue. The last thing I want is to end up in the same position as the new victim. I shouldn't test him.
Johnny smiles, like he knows what I want to say, and I'm never going to be able to hide my thoughts from him. 
He wraps his muscular arm around my waist, pulling me towards him. “I know what you're thinking, sweetheart, and I didn’t put my cock any wear near her. I didn’t want you to have another temper tantrum like the other night.” He mocks me by blowing his cigarette smoke in my face. 
I crinkled my nose at the smoke, swatting its vileness away from my face. He tugs me along closer and grips my chin to my face towards the woman, who is straining her eyes at me with desperation.
“I want you to slice her up real good.” He speaks softly into my ear. Using the arm that was around my waist, he reaches to his pocket, pulling out a small switchblade and placing it in my sweaty palm. A lump swells in my throat at what he's asking me to do. I have to torture this innocent woman. I look closely at her; she seems to be in her mid-late twenties or early thirties. How am I going to do this?
He notices my hesitation, and without getting angry, he instead gently guides me closer to her. He walks behind me, pressing his large frame against me. "Let me show you." His deep voice soothes me as he holds my wrists like a puppeteer. I bite my bottom lip as he, or I guess me, presses the knife to the fat part of her cheek. Sliding it across. Ruby-red blood shines out of the gash as the woman wrestles with her restraints on the chair.
“I can’t.” I whimper at him. My hands are trembling for causing her anguish. She doesn’t deserve this; no matter who she is, this is wrong. 
“You will, or else I'll fuck her in front of you.” I'm not sure if it’s cowardice or selfishness, but I give in to him, letting him guide the knife along her delicate skin, slicing it and causing nasty red lines. We drag it down along her neck, pressing it down harder into her chest, where her heart is. I feel his hardness press into me, his hot breath along my neck, and his arm around my waist as we continue, going back up and pressing the sharp blade along her throat. 
The woman's breathing is rapid. Panting from fear. I refuse to look at her face, knowing what I'll see. Knowing she doesn't want to die. Begging for her life. 
“Do it.” He grunts, letting go of my wrist, holding me tight, waiting for me to slice her throat, wanting me to murder her on my own accord. I ignore the voices in my head as I dig the blade in deep enough. I shut my eyes as it gushes out. The woman gurgles and splatters in her gag as she chokes on her own blood.
I just killed another person, a human being. Who had a life? No, I can’t think about it; I won't. Thinking about that will get me killed. I love Johnny, and I’ll do anything for him. 
I let out a big sob, trying to calm down as Johnny turned me into his chest, hugging me. 
"You did so well, sweetheart." He assured me, patting my head. A sense of comfort swarms me as I'm held tight in his arms. 
I crane my neck up to look up at him, his dark eyes blown wide with excitement. We stare at each other as our breaths get heavy.
He dives in for a hungry kiss. I reciprocate, wanting him to devour me and to feel him inside me. Keeping me full.
Johnny pulls and tosses me against a crate. My chest squishes flat as he pulls up my dress. I wiggle my upper body, trying to adjust myself to a comfortable position. 
“Your soaked.” Johnny mocks me while gliding his fingers along my slit.
Without hesitation, I grind myself back on his hand, his thumb rubbing slow circles on my engorged clit, while two other fingers slide inside, stretching me out for his cock.
“Johnny.” I moan softly, feeling guilty as I look at the bleeding-dead woman, her limp body falling forward. 
“Don't worry, darlin', I got you." His fingers start thrusting out of me, distracting me as I clench around them, moaning. Fuck, it feels good.
 “Please, Johnny, keep going; don’t stop.” I squeezed myself again around his fingers. I'm so aroused that I could cum at any moment.
He is always so good with his fingers; he knows exactly where to put them, turning me into a moaning mess and aching for an orgasm. He presses his thumb on my clit harder, rocking it back and forth along with his other fingers. 
I try not to look back at the woman; the sounds of my wetness echo through the shed. A hard slap to my ass cues me to look back at Johnny in surprise; he looks annoyed.
“Don’t fuckin’ ignore me, sweetheart.” He yells angry at me for being distracted. He pulls out his fingers, drawing a gasp out of me as he flips me over.
Flatting my back on the crate, I spread my legs while the rest of my dress is dragged up over my breasts. He moves in between my legs hovering over me.
“I’m sorry, Johnny.” I moan out as he gropes and kneads my breasts. I spread my legs further to accommodate his hulking frame. My pussy aching to be touched again. He sucks on a nipple, swirling it with his tongue as I reach around, digging my nails into his soft hair. 
He stops sucking my nipples and roughly pulls my knees up to my chest so he can place his lips on my clit. He gently blows cool air on my pearl before encompassing his mouth around it, sucking and licking. I pant and squeeze his hair tighter, making him groan into my cunt. Shit, I'm going to cum soon. My cunt clenches around nothing, demanding to be filled as I reach my peak, legs shaking as I cum.
He pushes his cock inside me as I cum. We both groan in sync as he keeps going in. "Fuck your pussy feels incredible!" He groans, thrusting away.
I start moaning loudly, feeling very sensitive from my orgasm. He starts going harder, placing my calves over his shoulders. I hold on to him, trying to focus, but I'm so sensitive that I can barely keep up. 
"Johnnyyy s-so good.” I breatheless moan, barely making a full sentence as my tits swing to his pounding.
“Gonna cum, sweetheart.” He warns, pushing my legs further back, reaching deeper than before. He places his thumb on my clit, massaging it. 
I unexpectedly cum again, and my body shakes at its suddenness. Johnny moans deeply, feeling my gummy walls gush and tighten around his throbbing cock.
“Oh yeah, that’s what I love’.” He groans as he cums, squirting in me deeply, holding me still as he fills me up. I whine when he places my legs down. He watches his cum drip out of your cunt, biting his lower lip at the sight. 
"Shit darlin', I wanna' fuck again." He groans enthusiastically, slapping my thighs. 
@alurafairy : @mikaneedy
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