#jolyon speaks
jolyonvane · 7 months
omw to dm for my dnd group, it feels like spring & i've been feeling sorta bittersweet about growing up recently.. life's good :) still studying comp sci so that's the same, but i got a side job & i started a band (we suck!)
this is all to say i'm setting aside 2 hours a week to work on animatics because no way i have time for all this shit but not for my yt channel 😭
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hertwood · 7 months
do you think f1tv knows i'm watching videos from monza 2021 for rpf research purposes
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tinkkles · 2 years
why are they so mean to me specifically
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screebyy · 8 months
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A little crowlyon dawning comic wheee i finished it please clap
I have lots more written on this but idk if i will do another comic or write part of it as a fic or some mix of both. im just very normal about them right now 🙂
ID/transcript below cut
Panel 1: Crow is walking down a path outside of the dreaming city with a brown cross-body messenger bag slung over his shoulder. Crow is holding the strap of the messenger bag and looking up in exasperation as he talks to Glint, who is floating beside him and speaking emphatically. Crow: “There's still time to turn back…” Glint: “Don't!” Crow: “But -” Glint: “You said you wanted to go through with this!” Crow: “I know but -” Panel 2: Close up of Crow’s eyes as he spots something off-screen. He looks startled. Crow: “!-”
Panel 3: Jolyon is standing next to a natural stone wall, looking away from the viewer. He is resting one hand on the wall and staring out at the Dreaming City watchtower and buildings in the distance, which are overtaken with taken corruption and several taken orbs hang in the air around the city. Crow is standing in the foreground, looking at Jolyon with one hand resting on his messenger bag. Crow: “Jolyon.”
Panel 4: Close shot of Jolyon turning towards the viewer, he is only visible from his shoulder to his nose so his expression is neutral and unreadable.
Panel 5: Camera is looking over Jolyon’s shoulder as he looks at crow. Crow looks at Jolyon with determination. He is holding the strap of his bag with one hand where it falls across his chest. Glint is transmatting away with an enthusiastic expression. Jolyon’s face is not visible.  Crow: “Thanks for meeting me” Glint: “ok good luck bye”
Panel 6: Close shot of Crow’s face. He is looking down and to his left, blushing lightly. He looks uncertain and slightly embarrassed. Crow: “I’m sorry if you… didn’t want to hear from me.” Jolyon (offscreen): “It’s fine.”
Panel 7: Close shot of Jolyon’s face. He is staring down at Crow with a distant, slightly pained expression.  Jolyon: “What do you want?”
Panel 8: Close shot of Crow’s hands gripping the strap of the messenger bag. He is twisting it with both hands, clearly fidgeting due to nervousness. Crow: “I’m…”
Panel 9: Side shot of Crow and Jolyon looking at each other. Crow is leaning slightly forward, while Jolyon looks entirely neutral. Crow: “I’m trying to make amends.” Jolyon: “Amends. For what?”
Panel 10: Close shot of Crow’s face. He looks confused but determined, and is looking up at Jolyon with a furrowed brow.  Crow: “For-... For Uldren, for everything-”
Panel 11: Extreme closeup of Jolyon’s eyes. He looks angry and his eyes are suddenly glowing with intensity as he glares down at Crow. Jolyon: “No. What specifically?”
Panel 12: Low angle looking up at Jolyon, who is glaring down at Crow with an intense, angry expression, bordering on hatred. Jolyon: “Tell me. What exactly do you remember?”
Panel 13: Extreme closeup of Jolyon’s mouth as he sneers, speaking through gritted teeth. Jolyon: “Crow.”
Panel 14: Shot of Crow’s face, he looks startled and distraught as he stares at Jolyon. Crow: “...”
Panel 15: Crow looks away to his right, looking ashamed. Crow: “I remember enough. I remember when things were good between us. And when they were… less good.”
Panel 16: Extreme close up of Jolyon’s left eye, he is looking down at Crow and looks alarmed. Crow: “I remember the garden.”
Panel 17: Wide shot from behind Crow. Crow is looking up at Jolyon. Jolyon is flinching and looking swiftly away from Crow to his left. Crow: “After that… things start to get confused. Honestly, I don’t understand everything that happened between us at the end… But I know it wasn’t what he wanted.”
Panel 18: Shot of Jolyon looking away, looking extremely upset as Crow talks. Crow: “So… I’m sorry. For all of it.”
Panel 19: Extreme close up of Jolyon’s eyes, he is squeezing his eyes shut and still looks emotional. Crow: “And so is he.”
Jolyon: “...”
Panel 20: Wide shot from behind Jolyon. Jolyon turns back to look down at crow, his face is not visible. Crow is still looking up at him. Jolyon: “Okay. Is that all?”
Panel 21: Shot of Crow’s face, turning down to look at the messenger bag at his hip. Crow looks nervous and is blushing with embarrassment. Crow: “Um…”
Panel 22: Close shot of Crow’s hand as he opens the messenger bag and reaches inside. A purple box is visible inside the bag. Crow: “No.”
Panel 23: Wide shot of Crow. He has pulled the purple box out of the bag, and is looking down at it, blushing slightly. In an inset panel, Jolyon is looking at him suspiciously. Crow: “Do you know about the dawning?” Jolyon: “Yes… The Awoken don’t celebrate it.” Crow: “I know.”
Panel 24: Close shot of Crow’s face as he looks down at the box. He is smiling wistfully, and blushing. Crow: “But… in the city, we give each other sweets, to say thanks. And… I don’t know. Now, it always reminds me of this time…”
The background shifts to a black backdrop, with white snowflakes falling quickly.
Panel 25: Extreme close up of Uldren Sov’s face in a flashback. It is dark, and snowing. Uldren is wearing a hood and is hunched over while looking straight ahead at the viewer. His hair is obscuring his right eye, and he looks serious and intense. Crow: “It was centuries ago. Back when the last city was just a tiny settlement.”
Panel 26: Close up of Uldren holding a pair of dark gray-purple binoculars, with glowing magenta lenses. He is resting his hand with the binoculars on one knee in the air. Uldren is wearing a dark blue shirt and black gloves with burnt orange detailing, and a long black cloak. Crow: “I… He was doing surveillance on earth. Keeping tabs on the people trying to build a sanctuary beneath the traveler.”
Panel 27: A wide shot from behind Uldren, who is sitting on top of a dilapidated building on earth. He is looking down on a festive nighttime scene. There are several buildings that have been partially destroyed and reclaimed by time, but dark silhouettes of people have made a home in them. The windows are all glowing with firelight, and the buildings have been decorated with glowing garlands and colorful flags. Between the buildings, many people are visible, holding hands, hugging, and waving at each other. It is snowing very hard, and snow is piled up around Uldren and the village. Four inset panels show closer views of people within the village.  The first shows a woman hugging a man from behind. The man is holding a steaming hot cake inside a baking tray, and is wearing baking gloves. The woman is pressing her face against his neck, and the man is turning towards her and laughing. The second panel shows a human man throwing his arm over the shoulder of a blue exo. The Exo is waving at somebody to the left, and the man is looking the other direction and lifting a tankard of beer in cheers. The third panel shows an Awoken person and a human woman sitting at a table. The Awoken is holding a warm mug of tea, and is smiling lightly at the human woman. The human woman is turned towards the Awoken and is leaning close to them. She has placed one hand on their arm tenderly. The fourth panel shows a closeup of two people, one with dark hair and one with light hair. The light haired person is cupping the dark haired person with one hand, and is leaning in to kiss their other cheek. The dark haired person is blushign and laughing with their eyes closed. Crow: “They had almost nothing. But they were celebrating. Sharing, and laughing.”
Panel 28: Another closeup of Uldren’s eye as he watches the scenes below him, he now looks sad and distant. Crow: “It was snowing, nonstop. It was so cold. And he was so lonely…”
Panel 29: Uldren is walking away from the viewer, through a dark pine forest covered in snow. His cloak is blowing in the wind.
Panel 30: Uldren’s ship is flying towards the Dreaming city in the distance, weaving between two cliffs in the reef. Snow is blowing in the ships glowing purple trail.
Panel 31: Wide, side view of Uldren as he walks through the snow-covered dreaming city. In the background, ornate arches and pillars can be seen, along with an awoken statue. Snow is falling hard, and it looks windy.
Panel 32: Shot over Uldren’s shoulder as he bangs loudly on a wooden door. His hood is up and his face is not visible.
Panel 33: Waist-high shot of Jolyon opening the door. Jolyon is wearing a green sweater with the sleeves rolled up, and gray sweatpants. Jolyon: “Hello?”
Panel 34: Side shot of Uldren rushing inside, tackling Jolyon with a hug. Jolyon looks startled, and is stumbling back inside the doorway as the snow blows inside. Jolyon: “Wha-”
Panel 35: Side shot of Jolyon and Uldren embracing. Uldren has buried his face in Jolyon’s shoulder, and Jolyon is cupping the back of his head tenderly with one hand while his other arm drapes around Uldren’s shoulder. Uldren is clutching Jolyon’s sweater with one hand. Jolyon: “Aren’t you supposed to be on earth? Why are you back so soon?” Uldren: “Why do you think? I was freezing my ass off.”
Panel 36: Close shot of Uldren’s face pressed into Jolyon’s sweater, he is smiling wide and blushing slightly. His hair is falling over his face and his eyes are not visible. Uldren: “Listen- this is kind of stupid, but… Do you want to bake something with me? Something sweet?”
Panel 37: Shot of Jolyon’s hands in present day, holding the purple box that Crow has given him. The lid has been removed, revealing that it is full of cookies. They look like italian almond cookes, covered in powdered sugar and slivered almonds. Jolyon: “Hah… you remember that?”
Panel 38: Crow glances away, smiling nostalgically and blushing lightly. Crow: “Yeah. We made… well, I guess they were kind of like almond cookes? There were almonds in them, at least…”
Flashback Panel 1: In the background, a memory from the flashback is visible. It shows Uldren and Jolyon standing in a kitchen. Jolyon is standing behind Uldren and holding his waist affectionately. Uldren is holding a mixing bowl on the kitchen counter with one hand, and is pouring something into the bowl with his other hand. Several ingredients are visible strewn all over the counter, along with piles of spilled dough. Jolyon: “Haha, what are you doing? You’ve got to measure.” Uldren: “Following my royal intuition.” Jolyon: “Your intuition kind of looks like cat puke.”
Flashback Panel 2: View of Jolyon and Uldren from the front. Uldren is mixing the dough with a wooden spoon, and looking down at the bowl with a soft smile. Jolyon is behind him, with one arm wrapped around his waist. His other hand is holding Uldren’s arm tenderly. Jolyon is leaning down to kiss Uldren’s cheek. Jolyon: “You’re making a mess of my kitchen, Sov.” Uldren: “I’ll clean it up.” Jolyon: “Will you?” Uldren: “For you? Probably.”
Panel 39: In present day, Jolyon is staring down at the tin of cookies, smiling faintly. Crow (offscreen): “We didn’t really have much of a plan…” Jolyon: “Uldren wasn’t big on plans. Or recipes.”
Panel 40: Jolyon says from offscreen, above the rest of the panel: “Whatever they were, they didn’t turn out very good.” In the panel, Crow is blushing furiously, looking nervously at a thought bubble to his left with a shaky smile. Within his thought bubble another memory is visible, of Jolyon and Uldren kissing passionately on a couch. In the background of the memory, several “BEEP” sound effects are visible. Jolyon is on top of Uldren, holding Uldren’s head in one hand while kissing his neck. Uldren is smirking, while pulling Jolyon’s shirt off with both hands. Jolyon (flashback): “Oven’s going off. We should probably get that.” Uldren (flashback): “I don’t give a shit.” Crow (present day): “Um. Yeah. They were kind of… burnt…”
Panel 41: In present day, Jolyon is smiling faintly, looking at one of the cookies as he holds it up in front of his face. Crow (offscreen): “These are better, I hope.” Jolyon: “Seems like it.”
Panel 42: Close up of Jolyon taking a bite of the cookie.
Panel 43: Crow is smiling enthusiastically up at Jolyon. Jolyon (offscreen): “They’re good.” Crow: “Good!”
Panel 44: Close up of Jolyon. His smile is falling, he looks seems distant and emotional as he looks down at Crow. His eyes are glistening with the first signs of tears. Jolyon: “I uh…”
Panel 45: Jolyon turning to his right, digging the heel of his hand into his right eye as his tears start to fall. He looks distraught, squeezing his eyes shut. Jolyon: “I should go.”
Panel 46: Shot over Crow’s shoulder, Jolyon is walking swiftly away, holding one hand over his face. Crow is looking after him, with one hand reaching awkwardly towards Jolyon. Crow: “Wait…” Jolyon: “Thank you.”
Panel 47: Shot of Crow’s face as he watches Jolyon leave. He looks startled and upset. Crow: “...”
Panel 48: Crow facepalms, looking frustrated and embarrassed. Crow: AUGH.
Panel 49: Crow is sitting on a rock on the cliffside, he is hunched over and propping up his face on one hand. He looks defeated and is sighing. Glint has re-appeared next to him, and looks enthusiastic. Glint: “That could have gone worse! He said they were good! How do you feel?” Crow. “Fantastic. Why did I let you talk me into this?”
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slutforpringles · 4 months
Jolyon Palmer: "...You've got Daniel Ricciardo flying that session".
Take a fucking note Sky Sports, that's how you speak about an athlete on a broadcast.
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petit-papillion · 7 months
After my rant earlier about F1 commentators speaking negatively about Charles's pole-to-win ratio, I stand corrected:
Apparently posting on Tumblr, scrolling through Twitter, having dinner, and watching F1 testing at the same time, makes you mishear a thing or two.
My apologies, Alex Jacques James Hinchcliffe and Jolyon Palmer. Thank you for acknowledging Charles's qualifying greatness, and please carry on!
🎥 MonteCarloMafia
Edit: I think it's actually James Hinchcliffe instead of Alex Jacques?
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comraderoscoes · 2 months
Not jolyon palmer saying with his full chest that he doesn’t think the 1.5kg made a significant difference to Russell’s performance in the gp and implying he doesn’t think Lewis would’ve been capable of overtaking even if the car had been legal, can we please get people with embarrassing careers the hell away from places where they get to have platforms and give opinions about Lewis ick
only people with 7 wdc 104 poles and 105 wins should be allowed to speak on him imo, everyone else is too busy yelling at the ghosts of their careers to trust to be objective
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thefirstknife · 7 months
hey! so i didnt play much (read: at all 😔) this season and honestly ive been feeling myself growing distant from destiny overall so i find it hard to care about anything that happens in the game BUT. i care very much about crow and jolyon and have been seeing some resurgance of them? which might just be fan content but i still wanted to ask if there have been anything relating to them in the game recently? any tiny lines about crow even speaking with jolyon? is that a thing?
Yes! We had little mentions this season!
Biggest one is this radio message which is entirely about Crow telling Petra how much he's anxious over Jolyon and Petra trying to convince Crow to speak to him. The little details about how they were "so close" and "inseparable" are a huge win. We have no confirmation if they have talked before Crow left, but it's definitely something he's been thinking about so maybe it will get picked up again at some point.
And in the secondary lore book, Gifts and Bargains, which was earned through the exotic mission and is about Taranis, Riven's mate who made his nest in the Black Garden: page 2 where Taranis literally says that Jolyon was Uldren's "partner" and in page 3 where Taranis also calls Jolyon "Uldren's Rachis" and mentions how he overheard a secret they shared together. This is so cool because Jolyon's nickname was The Rachis, but Taranis specifically makes it so that he's Uldren's Rachis. And ofc the "partner" thing is more or less 100% confirmation for me since they use that word for other couples (most notably for Saint and Osiris).
Nothing incredibly big in the grand scheme of things, but for a fairly niche lore-only character, it's a lot. Jolyon girlies stay winning.
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holllandtrash · 1 year
watching the austria post race and seeing lando and pierre being quite friendly w each other, thinking about the better series....
a short better series blurb, following the austria gp - 700 words
you stood off to the side and watched the F1TV post-race interview play out. pierre wasn't originally supposed to join lando but when his pr manager gave him the nod and handed him a mic, it was clear there was a change in plans.
pierre tapped lando on the shoulder, "bonjour."
lando smiled when he recognized it was another driver on the grid who had accompanied him, "bonjour, ça va?"
"Ça va," pierre nodded with a chuckle. they might not have been on the best of terms, but it always brought him joy when the non-french speaking drivers greeted him in his language.
they were friendly throughout the interview, taking turns responding to questions. from where you stood just behind Rosanna, leaning against the motorhome, you had direct line of site to Pierre.
Lando was blocked for the most part by Jolyon, but you could make out his arms crossed over his chest as he listened to pierre, nodding every so often.
he saw you, there was no way he didn't see you. even if he didn't see your face right away, the pink canvas converse. it was the only thing that stood out in your neutral outfit. a dead giveaway who you were here to support.
lando put more weight on his back and leg and subtly turned his head in your direction. it was only for a second, but you caught it. you caught his eyes. you saw the way the corner of his lips turned upwards and not at something pierre said but because you were there.
he was then pulled back into the conversation and lando stumbled over his words slightly. not enough that anyone passing by would notice, nor would the commentators. but you noticed. pierre noticed. pierre was smooth though and brought the mic back up to his lips to take over, to take some of the tension off lando.
"you didn't get a penalty though, did you?" jolyon asked the british driver for confirmation.
"no, no i've been a good boy," lando joked, that familiar cheeky grin returning to his cheeks. why did it make you smile too?
pierre laughed, "for once."
that comment could have been taken to heart. there was some underlying truth to it. a painful yet humorous reminder that lando had in fact, made mistakes in the past. of course, pierre's two cents wasn't in reference to his track performance. no, it was in direct reference to you.
you counted down the seconds until finally pierre put the mic down on the table. he patted lando on the back and his eyes instantly found you, face lighting up as he returned to your side.
"i heard that," you nudged your body against his. "your little for once."
pierre draped his arm over your shoulder, "if there is every an opportunity to remind lando how he messed up, i will take it, cherie."
"it's been months. we're all civil at this point."
but were you?
you still had yet to actually talk to lando face to face. still had yet to say any words to him that were't over his twitch stream over a friendly text here or there to congratulate him on his race results.
you glanced behind you as you walked down the paddock, spotting your old friend as he became surrounded by fans and people who wanted to take a photo or grab an autograph. he entertained them all, of course, that's who he was. but he kept glancing your way in the process.
there it was again. that shy smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. you smiled back, but you weren't even sure if he caught it with how many people were trying to get his attention.
feeling pierre kiss the side of your head, you turned and looked up at him.
"you okay?" pierre asked, feeling the tension in your shoulders
you nodded because you were okay, but that was it. just okay. you had been just okay for a while now. you were happy with pierre, there was no mistaking that but something was missing, something that prevented you from feeling more than okay on a regular basis.
but you didn't want to let yourself think that maybe lando's absence was the reason for it.
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thefangirlthatwaited · 4 months
Encounter (Chapter 166) - A Destiny Universe Story
Crow x Guardian
By the time my song ended, the twins were peacefully asleep. How I wished I was as oblivious as they were. To them, Crow was away on a mission and would be home soon. They didn’t know the dangers that stood in our way. I pulled my children close, closed my eyes, and tried my best to get a few hours of sleep.
“Ruby,” I turned away, the voice trying to pull me from my dream. “Ruby...”
“Crow...” I muttered.
“We’ll be together again,” Crow whispered, his voice filled with a love I yearned for. “I love you.” I desperately tried to reach out to him, but his voice faded away, leaving me lonely.
I woke up in a jolt, my body drenched in a cold sweat, my breath coming in ragged gasps. It was just a dream. Crow wasn’t here. “Mommy?” I turned to the sound of Rory and Ari’s voices, finding them quietly engrossed in their toys. 
“Mommy is fine,” I assured them. “Are you two hungry?”
“Pancakes?” Rory asked.
“Of course.” 
The next few days passed in the same way. The twins and I would sleep in the living room and spend the day together—anything to keep my mind occupied. The nights were another problem. After I sang the twins to sleep, I was left staring at the ceiling until exhaustion took hold. It wasn’t healthy, but it was all I could do to hold myself together in front of the twins.
“You need to speak to someone,” Stell said one evening while I was putting the twins to bed.
“And say what? Crow is gone, Stell and I can’t fall apart like I’ve done in the past. I have a family now.”
“And that’s very grown-up, but you can still talk to someone.”
I sighed. “Maybe. I’ve been hiding for a week. I’m amazed no one has come to check on me.” Stell refused to look me in the eye. “You’ve been relaying updates to the team.”
“I might have,” Stell admitted. “They don’t want to bug you.” 
“Thanks,” I fell onto the makeshift bed.
“Are you going to talk?” Stell asked.
“Probably. I need to gather the courage to do so.”
The following day was a rough one. Ari decided that he had enough of me and wanted Crow.
“Daddy!” He yelled while ripping apart boxes in the living room.
“Ari.” I hissed. “I’ll put you in timeout,” I warned. He huffed and tipped the box over, spilling its contents on the ground. “Ari!” He took off running for his room and slammed the door in my face before I could grab him.
“Fuck!” I growled, pounding my fist on the door while fighting back tears. Why did my son have to push my buttons? Didn’t he know I was barely holding it together? The doorbell rang, and I peeled myself away from Ari’s door.
“Want me to get it?” Stell offered.
While Stell greeted our guest, I tried to coax Ari from his room. “Little man, open the door.”
I tried the doorknob again with no luck. “Ari, open the door this instant!”
“I WANT DADDY!” My head hit the door, and I wiped away a stray tear. This boy was going to drive me to an early grave.
“Need help?” I spun around to see Jolyon and Terna standing there with Stell.
Full Chapter on Ao3
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jolyonvane · 5 months
Past few weeks since I uploaded again have been a little crazy & I'm grateful for all the support on the new video but I feel the need to say you don't know me. Please don't speculate on my personal life or relationships - it's uncomfortable. Turning off anonymous asks because some of them have been real... uh... 😀
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godhatesrobyn · 2 years
I love the idea of crowlyon sm but I like to imagine the reason we’ll likely never see Jolyon in game or in any more lore tabs is because Crow is too damn embarrassed to even speak to him. Let alone speak of him.
Imagine being Crow and not only do you get thousands of years worth of memories zapped into your tiny brain at once by Savathûn - with majority of them being abt Uldren’s insanity arc - but you also simultaneously find out you’re bisexual and had a not-so platonic relationship with your bestie who had to witness your said insanity arc. Which you didn’t even recognise him during and died without speaking to him again. And now you have random feelings for a man you’ve never actually met yourself
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Cosmic horrors writhe
At the idea of him and I.
Stardust burns in our veins
And we're more than mortals.
Love is more than trust...
Love is safe and kind.
And when I look into his eyes,
It's love that I find.
Together, where the tall crow rests with his head on the lap of his lover, they're safe.
The smaller's fingers knotted in silken hair strands without a worry.
The stars watch and keep them safe and neither wish to speak.
Uldren's hands, in his hair, and his head light on the fabric of the other's suit pants.
The illusion is strong, here.
They're just men.
Simple men.
Men who love each other.
The illusion is bound to fade and soon they'll once again have to hide this affection from onlookers, they only wanted to just be...
Together, they recounted the way soft lips met so tenderly unto scarred and cracked ones, beneath the misted haze of green.
The way the red petals had caressed the crow's back as the prince laid atop him.
Looking down.
Ignoring the biomechanical horrors of robotic bugs with hollow shells and branched wires with metallic teeth, they had been so free, even surrounded by such nightmarish horrors.
There had been nothing but gentle kindness in those golden eyes.
Uldren was starting to forget, and these simple desperate grabs at better times out the way of prying eyes were all Jolyon had left to remind him and it was all he could bring himself to do.
The words never once left his lips, no, never directly to the object of his affections and to those aside he'd never dare frame it anything more than friendship.
I regretted that, now
As the last of the petals
Fell to the ground with the gentle gust
Displacing them from the stems
Of wildflowers planted here.
Evil things, they were,
That I'd let my lover bring home.
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screebyy · 4 months
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Part 6: The Summit Prev | Next (Soon™️) | Start
Two parts left! sorry to end on a lil cliffhanger of sorts. also sorry i'm going to continue to be very mean to jolyon. also also sorry i will not be finishing this before tfs launches lol 🥲
ID below cut like and subscribe etc
Panel 1: Wide shot of Crow and Jolyon sitting on a rock on the summit of a mountain, looking down at the dreaming city below. The sun is starting to rise over distant mountains, and the dreaming city is covered in taken essence, with black taken orbs hanging all around it. Jolyon is leaning forward with his arms crossed and his elbows resting on his knees, while Crow is leaning back on his hands. Jolyon: “Thanks for doing this with me.” Crow: “Of course. It’s been… really nice, catching up.” Jolyon: “Yeah…
Panel 2: Close up of Jolyon’s hand from the side. He is curling it into a tense fist where it’s resting on his bicep. Jolyon: “... Can I ask…”
Panel 3: Close up of Jolyon’s face in profile. He is staring straight ahead with a pained expression on his face as he speaks. Jolyon: “Why now?”
Panel 4: Side view of Crow as he turns to look at Jolyon. He has a curious expression on his face. Jolyon (offscreen): “A few years ago… I heard about what happened, with Savathun. That you had remembered your past life.”
Panel 5: Side view of Jolyon. He is turning away from the Crow, and his expression is not visible. Jolyon: “When you didn’t reach out… I guess I just assumed you hadn’t remembered me.”
Panel 6: Side view as Crow looks at Jolyon with a mournful expression. Crow: “I…”
Panel 7: Crow turns forward again, looking down at the ground with a sad expression. Crow: “I’m not sure I did, at first.” Panel 8: Flashback of the Radiant Accipiter, idling in empty space. Crow is visible through the windshield of the ship, he is hunched over in the pilot’s chair with his head in his hands while glint floats beside him. Crow (Present day): “He was so far gone at the end - whenever I tried to think about his life, it was like a bomb going off inside my brain.”
Panel 9: Close up of Crow looking down past the camera. He is clutching his face with both hands, one hand is tearing desperately at his hair while the other is covering his cheek, nose and mouth. He has a horrified, distant expression on his face, and a tear is running down his cheek. In the background, a cracked surface shows many scenes from Uldren’s rampage. One fragment shows a close up of Uldren’s eyes as he turns towards the viewer with a hateful expression. Black rivulets of corruption are flowing from his eyes like tears, and the sclera of his corrupted eyes are black and seeping into the iris. Another fragment shows several dead corsairs lying on a stone floor in pools of blood. Another fragment shows a close-up of Cayde-6’s face, staring up at the viewer defiantly. His face plates have been badly damaged. The final fragment shows a close up of Uldren’s hand holding the Ace of Spades hand cannon, with smoke coming out of the barrel. Crow (Present day): “Nothing made sense, all I could feel was… what he felt. The things he did…”
Panel 10: A wide shot of Crow lying in bed, bundled up in his blanket. The room is dark, and a window is open, with bright sunlight shining in through the curtains. Crow (Present day): “But eventually…”
Panel 11: A close up of Crow holding Glint with one hand. Glint’s eye is closed, and he is humming gently. Crow (Present day): “I was able to start picking up the pieces.” Panel 12: Closer shot of Crow lying in bed. He is clutching Glint against his chest with one hand, rubbing his shell gently. With his other hand, he is holding a golden ring on a chain. He is staring blankly at the ring with a sad, tired expression. Crow (Present day): “To put together who he had been before.” Panels 13, 14, 15, and 16: A sequence of fuzzy, incomplete memories. The first is a shot of Jolyon in his uniform, from his waist to his chin. Most of his face is not visible, but he seems to be scowling. He is partially obscured by a misty, dark blue background. The second memory is a shot of Uldren lying back in green grass on a sunny day, eating raspberries. He is looking to his right, at someone just offscreen. He is laughing lightly, and looks peaceful as he holds a raspberry up to his mouth. The third memory is a shot of Jolyon’s dark blue Supremacy rifle leaning against a wall, next to where his green cloak is hanging. The fourth memory is a partial shot of Uldren resting on his hands and knees above Jolyon, who is not visible. Uldren is shirtless, and a golden ring is hanging from a chain around his neck. Jolyon’s hand is reaching into frame, holding the ring in his palm where it hangs. Uldren is smiling down at him warmly. Crow (Present day): “You were… A puzzle that took me a long time to figure out. A face I couldn’t quite name, a feeling I couldn’t quite place.”
Panel 17, 18, and 19: Another sequence of memories, which are more clear than before. The first panel is a head-on shot of Uldren, staring up past the viewer with a confused, strained expression. The scleras of his eyes are black, and the corruption is starting to seep out of them. The second panel is a head-on view of Jolyon, staring down at Uldren with an intense, searching expression. The third panel is of Uldren, who is looking away to scratch at his right eye with the heel of his hand. His hands are cuffed together at the wrist, and he looks frustrated, and distracted. Crow (Present day): “When it finally came together, And I realized how terrible he had been to you… I was too ashamed.” Panel 20: In the present day, Crow is leaning forward, and staring distantly down at the ground, while Jolyon watches him talk. Crow: “To let himself fade away like that, to forget you, while you were standing right in front of him…”
Panel 21: Close up of Jolyon as he looks away, and stares sadly into the distance. His brow is furrowed and he looks conflicted and tired. Crow (offscreen): “I didn’t think I could face you, after that. I didn’t think you’d want me to.” Jolyon: “...”
Panel 22: front view of Crow and Jolyon sitting side by side. Crow is leaning forward heavily, looking down at the ground with a grim, slightly frustrated expression. Jolyon is turning slightly towards Crow, though he is not looking directly at him and is expression is sad and distant. Jolyon: “What changed your mind?”
Panel 23: Close up of Jolyon’s face. He looks slightly surprised and is looking directly at Crow, offscreen. Crow (offscreen): Petra.
Panel 24: Shot of Crow as he hunches away from Jolyon, rubbing his right arm self-consciously. He is glancing out of the corner of his eyes back at Jolyon with an uncertain, guilty expression. Crow: “Last week, hunting Riven’s eggs took us… Somewhere that reminded me of you.”
Panel 25:  Close up of Jolyon as he watches Crow out of the corner of his eyes. His brow is slightly furrowed, and he looks uncertain.
Crow (offscreen): “After we got back, I asked Petra how you had been, and…”
Panel 26: Close up of Crow. He is smiling lightly, staring down at the ground with a distant, soft expression and blushing faintly. Crow: “She talked some sense into me. Reminded me that I shouldn’t just assume you were better off never knowing me. That I at least owed you the chance to make that decision for yourself.”
Panel 27: front view of Crow and Jolyon sitting side by side. Crow is turning back towards Jolyon with a soft smile. Jolyon is also looking at Crow, smiling faintly. Crow: “I guess… some things haven’t really changed, right?” Jolyon: “Ha.”
Panel 28: Close up of Jolyon’s face from the side. He is staring straight ahead again, smiling faintly. Jolyon: “Right…”
Panel 29:  Jolyon looks slightly down, his smile has fallen and his brow has furrowed as his expression grows distant. Dark, scratchy marks are bleeding into the edge of the panel, fading out the edges. Jolyon: “...”
Panel 30: extreme close up of Jolyon’s eye, squeezed shut. Dark scratchy marks surround the panel, creating a chaotic background and bleeding into the panel. Voice offscreen: “Jolyon…”
Panel 31: A younger version of Jolyon turns towards the camera from the side, with a confused expression. His hair is pulled back into a bun, and he is wearing a light green sweatshirt. The background is faded purples and blues, and Jolyon is outlined in surreal surreal shades of pink and purple. The panel is outlined by dark scratch marks, spiky thorns, and black flowers outlined in vibrant shades of pink, purple, and green. The text bubbles appear to be glitching out, with scratchy fragments coming out of them. Voice offscreen: “Why’d you do it?” Jolyon: “What?”
Panel 32: Shot of Uldren sitting on a rock, from behind. He is leaning forward, resting his hands on his knees, and staring down at the ground. His hair is falling over his face, and his expression is not visible. The surreal lighting continues in this panel, and Uldren is outlined in pinks and purples with the panel being surrounded by dark scratch marks, spiky thorns, and black flowers outlined in bright colors. Uldren: “Why did you come with us, Jol?”
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prince--ofnothing · 1 year
A drabble. May turn to something more.
In the darkness...
In the darkness, cold. And alone. He's curled up under the fabric that still felt like home. His knuckles are white from the pressure of which he gripped the cloak-turned-blanket, feeling the fibers taunt against his fingertips. It was all he could do. Opening one eye slowly, it was quite a surprise to see a figure he didn't recognise stood so close to him. A rifle slung over the figure's shoulder, concern written on their face. Narrow eyes stared, his own widening and pupils pinpricking.
At first he thought it was Petra coming in, but this person... Stars, there was something about them that he couldn't place. He sits up, watches the figure back awak slightly, and runs a hand though his hair.
"can I... Help? You?"
Uldren's a wreck. He was pretending to sleep, and Jolyon knew it. There's... Recognition of some kind in the Prince's eyes, but the way Uldren looked at him like he was some kind of background character from one of those elaborate plays where you forget even the show star's name hurts him. He moves to sit at the edge of the prison bed, gently lying a hand over the blanket. It's crusted with dust and filth and he can't help but grimace slightly.
She's calling to him. He knows it. This stranger with a familiar face is in his way and she's calling out for him. The gloved hand settles on the fabric and he jerks it away, staring daggers toward the tall man with white hair. Smart eyes stare daggers right back. Who is this? Who is this who comes into his Cell, who has Petra sent him? What grand security. There's silence. Neither wish to speak first, though both have plenty to say. He can't help but see the longing in the other's eyes and it sends pangs in his heart. A flower is produced, from one of the pouches on the other's belt. Uldren's eyes gravitate toward it immediately.
It grows in the Black Garden.
Everything grows there.
Confusion blossoms in his chest, a stain across the white silk of his stability, and his breath hitches. But he doesn't recognise this man. He won't. Not now.
"You recognise this, don't you Uldren?"
Jolyon attempts to keep his tone level but he can't hide the trembling shake it had developed. He reaches toward Uldren curled like some feral animal there on the bed, and hands it to him. He can't help but see the way Uldren's fingers twitched when he took it.
"I know you don't recognise me. But you know the flower. You know it, Uldren... Think. Maybe it will remind you."
With that, he stood and he left.
As the other leaves the room, his eyes focus. He watches him walk away like he's never seen him before, then the flower arrests his attention.
Asphodelia. It grows... In the Reef. Illyn planted it there, after he gave them to Mara. He clutches the single blossom tightly, and looks for her... though he can't see her now he can feel her presence still. She likes the flower. Doesn't she?
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f1-stuff · 1 year
hii !! i’ve just started getting into f1 recently and i want to learn more about it : how the races work, the terminology etc.
do you have any recommendations, like tiktok or instagram accounts, that could help me?
thank you very much !! :)
Hi! Welcome to f1 ☺️ I would suggest this post for a lot of helpful links compiled in one place, as well as just Al’s blog in general for asking f1 related questions you want answered.
In terms of learning about the sport, I honestly think the best way is just to watch the races and to look up anything you hear or see that you may not understand. That’s mostly how I learned, and now I’m at the point where my family thinks I’m speaking another language when I talk about this sport 😂 Also, you can always ask me, and if I don’t have the answer, then I’ll do the research to find out! I love research lol
Listening to f1 podcasts can help as well! I like the Late Braking F1 podcast, altho there are times that they start talking about f1 history and they lose me haha but in general, hearing discussions and breakdowns of the sessions goes a long way to learning the terms
I’d also recommend Jolyon Palmer’s analyses that the Formula One YouTube channel posts from time to time (or if you have f1tv, they’re on there). He breaks down all kinds of stuff and shows the data, reviews footage, onboards, telemetry etc. Some of the vids are super interesting
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