#jon snow for ts
hellsbellschime · 1 year
First off congratulations on your new job! That’s wonderful! Secondly, I love seeing so many new video’s on your channel. I was watching a few clips of Kit’s recent Q&A session with fans and he talks about his abusive relationship habit going to back to his relationship with Cat. Do you have a take on Jon’s internal struggle with being rejected and the shame of being a bastard? He thinks a lot about this issue in the books and it influences a lot his feelings, decisions and actions.
Thanks! And yeah I'm attempting to put the grind in until Christmas at least and then will probably go back to 1 video a week. And I think that Jon's feelings about bastardy will ultimately wind up being an ironic way of teaching him that the standards and restrictions of Westerosi society are bullshit. He internalizes a lot of shame and complex feelings about being a bastard, but I think that he will ultimately find out that he was actually the "legitimate" child of Rhaegar and Lyanna, but will be repulsed at the fact that his biological father would abscond with a teenage girl, abandon her on the other side of the continent, and let the realm devolve into civil war just because he thought that Jon was the super special snowflake that the world needed. I think once he finds out the truth he's going to realize that being Ned Stark's bastard was far better than being the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen.
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montyluvsjasper · 4 months
The amount of Northern culture cut from the show makes me sad.
Like the entire was up in arms with Jeyne Poole's plot line. Then they had the literal audacity to give Sansa that plot for shock value and giggles and we found out later that's literally why they killed Jeyne Poole, to give her that plot from the FIRST season.
But when Sansa Stark, the daughter of the north. The first daughter of Ned Stark after the rebellion of war, first daughter of Winterfell since Lyanna who was Just kidnapped and died. The girl who the bells rang from sunrise to sunset for.
Was married to a creature who helped kill their king, who they knew did horrific things to his other wives. They were too scared to care?
When Jon Snow, Robb Stark's named heir, marched an army down to avenge her, they refused the call?
Book!North would never.
The reason Jon will fight alone in winds of winter (we ain't getting it but just pretend. I know you're good at it.) is because it's not Arya, it's Jeyne Poole.
Book!The North would marched Ramsay around with on those hounds on his neck like the Frey's did Robb Stark.
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ASOIAF entities as main pop girlies
The Night's Watch = Katy Perry
Once upon a time, pop's most influential hit maker suddenly decided to dye her hair blonde and get a pixie cut, got political, and publicly spoke to a therapist who told her to get her shit together. Thus began her never-ending flop era.
In an unrelated sequence of events, Aegon I Targaryen (a weird blonde man) invaded Westeros, created a central political unit, told the different kingdoms to get their shit together, and cut off the NW's weekly supply of men since there were no more pointless wars going around. Thus began their never-ending flop era.
BTW Jon Snow is the NW's 'Harleys in Hawaii'....their first and only hit in a really long time :(
The Kingsguard = Taylor Swift
Very famous, very rich, very influential, actually has a history of producing incredible material. But every now and then, you get a pop album that's just so..... bleh :/ And is Jaime Lannister the Westeros version of Taylor's Reputation era? Idk, you tell me....
Also, remember how TS had a feud with KP but got more famous and successful as Katy faded into irrelevance? Yeah, me too. In the same vein, the KG continues to maintain its high reputation while its counterpart (the NW) becomes even more irrelevant than it already was, if that's even possible.
The Golden Company = Gaga
Exclusively for the gays and no one else. There's really no doubt about it. But Gaga hurt the fanbase when she decided to pivot into acting, which is currently giving her more success than the music stuff. The GC has a great reputation but comes from a history of flop rebellions. So they've pivoted to a "Targaryen" pretender in hopes that they can win big this time around.
The Rainbowguard = Charli XCX
Huh?? Shouldn't the Rainbow Guard be Gaga??!
Please 🙄 don't be ridiculous. They do not have the material, and that's the T. But they're both for the gals and the gays. And in the same way that Charli had like two hits then faded into the shadows, the Rainbow Guard really can only claim Loras and Brienne. The rest are inconsequential.
The Brotherhood Without Banners = Dula Peep (aka Dua Lipa)
Who doesn't know THE Albanian pop princess Dula Peep?? She new, she's hot, and she's from out of town! She's got good music, but critics say that she's been recycling the same sound for a while now which is getting stale. The BWB has fallen into the hands of a foreign red god, and critics say that they can't produce a hit anymore since they kept recycling the same Beric. They did it six times, which got a little stale...
The Faceless Men = Grimes
Grimes makes really good music, I think? Also, remember when she dated a douchebag billionaire, got dumped, then staged a PR stunt reading the communist manifesto? Me neither. Anyway, the FM are known for being very good assassins who sell their services for the highest price possible. They were also founded by slaves, but that's probably unrelated.
Maesters of the Citadel = SZA
The talent is there, the influence is there, and the reputation is there. But you cannot trust them because they like to lie a lot...unprovoked.
[BONUS] Robb Stark's Vanguard = Bebe Rexha
Bebe is responsible for some of the greatest pop hits of the 21st century; she's even written one of the greatest K-pop songs of all time, that's a whole other region!! She's the very face of talent, but she's unfortunately a blink and you'll miss it type of gal. The average Joe would most likely struggle to name more than two songs from her. Robb's Vanguard also has the talent. They have the material. But sadly, 90% of us would struggle to identify anyone not named Dacey Mormont. I mean, did you even remember that this group existed?
[BONUS] Tywin Lannister = Nicki Minaj
A very talented but messy bitch who likes to play around with extremely problematic people...do I need to elaborate any further?
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
Do you think Braime will happen? And how?
I’m fairly confident they will exchange i love you’s, i go back and forth on whether they fuck or not before he dies.
i’m admittedly fuzzy on the details. I think Brienne is going to Do A Scheme to get herself, Pod, and Jaime out of the LSH mess alive and feel hugely guilty over it - to be real clear, she's luring Jaime to LSH, then they're escaping with Pod, but they're not actually having a hand in LSH's end, that's Arya's job. Jaime, meanwhile, will just be happy they’re alive, and will probably think it’s funny Brienne convinced herself that he’d hate her for lying to him when she just saved him from a zombie horror. Likely they split again soon after this because Brienne gets wind of Sansa being in the Vale and goes to get her before someone else does (unsure whether she pulls a full on Dunk and gets to the tourney on time to see something happen and makes off with Sansa that way, or if she meets up with Sansa as Sansa is escaping and saves her, but either way, basically the moment the tourney happens, I expect some crazy shenanigans to go down, and Brienne to swoop in, save Sansa, and make for the Wall for safety from Jon Snow). If you're interested in those theories, please look at my ashford tourney theory tags and the ser shady i mean ser shadrich tags! Now, what is Jamie doing during this time?
fuck if i know bro and that's the honest truth! Because he is the valonqar and he’s gonna do some valonqarizing, obviously, but i don’t think it necessarily means he kills cersei and I know I'm in the minority opinion with that here BUT. None of the other prophecies are that literal and yet everyone assumes he's going to literally strangle her to death because Cersei thinks she's going to be literally strangled to death, and we are somehow taking Cersei at her word here even though she's wrong about literally everything, the same way every single person in this series who tries to guess prophecies are wrong about everything! But the imagery, you say, the dreams of strangling her, the stuff about his golden hand! Yeah, I'm well aware of that, I’m not saying he’s doing anything nice to her, i think he’ll have a hand (badum-ts) in her dying, probably enough to feel guilty over it too (plus whatever is happening with tyrion) but he’s not strangling her to death and I simply do not believe he's dying right after either. What is he doing? no idea. they’re at casterly rock and he uses the last of the conditioner and then he leaves. i have no idea and I think people who are insistent that he HAS to murder-suicide his way out of the story are overconfident af about that ending.
after that. lots of war. they’re twin fires side by side in the darkness. Jaime will knight Brienne after he valonqarizes. If they say i love you, this is where it happens. If they fuck, this is definitely where it happens. They will be at the trident - perhaps stuck there, perhaps sent there on a mission by whichever Starkling is ruling the North. They will fight there, and Jaime will fall, but not before seeing Brienne bravely keep fighting, and having hope that she will live.
And she will. Brienne will live, Brienne will rise high, Brienne will not abandon her oaths, because Brienne is the True Knight, the bastion of goodness and heroism that Jaime needed when he was a young man, and she will continue to give others hope like she has given to him by staying true to the ideals of being a knight if not the minutiae of the vows she's sworn.
Anyways, my point is that I believe Jaime is going to have a Vader-esque "tell Sansa and Arya you were right about me" ending and Brienne will be the Luke in this situation, picking up the saber sword of the man who knighted her. What's that post that's like, Anakin asks Qui-Gon if he's here to free the slaves and Qui-Gon says no, only for Anakin's own son to show up decades later and say no, I am the last Jedi and I am here to free the slaves. That's Brienne and Jaime, except there's kissing involved.
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touchoflaughter · 1 year
So I've read your Fic about Arya and Gendry (loved it btw!!) and I think a certain revenge is long overdue 😼
What about No. 56 “this is gonna be fun.” from the list?
I'd love to read about that! warm greetings 🧡
This has been way too long in my ask box and I'm sorry dear Anon! Lovely idea! (I thought on writing about it when I finished the Arya/Gendry Fic already!) And the prompt you chose fits just perfectly! Here you can get to pt. 1 in case you missed it. Let's get into it! I hope y'all will enjoy!
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56. “This is gonna be fun!”
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Arya Stark & Jon Snow (both Switches)
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"This is gonna be fun!", Arya entered the room without knocking on the door nor waiting for any permission like she usually does.
"Seven hells! Don't startle me like that you little nag!", Jon, who was changing his shirt, turned around immediately and looked down at his younger sister in disbelief. "Didn't you forget something?!"
Arya knew he was trying to impart that she forgot to knock. Instead of giving in she rose a brow and folded her arms. "This is your last opportunity."
Jon paused in his movement. It seemed he didn't know what to counter. Then he pulled down his shirt and started to plug it in his trousers, watching Arya carefully: "So you're coming into my room without permission- to threaten me?" There was an undertone in his voice that predicted nothing good, but Arya wasn't afraid of him.
"Correct. Your quick comprehension amazes me.", she sneered.
Slowly, a wicked grin appeared on Jons face: "Gendry failed teaching you a lesson obviously. You're even cheekier than usual."
When he mentioned the embarrassing situation from the court, where he helped Gendry to absolutely destroy her, Arya blushed.
"You didn't expect me to just forget about your betrayal, did you?", she growled, trying to subdue the embarrassment in her voice.
"I expected you to be clever enough to know you don't stand a chance against me, little sister.", he grinned, clearly enjoying the outrage, his hothead of a sister was trying to hold back.
"Tough talk for someone who got stabbed by a little boy.", Arya fired back, when she realised this may actually hurt her brother.
Jons jaw dropped at her words.
Her eyes widened and she disarmingly rose her hands: "I'm- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"
"Ouch! That was evil!", Jon made a step towards her.
Arya felt relief when she realised her brother wasn't hurt but she knew she had to find an escape route immediately. Otherwise she would be the victim of Jons comeback.
"How could you hurt my feelings like that?", he placed his hand on his chest dramatically. "Too late for that!", he grabbed her wrist when she tried to turn around and leave.
"We're even now, alright?", Arya tried to negotiate with him. "Alright??"
Jon pulled her closer, snickering. "Oh my dear little sister." With a quick movement his free hand dodged an attack, Arya sneakily tried to perform while pulling her sword needle out of her sheath. "Did you really think your sweet words would distract me? Ts ts ts.", he looked at her disapprovingly while disarming her without much effort. "You gotta remember I taught you the basics back then. I'll always defeat you." He threw needle on the bed next to him and captured Arya in a chokehold without exerting pressure.
"You're so cocky it's disgusting.", she rolled her eyes at him. "You gotta know most of my fighting skills I learned not from you but from Sandor." Arya started smiling. "He taught me some tricks you'll never know about with all that pride and honour they taught you at the wall."
"Oh yeah? Teach me then.", Jon mocked and started tousling her hair by rubbing his fist on her head, still securing her in the chokehold.
Without a warning Arya bent over and threw her bother over her back onto the bed. Before he even realised what just happened, she tackled him and instantly started to tickle his ribs.
"Wha- AHH! StaHAHAP! AHArya Nohoo!!", Jon immediately started laughing hysterically while twitching from left to right before his arms shut down to protect his vulnerable spots. Still giggling, he managed to block his little sisters attack successfully. Then he caught her wrists and tried to catch his breath.
"See? Didn't see that coming, huh?", Arya triumphed.
"You're going to tell me the fierce, skilled Hound- Sandor Clegane taught you to attack your opponent with tickles?!", Jon still was out of breath when he looked up to his sister that still sat on top of him.
"Not quite. He taught me to play dirty and do whatever the situation requires.", she suddenly freed one of her hands and started pinching his side with a wide grin.
"DAHAmmit! Ahahryaa!", Jon tried to trap her hand again while also trying to buckle her off. "Cuhut ihihit! Lahast waharning!"
"Poor brother. Where are your honourable fighting skills now, huh?", she scribbled her fingers up to his armpit, enjoying driving him crazy. "Jon Snow everyone! Laughing like a little, helpless kid."
But just when Arya felt too secure, he finally caught her hand and threw her off, next to him on the bed.
"Y-Youhu will regret saying that!", he tried to threaten while being interrupted by giggling. All of a sudden, Arya wasn't that confident anymore. "Ehe-eh I'm sorry? You asked me to teach you!"
"You know I didn't mean it this way!", he growled, climbing on top of her while stretching her arms above her head.
Arya started panicking when she realised she was completely immobilised. "Nonono! Please Jon-!", she tried to give him her most begging look.
"I didn't even do anything to you.", he snickered. Then he secured her wrists in his left hand while forming a claw with his right one, enjoying the expression of terror rising on her face.
"Please! Please, it was only a little joke!", she tried to change his mind, even though she knew it was in vain.
"Well I don't think it was a funny one.", he mumbled with a wicked grin, moving his twirling fingers towards her vulnerable armpits.
"You still laughed.", Arya joked, knowing no matter what she was saying, he would take his revenge anyways. So she at least had to make fun of him one last time.
"You little brat!", he started scribbling his hand above her upper arm towards her armpit. „Let’s see how funny you think this is.“
"N-Naha plehease dohon't!", Arya begged when he suddenly reached her sweet spot. She couldn't help but scream when his five fingers stroked all over her armpit, even though it was still covered with the top she was wearing.
"Did you really just call me that? WOW. You must enjoy this a lot cause now I probably won't stop at all.", he increased the speed and scribbled his hand up and down her side and armpit, driving her mad. Arya shook her head from left to right, pulling her arms, trying to buckle him off but nothing worked. She had to lay there and endure it.
"SOHOHORRY! NAHAHAA I DIDN'T MEHEAHAN AHAHA PLEHEHE- SEHEHEVEN HEHELLS! NOHO AAH AHAHA!", she tried to take back what was said but between all that laughter all that she could express were incoherent words, screaming and laughing.
"Isn't that nice, little one? It's just like in the good old days when you were too cheeky for your own good. I wonder if that one spot still works on you."
"OH NONONO!", Arya tried to keep him from testing that mentioned spot before bursting out laughing again.
"Oh yeah.", Jon smirked while sliding downwards so he could get to his sisters hip. Without hesitation he poked into the bare skin next to her hipbone. She flinched and squealed.
"Those 'tricks' Sandor taught you are not bad, I must admit.", he mocked while continuing poking. "Probably I'll get used to that type of battle techniques."
"Nohohot fuhuhunny! Ahaha cuhut ihit now!", Arya tried to sound angry but her constant laughter thwarted her plans.
"And still you're laughing.", Jon smirked down at her. "Now I wanna teach you something, alright?"
"N-Noho plehease I'm dohone!"
"One of the most important things I learned was: you always gotta have an ace up your sleeve.", Jon laughed and changed his poking into squeezing, still targeting the soft skin right next to her hipbone.
"AAAHAHAHA NAAHAHAH! STAHAP WAHAHA STAHAP I'M BEHEGGING!! PLEHEASE!", Arya screamed, twitching as hard as she could but still she couldn't manage to escape.
"Who's the superior sibling?", Jon mocked, continuing tickling mercilessly.
"YOUHU LITTLEEHE FUHUCK!", Arya screamed helplessly.
"I think I didn't quite understand that. What was that?", Jon dig deeper sarcastically.
"YOUHU AHAHARE OK?! YOU AHAHA!", Arya admitted hysterically. At this point she would've said anything to make him stop.
But her older brother wasn't satisfied with that. "I'm what? You gotta say it."
"DAHAHMMIT YOUHOU AHARE SUPERIOR AHAHAHA! NOHOW STOHOP EHEHE!", Arya startet coughing between her laughter.
"See? Wasn't that hard, was it?", Jon grinned while letting go of her finally. Arya wasn't able to answer a cynical comment- even though she really loved to. All she could do was laying on her back, even though Jon has uprisen already, trying to catch her breath.
Her older brother sat down next to her, looking a little concerned now: "Was that too much for you?"
Arya still wasn't able to answer him but she managed to shake her head at least. She'd rather marry a Lannister than admitting her brother overpowered her and she didn't stood a chance. It indeed was too much for her but she knew she kinda provoked him into taking his revenge.
She was used to it when they were younger, but he surely was more merciful back then. Somehow this childish power play even felt nostalgic and fun in some way.
"Next time you enter my room you better knock.", Jon winked, while helping her getting up. Then he looked into her brown eyes with little concern again: "Are you okay, little one?"
Arya nodded: "Next time I won't let you win." She deked a punch to his stomach and earned a grin from her older brother.
„It seems you’re not having enough yet…“, Jon looked down at her, shaking his head in disbelief.
„N-No I‘m having enough!“, Arya stumbled backwards, rising her hands in a disarming gesture.
„You better go jangle someone else’s nerves then.“, he pressured, showing her the door.
Arya hated the fact she had to give in as much as her wasted efforts to take revenge. „One day I‘ll get you back!“, she threatened when her big brother pushed her out of his room.
„Yeah whatever.“
She heard him snickering before his door closed.
„I‘d help you with that.“, a voice startled her.
„Robb?“, Arya blinked into the dark corridor, expecting her brother to be somewhere there.
„I was worried you‘re being murdered.“, he laughed, stepping out of the dark. „I know that feeling far too well. Next time I‘ll be there in time and we take revenge for all those years he tortured us, deal?“
Aryas eyes twinkle as she takes her brothers hand: „Deal!“
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thelegendofclarke · 5 years
i wonder when they’ll release the deleted scene of Jon Snow being banished to sleep on the couch...
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maevelin · 5 years
Do you think that Jon should have considered that by telling the truth to Daenerys she could have taken her Dragons and her armies and left him hanging to deal with the Night King on his own?
No. Of course not. 
But I think this was the worst possible moment with the Night King’s threat looming over their heads not just in general but in literal seconds. Jon knew the timeframe they were in. He knew they counted hours if not less and he chose that particular moment to drop the truth bomb on her while he knew that she would need to have a clear head for the impending battle. Either he should have told her sooner and prepare her better for it or he should have waited. Then again there is a great chance that one of them would die or even both of them would die before the night ends so it would also be unfair for Daenerys not to know the truth too. But he could have handled it better. Either way this was the worst possible moment and a testament that he was not thinking clearly either. And I feel that he told her because he feels connected with her in many ways and more now that he knows but also because he couldn’t take it anymore. We can say many things about Jon but many times -if not most- that boy is all heart and in that moment it was bursting. It was too much to take in and he let it all out.
And yeah Daenerys’ reaction pretty much went as it was expected to go given how her whole life has been revolving around one truth that now Jon changed for her in a pretty much tactless and shocking way but she would never leave all these people behind. She may has said this was Jon’s war in a more sentimental moment since she is somewhat able to wear rose glasses too (she is still a young girl too and one in love) and in a way to reach out to Sansa (half honestly and half manipulatively) but people tend to conveniently forget that Daenerys has agreed to fight the Night King before Jon bent the knee and all that because she saw what that threat truly means and that she has many times throughout the series had the right dose of idealism to move her into fighting battles for people and countries that had nothing to do with the Iron Throne. It was still a journey that was paving her way for her goal but it also showed that Daenerys also wants to help people. She is not uncaring despite how many times she doesn’t have her priorities straight because she is only driven by her obsession for the Iron Throne. Either you want to call this a savior’s complex, idealism, or megalomania the result is still the same. She wouldn’t leave the North to fend for itself. And it is not as if she doesn’t know that one way or another she won’t avoid this war since the Night King is coming and the more ground he gets the worst this threat will become. There will be no Iron Throne if the White Walkers destroy humanity.
Daenerys’ objective of course is and will always be the Iron Throne. That won’t change. And in many ways she sees herself as the true Queen so she sees it as her duty to defend the people of the Seven Kingdoms even long before claiming the crown. But Jon has also been fighting the war against the Night King for much longer and it has shaped his perspective in the way the Iron Throne has shaped Daenerys’. But both of them when the need arises are there for those that need them. I don’t think this time will be any different. No matter the circumstances or what gets in the way. And I think Jon knows it too and this is why he felt comfortable enough to open up to her in the middle of chaos. That and you know…he is also a dumbass.
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targaryensource · 3 years
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN + JON SNOW in Game of Thrones: Season 8 Episode 4
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janiedean · 3 years
if you ever wrote that rant about grrm making jon his chosen one deconstruction i'd be very happy to read it 👀
hello anon sorry for the lateness but here we go *deep breath*
sssooo, I had once ranted about it though not mentioning the thing I mentioned in those tags so lemme see if I can find the op and like... cp the main argument and amend it bc it was long, but okay so I found it, original anon asked me: why is Jon considered to be one of the most special characters grrm created? Why is he not the typical hero of fantasy books?, my original answer was here if anyone wants to go there but basically lemme just cp the first part making it shorter and then I'm adding:
first thing, the Typical Post-Tolkien Chosen One With A Shitty Life Before He Finds Out He Is Chosen™ character (I’m saying post-tolkien because every fantasy writer in existence who copies tolkien thinks that lotr went like that and instead it didn’t) usually goes through the following steps: his life sucks up until the beginning of the series, his family generally hates him/her or doesn’t appreciate them or abuses them or anyway doesn’t make their life easier and they’ve never known any different, but *something* never quite worked right and they always knew something was missing in their life, they just didn’t know why. suddenly someone who knows they were Chosen™ shows up and tells them that they’re actually Special because of this this and that and they have a quest to go on to save the world or something. our hero/heroine obviously is finally validated and while their quest is hard and full of hardships and maybe they lose a few friends along the way, finding out that they were Chosen gives their life meaning, they usually find love/friends/everything they didn’t have before until they fulfill the Prophecy™ and live more or less happily ever after, possibly after hooking up with the Person Of Their Dreams with whom they had UST up until the last twenty pages of the book. basically: being Chosen™ in regular fantasy novels is a good thing because suddenly you’re special and all the crap you suffered acquires a new meaning and in the end it made your life better.
jon snow is a complete overhaul of about everything in this sense because
instead of having a family who hates him he has a family who actually mostly loves him, and with ned it’s arguably so much that he risks royal treason by keeping him hidden from his *best friend* - sure, there’s cat and peripherally sansa, but his issues stem from the fact that he feels lesser because he’s a bastard (as far as he knows) and it’s a *class* issue, not a *my family hates me* issue not counting catelyn obv but that's what gives him freudian issues more on that in the emended part later
no one actually knows that he’s Chosen™ - like mel could get there and probably will and someone will put two and two together when his parentage comes out in the open, but he doesn’t have a gandalf or mentor who shows him The Way Towards His Quest
so instead of going from ‘my life sucks but I’m going on a quest which is gonna be a+’ he actively chooses to leave a fairly decent situation (a household he knows, siblings who love him - ned actually hoped he’d become robb’s counselor or right hand man or something from what we can gather) because he feels like he has to prove he’s better than his name and goes to the Crappiest Place In Westeros. like idk if people grasp it, but the wall is basically a prison and at the ripe age of fourteen he decides that it’s totally a good and honorable choice (his only choice actually) to go defend the realm in the freezing cold along with a bunch of criminals/derelicts/rejects of society
at which point he makes friends among said rejects and let’s remember that it’s the point where he actually has to do his first an only privilege when donal noye made him go like hey you were brought up with nobles these ppl are here because they stole bread, and that helps making him more into the person he is rn but like your tyopical fantasy hero who has had a shitty life doesn’t usually have to acknowledge that other people might have had it worse
then he goes on the Quest where he finds his first One True Love, and that’s where it turns even worse because usually the quest is where things start to go right for the Hero™, instead for jon they start to go wronger, because first he has to go undercover which pretty much tests most of his belief/code system, he falls in love with a girl he has to betray, half of his friends and his lord commander die along the way, while he’s off doing his thing winterfell gets taken/burned and robb dies when jon openly stated that he also was going to the wall to defend his family and keep them safe (yeaaah worked out real well), when he goes back to the wall he has to fight the people he lived with for months, the woman he loves dies in his arms and he can’t do anything about it and he’s aware it couldn’t have gone any other way, people put defending the wall on him and then put his loyalty in question, when stannis shows up with a legitimization (which is everything he ever wanted) he refuses because he doesn’t want to accidentally steal his siblings’s inheritance (which was what cat was so worried about hahaha) and actively chooses the crappy defending the realm life all over again. also in all this time his being Chosen™ hasn’t manifested or helped him in any way whatsoever - actually all his honor-moral code related baggage is what  moral dilemmas come from that. like, your usual chosen hero™ would always take the right decision and it all turns out good eventually, jon takes the morally right decision and it all turns SOUR eventually
at this point he finally gets elected LC, thanks to his friends also pitching in, which is about the one fantasy hero™ thing that’s happened for now. should be good, yes?
lol no, because he ends up with THAT hellish responsibility at sixteen, since he thinks that he has absolutely to be even better than that now and he has very specific notions about how you should lead and he knows he has to take unpopular decisions/decisions that he doesn’t necessarily like, he ends up either having to send his friends away forreal (sam) or detaching from them (pyp/grenn/the likes) and when as far as he knows he learns that his sister is married to ramsay he can’t do anything about it
never mind that it’s the same situation as when he had to pick the watch or robb in book one - he went there to defend his family and now being there actually prevents him from helping them in person. ops. meanwhile he’s trying to implement a new vision of things which is modern and smart and actually makes sense because why fighting the wildlings when you have ZOMBIES coming. your usual Chosen One™ would get people to approve just because he’s the Chosen One
instead jon gets stabbed to death - okay, that was also because he wanted to go get arya but it was the last straw, people were pissed over the wildlings plan first and foremost
so basically he’s gone through all the Chosen One™ steps but in reverse - he loses his family which did love him instead of finding another one that makes the first pale in comparison, he does find a new one who loves him but has to alienate most of its members for responsibility reasons as a consequence of what should have been the crowning achievement of his life choices (which eventually is NOT one), he falls in love and they don’t drag the UST forever but they never get a chance to be together without small print in between, he chooses the admittedly most masochistic life he could for his family as well and half of them die and he can’t do a thing for the other half, every other mentor-like figure he runs into after ned dies, instead of finding validation he ends up having to isolate himself and on top of everything HE STILL DOESN’T FUCKING KNOW HE’S THE CHOSEN ONE™
so instead of his life going better the more he learns stuff and matures as a person, he gets murdered. by the people he trusts and who were supposed to be his new family. haha?
never mind that when he finds out he’s the Chosen One™ it won’t bring him closure because all he ever wanted was being full stark like his father/siblings and then bam he’s going to find out his father’s actually targaryen and what does that even mean to him?
on top of that being AA will just be a pain because I don’t believe for a second he’s not going to get leftover ptsd and who the hell is gonna help him deal with it? or how is he ever getting over his *brothers* murdering him? and people are going to ask stuff of him all over again and he’s gonna have to go slay a mythical monster and if I know grrm it’s not gonna be fun, pretty or cathartic FOR HIM
on top of that, Chosen Hero™ fulfills the prophecy and gets a realm to rule and everyone lives happily ever after. money is that if jon does get that realm (and I think he is because he has the best claim if he's legitimate and most likely it'll turn out he was on the targ side but ROBB also legitimized him so he has double the legitimization), he’s going to hate every second of it and he’ll take it because a) duty, b) literally no one else is available, and like this guy didn’t want to rule a realm or be a king or anything he just wanted to be a stark, and instead he’s going to have to after all that shit thanks to Magical And Noble Heritage he hadn’t even known he had and probably didn’t even want up to that point because since when jon wanted to be a targ? yeah since never
obviously I hope he manages to be somewhat happy regardless because the alternative is too miserable, but basically being a Chosen Hero™ is what makes jon’s life worse rather than better and the fact that hew went through all the regular self-discovery journey for the fantasy hero list doesn’t mean he’s not flipping that over in his sl. the fact that he stayed a decent person more or less throughout it and that he hasn’t turned into a bitter asshole also doesn’t change the main point XD
tldr: jon snow is not a typical fantasy hero because he deconstructs that trope into tiny little bits same as robb deconstructed the arthurian flawless king hero trope
now ^^^^^ THAT was what I originally wrote for that meta but adding on to what I said in those tags
okay so... there is a certain tendency to also make the chosen one™ special in the sense that he's kind of goals - good looking, rich or set to inherit, gallant, takes the initiative, he's like.. social or anyway immediately makes friends etc and all that jazz which jon... doesn't really fit
like jon is an introvert who immediately makes friends just with outcasts and his siblings also bc he feels like one but he's hardly a social butterfly and charms everyone wherever he walks by
I mean ffs says all that the only person he charmed in that sense is stannis who is the literal only person in charge in the books who is more introvert than him and has worse communication issues and appreciates ppl going straight to the point
on top of that in the book he looks like ned.... and arya looks like ned and ned isn't described as being particularly handsome that was brandon so he's not even like... I mean kit h. is v. pretty and I think he was a good choice for the role and I'll die on the hill that he was born to play that character and he did it well but book!jon doesn't have that kinda pretty face so the concept that he's the HOT alternative to anyone to me is kind of iffy bc he's not
he's shit at social interactions and at PR which is why robb and him would have been a key winning ticket like he has a better idea of the larger picture but robb would have actually made sure ppl didn't turn against them bc he actually was good at that but like he doesn't go around rallying armies in his name does he
the one time he's been with a girl it was ygritte and like he courted her without realizing it and then she had to pursue him and he barely knew wtf to do on top of the fact that they slept with ghost in the middle of them like a sword which..... is.... I mean sleeping with the sword in the middle was a thing to make sure the maiden stayed a maiden and he's the one who is like i CAN'T HAVE SEX WITH HER EVEN IF I WANT TO BECAUSE I'M TECHNICALLY SPYING ON THEM like... he's not... gallant-knight coded
never mind that the moment they do the do she basically does everything until he decides to try the oral which I mean... isn't exactly alphadominatingmale out of jon which is not a given with the trope he's supposed to represent like he's not smooth he's not suave he's like WHAT THE FUCK when ygritte tells him he has a pretty face bc most likely no one else told him that and he like... doesn't pursue people like that in general which is also not exactly 100% what that trope usually goes for
we can add that he has a lot of passive-aggressive little shit sarcasm in him that they didn't let him go for in the show but like... usually chosen heroes™ don't think what he thinks about selyse in general
we can also add that he's not automatically above being better than his position like... he doesn't take winterfell bc ygritte is dead but he did think he'd have taken the deal sansa or not if stannis had said he could marry her and not val and if she wasn't dead, he basically went off the rails at the dude he was fighting with thinking about robb telling him that he couldn't be lord of wf because he was a bastard and he's absolutely not in the frame of mind of 'well I was born a bastard who cares it doesn't define me'
he's obsessed to the point of unhealthy with actually being defined by it which is why he was better off with the wildlings aka the only idiots in the realm who don't gaf about that
and that's like... I mean usually if chosen ones™ have parental issues it's like 'you were an orphan and raised by asses who weren't your parents but your parents loved you and you'll find out at some point and you'll be happier for it and make your own family', jon is like... he has the mommy freudian issues of the century bc of how cat treated him, on the other side he's obsessed with living up to ned's/his father's name and he hates that it makes him not-belonging or that he feels like he doesn't even if he does with his siblings, and at the same time when the truth about it comes out he's going to get the cold shower of the century bc like - he's spent all that time thinking BUT DID MY MOTHER WANT ME WHO WAS MY MOTHER and he's going to find out of who it was and how he was born and honestly considering that lyanna most likely did regret running with rhaegar the moment he finds that out and that she died birthing him how is he going to feel? - also he spends his life wanting to live up to his 'father's' name aka ned aka someone known to be honorable to a fault and then it turns out his bio father is... the dude who started that entire rebellion not doing a very honorable thing? - also if jon*erys is a thing idt that he'd take 'I fell in love with my aunt' so nonchalantly as he did in the show tldr: he's never gonna get over his parental issues in a short time and when that particular brick hits him in the face it won't be pretty
like the entire point of jon is that he goes through all the chosenone™ cursus honorum as we'd call it in high school when studying latin but each step that means smth good for the usual chosenone™ to him is something bad, being one is not going to make his life better and throughout the entire thing he does not fit that stereotype when it comes to look, personality, basic traits and familial history and like hell he's going to have the happy ending tied up with the bow - like I think he gets a bittersweet one and eventually goes off with the wildlings bc he belongs there after being jon snow first of his name (bc like hell he's not reclaiming his bastard background at the end of this entire mess I'm eating my hat if he doesn't) after splitting the seven realms and fixing things but that's hardly the neat happy ending the chosenone™ usually gets so that's my two cents
... christ this was long *raises hands*
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 5 years
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absolute clowns: *threatening jon snow* sansa and arya: *kill bill sirens* 
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But we were something, don’t you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool. And if my wishes came true, it would’ve been you. In my defense, I have none for never leaving well enough alone. But it would have been fun if you would’ve been the one.
(the 1 by Taylor Swift)
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
I guess they're going to explore his life beyond the wall. I don't see what's left to explore with the walkers gone and I don't see the politics of the Wildings being as interesting as the politics of Kings Landing (S1-4) but I guess we'll see. Interesting that Kit signed on, he honestly seemed like one of the actors that was the most DONE with the series by the end.
Honestly I don't get it, maybe it'll be great but after the finale I don't get what the draw would be to base an entire series around.
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secretlyatargaryen · 4 years
Another important thing which I think is highlighted by the show making the conflict between Jon and the other NW recruits a parallel between him and Tyrion is that both of these characters are hated for a perception that they have an unearned privilege - Jon, as a bastard who was raised in a castle and given privileges alongside his true born siblings, and Tyrion, as a high born dwarf (and because of ableism, Tyrion's disability makes people see him as a symbol of Lannister excess and pride, hence Benjen using that against Tyrion.) It's a good example of how society turns marginalized people against each other my making people like Pyp and Gren direct their hatred towards people who are perceived as more privileged and putting people like Jon and Tyrion into positions where they are constantly forced to apologize for their privilege and that is used to abuse them. Which is why you get people arguing that Jon was not abused because he was treated better than other bastards might be, or people saying Tyrion should be grateful for not being murdered or sold into slavery as an infant.
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aryastarksource · 5 years
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Arya and Jon || 1.02 and 8.01
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madaboutasoiaf · 5 years
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bisexualgendryas · 4 years
hey peeps! kind of a weird statement/question I guess but here goes:
I used to write a bunch of jonsa fic. there are some that I’ve started that ideally I’d finish but with indulging the other ships I have for my starklings I’ve really been into jon&sansa as a family dynamic much more than as a romantic ship. with how much I like the other ships, I’m not sure when or even if I’ll get independently back to anything I haven’t finished, let alone any sequels for past jonsa fics. 
that said, if anyone else would want to write them (feel free to go to my ao3 @ charleybradburies and look, or look for unstarted fic ideas that I’ve posted here bc you’re free to write those, too) feel free to either write what you would want to happen or pm/dm/ask for my email and let me tell you what I’d planned to write for the story. all I’d ask is that you do your personal best writing, mark my work(s) as inspiration, and tell me that you’re writing or have written something related to my work. 
I hope that even though I’ve practically left the fandom, my works have brought y’all joy (or other emotions haha) and can continue to do so, whether or not they’re finished. thanks for being great, friends!
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