#jonah clemence week
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 9 months ago
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AJSHSISBSHSHWHEHS ?!!?!!?!;;!?!!??!(;;+;!??
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11th October >> Mass Readings (USA)
Wednesday, Twenty Seventh Week in Ordinary Time 
Pope Saint John XXIII.
Wednesday, Twenty Seventh Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green: A (1))
First Reading Jonah 4:1-11 You are concerned over a plant. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh, the great city?
Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry that God did not carry out the evil he threatened against Nineveh. He prayed, “I beseech you, LORD, is not this what I said while I was still in my own country? This is why I fled at first to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger, rich in clemency, loathe to punish. And now, LORD, please take my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.” But the LORD asked, “Have you reason to be angry?”
Jonah then left the city for a place to the east of it, where he built himself a hut and waited under it in the shade, to see what would happen to the city. And when the LORD God provided a gourd plant that grew up over Jonah’s head, giving shade that relieved him of any discomfort, Jonah was very happy over the plant. But the next morning at dawn God sent a worm that attacked the plant, so that it withered. And when the sun arose, God sent a burning east wind; and the sun beat upon Jonah’s head till he became faint. Then Jonah asked for death, saying, “I would be better off dead than alive.” But God said to Jonah, “Have you reason to be angry over the plant?” “I have reason to be angry,” Jonah answered, “angry enough to die.” Then the LORD said, “You are concerned over the plant which cost you no labor and which you did not raise; it came up in one night and in one night it perished. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot distinguish their right hand from their left, not to mention the many cattle?”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10
R/ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for to you I call all the day. Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
R/ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you. Hearken, O LORD, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading.
R/ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
All the nations you have made shall come and worship you, O Lord, and glorify your name. For you are great, and you do wondrous deeds; you alone are God.
R/ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
Gospel Acclamation Romans 8:15bc
Alleluia, alleluia. You have received a spirit of adoption as sons through which we cry: Abba! Father! Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Luke 11:1-4 Lord, teach us to pray.
Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Pope Saint John XXIII  
(Liturgical Colour: White: A (1))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Wednesday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First reading Ezekiel 34:11-16 As a shepherd tends his flock so will I tend my sheep.
Thus says the Lord GOD: I myself will look after and tend my sheep. As a shepherd tends his flock when he finds himself among his scattered sheep, so will I tend my sheep. I will rescue them from every place where they were scattered when it was cloudy and dark. I will lead them out from among the peoples and gather them from the foreign lands; I will bring them back to their own country and pasture them upon the mountains of Israel in the land’s ravines and all its inhabited places. In good pastures will I pasture them, and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing ground. There they shall lie down on good grazing ground, and in rich pastures shall they be pastured on the mountains of Israel. I myself will pasture my sheep; I myself will give them rest, says the Lord GOD. The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy, shepherding them rightly.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; Beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side With your rod and your staff that give me courage.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come.
R/ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 23:9b, 10b
Alleluia, alleluia. You have but one Father in heaven; you have but one master, the Christ! Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: Matthew 28:19a, 20bc
Alleluia, alleluia. Go, and teach all nations, says the Lord; I am with you always, until the end of the world. Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: Mark 1:17
Alleluia, alleluia. Come after me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of men. Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: Luke 4:18
Alleluia, alleluia. The Lord sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor and to proclaim liberty to captives. Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: John 10:14
Alleluia, alleluia. I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my sheep, and mine know me. Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: John 15:5
Alleluia, alleluia. I am the vine, you are the branches, says the Lord: whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit. Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: John 15:15b
Alleluia, alleluia. I call you my friends, says the Lord, for I have made known to you all that the Father has told me. Alleluia, alleluia.
Or: 2 Corinthians 5:19
Alleluia, alleluia. God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel John 21:15-17 Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.
After Jesus had revealed himself to his disciples and eaten breakfast with them, he said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Simon Peter answered him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He then said to Simon Peter a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Simon Peter answered him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was distressed that he had said to him a third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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catolinewsdailyreadings · 1 year ago
Wednesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time
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Readings of Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Reading 1
JON 4:1-11
Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry that God did not carry out the evil he threatened against Nineveh. He prayed, “I beseech you, LORD, is not this what I said while I was still in my own country? This is why I fled at first to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger, rich in clemency, loath to punish. And now, LORD, please take my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.” But the LORD asked, “Have you reason to be angry?”
Jonah then left the city for a place to the east of it, where he built himself a hut and waited under it in the shade, to see what would happen to the city. And when the LORD God provided a gourd plant that grew up over Jonah’s head, giving shade that relieved him of any discomfort, Jonah was very happy over the plant. But the next morning at dawn God sent a worm that attacked the plant, so that it withered. And when the sun arose, God sent a burning east wind; and the sun beat upon Jonah’s head till he became faint. Then Jonah asked for death, saying, “I would be better off dead than alive.”
But God said to Jonah, “Have you reason to be angry over the plant?” “I have reason to be angry,” Jonah answered, “angry enough to die.” Then the LORD said, “You are concerned over the plant which cost you no labor and which you did not raise; it came up in one night and in one night it perished. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot distinguish their right hand from their left, not to mention the many cattle?”
Responsorial Psalm
PS 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10
R./ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for to you I call all the day. Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. R./ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you. Hearken, O LORD, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading. R./ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
All the nations you have made shall come and worship you, O Lord, and glorify your name. For you are great, and you do wondrous deeds; you alone are God. R./ Lord, you are merciful and gracious.
LK 11:1-4
Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.”
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ike-sol · 5 years ago
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Prince Jonah for his appreciation week! Which fairy tale prince would you want him to be?
Inspired by that one fairy tale event we had kinda recently, where we found out Jonah likes being called a prince~ works great for me because I wanna be a princess too uwu but really! He fits the role perfectly hahaha
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Tagging @ikerev-appreciation
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advernia · 5 years ago
fic: you make home sound like a distant memory
— the pieces fray around the edges, and the center has lost its warmth. - pre-game: a somber tale about a family with crimson blood.
1: draft turned fic turned welp, looks like i'm not writing anything else till this is done oh my god, what is this hot mess even - 2: dear @ikerev-appreciation pls forgive me but uhh does it still count as a jonah week entry even if jonah shares the spotlight with his family ksjksjd;;
o n e .
"... I wish we didn't look so alike."
"But we don't! I may look fantastic, but rest assured - I pale in comp arison to your delicate, angelic features!"
His birth is a celebration, not much of the congratulations on the safe delivery of your firstborn child kind, but more of the congratulations on giving birth to a boy kind of celebration. He's a plump babe swaddled within layers of fine cotton with little hair on his head and no teeth to speak of, but people stare at him with the intensity of the summer sun and smiles painted on their faces, as if he were the grandest being they had ever laid their eyes on.
Every feature of his, no matter how tiny and yet to be developed, comes out drizzled in honey from many mouths: the fullness of his cheeks (it's not fat, how dare you, it's a sign of good health), the curves of his little lips (they're as red as rogue, how adorable), the hue of his eyes (they have the beauty of pure molten gold), and the descriptive list gets longer and longer.
The only word everyone seems to have in common is heir.
He's barely two days old and he doesn't understand what that means at all, so he starts crying.
Two years and long grueling hours later, in comes another swaddled babe: he was born at the very moment the reds and golds disappeared from the sky, and the darkness of night enfolded everyone in its embrace. In fact, that's the color soft wisps of hair on his head seem to have taken - in total, he's a bundle of full cheeks, curved reddish lips, and dark-colored hair.
The celebration that follows after his birth is a small affair limited within the walls of his home, and the only ones who take hold of him with such warmth are his grandfather and a boy with silver hair. The former smiles at the sight of a small black dot set under his right eye and mumbles something about the mark of a Clemence, while the latter just stares at him in complete awe, stars bursting forth from eyes that were wide open.
Behind the old man and the child went hushed whispers, the word insurance hanging heavy in the air.
He's barely two days old and he doesn't understand what that means at all, so he starts crying.
"You'll have nothing to fear now, for I'm accompanying you! Aren't you glad we're going together?"
"What's there to be glad about when I'm going to be stuck with you?"
Children will be children like boys will be boys.
Come spring they run around a grand forest, chasing butterflies and gathering all sorts of things like little explorers lost in an expedition. They make sure to steer and hide away from any obstacles that come their way, like those terrible women in long black skirts who shout out their names and try to lure them out with the prospect of food. The biggest evil though is the great wizard: he's super thin, has graying hair, puts a super shiny monocle under his left eye, grows a bushy mustache with its tips pointing perfectly upwards, and worst of all knows how to use two dangerous words to complete his magic spell - the names of their parents.
Summer is too hot for exploring and the heat outside makes everything sweaty and sticky and it feels gross. So instead, they link their hands together to embark in a thorough search for their grandfather within the large halls and grand rooms of the mansion - he's always in the library though, sitting by the couch near the window and reading some book. When they come in, grandfather urges them to sit and off the three of them go as a tale is brought to life in words: they emerge in battlefields, countries, and in mystical places that a man called the Queen of Hearts had all stepped on once upon a time. Uninterrupted, they venture well until lunchtime.
Fall is boring because they can't go out and under the command of their parents, the great wizard has summoned his disciples to keep them apart - they're made to practice all sorts of things, read a lot of thick books, listen well to whatever's being taught, and the disciples don't take no for an answer even if they cry and beg. It's really, really boring and sometimes when they look out the window, they think about how much better it was to spend time being an explorer or listening to grandfather's stories instead.
Winter's a bit better because even if they still go through their very boring lessons, their grandfather saves the half of the day by leading both of them by the hand to go into his room. In there they can do whatever they want, and grandfather just watches over them with his wrinkly eyes. He coughs often and spends most of the time in bed though, so before doing anything else the both of them make sure that their grandfather's all warm and cozy and has a glass of warm water ready by his bedside table.
The old man smiles warmly at them - he smiles at the young child with silver hair, whose hands were always open for a smaller one to slip in and hold onto. He smiles at the little boy with dark hair, whose hands were always searching for a larger hand to hold on to.
Slowly he closes his tired eyes and focuses on the sound of boyish laughter, filling the four corners of the room.
By the end of winter, any trace of joy that laughter has left in the mansion, in the library, and in their grandfather's room, has promptly flown away.
The young child and the little boy huddle close to each other as they stood over clumps of snow, mittened hands tightly linked together as they stared at a headstone bearing their grandfather's name.
"Why are you here? Go away, go back, go home, and don't ever think about visiting me again!"
"Your shyness is adorable as always! But you don't need to hold back for my sake - now, give me a hug!"
Things in the mansion change a lot shortly after their grandfather had gone into a deep, deep sleep.
They're pulled away from each other like how their rooms are now on separate floors. Everyday they're seated far apart from each other on the dining table, strictly forbidden to sit beside each other. The disciples increase in number and strange people visit often, eyes set on their every move and mouths always having something to say about them both. Their parents forbade them from going out unless necessary, that order becoming something sharp and biting and absolute. But the most horrible thing of all is that they're no longer allowed to spend their days in each other's company.
No more exploring together, no more searching for four-leaf clovers together. No more sneaking into each other's rooms late at night, no more reading books together under the covers. No more creeping into the kitchen to get their favorite snacks, no more midday or afternoon teatime together. No more shopping together, no more walking around town together.
No more, no more.
No more together.
The young child tries, though. He tries his best to find a way out, to slip past the great wizard and his disciples and all those strange people and their parents' rules. He especially tries his very best at night. He tries to find the best time to slip out of his room unnoticed and run across the hallway to the stairs leading to the first floor, to go down those steps and head towards the left wing, to pass through many, many doors until he reaches that one door.
The little boy needs him. He's sure that no one in the mansion know about the nightmares the little boy has, about how lonely he can get in the middle of the night. No one knows of that one doll he likes to hold at night. He bets that no one, not even their parents, know about the lullaby too; from the words to the tune and up to how to sing it properly. He's the only one who can do it. He's the only one.
He has to keep trying. He'll handle any punishment, any lecture, any scolding, any added hours of study and practice, any confinement; he'll handle anything, if only, if only, if only -
The young child's efforts eventually pay off but sadly only at nighttime, but he figures that's a start. And so he develops a habit of sneaking out of his room come midnight just to sing to the little boy until every tear has dried, until the little boy's eyes were firmly closed shut and breathing takes on its steady rhythm.
When he turns around to leave, a small hand subconsciously reaches out to him like a lifeline; tugging at his sleeve or clinging to his fingers.
The young child takes hold of the little boy's small hand and squeezes it gently.
It feels like a lifeline, too.
"You don't need to stand there! Come on, there's an empty seat right beside me!"
"Ugh, no way. I'd rather stand for five hours straight rather than to be seen sitting beside you."
The day when the young child turned eight and the little boy was six served as the universe's way of pointedly reminding them of who and what they were; of what their own family and perhaps the whole country saw them to be.
It was certainly a birthday to be remembered.
Seated at the head of a grand table and surrounded by all the grandeur money could possibly offer to an eight-year-old, there sat no young child with tears streaming down his face but there was only Jonah Clemence, the firstborn son and heir of the Clemence family's proud crimson bloodline and the future Queen of Hearts of the Red Army.
And although it was never planned for someone to sit there in the first place, seated by the very foot of the grand table was a little boy and his name was Luka.
Ah -
- so that's what the word meant.
t w o .
"Remember that I'm always waiting to welcome you back home with open arms."
"... You don't need to do that any longer. I'm never going back."
Because Jonah Clemence realized that he was no longer a young child the same way Luka had accepted that he was no longer a little boy, the world and the society around them began to change, too.
Those women in long black skirts are simply maids, the great wizard and his disciples are the head butler and their tutors, respectively. People who claim to work out of respect and reverence to the Clemence family's name, but all those claims pale in comparison to the lovely clink of a coin.
The strange people who come in and out of the mansion and continue to do so were a toss of either their relatives or nobles of lower standing. Over time, there was no need to differenciate both, simply because there was no lesser evil between two parties that wore masks for a living and wagged tongues painted a shimmering silver.
The library is left untouched but the couch that their grandfather used to sit on has been replaced for something finer, something that doesn't smell of youthful adventure and heroic romances. It's gone and so is their grandfather's bedroom, the sanctuary where they tasted freedom once upon a time.
Lessons take broader shapes and extensions, demanding more attention and a sharper mind. The hilt and weight of a sword has made itself known to them as well, introduced to them by no one else but by the Queen of Hearts himself, their father.
What they used to call the grand forest was in truth the mansion's spacious gardens - the cobblestone pathways and the secret clearings they used to run through back and forth for days become unfamiliar when they stand at the center of it all and it's filled with tables and silverware, with guests sipping away at exquisite tea and specially made cakes laid out for their choosing.
The chill of winter has long left every hallway and it's already the middle of summer, but the mansion and everything else in it never grew any warmer.
"I don't want your help. I didn't ask for your help. Now leave me alone."
"Hush! Do you honestly think I would do something so heartless when I can see you suffering!?"
It was impossible for Luka to stand in the same limelight where Jonah Clemence stood, and that was alright.
Jonah Clemence was the heir after all, and he was to be the Queen of Hearts someday. He's young for now but once he grew up, he was going to be an upstanding noble and a honorable soldier, and everyone else would look up to him. He'd do all sorts of good deeds, go to places far away, win lots and lots of battles with his trusty sword at his side, and would do anything to protect anyone from evil.
But that was Jonah Clemence.
Everyone only saw Jonah Clemence but Luka could also see someone else - that's because before Jonah Clemence became the Jonah Clemence, he was first and foremost Luka's one and only big brother: he was brave for still sneaking into Luka's room at night, smart and quick whenever he would help Luka study without anyone knowing. He paid close attention to whatever Luka had to say, he was kind enough to guide Luka into reading the music notes for a violin piece. He was also patient and understanding to boot - he never got mad at Luka, ever.
But the best thing about Luka's big brother was that he didn't force himself to be perfect like Jonah Clemence was.
Luka's big brother allows himself to cry because he's so tired, allows himself to get frustrated and complain about all those adults and those tea party invitations. He allows himself to be sad because he hasn't been able to see Luka around much, allows himself to get angry because father had been very strict during sword practice. And even though he's older than Luka, he can also act so childish and lazy.
Sometimes Luka wished that everyone else could see his big brother in Jonah Clemence, too.
Because while Jonah Clemence was Luka's hero, Luka's big brother was the person Luka loved the most.
Being second son meant not bearing any of the responsibilities that came with being the Clemence heir and for Jonah, that was a relief.
The heir had to show the best of himself at all times, presenting no sign of weakness but only strength. He was someone no one could look down upon, someone who could command respect by people hearing the sound of his name. Emotions should never get in the way of the heir's judgement because once he lets just a shred of that in, people will start doubting his power and will take advantage of him immediately.
And that was just being heir.
Being the Queen of Hearts on the other hand was a legacy engraved in the heir's blood, a distinction of glory and the very purpose why he has been brought into the world. The Queen is the paragon of a steadfast loyalty to the King of Hearts, and the Queen is the only one worthy of being called the King's second-in-command. The Queen was second best to the King, but that didn't make him any lesser: he is incredibly strong, righteous, and if ever the King were to be led astray; the Queen would be the first one who would lead the King back into the right path.
Jonah wouldn't - couldn't, shouldn't - allow Luka to shoulder those burdens.
Every responsibility weighed too much, expected too much. And Luka - his sweet, oh-so-sweet little brother with the warmest smile in the world and a heart of shining gold - doesn't deserve to experience any of that. Those small ears don't need to hear constant criticism, flowery words with knives underneath, or stinging whispers. Those kind eyes don't need to see cold faces and fake smiles. That gentle voice shouldn't speak words that people expect to hear. That tiny body didn't need to feel itself breaking from the pain of all those slaps, kicks, fists, bruises and scars.
And that beautiful heart certainly didn't need to break and turn to stone from the pressure, from all the difficult things the heir and the future Queen of Hearts had to go through.
Being the Clemence heir and taking on the mantle of the Queen of Hearts are the very pillars of Jonah's life, but -
- being the older brother who would do anything to protect the world's most precious little brother was important to him too.
"Trust me - I would do anything to protect you."
"... Why are you always like this?"
Winter wasn't the best season for them, simply because it was the season when their grandfather died. When he passed away with that soft smile on his thin lips, whatever scraps of freedom they were able to savor went along with him as well; carefully placed in an ornate casket and buried six feet under the ground, nestled around a protective magic barrier for good measure.
And now their parents were giving them another reason to dislike winter.
In the dead of the night and under the light of the full moon, Luka lets out a valley of tears that stream down his cheeks and fall onto his silk bedsheets - the drops fall to the pace of skip counting, going one, three, eight, fifteen, twenty-three, and Jonah can't stop all that with just the long sleeves of his shirt. Luka's cries are hiccupped sobs; broken little pieces, strangled wails of sorrow, warbled watery pleas of don't go, don't go, please don't leave me here alone, please oh please, don't go.
Each sob is as soft as the winds that blow against the windows of the room, but each sound resonates loudly through Jonah's being - it echoes and deafens the ears, slips past all his defenses just to repeatedly stab at his skin and to seep onto every open pore, barges inside just to punch both his lungs and constrict the heart in a vice-grip that leaves him breathless.
It hurts. It really does.
When he's rendered useless, there's nothing much left to do but wrap his arms around his little brother with the hope that whatever strength he had left would keep them both steady.
But it doesn't.
When both their eyes have finally run dry, Jonah raises one of his calloused pinkies to link with one of Luka's own.
He solemnly promises that on his honor as Jonah Clemence, heir to the Clemence family and the future Queen of Hearts, he would write a letter every day to his one and only little brother Luka Clemence; no matter how busy or tired he would be by the end of the day. Whenever the opportunity presents itself and if he is also permitted to do so, Jonah Clemence would go back home just to visit Luka Clemence. Also, if Jonah Clemence would find anything interesting, just anything at all; he would make sure to bring it home so he could show it to Luka Clemence.
It's the first and the longest vow that Jonah has ever spoken. His throat is all tingly and his voice doesn't just come out right but Luka heard every last word, down to that last hiccup.
Luka squeezed that one calloused pinky firmly as he possibly could.
Jonah Clemence wasn't a liar.
Luka's big brother wasn't a liar.
So he would definitely keep his promise.
t  w  o .
There's this young boy surrounded by cold adults in a big mansion, but each morning
he does his best to wake and rise early to look out past the mansion's windows,
because he was going to wait for a letter to arrive.
The young boy knows he's being a bit silly because,
the letter wouldn't arrive that early!
Still, he wanted to wait.
And the young boy did wait, until the sun had fully risen up to hang in the sky -
while waiting, he went through the motions of his typical every day,
but this time, he looked out the window more often.
Someone important to him had gone away, you see -
but before that person left,
they made a promise.
Now that the young boy thought about it, that person -
he never said how exactly would he have
his letters delivered.
All the young boy knew was that after reading a letter and writing a reply,
he would secretly deliver his reply to that person,
by making use of some magic.
But perhaps thinking about how a letter would arrive in the mansion didn't matter!
That person's letter would definitely come in time,
because they made a promise.
What the young boy didn't know though, was that before that person left -
that person also made a promise with their parents,
and it was about those letters.
That person made their parents swear on their honor that the letters he would
send daily to the mansion, they would personally deliver to the rightful
recipient, who would be the young boy.
That person thought that if he would make his parents swear on their honor,
they would never dare break their word because they were
 of proud crimson blood like he was.
So the young boy waited and waited,
day turned noon then night,
but he still waited.
A day passed by, then two, then three, then four -
but the young boy didn't lose hope,
he had to be patient.
But again, what the young boy didn't know was that his crimson blood parents
thought differently of the vow the both of them made with that person.
They valued something else more than a promise on their honor.
What they valued the most was that their firstborn son would do his best at the academy,
shape himself into a fine man without anything distracting him,
be it his own brother, the young boy.
The crimson blood parents, no matter how rigid they became, kept on holding onto the thought that
what they were doing, and everything they had done in the past were all
in the best interests of the family and their two children.
But even before he passed away, the children's paternal grandfather scoffed in response to seeing such methods -
he was disappointed as he said: as parents you're simply tearing two children apart,
but the crimson blood parents still didn't change their hearts.
So what became of the young boy who kept on waiting and waiting for a letter,
of the firstborn son who was sent to do his best at the academy,
and of their crimson blood parents?
For now,
let's just say that,
over time of waiting, waiting, and much more waiting -
people eventually realize that they have grown much, much older and that
they are now at least a little bit wiser enough not to wait for letters that would never come.
t h r e e .
    "One day you're going to grow old and forget about me."
"Preposterous - how could I possibly bring myself to forget my one and only little brother?"
... And where exactly do you think you're going at this hour?
His fingers twitch, just inches away from the golden door handle. They're made of oak, these doors right in front of him, just like any other door in this mansion that presented itself as a home. Question, though: would a home have rooms, exits, or entrances that have such imposing doors, all tall and dark and heavy? Would a home constantly keep such doors closed, with handles that would never open because the lock had been secured and the key had been kept away? Would a home just have a door for show, and when you open it you suddenly realize that it actually leads to nowhere; presenting you no option of entry or exit?
He wouldn't know. Would she know? She always spoke in a clear-cut manner, voice having the melody of summer but words coated in the frost of winter: heat to the ears, chills to the heart. But surely enough summer and winter have turned into spring and fall - seasons change like how time flew like water, and that meant every person in the world weren't getting any younger.
He and her included.
He got it from her, the dark shade of his hair that resembles the night. But more than the night itself, time has dictated that her hair be turned into the night sky instead; a canvas of black spread with dashes of silver stars. He wished that he got the color of her eyes too: brown like the earth, brown like a piece of dark chocolate. Maybe if he had her eyes, he wouldn't be reminding people of someone else.
His fingers wrap around the door handle.
I asked you where you're going...!
Ah, winter had become fall - somehow that elevated pitch and sharp volume had less bite to it, now merely a bitter wind blowing at his back and unable to pierce any deeper. His skin, his lungs, and his heart were fine; no chilling over, what a relief. Was she already that old, or was it simply his desensitization that lessened the impact?
Whatever the case, he wasn't going to stay any longer just to find out.
He pulls the door open, and he's greeted by a rush of a cool night's breeze along with the light of the full moon.
He takes a few steps forward, only to close the door behind him shut. Firmly now, firmly. So that the sound would make itself known in the grand foyer, whoosh through the many steps of a carpeted staircase to reach all the way to the pretty landing; slicing through the silence like a voiceless, wordless slap to the face. Bang. Echo, echo. Did that sound like a satisfying ending to your sharply pointed ears, mother?
From that point on, Luka Clemence didn't dare to look back.
The last time he stepped into this mansion of proud marble and golden paint was in celebration of him finally taking on the name that was rightfully his. Smiles were plastered onto faces like a fine template made specifically for the occasion, the word congratulations thrown about back and forth as verbal confetti. Champagne went spinning round, resembling the skirts of the many women twirling by the ballroom floors, heels going click clack in time to the orchestra's uplifting compositions.
It was a mediocre celebration, if he would say so himself. His special guest wasn't in attendance and that made everything else less enjoyable... including the already sorry excuse of a strawberry mille-feuille.
Now, he returned for one reason, and one reason alone - he passed through the foyer, headed right, passed through a couple of rooms until he found himself standing by the entrance of the dining room. Shiny crystal chandelier, polished floors. Tasteful curtains and tapestries, carefully made carpets. A wide and stretching ornate table, chairs of finely carved mahogany with plush cushions.
Only two chairs were occupied. As he approached the table, one of the occupants turn around to the sound of his footsteps. Eyes narrow, a voice comes out unsure.
... Jonah?
Two pairs of eyes are on him now - surprise faintly wrinkles his father's brow, his mother holds a gaze that could be classified as listless. Caused by a lack of sleep, maybe?
Good morning, father, mother. Is Luka yet to wake up?
The silence that follows his question is pregnant - it's the kind that just dances around your very being, frolicking without care along your legs and atop your finely shined shoes. It giggles around constantly like a happy child until you get irritated, try to chase it, but only to miserably fail. For the love of all that's good and holy, you just want to know why it's giggling so much. Was it so hard to capture silence? Was it so hard to find the words that would stop it from frolicking around like it owned the place?
It lasts for a good two minutes before his father exhales slowly, rising from his seat.
... We'll take this discussion elsewhere.
... Your mother tried stopping him.
Something boils uncomfortably in his blood, reaching down to the very pits of his stomach as he stared at his father. It brings to mind the image of water that bubbles, rises, and threatens to spill out from its kettle prison, leaving a scalding mess its wake.
Jonah's palms land down on his father's desk, impact loud and fingernails digging at the wood.
Tried? he spits the word out with an impressive amount of venom, lips snarling at the ends, Perhaps you didn't try hard enough! You should've informed me of this matter immediately!
A growl rears its head from the back of the throat - low, booming, intimidating. Strangely enough, it's nostalgic in a most amusing manner, but -
Ah, that's right, how could Jonah forget?
Former authority figures didn't take kindly to accusations of incompetence.
Jonah Clemence, compose yourself! Is that how the Queen of Hearts should speak!?
Something in Jonah's expression twists as a crack broke his voice.
I returned here simply as an older brother happy to celebrate his little brother's graduation, not as the Queen of Hearts!
Silver mirroring silver, gold mirroring gold. Fiery tempers contesting one another, sparks flying about in the four corners of the room. Perhaps if they tried hard enough they could set the whole room alight until flames lap and lick at every surface there is to burn, breaking everything down until nothing is left but trails of ash and wisps of smoke.
And as if her figure couldn't look any more delicate than it already was, his mother appeared much smaller as she sat by the very end of the couch, a lost look in her eyes and a plain notebook resting nicely on her lap.
When she closes her eyes and lowers her head, wisps of her dark hair shield her face from the rest of the world.
It's already that very moment in time where the reds and golds disappeared from the sky, and the darkness of night enfolded everyone in its embrace.
Jonah Clemence looked up to stare at that very sky, his back facing a mansion of proud marble and golden paint. There he stands straight and tall, all alone in a secret clearing discovered by two brave explorers, once upon a time.
Carefully gripped in his right hand is an object made of cotton, pieces of it well-worn: white clothes were predominantly stained with tints of an aging yellow, two buttons of the coat about to fall loose, stitches here and there showing signs of fraying.
The only parts of it that remained presentable were the strands of dark-colored yarn on top, and a pair of golden dots for eyes.
I'll find you.
He moves his arm to clutch the doll to his chest, head still held up high.
I promise.
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styletters · 5 years ago
Happy Jonah appreciation week! ♥️♦️
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I’d say this was a quick sketch bc I didn’t have time to color him but if anyone is willing to then I’ll gladly send you the lineart HAHA
Tagging @ikerev-appreciation for coming up with this and @pianoperson bc of their never-ending love for our cling of hearts ♥️
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thewitchofbooks · 5 years ago
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Day 4
Hello~I know that i’m a bit late for the forth day (today is the fifth one.), but anyways, lolol.I hope you enjoyed watching and thank you very much for your support.I;ll also update today’s sketch, but i’ll do it later.(I have classes.)Thank you again very much!
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ikerev-appreciation · 5 years ago
Jonah Appreciation Week
We will no longer be giving any themes.
What is “Appreciation Week”?
It is a week to celebrate a specific suitor through various creative outlets!
What can I contribute?
Anything your heart desires! Write, draw, meme, edits, cosplay,etc. Any way you wish to show your love for the suitor! You can even just gush about the suitor if you wish. There are a million ways to show your love!
From Fluff to angst to smut! Anything that features our suitor of the week is acceptable! Any ships are welcome as well!
When is Jonah’s week?
February 1-7
We have also changed the tag so it is easier and shorter ^_^
Please tag your work exactly like this —–> jonah clemence week
and please @ this blog as well to make double sure that we reblog your awesome work!
Please feel free to message us if your work has not be reblogged within a day! Tumblr can be weird about tags sometimes!
We want everyone to enjoy and celebrate Jonah for the week as much as they want to!
If you have any questions, please drop us an ask or message us!
-Ruka and Berry
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4 weeks to Jonalot Week!
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utapriyanderes · 3 years ago
Heylo! It's me again! First off thank you for answering the last, I really enjoyed it. Just curious, what other Otome games do you play/ have played? I wanna play more but don't know where to start.
You’re welcome~ and I did read your tags and comment! I’m very excited to see what you do with them! Also, I’m going to go a bit on a rant here, but everyone has their own taste is otome games when it comes down to story and theme overall, so just play what interests you that I say here or if you find anything else!
Otherwise, let’s get to it~!
The games that I think would be fitting to start would be the mobile section of otome games. These otome games were also the ones that got me into otome games, but since there are free ones it’s nice to start with without having to spend money so you know what you like or what you’re interested in.
One of the best mobile otome companies (in my opinion) is Cybird. Cybird does the games:
-Midnight Cinderella
-Ikemen Sengoku
-Ikemen Revolution
-Ikemen Vampire
& -Destined to Love
Though they also were the ones to English localize the game A3!
Note though that they do have a ticket system where you get five free tickets a day and can read only five tickets worth unless you pay for more (though you can also get tickets for free either as gifts or end of route rewards. (Also as event rewards, I think?)
Though currently I’m playing Ikemen Revolution and Ikemen Vampire, which I both enjoy but I do enjoy IkeRev a little better since it is “Alice in Wonderland” themed. Also my first otome was Midnight Cinderella which I don’t play anymore but highly recommended if you're into fairytale-esc things since it is also really good.
Other mobile otome games that I think are really good that are free is “Court of Darkness” by Voltage inc as well as their “Liar! Uncover the Truth” (though Liar is a bit different compared to the others, but it’s still pretty enjoyable.)
I actually don’t play many mobile otome games anymore since a lot of them are “freemium” now. Though these are some worthy mentions (that aren’t freemium):
-Once Upon a Fairy Love Tale (kinda hard to get the ending you want though, unless that’s just me.)
-Sleepless Cinderella: PARTY (Voltage has a few more free games which all have “PARTY” at the end of it.)
-NTT Solmare games (Specifically, “Blood in Roses” but also their stand alone ones too. (Their app Story Jar is their freemium app (also if not all of it is freemium please tell, though I’m sure it is), which I’m not particularly fond of.)
-Mystic Messenger (The story is really good and it is also made by the same people who did Nameless and Dandelion.)
Though the list might be small but a lot of the old otome games I would play have either gone into group apps like Story Jar and turned into freemium or their company just kinda went out of production shutting down the apps. Like NTT Solmare’s old otome games that were free were highly enjoyable but now a majority of them just shut down and went into Story Jar which saddens me since a lot of those otomes were with my first.
There are also free PC otome games on Steam like “Seduce Me” and “Cinderella Phenomenon” which “Seduce Me” is really good and I have yet to play the other. Though if you look on steam you can find a few free otome games.
Though the otome games I really like are the paid ones on Steam. I have mentioned “Nameless ~The One Thing You Must Recall~” ($30) which is a great game personally and I also really like “Amnesia: Memories” ($10), “Dandelion -Wishes Brought To You-” ($30) (By the same people as Nameless, also their first otome game), and “OZMAFIA!!” ($35). There are other paid otome games on steam, but these ones are my favorite.
Anyways, this is actually quite a long post already and sorry for ranting(?) about everything so much and I hope this was helpful? If I said too much and made it confusing then just ask about the confusing parts and I’ll make it clearer. Also if you have a PS Vita and/or a Switch then I can recommend you otome games for those too!
To be honest though I’m also kinda out of the loop with otome? I don’t really buy new releases anymore (though I want to and am going to start again since I’m getting back into them and I love playing them, which is why I’m getting back into Nameless and I hope to play more in the future and get new games that came out that I haven’t got.)
Yet also the reason as to why is because of how deeply into Utapri I am, haha. So I kinda just stopped wanting to play otome since I wanted to focus on Utapri, but now I’m going to be doing both. (Hopefully, my moods always change.)
Either way! I hope this was helpful and not confusing and honestly otomes are so much fun and some tell really good stories so I hope you at least find one you really like and are into! I’m also going back into the otome game and I don’t have all this knowledge for nothing, so I’m happy it was put to good use!
Thank you, and I wish you (and anyone else) good luck in your romance journeys~!
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shannie-writes · 6 years ago
Sunsets (Jonah/Lancelot) [Desert Caravan AU]
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Oh hey it’s the best ship ever @kashimalin! I really hope you enjoy this one. Also tagging @jonalotweek since it's that time too!
A simple description of this AU: Black Army is a caravan in the desert, Red Army are in the main city in the middle of the desert. Lancelot is the king in this city. Jonah is a dancer. Let’s gooooo
This is for the sensory prompt list.
18. Red wine stained lips
Dusk was always Lancelot’s favorite time of the day. The sun turned the sky gold and crimson and the sands outside the city reflected its final burning light. Everything was hot and dry and nothing pleased him more than taking that time to sit back in his private chambers and admire his dancer in the setting sun.
Jonah was a beautiful man, no one could deny that. When he danced with the others in the main hall, silks and skin moving effortlessly to the notes of the setar, the bells on his ankles tinkling perfectly in sync, he was at his most alluring. It was to the surprise of nobody that the king had taken an interest in him the first time he saw him dance.
What had been a surprise to Lancelot was the effort it had taken to seduce Jonah as easily as he had him. Jonah was the only thought on his mind for weeks on end. Gifts of fruit and drink had no effect. He had similar gifts from others who were aiming for the same thing, what was more of them to add to the pile? A touch here, a whisper there, but nothing seemed to put him in the good graces of the dancer. And he would never force him to interact with him by using his position, as much as he was tempted to make the demand for attention.
Lancelot still wasn’t sure how he had managed to eventually snare him, even now when they shared his bed every night. Maybe it was the night he caught Jonah dancing by himself in the moonlight, getting caught but being asked to stay and watch instead of leave, if he so pleased. Maybe it was the day he had approached Jonah without his fanfare and cloaks and asked him to teach him to dance. Regardless the reason, his days and nights were brighter than ever, now that he had his own personal sun to carry him through.
He watched Jonah now as he practiced his movements for the performance he and the other dancers would give the next day, using the bells on his ankles to time his movements. The sunset lit his hair around his head like an angelic halo, paling and coloring  it to a gold that very nearly matched his eyes. Lancelot found himself caught in them and the purse of Jonah’s lips as he concentrated.
“Jonah,” Lancelot said, voice carrying over the empty space between them from his seat. Jonah paused and kept his position, arms up, turning his head to meet his gaze. “It would please me to have you with me for a minute.”
Jonah seemed to sigh, his shoulders sinking a bit, but immediately came over to him. His steps were graceful and his control perfect, the bells at his ankles making no noise as he walked. Standing in front of Lancelot, he looked down at him, his pout weakened with the light blush that rose to his cheeks. “Yes, my king?”
Lancelot didn’t answer in words, but in action. Lifting a hand, he cupped a hand to Jonah’s neck, hands gentle as he slid them down Jonah’s skin, wrapping his fingers around his side but keeping his thumb on his chest, slowly tracing each muscle and rib under his touch until he reached the sash around Jonah’s waist. Lifting his eyes again, he was happy to see Jonah’s lips part and eyelids lower in anticipation. Keeping his hand on Jonah’s hip, he used his other hand to reach for his wine glass, keeping eye contact with Jonah as he rose to his feet. Taking a sip of the wine, he lowered his head, pressing his mouth to Jonah’s, urging him to open with a hum.
With a much happier sigh, Jonah followed the silent instruction, his eyes closing in pleasure as Lancelot slid his tongue along his, passing the wine to him, unable to care when some escaped to drip from the corner of his mouth, running down his neck. Breaking off from the kiss, Lancelot kept his eyes on his lover as he took another sip of wine, repeating the process anew.
His kisses were deep and wanting and brought out a need in Jonah that Lancelot knew only he could satisfy. By the time the glass was empty, Jonah was trembling against him, wilted and panting for breath even as his eyes were shining brightly, begging for the promise of what would come next. His lips were red, both from the wine and their shared passion.
Lancelot set the glass down on the table and leaned over to lap at the wine that had spilled down Jonah’s neck, making a path up to his ear.
“Join me in my bed tonight?” he whispered, voice filled with promises, hands clutching at Jonah’s hips to hold him close.
“Yes,” Jonah replied just as softly, his voice very nearly breaking under Lancelot’s touch as his tongue traced back down and he lovingly nipped at his shoulder.
And with that quiet acquiescence, he led Jonah back to his bed, covered in silks and furs. The bells shook and sounded the coming of their next ardent tempo as the sun set beyond the horizon.
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myotomespace · 6 years ago
Ikerev Uni AU! inspired snippets:
WELL HEWWO AGAIN!! I certainly did NOT think i’ll be posting these here anytime soon but...yeah :) someone pls kill me...
Anyway, these are some little shitty ideas inspired by @emeraldtawny‘s University AU (which i love so very much zfnqllksf)
Characters : Sirius, Jonah, Luka, Fenrir, Kyle and Edgar.
note?: Fenrir’s and Kyle’s are basically me roasting them (probably?? i don’t do writing so maybe not...still got Tawny’s seal of approval for Kyle tho :3 yay!). Also i tried making Edgar’s as spicy as i could (which is probably not...*shrug*)
You made your way towards the greenhouse hoping you find the one you’re looking for there. You needed a few plants for your research assignment and he was the only one who came to your mind when you thought about asking for help. Stepping inside, you were first greeted with the scent of nature. It never fails to make you stop for a moment and just breathe it in.
Hearing the faint sound of water, you return to your sense and glance around. There he is. Just like you thought. Sirius was watering the plants at the back. You walk slowly toward him, taking the time to observe him. He always looked calm and relaxed here, like he left all his problems behind and is simply a man enjoying the beauty of nature.
I love it when you’re like this. And you can’t stop staring…
But before your thoughts could get any more tainted, you call out to him.
“Hey there, little one.” Ugh, don’t call me that...You have no idea how it makes me feel...
“Could you perhaps help me getting samples of plants i need. You spend more time here than me so it’d be quicker.”
“Of course. What do you need?” While he puts the watering can down, you dig through your pocket “Here. I have a list.” You hand him the piece of paper, your hands brushing slightly and bringing a blush to your cheeks. You froze. Natural reaction. You love him after all.
“Hmm, most of those are over there. Come with me.” You don’t know if he noticed your reaction or not, but, you were grateful he didn’t ask.
You two spend a fair amount of time moving around and gathering plants. You were most certainly not focused on that though…Being close to him for extended periods made your mind drift to thoughts about him. His scent, his posture, his hands...GOD his hands...You love the feel of his hand in your hair. It’s soothing.
You shift slightly to take a closer look at the plant’s leafs, your shoulders brush together. At this almost non-existent distance, you become really aware of his presence, it starts driving you mad with all the things you’re thinking of.
I want you...so much...I wonder if i’ll manage to taste you later, after this. You’re a patient man, but i know how you look when you let go. It’s not the first time anyway...
You've been stressing over this part you have to perform for the last week. Your friends tell you that you're doing fine, that you practiced well, yet it didn't ease your mind. 
And here you are now, in the class, murmuring your lines in the script -when you should be paying attention to the lecture- completely unaware of the glare your haughty classmate has been giving you for the past 30 minutes.
Just as you reach the part you are the least confident in, Jonah coughs loudly, unnecessarily so, and points his perfectly manicured finger at you, “Would you keep quiet, and pay attention. You're distracting us!“
Really? Look at him. The teacher's pet. And definitely the student you are least compatible with in situations like these. How is he your boyfriend, you'll never know.
I'm here stressing myself out and all the support you could think to give me is a lecture about attention during a lecture…“You think i give a damn about it? I have a performance tomorrow. If the teacher himself is not stopping me, than i don't care.“ you huff. He's frustrating, sometimes.
The rest of the day passes peacefully…probably not a good sign. With your courses over, you gather your stuff quickly, trying to flee the classroom before your intuition proves right, but…“Where do you think you're going?“ darn it, not fast enough.
“Home?“ you answer warily. Please, Jonah. I'm just anxious, don't make it worse.
“You're going nowhere…not till i apologize.“
“Huh?!“ Ok, this was not what you were expecting. Jonah puts his studies before anything else usually. Even if you ARE his girlfriend, this is your fault anyway and you know it. He was right.
So why is he apologizing.
“I'm your boyfriend, i should have known how you're feeling and helped you, but i didn't.“ Oh. It was bothering him.
The look in his eyes held so much worry and frustration. I'm sorry too, Jonah. You get closer to him, bringing your hands up to hold his cheeks, and just as he starts muttering your name, you kiss him, drinking the rest of the sound. Not enough… i want more. More of you.
Perhaps a deeper apology is needed.
“Is this good, Luka?“ you ask, placing it on your palm, you show him the small delicate sugar flower you were working on. He nods
The assignment you were given was about making a chocolate cake in pairs. Since you were about the only one Luka spent most of his time with in the class lately, you two got paired.
It was fun for the both of you. The most fun you ever had in the kitchen. Simply working, spending your time together, quietly, was enough to fill you with warmth and happiness. You can't fully explain why you feel so at ease with him yet, but you like it. And you hope he feels the same.
Shifting your concentration back to your task, you start working on the next flower, shaping it carefully, making sure it looks decent enough to be worthy as a decoration to one of Luka's delicious cakes.
He kept watching you…observing your expression. How it changes when you work on a detail, how you smile to yourself faintly when you do it right.
How your tongue sticks out slightly when you concentrate on the delicate shape…
His cheeks gain color, red and bright. What is this feeling? He feels like he's been acting strange lately...Ever since he started spending time with you.
He gets easily distracted with, simply, your presence, yet he can't focus on his work when your not there, next to him. It's like he can't bear staying without seeing you anymore, sitting there, beside him, sharing with him what was supposed to be his private, comfort bubble.
What is this feeling?
His burning cheeks heat even more, and he tears his gaze away from you, back to the cake in front of him, hoping his racing heart would calm soon.
“Luka? Is something wrong?“ your voice brings him back to reality. Apparently he's been staring at the cake for a good while.
You put the nearly finished sugary decoration on the tray, and step near him, worried.
His heart starts racing again, its beat so fast he can heart it, blush covering his cheeks and working its way up to his ears.
You're too close, and i feel this weird heat again. What is this?
He can't put a name on it yet. But it makes him happier than he's ever been.
“Fenrir...wake up!” you shake the sleeping idiot, but still no signs of him waking up.
“WAKE UP FENRIR,DAMMIT!” fed up, you smack his head with the book you were holding. He yelps, jumping from his seat. “Yo, What was that for?”
“The class is over. You slept the whole time.” him saying ‘Oh cool!’ Made you want to smack him again, but instead, you just sighed exasperatedly.
“Are we eating lunch or not? We don’t have much time left, come on.”
Walking together to your favorite place, you talk about all sorts of things. Fenrir mentions a party that he wants to take you to tomorrow. He was at a party YESTERDAY, and he's already going to another one?
The timing is not the best though when you think about it.
“Hey, Fenrir… have you finished the assignment due tomorrow?“
“Wait, we have one?! since when?!“ you felt about ready to slam your head on a table, and you thank the gods that there is none here.
“It was given last week!“
“Well, no sweatin’, ain't like i'll fail cause of it.“
“This one is important, and it'll definitely matter in that ‘fail or pass’ scenario.“
His studying habits constantly make you wonder how in the hells is he able to get decent grades. He sleeps in class, ALWAYS at a party somewhere, and plays around too much.
You remember the time you watched him train. how he looked so hot, it turned you on. How his playful teasing, made you want to let go and lose yourself in him more, want to--
You shake your head furiously hoping the blush coloring your cheeks would magically disappear.
“What are you going to do now? The tasks for those assignment do require a week to be done. And you only have a few hours.“ If you say you won't do them, i'll throw you down.
“Nah, i'll manage. I've always said that diamo--“
You cut him to finish his catch phrase for him, sighing all the while, “Diamonds are made under pressure. That's why you leave things to the last minute. I know…“ you give up… there is no way you can keep up with his method of sliding through trouble like nothing.
“Great! Now, are you going to the party with me?“ Fenrir gets closer to you, eyes shining with amusement and excitement, a look that suits him really well. But, when it's this close to your face, just a few inches apart, it does things to you. The only words you could find to describe him are ’Hot Damn!’.
And you can never resist your boyfriend being right here, next to you. You can't resist your need to feel him, kiss him,and…
You close that final distance between you two, your mouth moving to kiss his gorgeous lips, wanting to taste him, and drown in the feel of him. And it is your answer…All the answer he needs.
“Kyle? Are you still alive?” You call before slowly opening the door and letting yourself in. Whoa...Is this really the right place?
Kyle’s room was absolutely drowning in haphazardly placed books and paper. There was barely space to properly walk. Moving carefully, you make your way toward the source of this mess. Your helpless boyfriend. More like son…
He's sitting on his desk, focused on his books, unaware of your presence. You raise your hand and grip his ear, yanking it. He yelps, finally noticing you. “Hey!“
His smile irritates you even more. “Don't ‘Hey!’ me. What's with your room, i just arranged it last week!“
“I'm just studying, i guess it happened.“ he admits sheepishly.
What the hell?
You look around the room again. The bed was the only organized place. It's like a hurricane passed by. Really, Kyle…How are you still alive?
Shifting your gaze back to him for another lecture, you see the clear bags under his eyes. He seems pale too.
“When was the last time you got out of here?“ you ask, worried for his health.
“This morning, i think?“ Huh, it's night now!
“You THINK?“ you stare at him. Should you ask more? What if it's worse?...
“Last time you ate?“
“3 days ago, when you gave me that salad.“
“Last time you slept?“
“I don't have time for sleep.“
……dear lord
You just stand there, still trying to process this disaster of a man, mouth opening and closing, yet no words coming out. I have so much i want to say i don't even know from where to start!
“Hey, are you okay?“ he puts his hand on your forehead, as if checking your temperature.
Okay? Me? Are you kidding me? Are YOU okay? How come a Health science student is THIS bad at caring for his own health? ARE YOU REALLY ALIVE?
This…this is hopeless. He is hopeless.
“You're coming with me.“ you grab his hand, dragging him.
“Careful! Those are important documents you're stepping on.“
“You think i give a damn? Just follow me.“
You force him to go with you to the small kitchen and make him sit down on the chair “Stay there. Don't move.“ you warn him, turning around and disappearing to cook some food for him.
Not long after you started, you feel arms wrapping around your waist. You sigh exasperatedly, “Didn't i tell you to stay there?“
“Mhm, i'd rather stay here if i'm not gonna do anything.“ you blush, shivering slightly as you feel his breath against the skin of your neck.
This disaster of a man…What will he do without you…What am i ever gonna do without you.
Smiling sheepishly, you continue cooking, so he could eat and then sleep for a while.
You agreed to help him review his psychology course, and in turn you get to learn new things.
You should have known it would lead into this kind of situation…
Edgar had you sitting on his lap, facing him, with the excuse that he would be able to see your expressions better this up close.
His hands were all over you, curious and studious, teasing and unrelenting, turning you on to the point of madness, the pleasure they provided you too much and not enough at the same time.
You were addicted to his teasing… to him.
He broke the kiss, lips still touching yours. You whined. You want more of him. You want to get lost in him. You want...
“Hmm…That's an interesting expression. You look unsatisfied, like this is not enough. Are you that turned on already?“ he whispered, voice way too collected for your liking, when you’re breathless and head swimming with all sorts of indecent thoughts.
You turned your gaze away from him, his analytic eyes making you want to escape from them, before he catches on what you were thinking, “I'm n-not.“
“Now, now, don't lie to me. Your eyes went down to the right and you hesitated in your speech. Clear signs of lying. And I know you well enough to tell that even without resorting to psychology.“ you wish you were not this far gone already, because you would certainly like slapping that know-it-all smirk off his gorgeous, beautiful lips.
What were they doing not kissing you...not tasting you… not making you lose yourself in more of him…
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awesomeanimelover39 · 3 years ago
Hello there!!! may i ask a request on ike rev boys meeting alice parents and askin her hands for marriage? If its ok? Uhmm thanks!!! And take care always
Hi! Of course! I wasn't sure who you wanted specifically so I just did the Red Army for now and I will do the Black Army later.
(I had to put Edgar, Kyle and Zero under the cut)
Request by: @lazypotato13
Red Army asking Alice's Parents for their Blessing in Marriage
Lancelot Kingsley:
This is the first time he's ever been nervous to meet new people
Looking at himself in the mirror and practicing what he wants to say to your parents might be making it worse...
But he refuses to put this off and on the day of meeting your parents he feels much less nervous
Your parents liked him instantly
At dinner, he spoke casually with them and by the end of it, he hoped they wouldn't see him as any man to be untrustworthy
At some point you left the room and he knew this was his moment
He forced himself to clear his throat several times and also to look both parents in the eye equally
His speech to them felt lengthy but everything he said was true, he loved and cherished you, and wanted to do so until he died
He vowed he would make sure you were happy and that he would never let anyone hurt you
He also put in that you are what melts his heart, and that he thought your parents had made you into a lovely person
Both your parents had tears in their eyes when they shook his hand in agreement His dream was a reality, and your parents accepted him
Now all he had to do was propose to you
How hard could that be...
Jonah Clemence:
He actually is starting to think he isn't good enough
Him. The Jonah Clemence
He practices in private weeks before the occasion
You assumed he was just nervous to meet your parents
You didn't know he was going to ask them for their blessing in marriage
He wonders if him looking this good will make them trust him less
Upon meeting them, he could tell they were shocked to see you with a man holding your hand
For the first time, you were the one doing all of the boasting about someone you love
He sat there quietly
He was starting to remind you of Luka a lot more now
Eventually, you started giving him cues like a parent would their child
But when you left the room things got... awkward
He really had to find his voice, he just wanted your parents to like him really badly
When he asked for their blessing, it came out a little wobbly at first
But, it turned into normal Jonah, filling his speech with praise about who you are and what he feels for you
He tells them you bring a kind of joy to his life he hadn't felt in forever
Your parents can't believe his confidence just went from 0 - 100 in 5 seconds
That's Jonah for you
But they do agree since not only have they heard wonderful things from you, but he seems to sincerely love you with his entire being
Edgar Bright:
This shouldn't be hard
The only thing he's really been working on is having a genuine smile
he worries that your parents might find him suspicious
Which he is I mean bruh, only people who have just done something REALLY bad have to practice their smile
But other than that, he feels confident
He even took off his gloves when he shook their hands
Even they flinched at how cold they were, but they were a little warmer than when you had first met Edgar
He tried his very best to give the kindest smile he could but even so, your parents were a tiny bit afraid
But after 15 minutes of talking to him they had completely let down their guards
You left the room right when your parents and Edgar had started talking about the future
This was no coincidence
He had prepared a small speech for your parents consisting of his gratitude for your love
Your parents almost felt intimidated with him looking them in the eyes
But they knew how well you two fit with each other
Edgar really hopes that you will accept his proposal once it is ready
Kyle Ash:
Honestly, he isn't too afraid
He's sure the love he feels for you shows in everything he does
He made sure he was in good condition when he meets your parents
They aren't sure of him at first, but they can tell how much you care for him and how hard he's trying so they give him a chance
By the end of it they can see why you love him
He tells stories and every one is hilarious
His social skills were better than your parents originally thought
Once you left the room he searched through his head for the perfect thing to say
It came out sounding sort of choppy, but it didn't make it sound any less thoughtful
After they give him their blessing, he knows he is free to let loose in front of them now
By the time you came back, both your parents and your boyfriend were back to laughing loudly
Kyle had brought a bottle of champagne and it was already empty
But you were glad
This way your parents would get to see the fun side of him just like you do
Your parents?
This stresses him out to new extents
He wants to make a great impression badly enough he runs his ideas by Edgar
It helped him practice sounding more and more confident
He was honestly surprised Edgar cooperated
Once he met your parents, his anxiety rose
There was sweat on the back of his neck the whole time
When you left the room, everyone was silent for a long time
But he built up his strength and put words together
He spoke so high of you, your parents were surprised they hadn't met him sooner
He only stuttered a few times, but he could tell there was sweat running down his face the entire time
When your parents shook his hand, he found himself smiling wider then he ever had in front of others
You came back just as they all sat down
Zero was still smiling and just the sight of it made you smile too
He couldn't wait to propose to you now
I am so sorry that was so long. I just couldn't help it.
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qshara · 3 years ago
IkeRev boys if you suddenly transform into a cat
To be fair, part of the blame was on Fenrir. You two were playing at Oliver's house and you touched one of his new experiments.
After feeling a glow on you, Fenrir almost fainted when he saw that instead of his companion he had a small, furry and adorable feline in her place.
Oliver, clearly annoyed, explains to you that the effect should pass on its own, but that he was not sure how long it would last.
Ray Blackwell
Oh dear ... are you sure you want to spend the day with him?
Fenrir immediately went to warn his partner, who was already dressing his kitten pijana to go to sleep when he felt the desperate knock on his door. He was too tired to deal with this
"If it's not a life or death situation don't bother me"
The meow was enough so that in the blink of an eye he was in front of the door in his uniform and fully awake
"Did someone say meow?"
Yes, this man will talk to you like you are a baby 90% of the day. "Who is the cutest kitten? You! You are!"
He will pamper you, give you food, play with you; he will not take his eyes off you, and will even lead you to training
"Ray, I understand that it's MC, but you can't have her on the table while we're eating"
"MC. I told you you can't have her ov-"
"Who asked you?"
Ray, if you appreciate your life run as fast as possible from Sirius's wrath
He looks like a little boy with his new pet. His eyes shine every time you purr
He loves having you close and patting your head while doing paperwork
He wanted you to make new friends, so he brought all of his cats to his office. Sirius' face of horror was the best part
Luka Clemence
This could go very well, or very bad
Fenrir looked like a fish out of water as he searched for what to do with you
Ray wasn't an option, unless you wanted him on the moon for the duration of the effect. Seth wouldn't accept having lint on his prized clothes. Sirius? Yeah... he didn't want a lecture and he appreciates his life quite a bit
"Why do I have to take care of her? Not that it bothers me... but this was basically your fault"
"I'll buy you a new recipe book"
"Do you think you will buy me with that?"
"I'll make sure Jonah can't contact you for a week"
Luka is a good caretaker. He caresses you, pets you, gives you food...
Sometimes gives you a few pieces of meat when he is preparing dinner
During the nights he pets you while he writes in his diary
Or when he's training, he lets you rest in his jacket on a bench
Everything will be fine... or at least until it occurs to you to look at Stone's cage
"No, MC! Stone doesn't want to play scratch!"
"Stone, wait! MC won't do anything to you! Don't get out of your cage!"
His cry of despair can be heard as he runs through the hallways with his hamster hidden in his scarf
Poor boy
Lancelot Kingsley
Fenrir could feel the gaze of knives being stabbed at him as he went to return you to the Red Army. They were clearly not happy about the little incident
The poor man left the office trembling, followed by all the army officers except the king
He was frozen
His expression remained serious as he looked at you on his desk
He reached a hand towards your tail and as soon as he touched it, his eyes immediately lit up
Ooohhh, dear
Here they treat you as if you were an Egyptian goddess. You have an ultra soft bed, food prepared by the best chefs
Do you want to eat a whole fish? Just meow and they bring it to you. You want them to pet you? Raise your paw
Lancelot makes sure to give you the best luxuries, in exchange for letting him pet your soft fur
Most of the time you sleep on his cape
Sometimes you can see Lancelot walking through the corridors, dragging his cape because you didn't want to get up
"I'd also like to talk about buying new swo-"
"Hush, Jonah"
"She is so cute..."
"King Lancelot, are you crying?!"
Jonah Clemence
Oooohh, this is definitely going to go wrong
"Jonah, take care of this situation"
"Yes, King Lancelot"
After Fenrir had to explain the little problem, it was decided that the best option would be for you to stay with the Queen of Hearts
But there is a leeeeeeetle problem
When you got to his room, he started petting you. All good, until...
Apparently there was a reason why Jonah never had cats in his childhood
Okay. It's somewhat difficult to sleep if you hear his sneeze every 2 minutes
But at least the Heart Defenders give you good food and pet you every day
Although he is red-nosed, he insists that he must be with you at all times, on the orders of King Lancelot
Lancelot is more than willing to ask someone else for the favor, but Edgar blackmailed him with gummies into not doing it
With Pine you get along surprisingly well
You are usually found sleeping with her curled up on your tail
Or at least until you hear Jonah squeal thinking you're going to eat her
"Jonah, I need you to fill out these pape- what are you doing?"
"MC decided that the best place to sleep is my lap and now I can't move"
"Are you...crying?"
"It's the allergy"
"Bro, are u ok?"
"Please call Kyle ... I can't feel my legs anymore"
Part 2??
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pianostarinwonderland · 2 years ago
if youre still doing the chara bingo what ab jade?? :O
[From here!]
Ah yes… 🧍Jade, my ex lover
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Jade’s in my top 3 right now, behind Azul and Riddle. But back then, he used to be my bias. 😭 It started because of a fanart that made Jade look hot (and by hot, I mean he looked like Jonah Clemence, my previous love), and that was when I spiraled down. Funnily enough, a week after, chapter 3 concluded and I caught feelings for Azul. 🤡 But that’s another story.
Anyway, though I may not like Jade as passionately now, Jade can make my heart skip a beat. Sometimes, it’s really good fanart or MMDs. Other times, there’s a cute piece of information in the game about Jade. Currently, there’s this utauloid maker on Twitter mkbt_jnrk whose Jade utaus are so good??? 😭😭😭 I find myself going back to my Jade stan era listening to some of their Jade stuff. I’ll definitely talk about them in another post because man am I mentally ill about their works 🧍
Interestingly, a small discourse on Jade's character came up today when this post was in the drafts. Some people saw others interpreting Jade in the "uwu" light and made their arguments as to why Jade is manipulative and sadistic and generally just not a good person. It's not the first time this sort of thing happens in the fandom. In fact, being an Octavinelle stan and being surrounded by fellow Octavinelle stans also exposes me to seeing more of this discourse regarding "the uwu-ification of Octavinelle in the fandom". Usually, I chime in agreement to anyone telling me their opinions about Jade because I see they all have their points but also, I'd rather keep the conversation analytical than argumentative. But if I'm going to be truthful, my opinion of Jade is that he... can be both.
Jade is a beautiful character for many reasons. He's composed and collected, a contrast to his wilder and more spontaneous twin. He can help you, he can do the cooking and the cleaning, he's polite in his speech. But he's also notoriously more dangerous than Floyd. You don't know if he's being completely truthful or if he's spouting out ambiguous statements, you may not realize you're being used by him, or you may know you're being used by him but you don't know how you're being used by him. Jade's SSR dorm story illustrates this. Rook and Vil are two characters who are incredibly sharp about those kinds of people, and in the story, they knew he had intentions for being in Pomefiore, but they didn't know what they were, even after he returns to Octavinelle. Jade is cunning, and he's darn good at it. He knows how to control a situation. And by the Great Seven, I'd be absolutely terrified of him if he was real because I don't want to be played like that 💀
But at the same time, Jade shouldn't also be defined by his manipulative side and sadism. Here's where I'd talk about his love of mushrooms and outdoors and terrariums! ...if I didn't remember that he loves terrariums because he can be in control of who lives or dies.
Ok, but I want to mention how Jade is also not That brilliant of a guy as well 😂 I often find people making Jade out to be some god for his terrarium hobby and his whole scheming and manipulating. But this is the same guy who gets roped into eating Lilia's cooking by the ghost chefs in Lilia's Masterchef story because Jade kept encouraging Lilia to do his shit. And Jade was like, "Haha oh shit" by the end of the story. 😂 Also in his own Masterchef card lines, Jade deadass numbed his own tongue 😅 He's a funny teenager too, he's got his own moments where he's bad at math
Most importantly, I want to talk about how Jade values the people he's close to. In Floyd's dorm story, after Floyd told him of his adventures of acquiring the rights to the mystery drink, Jade goes, "I'm glad I chose you". He may be expressing that due to Floyd's genius, but it could also be because he's just happy to have Floyd in his life. Before Azul overblotted, he was talking him out of stealing powers so he won't head into overblot. After saving him from overblot, Jade's first instinct is to make sure Azul is okay, even expressing that he's glad that Azul is okay. I think those already speak of how much Jade cares, especially compared to Floyd where he called him lame 😂 And you know his famous betrayal line, how he would torment the person who betrayed them with his words before tying them up and tossing them into the sea. It shows his more mean side, that's true, but I also love to see it as a line that implies that he values loyalty. Once you're in his trusted circle, Jade will want to keep you in his life because he's grown to care about you and to trust you. Maybe he can actually be your nice butler man who'd still be a little shit to you. And if you break that trust after all he's done for you, well fucker, time to say hello to the deep deep bottom of the ocean
So yeah, feel free to see Jade as a nice patient butler type of guy who can do No wrong or a manipulative sadistic bitch. But for me, Jade is a yummy balance of both sides and more. 😋
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thewitchofbooks · 5 years ago
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Day 5
Hello everyone!I’m sorry for missing all these days, but my phone was destroyed and now it’s fine, haha.This is for the fifth day of Jonah’s week. (It doesn’t look very good, but i tried my best, lolol!).Thank you for watching and supporting me!
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