#jonathan ogden
awideplace · 1 year
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testimonyz · 2 years
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Loving it so far!!!
SUCH a worshippper! 🥹🫶🏽
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kep1er-net · 1 year
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mashiro update ☆ bubble message: "music recommendation..? i feel like listening to this on a rainy day 🤍 r n b…? i listen to ella mai these days kelani…so good…🥹 so great 🥹🤍 need to listen 🥹🥹" (translation credits)
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brpotterbot · 2 years
Most played albums in February.
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lyrics724 · 2 years
I lift my eyes up I look to the one my help comes from The maker of heaven The one shining brighter than the sun Yeah, He’s on the throne And one day we’ll see the Kingdom come So, now and forever I’m gonna lift my thankful And I’ll sing Oh You are the one who holds my soul You are the one who holds it all Perfectly in control You’re holding my heart And You’ll never let go To You my heart is…
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deonideatta · 1 year
🎶✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish, then send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Thanks for the ask haha, here's 5 songs I've had on repeat recently!!
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9-13-2024 | Bible App Their Verse of the a Day | Psalms 27:14
‘Wait patiently for the Lord; be strong and courageous. Wait patiently for the Lord!’ Psalms 27:14
#Bible - Verse of the Day | John 20:29
‘Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”’ John 20:29
Bible App | Psalms 35:23
‘Awake and rise to my defense, to my cause, my God and my Lord!’ ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭35‬:‭23‬
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thebirdandhersong · 9 months
blessings count!
ran into two university friends I hadn't expected to see in my book history class!
ran into a friend from church unexpectedly!
ran into an acquaintance I got to chat with
ran into a dear friend I'd been hoping to talk to at some point at the bookstore and got to catch up with him!
ran into my elusive dorm mate whom I haven't seen since last week and got to catch up with him, too
SUN. BLUE SKY. WARM WEATHER. (alas the Arctic front thing means it won't be so tomorrow but it was lovely today!!)
good music :) spent all of today listening to Porter's Gate, Skye Peterson, Jess Ray, Jon Guerra, Jonathan Ogden, Sarah Sparks...
got to pray with a couple of girls at my dorm!
finally bought cough drops that do something other than taste alright (cough is still here but I suspect it'll take a while for it to disappear.... sigh)
I went to buy myself a nice lip oil at the store as a Treat (also I only recently figured out what lip colours work with my skin tone lol) and I LOVE IT Y'ALL it was an EXCELLENT choice !!! :D
rice rolls for lunch today! they were SO good
received about 5 hugs, which was such a blessing
incredible intellectually stimulating lectures in class today..... a great deal of fun was had
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blind-seeing · 4 months
I don't really post baby which stuff anymore even though I'm getting recommended the tag for some reason like I haven't been practicing a decade but, for the younglings! One of the first things I think you should do is keep a dream journal and start practicing lucid dreaming techniques once you're able to recall them
And there are very few witchcraft books I would recommend. I always go for stuff from a historical / academic perspective, with rare exception
Read about folklore, plants, biology, psychology
I do recommend braiding sweetgrass, a deed without a name, and Tangled life, the secret life of trees, letters from the devil's Forest, azoetia, Shinto dash the way home, women who run with the wolves, Greek and Roman necromancy by Peter Ogden, and there are a couple fictional sources that I think of really good concepts as well
Hilda - the comics and the show, Jonathan strange and Mr norrell, fairyland series and deathless by Catherynne valente...
Start a garden, go on walks, find a method of divination that works for you. It does not have to be tarot and in fact I think that's highly overrated and I'm much prefer oracle cards
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typewriters-things · 7 days
Uma pausa do estudo (semana de provas), tomei uma xícara de café com leite e depois resolvi ir fazer o jantar. Como sempre a música é minha companheira de atividades. Numa playlist que tem de tudo começou a tocar uma canção antiga. “Tocou-me, de paz encheu meu coração. Quando o Senhor Jesus me tocou, livrou-me da escuridão”.
Nas ultimas semanas tenho me concentrado na leitura dos evangelhos. Essa semana iniciei um plano para leitura do novo testamento e lá estou eu em Mateus novamente. Então o andar de Jesus na terra tem permeado os meus pensamentos. E enquanto estava entre fatiar uma cebola e lavar a louça, ouvia essa canção e pensava nos toques de Jesus nas pessoas que Ele encontrou. Pensei em quantas vezes Ele me tocou. Poderia dizer que Ele me tocou e me salvou, o que é verdade. Mas seria pouco.
Comecei a puxar na memória as vezes em que fui tocada por Jesus. Quando me rendi a Ele de coração, desesperada por estar emocionalmente doente? Sim. Quando aos 29 a síndrome do pânico começou a bater na porta da minha mente e o pavor poderia ter tirado a minha vida, Ele me tocou. Quando a dor parecia ser maior do que eu, Ele me tocou.
Quando meu ninho ficou meio vazio a primeira vez, Ele me tocou. Quando ficou totalmente vazio, Ele veio novamente. Quando me machucaram, também me tocou. Quando estava desesperançada, Ele me tocou. Quando arrependida, Ele estava lá.
Quando resolvi fazer uma faculdade aos 47 anos, Ele estava lá. Quando me senti tão sozinha, lá estava Ele. Quando meu bem pegou covid em meio à pandemia, sem ainda existir vacina e com o medo batendo em meu coração, Ele me tocou de novo. E quando estava com tantas dúvidas, inseguranças, Ele estava lá e me abraçou.
Não vou mentir, não sou uma fortaleza, um mar de fé. Eu duvido, eu tenho a tendência a ser cética e me deixar levar pelo caos que há em mim. Minha parte sabotadora me fala que não vou conseguir e então eu me canso ao ponto da exaustão.
Ao pensar nos encontros com Jesus na Bíblia eu me lembrei de vários. Quando ele deu visão ao cego, quando ele cura os leprosos. Quando se encontra com a mulher do fluxo, quando trouxe mortos à vida. Quando encontra a samaritana, o gadareno. Quando após ressuscitar Ele vai receber Pedro na praia (mesmo tendo o negado), com pão e peixe.
Em qualquer um desses vou encontrar alguma identificação comigo. Jesus é perfeito. Mas hoje, o encontro que mais mexeu comigo, foi o de Marcos 9, quando um pai desesperado pede: “Tem misericórdia de nós e ajude-nos, se puder.�� Ao que Jesus responde:”Se puder? Tudo é possível para aquele que crê.” E no mesmo instante, o pai respondeu: "eu creio, mas ajuda-me a superar a minha incredulidade”.
Já orei isso algumas vezes. Muitas delas com o receio de estar falando algo muito errado. Mas sempre genuíno. E Ele não me deixou esperando a fé aumentar. Ele me tocou. Nem sempre com um sim, as vezes com um não e muitas vezes em silêncio. Então, procuro me lembrar nos dia onde o caos interno quer gritar: Ele está, ouve, abraça, não estou só.
Ele é muito maior que os meus medos, Ele é maior que o meu ceticismo, Ele é muito maior que o meu caos.
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awideplace · 1 year
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waltgz · 8 months
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favour3d · 8 months
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Gospel Playlist #1
These are some songs i have been enjoying and listen to anytime of the day.
Lord & Savior - Sam Rivera, Limoblaze
Hit the Refresh - Voices of Fire
You Really Are - Elevation Worship
Lord Do It For Me (Live) - Zacardi Cortez
Courtyard - Sondae, Moflo
Flowers Dressed in Blue - Strings and Heart
Every Step - Sondae, Moflo
Elohim - Sondae
Thanks In Advance - Evan Ford, Evan and Eris
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Who was Guertha Pratt, and where was her home?
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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For more than 100 years – from the 1870s until the early 1980s – and largely in a time before nursing homes and assisted living facilities, the Penn Yan community hosted a home for elderly women from Yates County and the surrounding area to spend their golden years and maintain their independence. For the first 40 or so years, the home was located on North Main Street and then Chapel Street, operated by the Penn Yan Methodist Episcopal Church, and called the Old Ladies’ Home. For the next 70 or so years, the home was located on Clinton Street, operated by the Pratt Foundation, and called the Guertha Pratt Home.
The title to this article asks two questions, and both of them have interesting answers. The first is interesting because Guertha Pratt had no apparent involvement in the home that was named for her. The second is interesting because, while the answer is simple – the home was located at 224 Clinton St., on the corner with Hamilton Street – the home was not “her” home. According to her husband Seneca’s obituary, Mrs. Pratt “was greatly interested in the Old Woman’s Home in this village,” though it isn’t clear whether she was actively involved in the home. Meanwhile, the Pratt family home – where Seneca died – was located on East Main Street.
What became known as the Guertha Pratt Home started out in either 1870 or 1873 – different sources vary between the two years – as the Old Ladies’ Home. Whatever year it happened, it began when several women from the Methodist Church raised $400 (approximately $9,500 today) and purchased a home on North Main Street to rent out to several needy Methodist women at low rent. According to a typewritten document in our subject file, it was especially meant to be a permanent home for Salinda Soper, an elderly teacher who had kept a private school in the building.
With a charter secured, the organization was officially known as The Old Ladies’ Home of the Methodist Church of Penn Yan. Darius Ogden’s wife, Judith, served as the president from the beginning until her death in 1894.
Over the years, the group struggled along and received small donations to keep the home going. In 1890, a $1,500 gift from the estate of Johanna Sheldon enabled the group to sell the North Main Street property and purchase a residence on Chapel Street. At this home, two or three rooms were rented to “several worthy individuals,” Frank L. Swann terms it in a 1959 “History in the News” column, to raise money to pay taxes and cover repairs. Each resident, however, had to pay her own living expenses.
In 1910, Mr. Pratt – “one of the most active and enterprising of our business men,” according to his obituary – proposed giving the organization $5,000 if the group could raise another $2,500 for an endowment fund. In exchange, the home would become known as the Guertha Pratt Home in memory of his wife, the former Guertha Wolcott, who had died June 8, 1909 from complications related to appendicitis. Mr. Pratt had started out in the shoe business with his father, Harvey, and then became a member of the Andrews, Pratt & Co. flour mill whose name later changed to Russell, Fox & Company. Mr. Pratt began to manufacture grape baskets in a large factory at the foot of Monell Street on the site of what became Guile & Windnagle when Mr. Pratt sold out and retired.
Two ladies from the organization’s board went out and began raising money toward the $2,500 goal. People responded and stepped up, giving anywhere from $50 to $200 or even smaller amounts. However, the final $500 was not raised until three years later. Mr. Pratt waived his stipulation on raising the money, especially since a board member promised to pay 6 percent on the remaining $500, $30, per year until the entire amount was raised.
The Chapel Street property was sold for $1,500, and Maurice Andrews offered his home at 224 Clinton St. for $5,500. The board agreed to pay $4,500 down and 6 percent on a $1,000 mortgage. The board bought the home April 1, 1911 but allowed Mr. Andrews to remain in his home until May 1. In addition, the board sold 88 feet of the property on Hamilton Street, with a barn, for $600. Before the home opened, the Theodore Hamlin family decorated the two parlors and completely furnished the front parlor, including a library of a hundred books. They wished to maintain the library and established a fund for the purpose.
The Guertha Pratt Home officially opened May 24, 1911, with Belle Stebbins as the first matron and Sarah Butterfield as the first resident. The community showered the new home with housewarming gifts: table linen, dining table and chairs, dishes, silverware, a kitchen stove, and food supplies. Henry Underwood gave a rug for the back parlor. A few months after the home opened, about a year after his initial donation, Mr. Pratt made another donation to the residence now named for his wife. Seeing the home up and running and convinced it would succeed, he presented a total of $15,000 – $10,000 from himself and $5,000 from his mother. Coincidentally, Mr. Pratt died a few weeks later of a stomach ailment.
The residence was not officially known as the Guertha Pratt Home until 1919. Though the trustees of the Methodist Church had released the home to the board of what would now be the Pratt Foundation, a lack of funding and assets had caused the charter not to be changed. Thus, on paper at least, the home was still known as the Old Ladies’ Home. With the high cost of living brought on by World War I, it was thought best to get a new charter under the name of the Guertha Pratt Home and make it, though it already had been, an nondenominational institution. Reorganization of the charter called for the board to include 12 directors, three each from four of Penn Yan’s churches – Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and Baptist.
In 1928, the dining room was redecorated and refurnished in memory of Sophia Eva Wise by members of her family. The family also created a trust fund to maintain the room in its complete condition. In 1929, an endowment fund was created and placed in trust with the Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Many people, including the late New York State Senator William Carson, contributed to this fund during its existence. Also in 1929, while residents initially paid what they could to live there, the home set a one-time charge of $400 for anyone over age 75, $500 for people from age 65 to 75, and $600 for anyone from outside of Yates County. That fee never increased until the last few years of the home’s operation.
Many renovations took place over the years: exterior painting in 1938, removal of the cupola in 1946, interior redecoration in 1949, exterior painting in 1950, remodeling of the kitchen in 1951, modern heating plant in 1955, and landscaping in 1959. Effective September 1960, a state law made other changes mandatory – complete sprinkler system, railings in corridors and bathrooms, and corridors for alternate exits. Continued gifts from individuals and families – such as the Pratts, the Hamlins, and the Wises – aided these improvements.
At full capacity, the residence could house 18 people. Over the years, a laundry room, an enlarged kitchen, and bedrooms were added to the rear of the home.
In 1961, the Guertha Pratt Home recognized its 50th anniversary with an open house to “show people of this area that retirement for women can mean more than a rocking chair,” according to a newspaper article promoting the event. The article noted the home operated independently through resident fees, gifts, and an endowment. Two hundred people attended the open house, with the ladies living there ready to greet them and praise their home.
A newspaper article covering the event stated each resident had her own room, “surrounded by treasured items from their past,” and had the use of two living rooms downstairs to entertain guests and a large dining table for meals. The ladies were free to enjoy church and local affairs and move about the community and could help in the kitchen or with the cleaning if they so chose. “Throughout the years, the Board of Directors has aimed to make the home truly a home and not an institution,” the article stated.
The Guertha Pratt Home remained opened for two more decades. In September 1982, Elizabeth Vaughn – the last of the residents – moved out. Then, the home was empty and listed for sale. Because of rising costs of maintenance and decreasing need because of a number of nursing homes and low-rent apartments now in existence, the home’s board of directors decided that January to close the home. Another problem was keeping up with stringent state safety and health regulations in operating a retirement home. A newspaper article of the time called it “the last of a vanishing breed – the women’s retirement home.”
Minnie “Aunt Min” Presler summarized the spirit and the legacy of the Guertha Pratt Home when she celebrated her 97th birthday in 1972, having lived at the home for 13 years by that point. The oldest of the home’s 14 residents at the time, she helped out by ironing napkins and tablecloths, washing her own laundry, and putting the clean dishes away.
“The best thing that ever happened to me was coming here. Here is home,” she commented in a couple of newspaper articles. “I can’t ask for anything nicer than my home here. I’ve never regretted having come.”
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leakywright · 9 months
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{ JONATHAN DAVISS, 21, CISMALE, HE/HIM } Is that MALIK ‘LEAKY’ WRIGHT? A SENIOR originally from CLEVELAND, MS, they decided to come to Ogden College to study ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES on a ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE TRUSTY SIDEKICK on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
been traveling these wide roads for so long...
NAME: malik ‘leaky’ andre wright NICKNAME: leaky, leaks, wright BIRTHDAY: october 16, 2002 ZODIAC: libra sun, sagittarius moon, virgo rising SEXUALITY: bisexual RELIGION: practicing christian (baptist) THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: generous, adaptable, playful THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: flaky, scatterbrained, cheap THREE SKILLS: trained mechanic, jazz piano, math ENNEAGRAM: 2w1 MYERS-BRIGGS: istp EXTRACURRICULARS: varsity football team: tight-end. vp of recruitment pike, sports show host for student radio station, undergraduate student council.
AESTHETIC: gold rings, early morning runs, sunsets on the river, front porch sweet-tea, tailgating, kisses from grandma, cheers on top of tables, high fives, cheesy grins for photos, BeReal
CHARACTER INSPO: teddy flood (westworld), peeta mellark (the hunger games), matt seracen (friday night lights), pop tate (riverdale), charlie young (the west wing), sam obisanya (ted lasso), gregory (abbott elementary)
LIKES: making playlist, late night jams, fresh sunday mornings, making people laugh, warm summer sun, the changing of leaves, soft blankets, historical fiction, holidays DISLIKES: the past, winter, unsweetened tea, ripped jeans, cold weather, people talking during movies, doing the dishes
FAVORITE MOVIES/TV: ted lasso, friday night lights, new girl, atlanta, teen wolf, outer banks, nope, knives out, do the right thing, waves, if beale street could talk, abbott elementary FAVORITE BOOKS: the vanishing half, seven days in june, the hunger games, harry potter series, possessing the secret of joy, the fire next time FAVORITE ARTISTS: b.b. king, leon bridges, tank and the bangas, lizzo, zach bryan, lawrence, j. cole, abraham alexander, tierra whack
FAMILY: mother - adelaide wright (naomie harris) father - andre wright (omar sy) younger sister - haven wright (marsai martin) younger brother - amai wright (danny boyd jr)
pinterest here, playlist here
growing up in cleveland mississippi meant that leaky had access to the only grammy museum outside of la. but really it meant that leaky grew up with humble beginnings, in a one story house that was full of love, laughter, and inspiration. andre and adelaide wright had been high school sweethearts, with andre giving up his dreams of being a full-time musician when they found out adelaide was pregnant, to then instead be the town mechanic. she was a nurse, he a mechanic during the days and blues musician at night, and though life was hectic. it was good.
leaky was taught all the necessities by his father, piano, bass, basic mechanic skills. he wanted his son to be well-rounded and thrive in the world. to build him up. and, like every southern town, high school football became the heart of the wright household. and early on they discovered that leaky was talented. he was good, he had promise for the future. and that he had.
so between practices, gardening, picking on his younger siblings, jamming with his father, and everything else in between, leaky looked at the future with hope, with optimism. and it seemed promising.
junior year of high school, leaky committed to alabama for football, full-ride, tight-end. play time wasn’t promised for him as a freshman, but nick saban personally mentioned his name for future championships. and to make everything better, his best friend jackson and girlfriend iona were accepted their senior year. they had plans to make tuscaloosa their home.
his freshman year was exciting, and a bit overwhelming. the golden boy of the town lost his way, getting caught up in the culture of college and partying. jackson, iona, and him were having the time of their life. and sure leaky wasn’t playing as much as he wanted, but it was enough for the time being.
and then tragedy struck, beginning of second semester of his freshman year, the three of them had been out one night, leaky felt he was on top of the world. but soon it fell into darkness, he remembered sliding into the backseat of the car, pressing a sloppy kiss to iona’s neck, and the next thing he was waking up in the hospital receiving the worst news of his life. jackson and iona were dead.
and then things continued downhill, ogden had attempted to recruit leaky as well, and reached out with a new offer. full playing time, full ride, and a fresh start. leaky couldn’t turn it down. it might be kissing his chance of the nfl behind, but he couldn’t turn down the stellar education ogden was offering him.
so after finishing his freshman year, leaky moved to portsmouth, summer training and all, began his life at ogden, this time taking a side role in his life. no longer the big fish in a small pond like his life in mississippi, he found his place easily. but he doesn’t talk about his freshman year, he doesn’t visit home, and though he seems to be a vibrant and stellar young man, he holds his cards close to his chest.
leaky is enjoying ogden, two years in he’s making friends, a star player, doing what he can. and yet there’s a nagging guilt, of not going home when he knows his family misses him, of not visiting iona and jackson’s families, of moving on. but he can’t face it, not yet. maybe one day he’ll be able to return home.
in fact that was the original plan, after his education, to return to cleveland and continue to build up his beloved city. like his father, leaky let’s his passions stay that way, it’s easier to keep the creativity without the pressure of it all. and instead he chose environmental science, something he hopes to be an asset for his community. leaky grew up gardening with his mother, and shares a deep love for the environment, and figures this is the best way to move forward.
the two were casual friends. he’d see her at parties, and at school events. it’s hard not to notice the golden girl, especially with how visual leaky is on campus, always involved with an event or being seen in the advertising for the school. they got along fine, having friendships that crossed-over. he never knew her really well, but he respected her enough and enjoyed her presence. whenever she needed help or had a favor, leaky was more than ready to aid a hand. though it never seemed the two got below a surface-level friendship (to those who witnessed them anyway).
you need a wingman? leaky is your guy. he’s charming and pleasant and can talk anyone up. need a favor? leaky is there easily fulfilling it as if it’s nothing to him. the guy is a confidant, a hype-man, a volunteer, he can transform himself into whatever you need and it never seems to bother him. and despite being a gifted football player, and smart guy, and seemingly everywhere on campus, he doesn’t steal the spotlight. he’s not the one you think of when you think of ogden, he lets others take the popularity, the jealous looks, the whispers. despite always being there, you might sometimes overlook him, maybe because he’s always there. but he seems to be a good guy, always offering a kind smile and nod of his head on campus, willing to help tutor you in math, and then lets you have all the glory when you ace the test. it almost seems like leaky is making himself out to be the pedestal that everyone sits on. the support that uplifts the hero, and yet still disappears in the crowd, never seeking glory for himself.
previous tasks found here
he’s always wearing a jacket because he can’t stand the cold 
he wears a gold chain that was given to him by iona, he never takes it off
junior year recap:
found a note/torn out paper seemingly about greer during the haunted house
got drunk for the first time in years at the new year's party - holds guilt for penny ending up dead
found a bloody glove when looking for firewood
g told him to find penny's file in the dean's office
broke in with link and took a picture of it - haven't told anyone else
g put nova and leaky together before the rave and gave nova hints about leaky
surprisingly didn't sustain any injuries during the fire
logan confronted him afterward about the text she received about him
stayed in town for the summer to work at a farm and garden, left a few times to visit sassa
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8-20-2024 | Bible App Their Verse of the Day | Joel 2:12-13
‘“Even now”, declare the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”’
‘Render your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity.’ Joel 2:12-13
#Bible - Verse of the Day | Psalm 27:1
‘Of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-whom shall I dread?. Psalm 27:1
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