#jorah mormont one shot
justanoasisimagines · 4 months
Dearest Y/N
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Summary; Jorah writes to you to ask you to meet him when he returns home A/N; Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and the banner
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I am writing this before I set sail towards Dragonstone. I have asked too much of you over the years. Selfishly I am about to ask something of you again. Would you head to Dragonstone so we can be reunited once more? I know I ask too much. For us to be reunited again after all this time. Yet my heart still yearns for you, my love. It aches to stand in your presence, to be able to touch and hold you. To hear the sound of your voice. For you to be the last person I see before I fall asleep. More importantly, I want to introduce you to Daenerys Targaryen, so she can finally introduce her to the woman she's heard so many stories about. The ship will take about two moon cycles. I hope to see you there. Yours Always, Jorah
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Random/One Offs
2022 Drabbles (multi fandom collection)
Wherever You Will Go (Andy Barber, Defending Jacob)
Not All That Glitters (Thor, Celebrity AU)
Professional Discretion (Steve Rogers, MCU, Boss AU)
Behind the Scenes (Bucky Barnes, MCU, Celebrity AU)
Dirty Little Secret (Lee Bodecker, The Devil All The Time)
What Did I Say? (Lloyd Hansen, The Gray Man)
Make You Feel My Love (Bucky Barnes, MCU)
Paradigm Shift (August Walker)
Let’s Have A Picnic (Lloyd Hansen)
Song Lyric Drabble Requests
Home Sweet Home (Clark Kent)
Forbidden Lessons (Professor Loki, Professor Bucky Barnes, MCU)
Safe House (Sierra Six, Lloyd Hansen, The Grey Man)
Sweet Tooth (Thor, MCU, Sugar Daddy AU)
Wallflower (Thor, MCU, silverfox AU)
Unsolicited (Lloyd Hansen, The Gray Man)
Unexpected (Lloyd Hansen, The Gray Man)
The Bookstore (Jorah Mormont, Game of Thrones, AU)
The Happy Couple (Bucky Barnes, MCU, mob AU)
Resistance (Bucky Barnes, MCU, Dystopian AU)
One (Steve Rogers)
Drawn Together (Steve Rogers)
Hide and Seek (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)
Multicharacter/reader AUs
Sweet Treats AU
Sweet Treat Epilogues
The Club
The Backwoods
Girls of Paradise
Sweet and Spicy
Bad Bosses
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a-fire-of-ice · 1 year
"..there has been an informer by your side selling your secrets, trading whispers to the Spider for gold and promises."
"The Others take you, Selmy." ///"Khaleesi, it was only at the start, before I came to know you . . . before I came to love . . ."
Jorah is so committed to being the worst person. Honestly I can't even get angry anymore, I'm just used to it.
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4getfulimaginator2022 · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I haven't been tagged, but I saw @fandomsbyladymelodrama do one of these a few months back - so of course, I wanted to give it a try. 🙃 Also, I haven't done any personal posts on here in forever. Time for a change!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 18 works so far. And when it comes to ships, it looks like I have a "type." 😉
What's your total AO3 word count? Oh boy. 660K+ right now and growing all the time because when stories speak, I write.
What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Once Upon a Time (starting in 2013), followed by Game of Thrones (2024, baby!) and then that 1 Greek myth collection thingy. I was a die-hard Once fan back in the day and watched episodes religiously, so all the canon lore was seared into my brain until season 6 (when I dropped the show because the writing was so off the rails). Surprise, surprise - I haven't watched GoT in its entirety. Everything I know is through my own research, watching videos, reading, reading, reading, and the contributions of the wonderful Jorleesi fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All Captain Swan fics, in order from the most to the least: 1) Heart Bound 2) Only the Beginning 3) A Cobbler's Life For Me 4) Be My Angel, Be My Demon 5) Nevermore
Do you respond to comments? I try! I used to be less strict about replying to comments, but with my resurgence in fanfic after years of absence, I have replied to each and every one. Currently, I am behind on replies, but I will get around to it again. Soon.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oof. I don't do angsty endings because I will die on the hill that is Jane Austen: “My characters shall have, after a little trouble, all that they desire.” Probably my angstiest ending is in Trader of Hearts, which is a really dark fic. I do have a one-shot that is semi-angsty, though: Thinking of You.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? *deer in headlights look* I make it my business to give my beloved characters the happiest endings I can. Seriously. I don't know how to rank endings against each other, since the characters always end up together. I currently think my happiest ending is for The Old Curiosity Shop, my Jorleesi fic.
Do you get hate on fics? I have, but these were readers telling me how I should write my stories "the right way." I also have gotten spam comments. Overall, people are pretty nice.
Do you write smut? Hoo-hah! 😏 Let's count: I have 3 fics rated Mature and 5 fics rated Explicit. That's half of my fic repertoire. And when I do Explicit, it's ❤️‍🔥. Enough said.
Do you write crossovers? No. Not happening, cannot do, end of discussion.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Well... There was a scandal back on FF.net in 2014 or 2015? Websites were copying all fanfics to scammy websites or selling fanfics as ebooks. Not cool. I used to have all my content on FF.net, but now only my in-progress fics are there. All my fics are up on AO3.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hey, if someone is offering... But again, no. No one ever wanted to co-write with me. 🥺 But maybe it's because I'm sooooooooo bossy!
What's your all-time favorite ship? Oh crap. All-time favorite?! WHAT. I have to cheat here and say there's a tie: Captain Swan and Jorleesi. Emma Swan and Killian Jones had a long journey to love and happiness, both in terms of their individual character growth and their relationship as a couple. The more I learned about them, the harder I fell in love with them. It helped that the CS fandom was HUGE as the ship became canon, and Tumblr was so active then that #captainswan was all over the place. We were one of the largest canon ships for that show. Now, as for Jorleesi... Jorah Mormont's loyalty and devotion earned my attention and respect from the first, and then when I found out about his love for Daenerys and her repressed love affection for him, I was a goner. My 2 OTPs: both women are BAMFs who are survivors and warriors, while their guys value love above all and are willing to die to protect them (*sobbing for Jorah because noooooooo* 😭)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Heart Bound. This fic... I love this fic. This is my Jane Eyre/Jane Austen fix. It's my 2nd period piece and I adore some of my prose in this one. It. Needs. 4. Chapters. To. Be. Complete. Can I do it? Yes. Do I want to do it? *cries* Of course I do but it's hard...
What are your writing strengths? Hmm. Some would say it's my prose, while others would say that I know how to channel emotion into my writing. I like to incorporate literature and historical references into my fics (historical AUs or not), so I think I've done well with that. I've also been told that my characterizations are fantastic and unique. You do notice that I'm not claiming credit for any of these observations, right? Usually, I believe my writing is awful and I could have done so much better. I have a hard time acknowledging my strengths. You could hand me an Olympic gold medal for Writing and I would still insist that it's all lies. My self-belief and confidence have not improved over the years.
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. It's always dialogue. I want it to be realistic but my vocab gets in the way and it starts sounding like prose. Not good. But I am getting better! No way to go but up.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Maybe I'd do it, but it would have to be necessary for me to put in the effort. I don't purposely bamboozle my readers. 🤣
First fandom you wrote for? Once Upon a Time (of course *rolls eyes*). One Against the Wind is my ultimate period fic - pirates, the Caribbean, my tribute to PotC and pirate novels I've read. I created character backstory when there was no canon backstory. It's also my longest fic at 147K words. So proud of it and it still holds a special place in my heart. 😍
Favorite fic you've written? Ugh, no no no! I always, always say I cannot have one favorite because that is BORING. But okay, I will say that at the moment, it's The Old Curiosity Shop. I just did a full read of the entire fic and my heart absolutely melted. Adorable, heartbreaking, angsty, and so romantic. Jorleesi, I love you and I will die for you. You own my heart a thousand times over. ❤️
Fineeeee, I'll tag 5 people (no worries if you don't want to do this - completely voluntary fun and games here 💕): @ser-jorah-the-andal, @rileypotter17, @houseofthebear, @clarasimone, @thank-god-and-you
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
Varys sets a plan in motion after figuring out Jon's Targaryen heritage. He realizes that Jon's in love with Sansa after seeing Jon and Sansa hugging fiercely after the Battle of Winterfell.
great prompt! thanks anon!
send me prompts
He’s been watching. 
Ever since their arrival North, he’s been watching.
The first sign was the look Jon Snow wore as they traveled in from the harbor- anxious, a man waiting for something. He could not quite place it, but it did not look like the face of a man simply anxious to return home. No… He was anxious for someone.  Someone he loved. 
The second sign was his reunion with his sister, the Lady of Winterfell. It’s been years since he last saw the young woman, she’s grown from a glowing child into a beautiful winter queen. She would have dazzled as the golden queen of Westeros, if only fate had allowed it. But the way Jon rushed to her that morning, taking her into his arms like a lover might only do- quite a different embrace than he’s ever shared with the dragon queen. Though, now that Varys thinks about it, he’s never even seen them embrace. 
There’s many signs that come after that first morning, secret looks nobody else surely sees, or ones they play off as nothing more than loving affection between two siblings. Cersei and Jaime had been good at this game, too. Varys chuckles, thinking of those old days, when King’s Landing had been rampant with the rumors- never more, never less. He wonders how long Winterfell has been the same. 
But now, he lingers in the hallway long after Jon and Daenerys have gone. He’s done as he always does, waiting in the shadows, listening to words never meant for him. My real name is Aegon Targaryen, he’s heard Jon Snow whisper, surprising him. This is one secret that even Varys hasn’t heard of. However, he certainly knows what this secret means to the world and to the realm… That Daenerys Targaryen was not the last living Targaryen, in fact, she wasn’t even heir to the kingdom like she thinks herself to be. And in Jon Snow, certainly they would find a much better king than queen in Daenerys. 
So, his brain begins to whirl, every possibility he’s thought of in the past suddenly feeling far more real than ever before. 
[ x x x ]
When the battle ends and they’ve come up from the crypts, Varys scans the living to see who is left among them. 
Of course, he sees the silver-haired dragon queen, though she’s stained crimson with blood, like a warrior queen, some might even say. He does not see Ser Jorah Mormont among the scattered crowd and for a moment, he feels the prickle of pain for the loss of a good man. But, this was war, and he would not be the last good man they would lose. His eyes continue to sweep through the crowd and there comes the Stark boy and the sister they would all call a hero for the rest of her life, their savior from the Night King. She’s nursing a few injuries, but she would live to certainly build a famed life for herself.
Who Varys doesn’t yet see would be Jon Snow himself, or in fact, the Lady of Winterfell that had shot out of the crypts when the door had been opened. He glances around, but that red hair is nowhere to be seen. And so, he makes his way towards the center of the courtyard, glancing every which way, thinking he might have just overlooked them in the darkness of the night. But then… Just as he goes to turn back, he catches the whisper of voices, coming just from the garden gate a short distance away. 
So, of course he carefully approaches, rounding the corner and there he sees them, the lady and her “brother” locked into an embrace that said everything he needed to know. Jon is stroking her long red hair and she’s buried her face into the crook of his shoulder, uncaring of the ash and blood that stains her skin. “Sansa…” Jon is whispering her name and she’s lifting her face to look him in the eyes, his hand gently cradling the curve of her cheek. He’s leaning in then, kissing her tenderly, the kiss of love, of pure affection. 
A smile slowly spreads across his face and Varys steps back, having seen enough.
He seeks out one person and that one person is still yet at the center of the courtyard, surveying the dead as they’re brought in from the battlefield. “Varys,” Tyrion greets as he approaches, unsurprised that his old friend had come and gone so very quickly. 
“We must speak,” he says and continues on, knowing the imp would follow after him. 
Now, they could set a plan into motion that would change everything.
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mychoombatheroomba · 7 months
Things I Love About the Shitty Live Action Resident Evil Movies
So, it was my birthday recently and my roommates asked if I wanted to do anything fun. My response, of course, was to suggest getting drunk and watching the live action Resident Evil movies and like, damn, I love those stupid ass movies so much. So I wanted to make a really dumb (and lengthy) post about the goofy things I like, whether for legit or meme reasons.
Y'all, I know they're bad, that is, in fact, why I love them.
1 - The opening is genuinely kinda freaky, like, the elevator scene? Oof, well done suspense
2 - Michelle Rodriguez. That's it, that's the post.
3- The LASER ROOM - so iconic they used it in the games. The first movie came out in 2002, RE4 then used the laser room in 2005, like, y'all, they took that from the goddamn movie, that's how much of a vibe it was
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(And honestly, just the Red Queen in general, what an absolute icon, love that her appearance changes in every movie she's in)
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4 - Alice is the most fanfic Mary Sue character I've perhaps ever seen on-screen, and I love that for her. Look at her kicking this zombie dog in the face, it's hilarious
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5 - Pretty game-accurate costuming? I can dig it
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6 - They're gay, your honor
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7 - Bad CGI on the Licker, I would expect nothing less
8 - Alice is at her most powerful when she finds a white bathrobe just lying around somewhere
9 - Raccoon City gets destroyed in the course of, like, a day if I'm understanding the timeline right. Like, first infection to nuking the city seems to be about 24 hours. Incredible.
10 - Leon fucking wishes he was Alice, miss ma'am out here driving motorcycles into buildings and then launching them at a monster just to shoot it and blow it up.
(Special mention for another "they're gay, your honor"
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11 - You'd think the kid they have to rescue from Raccoon City is Sherry, wouldn't you? An Umbrella scientist's daughter who the gang have to save? NOPE it's Angela Ashford. Not to be confused with the game's Alexia Ashford. Is it an easter egg? A botched cameo? IDK bro, you think they know the lore?
12 - "GTA MOTHERFUCKER" - LJ, before running over a zombie
13 - THEY GAVE NEMESIS A REDEMPTION ARC??? Incredible (not before making him and Alice fist-fight each other)
14 - Keeping with RE tradition, the helicopter almost always crashes.
15 - They just decided, fuck it, let's give Alice superpowers. Also the stupid Umbrella eyes, literally whenever they come up.
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16 - The third movie is just Mad Max and Fallout: New Vegas merged together. Also the way they say the whole earth withered and died but later movies very clearly show flora still alive
17 - Why is Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones here? WHY IS JOHNNY CAGE FROM MORTAL KOMBAT 1995 HERE???
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Also why does Wesker look a little like Eminem to me in the third movie?
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18 - The amount of just, like, "hey, this monster/character was in the games, let's just put them in the movie anywhere!"
19 - Carlos gets one of the only satisfying death scenes for a named character from the games. And by that I mean he gets one of the only on-screen death scenes for a named character from the games. Slay, king.
20 - Why does the Tyrant look like that?
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21 - The army of Alice clones were blonde originally, but all went out and dyed their hair together between movies and I think that's cute.
22 - The timeline is so fucked up, I don't think they even knew how long was supposed to pass between the movies
23 - The way they shoehorned Chris in so bad that, as a kid, I thought he had no importance and they just wanted to give Claire a character to help her with her amnesia (also, Claire having amnesia). The Redfields do get to shoot the shit out of Wesker at the end though, good for them.
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25 - The Executioner from RE5 just like, is in Los Angeles for some reason?
26 - This shot of Wesker.
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27 - Wesker takes Alice's powers away in the beginning of the 4th movie, then at the end of the 5th movie he reinfects her with the T-Virus so she can be a superhuman again and just like, bud, you're wildin'. Also it's mentioned in the 3rd movie that Alice's blood could be the cure, and that she could synthesize it once the Tyrant is dealt with? But she doesn't? She just takes the clones of her in the facility instead of using the equipment to make a cure? I know they cure it in the last movie but like, girlie, you could have tried earlier idk. Fascinating.
28 - The opening credits scene for the 5th movie is actually pretty cool
29 - The rest of the fifth movie . . . whatever those writers were smoking, I want some. I know there's literally an Umbrella base in Antarctica in the game but like, idk, having an underwater base where you have multiple city simulations running for BOW production is so funny to me. They've got clones of Carlos and the whole team from the first movie, a random child Alice adopts, Las Plagas lads on motorcycles, more Executioners, Barry (oh, hi Barry!) and damn I love every terrible minute of it.
30 - "The Leon you ordered from AliExpress"
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31 - Li Bingbing as Ada, my beloved
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32 - Whatever the hell this fight scene is (I am obsessed with it). The sapphic energy of Jill v Alice. Las Plagas giving you instant superpowers. Michelle Rodriguez beating the shit out of Leon Kennedy (mans draws his knife and immediately gets disarmed, Krauser would be so disappointed). Ada just snoozing in the snow the whole time. Cinema.
The music kinda slaps though.
The second half of this where Michelle gets clocked in the face with a fire extinguisher and just looks offended? Immaculate.
33 - Wesker saying that he, Alice, Jill, Leon and Ada are the last hope for humanity from the roof of the White House. What a team.
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35 - I have never seen the Final Chapter, but I do know that Claire is the only (known) surviving original RE character. Chris is MIA and everyone else is dead. The lesbians win again.
36 - Also there's a character named K-Mart. No notes.
I cannot say I would recommend these movies without the consumption of alcohol involved. Once that's in the mix? They're a great time.
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sprintingfox · 5 months
New fic is out! Zokla (Theon Grejoy x OC) is available on Quotev, Wattpad, and Archive Of Our Own!
Past full-length ASOIAF fics (completed):
1. Breaker, Broken (Targaryen OC x Jorah Mormont)
2. Ursa Major (Umber OC x Tormund Giantsbane)
3. Northern Sun (Lannister OC x Robb Stark)
Past ASOIAF one-shots (found in the Sprinting Fox: Unwritten book):
1. Targaryen OC x Aegon Targaryen II (HotD)
2. Targaryen OC x Otto Hightower (HotD)
3. Lannister OC (DARK HotD AU) *easter egg of this found in my Robb Stark fic!*
4. Storm OC x Jon Snow (GoT, very brief, no interaction, only fic set-up)
5. Targaryen OC x Jacaerys Velaryon (HotD)
6. Lothbrok OC x Daenerys Targaryen (GoT / Vikings)
Future ASOIAF fics:
1. OC x Viserys Targaryen (GoT S1 - onward)
2. OC x Yara Greyjoy (GoT S1 - onward)
3. HotD OC (HotD S1 - onward) *no true love interest + may have darker themes*
Potential One-Shots
OC x Cregan Stark
OC x Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Masterlist and Requests!
Requests Open!
Request Rules (please read before requesting!):
I will write headcanons or short drabbles (NOT one shots) for a specific scenario, or you can request a preference scenario for one fandom :)
(or if you feel like it just send in your ideas about a character and I'll tell you my thoughts :D)
You can also request for a polyamorous scenario with more than one character from a fandom (e.g. Fives x reader x Echo).
Pairings will be romantic unless otherwise specified.
I will write both SFW and NSFW content. All are x reader, and reader can be any gender. Anything NSFW I will write the reader as AFAB (purely because that's all I have experience with and don't want to seem disrespectful).
I won't write for non-con (dub-con is ok), incest, etc, but if you aren't sure then feel free to send me a message to check!
Below is my list of fandoms and characters :) go forth and request!
Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi, Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, Fives, Echo (and perhaps more of the 501st if you ask very nicely :P), Alpha 17, Darth Maul.
Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane, Jorah Mormont, Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth.
The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield, Kili Durin, Fili Durin, Dwalin.
Lord of the Rings: Samwise Gamgee, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, Faramir.
Hannibal (NBC): Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter.
Rick and Morty: Rick C-137, Doofus Rick (J19 Zeta 7).
Doctor Who: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor.
Saw: Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm.
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z0mibite · 10 months
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about me – 18+, sagittarius–scorpio cusp, omni romantic / demi sexual, agender (any/all pronouns), agnostic. just a note, I am biologically female so my fics, while I attempt to remain gender fluid, may be more fem!reader leaning, I will also try to make my fics as inclusive as possible in terms of physical appearance.
rules – absolutely zero prejudice, I won't be writing irl fics, no smut or suggestive for any underage character, no hyper specific reader requests for one shots (headcanons i can do), overall just be respectful and kind.
requests — open
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characters i write for (one shots, snippets, ect.) (more coming soon)
astarion – baldurs gate 3
luke davenport – dream team
rob – extinction/the expedition
nikolai – beyond the rave
father anthony bridge – casualty
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jon snow – game of thrones
daenerys targaryen – game of thrones
jorah mormont – game of thrones
sandor clegane – game of thrones
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geralt of rivia – the witcher (netflix)
yennefer of vengerburg – the witcher (netflix)
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headcanons only !
any the walking dead characters
any game of thrones characters
any the last of us characters (game or show)
any stranger things characters
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months
Eyes Forced Open
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Summary; Jorah has feelings for you who would have guessed his jealously would have saved your life. Pairing; Jorah Mormont x Female Reader WordCount; 1,465 Warnings; Angst, Jelously, mentions of usual canon violence A/N; Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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Jorah observed as you followed Daenerys quietly as she interacted with her guests. You were a perfect picture as your dress flowed graciously around you. You were breathtaking.
The two of you had been with Daenerys from the very beginning. You'd traveled far and wide reinforcing Daenerys claim to the Iron Throne. Over time, Jorah liked to believe you'd grown close. Late-night discussions as you both attempted to figure out the next course of action. Seeking comfort from each other when times got tough.
Jorah was no fool. He could admit over time he'd developed strong feelings towards you. His heart yearned for you in ways he couldn't understand.
He'd questioned if you returned his feelings. He remained unsure. It is why he'd kept quiet and yearned for you in private.
Jorah examined the room searching for any potential threat. It was his duty to protect the Khalessi. He'd also made it his duty to protect you. He'd do it gladly even if it cost him his life.
Jorah stood with a hand on his hilt searching the room, when his eyes found something. You were standing posed while Daenerys interacted with one of the attendees, yet his attention wasn't fixated on her or the conversation.
It was on you.
Jorah felt unsettled as he focused on the interaction. Slowly biding his time observing it play out. Jorah could not allow Daenerys to be seen as weak. He would not create a spectacle.
The attendee moved a lock of your hair out of your face, Jorah could stand no more. Advances were one thing, physical touch was another.
Jorah made it over to you both in five large steps. Brushing your bare back with his fingertips, he alerted you of his presence. Glancing up you extinguished some of the jealousy coursing through his veins.
Despite the man ignoring Jorah, now he'd gotten closer, something appeared astray. The man's eyes were glancing around the room. Tension was rolling off of him like waves crashing on the shore.
A subtle nod of his head, Jorah alerted Ser Barristan. A fraction too late as the man drew his sword. Daenerys took several steps back as you gripped hold of her hand. The room suddenly diverted into chaos.
Screams and thundering footsteps while the scraping of swords unsheathing. Men moved swiftly to protect Daenerys. There were fights surrounding her. Blood and body parts smothered the once pristine floor.
Jorah fought seasonedly, yet he remained distracted as he attempted to keep you within his eyesight. He moved deliberately always attempting to adjust his position.
Jorah focused on defeating the enemy at hand, it was his duty to protect the Khaleesi. It's what continued to drive him. While her safety was paramount, Jorah was concerned about your safety and well-being. This is why Jorah cut down man after man smothered in blood, unsure who it belonged to.
He was fighting on pure instinct.
As he swung his body around sword swinging high in the air, his blood ran cold. Somehow you'd been separated from the group. Now three men were circling you like predators on prey.
Jorah released a mighty yell as he sliced down his opponent in two strikes. his focus tunneled in on you. Jorah moved with the purpose from opponent to opponent. Strike after strike. He fought hard and quick.
Nothing would hurt you.
Jorah's rage drove him. He took his anger out on the enemy. It was mere moments before he stood behind the three assailants.
"Get away from her!" The men faced Jorah in response swords drawn. Their attention was drawn to him. They played into his hand as he battled them. They were younger and quicker. Jorah was by far more experienced. Jorah is no fool. He knew the numbers were stacked against him.
"Jorah look out! The third man had sunk up behind him. While the second shoved you forcefully out of the way. You landed hard on the floor. It was the final straw, Jorah found renewed energy and brutalized the three men.
His energy depleted, Jorah collapsed to his knees. Jorah glimpsed over at you, dressed crimpled and smothered in blood, you were grasping your ankle. Pain creased your expression.
"Are you well M'lady?" Jorah asked between breaths.
"My ankle hurts" Jorah nodded. He needed to get you both somewhere safe. Jorah stumbled as he rose to his feet as he made his way over to you. Holding his hand out towards you, you took his hand and he lifted you into his arms.
Jorah stumbled as he carried you out of harm's way. He could rest soon. When you were safe. Jorah felt you bury your head into his neck. he wished it could have been in better circumstances.
Jorah could see Ser Barristan in the distance. He was so close. As soon as he was behind the double doors, he collapsed onto the ground. He dropped you and you landed to the side of him.
"Ser Jorah! Jorah! You dragged yourself towards him, you attempted to search for any sign of injury. Yet it was difficult to see as his shirt was now a stained bloodied mess. Lifting Jorah's shirt, you saw a mighty wound in his side. Ragged and red in appearance. You'd wondered how Jorah had managed to fight for so long.
"I need some help over here!" Soon, a Maester was attending to his injuries. Unable to do much more, a tear slid down your cheek. Concerned for the man who'd done everything to protect you.
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Jorah slept for three days and three nights. You remained by his bedside for the majority Only leaving to freshen up. You did not want to be in a state when he awoke. He'd fought valiantly; the least you could do was show bravery while he recovered.
Pushing the needle through the fabric, you concentrated on the needlework. You'd been stitching the bear from Jorah's sigil. It made a difference from your usual flowers, but you found it beautiful nonetheless.
A twitch of a finger unseen by you. You continued to work until a groan broke through the silence of the room.
Your eyes snapped up, placing the needlework to the side. Jorah's arm twitched as you suddenly moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
Immediately you moved so you could go and find the Maester, yet Jorah's hand clasped around your wrist.
"Stay…with…me" Jorah croaked, you moved only a fraction so you could present him with some water. Undoubtedly he'd be parched after days of being in a slumber.
"Here, have some water. You must be thirsty." Resting a hand against the back of his head, you helped him lean up so he could take a drink. He drank slowly, soothing his dry throat.
"How long has it been?"
"Four days and four nights. You had everyone worried you would not wake" You replied, placing your hand on top of his, unable to meet his gaze.
On several occasions, during that time you'd been worried Jorah might not awake. You might never know his warmth or his smile. You'd never experience him walking alongside you whenever you were traveling together. It had taken nearly losing him for you to realize your feelings.
You were very much in love with Jorah.
"I am lucky to awaken to such a beautiful sight." Your eyes flickered up, as Jorah gave a weak smile. He'd longed to see your smile again. It was powerful enough to create a rainbow on a stormy day.
"You nearly died. Why would you put yourself in harm's way like that?"
"Are my intentions not clear enough? What of my feelings? I'd do it again to protect you." Jorah observed your eyes widen as he entwined your fingers together one by one.
"You can not possibly mean what I believe you do" Jorah beckoned you closer soon you were leaning close to his face. By the lines under your eyes, it was clear you had not slept a lot recently.
"You were the reason I approached you both. I could not bear another man touching you. When you are not his to touch. My heart yearns for you and I believe yours does the same, so why don't we stop pretending."
Jorah was right. Nearly losing him had forced you into a realization. Leaning down you pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips.
"You are right. Promise me you will not nearly die on me again." Jorah nodded as he brought your hand to rest directly on his chest on top of his heart.
"I will see fit to protect what belongs to you now." Both of you smiled as you got lost in one another. Sometimes it took an incident to bring two oblivious people together.
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shadeysprings · 2 years
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Je te vois (Jorah Mormont x Daenerys Targaryen)
— Daenerys’ life takes a different turn when her boss, Jorah Mormont, gives her the attention she didn’t expect.
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—One Shots
Home for the Holidays (DBF!Jorah)
— As you enter the New Year, you’re forced to relive the horrors of your past.
Steep Price (Mafia Boss!Jorah)
—The night you pick your boyfriend up from work is the night when your entire life comes crashing down. 
Wilting Blossom (Lord Commander!Jorah)
— Trapped in the dungeons, the Lord Commander comes to make a bargain.
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Third Time's the Charm (Jorah Mormont x Daenerys Targaryen)
— Just when Daenerys thought things couldn’t get any worse, Jorah presents her with a proposal she can’t refuse. Tied to the universe of Je te vois.
Locked and Loaded (Jorah Mormont x Daenerys Targaryen)
— As the clock ticks the seconds away, Daenerys’ fears are slowly brought to light. Tied to the universe of Je te vois and Third Time’s the Charm.
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Jorah Mormont x OC (Oneshot)
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A/C: Guys! Now it´s time for my second Story. I am so excited about this one. If I am true this is my favourite of all I have ever written. I am not sure if this one is only a One shot. Problably I make a whole story out of it. However: Enjoy it.
This one is also out of Storyline! I only own my OC! She is not in the normal Game of Thrones Storyline!
Warnings: fluff (Some kind like the last one)
Words: 508
He looked at her. His eyes flow over her body and over her breasts. They weren´t that big and full as other woman have it but she looked like a queen. His eyes locked with hers and her lips slightly lifted up.
“Khalissi, I am sure my army and myself will serve you well. We want to see you on that Throne. As my father swore.”
she said, looking in the ocean blues from Daenerys Targaryen.
“Thanks, your Grace, I will never forget this. Ser Jorah, show her her room please and her soldiers where they can stay.”
He said and walked over to this beautiful, strange woman. He curtsied slightly to her and placed his large hand lightly on her back, to lead her outside.
“Of course.”
“Your majesty, I think you have to say something, to make the announcement.”
She nodded and whistled once loudly. All the heads of the soldiers turned to her.
“Guys, now it´s time to rest. We are welcome. You can stay on your places right there where you are. Have a great night and please don´t drink too much. I need you tomorrow. Have fun”
The whole time she spoke, he looked at her. She was only a woman but one of the most powerful leaders of her time and her army knew it. She had the complete respect from her people.
“Ser Jorah, the room?”
Her voice was powerful and full of magic, it made him shiver. He got goosebumps from her eyes and how they´ve been locked with his. He nodded and led her to her tent. As they walked in her breath stopped.
“Oh my gosh.”
She whispered under her breath and looked at him with a huge smile on the lips. His lips automatically lifted up.
“You like it?”
“I´ve lived a long time period in a dessert where's nothing more than sand and dirt. How can I say no?”
She laughed. It was an open laugh and it affected him. His lips lifted up and he just smiled.
“Then I´ll send you someone to help you clean yourself.”
“Please can I do it alone? I need some space for myself. I just need some water and soap.”
He nodded.
“Alright, I´ll order it for you.”
He greeted and tried to leave the room. Her voice stopped him.
“Ser Jorah, can you answer me a question?”
“Of course.”
“How many knights and fighters do we have to kill for the Throne?”
“Too many.”
She breathed out heavily.
“What´s wrong?”
“I just remember the last time someone told me that. It was the death of my country.”
“I remember those times. Westeros was completely scared. I was young theire but I still remember.”
“We lost every thing. Not even our sacrifice leaded us to heaven. We lost the country and our family. We lost our home. I am worried this nightmare will return. I can´t protect you all.”
He nodded and at this tiny moment he saw the human inside her.
Now it´s official he is in love.
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springlibrary · 2 years
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Legend: 🖤 - Dark / 💚 - Smut / 💙 - Fluff / 💔 - Angst / ⭐️ - Complete
Home 💙💔
Summary: You and Jorah are enjoying a peaceful night in your home when a knock on the door surprises you both and shakes the peace you know.
The Café by the Narrow Sea 💔💚⭐️ (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: Jorah Mormont keeps returning to a certain café at the edge of King’s Landing. And it’s not the lemon cakes and coffee that draw him back as he is not a fan of sweets and prefers tea over coffee. The reason he keeps coming back? The silver-haired waitress that gives him the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen ever since walking through their door.
Je te vois 🖤💚⭐️ (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: Daenerys’ life takes a different turn when her boss, Jorah Mormont, gives her the attention she didn’t expect.
The Man of Gold and Blue 💔💚⭐️ (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: Daenerys doesn’t believe in the craft of fortune telling, even believes it to be a farce. But when she meets the man in the psychic’s reading, she struggles to grasp if what she told her was her reality or pure coincidence.
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Lobelia Siphilitica 💙
Summary: Jorah Mormont comes back home to Bear Island after Daenerys banishes him from Meereen.
Prisoner of the Moon 💔🖤
Summary: You follow your boyfriend, Jorah, when you think he’s cheating on you. But you discover something much worse.
Saudade 💔 (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: Daenerys is tired. Tired of their company. Of their voices. For the only company she wants to be in and the voice she wants to hear is gone. And it’s all her fault.
The Yellow Shirt💙 (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: Jorah searches their chambers for his favorite yellow shirt only to find it somewhere unexpected.
Home for the Holidays 🖤💚
Summary: As you enter the New Year, you’re forced to relive the horrors of your past.
Steep Price 🖤💚
Summary: The night you pick your boyfriend up from work is the night when your entire life comes crashing down.
Wilting Blossom 🖤💚
Summary: Trapped in the dungeons, the Lord Commander comes to make a bargain.
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Third Time’s the Charm 🖤💚 (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: Just when Daenerys thought things couldn’t get any worse, Jorah presents her with a proposal she can’t refuse. Tied to the universe of Je te vois.
Show Me Love💚
Summary: Jorah ends up failing his quest to search for the princess and take her back to the feast in the Red Keep.
Locked and Loaded 🖤💚 (w/ Daenerys Targaryen)
Summary: As the clock ticks the seconds away, Daenerys’ fears are slowly brought to light.  Tied to the universe of Je te vois and Third Time’s the Charm.
Modern Knight 💙
Summary: Jorah saves you from the crowd.
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dwellordream · 1 year
I really enjoyed 'Tremble to Behold', I know it's a one shot but did you have any ideas of how that universe might play out? Will Viserra do any better than Viserys with the Dothraki? Is Jorah Mormont still there to creep on Dany? Dragons? etc
She knows a little bit of the Dothraki language, so there’s that
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anogarseperzys · 10 months
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𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖟𝖞𝖘 is a private , hub blog for various roleplay sideblogs for canon and original muses alike , based on the HBO tv series HOUSE OF THE DRAGON , with some book and headcanon influence. blog has a mature rating , must be 18+ to interact. mun is 30+. personal blogs DNI. written by the lovely jj.
REMINDER . . . this is a hub blog , meant to be a directory to sideblogs for muses as well as posting memes. please leave a muse you want to interact with when sending in an ask.
𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖘𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖆𝖘 ... the meaning of legacy , star crossed lovers , the effects of war from the rich to the poor , mortality , grief and learning to move on , resentment and the way it infects the soul , betrayal , lines of succession , breaking down the patriarchy , women who refused to stay quiet , and the men who stepped aside for them.
𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖑 ... rhaenyra targaryen , baelon targaryen viserra targaryen , aegon iii targaryen , jeyne westerling , jorah mormont , house astor multimuse , dragon / direwolf multimuse.
𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 ... viserys targaryen , rhaenys targaryen , laena velaryon , laenor velaryon , harwin strong , mysaria of lys , otto hightower , alicent hightower , daeron targaryen , ser harold westerling , cregan stark , visenya targaryen , aegon II targaryen.
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this blog is mutuals only. that means i will only be writing with people that i am mutuals with from this blog. keep in mind that this blog uses sideblogs for most muses , and cannot follow back from them. you must be following this hubb blog to write with any of my muses.
this blog will be writing heavily mature and triggering content. that being said , this blog has a mature rating , and will only be writing with people 21+. this is for my own comfort , and i will not be making any exceptions. i'm also going to get out of the way that i am open to shipping , but no smut will be written with any muse under 18.
i will be using icons , small text , and formatting of various types on this blog. THIS IS NOT A REQUIRMENT TO WRITE WITH ME. i do this stuff for my own amusement. i base whether or not i follow someone based on if i think our writing is compatible.
this is not my only blog. i also am disabled , and have days where for one reason or another , i just can't be here all the time. i will do my best to make sure that i am here and keep up with things. most of my replies will be in a queue.
i'm open to shipping , but please check with me before assuming a ship. i don't ship every canon ship so please don't assume i ship anything that might be canon. most of the time i'm open to giving it a shot ... but it's best to check with me first.
no drama. it's really that simple. i don't have the time for it anymore , and refuse to engage in any of that. drama , toxic behavior , calling people out. not here for my blog. do not bring it to me. we're all here to have fun , so let me have my space be chill and drama free.
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So I keep rewatching that Tyrion and Sansa scene in the crypts before they go to save the others, over and over again. It's such an emotionally intimate moment between them but I for the life of me could never figure out why they cut the Tyrion and Sansa fight scene (while keeping Emilia's requested Dany fighting scene in) even though they shot it. Perhaps it was due to time constraints as some had suggested when the episode aired but if that's the case then why did they keep Arya's line of "Stick 'em with the pointy end" to Sansa in? Why did they not cut out the part of the Sansa and Tyrion scene where she's the first to draw out her weapon? That plot point for Sansa's story in this episode (as well as Tyrion's), especially when connected with "None of us can do anything, that's why we're down here. It's the truth. The bravest thing we can do now is look the truth in the face", literally leads to nowhere without that fight scene (meaning in connection to her fighting for her people & to save them). "I'm not abandoning my people." But looking at it in a big picture and semi-abstract way, I do wonder if perhaps it was cut because it was done to be one of the many things they decided to hide for Dany's eventual dark turn. Hear me out.
The reason I say that is because right before we see this scene with Sansa and Tyrion (hiding behind the tomb), we see Jon's run through Winterfell to get to Bran. And what do we see?
We see Gendry and Tormund fighting together. We see Sam in trouble as he's fighting that Jon makes the decision to continue no matter how much you can see he hates to do it. We see Grey Worm fighting (alone). We then see Jaime and Brienne fighting together (and even though we don't see it in this shot, we know from a later shot that Podrick is with them fighting as well). The only enemy at that point is the WW.
Not to mention, before Jon's run, we see Dany alone, by herself, saved in the nick of time by Jorah (from her retinue). They are cut off from everyone else and both fight, but Jorah eventually dies.
In the scene after Jon's run, we see Theon fighting alongside Alys Karstark (though we don't see her in a shot, we know she's there from an earlier shot) and their soldiers to protect Bran.
Then we come to the Tyrion and Sansa scene.
So you have Dany (South-Targaryen) and Jorah (North-Mormont but also South because he is part of Dany's retinue & goes where she goes). Then a Baratheon (even though he's not legitimized yet he's still a Baratheon) and a Widling fighting together (aka South and North). Then Sam (North-The Wall and South-Tarly). Then Grey Worm by himself (not of Westeros; part of Dany's retinue). Then Jaime (South-Lannister), Brienne (South but also North because she's protecting Sansa or more appropriately, going from South to North), and Podrick (same). Theon (both South and North-both Greyjoy and Stark -> ends as a Stark-North) and Alys (North) protecting Bran (who ends up as the 6K King in the end). Then Sansa (North-Stark) and Tyrion (South-Lannister).
You literally have the house names we recognize in Westeros that are left at this point in time being represented (as well as the Wildlings) and they are all fighting up North, alongside everyone else, and fighting for survival against this terrifyingly dangerous enemy. The only houses that are cut off from everyone else are Targaryen and Mormont (the same house that gets ended this episode), and is it any wonder they have Jon running by himself (when he doesn't know who he is yet)? Not being completely cut off but also not fighting alongside anyone else though he wants to but only has one mission in mind aka protecting Bran/killing the NK?
Put all of that together plus this scene:
(there is so much going on in this scene but the part I'm talking about is where Missandei has her reaction to what Sansa says & then walks away, alone -> we know Varys wasn't blindly devoted to Dany despite being part of her retinue & after Jorah is gone, Varys is the one to start voicing his doubts to Tyrion & the audience)
And then I remembered this scene from 8x04:
Dany is not happy overhearing Tormund praising Jon for not only something she herself has done but she's also feeling threatened now that she knows who Jon is (which is confirmed by the dialogue in the bedroom scene after this). But Jon (regardless of his dual heritage) is sitting with the Wildlings and previously Sansa was there as well (Stark). Then Dany sees Tyrion laughing and enjoying himself with Brienne, Podrick, and Jaime. We know that Dany views Jaime as an enemy and that had Jon (and Sansa) not decided to recruit Jaime rather than execute him, he would be Dracarys'd already. Brienne is the one who spoke up in defense of Jaime (plus remember that whole line from Dany to Tyrion back in 8x02 of "Perhaps because he knows his brother will defend him right up to the moment he slits my throat"?) that led to Sansa's decision that then led to Jon's. Pod is with Brienne. Sure enough, Dany then looks back at Jon and Tormund/the Wildlings again before getting up to leave. We also see Varys notice not all is well.
And then:
This is not the first time Cersei has been unable to have Tyrion killed after she is Queen. They make sure to show us Dany's reaction to this (and even Euron's). They even made sure to show us how intent Dany is while waiting to see what happens (and to show us Grey Worm looking over at her briefly so the audience will make sure to focus on her if they're not already). Dany is initially not pleased and looks almost angry but also not surprised or relieved. A small glimmer of hope (maybe for Missandei's release?) mixed with confusion (maybe because she's wondering what Cersei is up to?) follows after. But the anger was already shown. Even Euron is surprised and appears unsure why Cersei spared Tyrion. (Euron, the lone Greyjoy in contrast to Theon being with the Starks, who is only with Cersei for a certain reason; Cersei being the lone Lannister; Dany being the lone Targaryen because Jon has the Starks in the first half of the season & Dany never truly trusts him after she finds out the truth about him)
The thing is, while Cersei and Dany share many parallels (and I would even argue that certain aspects of the Mad Queen narrative are split between them leading up to their endgames which proves they are anything but mad), in the end, Cersei did not give up on her family. "Everyone who isn't us is an enemy." No matter how much she hated Tyrion or felt betrayed by Jaime, they were there for her in the end (in their own ways) and she couldn't swing the sword on either of them so to speak. Which is interesting given that she did not fight with the others at Winterfell (or send her army to fight) and didn't care about the one thing that mattered: survival. She had no issue with others killing Tyrion or Jaime (for example, the trial of Joffrey's murder; sending Bronn up North with a crossbow with their names on it - though for this one I'd argue she knew that Bronn would most likely be talked out of it since Jaime met with Tyrion in secret; Jaime choosing to go North to fight which he very well might not have come back from & she knew it since she saw the WW threat was real, etc.), but when it was at her command, in front of her, she never took the opportunity. And Jaime you could understand as her twin, her lover, but there was no reason for Tyrion. Except that they were family, no matter how much she may have despised him, or he her. Even when he killed Tywin; even when he joined Dany and came with her to Westeros; even when Cersei makes it clear that she knows exactly what Dany is to Tyrion.
So even though Cersei didn't care about anyone else and she didn't fight for anyone else (and she certainly wasn't a benevolent queen), she still cared for her brothers on some small level because they were the Lannister trio (as well as being in love with Jaime for many years and only trusting him). So not fighting with them but still...a part of them. Especially when you compare it to the Starks and Jon, and then Jon and Dany as the Last Two Targaryens.
So my whole long point is I wonder why if they cut that scene out not just for possible time constraints but also to help contribute to keeping the point of Dany's dark turn hidden.
Because you have a Stark and a Lannister working together to save people as well as each of their lives (and families by extension).
Which very well echoes the ending episode in where Bran becomes King and he makes Tyrion his Hand. "He's going to fix what he broke." And there are no Targaryens left alive (minus Jon who is banished/exiled, not an accident btw) or in power. The Targaryens have been removed completely from the map as well as from any kind of power in the world.
So I wonder if in a roundabout way, that's why this particular scene was removed. I could be completely wrong and I'm just thinking out loud here, but given the scene's removal after it was filmed when there were other gratuitous shots from that episode that could have been removed to help those time constraints, something just isn't jiving if that's the actual reason. Especially since they introduced that plot point for Sansa in the episode and it never came to fruition. (knowing D&D, I think they thought that scene between Sansa and Tyrion was enough, as well as showing us the moment the Crypt Wights were destroyed by the NK's death and us seeing Sansa and Tyrion right there in front of anyone else, knives in hand - sigh)
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