#jordans bitching again
ashenxrogue · 1 year
No one asked me, but here's why Childe Ajax Tartaglia probably isn't 34
To preface this, no, I have not read the 4.2 story leaks, I have no plans to, and frankly, I don't care what they say as they do not change the following math. It could literally say point-blank that Childe is 34, and I would not agree with it.
I'm just here cause I found the 14+20 argument illogical. (14 being the age he fell into the abyss and 20 being the number of years ago that the disappearances started in Fontaine)
And a fair warning, I am bad at reading what my tone is unless it is blatant. If any of this sounds hostile, it was not my intent, and I am likely unaware that it reads as such. This is just how I write when I am trying to be as clear and understandable as possible.
So, why is it unlikely that Childe is 34? It's because of his mother and his number of siblings.
Childe has 3 named younger siblings and an unknown number of older siblings. 2 being the bare minimum and at least 3 being the more probable based on the original Chinese. And, because Chinese is not something I know how to translate correctly beyond a basic level, here's the copy/paste directly from the wiki explaining why Childe most likely has at least 3 older siblings.
As noted above, the Chinese version of "Tartaglia's Letters to Home" mentions 哥哥姐姐们 "older brother(s) and sister(s)," suggesting he has at least one of each. In "Character Story 5", he is called the 三子 "third son," which suggests that he has two older brothers and an unknown number of older sisters. Alternatively, the term 三子 "third son" could be ambiguous and indicate that he is the third child with two older siblings of unspecified gender. Combined with the clue from his letter to home, this would suggest he has one older brother and one older sister, but this possibility is less likely given the interpretation of the original Chinese. His phrasing of 哥哥姐姐们, with the plural marker 们, would be an unlikely way to refer to a single older brother and a single older sister; it instead suggests he has more than one of either older brothers or older sisters (or both). If he only had one of each, he most likely would have simply written 哥哥姐姐 without the plural marker. Therefore, the most likely possibility is still that he has two older brothers and at least one older sister.
Now, time for the math featuring hypothetical ages for Childe's siblings and mother. To be generous, I will be using ages at the extreme ends of the possible ranges, favoring the ends that make it more possible for Childe to be 34, saying that he has exactly 3 older siblings, that none of them were twins, and while also taking into consideration their mother's health and wellbeing.
First, we have to determine how old those 3 older siblings are. I will be giving each a 2.5ish-year age gap, as it is suggested that someone wait 18-24 months before becoming pregnant again. So for our hypothetical math, I'll say the oldest sibling is 40.
For their mother, I'll be going with 18 as the age she had her first child. (This is as low as I am willing to go; personally, I think this number should be at least 20, if not higher.)
So, for her to have a 40-year-old child, she currently would be 58.
But we're not done; we have the 3 younger siblings to add. To simplify things, I will only focus on Tuecer since he is the youngest, so his age is the only one that matters. The general consensus (that I also agree with) is that Tuecer is somewhere between the ages of 8-12; I will be using 12.
At 58, their mother then would have been 46 when she had Tuecer.
While this is not impossible, at this age, their mother is 6 years into the potential range of beginning menopause and has an extremely low rate of 3-4% at most of successfully becoming pregnant.
This is incredibly low and is the youngest their mother could be if we set Childe's age to 34 without endangering her health.
Their mother's age if Childe is 10 years younger? 48, setting her at 36 when she would have hypothetically had Tuecer and outside of the potential onset of menopause and that 3-4% rate of pregnancy occurring.
So, statistically speaking, it is incredibly unlikely that Childe is 34; thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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aahsoka · 2 months
a) i cant believe she was inspired to pursue a career in animation bc of hu yeong thats so cute
b) i can usually sympathize with the reasons characters just fuck off somewhere in dramas. I never like or agree with the choice to not tell ur partner but I can sympathize with the reason usually. However with this guy I don’t give a shit its one of the flimsiest reasons I’ve ever heard. also how do u afford a plane ticket if ur ‘penniless’
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gender-euphowrya · 10 months
idk who needs to hear this but maybe that survival skill you have is actually a trauma response
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tag dump: blog things
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eclipsecrowned · 27 days
what karin expects when recreating the iconic 'br*d pitt slicing stephen r3a in two' scene with a hostile non-coven vampire: what's depicted in the award winning 1994 film what karin got:
having to lock up the now blood-soaked stairwell where the murder occurred level by level and then furiously scrub herself down in an on-site shower while having one of the interns fetch her clothes from her apartment, alternating between picking bits of viscera out of her hair/cleavage and gagging.
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aercnaut · 1 year
tag dump; general blog things
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slasherscream · 4 months
the absolute INSANITY of the pushing your s/o away thing with the crazy ass boy gang… it’s like triggering a dog’s prey drive but for serial killers w abandonment issues
❥ who gets pissed the fuck off ❥
Billy Loomis - Is irritated off rip. Billy plays it cool but he needs physical affection from you. He’s casual about it so he flies under the radar, but this is a stage five clinger. He’s always doing something small. Touching your fingers. A hand on your back. Neck. Sitting behind you instead of putting you directly in his lap. It’s little stuff. Hovering. Smack his hand away one of these times and his jaw clenches right away. “What the hell is your problem?” Please snuggle up to him and don’t start world war 3. It’s not worth the joke. 
Kevin Khatchadourian - Quick question, why do this to yourself? Kevin does not need, nor does he particularly enjoy, physical contact. Period. He is gracious enough to give you physical contact because he knows you’re built different (pathetic). For you to then turn around and spit in the face of him being kind enough to meet your needs? …. Quite crazy of you. The look he gives you is pure confusion because he’s honest to God baffled. What do you want to accomplish here? Go ahead and start begging now, because he’s not touching you for a long while. 
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - Swings wildly between damn near dodging any physical affection you attempt to give him to hanging off you like a squid on a ship. No in-between. For you to have the audacity to reject him when he’s feeling clingy? How dare you. He doesn’t have to beg anyone for attention! Did you forget who you’re dating? Doesn’t even care if you did it with obvious playfulness. He’s sensitive. He’s tender. He’s a bitch. He goes to get up and leave entirely and you have to grab him and beg him to cuddle so this doesn’t become a week long cold war. Happy ego stroking! 
Stu Macher - What you’re not about to do is ruin his mood. Baby, he’s about to ruin yours. How about that? If you push his hands off you once he enjoys a little playful bitchiness. Playing hard to get. He likes to chase, it’s cool. Twice? Okay…. We’re irritating him. Three times? He’s gonna grab your hand, stop smiling, and stare at you. When he places his hand back where it belongs, on your thigh, don’t act up again. He could make your whole week go to shit. Don’t start wars you won’t win. He’s the king of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. 
Nathan Prescott - Has to bluster and get visibly pissed off because he is rejection sensitive to a degree that is astounding, frankly. Let you see him upset after he tried to be affectionate and you said no? Hah! Not fucking likely. Being physically affectionate in the first place doesn’t come easy to him. Quality time is more his speed. Even worse if it wasn’t a sexual advance he was making. He tried to wrap an arm around you and you shrug him off? You’ll be lucky to get a hello out of him for the next week. Good luck soldier.
David Mccall - Outwardly, he pretends to be despondent and sheepish when you bat his hand away. He’s using sadness as a shield. If he’s sad then you might feel bad and give in. He’ll use any tool in his arsenal to get his way. One of his greatest skills is speaking in a soft voice, just shy of how you’d speak to a toddler, and telling you: “I didn’t mean to upset you, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” This is all to hide the fact that you rejecting him in any way, shape, or form makes him so angry he can barely think. You might be able to catch the rage hidden behind the veil. If you’re quick enough. David puts on a convincing show, but his gentle smile is twitching at the edges.
❥ who gets sad and mopey ❥
Jordan Li - Oh you pushed them away? No, that’s cool, it’s totally fine. You can want space. Everyone’s entitled to their own space bubble. Of course. Are you having a bad day? Are you mad at them? Did they do something wrong? Did they piss you off? These are the types of questions Jordan is going to “casually” ask for the next ten minutes while they sit really close to you. They’re not touching you! They always sit with their legs spread so wide. Their arm isn’t around you, it’s on the back of the couch. You’re nitpicking here, babe. They’re staring at you with their big brown eyes. No, they didn’t get any closer while you weren’t looking. 
Josh Washington - Why would you do this to him? Don’t push his hand off you unless you mean it or you’re being obviously playful about it. If you pretend to be mad at him while you do it, no matter how unconvincing of an actor you are, he will believe you. Sensitive king. He also won’t go to touch you again until you initiate the contact. Physical touch is reassuring and comforting to him but even he (category five clinger) gets touch aversion at times. As observant as he is, he knows some people are uncomfortable asserting their boundaries, so they’ll try to soften the blow of saying no by being “playful”. He cannot take the risk! You could mean it but don’t want to hurt his feelings. Josh interprets many playful no’s as real ones. Better safe than sorry.
❥ secret third worse thing ❥
Sebastian Valmont - Doesn’t take it for anything more than what it is. If you’re being playful he recognizes it. If you’re seriously not wanting to be touched at any given moment he understands that as well. However, in the case of being playful, you’ve started a war you can’t win. Because, as much as Sebastian enjoys chasing you…  Sebastian also likes to be chased. Ten minutes from now you’ll go to give Sebastian’s cheek a kiss and he’s going to dodge you. Hard. To such an extent it’s bordering on insult. He’ll be wearing a cat that got the canary grin all the while. 
Jason Dean/JD - Doesn’t take you seriously even if you are dead serious. I’m sorry, you’ve discovered his worst character trait by far. Most boundaries are a joke to him. He always wants to touch you. He loves you! He craves you like a drug. You should feel the same for him, in equal measure and desperation. So why wouldn’t you want him touching you? Holding you close. He’s so gentle with you (usually). His arms should feel like home. No matter how long a day you’ve had. No matter how overwhelmed you might be with sound, sight, touch. In JD’s eyes you’re one soul in two bodies. He always wants you near. He knows you want the same. You’re just a little dramatic sometimes.
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antifragi1e · 2 years
you hate alice . No i dont. yeah . u despise her u complain constantly about how vapid and annoying she is. You hate her. it's pitiful , how u wont stop making fun of her stupid little podcast. Let Her Have The Podcast. i don't know what ur talking about. U hate listen. To her podcast. wait.... what???? and u made a swear on our lives not to tell anyone. Jordan is that true??? i like your podcast alice :) what is ur podcast about ? hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend . (jordan groans) Did you just.... Groan??? no. when i said "hanging out with your smartest and funniest friend" 🙄 oh my god LIKE THAT. LIKE thAT Fuck! YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN. NO I DIDNT. First of all, A PODCAST TAKES A LOT OF WORK OK . you have to organize the guests u have to do a google calendar and and and you Build a following IT TAKES A LONG FUCKING TIME .AND IVE BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR A WHILE OKAY . and then... let me say THAT NOBODYLIKESYOU. OKAY. NOOOOOOOOOBODY LIKES YOU NOBODY LIKES YOU do you know when ur drunk and u cry to me "Ohhhh im afraid nobody likes me coz im mean and a bitch and i suck!" well you do OKAY you fucking Suckk and i only hang out with u out of pity and the suffocating weight of our shared history And That is all... ANDDDDD youre just sooooo in love with your RAGS to riches narrative like ur the only fucking person in the world who didnt come from money , You know what??? Ur parents. are Upper. Middle. Class. no theyre not. jordan.... they are. They teach. at a university. it's public . Oh... my god OH MY GOD i mean. no wonder sophie od'd... Who could date a fucking Spreadsheet with a superiority complex . its like. you're such a BI- (GUNSHOT) OWW. What the fuck??? what the Fuck jordan??? oh my god ARE U SERIOUS?? Did u just fuckinf shoot me??? No. U FUCKJGN SHOT MEEE . WITH A GUNNNNN!!!!! No i didnt shoot u :( YOU FUCKING MURDERED THEM U FREAK . UR THE MURDERERRRRRRRR I KNEW JT I KNEW IT . YOURESUCH A BITCH UR SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt murder anybody:( YES YOU DID. JORDAN put the gun down IVE NEVER BEEN SHOT BEFOREEEEE IT REALLY FUCKING HURTS
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gwynfahr · 1 year
Sleeping position
Jordan Li x reader
Synopsis : You can't seem to fall asleep and keep accidentally bugging your lover throughout the night.
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"Jordan ? You awake ?" encased in your partners arms, in his masc form for the moment, your voice sounding loud despite the fact you were whispering in the night.
His answer came in a groan and a stir, telling you he was listening.
"Did we do the assignment for Brink's class tomorrow ?" your voice sounded anxious, and you clearly forgot you did it earlier with Jordan while watching an episode of Property Brothers.
"You thinking 'bout that in the middle of the night ?" muffled words came from your lovers whose head was located on the crook of your neck. "We did it two hour ago, babe."
"Oh. That's right, I forgot, sorry for waking you up, baby, go back to sleep." You were still wide awake, so you took it on yourself to help him fall back asleep, after all, you didn't have classes early in the morning tomorrow, while he did. Your hand slowly began caressing his hair and he groaned a bit at the soothing motion, grateful.
Ten minutes later, Jordan was back asleep and you still couldn't sleep. You didn't dare move too much as Jordan's body was litteraly flushed against your side and you really didn't want to wake him up, so you just laid in bed, eyes wide open, trying to understand why your brain wouldn't just fall asleep.
An hour later, you got a cramp so painful that you jerked up harshly, moving your boyfriend with you. Your whimpers of pain were made to be silent in order to not wake Jordan up more than he already was, but it was too late.
"Babe, you okay ?" He asked, not quite awake, but definitely not half asleep anymore.
"I got a cramp, sorry." You answered, massaging your calf where the cramp hurt like a bitch. "Shit, that hurts..."
Jordan took your leg in his arms and gently massaged the area, figuring that, if he was awake, he must do something to help. Soon enough, the pain faltered to a reasonable amount. "That's better ?"
You nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry for waking you again, you have classes tomorrow..."
"No it's okay, I was having a nightmare either way, so I should thank you for that."
"Really ? Do you want to talk about it ?" You took his hand, an expression of concern on your face.
"Meh, it's stupid." He said, and then suddenly, Jordan was sat in front of you in her female form.
"Nothing is stupid when it comes to nightmares baby, if you don't want to talk about it, though, it's okay, we can just cuddle until you fall back asleep." you proposed.
"That's clearly implying you won't sleep." Jordan said as you took a more confortable postion, laying back down, face to face on your sides.
"I wasn't sleeping before, but it"s okay, I don't have classes in the morning so, I'll be able to get back some sleep then. You have to wake up early though, baby, you need your beauty sleep."
"Please," Jordan snorted "I don't need sleep to look hot, and I've done worse than a four hours night of sleep. Why weren't you sleeping ?" she asked, hugging you close to her so her head was rested comfortably on your neck, caressing your head. Mechanically, you did the same.
"I think I forgot something, but I can't remember what, and it's bugging me. Ithought it was an assignment or somethng, but it wasn't that. Not a birthday either, not something school related, not an important date for us, not an appointment... I thought about everything and I can't remember." Somehow, explaining it to Jordan made it feel even more stupid, if you forgot something, then you'd remember at some point, no need to lose sleep over it.
Your girlfriend looked deep in thought.
"Maybe it's just your anxiety taking a toll on you. I know it hppens to me when I'm stressed. Just try to forget bout forgetting something and relax." She moved her hands to your back, scratching it softly in a soothing motion, making you giggle a bit at the tickles it created. "I mean, we could also fuck until we're both too tired and lazy to even think about anything, but I feel like you're not really in the mood." She joked a smirk on her face.
You genuinely thougth about it. Jordan was wearing one of your shirt right now, and she looked so hot in it it was criminal. Plus, you really wanted to sleep. However, you felt like the cramp would come back at any too suden moves or contraction of your muscles. "We could make out instead ? You look so hot right now that it's really hard saying no, you need to know."
Soon enough, the both of you were flush against the other, legs entangled, Jordan's hands on your neck as yours were messing with her hair (making it more toussled than it was before). Your mouthes moved in sync, gently, slowly, carefully, you had time, neither of you wanted to sleep anymore. You had to come up for air after some time, but you still found the breath to whisper to Jordan.
"I love you so much, Jordan. So so much."
"I love you too. So much" Was your girlfirend's answer, after a minute of silence where she kissed everywhere she could on your face.
You spent, maybe twenty more minutes making out, Jordan switching forms twice, settling in his male form. Finally, you bth stopped, out of breath. You looked in each other's eyes and Jordan whispered :
"We should try to sleep."
"You're right, it's actually crazy to see you be the responsible one on this relationship, though." You teased before cuddling again with your boyfriend, the forgotten thing plaguing your mind forgotten.
You both fell asleep peacefully ten minutes later.
4:33 am
Rufus was still calling for help after you hung him on the american flag hamper in the main alley of God U, five hours earlier.
It seems you forgot about this entirely.
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ashenxrogue · 20 days
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dead ass never fucking changing my name card ever again
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aahsoka · 8 months
v excited abt queen of divorce they have set up a great premise for revenge and also. im soooo pumped to see kang ki young in a lead role
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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It was your bullying step-brothers idea to play a game. You just wished you'd never listened...
Jordan was the bane of your life. He was stronger, taller and more attractive than you. He seemed to take a perverse delight in ruining everything in your life and when you finally got a girlfriend you could sense his jealousy.
You weren't worried though. Jenna was sweet, delightful and funny. She hated 'Alpha-Males' like Jordan and was deeply in love with you. She was best-friends with your twin sister Kate as well and the three of you got on so well.
One day the three of you were hanging out when Jordan entered the room carrying a bottle of vodka.
"Hey nerds," he grinned, "wanna play a game with me?"
"Not really Jordan, go away," sighed Kate folding her arms under her small breasts and glaring at him. "You're such a douchebag, we don't want to play anything with you."
"Awwww, what's the matter? Don't wanna have some fun?"
Placing the bottle down, Jordan opened it and grabbed four shot glasses. He poured out the vodka. "Come on losers, I'm bored and this will be fun. I bet you pathetic dweebs have never played 'I have never'."
I didn't want to play anything with Jordan, but strangely I found myself being drawn towards the shot glass the same as my girlfriend and my sister.
"That's it losers - you can't resist playing with me. In fact - you can't resist doing everything I say from now on."
A strange befuddlement seemed to throb through my head as my hand closed on the glass. I could see Jenna breathing heavily and Kate as well as they grabbed their glasses.
"Now then bitches, I'm gonna say something and if you have never done it before, you have to drink and then do the thing I'm saying."
"Th...that's not how... the game... works," groaned Jenna struggling to speak as a strange lethargy swept through her.
"It's how my version works losers - now then. I have never had my tits enhanced."
A strange tingle ran through all three of us and I found the vodka rising to my lips. I drank it and placing it down watched Jordan fill my glass back up.
The fiery vodka burned my throat and then my chest began to ache. I looked down and watched in horror as my t-shirt began to bulge and swell. My nipples were rock hard as my pectoral muscles bulged out and then became soft pliable flesh. Two round, perfect globes swelled out - big fat fake tits causing my t shirt to rip and tear. I could hear female moans next to me and saw that my sister and girlfriend were undergoing a similar transformation.
"H...how?" groaned Kate as she cupped her massive new tits. She had been relatively flat chested before, but now she had a fine pair of teenage milkers and she looked great.
"Just a little magic to spice things up," grinned Jordan. "All three of you look so much better with this big tits. Now then 'I have never shaved my pussy bare."
I felt the vodka rising to my lips again and I drank it. My cock tingled and a delicious feeling of inversion and sucking seemed to happen. My crotch was now flat and smooth - a pretty pink pussy where my cock used to be.
"Haha, this is cool," laughed Jordan. "Now then, I have never worked my booty out to become a PAWG."
All three of us drank again and my whole body ached. I could feel my ass swelling up and my body shrinking. Toned muscles rippled under my skin as my hips cracked out. I looked at Kate and Jenna - they looked like hot little gym bunnies now just like I did.
"Okay sluts - you're looking good, but we can do even better. I have never had hair extensions, fake nails, eyelashes and a tan."
My body ached and as I raised the vodka to my lips again I saw I now had cute white nails and smooth tanned skin. My short hair was now long and blonde, I could feel it tickling my shoulders. Long slutty lashes projected from my eyes and I could taste lipstick on my transformed face.
I had nearly become fully female.
"Yeah, that's it bitches - you look so much better. The bottle is nearly empty. How about one final round? I have never been a horny, popular, bitchy slut who only likes hung Alpha-males."
All three of us drank, the empy glasses tumbling from our hands as we shook and giggled. My pussy throbbed and my brain ached as I felt new urges and desires pulse through me.
I'm a slut... I'm a bitch... I'm popular. I wanna fuck Jordan, I love being a slut for him... ohhh fuck yeah.
My clothing transformed as did Kate and Jenna's. All three of us were now dressed in sexy lingerie. The three of us were mean little size queens now, sluts for bully cock. I felt my pouty pink lips twist into a dumb grin as I played with my hair.
"Like... I am sooooo drunk and I'm fucking horny. Jordan, please will you like let us suck your cock?"
Jordan smiled and unzipping his fly flopped out his big fat cock. Me and my slutty friends sank to our knees, our mouths wet. Mmmmmh, he was so good to us.
"Fuck yes. My step-sis and her slutty friends. This is such a better configuration," he crowed. "Maybe one day I'll turn you back so you can appreciate how much of a slut you were for my cock. Then I'll turn you back into this bitch - she's better than you ever were."
I had no idea what my hot step-brother was going on about. I was too busy sinking my cherry pink lips around his big cock and starting to suck as Jenna began to rim Jordan and Kate kissed and made out with him.
Glug... glug... glug...
"Mmmmmh, that's it girls - I have never had a threesome before and this is gonna be a blast..."
As I felt Jordan's cock slide deep down my slut throat, I gurgled happily. Mmmmmh, I loved playing games with him...
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sydsaint · 5 months
Make fun of my big forehead man ONE MORE TIME!!!
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Summary: With Rhea gone, TJD start to fall apart at the seams. Tired of taking Damian's abuse, JD decides that it's time for the Irish Ace to make his return to singles action. But JD isn't about to leave without his favorite girl.
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"Crap." You grumble to yourself in the hotel room as you sift through your suitcase for your Judgement Day shirt. "Come on!" You grit your teeth. "It's got to be in here somewhere."
Across the room, JD finishes throwing his ring gear into his gym bag. He notices the distressed look on your face, so he walks over to you to ask what's got you looking so upset for.
"YN, love. What's got you all worked up?" JD asks you.
"I can't find my damned shirt!" You curse the air and shove your suitcase away from you.
You let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand through your hair.
"Alright, no need to take it out on the suitcase." JD chuckles to lighten the mood. "What's so special about this shirt you're looking for, anyway?" He asks you. "You know that you look good in pretty much anything, YN."
"Ugh, that's not the point!" You whine. "Damian has been up my ass about wearing Judgment Day merch to Raw." You explain. "I swear I packed the damn thing! But now I can't find it." Your voice cracks slightly due to your frustration.
Jordan rolls his eyes at the mention of Damian giving out more ridiculous orders to the team. Priest has been getting more and more authoritarian ever since he won his championship and Rhea had to leave due to her shoulder injury.
"Alright, just relax, love." JD walks back over to his suitcase laying open on the other side of the room. "Your suitcase might not survive another outburst." He jokes and pulls his Judgement Day shirt over his head.
JD tosses the shirt over to you and step forward to catch it. You watch him reach into his suitcase and pull out a different shirt to put on.
"Let Damian bitch at me for not wearing any merch today." JD offers as he pulls a plain purple shirt over his head.
"Thanks, Jordan." You crack a soft, thankful, smile.
You step into the bathroom with Jordan's shirt and the rest of your outfit for the night and get changed. You pull the shirt over your head in the bathroom and notice that it smells like Jordan. Which makes you smile to yourself.
When you come back out of the bathroom, JD is on his phone texting with Finn about the show. He looks up from his phone when he hears you come out of the bathroom and smiles at you.
"Like I said earlier." Jordan pockets his phone and gets to his feet. "You look great in just about anything, YN." He compliments you. "Damian and Dominick are already at the arena, and Finn is waiting for us in the lobby if you're ready to go." He adds.
"Yeah, just let me grab my bag." You nod and retrieve your bag from its spot on your bed. "And hey, thanks again for the shirt, Jordan. I don't know why I was freaking out so much about it." You thank him.
JD shrugs and gets the door for you. "Don't worry about it, YN." He assures you. "Happy to help."
You and JD meet Finn in the hotel lobby and the three of you head out to the arena for Raw. Once you make it to the arena, JD is quick to fall into a conversation with Dominick. You decide to take a minute to catch up with Finn while everyone waits for Damian to arrive back from wherever he's at.
"You ready for Raw, tonight? Finn?" You ask Balor casually. "You've got a match against Jey Uso, right?" You ask him.
"Yep." Finn nods. "I've gone up against Jey, before. It shouldn't be too much of an issue." He assures you. "How about you, YN. How's traveling with JD been?" He asks you. "The two of you getting along? It seems like you are. Especially since, and I mean no offense, but your shirt reeks of him, YN." Finn alludes to something or other involving you and JD.
You laugh at the way Finn maneuvers the conversation around the obvious accusation that he could be making. "Damian's been nagging me about wearing merch for Raw." You explain. "I forgot to pack my shirt, so Jordan lent me his. That's all."
"Oh." Finn replies. "Right, sorry, YN. I didn't mean to accuse you and JD of anything, you know?" He apologizes.
"It's okay, Finn." You laugh. "And to answer your other question, Jordan and I are getting along fine as travel partners." You assure him.
Finn nods and changes the subject to something else. Damian finally makes it back to the locker room right before Raw is set to start, and the mood in the locker room instantly changes when he arrives.
"Good, you're all here." Damian barges into the room, his voice booming as he slams the door behind him. "YN, I see you got the memo about your wardrobe." He comments on your shirt when his gaze happens to flit over to you. "And I see that JD did the opposite." He adds when he glances over at JD who's talking to Dominick.
JD rolls his eyes, but doesn't try and argue with Priest. Damian glosses over the schedule for Raw. He mentions Finn's match against Jey as well as his plans for a promo in the ring before the match.
"Alright, that's everything for tonight." Damian addresses everyone after he's done going over plans. "Y'all can do whatever you want until it's time to head out to the ring."
"How generous of you." You mumble to yourself, which earns some side-eye from Damian.
Damian turns his full attention on you, still siting next to Finn still. "You got something to say, YN?" He asks you.
"Nope. Nothing, boss." You reply dryly and rise from your seat.
Damian's gaze follows you as you walk past him and take a seat next to JD and Dominick. Damian stares at you for a moment, but eventually scoffs and walks off. Dominick heads out to go do something before it gets too late into the night, which leaves you with just JD to talk to.
"Some attitude he's got tonight." You whisper to Jordan with a sour expression.
"Got that right." JD agrees. "Who dies and made him boss anyway?" He adds.
Later into the night, it's almost time for Finn's match against Jey, so Damian rallies the troops and orders everyone out to the ring with him. You bring up the rear of the group with Jordan. Damian leads the pack and talks with Finn about making sure that he doesn't lose to Jey tonight.
"Is he really giving Finn the, 'you better not lose this.' talk, right now?" JD asks you quietly, so Dominick can't hear the two of you whispering.
"It sounds like it, yeah." You nod. "What the fuck is his problem tonight?" You wonder aloud. "I mean, Finn's been a champion way more times and in way more promotions than he ever has." You scoff.
JD nods in agreement, and you both glare over Dominick's shoulder at Damian. "And people like to say I've got a big head." He jokes with you.
You giggle and knock shoulders with JD playfully. "It's not that big." You laugh with him. "Just...larger than average. And it could be worse. You could have a big forehead and be ugly, right?" You add playfully.
"Well, we can't all be as effortlessly pretty as you, YN." Jordan chuckles. "But, I try."
You and Jordan laugh with one another, and for a moment you forget about Damian and his little ego trip.
Everyone files out to the ring and Damian gets a microphone from someone in the timekeepers area. With his microphone in hand, Damian makes his way to the middle of the ring and begins his speech.
You hang out in the corner of the ring with JD and Finn, and Dom is posted up in the other corner while Damian talks. Priest's speech eventually catches the attention of Jey, who was bound to head out to the ring sooner or later. But Jey doesn't come out to the ring alone. With him is Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, who's visiting from Smackdown since you're in Canada for the week.
"Oh, great." You comment as Sami, Jey, and Kevin all file out to the ring. "He just had to run his mouth, didn't he?" You sigh.
Jey confronts Damian in the middle of the ring, still pissed off about JD and Dom helping Damian cheat to win at Backlash a couple of weeks ago. Sami and Kevin offer Jey support by keep an eye on you, JD, Dom, and Finn, on the other side of the ring.
Eventually, a fight does end up breaking out between the two groups in the ring. You do your best to stay out of the carnage, But it's a little difficult to stay out of the way when bodies are flying around everywhere with reckless abandon.
"Shit! Move, Damian!" You accidentally smack right into Damian on your journey to make it out of the ring.
Your hit knocks Priest off balance and allows Jey an opening to hit him with a pretty nasty super kick. You feel bad for causing it, but slip down to the floor anyway. JD pops up at your side a few seconds later after barreling through Kevin over near the corner of the ring.
"You alright, YN?" JD checks up on you as the chaos of the fight begins to dissipate.
"Yeah, I'm good, Jordan." You nod and head over to Finn as he rolls out of the ring as well.
Dominick joins your trio a few seconds later and everyone gets clear of the ring. Everyone except Damian. Priest remains in the ring and furiously tries another attempt at attacking Jey.
Jey backs off with regroups with Sami and Kevin, leaving Priest alone in the ring. Damian realizes he's alone and frantically starts looking around for his team. He turns around to find everyone waiting for him at the top of the ramp. You gesture for him to join you in a friendly manner, but Damian takes it as anything but a friendly gesture.
You and the group wait at the top of the ramp as Damian makes his way out of the ring. And Dominick is the first one to notice that he looks like he's fuming mad.
"What the hell was all that?!" Damian stomps up the ring and confronts everyone. "So you guys just leave me in the ring alone?" He glares at the group. "And you!" He directs his attention to you. "What the fuck happened in the ring? You tripped me right into Jey!"
"I was trying to get out of the way, Damian." You reply calmly. "It's not like I meant to trip you." You try and assure him that you meant no harm.
Damian rolls his eyes, anger rolling off him like heatwaves. "Right. I swear, Rhea leaves for a week and it's like the four of you turn into a bunch of idiots!" He huffs. "Did you all forget how to listen to simple directions?" He goes back to confronting everyone.
"And who died made you boss?" You reply sharply, not about to take this verbal abuse.
"Rhea did." Damian turns his angry eyes back on you.
You scoff and tsk at him. "The fuck she did." You protest. "Rhea didn't say shit about putting you in charge of anything, Priest! And I'm getting real tired of you bossing me around." You add.
"I'm the champion!" Damian points to the belt hanging off his shoulder. "So what I say goes. You don't like it? Then you can take your bad attitude and get lost." He glares down at you. "Rhea is plenty enough women for this group. We don't need another one."
Before your brain can register what you're doing, you raise a hand and smack Damian across the face. The sound echo's off the barricades either side of the ramp and you suddenly remember that everyone is still standing on the stage and not in the secluded backstage area. Meaning the whole WWE universe just saw you smack Priest across the face.
Damian's nostrils flare and he stares down at you with murder in his eyes. But you don't budge from your spot.
"She's right, Priest." JD speaks up from your side. "You're not our boss. And we're tired of you acting like you can order us around." He comes to your defense.
Damian's rage switches from being directed at you to JD. He towers over Mcdonagh with a locked jaw and glares at him. "Yeah? Well you can join her then." He growls at JD.
"Gladly." JD replies. "Finn, Dominick, don't let this bloke order you around like his lackies, mates." He gives a friendly warning to the remaining Judgment Day members. "Come on, YN. Let's get out of here."
You glance between Finn and Dominick, offering them each a sympathetic smile before you join JD. The two of you walk toward the curtain while the WWE crowd roars throughout the arena.
"You know that we're going to catch hell from Priest for this, right?" You laugh to yourself as you and JD step through the curtain. "And we aren't exactly popular in this locker room." You add.
"Eh." JD shrugs and grabs your hand hanging at your side. "I've got you, love. Nothing else I need." He grins at you.
You giggle and clutch at his hand in yours. "It might not be so bad then." You joke.
You know that being against Priest won't be an easy battle. But you're willing to take the fight head-on as long as JD has your back.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Six of Six of Meddling :( I'm so sad. Part One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Ao3 Link.
And I would once again like to dedicate this story to Cass (@henderdads). I hope it's as fluffy as you like <3
Eddie's location shows that he's back at his apartment like Robin had said. Steve isn’t sure why he thought he would be somewhere dramatic like on some random hill overlooking the city – especially since Eddie doesn’t like heights.  
So, Steve makes the quick drive over to his tiny apartment and sits in the parking lot. It’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay.  
They’re finally going to talk.  
Steve makes the familiar walk up to Eddie’s place and hesitates outside. There’s the loud sound of Eddie playing his electric guitar on the other side of the door. He sighs when he realizes it’s “Master of Puppets” which is his so called “battle song” whenever he’s about to face something really bad.  
Well, this isn’t good.  
Steve sits in front of the door and waits for the song to play out. He isn’t going to interrupt Eddie mid verse and piss him off any more than he already has.  
Two people end up passing him in the hall and giving him weird looks, but Steve just smiles up at them tightly and waves. He eventually closes his eyes and leans his head back against the door.  
He’s always enjoyed listening to Eddie play, but he’s never listened when he’s been the source of Eddie’s inspiration. He just wishes it was a good type of inspiration.  
As the song comes to an end, Steve tries to prepare himself to stand up and knock before Eddie starts another one. But he lingers when he hears Eddie curse under his breath and unplug his amp. He hears the muffled, “Goddamnit... lying... son of a... bitch. Oh, this is so stupid, this is so stupid. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.”  
And Steve is too busy feeling sorry for himself that he doesn’t register the words are growing louder as the sound of footsteps approach the door. Then, the door opens and Steve falls back against the ground.  
“Steve?” Eddie asks above him.  
Steve groans and grabs his head. He hopes this doesn’t trigger another concussion or migraine.  
“Shit,” Eddie says. He steps over Steve and holds his hand out to help him up. Steve grabs it and lets himself be pulled up and led to the couch. “I’ll be right back,” Eddie promises.  
Next thing he knows, Steve has an ice pack wrapped in a towel placed in his hand. He glances up at Eddie. “I’m fine. I don’t need this.”  
Eddie crosses his arms and looks down at him. “My apartment, my rules. Put the ice pack on your head.”  
Steve feels around for anywhere tender and hisses at one spot he touches a little too hard. It’s not raised or anything, plus he usually has too much adrenaline to feel pain after he’s gotten a concussion, so Steve is pretty sure it’s just a bruise. He puts the ice pack on it anyways, not wanting to argue with Eddie. “Can we talk?” Steve asks.  
Eddie shrugs and sits in the worn leather chair in his living room. “About what?”  
Steve tries not to roll his eyes. “About the fact that everything was going so well today, and we were supposed to talk until you saw that text from Jordan.”  
He watches as Eddie shifts uncomfortably in the chair and starts picking at his nails. He sighs and looks at Steve. “It’s fine. We were just doing a favor for Robin. We don’t have to make a big deal out of it. There was always a deadline for this whole relationship thing, and I just cut it off sooner than planned. But if she needs me there to make Veronica comfortable, then I don’t think she should date her.”  
Steve sighs and puts his head in his hand. He’ll have to touch on the whole Veronica thing later so Eddie doesn’t get sidetracked. He puts the ice pack on Eddie’s wobbly coffee table then rubs his hands up and down his legs nervously and asks, “What if I wanted to make a big deal out of it?”  
Steve runs a hand through his hair, trying to settle his nerves. “What if I wanted to make a big deal out of it because Jordan means nothing to me? I wasn’t lying earlier when I said I wasn’t seeing anyone. I hooked up with her three weeks ago and haven’t talked to her since.”  
Eddie just laughs and shakes his head. “You don’t get it, do you?”  
“What?” Steve asks exasperated because he would really love if Eddie explained things to him.  
But he isn’t prepared for Eddie to look him in the eye with so much hurt as he asks, “Steve, over the past three years since you’ve met me, do you remember me going out with anyone? Mentioning anyone?”  
Steve shakes his head. Honestly, it was just never something Eddie brought up. He just thought he wasn’t comfortable talking about those things.  
“I wasn’t lying tonight,” Eddie says. “Since the moment I met you, I have fallen for you so damn hard, but every single time I’ve thought the timing was finally right and I was about to confess my feelings, you’ve mentioned someone new. It’s been three years, Steve. Why did you never consider me?” Eddie’s voice breaks at the end.  
Steve shakes his head. “I just didn’t let myself think I had a chance with you.”  
“Bullshit,” Eddie says.  
Steve points at him. “Don’t use that word. You know what it means to me.”  
Eddie leans forward in his chair and slowly says, “I do, and that’s why I call bullshit.”  
It hurts hearing it from Eddie, so Steve stands up and starts heading to the door.
He stops in his tracks.
Maybe Eddie’s right. Maybe Steve needs to be honest with himself. He’s always thought of Eddie as a fantasy out of reach, and in the process, he’s set himself up on so many pointless dates that he knew wouldn’t go anywhere. He was honestly self-sabotaging since the moment he met Eddie because...  
He walks back to Eddie and stops in front of his chair. “I was scared, Eddie.”  
Eddie scoffs.  
This only makes Steve upset. He throws out his arms. “In the past three years, when have you ever seen me have a serious relationship?”  
Eddie is silent for a moment, considering before he answers, “Never.”  
“And why do you think that is?”  
Eddie shrugs. “Because you’re not a relationship guy?”  
“Bullshit,” Steve says. “It’s because I was scared of getting hurt again. You remember what I said today at the bar. The whole reason we were supposed to talk.” Eddie looks down. Steve swallows hard and drops to his knees in front of the chair, forcing Eddie to look at him. “I have been scared of you since the moment I laid eyes on you because I knew you could so easily break my heart.”  
Steve hesitantly puts his hands on Eddie’s knees and squeezes. “And I was scared of hurting you, too.” He pauses and adds, “Then, Dustin would kill me.”  
Eddie lightly laughs at that, and Steve’s heart soars. He laughs with him. “You know it’s true! He would kill the both of us if we hurt each other. God, he’s probably already going to kill me.”  
Eddie softly cups Steve’s cheek and says, “I wouldn’t let him do that to you.”  
Steve leans into his hand and turns to press a soft kiss against it. “Today was one of the best days of my life, and I don’t want to spend another second pretending that I would be okay not reliving it every day. So, can we please finally get the timing right, and will you please go out with me?”  
Eddie stares at him hesitantly and sighs with a smile. “Well, I feel obligated now that you’re on your knees practically begging for me to say yes.”  
Steve laughs and shoves his shoulder. “Shut up.”  
Eddie mimes zipping his mouth closed and throwing the key away.  
“Oh my gosh, Eddie, just say yes.”  
Eddie smiles with his lips still closed and gestures to his mouth then shrugs.  
Steve puts his head in his hands and asks, “Are you going to make me humiliate myself by trying to find the key?”  
He gets a tap on his shoulder, and he looks up to find Eddie nodding with an evil smile.  
Steve sighs and stands up. “Why can’t I just have a normal boyfriend?”  
“Can’t call me your boyfriend when I haven’t said yes,” Eddie argues then slams his hand over his mouth.  
Steve just laughs as Eddie’s hand slowly slides down to reveal his big smile. Steve grabs both of his hands and pulls him up into a hug. He holds on tight as Eddie slowly wraps his arms around him.  
“Yes, by the way,” Eddie whispers into his ear.  
Steve pulls back. “Yes?” he asks.  
Eddie nods with a breathtaking smile. “Yes.”  
Steve lets out a sigh of relief before pulling Eddie into a kiss - their first kiss as a real couple.  
They both smile into the kiss, pulling away every so often to laugh and whisper things like, “I can’t believe this is finally happening,” and “I’m your boyfriend,” and “You’re my boyfriend.”  
And yes, all of those comments end up being Eddie as Steve confirms each with another kiss. But they both end up smiling so hard that they have to pull away and rest their heads against each other.  
“Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie says, “How long are we going to have to lie to Veronica about when our relationship started.”  
Oh no.  
Steve sighs and pulls Eddie to the couch. “You might want to sit down for this...”  
He recalls what Robin and Nancy told him, and Eddie ends up nodding and saying, “Yeah, I was wondering how Veronica would feel about Nancy and Robin being so weirdly close. But this makes way more sense.” Steve finds his reaction to be way more tame than his until he asks, “Want to go over there and make them pay?”  
Steve shakes his head with a smile. “I think making them wait in suspense is the best way to torture them.”  
“And how long do we want to make them wait?”  
Steve shrugs. “A few hours, maybe longer.”  
Eddie smiles. “And what should we do during those hours?”  
Steve presses a kiss against Eddie’s cheek and says, “I have a few ideas.”  
“Me too,” Eddie says as he moves to capture Steve’s lips with his own.  
Steve can’t believe that this could’ve been his life for the past three years, but luckily, they have all the time in the world to make up for lost time.  
But they still should’ve done this way sooner.  
One year later...  
“Come on, Steve. We’re going to be late!” Robin yells.  
Steve stares at his reflection and fixes his hair a few more times before he pulls back to stare at his outfit. He laughs at the yellow sweater that Eddie insisted he had to wear on their one-year anniversary before running off to help Nancy with some emergency.  
He’s not sure why Robin didn’t leave instead of him considering that the two girls now live together, but he doesn’t question it too much. Eddie was ready, and Robin said she wasn’t.  
He’s also not sure why Robin is fussing so much about getting to the bar on time when the four of them could celebrate both their anniversaries at any time of the day.  
“Come on, Steve. We can’t keep Nancy and Eddie waiting for too long or else they’re going to have to keep stalling and insisting that two other people are coming. But what if they don’t believe them? What if they get kicked out for loitering, huh? Then, where are we going to celebrate at? There’s no fair this year, and I think Eddie would die if we made him ride the Ferris wheel again. So, hurry up!”  
Steve stops staring at himself and turns to face Robin who has been pacing in the doorway and frantically texting on her phone for the past five minutes. As far as Steve knows, they’re both going to be right on time and probably early if they leave in the next few minutes, He crosses his arms. “What are you hiding?”  
Robin looks at him with wide eyes, very much giving away that she is hiding something. “Nothing!” she squeals.  
Steve raises his eyebrows.  
Robin stutters a bit then sighs. “Fine, I’m just nervous about the gift I got for Nancy for our anniversary.”  
“I thought you already gave her it?”  
Robin’s eyes flicker to the left. Another giveaway that she’s lying. “It’s another gift.”  
Steve rolls his eyes and walks past her. “I know you’re hiding something from me, but you’re right. We’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon. So, let’s go, Buckley.”  
He keeps pressing it during the car ride over until Robin launches off on a rant about the new lingerie she bought for their anniversary that she doesn’t think Nancy will like and goes into far too much detail about it. So much so that she only finishes her rant once they’ve pulled into the parking of the bar.  
“Steve,” Robin says.  
Steve stops and turns to her.  
She says nothing.  
“What?” he asks.  
Then, he gets concerned as tears fill her eyes and she smiles wider. “Nothing, I’m just so happy.”  
Steve stares in horror and confusion as Robin gets weirdly emotional. “Yeah, okay, let’s get you to Nancy,” Steve says, stepping out of his car and following as Robin practically skips to the bar.  
He stares as she proudly holds the door open. Yeah, things are starting to get weird-  
He stops in the entrance to the bar and stares at the rose petals on the floor. What?  
There’s a guitar strum, and Steve watches as Eddie starts to play on the stage with the horrible acoustics. He recognizes the song from the first night they met, and stops in his place, as mesmerized as he was when he first saw him.  
He plays it the whole way through before he puts his guitar back in his case and comes back to the mic. “Hey, everyone, and especially you Steve.”  
Steve smiles but then startles as he notices there are definitely more people than just him and Eddie in the place. In fact, it’s... everyone he knows. Dustin... the rest of the party... even Eddie’s uncle Wayne is there.  
“A year ago, Steve and I finally got together after I pined after him since the first night we met here in this very bar. Now, the song I just played wasn’t romantic at all, but it’s the song I was playing when I first laid eyes on Steve. And I have never been the same,” Eddie says resting his hands over his heart in a mixture of sincerity and just for the dramatics. “But, a year ago, when we lied to the waiter about our anniversary and scored Robin here some free cake-”  
“Hey!” Robin interjects.  
Everyone laughs, but Steve, Eddie, and Nancy know it’s true.  
“Well, I told the waiter that in one year, I would be back to propose to Steve.”  
Steve’s heart skips a beat as it all connects. He feels tears fill his eyes much like Robin as Eddie gets off the shitty stage and makes his way to Steve. He takes his hands. “Steve, I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And I can’t imagine a life where you’re not in it forever. And with that being said, I think it’s only fair that I get to be the one that goes down on one knee since you went down on two to ask me out.”  
“Gross,” Dustin says.  
“Not like that!” Eddie yells at him. He mumbles, “Christ, kid is going to ruin the damn moment.”  
Steve can’t help but think that nothing could ever ruin this moment.  
Eddie then pulls a ring box out of his back pocket and gets down on one knee. “Steve, will you marry me?”  
Steve feels a tear slip down his face as he nods and happily laughs out, “Yes.”  
He tugs Eddie up and hugs him tight, as everyone starts cheering and flooding around the two.  
Later, Dustin, Nancy, and Robin start arguing about who is the reason they got together, but the couple is quick to humble Robin and Nancy reminding them that they’re both the reason they almost ruined their relationship forever.  
Nancy apologizes as Robin argues that it still worked out in the end, but Dustin takes it as a victory.  
Eddie just laughs through it all, insisting that it was actually his impeccable guitar skills that got the two of them together, and they would be nowhere without it.  
But Steve knows deep down that no matter what universe they are in, he and Eddie would somehow end up together.
Thank you to my dear tag list and everyone for sticking around for this story and leaving such kind comments <3 I hope you enjoyed
Tag List:
@henderdads @little-gae-shit @dreamingtheimpossibe @leethegay @lazyavenuewhispers @olibxr @thegayestpersonever @heartsforhawke @estrellami-1 @messrs-weasley @evillitteguy @miss-hit @infrogulous @romanticdestruction @liz5100 @evix-syne666 @bebe07011 @corrodedseraphine @meganwinchester @manda-panda-monium @heartdinosblog @ellietheasexylibrarian @newtstabber @irregular-child @turboprops69 @envyadams-vs-me @dude-as-in-i-love-u @slv-333 @jillfriend @goodolefashionedloverboi @steady-delusional-moonlover @scheodingers-muppet @sleepyboosstuff @cyranyx @bestwifehaver @marvel-ous-m @chaosgoblinreblogsthings @vampiregirl1797 @moltenchocolatelavacake
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fatalitysficbakery · 7 months
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Bad For Me. —
Jordan Li x Black Fem!Y/n
genre: angst (questionable, not there)/fluff/SMUT.
warnings: enemies to lovers, car sex, slight humor, possessive dom!jordan, got your tea bitch sub!y/n.
synopsis: jordan hates your guts or wants to rearrange them. they haven’t decided yet. (yes they have).
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↳ 𓆰 Fatalitysficbakery multifandomed &&’ oc menu #2 𓆪.
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❦ ⌫ ❦
She forces her way through the crowds, feeling herself bump into more than one frat boy being obnoxious on the dance floor, when she's finally pushed her way from everyone, her eyes darting around to the bar's seating area, not too many were there on account of the drinks keeping them busied.
She sighs until her attention is taken by a friend waving her over. Fixing the cowboy hat on her head, she makes her way over to them, a gentle smile on her face taking one of the seats next to Emma.
She doesn't notice them at first until she looks up and her smile immediately drops when they wink at her.
"Y/n? Earth to Y/n?" Marie snaps in front of her taking her attention away from the supe.
"I'm here, ma. I was...distracted. Far too many frat boys in that crowd."
"You didn't see anything you liked out there?" Emma asked, draping her arm around Y/n and passing her a shot.
Y/n smirks, downing her shot, head leaned against Emma's when she speaks, her eyes close for a second, meeting Emma's the moment they open again, shaking her head, "Nah, sweetheart. Ain't nothing for me on that floor, you know me."
"I do. You're very picky."
"I like it that way."
As she talks, a pair of eyes track her every movement like a hawk's, eyes barely leaving her to scope out the scene, when they do look away, it's like something pulls them right back to her, which was the wildest thing to them in all honesty. They'd disliked the supe the moment they first met. There was something about her that just pissed them off.
"You been awfully quiet, Jor." Cate speaks up, leaning forward to observe their every move. "Shifty eyes too. What's up?"
"I just need a shot. That reason enough?"
"I'll take it. For now."
Jordan's eyes roll, and now they're really trying their hardest not to look over at the witch, she had psychic abilities, they were sure she'd had them pinned the moment they talked, and if she did, she didn't let it on, looking at them curiously for a fraction of a moment that felt like hours in Jordan's eyes, every time her eyes met them it felt like she could see through to their soul, rip them open and dissect every flaw.
"I could...go get us some?" She offers, moving from her spot leaned on Emma, legs crossed one over the other. Cate's eyes break from Jordan knowingly, but no one really says a word, what's understood, after all...
"You stare any harder your eyes will pop out of your skull, kid." Cate pats the poor thing on the shoulder, grin stretching cheek to cheek.
Jordan despises you, they despise your very existence, the way your platinum blonde curls frame your face, making your dark brown skin pop out in a way that could distract God from his toughest battles, your lips full and always glossed, black lipliner a staple combo for you, they'd noticed. They'd noticed a lot about you and that's what they hated. You were insufferable in a way that left their mouth watering for more.
A puzzle they were determined to solve.
When you had come back with the shots, they weren't surprised that you caught somebody's eyes. That's another thing they hated about you, they hated that anybody else could look at you and notice the beauty they'd been trying their damndest not to notice.
When you were about to sit down again, some jock who Jordan noticed had been eyeing you for quite some time comes over, and Jordan wasn't exactly happy about it.
It happened so quick, everyone and no one was surprised when it did.
"I was wondering, if you, pretty thing would like to dance with little ole me?" He had the most infuriating southern accent possible and Jordan's jaw set immediately upon hearing it, stood up before you could utter an sentence in response, their form towering over you now as they look up at the douchebag, blonde with blue eyes and overwhelming steroids abuse.
"Move along, alright?" Jordan has a grin of all things on their face, like this was merely entertainment to them, their arms casually draping across your shoulder as if it was meant to be there.
"I was talking to the lady, Li."
"Yeah? You're talking to me now, Jeremy. You okay with that?"
Throughout this all, Y/n hadn't really uttered word, in complete shock that this was happening, I mean this was the same person that had just called you a nuisance a day prior.
"Man, I don't want a problem."
"So don't make one." Jordan's gaze burns into his soul, jaw clenched and eyes darker than they'd been before, they smile, eyes narrowing further.
Jeremy scoffs, turning to walk back off with his friends.
You just look up at Jordan in disbelief, mouth opened slightly.
After that night Jordan was strangely quiet, you hadn't heard a peep out of them since then, no smartass remark, insult, it was complete silence. Though they lingered. Loomed.
It wasn't until you were pulled into an empty classroom, their scent taking up residence in your every sense, it's hard to pin what it reminds you of but you know what it feels like, and it's the most cliche thought you've ever had.
They just stared at you for a moment like they're trying to get a read on you, size you up, you feel exposed, naked as the day you were born despite the sweater she wore.
"You...You make me so unbelievably angry."
"I do? That's what this is? Anger?" You cock your head to the side, a smile threatening to appear on your lips, eyes so deep they drown in them. Jordan hisses, bringing you closer to them, their breath tickling your skin.
"Yeah that's what that is. Anger. We need to talk."
"I agree. Let's."
Jordan hoists you up onto the table, staring you down like it was their job to, before they speak, you beat them to the punch. "That was wild...What you did last weekend at the bar. For you especially. Wanna address it?"
"What? I didn't want him anywhere near you. So?"
"Since when did I become your problem?" You ask, your hands in your lap almost protectively like you were skeptical of how the situation would go, they could pratically smell the nerves on you, and it made them all the more...needy. Like you were the sundae to satiate their sweet tooth, before they knew it, their arm was snaking around your waist tugging you closer to them.
"You became my problem the second you got here, and I can't seem to get rid of you. I don't know what you're doing to me, darlin' but I..."
"You what?"
Their forehead presses against yours, holding you even tighter against them like you'd crumble if they were to let you go, something so fragile that only they could protect it. That's what you were to them. "I need you. Horribly. And it fucking sucks to have to admit it but there's...there's something about your freshie. Something that latches onto me and doesn't let go. Can't you feel it?"
"I always have." You respond coolly, your hand wrapping around their bicep, and it's absolutely far too late to turn back now nor do either of you want to. Neither of you want to ruin this.
"Then the jokes on me, huh Pretty girl?" They chuckle, pushing your legs apart to stand between them, they trap you between their arms their face unbelievably close to yours, "How could I not understand just how badly I needed you, sweetheart? You're something worse than a drug and I think we need to leave before I tear you apart right here right now." Their voice is deep in your ears, something that vibrates within you like a freight train.
There was nothing in their tone to suggest that they weren't completely serious in their quest to drag you off, you could see their self control dwindling before your very eyes and you knew that if it weren't soon, you'd be bent over a desk in some room a poor janitor would have to clean up later.
It's silent for a breath, but their hold on you only grows tighter, possessive like they were afraid of you vanishing.
Their breath kisses your skin, words a soft promise of their undoing.
"My place."
It wasn't my fault, I don't know when the lines had become so muddied but having her by my side just felt insanely right to me, her perfume blanketing over me and imbedding every fucking detail of the witch into my psyche so deep I can never seem to get rid of it, and as she sat beside me singing her heart out to the radio, it furthers my obsession, she, my vice, and the neverending subject of my every thought.
She says something but I don't quite hear it, her scent drowns it all out, euphoria washes over me, and I can hear her rambling on about everything and nothing like she's already so comfortable in my presence.
My hand rests on her thigh, and I tune back in just enough to hear her ask me with a knowing smirk on her face like she could see right through me and then some, and I wouldn't be shocked if she could. That was the thing about her, she was always one step ahead and that's what pulled me to her.
"You weren't listening to a damn thing I said were you, Li?" She asked, leaning forward to look at me better, observing me so intensely I could feel myself growing an unbelievably deep shade of red that kinda irritated me. Maybe that's why I disliked her so much at first. She was the first person here to make me feel things I didn't wanna allow myself to ever feel, especially not with the path my life was headed.
It was her that made me wanna break all my rules, and I've always been a control freak. It was annoying to feel her pushing so hard at walls I thought I'd built so indestructibly. -- Now here she was looking at me with that damned smile of hers, staring through me and making me question everything I've ever known.
"I- Yeah, Um nah. I was a little distracted, I admit." I chuckle too nervously for my own liking, one hand on the wheel and the other squeezing the pretty thing's thigh; I always get a hit when she looks at me like I hold the world in the palm of my hands, and I can just feel my throat squeezing shut, my self control something so fragile when I'm near her.
"I see. What's on your mind?"
She asked me what was on my mind, I think that's when it snapped. I knew about this little hideaway, a spot away from the lights and the threat of being seen, and before I even realized it that's where we were, a shaded space away from everything with the woman I'd been fantasizing about for way too damned long for my liking, she was gonna be the fucking death of me if I didn't fix this.
"Cute. You know what's on my mind. Get your ass over here."
She was in their lap within a breath or two, the car wasn't particularly spacious but it was enough for the two of them, a mess of desire ripping off each other's clothes with intent, it was almost like something necessary needed for them survive, something akin to oxygen itself.
Their hand reaches up to tug her head back, hands entangled in her curls, forcing her to look into their eyes directly.
"Ride me." The statement was so simple, so effortlessly whispered between them and it didn't...it didn't get to hang in the air too long either, unrequited was something this situation knew nothing of.
Her body was pressed so closely against them it was almost suffocating, her forehead against theirs when she was fully on top of them. Her chest heaves, their breathing and the sound of the music the only thing heard in the car, and it seemed they were determined to be the loudest things there.
They let out a sharp hiss when their cock is finally exposed to the air and it takes not even a moment for her cunt, dripping so shamelessly, to hover over their hardened length, leaving a heat so lethal to wash over them.
They grip their hand around her neck, tugging her even closer, eyes searching hers with an intensity so palpable it could be cut with a knife. Their hands roam over her like they'd been itching to explore her for a while now and god had they ever been. They'd been absolutely thirsting for it.
"Safeword. Let me hear it."
"I don't know, fucking lime?"
She and Jordan look at each other silently, the hand on the clock ticking ahead before both burst into laughter, Jordan's hands gripping her hips tightly within their palms, the way they look at each other intense, heated, and filled with mutual affection for the other party. "Lime? Fucking lime?"
"You asked for a safeword, I panicked!"
"Yeah?" Their finger trails down her neckline, eyes locking on hers, hands moving her hips in time with their thrusts, a low groan tumbling out of their lips, fingers digging into her asscheeks, pulling as close as they could get her. Closer, if possible.
The way her words die out on her lips, their free hand wrapping around her neck, taking in Y/n's scent, they get closer.
"God you're so fucking cute. Look at that, you're speechless for once in your life. No talking back right now, sweetheart?"
"You...I want you to kiss my ass." She responds, but her voice is weakened, an air of vulnerability washing over her. Jordan catches onto it without much effort on their part, one look at the poor thing and it was clear she was nothing more than putty in their hands. Melting right between their fingers.
"You and I both know you can do better than that. You have done better than that...Where's that spark now, doll?"
Their hand reaches down to pinch her clit between their fingers, breath ghosting over their lips, a shit-eating mischievous-looking smirk on their face, they can practically feel her ending begin.
"Speak up, baby. Be loud for me."
Their hips angle for her g-spot, and with a particularly hard push, they feel her clench around them, cock twitching sensitively when she grips them like a vice and she obliges their requests, singing a pretty little song, all for their utter euphoria.
The way her face twists up, eyebrows knitting, and eyes squeezed tight, lips parted to let a scream out, one so desperately needy it sends them over the edge immediately, their seed spilling into the witch and arms grabbing her tighter without any intent to let go.
They had to spar the day after, the little witch could feel her limbs aching with every step she'd taken and unfortunately it was only going to get worse; She could see Jordan looking at her with a determination so familiar in their gaze that it made her shiver. She knew she wasn't safe despite what had happened last night.
"Seriously?" She glances at them, narrowing her eyes their way.
"You're not safe because you're sexy, get your ass up."
Y/n silently nods to herself, standing up to get herself prepared, sighing airily, that familiar confident grin shows up on her face. "Fine. Let me beat your ass and shut you the fuck up."
"That shouldn't be so... C'mon, let's go. You're going down, freshie."
A/N: happy 21st birthday to me bitchhhh!!!!!!!!!!! here's my lil late lil birthday fic I guess <33.
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mbappebby · 5 months
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Stargirl || Three
Ivy Carter (OC) x f1 grid
Summary: In which two unexpected people turn up to try and ruin Ivy’s weekend..
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Hey girl! Loving Stargirl series, can I request one where Ivy’s parents come to a race unexpectedly, Toto & Susie get really protective over her and all the grid finds out about her past? Thank you :) x
Taglist: @myluvtaeil @eugene-emt-roe @itsjustkhaos
It’s been a few races in formula 1 for Ivy, it’s fair to say that she has been preforming very well and proving to everyone that she deserves to be there.
Emilia-Romagna was the next race ahead, Ivy was at the track very early as she wanted to go and watch the F2 practice session before she had hers. She made her way into the F2 paddock and went into a familiar garage.
“Vee!” OLLIE BEARMAN exclaimed seeing his former teammate entering the garage. “Hey Ol!” Ivy said as the pair hugged. “Congrats on the podiums this year, you’ve been insane!” Ollie added.
“Awh, thanks Ol! You’ll be up with me in no time!” Ivy replied. “Hopefully!” Ollie said. “Well, if it isn’t Ivy! How are you, kid?” RENÉ ROSIN said as he approached the pair.
“Hi! I’m good, how everything with you?” Ivy replied as they hugged. “Yeah, all good. What brings you back here then, eh?” Rene asked. “Just thought I would pop in to see you all, haven’t had a chance this season yet!” Ivy said.
“The garage is a lot quieter with you not being here” Rene joked as Ivy playfully rolled her eyes. “As if I believe that, Ollie and Kimi must be a handful” Ivy joked. “Hey! That ain’t true!” KIMI ANTONELLI added as he walked over to them.
“Oh hi Kimi, how are you?” Ivy asked. “I’m good Vee, congrats about this year in F1 you’ve been insane!” Kimi said. “You sure have kid, keep it up!” Rene added. “Awh, thanks guys!” Ivy said.
“Right, you two need to get ready for practice. Vee, you can sit with us on the pit wall if you want!” Rene told them. “I would love to! Have a good practice guys!” Ivy added.
Ivy goes to the pit wall and sits there watching her former team in the practice session, before she has to go back into f1 paddock for her practise session.
Ivy’s eyes went wide when she saw her parents trying to get into the Mercedes garage. She tried to get Toto & Susie’s attention but her parents had seen her first.
“Ivy, darling! Please tell this security guard that we are your parents!” JORDAN CARTER said. “We wanted to surprise you, that’s why we didn’t tell your team” ELLA CARTER added.
Before Ivy could say anything, she was pulled from behind and two people were now stood in front of her. “I don’t know why you both are here, but you are not going anywhere near Ivy” Toto said.
“Oh great, you two again. We are her parents we have to right to be able to see her” Jordan replied. “You haven’t been her parents since she was 16 and younger, so don’t ever use that title” Susie added.
“It’s because she wanted to be in this stupid sport instead of helping her family when we needed it. She just a selfish bitch” Ella spat as Ivy flinched and started to shake. “Still a weak little girl, I see” Jordan laughed.
“And you call yourself parents but calling your daughter all those awful names. You don’t deserve to be her parents and you never get that title back” Toto said. “We still have the rights of her” Ella replied.
“You won’t for long, you disowned your 16 year old daughter and know know how you were treated her before that” Susie said as they heard a few gasps from people hearing this argument. “She deserves it, she’s weak and pathetic” Jordan added.
Ivy looked to see quite a few cameras filming them, she ran inside the garage and locked herself inside her drivers room and could only let all the tears fall down her face.
“You have 3 seconds to move or there will be even more serious consequences than there already is” Toto told them as police officers arrived within seconds.
George went to Ivy’s drivers room to try and get her out, but it didn’t work. He was mad that her parents had the audacity to even turn up after 2 years. He walked out of the garage to see a few of the drivers there.
“How’s Vee?” Lewis asked. “Can’t get her out of the drivers room, you can go try if you want” George said as Lewis nodded before walking into the Mercedes garage. “I can’t believe they have the audacity to turn up” Alex said.
“You’re telling me,” George replied. “You both knew about her past?” Max asked. “Yeah, Lewis and Valtteri knew as well” Alex replied. “It’s awful that people were filming that” Charles added.
“So, they disowned her when she was 16?” Lando asked. “Vee has never had a good relationship with her parents, they never liked or supported the idea of her in karting. All their focus on was her older brothers” George told them.
“Brothers?” Oscar asked. “She’s never told us she had any brothers” Lando added. “Ivy hasn’t seen them since she was 15, they were both 18&19 and was started their careers which her parents supported” Alex replied.
“So, they treated Ivy as she didn’t exist?” Lando asked. “Yeah, they gave everything to them. Ivy was literally living in the same house but they wouldn’t let her have anything” George added. “Not even food?” Charles asked.
“Nope, Vee got her part-time job at like 13 to pay for food and all the other essentials until they disowned her and kicked her out” Alex replied. “That’s so fucked up” Max said.
“Where did Vee go after she got kicked out?” Oscar asked. “She was between me & Carmen and Alex & Lily. Toto and Susie were always there too” George said.
“Wow, you just wouldn’t think that has happened to Vee due to how happy she is” Lando added. “She’s good at covering that up and putting on a fake face” Alex mumbled.
“I’m glad that you both and Toto & Susie were there for her” Charles added. “Any ideas where her brothers are now?” Max asked. “I’m glad we were too, no idea mate” George replied.
Before anyone else could say anything, Ivy came over to them and hugged George & Alex. “I’m assuming they’ve told you everything now, I just hope you don’t treat me differently now knowing about my past..” Ivy said.
“You are still just the happy little kid to us Vee” Max told her. “Someone who definitely belongs in the sport as you are kicking our asses” Lando added with a laugh.
“Like a little sister to us all,” Charles told her. “Just know we will always be there for you” Carlos said. “And you are still our best friend” Oscar added.
“I love you guys so much,” Ivy told them as she hugged them all individually, before they all had to get into the cars for practice.
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Liked by lewishamilton, landonorris and 3,526,920 others
ivycarter: When I’m more comfortable I promise you all I will sit down and tell you what I’ve been dealing with by my own parents these past years..
However, I’m not going to let what happened today ruin this weekend for me, we have high expectations of getting a podium this weekend and that’s what I aim to get. It was a great practice sessions & I’m ready for qualifying tomorrow and the race on Sunday.
Thank you for all the kind comments, it’s means a lot to me I love you guys💗
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