#josh and kelsey
ef-1 · 2 months
f1 drivers are uniquely zesty you can't change my mind bc the pinterest girls are asking if Daniel is *ACTUALLY* Josh Allen's boyfriend and you can't even blame them because???
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Josh: I put the sin in sincere
Tracy: I put the laughter in manslaughter
Corey: I put the cute in execute
Hayden: I put the stab in stability
Liam: I put the fun in dysfunctional
Mason: I put the harm in harmony
Brett: I put the eat in treat
Theo: I put the D in Liam.
Alec: There isn't a D in Liam?
Tracy: I'm going to tell him
Corey: don't you dare!
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gameofthunder66 · 9 months
Yellowstone (2018- ) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 3- 9/9/2023- on Peacock
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
So, like most of us, we saw this floating around social media and wrote it off as a rumor because it didn’t come from a verified source. But now Josh has posted it as well with kind of a cryptic message…hmm…
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feydfuckernation · 1 year
every time someone on broadwayworld calls josh or annaleigh "miscast" or "not good" in sweeney todd I get the intense parasocial urge to defend them (even though I haven't seen the show)
no literally like!!! i haven't seen it but i've HEARD it and my god. it really is fucking incredible what these two managed to do with these characters.
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younger-tvland · 1 year
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1x01 Pilot
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matthewchadd · 7 months
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Red Dead Redemption 2 Live Action Video Game Remake Fan Cast And Art
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
Never You
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader
Summary: During a date night with Street, he is targeted by several gunmen. He keeps you safe, but when you distance yourself after, he blames himself for causing the divide and worries about how you will react.
Warnings: shooting, angst to fluff, soft Street!!!
Word Count: 2.3k+ words
A/N: It wasn't intentional but I realized while proofreading that The Luckiest by Josh Abbott Band fits this perfectly!! I highly recommend listening to it!
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Jim Street Masterlist | Request Info\Fandom List
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A flip switches in Jim Street when he sees you. Gone is the hardened, jaded S.W.A.T. officer as he makes room for his love for you. You bring out the softer side of Street, and he makes it a priority to be nothing except sweet and gentle with you. With Street’s past and his job, it could be easy to treat you like another cop, so he makes a conscious effort to keep his “cop side” away from you - not out of fear of you falling out of love with him, but from care for you and your relationship. Street loves you, so he takes every chance to show you.
Tonight, you wait for Street to pick you up for your dinner date. Luca is out of town, so Street invited you to the house to cook for you. You pointed out that Street won’t have time to cook between when he gets off work and when he plans to pick you up, but he quickly found a solution. You smile and stand when he knocks on the door with his unmistakable pattern.
“Hi,” he says with a bright smile. “You look amazing, honey.”
“Honey,” you murmur under your breath.
“I messed up,” Street admits. He ignores your reaction to his pet name as his eyes drop apologetically. “I worked late yesterday and completely forgot that I needed to go grocery shopping for dinner tonight, and-“
“Street, take a breath,” you interject kindly. “It’s not a problem. We can go get something, or stay here and order, whatever you want to do.”
“I was looking forward to cooking with you, you know, a quiet night in.”
“Then let’s go shopping on the way back to your place. I’m not going to complain against more time with you, handsome.”
Handsome, Street thinks as his smile returns. He knows better than to ask if you’re sure, and he likes the idea of even more time with you, too. After he extends his arm to you, you loop your elbow against his and laugh when he pulls you closer during the short walk to the car.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Street says as he kisses your forehead.
You smile as he closes the passenger door and wait for him to sit in the driver’s seat before you reply, “I missed you too. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
“This is even better. Assuming you take as long to choose pasta as you do to choose a tie, I’m excited for the extra hour and a half of grocery shopping,” you tease.
“None of those ties matched your dress well enough!”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Street smiles as he makes a right turn. You are never happier than when you are with him and are giddy because, even if he thinks you were kidding, you’ve been counting down the minutes to see Street again and spend time with him. You love every part of him, even the sides he doesn’t show you.
“Which one do you like?” Street asks as he looks at the jars before him.
You shrug where you stand tucked against Street’s chest between him and the shopping cart. As you glance down at his hand on your stomach, you see the recipe open on his phone and read the suggested brand from the screen.
“That’s not what I asked,” Street replies. “I don’t care what Kelsey from Michigan recommends; I want to know what you want.”
“You make this sound a lot more important that picking a sauce.”
“It is. You are.”
You turn against Street and smile into his neck. He moves a hand over your shoulder and drops a jar into the cart. When he taps you, you step to his side and walk beside him as he approaches the checkout lanes. Someone screams in the parking lot, and Street straightens at the sound.
“He’s got a gun!” a voice booms.
Two men in masks run into the store, and Street moves his hands to your shoulders as he pushes you between two display cases. He drops his chin, and you follow his movement and squat. Street lowers himself with you and lays a hand against your cheek as the men fire several shots.
“Stay here, okay?” Street says quietly.
You reach out for him, but he moves away too quickly. When he runs toward the door and calls for backup, you drop your head between your knees and try to distract yourself from what is happening. You trust Street more than anyone, but seeing him like this is different.
Street knows that he would have jumped to action even if he were here alone, but knowing that you are in this store makes him more eager to stop the shooters and get them in custody. He calls quickly for backup, ducks behind a register, and pulls his gun from its holster.
“Officer Street, stand up again!” one of the men taunts. “Give me a clear shot and I’ll tell you what I think of you, man.”
“That’s not gonna happen. Why don’t you just put the guns down and we can talk back at the station?” Street responds.
“No deal. You know what that means, don’t you?”
Street stands and fires at the men as sirens approach. One of the men runs toward the fire exit, but the other drops behind the table nearest him. Several officers enter the store, and Street walks to the now-cuffed suspect.
“We’re going to go get statements, but your team is en route, Officer Street,” one of the cops says.
Street turns to watch them approach you, and when you look around for him, he instantly worries that letting you see this side of him is not worth it. The fear in your eyes scares Street; he’s worried that you will be scared of him now that you’ve seen how intense he can be. He never talks about work for good reason, but now you know what Street is like when you’re not around, and you may never want to come near him again.
“Street!” Hondo calls as he arrives. “What happened, man?”
Street tears his eyes from you as you give your statement. He tells Hondo what the shooters said and where the other went. You deserve to be comforted, and he desperately needs to be the one to give it to you. But, you’re busy, and now Street has to go to work and do that thing that may have driven a wedge between you. When you meet his eyes again, you nod. He’s unsure if it’s an acknowledgment that you are okay or simply acknowledging that he can leave. Either way, Street follows Deacon and Hondo to Black Betty and tries to focus on keeping you safe in the long term. After all, he owes you a date and a homemade dinner.
When you hear Street’s name come from one of the shooters, your breath catches. This isn’t a random attack; these men are here for the man you love. Street tries to talk to him, but more bullets rip through the store in reply. Sirens approach, and everything grows eerily quiet before the back door bangs open and sets off the alarm. A police officer stops in front of you just before the alarm quiets, and you take his offered hand as you stand.
“I’m so sorry about what has happened to you, ma’am. But I do need to ask you a few questions. Are you hurt?” he asks.
After a quick mental inventory, you decide that you are physically fine. Mentally and emotionally, however, you are not as well off. You are terrified. Not just scared because people shot up the store you’re in, but because they called your boyfriend out by name, and, worse, you think, you considered asking him to stay with you instead of doing his duty.
“Can you tell me what happened?” the officer asks.
“Sure,” you answer. “I was shopping with my boyfriend-“
“Jim Street?”
“Yes, sir. We were approaching the checkout area, and someone screamed in the parking lot, that a man had a gun, and then two armed men appeared in the doorway and began shooting. One of them called for Officer Street by name.”
You answer a few more questions before the officer tells you you are free to go. A friend picks you up and takes you home. Once you’re alone, you can’t stop thinking about what happened and quickly realize you have some things to work through. After turning your phone off to help you focus, you sit in your living room and begin thinking about everything that happened between when you walked into the store and when you walked out. Leaving without the man you entered may be what scares you most.
The entire time that Street is working the case, he wants to talk to you. Finding the recently paroled men is relatively easy, but catching them proves harder. After acting as bait, Street watches from behind the glass as the men are interviewed by Hondo, Commander Hicks, and Lieutenant Lynch. It’s as the team expected: they’re still upset that Street arrested them several months prior and set out to get revenge once they were released. Ironically, they were released for good behavior.
“Revenge worked out well for them, didn’t it?” Street asks when Hondo walks in.
“It did. Get out of here, kid. She needs you, too.”
Street nods and thanks Hondo for his hard work over the last three days of nearly nonstop work but does not hesitate to rush out. You haven’t contacted him since the incident; over 72 hours of not hearing your voice has only increased his worries. He hates the distance because it’s his fault; he could have avoided this by protecting you from himself.
Street drives to your house and takes a few deep breaths before he gets out of the car and walks to your door. He hopes for the best as he knocks on the door, but then he realizes that maybe you didn’t call because you need space. Or, Street thinks, you need permanent space from him. You open the door, and Street’s heart breaks at the tired look on your face.
“Can we talk?” Street asks. “Don’t feel like you have to say yes, though. I can wait- I will wait for you.”
You nod and open the door for Street to come in. He seems stressed, and when he looks over at a framed picture of the two of you, you recognize the look in his eye. He’s worrying just as much as you have been.
“I’m sorry if I’m pushing before you’re ready; if you need room, or…”
“Street,” you say softly. “I can tell that you’re worried, and I am too, but-“
“I didn’t mean to scare you, I- I kept that part separate for a reason.”
“Wait,” you interject as you raise your hands toward him. “You think… I am not scared of you. I will never be scared of you; I trust you completely. I felt a lot of things after those guys came in, and there were a lot of causes, but I would never feel like that because of you. The fear that I felt… I know that you will always protect me, just like you did a few nights ago.”
“I’m sorry for distancing myself from you. I was working through everything that I was feeling, just trying to process what had happened and how it affected me, but it was not because of you.”
Street nods, and he feels better after hearing your promises that you are not scared of him.
“I was scared, Street, and I will be scared again. I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand exactly what I felt in that moment when they started shooting, but the fear and the- the anxiety, the alarm, whatever I felt, will never be directed at you or caused by you. I know you, and I know that you will save me again.” You chuckle before promising, “You saved me, you kept me safe, and I will always love you. Not just for that but knowing that the man I love can and will protect me like that makes everything easier.”
Street smiles and raises his arms. You don’t hesitate to rush toward him and wrap your arms around his waist. Your speech not only eradicates all of Street’s concerns but reminds him of how much you love him. Being chosen and loved isn’t something that Street is used to, but he loves being chosen and loved by you.
“I love you,” you say against Street’s chest. “We may not show it the same way, but you deserve all the love you give… times two plus four.”
Street chuckles against you and tightens his grip over your shoulders. “I only want all that love if it’s from you.”
“Oh, I plan to give you as much love as I can,” you promise.
“I, uh, I went to the store before I came here. Are you still up for a dinner date?”
“You stopped at the store after working for three days straight? You do love me!”
“I don’t think that was ever a question.”
“Then don’t question that I love you too. You give love because you’re loving, but I give you love because I love you.”
Street pulls back and squints at you before asking, “What?”
You scrunch your nose before kissing Street. “Alright, as long as you’re offering, I’m hungry and I’d love to distract you for a while.”
As you turn to walk to Street’s car and get the groceries, he watches you.
“Distract me how?” he calls after you.
“With love!”
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howominis · 10 months
10 songs & 10 names tag
got tagged by the lovely @lilyflxwers thank you cutie 💕
the rules: list 10 songs with 10 names in the titles that you like and then tag 10 other people (let's say the last one is optional lmao).
1. judas - lady gaga
2. alejandro - lady gaga
3. bloody mary - lady gaga
4. rhiannon - fleetwood mac
5. i'm made of wax, larry, what are you made of - a day to remember
6. if i'm james dean, you're audrey hepburn - sleeping with sirens
7. mary on a cross - ghost
8. dear maria, count me in - all time low
9. adam & steve - dorian electra
10. kelsey - metro station
and an additional one because it's iconic:
11. josh - peach prc
tags: @seabass-swallows @esolean @localravenclaw @avarittias @ominisss @lilac-crown and the rest of my mutuals 💕
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MEET THE ROSTER MASTER LIST (A continuously updated post)
The meet the roster site can be found here.
I’ll continue to update as people are added, but I’ll also create a post for each explaining why I believe who is who and also to potentially debunk all things posted.
Tiger King - Joe Burrow
Little ‘Roni - Rory McIlroy
Ice Devil - Jack Hughes
Wounded Bird - Caitlyn Clark
Mediocre Duck - Trevor Zegras
Dr. Dutch - Max Verstrappen
DD Dunks - Donte DiVincenzo
Killa Klown - Travis Kelce
Big Bird - Jason Kelce
Sky- Lashes - Angel Reese
Blonde Baller - Cameron Brink
Fresh Fruit - Ricky Pearsall
Pretty Boy - Jalen Hurts
Tin Hat - Aaron Rodgers
Zeus - Justin Herbert
Little bear - Nick Bosa
Big Bear - Joey Bosa
Oxen Free - Ollie Bearman
Mississauga Menace - Vince Dunn
2Pm - Patrick Mahomes
Sad sibling - Quinn Hughes
Home town - cole sillinger
The ace - Kelsey Plum
Sharknado - Mikey Essyimont
Allons-Y - Esteban Ocan
MoanA Lisa - Andrei Svechnikov
The prodigy- Lily He
Bon Bon - Alex Albon
Curly & Confused - Luke Hughes
Puck Baby - Connor Bedard
2 Pretty 2 Play - Mat Barzal
Open Wide - Tee Higgins
Peppa pigskin - Josh Allen
Pasta pro - Tommy Devito
Certified Loverboy -Jordan Love
Eyebrows - Jamie Drysdale
New Kid - Matt Rempe
Play that funky music - Lauri Markkanen
Chubby Cheeks - Kirill Kaprizov
Mr. World Wide Web - Braxton Berrios
Mouthpiece - Matthew Tkachuk
Cupcake - Brooks Koepka
Big Purr - Mac Jones OR Caleb Williams (?)
Four leafed forward - Jayson Tatum
The Viking - William Nylander
Goldfish - Noah Hanafin
Greasy K - George kittle
Simba - Spencer Knight
Minnesota airlines - Justin Jefferson
Goldie locks - Trevor Lawrence
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tetsuooooooooooo · 10 months
everybody say thank you brendon thank you chris thank you shannon thank you antonio thank you ben thank you mark thank you janine thank you brian
thank you andrew kevin thank you mark thank you laura thank you travis thank you felipe thank you arthur thank you mike thank you bryan thank you thomas thank you tommy thank you victor thank you stephen thank you king diamond thank you mark thank you kirk thank you jon thank you scott thank you amy thank you malcolm thank you juliet thank you laraine thank you raya thank you livia thank you rachel thank you cel la flaca thank you karla thank you alistair thank you meagan thank you rachel thank you katie thank you tim thank you armando thank you thank you carmen thank you adam thank you young thank you spencer thank you grace thank you sakari thank you geoff thank you mantha thank you thomas thank you doug thank you roger thank you songgu thank you goni thank you rosalind thank you ken thank you virgile thank you am thank you namkyung thank you sinh thank you natalie rose thank you ryan thank you sabrina thank you jeff thank you bryan thank you yvonne thank you ashley thank you kaitlyn thank you vincent thank you emi thank you stephen thank you todd thank you giuseppe thank you rho thank you kathy thank you andrew thank you ed thank you ellen thank you thank you shannon thank you gael thank you hui thank you anna thank you kristina thank you ethan thank you gregery thats not a typo thats what it says thank you juliana thank you elyssa thank you madeleine thank you chris thank you taylor thank you joseph thank you jen thank you john thank you desmond thank you seth thank you josh thank you nina thank you joe thank you katya thank you luke thank you dain thank you nikki thank you seamus thank you brian thank you tyrick thank you meredith thank you kaylan thank you stefano thank you peter thank you smo thank you elizabeth thank you garrett thank you wesley thank you daran thank you steve thank you ran thank you ryan thank you namkyung thank you steve thank you bryan thank you joel thank you kristen thank you ryan thank you tessa thank you shelby thank you janelle thank you darren thank you jeffrey thank you ethan thank you nicholas thank you sharon thank you christine thank you debbie thank you maria thank you marian thank you ellen thank you judy thank you sossi thank you william thank you paul thank you susan thank you kelly thank you steve thank you hani thank you michael thank you michael theres two in a row thank you colin thank you eli thank you meys thank you carol thank you dan thank you austin thank you cindy thank you jay thank you rochellie thank you gregory thank you corey thank you david thank you connor thank you tony thank you paul thank you james thank you konrad thank you tristan thank you wouter thank you ken thank you james thank you john thank you james thank you michael thank you margarita mix hollywood thank you sparks & shadows thank you bear mccreary thank you ryan thank you andrew thank you ben thank you tutti music partners thank you pierre-andre thank you peter thank you kelsey thank you andrew harris thank you dayna thank you ulrich thank you gene thank you cody thank you lucas thank you cody thank you chadwick thank you jocelyn thank you zach thank you ollie thank you michael
thank you jon
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bethanyactually · 5 months
tagged by the wonderful @hondagirll -- thanks, Steph! 💛
last song: Stay by Lisa Loeb
currently reading: re-reading The Mark of Athena, the third Heroes of Olympus book, so I can actually finish the series after that which I somehow never did, and then read the new Percy Jackson book, The Chalice of the Gods. Also currently reading Frankenstein with Elliora for school, and I just put a hold on The Founding Myth, thanks to @katiedora mentioning it in the tags of this post.
last film: I am cracking up because I just realized what AMAZING film @pressdbtwnpages and I watched on YouTube this past weekend: Parent Trap IV: Hawaiian Honeymoon.
A while back, we realized we were both weirdos who loved that movie as kids and wore out VHS tapes watching it, and somehow we got to talking about it the other day and wondered if anyone had put it on YouTube and some wonderful soul HAD. And even better, it was still hilarious 35 years later.
currently watching:
the US version of Ghosts, which is thus far charming and entertaining
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, A+++
Dimension20's Fantasy High Junior Year on Dropout
Troy just watched S2 of Reacher, which is very action-filled and quippy and not entirely my thing, but I watched it with him and did enjoy getting to see Shannon Kook (aka Grant [Redacted]) in it
perpetually rewatching Elementary and Nancy Drew
currently craving: nothing in particular
currently consuming: coffee
three ships: Nancy/Ace, Percy/Annabeth, Josh/Donna
first ship: probably Maddie/David on Moonlighting, though I did think Bob and Linda on Sesame Street should get married, and I was REALLY into Kit/Nat in The Witch of Blackbird Pond. (hi, @ladytharen!)
favourite colour: sunflower yellow
currently working on: a couple of blankets I'm crocheting, thinking about my next text post edit for Nancy Drew 409, beta-reading some stuff.
tagging: low-key, no-pressure tagging Katie, Kelsey, and Doc whom I already mentioned above, plus some folks from my recent activity @bitchwhoyoukiddin, @floating-in-the-blue, @galathea-snb, @al-the-grammar-geek, @artemistiques, @duskylight, @ryeshept, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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krispyricetreats · 8 days
Hey kris rdo you know me?
i thought it was josh from the notification and profile but i was like josh doesnt seem like he would have tumblr... is this kelsey 👁
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feydfuckernation · 11 months
Lion I was singing Joanna from Sweeney Todd cuz I’ve been hearing the josh groban version all over tiktok and now I’m contemplating fully getting into it. Where do I start??
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(insert public apology for using boomer meme templates to get the point across)
would that i had finished the deranged comic sans powerpoint 101 for sweeney todd by now i would link it here but as it is it still needs a lot of work before i'm even remotely comfortable posting it hOWEVER that doesn't mean i can't still be of some assistance
(disclaimer: i am about to throw a LOT of information at you and you are by no means obligated to try and digest it all at once please instead do so at your leisure/your level of interest instead)
sweeney todd 101 cliffnotes version for people who want to get into sweeney todd by someone who is way too invested in this show
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sorry to anyone who doesn't like the office this is the only cold open that matters to me in this particular stage of life rn
so for those who aren't already familiar with sweeney todd (or have a passing familiarity with it either via sweeney todd related tiktok content or other similarly related content consumption) one of the first things i would recommend starting with is the 2007 tim burton film since it's a pretty good place to start (and also easily one of the best film adaptations of a musical imo). you can find it on hbo max or on youtube for 3.99 if you don't have and/or want to pay for an hbo max subsciption. (you can also 🏴‍☠️ it because capitalism sucks. remember to sail the seven seas* responsibly!)
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johnny depp and helena bonham carter in sweeney todd (2007) dir. tim burton
now if you're interested in other productions (and/or not particularly interested in the film) there's the 2014 half concert half staged proshot starring emma thompson as mrs. lovett and christian borle as pirelli that you can find on youtube for FREE (here is a link to act one and another link to act two AND a link to the opening on it's own because it is absolutely PHENOMINAL i genuinely can't recommend it enough).
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emma thompson and welsh opera singer sir byrn terfel jones in sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street in concert 2014
there is also the original 1982 proshot starring some of the original cast such as angela lansburry (unfortunately len cariou, the original sweeney does not reprise his role BUT george hearn does a phenominal job in the role). you can find this one on amazon for 3.99 to rent or it and a plethora of other musical proshots on BroadwayHD for 11.99/mo but unless you're interested in watching other musicals and plays on BroadwayHD i would suggest renting it on amazon or 🏴‍☠️ it for free if you know where to look (i honestly don't know what pirating musicals looks like outside of yt bootlegs and i am still very very new to actual bootleg trading so you'd have to ask someone else)
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the late dame angela lansburry and george hearn in the 1982 proshot version of sweeney todd
and finally, my personal favourite, the 2023 broadway revival. unfortunately we only have five singles that have (officially) been released (which you can find here on spotify) but we also have the official ballad of sweeney todd performace from this year's tony awards AND there IS a way to watch it if you are like me and can't afford to fly to new york and see it at the lunt-fontanne theater (just dm me for the details). this is quite possibly my favourite version of this story and if great comet wasn't already an indicator that josh groban is a great fit for broadway this DEFINITELY is imo.
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josh groban and annaleigh ashford in the 2023 broadway revival of sweeney todd that i am definitely very normal about
other recommendations include sideway's video essay on the music in sweeney todd, christine baranksi's version of worst pies in london (and her criminally underrated version of a little priest with kelsey grammar in a 20th anniversary concert version that i would give my left kidney to see in full), imelda staunton and michael ball's version of a little priest from a 2012 revival, patti lupone as mrs. lovett playing the tuba in the stripped down 2005 broadway revival, lin manuel miranda's sweeney todd themed hamilton parody for broadway cares featuring the funniest jonathan groff cameo i've seen in my life (and the recent ham4ham version performed by the current 2023 revival cast) and my last braincell when confronted with literally any sweeney todd related content these days.
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blues-valentine · 1 year
A debated opinion but I wouldn’t mind if Can I Have This Dance is a full group song with each couple having their own part, preferentially during Homecoming/Prom because that would be so cute, that if Rina gets Right Here Right Now and I Just Wanna Be With You because it’s more meaningful since it fits their whole arc.
In fact, High School Musical 3 as the school production for the season Rina is a couple and Ricky is a senior is perfect. Look at those lyrics:
Everything about Rina has been about change.
Ricky's fear of change and Gina's life constantly changing so she dosn't allow herself to think too far ahead but Ricky is been her yes. So for Right Here Right Now, if Rina’s arc for S4 is like I predict it will with them feeling unsure about their future because is Ricky's last year at East High and now their whole public relationship with everyone inserting themselves into it then the lyrics fit just right: "I'd wish this moment was ours to own it and that it would never leave" and then with being afraid of the future and linking it to Gina’s speech about her life being all about maybe and holding onto the present and the journey: "Right here, I promise you somehow that tomorrow can wait for some other day to be, but right now there's you and me". Ricky’s senior year/decisions approaching: "We know it's coming and it's coming fast (but right now, there's you and me) so let's make every second last". And we back again with the theme of change: "A bend in the universe is gonna make everything in our whole world change (it's changing) and you know that where we are will never be the same". It’s prefect for a moment when they're feeling like nothing is going like they want it to because of their fame and time is running out.
Then there’s Just Wanna Be With You: "You know how life can be. It changes over night. It's sunny then raining but it's alright. A friend like you, always make it easy. I know that you get me every time. Through every up. Through every down. You know I'll always be around. Through anything you can count on me." I mean, "I thought we sort of got each other" is pretty self explanatory for them and it really highlights the rollercoaster that has been their journey though out all these four seasons.
Actually, I can see this song being sang by two different couples (the full song does), the first part for Ryan and Kelsey on the piano (could be Seblos) and Rina taking it off from where Troy and Gabriella start since it’s the part that fits their relationship and most of it till the end kind of like in the movie version (the rehearsal, not the actual show). I can see that song being Rina focused but with the other couples as backup.
And even Gabriella's solo Walk Away is so Gina coded and it mentions change. This song is when Gabriella had to leave East High earlier because she got an early admission into college. "I guess I should've known better to believe that my luck had changed. I let my heart and forever. Finally learn each other's name. I tell myself this time is different, no goodbyes 'cause I can bear to say it. I'll never survive the ones that's coming if I stay. Just walk away and don't look back 'cause if my heart breaks it's gonna hurt so bad. You know I'm strong but I can't take that." And I just remember Kristoff Lullaby: "You light the world for me. You live life fearlessly, braver than the braver of us do" and Ricky’s “Gina’s a fighter and she’ll come back for opening night” Like, Gina is Gabriella. I'm sorry, she's so her coded.
And we know there's only one person that can sing Scream and that's Ricky Bowen and the line: "Yeah, the clock's running down, hear the crowd getting loud. I'm consumed by the sound. Is it her? Is it love? Can the music ever be enough?" that's Ricky Bowen coded. I can imagine him singing this when he is feeling overwhelmed about having to make decisions about his future, about music, about having to be away from Gina. Josh would eat this bad.
CIHTD is aesthetically iconic but the lyrics can apply to every couple on the show so I wouldn’t mind that one being a group song with all the pairings together singing some parts because it would look pretty cute on a big scale dance. “A Night To Remember” needs to happen too. Like, it’s basically a need for them to do this.
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S'chn T'gai Spock/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
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Talmudic couple having gay sex in the attic
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