joshiobaskey17 · 2 years
Pls Subscribe to my You Tube channel.
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sarcasticskyway · 21 days
I absolutely DON'T sing Kuroge in the shower, what?! Jokes aside, these are some of the best anime songs I've heard in my 20-something years.
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elparaisodetlaloc · 7 months
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juliopison · 4 months
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CINE Mayo de 1940 (2015) Título original: En mai, fais ce qu'il te plaît Francia Dirección: Christian Carion Idioma: Doblada al Español
Atención: Solo para ver en PC o Notebook Para ver el Film pulsa el Link: https://artecafejcp.wixsite.com/escenario-cafejcp/post/mayo-de-1940-2015
Reparto: August Diehl, Olivier Gourmet, Mathilde Seigner, Alice Isaaz, Matthew Rhys, Jacques Bonnaffé, Joshio Marlon
Género: Drama | II Guerra Mundial. Años 40. Nazismo
Sinopsis: Mayo de 1940, en pleno hundimiento de Francia, cuando millones de personas se hicieron a la carretera temerosas del avance del ejército alemán, se nos cuenta la historia de un hombre alemán que ha escapado del nazismo y busca a su hijo, el cual se encuentra con una maestra rural a la que lo había confiado.
Crítica: "Un notable film popular, tan entretenido como necesario, por emplear (deliberadamente) un adjetivo anticuado" -Philipp Engel: Fotogramas
"Hay detalles impagables, porque son verídicos y que no conviene revelar antes de ver la película, así como una puesta en escena bastante sólida e inspirada en el cine clásico" -Lluís Bonet Mojica: Diario La Vanguardia
Premios: 2015: Premios César: Nominada a Mejor música original
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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kirtik11 · 11 months
Stationery store in Betul
This is the most common category that stationary would come under. This would include items such as paper, pens, pencils, notebooks, etc. that are used on a daily basis in the office.
Stationery is generally considered an expense in business accounting. This is because stationery items (such as paper, pens, pencils, staples, and Joshio S. Profile are generally used up or consumed within a short period and do not retain value beyond their use
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acapulcopress · 1 year
Yoloczin y Yoshio, se perfilan como idóneos para Acapulco por Morena
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Maremágnum » RICARDO | CASTILLO BARRIENTOS ] Facebook ) Ricardo Castillo Barrientos Con un presupuesto mayor a los 4 mil millones de pesos, la alcaldía de Acapulco es considerada la “joya de la corona”, en los procesos electorales locales; más que suficiente para ser disputada como botín de corsarios cada tres años, por una caterva de aspirantes de todo signo político. Para la presidencia municipal porteña han levantado la mano más de una veintena de prospectos, quienes ya comenzaron a mover sus fichas y redes de simpatizantes, en colonias, barrios y localidades que conforman la geografía del municipio. La batalla decisiva se está generando al interior del Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena), pues los partidos que integran el Frente Amplio por México (PRI-PRD-PAN), carecen de un candidato potente, capaz de alzarse con el triunfo electoral. Luego entonces serán los suspirantes morenistas, los que se están disputando palmo a palmo las simpatías de los diversos sectores sociales. Por el género femenino destacan Yoloczin Domínguez Serna, presidenta de la Junta de Coordinación Política (Jucopo) del Congreso del Estado y Abelina López Rodríguez, fallida alcaldesa que ha venido dando tumbos en declaraciones y acciones, que la han dejado mal parada frente a la vista de la población en general, que sigue sus pasos con morbo y curiosidad. Por el género masculino, sobresalen los nombres de Yoshio Ávila González y Joaquín “Jacko” Badillo Escamilla. El primero, joven y visionario político con estudios en el extranjero, que participó en la pasada contienda interna; el segundo, diputado local y exitoso empresario, que por tercera ocasión va en busca de la candidatura por diferente partido. La alcaldesa Abelina cayó en desgracia política por su apoyo al ex canciller Marcelo Ebrard y su reprobada gestión al frente del Ayuntamiento de Acapulco. La sorpresa en esta disputa partidista es la inclusión de la joven promesa política Yoloczin Domínguez, que emergió desde las filas de la Canacintra, como dirigente estatal de ese importante organismo empresarial. Los pronósticos políticos para la candidatura de Morena, favorecen por género, a Yoloczin y a Joshio, en razón a la intensa penetración y acumulación de fuerzas sociales que van generando y por primera vez, se observan nutridas movilizaciones en la etapa pre-electoral. En cuanto a los apoyos políticos, la diputada Domínguez Serna, se la jugó con Claudia Sheinbaum, y tiene el respaldo de la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado y del senador Félix Salgado. El carismático líder Yoshio Ávila, fungió como coordinador estatal del ex secretario de Gobernación Adán Augusto López, que ahora se desempeña como coordinador político de la campaña de Sheinbaum, quien ofreció el apoyo a Yoshio. Yoloczin y Yoshio, además de ser grandes amigos y ambos de orígenes humildes, son parte del relevo generacional que está desplazando a la arcaica clase política guerrerense, que ya dio todo lo que tenia que dar; abriendo paso a las nuevas generaciones políticas, que vienen preparándose y empujando con todo. Marea Baja.- La artesanía guerrerense ocupa una excelente posición dentro del concierto del Arte Popular Nacional, por su variedad y calidad en la elaboración de artículos artesanales, representativos y orgullo del estado de Guerrero. Durante décadas nuestras artesanías han cobrado fama a nivel nacional e internacional, como las lacas de Olinalá; la platería de Taxco; las esculturas de raíces de Venta Vieja; los textiles de Xochistlahuaca, Cochoapa El Grande y Acatlán; la cerámica de Tepecoacuilco, Chilapa y muchas más. Dentro del marco de la XLVIII edición del concurso “Gran Premio Nacional de Arte Popular 2023”, convocado cada año por el Fondo Nacional para el Fomento de las Artesanías (Fonart), resultaron galardonados el Traje Tradicional de Cahuañaña, Cochoapa El Grande; la cerámica de San Agustín Oapan, Tepecoacuilco; en cerámica de alta temperatura y laca, Olinalá; en Fibras Vegetales, Ajuchitlán del Progreso y las famosas pinturas en amates de Xalitla. Marea Alta.- La ambientalista Vivian Heredia no quita el dedo del renglón, en cuanto a su oposición a la construcción del Hospital de Especialidades del ISSSTE, pues considera que la infraestructura sanitaria de la zona está colapsada y se desbordaría hacia la bahía de Acapulco. Con frecuencia observamos impávidos los brotes de aguas negras de los registros de drenaje a lo largo de la Costera Miguel Alemán, infortunadamente desembocan en la bahía. La preocupación de Vivian, es la misma de miles de acapulqueños, que al paso del tiempo no han podido convencer a los tres niveles de gobierno para remediar el problema de forma definitiva. ¿Cuántos años habremos de esperar más? Maremoto.- La amenaza de lluvia no fue obstáculo para atiborrar el zócalo de Chilpancingo, con motivo de la presencia de Claudia Sheinbaum, Coordinadora Nacional de los Comités de Defensa de la Transformación, con la asistencia de más de 5 mil militantes y simpatizantes de Morena. Personajes ciudadanos representativos y la virtual candidata morenista, suscribieron el Acuerdo de Unidad para que Siga la Transformación, al que se sumaron un gran número indefinido de los asistentes al evento político. Al mediodía la doctora Sheinbaum se reunió en privado con los cuadros dirigentes de Morena en Guerrero y con la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado, con el propósito de afinar estrategias en la revisión de la operatividad de los comités seccionales, o la renovación en aquellos que no funcionen o no estén constituidos. ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/acapulcopress ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/angelblanco.press Read the full article
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tv-moments · 4 years
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Season 3, “The Origin“
Director: Baran bo Odar
DoP: Nikolaus Summerer
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ayuminamieworld · 4 years
大塚 愛 / 黒毛和牛上塩タン焼680円 (from 愛 am BEST, too tour 2019~イエス!ここが家ッス!~ at Zepp DiverCity(TOKYO) 2019.05.02)
“I love you, love me more and more I love you, darling, if I can be united with you that's the ultimate happiness.. How does it taste?...”
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444names · 2 years
dutch, german and japanese forenames + american surnames + car brands + natural satellites + places in cumbria
Aakari Aalincall Abeepott Adaliaq Adank Adanobuhi Aeminey Aittmas Akunji Akuton Aldwinri Alenderry Alendso Alerneki Alinesper Alitako Ameling Amunin Andielt Ariverd Arkichi Artiakuel Aruakend Asuke Auxhalsao Avasabby Axide Barritte Barryurō Baruhi Basuki Batsu Beane Beats Becke Benter Bepopetje Beroa Berowtow Blacque Blagtont Blenk Blett Bliftorty Bolde Bolfgay Bollend Bolotte Botter Breilego Briam Brikirock Brinnony Brixong Brobulle Brosei Buhiro Burchill Butter Buyaneko Caledah Calertia Calixonri Callow Calowess Camiichi Camith Camorn Cansenzō Carinson Carmon Carrick Casad Castian Caushig Charuzu Chigh Chihister Chiney Chirantow Chirock Chith Chizu Chrigoon Chuns Chwaik Chūzō Ciakazuo Clanton Claru Cocksid Colphelis Congle Conmoshi Corente Correson Creimi Crown Cruchrof Cumicto Cumitsuo Curpeiz Dahihinta Daton Datsuki Daver Deiso Denteru Deritarn Detco Dilon Dotaka Eddejine Eikunk Eisthre Elgarlanz Elith Emitaite Eonejer Esuhis Eusth Feltrinam Fermi Fewilton Fewite Freasa Frick Friger Fushi Fuyoshiki Gahor Gakah Galds Gamboleby Garle Gatram Gatsuniya Geape Gefars Gillaru Gilleon Gilmurō Glertijn Gouns Graito Greby Greedreay Greeko Greidez Guisay Guithars Günti Hacolmund Hales Hamon Harden Hargoff Harmer Harmsins Harta Hawki Hawtokazu Headand Heings Heins Helles Helmune Hersad Hiana Higeo Higga Hight Higsto Hihoudi Hikolton Hikōno Hillent Hinesle Hingen Hioto Hirophe Hiroughte Hiyatsu Hizumi Hoganko Hogem Hopkirō Horieko Horikurre Hormeatsu Houle Howhoe Hubele Hunobuton Hytokings Iedyker Ijirō Iterd Jaaff Jangton Jarnson Jocke Johiminne Johnicolf Jokko Jooka Jooton Joshio Josin Jundrann Jundt Jutomi Jutontaki Jürge Jōjimpori Kaglenson Kahiko Kaitadal Kandam Kanea Kankeng Kannewijn Karda Kariuq Kathi Keltria Kengemas Kenth Kerby Kesforu Kicragame Kinson Kinstart Knisuki Kōsuko Larde Lazinho Leggo Lings Logle Lorise Loull Mahikt Malde Malfermey Maniko Mannikuo Mantand Maritz Marumley Maskott Masmu Masquehi Masson Maste Masuhande Mathyuke Matje Matonen Matonta Matsund Maxinougu Mccarux Mccley Mcfayoss Mcguseiji Mcitehi Mckhiko Mckinian Mcleo Mcles Mcmarkhie Mcneyoshi Mearlexa Meatoyon Melley Menobu Miann Michigort Millifumi Milmas Miner Miniel Minisa Minoblack Mirker Mirkshio Miton Mitori Mitsu Mohirō Momiton Momombs Monmi Morah Morichile Moriderth Moroadd Moshirk Motoyuke Moyale Mushaw Nadairō Nagny Namunamby Naomeko Narinalez Narti Nasaka Natonweby Neatsu Nieko Nihigg Nobom Nobulkna Nutai Odhitsu Oruyos Oshievena Ostoisa Osuko Oughirō Oxell Parmarō Paruhi Paustru Peilack Perby Pieke Pierwole Poper Promori Pumik Rachard Racknaru Radaldo Rasby Ravalphar Redio Rende Renzie Riantlez Richighle Riena Roshirō Ruhizens Rumuta Sabrier Saelton Sahinde Saokuji Satsuako Saysny Scochi Scogle Scowes Seichi Shenorth Shighto Shihirdio Shika Shing Shiroki Shisaurō Sichia Sidentaki Sitleyuki Sjachi Sjack Slazumle Sporil Stwatsuez Suhiton Sujirō Sunes Swaiton Taariya Tabut Tadaka Takarra Takazuko Takazut Takess Takiro Takohiaq Takorei Tasan Teenkhi Thartoshi Thneji Thori Thudsmée Thwao Thwarkoji Tillse Todoako Tokion Tombecke Tontone Tonzo Topenji Toshigoff Toshuddy Toshō Towela Towniedge Triell Troshi Tsuhikuo Tsuyurō Tyrrin Ulthi Uningg Vanao Vaugu Vazusley Ventje Videy Wainagahi Walis Waloriko Warryū Watsuo Weestarns Whirokel Whirō Wierges Wilgill Wille Willey Wisami Witsuki Wolisa Yasad Yasaxane Yasayuk Yasque Yohnsda Yoshiroa Yuguarick Yukilme Yōtabens Yūicklada Yūtakuji
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katsukiboom · 7 years
HENLO 👀👀👀👀 May I have a scenario where class 1 - A does karaoke in the common room in the dorm and the bakugo finds out that the reader is amazing at singing? Bonus points if the reader shyly sings a sexy love song to bakugo
Sure you may! Sorry it took so long too :’D but here it is, some Bakugou service straight out of the oven ♥
A/N: the song’s name is Kuroge Wagyu Joshio Tan Yaki 680 Yen (Translation: Salty Grilled Tongue of Black Japanese Beef 680 Yen), it is the ending 1 to the anime BlackJack, I’ll leave the link if anyone wants to listen to it while reading!
Katsuki liked the peace he had whilesleeping; he liked going to bed early, with nothing to bother his dreams, andwith ample time to rest both his body and mind. That’s why, when you, his crush,asked him if he wanted to join the rest of the class for a karaoke session thatnight he refused immediately – it took almost ten whole minutes to convincehim, but when you succeeded you gave him the biggest smile you could make.
You were not friends yet not a coupleeither; you both knew (along with the rest of Class 1-A) you liked each other,but were just waiting for the right moment to take a step forward or a stepback. His personality was one hard to deal with, but you were stubborn as well,and even though that did cause some clashes between you, it was as easy as oneof the two saying ‘I’m sorry’ for things to go back to normal, even if it wasmostly you the one who did it. Teasing from your peers was also quite common,and most of the time it ended with Bakugou shouting at someone or just holdinghimself back from using his quirk.
You were the one that decided to invite himin the first place even if your best friend in the class, Momo had advised youto drop the idea due to his lack of interest in social gatherings, which causedeveryone to let out gasps of surprise when you entered the common room followedby Bakugou. “Shut up, you bastards,” he exclaimed with a deep frown when Seroand Kaminari started to joke about how he listened to you more than to them,and you couldn’t help but smile.
Everyone was gathered around the karaokemachine that Mina had bought recently, and after chatting for a little bit thefirst one to go was Ochaco, who had decided to sing an opening of a show youdid not know at all. Sitting on the couch beside you was Katsuki, and you sawhim looking at the ceiling with an oddly neutral expression. “Hey,” you saidjust loud enough for him to hear you over the music; “is everything okay? Iknow you don’t like this, I’m sorry I kind of pushed you to come.”
He turned to look at you and raised an eyebrowwhile responding, “I have no business sharing stuff with people like this. If I’m here it’s because of you.” Youblushed at the statement and at how bold he had been, opting to look again atthe girl holding the microphone as she ended the song. Biting your lip, youfailed at supressing a smile before Uraraka handed you the microphone, startlingyou.
“It’s your turn!” she said cheerfully andthen grabbed your hand to drag you to the centre of the round, the brightnessof the TV screen making you blink a few times until your eyes got used to it.
Going through the songs, you saw one thatcaught your attention really fast – it was a song one of your friends had shownyou repeatedly in middle school, one that was just way too much for you backthen, but that now could have another meaning to it. This one’s for you, Katsuki, watch me, you thought with confidence,although your outside appearance showed a bit of shyness. Whistling and soundsof surprise were heard across the room, and Kirishima, sitting right in frontof Bakugou, even shouted, “Such a bold song, that’s manly!” only to receive asmack on the head from him.
The name of the song appeared with whiteletters against a red background, rose petals falling around it, and then acountdown from three appeared. Why did Ido this? you thought, but there was no time to back down. The high notefrom the beginning made everyone clap in excitement, and only for a splitsecond did you dare to look at Katsuki, the expression on his face pricelessand you finished the first verse almost flawlessly.
Ilove you, darling, if I can be united with you
That’sthe ultimate happiness
Howdoes it taste?
The notes came out easily off you, singing withall your power and until your throat felt dry, but hearing everyone behind youclap and go along with you even if they didn’t know the song was so great toyou that you had to fight back the smiles as you went on. For the last chorus,the end of the song, you looked straight at Bakugou, who had his eyes openedwide and his mouth slightly open; red blush painted his cheeks as you sang, andhis gaze followed your every move as you kept on going. You felt more exposedthan ever, but it was only for him, and you knew it.
Ilove you; love me more deeply and deeply
Tobe united with you
Isthe carving game of love
Howdoes it taste?
When the last note rolled out of thespeakers, everyone clapped in unison for a few seconds, some even shouted thatyou were amazing – looking straight at the ground with your face as red as atomato you quickly walked back to your seat, hiding your face in Bakugou’s armas soon as you plopped down on the couch again.
“You stupid…” he started as Hagakure tookthe mic, deciding to sing an AKB 48 song. “You never told me you had such agood fucking voice.” You blushed even harder before noticing you were shaking;taking a deep breath, you looked up at him, a half smile on his lips. His voicewas deeper when he added, “I might want you to sing that song to me more often.” He got closer to you, making the hairon your nape stand up as his breath hit your face, only to leave a soft, smallkiss on your forehead.
“I’m so glad you liked it, Katsuki,” yousaid with an honest grin as he put an arm around your shoulders, his warmthmaking everything better almost instantly.
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lakelandg · 5 years
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The Florida Tropics have acquired veteran defender Joshio “Yoshi” (Yo-Shee) Sandoval from the Orlando SeaWolves for future considerations. Per team and league policies, terms of the deal were not disclosed. Sandoval began his arena soccer career in 2013-14, the first of three season with the Chicago Mustangs. He spent two seasons with the Cedar Rapids Rampage, and the last two seasons with the…
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bakugou-ou · 7 years
Headcanons of how Bakugou, Tamaki and Tsuyu reacting to their fem crush singing suggestive songs at karaoke night?? You can pick the songs!!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The songs are all Japanese, but I’ve provided links to videos of them being performed, and of the lyrics with English translations as well. If you want me to redo it with English songs, I can, but two of these songs are some of my go to dirty music so…
Katsuki Bakuguo; P.A.R.A.D.O.X by Arashi
+ he sees the title of the song pop up on the screen, and he recognizes it as something by an artist that his crush really likes; assumes it’s gonna be some boyband pop song
+ he is very wrong, it’s not a boyband pop song; well, it is, but not the kind he expected
+ as the song starts, he sees the lyrics pop on the screen, and at first he isn’t sure that what he’s seeing is actually correct; there’s no way she’d sing something like that, right?
+ she starts singing, and she’s a good singer, but the words that are coming out of her mouth
+ Mind, meet gutter. Gutter, meet mind.
+ is very glad he chose to wear baggy pants that day because otherwise the fact that he was getting turned on would be very obvious
+ are they trying to tell me something? he wonders
+ his face is flushed by the time she’s done singing
+ I, uh, I gotta go to the bathroom, I’ll be back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tamaki Amajiki; Kuroge Wagyuu Joshio Tanyaki 680 Yen, Ai Otsuka
+ he knows the song
+ his face is red as a tomato, and already planted against the wall before she begins to sing
+ he can’t handle it, this is too much
+ leaves halfway through because it’s too much; he likes them too much, he doesn’t want to think of them ways that aren’t pure
+ he apologies after for leaving, but he can’t bring himself to explain why, and his crush is just kind of mystified by it for a bit… It occurs to her as Mirio sings something stupid that the issue had been the lyrical content of the song she’d picked, and she apologizes profusely to Tamaki, causing him to become embarrassed all over again
Tsuyu Asui; Let’s Be Honest, Luka Megurine and Miku Hatsune (wasn’t able to find translated lyrics for this and am too lazy to do it myself rn but it’s about lesbians so ;D also, it’s not really suggestive in a sexual sense, just in the I want you to be my girlfriend way)
+ is surprised, she didn’t expect this
+ she catches onto the meaning immediately, and she blushes a bit
+ that is one heck of a way to come out and admit your feelings for someone
+ she likes listening to her singing, though, so she won’t interrupt her
+ she actually enjoys the song for its melody and style, she’s glad her crush picked that song
+ both she and her crush know what’s up, they smile at each other after the song is over, both blushing a bit.
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@walbertocastro @cristal @monarrez8755 @gainfante @joshio https://www.instagram.com/p/BoIPZZJhVYo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ta6ksth1ohdd
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elparaisodetlaloc · 7 months
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Exploring the Culture of Kalash Valley – A Depiction of Real Heritage
Kalash a beautiful place is located in the district of Chitral Valley, Hunza, Pakistan and surrounded by Hindu Kush Mountains. With its aesthetic location and nature friendly environment, Kalash valley is quite prominent among tourists. Every year not only national but also many international tourists come to visit the charming kalash valley. As it is an eye grabber and attractive place for tourism. Moreover, the atmosphere including climate and landscape of the valley always compel the people to itself. Under kalash comes 3 valleys name Brir, Bumburet and Rambur. All these places are easily accessible through jeeps.
Visit Attabad Lake Hunza Pakistan near on the Way of Kalash Valley.
People of Kalash valley:
The people living in Kalash valley seems quite conservative towards their culture. However, there opinions are far different Pakistan and Islam. They have their own set of belief, values, norms and tradition. This is the reason that every year many people visit Kalash. They are lively people who celebrate every season of the year. As the tribe share their own practices and rituals among their people. The people of the tribe never allow their kids to marry against their tribe. As they are quite orthodox in the matter of their customs and traditions. Women of the tribe mostly wears a long frock and cap along with heavy jewelry. This kind of get up portrays their culture to the tourists. Embellishment with heavy jewelry and clothes shows ethnic norms and values that are given by their ancestors to them.
Kalash Festival – One of The Well-Known Festival of Country:
Kalash is better known for the festivals and celebrations. As they follow some other religion so these all celebrations are the part of their religion and customs. They celebrate 3 festivals in a year. Below here are the names of festivals
This festival is celebrated on the arrival of spring. The basic purpose of celebrating this festival is to say thanks to their God for giving them the pleasing season. The season which is capable of making everything look fresh. Flowers starts blossoming in this season and they considered the blossoming with good hopes and aspirations.
2. UCHAO O UTCHAL (19th – 20th August)
The purpose of this festival is to tribute their God for bestowing them with the best fruits. So that they can fetch the vine through these fruits. Through this festival they praise their God for having such blessings of God upon them.
3. CHOIMUS. (7th to 22nd December)
This festival is celebrated in winter to welcome the New Year. In this festival they prepare feast for the people of their tribe. As in winter, there is heavy snowfall in Kalash so they store the food for winters and rejoice with their tribe.
Some Natural View of Kalash Valley:
Hence, kalash Valley is place full of captivating tradition, floral dressing with lively attitudes towards their religion. Their enthralling dances in colorful dresses look elegant and epic. So, it is a perfect place if you need some refreshment and enjoyment in your life.
Kalash Vally
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bonnie-stupid · 7 years
Hoy quiero estar junto a ti, si tan solo tu quisieras estar más cerca de mi, a tu lado yo me siento más feliz.
Kuroge Wagyu Joshio Tanyaki 680 yen
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