#joshy art moments
littlefoxwarrior · 2 years
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the world's most overworked shikigami Ran Yakumo, It's not as good as I wanted it to be but still proud of making ( it actually didn't took me that long) the background is one of her nonspells from Touhou!
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harmonytre · 5 months
What to Expect Coming Up
I am still sick, but thought it’d be fun to mention all the projects I have going on and my sort of process.
I’ve gotten into the flow of 3 art -> animate an hour -> 3 art -> reference sheet; and repeat! Now the “3 art” doesn’t include warm-ups, which I’ll discuss in a moment. This usually varies but does have a pattern of priority to it.
Commissions (none atm, but one has discussed interest) -> Deadline art (contest entries, featured character, birthday gifts) -> “Required” art (raffle prizes [2 remain], Benrey project, 11 Bulbasaur gifts, 42 late Artfight attacks) -> Other stuff
When it comes to warm-ups, I’ve gone 32 times in a row of purely HLVRAI. It’ll still be thrown in the mix, but I’d like to add Pokemon and OCs as a chance too! Warm-ups include any requests I get, and those increase in chance the longer they’re there. Meanwhile there’s still the chance my random wheel will choose something like “Sunkist” three days in a row lol.
Now to discuss all the projects! First off, my next three art will be: raffle prize, a small special RTVS animation, and a doodle of my next hyperfixation which I’ll then open up for requests as well!
“Cabinet Man” Animatic: A more long-term project that’s fully storyboarded so far, but I plan on making rendered (or at least colored) illustrations for.
I have two parts in my Multi-Animator-Project! One part is Benrey and Gordon focused, while the other part is Tommy, Bubby, and Coomer focused, so I get to animate the whole Science Team and that excites me!! (One part still open by the way, hint hint.) The MAP itself is a third of the way complete let’s goooooo!
Other animation projects include: “Two Birds” Tommy and Benrey friendship animatic (fully written), “Eighth Wonder” Tommy animatic (just an idea, focusing on the others first), and occasional clips or mini animations.
Benrey Fanart (and then the other characters too!): I have 12 people left to reach out to, but I gotta do it slowly so my account doesn’t get shadowbanned again (that was scary ngl). But once I do, the sign-up post will be updated regularly as I work and I’ll DM everyone individually as I finish theirs!
@sweetvoicecafe ! I am very excited to get this up and running! I have 3 references remaining, and then I can work on the introductory comic. (I mayyyyyyyy call for voice actors.)
HLVRAI-based OCs: This is a more minor thing, but I want to finish 9 more designs before Artfight, as I’ve only finished Joshie.
It’ll be a while longer until it’s ready, but I’d like to restart my Shiny Living Dex Challenge. And it’ll no longer be discord only, I’ll extend it to tumblr as well! Especially since there’s art prizes involved.
I have 11 remaining Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur gifts to finish!
The occasional warmup, request, doodle, etc.
“Close Up Meme” Phanthop AU Animatic that I would love to polish and color.
“Never Love an Anchor” Hop and Leon animatic that I have indeed started (just an animatic this time, not polished)
I’ve started releasing collab (with @mr-web ) Art Podcasts on my youtube channel hint hint ;)
Streams: Over on my Twitch (same name): I stream weekly (maybe more, depending on my new work schedule, just finished moving after all). At the moment, I’m taking turns with Half Life (nearly done with game one) and Omori (collab with Doglord15). Soon it’ll (hopefully) include Pokemon, but I’d also like to try Undertale Yellow, Portal, Hollow Knight, and more! As well as a return to art streams, that’d be cool.
Artfight Prep: I am mostly done, but remaining I have: 3 SVC refs, 9 HLVRAI OC refs, and fully updating my spreadsheet, which will also be updated on tumblr! (I may do this today, as it’s something I can do while bed-ridden.) Plus the 42 leftover revenges.
Among Us “Bark Bark” Animatic: nearly 3 years in the works but it’s chugging . . . there were complications with the cameos involved that hurt my motivation and the progress, but it’s still in the works haha…
“Haunted House” Vent Animatic: This is 2/3s of the way complete! As it’s something personal, I worked on it quickly after a certain event, but I’d still like to finish it. <3
New Hyperfixation: Surprise reveal! It’s Wreck-It Ralph (and specifically Hero’s Cuties). It won’t be a huge thing, but I’d like to doodle here and there, open requests for it, and draw up three AU designs that have been in my mind for nearly 13 years.
@theairshipexperiment : Yes yes, I knowwwwwwwwwwwww y’all are mad at me. It’s been three years and I still get people upset that it hasn’t continued. It’s not completely canceled, just very very slowww. I’m nearly done writing chapter 3, but that means there’s 7 chapters to go. At least I’ve started giving myself completely random reminders for times to write haha. It’s my only writing project atm, but writing takes so much more effort from me than art, I’m sorry.
@absurdamongus : Very low on my list, but I still enjoy their designs and would one day like to continue finishing their refs and maybe reopen an ask blog. An animated series would still be cool, but it’d be a long way off if so.
So yeah, a lot of projects and a lot of excitement! I’m going at a fair pace (when I’m not sick) and art continues to be my passion! <3
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cheolism · 1 year
Hiii I recently became a Carat and as an avid fanfic reader, I was wondering if there are any stories you can recommend!! I have no member preference, as long as there is an interesting story (longer the better, if there are chapters even better). And i love me a good smut 👀
hi sweetheart!! first and foremost, i recommend checking out the other authors of svthub. here you'll find a variety of svt writers!!! as of right now we're doing our spring collab, so def check that out!!! note that i only have a few members on here (gyu, joshie, hoshi, kwannie)? i didn't realize until i finished that i only had these four???? idk if this is my subconscious trying to tell me something but i'll continue to ignore it!!!
my personal faves are all reblogged under fic rec, but here's some that have stood out to me since reading~
spoiled by @wonusite ; KMG
"summary: you have never been spoiled, but that changes after you meet the man your mother is going to marry."
it's got four parts and is so fucking disgusting and wonderful it's ridiculous. it's seriously a marvel to humanity tbh and when aliens come and ask for a relic to prove that humans deserve to be spared from their alien wrath, i'll give them these fics <3
acouasm by @angelwoozi ; HJS
"n.) a ringing noise in your head — and it's just three words of promise whispered by yours truly during moments of sorrow, or moments of joy. the whisper also lives in the crevices of your mind during moments of pleasure, when he makes love to you, his true love."
it isn't necessarily long, but it is so fucking sweet and artful? in my tags i described it as truly belonging to the golden hour, and tbh i still stand by it. it's incredibly tender and freya's way with words reminds me of ancient greek and roman statues; there's an era in art called neoclassical, where artists mostly focus on depicting mythos and creatures from greek, roman, and christian lore. like, an angel with outstretched wings, her shawl expanding and wrapping around her, heaven's spotlight surrounding.
to the brim by @toruro ; KMG
"description: all your sweet husband wants is to put a baby into you—is that so bad?"
LISTEN mika writes some of the filthiest shit, i'm not even kidding. idk how her brain comes up with some of this stuff? somehow she KNOWS all of my deepest kinks and secrets and just writes them like they're NOTHING? truly a menace to society and we should all be on our knees thanking her.
bluff and nonsense by @thepixelelf ; KSY
“Soonyoung? Yeah I know him, you should too. He’s on the uni’s dance crew, and ever since he joined them, their popularity’s skyrocketed. I’ve met him a few times, great guy — got a tendency to run his mouth but hey, no one’s perfect. He’s smart anyways, probably knows how to deal with the consequences, right?”
Soonyoung never thought one bluff could lead to so much nonsense."
this fic fuckign RUINED ME. the others don't have as much plot as this, but even months after reading it still remains one of my favorite fics. i've been meaning to reread it? but i just haven't gotten to it, but i know i'll still feel the heartache and betrayal all over again, it's just that good. like it's so good you can feel the stabbing in your heart and tummy :(
vanilla by @milfgyuu ; HJS
"Summary: Joshua has a secret but perhaps it’s not really a secret at all. Maybe you’ve just refused to see it in an effort to keep your feelings at bay."
probably the dirtiest fic on this list. it's absolutely wild. there was NO preparing for everything in this fic? it's insane. absolutely insane fr. like -- even reading the tags can't prepare you. reader wasn't prepared and i really don't think ANYONE ever could have been.
stay-at-home husband/dad mingyu by @celestiababie
it's what it says! stay at home gyu who is willing to help his darling breadwinner spouse with whatever they need :) it's got multiple parts and such, and it's so cruel that it exists because it'll occupy my thoughts every once in a while and then i just have to stand there thinking about desperate little gyu whining while a teacher is talking. will change your life, 10/10 recommend
pussy sport by @duhnova ; BSK
"synopsis: leave it up to boo seungkwan to almost suffocate between your thighs, eat you out till you’re crying, and to figure out a new kink of his."
when i turn 108 and am getting ready to walk off the edge of the earth, and they ask me my secret to living so long i'll think back to this fic and smile, and then suddenly i'll be brought back to life. it's this serious. every once in a while someone on the svthub server remembers it exists again and goes feral. and i completely fucking agree, we should be going feral over boo seungkwan 24/7. to not be feral over boo seungkwan and this fic is a cardinal sin, and not the sexy kind.
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HLVRAI notes
did not want to burden my original HLVRAI ref post with this wall of text so i’m just sticking it in its own post.
my personal HLVRAI headcanons under the cut 👇 (WARNING: LONG ASS POST im sorry)
Setting: - The events of HLVRAI happen in virtual reality, but there is also technically a real world, BUT that real world is screwed and humanity is dead(?). Except before the world ended, Black Mesa was working on a project (”The Half-Life Project”) to preserve the universe and humanity forever by making a virtual simulation of the universe and making brain copies of people (with or without consent) and shoving them into this world. Black Mesa dealt in a lot of alien shit/tech, so they were super ahead of the curb and also morally bankrupt. Obviously they can’t get everyone’s brains into VR before the world ends though, so there are also people that are developed by the simulation to help populate the world like it would be IRL. Don’t ask too many questions on how this all works ok. Just think of it like a “our reality is a simulation” conspiracy, except the conspiracy is real. - HLVRAI happens in this virtual reality/simulation, but as its own separate little offshoot of the main simulation. It was built as a game because it was the original early test of the system and Black Mesa is full of nerds. Kind of a stress test in a way. Like “how well is the system going to handle some crazy shit going down” kind of test. The Resonance Cascade has been happening on loop in this offshoot for who knows how long. Because honestly it was kind of forgotten about as Black Mesa moved on to work on the “main” simulation. Anyways, in my head, the end goal for the Science Team is to break free of the game and get into the main simulation. Which they eventually do and can live their lives and go on heists and be gay and happy and shit.
~ ~ ~
Gordon Freeman (Age: 27, Ht: 6′1″) He/Him - Dominican American - Pansexual - Worked for IRL Black Mesa, but at like the super surface level in which he has clearance for barely anything, so he doesn’t actually realize how messed up the organization is until it’s too late. Being into video games and a huge fucking nerd, he volunteers himself for what he’s told is just a little virtual reality experiment testing some new state-of-the-art tech. What he doesn’t know is that Black Mesa essentially makes a virtual copy of him without his consent and traps him in a loop. Gordon doesn’t realize all this until the end of HLVRAI. - Joshua was a just a joke made in the moment and Gordon doesn’t actually have a kid IRL. BUT Dad!Gordon is not lost. Joshua ends up with him eventually. Don’t ask about the details, I’m not sure how this happens yet, only that it involves post-game Science Team needing to save their world from completely breaking and Joshie is key to it. - Gordon doesn’t develop proper feelings for Benrey until post-game, when he gets to know him better in a healthier, less insane, less incredibly stressful environment.   - Post-game, Gordon can magical girl transform back into his HEV suit and gun arm when needed. Except when he goes back into normal dad guy mode, his gun arm remains in the HEV suit at the point where it was cut off. So it’s like a cool looking prosthetic. He’s also following his dream of becoming a successful Justin.TV streamer (”GordoFreeTV”) and has amassed a decent following--enough to be his main job. Although he doesn’t really need to worry about money after the whole bank heist shenanigans. 
Benrey/Benry (Age: Not sure but when he was a IRL human he was in his 30′s, Ht: 5′2″) He/They- Japanese/Chinese - Transmasc - Gay (wow no kidding) -  Benrey is the result of an alien “virus” being mixed with the memories/mind of a human. Gordon was not the first volunteer for IRL Black Mesa’s experiment. Before Gordon, Black Mesa sent out an ad to the public asking for people willing to come in to be a part of their little VR experiment for money. Applicants were interviewed because Black Mesa were specifically looking for people who were desperate and wouldn’t be missed. One of the people chosen was a guy named Beni Henry Song. Beni lived by himself in some crappy apartment, recently lost the only family member he cared about (his mom), and the friends he did have were online ones he played games with--most of which only knew him by his username (”benrybenrybenry”). Because the Half-Life project was in its early stages, Beni got kind of screwed and kind of died and Black Mesa considered his case a failure. What Black Mesa didn’t know was that they had succeeded in getting some of Beni’s mind/memories into VR, but was kind of just floating around as bits of data. As BM kept messing around with alien technology, an alien “virus” got accidentally introduced into the simulation. The virus ended up absorbing the Beni brain fragments, which is how Benry ended up coming into existence. - Benrey was not always the Main Antagonist. After the simulation is developed into more of a game format and Gordon (the 1st proper success case of inserting a human mind into VR) is introduced, Benrey joins the group as an ally and pines over Gordon like the gay ass bitch they are. The game is beaten and everything restarts. This loop happens many, many times. I’m totally not obsessed with time loops because I watched Madoka Magica when I was young or anything. Anyway, Benry is one of the only ones with memories of previous runs, although they don’t maintain many due to their human side being unable to handle it. On one run, he figures out how to “delete” the final boss from the game, so he does because he thinks it’ll make things easier and maybe even end the loop. But the loop doesn’t end and the game needs a final boss. So the game’s script gives that title to Benry. Their thoughts are influenced by the script needing them to be the bad guy. When I say “influenced”, I don’t mean complete mind control because Benrey was an annoying asshole (affectionate) before he got the bad guy role. He just became even more of an asshole with more malicious intent. Benrey doesn’t get freed from the script until after they get “killed” in the final battle at the end of HLVRAI. However during the game, he does have moments where he comes back to himself and tries to fight the script, but it ends up coming out as nonsense due to the conflict of what he and the script wants (ex. "SONY CEO JACK TRETTON SURVIVED A NUCLEAR BOMB”).   - Benry’s still a little shit even after being freed from the script, because that’s just how they are, but it’s way less malicious and more so done in fun. When he does cross a line, it’s more so out of ignorance or miscommunication rather than actually wanting to cause harm. He even says sorry sometimes. - Post-game Benrey is slowly gaining more memories from his past life as his human side and alien side become more melded with each other. They’re not Beni Song anymore, but they are learning who they are now. Gordon cooks him different Asian dishes because it seems to be pretty consistent in spurring memories in Benrey (Beni’s mom cooked a lot [he misses her]). He works as a nightshift security guard at a local mall. They like to terrorize the local teenage delinquents and has become an urban legend to them.  - yes he’s japanese/chinese because i self project ok
Harold P. Coomer (Age: 68, Ht: 5′0″) He/Him - Hawaiian/Samoan - Transmasc - Bisexual -  An AI based on a IRL Black Mesa scientist by the same name. He does not contain the actual mind/memories of IRL Dr. Coomer--just a basic replication of them to act as a base to evolve off of. He was developed in the very early stages of the Half-Life project. An early concept and attempt at “preserving” an individual in VR. He technically wasn’t completed before Black Mesa moved on, which is why his code is a bit out of whack. Thanks to his memories being from someone IRL, he is much more susceptible to becoming self-aware. Although it’s unclear how many of his memories are actually from the real world and how many were created by his programming to fill in spaces.   - He and Bubby aren’t in a relationship during HLVRAI, but they do have in-game lore memories of knowing each other long before the Resonance Cascade and have a friendship with a dash of hey-maybe-we-could-be-something-more-someday. That someday is post-game in which they get together and later get married and get a house and have a cute garden. Coomer likes gardening. “It’s therapeutic, Gordon!” - Coomer has had a hard time dealing with the fact that he’s technically an AI and the world is virtual. He had a crisis about everything not being “real”, but post-game he’s learned that just because everything is virtual, doesn’t make it not “real.” Hosting Science Team BBQs, gardening, suplexing Benrey headfirst into a table, stargazing with Bubby--it’s all real enough for him. Of course, like everyone, he has his bad days, but he’s got lots of support now.  - He’s got cybernetic limbs and implants. You can see the glow under the artificial skin of his arms and legs. Glow gets brighter when he’s actively using his tech. - fun fact his appearance is based on an uncle of mine back in hawaii because they both like boxing
Bubby (Age: “Always old”, Ht: 5′6″) - He/Xe/Any (aka "I don’t care! I don’t have time for this.”) - German (because that’s what the scientist he was built off of was [Dr. Kleiner]) - Demisexual and nonbinary. Technically?? It’s not something they think about--not that he doesn’t respect it in others, he just doesn’t really care to think about it for xemself. - Originally had no name--only a number given by Black Mesa scientists to help identify xem from the other prototypes [8488]. Coomer started calling him Bubby and they were like “Oh actually I think I like it.” - An AI that was developed and given a basic backstory to evolve off of. Their model’s appearance is based off of a Black Mesa researcher in the real world named Dr. Kleiner, but they share no personality traits with him. Their in-game lore is what’s established in HLVRAI: xe is a test tube baby--the ultimate result of VR Black Mesa’s attempts at growing the “perfect scientist.” -  Bubby LOVES space. He wants to know what’s UP THERE. Doesn’t think the same of the ocean though. Does NOT want to know what’s down there thank you very much. - Powers include combustion and turning into a car. Road trips are interesting.
Tommy Coolatta (Age: 37, Ht: 6′6″) He/They - Filipino - Aromantic - Tommy was just another Black Mesa-programmed AI before G-Man grew attached and passed down some of his alien coding to him, hence being his adoptive dad. G-Man/Mr. Coolatta himself is an offshoot of the huge main alien/human AI system (A.K.A. his “Employers”) created to sort of oversee this little part of virtual reality and keep everything running. - Tommy is aware that the game has restarted many times and maintains memories on the other loops. They developed Sunkist over the course of previous loops and made it so she could maintain her memories through the restarts as well, so he could have a consistent companion other than his dad (who isn’t always around) and Benrey (who doesn’t always remember the best).  - The loops are why Tommy is good at the pew pew with gun. It’s not just instinct, it’s repetition. He actually knows what he’s doing when handling weapons. He just acts like he doesn’t because it’s funny. It’s canonical that Tommy has the highest kill count out of the Science Team after all.   - Tommy is bored and he’s kind of tired ok. They like to try and spice things up sometimes.  - In previous loops, Tommy would sometimes just hang out with Darnold for the entirety of the game and not join Gordon at all. Even though Darnold doesn’t know about the restarts or that he’s even in a game, Tommy enjoys spending time with her because she’s so down-to-earth. Darnold played a part in helping create Sunkist, even if he doesn’t remember.  - Tommy likes to wear things on their wrist that they can fidget and play with. Usually colorful, stretchy bracelets/bands. He does it when he’s lost in thought or just needs a distraction. Some of his bracelets he’s made himself!
Darnold Pepper (Age: 40, Ht: 5′4″) He/Her - African American - Asexual - Like Tommy, Bubby, and Coomer, Darnold is an AI built off of a IRL Black Mesa scientist.  - She’s kind of a shut-in and has a lot of anxiety (particularly social), but post-game he’s learning to come out of his shell because she’s finally found people she can be comfortable with. Darnold wants to Do Things. He wants to get out there and explore. But her anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time. Post-game he’s able to start really pushing himself and start Doing Things. - Where Darnold finds her confidence is in science. Specifically inventing and experimenting. He creates all sorts of potions and gadgets and has fun doing it. She’s also confident in her abilities as a Pro Gamer(tm). When he gets to talk and infodump about the things he enjoys, he almost becomes a different person. - She’s the grounding point of the Science Team. The mediator. Just genuinely enjoyable to be around, even if she doesn’t believe it herself. He worries that nobody really likes him and that he’s just an annoyance that everyone tolerates, but she’s getting better at pushing these doubts from her mind with the help of friends and therapy.
~ ~ ~
MISC. notes (aka why the fuck is sans undertale here)
Here is my sad attempt to give an in-universe explanation as to why there are fictional characters from other media in the simulation too:  - So IRL Black Mesa was full of nerds ok. Some of these nerds maybe wanted to make sure their favorite things got inserted into this simulation of the universe. So they put these things in. Somebody tried putting Undertale/Deltarune into the simulation ok. But something along the way got mistranslated in the system and instead of just the game existing as a game in the world, it turned the characters into humans living in the world. Kind of like how Coomer, Bubby, and the others were built off of IRL people, except these new humans were built off of fictional characters from a hit indie video game. They don’t have memories from Undertale/Deltarune and the games don’t exist in the world. They’re just average people living their life. Until the Resonance Cascade Part 2 Electric Boogaloo happens and their reality as they know it starts to break and maybe some powers and memories get reawakened maybe haha. - This is my dumb general justification for all the dumb crossovers I’m probably going to end up inserting into my version of the HLVRAI universe. Is this even an HLVRAI universe at this point? idk anymore. why am i like this - Anyway, in this universe/simulation, Santiago “Sans” Alcade is a streamer on Justin.TV (”sans206″) who has somehow amassed a huge following despite hardly putting effort in his streams (his layout still looks like shit). He lives with his culinary student brother Papyrus Alcade (Pap picked the name when he transitioned) in Washington State. One day, Sans goes on a trip to New Mexico to hang out and do an in-person collab stream with his streamer bud GordoFreeTV. But when he gets there, weird shit starts happening to him, like his hands not making up its mind on whether they want to have flesh or not, his eyes glowing, and a skeleton goop monster haunting him. Also he can summon bones now. Res-Cas Part 2 Electric Boogaloo! - Also Gordon and Benrey have a pet headcrab named Patamon that has little mutated flesh wing bits on its head and is a weird coloration. Patamon will eat anything and loves sitting on heads, but especially Benry’s head (crabs gravitate towards him in general). For some reason when other people who aren’t the Science Team see Patamon, they just think its a really fucked up cat. 
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Highway Hypnosis
Chapter 3: Driftwood Craquelure
It’s common sense not to hike alone. And I wouldn’t, honest, if I felt like I had any other choice. But Joshy’s busy and Jasper’s weird and Len’s dead, which leaves me with me. I think I should probably make some girl friends, if there’s such a thing to be found in Evergreen. My whole life, I’ve been surrounded by girls pretty much exclusively, with the exception of my time up here; the town is infested with men, whose innate need to conquer sends them north and north and north until they can’t get any further up without leaving the country. They’re alright otherwise, I suppose, if only one can excuse those socialized facets of their existence which, under a very specific set of circumstances, can turn them into irredeemable monsters. I’m probably being unfair to them, the poor babies, but the fact is I think I would be much happier here if I had a couple of girls around to talk to.
There’s a trailhead off Main Street that leads to the river. Forever and a day ago, someone built a bridge over the water, and then that bridge collapsed. The eventual solution appears to be the massive piece of driftwood upon which I’m currently precariously balanced. We’re an hour from the coast, which means someone must have driven to the beach and somehow retrieved this log to use as a bridge. I wonder why whoever it was didn’t just use a felled tree or something; it seems like it would have saved them an awful lot of trouble. I’ll admit though, the driftwood is striking. It’s marled and bleached, looking more sculptural than natural. What little bark remains on its sides is cracked and peeling; I remember learning in some blowoff class or another that the cracks in an oil painting are called the craquelure. This thing is a work of art.
When in doubt, three points of contact. This was Len’s evergreen advice in precarious outdoor situations. Three points, girl! Two feet and a hand!
This is a way I can honor him, I think. I’ll follow the advice I never did when he was alive, and maybe I’ll come out without so many cuts and bruises. Deep breath. I unbuckle the chest strap on my backpack, remembering another Len-ism: If you’re going to fall in the water, make sure you can wiggle out of your backpack, just in case. I crouch, trying to center myself and hoping I look more like a surfer in motion than a creepy forest gremlin. Three points, girl. I lower my right hand, thinking as I do that this probably wasn’t what Len meant, but there’s no going back now. Feeling slightly silly in spite of the fact that I’m probably the only human being on this trail at the moment, I wind up with something of a spider-crawl to the end of the log–is this what you wanted, you old freak?--and swing my legs over the edge to hop off onto the ground. I might as well just walk through the river on my way back.
I’m something like four miles into the trail when I get the half-disappointing signal to head home. When your water’s half gone, you’re half done. I hope Len can see me from wherever he is, finally following his lead the way I was always meant to. It’s a good thing, in the end; my body’s not used to the up and down of these trails, and I can feel my muscles protesting with each foot of incline. My head is pounding, probably from a combination of heat and dehydration, and my hands are swollen and near-useless, blood pooling into my fingertips from where I swung them at my sides. Hold onto your little backpack straps and that won’t happen. The man had a solution for everything. He was never a professional, to my knowledge; he just wasn’t afraid. If he knew to land with your whole foot when jumping from rock to rock, it’s because he jumped onto his toes one too many times and it landed him on his ass. If he wasn’t afraid, there’s a chance he was reckless too. I don’t want to think what that might have meant for him in the end.
I take the downhill slope quickly–If you lean back and lead with your hips you’ll go faster–and conquer the driftwood at my own pace. It’s hot, hotter than I can ever remember in Evergreen, although maybe it’s the eight-mile trek talking, and when I emerge from beneath the dense cover of the trees it’s like walking into the beam of a floodlight. My skin is flushed and hot, my legs marred up to my thighs with tiny scrapes from thistle and god knows what else, and for some reason I’m thrilled about it. It’s always hard to remember the misery you’ve experienced once you’re in the clear; it’s some kind of protective mechanism, maybe, to keep us sane in the face of difficulty. Nice of our brains to do that for us–then again, the next injury always hurts twice as bad. I’m in the clear, though. I’m starting over. For the day, for my life. I should probably get some electrolytes in me.
The general store is blessedly air conditioned. I make a beeline for the refrigerators along the back wall, opening one up without seeing what’s inside, just to bask in its chill.
“You’re letting all the cold air out,” Jasper’s voice sounds from behind a book. I look over my shoulder to see him, as ever, with his legs crossed on the counter.
“Let me have this,” I reply, testing the waters. It’s been a week and a half. I think we’re warming up to each other, but I can’t be certain.
Jasper shrugs, lowering the book. “Whatever.”
I can feel his eyes on me as I make my selection–screw electrolytes, I’m going for caffeine–and when I bring my drink to the register he looks mildly inconvenienced as he’s forced to swing his legs off the counter and do his job. They’re long legs; I’ve noticed before, but really, it’s almost impressive that he manages to have such control over his limbs when he’s working with the proportions of a benevolent spider. Those long legs means he’s got a few good inches on me, and if I look up at him through my eyelashes every so often, then what?
Jasper clears his throat. “You, uh. You decided to change things up today,” he says, sliding the can (which proclaims itself to be full of tea, but which we all know to contain pure rocket fuel). I raise an eyebrow, and he clarifies: “You usually go for mint. Today you got the peach.”
“Huh,” I say, wondering how on Earth he managed to pick that up, “you’re right. I’m surprised you remembered.”
Jasper shrugs, averting his gaze for a moment. “People fall into patterns,” he says. Fair enough, I suppose. I reach across the counter to take the can, and before I can fully comprehend what’s happening Jasper’s got his hand wrapped around my wrist. My gaze shoots upward, ready to either wrench myself free of his grasp or tell him exactly where he can shove his patterns, but whatever fire had ignited itself in my chest is doused by the delicate arrangement of his features. “I’m sorry,” he says, letting go of me, “I don’t know why I–shit, I’m sorry,”
He looks pained, stunned–like he couldn’t have anticipated his action any more than I could have. I’m seized once again by the desire, impractical and mortifying, to be close to him. If I took his hand, would it be alright? Would it communicate what I wanted to say–the “it’s okay” without the “do it again”?
“Let’s start over,” I say, as softly as I can without slipping into meekness. Jasper nods, exhaling.
“Would it be alright if I stopped by the house later? I have…I have something of Len’s I’d like to return. A book,” he says, shrinking back from himself in real time.
He’s practically a stranger. I haven’t known him in eleven years, and if Joshy’s to be believed at least five of those years were fraught with tension. I should set a boundary before I find myself alone with him, starting something out of vague nostalgia that I can’t finish. And so, when I tell him “Sure, come over whenever,” it’s the ten-year-old troublemaker I’m inviting into my home and not the lanky shell of regret standing across the counter from me.
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jotchia · 1 year
why did joshie and bernie say no to bernie baby dressing as a hunter so fast. is there a past trauma there i smell
*SMILES EVILY* I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED! this is a long one stick with me here.
essentially the bjs Story centers jotchie and his fucked up brain problems right. i mean i don't think that terribly shines through my art of them it's definitely more of a writing thing (smile) BUT. jotchie's issues stem from when he got attacked in the woods, which caused his turning into a werewolf. now he's all kinds of scared that since HE got attacked, he could hurt others too. which is dumb. but he's fucked up.
ect ect jotchie plays mercenary for a few years after running away from home, he never really makes any friends which makes him desperate and lonely as hell, then enter samir. samir is trying his damndest to study transformation magic but he's only got bernie as a test subject and he knows every inch of that motherfucker's body by now (high school sweethearts<3) and now some new shifter is in the woods?! THEIR woods?! oh boysy!!! so samir captures jotch and VERY politely asks if he can study him in a lab. jotch at this point is so desperate for connection he sees this cute dude asking to spend some time with him and he's like sure man fuck it like whatever at least if this dude uses me as a lab rat i'll get to stare at him while it happens. literally whatever man.
ROMAMCE ENSUES samir is so nice to jotchie it kinda fucking freaks him out cos he was kinda prepared to get killed or something but this dude is actually so sweet and likes hanging out outside of study time? so now jotch is all kindsa self conscious about shifting around him and it's so much worse cos samir is actually really respectful of his boundaries? like oh god how did he stumble into such a good fucking person that likes him and is nice oh god he REALLY can't fuck this up now.
NOW BACK TO BERNIE. LOL. bernie, too, is a shifter, though he shifts into a polar bear rather than a wolf. bernie was also BORN a shifter rather than turned, so he's all experienced with this shit where jotch knows little to nothing outside of his own lived experience. dude's never even met another shifter before. bernie sees this and kinda takes pity on the poor guy, shows him the ropes, drops the absolute fucking bomb that is the fact that your clothes just phase with you when you shift, so jotchie's whole "if i wear this collar it'll strangle me when i shift without wanting to" strat kinda goes out the fucking window. which is bad cos he cares about samir. there goes his fucking fail safe.
ah, but, there's bernard. bernard is much bigger and stronger than him, shifted and unshifted both. if bernie's around and jotch shifts without wanting to, if he tries to hurt samir, bernie can just kill him. easily. he's so strong! bernie is so cool! he's seen him kill deer like nobody's business! bernie, now, is his fail safe. as long as bernie's around, he can relax.
but oh ho ho, idiot that jotchie is, does not realize that bernie likes him too! even when the three of them all start dating, jotchie can't fucking compute in his brain that he CARES about him and, yknow, that kinda makes it hard to kill somebody? he also of course never ran that idea by bernard, just kinda assumed oh for suresies he'd be down to kill me the moment i did something bad. no problem. don't even worry about it.
now i don't have the Exact scene mapped out in my head on how i want this to go, but essentially it all comes to a head when jotchie mentions this exact thing, that ah, it's okay, if i do anything you can just kill me. bernie is absolutely fucking devastated because what the hell? what the fuck does this guy think of him? that he could kill him, just like that? that he could kill him at all? has josh only been keeping him around because he wants him to murder him? is that all he is?
jotchie's self hatred bleeds into his relationships with others A FUCKING LOT. it sucks. he does not even realize that's what's happening.
but of course love must prevail, jotchie DOES care for bernie very deeply NOT just cos he wants to be killed so he continues the absolute egregious process of trying to hate himself a little less every day. bernie does forgive him but shit still stings. (SAMIR IS ALSO CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE OF THIS, ANGEL PETNAME, SHIT SUCKS FOR EVERYBODY) so the idea of bernie dressing up as the character who's entire purpose is to kill jotchie's? woof! very bad!
thank you so much for asking i love you forever 🫂
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hlvrfreakyfriday · 1 year
HLVRFF: Chapter 4
Yeah, Benry was very obviously posing at himself in the mirror just now. But luckily for the alien, Gordon's too preoccupied with other thoughts at the moment to question him about it.
Thoughts that he REALLY shouldn't be having. Especially not about BENRY of all people. Can you even call whatever the hell he is a person? You can call whatever the hell he is surprisingly cute NO. NO. THOSE ARE EXACTLY THE THOUGHTS HE NEEDS TO NOT BE HAVING.
Damn Gordon's lonely, bisexual heart.
Just- fucking- why Benry? Why this fucked up alien monster from beyond the veil who tried to kill him once? Who succeeded in killing several other defenseless people? Who got his hand chopped off by the military? Who still occasionally plagues his nightmares? Why would he EVER have feelings for someone like that?
If you hate him so much, then why have you let him live with you for the past four months, Gordon's brain supplies.
He's… not really sure why. Resignation to the fact that he's never, ever getting rid of the guy, and thus might as well get used to it, perhaps? Then there's Tommy, who Gordon pretty much owes his life to. Tommy never seemed to want to give up on the idea that Benry wasn't evil. Hell, even during the final battle on Xen, Tommy was still insisting that they not fight Benry, just try to understand him. When Benry inevitably popped back into their lives, It was Tommy who convinced Gordon to give the guy a second chance and let him move in with him. Gordon had questioned why he couldn't just stay with Tommy in that mansion the older man lives in, but Tommy's excuse was that his equally eldritch dad was territorial or something.
That, and that Benry had apparently wanted to live with Gordon more than with Tommy, despite him and Tommy being apparent best friends.
Gordon was sure that it was just so he could continue to make his life a living hell… but he really hasn't been, has he? Sure, they'll still have their arguments, but they're less straight-up fights and more just. Banter. Benry's gotten plenty of laughs out of the physicist, too, since moving in. He'll act weird when out in public pretty often, but it's always in just completely harmless ways. He's even proven to be surprisingly good with Joshie, the eldritch entity and six-year-old boy having long conversations about video games, cowboys, dinosaurs, et cetera. It's…
God. It's fucking cute is what it is.
IT'S FINE, THOUGH. It's fine. He can find someone cute without it meaning he has feelings for them. Totally. Yeah.
Just keep telling yourself that, Gordon.
So lost in these thoughts, Gordon didn't even notice he'd made it into Benry's bedroom and had the closet door open. Right, right. Get dressed, go to store. He kiiiiind of really doesn't want to go out in public like this, but they really do need that stim chew and shampoo. So Gordon starts to dig through Benry's messy closet for something clean to wear.
Half of Benry's shirts are a bunch of stupid gamer memes and PlayStation logos, while the other half are all skeleton-themed. Gordon obviously goes for one of the skeleton shirts. He also throws on some black jeans, and the only pair of shoes Benry owns; his old combat boots. Gordon's offered to help him buy some new shoes, but Benry refuses every time. Whatever. At least the boots were high-quality and thus not in danger of wearing out any time soon.
Now fully dressed, Gordon heads back into his bedroom to grab his phone and wallet. He finds Benry's gotten dressed finally, too, having picked out a Metallica shirt, featuring the art for Ride the Lightning. Good album. Benry likely picked that because of the blue, Gordon guesses. Guy's wild about that colour. When he found out there was a special edition PS4 that came in blue, Benry'd acted like he'd found the Holy Grail.
"You ready to go, man?" Gordon asks as he grabs his phone and wallet from the dresser. "We're gonna have to take the bus, since you don't have a license and so I can't drive while looking like you."
Benry gives him a little shrug. "'s cool. long as your weak human legs don't collapse on the walk to the bus stop. seriously, why are your legs so shitty, bro?"
Gordon scowls at him a little. "Sorry we can't all be immaculate, god-like beings like you."
"ha ha, yeah, sucks. your senses are all like, turned way down and shit. thought you were going deaf at first. and blind. and completely numb. and losing your sense of smell. and-"
"I get it! I get it! Human beings suck compared to you! Can we just go now?"
Benry laughs, but doesn't talk any further, opting instead to follow Gordon out of the room. Though, when they reach the living room, he suddenly stops.
"oh, yo, wait a sec," he says, and then dashes off to his room. He bumps his borrowed shoulder into the door frame, causing Gordon to yell out a 'stop trying to clip through shit!' to him. Gordon hears Benry rummaging around for something in his room, he probably forgot where he put his own phone or something.
It doesn't take long before Benry's returned to the living room. "aight. ready freddy."
Gordon gives an amused little huff, and they head out the door.
The moment they step outside, Gordon's new heightened senses are completely assaulted anew. He'd gotten pretty used to everything in the house, but the great outdoors was a whole 'nother ballgame. There are just SO many sights and smells and sounds and feelings and it's like they're all at max volume and thensome and Gordon can already feel the inside of his head and chest start to outright writhe in a very worrying way and-
"hey," Benry speaks up, resting a hand on Gordon's borrowed shoulder.
Gordon turns to him, and notices he's offering him something. A fidget toy shaped like a game pad. Oh yeah, that's right, Benry never liked to leave the house without it. Then why is he..?
"bro, just take the toy. trust me on this, man. it'll help," Benry says, shoving the fidget pad in Gordon's chest.
"Err, okay," Gordon says dumbly as he finally takes the offered toy. He's never actually used a specially made fidget before, always opting to just play with his own hair. But this… does feel pretty nice in his hand. Has a nice little weight to it. Gordon experimentally runs some fingers over the various buttons and wheels, testing them all out. He finds himself drawn to the back-and-forth switch, the circular smooth indention reminding him of a worry stone, and the click of the switch as he moves it is highly satisfying to his borrowed ears. He just stands there, playing with it for a good minute, as Benry watches with a satisfied look on his face.
Whatever writhing feelings that were stirring within Gordon are completely gone now, and he looks back up at Benry. "Uh… thanks," Gordon says, a bit awkwardly.
"no prob, bro," Benry replies with a grin, looking oh-so proud of himself. "i know all my bod's cheat codes and pro strats- don't gotta worry about it. you'll be uh, S ranking this shit in no time."
Gordon lets out an amused exhale at Benry's terminology and pats him on the arm with his free hand, before they finally start making their way for the bus stop. Gordon makes sure to keep his focus just on where he's going, which is much, much easier thanks to the fidget toy in his hands keeping him grounded.
The bus ride from their neighborhood and into town is pretty uneventful, which Gordon thanks his lucky stars for. As they approach the store and head inside, he hopes that this trend continues. But who is he kidding. Knowing Gordon's luck, it probably won't.
At one point on their way to the store, Benry had mentioned that he wanted to check out the different smells of the various kinds of scented shampoo, now that he actually has a nose that can handle them. And thus, they are now hanging out in the hair care isle, Gordon having already found some good scentless shampoo, and Benry delightedly taking in all the different fruity and flowery smells of the soaps. Gordon's once again hit with the 'oh god that's adorable' feeling as he watches Benry, but manages to swallow the starfruit lights back down this time. God forbid Benry see that shit and make a comment about it. He decides to turn away from Benry for the time being- and comes face to face with a familiar stout old man in a brightly coloured Hawaiian shirt, a lime green glow in his eyes and equally green glowing patterns on his skin, in designs that seem more reminiscent of circuit boards than Blaschko's Lines.
"Ah, hello, Benry! Or should I say, hello, Gordon?" Dr. Coomer greets in his usual cheerful tone.
Gordon blinks at him in confusion. "Dr. Coomer? How- how did you..?"
Coomer taps at his face near his eyes. "I have special eyes, Gordon! As does Benry, as you've no doubt noticed. And orange is definitely not Benry's colour."
Ah, yeah, that's right. Some of Coomer's cybernetic enhancements had apparently given the man a few eldritch abilities. Gordon already knew that Coomer could use Sweet Voice and peer into the cosmic void, so hearing that he's got vision like Benry's isn't too surprising.
"Hey, yeah, I keep meaning to ask Benry about that- what's the deal with the eye thing? And the glowing body patterns, too," Gordon asks.
"It would seem that many beings from the cosmic void have the ability to detect and see the 'Life Energy' of most living things. Everyone's energy signature is uniquely colour-coded; yours is orange for example, mine is lime as you can see, Tommy's is yellow, and my dear Bubby's is a lovely shade of cyan."
"And Benry's is apparently the entire rainbow," Gordon adds.
"He's very full of 'Life Energy', Gordon! With a direct connection to the infinite cosmos itself fueling him, it's why he never stays dead!"
Well, there's those questions answered, Gordon guesses. Both the glowing thing, and Benry's weird 'respawn' power. And speaking of Benry, it seems he's finished huffing hair care products, as he strolls up to join Gordon and Coomer.
As does Bubby, who just now appeared from another nearby isle. Gordon notices the patterns on the lankier older scientist's body are a lot different from all the others he's seen; probably having to do with him pretty much being a homunculus and not a normal human. The bright cyan patterns on Bubby look more like hotrod flames than anything else, and Gordon can't help but be a little amused by that.
Bubby notices the younger pair as he comes up beside Coomer. He gives Benry, in Gordon's body, a very judgmental-looking once over, and before anybody else can say anything, he says, "Gordon, why the fuck are you wearing one of Benry's hats? You look stupid as hell in it. Are you two finally dating or something?"
Bubby's words have Benry looking like his brain just short-circuited, while Gordon starts sputtering, trying to say something, but his tongue keeps tripping over itself. What does he mean 'finally'? The fuck does he know that Gordon doesn't!?
Finally, Gordon manages to spit out, "W-we're not- we're not fucking dating!"
Bubby raises an eyebrow at that reaction. "You're acting like Gordon," he says to who he still thinks is Benry, before turning to Coomer. "Why is he acting like Gordon?"
"Astute observation, dear! It would seem our good friends Gordon and Benry are having a bit of a 'Freaky Friday' situation, and are currently in each other's bodies!"
"Oh. Well, that's fucked up," Bubby says flatly.
"You don't even know the half of it, man," Gordon groans.
"yeah, seriously," Benry speaks up. "being human is like, SO sucks, bro. how do you even fuckin' deal with this shit?"
"I don't!" says Coomer. "I'm more machine than man at this point. Been this way for a quite a while!"
"And I'm the ultimate life-form, grown in a tube, so I've never really had to deal with being human," Bubby adds. "Sucks to be you."
Benry huffs at Bubby's ending comment, and Gordon grumbles at the implication that he's inferior to everyone else here when in his normal state of being.
I mean, yeah, sure, that's kind of true. But hey! He LIKES being human regardless! At least when he's human he doesn't have to worry about his body literally turning itself inside-out just because he got a little overstimulated! He should be asking how Benry deals with THAT shit!
Or, well, how he dealt with it before he discovered fidget toys. Gordon still can't believe that simply fiddling with a chunk of plastic covered in buttons is all it takes to keep him from turning into something out of H.P. Lovecraft's nightmares, and yet, here he is, flicking a little switch back and forth and feeling totally fine and focused because of it.
...Well okay, maybe not entirely focused. Gordon's only now noticing that the others were still conversing about something while he was entirely checked out, apparently. And they're all looking right at him now.
"Sucks to be you," Bubby smirks, and Benry huffs at him.
"it's not funny, man. for real. i'm all, like, weak and shit. i feel like- like i'm gonna drop dead at any minute. everything's all dull like somebody put a fuckin', uh, glass box around me. muffles everything. can't see good, can't hear good, can't smell good. buncha other stuff i can't even feel at all anymore. only thing i DO feel more than before is pain. it's major fucked up, yo."
It really, really is. Benry had no idea this was how Gordon, and presumably most other humans, experience the world every day. He feels so... fragile. It's finally giving Benry a good idea about why Gordon always fusses at him to be more careful even when Benry's not in any kind of real danger.
Because it's dangerous for Gordon.
...Shit, that's another reason he was always so scared in Black Mesa, too, isn't it. Not just 'cause he can perma-die, but because it's stupidly easy for him to perma-die.
Benry looks back towards the human in his borrowed body, and the two older scientists follow his gaze. It takes a minute for Gordon to notice, and when he does, it becomes very apparent that he wasn't listening to a single word that was just said.
"…What?" Gordon asks.
"Oh my god," Bubby blurts out, amusement clear in his voice, "you just completely spaced out like Benry usually does!"
Holy shit he sure did, didn't he? Guess the spacing out thing is tied more to how Benry's physical brain is wired, rather than his consciousness. Come to think, he hasn't been spacing out much himself since ending up in Gordon's body. Huh, go fig.
"Ffff," Gordon practically hisses, "oh, fuck off, man." He looks away from Bubby, clearly embarrassed. Bubby chuckles, but shuts right up when Coomer elbows him in the gut.
The shorter older scientist then speaks up, "Well, gentlemen! It's been lovely seeing how completely batshit your worlds have gotten, but Bubby and I need to return to our shopping."
Gordon sighs, and nods. "Yeah, yeah, same. It was good seeing you, Dr. Coomer. It wasn't good seeing you, Bubby." Bubby just flips Gordon off in response to that.
The younger pair leave the old couple to their shopping, and get back to finishing up their own. Benry manages to find a silicone stim chew shaped like a blue raccoon that he informs Gordon 'speaks to him on a deeply personal level'. He is this raccoon, this raccoon is him, and he is going to gnaw the FUCK out of it once it's officially purchased.
And GOD is it satisfying when he finally is able to start biting it. Tommy once got him another silicone stim chew shaped like a t-rex, having underestimated how adept Benry's sharp teeth are at tearing through… most things, pretty much. What can he say, he's an extreme omnivore by nature. Gotta be able to bite a lot of things if you wanna be able to eat a lot of things. Gordon's teeth, however, are all flat and lame and barely leave any dents in the silicone as he gnaws on it.
The trip back home is about as boring as the trip to the store was, though the bus ride feels like it drags on longer than the last time. As Benry sits there and chews the raccoon, his mind can't help but wander back to thinking about how Gordon acted in Black Mesa, during the Resonance Cascade. About how all his actions and emotions, which Benry thought were exaggerated and overreaction at the time, were completely valid. About how he wasn't just acting scared, he WAS scared. Scared to death. Of death.
Benry had found out about humans' inability to regenerate body parts while they were still in Black Mesa, just before Gordon got the gun-arm. Tommy told him, and Benry was going to apologize to Gordon for all the teasing he did due to not thinking it was so serious. But then Gordon kept shooting at him. A lot. It may not have been enough to kill Benry, but it still really hurt. And so instead of apologizing, he just acted like a petulant child, getting mad and angry right back at Gordon.
When they got to Xen, Benry saw it as an opportunity to really fuck with Gordon. He did try to make nice with the human at first, but then Gordon just kept making accusations that Benry was the cause of all their problems, yelling at him, insisting that they were never friends. 'if you want me to be the big bad, then i'll be the big bad,' Benry had thought. He stalked them all throughout Xen, toying with them, putting the fear in them. Benry even went so far as to kill the actual threat the lab coats back at 'Mesa had sent the Science Team to deal with. Killed it, stole its lair, took its place as the 'final boss.' Of course, Benry didn't really want to kill them. He was just messing with them all. Fuckin' around, you know. They were still his friends, in the end, even if some of them (Gordon) didn't think so.
It wasn't until after Black Mesa, after Benry had been brought back out of the void Tommy's dad had locked him in, that Benry learned about just how fragile and easy to kill humans are.
Though they were half-hearted, if any of Benry's attacks during the fight had landed, his human friends would've been very much dead and gone.
The thought turns his borrowed stomach, and if he could still use Sweet Voice while in Gordon's body, he just knows the air would be getting filled with guilty and loathsome sanguine and shadow.
…It's no wonder Gordon still has nightmares about Benry.
Benry, so lost in thought, doesn't notice when Gordon looks over at him for the briefest of moments, a look of slight curiosity and mostly concern on his borrowed face. He doesn't say anything, and just looks back away elsewhere, remaining silent for the rest of the trip home.
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littlefoxwarrior · 1 year
Fuck it. Here's my oc Lupus!!!
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What do current residents say about living in Prestige Raintree Park?
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Resident Experiences at Prestige Raintree Park: What Do They Say?
Prestige Raintree Park Nestled in the vibrant heart of Bangalore, Prestige Raintree Park offers a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and community living. Over the years, it has become a sought-after residential destination, attracting a diverse group of residents. This blog delves into the experiences and testimonials of current residents at Prestige Raintree Park, providing insights into what makes this community a desirable place to live.
A Welcoming Community
Sense of Belonging
Many residents highlight the strong sense of community as one of the most appealing aspects of living at Prestige Raintree Park.
Ms. Ananya Rao, a software engineer, shares: “From the moment I moved in, I felt welcomed. The residents here are friendly, and there are numerous community events that make it easy to meet new people and build lasting relationships.”
Mr. Vivek Sharma, a retired banker, adds: “I was looking for a place where I could enjoy my retirement in peace but also stay socially active. Prestige Raintree Park offers the perfect balance with its active residents’ association and various clubs.”
Community Activities
Residents appreciate the regular community activities and events that foster a sense of belonging.
Mrs. Priya Iyer, a homemaker, says: “The events organized here, from cultural festivals to fitness camps, are fantastic. They bring people together and create a vibrant atmosphere.”
Mr. Rajat Menon, a businessman, notes: “The residents’ association is very active. They organize sports tournaments, yoga classes, and even potluck dinners, which are great for mingling with neighbors.”
Modern Amenities
Comprehensive Facilities
Prestige Raintree Park is equipped with a wide range of modern amenities that cater to the diverse needs of its residents.
Mr. Arun Kumar, a young professional, comments: “The clubhouse, swimming pools, and gym are state-of-the-art. I love spending my weekends here, enjoying the various facilities.”
Ms. Kavita Singh, a fitness enthusiast, mentions: “Having a well-equipped gym and multiple sports courts within the complex is a huge plus for me. It saves a lot of time and money.”
Children’s Amenities
Families with children find Prestige Raintree Park particularly appealing due to its child-friendly amenities.
Mrs. Nidhi Verma, a mother of two, shares: “There are plenty of play areas, a dedicated children’s pool, and even a crèche. It’s a safe and fun environment for my kids.”
Mr. Sanjay Pillai, a father, adds: “My kids love the playground and the various activities organized by the community. It’s a great place for them to grow up.”
Safety and Security
Peace of Mind
Safety and security are paramount at Prestige Raintree Park, and residents feel assured by the robust measures in place.
Ms. Anjali Deshmukh, a single professional, states: “I feel very safe here. The security personnel are diligent, and the entire complex is well-monitored.”
Mr. Ramesh Patel, a senior citizen, agrees: “The gated community and 24/7 security give me peace of mind. I can enjoy my evening walks without any worries.”
Safe Environment for Children
Parents are particularly appreciative of the safe environment provided for their children.
Mrs. Shalini Kapoor, a working mother, comments: “Knowing that my children are safe while playing outside or riding their bicycles within the complex is invaluable.”
Mr. Abhishek Joshi, a father of a toddler, notes: “The security measures ensure that children can play freely, and that’s very important for us as parents.”
Convenient Location
Residents value the strategic location of Prestige Raintree Park, which offers easy access to key parts of Bangalore.
Mr. Deepak Agarwal, a corporate executive, mentions: “The location is fantastic. It’s close to my office and major commercial areas, which makes commuting hassle-free.”
Ms. Meera Nair, a school teacher, adds: “There are good schools, hospitals, and shopping centers nearby. Everything we need is just a short drive away.”
Nearby Facilities
The proximity to essential services and entertainment options is a significant advantage for residents.
Mr. Karthik Rao, an entrepreneur, shares: “Having supermarkets, malls, and restaurants within easy reach is very convenient. It adds to the overall quality of life.”
Mrs. Ritu Sharma, a homemaker, notes: “I love that there are parks and recreational areas nearby. It’s great for family outings and weekend picnics.”
Quality of Living
Spacious and Well-Designed Homes
Residents appreciate the spacious and well-designed homes at Prestige Raintree Park, which enhance their living experience.
Mr. Vinay Gupta, a businessman, comments: “The apartments are spacious and well-ventilated. The layout is thoughtful, and the interiors are of high quality.”
Ms. Smita Sinha, a graphic designer, adds: “I love the modern design and the ample natural light. It creates a positive and pleasant living environment.”
Clean and Green Environment
The clean and green environment of Prestige Raintree Park is a significant draw for residents.
Mrs. Radha Nair, a nature enthusiast, shares: “The greenery and well-maintained gardens are a breath of fresh air. It’s like living in a resort.”
Mr. Manish Jain, a health-conscious resident, notes: “The walking trails and lush green spaces make it easy to stay active and enjoy the outdoors.”
Investment Potential
Growing Property Value
Residents recognize the investment potential of properties at Prestige Raintree Park, given its prime location and premium amenities.
Mr. Ashok Mehta, an investor, states: “The property value here has been steadily increasing. It’s a smart investment for the future.”
Ms. Pooja Reddy, a homeowner, adds: “Buying a property here was one of the best decisions. The appreciation in value and the quality of living make it worthwhile.”
Rental Demand
The high rental demand in the area is also a testament to its desirability.
Mr. Rohit Sharma, a property owner, comments: “Renting out a property here is easy due to the high demand. It’s a great source of steady income.”
Ms. Sneha Rao, a landlord, agrees: “The location and amenities attract a lot of tenants. It’s a secure and profitable investment.”
Living in Prestige Raintree Park offers a myriad of benefits, from a strong sense of community and modern amenities to safety, convenience, and quality of life. The positive testimonials from current residents underscore the appeal of this residential haven. Whether you are looking for a comfortable home or a promising investment, Prestige Raintree Park stands out as a top choice in Bangalore’s real estate market.
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bbpsnoida · 3 months
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Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, celebrated the Investiture Ceremony on 8 May 2023. The event was graced by Shri MJ Akbar, Honorable Member of The Rajya Sabha and Former Minister of State for External Affairs of India. The profound lighting of the lamp ceremony set the tone for the day’s proceedings. After the floral felicitations of our illustrious Chief Guest, the Principal, Mrs. Asha Prabhakar, welcomed the august gathering comprising dignitaries, parents, and students to witness the sombre occasion.
The school choir swept the audience along to the mellifluous notes of “Augrodoot” — a Rabindranath Tagore composition where he welcomes the young hearts to be the emissaries of the fearless since being valorous is the need of the hour. The soul-stirring musical sojourn instilled a sense of determination in the hearts of the young leaders. Thereafter, the investiture ceremony commenced in earnest wherein the young leaders from the Primary, the Senior, and the Senior Secondary stepped forward to take charge. The Chief Guest and the Principal pinned badges and placed sashes on the Supreme Council members, the Primary school leaders, the House Captains, and the various Club in-charges. The crowning moment of the day came with the felicitation of the Senior School student council members. A speaker par excellence, Aarya Singh Bhadouriya took the mantle of the school’s president. Jiya Kapoor, topper of the Commerce Section, has been chosen as the Vice President. Anirudh Acharya, a consistent Scholar Badge awardee, wore the sash of the Head Boy and Gauri Gupta, an accomplished danseuse, claimed the post of Head Girl for the academic session 2024–25. After the students were sworn in for their respective posts, they took a pledge to uphold the integrity and the best interest of their institution in all that they participate in for the session.
Thereafter, the school’s Annual Journal was released by the Chief Guest, Shri MJ Akbar, the Principal, Ms. Asha Prabhakar, and the Editorial team comprising Ms. Rachna Sondhi (Editor) and Ms. Kamna Joshi (Co-editor).
The Chief Guest, Shri MJ Akbar, addressed the audience, highlighting the hidden depths of Indianness and how children must be made aware of our past struggles and the impact that Gandhiji had on the tumultuous times when India struggled to be free. He praised the esteemed institution, one of the best schools in Noida, for staging such a grand event. He stated that the future of the nation can be seen in the eyes of the students.
After such an inspirational address by the Chief Guest, it was time for a much-awaited, power-packed dance rendition, Shivanukriti, by the senior schoolgirls. The sheer impact of the indomitable Shiva Shakti was such that everyone was left spellbound by the dramatic aura surrounding the performance. With great zeal and promise, the day ended with an aspirational vision for the young leaders to lead from the front and ensure good governance and fair play on the school campus.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, renowned as the best school in Noida, is also recognized among the top 10 CBSE schools in Noida. Its state-of-the-art facilities and commitment to excellence make it one of the best CBSE schools in Noida and the best school in Uttar Pradesh. This school boasts some of the best infrastructure in Noida, providing students with an environment conducive to holistic development and academic excellence.
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starfriday · 5 months
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Mumbai Comic Con Wraps Up with a Bang, A Celebration of Pop Culture and More!
~ Comic Con India, the country's premier pop-culture celebration is back in the city of dreams. From celebrity appearances to exclusive merchandise, and top notch cosplayers from India and around the globe at the ultimate weekend for pop culture enthusiasts !~
Mumbai, India – 22nd April - The city of dreams, Mumbai witnessed an exhilarating weekend of the year for all things pop culture. Comic Con India brought pop culture enthusiasts from across the city for its last of this season's event. The event served as a haven for cosplay enthusiasts and spectators alike, offering a gateway to a world where fantasy and reality collide. The weekend was filled with interactive activities, games, and an array of merchandise, keeping the spirit of Comic Con soaring high.
Presented by Maruti Suzuki Arena, powered by Crunchyroll and in association with Android, Mumbai Comic Con 2024 treated every attendee to an exclusive copy of Spiderman-India (No.1 Issue) comic book, in collaboration with Marvel Comics. The event showcased comics in a big way with a slew of upcoming publishing houses and Indian artists like Indusverse, Holy Cow Entertainment, Acid Toad, Garbage Bin, Bullseye Press, Bakarmax, Art of SAVIO, and Abhijeet Kini and many more along with International guests Jason Loo and GUY Delisle graced the event. The event saw immense love pouring in for popular movies, games and comic book characters like Itachi, Luffy, Goku, Deadpool & Wolverine, Spidermans, Batman, Viper (Valorant), Victor (Pubg shooter), Subzero (Mortal Kombat), Franklin (GTA), Xiao, Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Brimstone (Sage) and so much more.
The venue buzzed with excitement as new comic book launches took center stage, including Karejwa by Bakarmax, Monday To Friday by Corporat Comics, Ghosts of South India by Abhijeet Kini, Minnal Murali by Tinkle Comics, and the announcement of Suppandi’s birthday by Google Android. Art Guy Rob conducted a captivating session igniting nostalgia among audiences.
A special panel on Demon Slayer, featuring voice-over artist Natsuki Hanae, stole the spotlight, while the dynamic duo Rohan Joshi and Sahil Shah delivered yet another hilarious session of Binge-O-Clock. Popular rapper MC Altaf set the stage on fire with his rap, and the cast of Lakadbaggha also made an appearance. DJ Kazu and Shahrule kept the crowd grooving with their electrifying beats and rap. The talented comedian Harsh Gujral brought laughter to everyone with his wit.
Speaking about the thrilling weekend celebration, Jatin Varma, Founder, Comic Con India, said, “The excitement and enthusiasm that the celebration brings along with boundless creativity and passion of pop culture enthusiasts at Comic Con, fills me with immeasurable joy. Each edition of Comic Con has been a rewarding journey, and Mumbai, as the final stop, embodies the vibrant spirit of our community. The infectious energy witnessed at our shows creates memories that last a lifetime. I am grateful to our audience for their unwavering support and participation and eagerly anticipate more unforgettable moments in the editions to come.”
MC Altaf shared, "Mumbai Comic Con is very close to my heart as it's my home turf. Performing here was a memorable experience that I will always cherish."
Comedian Harsh Gujral said, "This is my first Comic Con experience. I think the energy in the audience was exceptional. I was scared in the beginning to perform in the open, but I was really surprised. People were enjoying the entire event while also paying attention to all the various performances happening and that's what I loved the most. The vibe and energy of the audience was commendable."
Comic artist and cartoonist Jason Loo said, "Working with Marvel comics is always a dream. I'm always amazed at every project I do, I get to draw or write this character today like Thor or Captain America; this is awesome, and Mumbai Comic Con has been overwhelming. It has exceeded all my expectations with the high energy and enthusiasm of all the fans. I've never been shown this kind of love before in any kind of show. I would definitely like to be back for another Comic Con in India."
On April 20th-21st, 2024, the event also featured The Arena – a dedicated gaming expo, featuring amazing experiences, tournaments, free play zones as well as the opportunity to meet & greet with leading streamers. Key Event Partners include brands such as CELIO, HDFC, Comedy Central, OnePlus, Android, NYX Cosmetics, McDonald’s & VH1.
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youngeditor1999 · 5 months
I see you/your account and immediately think ✨✨✨COOL ASS NYC ARTIST WHO IS OUT LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE✨✨✨ (even on rough/not great days)!!!!!!!!!!
I love and appreciate ALL of the art you do, from GIFs to drawings to graphic posters!!!! All of your projects totally slay, fr FR!!!!!! 🤩🥳🔥💯🌟💞🎨🖌️🖼️
And speaking of art, you are so creative in general because you also write and crotchet!!! 📝🧶
All of your stories are great!!! A reader can definitely tell how much you care about your subjects, no matter who they are!! :D
And as for your crochet hobby...!!!
I always fangirl a little whenever I see your completed projects because every single one is SO DETAILED and all around AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩🔥💯🌟💓
Back to GIFs for a second:
I still absolutely ADORE those Cowboy!Tom one you made just for me back in February!!!!!!!!!!! 🥹🤠<3
That was such an important and special moment for me, especially because I know that Thomas is not your number one NFL guy 😅
That being said, you are all-around a VERY loving and caring person!!!!! And you do an excellent job of balancing giving your projects away to people you care about while also saving some just for yourself!!!
Another thing is your love and dedication to the one and only Joshie Allen!!!!!!
Of course I know that you are a lesbian, but it's still neat to see you love and appreciate Josh!! Your observations about him has made me appreciate him more!!!!! 🤩❣️
Moving on, I see you as being an extremely brave and bold person!!
The way you jump into new situations is very admirable, even if the new situation is simply a new hobby or fresh RPF ship 🥰
Last but not least, your strong loyalty to traditions and all the things that you love makes me wanna scream & cry & bang on walls sometimes!!!
An example of this is how sometimes when we talk shit about the Colts in the server, you simply reply with a "):" to basically let us know that you are disappointed with us because of the connection that you have to the Colts through your mom!! 🐴💙🤍🐎
In conclusion, I love how we met and became friends!!! 🥺🥹🤧💗
I low-key can't believe that I know you!! I feel SO HONORED to be able to talk to you and have you as a mutual!!!!!!! 🧡
I 💜 you and hope that you keep slaying and creating for many, MANY more years to come!!!! :D
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myo2 · 9 months
MyO2: Where Fashion Meets Passion - A Tapestry of Enthusiasm
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Greetings, kindred spirits of zest and fervor! Today, we embark on a whimsical journey into the world of MyO2, where activewear is not merely a garment but a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of passion and style.
The MyO2 Euphoria:
At MyO2, we don't just sell activewear; we curate an experience, an ecstatic journey for enthusiasts who understand that life is too short for dull moments. Step into the world where euphoria meets fashion, where each stitch tells a story of exuberance.
Testimonials Speak Louder:
Sakshi Jain., Yoga Enthusiast:
"MyO2 is my sanctuary of comfort and style. The leggings are like a second skin, and the tie-dye prints? They make every yoga pose a work of art."
Arun Dave., Early Morning Runner:
"MyO2 is my go-to for morning runs. The cationic fabric keeps me cool, and the vibrant colors keep me motivated. It's not just activewear; it's my morning ritual companion."
Activewear with a Soul:
MyO2 activewear is not just stitched fabric; it's a living, breathing entity with a soul that resonates with the enthusiasts who wear it. Feel the fabric, and you'll feel the heartbeat of the MyO2 spirit.
Enthusiastic Styles for Every Occasion:
From the dynamic bursts of tie-dye prints to the understated elegance of classic styles, MyO2 caters to the diverse occasions in an enthusiast's life. Activewear transitions seamlessly from workout sessions to coffee dates, embodying the spirit of versatility.
Cationic Fabric Delight:
Testimonial - Rashmi Ramnani., Fashionista:
"The cationic fabric leggings are a revelation. Soft, sustainable, and utterly stylish. MyO2 knows how to make comfort look chic."
The cationic fabric, a MyO2 signature, isn't just material; it's a delight that enlivens your every move. Sustainability meets style, and comfort takes center stage.
Tie-Dye Dreams:
Testimonial - Shubham Joshi., Creative Professional:
"I wear MyO2 for more than just workouts. The tie-dye leggings are a canvas for self-expression. It's not just fashion; it's a statement."
Tie-dye dreams unfold in every stitch, turning activewear into wearable art. It's not just about clothing; it's about telling your unique story through vibrant patterns.
MyO2 Moments:
MyO2 isn't just a brand; it's a collection of moments, experiences, and memories woven into the fabric of your life. Every stretch, every jump, every quiet moment of reflection - MyO2 is there, elevating your experience.
Enthusiast-Approved Comfort:
Testimonial - Priti Karde, Fitness Enthusiast:
"I've tried many activewear brands, but MyO2 is next-level. It doesn't just move with me; it anticipates my every move. It's the kind of comfort every enthusiast craves."
MyO2 is enthusiast-approved for its comfort that transcends expectations. Move freely, live fully – that's the MyO2 promise.
Join the Enthusiast Revolution:
Testimonial - Parag Kamdar, Adventure Seeker:
"MyO2 is my partner in adventure. From mountain hikes to impromptu road trips, it's the activewear that keeps up with my ever-changing enthusiasm. It's not just clothing; it's an adventure essential."
Join the Enthusiast Revolution - a movement where MyO2 enthusiasts share stories, inspire one another, and celebrate the boundless spirit that defines the brand.
MyO2 isn't just a brand; it's a lifestyle. It's an invitation to live life with enthusiasm, to wear your passion on your sleeve, and to revel in the joy of every moment. Join us in this enchanted journey, where fashion meets passion, and your wardrobe becomes a canvas for your vibrant life.
Shop now: MyO2
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yooviehomes · 1 year
One of India's Biggest Luxury Sky Villas 4 BHK, 5 BHK, 6 BHK Flats in Baner & Aundh Pune
Living in luxury is a dream that many aspire to achieve. A significant aspect of this aspiration is finding the perfect home that not only offers ample space but also boasts of high-end features and a prime location. In the vibrant city of Pune, the neighborhoods of Baner and Aundh stand out as prime locations for those seeking upscale living spaces. Let's delve into the allure of 4 BHK, 5 BHK, and 6 BHK luxury flats in Baner & Aundh, Pune.
This beautiful building was christened Yoovie Homes by Komal and Rohan Deshmukh after their young daughter Yoovika Deshmukh a.k.a Yoovie.
While the building was designed at Infinity, Rohan Deshmukh decided to seek the support of one of the best structural design minds in the business at JW Consultants. They are perhaps one of the most awarded and trusted structural consultancies in India under the able leadership of Engineer Umesh Joshi.
Everything is just a finger touch away from your laptop or your iPad or your mobile phone. This is a premium lifestyle address with the best of urban sophistication. You can unwind & rejuvenate in a rooftop pool or work out in a state-of-the-art gym either to stay fit or relax yourself. You can watch a movie with your family in the Private Theatre, throw a party in the banquet or just be with your kids in the children’s play area. You can also work from home in a compact Business Centre. Two basements are provided for car parking and you can park your cars there in complete safety and security. https://yoovie.in/
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Spacious Grandeur:
The terms 4 BHK, 5 BHK, and 6 BHK signify the number of bedrooms and hallways, reflecting the scale of these luxurious apartments. The extra bedrooms can be utilized as guest rooms, home offices, or recreational spaces, adding a layer of versatility to your living arrangements. These additional rooms offer the potential for creative customization, allowing you to transform them into personalized spaces that cater to your unique lifestyle.
Uncompromised Elegance:
Luxury flats in Baner & Aundh are designed with utmost attention to detail and a focus on opulence. From exquisite marble flooring to high ceilings that create an airy ambiance, every element exudes elegance. Premium fixtures, top-of-the-line appliances, and intricate finishing work elevate the living experience, making every moment spent within the walls of these flats a truly indulgent affair.
Prime Location Advantage:
Baner and Aundh, situated in western Pune, are renowned for their strategic locations. The proximity to commercial hubs, entertainment centers, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities makes these areas highly sought after. Choosing a luxury flat here means not only enjoying the comforts of a lavish abode but also reaping the benefits of an accessible lifestyle.
Modern Amenities:
One of the hallmarks of luxury living is the availability of state-of-the-art amenities within the residential complex. These include well-equipped fitness centers, landscaped gardens, swimming pools, jogging tracks, and even spa facilities. Such amenities promote wellness and relaxation, ensuring that residents can unwind without leaving the premises.
Prestige and Security:
Living in a 4 BHK, 5 BHK, or 6 BHK luxury flat in Baner & Aundh isn't just about lavish interiors; it's also about being part of an exclusive community. These complexes often boast a sense of prestige, providing residents with a shared sense of belonging. Additionally, top-notch security measures, including surveillance systems and dedicated staff, offer peace of mind, allowing you to fully enjoy your luxurious lifestyle. https://yoovie.in/
Investment Value:
Investing in luxury real estate is not just about purchasing a home; it's an investment in your future. The demand for prime properties in Baner and Aundh remains consistently high, making these luxury flats a sound investment option. The potential for appreciation in property value over time, coupled with the prestige associated with owning such properties, adds to the allure of these homes.
S.no.: 286/1A/5, 286/1A/6, 287/1,
Pallod Farms, Behind Vijay Sales, Baner, Pune - 411 045
+91 7030 988 988
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cvh-exports-0 · 1 year
Candid Photographers in Bangalore: Capturing Life's Spontaneous Moments
In the bustling city of Bangalore, where every street is a canvas of vibrant colors, emotions, and stories, candid photographers play an essential role in capturing life's unscripted moments. These talented individuals possess the unique skill of freezing genuine emotions, expressions, and actions, turning them into cherished memories that will last a lifetime. In this post, we'll delve into the world of candid photographers in Bangalore, exploring their significance, the artistry behind their work, and some notable names in the field. 
The Significance of Candid Photography 
Candid photography is a genre that focuses on capturing people in their natural environment, without them posing or being aware of the camera. This style of photography has gained immense popularity due to its ability to document genuine emotions and interactions. Unlike traditional photography, where subjects might feel self-conscious or forced, candid photographers excel at revealing the raw and authentic moments that occur spontaneously. These photographs often bring a sense of nostalgia and relatability, making viewers feel like they are part of the scene. 
The Artistry Behind the Lens 
Candid photographers possess a keen sense of observation and an innate ability to anticipate fleeting moments. They master the art of blending into the background, allowing their subjects to remain engrossed in their activities while they capture the magic. Whether it's a child's gleeful laughter, an intimate conversation between loved ones, or a candid glance shared between friends, these photographers have the skill to encapsulate emotions that words cannot adequately express. Their work transcends the ordinary, offering a glimpse into the beauty of life's candid instants. 
Notable Candid Photographers in Bangalore 
Nivedita Ghosh: Renowned for his exceptional ability to encapsulate human emotions in their purest form, Nivedita Ghosh has made a name for himself in Bangalore's photography scene. Her portfolio boasts a collection of candid shots that tell heartfelt stories with every frame. 
Aarohi Malik: Aarohi's photographs reflect a deep connection with the subjects she captures. Her work often revolves around candid street photography, portraying the daily lives and emotions of Bangalore's residents. Through her lens, the city transforms into a captivating narrative. 
Vikram Joshi: Vikram's candid portraits have a unique storytelling quality that leaves viewers intrigued. His photographs often capture the juxtaposition of modernity and tradition in Bangalore, resulting in captivating visuals that provoke thought and emotion. 
Sanaya Rao: Specializing in candid wedding photography, Sanaya Rao has an innate talent for encapsulating the most emotional moments of a couple's special day. Her work goes beyond the conventional, revealing the unscripted joy, tears, and laughter that make weddings truly memorable. 
The Impact on Bangalore's Culture 
Candid photographers in Bangalore contribute to the preservation of the city's culture and identity. By documenting its people, streets, and interactions, they capture the essence of what makes Bangalore unique. Their work serves as a visual time capsule, allowing future generations to peek into the past and gain an understanding of the city's evolution over time. In a world dominated by posed and filtered images on social media, candid photographers offer a refreshing perspective that resonates deeply with authenticity seekers. 
 Candid photographers in Bangalore are not just image-capturers; they are storytellers who freeze life's most spontaneous moments, turning them into memories that can be cherished for generations. Their artistry lies in their ability to capture raw emotions and genuine interactions, making their work relatable and timeless. As they continue to document the heartbeat of Bangalore's culture, these photographers remind us of the beauty that exists in the everyday, the significance of genuine connections, and the power of unscripted expressions. 
In a city bustling with technology and innovation, Best Wedding Photographers in Mumbai add a touch of artistry and emotion to the wedding landscape. Through their lens, they capture the essence of love in its most authentic and unguarded moments. These photographers don't just freeze time; they create a legacy of emotions, telling tales of love that will be cherished for generations to come. 
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Sach Kahun Toh: An Autobiography In Sach Kahun Toh, actor Neena Gupta chronicles her extraordinary personal and professional journey-from her childhood days in Delhi's Karol Bagh, through her time at the National School of Drama, to moving to Bombay in the 1980s and dealing with the struggles to find work. It details the big milestones in her life, her unconventional pregnancy and single parenthood, and a successful second innings in Bollywood. A candid, self-deprecating portrait of the person behind the persona, it talks about her life's many choices, battling stereotypes, then and now, and how she may not be as unconventional as people think her to be. Actually ... I Met Them (Digitally Signed Copy): A Memoir by Gulzar | Penguin, Non-fiction, Auto-Biographies Personal. Intimate. Deeply moving.An absolutely unputdownable memoir.Do memories ever fade away? They never 'dry up', says Gulzar Saab, 'They keep floating somewhere between the conscious and the subconscious mind. It's a great feeling to swim there sometime. Pick up a few bubbly moments and cherish them again.'From Bimal Roy to Satyajit Ray, R.D. Burman, Kishore Kumar, Ritwik Ghatak, Hrishikesh Mukherjee, Pandit Ravi Shankar, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Mahasweta Devi and Samaresh Basu, among others, in this fascinating book, Gulzar Saab goes down memory lane to bring to light his relationship with the doyens of cinema, music and literature, who he had known and worked with over a long period of time. In his words, 'It seems like a dream when I revisit my memories of such great gurus and colleagues, and I feel overwhelmed that I have really interacted with them. I have to pinch myself on realizing that actually . . . I met them.'Chatty, anecdotal and deeply personal, this book of memories will chronicle Gulzar Saab's life and career through different eras of Indian cinema as he successfully transcended commercial and critical arts. Studded with rare photographs, Actually .. I Met Them will be a treat for his huge and devoted fan base.An auto biography by Gulzar Saab. ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BLVP9B95 [ad_2]
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