#josi my beloved
edorazzi · 3 months
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Page 4 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Adrien is adorably optimistic and Felix is about to get a huge shock at public school - but from what? 👀
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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mediumsizedpidegon · 11 months
Another avenue I want to explore in an Amity Park is Weird scenario is all the niche sub-cultures going on.
There is absolutely NO WAY there isn't a thriving goth community in Amity Park. They're holding picnics every full moon. They're holding crafting sessions in their friends' basements. They're adopting ghost animals left and right: eight-legged dogs and blob-cats, skeletal fish and neon bearded dragons.
There's a young man called Raphael who performs live music every week at a dance club with his band: he's got a myriad of shiny piercings, and a phone camera roll full of his rabbits, Morningstar and Salem. Perhaps those ghosts are bad business like the Fentons say, but the club's never felt more alive.
The scene and emo kids are multiplying at a rapid rate. The punks and grunge folks are doing shit with textiles that makes every quilting grandmother in a five mile radius swoop in to pass on their skills. Josie and Betty, old friends who periodically upload photos online of their handmade lace, suddenly gain an influx of young folks who want to learn how to make their own ghoulish patterns.
There's a new group peeling off from the goths that dress like the embodiment of Halloween– all bones, pumpkin orange and lengths of costume jewelry.
The historical costuming community is alive and well in these times, and they fall upon the few ghosts from times past willing to share knowledge like starving wolves. Their minds are full of patterning-math and fabric prices, and their excitement is, quite literally, infectious.
A revolution starts up in food service: a great many restaurants closed or moved to follow the many people who left Amity after the ghosts first came. A pair of brothers open a restaurant that has the best Polish food around: people politely don't comment on how the owners are dressed in clothes a century out of date or how their eyes gleam. Two cat cafes open, one space themed and another with loose definitions of what counts as a "cat." Assorted coffee and tea shops dot the landscape: some serve donuts, some have cupcakes, and others have breakfast wraps, sandwiches or savory hand pies.
People that can't afford to open a restaurant sell food out of their homes, advertised by cardboard signs with phrases like CAKES FOR $10, and BARBEQUE RIBS FOR SALE painted on them in gigantic bright letters. High school students bring in bags of cookies they made the night before and completely sell out of stock before the day is done. One woman's house has no signage and yet is known by word of mouth to be a herbalist, selling tins of homemade tea blends, flowers, assorted plant clippings, and cough drops.
Someone down the street of Casper High sells small batches of eco-friendly soap at a nearby corner store.
During summer time, lemonade stands are everywhere. Some of the lemonade is made with the strange fruits from one of the parks: no one dies, so it's fine.
The Farmer's Market has gotten... intense.
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parksnark · 9 months
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yeah hazel, let’s do terrorism
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murderandcoffee · 4 months
I REALLY hope we get more of needles, I fuckin LIKE that guy
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ndostairlyrium · 5 days
I'm curious
Which characters do you want to see a cameo of in Veilguard?
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h-doodles · 9 months
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You wandered into Marilyn’s Conservatory seeing her sitting with Larissa on her desk, mugs in both of their hands, and a third mug sitting beside you. Marilyn grinned, picking up the mug and handing it to you.
You smiled gratefully at her, accepting the mug. “Thank you.” You murmured, taking a sip of the coffee, (...)
- Not going anywhere (pt. 1) by @sarahpaulsonsoftie
TERRIBLY FERAL FOR SOFT & DOMESTIC LARISSA/READER/MARILYN AND GOD. I'm soooo sorry this took me a literal month and 9 days to go finish lmao ur girl has been going THROUGH it but MEOW! MEOW!!! MEOW!!!!!! so real to me that they have their own designated mugs like!!! its them fr <3
anyways mwah i love these 2 mommies so v much i sincerely wish for moreeee! and if i cant get it maybe i'll get off my ass and do it,,,,, rip but anyways.
extras under the cut:
alt uniforms: all white version // classic nevermore version
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curiositymemes · 2 months
taken from the 1991 film, an adaptation of the 1922 novel by elizabeth von arnim. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
“it seems so wonderful and it's such a miserable day.”
“it’s not worth wasting one’s time thinking about.” 
“i don’t suppose that means much to you. sometimes it doesn’t mean much to me, either.”
“you look as though you wanted it as much as i do.” 
“you look so beautiful and so sad.” 
“if you wish for something hard enough, it happens.”  
“but no one will know I’m there even if i am.”
“have you ever seen things in a kind of flash before they happen?” 
“i’m sure it must be wrong to be good for so long you become miserable.”
“i can see you’ve been good for years, and you aren’t happy.”
“i’ve been doing things for other people since i was a little girl, and i don’t believe i’m loved any better.” 
“you must believe I’ve never spoken to anyone like this in my life.”
“i don’t know what’s come over me.” 
“you should have been there, my dear. i missed you.”
“that’s rather a depressing thought.” 
“god must know an awful lot. why doesn’t he do something?” 
“there’s something immoral about all this.”
“all i wish to do is sit in the shade and remember better times and better men.”
“i hope you’re not in the habit of seeing dead people, however distinguished. it’s not in the best of taste.”
“i mean, we’re not businessmen, are we? they have to distrust each other.” 
“i want to just sit and not talk and not think.”
“well, it’s very wearing. everyone makes demands… especially men.” 
“you look lovely.” / “i know. thank you, name.” 
“we could both do with a change.”
“it really is the most extraordinary coincidence.”
“I’m afraid it’s all settled, name. i can’t go back on my word.” 
“do you suppose it’s all real?”
“were you ever in your whole life so happy?”
“i promised myself the first thing to happen in this place would be a kiss.”
“we were going to choose the nicest room for you.”
“we were going to make it pretty for you with lots of flowers.”
“you shouldn’t be so independent that people have no chance to be generous.”
“you know, i hadn’t realized you were so pretty.”
“you’re really quite lovely.” 
“i was just thinking about cuckoos for some reason.” 
“i suppose you realize we’ve got to heaven.”
“i intend to spend most of my time reading by myself.”
“you have the most interesting habit of answering a question with the same question.”
“if i can be left quiet for one month, forget things… i might be able to get myself straight.”
“i’ve wasted so much time being beautiful.”
“what she really wants is to be left alone.” 
“soon she won’t have to try… she’ll just be herself without trying.” 
“don’t worry about me. I’m just lying here thinking.” 
“then i have had all the trouble of coming out here for nothing.”
“we’ve just discovered it.” 
“why don’t you like us being here?”
“we just didn’t know about it, that’s all.”
“i’ve written and told him everything.”
“it would be mean not to share all this.”
“the important thing is to have lots of love about.”
“i had this obsession with justice, you see.”
“i’d like to stay here and think.” 
“that’s very imprudent and very improper.”
“have you noticed how difficult it is to be improper with no men about?” 
“it’s a good feeling, getting rid of things.”
“i want to love name, but not necessarily spend every night with him.”
“i haven’t felt this restless since i was a child.”
“it’s too absurd for someone my age.”
“i feel something is going to happen. but i won’t let it.” 
“it’s odd how one’s mind slips sideways in a place like this.”
“if you knew me, you’d know how strange it was.” 
“there’s no way back.”
“isn’t it beautiful here, name? the air is golden.”
“you’re here. that’s the important thing.”
“you’ve every right to be angry with me.”
“where else would you meet such interesting people?”
“i don’t want name worried in any way.”
“i like him. I didn’t think i would, but i do.” 
“all the advantages i was born with, and i’ve misused them.” 
“i have it all. why can’t i hold onto it?”
“you have a gift for happiness.”
“well, it’s like coming home.”
“i mean, well… i don’t know what i mean.”
“i’d believe any place you lived in would be exactly like you.” 
“isn’t it better to feel young somewhere than old everywhere?”
“oh, good gracious, child.”
“so you see, dear boy, you must stay here.” 
“it’s such a pretty story.”
“i thought you might be bored.”
“sweetheart… i’m so glad you came.”
“you’re right, name. it’s this place.”
“and i’m late on your very first evening. do forgive me.” 
“it’s a great thing to get on with one’s loving and not waste time.”
“she sees what we can’t see because she loves him.”
“oh, dear name, we must be friends forever and forever.”
“i couldn’t help noticing how miserable you seemed.”
“oh, what the devil. it’s too beautiful a night to be miserable.” 
“all my dead friends don’t seem worth reading tonight. they always say the same things, good things, but always the same.” 
“i’m tired of the dead. i want the living.” 
“thank you, my dear. i was feeling a little melancholy.” 
“it does seem that people can only be happy in pairs, all sorts of pairs.” / “then you and i will be a pair, name. we’re going to be very good friends.” 
“the roses are in love in the rose garden.”
“but that’s another story.”
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joscribbles · 1 year
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commission for my pal @/sandalinbohemia on twitter of their Inquisitor and Josephine Montilyet 💕
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
👉👈 Josie in the first date outfit for the ask game?
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💕 OC in what they would wear on a first date
I don't think Josie's main relationship went through the typical matter of courting, but the idea of her dressing for a date is so cute.
Often times couples would begin dating by taking walks and talking so I decided to go with a walking suit style for Josie. The shape inspired by the outfit made in this video (but with Josie's colours in place heh)
September better appreciate how pretty she is 😤
Ask Game From Here
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freeasfishes · 5 months
Annoying : great book I'm enjoying now appears to have a love triangle forming.
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derpygirl-draws · 1 year
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ehehheheheh I’ve been pretty busy had a lot of complications with chapter 3 of the prologue BUT! I’m gonna start focusing more on it so I can spending the summer working on one shots and finally get to he juicy parts of the plot! Like this one! Where shit starts getting reall eheheh
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He’s a god
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qilinkisser · 5 months
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pens-personal · 5 months
Everything about me as a person starts to make sense when you realize that the music video for a song about anal sex from a movie in the early 2000s shaped like half my personality at the tender age of 5.
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roachemoji · 2 years
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Josiah Hunt
Another nonsensical OC introduction!!! This is Josiah/Josie!! They/She/He pronouns my beloved!!! They’re a bar tender who gets themselves mixed up and tossed around in the mess that is the ever evolving story of Clown Corp -- But its okay, they fall back into the life of their best friend and things turn out perfectly fine.
Clown Corp
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redjennies · 2 years
sollavellan is OUT. cullavellan is OUT. seravellan is OUT. Lavellan romancing Blackwall and becoming Sera's stepmom figure is IN.
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