#journalistic responsibility
whereimnotme · 5 months
Went looking for a documentary about *one specific thing* and ended up binge watching Four Corners all day today. Bit of an odd thing to find oneself doing but I do not control the hyperfixation.
Anyway -- ran into these two episodes from 2021 that I thought might be interesting to the broader internet.
Enjoy this deep dive into the history, impact and complicity of Fox News. I've been informed it's not geolocked on the ABC website but let me know if that's a lie.
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hellyeahheroes · 1 year
Trans People are Under Attack by Authoritarian Capitalist Lobby Groups by NonCompete
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penwrythe · 10 months
What's stopping the possibility of a ceasefire is pretty simple. Hamas is holding 239 Israeli civilians hostage including children and the elderly. What's happening in Palestine is a travesty and horrendous. But Israel can't initiate a ceasefire from the position they're in, so we need to be agitating for Hamas to release the hostages and call for a ceasefire instead.
@sarroora @fairuzfan @palipunk @wearenotjustnumbers2
You know more about this than I do.
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It's wild how successful the christofascists have been at shifting the Overton window to the point where soo many people who were so diligent about protecting people in 2021 or even early 2022 and were mocking the fascists for bitching about a paper mask are just like fully on board now with those attitudes or at least now think it's ok to walk around in crowded places with no mask
What other principles are you gonna give up?
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snoweylily · 11 days
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I’m so happy for her 😭👩‍❤️‍👩🏳️‍🌈
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jakeperalta · 11 months
the thing is with all those initial "violence is bad :( don't kill civilians :( both sides deserve peace :( standing with israel :(" takes is that maybe they could've been written off as ignorance. maybe these people really are just clueless and saw that there had been an attack and thought "oh no that's sad people have died" and gave zero thought to the context or the inevitable consequences. but now we are witnessing the exact horrifying retaliation that anyone with a brain and a surface level understanding of the conflict could've seen coming and all of those people are either going back to radio silence or even continuing to wholeheartedly support israel and it's like.. ok then. clearly that wasn't ignorance it was selective empathy or possibly just straight up cruelty. guess we'll disregard your supposed stance that targeting civilians is a deplorable war crime
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silentreigns · 2 months
Of course they ask only Lewis about Ralf coming out and nobody else. Who could have seen this coming
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slythereen · 11 months
max and charles were VERY well behaved in that post quali presser… do you think they got scolded lmao
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waugh-bao · 5 months
The story about the pool always makes me think that whoever called the cops must have been like “There are naked girls in the Holiday Inn pool! The most flat chested girls I’ve ever seen in my life wearing men’s swim trunks! One girl appears to have hair on her chest! Please get here immediately!” The one with chest hair would be Charlie as he seemed to be the only one with body hair in the band for quite some time. Or maybe the only one who didn’t shave his chest, I don’t know.
Keith’s re-telling of that incident, from 2015, is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever read:
“There were many, many incidents like that, and if Phelge remembers it, it must have happened. Usually, that stuff was like water off a duck's back. I had far worse in America when we first arrived. In the Midwest we once got arrested for being girls! (Laughs) We were in a swimming pool in a Holiday Inn on a highway in Georgia somewhere, and suddenly (makes siren noise), "Oh, the cops are coming... and they're turning in here!" The cop gets out and shouts, "Ok, where are the topless women?" Someone had called in saying there was a bunch of girls in the pool. We were like, "Right (Cups non-existent boobs) This is all we got!" Obviously it was some irate person - probably a woman - who called them, thinking we were chicks. She must have had pretty bad eyesight!”
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remembertheplunge · 5 months
The Gay Insider USA John Francis Hunter 1972
I was in San Fransisco Saturday, April 13, 2024, and stopped in at Autorrotica magazine and book store on 18th near Castro. I bought some magazines and a book by John Francis Hunter called "The Gay Insider USA written in 1972. He toured America in the early 1970's to report on gay life in America. On page 4 of the book, he quoted Andre Gide who said "I am not far from thinking that in irresolution lies the secret of not growing old." I looked up the word irresolution. It means hesitancy, uncertainty, lack of resolution, lack of purpose and vacillation.
On page 5 of The Gay Insider, Mr. Hunter explains why he wrote the book: "And if I've gone through it, I believe that I have a responsibility to help you, to provide warnings, experience, advice, support. It's my lot in life to be a sharer of experience, a communicator, a journalistic usher in gay red shoes. This way, brother...'
I love this! That's what I'm trying to do in my blog. Except, I say "This way brothers and sisters." But , unlike his book in the early 70's which was a one sided conversation, via the tumbler blog, we can guide each other. We have an open conversation in the "now". So, what we write almost instantly evolves via the touch of fellow bloggers. We build the trail forward together.
And, I totally agree that the way to stay "young" is to be irresolute. To practice "not know" or "dunno" so as not to get in the way of what wants to happen.
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is seen not seen just an odd little rod sterlingesque night gallery soliloquy or is it the first song in db's existential canon on gender troubles
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winedark · 6 months
travel literature is one of my absolute favourite genres of writing, it is unfortunately dominated by The most annoying guys on the planet
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
somehow i'm wondering if the synopsis is gonna be misleading and eddie in fact barely shows up until the last five minutes or something (this is purely based on the fact that jen is taking over the 911 insta so its clearly gonna be a heavy maddie episode lol)
this is what i’m saying!! it was jlh’s takeover that made me think this is a possibility. especially because it kind of seems like each character is getting a little mini-arc so it would make sense that last episode chim was reckoning with doug and now maddie might be too. and then 7x08-9 are more eddie-centric after this one ends on a cliffhanger for him? hmmmmm
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
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tempted to tell him we can start beef over twitter so that they can write about him in the online tabloids lmao
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stackslip · 2 years
i’ve seen some people say crimew should have published the no-fly list and making it only accessible to certain people is useless and i get the sentiment but look do you really, truly want to make that list public and accessible to every white supremacist and fascist looking for a hit list. do you really.
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aingeal98 · 10 months
The fact that Israeli soldiers are raiding the homes of Palestinians families who've just had their children released from the prisons at long last and confiscating any signs of celebration + dispersing family gatherings should be a clue to anyone with a soul that these fascists view any form of Palestinians joy as a threat to their glorious racist state. But of course zionists are going to stick their heads in the sand and pretend like this is just another issue that'll be solved through Hamas being destroyed. Never mind that Hamas is the only reason those Palestinian hostages got released. You can rightfully condemn them for the murder of innocents but the fact remains that those children have finally been freed due to their actions. It doesn't excuse anything, but it does add more condemnation towards the Israeli state. October 7th should never have happened and the fact that capturing Israeli hostages was the only thing that could force Israel to release the women and children it kidnapped is proof that the fascist state must be destroyed in order for actual peace to be found. The Israeli state has made it clear that it will never stop brutalising and tormenting Palestinians unless it is forced to. You can stand against genocide and oppression or you can hope the oppressors grow a conscience after they kill enough enemy children. And even if you do only care about Israeli citizens, you should know that there will be no true peace for them as long as their sense of security is reliant on Palestinian misery. Which it has been since the state's foundation.
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