thefoxesraven · 13 days
@jtl-fics writing about my sons in their fic TBD makes me so giddy but folk we gotta remember they are just plot devices for the over arching story.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
FINALLY IN TIME! I would love some vampdrew <3 - @jtl-fics
WIP Wednesday (8/14) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 165)
“Yes. But the most interesting bit is what’s hiding in between pictures of you, Kevin.” Andrew says, making Kevin’s brows furrow. 
“What do you mean?”
“Raise your hand if you knew Neil’s been dying his hair,” Andrew says, making the other three gape. Aaron and Nicky share a look and Kevin just stares at him. “No one? Okay. Raise your hand if you knew he’s been using colored contact lenses this entire time.”
Kevin nearly chokes again. “What are you saying, Andrew? That—”
“I’m saying Neil is not who we think he is. Hell, I don’t even know who we thought he was,” Andrew says with a sigh. He’s human, he smells delicious, he’s not bad to look at. But, otherwise, he came from the middle of nowhere. He isn’t super talkative. And he does stare at Kevin a lot.
“This is crazy. You’re saying he’s pretty much wearing a disguise,” Aaron says.
“Exactly.” Andrew says, pointing at his brother. “And, there’s more. There’s a bunch of money in that bag of his, as well as what seems to be a coded message on a sheet of paper. I have no idea what it means. But it’s definitely intentional. Somehow…”
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leedee013 · 1 year
101 Ways Not to Say I Do
I Love this file name XD - @jtl-fics
Andrew cast a glance at the clock on his bedside table. 5:42 it read in its obnoxious, square font.
"Care to tell me why?" Andrew asked, his voice rough from the handful of hours of disuse.
"Because you're going to pick me up and have a nice, long chat with me on the way back," Nicky said.
Andrew paused and tapped his finger against the back of his phone. "You didn't tell me you were going to be visiting."
"Well, you didn't tell me that you and Neil got married," Nicky shouted back, prompting Andrew to hold the phone a bit further from his ear.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
And one more Pride Zine get it done dearrr - @jtl-fics
prev | 101 Ways Not to Say I Do | WW 13.3.2024
- "Then again, I never heard Allison complaining about any noise and she shared a wall with your room back at Palmetto."
"Weren't you just saying you should go to bed?" Neil said with a cock of his head.
"Yeah, yeah, 'Nicky, stop talking or else you'll lose your tongue.' I know. But you know I can't help it. I get chatty when I'm tired."
"Oh, I'm glad it's only when you're tired," Neil said, a smile on his lips despite his annoyed tone. "Go. Before you end up getting impaled."
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allforthebirthdays · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Ash (@jtl-fics)! We hope it's a great one! 🧡🤍🧡🤍
Don't forget to wish her a happy birthday!
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ittyybittybaker · 1 year
If you would be so gracious as to allow it could you possibly also do the sound of reverie? - @jtl-fics
WIP Wednesday 8/30
for you, my dear, anything!! (i'm also answering these out of order bc i'm working on dinsey au rn, sssshhhhh)
After Andrew had his snack, they head back to find the others. Luckily, they were easy to spot, thanks to the bright orange ‘FOXES TAKE DISNEY’ shirts Nicky and Renee had forced them all to wear. The team were all congregated around a display of ear headbands, which neil thought was odd, but then again he had seen many other people wearing them around, so what did he know? As they walked up, he could hear Matt and Aaron furiously whispering.
“Five bucks says Neil can get Andrew to wear a pair of ears” Matt says
“No way dude, I don’t think he would, even for him.” Aaron argues back
“You know what? I’ll take that bet.” Matt says, and sticks out his hand, which is currently covered by a large, white, four fingered glove.
“Deal.” Aaron says as he shakes Matt’s cartoonishly large hand.
 Besides the cartoon gloves, Matt was wearing a pair of ears that had symbols from the sci-fi movie he and Aaron were fans of, complete with crossed lightsabers above his head. Aaron, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of superhero ears on his head. Nicky was wearing a glittery, rainbow monstrosity that could only be from  the latest Pride collection, while Kevin was wearing a sensible ball cap with ears sewn on top because “sun protection is important guys! We can’t get heat stroke out here!”. 
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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Lady Allison Reynolds meets her head of safety and staff
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capcavan · 1 year
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Parasocial Relationship
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jtl-fics · 9 months
All Hallows' Day - WIP Wednesdays Masterpost
01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35
FINISHED FIC HERE :) Thank you everyone who requested for helping me write this <3
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aresmarked · 4 months
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modernfabulist · 9 months
To the most noblest @jtl-fic, a humble fable in kind to your swift, detailed response to my request of them. I write this little snippet of my favorite moments from some of their works.
To beginning with Fluent Freshman comes one Known Smith who once has gone beyond mortal men's understanding of certain flashcards with the help of the enlightenment of one 5 hour energy potion much to the ire of one goalie (who does not like this title) and a stiker (who quite favors this title amount a select few) and Smith's afflicted stomach... and another piece from one of their other fabulous writing from MathNerd where one disgruntled Ichirou appears for one Neil Josten (who couldn't be bothered in the slightest for throwing a wrentch certain plans) much to the unfortunate heart of an anxiety driven Kevin Day.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
Mer roadtrip please !!!! - @jtl-fics
WIP Wednesday (5/29) | Mer Roadtrip AU (Part 24)
There’s a pier to his right, so Nathaniel goes that way, hoping to find an empty beach on the other side. But, of course, he doesn’t. There are just as many people, living it up while Nathaniel’s entire world is crashing down. And he knows people can see that he’s being chased. Why won’t they help him? Why hasn’t anyone ever fucking helped him?!
When his knee buckles suddenly, Nathaniel accidentally knocks sand onto a sunbathing woman’s back and she turns around, ready to scold him for it. But he’s gone before she can open her mouth. Fuck, Nathaniel stabs his walking stick into the stand and leans on it for a second. Romero is coming out from under the pier now, with Lola right beside him. And he’s got nowhere to go.
Nathaniel has nearly resigned to living in a tank, when someone taps on his shoulder. He turns and finds no one beside him. But finally, the answer appears. In the form of a craggy little cave down by the water. The sand before it is dry, not touched by seawater.
He won’t change if he gets too close to it!
As he approaches the cave, he notices a crudely-made sign by the cave’s entrance. When he gets closer Nathaniel can tell it’s actually an old pizza box turned backwards and it reads, ‘DANGER’. It seems to be written with… mud? But Nathaniel doesn’t stop to analyze it. He just hobbles his way through the hole and sighs in relief when he finds an oasis waiting for him.
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leedee013 · 1 year
BABY JEAN - @jtl-fics
Jean had agreed to read one bedtime story to his little sisters. Of course, this meant that Amélie had claimed one of his arms as a pillow while Camille took possession of the other. The result? Two sisters who had successfully fallen asleep on top of him. From the numbness he felt crawling up his arms, he knew his arms weren't too far behind his sisters.
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thornilee013 · 10 months
I haaaaate to Needle you for an update butttttttttttttt (ha)
Could I get some of that sweet Needle AU? - @jtl-fics
prev | Needle AU
CW: mention/implied flashbacks of CSA
Riko smirked and Jean felt his blood pressure spike. That wasn't what made Jean lose his control, though. Instead, it was what Riko said next.
"What, didn't fuck them well enough?"
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allforthebirthdays · 1 year
August 19th (she/her) - @jtl-fics
Lol sorry for the short notice XD
not a problem! <3 happy birthday!
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ittyybittybaker · 10 months
The Foxes Take Disney (the sound of reverie) PLEASE!!! - @jtl-fics
Here's a bit of Neil riding his first roller coaster (and my favorite ride at Disney !!!)
Neil had told Andrew that he didn't have to go on the ride with him, but Andrew had just rolled his eyes and pushed him through the turnstile into the queue. Neil knew Andrew didn't like heights so he had given him an opportunity to sit it out, but he also knew that Andrew would suffer through the biggest drops if it meant keeping Neil in his line of sight. It was sweet, even if Neil thought he was being a little ridiculous. Security at Disney was more strict than some 'high security' buildings he'd snuck into during his time on the run.
Luckily for Andrew, this particular ride didn't have any particularly large drops. It does, however, go incredibly fast, according to the Disney blogs Kevin had made them read on the way over. Neil knows Andrew loves to drive fast in the Mas, so he hoped his need for speed applied to theme park rides as well. Neil wasn't exactly sure what to expect, if he was being honest. He had always thought of roller coasters as the rickety old things he saw on tv or in movies, and he certainly never thought he would ever ride one.
This particular ride was based on some superhero movie that Matt had tried to get him to watch, but he hadn't really paid attention because Andrew had fallen asleep on his shoulder and was warm and solid against his side. It was hard to pay attention to most things when Andrew was touching him. Neil still enjoyed himself, even if he didn't really know the characters or the storyline. A disco song played throughout the ride that reminded him of his mother, and it would've been jarring if Andrew’s vice-like grip on his hand hadn't kept him in the moment. It was hard to fall into bad memories when he didn't know up from down as they zoomed through twists and turns and round planets while Andrew gripped him tight.
He let out involuntary whoops and giggles and he felt a rush he never knew he could feel off an exy court. For a small, surreal moment, he felt like a child; he felt like he was flying.
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