#judah hammond
yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
A recording of Hamilton's days following the duel
July 8th, 1804
Sunday morning, Hamilton walked with Eliza “over all the pleasant scenes” of the Grange estate, and returned home at noon. He read the morning service of the Episcopal church. The hours until evening were spent “in kind companionship” with his family. And at the end of the day, Hamilton gathered his children around him under a near tree, he laid with them upon the grass until it turned dark. [x] According to Alexander Hamilton Jr. in an interview; “Col. Smith, son in-law of John Adams, had dined with us, and the result of a conversation on the subject was a tacit agreement on my father's part not to fight.” [x]
July 9th, 1804
Monday morning, Hamilton left Eliza at the Grange and rode down to lower Manhattan, to his town house at 54 Cedar Street with his four eldest sons. After taking care of his urgent clients and affairs, he drafted his will.
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Source — Library of Congress, Digital Collections. Alexander Hamilton Papers: Miscellany, 1711-1820; Hamilton, Alexander; Last will and testament
In the Name of God Amen! I Alexander Hamilton of the City of New York Counsellor at Law do make this my last Will and Testament as follows. First I appoint John B Church Nicholas Fish and Nathaniel Pendleton of the City aforesaid Esquires to be Executors and Trustees of this my Will and I devise to them their heirs and Assigns, as joint Tenants and not as Tenants in common, All my Estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever upon Trust at their discretion to sell and dispose of the same, at such time and times in such manner and upon such terms as they the Survivors and Survivor shall think fit and out of the proceeds to pay all the Debts which I shall owe at the time of my decease, in whole, if the fund shall be sufficient, proportionally, if it shall be insufficient, and the residue, if any there shall be to pay and deliver to my excellent and dear Wife Elizabeth Hamilton.
Though if it shall please God to spare my life I may look for a considerable surplus out of my present property—Yet if he should speedily call me to the eternal wor[l]d, a forced sale as is usual may possibly render it insufficient to satisfy my Debts. I pray God that something may remain for the maintenance and education of my dear Wife and Children. But should it on the contrary happen that there is not enough for the payment of my Debts, I entreat my Dear Children, if they or any of them shall ever be able, to make up the Deficiency. I without hesitation commit to their delicacy a wish which is dictated by my own. Though conscious that I have too far sacrificed the interests of my family to public avocations & on this account have the less claim to burthen my Children, yet I trust in their magnanimity to appreciate as they ought this my request. In so unfavourable an event of things, the support of their dear Mother with the most respectful and tender attention is a duty all the sacredness of which they will feel. Probably her own patrimonial resources will preserve her from Indigence. But in all situations they are charged to bear in mind that she has been to them the most devoted and best of mothers. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand the Ninth day of July in the year of our lord One thousand Eight hundred & four.
Alexander Hamilton
Signed sealed published & declared as and for his last Will and Testament in our presence who have subscribed the same in his presence.
The words John B Church being above interlined.
Dominick T Blake
Graham Newell
Theo B Valleau
Source — Last Will and Testament of Alexander Hamilton, [9 July 1804]
According to John C. Hamilton, while he was executing it, a friend came in and related to him his fear of an intended fraud. Hamilton took him by the arm and said, “Let us walk past the counting-room of these people. Perhaps, on seeing us together, they may think it expedient to do you justice.” The expedient succeeded. [x]
In the afternoon, the regulations of the duel were finalized by Van Nass and Pendleton. [x] Hamilton wrote that Assignment of Debts and Grant of Power of Attorney would be placed on John B. Church. This was included in a list of seven items given to Nathaniel Pendleton. [x]
Know all Men by these Presents, That I Alexander Hamilton of the City of New York Counsellor at law, in consideration of one Dollar to me in hand paid by John B Church Esquire, (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowleged) have bargained sold assigned and conveyed and hereby do bargain sell assign & convey to the said John B Church all and singular the debts due owing and payable to me: which are specified in the schedule hereunto annexed to be by him collected and the proceeds applied first towards the payment of all and every the debt and debts which I owe to my household and other servants and labourers, and to the Woman who washes for Mrs. Hamilton—and secondly towards the satisfaction and discharge of certain accommodation notes made by me and indorsed by him and which have been or shall be discounted in and by the Manhattan Bank and the Office of Discount & Deposit of the Bank of the United States in the City of New York. And for this purpose I do hereby constitute and appoint him my Attorney to ask demand sue for recover and receive the said Debts and every of them and upon receipt thereof or any part thereof to make and give acquittances. In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed & set my hand and seal the Ninth day of July in the year of our lord One thousand Eight hundred & four.
A. Ham⟨ilton⟩
Source — Assignment of Debts and Grant of Power of Attorney to John B. Church, [9 July 1804]
The last remaining hours of the day were spent with his old Treasury protégé, Oliver Wolcott Jr., who later wrote; “Hamilton spent the afternoon & evening of Monday with our friends at my House in Company with Mr. Hopkinson of Phil’. He was uncommonly cheerful and gay The duel had been determined on for ten days.” [x]
July 10th, 1804
The following document is undated, but is theorized to have been composed or finished on Hamilton's last work day, Tuesday. Hamilton wrote a list of reasonings as to why he accepted the challenge;
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Source — New York Historical Society. Alexander Hamilton statement on impending duel with Aaron Burr, undated, [July 10, 1804(?)]
On my expected interview with Col Burr, I think it proper to make some remarks explanatory of my conduct, motives and views.
I am certainly desirous of avoiding this interview, for the most cogent reasons.
1 My religious and moral principles are strongly opposed to the practice of Duelling, and it would even give me pain to be obliged to shed the blood of a fellow creature in a private combat forbidden by the laws.
2 My wife and Children are extremely dear to me, and my life is of the utmost importance to them, in various views.
3 I feel a sense of obligation towards my creditors; who in case of accident to me, by the forced sale of my property, may be in some degree sufferers. I did not think my self at liberty, as a man of probity, lightly to expose them to this hazard.
4 I am conscious of no ill-will to Col Burr, distinct from political opposition, which, as I trust, has proceeded from pure and upright motives.
Lastly, I shall hazard much, and can possibly gain nothing by the issue of the interview.
But it was, as I conceive, impossible for me to avoid it. There were intrinsick difficulties in the thing, and artificial embarrassments, from the manner of proceeding on the part of Col Burr.
Intrinsick—because it is not to be denied, that my animadversions on the political principles character and views of Col Burr have been extremely severe, and on different occasions, I, in common with many others, have made very unfavourable criticisms on particular instances of the private conduct of this Gentleman.
In proportion as these impressions were entertained with sincerity and uttered with motives and for purposes, which might appear to me commendable, would be the difficulty (until they could be removed by evidence of their being erroneous), of explanation or apology. The disavowal required of me by Col Burr, in a general and indefinite form, was out of my power, if it had really been proper for me to submit to be so questionned; but I was sincerely of opinion, that this could not be, and in this opinion, I was confirmed by that of a very moderate and judicious friend whom I consulted. Besides that Col Burr appeared to me to assume, in the first instance, a tone unnecessarily peremptory and menacing, and in the second, positively offensive. Yet I wished, as far as might be practicable, to leave a door open to accommodation. This, I think, will be inferred from the written communications made by me and by my direction, and would be confirmed by the conversations between Mr van Ness and myself, which arose out of the subject.
I am not sure, whether under all the circumstances I did not go further in the attempt to accommodate, than a pun[c]tilious delicacy will justify. If so, I hope the motives I have stated will excuse me.
It is not my design, by what I have said to affix any odium on the conduct of Col Burr, in this case. He doubtless has heared of animadversions of mine which bore very hard upon him; and it is probable that as usual they were accompanied with some falshoods. He may have supposed himself under a necessity of acting as he has done. I hope the grounds of his proceeding have been such as ought to satisfy his own conscience.
I trust, at the same time, that the world will do me the Justice to believe, that I have not censured him on light grounds, or from unworthy inducements. I certainly have had strong reasons for what I may have said, though it is possible that in some particulars, I may have been influenced by misconstruction or misinformation. It is also my ardent wish that I may have been more mistaken than I think I have been, and that he by his future conduct may shew himself worthy of all confidence and esteem, and prove an ornament and blessing to his Country.
As well because it is possible that I may have injured Col Burr, however convinced myself that my opinions and declarations have been well founded, as from my general principles and temper in relation to similar affairs—I have resolved, if our interview is conducted in the usual manner, and it pleases God to give me the opportunity, to reserve and throw away my first fire, and I have thoughts even of reserving my second fire—and thus giving a double opportunity to Col Burr to pause and to reflect.
It is not however my intention to enter into any explanations on the ground. Apology, from principle I hope, rather than Pride, is out of the question.
To those, who with me abhorring the practice of Duelling may think that I ought on no account to have added to the number of bad examples—I answer that my relative situation, as well in public as private aspects, enforcing all the considerations which constitute what men of the world denominate honor, impressed on me (as I thought) a peculiar necessity not to decline the call. The ability to be in future useful, whether in resisting mischief or effecting good, in those crises of our public affairs, which seem likely to happen, would probably be inseparable from a conformity with public prejudice in this particular.
Source — Statement on Impending Duel with Aaron Burr, [28 June–10 July 1804]
Hamilton ran into a family friend and client on Broadway, Dirck Ten Broeck, who reminded him that he had forgotten to deliver a promised legal opinion. Afterward, Broeck reflected with astonishment on Hamilton's reaction; “He was really ashamed of his neglect, but [said] that I must call on him the next day, Wednesday—(the awful fatal day)—at 10 o'clock, when he would sit down with me, lock the door, and then we would finish the business.” [x]
Hamilton wrote to Theodore Sedgwick, his friend of many years, who had been the channel of his most useful communications on the policy of the country; thus showing that, to the latest moment, his thoughts were upon that which had formed the leading topic of the Federalist—“the utility of the Union to the political prosperity of the whole American people.” [x] Since one purpose of the duel was to prepare to head off a secessionist threat, he warned Sedgwick against any such movement among New England Federalists.
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Source — Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Letter from Alexander Hamilton to Theodore Sedgwick, 10 July 1804.
New York July 10. 1804
My Dear Sir
I have received two letters from you since we last saw each other—that of the latest date being the 24 of May. I have had in hand for some time a long letter to you, explaining my view of the course and tendency of our Politics, and my intentions as to my own future conduct. But my plan embraced so large a range that owing to much avocation, some indifferent health, and a growing distaste for Politics, the letter is still considerably short of being finished. I write this now to satisfy you, that want of regard for you has not been the cause of my silence.
I will here express but one sentiment, which is, that Dismembrement of our Empire will be a clear sacrifice of great positive advantages, without any counterballancing good; administering no relief to our real Disease; which is Democracy, the poison of which by a subdivision will only be the more concentered in each part, and consequently the more virulent.
King is on his way for Boston where you may chance to see him, and hear from himself his sentiments.
God bless you
Source — Alexander Hamilton to Theodore Sedgwick, [July 10, 1804]
Hamilton then saw Judah Hammond, who was a clerk in AH's law office, where he drafted an elaborate opinion in a legal matter. Hammond later recalled that; “The last time General Hamilton was in the office was in the early part of July 1804, in the afternoon. I was the only person remaining in the office with him. The last thing he did there, in his professional business he did at my desk and by my side. Even the place seems sacred to my memory. The office was at Number twelve in Garden Street, opposite the Church Grounds. The building has been since removed. It was near sunset, the evening bright and serene. The setting sun approached the margin of the horizon, shedding his last rays on the beautiful objects illustrated by his departing splendours. At this closing of the day, when we love to linger in its pleasures, General Hamilton came to my desk, in the tranquil manner usual with him, and gave me a business paper with his instructions, concerning it. I saw no change in his appearance. These were his last moments in his place of business” [x]
According to John C. Hamilton; “—after waiting upon his faithful friend, Oliver Wolcott, at the close of an entertainment given by him, [...] made his last visit. It was to Colonel [Robert] Troup, the companion of his early years.” [x] For weeks, Troup had lain bedridden with a grave illness that Hamilton feared might prove mortal. When he dropped by to visit Troup, Hamilton did not mention the duel and overflowed Troup with medical suggestions;
“The General's visit lasted more than half an hour; and after making particular inquiries respecting the state of my complaint, he favored me with his advice as to the course which he thought would best conduce to the reestablishment of my health. But the whole tenor of the General's deportment during the visit manifested such composure and cheerfulness of mind as to leave me without any suspicion of the rencontre that was depending.”
Source — William and Mary Quarterly, Journal
Afterwards, Hamilton returned to his townhouse. Pendleton found him there and attempted to discuss with him and make a final attempt to dissuade Hamilton from his decision to delope during the duel. Nevertheless, Hamilton insisted he would fire in the air. When Pendleton protested, Hamilton indicated that his mind was made up; “My friend,” he told Pendleton, “it is the effect of a religious scruple and does not admit of reasoning. It is useless to say more on the subject as my purpose is definitely fixed.” [x]
At 10 p.m, Hamilton - even after already writing Eliza a farewell letter dated on the fourth - sat down in his study upstairs and took his quill once more to pen another letter but in favor of Anne Mitchell, Hamilton's cousin, and his largest supporter in his boyhood.
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Source — A letter from Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, dated July 4, 1804. Courtesy of the Library of Congress Manuscripts Division.
My beloved Eliza
Mrs. Mitchel is the person in the world to whom as a friend I am under the greatest Obligations. I have ⟨not⟩ hitherto done my ⟨duty⟩ to her. But ⟨resolved⟩ to repair my omission as much as ⟨possible,⟩ I have encouraged her to come to ⟨this Country⟩ and intend, if it shall be ⟨in my po⟩wer to render the Evening of her days ⟨c⟩omfortable. But if it shall please God to put this out of my power and to inable you hereafter to be of ⟨s⟩ervice to her, I entreat you to d⟨o⟩ it and to treat ⟨h⟩er with the tenderness of a Sister.
This is my second letter.
The Scrup⟨les of a Christian have deter⟩mined me to expose my own li⟨fe to any⟩ extent rather than subject my s⟨elf to the⟩ guilt of taking the life of ⟨another.⟩ This must increase my hazards & redoubles my pangs for you. But you had rather I should die inno⟨c⟩ent than live guilty. Heaven can pre⟨se⟩rve me ⟨and I humbly⟩ hope will ⟨b⟩ut in the contrary ⟨e⟩vent, I charge you to remember that you are a Christian. God’s Will be done. The will of a merciful God must be good.
Once more Adieu My Darling darling Wife
Tuesday Evening 10 oCl⟨ock⟩
⟨Mrs Ha⟩milton
Source — Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [10 July 1804]
Hamilton descended from his study, and entered the parlor downstairs, there he found his son reading a book. Hamilton watched him pensively for a few moments, before he leaned over his book and smiled as he asked him if he would sleep with him. [x] The son in this story is Hamilton's fifth child, John Church Hamilton, who later recalled the same incident in an interview;
I recall a single incident about it with full clearness. [...] The day before the duel I was sitting in a room, when, at a slight noise, I turned around and saw my father in the doorway, standing silently there and looking at me with a most sweet and beautiful expression of countenance. It was full of tenderness, and without any of the business pre-occupation he sometimes had. “John,” he said, when I had discovered him, “won't you come and sleep with me to-night?” His voice was frank as if he had been my brother instead of my father. That night I went to his bed, and in the morning very early he awakened me, and taking my hands in his palms, all four hands extended, he said and told me to repeat the Lord's Prayer. Seventy-five years have since passed over my head, and I have forgotten many things, but not that tender expression when he stood looking at me in the door nor the prayer we made together the morning before the duel. I do not so well recollect seeing him lie upon his deathbed, though I was there.
Source — Interview with John Church Hamilton, reminiscences about his father.
July 11th, 1804
After Hamilton retired to bed with John uncommonly early, he awoke quietly at three o'clock the next morning. Hamilton reportedly had; “some imperfect sleep; but the succeeding morning his symptoms were aggravated, attended however with a diminution of pain. His mind retained all its usual strength and composure. The great source of his anxiety seemed to be in his sympathy with his half distracted wife and children.” [x] He soon awoke John and took his hands in his palms, “all four hands extended”, he spoke the Lord's Prayer, as John repeated after him. Afterwards he asked his son to light a candle, John asked him what was the matter and Hamilton had lied to him claiming that his little sister, Eliza Hamilton Holly, was ill and had been taken out of town. And that his mother had sent for him and that he was going out with Doctor Hosack. After the candle was lit he sat down and wrote a hymn which he had but just finished when Pendleton and Hosack called for him. The hymn was put in his will where it was found by his wife later on. [x]
Main sources:
Life of Alexander Hamilton, by John Church Hamilton.
The intimate life of Alexander Hamilton, by Allan McLane Hamilton.
Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow.
A Collection of the Facts and Documents, Relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton, by William Coleman.
Four letters on the death of Alexander Hamilton 1804, David B. Ogden.
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April 12, 2024
APR 13, 2024
At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter, a federal fort built on an artificial island in Charleston Harbor. 
Attacking the fort seemed a logical outcome of events that had been in play for at least four months. On December 20, 1860, as soon as it was clear Abraham Lincoln had won the 1860 presidential election, South Carolina lawmakers had taken their state out of the Union. “The whole town [of Charleston] was in an uproar,” Elizabeth Allston recalled. “Parades, shouting, firecrackers, bells ringing, cannon on the forts booming, flags waving, and excited people thronging the streets.” 
Mississippi had followed suit on January 9, 1861; Florida on January 10; Alabama on January 11; Georgia on January 19; Louisiana on January 26; and Texas on February 1. By the time Lincoln took the oath of office on March 4, 1861, seven southern states had left the Union and formed their own provisional government that protected human enslavement. 
Their move had come because the elite enslavers who controlled those southern states believed that Lincoln’s election to the presidency in 1860 itself marked the end of their way of life. Badly outnumbered by the northerners who insisted that the West must be reserved for free men, southern elites were afraid that northerners would bottle up enslavement in the South and gradually whittle away at it. Those boundaries would mean that white southerners would soon be outnumbered by the Black Americans they enslaved, putting not only their economy but also their very lives at risk.
To defend their system, elite southern enslavers rewrote American democracy. They insisted that the government of the United States of America envisioned by the Founders who wrote the Declaration of Independence had a fatal flaw: it declared that all men were created equal. In contrast, the southern enslavers were openly embracing the reality that some people were better than others and had the right to rule. 
They looked around at their great wealth—the European masters hanging in their parlors, the fine dresses in which they clothed their wives and daughters, and the imported olive oil on their tables—and concluded they were the ones who had figured out the true plan for human society. As South Carolina senator James Henry Hammond explained to his colleagues in March 1858, the “harmonious…and prosperous” system of the South worked precisely because a few wealthy men ruled over a larger class with “a low order of intellect and but little skill.” Hammond dismissed “as ridiculously absurd” the idea that “all men are born equal.” 
On March 21, 1861, Georgia’s Alexander Stephens, the newly-elected vice president of the Confederacy, explained to a crowd that the Confederate government rested on the “great truth” that the Black man “is not equal to the white man; that…subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.” Stephens told listeners that the Confederate government “is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”
Not every white southerner thought secession from the United States was a good idea. Especially as the winter wore into spring and Lincoln made no effort to attack the South, conservative leaders urged their hot-headed neighbors to slow down. But for decades, southerners had marinated in rhetoric about their strength and independence from the federal government, and as Senator Judah P. Benjamin of Louisiana later wrote, “[t]he prudent and conservative men South,” were not “able to stem the wild torrent of passion which is carrying everything before it…. It is a revolution...of the most intense character…and it can no more be checked by human effort, for the time, than a prairie fire by a gardener’s watering pot.”
Southern white elites celebrated the idea of a new nation, one they dominated, convinced that the despised Yankees would never fight. “So far as civil war is concerned,” one Atlanta newspaper wrote in January 1861, “we have no fears of that in Atlanta.” White southerners boasted that “a lady’s thimble will hold all the blood that will be shed” in establishing a new nation. Senator James Chesnut of South Carolina went so far as to vow that he would drink all the blood shed as a consequence of southern secession. 
Chesnut’s promise misread the situation. Northerners recognized that if Americans accepted the principle that some men were better than others, and permitted southern Democrats to spread that principle by destroying the United States, they had lost democracy. "I should like to know, if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle, and making exceptions to it, where will it stop?” Lincoln had asked in 1858.
Northerners rejected the white southerners’ radical attempt to destroy the principles of the Declaration of Independence. They understood that it was not just Black rights at stake. Arguments like that of Stephens, that some men were better than others, “are the arguments that kings have made for enslaving the people in all ages of the world,” Lincoln said. “You will find that all the arguments in favor of king-craft were of this class; they always bestrode the necks of the people, not that they wanted to do it, but because the people were better off for being ridden…. Turn in whatever way you will—whether it come from the mouth of a King, an excuse for enslaving the people of his country, or from the mouth of men of one race as a reason for enslaving the men of another race, it is all the same old serpent….”
Northerners rejected the slaveholders’ unequal view of the world, seeing it as a radical reworking of the nation’s founding principles. After the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter, Lincoln called for 75,000 to put down the rebellion against the government. He called for “loyal citizens to favor, facilitate, and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union, and the perpetuity of popular government; and to redress wrongs already long enough endured.”
Like their southern counterparts, northerners also dismissed the idea that a civil war would be bloody. They were so convinced that a single battle would bring southerners to their senses that inhabitants of Washington, D.C., as well as congressmen and their wives packed picnics and took carriages out to Manassas, Virginia, to watch the Battle of Bull Run in July 1861. They decamped in panic as the battle turned against the United States army and soldiers bolted past them, flinging haversacks and rifles as they fled.
For their part, southerners were as shocked by the battle as the people of the North were. “Never have I conceived,” one South Carolina soldier wrote, “of such a continuous, rushing hailstorm of shot, shell, and musketry as fell around and among us for hours together. We who escaped are constantly wondering how we could possibly have come out of the action alive.” 
Over the next four years, the Civil War would take more than 620,000 lives and cost the United States more than $5 billion. By 1865, two-thirds of the assessed value of southern wealth had evaporated; two-fifths of the livestock— horses and draft animals for tilling fields as well as pigs and sheep for food— were dead. Over half the region's farm machinery had been destroyed, most factories were burned, and railroads were gone, either destroyed or worn out. But by the end of the conflagration, the institution of human enslavement as the central labor system for the American South was destroyed. 
On March 4, 1865, when a weary Lincoln took the oath of office for a second time, he reviewed the war’s history. “To strengthen, perpetuate and extend [slavery] was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it,” he said. “Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental and astounding. 
“Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered—that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes.”
“Both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish,” he said. 
“And the war came.” 
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soldcloak · 11 months
Sold Cloak | Episode 4 - Vigilante Quandary
Website URL: https://www.soldcloak.net Episode URL: https://www.soldcloak.net/episode-4 Subscribe URL: https://www.soldcloak.net/subscribe
After a start as smooth as butter, the expert podcasters (Dan, Ethan, Hammond, and Jack) continued on to tackle vigilante justice. Points discussed include:
What is a vigilante? Is vigilantism ever appropriate?
Vigilante justice vs full revolution.
The odd coincidence of lopsided justice in a politicized atmosphere.
Biblical example of vigilantism – Simeon and Levi kill the men of Shechem.
Honesty in justice as apposed to deceit.
Biblical example v2 – Absalom kills Amnon. The cheese gets a little more binding.
Why did David do nothing? What should Absalom have done?
Is vigilante justice simply necessary sometimes, regardless of what is right and wrong?
Kyle Rittenhouse tangent.
George Floyd Autopsy.
Should vigilantes free the Jan 6 detainees? Reasons why that might be a problem.
King John’s anecdote, and forcing authority before rebellion.
The difference in “punishment” vigilante justice and “deliverance” vigilante justice.
Is there a quality to local vigilante justice not found in the judicial system?
Caning in the town square.
How dare you escape?
A teaser on redress of grievances.
Some wonderful parting advice from Dan.
1 Chronicles does not say that the birthright went to Judah. Judah prevailed over his brothers, but the two sons of Joseph received the birthright (1 Chronicles 5:1-2).
Clarification: shoplifting less than $950 in California was made a misdemeanor via Proposition 47 in 2014. It was not made nonprosecutable; though, one could argue that it had the same effect since misdemeanors are often not prosecuted. Other states have enacted similar laws.
The Rittenhouse corrections (since we pulled it all from memory).
The George Floyd autopsy was not released in 2023, it was released in 2020. It does indicate that Floyd’s Cardiopulmonary arrest was (at least in part) due to neck compression.
King John was not holed up in a barn, held at sword point while signing the Magna Carta. He was, however, compelled to apply his seal by his very unhappy barons.
Notes and Links:
The Declaration of Independence.
2 Samuel 12:7-12 Nathan the prophet tells King David that the sword will not depart from his house.
Kenosha Riot Shooting; All Angles Synced Together with Timeline. Also, a narrated video explanation of the indecent released before all the details were known, and footage from the FBI.
News media claiming Rittenhouse shot black men. Also a UCLA professor had the same error in one of her books.
1 Corinthians 6:1-8 – Paul rebukes the Corinthian church for going to law before handling things as Christian brothers.
Ethan never gets to his third biblical example that was going to contrast the first two. That would be Ehud killing King Eglon.
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aswithasunbeam · 6 years
You mentioned Ham had a lot students apprenticed to his law office. Do you have any information about Hamilton the teacher?
Great question! I love the little glimpses of Hamilton as a teacher we get from his papers! Hamilton was a very highly respected attorney in New York, so to be a clerk in his office was a pretty coveted position. Nothing better illustrates this than the fact that John Adams even placed his second Charles in Hamilton’s office (back before he and Hamilton hated each other). On July 21, 1789, Adams wrote:
Mr Charles Adams, my second son, the Bearer of this Letter, I beg leave to introduce to you. He took his degree at our University of Cambridge this year, and is destined to the Study of the Law. I wish to get him into some office in New York, and should give the Preference to yours.2
Not yet knowing that he would appointed Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton accepted Charles into his office, notating in his cash book, “John Adams. To fee for your son commencing his Clerkship this day.” (Adams to Hamilton, 21 July 1789, note 2).
Law clerks seem to have been omnipresent around Hamilton when he was actively practicing law though not written of or to directly very frequently. In her statement regarding the Farewell Address, Eliza recalled Hamilton seeking out the few hours in his day when he had neither clients nor law clerks in his office to write:
[T]he address was written, principally at such times as his office was seldom frequented by his clients and visitors, and during the absence of his students to avoid interruption; at which times he was in the habit of calling me to sit with him, that he might read to me as he wrote, in order, as he said, to discover how it sounded upon the ear.” (Eliza Hamilton’s Statement, 7 August 1840).
Some of Hamilton’s letters were drafted by his clerks for him; for example, a letter to James McHenry dated 1-2 August 1798 is in the handwriting of Hamilton’s clerk, William LeConte, for whom Hamilton submitted a Certificate of Clerkship on 24 April 1801. His clerks also manned his legal office when he was out on other business; Samuel Dexter, for example, wrote to Hamilton 16 September 1797: “More than two Months ago I handed to a young gentleman in your Office (a student I presume) a letter directed to you1 containing a lengthy detail of my concern in Onondago Land & requesting your opinion as soon as possible.” 
For some students, clerking for Hamilton could lead to bigger and better opportunities in the future. Ethan Brown, for example, was a clerk for Hamilton starting in 1797, and went on the be “appointed assistant secretary to H in his capacity as inspector general. Admitted to the bar of New York in 1802, Brown later had a distinguished career as a Democratic governor of Ohio, United States Senator, and minister to Brazil.” (James McHenry to Hamilton, 4 April 1799, note 8).
A few examples of letters from Hamilton’s clerks do remain, however. Joseph Strong clerked for Hamilton between 1786 and 1789, and Hamilton submitted a Certificate of Clerkship to the Supreme Court of New York on January 20, 1789. Years later, on 11 August 1796, Strong wrote to Hamilton asking for his opinion on a legal matter:
I having been lately imployed by several Defendants in Actions of Trespass recommended by Joshua Mercereau in Tioga County2 for fishing in the Susquehannah River where he owned the Soil on both sides thereof and on argument thereof befor Balthazar De Haert Esqr. (your late partner in business while I were under your Tuition)3 as an umpire, being disappointed in his decision for the plaintiff in Support of the Actions, in private conversation with him afterwards we offered to submit the same to your Opinion—in consequence whereof as well as to satisfy myself & employers I transmit you the foregoing Case4 comprising the whole question.… Permit me Sir to request your Opinion on the Case.…
Evidence that Hamilton was fairly indulgent with the young men studying under him is presented by his relationship with Frederick N. Hudson. Hamilton records lending Hudson money on two occassions, $50 in 1797 and about $100 in 1798. (See Hudson to Hamilton, 4 July 1800, note 2). Hudson’s financial troubles appear to have continued to plague him into a new career as a midshipmen. On 4 July 1800, Hudson wrote plaintively to Hamilton:
I am equally pained at the necessity of my Conduct’s being explained; as I am, fearfull of offending by the many apologies I have made but fear of being thought ungrateful to the Man who has laid me under the most delicate and lasting obligations has been the only stimulus to my taking the liberty of addressing you so frequently As I have during our present Cruise. Apprehensions that you might be pestered by Matthews about the Debt for which you became responsible2 have continually Haunted me. And Notwithstanding the conviction there was upon my mind that he was perfectly satisfied with the Assurances I had given him before I left N.Y. (the particulars of which and my reasons for that conviction I wrote you from Norfolk)3 I should most Certainly have returned immediately from that place had I not really believed as was reported that our Cruise would have been a very short one upon the Coast of America and that in the course of a month or two we should have again been in your part in the United states; Tho’ my return to N. York at that time would have been attended with very Disagreable consequences and Ruined all my prospects in my present profession.
I hope to be in Boston4 nearly as soon as this letter will reach you from whence I shall immediately repair to new York, when I hope to have power of giving a satisfactory explanation, and I felicitate myself with the hope that you will suspend your final opinion of me until I have that opportunity, more from a knowledge of the natural generosity of your Disposition than from any Justification of myself. God knows of what moment this object is to me as a certainty of having intirely lost ⟨your⟩ friendship would imbitter every future Moment of my life. Lieut. Hamilton5 is in perfect health & will I presume write you by this opportunity.
Please to accept the prayers for the future happiness of yourself & family—of your Obliged
Judah Hammond was clerking in Hamilton’s office when Hamilton died in 1804. On December 13, 1843, Hammond wrote the following (clearly somewhat embellished) account to John Church Hamilton:
The last time General Hamilton was in the office was in the early part of July 1804, in the afternoon. I was the only person remaining in the office with him. The last thing he did there, in his professional business he did at my desk and by my side. Even the place seems sacred to my memory. The office was at Number twelve in Garden Street, opposite the Church Grounds. The building has been since removed. It was near sunset, the evening bright and serene. The setting sun approached the margin of the horizon, shedding his last rays on the beautiful objects illustrated by his departing splendours. At this closing of the day, when we love to linger in its pleasures, General Hamilton came to my desk, in the tranquil manner usual with him, and gave me a business paper with his instructions, concerning it. I saw no change in his appearance. These were his last moments in his place of business.
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zmuzikpradoocer · 3 years
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
Jagged Little Pill - Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Elizabeth Stanley (Mary Jane Healy), Celia Gooding (Frankie Healy), Sean Allan Krill (Steve Healy), Derek Klena (Nick Healy), Ezra Menas (u/s Jo), Kathryn Gallagher (Bella), Antonio Cipriano (Phoenix), Logan Hart (Andrew Montefiore), Nora Schell (Pharmacist/Therapist), Kelsey Orem (s/w Jill/Teacher), Heather Lang (Courtney), Jane Bruce (Denise), Ebony Williams (Barista), Zach Hess (Drug Dealer), Max Kumangai (Doctor), Annelise Baker (Kelsey), John Cardoza, Kei Tsuruharatani, Kelsey Orem, Ken Wulf Clark, Nora Schell, Yeman Brown NOTES: Begins in the middle of the opening number. Clear picture and good sound throughout. Jagged Little Pill - Broadway - November, 2019 (Preview) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Elizabeth Stanley (Mary Jane Healy), Celia Gooding (Frankie Healy), Sean Allan Krill (Steve Healy), Derek Klena (Nick Healy), Lauren Patten (Jo), Kathryn Gallagher (Bella), Antonio Cipriano (Phoenix), Logan Hart (Andrew Montefiore), Annelise Baker, Ebony Williams, Ezra Menas, Heather Lang, Jane Brusch, John Cardoza, Kei Tsuruharatani, Ken Wulf Clark, Laurel Harris, Logan Hart, Max Kumangai, Nora Schell NOTES: Stunning HD capture of the Alanis Morrisette musical in Broadway Previews. Filmed from the left orchestra with a mix of wides, mediums, and closeups. Fantastic performances all around with the action well-followed. Jekyll and Hyde - Broadway - December 19, 1999 (Major's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Joseph Mahowald (u/s Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Coleen Sexton (u/s Lucy Harris), Christy Tarr (u/s Lisa/Emma Carew), Stuart Marland (u/s Gabriel John Utterson) Jekyll and Hyde - Broadway - 2000 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob Evan (Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Coleen Sexton (Lucy Harris), Andrea Rivette (Lisa/Emma Carew), George Merritt (Gabriel John Utterson), Robert Jensen (Simon Stride), Corinne Melançon (Lady Beaconsfield), Martin Van Treuren (Lord Savage), Stuart Marland (General Lord Glossop), Bill E Dietrich (Sir Archibald Proops/Spider), David Chaney (Bisset) Jekyll and Hyde - Dortmund - October 18, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Jakobs (Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Bettina Mönch (Lucy Harris), Milica Jovanovic (Lisa/Emma Carew), Morgan Moody (Gabriel John Utterson), Tom Zahner (Sir Danvers Carew), Florian Sigmund (Simon Stride), Johanna Schoppe (Lady Beaconsfield), Mario Ahlborn (Bishop von Basingstoke), Georg Kirketerp (Lord Savage), Georg Kirketerp (General Lord Glossop), Jessica Troncha (Nellie) Jekyll and Hyde - Lancaster, Pennsylvania - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Randy Jeter (Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Molly Grace B (Lucy Harris), Madison Paige Buck (Lisa/Emma Carew) NOTES: A special 90 minute version made with the collaboration of MTI and Wildhorn, streamed officially due to the novel Coronavirus. Jersey Boys - Las Vegas - December 22, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Rick Faugno (Frankie Valli), Bryan McElroy (Tommy Devito), Jeff Leibow (Nick Massi), Andrew Rannells (Bob Gaudio), Joyce Chittick (Mary Delgado), Jonathan Hadley (Bob Crewe), Ken Krugman (Gyp De Carlo), Jonathan Gerard Rodriguez (Joey), Jason Martinez (Norm Waxman), Julia Krohn (Lorraine), Lauren Tartaglia (s/w Lorraine), Natalie Bradshaw (Francine), John Salvatore (Billy Dixon), Michael James Scott (Hal Miller), Kristofer McNeeley (Hank Majewski) NOTES: A little shaky at times, and a little obstruction from some heads downstage. Great energy from this cast, which became the original Las Vegas cast, from master. A- Jersey Boys - The Netherlands - 2013-, 2014 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Maarten Smeele (Frankie Valli), Martijn Vogel (Frankie Valli), René van Kooten (Tommy Devito), Robbert van den Bergh (Nick Massi), Dieter Spileers (Bob Gaudio) NOTES: Minimal highlights includes: Walk Like a Man (Martijn), Walk Like a Man (Maarten), Sherry (Maarten) and Big Girls don't Cry (Maarten). Jersey Boys - The Netherlands - July 27, 2014 (Closing Night) (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tim Driesen (Frankie Valli), René van Kooten (Tommy Devito), Robbert van den Bergh (Nick Massi), Dieter Spileers (Bob Gaudio), Barry Beijer (Bob Crewe), Hugo Haenen (Gyp De Carlo), Willemijn de Vries (Lorraine), Myrthe Maljers (Francine) NOTES: Highlights from the last show in The Netherlands. Highlights include Beggin, Bye Bye Baby, Cant take my eyes of you, Dawn, Oh what a night, Sherry, Working my way back to you. No good quality at all, heads in the way, sometimes focused on the heads )the obstruction ones' instead of the stage, no zoom at all Jesus Christ Superstar - 50th Anniversary Tour - February 18, 2020 (screechout's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Aaron LaVigne (Jesus Christ), James Delisco Beeks (Judas Iscariot), Jenna Rubaii (Mary Magdalene), Tommy Sherlock (Pontius Pilate), Alvin Crawford (Caiaphas), Tyce Green (Annas), Paul Louis Lessard (King Herod), Eric A Lewis (Simon Zealotes), Tommy McDowell (Peter), Brian Golub, Brittany Rose Hammond, Chelsea Williams, David André, Erick Patrick, Garfield Hammonds, Jacob Lacopo, Jasmine Schmenk, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Pepe Nufrio, Sandyredd, Sara Andreas, Sarah Parker, Sheila Jones, Wesley Barnes NOTES: Some blurriness and washout, especially when not zoomed in, but mostly complete and unobstructed. Jesus Christ Superstar - Live In Concert (NBC) - April 1, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jason Tam (Peter Patrone), John Legend (Jesus Christ), Brandon Victor Dixon (Judas Iscariot), Sara Bareilles (Mary Magdalene), Ben Daniels (Pontius Pilate), Norm Lewis (Caiaphas), Jin Ha (Annas), Alice Cooper (King Herod)
Jesus Christ Superstar - UK Arena Tour (2012) - 2012 (Pro-Shot's video master) Format: MP4(SD) CAST: Ben Forster (Jesus Christ), Tim Minchin (Judas Iscariot), Melanie C (Mary Magdalene), Alexander Hanson (Pontius Pilate), Pete Gallagher (Caiaphas), Gerard Bentall (Annas), Chris Moyles (King Herod), Giovanni Spano (Simon Zealotes) NOTES: Proshot of the UK Arena Tour at Arena Birmingham. It was broadcasted to cinemas worldwide on the 29th October and 1st November 2012 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Los Angeles, California - February 16, 2002 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Roger Befeler (Joseph), Eden Espinosa (Narrator), John LaLonde (Pharaoh), Matt Logan (Simeon), Jennifer Rias NOTES: Single camera house-cam recording Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Tecklenburg, Germany - 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Alexander Klaws (Joseph), Sandy Mölling (Narrator), Julian Looman (Pharaoh), Reinhard Brussmann (Jacob), Alexander Bellinkx (Reuben), Marco Herse Foti (Napthali), Thomas Hohler (Simeon), Andrew Hill (Levi), Sebastian Brandmeir (Gad), Jürgen Brehm (Issachar), Benjamin Witthoff (Asher), Jan Altenbockum (Dan), Florian Theiler (Zebulun), Sebastian Smulders (Judah), Cihan Demir (Benjamin), Sebastian Brandmeir (Butler), Jürgen Brehm (Baker), Juliane Bischoff (Mrs Potiphar), Benjamin Witthoff (Potiphar) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Hein Gerrits (u/s Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Paul Walthuis (Pharaoh), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob), Robin van den Akker (Issachar), Mathijs Pater (Zebulun), Yves Adang (Benjamin) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - March 4, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Freek Bartels (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob) NOTES: Recorded from the mezzanine. Restricted view due to some heads in the way and wandering by master. Wide shot on an angle. Audio is good. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - April 14, 2009 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Freek Bartels (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob) NOTES: Good zooms but sometimes the camera is a bit unstable and there are some heads in the way. It's recorded between two seats so you cannot see the full stage. Unfortunately, it's only Act 1. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - April 14, 2009 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Freek Bartels (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob) NOTES: Good zooms but sometimes the camera is a bit unstable and there are some heads in the way. It's recorded between two seats so you cannot see the full stage. Unfortunately, it's only Act 1. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - July 26, 2009
FORMAT: video CAST: Mathijs Pater (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), René van Kooten (Pharaoh), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob), Robin van den Akker (Issachar), Mathijs Pater (Zebulun), Yves Adang (Benjamin) NOTES: Recorded from the left balcony. Decent quality, decent audio. Some zooms but restricted. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Vienna - June 17, 2000 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hannes Muik (Joseph), Lucy Thoulds (Narrator), Uwe Kröger (Pharaoh), Peter Faerber (Jacob), Peter Faerber (Potiphar) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Vienna - June 17, 2000 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hannes Muik (Joseph), Lucy Thoulds (Narrator), Uwe Kröger (Pharaoh), Peter Faerber (Jacob), Peter Faerber (Potiphar) & Juliet - Manchester Opera House - September 14, 2019 (Matinee) (Preview) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: This is PARTIAL. Only a few minutes are missing from act 1 but video ends mid-way through act 2. An hour and a half of footage split into 8 mp4 files. Minimal heads obstructing view, however has problems with focus and washout. This was the show’s 5th ever performance in Manchester. & Juliet - West End - January 2, 2020 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Christopher Parkinson (s/w Fletcher), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: 28 files. I was seating next to a speaker so the sound isn't great especially during the songs. filmed with a spycam so not a good quality. Filmed blindly and I was holding the cam near my face so you can hear my ugly laugh. Date stamp wrong. & Juliet - West End - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Ivan de Freitas (u/s William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Christopher Parkinson (u/s Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: Video occasionally has minor obstructions at the bottom of the screen but no action is missed. Doesn't include the ‘can’t stop this feeling’ finale. & Juliet - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), Ivan de Freitas (u/s Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Christopher Parkinson (s/w Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna), Josh Baker (s/w Thomas) & Juliet - West End - March, 2020 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Alex Tranter (u/s Romeo), Dillon Scott-Lewis (u/s Francois), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (u/s May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Billy Nevers (s/w Cuthbert), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Josh Baker (s/w Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: Lots of wide shots with some nice close-ups too. A good video for seeing the set and choreography. Grace has really grown into the role since her debut! & Juliet - West End - March, 2020 (2) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Kirstie Skivington (u/s Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Billy Nevers (s/w Lord Capulet/Cuthbert), Jaye Marshall (Margaret/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Kerri Norville (Susanna), Josh Baker (s/w Thomas) NOTES: 2.53GB in mp4 files/1:06:55 Notes: Mostly very obstructed but a fun cover show with Kirstie as Anne, Billy’s Debut as Lord Capulet, Josh as the bathroom attendant and Jaye as Benvolio. & Juliet - West End - November, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy) NOTES: First video released of the show in London and Grace’s amazing Juliet debut! Sophie swings on in her track. Video wanders a little bit in the first 5 mins but then great. Not obstructed by any heads. Includes HQ bows. Nft until 1st april 2020 & Juliet - West End - November, 2019 (2) (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna)
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botheyessareshut · 6 years
Sherrell Mitchell releases new single 'Salt of the Earth' feat. Cora Jackson
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Gospel Music songwriter and producer, Sherrell Mitchell (aka Rell), has released his latest official single, “Salt of the Earth,” proudly published as an independent release without the involvement of the corporate music industry on the Salt of the Earth record label. In addition to the considerable talents of Mitchell…“Salt of the Earth also features a performance by Cora Jackson (Original Praise, The Rock). Uplifting, inspirational, and bursting with the Holy Spirit, “Salt of the Earth” showcases Sherrell as one of the most heartfelt gospel music artists of the year so far and promises that he has plenty more where that came from.
Louisiana Native, now living in the Pacific Northwest, Sherrell cites some main artistic influences, Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, Take 6, Israel Houghton, Ben Tankard, Neal Jones, Grady Austin, and Cora Jackson, who appears with him on this new single. Rell’s own sound takes elements from each of these and delivers a fresh and unique result for today's music. With an emphasis on clarion singing, top-notch songwriting, and the words of Christ… “Salt of the Earth” by Sherrell Mitchell has a little something for every walk of life.
Asked to describe the overall meaning of “Salt of the Earth,” Mitchell writes, “This particular song 'Salt Of The Earth' is a reminder that as believers in Jesus Christ we have a love and a light within us that is to be shared with the world.”
Sherrell learned to play piano by ear after finding a calling in music at church as a child. Since that time, he’s had some formal training from the Univ. of Alaska Anchorage, as well as some other great mentors…Vivian Perryman, Darryl Hawk, Kay Classy and Phil Curry. Sherrell is currently the music director at Immaculate Conception, Seattle, and leads worship regularly at the Matt Talbot Center, Kingdom Family Worship Center International, and in Cora Jackson’s choir for “Judah Song.” His two 2016 albums, “The JLM Project” and “The Mass Of New Vision,” continue to garner listeners.
“All things are possible with God, and I’m truly grateful for the beautiful gift of music that He’s given me. Spreading the Gospel through musical expression, one song at a time for an Audience of One, as the world listens on.”
“Salt of the Earth” by Sherrell Mitchell on the Salt of the Earth label is available from over 600 quality digital music stores online worldwide now. Get in early, gospel music fans.
“Salt of the Earth” by Sherrell Mitchell –
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mistavybe · 6 years
At this point, best I can figure, it was family R&B band The Jets. Circa 1987 I’m thinking, because they were still on top of the charts when they came here.
I don’t remember much except being happy to be there, marvelling at the thousands of the people in the crowd, and being anxious about losing my friends and/or getting out of the concert in time for my mom to pick me up while also not missing any of the headliner’s performance lol.
Back then I’d have to guess-timate a time I figured the main act would be done singing, and tell my mom to pick me up at the venue at that time. Oh, the innocence of youth lol.
Fun Fact: “Crush On You” by The Jets was my fave R&B song at that time, and I had the hugest crush on the band’s lead singer, Elizabeth Wolfgramm. 👇🏾
I’ve been blessed to see a ton of amazing live concerts. Honourable mention (in no particular order) goes out to Beenie Man, Super Cat, Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers, The Fugees, Air Supply, C&C Music Factory Featuring Zelma Davis & Freedom Williams, Capleton, Beres Hammond, Buju Banton, Queen Latifah + Naughty By Nature + Crystal Waters, Lauryn Hill (she was late af even back then but she kicked serious ass live when she finally arrived lol), Barrington Levy, Lionel Richie, Capleton, Peabo Bryson, Freddi Jackson, Run-DMC MC Hammer, Boyz II Men, and Lady Gaga. 👍🏾👍🏾
By far the BEST concert i’ve had the privilege of attending in my life this far, though, was easily Jay-Z (with N*E*R*D* opening) at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Canada. 🙌🏾
I’ve been a longtime Hov fan from the early days, so seeing him live was a dream come true for me. And to make it better, that concert happened in November 2009, back when Jay’s “Blueprint 3” album was on top of the charts. So I literally got to see him perform hit songs from that album at the height of their popularity. ANDDDD he brought out Memphis Bleek and a very young Jay Cole to join him onstage as well. Near the end of the show he also brought back out Pharrell to join him for “So Ambitious”, “Change Clothes And Go” several other Jay + Pharrell collaborations! 😱 *mind blown*
I recorded a bunch of snippets at that show and posted it on Youtube. 👇🏾 You’re welcome lol.
Fun Fact: Drake’s “Best I Ever Had” was a number one smash at that time as well all over the world (plus the “So Far Gone” mixtape had made Drizzy was super popular), so you can imagine how the Toronto crowd went batshit crazy when Jay brought Drizzy out to acknowledge him and let him perform a snippet of “Best I Ever Had”. 😉
Okay so, I have to preface this by saying that the actual CONCERT in this case was probably great (for the majority of the audience) in terms of the performances, etc.
However, for me, it started out super exciting and ended being very problemtic for me to say the least lol.
Back when I was around 13 or 14, I met a friend (an East Indian Trini kid nicknamed named Hertz) who introduced me to the world of Rastafarian Dancehall/Reggae culture. He played a ton of cassette mixtapes by (now-legendary local Rasta selector) Nyabinghi and he schooled me on all the ways of the Rastafarian Twelve Tribes Of Judah,among other things.
Eventually he got me interested in going to locally held Rasta “dances”. Concerts, basically, with some Jamaican acts performing for the very receptive Trindiadian Rastafari community.
We went to quite a few Rasta “dances” over the years and had a lot of fun. Except for this one time, when I legit felt and thought (albeit irrationally) that I was gonna die or something worse. 🤦🏾‍♂️
One night, my friend Hertz took me to a Rasta “dance” in Port-Of-Spain, held in honour of of the “EarthStrong” (Rasta slang for “birthday”) of His Imperial Majesty (Emperor Haile SeLassie I The First).
Brigadier Jerry (see video below 👇🏾), Josey Wale, Super Cat, Nicodemus, Junior Demus and (Trini Dancheall legend) General Grant, all shared the stage, freestyling lyrics over Dancehall riddims live.
Long story short: The “dance” was held in a venue with VERY poor ventilation, and there were so many Rastas smoking smoking giant ass spliffs in that enclosed space that I got high af from the second hand weed smoke. I got the kind of high when the whole room is spinning and you feel like you’re going to die any second. 🙈
And the performers kept going and going and goinggggg (in these Rasta events they tend to just keep freestyling until either the sun starts rising or people start leaving hours later). Hertz insisted on staying till the end and I wound up crumpled up in a corner praying to just get home to the saftey of my bed lol.
In the end, I made it home safely thanks to Hertz, just in time for the sun to come up. Slept for a ridiculous amount of hours and then woke up and ate everything in the damn kitchen lmao.
I still cringe thinking about the horrible feeling from that night lol. To this day i’m not a big weed smoker lol. 🤷🏾‍♂️
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wsrpkitty · 7 years
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On Sunday, 11/12 and Sunday, 11/26, Evindra Institute personnel infiltrated rural Algoroc to investigate third-party reports of abnormal, possibly mutated dagun.
Part 1
A rural farming village in Algoroc and its surrounding region, dubbed ‘Dagun Alley’ by its locals, had been the victim of abnormally vicious and persistent wild dagun attacks and other strange animal activity for the past several months. The incidents had recently come to a peak with settlers’ farmland and homes being broken into and attacked on the outer reaches of the Dagun Alley township.
EISAR was reached by its ICI contacts who monitor this particular stretch of Exile territory, and the following intelligence was relayed: according to necropsies performed by a resident of the township, all dagun specimens killed and collected from previous attacks are reportedly “mutants” with evidence of “a viral contagion” contaminating every sample retrieved. There was a strong implication of bioterrorism, but it did not match the deployment patterns or engagement protocols of the ICI or of any other imperial-sanctioned agencies operating in the area.
For the sake of posterity and for evaluating the potential threat to any future Dominion military operations in the area, EISAR conducted a covert investigation of Dagun Alley to determine, if possible, the source of the affliction plaguing its wildlife. 
Operatives Hesynn Hearteater, Judah Zaman, Zajjix Mru and Nidus Octavion were deployed in the forested region surrounding the Dagun Alley township with orders to investigate and assess without drawing attention to themselves, with the primary objective of collecting materials to confirm the reports of unusual wildlife behavior and--if possible--retrieve living samples of the abnormal dagun in question.
Following a hunters’ trail with dense treecover and underbrush, the team located and unearthed several caches made by native dagun. Caching behavior is cited as common for species of canid; however, amongst the usual livestock remains the investigation turned up sapient remains as well--there were human victims being attacked, killed, and consumed. This confirmed the multitude of reports of “man-eating monsters”. Genetic material recovered from dagun around the caches also revealed that, compared to the native population, the animals responsible are an “unknown subspecies”.
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Along the trail, the team also found an abandoned campsite, at least a day or two old, covered in evidence of a struggle. No corpses were found but analysis of dried blood splatters and trails suggest that two campers, both humans, were attacked while sleeping, killed, and dragged away. Genetic material recovered on-site turned up the same results as before--an unknown, possibly mutant subspecies of dagun was responsible for the killing. Operatives Hearteater and Zaman both noted that the removal of the victims from the site of the kill was unusual behavior for dagun, as these animals typically eat their prey on the spot or bury parts of it to be retrieved later.
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The hunters’ trail eventually opened up into a proper country road, bringing the team to a small Exile settlement. The settlement appeared to be little more than a market square and rest stop, with a large general store and a handful of smaller merchant posts. The entire plaza was a mess--wooden structures collapsing and mostly destroyed, the brick paving overgrown with weeds and brush, and debris scattered all over. Many blood spatters, trails, and a volume of spent casings and other evidence of fighting and death covered the marketplace, investigation strongly implied that the same abnormal dagun that were responsible for the killings at the campsite were responsible for the destruction of this market square.
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Notably, the team found intact fliers and papers from market litter and what was left of the bulletin--a “Missing Person” flier that was several months old and described a young human man, Josiah Everett, who disappeared in a nearby province; and a “Wanted” poster for an “extremely dangerous” dagun referred to as “Mange”. The poster of Mange included a charcoal sketch of the animal--a freakish-looking example of a dagun with exaggerated size, elongated limbs and eerily prehensile, humanlike hands.
Only about ten minutes or so of entering the market, the dagun returned, hailing their arrival with hunting calls. The animals surrounded the square--six in all--and attacked the operatives. Each one was unremarkable save for unusual size, strength, and speed, and after fending off the initial strike the surviving pack members fled. However, the assault was not over--while tending to the dagun who had been tranquilized for capture, the mutant from the wanted poster, Mange, made an appearance. It climbed the roof of the general store and launched a strike from above; but, after sustaining considerable resistance, Mange fled as well.
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Pursuit was not an option at that moment, as the tranquilized specimens were starting to wake up and needed to be properly constrained and collected. The operation concluded at that point with an uneventful extraction.
After cataloguing and debriefing, the evidence collected by the team amounted to…
Partially decomposed rowsdower hind leg; partially eaten
Three ribs and a femur; human; teenager/young adult; chewed on and broken
Partially decomposed severed arm; human; partially eaten
Various other small body parts and pieces of flesh; human
Blood samples; human
Blood sample; granok
Two live dagun; mutant; placed in cryostasis
Moderate injuries were sustained by a couple of operatives during the final encounters, but there were no fatalities. The live dagun that were captured are being studied and tested to determine the precise nature of their affliction and how it caused them to mutate.
(Bonus shot of the team before the mission!)
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Part 2
The lab results from the previous Dagun Alley operation made two things clear: first, the affliction causing dagun in Algoroc to mutate is based on a strain of parvovirus and is zoonotically infectious; second, the dagun captured and tested are “second generation” cases--that is, they were infected by another creature with a more advanced form of the contagion, a creature which is still alive and at large in Dagun Alley. For all intents and purposes, this “patient zero” is assumed to be Mange, the deformed mutant which the last operation briefly encountered and was unable to subdue.
EISAR returned to Algoroc for another covert mission to track and capture the specimen known as Mange alive, believing this to be the surefire way to study the strange viral mutagen at the source.
Using scanner calibrations formulated from the data collected last mission, Operatives Hesynn Hearteater, Trin Sigmanex, Hydrago Glurg, Judah Zaman, Nidus Octavion and Cryosia Omeganion tracked the most likely location of Mange to an abandoned Exile homestead and its surrounding woodland.
On approach it became immediately apparent that dagun--many of them--had been in and out of this property. Traces of Mange, detected by scanners and metaphysical means, were abundant but failed to provide a definite timeframe for the mutant’s last known appearance here. There were several roan carcasses left out in the open, clearly dragged here by the dagun in a similar manner to what was observed at the campsite and market square last mission.
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The interior of the house was in a state of serious disrepair and strewn with debris and organic remains. The team deduced that this is where most kills made by the abnormal dagun were brought, possibly under ‘orders’ by Mange, as though the giant mutant were commanding the other creatures in a pack structure. The remains were mostly human, with some aurin.
On what was left of the kitchen counter, Operative Omeganion found an old datachron and was able to unlock it. It belonged to an individual named “Hammond Everett”, and further investigation revealed that this person is--or was--related to the missing person Josiah Everett, whose poster was found last mission in the ravaged market square.
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Outside and a little ways away from the house, a dilapidated shack sat in disrepair near a couple of headstones. One grave, which appeared to have been dug up several times over, was for a “Josiah Everett”, and the other--which was undisturbed and several years old--was for a “Georgina Everett”. Josiah’s grave was excavated for curiosity’s sake and found to be empty.
Less than a minute past, Operative Sigmanex’s sensorbots started pinging to signal the approach of something. The entity was circling the area and slowly closing in; and not long after, Mange attacked--lunging from the underbrush and taking Operative Hearteater by surprise. A heated battle ensued in which Mange was dispatched quickly after dealing his initial strike. However, as the team began securing him for collection, another howl sounded over the hills.
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A second dagun-mutant appeared, and both the newcomer and Mange began the attack again in earnest. The second actually displayed primitive psionic capabilities, assaulting the team psychically while also attempting to maim.
After Mange was finally incapacitated the second time, there was a brief few minutes of struggling against the psionic mutant before a third hunting cry pealed from the trees, and the last dagun-mutant--the smallest, but soon to prove the most ferocious--leaped into the fray.
The psionic was dispatched first, but not before making a couple of devastating pack strikes on the team with the third mutant. After further struggle, the team finally reached a decisive outcome and incapacitated the final dagun. No more appeared, and the night was silent once again.
Three live dagun-mutants were recovered in the operation, and no grievous injuries were sustained. This operation is considered a success.
All three specimens have been transferred to an offworld storage site. EISAR has strong reasons to suspect that these mutated dagun are not truly dagun at all--and may in fact have once been humans.
Both Mange and the smaller individual have visible tattoos; Mange, curiously, has a dagger tattooed on his left leg--a distinguishing marking which matches the description of a similar marking on Josiah Everett, the missing farmboy.
Further research pending.
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flyonmylovee · 7 years
Chosen Children // Adventure Song List
Take It All Back 2.0 by Judah and the Lion
Hey, my life is real great, feel I'm well on my way to my dreams coming true and I'm getting to do it with you
Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis
So I start a revolution from my bed 'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head. Step outside, summertime's in bloom Stand up beside the fireplace Take that look from off your face You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
The Background by Third Eye Blind
And the plans I make still have you in them, Cause you come swimming into view, And I'm hanging on your words like I always used to do, The words they use so lightly, I only feel for you
When You Were Young by The Killers
We're burning down the highway skyline On the back of a hurricane that started turning When you were young
All My Friends by LCD Soundsystem
I wouldn't trade one stupid decision For another five years of life
Stamp of Origin: Take a Look Around by Dredg
A piercing sound so loud, takes over the crowd Watch them run away Objects in the sky, blacken all the light Total disarray What a show What a show
Hysteria by Muse
It's bugging me, grating me And twisting me around Yeah I'm endlessly caving in And turning inside out 
All These Things That I Have Done by The Killers
Another head aches, another heart breaks I am so much older than I can take And my affection, well it comes and goes I need direction to perfection, no no no no, help me out
Lay Low by Shovels & Rope
Well I probably should be drug out to sea Where I can't hurt no one and no one can hurt me At least I'd be free, and probably I'd see What caused me to be so detached completely
Love Bite by Kato Kazuki
In Transit by Albert Hammond Jr
Free from it all I'm not gonna change till I want to
Do I Wanna Know? by The Arctic Monkeys
Have you no idea that you're in deep? I dreamt about you nearly every night this week How many secrets can you keep? 'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow When I play it on repeat
Reptilia by The Strokes
Yeah, the night's not over You're not trying hard enough, Our lives are changing lanes You ran me off the road
Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men
Jumping up and down the floor, My head is an animal.
The Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine
Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back Struck from a great height By someone who should know better than that
From Eden by Hozier
Babe, there's something broken about this But I might be hoping about this Oh, what a sin
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth. Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs. Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you. You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.
Love Will Save Your Soul by Grouplove
Love will save your soul I'm feeling so alone and growing old Love will make no sense But lose control Lost my train of thought and now control
Maps by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Wait, they don’t love you like I love you
Edge of Town by Middle Kids
I got all muddled up and journeyed to the edge of town And then the road cracked open, sucked me in and I went down We're standing face to face with the king of the underground Some things just don't add up, I'm upside down I'm inside out
Broken Horse by Freelance Whales
But, oh god, that look in your eye; trouble that does not search words. It sprung from the biblical vine and awaiting to return to the dirt
Stay Home by American Football
Don't leave home again If empathy takes energy Cause everyone feels just like you
A New Error by Moderat
The Wall by Yuck
And I know that I'm in space And I know that it's not real It's just the way that I feel
Instant Crush by Daft Punk ft. Julian Casablancas
It didn't matter what they wanted to see He thought he saw someone that looked just like me The summer memory that just never dies We worked too long and hard to give it no time
Losing Touch by Albert Hammond Jr
What you call wisdom, I call pain Stepped out of line, I missed my train In time you'll say, I'm just losing touch
Love is Mystical by Cold War Kids
Love is mystical, love will break the chains! You might feel invincible and you might be afraid Light in darkness will show you the way Give you the power to believe again 
Suzy by Caravan Palace
Suzy, flashes the dance floor and sings, And she's expecting more swinging dreams.
Anna Sun by Walk The Moon
Screen falling off the door door hanging off the hinges My feet are still sore, my back is on the fringes We tore up the walls we slept on couches We lifted this house we lifted this house
Baby Come Home by Scissor Sisters
But I’m too cool to lose my control You’re too cool to call Maybe I just don’t want to know You’re out there having it all
Sight of the Sun by Fun.
Do you remember when we stayed up till the sun stretched through the room? I used to blame it on the queens walking down 7th Avenue It's been years now since we moved I've gotten through with an excuse You know I try not to speak superlatives But it's impossible to you
Wannabe by The Spice Girls
Now don't go wasting my precious time Get your act together we could be just fine
You Don’t Own Me by Grace
Don't tell me what to do And don't tell me what to say
Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons
Love, it will not betray you Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free Be more like the man you were made to be
Need You By My Side by The Sun Parade
I feel it collapsing inside me, my life while i struggle inside. Could you please be my constant? Cause i have fifty thoughts at a time
Cough Syrup by Young The Giant
Life's too short to even care at all, oh, oh I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control If I could find a way to see this straight I'd run away To some fortune that I, I should have found by now So I run now to the things they said could restore me Restore life the way it should be
Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots
Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from I'd make a candle out of it if I ever found it Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I'd probably only sell one It'd be to my brother, 'cause we have the same nose Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter
On Your Porch by The Format
What's left to lose? You've done enough. And if you fail, well, then you fail, but not to us.
Spirits by The Strumbellas 
And I don't want a never ending life I just want to be alive while I'm here
Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
You sigh, look away I can see it clear as day Close your eyes, so afraid Hide behind that baby face
The Cave by Mumford & Sons
I will hold on hope and I won't let you choke On the noose around your neck And I'll find strength in pain And I will change my ways I'll know my name as it's called again
Generator ^ First Floor by Freelance Whales
We keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on And in our native language we are chanting ancient songs And when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots
I will make you queen of everything you see I’ll put you on the map I’ll cure you of disease
Youth by Glass Animals
Fly high Feel your mother at your side Don't you know you got my eyes I'll make you fly high You'll be happy all the time I know you can make it right
Boy With a Coin by Iron & Wine
A boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans Then making a wish he tossed in the sea Walked to a town that all of us burn When God left the ground to circle the world
Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat 'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me
Jesus Christ by Brand New
Well, Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die, I'm a little bit scared of what comes after Do I get the gold chariot? Do I float through the ceiling? Do I divide and pull apart? 'Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
Baby, Come On by +44
Isn't there something familiar about me? The past is only the future with the lights on
White Blank Page by Mumford & Songs
But tell me now, where was my fault In loving you with my whole heart
I Can Feel Your Pain by Manchester Orchestra
And hallelujah to the one in our bones And hallelujah to the one that we love
Boats & Birds by Gregory and the Hawk
If you'll be my star, I’ll be your sky You can hide underneath me and come out at night When I turn jet black, and you show off your light I live to let you shine
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redcarpetview · 6 years
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        (CHICAGO, IL) January 15, 2019 - Central City Productions announces the nominees in 28 categories for the 34th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards, hosted again this year by history-making artist, Kirk Franklin on Friday, March 29. Contemporary gospel artist Jonathan McReynolds leads the field of nominees this year with nine nominations. The powerhouse singer earned recognition for his work on the album “Make Room” (Entertainment One) as well as in the key categories of Artist of the Year, Song of the Year, Male Vocalist of the Year, CD of the Year, Producer of the Year, Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year, Contemporary CD of the Year, Urban/Inspirational Single or Performance of the Year and Recorded Music Packaging of the Year.
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            Top Stellar Award Nominee Jonathan McReynolds on 2018 Stellar Award Red Carpet arrivals. Photo by Naomi Richard. 
         With seven nominations, chart-topping soloist Maranda Curtis, is recognized by the Stellar Awards voting body for excellence in the categories of Artist of the Year, Song of the Year, Albertina Walker Female Vocalist of the Year, CD of the Year, Traditional Female Vocalist of the Year, Recorded Music package of the Year, and Praise and Worship CD of the Year for her work on “Open Heaven” (Red Alliance Media/Fair Trade).
     This year promises to pleasantly surprise the gospel audience with nominations for secular artists Snoop Dogg and Tori Kelly. Snoop Dogg garners a respectable three nominations for CD of the Year, Contemporary CD of the Year, and Special Event CD of the Year with his hit CD “Bible of Love” (RCA/Inspiration), and Tori Kelly’s angelic vocals have landed her three nominations in the categories of Albertina Walker Female Vocalist of the Year and Contemporary Female Vocalist of the Year with the smash hit “Hiding Place” (Schoolboy/Capitol), as well as Urban/Inspirational Single or Performance of the Year for her collaboration on “Never Alone” (Schoolboy/Capitol) with Stellar Award Host Kirk Franklin.
      Todd Dulaney is blessed with six nominations for “Your Great Name” (Entertainment One) for Artist of the Year, CD of the Year, Producer of the Year, Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year, Contemporary CD of the Year, and Praise & Worship CD of the Year. Jekalyn Carr continues to rise higher in the gospel genre, earning five nominations this year in the top categories of Artist of the Year, Albertina Walker Female Vocalist of the Year, Traditional Female Vocalist of the Year, Traditional CD of the Year, and Recorded Music Packaging of the Year for her work on “One Nation Under God” (Lunjeal Music Group).
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     Stellar Award Nominee Koryn Hawthorne on 2018 Stellar Award Red Carpet arrivals. Photo by Naomi Richard.       
          With four nominations each, Koryn Hawthorne, Kelontae Gavin, Bishop Noel Jones & City of Refuge Sanctuary Choir, and Jarrell Smalls and Company solidify their staying power in gospel music, representing contemporary and traditional gospel, respectively. Hawthorne is recognized for Song of the Year, Albertina Walker Female Vocalist of the Year, Contemporary Female Vocalist of the Year, and Music Video of the Year. Gavin has garnered Male Vocalist of the Year, Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year, Contemporary CD of the Year, and Praise & Worship CD of the Year. Bishop Jones & CORSC and Jarrell Smalls & Company are vying for Traditional CD of the Year among their four nods each.
        Other artists earning Stellar nominations include: Earnest Pugh, Judah Band, The Walls Group, Keith “Wonderboy” Johnson, VaShawn Mitchell, Jason Nelson, Israel Houghton, Fred Hammond, Jor’Dan Armstrong, and Brent Jones & the Waco Community Choir.
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    The Walls Group on 2018 Stellar Award Red Carpet arrivals. Photo by Naomi Richard.          
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  Stellar Award Nominee Earnest Pugh on 2018 Stellar Award Red Carpet arrivals. Photo by Naomi Richard.
     Don Jackson , Founder of the Stellar Awards and Chairman of Central City Productions, Inc. commented, “I am extremely excited about our 2019 Stellar Awards nominees. This year’s multiple nominations of new, established, as well as secular artists are a testament to the continued growth and success of gospel music and its appeal to a wide range of audiences across all genres. The Stellar Awards continues to be committed to celebrating the best in music that inspires and uplifts everyone.”
     The Stellar Awards show taping will return to The Orleans Arena in Las Vegas on Friday, March 29, 2019 and is open to the public, with ticket prices ranging from $50 - $200 at www.ticketmaster.com.
         The week's activities begin with the Stellar Awards Independent Artist Showcase, taking place on Wednesday, March 27. The 2019 Stellar Gospel Music Awards Pre-Show is scheduled for Thursday, March 28 to showcase non-televised award winners. Also, the Stellar Gospel Radio Awards & Showcase will be held on Friday, March 29, honoring top radio stations and announcers serving urban gospel music audiences. Tickets for each event can be purchased at  www.ticketmaster.com. 
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Kirigami, Anime & Remake
Here we are again the latest episode from the triplets of Nerdity, that’s right folks those wacky goofballs have done it again. First up we have Buck bringing us news about new robots using the art of Kirigami. The art of cutting paper, in this case it is cutting and folding paper. This method has been applied to robotics with some awesome results. Now while it is only early days, we ask you to remember the Origami claw we featured a while back. With this in mind you will understand why Buck is excited, and Professor joins in with the excitement. This is just the start of the show and it is already looking fantastic.
                Next we look at the dismal lack of taste exhibited by the foolish bunch of weirdos in Hollywood behind the Golden Globes. That’s right we said it, actually Buck did if any snipers are being sent for reprisals. But seriously, just get those idiots to go look at some of the amazing work in animation out there. It doesn’t have to be all CGI, honestly Hollywood was built on proper special effects. These days they struggle to do anything outside a computer lab. While we are not meaning to insult CGI and the wonders it can produce, why can’t we have some proper animation and anime getting awards. When can we see some real special effects like we used to get back in the day. Not meaning to sound as grumpy as Buck or as old as a Boomer but seriously the talent involved in special effects was astounding.
                Last we look at a remake of Sonic 06 that is actually looking good. That is until corporate lawyers realised they could make money by getting it shut down. Take a moment and open the link, doesn’t that look so much better then what was dumped on the market like so much garbage? The amount of work involved must be mind-blowing, but there may be hope for the future. Want to know what that might be, well you will need to listen in to find out. You thought I was slipping and going to tell you everything, but believe me, there is so much more for you.
                We finish with the regular shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and special events. As always we hope you take care of yourselves, look out for each other and stay hydrated.
Self-folding robots using kirigami
                - https://techxplore.com/news/2019-12-robots-self-folding-kirigami-materials.html
                - https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/12/11/1906435116/tab-figures-data
Anime Movies snubbed from Golden Globes - https://www.cbr.com/golden-globes-shuts-out-anime-films-promare-weathering-with-you-i-lost-my-body/
Sonic 06 Remade by a Fan - https://www.engadget.com/2019/12/11/sonic-p-06-unity-pc-fan-remake/
Games currently playing
– Pirates Slay - https://www.crazygames.com/game/pirates-slay
Rating: 4.5/5
– Frenzy Retribution - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1108560/FrenzyRetribution/
Rating: 4/5
- Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition - https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/
Rating: 4.733/5
Other topics discussed
Kirigami Definiton (variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper, rather than solely folding the paper as is the case with origami, but typically does not use glue.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirigami
- https://www.origami-resource-center.com/kirigami-for-kids.html
T-1000 (A fictional character in the Terminator franchise. A shape shifting android assassin, it was created by Skynet. The T-1000 is described in Terminator 2 as being composed of liquid metal, or a mimetic polyalloy (nanorobotics) that it can manipulate to assume various forms.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-1000
Origami Gripper (A team at MIT CSAIL have been working on a solution to this problem, which they call the Origami gripper. The gripper consists of a flexible, folding skeleton surrounded by an airtight skin.)
- https://hackaday.com/2019/03/18/origami-gripper-is-great-for-soft-and-heavy-objects/
Microbots (tiny nanobots constructed by Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6)
- https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Microbots
Poisoned books in universities
- https://theconversation.com/how-we-discovered-three-poisonous-books-in-our-university-library-98358
Shadows from the Walls of Death (printed in 1874 it is a noteworthy book for two reasons: its rarity, and the fact that, if you touch it, it might kill you. It contains just under a hundred wallpaper samples, each of which is saturated with potentially dangerous levels of arsenic)
- https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/shadows-from-the-walls-of-death-book
South Korean Cinemas suing Disney over Frozen 2
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/12/03/disney-sued-frozen-2s-monopoly-south-korean-cinemas/
Banana on the wall masterpiece and aftermath
- https://www.smh.com.au/culture/art-and-design/the-banana-on-the-wall-was-a-masterpiece-until-somebody-ate-it-20191209-p53i0u.html
- https://nypost.com/2019/12/09/banana-wall-vandalized-with-jeffrey-epstein-theory-at-art-basel/
PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen) (is a single by Pikotaro, a fictional singer-songwriter created and portrayed by Japanese comedian Daimaou Kosaka.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PPAP_(Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen)
Banksy painting purchased and shredded
- https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/banksy-s-shredded-painting-stunt-was-viral-performance-art-who-ncna921426
Money Heist (Spanish television heist crime drama series.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_Heist
The Grand Tour (created by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, and Andy Wilman, produced by Amazon exclusively for its online streaming service Amazon Prime Video)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grand_Tour
Black Sails (American historical adventure television series set on New Providence Island and written to be a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sails_(TV_series)
P.T. (initialism for "playable teaser") is a first-person psychological horror video game developed by Kojima Productions, under the pseudonym "7780s Studio", and published by Konami. The game was directed and designed by Hideo Kojima, in collaboration with film director Guillermo del Toro.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P.T._(video_game)
Fan Remake Of P.T. for free (indie developer managed to remake the P.T. demo and give it out to the general public for free, so for everyone who missed out on it years ago can play the fan remake right now.)
- https://www.cinemablend.com/games/2444440/you-can-play-a-fan-remake-of-pt-for-free
Konami shuts down P.T fan remake
- https://www.cinemablend.com/games/2450779/the-pt-fan-remake-was-just-killed-by-konami
P.T fan remake Developer offered an internship
- https://www.polygon.com/2018/7/13/17570252/pt-on-pc-fan-remake-cease-desist-pulled
Markets (Age of Empires 2 building)
- https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Market_(Age_of_Empires_II)
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (also known as Soviet Ukraine, was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union from the Union's inception in 1922 to its breakup in 1991.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Soviet_Socialist_Republic
17 Dec 1989 – First episode of The Simpsons airs in the United States with the episode titled Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, although it was titled onscreen as "The Simpsons Christmas Special" -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpsons_Roasting_on_an_Open_Fire
17 Dec 2003 – SpaceShipOne, piloted by Brian Binnie, makes its first powered and first supersonic flight, which was also the one-hundredth anniversary of the Wright Brothers' historic first powered flight. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceShipOne
17/12/2019 - Shoutout to the New South Wales and Queensland Fire fighters along with their Rural Fire Association Queensland Raffle
                - https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/very-unpredictable-fire-conditions-forecast-for-nsw-amid-soaring-temperatures-volatile-winds/live-coverage/76f62241194e47b012e83caf81c535a8
- https://www.rfbaq.org/au75
20 Nov 2019 – Tony Brooker, British academic, was a computer scientist known for developing the Mark 1 Autocode language. He also designed the compiler-compiler which is a programming tool that creates a parser, interpreter, or compiler from some form of formal description of a programming language and machine. He died at the age of 94 in Hexham - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/13/technology/tony-brooker-dead.html
17 Dec 1907 - William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, Irish-Scottish (of Ulster Scots heritage) mathematical physicist and engineer who was born in Belfast in 1824. At the University of Glasgow he did important work in the mathematical analysis of electricity and formulation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and did much to unify the emerging discipline of physics in its modern form. Absolute temperatures are stated in units of kelvin in his honour. While the existence of a lower limit to temperature (absolute zero) was known prior to his work, Kelvin is known for determining its correct value as approximately −273.15 degree Celsius or −459.67 degree Fahrenheit. He died from a severe chill at the age of 83 in Largs, Ayrshire - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Thomson,_1st_Baron_Kelvin
17 Dec 2016 - Henry Judah Heimlich, American thoracic surgeon and medical researcher. He is widely credited as the inventor of the Heimlich maneuver, a technique of abdominal thrusts for stopping choking, described in Emergency Medicine in 1974. He also invented the Micro Trach portable oxygen system for ambulatory patients and the Heimlich Chest Drain Valve, or "flutter valve", which drains blood and air out of the chest cavity. He died after complications from a heart attack at the age of 96 in Cincinnati, Ohio - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Heimlich
Famous Birthdays
17 Dec 1905 - Simo "Simuna" Häyhä, nicknamed "White Death"by the Red Army,was a Finnishsniper. He is believed to have killed 500 men during the 1939–40 Winter War, the highest number of sniper kills in any major war. He used a Finnish-produced M/28-30 rifle, a variant of the Mosin–Nagant rifle, and a Suomi KP/-31 sub machine gun. His unit's captain Antti Rantama credited him with 259 confirmed kills by sniper rifle and an equal number of kills by sub machine gun during the Winter War. Häyhä never talked about it publicly but estimated in his diary that he killed around 500. He was born in Rautjärvi, Viipuri Province. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4
17 Dec 1920 - Kenneth Eugene Iverson, Canadian computer scientist noted for the development of the programming language APL. He was honored with the Turing Award in 1979 "for his pioneering effort in programming languages and mathematical notation resulting in what the computing field now knows as APL; for his contributions to the implementation of interactive systems, to educational uses of APL, and to programming language theory and practice". He was born in Camrose, Alberta - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_E._Iverson
17 Dec 1929 - Jacqueline Hill, British actress known for her role as Barbara Wright in the BBC science-fiction television series Doctor Who. As the history teacher of Susan Foreman, the Doctor's granddaughter, Barbara was the first Doctor Who companion to appear on-screen in 1963, with Hill speaking the series' first words. She played the role for nearly two years, leaving the series in 1965 at the same time as fellow actor William Russell (who played the companion Ian Chesterton). Hill returned to Doctor Who in 1980 for an appearance in the serial Meglos, as the Tigellan priestess Lexa. She was born in Birmingham - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Hill
17 Dec 1975 - Milica Bogdanovna "Milla" Jovovich, American actress, model, and musician. Her starring roles in numerous science fiction and action films led the music channel VH1 to deem her the "reigning queen of kick-butt" in 2006. In 2004, Forbes determined that she was the highest-paid model in the world. Jovovich gained attention for her role in the 1991 romance film Return to the Blue Lagoon, as she was then only 15. She was considered to have a breakthrough with her role in the 1997 French science-fiction film The Fifth Element, written and directed by Luc Besson. She and Besson married that year, but soon divorced. She starred as the heroine and martyr in Besson's The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc. Between 2002 and 2016, Jovovich portrayed Alice in the science fiction horror film franchise Resident Evil, which became the highest-grossing film series to be based on video games. She was born in Kiev, Ukrainian SSR - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milla_Jovovich
Event of interest
17 Dec 1903 – The Wright brothers make the first controlled powered, heavier-than-air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It flew about four miles (6.4 km) for four times. Today, the airplane is exhibited in the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. The U.S. Smithsonian Institution describes the aircraft as "the first powered, heavier-than-air machine to achieve controlled, sustained flight with a pilot aboard. The flight of Flyer I marks the beginning of the "pioneer era" of aviation. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright_Flyer
17 Dec 1957 – The United States successfully launches the first Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The missile named (R&D) Atlas A 12A which was an SM-65A Atlas landed in the target area after a flight of 600 miles. This was the first Atlas with a functional guidance system.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SM-65_Atlas 
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SM-65A_Atlas
- https://web.archive.org/web/20060204073649/http://www.geocities.com/atlas_missile/Chronology.html
18 Dec 1971 – On Her Majesty's Secret Service, the sixth in the James Bond series was released, with its premiere at the Odeon Leicester Square in London. As On Her Majesty's Secret Service had been filmed in stereo, the first Bond film to use the technology, the Odeon had a new speaker system installed to benefit the new sounds. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Her_Majesty%27s_Secret_Service_(film)
- https://www.mi6-hq.com/sections/movies/ohmss_premiere?id=04625
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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truegospelzone · 5 years
MUSIC: Tosin Oyelakin - Love Is ft. Deacon Judah
MUSIC: Tosin Oyelakin – Love Is ft. Deacon Judah
Stuart Green and Keziah Job (Hammond & Harmony Productions) release their remix of “Love Is” Featuring Deacon Judah
At a time when the World is so desperately in need of love, this song reminds us of all the  positive virtues to be found within the power of love.
Based on Corinthians 13, this  onetime ballad by Tosin Oyelakinhas been re-worked to give you an up tempo Gospel Reggae vibe…
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gospelgist · 5 years
Tosin Oyelakin - Love is (H&H Remix) Feat. Deacon Judah
Tosin Oyelakin – Love is (H&H Remix) Feat. Deacon Judah
Stuart Green and Keziah Job (Hammond & Harmony Productions) release their remix of “Love Is” Featuring Deacon Judah.
At a time when the World is so desperately in need of love, this song reminds us of all the positive virtues to be found within the power of love.
Based on Corinthians 13, this onetime ballad by Tosin Oyelakin has been re-worked to give you an up-tempo Gospel Reggae vibe which…
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Leonia NJ property owners fight to save their neighborhood
These Leonia residents are fighting to save their homes, businesses from being condemned North Jersey Record Published 5:00 PM EST Feb 26, 2019 When Marlene Bruno received a letter last month from Leonia’s planning official stating that her property is being considered for condemnation, she was shocked.   The letter said the borough was undertaking a redevelopment study, and "If the study area, or any portion of the study area, qualifies as an area in need of redevelopment, the borough will be able to exercise the power of eminent domain or involuntary takings.“ But Bruno and other residents in her area say their properties are well-maintained and should not be considered for condemnation by the borough.  Properties included in the Leonia study Borough of Leonia "Our home has always been well taken care of,” Bruno said about the house that has been in her husband’s family for years, and where the mortgage has been fully paid.  Bruno and the owners of nearby homes and businesses in the roughly two-block area have opted not to allow any city officials into their properties for interior inspections, as the letters requested. “We feel they’ve already made up their minds to do something,” she said. “So they’re not doing this in good faith."  Now the 30 property owners whose homes and businesses fall within the "redevelopment study area,” to be conducted along Fort Lee Road, Grand Avenue and Schor Avenue, are rallying to save their neighborhood.  NEW JERSEY: NJ couple pay thousands to make it out of Mexico after being forced off cruise ship DEVELOPMENT: Arsenic found in Bergen County brook renews concerns, calls to halt Toll Brothers project Fearing that the borough will deem it a condemnation area so it can take over their properties, they’ve sprung into action. They have formed a coalition called Leonia United Against Eminent Domain Abuse and organized a rally ahead of Wednesday’s Planning Board meeting in an effort to persuade officials to abandon the study. The owners have enlisted the help of the Institute for Justice, a national civil liberties law firm dedicated to stopping the abuse of eminent domain across the country. The group has worked with property owners through grass-roots activism in 68 cities, and claimed victories through litigation in Long Branch and Atlantic City.  “If the study is approved, it would allow the town to take over the properties for development,” said Andrew Meleta, coordinator of the Virginia-based group. “We want the Planning Board, as well as the council and mayor, to abandon the study and not move forward,“ Meleta said. "The ultimate goal is to have these leaders disavow the use of eminent domain. We want them to publicly say they are not going to take these properties.” But borough officials deny that the neighborhood is in danger of condemnation.  "There is no plan,” Mayor Judah Zeigler said, adding that there’s no intention to take away anyone’s home or business, and that the letter was a legal requirement for conducting the study.  “Nobody on the governing body has expressed any interest in taking property through condemnation and eminent domain. The reason the letter is so strongly worded is because that’s what the statute requires,” Zeigler said.  He acknowledged that the letter sounds “a little scary,” which is why he said he posted information on the Leonia website to reassure residents. His aim, he said, is to get recommendations from professionals about possibilities for the area. Once the study is finalized, public meetings will be held to discuss the options and gather input, he said. "If there are impacted properties, we will ask them if they want to sell,“ the mayor said.  Zeigler said he plans to introduce an ordinance at the March 4 meeting that would exclude residential properties from being taken for development through condemnation.  Property owners aren’t buying it, though. "If you don’t intend to use eminent domain, why did you send out that letter?” said Karen Hammond, a 23-year resident of Leonia. “It seems very unconstitutional.” “I love my home, and now I’m afraid of it being taken,” she added.  Leonia officials have been discussing development of the area for years. A previous study was incomplete, officials said, with basically an inventory of properties, but no recommendations for potential new ratables. In 2015, borough officials said that if the borough redevelops the area surrounding Fort Lee Road and Grand Avenue, none of the property owners would be forced to give up land.  Light rail station  Leonia Courtesy of Andrew Meleta The study area along Fort Lee Road is within a few hundred feet of the proposed Leonia station of the long-awaited Bergen-Hudson Light Rail extension. The extension, if it comes to fruition, would run from Englewood to North Bergen, and there it would join a line already operating through Union City, Weehawken, Hoboken, Jersey City and Bayonne. NJ Transit has said it does not need to acquire private land for the Leonia station.  The majority of the funding for the next portion of the line is already in place, but it may not be implemented for another decade, Zeigler said.   NJ Transit spokesman Nathan Rudy could offer no timeline for construction but said the agency “is awaiting approval from the Federal Transportation Administration to publish the final environmental impact study, which is required before entering into the engineering phase.” Councilwoman Maureen Davis said too many people are spreading misinformation on social media instead of listening to borough officials.  “We want to protect our residents so that we can have a say about what goes up in that neighborhood. Someone will eventually offer the commercial owners what they want for their properties, and then we will have limited say,” she explained.  Davis said the impetus for undertaking the study now is that there are many vacant commercial properties that could attract developers. "We need to be the ones to drive this development, and we want to do it in a way that is transparent so that the public knows about it,“ she said.   She said it is not the intent of the local governing body to take over the properties. But homeowners remain nervous.  "We love the community, and we are happy with the schools,” Bruno said. “If the city took this over, I don’t know where we would go."  Staff Writer Katie Sobko contributed to this article. Email: [email protected]     Published 5:00 PM EST Feb 26, 2019
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botheyessareshut · 5 years
Sherrell Mitchell releases new single 'No Turning Back'
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The Singer/Songwriter/Producer of Gospel music….Sherrell Mitchell has
released his latest official single, “No Turning Back.” In addition to the
considerable talents of Mitchell, the single also features the performance of
Kevin “Rappin Rev” McAfee. This song has been proudly published as an
independent release without the involvement of the corporate music industry,
although it is on Psalm 96 Records which is the label that Sherrell has recently
With turns of both innovative and traditional gospel underpinnings, as well as
an old-school hip-hop flavor, “No Turning Back” shows yet again that Sherrell
hasn’t run out of ideas by any measure. “No Turning Back” has a little
something for everybody.
Some of Rell’s main artistic influences, are legends of Gospel, Christian, and
Jazz music genres. Take 6, Israel Houghton, Fred Hammond, John P Kee,
Kirk Franklin, Cora Jackson, L. Spencer Smith, Wintley Phipps, TaRanda
Greene, Hillsong, YPJ and FVC, Chick Corea, Jeff Lorber, Hezikiah Walker,
Darrel Hawk, and Vivian Perryman.
Asked to describe the overall theme of “No Turning Back,” Sherrell writes, “It
asks a simple question and makes a declarative statement: ‘Will you decide
now, to follow Jesus? No turning back -- no turning back.’” The track’s title
and lyric chorus come from the popular hymn, “Will You Decide Now to
Follow Jesus.”
Sherrell is a Friend, a Father, a Veteran, a Teacher...but above all...A Lover Of
God. He developed his love for music early in Church and taught himself to
play the piano by ear. Since then he’s grown musically through private lessons,
college classes and some Great Mentors (Kay Classy, Steve Byrd, Neal Jones,
Grady Austin, Phil Curry, and Cora Jackson).
“All things are possible with God and I’m truly grateful for the Beautiful Gift Of
Music that He has entrusted me with.”
Sherrell is currently the Music Director at Immaculate Conception Church in
Seattle. He also works with other local ministries in the area, The Matt Talbot
Center, Cora Jackson’s Judah Song Choir, and his ensemble singers “The JLM
Worshipers” In 2016, he released 2 CDs, “The JLM Project” and “The Mass Of
New Vision.” In 2019 he released 3 singles “Salt Of The Earth”, "Hear O’
Israel”, And “I Believe”
His mission statement is: “Spreading the Gospel through musical expression 1
song at a time for an Audience of 1 as the world listens on.”
“No Turning Back” by Sherrell Mitchell on the Psalm 96 Records label is
available from over 600 quality digital music stores online worldwide now.
Get in early, gospel and popular Christian music fans.
“No Turning Back” by Sherrell Mitchell –
https://music.apple.com/us/album/no-turning- back-feat-kevin-rappin-rev-mcafee-single/1500854221
Official Website –sherrellmitchell.com
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