#jude trevelyan
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made some mages with this picrew
Mahanon Lavellan (he/him)
Bashaar (ae/aer)
Jude (they/them)
Aisling Trevelyan (they/she)
Jaal Adaar (she/ae)
Jain Trevelyan (ney/nem)
Ishala Adaar (he/him)
Faolan Sky-Breaker (he/they)
Anavi Lavellan (she/her)
@mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @ringneckedpheasant, @spainkitty, @championsofthejust
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fals3nd · 11 months
private, mostly friends only multimuse by bee (26, est, she/they). most muses with siblings are mains with my sisters versions, @homebehind and @omegahs
dragon age esyllt trevelyan - inquisitor. greer cousland - companion cousland sibling calpernia - (former?) venatori leader ( bg3 verse )
star wars bodhi rook - rogue one rey - canon divergent/heavily headcanon based you forty quinn - s2 guinevere beck - s1, emphasis on canon divergent survivor au
the hunger games katniss everdeen
lord of the rings eowyn
little women jo march - book & pbs 2017 miniseries insp beth march - book & pbs 2017 miniseries insp
d&d ocs meredith connar - light cleric, savior of elturel, kind of a heretic rn don't worry about it prince rin adveliss reaegis of the celestial kingdom of praezar - babiest child of a fucked up astral elf monarchy, archfey patron warlock eleine etene - sci-fi flavored great old one warlock. ex-con who maybe downloaded a malicious ai into her cybernetic limbs and now is arguing with it while it controls her arm and leg. it's real fun.
good omens anathema device - book & show influences
doctor who the captain - timelord oc, connected to nan's oc the artificer downton abbey edith crawley we have always lived in the castle constance blackwood
the haunting of hill house (netflix) luke crain
nancy drew ( games based ) nancy drew
swan lake ( ballet ) the swan queen / odette
baldur's gate 3 odile / the dark urge
pacific rim piper reed, jaeger pilot, connected to @denouemente's oc jude warren
greek mythos helen of troy
we are th.e t.igers riley williams dead boy detectives (netflix based) edwin paine jenny green
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doctorhawke · 4 years
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the most chaotic sibling pairs in thedas causing/being embroiled in: a post-blight ferelden civil war, the mage-templar war, AND whatever nonsense is going to happen once solas really gets going
call them brothers- regina spektor // the last place i saw you alive- the mountain goats // ladder song- lorde
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witchyangels · 5 years
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Ta-daaah, finished last night! @tessa1972‘s last set of chibis! Her ocs David Trevelyan and his best friend growing up, Marek, having a fun time at the lake behind the Trevelyan Estate! :D 
Thanks again so much for donating, Tessa! Again, sorry for the wait on this. <3 
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zevzevarainai · 2 years
do you have ocs? i'd love to hear about them!!
i have so many ocs i cant hold them all
currently the ones i am fixated on (because the pandemic made me regress) are literally revamped versions of my ocs when i was like, 9, based on toys i had... but that's information you gotta beg me for
The more Relatable ocs I have include the ones from video games with character creation. Some of them have tags on my blog. I will focus on the big ones and leave the others in the dust. just like my sketchbook.
Dragon Age: (if youve never played da i apologize)
my hero of ferelden Opal Tabris who i have had since early high school and if you couldn't tell from my url, she loves zevran. seems cold on the outside but is super caring and kind on the inside
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my blue hawke Jade Hawke she loves fenris... i dont have any da2 gifs of her bc i dont have in on pc
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and then I have multiple inquisitors i actually care about my most fleshed out is Bade Lavellan who was originally created for Dorian back in 2014 but has then evolved into being in love with my friend's da oc, Mahonan, an angry and traumatized dalish elf. I like their dynamic better because in summary, Bade is kind to everyone and puts others before himself even though the world is constantly dragging him through the dirt. They balance each other out. He also doesnt think hes fit to be a leader but tries because he thinks he has to. I also REALLY care about his best friendship with Sera they both help each other be better people
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Next up is Athera Lavellan, aka necromancer barbie. She's a Dalish mage who cares about her people before all else and feels like she's betraying her clan by being inquisitor, but she knows she can do good in the inquisition. She LOVES Blackwall they are very codependent on each other and like grossly in love
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I also have Amber Trevelyan which i usually dont like playing humans if I have another choice but I decided to make a backstory for her to make her more interesting. Her noble family disowned her when her magic was discovered so she found family in the circle (but shes not necessarily pro-circle. she hates templars and her eye scar is from a templar). Vivienne is her new mom and she's in love with Sera
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Mass Effect:  I only have one and it’s Evangeline Shepard she’s a paragon because i cant be mean she loves Thane and hates Earth because of her Tragic Backstory
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Stardew Valley:
This is Jude i love him he’s nice and gay and could probably be a lumberjack if he put on plaid. he likes nerdy junk and is stoked when he learns magic is real. he quickly becomes close with sebastian and wants to experience the magic with him :’’’)     (im not very good at art but the only other picture i have is his little in-game pixels)
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I also have another farmer named Lorna. I dont have a good picture of her but she’s a goofball and has a big ol’ crush on Penny
I like your courier so I’ll put mine here too! Her name is Rapunzel. Why? I don’t know. That’s just what I put in the character creator all those years ago. Maybe after getting shot in the head since she had memory loss she forgot her name but remembered liking the fairy tale? your guess is as good as mine. Bisexual disaster. Would be dead if it wasn’t for boone&arcade and her high speech skill.  She acts bubbly and sarcastic which she is but its partly bc shes using it to hide the fact that she doesnt think of herself as anything more than a “deadbeat mailman” and thinks she has no place having such influence over new vegas and the mojave. She has a big school girl crush on Boone which may or may not be unrequited but she’s like his best friend and instead she sees herself as clingy and annoying and an inconvenience.
I do not have a good picture of her I apologize but shes basically just like blonde with green eyes
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galadrieljones · 5 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @thevikingwoman and @idrelle-miocovani. Thanks!! ^_^
tagging @pikapeppa @a-shakespearean-in-paris @wrenbee @bearly-tolerable @hidinginthehinterlands @ladylike-foxes @sasshole-for-rent @ma-sulevin @princessvicky01 @lyrium-lovesong
01) favorite game of the series?
Inquisition. It was my introduction to the franchise, and I just have a hard time going back to older games and enjoying them the same? I really liked Origins, but the silent protag, despite my love for Skyrim, isn’t really my thing. I’ve never *actually* played all the way through DA2. Don’t shoot me. I just don’t have the time lol.
02) how did you discover Dragon Age?
My husband bought it for me for my birthday one year, on a recommendation from a guy at GameStop. He said, “My wife loves Skyrim. What are some other games she might like?” Inquisition had just come out like six months earlier.
03) how many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve only played through Origins once. I’ve played through Inquisition in its entirety (including Trespasser) 4 times.
04) favorite race to play as?
Hmm. I’ve played most as an elf, but that’s due to Solavellan. I am not really an elf-exclusive kind of lady. My first two PTs were with Trevelyans who romanced Cullen and Sera respectively. In Skyrim, another game with a million race choices, I’ve mostly played as a Nord, with a couple wood elves, too. So, I like elves and humans equal, I’d say.
05) favorite class?
Rogues, archers in particular. This is pretty much always true for me. Though I play Revasan Lavellan as a two-handed warrior with a great big sword and it’s QUITE fun (in Skyrim, my main Nord is a two-handed warrior, too.)
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I have mixed certain things up. I’ve done playthroughs in Inquisition where I let the Wardens stay, playthroughs where I exile them. I’ve also gone with the Templars once, though I mostly choose the Mages because I just like In Hushed Whispers better. I like to mess with the opening world state a little in the Dragon Age Keep, too. But there are certain things I always need to be the same, just because I can’t cope with the other options lol. For example, Morrigan and Warden Matthew Cousland are an OTP for life for me, and it’s canon in my brain forever that Matthew would not do the blood ritual with Morrigan, nor would he allow it to be performed with anyone else, so he died saving the world. But they do have a baby together--Kieran exists. But he is not an old god baby in my universe and never will be.
07) go-to adventuring group?
Solas, Iron Bull, and Dorian with Sene Lavellan; Solas, Cassandra, and Sera for Revasan Lavellan. Sometimes, I’ll mix things up a little with Sene (who I’ve played a LOT) and bring Sera instead of Dorian, or Cole instead of Dorian. Sometimes I’ll bring Cass or Thom instead of Bull. I specialize Sera with daggers, actually, so I can have two kinds of rogues. 
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Overall, probably Sene, since I’ve played her the longest and written about her the most. But I’ve put a lot into Revasan as well. In some ways, I feel I know his code better than Sene’s. 
09) favorite romance?
Solas. But Sera was also lovely.
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
No. I have “Masked Empire,” but I’ve not read it.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
12) favorite DLCs?
Trespasser. I also like Jaws of Hakkon. The Frostback Basin is a super neat setting with a lot of strangeness and beauty. I love the pink.
13) things that annoy you.
Not much? Mostly I get annoyed when parts of the fandom fixate on things that annoy them. That annoys me, because I’m here for the positive vibes, not the negative.
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden. I think it’s weirder. 
15) templars or mages?
Mages. Honestly both factions have problems  in their leadership as far as I’m concerned, but I tend to choose the mages more often, because the quest is more fun in Inquisition, and I just can’t stand the idea of them being enslaved by some Tevinter fuckface. 
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have two universes: one where Sene is Inquisitor, and one where her father Revasan is Inquisitor. They each exist in their respective universes though and are the same people, just in different roles. Sene is with Solas in both.
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Warden Matthew Cousland named his Mabari Good Boy.
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
No. He didn’t want anything to do with the Wardens. He was sort of like the Prince Hal of the Couslands, causing trouble and being ironic and kind of a jerk and a charmer. Morrigan often casts him as having had a bandit’s sensibility but a good heart. He joined the Wardens because after his parents died he was a mess and didn’t know what else to do or where else to go. I picture him as only having been like 24.
20) hawke’s personality?
I kind of just go with classic purple Hawke lol. He’s a little derpy but brave as hell. His plans often go wrong but he’s very good at improvising. He romanced Fenris. His name is simply Garrett. 
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
No lol. I like to use knightly colors though. I always use light, silvery metals and then with accents that fit each character’s personality. Sene’s accent color is always a fiery red. Revasan’s is a cold blue.
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Probably not much. My characters all tend to sort of face forward at all times. Revasan might change things from his wife’s tragic backstory though. He might save her family from the Fifth Blight if he had the chance.
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Plenty lol. I headcanon my Lavellans as land rich farmers who live stationary, wealthy lives and have for three generations. I have robust headcanons for the Dalish in general, mainly that there is a robust farming tradition among them, and that there are more successful Dalish elves than many humans and city elves realize. Nobility and Chantry officials would be unfamiliar with their culture, but any agricultural and merchant families of Ferelden and Orlais and the Free Marches would probably work often with Dalish farmers. I also headcanon Dalish farmers as being very much in league with the Merchant’s Guild. The Lavellans have a strong, historic partnership with the Tethras family, for example, because of all the business they do in Kirkwall. Varric has known Revasan and also Sene for many years. 
I also reject the barefoot elves thing. I just...for me, personally, it’s too Fantasy with a capital F and I like things to be a little grittier than that. So my elves wear boots, okay? Come at me.
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Nope. Or, well, I mean, Revasan’s appearance is heavily informed by that of Luke Evans. His voice claim is like a mix between Gordon Ramsey and Jude Law. Sene is entirely unique.
25) who did you leave in the Fade?
When it was Hawke or Stroud, I left Stroud. When it was Hawke or Alistair, I left Hawke. Hawke wanted it more. Alistair is too...precious in my mind. I was worried about him. But in my sort of main world state, Alistair is King of Ferelden and not a Warden, so Stroud is actually in the Fade for all intents and purposes.
26) favorite mount?
Lol I don’t use mounts. My party and I run around on foot like children and get eaten by bears like men. 
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vulpixelates · 5 years
My OCs: The Master List
Guild Wars 2
Kaia Darkbrand - norn thief/daredevil, disaster bisexual
Ingunn Wildslayer - norn ranger/druid, valkyrie goddess
Isoldra of Dawn - sylvari guardian, sunshine plant mom
Sajaa Eren - human revenant, magical girl chic
Rune Valiante - human elemental, big bitch/bush energy
Mass Effect
Ro Shepard - Vanguard, Spacer, Sole Survivor, Renegon - ♡ pansexual, Garrus & Aria - canon
Letha Shepard - Adept, Earthborn, Sole Survivor, Paragon - ♡ queer, Liara
Ben Shepard - Sentinel, Earthborn, War Hero, Paragon - ♡ straight, Tali
Sara Ryder - Casual, Emotional, Vanguard - ♡ pansexual, Liam & Peebee - canon
Quinn Ryder - Professional, Emotional, Infiltrator - ♡ pansexual, TBD
Dragon Age
Luce Cousland - Noble rogue - ♡ bisexual, Alistair
Aden Brosca - Dwarf rogue - ♡ bisexual, TBD
Amatia Amell - Human mage - ♡ pansexual, Morrigan - canon
Nora Hawke - Mage - ♡ demisexual lesbian, Isabela - canon
Leven Hawke - Rogue - ♡ bisexual, Merrill
Ioren Lavellan - Dalish elf mage - ♡ bisexual, Blackwall & Alistair - canon
Julien Trevelyan - Human rogue - ♡ bisexual, Dorian
Elera Lavellan - Dalish elf - ♡ heteroromantic & asexual, Solas
Hessa Adaar - Qunari rogue - ♡ lesbian, Sera
Elen Arel - chaotic good, half-elf, arcane trickster, smuggler - ♡ bisexual, Kilgore - retired
Arrora - rebel good, half-elf, circle of the moon druid, outlander - ♡ demisexual lesbian - retired
Caerellia Asperanas - chaotic good, aboleth tiefling, wild magic sorcerer - ♡ queer, Volusena & Mahraz & Lilith - active
Kara Avasdottir - lawful good, valkyrie paladin -  ♡ lesbian, Leira - played
Leda Damaris - chaotic good, Tiamat tiefling, fist of the forest druid -  ♡ queer, Faeruit - retired
Gadget Qirie - chaotic good, orc/gnome/elf arcane engineer -  ♡ queer - active
Medal “Whit” Whitforge - rebel good, mountain dwarf artificer, revolutionist -  ♡ bisexual- played
Thea - neutral good, forest nymph godkin, druid/monk, folk hero - ♡ pansexual  - to be played
Rhialla Stormhaven - chaotic good, aasimar champion, haunted one -  ♡ queer - retired
Ryla Anzar - neutral good, tiefling of the Morrigan, witch, spirit medium - ♡ pansexual - active
Wynrie Iathromi - neutral good, orc/elf, fist of the forest druid - ♡ queer, Reima Agaestil - played
Lodden Rhithron - chaotic good, sea nymph, swashbuckler pirate - ♡ bisexual, Aelius Evenwind & Eila Vorasil - played
Elixaris Iloeni - chaotic neutral, changeling, rogue mastermind - ♡ bisexual - played
Ru Evenwind - neutral good, half-elf/half-gnome, hermetic mage - ♡ lesbian, Kaza - played
Rowan Orda - chaotic good, half-elf/forest gnome fate cleric, acolyte -  ♡ clueless bisexual, Qadri - on hold
Aja Sky-Bearer - neutral good, elf/aasimar, order of the immortal mystic, hermit and herbalist -  ♡ panromantic demisexual - on hold
Ubati Rahazur - neutral good, orc/goliath ranger, monster hunter - ♡ lesbian, Cleo Eronette  - on hold
Cosima Colwycke - chaotic good, aasimar arcane trickster, noble -  ♡ lesbian, Alys Keenseeker - on hold
Canary “Ary” Longshot - chaotic good, gloom stalker ranger, war deserter - ♡ queer, Cybil Winddriver - for one shots
Brigh Orlaith - neutral good, wild fey sidhe bard, sapphic poet -  ♡ lesbian, Hera - on hold
Verna - chaotic neutral, half-elf, illusion wizard, archaeologist - ♡ queer, Sigrun - retired
Ellywick “Wick” Coppercrank III - neutral good, rock gnome gunsmith/hexgun warlock, astronomer -  ♡ bisexual - on hold
Ashes Orra - chaotic good, infernal tiefling ill-rigger turned retribution cleric -  ♡ lesbian, Theodora Conyver - to be played
Erasmia Diagoras - chaotic neutral, reincarnated eladrin sorcerer, revolutionist - ♡ queer, Nisea Minos - to be played
Aaliyah Rahal - neutral, aasimar tattoed temple monk/rogue, tomb raider - ♡ pansexual, Andrea Colwycke - played
Vanja Velikova - chaotic good, fetchling shadow sorcerer/grave cleric, charlatan -  ♡ bisexual - for one shots
Stranger Still (RPG)
Poppy Harris - strange forest ranger - ♡ pansexual, Callie Hayworth  - active
Renna “neuralc0re” Hezal - amnesiac space hacker, punk ass rebel - ♡ lesbian, ET - active
Lo Mistrel - chosen one ghost whisperer -  ♡ bisexual, Tula Chochokpi - active
Kit Wright - private detective, conspiracy nerd - ♡ bisexual, Neya - on hold
Vela Warders - jack of all trades scientist, mutant - ♡ pansexual, Cy & Vier - on hold
Margeaux Darkeaux - possessed tattoo artist, wannabe chosen -  ♡ lesbian, Jude Jinx - on hold
Audre Amador-Ripley - nosy journalist and witch - ♡ bisexual, Violet & Vivienne - active
Sable Calabar - cursed witch, seer -  ♡ lesbian, Harriet Still - active
Ramona Beaumont - engineer and future chosen  -  ♡ lesbian, Alex - for one shots
Leilani Palmer - mystic witch, sculptor - ♡ pansexual, Demetria Garza - played
Priya Goodspeed - artificer witch, video game dev -  ♡ lesbian, Nyla Fuentes - played
Valerie Flores - witch, paralegal, secret superhero -  ♡ queer, Noor Rahmanzai -  played
Fallon Escamilla-Tao - alteration witch, social worker, enchanting bard - ♡ lesbian, Hadley Escamilla-Tao - played
Juniper Rosegrove - transmutation witch, writer, nature lover - ♡ bisexual, Rafi - played
Liere Pilar - witch, tattoo artist, liberator and rebel - ♡ lesbian - to be played
Imani Jelan - abjuration witch, occupational therapist, wellness enthusiast- ♡ pansexual, Olivia Flores - to be played
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woolfcried · 7 years
jude sweetwine / i’ll give you the sun
mr. quagmire / a series of unfortunate events
jerome squalor / a series of unfortunate events
carmelita spats / a series of unfortunate events
frank denouement / a series of unfortunate events
yo-yoji / the name of this book is secret series
lily wei / the name of this book is secret series
ginny weasley / harry potter
viktor krum / harry potter
charlie weasley / harry potter
katie bell / harry potter
nymphadora tonks / harry potter
helga hufflepuff / harry potter
rowena ravenclaw / harry potter
theta knight / the diviners
evie o’neill / the diviners
bailey clarke / the night circus
isobel martin / the night circus
celia bowen / the night circus
katarina bishop / heist society
vera claythorne / and then there were none
nancy drew / nancy drew
ella of frell / ella enchanted
turanga leela / futurama
philip j. fry / futurama
briar beauty / ever after high
erin hannon / the office
jim halpert / the office
pam beesly / the office
freddie lyon / the hour
dale cooper / twin peaks
princess carolyn / bojack horseman
diane nguyen / bojack horseman
chris traeger / parks and recreation
cassandra / tangled: the series
trainer leaf / pokemon
jasmine jolene / bioshock
brigid tenenbaum / bioshock
robert lutece / bioshock: infinite
elizabeth comstock / bioshock: infinite
lara croft / tomb raider
jessamine kaldwin / dishonored
viola dewynter / saints row
the boss / saints row
kinzie kensington / saints row
cressida (lone wanderer) / fallout 3
travis miles / fallout 4
dahlia lombard (sole survivor) / fallout 4
nerissa / the wolf among us
luke triton / professor layton
flora reinhold / professor layton
clive dove / professor layton
katia anderson / professor layton
emmy altava / professor layton
dorian pavus / dragon age: inquisition
sera / dragon age: inquisition
inquisitor arrietty trevelyan / dragon age: inquisition
ashlyn morgenstern / barbie in the twelve dancing princesses
genevieve morgenstern / barbie in the twelve dancing princesses
courtney morgenstern / barbie in the twelve dancing princesses
manolo sanchez / the book of life
annie hughes / the iron giant
marina / sinbad: legend of the seven seas
cassian andor / star wars
leia organa / star wars
plumette / beauty and the beast (2017)
milo thatch / atlantis: the lost empire
garrett / quest for camelot
arthur curry / dceu
christian / moulin rouge
velma kelly / chicago
marian paroo / the music man
inez serrano / no exit
anya / anastasia
elphaba thropp / wicked
nino quincampoix / amelie
veronica sawyer / heathers
eliza doolittle / my fair lady
barbara gordon / dc
tatsu yamashiro / dc
zinda blake / dc
evaan verlaine / star wars
grayson hyde
petra balboa
eleanor tate / saints row
bowie campbell / saints row
vivian prescott
ophelia price
sylvia delaire
nikoleta costas
coppola davies
seraphim perrine
reyna castilla
cab obsidian
cain obsidian
flamel beauvoir
tarot talbot
zhang jun
james whelan
vera barde
mortimer allegri
ellie lyncoln
marjorie clarke / a series of unfortunate events
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empresstress13 · 7 years
Hey! What are some songs you associate with Dragon Age in general? Do any of them apply to your OCs particularly?
Yay, music questions!!!
Ok - with the understanding that I’m not including Dragon Age OST music in this. I’m not sure if I have songs that I associate with the whole of the games as a series, but there’s plenty of songs that I associate with a specific character/ event/ romance/ etc… .  p>
I think I’ve mentioned to you before that I get lots of feels for Dragon Age from Nobody’s Side? In particular in connection with anything to do with politics in the game, and that goes doubly for Orlais and “The Game”.
As a Solasmancer I certainly get feelings from Burn (granted I suppose that makes Solas’ duty “the other woman” … ? It’s like things we’ve mentioned in your Sense… .).
Rise gives me Cassandra ( and Possibly Leliana) vibes depending on how the stories go in a game.
And… I’m not quite sure why but No Rest For The Wicked does in fact make me think of DA2 a whole lot… and Home of Hawke (with a happy ending please…or the happy ending I want for my Hawkes but … )?
I now completely associate parts of Ragtime with Anders because of you… . 
It’s instrumental but Kells Destroyed gives me Inquisition feels? Something to do with destruction to hope …Everybody Wants To Rule The World also gives me DAI vibes. And Turn Your Face Towards The Sun for Trespasser Inquisitor? 
Deliver Us with Shartan & Andraste? 
Born to Die for Grey Wardens? A HoF who dies?
Je Veux Le Monde makes me think of Briala? 
Also I have this strange connection between much of the soundtrack of Les Miserables and something to do with the Mage Rebellion AND the state of things in Orlais … . after Thedas-Brigadoon I’m obviously just going to move on to a different musical. 
I’ll be straight with you: I have too much love for music… and too many OCs. So I’ll put the rest under the cut. If you or anyone else has more questions on Dragon Age/ Music then please feel free to ask! I always love talking about Dragon Age and Music!  
I … I really do have too Many OCs… soooo 
-Nehnara Surana: Sol, Invincible, Breath of Life, Lokasenna 
-Beatrix Tabris: Au Palais Royal, Dancing in the Dark, Raise Your Glass, Dog Days
-Kyria Cousland: The King of the Golden Hall, The Man of La Mancha 
-Elraen Mahariel: Beyond the Forest, Try Everything 
-Syndis Brosca :Dream On, Glory and Gore, Centuries
-Mirabel: Stray Italian Greyhound, Mountain Sound
-Evangeline: Hoppipolla, Never Look Away 
-Kelda: Blue Caravan, I Want Love, One Day I’ll Fly Away
-Raelle: Sleeping Sun, Ri Ra, Sanctuary! 
-Dinah: Wunderkind, Harbor
-Lilith Trevelyan: Nemo, Starlight , Into the West , St. Jude
-Adhlea Lavellan: King and Lionheart, Lullaby for A Stormy Night, Safe and Sound, 
-Revasulahn Lavellan: The Dance, Various Storms and Saints 
-Eve Trevelyan: The Tower, J'étais là
-Esther Trevelyan: The Prayer, Una Voce Poco Fa, Flower Duet 
-Grace Trevelyan: In The 99, Je suis un Homme  
-Innanis Adaar: Hometown Glory, Take Me to the Riot
-Svetlana Cadash: Voulez Vous, Cabaret 
-Tarasylah Lavellan: Antebellum, Safe and Sound, Cosmic Love
… That’s not even all of my possible OCs… but let’s just leave it there for now? It’s already too long. :P 
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thejustmaiden · 7 years
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by @awellthoughtofusername (a while back - sorry!) to complete this questionnaire and I invite you all now to do the same. :) 
1. coke or pepsi: neither? the only soda I like is sprite.   2. disney or dreamworks: disney 3. coffee or tea: tea but now I’m starting to get into coffee 4. books or movies: I love both but I my attention span is better suited for movies haha 5. windows or mac: I guess mac now since I have one (even though I still don’t know what I’m doing) 6. dc or marvel: marvel! their movies are better. not sure about the comics though because I heard those might be better in the dc series.  7. xbox or playstation: Xbox 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: I’m sorry, idk anything about these. 9. night owl or early riser: def a night owl 10. cards or chess: chess is great but I’m no good. at least I stand a chance at a card game. haha  11. chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 12: vans or converse: I’ve owned a pair of Converse before and I’ve always wanted some Vans. Honestly, I dig both their styles, as they aren’t too different from one another.    13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: apparently, this is a Dragon Age thing, which I’m sorry, I cannot answer anything on. 14. fluff or angst: a bit of both ;) 15. beach or forest: forests 16. dogs or cats: I refuse to choose and further divide us between “cat people” and “dog people!” I love them both, gah dammit! …… *softly whispers* cats…..sorry, I love you too, dogs! 17. clear skies or rain: clear skies! but you can’t beat those cozy rainy days in. 18. cooking or eating out: cooking if I could cook well, which I can’t, so eating out.  19. spicy food or mild food: spicyyyy 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: how ‘bout we just say the whole period between Halloween and Christmas, eh? 21. would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold, any day! 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: telekinesis! imagine all the food I could bring to my room without moving a muscle. haha sweet! 23. animation or live action: live action 24. paragon or renegade: no clue, sorry! 25. baths or showers: showers but I wish I took more baths 26. team cap or team iron man: I need to re-watch civil war again to make an informed decision haha 27. fantasy or sci-fi: nooooo, I can’t choose. 28. do you have three or four favorite quotes? yes! fair warning: they’re all pretty sappy. haha 1) “It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ~Vincent Van Gogh 2) “I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.“ ~Anne Frank 3) “We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.  29. youtube or netflix: Netflix (but why have they taken down Doctor Who??) 30. harry potter or percy jackson: HARRY POTTER 31. when you feel accomplished: immersing myself in meaningful work that keeps me passionate about life 32. star wars or star trek: star wars! but I’d love to get into some of the star trek tv series, too. 33. paperback books or hardback books: paperback - they’re cheaper! haha plus, I never touch the hardcover ones ‘cause those are really only for display. 34. handwriting or type: type! I love typing and I’m always trying to get faster (or just type for the helluva it ‘cause it’s fun). plus, my handwriting is just terrible. BUT as far as other people’s handwriting goes or the pure aesthetic of it all, handwriting is far better. Typing lacks the personal touch. 35. velvet or satin: errrr velvet maybe 36. video games or movies: video games are fun but movies all the way 37. would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: totally own a dragon or two (or three) just like Dany! 38. learning chinese or learning spanish: BOTH but Chinese really since I suppose I kinda know Spanish already 39. what is the best concert you’ve been to? The Killers  40. Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to animals? Speak every language, because I’m a linguaphile! 41. Be front row for your favorite artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats: lawn seats are fine by me, and more than fine if it means I can meet my favorite artist afterwards. 42. City or Countryside: I’m a city girl 43. Would you rather be a mutant, jedi, or wizard? Honestly, I’d love to be any of these, but for some reason the Jedi life is calling my name. Okay, my question now (and because I’m pretty hungry): 44. fried pickles or mozzarella sticks??? :P
Okay, y’all, it’s your turn now! Looking forward to reading each and every one of yours!!
@penaltywaltz @wackygoofball @godomischief @thescienceofsherlolly @hiril-astraea @rodreamer95 @ebonydarknessdementiaravenway @rockinarounduniverse @jonquilclegane @jellybaby74 @someonealreadyhasheidi @resurrectionofannabellee @malinrog  @fuckyeahbrienneandjaime @brienneoftarth @carolpeleiter @mondlers @jaimelannistre @professorlockhart @neverlandforestcat @latteclouds @tinagoldsteinscamander @nikolajfangirlteam @doctor-molly-hooper-holmes @hobbitunderthemountain @virgin-who-cannot-drive @almostabeauty @starlightclara @allonsysilvertongue @jaimelannisterdaily @judes-law @lifeinpurplestars @hoqwqrts @heyworthjude @deputyhawkhill @na-bruma-leve @thorinds @uniteteaminstinct @riepu10 @professorlupins @fitzi-the-nerdy-girl @frodno @loyalty-honour-a-willing-heart @dappledwithshadow
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monsterbrush · 7 years
Rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (LOL nope)
Tagged by @frost-guardian (hello again, strange sometimes kpop blog)
1. coke or pepsi: Root beer 2. disney or dreamworks: Dreamworks isn’t afraid to change their style, but they both make some really great stuff 3. coffee or tea: No thank you 4. books or movies: Books if I can focus long enough to read them, movies if I need some background noise while I’m working 5. windows or mac: Mac 6. dc or marvel: they both have some good stuff 7. x-box or playstation: I had a playstation when I was little but I wasn’t very good at using it 8. dragon age or mass effect: never played either 9. night owl or early riser: both, depending on what I have planned (I get up early to draw and I stay up late to write) 10. cards or chess: Cards are fun, chess is too serious for me 11. chocolate or vanilla: vanilla is good with my root beer, but chocolate satisfies a craving 12. vans or converse: my current shoes are converse. I’m waiting for the soles to fall out. 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I don’t know what those words mean 14. fluff or angst: how dare you ask me to pick a favorite 15. beach or forest: the beach has a great atmosphere but the forest doesn’t try to burn me alive 16. dogs or cats: I am more used to dogs, but my dogs are of a very cat-like breed so I just get confused 17. clear skies or rain: Rain 18. cooking or eating out: I can’t cook, but I don’t like eating out either, so I just kinda sit there and starve until my mom shoves food down my throat.  19. spicy food or mild food: mild. I have very weak sensibilities. 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: HALLOWEEN 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold. I get cold very easily, so I’m much more accustomed to bundling myself up. 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: Flight would be amazing.  23. animation or live action: Animation appeals to me more, but my insides crumple whenever I think about how much work is put into it 24. paragon or renegade: Wut? 25. baths or showers: Showers. I can’t sit still long enough to enjoy a bath 26. team cap or team ironman: Neutral Party 27. fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” -Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man             “Children see magic because they look for it” - Christopher Moore                                               “imagination and invention are as much a needed part of the illustrator’s equipment as the painter’s”. - Howard Pyle 29. youtube or netflix: youtube 30. harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter came first for me, but both are equally exciting 31. when you feel accomplished: When a drawing really comes together and receives attention. Can’t get enough of that sweet sweet validation.  32. star wars or star trek: Star Wars is slightly more familiar, but Star Trek is way more interesting in my mind. 33. paperback books or hardback books: Hardcover, if only to make it more difficult for me to rip it to shreds. 34. horror or rom-com: I don’t watch TV 35. tv shows or movies: Movies. Again, I don’t watch TV. 36. favorite animal: I’m really fond of opposum right now 37. favorite genre of music: Instrumental is always nice. Something strong. 38. least favorite book: 50 Shades of Grey. I’ve never read it but I know 39. favourite season: Winter. I can curl up under four blankets without dying of heatstroke. 40. song that’s currently stuck in your head: Not Hey Jude, thank god. 41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear: It’s spring now, so naturally if I’m not in shorts and a tank top I’ll die. But I usually wear a giant T-shirt and soft pants. 42. if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be?: too many choices  43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be: Something funny. 44. Smiling or smirking?: I smile naturally, but there’s nothing better than drawing a good smirk 45. Harry Potter movies or books: the books were an experience, the movies were just an added bonus 46. Something you’re proud of: my art 47. Dub or Subtitles?: I try to pick dubs because I’m usually drawing while I watch and I can’t always be looking to read the subtitles, but if the dub sucks I’ll make do with the subtitles to the best of my ability
I’ll tag @torn-by-dreams, @emeraldembers, @gretchensinister, @the-boogeyraven,
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songedunenuitdete · 4 years
Coucou tout le monde🙏💖
Je ne sais pas vous mais, le mois de septembre, je l’attends avec autant d’impatience que de crainte ! Parce qu’il y a énormément de sorties qui me font de l’œil et je ne pense pas que ni mon banquier ni mon chéri seront ravis de constater mes futures dépenses… Et je ne sais même pas si je pourrais tout lire en un mois… Ah ! Il va falloir faire des choix, c’est inévitable !
Je vous propose de découvrir ci-dessous ce qui me tente plus que tout le reste… Il y a un peu de tout : de la romance historique, du young adults en fantasy, de la fantasy adulte… bref, tout ce que j’aime 💖!
Bon, je n’ai pas mis les titres par ordre de date de sortie ou de préférence, je les attends tous comme le Messie 🥰 donc bon…
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]
Broché : 544 pages
Tranche d’âges:9 – 12 ans
Editeur : Rageot Editeur
Date de sortie : 2 septembre 2020
Collection : Grand Format
Langue : Français
ISBN-10 : 2700273885
Prix éditeur : 18,90€
Disponible sur liseuse ? Oui -14,99€
 Résumé :
Jude a 17 ans et vit à la Haute Cour de Domelfe dans le royaume de Terrafæ. Enlevée au monde des mortels lorsqu’elle n’était qu’une enfant et élevée avec ses sœurs parmi les puissants, elle a appris à se protéger des sortilèges et à se battre à l’épée. Pourtant, elle subit jour après jour les moqueries et les insultes. Car elle n’est qu’une humaine, vouée à la mort, dans un monde où règnent les Fæs, créatures sublimes, immortelles… et cruelles. Personne ne la hait plus que le Prince Cardan. Le plus jeune des héritiers de la couronne semble décidé à lui nuire. Jusqu’à la tuer ? Mais Jude, elle, est prête à tout.
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Broché : 448 pages
Editeur : De la Martinière jeunesse
Date de sortie : 24 septembre 2020
Collection : Fiction
Langue : Français
ISBN-10 : 273249531X
Prix éditeur : 21 €
Disponible sur liseuse ? Oui – 14,99€
Son résumé :
Les trois premiers tomes sont réédités par la même occasion en grand format pour le prix de 16€ chacun.
Scandales à New York T1 – Drôles de fiançailles de Joanna Shupe
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Éditeur : J’Ai Lu Langue : Français Langue d’origine : Anglais Date de publication : 2 septembre 2020 Nombre de pages : 384 Traducteur : Sophie Dalle Thème : Romans D’Amour, Romans Sentimentaux – Sentimental Historique Collection : Aventures & Passions Série : Scandales À New York
Résumé :
Furieux que sa fille se soit entichée d’un artiste peintre, le comte de Stratton l’a expédiée à New York en la sommant de trouver un mari. Bien décidée à rentrer au plus vite à Londres, Honora a alors une idée de génie : provoquer un horrible scandale en jetant son dévolu sur un homme infréquentable. Comme Julius Hatcher, arrogant financier dont les extravagances défraient la chronique. La jeune femme lui propose un pacte : il fera semblant de la courtiser et, en échange, elle lui ouvrira les portes de la bonne société. Marché conclu. Mais vu le charisme de ce débauché notoire, Honora aurait dû réfléchir avant de se lancer dans cette dangereuse mascarade…
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Éditeur : J’Ai Lu Langue : Français Langue d’origine : Anglais Date de publication : 2 septembre 2020 Nombre de pages : 384 Traducteur : Julie Guinard Thème : Romans D’Amour, Romans Sentimentaux – Sentimental Historique Collection : Aventures & Passions
 Résumé :
Afin d’échapper à sa modeste condition, Ann Lovell se fait engager comme préceptrice pour s’occuper de Justin et Robert Trevelyan, deux garçonnets de 7 et 5 ans, qui vivent avec leur père. Leur mère, Francesca, est morte dans des circonstances étranges. L’atmosphère qui règne dans le manoir est sombre et pesante ; toute joie de vivre a déserté les lieux. Et Benedict Trevelyan n’est-il pas d’autant plus dangereux qu’il est si séduisant ? N’est-ce pas ce qu’essaie de lui dire le fantôme de la femme qui hante la tourelle dans laquelle personne n’a le droit de pénétrer ?
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Éditeur : J’Ai Lu Langue : Français Langue d’origine : Anglais Date de publication : 2 septembre 2020 Nombre de pages : 450 Traducteur : Catherine Plasait Thème : Sentimental Historique Collection : Aventures & Passions
Son résumé :
Pour régler les dettes de sa famille, Elizabeth Cameron doit faire un bon mariage. Ses débuts dans le monde sont retentissants, son succès éclatant. Bientôt, les prétendants se disputent sa main. Or, un seul trouve grâce à ses yeux : Ian Thornton, un Écossais aussi envoûtant que dangereux, qui lui vole son premier baiser. Malheureusement, les jeunes gens sont découverts. Ian est chassé et Elizabeth contrainte de se réfugier à la campagne. Deux ans plus tard, son oncle la presse de se marier, l’obligeant à revoir certains de ses anciens soupirants, dont un mystérieux et riche héritier venu d’Écosse…
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Éditeur : J’Ai Lu Langue : Français Langue d’origine : Anglais Date de publication : 2 septembre 2020 Nombre de pages : 344 Traducteur : Elisabeth Luc Thème : Romans D’Amour, Romans Sentimentaux- Sentimental Historique Collection : Aventures & Passions
Résumé :
Accaparé par ses affaires, John Fletcher, duc de Greycourt, n’a guère l’esprit de famille. Néanmoins, quand sa mère se retrouve veuve, il est bien obligé de lui manifester son soutien et se retrouve aussitôt investi d’une mission bien embarrassante : aider la protégée de la douairière à faire ses débuts dans le monde. En effet, Mlle Béatrice Wolfe, qui ignore tout des mondanités, aurait grand besoin d’apprendre les bonnes manières. Et son charme impertinent va bientôt susciter chez le duc des réactions qui n’auraient jamais leur place dans un manuel de savoir-vivre…
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Destiny T2 – Mina la magnifique de Beverly Jenkins
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Éditeur : J’Ai Lu Langue : Français Langue d’origine : Anglais Date de publication : 2 septembre 2020 Nombre de pages : 320 Traducteur : Agnès Girard Thème : Romans D’Amour, Romans Sentimentaux – Sentimental Historique Collection : Aventures & Passions
Résumé :
— Tonio est ton fils. Andrew Yates ne s’attendait pas à voir la belle Mina débarquer au ranch Destiny avec un bébé qu’elle lui présente comme le sien. Cette fille n’est qu’une vulgaire prostituée venue lui soutirer de l’argent. Malheureusement, la tache de naissance de l’enfant ne laisse planer aucun doute sur sa paternité. Et comble de malheur, la mère de Drew, soucieuse du bien-être de son petit-fils, le somme d’épouser Mina sans délai. Bien que furieux, Drew se soumet à son devoir et se résout à vivre avec cette femme qu’il méprise, mais dont la beauté l’a toujours rendu fou de désir.
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Les Seigneurs de l’ombre T1 : La citadelle des ténèbres de Gena Showalter
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Format : poche Genre : Sentimental Collection : Les Favoris Harlequin – N°141 Date de sortie : 1 septembre 2020 Nombre de page : 416 pages EAN : 9782280447218 Prix : 7,50€
Résumé :
Depuis l’enfance, Ashlyn est harcelée par des voix surgies du passé et qui ont transformé sa vie en cauchemar. Prête à tout pour se libérer de cette malédiction, elle se rend en Hongrie pour rencontrer des spécialistes en la matière, dotés, dit-on, de singuliers pouvoirs. Mais à peine arrivée au cœur de la forêt où ces êtres étranges mènent leurs travaux, elle tombe éperdument amoureuse de Maddox, un homme aussi séduisant qu’inquiétant que ses pairs disent immortel et habité d’un dangereux démon. Bientôt, incapable de résister à la fièvre dévorante qui la pousse vers cet homme maudit, Ashlyn se laisse emporter par la passion. Une passion qui la rapproche peu à peu de la terrible preuve d’amour qu’elle va devoir fournir.
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Format : poche Genre : Sentimental Collection : Aliénor – N°5 Date de sortie : 1 septembre 2020 Nombre de page : 352 pages EAN : 9782280441100 Prix éditeur : 7,50€
Résumé :
Duché de Normandie, 1341
Mélisande est abasourdie. Le convoi mandé par Justin de Montaigle – chevalier auquel son frère l’a promise contre son gré – vient d’être attaqué avant d’arriver dans sa Normandie natale. Mais le sort d’otage ne lui laisse pas l’amertume qu’il devrait. Traitée avec plus d’égards qu’elle n’en a eu coutume avec les siens par le mystérieux brigand qui dirige cette troupe de hors-la-loi, elle se sent étrangement apaisée à son contact. Comme si ce diable ne lui était pas tout à fait étranger…
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]
Broché : 288 pages
Editeur : Pocket Jeunesse
Date de sortie : 3 septembre 2020
Langue :Français
ISBN-10 :2266297856
Prix éditeur : 17,90€
Disponible sur liseuse : Oui – 12,99€
Son résumé :
Un avion rempli de lycéens s’écrase dans la jungle. Qui survivra ? Qui mourra ? Qui deviendra un assassin ?
Tom, jeune homme solitaire, ne voulait pas participer à ce voyage scolaire au Costa Rica. Tout bien réfléchi, il aurait dû le refuser tout net, car l’avion qui transportait sa classe s’écrase en pleine jungle ! Par miracle, la queue de l’appareil se détache, et dix-neuf adolescents survivent au crash. Perdu au cœur de la forêt tropicale, le petit groupe traumatisé tente de s’organiser. Comment survivre dans cet environnement hostile, entre bêtes sauvages et trafiquants de drogue ? Les circonstances vont transformer profondément chacun des rescapés.
Qui s’improvisera leader et organisera la recherche des secours ?
Qui saura chaque jour donner espoir à tous ?
Qui se transformera en assassin ?
La Belgariade – Intégrale 1 de David Eddings
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Poche :896 pages
Editeur :Pocket
Date de sortie : 24 septembre 2020
Collection :Fantasy
Langue :Français
ISBN-10 :2266277537
Prix éditeur : 14,90€
Son résumé :
Les dieux créèrent l’homme, et chaque dieu choisit son peuple. Mais Torak, le dieu jaloux, vola l’Orbe d’Aldur, le joyau vivant façonné par l’aîné des dieux, et ce fut la guerre. Le félon fut condamné à un long sommeil hanté par la souffrance.
Les siècles ont passé sur les royaumes du Ponant. Les livres des présages sont formels : Torak va s’éveiller. Et l’Orbe a disparu pour la seconde fois. Que le maudit la trouve à son réveil et il établira son empire sur toutes choses.
Belgarath le sorcier parviendra-t-il à conjurer le sort ? Dans cette partie d’échecs cosmique, il a réussi à préserver une pièce maîtresse : Garion, le dernier descendant des Gardiens de l’Orbe. Un simple pion, et si vulnérable…
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]
Broché : 576 pages
Editeur : Bigbang
Date de sortie : 16 septembre 2020
Collection :Big Bang
Langue :Français
ISBN-10 :2362316599
Prix éditeur : 16,90€
Disponible sur liseuse : 9,90€
Son résumé :
Tous les sorciers sont maléfiques.
Elisabeth, élevée au milieu des dangereux grimoires magiques d’une des Grandes Bibliothèques d’Austermeer, le sait depuis son plus jeune âge. D’ailleurs, peu de temps après le passage à la bibliothèque du sorcier Nathaniel Thorn, un des ouvrages se transforme en monstre de cuir et d’encre, semant mort et destruction. Et c’est Elisabeth qui se retrouve accusée de l’avoir libéré.
Forcée de comparaître devant la justice à la capitale, elle se retrouve prise au cœur d’une conspiration vieille de plusieurs siècles. Bien malgré elle, elle n’a d’autre choix que de se tourner vers son ennemi Nathaniel, et son mystérieux serviteur, Silas. Car ce ne sont pas seulement les Grandes Bibliothèques qui sont en danger, mais le monde entier… et face à ce terrible complot, Elisabeth va devoir remettre en question tout ce qu’elle croyait jusqu’ici, y compris sur elle-même.
Voilà🥰. J’ai fait le tour de tous les titres que j’ai envie de lire en septembre ! Bon, je suis certaine que vous allez me dire qu’il en manque, qu’il y en a d’autre encore mieux ! Alors, je suis tout ouïe !
Quels sont les titres qui vous font de l’œil et que vous avez hâte d’avoir entre vos mains ?
Je veux tout savoir 🙏💖
Le mois de septembre 2020, je l'attends avec autant d'impatience que de crainte 🤗! Énormément de sorties livresques me font de l’œil 😍 et je ne pense pas que mon banquier et mon chéri seront ravis. 🙏Voilà les titres que j'attends avec impatience🥰👇 Coucou tout le monde🙏💖 Je ne sais pas vous mais, le mois de septembre, je l'attends avec autant d'impatience que de crainte !
0 notes
doctorhawke · 4 years
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judas/solas, who only actually get together once they reunite in trespasser
can’t sleep (wolves)- walk the moon // see you again- tyler, the creator // crystal tomes- sons of an illustrious father // heretics- andrew bird
0 notes
witchyangels · 5 years
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*crawls out of the hole I’ve been living in* Look, it’s more chibis! Dorian and David Trevelyan!
I’m the slowest artist ever...
@tessa1972​ donated to my Ko-fi Chibis for St. Jude’s months and months (and months and months...) ago. Kindhearted and so very patient with me while life and work kept keeping me from working on any art, Tessa even checked in on me from time to time to see how I was doing. Tessa requested a pillow fight and it was a lot of fun to plan and sketch out.
I have more chibis to finish and I hope to get them done in the near future, but my life has been so busy lately, I just don’t have a set time, so to all who are still waiting, I’m sorry for keeping you. I appreciate you donating. <3 
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for Trans Day of Visibility: here are the enbies :3c
(part 1)
Aisling Trevelyan. agender. they/she. Grey Warden. cured of Tranquility by possession of a Spirit of Mercy. romances Harding.
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Bashaar. aporagender. ae/aer. vashoth apostate previously a slave to an Orlesian noble. romances Iron Bull.
Bastienne Otranto-Trevelyan. agender. they/them. illegitimate child of the Trevelyan family. part-time mercenary. romances Iron Bull.
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Dirthera'an-vir'Theneras'ghilana'Vallavunin. genderfluid. xe/ae. sentinel of the Temple of Falon'Din. romances Abelas.
Ephraim Lavellan. aporagender. ey/em. hunter of Clan Lavellan. romances Dorian.
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Faolan Sky-Breaker. demiguy. he/they. augur of Sun Eagle Hold. (romance undecided.)
Fletcher Cadash. bigender. they/them. lieutenant of the Carta. romances Blackwall.
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Garza Cadash. greygender. he/ze. high-ranking officer of the Carta. bastard of a previous matriarch. romances Iron Bull.
Gwythren. demiguy. they/he. Tranquil of the Markham Circle. romances Iron Bull.
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Helena Trevelyan. greygender. she/they. Knight of the Templar Order. romances Cullen.
Jaal Adaar. demigirl. she/ae. vashoth apostate. daughter of Qazari, raised by the Valo-Kas. romances Sera.
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Jain Trevelyan. bigender. ney/nem. enchanter of the Kirkwall Circle. romances Josephine.
Jude. agender. they/them. half-dwarf half-elf apostate. alienage vigilante. romances Harding and Blackwall.
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Kelle Lavellan. demiguy. he/him. hunter of Clan Lavellan. romances Dorian.
Kost. aporagender. it/he. saarebas Tal-Vashoth. romances Harding.
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Layeirth Istimaethoriel Lavellan. genderqueer. ae/aer. daughter of Keeper Deshanna and warrior of Clan Lavellan. romances Danae and Sera.
Neveah Lavellan. agender. she/they. previously a liberati elf from Tevinter. warrior of Clan Lavellan. romances Solas and then Iron Bull.
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Quora Adaar. agender. ve/he. half-human half-vashoth mercenery from Tevinter. romances Crassius.
Sable. agender. ze/they. city elf of Starkhaven. alienage vigilante. romances Iron Bull and Fenris.
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Seina Lavellan. demigirl. she/her. previously a city elf. Craftsmaster of Clan Lavellan. romances Blackwall.
Tavian. agender. ze/he. city elf of Halamshiral. Red Jenny. romances Iron Bull
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Vitra. greygender. ve/vir. vashoth apostate of unknown origins. romances Iron Bull.
Xiosa Adaar. agender. xe/xem. vashoth mercenary from Nevarra. romances Iron Bull and Vivienne.
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Yuo Lavellan. genderfluid. he/they. hahren of Clan Lavellan. romances Dorian.
Zenith. demigirl. ze/zir. daughter of a Ben-Hassrath raised by a city elf couple. alienage vigilante. romances Sera and Briala.
happy trans day of visibility to all transgender and non-binary fans!
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@mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @ringneckedpheasant, @midnightbluejay, @transfenris-truther, @curiouslavellan, @spainkitty
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