milfbro · 2 years
I love wikipedia rabbit holes, we were talking about hypnosis and I told my brother that I think catholic confession existed to fill the role of therapy before they invented psychology, and my brother asked when did catholics start doing confession
well now I'm 30 popes in and trying to understand what the fuck is semipelagianism
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fictionz · 2 months
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Three and a half years to get to this Guy.
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xjudertheduder · 7 months
Shrimps is bugs for real
Bugs that are shrimps i believe
Shrimpy bugs, bug shrimp
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torschlusspanikattack · 9 months
Hey Torschluss -- when you reblogged that zionism discourse post and called the comments "a work of art", were you saying you agreed with the final poster (dancinbutterfly), or that you thought they were wrong in an interesting way?
I ask because I get quite frustrated with the sort of hugboxy-pseudointellectualism a lot of Tumblr Leftists engage in, and I feel the problems with dancinbutterfly's responses are severe and obvious:
1) while making an argument that calling people "retarded" is wrong, DB _perfectly_ and transparently recreates the underlying logic behind calling a person retarded -- they list a number of factors outside of their interlocutor's (Mephorash's) immediate control that would limit that person's capacity to engage critically with an idea, then insinuates that this lack of engagement is responsible for Meph's opinions. Maintaining a tone of condescension intended to demarcate Meph as mentally and morally inferior in a "nice" way WITHOUT directly engaging with their arguments;
2) they behave in exactly the way the OP (evilsoup) stated: conflating Zionism with Judeism, and therefore antizionism with antisemitism, by ignoring the existence of non-zionist jews and non-jewish zionists. Reacting with hostility to the statement that antisemitism will increase as zionists do bad things _and conflate antizionism with antisemetism_, then imply that being Jewish clears zionists of moral culpability for their support of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians.
I see a lot of Leftists on this site reinvent racism in a "woke" way, stating that a person's minority status matters more for the legitimacy of their opinions than the ability of those opinions to withstand external scrutiny, or excusing when a minority activist group is on some "blood-and-soil" shit (Black Seperatists come to mind). I understand why -- enough people are bad-faith bigots that reflexively giving minorities the benefit of the doubt or extra room to be platformed seems a good way to start fixing the issue of them being under-represented in society as a whole -- but I would hate to think you were supporting that line of logic in the case of Dancinbutterfly's obvious Zionism. You seem smarter than that, from what I can tell.
I don’t think the parts that make their comments and tags so funny have anything to do with their rightness or wrongness (although I do think they are very wrong).
Basically everything you say is true, but I think the especially notable element to me is the degree of condescension combined with the veneer of compassion. I’ve never seen it be so extremely blatant and comprehensive.
Plus, the specificity and breadth of the condescension really elevates the strength of the attack:
Probably because you didn't pay attention in English Language Arts Class from Ages 10-17.
Doubling down on the idea that people disagree with you (in bigoted ways according to the speaker) bc of lack of a very specific kind of education. The specificity really helps bc it manages to not just centre humanities courses but (presumably American) primary and secondary school basic courses as the source of rightly moral thinking.
It makes me wonder: was your educational development negatively effected by Covid 19? Because if that's the case, I'm sorry.
This one combines the implication of being very young with the specificity of education disruptions caused by a specific world event.
It's not you fault if your ability to understand written language was delayed because of the pandemic.
This one is just very brazen about couching calling someone illiterate (and by implication developmentally delayed/impaired ‘compassionately”.
Also, having 4 or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can greatly increase people's difficulty in school and vulnerability to radicalization and group think, so maybe you've just had a very hard life and that's why you're being like this.
As noted, this one is my favourite; it combines psychology-adjacent jargon (ACEs) with totally dismissal of other perspectives as a ‘vulnerability to radicalisation and groupthink’. The elevation of claims about psychology and claims about the correct viewpoint to objective fact, made even more funny by the specificity of ‘4 or more’. Not only is disagreement the result of objective psychological impairment, this is quantifiable and the quantity is exactly 4 or more ACEs (taken as completely reified and measurable discrete things).
Ending on ‘being like this’ also clearly implies that the form of disagreement (and disagreement broadly) is a specific and defective way of being—this one is harder to explain. Disagreement is transformed into a consequence of being a certain way, not anything else, and the cause and effect relationship to being that way is rendered ironclad. There’s more to it, but I don’t know how I would convey the remaining impact of rhetoric phrase: being like this.
Which really makes your response much more antisemitic. And ableist actually. Cuz of the R word.
Because lashing out antisemitically and ableistically like that at a stranger seems like a sign of really intense distress to me.
There is just something to the craft and arrangement of these sentences. The way antisemitism and ableism are referenced. The way ableism is added, with the actually. The way the sentences are paced. The use of R word. The construction of the words ‘antisemitically and ableistically’.
[link to some form of psychological or social treatment]
The link (which doesn’t work but that’s irrelevant) has all the specificity and condescension of sending someone a link to a suicide hotline with the novelty of not just being that—also implies mental or social deficiency towards target.
#just wishing them healing and peace and the ability to remember that other people on the internet are human beings
The tags are littered with lines like this one that just manage to convey such a total disregard for the person being responded to while apparently promoting self-evident positivity.
The total effect of the post is to, purposefully or not (intent is basically irrelevant), relentlessly attack both the specific poster disagreeing with them and anyone who shares the same views in a particularly dismissive and condescending way, while maintaining the outward trappings of soft compassion.
The ironic pose endemic to online arguments puts an emphasis on boldness and excess that gives the post value as an extreme execution of various postures common in online arguments.
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Hi Eitan, I have a question that I've been wondering about for sor some time and I think you're the right person to ask.
So I'm jewish. I was born and raised jewish orthodox, and my family on both my parents sides are jewish.
I'm also trans and I came out last year when I was in an all girls אולפנה and wasn't really accepted. A lot of teachers implied that I needed to be "fixed". My relationship with my parents was also pretty strained then, and me being a rebelious teen was set on rejecting all my parents teachings.
Since my parents are very religiously observent this meant rejecting judeism and religion in general.
I started going on my phone on shabbat and not keeping kosher, and i stopped believing in Hashem.
After switching schools this year though I feel more connected than ever to my jewish heritage and religion. I wear a kippah and i keep shabbat and the other hollidays. I keep kosher and try to observe as many מצוות and traditions as I can.
But even feeling more connected to judeism than ever, one thing I can't seem to regain is faith in Hashem.
I wish i could belive and I truely admire anyone who does but for some reason I just don't seem to be able to find comfort in the idea of a higher power watching over us.
I'm wondering if I can still consider myself a religious jew without beliving in Hashem, and if there's any way you think I can believe again.
[sorry this is long but I didn't feel like I could just ask the question on its own.]
I'm no Rabbi, but I know that there are a lot of religious, observant Jews who are agnostic or atheist or don't know whether they believe in Hashem or not. I myself don't know for sure what I believe, but I don't really think about it too much because for myself, my Judaism is about how I make myself a better person, connect with myself and my heritage, and better serve my community and the world.
We are Bnei Yisrael- the Children of Yisrael, who Wrestled with G-d. Part of being Jewish is wrestling with our beliefs and having a dialogue within ourselves and others.
Regardless of whether you believe in it or not, you're still doing Mitzvot and making the world a better place, and that's what's important.
I'm an observant Jew. I'm a religious Jew. I wear a kippah, tzizit, I keep Shabbat and kashrut, etc etc. Do I believe in Hashem? I don't know. It depends. But that's not what's most important to me because I know my Jewish identity is stronger than that.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hi Sam! I've been invited to a Purim potluck at the end of this week. I need something gluten free and vegetarian to bring. You've been on your Judeism journey longer than I have so im hoping you can help. Any ideas? Thanks!
I mean, I would of course first suggest talking to your host to see what they need, what's already being served, etc. Without knowing more about what kind of party, how kosher the household is, or what's already being served, it's tough to make suggestions. My go-tos are almost always gluten-based, and I don't really eat plants, so I'm not of much help when it comes to something vegetarian that doesn't involve bread. Popcorn, maybe?
If it were me, I'd offer to bring sodas, or given that it's Purim, perhaps mixers and/or alcohol if it's not a sober party. A nice bottle of vodka runs about $20, or I would be willing to bet a pack of gluten-free beer would be welcome, since that shit's expensive compared to regular beer.
Anyway -- readers, feel free to chime in! Remember to respond in reblogs or comments, as I don't post asks sent in response to other asks.
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
Hamas Covenant 1988
Both Israel, Palestine, and Hamas will hate me for this; but here we go.
Here's the verse raw-translations, which excludes minutia, slang, and multiple definitions of words:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem)." - Article 7
Here's how it might be translated based on my poor understanding of linguistics:
"It would be the end of days if the Muslims defeated the Jews.
The rocks and trees would have to take our side and hold them down and say 'here they are, come get them!'
Only the Gharqad tree (which isn't a real tree anyway) would not do that.
Because it is the *one* tree the Jews planted." - Not Article 7
"The Judgement" or "Judgement Day" or "Ragnarok" refers to what Christians call "Revelations" or the "End of times". Its use in this context suggests the same, considering the preface to this verse in the [covenant of 1988] is: "The injustices of family are harder to bear than the smite of the Scimitar."
As in; that same document consideres Palestinians and Israelies brothers. Or cousins. Or kin.
And then says; on a hypothetical day when Muslims are victorious against the Jews AND the *trees and rocks themselves* tell them to kill the Jews, that's the day judgement day has arrived.
The absurdity of waiting for the plants and rocks taking the side of the Muslims and convincing them to commit murder of their cousins should be clear.
And the joke is; The Gharkad are a type of Bonzai that Jews planted in Israel, and thus they would be the only plant not to turn on them. Because you don't "bite the hand that feeds you" or something.
The rest of the covenant references the Quran, and basically says that if they (the Muslims) must die because God wills it, then so be it. This is common rhetoric in nearly every modern religion starting with Judeism (in line of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths). And so, they should understand what is being said.
"Zionism" to them is the arbitrary definition of Territory which should not be crossed (land borders). Imagine if somebody drew a border right in front of your local Starbucks and said "you cannot go in there anymore" and you're like "But I get my coffee there..."
Both that Starbucks and you Suffer, because now you gotta go a mile out of your way to the other Starbucks. And you're not gonna do that, because that Starbucks sucks, AND it's out of your way.
Only in this case, it's more important things like work, and food and clean water. (Which they were denied access to). Which had an impact on *both* of their economies, which now Netanyahu is mad at Palestinians for. And Hamas is mad because of what I just said.
(I do not support baking anybody's babies in ovens.)
"We will not accept your money" means one of two things: "We are a service that would rather go bankrupt than serve you" -OR- it means: "We'd rather you die than serve you."
Depending entirely on the state of the local economy.
And sometimes, businesses don't understand which of the two positions they're taking. They often believe they are of the former, but they are often taking the latter. Like Hypocrits do.
And they don't see, that both stances will affect the entire local economy to the negative. Because the money stops changing hands.
And then, the United States is expected to put its *own* economy on hold to fix this "injustice".
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I was researching transgenderism in judeism through the history and anyway in Bereshit Raaba they talk about Joseph and how he would do 'girl' things like
"And he is a boy, but he was doing girlish things, flickeringhis eyes, hanging on his heel, fixing his hair."
anyway queer icon I guess\hj
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nmdelacruz · 1 year
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Tú decides cómo quieres ver el conflicto cultural. En blanco y negro y sin avanzar ni intentar aprender para entender la diferencia a tu cultura, o por el contrario abrir tu mente al color avanzar y aprender de la diferencia. Yo prefiero que la sociedad avance, empatice y conviva de forma tolerante con los diferentes puntos de vista que dan las culturas. Crecer y mejorar todos sin imponer criterios como los absolutamente ciertos y mejores. ¿Vosotros que opináis?. . . . . . #lecturarecomendada #lectura #identidad #librosdelko #religión #cultura #respeto #respect #religion #book #bookstagram #reflexiones #empatia #sumadediferencias #paz #peace #noracisminislam #noracismo #islam #territorios #territory #conflictos #conflict #judeism #tolerancia #tolerance https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTcijjjUPx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trinityalps · 2 years
what part of "christians DNI" do you not get before following smb
- not a xtian 
- my religious journey is none of your business. however im willing to give you the context that ive been researching and learning about ,any differnet traditions in the last few year. Predominantly but not exclusively catholism and judeism .... bc im ethnically jewish 
- sometimes peoples relationship with religion and their own heritage is complicated. crazy thought . 
-  all the posts about xtianity on my blog are pretty damn old. either you scrolled back very far or you saw a recent reblog about g-d and assumed that must make me xtian. wrongly. 
- if you haved been brave enough to say this off anon i might be able to give you more context as to why i followed you in particular but now i cant. bummer
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sweetlittleoreo · 4 years
Not me watching a video in bible class and feeling jewish for a whole 6:26 minutes
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psychicgenenius1 · 4 years
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red-faced-wolf · 7 years
So a priest, rabbi, and a baptist preacher are talking amongst themselves when they start discussing how easy it is for them to convert someone. The priest gets an idea and tells the rest “let’s have a competition to see who the best converter, and let’s make it challenging, we have to convert a bear!”
So the three of them set off for a week and come back They see how badly each one of them is hurt and ask how it went.
The priest, who has his arm in a cast and a few scratches, says that he found and when he tried reading scripture to him, the bear started to maul him. Only when the priest sprinkled the bear with holy water and blessed him did the bear stop. He mentioned that the bishop was coming next week to confirm him into the faith.
The Baptist preacher, who was wearing an eye patch, full arm and leg cast, said that the bear began to maul him and they rolled down the hill into a stream where the preacher baptized him and the bear converted. They both looked at the rabbi who was in a hospital bed with a heart monitor and several IV's going into his arms and an oxygen mask. The priest and the preacher asked the rabbi what had happened and the rabbi replied "Well maybe I shouldn't of started with circumcision"
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nichester · 4 years
the constant battle between wanting to make one of my characters jewish LIKE THEY DESERVE TO BE and not wanting to deal with the shitshow that is religion in harry potter
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me: wants to see if there r any witchy shops nearby
me: ooo! there’s one 11 min away from me
the shop: um, we’re a school that claims to have 8000 years of lineage and 1 of the 2 owners is a former catholic who now teaches kabbalah classes
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whimsycore · 6 years
im so fucking angry abt that because 2 years agao i KNEW ariana was gonna become buckwild but no one called her out until she was too far gone
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