#judith and owen
shipcestuous · 1 year
I’m long overdue to post this. It has been in my drafts for years. 
Slasher is a Canadian anthology horror series. There have been four seasons of eight episodes each so far, with a fifth airing right now. Each season has its own story and cast, centered around a slasher serial killer in a whodunnit style. 
The first season came up on the blog for an interesting father/daughter relationship. Totally non-canon, but a unique dynamic with very interesting development. Spoilers: Katie McGrath's character, Sarah, the main character of season one, finds out that the man who killed her parents when she was still in utero was actually her biological father, Tom. They start to develop an odd sort of relationship, with her relying on him for insight about the new killings that are happening. They have a few sweet moments before he eventually sacrifices himself to save her, which, by the time it happens, is extremely upsetting for her. Tom's killings, while certainly a disproportionate response, were provoked and somewhat sympathetic. Sarah also finds a bunch of video tapes her parents did of her mother having sex with various men, including Tom. So she's seen a video of her mother and father having sex.
The third season, and this is a HUGE spoiler, features a pair of teenage siblings on a killing rampage together to avenge their mother. I didn't find their killings sympathetic at all but they went through a devastating trauma together that no doubt totally warped them. Naturally we couldn't see very many scenes of them alone together because you're not supposed to know until the end what they're up to, but you can see the incredible bond they had.
Ironically, in the fourth season almost all of the characters belong to one family but there wasn’t anything worth talking about that I can remember.
What I really want to talk about is the second season, subtitled "Guilty Party", which was actually my favorite, and not only because it had canon incest (sort of). Five friends who were summer camp counselors together return five years later to the camp - now a commune - to make sure that the mysterious death of a sixth friend remains a mystery. The two groups - the five friends and the members of the commune - begin being picked off one by one by an unknown killer that has to be one of them.
Spoilers for the rest: At the end, when almost everyone is dead, we find out that Judith, a woman in her 40s, seemingly the most sane and composed of the lot, is actually the killer. All along we've seen her pursued romantically by Wren, a much younger man, and their relationship builds until they have sex. He makes very romantic overtures and writes her love letters and she seems unsure but intrigued until she finally gives in. It seems then like Wren is the killer, and Judith finds out and is willing to let him get away with it because she loves him. But then we find that Wren isn't even actually there, it's all in her head, and that he's actually her son, who committed suicide after being convicted for the death of the girl, the sixth friend, who died five years ago. (He didn't do it.) The motive for killing the members of the commune is paper thin - "they were in the way" - but I still think it's the most engaging season. Were Judith and her son incestuous during his life? Maybe, maybe not. He was very into the dead girl, we hear about him asking her out several times and not getting the hint that she wasn't interested, but the five friends likely made him look more obsessed than he was so that he went down for the crime. Before he kills himself, he writes to his mother asking her for justice against the people that he somehow knows must be responsible, and she delivers.
Whether any incest actually physically occurred, it's clear she had incestuous feelings of some kind that manifest themselves in very strange ways.
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belle-keys · 10 months
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So, Cassie Clare just announced the titles for the three books in the Wicked Powers trilogy...
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jt1674 · 1 year
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wierdwitchywoman · 1 year
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Halloween treats that won’t weigh you down! OUT OF TIME: TRUE PARANORMAL ENCOUNTERS is here—free preview of “Floor Song Tango” below!
Halloween treats that won’t weigh you down! OUT OF TIME: TRUE PARANORMAL ENCOUNTERS is here—free preview of “Floor Song Tango” below!
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operafantomet · 2 months
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Järvi Raudsepp and Claire Lyon, World Tour
Deborah Dutcher, RAH
Sarah Bakker, Broadway
Marni Raab, Broadway
Patricia Richards, original West End
Siani Owen, West End
Aya Kawamura, Nagoya
Britt Lenting, West End
Wendy Ferguson, RAH
Megan Llewelyn, West End
Siani Owen, West End
Judith Gardner-Jones, West End
Danielle White, Las Vegas
Melanie Gowie, West End
Unidentified, West End
Elizabeth Welch, US Tour
Merete Laursen, Copenhagen
Raquel Suarez Groen, Broadway
Natalie Hubner, Sao Paulo
Rosemary Ashe, original West End
Lorraine Goodman, Hamburg
Lara Martins, West End
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mllebleue · 3 months
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It is in my hands! Officially out July 1st from McFarland but on order now. 16 essays on Star Trek novels and their authors.
Table of content:
Introduction: Into the Vastness of the Novelverse
­Caroline-Isabelle Caron and Kristin Noone 1
Official, but Not Canon: The ­Tie-In Writer’s Dilemma
David Mack 19
Feinting Forward, Barging Backward: Philosophical Analysis of Spock, Messiah!
Anne Collins Smith and Owen M. Smith 37
Growing Up with Deep Space Nine: Recruiting New Fans and Teaching Ideology Through YA Literature
Judith Clemens-Smucker 52
“300 ­full-color action scenes”: The Star Trek Fotonovels, Multimodal Storytelling as Paper Television?
Caroline-Isabelle Caron 69
Putting the Romance Back into Space Opera
Valerie Estelle Frankel 90
“The dream of stars”: Judith and Garfield ­Reeves-Stevens and the Star Trek Epic
Geoffrey Reiter 107
Imzadi, (Almost) Happily Ever After and the Female Gothic Tradition
Carey Millsap-Spears 124
The ­Tie-In Novels of History: Adaptation and Expansion in Diane Carey’s Star Trek Fiction
Kristin Noone 141
“What’s in a life?” Grappling with Genre, Gender, and Liberal Humanism in The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway
Mareike Spychala 159
Wind-Riders, Divers, and Merry Whales: Vonda N. McIntyre’s Star Trek Novels
Una McCormack 174
“The sheer unpredictability of the insane, demented galaxy”: Peter David’s New Frontier Novels
Val Nolan 192
The Hurt and the Comfort in J.M. Dillard’s Mindshadow: ­Tie-In Novels and/as Fanfiction
Agnieszka Urbańczyk 209
Surviving the Borg? Exploring Vengeance and Humanity in Peter David’s Vendetta
Brian de Ruiter 226
Contaminated Community in Jean Lorrah’s The IDIC Epidemic
Leah Faye Norris 243
Kira Nerys: Bajor and Beyond
Sherry Ginn 255
A Coda on Coda
Caroline-Isabelle Caron 266
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theroyalweekly · 1 year
The Princess of Wales talking about her ring and Princess Diana yesterday.

🎥 Judith Owen - Rogers // All.thats.pretty -- ChristinZ
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pamsimmerstories · 5 months
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jealous should be this gen's name
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[freya]: and what do you think about our school? no, better question... how you and your brother do? are you living in windenburg?
[oliver]: well, we’re living in both places. during week we’re here and weekends if we feel like, we go back home. that’s the advantage of having money. you can fly anytime you want.
- 14yo
- son of judith ward with clement
- traits: perfectionist, rancher, horse lover; clearly he wants to be a cowboy
[freya]: that’s so cool! i’ve never left windenburg. my mom and dad are always busy working because of... too many kids to feed. maybe now that my siblings are leaving home we could have a family trip. WAIT! my brother wants to be an actor!! when your mom comes to visit you could you invite us to come?
[oliver]: uh, i don’t know about that. we don’t know each other that much... my mom is famous, but we like privacy, you know.
[freya]: oh, sorry! that was so rude of me! i’m really sorry.
[oliver]: it’s okay.
[freya]: i think i’ve made a mistake! i invited myself to oliver’s place. so embarrassing
[collin]: oh god! how did you manage to do that?
[freya]: i talked about eris and i don’t know... maybe because he’s cute i was just rambling. i mean, he’s cute, but not that cute cute. but he’s famous!! yes, that’s it. that’s the problem. he’s famous i couldn’t stop myself.
[collin]: oh yeah, that seems like you. you never stop talking.
[freya]: what do you mean?
[collin]: it’s getting dark. i’m gonna head home. do you wanna come or are you staying and hoping owen shows up next?
[freya]: why are you acting like that?
[collin]: i’m tired. avery sent me a text. i’m going okay?
[freya]: yeah, fine.
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piesandswords · 2 years
Protector of the Small Characters: Are they queer?
Kel: Yes, aro-ace. Owen: I love him, but straight. Cleon: Straight, god help him. Merric: Straight. Seaver: Straight. Neal: Straight, but if a person he was dating came out as non-binary, he'd go with it and they'd be happy together. He'd want to talk about Judith Butler's "Gender Trouble" all the time, which would be super annoying. Roald: Straight. Shinkokami: Straight. Yukimi: Straight. Wyldon: Straight. Joren: Straight. Garvey: Straight. Lalasa: God, finally. Lesbian.
The Chamber of the Ordeal: Gay, but only when Joren is there because Joren is homophobic. That is how he died. Otherwise, it's a room with no sexuality.
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ardentbonkers · 8 months
If you’d like to know the opinion of a rugby player, I’d say Cam would be a good 6 or 8 but Harrow would actually be a good 9. Or 10? They tend to be bossy, mean, smart, and very in charge.
Someone on Reddit commented on my post and they made their own list of the cast with details! You both said the same thing for Harrow, here is the full list they've made if you're interested or would like to give your own opinion :>
1 - Crux - The old Warhorse. Absolutely irreplaceable and immovable, is so bloody stubborn that it's beyond a joke.
2 - Marta the Second - battler, a crack shot with her line-out darts.
3 - Magnus the Fifth - just solid. Also got that dad bod all good props should be carrying.
4 - Coronabeth the Third - the athletic lock, much nimbler than her engine room partner.
5 - Protesilaus the Seventh - Ball carrying lock, in the mould of Big Will Skelton. Just a lumbering beast who will ruin you.
6 - Gideon the Ninth - she's big, she's strong, she's really fucking annoying. All the qualities of a flanker.
7 - Judith the Second - battle-hardened and crafty in a way that all good openside should be.
8 - Aiglamene - hard as nails, no nonsense, will fuck you up. She's got years on her, but age is just a number.
9 - Harrow the Ninth - Diminutive, but canny. Shrewd decision maker, and is swift and incisive when she needs to be.
10 - Dulcinea the Seventh - is playing 4d chess with everyone, can see 5 steps ahead, and knows how to manipulate an opposition defence.
11 - Isaac and Jeannemary the Fourth - both of them because the jersey is too big for just the kne. Full of beans, loves a cheeky wee side-step, and are a lot tougher than they look.
12 - Palamedes the Sixth - strong link with Dulcinea comes in handy here, but it's the almost telepathic connection with his outside centre that makes him dangerous.
13 - Camilla the Sixth - runs hard lines, and is excellent in both attack and defence. Almost telepathically linked with Pal, her inside centre. Loves Going Loud.
14 - Babs - doesn't do a great amount of work, and loves to just be passed the ball so he can score and take credit after everyone else's hard work.
15 - Abigail the Fifth - calm, cool, and collected, the definite traits of a good fullback.
EDIT: Switched Ianthe for Corona, she'd make a much better Lock. Same height, but with more weight behind her carries.
Ianthe is more of a 10/12 hybrid in the mould of Owen Farrell for England. I'd put her on the bench, and bring her on for Dulcie in the second half.
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fideidefenswhore · 5 months
I have been having a very difficult time finding actual historical non fiction books written by credible authors at my local library. It seems Alison Weir and Linda Porter have taken over, with the occasional David Stark thrown in, and I was curious if you had any recommendations for any credible biographers?
I mean… I have my issues with Linda Porter and David Starkey asw, but they are both historians and specialists in their subjects, so I would argue they are both ‘credible’ biographers in that sense …
But I definitely have my own preferences as far as historians go, so if you’re looking for personal recommendations, you can check out my pinned post (to see what quotes from which biographers interest you), and more specifically, in no particular order, I would recommend :
Susan Wabuda, Julia Fox, Catherine Fletcher, Glenn Richardson, Judith Richards, Elizabeth Norton, Suzannah Lipscomb, Eric Ives, Lucy Wooding, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Susan Brigden, Melita Thomas, Lisa Hilton, Nicola Tallis, Estelle Paranque, John Guy, Pamela Gross (her one Tudor biography is difficult to find , however, although you might meet with luck if your library has an ILL program, as I did as a student) and Owen Emmerson.
As for books not strictly academic biographies, I prefer Susan Bordo’s book on Anne Boleyn in pop culture / popular memory over Russo’s, tbh, and I love all of Natalie Grueniger’s. If you’re looking for academic Tudor books, non-biographical, more focused on politics, daily (court) life, architecture > personalities , I can rec there too… since you mentioned Alison Weir, it’s worth mentioning Simon Thurley’s books on daily court life and palace architecture, most of her passages on those matters are cribbed from his books, anyways. Might as well go straight to the source > the summaries 👀
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bastardtrait · 11 months
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judith ward has inexplicably arrived with venessa jeong. i fear she is making her carry her bags.
@mickimagnum's monster mash pt. iii - venessa jeong as pop culture reference (james dean in rebel without a cause [1955]), judith ward as '50s gal (patricia owens in the fly [1958])
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wvsteria · 1 year
starter call and plotting call for the event below ! i'm going to list who voluntarily went in and who was pulled in by magic/friend. pls like to request a starter from me, but pls keep it like max 4 per mun. i'm keeping my starters per muse at 4. this rule doesn't apply to plotting. plotting is free range that we can divide amongst ourselves! if you request a starter, chances are i will come to you to plot (this feels like a v plot heavy event tbh).
voluntarily went in:
alyla vane, amren, beth washington, cangse sanren, dorcas meadows, ezra bridger, godric gryffindor, hadley hufflepuff, harley quinn, harry potter, judith grimes, kiara carrera, kol mikaelson, louise belcher, mo xuanyu, nie ruizhi, padme amidala, princess jasmine, sarah miller, stu macher, tara carpenter
pulled in by magic/friend:
alcina dimitrescu, alex karev, america chavez, bucky barnes, enzo st. john, emily fields, helion, heron lyptus, jacen solo, josie saltzman, kasil monsula, mal faery, mia winters, mouse honrada, noela, peter parker, piper halliwell, rosalie hale, roxanne weasley, samara palpatine, song lan, soren palpatine, taissa turner, tamlin, xuan ji, zoey davis, zuko
starter list:
alyla vane (2/4)
misa amane: 31 The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
vesta starkos: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
america chavez (2/4)
loki laufeyson: 18 Monster: Murderous clown.
diana prince: 27 Monster: Minotaur
amren (1/4)
rhsyand: 13 Monster: Werewolf.
beth washington (1/4)
freddie facilier: 21 Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
cangse sanren (1/4)
daniela dimitrescu: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
enzo st. john (2/4)
bonnie bennett: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
owen sharma: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
ethan mckinnon (2/4)
maddie mckinnon: 16 Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
cleo mckinnon: 7 The area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. Characters are aware of this when they enter the space.
ezra bridger (2/4)
nezuko kamado: 19 Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
hera syndulla: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress.
godric gryffindor (1/4)
harvey hufflepuff: 3 Monster: Living scarecrow
hadley hufflepuff (1/4)
harris hufflepuff: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
harley quinn (2/4)
dinah laurel lance: 2 Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
henry creel: 12 Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
harry potter (5/4)
hermione granger: 8 Monster: Ghosts
bill weasley: 6 The husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in
hagrid: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
ginny weasley: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
charlie weasley: 17 Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
helion (1/4)
lexi branson: 5 Monster: A hoard of geese
jacen solo (3/4)
leia organa: 5 Monster: A hoard of geese
tahiri veila: 16 Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
tenel ka djo: 28 Characters find this section of the maze to be extremely cold, with frost hanging from all of the corn stalks and the icey ground beneath their feet making the terrain difficult to traverse.
josie saltzman (1/4)
penelope park: 26 Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.
judith grimes (1/4)
rose hathaway:17 Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
kasil monsula (2/4)
kaiden monsula: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
sabina palpatine: 26 Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.
kiara carrera (1/4)
elena gilbert: 4 Monster: Skeletons
kol mikaelson (2/4)
rebekah mikaelson: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
hope mikaelson: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
mal faery (4/4)
uma: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
evie grimhilde: 4 Monster: Skeletons
dizzy tremaine: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
gil: 3 Monster: Living scarecrow
mia winters (1/4)
ethan winters: 24 Monster: Dementors
mouse honrada (2/4)
elain archeron: 11 Monster: A rat with a gun
feyre archeron: 13 Monster: Werewolf
mo xuanyu (2/4)
jin zixuan: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
lan wangji: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
nie ruizhi (1/4)
nie mingjue: 12 Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
noela (1/4)
james witherdale: 24 Monster: Dementors
padme amidala (2/4)
satine kryze: 13 Monster: Werewolf
ahsoka tano: 7 The area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. Characters are aware of this when they enter the space.
peter parker (1/4)
michelle jones: 13 Monster: Werewolf
piper halliwell (2/4)
calleigh duquesne: 14 Monster: Vampire
kat mitchell: 19 Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
princess jasmine (1/4)
ariel: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
rosalie hale (2/4)
son yeonseo: 24 Monster: Dementors
james witherdale: 18 Monster: Murderous clown
roxanne weasley (1/4)
fred weasley ii: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
samara palpatine (5/4)
leia organa: 14 Monster: Vampire
sella palpatine: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
sabina palpatine: 31 The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
shi wudu: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
sheev palpatine: 2 Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
sarah miller (1/4)
eveline: 18 Monster: Murderous clown
song lan (1/4)
xiao qing: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
soren palpatine (3/4)
sabina palpatine: 21 Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
ji euntak: 17 Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
sheev palpatine: 31 The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
stu macher (4/4)
jinx: 12 Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
chad meeks-martin: 2 Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
amber freeman: 3 Monster: Living scarecrow
dewey riley: 4 Monster: Skeletons
taissa turner (1/4)
lumine: 27 Monster: Minotaur
tara carpenter (7/4)
sam carpenter: 16 Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
victor salazar: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
lydia martin: 6 The husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in
amber freeman: 19 Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
renesmee cullen: 25 Characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.
dewey riley: 8 Monster: Ghosts
feng xin: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
xuan ji (2/4)
lang ying: 25 Characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.
qi rong: 14 Monster: Vampire
zuko (1/4)
katara: 30 Monster: A swarm of bats
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ennysimmer · 6 months
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Judith gave birth to their second child Mindy while Milton served his sentence in prison. He actually missed most of the early childhood of his first two children. I think he was in jail for one rotation.
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When Milton finally was released, I forced him and Jack to spend most of their time building their relationship to avoid any more jail time in this household.
They didn't have to endure it for long though. It was soon time for Jack to leave them for good, which I'm pretty sure Milton didn't mind at all.
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A few years later, Judith gave birth to the twins Levina and Ludvig.
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The family tree
1st gen – Julia Hart (Adler), Jack Hart 2nd gen – Amber Remington, Scott Remington, Avery Remington, Owen Remington, Jane Rivers, Thomas Hart, Elliot Hart, Judith Hart, Milton Hart 3rd gen – Melody Hart, Mindy Hart, Ludvig Hart, Levina Hart
All of the Remington children in gen 2 Jack had with Anya Remington after Julia's death. More on that when we're in Anya's household. The rest of the gen 2 children are his and Julia's children.
What happens now? With Jack dead, Judith is now the sole owner of the furniture store. Milton is running his own business selling robotics. Now when the children are older, both he and Judith will focus more on their businesses. However, Judith has rolled the want to have another child so we'll see what happens with that next time we see them :)
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annahanover · 3 months
Neurodivergent headcanons GO
judith ramone (love in hate nation) has c-ptsd
natalie goodman (next to normal) is autistic, has bpd, depression and anxiety [i can make arguments for all of these]
npd & bpd owen carvour
autistic ichabod crane
autistic miss holloway and duke! low empathy miss holloway (that's canon)
becky barnes has ptsd and anxiety
all the nerds are neurodivergent
i read a fic where max has ocpd, and i really liked that, so that's in my belief system now
that's what i've got for you today!
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