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Schtonk    [trailer]
The slightly fictionalized story of an art forger, a journalist desperate for a big story, and the biggest press scandal in German history: the Hitler Diaries.
In terms of story, one of the funniest German comedies of all time. Often movies based on real events fail at making a memorable film. But in this case it takes the already farcical story it is based on and runs with it. And the whole cast is up for it.
"The Führer, Herr Oberstumbannführer, he won't burn."
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rwpohl · 21 days
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der mörder mit dem seidenschal, adrian hoven 1966
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Drei Damen vom Grill (1977-1992) ist bis heute eine meiner Lieblingsserien. Aus einer Zeit, als Berlin noch nicht ganz so verrottet war. Sehe sie gerade wieder auf ARD+.
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dynamischreisen · 11 months
Max, Panama, Tag 15
Ich wollte diese Überschrift vermeiden, aber Leute - ich kann nicht anders:
Oh, wie schön ist Panama
Ich denke, ich kann mit einigem Selbstbewusstsein sagen, dass für mich heute der schönste Tag der Reise war und auch in einigen Top-Ratings in meinem Leben könnte dieser Tag mitspielen.
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Begonnen hat er recht abenteuerlich: seit null Uhr gab es keinen Strom mehr. Was für Nicos Ventilator-Problematik vermutlich ganz gut war, war es umso weniger für die Nahrung im Kühlschrank. Da nicht abzusehen war, wie lange es dauern würde (zur Erinnerung: alle Straßen dicht, kein Sprit, unterbrochene Kühlketten…) habe ich die Angel zur Sicherheit behalten. Man weiß ja nie - Abenteuer eben.
Auf der Hauptinsel Colón war dann aber glücklicherweise alles im Lot.
Dort angekommen bezogen wir unser neues Appartement, das sogar zweistöckig ist, vom Balkon Blick auf das Meer gewährt und eine eigene Küche hat. Hier werden wir bis zu unserem Flug nach Panama City leben. Mehr oder weniger auf gut Glück und aus Zeitvertreib stiegen wir in ein Collectivo, das uns zur Nordwestseite der Insel bringen würde. Ich habe mich vorher schlau gemacht, ob man im Dschungel Faultiere finden könnte und bekam die selbe Antwort wie so oft: ein müdes Lächeln und ein „muy dificil“. Aber wir wollten es probieren.
Schon die Fahrt war ein echtes Highlight, die Straße führte keine drei Meter vom Meer entfernt durch kleine Orte und die wunderschöne Natur. In Bocas del Drago angekommen, folgten wir einem Pfad, der uns zum Playa Estrellas bringen sollte, der seinen Namen nicht wegen der guten Sicht auf die Sterne im Himmel trägt, sondern die wunderschönen großen Seesterne, die dort im perfekt glasklaren Wasser leben.
Auf dem Weg dorthin wollte ich zum wiederholten Mal Locals ansprechen, ob sie wüssten, wo Faultiere seien. Nico meinte scherzhaft, er wolle nicht schon wieder ausgelacht werden. Ich entschied mich, trotzdem auf eine Dame zuzugehen, die bevor ich Luft holen konnte in den Baum zeigte und rief „allí, un Perezoso!“ übersetzt heißt das „guck mal du Blindfisch, fast hättest du das Faultier verpasst“. Wir freuten uns wahnsinnig über die kleinen grauen Fellkugeln. Doch wiedermal folgte der Fingerzeig der Natur, dass durchhalten sich lohnt und schon kurz darauf begannen die beiden Tierchen regelrecht für unsere Fotos zu posieren. Wir sollen uns glücklich schätzen und ich meine Fotos mit einem Anwohner teilen, so die Bitte.
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Mehrfach kam die Frage auf, die uns bisher an fast jedem Strand begleitet hatte. Und dieses Mal lege ich mich fest, ich habe die Antwort: es geht nicht schöner, es geht nicht besser. Der Dschungel endete wirklich direkt am Wasser, ein knapper Meter feiner, heller Sand war die einzige Barriere zum leuchtend türkisen Meer. Beim Tauchen sahen wir bunte Fischschwärme, einen großen Rochen und die Seesterne, von denen ich keine Ahnung hatte, wie riesig und cool sie sein können.
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So lagen wir neben ihnen im perfekt temperierten Wasser und tranken einen eiskalten Cocktail. Irgendwann hatte ich Lust auf Blödsinn, fand eine gigantische Krabbenschere und gab sie als Dank einem Touri-Pärchen, das auf unsere Sachen aufgepasst hatte. Es sei ein wichtiges Zeichen der Anerkennung und des Respekts in meiner Kultur, anderen Leuten Krabbenscheren zu überreichen. Und so packen sie sie ein. Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen.
Das stand logischerweise unter dem Stern der zwar ausgelutschten, aber nicht weniger wahren Definition von Glück, die Harald Juhnke einst formulierte: keine Termine und leicht einen sitzen.
Und so schlenderten wir zurück zum Haltepunkt des Collectivos, sahen Pelikane beim Fischen und kletterten auf Palmen umher. Wenn ihr nochmal an den Anfang des Artikels geht, könnt ihr mich auf einer erkennen.
Beim Restaurant vor Ort beschlossen wir die Wartezeit zu verkürzen und etwas zu Essen. Es gab Reis, eine Art Kartoffelpuffer aus Kochbananen und Makrele. Diese war laut Nico, der ja ein deutlich zurückhaltenderer Typ ist als ich, der beste Fisch seines Lebens. Und es war echt unglaublich. Zum wiederholten Male fragte ich, was denn jetzt noch kommen sollte. In diesem Moment begann die Sonne mit einem unfassbaren Schauspiel, der Himmel brannte. What a day.
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thebusinessmagnate · 2 months
Neil Juhnke: From Seed to Shelf Sugarbeets by Grower-Owners at the Michigan Sugar Company
The sweet, delicious, sugary saccharine – Sugar, is a carbohydrate that can be found naturally in many food products such as fruits and vegetables. 
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The sugar is extracted from naturally grown foods and undergoes a manufacturing process to produce the sugar that we have in our kitchens and pantries. This sweetener is also used as a preservative, fermentor, flavoring agent, modifier, etcetera. 
White sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, and liquid sugar are some of the kinds of manufactured sugar products sold at our local shops that we purchase. 
Sugar is an ingredient that is added to almost everyone’s daily meals and snacks in varying quantities and kinds. This saccharine and carbohydrate is an energy source for our body which delays tiredness and increases low glycogen levels thereby giving us that extra boost on consumption. 
Many factories in the Food and Beverage Industry manufacture, produce, and retail sugar. Did you know that the world’s main naturally grown food products used by manufacturers to produce sugar are Sugarcane and Sugarbeets? 
Yes, factories choose either of the two products and process them for sugar extraction.  
There are yet other factories that process sugar from naturally grown fruits and vegetables but the canes and beets are the main chosen foods. 
Therefore in this article, we will talk about a company that was started in the early 1900s and now is the third-largest sugarbeet-manufacturing company in the USA. Michigan Sugar Company is currently led by CEO Neil Juhnke. The factory/plant is established in the Uptown Bay City area, in Michigan since its harvest initiative in Sugarbeets from the year 1906. The manufactured and processed sugarbeet is sold to the commercial, retail, and industrial sectors. Striving with the purpose of “making life sweeter”, the Michigan Sugar Company and its CEO – Neil Juhnke are on a mission to “create growth and opportunity”.
The President and Cheif Executive Officer Embracing Life at the Michigan Sugar Company:
The President and Chief Executive Officer at the Michigan Sugar Company is Neil Juhnke. Neil was appointed and came into office taking on this huge role in May of 2023. 
Neil has since been embracing his new life at the company after having been closely involved in agricultural sugar processing his whole life. Before the Michigan Sugar Company, Neil worked at the American Crystal Sugar Company located in Moorhead, Minnesota from the year 1990. As an effective leader, the CEO immediately stepped down to the fields and spoke with the farmers and growers. 
After having a good layover of the business model, operations, factory, and the fields alongside several meetings over the first few weeks, Neil envisions a bright future for the Michigan Sugar Company and is working towards the goal to “strengthen and stabilize the company’s foundation, creating a platform for sustainable growth into the next century”. 
Under Neil’s leadership, knowledge, and expertise in the sugar industry and field, the Michigan Sugar Company currently sees an annual production of 1.2 billion pounds of sugar being manufactured and sold under the Pioneer Sugar Brand and the Big Chief Sugar Brand from the Uptown Bay City factory in Michigan alone. 
About the Michigan Sugar Company – One of the Oldest Sugar Companies in the USA:
The Michigan Sugar Company was founded in the year 1906 when 6 sugarbeet companies merged. The company became a grower-owned business in 2002 and after merging yet again with the Monitor Sugar Company in 2004 – became the USA’s 3rd largest sugarbeet-producing factory located in Michigan. The state is also one of the only 11 other states in the country where sugarbeet is grown, manufactured, processed, and brought farm-to-table. 
The company now has over 865 grower-owned plants and harvests around 140,000 acres of sugarbeets annually. An annual production of over 1.2 billion pounds of sugar is produced by around 20 different counties in the state and is then sold to commercial, retail, and industrial sectors where the company’s profits are 100% owned by the local farmers. 
The sugarbeet factory in Uptown Bay City, Michigan alongside its current President and CEO is on a mission to “create growth and opportunity” by empowering and engaging employees and grower-owners, establishing safe work environments and sustainability in work practices, by adopting efficient and innovative grower-owners and facilities, and by building on trust. Together they aim to increase production and yield, happy and satisfied customers, stronger communities, and the company’s bright future in sugarbeet-manufacturing. 
Encouraging the company to immerse itself into the community, a “Locally Grown, Locally Owned” initiative was adopted where “operating regionally and giving back locally” through student recruitment and training sessions. The company also donates over 100,000+ pounds of sugar annually and awards 12 scholarships. With the ‘giving back’ mindset strongly instilled, 2 community Bay City gardens have been constructed and 100+ events have been sponsored to unite and build a much stronger community. With the Michigan Sugar Company’s core values instilled in driving excellence, pride in their roots, integrity, compassion, and trust – the company sees a bright future in agricultural cooperatives and community.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/neil-juhnke-from-seed-to-shelf-sugarbeets-by-grower-owners-at-the-michigan-sugar-company/
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emathion · 4 months
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Begnadeter Entertainer, brillanter Schauspieler, aber auch schwerer Alkoholiker und Enfant terrible der deutschen Unterhaltungsbranche – Harald Juhnke, der heute seinen 95. Geburtstag feiern würde, war ein Mann der Extreme.
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
This is a tribute birthday edit to Judith Eva Barsi 1978-1988 10 years old of age and those from gta vice city, poltergeist poltergeist III, Jaws 2 Jaws The Revenge, All Dogs go to heaven, Land before time rest in peace Dominick DeLuise, Burton Leon Reynolds Jr., Charles Nelson Reilly, Victor Tayback, Anna Maria Manahan, Godfrey Quigley, Jack Angel, Harald Juhnke, Michel Modo, Jacques Frantz, Ernest Borgnine, Tony Jay, Hamilton Camp, Pat Cleo Corley, Wlodzimierz Bednarski, Vadim Kurkov, Edeltraud Schubert, William Ryan, Martin Patterson Hingle, Bill Erwin, Joseph Henry Ranft, Roger Carel, Linda Grey, Andrei Yaroslavtsev, Henri Virlogeux, Sven Erik Herman Vikström, Melvin Van Peebles, Elizabeth Lee Fierro, Fritzi Jane Courtney, Jan Rabson, Naomi Ruth Stevens, Marilyn Sue Schreffler, Murray Hamilton, Barbara Alston, Roy Richard Scheider, Marc Gilpin, April Gilpin, Gary Michael Dubin, Susan French Moultrie, Collin Wilcox Paxton, Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Forrest Meredith Tucker, Gilbert Roland, Thomas Lester Tryon, Joseph Peter Mascolo, Barry S. Coe, Herb Muller, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Zelda May Rubinstein, Nathan Davis, Richard Fire, Jane Alderman, John Garfield, Dominique Ellen Dunne, Julian Beck, Beatrice Whitney Straight, Will Sampson, Louis Byron Perryman, Sonny Landham, James Karen, Robert Houston Broyles, Noble Henry Craig Jr., Geraldine Mary Fitzgerald, Fred Rogers, Susan Peretz, Avicii, Michael Jackson, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson, Richard Belzer, Michael Gambon, Matthew Perry, Raymond Burr, Brittany Murphy, Denise Marie Nickerson, Roy Mitchell Kinnear, Nora Denney, Leonard Stone, Diana Mae Sowle, Lisa Loring, Raul Julia, David John Battley, Günter Meisner, Aubrey Woods, Ursula Reit, Robbie Coltrane, Peter Capell, Roberts Blossom, Billie Bird, Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton, Clara Blandick, Shirley Temple, Baby LeRoy, Baby Peggy Montgomery, Werner Heyking, Walker Edmiston, Anthony Newley, Michael Goodliffe, Yevgeny Vesnik, Georgiy Vitsin, Roberto Del Giudice, Manlio Guardabassi, Sergey Aleksandrovich Martinson, Judith Barsi, Maria Agnes Virovacz Barsi, Agnes “Agi” Barsi Lidle, Barna Barsi, John Ingle, we will miss you all stars
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basseyblog · 6 months
He Kills Everything
He Kills Everything is a fabulous song from the 1996 Album The Show Must Go On.It was recorded as the theme song for the German TV series Die Gang. Below a great live version of the song from Harald Juhnke’s New Years Eve show from 1996. Chart Positions Entered: Nov 09 1996 Highest: Albums: #47 Run: 8 weeks Lyrics: Beware the man and his dangerous smileYou’ll understand, if you happened to know…
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] This story originally appeared in the Times on March 16, 1972.WEST LOS ANGELES—The right of students to distribute an underground newspaper called the Red Tide on the University High School campus remained in doubt Wednesday as officials attempted to sort out the issues raised by a four-hour student demonstration in the school’s Administration Building earlier this week.The incident concerned a state law that became effective March 4, granting high school students the right to distribute literature and petitions on campusTwo students, Robin Prentiss and Michael Letwin, were suspended by Principal Warren Juhnke on March 8 for offering issues of the newspaper for 10 cents.Juhnke also confiscated some issues of the tabloid-sized paper which charged, among other things, that the administration willingly allowed police officers on campus to harass students.This week when the suspended students returned to school, they organized a demonstration outside the Administration Building demanding that all confiscated issues of the paper be returned, that all records of their suspension be erased and that the administration recognize their right to distribute the paper.When they received no response from either Juhnke or Homer Ganz,boys vice principal, about 300 students moved into the Administration Building, blocking the hall, where they remained four hours.In support of their complaints the students distributed a special issue of the Red Tide quoting the new law which they said had been ignored by the principal.The law, however, says that literature may be distributed as long as it is not offered for sale and is cleared first with the school principal eo ensure against libel, slander and obscenity. The issue has been clarified to an extent by Eva Hain, a public information officer for the Los Angeles City School District.Juhnke was working under the assumption that the old state Board of Education policy was still in effect, she said, one which excluded all but official school literature from campus distribution.“However,” she said, “even under the new regulations, students were out of line. They did not clear the material through the principal and they did sell it.”The students who sat in the Administrtion Building also would be subject to suspension for disrupting the school program.“However, Dr. Juhnke has said he did not feel it would serve any purpose to have mass suspensions,” she said. “?Some of the students felt they had legitimate grievances and he wants to work it out with them.”No other high schools on the West Side have encountered any proglem with outside literature on campus. However, at the time of the Unihi incident, there were other schools where the same confusion over the policy existed.“Up until today, when I heard that there was a statement from Jerry Halverson (legal adviser for the Los Angeles School District) that there was a new policy, I would have assumed that the old policy was still in effect and used it as a guideline,” said Mrs. Josephine Jimenez, principal of Hamilton High School.The law on which the old policy was based has been declared unconstitutional by a federal court ruling and the state Board of Education has adopted a new policy in accordance with the state law effective March 4.Halverson, speaking for the Los Angeles schools, said principals have been informed of the new policy at general meetings and through mailed statements.“There were some cases in which we didn’t get the information to the principals,” he said. “It’s not their fault. What we are doing now is sending out a copy of the state Board of Education policy with suggested procedures for administering it.”The futgure of The Red Tide at Unihi remains unresolved because the students who want to distribute it still have not presented it to Juhnke for approval.“I have not received a request for the distribution of The Red Tide,” Juhnke said, “and therefore I have not made a decision.”However, he added, student demands that confiscated copies of the paper be returned and that records of the suspended students be expunged have been refused since the actions were taken under rules that are still standing in the new policy. [ad_2]
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mysuits · 1 year
Harald Juhnke - Was ich im Leben tat (My Way) 1999
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zataoglu · 2 years
Harald Juhnke & Peggy March - Was kann ich denn dafür
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happyhappydingdong · 2 years
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arrestdujour · 3 years
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Joshua Lee Juhnke
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schombergswelt · 2 years
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Vor Beginn der #RC22 wollte ich noch einen analogen Datenträger, eine so genannte „#Postkarte“, einwerfen. Auf der Suche nach einem #Briefkasten geriet ich in eine abenteuerliche #Frühachtziger-#Zeitblase. Den Briefkasten fand ich erst in #Charlottenburg – die orangen Eindrücke lohnten den #Fußmarsch sehr. Ich erwartete, dass mir jeden Moment Harald #Juhnke oder Günter #Pfitzmann von hinten auf die Schulter tippte… (hier: Messe Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce3SNN4sJcH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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linmoiel · 5 years
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Facebook: Freche Witze & liebe Sprüche
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