#jukebox essential
fuchsiaamorouscoils · 7 months
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stayallnite · 4 months
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― pairing : Yunho x Fem! Reader ― genre : fluff + smut ― content warnings: grease! au - therefore it's the 50's, Yunho smokes weed and has a motorbike, mentions of a car accident but it’s superficial and no one of the main characters is involved, thigh riding, unprotected sex, idk how to describe it?? acrobatic sex??? idk you’ll read it, kinkshaming will not be allowed, inspo for that came from an italian song' MV ― word count : 7.830
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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«I swear, if I hear that song another time, I’m gonna scream bloody murder.» you addressed your colleague with an annoyed groan as you both were busy cleaning one of the now empty tables of the Frosty Palace, the local diner where you worked. She sighed in silent agreement, both of you wondering why your boss decided to let customers choose what to play from the jukebox even during Saturday nights, when the diner was really busy and crowded with people.
«Here comes trouble,» she announced with an amused smile on her face, as she took the plates you were busy balancing on your forearm, before nodding towards a group of guys which just arrived, busy taking their seats. «they’re all yours.» she chanted, quickly leading back into the kitchen with an amused smile.
«That traitor.» you mumbled, before taking your small notebook from your apron’s pocket and taking a deep sigh. Of course you perfectly knew the loud group that just arrived, since you’ve had a crush on Seonghwa since you could remember. His dark and mysterious aura always charmed you, and you could not help but to grow interested in him. 
However, your mother’s advice not to get involved with bad guys always resonated in your head anytime you caught a glimpse of them and their leather jacket or motorbikes, and therefore, you’ve never tried to approach any of them beside work related matters. Their table was incredibly loud but also incredibly polite to you, and if you were to be honest, they probably were the best and most polite customers of the entire evening. Your only interaction with Seonghwa consisted of your eyes briefly meeting, before eventually, you went back to your previous working hurried pace. Low-key, you were glad that you couldn’t stay at their table for more than the essential time needed to take their orders, because you knew that you probably looked like a mess: you’ve been working for nine hours straight, your hair was a mess – even if tied up in a ponytail, and you were sure you had bags under your eyes due to how tired you were. You just wanted to go home and sleep.
«Are you coming to Jisung’s party?» your colleague – and friend, asked you, handing you a glass of water as you were both spending your first shift break leaning against the counter – few steps away from Seonghwa’s table. You quickly hummed, shaking your head while swallowing the water, silently wondering if that was how god’s nectar tasted like. 
«When is it? I’ll probably have to work.» you asked her, unaware that your small talk had caught the attention of both the boy you had a crush on and one of his friends’.
«Next Friday!» she enthusiastically said, her eyes glancing at the diner’s entrance door every now and then in order to check up if some new customers arrived, while yours kept glancing across the room, to see if anyone needed anything else. «Please, come with me! I promise I’ll cover your shifts anytime you want!» she quickly added, as if she managed to read in your mind the fact that you were once again about to say no. 
Perhaps, you agreed because you were extremely tired. Perhaps, you agreed because as your eyes were quickly scanning the room, you shortly locked your gaze with the boy with faded pink hair that was casually sitting next to Seonghwa, with his back leaned against the wall and his black leather jacket draped over his wide shoulders as he uninterestedly rolled a cigarette while occasionally glancing at you. 
«Don’t look at their table, but,» you lowered the tone of your voice, getting closer to your friend and pretending she had something in her hair. «who’s the one sitting next to Seonghwa?» «Yunho.» she immediately whispered back, without blinking or thinking about it. Then, with a surprised gasp, she simply stared at you with wide amused eyes and her mouth slightly open, the sudden action making you giggle. «I can’t believe you’re not asking about Seonghwa!» she whispered, and just like that, new customers arrived and both of you went immediately back to work.
Seonghwa and his friends left around midnight, and as you were cleaning their table, the bright green bill neatly placed under Yunho’s coaster caught your attention; your eyes widened slightly and you immediately looked around just in case it was a joke, but nothing seemed out of place. You folded the banknote, placing it in your apron’s pocket, and as you were collecting the dishes, you saw Seonghwa and his friends talking right outside the diner’s windows, illuminated by the street lamps.
Surprisingly enough, instead of focusing on Seonghwa, your eyes were curiously looking at Yunho, the tall boy that earlier was looking at you; he was quietly chuckling at something his friends said while casually sitting on top of his motorbike, the cigarette he previously rolled was carefully balanced between his lips as he looked for a lighter in his leather jacket’s right pocket. You felt strangely hypnotized by the small action of him lighting up his cigarette before blowing out a puff of smoke while his head was thrown back, but you quickly snapped out of it as soon as one of your colleagues called your name, asking for help.
The walk back home was quick and mostly made by inertia, due to how tired you were feeling; you mindlessly unlocked the door and closed it with a yawn, before taking off your shoes and collapsing on the couch – since your bed was too far away. «Come on,» you weakly encouraged yourself, trying to ignore the numb feeling of exhaustion spreading from your legs all the way to your body. «take a shower and then go to sleep.» you mumbled, «In five minutes…» you were about to drift off, when Yunho’s piercing gaze flashed behind your closed eyelids; your eyes snapped open, and you immediately reached in the back pocked of your jeans, taking out the 10 bucks tip.
A small smile unexpectedly made way on your lips, wondering if he left the tip because he saw you working your ass off or because he had other reasons to do so.  Funny how a banknote helped waking you up, but you placed it on the coffee table in front of your couch, and headed towards the shower. 
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Of course, your colleague knew about your crush on Seonghwa and of course, she wouldn’t shut up about Yunho for the most part of the week. 
«I can’t blame you,» she said, cleaning the counter as you were about to close the diner. «He’s hot. And he seems so strong, I bet he can fuck you against-» your colleague’s – and friend, words were immediately stopped by your hand on her mouth, reducing the remaining of her sentence into an inaudible mess of muffled words. 
«Not a word, or I won’t come to the party.» you said, blushing about the intrusive thoughts that thanks to her, were now vivid and oh, so realistic in your head. 
«Are you a virgin?» she whispered, even if no one else beside the two of you were in there; you shook your head, explaining her that beside your first boyfriend in high school, you’ve never had any other experience, nor romantically, nor sexually. 
«I just completely focused on studying, and now here I am: the best waitress in town.» you joked with a sad smile, mentally going through all the future life plans you had which you eventually had to reconsider, and she immediately let go of the glass she was cleaning in order to walk towards you.
«Come on!» she cooed, «It’s the 50’s, love. Fall in love, live a little.» she smiled, her slim arms snaking around your waist. 
«It’s not like-» as you were about to retort that you weren’t that interested in romance since all you managed to have crushes on were obviously bad boys who carried a concerning amount of red flags everywhere they went, she was quick to silence you, once again.
«I bet we’re gonna have fun, trust me, I’m the expert here.» she winked at you, and you nodded with an amused, exasperated sigh.
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Jisung’s party was chaotic, and you deduced that it couldn’t be otherwise since he was the most popular and richest kid in town; he spent the evening next to his girlfriend, and you wondered if you would ever be as lucky as her since, judging by Jisung’s looks, he seemed pretty much head over heels for her.
An elbow delicately nudging against yours quickly made you turn your attention back to your friend, which had her head tilted towards the backdoor and she was pointing towards it with her eyes; she looked quite funny, but as soon as you saw what she was desperately trying to point at, you felt your knees go weak.
Seonghwa was standing with his friends, looking as good as always but once again, you felt your eyes naturally drift towards Yunho’s figure, casually leaning against the wall with a red plastic cup probably filled with punch as he was talking with one of his friends – a little shorter with raven black hair. You honestly tried to prevent your eyes from scanning his body from his chest, to his long legs - which looked sinful in high waisted skinny jeans, and as your gazes met, you quickly looked away as quickly as a wild flame has just burnt you. You felt a blush creeping on your cheeks, your heart picking up speed in embarrassment by the fact that Yunho had basically caught you ogling at him, but also secretly turned on by the sudden smirk that he had plastered on his face.
From there, the night went by rather quickly. Surprisingly enough, you managed to have fun, even if it was probably thanks to the few cups of alcohol you drank during the night; you were tipsy – drunk enough to laugh about almost everything but sober enough to still stand without falling on your face, and so that’s how you found yourself in Jisung’s wide garden, sitting next to your friend, listening to two random boys blabbering and flirting with the two of you.
Despite the fact that you were sitting in front of your friend’s crush with the promise of somehow help her out, you never tried to hide the fact that you were absolutely uninterested in his friend’s obnoxious advances, and your eyes kept glancing at Yunho, which much to your shame, caught you the most of times.
Yunho was incredibly beautiful, and he absolutely had no reason to affect you like that; especially, he had absolutely no reason to look so hot as his lips closed on the filter of the joint that him and his friends were passing around. As they were laughing together, you figured that you probably would have wanted to try it, too.
«It’s your turn.» the boy in front of you said, and your eyes immediately fell on the joint that he was carefully handing to you, the filter pointed towards you and the smell of weed invading your nostrils. You politely shook your head, refusing the offer, aware that there was only one particular person that you wanted to try smoking weed with.
You knew Yunho was approaching you, even if you were not looking at him anymore. You could feel his gaze on you since the moment you excused yourself from the conversation you were having with your friend, and all you could feel was anticipation. If you were to be honest, you didn’t do it in order to get his attention – not entirely, but you really needed a break from hearing your friend and her crush flirting with each other and his friend obnoxiously trying his luck with you; so this is why you walked past Yunho and his friends heading to the backyard, where a significant less number of people were chatting.
With a sigh, you closed your eyes, your back and your head delicately pressed against the wall as you waited; you waited both for your incoming headache not to ruin the little party time you had left, and both for something – anything, to happen right before you had to go back home. Your silent wishes must have been heard from some kind of celestial entity, since few minutes later, Yunho was casually standing in front of you, one hand placed on the wall next to your head, and the other still holding what remained of the joint that him and his friends were previously smoking.
«You’re not very subtle at stealing glances.» Yunho smirked, and you felt your knees go weak since it was the first time you were hearing his voice, and you definitely didn’t expect for it to be so deep and melodic.
«Maybe I didn’t want to be.» you answered, your voice coming out weaker than you wanted, and the alcohol mixed to the weed you breathed made you act a little bolder than you really were. Yunho’s smirk was all you could think about, the cologne he wore still managed to intoxicate your senses even if he was holding a joint between your bodies; everything you wanted was to kiss him, to feel his skin against yours even if deep down, you knew that boys like him inevitably lead to a heartbreak. Yunho looked like everything you were not, and at the same time, he looked like everything you wanted.
«So, angel face,» Yunho said, his voice a little bit deeper than before, he slowly raised the joint’s filter few centimetres in front of your lips, while his eyes hungrily and repeatedly glanced from your eyes to your lips, «do you want to try this,» he added, nodding to the joint before leaning a bit closer, so that your noses were almost touching and you could feel his soft breath against your skin as he spoke, «or do you want to try me?» your breath hitched at that final question and Yunho probably noticed but, being the gentleman he actually is, he settled for not saying anything and just wait for your answer, a smug smirk plastered on his lips as he made you feel almost naked under his gaze; you had to restrain yourself in order not to grab his leather jacket and close the small distance between you, and you wondered what was wrong with you.
“Am I really that drunk or am I just incredibly horny?” you thought, licking your lips and feeling almost suffocated by the tension that was surrounding both your bodies as the two of you were in your own small bubble.
«Mommy said boys like you are bad news.» you answered with a quiet mumble, knowing he would have heard nonetheless, thanks to the almost non-existent space between you.
«Oh, really?» Yunho cooed, tilting his head, action that you slightly mirrored in the opposite direction while waiting – hoping, for him to kiss you. «Why don’t you find out if that’s the truth?»  you were about to kiss him, you desperately wanted to kiss him, to feel his lips against yours and for him to completely push you against the wall while making out and feel his body pressed flush against yours but of course, your friend had to unintentionally ruin the moment by calling for you, but despite your name being called, neither you nor Yunho looked away.
Yunho grabbed your chin in his hand in a gentle but firm action, the filter of the cigarette pressing against your cheek, and you swore your heart was about to climb its way out of your body as Yunho hinted the action of bringing your face closer to his, but eventually stopped as your lips were few millimetres apart.
«Feel free to come looking for me, when you have an answer.» he mumbled, and you were sure that your lips brushed against each other few times, the faint sensation lingering on your lips from the same moment when Yunho detached himself from you, winking at you while taking a step back and innocently smiling as if he wasn’t about to kiss you in the backyard of Han Jisung’s mansion during one of his parties. You walked towards your friend with a hammering heart, and occasionally touching your lips in order to quench the lust you were feeling; you spent your way back home wondering if you could get drunk on another person’s cologne, because all your senses were focused on the feeling of throbbing desire you felt towards Yunho.
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Despite your efforts of avoiding thinking about the party and completely focus on work, you still found your thoughts wildly wandering towards that night every time you had a break. Although your friend kept encouraging you to go talk to him, you always said no, hiding yourself behind the most stupid excuses, hinting that obviously, someone like Yunho could never like - let alone desire, someone like you.
«I’m too inexperienced for him.» you told your friend, which simply scoffed, looking at you like you just randomly grew another head.
«I don’t even know where to start in order to explain how dumb that statement is.» she muttered, going back into the kitchen while she kept mumbling other unintelligible things.
The diner’s entrance bells rang loudly, echoing in the almost empty room on a Wednesday night, and you shortly panicked as soon as you recognized Yunho casually walking towards the counter. It was the first time you’ve seen him since the party, and you didn’t know both how to react and how to greet him; did you have to pretend nothing happened?
«Hi, angel.» Yunho’s endearing smile most definitely caused your heart to skip a beat, and you timidly greeted him back with a smile.
«Are you by yourself, tonight?» you dared to ask, in the attempt of making a small conversation as you were busy preparing his coffee while he sat directly behind you on one of the red leather stools in front of the counter.
«I am. Were you waiting for someone else?» even if you weren’t looking at him, you could hear the smug grin that was dancing on his lips; you immediately shook your head, your eyes locked on the coffee machine in front of you, and you heard Yunho hum, as if he was pleased with your answer.
Contrarily to your expectations, you and Yunho fell into a peaceful and relaxing small talk, and he also listened to you blabbering about how rude and unkind customers have been lately without complaining about you talking too much. Even if he had finished his coffee long ago, he settled for keeping the conversation going, finding you insanely entertaining and attractive to just walk away.
Gradually, you loosened yourself a bit, thanks to Yunho’s natural kindness and his way of talking which made you feel at ease; you slightly leaned on the counter while talking, as Yunho rolled a cigarette in the desperate attempt to keep his mind busy and prevent intrusive thoughts about all the ways he wanted to ruin you from popping up in his mind and suggest things you both might have regretted. As much as you thought that Yunho was a charming and interesting boy, he thought the same about you and so, for the first time in his life, he settled for making things right, following your pace.
«I guess you’re on closing shift,» Yunho said, licking along a stripe that would seal his cigarette, and you nodded as you were busy following the action. «Are you walking home by yourself?» «No, I’m-» «Yes! She is!» your friend immediately chimed in, and you suddenly remembered that you were not alone with Yunho, and she probably had to stand there and suffer from second hand embarrassment since who knows when. Yunho clearly understood that your friend cancelled on you last minute in order to leave the two of you alone and quietly chuckled at your small interaction, the cigarette he had previously rolled now placed behind his left ear. «I can walk you home, if you want.» he said, his gaze never faltering from yours.
Few hours later, you were both sitting on a bench at the now deserted skater park, the full moon watching over you as a pleasing spring breeze occasionally dishevelled both your hair.
«I still have to thank you for the tip you left me.» you said, focusing your attention on your hands, and Yunho simply shrugged.
Of course, the both of you engaged a conversation composed by the most infinite number of topics and of course, you ended up asking him about smoking and Yunho simply looked back at you, rising an eyebrow in surprise by the fact that the request escaped your lips out of nowhere, but also secretly pleased with the fact that you were not acting as if nothing happened few days earlier.
Yunho patiently taught you how to smoke without feeling like you were suffocating, occasionally rubbing your back as he waited for you to stop coughing.
«I can’t die like this, not before I get my monthly salary.» you cleared your voice, wiping the lone tear that escaped your eyes, and Yunho chuckled, his hand moving your hair from your face, so that now your neck was completely exposed to him, like a white canvas that he couldn’t wait to draw on. In order to stop coughing, you tried to focus about the fact that at this point, you and Yunho indirectly kissed through the filter of the cigarette, but it never really helped you, leaving you a bit flustered than you were before.
Somehow, you managed to learn the trick, and as you felt your body relaxing, you also felt becoming incredibly giggly; you knew that you were stupidly giggling at some jokes Yunho said while looking at him with rosy cheeks and a wide smile, but you couldn’t help yourself.
A large quantitative of praises towards Yunho were about to escape your lips but you managed to stop yourself just in time, losing yourself in the boy’s magnetic gaze which made you want more, aware that you wouldn’t even be able to quantify how much was that.
Once again, the thought about boys like him ending up breaking your heart popped up in your mind, but you ignored it.
“It’s the 50’s, love. Fall in love, live a little,” your friend had said, and you decided that, at least for tonight, you could have ignored the part of you which was always and only thinking about work.
Only when the bell tower signalled it was almost three in the morning, Yunho decided it was probably time to go back home.
«But we were having fun!» you whined, taking Yunho’s outstretched hand, which both helped you standing up but also pulled you flush against his body in a swift movement.
«Now,» Yunho smiled, and you had to beg your brain in order to stop the instinct that wanted for you to nuzzle against his chest and breathe in his alluring scent. «but you’re gonna hate me tomorrow, if you don’t get enough sleep.» even if you whined once again, you agreed with him and you both started to walk towards your apartment’s direction.
«Yes!» you giggled, quickly walking towards Yunho’s motorbike. «We’re gonna ride it?» you asked him, stopping next to his bike in order to tilt your head to look at him. Yunho thought that there was no way someone could look so cute after smoking weed for an hour, but yet, there you were, looking at him like you were the most innocent girl on the planet.
«No, angel face.» he said, affectionately ruffling your hair and making you pout. «I don’t have a spare helmet.»
«Next time?» you immediately asked, lifting your pinky finger in the air in an instinctive manner, and the hand which was furrowing your hair a moment earlier, was now lifting your chin while Yunho’s face came dangerously closer to yours.
«Are you sure that’s the only thing you’re gonna ride?» Yunho’s words seemed to spark the fuel that was smeared on your soul, since you were sure that the blush covering your cheeks could be seen from space. As you embarrassedly stuttered while coming up with an answer, Yunho laughed loudly – the sound making your heart do somersaults in your chest, while his long pinky finger gently intertwined with yours, sealing your promise. The both of you managed to arrive at your apartment while you kept giggling about the most random things, occasionally pouting about the fact that Yunho had been smoking too, but he completely seemed unaffected by it.
«Experience.» he simply answered as you unlocked your apartment’s door, immediately turning on the lights and heading for the couch while loudly calling for him to get in as well. Yunho followed you into your small living room, and sighed loudly at the sight of you laying down on the couch, with your arms thrown over your head while the shirt you were wearing was now showing part of your stomach.  
«Yunho.» you called for him in a serious voice, quickly sitting up and waiting for him to crouch down between your legs while sitting on the coffee table. You quickly shook your head as he asked you if you weren’t feeling okay while he carefully brushed  your hair out of your face, and you quietly gripped his jacket, looking at him in the eyes with the most serious expression you could muster. Yunho tilted his head, confused but your action but also intrigued about what you had up in your sleeve, when you definitely managed to surprise him another time.
«I’m so hungry.» you whispered as you were confessing a sin, and Yunho had to cover his mouth with his hand not to laugh too loudly. «But it’s almost four in the morning.»
«What do you want to eat?» Yunho asked back in a whisper, playing along, as if he was implying that your secrets were safe with him.
«I want a cheeseburger,» you smiled, counting on your fingers as you started to list a concerning amount of junk food, «and then, milk and cereal, and then…» Yunho let you finish while looking at you with an incredulous smile, before meticulously asking if you had any cereal in your house.
Less than five minutes later, you were happily munching to your night snack, trying to quench your chemical hunger. You didn’t expect for weed to have such a disastrous effect on you, but you managed to drift off – only after successfully feeding Yunho a couple of times, and eventually, hecarried you to your bedroom and left, not sure whether you’d like to see him first thing in the morning.
Later that night, you woke up with a headache and a bitter taste in your mouth; the fact that you were still wearing yesterday’s clothes was the proof that you did not have a fever dream and last night really happened. Your cheeks flared up in embarrassment, and you rubbed your temples before making up your mind and heading towards the kitchen  to drink some water and have some breakfast.
“I made a fool out of myself,” you thought, completely sure that you’ve blown off all the chances you had to get to know him better, “He’ll never want to see me again.” As you mindlessly grabbed a bowl from your cupboard, you noticed a small yellow paper neatly placed on your kitchen table.
“Hope you slept well, call me.” the paper said, and unexpectedly, there was Yunho’s phone number.
The note with Yunho’s number written on it was carefully taped on your fridge, but you still didn’t call him; four days quickly went by, and you still couldn’t find enough courage to dial his phone number and talk to him. At this point, you had the sensation that, in the back of your mind, the small yellow paper started to lighten up anytime you walked in front of it, only to become more evident and making you feel even guiltier. 
Yunho didn’t show up at the diner, and you took it as his personal way of letting you know that he was respecting your pace, a thing you were glad for.
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An almost deafening noise of tires braking on the asphalt and a sudden crash noise made you immediately wake up clutching your chest in fear, sitting up straight in your bed as you tried to understand what just happened. Your heart was hammering in your chest due to the sudden fright, and you scanned the dark room in the desperate attempt to individuate any other noises which could help you identify what happened; as you walked to your bedroom’s window, you also heard the sound of multiple sirens approaching, and your eyes locked with the two cars that crashed against each other almost in front of your condominium. Both the police and an ambulance were quick to show up and take one of the two man back to the hospital, but even if the situation had calmed down and only the police remained with the other man to investigate the dynamics of the car crash, you couldn’t bring yourself to calm down. Work had been particularly busy those days, and the fact that you were stressed was undeniable.  
Perhaps, you were too zoned out to realize what you were doing; perhaps, your brain acknowledged the fact that in that moment, there was only one voice that you wanted to hear in order to feel better.
Therefore, you turned on the lights of your apartment all the way to the kitchen in order to collect that yellow post-it and listen to your brain which, at the moment, was suggesting to do the best thing.
«Hello?» Yunho's raspy voice mumbled from the other line; for a split second, you wondered how cute he looked with his hair messy and pointing in every direction due to sleep.
«Hey.» you mumbled, your voice a little more unstable than you originally planned, wondering if he would have been able to recognize you, and wondering if he would have got angry at you, since you were basically calling him in the middle of the night.
As your eyes glanced to the clock nailed to the wall right on top of your landline, you mentally cursed yourself, since it was literally 3.42 in the morning.
«Hey, angel.» Yunho mumbled again, the sound now a little muffled since he was probably rubbing the palm of his hand on his face in order to somehow get rid of all remaining traces of sleep. «Did anything happen?»
Although you wanted to tell him the truth, that you were okay but a car crash woke you up and you just wanted to hear his voice, you didn't; you spent few more seconds in silence, wondering how could you phrase all the waves of emotions you were feeling.
«Can you come over?» you finally whispered, aware that for sure he didn't manage to hear you, for your voice was almost inaudible; you quickly cleared your voice, ready to repeat your sentence a little louder when Yunho's voice made you close your mouth once again.
«Okay,» you heard him sigh, «I'll be there.» Yunho hung up and still, you stood there, listening to the robotic and redundant sound of the other line being hung up, while staring at the wall as if it was the most entertaining thing ever.
Yunho arrived more or less twenty minutes after your call, the loud rumble of his motorbike announcing his arrival. «I don't know why, but they're not letting anyone in, unless they live here,» Yunho's groggy voice greeted you as he closed the front door behind himself. «If the police officers come and ask, we're living together.» As if you were in autopilot, you quickly walked towards him, snaking your arms around his waist and trying to calm yourself down with his presence. You knew you were acting like an idiot for being scared like that but you couldn't help yourself, the pent up stress made you overreact and you were glad that Yunho still decided to show up after you basically ghosted him because you decided to shy up and act like a coward.
«Come on, let's go back to sleep.» Yunho was taller than you, therefore he easily towered over your frame and so, as he gently hugged you close to his body while placing his chin on the top of your hand, you felt safe.
It was funny how you were standing in your apartment in the middle of the night, clinging to the stereotypical boy your mom always warned you about, as if he was the only way you had to feel better. Inexplicably, Yunho's strong arms made you feel like you wanted to build a home in there; like those wooden houses built on trees some little kids had, where they hid when they wanted to have their personal space and live safely in their own world for some time.
Secretly, you wished you could stop time in order to live this moment for eternity, but deep down, you couldn't help but wish for these moments to become your new, daily routine.
Obviously, you didn't know yet, but Yunho wanted pretty much the same as you did. In his eyes, in that very moment, you looked so small and helpless that he felt the desire of protecting you from everything.
Yunho hanged his leather jacket before the two of you eventually ended up cuddling on your bed, facing each other while laying on your sides; Yunho's right leg was slightly between yours while your left leg was resting over his thigh, your naked skin pressed against the rough fabric of Yunho's denim jeans while his fingertips gently caressed the expanse of your exposed thigh.
Before he arrived, you wondered if the perspective of sleeping with a boy while being so underdressed – a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, was the right choice but you didn't really want to change your pyjamas. Now, Yunho's warm hands made you want to completely feel his natural warm skin against yours.
«Thank you.» you whispered some time later, a faint and tranquil murmur into the comfortable silence you were sharing.
«It's okay, angel.» Yunho sighed, holding you a little closer to his chest. «Anytime you need me, you holler, and I'll appear.» his words were nothing but sweet, and of course, you believed him.
«Don't go away this time.» you mumbled right against Yunho's collarbone, your breath ticking the skin that the wide collar of his shirt exposed. Yunho's answer came in the form of kissing your forehead, and you slowly drifted off to sleep, lulled by the other's slow rhythmic breathing and the feeling of his warm body enveloping yours.
The sound of your alarm woke up the both of you in the middle of the morning. Yunho – now almost completely laying under you, groaned in protest before effortlessly turning the both of you around in a swift and quick movement.
«Five more minutes.» he whined, his voice unexpectedly deep and hoarse. As much as you wanted to chuckle since that action was incredibly cute, you stayed there, almost petrified, as Yunho was now laying with his head on your chest and his legs between yours; he manhandled you so easily you had to close your eyes in order not to give in to the sensation of the heat that was pooling into your panties and consequently to the thought of searching for relief on his firm thigh.
«Why is your heart beating so fast?» Yunho asked, rubbing his eyes as he propped himself on his elbow, now almost completely awake. If you thought that Yunho looked handsome on a daily basis, now you were completely sure that he just earned the status of "breathtaking": his lips were plump and rosy because of sleep, and his cheeks were painted by a faint blush, his hair were dishevelled and looked pretty much untameable. You were used to seeing him surrounded by the "bad boy" aura, you'd never expect to find him so cute you'd want to squish his cheeks.
«Do I make you nervous?» he asked, a mischievous grin on his lips as his cheek was now placed on the palm of his hand while he kept hovering above you. «Well, yes.» you admitted, your glance quickly drifting away from his. «You're... you.» at this point, not only you lost all the ability to think properly, but you were also sure that Yunho thought you were completely dumb.
However, he simply hummed, his long fingertips hovering above your lips which naturally parted; as you unconsciously licked your lips, the fact that Yunho was following the action didn't go unnoticed.
«You'd probably want to be careful, angel.» Yunho's voice made you imperceptibly close your legs around his thigh. «Just because I like you doesn't mean you should try your luck.» his fingers were now under your chin, the feeling of the cold ring he wore on his index finger making your head spin with different scenarios which ended up in the same sinful way. «Otherwise, I won't hold back.» Yunho's words were all it took for you to tangle your hand in the front of his shirt; you weren't pulling him closer nor away from you, you just needed another conformation that this was happening for real. Yunho just admitted he liked you, feeling which definitely was reciprocated; anticipation was clouding your senses, and Yunho prevented you from daydreaming any further by purposely tensing up the muscle of his thigh just to tease you, but it simply ended up in you trying to suppress a needy whine.
«Then don't.» your voice trembled as your eyes locked with his, happy and relieved about the fact that the lust and the passion you found there were matching yours.
«Remember, angel,» Yunho shook his head with an amused grin. «That you asked for it.» you didn't have time to question his words, since his lips immediately found yours in a needy, passionate kiss. You completely submitted to him; you didn't dare to try and take control, you didn't want to. All you wanted to do was to lose yourself on the feeling of Yunho's lips moulding with yours, his teeth nibbling your lower lip and his tongue moving with yours in a messy and passionate pace. You felt the mattress dip under his knee as he balanced his weight on his arms, action which made his thigh press a little more roughly against your heat; instinctively, you groaned, arching your back in the desperate attempt to press yourself even more against the rough fabric of his denim jeans.
That action wasn't nor casual, nor innocent, and you felt Yunho's smug smile against your lips, before he leaned down to kiss your jaw and eventually, leave a trail of kisses for as much as the collar of your shirt allowed. Your mind has already flown on cloud nine long ago; during these years you never really missed sexual contact nor you ever felt the need for a relationship but there was something unexplainable about Yunho's touch that made you feel like you wanted to make up for all the time you lost. And of course, you wanted to do it with him.
«Yunho,» your voice was somewhere in-between from a whine and a surprised squeal as his right hand roughly pulled your waist upwards and towards him; he simply hummed, lost in the feeling of enjoying all the reactions your sensitive body had.
Despite you were most definitely loving how good Yunho was making you feel, you felt the desire of making him feel good as well and so, your fingers gradually loosened from the grip they had on Yunho's hair and gradually lowered until the palm of your hand was completely placed on his half hard length. A wave of pride washed over you as he instinctively jerked his hips forward in your hand, burying for a moment his head in the crook of your neck with a loud groan – which worked wonders for the situation in your now completely wet panties.
«You'll have plenty of time to make me feel good,» Yunho eventually swatted your hand away, pinning it against the mattress. «Today is about you.» he added, proving his point by digging his knee against the mattress so that the friction between your legs would increase. Yunho's sentence somehow boosted your confidence and if his right hand were guiding the movement of your hips for a brief fraction of time, now it settled for hoisting your thigh a little higher, his nails sinking in your soft skin as you grinded against his thigh while your lips were occasionally moulding against each other. Your shorts now completely exposed your inner thighs and the sensation of the rough fabric of Yunho's jeans made your skin almost feel sore, but anytime he tensed the muscle of his thigh, you stopped thinking about it, since the sensation of your orgasm building up thanks to someone else and not your own fingers were all you could focus on.
Yunho, on the other hand, was focusing as much as he could in order not to come at the sight of you falling apart so rapidly under him and because of him. It would have been embarrassing for him to come untouched, but the way you were repeatedly whining against his lips while frantically gripping at his shirt or his hair just to anchor yourself at something made him want you even more.
Yunho's thoughts got interrupted by a sinful loud moan escaping your lips and your body tensing up before relaxing once again, collapsing on the bed with your eyes closed while you were trying to focus on slowing down your breath. As you came, your thighs squeezed Yunho's in a brief but tight hold, brushing against his length in the process, and Yunho was sure that precome was now staining his boxers.
Feeling your heart hammering in your chest for two completely different reasons, you reached out to peck Yunho's lips in a silent and affectionate “thank you”, and he smiled before repeating the gesture. «Are you sure you-» «Yes,» Yunho answered with a small nod. «I could use the bathroom, and then we could cook breakfast?» Yunho somehow answered in a questioning tone, unsure whether you wanted to spend more time with him. You simply nodded, checking the watch on your nightstand before giggling. «More like lunch.» «Brunch?» Yunho answered as, following your gaze, noticed what time it was.
«Just so you know,» Yunho casually addressed you, pointing at you with his index finger as he was still holding his glass of water. «I bought a spare helmet, so I might just let you ride with me.» You nodded, eagerly, happy that Yunho wasn't backing down on the pinky promise you made.
Few days later, you told everything to your friend, which had to stop drinking because she was somehow managing to squeal while doing so. «Yunho has never let anyone ride his bike,» she said in an excited voice, «not even his friends.»
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Not only Yunho took you on an insane amount of dates but also, every time his work shifts allowed him to, he'd pick you up from work because he didn't want to let you walk back by yourself. Spending your free days together had become a habit and so, three months later, there was a little corner in your wardrobe only for Yunho's spare clothes. Yunho managed to make you feel the happiest girl in the world, to make you feel desired and loved, and the night Yunho confessed you that his feelings were the same as yours, you felt do happy you swore you could become the sun of a whole new solar system.
Yunho also confirmed your friend’s words: you were indeed the first one he ever let on his bike, and you both loved this privilege but most importantly, you loved to cling to his back to your heart’s contents and enjoyed the little forms of affections he still managed to show. Anytime you were waiting for the traffic lights to turn green once again, he’d mindlessly caress your leg, all the way from your ankle to your thigh; sometimes he’d just trace with his thumb over the top of your hands which were intertwined on his abdomen.
You never thought – probably not even in your wildest fantasies, that one day, you’d be sitting right in front of Yunho on top of his Harley Davidson – your back pressed against the fuel tank and your legs around his waist, as his length rhythmically disappeared inside you.  Obviously, you never suspected he could hide some kinky meaning behind the sentence: “probably you’d be more comfortable wearing a skirt”, but still, there you were, trusting Yunho and letting him fuck you on top of his motorbike while both your helmets were safely placed on the floor and you had the perfect view of the sun setting in the sky due to being on a non particularly popular hill and therefore, completely alone.
«What if someone sees us?» you whined, the sensation of Yunho filling you up so perfectly and roughly – even if his pace was slow and teasing, momentarily clouding your senses and making you think that you probably wouldn’t have actually cared, not when you were so close to your release and Yunho looked like Apollo himself as the lights of the setting sun were dancing behind his back.
«Why, would you care?» Yunho asked back with a groan, a smug smile on his lips and his hands tightly gripping your waist under your high-waisted skirt; the chuckle you wanted to answer with died in your throat as he changed pace in the same moment you decided to sit up a little bit straighter, holding his shoulders to balance yourself. It was undoubtedly messy, and the fact that Yunho was strong enough to effortlessly fuck you in those circumstances made the warm sensation of an approaching orgasm pool even faster in your lower stomach. 
Both you and Yunho managed to almost come together, between breathless chuckles – due to the fact that you were more than willing to try new things as long as you were together, strained moans and passionate kisses. 
«My legs are numb.» you breathed, leaning once again your back on the fuel tank as Yunho was looking at you as you were a work of art, «I can’t get down.» you added, smiling before randomly erupting into a series of giggles, toying with the sleeves of Yunho’s leather jacket. 
«That’s my favourite thing to hear, angel.» Yunho smiled at you with a mischievous wink as he was gently running his fingertips on the expanse of your thighs.
Yunho loved how willing you were to be bad for him, just as much as you loved how willing he was to be good for you.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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deedeeznoots · 3 months
Let’s Stop Time For a Bit
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➺ Characters: Suguru Geto, GN!Reader 
➺ Word Count: 1.5k
➺ Genre: Fluff 
➺ Content: American 80s!AU, Established Relationship, Burgers and Milkshakes (sorry to any vegan readers 🥲), Geto Smoking (kind of), Lots of Kisses, Swearing
➺ A/N: I really enjoyed writing this story so I hope people enjoy reading ❤️
➺ Synopsis: Dates at the local Diner with your loving partner Suguru Geto are always a hit! But what happens when your boyfriend, always eager to try new things, finds his eyes attatched to a small little speaker with microphones attached to each end?
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The loud slurp from your milkshake as you take a sip fills your ears and distracts you from the various sounds of the Diner. The loud music playing on the jukebox, waiters taking orders, and people laughing and talking together. Sure, all together it was a little overwhelming and chaotic, but otherwise the place was perfect. 
Not only that, but the food was amazing as well. The flavor of the cold milkshake hitting your warm tongue as you took a sip brought nothing but absolute bliss to you. The burger in front of you that was nearly the size of your head right next to the large bucket of fries was no laughing matter either. Whenever you order from this Diner, you find yourself shocked by the sheer proportions. Still, you always end up finishing all your food anyways, so these thoughts are short lived.
“This Diner never misses. Don’t you agree, love?”
Plus… you always had a great partner who helped you just in case you couldn’t finish all the food on your own.
You looked at your boyfriend across from you. A bright smile plastered on his face as he looked back at you with heart eyes. Your gorgeous partner and high school sweetheart, Suguru Geto. It has been a few years now since graduation, and while you both have evolved since then, inside he’s still the same Suguru that you always knew. His kindness, his gorgeous eyes, and of course– his luscious long black hair. 
While lots of things drew you to Suguru, in hindsight it was probably his hair that stood out the most. During a time when hairspray is essentially injected into people’s veins, seeing Suguru opt for a simple bun in his teens to now allowing his hair to fall completely down, is one of the things that constantly hook you to him even through the present day.
“...Darling? Are you okay?” Suguru asks, his smile fading slightly and his features now painted with worry. 
“Huh? Oh– Sorry, haha,” you reply, swirling your milkshake around with your straw, “I was just lost in thought”. 
“Oh? About what?” Suguru asks, curious about what made you lose your focus so intensely. 
“Hmm… just about how much I love you” you say with a giggle. Suguru was taken aback by your answer, he had assumed the worst when you said you were lost in thought, but your soft smile fully convinced him otherwise. So he simply laughed back at your comment, “God, you’re so corny…” he chuckled. “Yeah but you love it” you reply, feeding him a fry that he readily accepts. 
Loud music filled up the entire Diner as you both laughed together and ate. No matter how big the crowd, when you and Suguru are together it truly feels like you two are the only ones in the room. Time feels fast, with hours feeling like seconds, but at the same time it feels like time decides to not move at all and simply stops. Still, in what feels like no time at all, you two are completely finished with your meal.
“Man, that was good” you sigh, a bit disappointed that the day has come to a close already, yet satisfied that you were able to have this day with your boyfriend nonetheless. Though, when you look at Suguru, you notice that he isn’t looking back at you. Instead, he’s looking behind you. You turn around and see it, a small radio with two microphones connected to each end, and a book of song lyrics right next to it.
“Absolutely not” you say abruptly, which catches your boyfriend’s attention. 
He pouts in disappointment “But…why?” his eyes grow bigger, pleading with you to at least consider singing on the karaoke machine with him. 
“B-Because there’s so many people here!” you cross your arms at him, shy at the idea of singing in front of so many eyes. It’s a Saturday night, meaning that the Diner was as crowded as ever. The thought of having to sing with such a full house made you shiver in your seat. 
“Come on…no one will even look at us” Suguru leaves his side of the table and kneels next to where you sat “...please?” he asks, grabbing your hand. To the average observer, it probably looked like he was about to propose. Shit…if he did, you would have probably said yes with how convincing he was as he looked up at you, his pleading eyes sparkling, like he’d give you the world if you just accepted it. God… you could never truly say no to him, even if you tried. So you begrudgingly took his hand and allowed him to lead you toward the machine. 
“You’ll love it, I promise!” he says with glee as he stands up, practically dragging you toward the mics. You keep his hand intertwined with yours as you take baby steps on the tile floor. You both walk past the bright out of place disco ball in the middle of the restaurant and the red couches filled to the brim with people. As you look at the crowds, they serve simply as a reminder of what you’re about to do. In the end though, you both make your way to the machine.
Suguru, ever the gentleman, hands you the mic and goes “Okay…what song should we do? It should be a love song, of course” he chuckles, but you remain distracted. Suguru frowns, “Hey, I’m sorry… we don’t have to do this if you really don’t want–”. 
“No! It’s not that it’s just…” you laugh nervously “Suguru…people are staring” you blush and scratch the back of your head as you look toward the crowd of people. You aren’t completely sure if they’re looking at you, but it sure feels like it.
Suguru cups your face, and as your eyes meet his own he makes sure to caress your cheeks gently. Leaning into your ear, he whispers, “Shh… that’s just your pesky nerves getting in the way. Plus, if they are staring they’re about to witness the greatest show of their lives”. 
You laugh and touch his lips with yours, completely forgetting about how nervous you were just a few seconds ago. You pick a song from the book and giggle as it starts on the radio. 
Now… neither you nor Suguru were singers by any means. In fact, you both likely leaned more toward the opposite end of the spectrum. Still, this was a performance just for the two of you, the off-key singing, silly dances, and voice cracks doing nothing but accentuating how much fun you both were having with each other throughout the whole song. To your glee and to the rest of the Diner’s dismay, you and Suguru spent a good hour singing various songs together on the machine before you were forced out by the restaurant staff. They say it was to give others a shot, but there didn’t seem to be many people waiting their turn, though there were most likely people just begging inside for the two of you to finally stop. 
“Whew!” you spin around in glee as you both exit the Diner, the bright light of the 24-hour sign casting your shadow during the dark night. Despite you both essentially getting kicked out, you had absolutely no shame, only looking at Suguru’s happy face. 
Suguru simply hummed as he took out a cigarette from his pocket. Just as he was about to light it though, he looked at you as your face dropped in sadness. You froze and looked at him, before looking away awkwardly. 
“Sorry, sorry…” he spat out the white stick, letting it fall to the ground. “I know I need to quit” he tucks the lighter in his pocket and wraps his arms around your body from behind you and kisses your neck, bringing your mood up once again. “Mmm… thank you for today” Suguru mumbles into your neck. “Aw… of course, baby” you turn around to face him and give him a passionate kiss that he gladly leans into. “I love you” you mumble into his lips, and he hums back at you. 
As you both pull back, Suguru quickly goes “I love you too!”, and as he finishes the phrase he suddenly lifts you up and spins you around the parking lot, causing you to let out a short scream in shock. “Suguru! What–”.
He laughs, cutting you off, “Sorry! Sorry! Did I scare you?”. He bounces your body around, his strong arms keeping you secure. 
You laugh “No, it’s fine but give me a warning sometimes!” you playfully slap his chest and smile, kissing his lips for the nth time today. “Sorry, sorry, sorry” he says again, if he could lift his arms up to the air as an act of peace, he would. “Let me carry you home though… to make it up to you, yeah?” he smiles. 
You roll your eyes sarcastically but go “Okay… let’s go” as you lean into his chest. 
Wrapping your arms around him, you think about the man carrying you. The man who constantly has you do crazy things like karaoke at the Diner until they’re forced to kick you both out, the man who always gets you out of your comfort zone, and the man who always makes sure to tell you how much he loves you during and after the fact. Yeah… that man… the man you’re in love with, and the man you’ll stay in love with for decades to come. 
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iclosedoors · 2 months
okay okay. let me explain
so me and my friend juno have this au where we mash the magverse and ars paradoxica together
so jonathan sims is some physicist that gets sent back with sally and nikhil (in this au nikhil lives longer than five seconds in 1943!!!!!)
nikhil also went to oxford with jon, so naturally he knows about his old band
feeling nostalgic for modern music, they band together to form the band Nikhil MinSaJ. Theyre essentially the opposite of postmodern jukebox.
jon sings most of the songs (except the few that are simply TOO much like the cupcakke songs and also WAP), sally sings the rest because nikhil is TERRIBLE
actually there was this one time they got helen to sing a song. five nights at freddys, the jazz version. she was very perplexed
sally plays the kazoo, passionately. nikhil knows a little guitar. he is not so good because he relied on guitar tabs. there are no guitar tabs in 1943.
i made a cover for their album:
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the green crayon is actually stolen from petra (jon stole it)
idk who threy got to draw the main part of it, but they only really drew the green parts
here is their entire discography. we take suggestions
here is a couple other facts from our au:
- after nikhil attempted to seduce sally, he turned to jon who was shoved in the back. this went as smoothly as you can imagine
- jon visibly winces anytime he has to refer to martin (who he left in modern times) as his wife, Margaret. everyone just thinks he really hates his wife. only nikhil, sally, and esther know about martin.
- nikhil and sally started doing this thing where everytime the time piece would fuck up or they just fucked it up on accident theyd excuse it by saying jon was simply throwing ass too hard and damaged it. no clue where we started with this headcanon. anyways jon always just goes along with it without question.
- they make up other insane shit about jon that he just accepts and carries on with
- they take jon to las vegas and he loses all his money gambling
- jon will openly tell chet wickman to kill himself in front of everyone because he really just fucking hates chet whickman. in fact he would be so pissed to find out that in protocol they refer to him as chester. he does not want to be associated with that man
- jon keeps a really shitty drawing of martin in his wallet, much like how a soldier would keep a black and white photo of their wife while out at war. sometimes he stares blissfully at it, pining helplessly. no one can tell what the drawing is of, except him.
- jon roasts the shit out of anthony partridge because his wife left him. he will NEVER let that down. anthony is very disturbed by this little man and grimaces anytime he walks in the room
- jon really struggles to conform to the standards of the 1940s but they cant just let him do whatever cus he will ACTUALLY die
- the magnus institute kids from tmagp (gerry, sam, and presumably alice) are all part of the plasticity kids group
- they all live together with the cat and everything. every once in a while they will run into each pther in the kitchen at three am. jon will always walk in and say the most insane shit ever. i actually drew one of these moments here
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as you can see jon is very disturbing
oh tjis is how jon draws petra and carmen
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oh here is just a drawing of them brainstorming
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oh i also made a fuckass edit of them
you may not get many of yhe references in it becahse it was never meant to see the light of day really
anyways cringe culture is dead i made this for anyone just as brain rotted as we are.
i hope this makes someone happy
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mysimsloveaffair · 5 months
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A rustic garden location for hosting special events such as birthday parties, dinner parties, engagement dinners, baby showers, and even small weddings. Features a wishing well, small pond, wedding arch, dance floor, jukebox, buffet table, busking station, horseshoe pit, celebration cannon, bar, and plenty of dining space. No CC, turn on bb.moveobjects
**This lot is the updated version (featuring the Party Essentials Kit) of the lot seen in these posts: Banks Day 26.4 (link takes you to my website)
To download, visit the Sims 4 Gallery: (or get it here)
Origin ID: diego2memphis
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@publicvanillabuilds | @maxismatchccworld | @sims4realtor
Thanks for your support - Ko-fi
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Broadway.com has been talking about female rage the musical and the possibility of a jukebox musical and I want to die. There's so much wrong with that. Like, broadway is collaborative. Other people would have a say in every aspect of the show. She doesn't have 2 hours of coherent work. I can't see her using her work for anything other than a self serving vanity show all about her life. She would never let anyone else play her on stage. She does not have the talent to sing dance or act live and close up 8 days a week. The only people who would attend are her fans, famously horrible audience members. She can only keep an audience when there's fireworks and backup dancers to draw attention from her lazy mediocre performances.
She wants to be MJ so bad it's embarrassing
Hardcore cringe- ICk
I'm so sorry to her fans who genuinely believe Swift has a coherent enough body of work to write a musical. Literally, I just wrote a post on how incoherent her work really is.
She's just too undereducated for it. I am sorry but people go to school and major in scriptwriting, they major in drama, or major in music. My point being that this stuff is a true craft- it takes years of work to hone a craft.
While people don't always need to study things in a traditional educational setting, they do need to learn from the masters- that's why we have apprentice programs and assistant positions in any art related fields.
There is far too wide a gap between what Swift does on stage- essentially following the drafted choregraph a professional dancer made for her, and writing a real musical for me to believe that she is talented enough to do it.
Not to mention the huge gap between writing pop-songs and literally writing a full-bodied musical. Like there's just no comparison here.
The audacity of her to just believe she has enough natural skills to do anything on Earth with no training drives me nuts.
There are people who dedicate their lives to working on these skills and she just disrespects them by saying, essentially, it's so easy she can do it with no training. Um- no.
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chefboyar-zeee · 5 months
Idlewild - Roundtable Jukebox
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Idlewild is a musical drama film released in 2006, directed by Bryan Barber and starring the hip-hop duo OutKast, which consists of André 3000 (André Benjamin) and Big Boi (Antwan Patton). The film is set in the Prohibition-era South and blends elements of music, drama, and crime with a jazz and hip-hop-infused soundtrack.
This was a beautiful film and very aesthetic. I have not seen another musical quite like this one and it’s for a reason. Here's why...
What are the social aspects within the film’s narrative that align with the film’s songs? 
The characters in "Idlewild" demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity, a theme echoed in the film's music.  Many songs highlight the characters' determination to overcome obstacles and fight for their dreams, reflecting the broader struggle for justice and equality.
The film's love songs align with these themes, expressing the joy, passion, and challenges of love.
Rooster's involvement in the criminal underworld is depicted through intense and energetic musical numbers that convey the danger and excitement of his lifestyle.
The film's songs reflect their desires for a better life and their struggles to achieve their dreams. Percival's introspective ballads, for instance, convey his longing to break free from his small-town life and pursue his passion for music.
How do the historiographies of previously recorded songs inform audience relationships with the musical’s narrative and performers? 
Most of the songs in Idlewild had already been featured on the OutKast albums Big Boi and Dre Present...OutKast and Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, essentially making it a jukebox musical. Seven of the songs from the film, along with several unreleased songs, were released by LaFace Records as an OutKast album entitled Idlewild at the time of the film's release.
This is such an interesting question for my film considering all the film’s score was performed and produced by the lead actors, Andre 300 and Big Boi, with a few credited features in the film. Obviously it isn’t just circumstance that the leads were a famous Hip-Hop duo, so it isn’t hard to assume that the actors/artists were chosen specifically to star in this film for their transformative and notable music style and sound. Without their unique sound and talent for performing, the film could not, and would not be what it is. 
The historiography of this film is unique in the way that the character actors are also the creators of the featured soundtrack. On one hand, the audiences may feel more compelled to the characters and their narrative because they are in support of their music exclusive to the film, as well as some of their originals. In general though, I think historiographies definitely inform the audience’s relationship to a narrative. It can make you more engaged with the characters and their conflicts if you personally feel the music is fitting, or on the other hand, it can make you understand and better comprehend the narrative you're following because you may be familiar with the meaning and significance of the music. I also think about people’s ability to see artists they like and songs they love being performed in a different medium. In a way, your brain might see the visuals from the first time they heard it; or maybe the song originally had a music video. It’s up to directors to build the narrative strongly around the music.
What musical genre/style drives the film’s score, and how does the genre/style (re)define the film as a musical? 
The hip-hop, funk, and soul stylings of the song score are intentionally anachronistic, a choice made to complement the film being set in 1935. Elements of 1930s-era blues and jazz music are, however, featured prominently in many of the musical numbers. The film's dance numbers, choreographed by Hinton Battle, also feature many period dances, primarily the jitterbug and showgirl moves, like featured in the above video.
The film does a lot of blending hip-hop with jazz, blues, and gospel influences.
Idlewild is known for its visually stylized and innovative approach to storytelling, incorporating musical numbers, fantasy sequences, and animation. 
The film defines itself by taking place in the 1930s, in addition to casting vetted performers and songwriters as your leads. The musical simply wouldn't have the same storytelling element had anyone else written the soundtrack, whether prior to the film or not.
#oxyfilmmusical #disguisedmusical @theuncannyprofessoro
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jakekiszkasmommy · 1 year
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Bullseye Part 1🥃
Warnings: Slow burn, nothing spicy... yet 👀 Minors still be warned because the end of this...well...you get it.
Author's note: I hope you like this MULTI-PART fic! Let me know if you would like to be added to my taglist! I'm still fairly new to all of this so please bear with me!
You had just started drinking for the night. Trying to forget the week that you had. Your friend, Sam, dragged you to the bar with him insisting that you have shots and be merry. Who were you to say no? The night was still young and you were having a great time until the person you hated the most walked through the door.
You could see his bouncy head of curls towering over everyone as he made his way to the bartop. Tapping the counter to get Bri's attention behind the bar. You rolled your eyes and slammed the rest of your margarita. Did Sam invite him?
They were best friends, even playing in a band together. You and Sam met at one of their gigs, instantly hitting it off. But there was a special place in hell reserved for Daniel Wagner. You couldn't place the exact reason you hated him, you just did. Always had. Always will.
Sam dissapeared 20 minutes ago, going to the jukebox to find "a classic." When he finally returned, he noticed Daniel and shouted and waved him over. Daniel giving a nod, noting he would be over shortly.
You spun around on your barstool, hoping the other side of the bar would be more entertaining than being in the company of Danny. Stirring the ice around with the tiny black straw, you decided you needed another drink. Hopping down, you felt the tequila hit at once, stumbling past Danny and rolling your eyes to yourself as he gave you a soft smile of acknowledgment.
You don't think Danny hated you, but you hated him. Tonight of all nights especially. After a long week, you wanted to have fun with just Sam. But of course, Sam had to extend the welcome. You figured you would either let go and have fun. Or be stuck miserable being in the company of, essentially, your arch nemesis.
Leaning your chest over the bar, you say, "Bri can I get another?" Giggling as it came out louder than expected. You two had been friends for a short time, becoming a regular at the local bar. She was caught up on drink orders and leaned across the bar while handing you your drink.
"Behave tonight...please. I don't want to have to kick you out...again." She said with a wink.
"Well if men around here would keep their grimey hands off of me, I would have to go around causing problems," mindlessly sipping away as you waved her off. It wasn't even two weeks ago that Bri kicked you out of the bar after you relentlessly punched a low life in the face for getting too handsy.
Turning back around, you see two options. Darts..or conversing with Sam and Daniel. Darts it is. You collected your darts from the bar and walked right past the two of them, deep in conversation.
You started recklessly throwing darts at the board. Missing and apologizing to the people next to you. Over and over again and before you knew it, you had drained the contents of your glass yet again. Feeling the effects of the alcohol, you started to get warm and loosen up. Picking up your darts, you turn around to see Sam standing with his arm extended and a smile plastered on his face. A shot of your favorite tequila in hand for you and him. Daniel standing just behind him with a beer.
"Y/N,"Sam drags out your name with a goofy smile, "Care for company?" Sam asked.
"Oh, Sammy, you know just how to bribe me don't you?" You laugh taking the shot from his hand before downing it and slamming the glass on the countertop. Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, "You want in on this, Wagner?" Motioning with your thumb to the dart board behind you.
His head shoots up, making eye contact with you. Surprised you even acknowledged him. He sets his beer down, "Yeah. Sure, unless- Sam wants to play?" He stuffs his hands in his pockets, looking down at his shoes.
Sam is already nearly running back to the jukebox to pick another song before you have a chance to say anything else. Now you felt stupid. You trapped yourself in a sloppy game of darts with the person that made your fight or flight kick in at any given moment.
"You start without me, I'm going to get one more drink," you said. "Want another?"
"No I'm ok! Someone has to get the both of you home somehow." He turns away, one of his hands rubbing at the back of his neck. You're sure you see a blush creeping up.
Returning with another margarita, this time strawberry with sugar on the rim, Danny is retreiving the darts. You are blissfully sipping it as you approch your playing area. "Your turn," Danny says as he places the darts in your hand. Man his hands are soft.
What are you doing? What are you thinking? You hate him. But why? The alcohol has your mind reeling. Feeling like you have an angel and devil on each shoulder.
Taking one more sip from the glass and licking some of the sugar off the rim, you set your glass down. He pulls the glass towards him and covers the top of it with his hand, nodding towards the group of men that have gathered next to you. You silently thank him with your eyes before they travel back down to his hand. His big, rough, hands.
Shaking your head out of the fuzzy thoughts. Snap out of it Y/N.
You take your place and roll your shoulders back before taking a deep breath and throwing. The sharp object hitting the dart board and bouncing to the floor. You let your breath go and slump your shoulders in defeat.
"Look with your right eye and point your elbow towards the board." You spin around. Confused. Danny giggles as he approaches you, "May I?" He gestures. You give him a slight nod. He positions himself a foot behind you, turning your shoulders slightly. "Now, bring your arm up, and point your elbow towards your target." Just as you go to throw, his voice hits your ears, this time much closer. "Wait." He places both hands on your hips and rotates them ever so slightly. "There, perfect. Now just look with your right eye, and throw."
The breath is taken our of your lungs. The tequila must be having a stronger effect on you than normal. You can feel hot searing imprints on your hips where his hands were just mere seconds ago. You throw, and land a perfect bullseye.
You squeal with excitement and jump up and down. Turning, you wrap him in a hug, "Thank you thank you thank you." He is shocked and doesn't reciprocate the embrace. You soon get your bearings and just as quickly as the hug started, you all but shove him away. Creating as much distance as you can quickly. Clearing your throat, "Sorry, that's just my first bullseye ever and I got really excited."
His deep eyes making eye contact with you over the rim of your glass while smirking. "S'okay." He says before taking a big gulp. "You know what? We can always just get an uber. I think I will take you up on that drink offer."
Just as he finishes his beer, Sam has made his way back to you both. Drinks in hand for all 3 of you. "The night is young and the music is good! Let's party!"
Part 2
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ok it's not actually as epic✨ as i thought it would be but here is my episode-title prediction but it's very rough and in note form and no doubt is all over the place and pls feel free to discuss in the replies and ill amend accordingly,,, PLUS i need to go through it again in more detail cross referencing my sideburn theory bc some things might actually belong in other episodes and yeah im exhausted from the sheer speed at which i pulled this together fucking enJOY
(note: now contains mention of the leak, proceed w caution)
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main storyline summary:
OKAY SO LETS START with this article on mr g's blog - scroll to the last two paragraphs - potentially see pre-fall heaven or the immediate moments before/after the fall which when you consider the opening credits begin with crowley climbing out of the pit/aziraphale descending from heaven, AND the BEAUTIFUL (this isn't being discussed enough imo) fall sequence in the hillywood parody, im tentatively suggesting that we might have a cold open of the fall
sosososo in the trailer obvs crowley and muriel are jn heaven and muriel says "you're a demon!!! // im going to get into so much trouble!!!" so WHAT IF DURING THE FALL THEY SMUGGLED CROWLEY OUT OF HEAVEN TO AVOID THE CONFLICT???? and crowley took like the back staircase down so he didn't fall so violently and got to keep his wings and *GUNSHOT* ok so im only like maybe 5% certain it's a flashback after ive rewatched that bit of the trailer oooh maybe 26 times but sTILL imaGINE yeah don't think this anymore, send me an ask if you want to know why bc i cba to write a post explaining
and then presumably a segue? into the first few events ive listed in this post about the start of the second coming idk it might actually be a flashback in another episode hmm yeah actually that seems more likely but anyway
then - present day, gabriel arrives on earth, lost memory/human, "something terrible" in the box that he was meant to deliver to aziraphale (?) that going by that second coming (SC) post i think literally contains jesus
ok update after the gumshoe az pics: so if gabriel is connected to the pub, and by the extension the jukebox, it must be the record that arrives in the box with the address attached, and aziraphale starts looking into it from there????? idk see ep 2
crowley gets evicted, then crowley and shax interaction in the park
presumably an introduction to maggie and nina, plus the "naked man friend" clip
discovery of gabriel at the bookshop, and ensuing argument leading to crowley summoning lightning, and the boys going no contact sob
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main storyline summary:
*edit because my draft didn't save properly and ive only just noticed - believe that this ep has the job minisode
SO following the newest pic release of crowley and aziraphale and the record, which ive gone off about here, i think that the skip doesn't quite happen yet BUT aziraphale obvs has the record which i think god has sent him as a clue and then goes to find crowley to talk about it ✨A cLuE✨ but crowley tells him to fuck off
also crowley is a bartender
THEN we have a present-day time skip, gabriel being a very good assistant in the shop
again after the SC theory i think that gabriel lost the box and instead god somehow sends aziraphale the record and address as a clue
aziraphale (unsure of the genesis here) starts researching the jukebox and the everyday song, presumably buys the record from maggie
aziraphale in the bookshop, looking at the jukebox articles, crowley storms in, "im back" see below!!!
THEN second time aziraphale approaches crowley, pub drink ft crowley in jeans and a nice top™ which i think is actually his work top™, then the clip ✨a cLuE✨
crowley and shax in the bentley having a heart to heart, and i worry that she essentially tempts him into luring goob out of the shop so hell can get to him and crowley can get back his precious 😭 peaceful 😭 existence with aziraphale EDIT FOLLOWING THIS!!! I think she definitely tells him to get chummy with aziraphale again
AND NOW we have the "im back" scene
possibly the beelzebub clip from them in hell? possibly an interaction between them and shax? beelzebub manifests as a fly and plays a game of tag in the bookshop with goob, trying to make up for their failure in losing track of jesus
at some point the other angels come to the bookshop to interrogate aziraphale for if he has seen gabriel, believes he's lying, and resolve to send in their ✨top agent✨
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main storyline summary:
whole "cup of tea" scene, plus crowley removing plants from the bentley "why don't you go by train? you love trains"
possibly muriel feeding back to heaven with her report about aziraphale, his grumpy friend, and his assistant 💓
aziraphale off up to edinburgh in the bentley, possibly crowley has stayed behind to babysit gabriel? (i feel like the 'are you a bookseller too? / not even at gunpoint' interaction was a bit foreshadow-y)
still confused but see above SC theory
was the resurrectionist address already taped to the record when it arrived in the box? NOBODY KNOWSSS
UPDATE 2 re: the meme template prime just gave us: so what IF AZIRAPHALE goes to the pub, asks if theyve seen goob, the pub owner (who is in the meme) says "shhhhh I have some intel meet me at the graveyard at 6", aziraphale goes and they show him a pic of gabriel in the pub like removing the everyday record from the jukebox? bc gabriel removed it and that's why the jukebox is now stuck on that song??? AGHHH now I'm wondering if the pub people got a video of the graveyard fight or a pic of the box or something and that gives aziraphale the indication that the whole thing is centred around the second coming
shax possibly knows that crowley is there, and calls the bookshop? or crowley calls heaven to narc on gabriel? OR aziraphale calls him from the phone crowley possibly lent him and idk but a conversation along the lines "hey crowley so i think a fight with demons caused goob to lose his memory and lmao but i think he also lost jesus!!!
either way crowley uses aziraphale's phone specifically and is obviously looking intently at something
and lastly again i think this has the resurrectionist minisode - fitting given that they decked out a pub in edinburgh with resurrectionist signs etc so that probably triggers a flashback for az when he goes there for the jukebox mystery
no official press photos for this one as far as i know , but possibly????
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main storyline summary:
i think however that this is where muriel is back on earth, potentially rooting around greek street trying to be as nosy as possible
and crowley now loaded in with info hot off the press (lmao aziraphale) knows that the second coming is involved and realises he needs to get into heaven to find out more info which is so james bond of him what a legend
and then WELL WHADDAYA KNOW muriel turns up and therefore im wondering if the above is from crowley's pov - muriel spots him in the shop and gets a tad excited
then - bless their soul - muriel gets coerced into helping crowley infiltrate heaven, or he follows them back to the heaven entrance they're using, and jumps in the lift with them last minute (ie the hitchhiker)
god knows why he's going to heaven in disguise but he's living his best life bless*
ALTERNATIVELY see ep1 about the muriel/crowley scene
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okay i admittedly have no idea on this wtf happens in this one
do they DANCE
rap battle
a lil SMOOCHY SMOOCH??? (NOT the leak one, a different one)
✨everything goes to shit lmao✨
i can't even be bothered write out everything that happens in this episode because i think we can guess the bare essentials - crowley is on the throne in hell, demons attack the bookshop, metatron appears and declares war, aziraphale sharts himself, DEMONS destroy said bookshop and aziraphale's FUCKING HOME
i do feel like EVERY is in here because i reckon aziraphale finds out crowley was betraying him to hell, even if for a good reason, and crowley desperately tries to make aziraphale see that it was "for us, for you aziraphale!!!!", SNOG, and aziraphale tells him to get fucked bc now he can never trust him, crowley said hed never lie to him "obviously, you're a demon" from s1, and the cliffhanger is them being on their OWN own sides @azirafuck back me up here
Update 19/07: and what if aziraphale can't forgive crowley and literally tells him he can't forgive him... and fallssssss?
like I'm SORRY but i need heartbreak like THIS
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whatislovevavy · 2 years
I. Piña Coladas and NATOPS
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x afab!pilot!reader
Summary: Mustang and Hangman have had sexual tension since the night they met at the Hard Deck at the start of a high-risk assignment. Each interaction further solidifies your callsign in the best ways. 
Word Count: 2.3k
First part: Sexual tension, smitten and sexually frustrated Hangman, swearing, initially shy reader
Future parts: Sexual tension, swearing, smitten and sexually frustrated Hangman, swearing, and mildly insecure and shy reader, smut; p in v, oral (fem + male) receiving, dirty talk, dom!Jake, hint of sub!Jake
Author’s note: This is the first real fanfiction piece I’ve published. Frankly, I’m not even surprised it's essentially build up for Hangman porn, I’m such a whore for that man it’s not even funny. Also, I’m a proud horse girl so there are some horse things dribbled into the plot. There will be multiple parts because it got hella long as just one fic, so let me know if any of y’all would be interested in reading more parts of this. I did my best to make Mustang’s physical attributes as ambiguous as possible when it came to descriptions to make it more inclusive to the reader. I want to get better at this so please feel free to leave constructive criticism or something you thought was strong or weak with the piece. Please be kind with criticisms. I'm sensitive. I’d like to thank @call-sign-jinx and @sebsxphia for betaing (?) each part of this fic, they’re both really sweet and write some good shit on their blogs, so be sure to check them out. 
All of my writings will be added to my writing side blog @sophs-writing-nook​ 
These characters, except for Mustang, are obviously not my own. This is an 18+ fanfic so minors scoot pls. You are responsible for the media you consume. Do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate this fic without my explicit permission as it is my own creation. 
Happy reading :)
Play a few rounds of pool and darts with his teammates. Throw back a few beers. Find a beautiful woman to warm his bed before his assignment started. That was his ideal night and usually what he wanted, he got.
That was his only plan tonight and he intended to savor every minute checking off each box. He already had the first two accomplished.
A sweet smile and bright eyes paired with a honey-like voice pulled you from his periphery to the center of his attention. Your dress flared around your waist like falling blossom petals and left just enough to the imagination. It was cute and flirty; it sparked something deep in him as he let his eyes unashamedly wander the fabric marked by pink, purple and blue hues. You screamed new, he would definitely have remembered you if you had stepped foot in the navy bar before; you’d be an awfully pretty notch in his bedpost, he thought to himself.
 Your quiet and reserved presence made you blend in within the cacophonous Friday night of the Hard Deck. Well, except for him. It was comical watching you try to place your order, struggling to speak up above everyone else at the bar top. Evidently, more of a wallflower, settling near the pool tables and jukebox, nursing a Piña Colada. He caught you observing his pool game with earnestness. Your unique choice of drink, considering that most ordered beers, whiskey neats, and rum and cokes, drew him in. You made eye contact with him at his place at the pool table as he was lining up his winning shot, sending a smirk with a wink as he sank it in with a resounding clank. Every pore in his body seeped charisma and confidence, your eyes darted away, studying your drink as a blush dusted your cheeks. 
"Better luck next time, Harvard", Jake said smirking with an extended hand, keeping his eyes on where you were leaning against the wall, now close enough to see the hydrangea flowers gracing your dress that reminded him of his mother’s garden back home in Texas. A begrudged Harvard placed a 20 in his palm, cursing to himself. He was about to request a rematch, but Jake was already swaggering his way to your spot near the jukebox.
Harvard, Halo, Payback, Fanboy, and Coyote watched on with amusement; Jake had a reputation and it was always a source of entertainment for his fellow aviators when he crashed and burned. Bets were thrown around as he made his way to you. 
You looked up from your drink and met his gorgeous ever-green forest eyes, panty-dropper smile, and frame that towered over your own. The typically unflattering, standard beige uniform only added to his sex appeal. The material clung to his thick thighs, broad shoulders, and toned biceps deliciously. You resisted your thighs clenching together at the sight of him. A small part of you wanted to caress the balloon of his ego, before popping it with a needle, but a bigger part wanted to succumb to him. 
You knew that he was only looking for someone to warm his bed and that this wasn't his first time trying. You didn’t know how to handle this. Sure, you had been hit on in bars and bases before, but this felt different. He was exponentially sexier. Feeling your nerves skyrocket, you would be lucky if you could get a sentence out. Besides, you weren't a hook-up kinda person and he was obviously a cum-and-go kind of man, a being omnipotent in the ways of the man-whore.
"Well, what is a gorgeous woman like yourself doing all alone?" A smooth southern drawl caressing your ears, demanding your attention to his. 
You looked at him with a shy gleam in your eye and a blush dusting your cheeks, admiring his eyes, perfect hair, and sharp jawline. "Just enjoying a drink at a new place... and your pool game", you spoke softly, giving him a shy smile, feeling the material of your dress with your free hand and a blush blooming on your cheeks. Sensing more eyes weighing on you, you quickly diverted your attention to his spying teammates. All quickly focused their attention away from the two as you met Jake's eyes once again.
"Well, I’m glad I had the privilege to entertain you,” he winked, “you got quite the drink there,” playfully gesturing to the contents in your glass.
"I guess I kind of stick out like a sore thumb huh?", ending with a nervous chuckle, feeling the heat rise to your face, focusing your attention on the pale yellow, nerve-numbing elixir for what felt like the 20th time this evening.
God, why'd you have to get like this? 
It only happened when interacting with people and thankfully not when you were handling a multi-million-dollar F-18 Super Hornet at 8,000 feet or handling a wild mustang in a round pen back on your family's homestead. It was just something you couldn't shake and had always struggled with. 
Despite this, you were an outgoing and competitive person, but it only showed in certain cases.
His mischievous smirk widened; you were cute. He'd give you that. You’d be perfect moaning his name under him.
"Do you have a name? Something I can call you by, Darlin'?"
You took a sip, "Mustang".
He admired your alcohol-glazed lips and thought about how your lips would taste, complemented by the sweet flavors of coconut and pineapple with the infusion of spiced rum. 
"Mustang", he tried out a suggestive smile adorning his face. His seductive, smooth voice tinged with his southern drawl made your heart flutter a little. “Well, that's a name you don't hear very often. Your mom work with wild horses or somethin’?``His voice tinged with humor, leaning his elbow on the jukebox as he punched in a few numbers.
The early beats of a rock song resonating in the packed bar. 
“It's not- It’s my call sign. I grew up on a mustang rescue, working with them and it stuck at the Naval Academy and Top Gun." 
Top Gun? He looked a bit taken aback. You didn't really fit the type given how shy you appeared. What are the chances you were on the mission with him? He kept that to himself for the time being.
“You seem surprised to hear that”, you asked with a touch of humor, resisting the urge to roll your eyes, preparing to deal with the ever-present sexism of your job.
“No offense, just not used to seeing accomplished pilots being shy and sporting beautiful sundresses. Don’t get me wrong it’s an appreciated surprise.”
A self-assured smirk graced his carefree features paired with appreciative eyes roaming your exposed collarbones and a tasteful glimpse of your cleavage. 
You let out a small laugh, facing your cup and turning back up to gaze into his spring grass green eyes. It was addicting having this effect, appearing one thing but being an entirely different animal underneath. “Well, what can I say, I’m full of surprises.”
"Well, I certainly don't mind that", Jake said with his sly smile as he inched closer to your side of the jukebox. If Jake Seresin had to have a weakness, it was sundresses and women who surprised him. 
You felt yourself heat up, taking a drink to calm your nerves, trying to salvage your dignity.
"What about you, have a name? Callsign? Something I can call you by, Darlin'?" You asked, comically mimicking his drawl, testing the waters, feeling the rum easing your nerves. He was broken from his thoughts and felt a smile grow on his face.
"You're funny, sweetheart. Name's Hangman but you can call me Jake for later activities… If that’s what you prefer". His tone is low and sultry, leaning his body onto his strategically placed hand by your head with the same gorgeous smile and playful eyes.
 Your eyes diverted from his and skimmed his nametag and badges at eye level; Lieutenant Seresin.  
If he hadn't piqued your interest and set your nerves alight, the bare innuendo would have made you balk and slap his perfect face. But he’d probably enjoy that. 
Jake waited with slightly raised eyebrows and awaiting eyes for your response, enjoying your flustered state. He could smell the soft lavender shampoo from where he stood. You could smell his cologne; a distinct soothing aroma of cedar wood, ginger, cloves, and bergamot. You resisted letting his scent and close proximity make you feel warm inside.
"That's fairly bold of you to assume that there will be later activities”. A hushed voice paired with a playful gleam flashed in your eyes.
"Well, what can I say? I got my favorite song playing and I'm a hopeful man, especially with that beautiful number on", as he skimmed you up and down appreciatively, eyes landing on your soft breasts, kissable lips, and your clothed hips he wanted to squeeze as he grazed your cheek with his smooth fingertip to push some hair behind your ear. Your eyebrows rose in interest. 
“Wanna know why it's my favorite song?” he leaned down to whisper in your ear, tone rich with sensuality, smirking as he felt your breath hitch. 
“I’ll give you a hint, it's called Slow Ride.”
Your stomach flipped, feeling your face heat up under his dark jade gaze. 
He had you right where he wanted you. 
You released a shaky breath, lifting your gaze to the fine features of his face, “That sounds awfully tempting….”
“Hangman”, he added confidently, the same want swimming under the crystal lattices of his emerald eyes.
He could practically feel the bed sheets around you both, hair splayed around you like a halo as he left marks on your perfect skin. 
“Hangman,” you smiled coyly, morphing into a humorous smirk, “but I’ve been in the Navy long enough to know what you’re about and I’m not interested in being your conquest tonight... plus I think my friend just arrived,” feeling a swell of pride seeing the hope of a shared bed dissipating from his eyes as well as his smug smirk, internally wincing at your humbling choice of words.
“But on a side note,” you reached the back of his neck to toy with his short hair, soft like you imagined. His stomach fluttered at the feeling of your soft fingers grazing his skin. 
“Why would you let yourself get such a stupid callsign? hmm?” You playfully narrowed your eyes at him with a closed-lip smile quirking around the edges. 
He felt like he just got in a car wreck with how much whiplash he just experienced, his mind struggling to keep up.
You quirked your eyebrow, awaiting his response that never came.
“Nothing to say? Hmm? I’ll see you around, Hangover”, patting his cheek lightly, smirking, and shooting him a wink as you brushed against him to get to your feet. He was shocked. He couldn’t bring himself to correct you and it didn’t help that he felt his pants grow a bit tighter. Jake heard his teammates’ snickers, and the passing of cash to the respective collector, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t be mad either; it was like watching a fierce butterfly burst from its cocoon of coy glances and small smiles. He couldn’t get enough and hoped he would see you again as he watched your hips sway as you made your way into the arms of your friend: Phoenix. 
Hangman was pleased to see you sitting in the front of the mission debrief space with an empty, inviting leather seat on your left, scrolling through your phone on top of the light blue NATOPS copy on your lap.
A soft sigh as he set himself down pulled you from your phone to meet the Nomex-clad pilot’s coltish gaze. 
You were frankly a bit surprised; you assumed the killer blow to his ego the night before would have made him never want to speak a word to you again. But like you, he was full of surprises it seemed.
“You need something Hangover?” teasing him, raising your eyebrows inquisitively.
“No, Darlin, just enjoying your company,” he smirked, “and it's Hangman.”
You placed your phone on the table and turned to fully face him. He looked just as good as he did last night, much to your annoyance. You were secretly looking forward to seeing him in an outfit that didn’t flatter him entirely, just so you could have an excuse to not like him. 
“Look, I may have been Darlin’ to you last night, but here, now that we know we’re both more than qualified pilots for this mission, I’m Mustang to you, and if you think flirting with me is somehow going to make me overlook your Texas-sized ego and obvious disregard for anyone but yourself, your horribly mistaken.” Your voice stern and eyes sharp, vividly remembering his narcissistic spiel the night before. 
 He felt his core stir. 
His eyebrows furrowed, a hint of a smile developing on his pink lips, his toothpick settling into the corner of his mouth. You rolled your eyes. His smile growing. 
“Your callsign suits you,” he said gazing at you with a foreign look in his eyes, continuing to move the slender piece of wood around his lips, flipping it over with his tongue.
It took every ounce of resolve in your body to avoid gazing down at his soft muscle, twirling the wood expertly. 
You scowled, eyebrows furrowed, expecting some form of disrespect to your challenge. But alas, his behavior made you question his mental fitness as a naval aviator.
Interrupted from your thoughts by being called to attention, rising to your feet with the man next to you, admiring his over-compensated straight posture and broad shoulders from the corner of your eye; the best and worst three weeks of your life were beginning. 
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stayallnite · 2 years
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nowplaying We Can’t Stop by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
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boneless-mika · 4 months
I think one of the biggest problems with Hazbin Hotel aside from its creator is that it tries to be an animated Broadway musical but as far as I can tell they didn't get any writers or composers with experience writing musicals so it basically uses the aesthetics of a Broadway musical without any of the skill so it ends up bad.
Do any of the songs progress the plot or give us insight into the characters singing them? No. Everything the songs tell us is already obvious from the spoken dialogue and the visuals.
In Stephen Sondheim and George Furth's musical Merrily We Roll Along one of my favorite songs is Franklin Shepard, Inc.. This song occurs very early in the musical so no spoilers. In this song Charley and Franklin are going on a TV show to talk about the show they're trying to write. The interviewer accidentally mentions that Franklin has already signed a three picture deal. This leads Charley to rant about all his frustrations with Frank in song during the interview and begging him to go back to composing because it's what he does best and lamenting that he wishes they were still close. This leads Frank to end their friendship.
This song not only shows us how Charley's anger at Frank increased to a point he couldn't hold it in anymore but also that the underlying cause for his anger isn't that Frank likes money too much as we might have assumed, it's because Frank has essentially given up on the dream they had together. It also furthers the plot in that the song directly causes Frank to leave and end his friendship with Charley for good.
But take my favorite Hazbin song: Respectless. What do we find out in this song? That Velvette doesn't show respect to the other overlords because she doesn't think they deserve it. This is, frankly, obvious. If this song was written like a song in a good musical, we would find out things like Velvette is actually jealous of Carmilla or is genuinely worried what will happen if these people continue to be in power but we don't get anything like that. There also isn't really any buildup of feelings to really make the song feel necessary from an emotional standpoint. It also doesn't further the plot because I remember Velvette bringing up the angel head before starting the song so the song was pointless which is my least favorite kind of song in a musical.
Hazbin Hotel songs also lack the kind of lyrical wittiness I expect from musicals. The rhymes are bad or nonexistent and the beat of the lines often makes no sense which makes it less pleasant to listen to. A musical song should be like a poem or a part of a Shakespeare play, it doesn't work to simply write a pop song and put it into a show to make that show a musical unless it's a jukebox musical but I still kind of think those are largely bad.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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kandisheek · 6 months
Not the Destination by KiaraSayre
Pairing: Steve/Sam Rating: NR Words: 8,007 Tags: Road Trips, Demi Steve, Armchair Therapy
Summary: Before they leave New York, Tony Stark (Tony Stark, Jesus, Sam's not over it, never ever over it) hands him an AmEx Black and says, "Don't let Cap spend it all on egg creams and quarters for the jukebox." "That is exactly what I'm gonna do," Sam says. "Egg creams and jukeboxes, nonstop. That's how we roll."
Reasons why I love it: All the fluffy feels! I love Sam basically coaching Steve into a bit of happiness, and I'm so happy that Steve is the one to finally take that last (first?) step. This whole fic is so sweet, and I adore all the stops they make along the way, the progression feels so natural. So yeah, it's fantastic, and I highly recommend it!
Closer to flying by Odsbodkins
Pairing: Steve/Sam Rating: M Words: 2,405 Tags: First Time, Canon Adjacent, Past Steve/Bucky
Summary: Sam Wilson had thought he had excellent gaydar. The sort of neighborhood he grew up in, then the military, a near-flawless gaydar was a survival essential. He was going to have to revise it to “has excellent gaydar in person”. Because he had never had the slightest inkling that Captain America might be gay.
Reasons why I love it: Steve being an experienced gay icon, we stan. I love the Steve Rogers is Not A Virgin trope, and this fic does it incredibly well. I also really enjoyed the hopeful note that this fic ends on. It's fantastic, and I hope you go and check it out for yourself!
Easy Does It by astolat
Pairing: Steve/Sam Rating: M Words: 6,489 Tags: Post-CA:TWS, Sex Pollen, Marriage
Summary: “It just seems like—it should mean something,” Steve said plaintively. “Well, I guess it does,” Sam said, after a thoughtful moment. “Means you’re not a virgin anymore.”
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, that ending scene is the fucking best. I love how this fic strikes the perfect balance between being fluffy, funny and angsty, and does all of them equally well. Steve hanging out with Sarah and the kids is adorable, and I love Sam and Steve's banter throughout. This fic is wonderful, and I hope you check it out for yourself!
between our bodies there's a battlefield by thingswithwings
Pairing: Steve/Sam Rating: E Words: 4,805 Tags: Porn with Feelings, Anal Sex, PWP
Summary: Sam hadn't ever had cause to think about it, not really, but if someone had told him that he would end up in a pity fuck situation with Steve Rogers, gorgeous kind superpowered American war hero Steve Rogers, he would've assumed he was the one being pitied.
Reasons why I love it: Sam reading Steve like a book and giving him exactly what he needs is really fucking hot. And oh my god, Steve asking to be held down, and that anecdote about Tom? Scorching. Steve's desperation just makes it all even hotter, goddamn. I love this fic so much, and I bet you will too!
you can see it with the lights out by defcontwo
Pairing: Steve/Sam Rating: M Words: 4,702 Tags: Falling In Love, Past Relationship(s), Insecurity
Summary: “Will you believe me if I tell you that this is a normal thing that happens between two guys that are friends?” Sam says, and yeah, he’s pretty sure that that came out as weak as it sounded in his head. Steve leans up on one elbow, looking down at Sam, that same crinkle around the edges of his eyes noticeable even in the gloom of the motel room light. “I know it’s been seventy years since I last had sex with a man but I’m still pretty sure that’s bullshit, Wilson.” Sam Wilson falls in love. Like everything else, it's a process.
Reasons why I love it: Gaaah, this fic gives me ALL the feels! Sam's conflict is so relatable, and I love the hopeful ending. Steve is such a sweetheart too. This fic is incredible, and it deserves all the love in the world, so I hope you check it out!
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partywithoutsmiling · 4 months
how did you find your way into the trolls fandom? What lured you in?
I got more interested in the fandom since 2020 actually, when World Tour dropped. Pretty sure that was the time that I actually made this blog, with plans of contributing- buuuut life got in the way rather messily and that made it hard to keep any investment into anything for long.
But I have been naturally aware of Trolls since the first movie dropped in 2016- especially has been aware of it ever since the very cringy teaser for it dropped XD
The first movie... didn't really win me over, not by itself pf. The whole odd cinderella story aside, the trolls themselves just didn't feel hashed out to me? And their design kinda creeped me out a little bit XD (2016 Poppy especially hits some kind of uncanny valley area for me lol)
Aesthetically, it was kinda off putting- the saturation has been too over the top in certain parts, and the lighting was really odd- even in well lit areas, all of it just seemed too dark and as an artsy person, that really bugged me pft. Story wise, it also seemed like your typical clishe 'Cheery and Moody people forced to spend time together, eventually falls in love' so yeah, I was not impressed by Trolls 2016 XD
Then, Trolls World Tour hit the streaming- and I got *very* interested in the sudden expanded lore. I know there is, for some reason, a prevalent hatred by some hardcore Trolls 2016 fans? (I mean, eh, I personally think that the first movie is weakest of them all but ehhh) But anyway- edging away from Trolls just being little dancing and singing oddballs and making them part of a varying species with complicated culture and history- that really spoke to me. I know the ending is really controversial, as it ended kinda too 'and everyone is friends now', but I liked the allegory about erasing cultures, either from outright hostile takeover (Barb) or through well meaning pity (Poppy)
This movie also made me a Broppy shipper XD Because it was *so* refreshing to actually see that no, their love confession in the first one wasn't about romantic love- but it was just admitance to caring and affection in general, platonic, nothing romantic at all. The fact they didn't keep his overly saturated colours after True Colours, and kept him muted in the sequel, also really pleased me, as no, it will take a while for Branch to heal from his ordeal in life and it's not always a smooth ride (As a person dealing with depression, I appreciate that).
Their characters also felt more genuine if that makes sense, more fleshed out. I know people complain about Snack Pack being pushed aside, but, honestly, they don't have much personality in movie one, and I didn't expect them to continue have one in the sequel; I browsed through Beat Goes On maybe once, and I can adapt some of their cartoon personalities, but otherwise, I can't say I care much for canon Snack Pack XD (Kudos to all the fanfic writers who actually made them real living and breathing beings, you are the real heroes of the story pff)
And of course, I do have to mention the whole artstyle and design choice of the movie. More than ever the world of Trolls looks like someone's crafts project and I love it- it's so original, and so different from what we are used to seeing- and not only they made their designs more rounded, softer, making them loose that uncanny valley feeling, the lighting also got exponentionally better. The colours are not as aggressivelly saturated and lean more into pastels, and it definitelly fits them better.
Then of course, Trolls Band Together hit the theatres late 2023 XD I can't say I have been that impressed by the trailers? They seemed very... hmm, clishe? XD But I decided to give it a watch anyway and realized that they are finally owning what they always were meant to be - a silly, clishe, nostalgia filled jukebox musical XD Essentially, instead of trying that hard, they decided to just have fun, and you can see they are having fun making these silly movies now
(Also Velvet's and Veneer's final escape chase scene set to Sweet Dreams is a bloody banger and I haven't been so entertained in ages lol)
To wrap it up, Broppy XD Honestly, their whole relationship growth over the course of the three movies is just fantastic (and in the holiday specials! if you havent watched the one after TWT, I recommend, the feels are real) and I cannot remember if I ever seen an animated movie franchise do a slowburn like this, I really appreciate it, I don't mind that I had to wait years for canon Broppy kiss XD
And honestly, what finished it for me, it's just the lore of the whole world expanding. Being a very creative person, I do like when I have something to bite into and to play with- and with all the sequels now out, I can finally appreciate the story the first movie presented us with- now, finally, it feels like it finally fits in XD
Sorry that was probably too long but pff, you did ask XD
Tldr; Got into the fandom after TWT in 2020 but real life got in the way in contributing; TBT sparked that interest anew and enough that I wanted to finally join for real
I got lured by 90s nostalgia and fun silly craft supplies designs of everything, and also because I am sucker for slowburns and family feels
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misscammiedawn · 9 months
Would you like to share any opinions on RUSH? You get extra points if they’re hot takes.
Penny? I love you! Thank you for unleashing my thoughts!
VERY WELL! Let us begin!
I'm gonna list them in random order
- Time Stand Still is best music video and anyone who disagrees is being a grinch!
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- Our favorite album is Roll the Bones and our favorite Live CD is A Show of Hands! I think Rush in Rio and Permanent Waves are the *best* though!
- They should just release the Different Stages live recording. It's pretty much out there as extra features on the other DVDs!
- The Clockwork Angels book and graphic novel are pretty average but are worth it for making Seven Cities of Gold not suck. The worst song is the best chapter of the novel
- I would buy a Blu-Ray that is just the backing videos for the live videos and I hate that the only backing vid that exists in full form is By-Tor from Rush in Rio (as an Easter Egg)
- Emotion Detector is the most underrated Rush song and I would have preferred Tom Sawyer or YYZ not get played in one of the tours to accommodate it in a concert! Only 44 songs have never been played live before and of them the only one that I think deserved to be played more is Vapor Trail because it is the ONLY title song of an album never played live (after Presto was pulled out for Time Machine)
- It is pronounced Why-Why-Zed. It is spelt Vapor Trails. The American spelling of Vapor is essential to the song's message
- Analog Kid is Alex's best song, Ghost of a Chance and Between The Wheels are second and third-- though live versions of Working Man are up there
- Geddy's solo at the end of Leave That Thing Alone (Time Machine Tour) is the exact peak of Rush, that was their highest point as a band!
- SARS Fest concert kinda sucked? Spirit of Radio with Paint It Black intro was amazing but the equipment was shot and they gave Alex a hot microphone. They also cut off the "encore" which just sucked. I am also a little salty that Rush were an opening band for the Stones *in Canada*.
- Tom Sawyer is overrated and they're not even Peart lyrics. Limelight and YYZ off of the same album are better.
- Neil's Ayn Rand period is a valid part of Rush history and provides so much extra context to The Garden. The same pen that wrote "begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more" ended his life with "the measure of a life is a measure of love and respect, the way you live and the gifts that you give, in the fullness of time it's the only return you can expect" - a man with a storied life as Neil with as much tragedy as he endured ended with him completely giving and loving in his heart when 35-40 years prior he wrote empathetically that "you don't get something for nothing"
- La Villa Strangiato is in my opinion not just the best instrumental but it is in contention for best Rush song period. I would never give it that title because it lacks Peart's lyrics and I find that people who say that have an irrational dislike of Geddy's voice... but it's still a valid take. Natural Science would get my all around best song badge. But best and favorite are not the same in my world and even still I mean *technically proficient* mixed with lyrics. I'll change my mind, likely. But that's my feeling right now.
- Geddy didn't get vocal training until before My Favorite Headache (2000) and Neil didn't get jazz drumming instruction until Burning For Buddy (1994). Both artists were just fine as they were but they perfected their arts and I prefer late era Rush because of that. The band never stopped evolving.
- I would have liked to have heard one of the solo album songs live (I Am The Spirit, Promise or My Favorite Headache) or have Bob and Doug do Take Off for a charity event like the South Park or Hawkings concerts last year. I *still* want that. Neil wasn't involved in the solo albums. It could still happen.
- I want a Jukebox Musical of Rush music so that The Body Electric isn't the only piece of fiction scored to Rush.
- Alex Lifeson could have been a comedian. He's one of the funniest humans on the planet.
- Peaceable Kingdom is better for having been the only song where lyrics were written after the music. Vapor Trail has amazing lyrics in general but I feel the limitation had positive impact and I wish Neil and the band did this practice more than once.
- Rush's improvised and last minute songs when they are running out of studio time are the best. Malignant Narcissism was the result of the album director seeing Geddy warming up with a vintage fretless bass and said "put that on the album" so they composed around the improvised riff, Force Ten was literally a last minute addition to Hold Your Fire. La Villa is said to have been recorded in a single take (I do not believe that legend as it wasn't in any of the biographies I have read). Rush just work best with limitations. They're a bunch of goofs and giving them a time limit makes them go into a Saitama style serious mode.
I could write tons more. But I'll call it there.
I like Rush.
A lot.
More than you think I do.
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