#julie and the phantoms Reggie x reader
littlemissaddict · 3 months
So this idea came to me while I couldn’t sleep last night, I've not used any names so you can imagine whoever when you read it although I originally had Steve in mind.
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You lay there content under the covers, your new puppy snuggled up next to you already asleep and the only thing you were missing now was your boyfriend. He had said he wouldn't be long but that seemed like forever ago even though it probably wasn't, just you over tired brain making it seem like it.
When you finally heard him enter the room, you couldn't help but smile and expect him to slide into the bed next to you. Although that never comes and as you lift your head off the pillow to see him staring down at you unamused. "And where am I supposed to sleep?" He asks, arms crossed over his chest.
"Right here" you mumble, your hand patting the space of his usual side of the bed.
"In that tiny little gap? I thought we had discussed this, she's not to sleep on the bed" he counters, referencing your earlier talk (argument?) about the puppy on the bed.
"I never agreed to that" you point out, "and besides she's comfortable do we have to move her" you pout up at him, hoping that he'd break as he usually did and give into you.
"Yes come on" he confirms, getting her attention and encouraging her to follow him to the specially bought, very expensive, dog bed.
"Meanie" you mumble as he finally gets into bed with you.
"Oh behave, you get too warm to sleep with just me in the bed, imagine how much warmer it'll be with a dog" he tries to reason with you but you still don't want to agree with him. "Trust me you'll thank me in the morning" he yawns, settling down and closing his eyes.
You fight sleep for a while knowing how quickly he normally falls asleep and when his breath seems to have evened out is when you call for her but you were wrong.
"No" he warns, surprising you even though you shouldn't be. He knows you well, too well, to know that you would try something like that. "I know you feel sorry for her but look she's already asleep so that very expensive bed that you picked out specifically for her must be comfortable" he tries to be the voice of reason again and you can feel yourself giving in or maybe you were too tired to argue.
"But she's just a baby she shouldn't be sleeping on the floor" you pout at him again.
"She's fine, now come on, let's get some sleep ourselves," he soothes as you mumble something about tomorrow and he just smiles at your stubbornness. He's also slightly amused at how easily you've fallen asleep as soon as you've closed your eyes.
Bonus: He lasts a week before he caves from your persistence, letting 'your baby' sleep on the bed.
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g1rld1ary · 6 months
new release ; luke patterson x fem!reader
➻ synopsis: you'd been playing julie and the phantom's new album on repeat all day before luke comes knocking on your door, and you end up going to dinner with your favourite band
➻ word count: 2515
➻ content: she/her pronouns for reader
➻ wrote this on a whim tonight so enjoy my first luke fic lol !!
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You tapped your fingers impatiently against your desk, willing Spotify to reload quicker, visualising the album you knew was dropping in two minutes. Finally, after 120 seconds that could have been an hour, Julie and the Phantom’s new album was out and available, and you actually might’ve been the first person to listen to it.
You’d been following Julie and the Phantoms since their very first performance was put on YouTube. Admittedly you’d been hopping on the bandwagon — your friends had been raving about it at school and force-fed you their songs, but you’d been genuinely addicted to their music ever since.
Pressing play on the new album you got up, leaving it to play as you began on your errands for the day. You danced around your apartment, putting away the washing and vacuuming and humming along to the singles that had already been released.
Luke was on his way home from his morning run when he could have sworn he could hear his own voice. Stopping, he pulled an earbud out of his ear, looking around for the source of the music. And there, on the third floor, was you. You were out on the balcony, organising the cute set of outdoor furniture you’d shoved in there and dancing ridiculously to Luke’s personal favourite song of the album. He let out a quiet laugh to himself, admiring the carefree way you jumped around, miming the chorus you’d learnt into a can of what appeared to be bug spray. He smiled once more before heading into the building, musing about the odds of having a Phantoms fan live on his floor.
Back up in his apartment he could still hear the music, both your open windows making it sound clear despite not being obnoxiously loud. Luke just shook his head, heading straight to the shower and turning on his own music so he didn’t have to be victim to his own voice all day.
An hour later, you were still listening. You’d just finished the album and evidently wanted to commit it to memory before the day was through. Luke thought it was adorable, and he could feel the gratitude flowing through every inch of him. This was why he wrote music, to resonate with people and make them happy. Plus, now that he knew the cute girl who’d just moved into the apartment opposite him liked his band, he figured he could build up some confidence to talk to you.
Morning turned to afternoon, and you were still playing his album. Luke was flattered, but in slight disbelief. He couldn’t believe you weren’t sick of it yet, though he supposed you didn’t get the same ick he did when listening to his voice. Hearing you learning the words was another bonus, your voice floating in through his kitchen window as he cooked. He thought it was lovely, though far from professional. It was an unreal experience hearing your disembodied voice stumbling through the lyrics, making up ones you’d evidently misheard and improvising your own riffs on top of Julie’s.
Luke wondered whether it was possible to develop a crush on someone based on just their voice. Yeah he thought you were cute the few times he’d seen you coming or going through his street facing window, but your laughter when your voice cracked had him weak in the knees.
When you were still playing his music by four o’clock — you’d branched out to mixing in the rest of their discography by then — he was a little worried for your sanity. Flattered and grateful for the streams, but concerned all the same. At the same time he was worried for himself. He’d offered to host his band and friends for a private celebration of the album release after the official party the night previous, and he thought it may be a little on the nose if you were still streaming their music into the night. He could already hear Alex making fun of him for living next to a fangirl (he did secretly hope you were a fangirl of him though).
So, whilst it wasn’t exactly the meet-cute he’d hoped for, Luke found himself knocking on your door. He knocked again shyly when he heard you turn down the volume, clearly trying to see if you’d heard right. A few soft footsteps on the other side of the door and it was cracking open, your curious expression greeting him. You’d only just moved in and didn’t know anyone to be visiting.
Luke watched you go through the seven stages of grief in real time. Confusion at an unexpected visitor, recognition of him, and then a million shades of humiliation as you realised you’d been listening to his music all day and he could hear. God, you probably looked like an obsessed fangirl (you were, but you didn’t want Luke Patterson to know that). With an embarrassed sound coming from the back of your throat, you asked Luke to give you twenty seconds of privacy. He agreed politely and you shut the door quickly. Slapping a hand to your mouth, you let out a silent scream, trying to let out all your anxious, embarrassed energy as quickly as possible, shaking your limbs about so you could stand still when you inevitably had to grovel for forgiveness to Luke.
Reopening your door, you were taken aback by how at ease Luke looked. And how much hotter he was in person, but you tried to push that thought to the back of your head for the sake of coherent conversation.
“Hi,” You said, resisting the urge to ramble out apologies.
“Hi,” He replied with that stupidly charming grin he wore in all his publicity shoots. “I’m Luke.”
“I know.” Fuck, you didn’t mean to say that. “Um, obviously. I’m sure you’ve heard all the…” You gestured inside to your apartment where his album was still playing quietly. You should’ve turned it off.
“Please don’t be embarrassed, it’s really cute.” Now your blush was for a totally different reason, your favourite singer was calling you cute? You had to be dreaming.
“Is there something I can do for you?” You asked, still unsure of the purpose of the visit, though you weren’t complaining.
“Oh!” Luke looked as if he really had forgotten why he’d come, but covered himself with an easy laugh, “I was just wondering if you could turn down your music a bit? It’s not too loud or anything, it’s not bothering me! It’s just, I’m having the band over tonight and as much as we’re all proud of the album, it feels a bit conceited to have it playing as we hang out privately, y’know?” You were nodding vigorously before he could finish his sentence, spilling out apologies for even playing it in the first place.
“Seriously don’t apologise,” He assured you, catching your eye in a way that made you feel like you couldn’t look away (not that you would’ve wanted to), “I really appreciate you being a fan and supporting us.” In that moment, entranced in his deep honey eyes, you honestly would have done whatever Luke Patterson asked of you, you were completely his. Maybe your parasocial relationships needed some examining.
Forcing yourself to end the moment despite your internal desires, you averted your eyes to the floor and Luke coughed slightly, both of you somewhat dazed.
“Right, well, it was really nice meeting you. Big fan. Guess I’ll see you around?” You said awkwardly, stepping back inside the threshold of your flat. Luke nodded in the same manner, and you were about to shut the door when he called for you to wait.
“Do you wanna come over later? You can meet the band, and it’s always helpful to make some friends in the building. I, uh, know you’re new here.” You nodded, more than surprised, but you sure as hell weren’t gonna turn down this opportunity.
“Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks.” Luke named a time and you parted ways, neither of you catching the backwards glances you both chanced.
Inside your apartment was a whirlwind of stress. What did you wear for a dinner with your favourite band with an hour’s notice? You might’ve actually tried on half your wardrobe before deciding on your favourite jeans (maybe the ones that made your ass look impeccable, but who’s to say?) and a simple top. It wasn’t the most exciting outfit you could have come up with, not by a long shot, but you didn’t want to make a single wrong decision tonight. All you needed to do was be completely perfect and impress Julie and the Phantoms and maybe get Luke to like you back. Easy stuff.
By the time you were meant to be going you’d managed to do your makeup in a way that didn’t make you want to cry — why did it always turn out awful when you needed it to be good? Slipping your favourite hoops into your ears you were ready, and gave yourself a quick pep talk in the bathroom mirror. You’d never been one for those self-love affirmations, but they couldn’t hurt, right?
When Luke opened the door and his face broke into one of those smiles that lit up the building’s corridor, your nerves quieted themselves somewhat. He swept you under one of his arms leading you further into the apartment as if you’d been friends for years. You tried to take in what you could, and were a little jealous of how nicely his place was decorated — yours was still loaded with boxes and junk.
“Guys, meet my new friend!” Luke announced, and all the heads in the room snapped towards you.
“Um, hi,” You said meekly, remembering to tell them all your name.
“She’s new to the building and I thought it would be nice for her to make some friends!” You smiled internally — Luke had the same personality as in all the interviews you watched, which made you glad. You didn’t know what you would do if he wasn’t all that you imagined.
The night started out a little awkward, at least for you. You were so stressed about making a good impression that you felt a little robotic, answers calculated to try and get the most amount of laughs or agreements. Luke noticed this and gestured for you to take the seat between him and Julie when the meal was served, figuring you’d have the most in common with her, and he was more than happy to talk your ear off if the opportunity arose.
“So, why’d you come to California?” Julie asked, and you explained that you’d moved for school, but it was cheaper to rent the flat than live in the dorms. That in itself was an easy avenue into talking about your roommate who was never around and the classes you were taking this semester. When you asked about Nick, who was sitting on Julie’s other side, he happily joined the conversation to talk about how they got together just after the Phantoms began to get world famous and their (first) show at the Orpheum.
The dinner was loud and messy, and you began to feel right at home. With Reggie flicking beans at Alex, and Luke’s boisterous laughter ringing over conversation, there was a familial ambience to it all.
After the meal the group migrated towards the TV, and you found yourself next to Luke again, sandwiched between him and Willie, who introduced himself as Alex’s boyfriend. You recognised him from Alex’s Instagram, but you left that fact out. You found yourself making easy conversation with them, being the four who got Luke’s couch, whilst the others made themselves at home in armchairs and other seats scavenged from around the flat.
As you spoke to the couple about a restaurant in LA they were recommending, you felt a hand land on your thigh. A glance in his direction showed it was Luke’s, of course, but if his expression was anything to go by he was all but unaware, still speaking passionately to Nick about something. You tried to conceal your blush as your turned back to the gays, but the knowing looks had you hiding your face in your hands.
A movie was turned on and the chatter dulled somewhat, turned down to whispers over the dialogue. You didn’t know how you’d ended up cuddled up into Luke’s side, but you were absolutely not complaining. His arm on the back of the sofa had migrated to sitting around your waist at one point, and you were really hoping he couldn’t feel your racing heartbeat. An accidental glance in Julie’s direction showed her and Nick wiggling their eyebrows suggestively, to which you simply made a bewildered expression, hoping it conveyed how little idea you had of what was going on. Unbeknownst to you, Luke was fighting the same losing battle with the rest of the boys, who were making childish kissy faces when you weren’t looking. Luke handled it better than you, merely shrugging as if to say ‘she’s cute — what do you want me to do?’
A few hours later and the night was winding down. You took your leave after Reggie, not wanting to risk overstaying your welcome and jeopardising the friendships you hoped you were making. The remaining guests all gave you warm goodbyes, begging for you to come back again. Julie even swept you into a tight hug, making you promise you’d DM her to go out for coffee soon. Luke walked you to the door, a gentle hand on the small of your back not going unnoticed by his friends.
“Thanks for coming tonight, I’m really glad we met,” He said, and his shyer tone caught you off guard, but made you smile nonetheless.
“Thank you for inviting me,” You countered, “It was really sweet of you to introduce me to all your friends.” Luke waved it off like it was nothing, which you were sure to him it was.
“Can I see you again soon?” He asked, suddenly looking remarkably like a little puppy.
“I’m only a door away,” You grinned, “You can see me whenever you like. Hey, congrats again on the album. I’d say it’s pretty good.” When you pressed a kiss to his cheek and bade him goodnight, Luke couldn’t have resisted his cheesy grin if he’d tried.
“I love being a rockstar,” He said when he returned to his friends.
“Shut up, man,” Replied Alex, “You’re too whipped to claim any rockstar benefits on this one.”
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weneedabassist · 5 months
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reggie in a fit i saw on pinterest for ya!
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itsmarsss · 8 months
what the fuck? [Reggie Peters x fem!Reader] (Julie & The Phantoms)
(~from the vault~)
You and Reggie have been secretly dating for a while now, and Luke seems to have caught on to that. Who would have taken Luke Patterson for such an observant guy?
Word count: 2,244
Warnings: a few paragraphs of making out I think that’s it
"What a shame your parents don't use their cool-as-hell pool," you pointed out, looking at the sky through your shades.
"Their loss. But you know. There’s kinda no one around," he smirked, a mischievous look in his eyes to accompany whatever implications that came with his comment.
"Huh. That's true. Funny," you kept on, feighing obliviousness.
He flashed that smile that made all the Sunset Curve fangirls melt and swam to you, your faces now inches from each other.
"You’re so stupid," you let out a laugh before closing the space between you, entrailing your arms around his neck before kissing him.
You didn't get to keep on at that for any long before you could hear Reggie's name being called from outside, instinctively making you jerk away from each other. The voice you heard was undoubtedly Luke's.
You all really did have this habit of just randomly showing up at each other’s places.
"Luke?" Reggie yelled back.
"Dude we called you like three times!"
"We're in the pool!"
"Oh sweet!" Luke exclaimed, and you heard the back porch being unlocked. In a few seconds, Luke (and Alex, apparently) were standing above you by the edge of the pool.
"Y/n?" Alex asked, brows furrowed together.
"Uh why are you here?" Luke asked bluntly.
"Okay rude? I just came by and we decided to go for a swim."
Luke didn't seem to be buying it. "You just came by. For no reason."
"Did you not just do the same thing?"
"She has a point," Alex pointed out.
"Whatever. We’re going in!" With that, Luke took his shirt off in one swift motion, throwing it somewhere behind him on the floor, not caring about where it landed, and jumped into the pool. Alex went for a softer approach, taking his shirt off slowly and putting it on the floor with a safe distance from the pool, so it wouldn't get wet, before stepping in. The difference between them was so loud it was almost comical. 
You smiled to yourself as you watched them interact.
. . .
"Okay, you gotta tell me what’s going on." Luke had cornered you on your way to get changed after a few hours by the pool.
"What do you mean?"
"This was a date right?"
"Uh. This?" You motioned between you and him. "I'm sorry to break it to you, loverboy-"
He rolled his eyes at you. "Stop being funny. You and Reggie dumbass!"
You let out a nervous laugh. "What? No! I just came by! Don't be ridiculous."
"What so you just came by because you were bored or something?"
"And you didn't invite me and Alex because?"
"Oh is that what you're on about, Patterson? Are you sad we didn't invite you to hang out earlier? You and Alex get to hang out just the two of you all the time!"
"Yeah but that's a little different don't you think?"
"Okay well yes I am a little upset about that but I get it, you know, like I'm not hurt about it."
"So why are you being so annoying about it then?" You questioned, half-joking.
"Why are you wearing Reggie's shirt then?"
"Because I didn’t come here planning on swimming! That's all!"
"Uh-huh. I don’t buy it."
"Well okay." You pushed him aside and walked up to Reggie's guest room, where you'd left your clothes.
. . .
"Bye Reggie!" Alex exclaimed, the last one to bid him goodbye.
Reggie waved in return, smiling.
"Oh wait!" Luke stopped walking, turning back around. "We should do something tomorrow."
"Okay," you agreed.
"Like what?" Alex asked.
"I mean we could go to the movies maybe," Reggie suggested.
You let out a laugh. "Not when I am this broke."
"What? I'll pay."
"For all of us?" Luke inquired, confused.
Reggie went visibly flustered. "No, I don't think I got the money for that."
"We could just go to the beach," Alex offered.
Not a bad idea. "I mean yeah. It’s pretty hot outside."
Luke looked at you with a quirked brow, and you knew it was about you having your arms crossed against your chest because of the night breeze.
You rolled your eyes at him. "You're insufferable you know that? It's hot outside when the sun is out!"
"Fine by me," Reggie shrugged, agreeing.
"Okay. Eight?" Alex asked.
"What? I'm not waking up at eight on a saturday!” You exclaimed in response.
"Why not?"
"That's too early! It’s gotta be at least ten!"
"Oh but that's no fun! We don’t wanna catch the 12AM sun, I don't wanna go home looking like fucking shrimp or something," Luke intervened.
"Fine. But I hate you. You should know that."
He blew you a kiss. "Love you too." 
Alex turned back to you, signaling he wanted to get going. "Okay. Eight AM tomorrow then. Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
. . .
"You're really not gonna talk?"
"Ohmygod why are you so persistent about this? I already told you there’s nothing going on!"
"Okay did I miss something?" Right. Alex didn’t know what was going on.
"Well she is hiding something from us And I think it has something to do with Reggie."
"Oh," was all Alex said in return. He looked like he was thinking about something. You didn't ask.
"Well I know there's something and I'm gonna find out what it is."
"Well Sherlock Holmes, be my guest."
"Oh actually can I? Fought with my dad this morning."
"Can’t you go to Alex's?"
"Don’t think Alex wants any more trouble having to do with me."
You frowned in confusion. "They almost catch you together again? I mean if you still want me to pretend to be your-"
"No! I'm just trying to keep things cool. I think uh- I think I'm gonna tell them about it. Soon."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yeah. Just trying to make some money first in case they kick me out."
"They're not gonna kick you out," Luke got himself into the conversation again.
"Can’t really know."
"If they do kick you out, we'll find a way alright?"
Alex grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, nodding.
You went back to Luke. "Okay. Fine. But you gotta get in through the window cause my mom's at home tonight."
"Can we eat something? I'm starving."
"Yeah yeah okay, when she's asleep."
. . .
"Are you really not gonna tell me?" You and Luke were both sat on the kitchen counter now eating sandwiches, your mom long gone asleep.
This was getting annoying. Since when did Luke Patterson become so observant?
"Oh my fucking god! I forgot how annoying you can be when you want to."
"Please? I can see the way you look at each other!"
"And how do we look at each other?"
"Like you're in love or something!"
"Are you officially going crazy? Are you doing okay?" You put you hand over his forehand, pretending to take his temperature.
"Just tell me!"
"This isn't a slumber party, Patterson, we’re not braiding each other’s hair and talking about boys."
"We could!"
"Tell me about Alex then!"
"Well what do you wanna know?"
It was pretty obvious he'd thought talking about his own boyfriend would maybe get you to admit there was something going on between you and Reggie, or maybe even just that you had a mere crush on him.
Luke went to bed very annoyed at the fact that talking about his own stuff got him nowhere with you on that topic.
. . .
“You sleep in my room, you eat my food, you annoy the fuck out of me and now you want me to paint your nails?”
“I thought you were my best friend!”
“We’re going to the beach! No one at the beach is gonna care if your nails are painted or not!”
“Ugh, fine! But you’ll paint them when we get back?” Luke pleaded, and you rolled your eyes, making sure he saw it. 
“Fine. But you’re annoying.”
“Gotta have something in my favor.”
You were done packing for the beach day pretty soon, getting on your way to meet by Reggie’s place. Alex was already there when you arrived. 
“It’s almost 9!” Alex exclaimed, and Luke walked up to him, draping an arm around his neck, and you knew him enough to know he was trying to distract him from the fact that he'd been late. Poor Alex, someday the three of you would cause him a heart attack.
“Well Y/N here wouldn’t wake up.”
“Fucking liar? He literally bugged me for twenty minutes about painting his nails and ended up with non-painted nails anyway. Why would you willingly date him?”
Alex laughed. “Trust me that’s something I ask myself everyday.” Luke pinched his cheeks, knowing he was joking. 
“You love me.”
"Yeah, yeah," Alex smiled, blushing.
“Could you guys be cheesy somewhere else?” Reggie asked, only having heard the last part of the whole conversation as he was just now walking outside, eyes promptly squinting because of the sunlight. He went inside the house and came back quickly with shades on.
“You’re just mad you’re single.”
“I’m not s- mad. I’m not mad. Just uh- annoyed.”
Alex looked at Reggie weird. Luke looked at you weird. Neither said anything about any of it, nor about the fact that Reggie, with his already very pale skin, was read all around now, from his cheeks to his ears and all the way to his chest, visible underneath the white tank top he was wearing.
Now, Reggie lived right by the beach, so the way there was really just crossing the street.
You settled yourselves down and stayed there, in silence, as you took the view in for a bit. And then obviously enough time passed so that Luke couldn’t take staying still anymore, sunbathing clearly being too calm of an activity, and he dragged you all to the water.
The water, which was stupidly fucking cold, which got all three of you yelling at him for, to which he just laughed in response.
You all stayed in there for a while, not really doing anything but talking and occasionally starting water fights against each other (with an honorable mention to the one game of chicken that was held also), until it was about 11. By then, you were all really hungry, so you decided to just leave.
Reggie’s parent’s were on a trip, leaving the house to yourselves, and you comfortably got to making lunch. Everyone wanted something different, so you just ended up making everything at once, which got you weird combinations like ramen noodles and tomato soup. Who the fuck eats tomato soup for lunch on a summer day anyway?
When you were done, none of you really had the energy to change, just letting your clothes air-dry as you still wore them. It was a really hot day, to be fair, so it didn’t take long. 
The tiredness of the morning at the beach mixed with being full and the summer heat got all of you to act like you'd just ran a marathon, too lazy to do almost anything.
“You guys wanna write something?” Alex asked, and everyone groaned in protest.
“If we can stand,” Luke pointed out. 
“Come on we haven’t written in days!” Alex said, getting up right away. You didn’t feel like it, but he was right, so you reluctantly did so as well.
“Come on you babies.” You called, as if you weren't gathering every ounce of energy you could to even stand. "Where's the bass?" Reggie lazily pointed to the guest room, and you nodded before getting on your way to grab it.
“Dude.” Luke suddenly sat up as soon as you were gone.
“What?” Reggie asked in return.
“She seems pretty comfortable around here huh?"
“What? So do you.”
“Why are you guys making this so hard? Just say you’re into each other and go out!”
“You are into her, aren't you?”
“Here! Okay no drums but I do think you brought the drumsticks?” Alex confirmed with a nod. “That’s good enough.”
. . .
“Well what did you expect you baby?”
It was the day after you went to the beach, and Luke, who had insisted on staying in the water longer than everyone else, had a cold. Like it always happened.
“Not this?”
Alex rolled his eyes at the weak answer, but couldn’t contain a smile. You couldn’t contain one yourself.
“Whatever. Bobby should be back by now, we should go get him.”
“In this state?” Alex questioned, as if not believing him.
“I’m not that terrible!”
Reggie laughed, patting him on the shoulder as he walked past him on his way to sit by you on the couch. “Yeah man sure.”
“I’m offended!” He grabbed Alex by the wrist, forcing him to stand up from the chair by the dining table. “We’re going.”
“But-” You protested, about to suggest calling Bobby instead of going over.
“You can stay,” Luke said, a smirk forming on his face. 
“What do you mean?”
“We’ll be right back! And you two will talk it out!"
"Talk what out you psycho?"
"You know what!"
With that, they left in a second, leaving you and Reggie puzzled, with the house to yourselves for at least a little while.
Well, Luke had left a lot to interpretation, right?
. . .
“What?” You asked in the midst of your laughter. Whenever you made out with him, you felt was this weird feeling of being completely alone, which sometimes had led you to rather unfortunate events in which you forgot his parents would be coming back home, or that the boys were waiting on you for something and you'd had to make up excuses or find some way to hide in some situations, even, but it's not like you would trade it for anything else.
Right now he was staring at you as you tried to kiss him, and you weren’t getting it.
“You’re just pretty.” You were sitting on the couch, your back pressed to the side of it, your faces inches from each other, your bodies flushed against one another. He had both his hands on your jaw and you had yours around his neck, and this was perfect.
You could feel your cheeks burn. It wasn’t fair, you know? The way he knew just how to do that. And how aware he was of it, too! You could see it on his face, he was very clearly proud of himself for having that kind of effect on you. Who would’ve believed you if you told them, Reggie Peters, sweetest guy you knew, had a thing for getting you flustered. “Shut up.”
He smiled that dumb smile of his. “You know, I think we should tell them.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. They seem to be pretty supportive. And insistent," he added.
You laughed at the last part. “I guess. Fine. When?”
He shrugged. “Soon. Today? When they’re back? I don't know, I don't think it has to be a big deal, right?
You thought about it. “Sure.”
He nodded excitedly in approval before leaning in again.
Kissing Reggie was always sweet, no matter what. You could be making out at full speed, like the world was ending, and you would still feel appreciated. When everything had started you'd wondered if things would start to feel different with him- too different.
But after a while, you supposed it was still the same Reggie, after all.
And right now he was very obviously eager. It usually happened when he got excited about something, like a new riff he wrote and was proud of himself for, or some cool clothes he found, or, well, like right now, you supposed because you’d decided to finally tell your friends you were dating. 
You couldn’t keep yourself from commenting about it.
“You’re eager.”
“You’re hot.” You were always taken aback when he said things like that. Sure, Reggie wasn’t just that sweet innocent childish boy everyone insisted on seeing him as, but it was always odd seeing him get like that. In a good way, obviously. 
He resumed to kissing you, his hand descending to your waist, pulling you even closer. Suddenly, your back was pressed against the couch seat, and he was on top of you, but he was really careful as to not press his full weight on you, as he always was.
You were certain this boy would be the death of you.
You laced your hand to the hair on the back of his head, deepening the kiss even more, and he grabbed your other wrist with his own, pinning it right beside your face before intertwining your fingers with his. It was intimate in its own way with him, and it was hot and it was sweet at the same time and your head felt like it was buzzing, unable to think of anything else, really. Then you could feel his hand move down your waist to one of your thighs and he had the nerve to smirk against your lips when you involuntarily let out a sigh and-
“Okay what the fuck ?”
You were startled by Bobby’s voice, immediately jumping away from each other, ending up at opposite ends of the sofa, both panting, not having realized how out of breath you’d been until you pulled away. At the entrance of the living room stood Luke, Alex and Bobby, who, well- apparently had gotten back from his trip- all looking flustered at the scene they’d just witnessed.
Bobby and Alex were looking anywhere but at you, but Luke was wide-eyed, making direct eye contact with you specifically.
“So you were hiding something from me!”
“Huh. Surprise?” Shit, you were never gonna live this one down, were you?
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multifandomsimagine · 9 months
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Author's Note: It's still the 10th where I am but I know it's already the 11th where you are so, happy birthday to the best mutual ever ❤️
Imagine the guys making you breakfast for your birthday
— Birthday Present #1 for @cantstoptheimagines —
Of the three, Luke was definitely the worst cook in the group. For one, he had never really had to cook before when he was still living with his parents; they were the ones who made sure that he had a hearty breakfast and a filling dinner each day. If Luke had his way, he would live off of Hot Pockets and Tostino's, something quick and easy to make so he could spend more time on music.
Alex was a decent cook. While he wouldn't burn down the kitchen when making himself a bowl of cereal, all he could really do was make simple meals: a grilled cheese, an omelet, mac and cheese. Much like Luke, Alex's parents would cook his meals for him but he did have to rely on himself more after things got tense when he came out to them.
Compared to the other two, Reggie was basically Emeril Lagasse. With money being tight at home, he was left by himself as soon as he was able to operate the stove. His parents spent so much time working - and arguing - and Reggie was left to fend for himself when he got home from school. With spatula in hand and having watched every episode of How to Boil Water and Essence of Emeril, Reggie was a master in the kitchen.
It was why the trio had decided that Reggie would take the lead in your birthday breakfast with Alex as his sous chef and Luke as the kitchen porter though the best-laid plans often went astray with the group.
Though the guys know you're a heavy sleeper and never get out of bed before ten in the morning, they don't want to risk raising their voices on the off chance your birthday is the day you decided to be a light sleeper. However, it was really hard to remember to not yell when Alex or Reggie caught sight of Luke's "improvements."
"Why are the flames so high?" Alex whisper-shouted, barely remembering to lower his voice as he dropped the knife he was using to cut up some fruit to rush over to the stove, turning the dial from high to low.
Luke lets out an offended "Hey!" but the blond ignores him as he's quick to snatch the spatula from Luke and scoops up the pancake from the pan. He moves to drop it onto the stack of pancakes, dropping it into the stack of pancakes Luke had already made.
"Hey! I was doing a good job!" Luke huffs out, gesturing to the four pancakes on the plates.
This is when Reggie walks over, having finished plating the breakfast scramble he had been in charge of.
"I did everything that you guys told me." Luke begins to list off the steps on his fingers. "I put butter on the pan, ladled a spoonful of batter onto the pan, checked to see that the side was brown before flipping it over, and made sure the other side was brown too before plating them."
"Not everything," Alex countered. "The flames were too high. Why'd you raise the heat?"
"I wanted to help out with the other stuff so I raised it so the pancakes would cook faster."
Reggie grabs a fork from the utensil drawer and moves to the plate of pancakes, cutting a piece off from the top pancake. Instead of being met with the sight of a light fluffy interior, the trio watches as batter oozes out of the pancake.
Luke snatches the fork from the bassist's hand and begins cutting into the other pancakes. Except for the first pancake that Alex had made as an example for Luke, they all ooze out batter and the three are left to stare at half-cooked pancakes.
"The pan was too hot. The outside of the pancake cooked before the inside could." Reggie sighs. "And now we have gooey pancakes."
Alex picks up the bowl of batter and takes a look before letting out a groan. "And only enough batter for like one pancake." He shows the bowl to the others.
"We could make more, right?" Luke runs a hand through his hair.
Reggie shakes his head. "I used the last of the eggs for the scramble."
"So all we have right now is the breakfast scramble, a bowl of fruit, and a cup of juice."
Luke's eyes dart around the kitchen, trying to find a solution. His eyes light up when he spots the house keys and his wallet before maneuvering his way to them. "I can buy more. Daniella’s sells eggs, right?" He raises his wallet up. "We have like two hours before [Name] wakes up. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes. I won't be the reason she starts off her birthday without her favorite breakfast."
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supercap2319 · 10 months
"Listen. I understand that the four of us are technically sharing the garage, but can you guys please stop poofing into my shower?" Y/N looks at the three ghost boys in front of him.
"Hold on. I've never poofed in your shower." Alex said.
"Yeah, me either." Luke said.
They all turned to Reggie who tried to look innocent. "Oh, come on. It was one time."
"It was six!" Y/N said.
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Imagine the boys helping you get over your stage fright.
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After the show
Pairing: alive!Reggie Peters x reader
WC: 3.2k
Summary: After being away for a few months you were finally back in Los Angeles, just in time to watch your best friend Julie perform with her band. The first time you got to see them live and get to meet them, including the cute bass player.
A/N: Here's something new which probably nobody still counted on getting from me hahah but writing has always helped me cope with some stuff and even though I hadn't pictured myself returning to this, here I am, dealing with life problems by escaping into fanfictions. So, I hope you guys still read it and like it!!
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It had been a while since you saw Julie last. You had lived with your dad last semester while your mom had to go abroad for work. That left you at the other side of the country, a six-hour flight away from your best friend and your normal life.
Of course, staying at your dad's wasn't the worst. You got along great. One of the only plus sides of that move was that you could spend more time together, but you also had to get used to a new place and new people. And you missed your friends dearly. Daily Facetime calls to Julie and Flynn kept you going, but those declined in frequency as well. Everybody got busy, so these past few weeks it had been, at most, one call a week. With your upcoming move back home to California, Julie's successful debut with her band and Flynn managing them, there hadn't been a lot of time. Until now.
You were finally back in California, basking in the Los Angeles sun. The hot sand beneath your feet warmed your soul. A content smile graced your face while you were waiting for Julie and Flynn to join you. This felt like home. Definitely.
Your serene moment got interrupted as someone practically fell into you, making you tumble forward a few steps. You were able to keep standing with arms still wrapped around you. With them came a squeak and the call of your name before the figure, which turned out to be Julie, came around to your front. As soon as you saw that familiar face you pulled her into your arms again. Yep, home. "Oh my God, I missed you so much!", you said, squeezing her once more.
"Same! I can't believe you're back! Finally!" The two of you let go of each other and settled onto the sand. "Tell me everything!"
"Well, you already know basically everything," you laughed. "I mean, the last time we talked wasn't even 24 hours ago."
"I know!" Julie took ahold of your shoulders and shook you. "Way too long! I need a play-by-play of your flight."
"Uhm ok, so, when I got to the airport..." And so you told Julie everything that happened at the airport, on your flight, at the reunion with your mom, the ride home, just everything up until the point where she had joined you at the beach. "When is Flynn coming by the way? Shouldn't she be here already?" You looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl amidst the other beach-goers.
"Oh yes, I forgot to say! She actually had to hang back for a bit. She was able to get us a gig tonight, totally last minute, so she had to organize some stuff, but you'll see her later when you come to the show."
"Oh, so I'm invited, huh?" You bumped her shoulder.
"Of course, you are! We made sure to have you put on the guestlist. Then you can also meet the rest of the band! They're so excited to meet you. I mean, Flynn and I always talk about you, so they're always on us about when they actually get to meet you." She laughed at the dorkiness of her friends.
She could still picture the first time you were brought up in conversation in front of them. Flynn had been late to watching the practice and when she finally did come in, she looked a little distraught. Julie had asked her what was wrong, but didn't expect that the reason for her distress was actually your distress. You had just broken up with your partner who was not ready to commit to long-distance, even just for a while, so you had called your friends in tears. The boys had immediately told Julie and Flynn to not worry about practice and call you back and be there for you. Since then, you had been topic of conversation a few times.
"Actually," she continued, "Reggie could not shut up about you being at the show today since we found out it's happening, so you can't disappoint my bassist by not showing up." Julie wiggled her eyebrows at you. That's what you get for one time mentioning that you thought the dark-haired bassist was cute and asking about him. You had kept up with Julie's band, watched all their music videos and the private photos and videos that Julie had sent you.
You felt a warmth spread over your neck and cheeks, slighty embarassed by the teasing. "Oh please, Julie, shut up." You chuckled and looked out at the waves crashing onto the beach. "Of course, I'll be there. I'm super excited to meet the band, too. And to see you perform live!" Looking back at her, you saw the spark in her eyes that had been lost for so long after her mother's death, but there it was, portraying her excitement for making and sharing her music.
The moment got interrupted by an alarm sound coming out of Julie's pocket. "Oh ok, that's me. I actually have to run now," she said while standing up and silencing her phone. "I need to prepare for the show, but I'll text you all the details and will see you there tonight! Ok, bye, love you!" She shouted over her shoulder while already walking away in a hurry. You laughed to yourself at her behavior. It hadn't changed in all this time. You stayed at the beach for a few more minutes, before deciding to go home and get ready yourself.
You looked in awe at the line in front of the club the band was playing at tonight. So many people were here to see your friend perform. It was crazy. And you actually got to walk past all these people to tell the bouncer your name and be let in before all of them. The whole experience was so surreal, but it was everything you had ever hoped for your friend. Inside was already pretty packed as well but Flynn had texted you where to find her, so you made your way through the crowd to the roped-off area at the side which was slightly elevated. You once again gave your name to the woman standing there. She scanned her clipboard before she moved aside to let you in.
You spotted Flynn pretty easily in her eye-catching outfit. She was sitting in the far corner, closest to the stage, typing away on her phone. You walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey there, stranger!"
She turned around quickly. Her eyes widened when she saw you standing there before she jumped out of her seat with a wide smile on her face. "You're here!" She pulled you into a hug. "It's so good to see you! Wait, let me look at you!" You were pushed an arms-length away, so that she could check you out from head to toe. "And you look amazing! Perfect! Show-stopping!"
"Well, I hope not. I did come here to watch the show after all." You took the seat next to Flynn's, catching up with her until the lights dimmed and the show started. You and Flynn immediately got up from your seats as the stage lights came on and illuminated your friend and the rest of the band. Julie's gaze quickly flickered up to where you and Flynn were standing before she started playing the first notes of the song. Actual tears sprung to your eyes as you watched your friend live her dream. You were so proud of her.
You watched her interact with the other band members while performing. They all seemed to have so much fun on stage and you could clearly see their passion for music shining through. More than once did your eyes glance over to the bassist. You had to admit that Reggie looked even better in person than on the screen. He had to know what he was doing when he put on that leather jacket for the performance. Damn.
When the show ended, you actually felt out of breath from all the dancing and jumping and singing along you did with Flynn. The whole concert was so much fun and you could not get rid of the smile on your lips. "So, I am in charge of getting you to Julie's for the after-show party," Flynn turned to you and explained.
"Wait, there's an actual after show party at Julie's? And her dad's fine with it?"
"Yeah, it's just a few people and as long as we clean up and don't make too much noise, he's chill. So, you coming?" Flynn held out a hand for you to take and then skillfully maneuvered you through the crowd. The ride to Julie's turned out to be Flynn's mom who greeted you with a hug. You three chatted for the whole ride, mainly about your last semester and the show, before she dropped you off at Julie's. Before driving off she reminded Flynn to be respectful and considerate of the people living in the house to which Flynn rolled her eyes, but promised to be on her best behavior.
After her mom was gone, she turned to you. "Ok, come on, we need to get some snacks and drinks out before the others arrive." She led you to the garage, which you hadn't entered in what felt like years, and pulled the doors wide open. The lights turned on and as you looked around you realized that not much had changed, except for some trinkets being strewn about here and there. You quickly helped Flynn get some drinks out of the mini fridge and onto the table as well as some snacks when the first few people already started arriving. You easily recognized Nick, one of the first to enter the garage. He hadn't changed much from when you last saw him, still had the same Golden Retriever look to him. Carrie was also easy to spot. She spotted the two of you instantly and came over to greet you. From your calls with Julie and Flynn you were already aware that the feud had ended and there was some kind of friendship blossoming now.
"Hi, girls!" She greeted both of you with a hug before she turned to you. "It's nice to see you! How long have you been back?"
"Oh, just today actually. Been quite a busy day." You made some more small talk with her while other guests arrived and Flynn went off to greet them. It wasn't long until the conersations stopped to greet the arriving band with a round of hollers and applause. The guitarist, Luke, you knew, basked in the applause, entering the garage with raised arms and a grin, ready to high-five his friends that were waiting for him. Julie, Reggie and Alex followed. They had the same grin on their faces, the performance high, but passed up on the high-fives.
Carrie excused herself, but you didn't stay standing alone for long as Julie spotted you and pulled Alex and Reggie over to you. "Guys, I want you to meet someone," she exclaimed and proudly introduced you.
Aley was the first to speak up. He had a nice smile on his face. "Hi! It's really nice to meet you! I'm Alex. Julie has told us so much about you, it's like meeting a legend." Julie hit him in the arm for that comment. "Hey! What? It's true! You're always talking about her like she's a celebrity or some kind of myth. No wonder Reggie-" He got cut off by another hit in the arm, this time from the bassist. "Alright, fine, I'll stop stalking! Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm gonna go over there to my boyfriend." He turned and walked right into the arms of a long-haired guy on the other side of the garage who had been engaged in a conversation with Luke.
You turned back to the other two still standing with you, holding back a laugh. Your gaze fell onto the one who had yet to introduce himself. His eyes were still trained on Alex' back, but as he turned towards you, he realized that your focus was already on him and his cheeks turned red. It only took him a moment to regain his cool though. "I'm Reggie. Nice to meet you!" His eyes trailed your body once over. He shot you a smile. "I can't believe you're even prettier in real life than in the pictures." That earned him another smack against the arm from Julie. He yelped. "Hey! That's not how you treat your bassist!"
"Whatever, go get Luke, I want to introduce him, too!" Rubbing his arm he left, pouting, to get the guitarist. As soon as Reggie said a few words to him, he came jumping right over and put his arms around Julie's shoulder, placing a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled a little at the display of affection. "Luke, I wanna introduce you to-"
He cut her off, saying your name himself. "You talk so much about her. How could I not know?!" He smiled brightly and pulled you into a hug. "Great to finally meet you! How did you like the show?"
"Ah, it was amazing! You all looked so great out there! I had so much fun and everything sounded great! You even played my favorite song," you admitted.
"Oh, and which one is that?" You told him your favorite song, him nodding along to your answer. "Yeah, great taste you got there!" He looked around the room as a group of guys called his name. "Alright, I gotta go entertain for a bit, but we'll definitely catch up soon!" He promised with a wink and another kiss to Julie's cheek.
"Is he always like that?" You asked her.
"Most of the time." She nodded before breaking out into a laugh which you joined.
At some later point in the evening you found yourself on the couch with a drink in your hand. Reggie let himself fall into the seat next to you. "Hi there!" You smiled at him.
"Hi!" The small smile he gave you made him look even cuter. "Sitting here all by yourself?"
"Well, I was just waiting for you to come keep me company."
"Oh." That took him by suprise. "Here I am!"
You tilted your head to the side a bit, taking him in some more. He was still wearing the leather jacket you liked so much during the show with a simple white shirt below it and a pair of jeans. "I really liked to watch you play. I wanted to tell you that before, but you left so quickly."
"Ah, thank you! Yeah." He rubbed his neck as his cheeks turned pink. "Sorry that I left so quickly. I actually did want to talk to you some more! Julie told us you were coming to watch us play, so I- we put some extra effort into making this show amazing!"
"You certainly did! How long have you been playing bass for?"
"So long I can barely remember. I learned the guitar first though," he admitted.
"So you play the guitar as well, wow! I've never had any musical ability. Julie's mom tried to teach me to play the piano a long time ago, but it was completely hopeless." You chuckled at the memory. It was right in this room so many years ago.
"Maybe the piano just wasn't the right instrument for you? I can teach you some guitar if you want. Or bass, if you prefer."
"Alright, I'll hold you to it, but really don't get your hopes up. It might end in an absolute disaster," you joked. "Let me actually give you my number, so we can set a date."
"Oh yeah, totally!" He pulled out his phone and opened it to a new contact. You put your number in and called yourself right after saving it.
"Now I have your number as well." You smiled at him before saving the number into your phone as 'that cute bassist'. You hoped he had seen the name but when you looked back at him his eyes were trained on your face.
An hour moved by as you kept sitting on that couch, talking and laughing with Reggie. Luke, Alex and Julie had each come over for a few minutes but left fairly quickly to give the two of you some space.
"Hey, do you want to get some fresh air? It's getting a bit stuffy in here," you suggested to which Reggie agreed. The doors had been closed by now to keep the noise from reaching the neighbors, so that you hadn't noticed it'd gotten a bit chilly. Before you could say or do anything Reggie already took off his jacket and laid it over your shoulders. You pulled it on tighter as you took a seat on the stairs, the smell of the leather enveloping you. It smelled good, you imagined Reggie to smell distinctly of the jacket as well.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asked warily.
"Of course." You assured him, placing a hand on his thigh.
His eyes fell from your face to your hand. "Are you flirting with me? Like, are you actually hitting on me?" His hopeful eyes found yours again as your smile turned wider.
"Yes, Reggie, I have been all evening."
"Oh, ok, good, so I didn't misinterpret anything." He laughed a little and placed his hand over yours that was still lying on his thigh. "You see, I think you're really pretty. I've thought that since Julie and Flynn showed us pictures of you for the first time. And now I know, you're really funny, too, and I'm just totally blown away by you, so I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"
"I would like that a lot, yes. You lnow, I've had this little crush on you for a while now that Julie and Flynn have been making fun of me for. There's something about you that really draws me in." You bit your lip, taking Reggie's attention from your eyes to your lips.
"So, uhm, can I kiss you right now?" He asked.
Your lips spread into a wider smile as you shuffled closer to him on the stairs. "Yes, Reggie, I'd love that." There wasn't much of a gap between your faces anymore now, but he took his sweet time letting you feel his breath on your lips before finally connecting them. His lips moved softly against yours. He squeezed your hand on his thigh and brought the other one up to cradle your face.
You pulled back a little to catch your breath. When there was a crash from inside the garage your gaze quickly flicked to the door to check if anyone was coming out. When nobody did, you turned back to Reggie. "Do you wanna go back inside or keep doing this?" You asked him, hoping for the latter.
"I think, I'd rather stay out here a bit longer." He smiled before catching your lips in another kiss under the starlit sky.
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dixonsbrat · 6 months
should i start reposting all my old jatp fics now that the show is getting attention again and there could be a possible revival of the show??
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fortheloveofowen · 1 year
Dating Luke Patterson Would Include...
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Summary: Basically just some super fluffy dating Luke content. This is post Caleb's curse being lifted because my love language is touch lol
Warnings: None just pure fluff :)
Note: I'm a hoe for the plot that y/n could see the boys just like Julie so I'm sticking w/ it
Just a cute little short thing for ya! Happy belated 4/20 if you celebrated (I sure did lol)!
Luke had known very quickly that he was in love with you
The way your smile seemed to brighten up the room and the way you absentmindedly combed out his hair when his head had landed in your lap as you sat on the couch
He watched the clock ticking on the wall of Julie's studio diligently as he waited for you to make your entrance, having never missed a practice
Usually, he would smoothly lean back in his seat, keeping that same cocky smirk on his face that he had always given you
But today Luke knew he needed to finally come to terms with his feelings for you
You quickly made your way through the doorframe, walking over to the beat up couch where you had spent countless nights
After practice, Luke had pulled you aside, his anxiety visible trough his reddened cheeks
"Hey, can we uhm talk in the loft... privately..."
The climb up to the loft seemed to have taken 25 years as you both nervously reached the platform
Both of you threw your legs over the wooden railing as your three friends exited the studio
His left hand lazily played with the silver rings on his right hand as he opened his mouth to speak, but not finding the right words to say
"Everything alright, Luke?" y/n slid their hand into Luke's still fidgeting one
"I'm just gonna come out and say it, I am so damn in love with you and have been for such a long time. And if you find this weird th-th-then we can just forget all about it, yeah?"
Luke had expected a kiss that night, but Reggie's clumsy eavesdropping skills caused the three of them to crash through the door only moments after the confession
Your first kiss would be after a show only a few days later, his sweaty body plopping itself next to you on the couch
"Ew get off of me, you stink!" You squealed as Luke pressed his sweaty hair into the side of your neck
"Mmmm but I'm so sleepy, baby..." he mumbled into your neck in a groggy tone, his breath sending shivers down your spine every time he'd finish a sentence
Luke leaned up and kissed your cheek, making sure the sweat that had collected on his upper lip spread across your flushed face before pushing you down against the couch
Your voices were a mix of laughter and arguments as Luke pressed his fingers into your ribs, tickling you with no mercy
"Stop, stop! Luke!" You cackled out before he leaned forward and once again placed his face in the crook of your neck
"Y/n, I really wanna kiss you right now..." He mumbled lifting his face to hover closely over your face
You nodded before reaching up to pull him into the most butterfly-inducing kiss either of you had experience
All of the members love the fact that you both have each other
We all know how reserved Luke can be with serious issues in his life, but he will always run to you first
Alex and Reggie look at you as family and you honestly could not ask for more. Alex is your go-to when Luke is riding his high horse and needs to be knocked back a couple of levels. And Reggie is always there when you have those days when talking isn't required, building you pillows forts and watching your favorite movies
You had been friends with Julie long before you had even met the boys, having known both you and Flynn for about the same amount of time. You had always preferred the more "artistic" stuff, which was perfect when Flynn asked for your help upping their stage design.
Get used to having countless songs written about you
"Hey babe! Listen to this?" "Baby, I wrote this for you..."
Constant reassurance
This man will never let you be insecure. He could never imagine a single flaw, so how could you? Lots of time spent in front of the mirror after showering together where he points out everything he loves about you
Overall just the most vomit-inducingly sweet relationship you've ever seen. Luke loves you with his whole heart and there is no way he will ever let you go.
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ashleycatchemm · 9 months
1-24: Finally Free
Part 24 of??
Pairing: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: Finally Free (Julie and the phantoms)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Pulling into my driveway I parked the truck and hopped out, leaving the door open for Arius to come out behind me. Once the black cat jumped out of the blue truck I shut the door behind him, a banging noise catching my attention from across the street. Looking over, at the big blue house across the street that's been for sale ever since I remember, no one has wanted to buy it, and when they do, something always seems to cause them to back out.
People have been saying that it's haunted, but I've lived here all my life, and I haven't seen or heard a single ghost from over there. My eyes drifted down to the man hammering in a new sign, only this one was different, it had the word 'Sold' written on it in big bold letters. "Hey Arius?" I didn't bother looking back at the black cat, eyes trained on the sign across the street.
A hum in response gave me the okay to ask my question. "Do you think there are ghosts in that house?" Nodding my head over to the house across the street, watching the man start to pick up the sign he pulled out before replacing it with the other. "I doubt it." Looking back at the cat, I noticed he disappeared, (e/c) eyes glanced around to catch any sign of the demonic cat, only to see him sitting next to me. Blue eyes glued to the house in front of us, tail moving in an annoyed way.
"Your grandmother cleared out that house ages ago."
My brows furrowed in confusion, "So then how did it not sell for years?" I shoved my hands in my pockets "If it's been cleared out for ages, how is it just now getting sold?" Arius didn't give much of a helpful response "I don't know." he turned around and started making his way towards the front door. "Wait." I stated, quickly following after him "What do you mean 'I don't know'? Aren't you supposed to know everything about my grandmother?" Sitting by the door, he growled out a response "I don't know, because I wasn't there."  Arius' temper seemed to flare up at the subject and that's when I felt it. The pang of emotional hurt, it wasn't big enough to get a reaction from me, but I knew one thing. It wasn't my emotion I was feeling.
It was the demonic cat in front of me.
Arius' ears were drooped downward a little, tail wrapped close around him, the end being curled between his front paws. Sitting down on the steps of my front porch, I asked the question on my mind, not knowing if he'd answer me or just yell at me and go back to being closed off, either way, I need to know. "Why weren't you there?" He was silent for a second, tail whipping back and fourth in an agitated manor. After a minute or two, he finally spoke up "Once witches and warlocks get older, they start settling down. Having kids. Getting married. That sort of thing." I stayed quiet, not wanting to jump in.
If there are warlocks out there, then I wonder just how many more people there are like me..
"Eventually, there is a point in our lives where we feel we aren't needed anymore to our masters, so we would leave. No goodbyes, or farewells. Since demons get attached to their witch or warlock, we feel it's easier on us to leave without goodbyes. Breaks the bond faster."
I watched as the cat next to me looked up at the sky his blue eyes shining with an emotion I've never seen on him before, admiration? Maybe even love. His mouth opened a little, as if trying to smile, pointed teeth visible for all to see. "Your grandmother was different than the other witches and warlocks in your family. She could tell I was going to leave. She knew that something was off when she talked to me that night. She sensed it." Arius looked out in front of him at the house across the street, the same house that started this conversation.
"(G/n) engulfed me in the biggest hug, and begged me to stay with her. And so I did, because she was my weakness. Anything she asked of me I would do, all to make her happy."
Arius' expression seemed to falter "But then, it all turned to shit." His teeth bared in anger, claws gripping onto the front porch. "One of her sons got themselves into deep shit. And so your grandmother sent me away in order to protect her family from the ministry." His expression shifted into a scowl as he laid down, front paws hanging a little off the end of the porch. "I'm not mad at her for what she did. I know that they could've easily tracked me and then her family would've been in danger. I just... I wish there could've been another way. 36 years I spent with (G/n), and yet it still wasn't enough. I wanted a little more time with her." The black cat grew silent, not wanting to say anything else as he rested his head on his front legs.
I stared at Arius, having another aching feeling in my chest, it was the same as the last one, having not been my own emotions. Raising my hand up, I brought it over so that it was hovering over the demonic cat's head. I kept it there for a second or two, debating my choices, He'll probably swat at me. But in that moment I decided that I didn't care, because I felt like I should give him some kind of comfort, even if he does swat me away. Bringing my hand down, I gently rubbed his head, cautious of his movements, not wanting to get hit.
To my surprise, he didn't fight back, closing his eyes, Arius let out a small sigh in content. This bond has to start somewhere. Looking up at the clear blue sky a small smile crossed my lips, feeling good that I finally did something to help someone I'm glad it's starting here. And talking about Grandma no less. Looking back down at the black cat, he let out a small huff before shaking my hand off of him and sitting back up.
"So I don't know what (G/n) did to that house. She probably put a spell on it to keep the ministry from finding her. Or from finding her sons. Everything she did was to protect the people she cared about."
"Before she sent me away, she told me to look after you if something were to ever happen to her. Your mother was pregnant with you at the time. And, well, I could feel it. The bond. Before you were even born. I sensed that you would be a powerful witch and I could tell that (G/n) sensed it too. So now I'm going to train you the best I can, and look after you. But I can only do so much."
I nodded my head, understanding what he was saying. I can't keep running away from what I am. That means I'm gonna have to start cooperating with Arius. The black cat looked over at me, his usual bland stare on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but the noise of a ghost appearing caught my attention. "Hey (N/n)!" The boy clad in his leather jacket was quick to state, walking forward a little he pointed back and forth from me to the cat sitting next to me.
"Is this a bad time?"
I shook my head a little, a smile gracing my lips at just the sight of the ghost in front of me. "No. Not at all." Feeling the pull at my chest, causing me to stand up and walk towards Reggie. "Why?" The bassist in front of me radiated happiness as he met me halfway and grabbed ahold of my hand "We got to practice! Our first gig is tonight!" Dragging me down my driveway "Woah, Woah, Woah, Tonight?" I was quick to stop in place at the end of my driveway, causing Reggie to come to a halt as I pulled back on his hand.
The dark haired bassist in front of me tilted his head a little as if confused as to why I stopped him "And I thought Julie was all done with the band? She told me herself that-" Reggie jumped in, successfully cutting me off to answer my questions. "We all made up. But we have to hurry and practice because our gig is in a couple of hours." He pulled me a little bit along the side walk, only for me to quickly come to a stop once again. Still not processing the information.
"Wait Julie forgave you? When? And when did we get a gig?" Reggie rolled his eyes in amusement "What even-"
I was cut off once again, as Reggie pulled me toward him and wrapped a hand around my mouth. Faces inches apart, his award winning smile sitting on his face "I'll fill you in on all the details later. Right now we need to go, okay?" His arm sat wrapped around my waist, I felt my cheeks grow warm from the close proximity. I nodded my head in response, that being the only thing I could do, even if his hand wasn't covering my mouth, I don't think I would've been able to muster a single word.
Well, At least non that would make sense...
His hand left my mouth, finding my own once again. Gripping it tight, he pulled me along to go to Julie's. Looking back I caught sight of the black cat following close behind me.
I don't think he's gonna leave my side anytime soon.
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"Okay. What's with the cat?"
Alex had his eyes trained on Arius sitting on the couch, as Julie walked over to him. "I think it's cute" reaching her arm out to pet him, I was quick to jump in "Uh, Julie, I wouldn't..." the black cat was quick to jump up from his position on the couch. Hissing at Julie, his fur standing up, back arched, ears pulled back to show his agitation. The curly haired singer pulled her hand away in surprise, Arius was quick to make his way towards the other end of the couch, settling down. His eyes glanced at Julie, sending her one more growl before looking back at me.
"What's its problem?"
Alex questioned, seeing as how Arius almost hurt one of his friends. Picking up my rhythm guitar, I put the strap over my shoulder while speaking on the cats behalf. "He just isn't fond of most people. So don't try to force it." Arius growled briefly as I spoke, causing me to send him a look as if to say 'Behave' the black cat huffed while whipping his tail back and forth in aggravation, but overall growing silent. "Well, now that the cat conversation is out of the way..." Reggie grabbed everyone's attention as he walked over next to me, swinging his bass strap over his shoulder.
"Let's get started."
Julie nodded her head in agreement as her and Alex made their way over to their instruments.
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All four of us were playing the cords to Finally Free as Julie sang "Marching on proud, Turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth." Luke suddenly appears in the chair by the coffee table, causing the four of us to stop playing. Letting out a small "woah" he noticed the four of us by our instruments. Standing up out of the chair "Julie." He stated, surprised to see her by the piano.
"Grab your guitar. We got work to do."
Luke started at her for a moment, mouth agape, only to let out a small chuckle as he grabbed his guitar, which stood by me. Walking over to Julie he asked "What made you come back?" Julie stood up from her seat "I realized how important music is for all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." Luke nodded his head a little "Thanks." He responded, only to ask "All right boss. Where we at?" In order to lighten the mood a little, letting out a small chuckle at his own question.
"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."
Julie sat back down in her seat in front of the piano, a small chuckle passing her lips, again Luke stared at her in disbelief. Glancing over at the guys as if they would tell him how she knew, looking back at Julie a smile crossed his lips before making his way across the room.
"Let's take it from the pre-chorus." Julie stated
Alex banged his sticks together "One, Two, Three, Four." And with that the five of us started singing and playing, in order to practice for tonight.
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"You can't come with me Arius. We've already discussed this."
The black cat sat on my bed as I proceeded to do my make up for the gig. "I'll go in my human form."
"What about if Julie and Flynn see you?"
"I'll make up an excuse as to why I'm there."
Putting the mascara down, I turned around to face the black cat on my bed, the two of us stared the other down as if trying to silently win the argument. Letting out a sigh, I pinched the fridge of my nose all while stating "Fine. You can go" The demon determined to be by my side every second of everyday let out a small cheer before getting cut off by me "But..." his cat like eyes seemed to narrow in aggravation as I told him the terms of the agreement. "...You have to stay outside of the coffee shop, in your cat form the entire time. Got it?" My eyes narrowed back at him as if daring him to challenge my decision.
A huff of defeat passed through the black cats nose "Fine. As long as I'm there, I really don't care." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard, grabbing the attention of both me and the demon across from me. "Hey (N/n), you ready to go?" Near the door stood the boy that made my heart practically jump for joy, just from the sound of his voice. Reggie stood clad in his black tank top, biceps clearly being shown which caused my eyes to drift a little to look at them.
My bottom lip found its way between my teeth, all while my thoughts started to get impure. "(Y/n)?" The bassist's voice brought me back to reality, I was quick to let go of my lip as my eyes darted back up to his own. "You okay?" He continued, raising his brows as if to question my behavior. Shaking my head a little to bring myself back to my senses I sent him a small smile "I'm fine. We should get going." all while making my way towards my bedroom door, Arius hopping off my bed and following close behind.
Reggie followed me out the door to my room "The place isn't to far from here is you want to walk together." I started to walk down the steps as I explained "Reggie, if I walked down the street with you, people would think I'm a crazy person talking to herself." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard behind me, only for the dark haired boy to reappear right in front of me at the bottom of the stairs. This surprised me causing me to almost fall back, only for him to grab my arms and hold me steady, our noses inches apart. I felt my face grow warm at the proximity, feeling that tug from my chest, the urge to just lean over and capture his lips in my own.
"We don't even have to talk, just walk and hold hands or something."
Reggie's eyes went wide as he let go of me and took a couple steps back "I-I mean..." I could tell that he was frantically trying to come up with an excuse, but I didn't care at that moment. "not hold hands, but ya know..." because when I looked from his eyes to his hands, I realized how much I wanted to hold it in my own. "I just-" reaching over I snatched his hand in mine, effectively cutting off the dark haired bassist
"Let's go." I stated, all while dragging him towards the door.
Getting a small response of "Okay" from Reggie as Arius followed the two of us out the door.
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Once we got to the coffee shop, I was quick to try to let go of Reggie's hand, only for him to tighten his grip and pull on it a little, refusing to let go. Looking back at the golden retriever boy behind me, my eyes narrowed as if to tell him to let go. "I know. But, just let me hold your hand a little longer...Please?" I was confused, I didn't know why Reggie was acting like this, but tonight feels different with Reggie. I couldn't place my finger on the reason why.
Looking around at the people walking in, I noticed a lot of them eyeing me and whispering to their friends. Looking back at Reggie I leaned over a little to whisper "Reggie. People are staring." It felt suffocating to be standing there with him at the moment, knowing that what everyone was seeing, was that my hand was out in the air holding onto nothing, and I was talking to no one.
Reggie's eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place, maybe desperation? "I don't care if they stare." The dark haired bassist took a step forward, bringing our interlaced hands up to his chest, eyes begging me to just hold his hand a little longer. "Please (Y/n). I just want your touch right now." I didn't know what to do, I took another glance around at the people and noticed more staring and pointing fingers. I looked down at Arius as if to ask him for some kind of help, only for him to hop on a trashcan and say one thing.
"He's a ghost. So be careful how you handle this. I will explain to you want is happening later. But for now, focus on taking care of this."
My eyes landed back on Reggie's, not knowing what to do or say, I just shook my head all while saying a quick apology "I'm sorry." Pulling my hand away, I walked off into the bustling coffee shop.
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"Hey did I miss anything?"
I asked Julie and Flynn as soon as I got over to them. "Nothing exciting, that's for sure." Flynn stated, directing my attention to the stage. There clad in all pink to perform with her dancing divas was the queen bee herself, Carrie Wilson. "Hope you all came to have a great time!" Carrie's obnoxious giggle left her lips as the crowd clapped. An annoyed growl left my lips from her appearance to ruin my night "Dirty Candy?" Julie asked only for me to jump in "How did she get on the list?" Flynn gave both of us a look, as if we should already know the answer.
"Her daddy made a call"
Crossing my arms across my chest, I stared daggers at the girl on the stage all while Flynn commented on Julie's outfit.
"Whenever I walk in the room, All the focus on me"
Carrie walked forward on stage, her girls joining behind her "The way I talk, the way I move, they all want on my team." I rolled my eyes at her cheap dance moves, not wanting to sit through this what so ever. "Not trying to brag, brag, but I'm flawless. I'm taking over your playlist. Ain't perfect but I can't miss. Yeah" looking back at the boys who suddenly appeared behind us, I noticed Luke smiling and enjoying the performance, Alex looked a bit antsy, and Reggie held a pensive look on his face, not seeming to interested in the girls dancing in front of him. Almost as if he was lost in his own thoughts.
He's probably just as confused about what happened as I was.
Looking back on stage I noticed Alex appear behind Carrie who was now on the floor, I covered my mouth as a laugh almost slipped past my lips. Julie seemed confused, looking back at the boys to see why he did that but Reggie just shrugged in response. Alex seemed lost  for a moment, only for the girls to stand back up as he started dancing with all of them, causing a small giggle in amusement to escape my lips.
When he was done he appeared back next to me, I sent him a smile and shook my head at his funny antics while Julie commented "You having fun out there?" Alex cleared his throat before coming up with an excuse "It's not my fault, it's my um..." he paused "It's my feet" I just shook my head while saying "Yeah, okay."
"Put me back in coach."
And with that Alex was gone, back to dancing on stage with Carrie and her crew. I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind as Reggie took Alex's spot beside me. "Can we talk?" I shook my head in response "not here Reggie." I glanced over at the boy next to me only to see his eyes narrowed in aggravation. "I don't care. We need to talk about this. Because what happened earlier was weird, you must have noticed that much. I don't know what's going on with me and, and  I'm confused-" I kept facing forward as to not draw attention I whisper yelled at him "Reggie!" Successfully cutting him off I stated "Not. Here." Saying it firmly worked to an extent. An angry scoff left his lips as he crossed his arms and went back to standing next to Luke.
The song was soon to end as Alex took in all the praises. Before warping back next to me a giant smile on his face "I uh... I was just... doing that for you guys" Reggie nodded his head "Mhm. yeah. You can stop smiling now." Alex chuckled at Reggie's comment. Julie grabbed our attention "Not gonna lie. That was... kind of good." Flynn nodded her head in agreement "Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much." I scoffed while saying "I didn't forget my reason for hating her." I noticed her making her way over to us.
"Speak of the devil."
I stated all while receiving a glare from the bitch in response, I sent her a sarcastic smile all while flipping her off. Carrie ignore my actions and turned her attention towards Flynn and Julie "Hi girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" Flynn looked between Julie and I "Now I remember." Before looking back over at Carrie. "If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come." Flynn and I both scoffed in response to her statement, knowing she was just trying to take a jab at Julie.
Stepping towards Carrie, Julie was quick to stick up for herself "That's not why I'm here." The sound of the microphone was quick to grab everyone's attention.
"Ok, it looks like we're closing the night out with one more group, Julie, (Y/n), and the fat ones"
The four of us turned towards Luke in annoyance while the girls in front of us laughed. "Really?" Alex asked.
"Yeah man, my Handwriting sucks."
The four of us rolled our eyes as Julie and I went to walk on stage, but not before I angrily bumped my shoulder into Carries.
Julie was quick to make her way to the piano, as I grabbed the rhythm guitar "Hi, it's actually Julie,(Y/n) and the phantoms" looking around she noticed no one was really paying attention, taking a glance over at me I motioned for her to continue. "Okay." She stated into the mic and started to play the piano. "Hearts on fire, we're no liars, so we say what we wanna say." I played my rhythm guitar as I continued the next line of the song "I'm awaken, no more takin' so we push all our fears away." The two of us started singing together "don't know if we'll make it cause we're falling down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." Julie now sang alone.
"I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine"
The boys appeared playing their instruments as Julie got up, bringing the microphone with her, I stood in the back behind Luke as the two of them sang. "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free." Julie started singing by herself while she hit a tambourine on her hip.
"We're all bright now, what a sight now coming out like we're fireworks"
I sang the next part alone "Marching on proud, turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth"
Julie and Luke sang the next part together as I went back near Reggie "We know we can make it when we're not fallin' down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." All while Julie and Luke stared contently at each other "I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine" Reggie and I leaned into our mics as we sang "ooooh" while Julie and Luke sang the Chorus "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and your a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Reggie suddenly jumped over to Luke's Microphone and sang with him, I felt a jolt of pain corse through my chest for a second as I watched Reggie's every move, I could feel the pull on my chest getting stronger and stronger with each passing day, and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, considering the effect it's starting to have on Reggie. That's the only explanation for his behavior earlier, but the only way to be sure is to ask Arius.
"I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Julie and Luke now sang alone, meeting halfway Julie sang "I got a spark in me" she leaned the mic over to Luke as he echoed "I got a spark in me" the way Julie and Luke were staring at each other made me look back at Alex and Reggie for answers "And you're a part of me" Alex just shrugged with a small smile "And you're a part of me"as Reggie shook his head a little as if to say that he didn't know either.
"Now till eternity"
"Now till eternity"
"Been so long and now we're finally free"
We all started playing our instruments again as Reggie, Luke and I all sang the chorus while Julie sang in the background "I've got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me" Julie sang "Yeah" as the rest of us continued "now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free."
Reggie, Luke, Alex and I went back to doing the "oooh" as Julie sang "Finally free, yeah" Luke and I jumped in at the end "Been so long and now we're finally free" everyone stopped playing as Julie let me have the last note.
"Finally free, yeah..."
The crowd went nuts as they all cheered and applauded, the five of us took a bow as the boys disappeared. The crowd continued to cheer as walked over next to Julie she stated "Thank you, we're Julie, (Y/n) and the Phantoms." I was quick to grab the mic from her and state "Tell your friends." Before walking off stage with Julie.
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Once we got off stage Julie ran over to Flynn excitedly, engulfing her in a hug as the two of them giggled and squealed in excitement. I leisurely made my way over to them, only to get dragged into the hug as well. Once we all let go Flynn stated "You two were incredible!" To which Reggie smugly replied "Yeah we were." While looking back at Alex and Luke who were currently sitting on the bar.
"Hey, Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is headed our way!"
Luke was quick to call out to Julie and I, as the two of us turned around to see a women in a pants suit headed in our direction. "She looks all business" Alex commented and Reggie started to panic, asking "Wait. Who should do the talking?" Then once realizing what he said he quickly fixed it "Right, Julie and (Y/n)." Julie glanced back at Luke for support, only for him to say "You got this." The women was quick to grab ahold of my hand to introduce herself.
"Hi I'm Andi Parker, and I would-"
Our attention went from Andi to the man that said Julie's name, which just so happened to be her father. Andi looked back at the man behind her "Dad." Julie stated, not sounding to happy.
"It's time to go."
Ray didn't sound to happy but I couldn't let us loose this, it could be our big break and Reggie would be upset if I didn't try. "Mr.Molina, if we could just have 5 minutes to-" he cut me off, not wanting to hear anything I have to say. "No. Julie is going home. And I'm calling your uncle." I scoffed and shook my head "seriously? What did I even do?" Andi finally spoke up deciding that this was a bad moment. "This seems like a bad time, so I'm gonna take off, wonderful performance, the both of you." She stated, looking from Julie to me before taking her leave.
"No! Wait!"
Luke yelled but of course she didn't hear him. She couldn't. Luke went to go chafe after her, but let out an exasperated sigh after realizing it wasn't gonna work.
"What did you do? You brought my daughter out here on a school night, to entertain your band fantasies."
Julie said and was quick to speak up before things go south "She didn't drag me out here, I left by myself." Ray shook his head in disappointment "we'll talk about your punishment later. For now I have to get you both home." Turning towards me he stated "And don't think you're off the hook yet missy. Just because you live in that house by yourself doesn't mean you get to go home scott free. I was told to look after you and that's exactly what I'm doing by giving your uncle a call." I felt trapped in a hole, unable to climb out. I hated my uncle. And I hated that I could loose the freedom that I currently had.
He's definitely going to come down here now, and when he does I'm screwed.
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lomlkenji · 2 months
༊*·˚ dumb and dumb-er |reggie peters
summary : alex having enough of you and reggie's obliviousness and did something about it.
warning : fluff, soft reggie, really poor written confession <3
word count : 0.9k
author's note : reggie is babieee and i'm so obbsessed with him so here u go!! ily <3
── ⋆⋅☆ main masterlist
You and Reggie were always the powerful duo. You guys did everything together, and in that time you have grown feelings for the boy.
You did everything in your power to ignore it, but it just never works. Everytime he laughs or makes physical contact with you, you can help but just melt.
Unbeknownst to you, Reggie feels the same way. He loves hearing you laugh, especially if he was the reason. But he always thought you guys would just stay friends and nothing more.
Right now, we're now on the couch, ranting to Alex about your little crush. Scratch that HUGE crush.
"-and I don't know Alex, should I tell him?" you asked the blond, you were laying down on your back, your hands resting on your stomach.
Reggie and Luke are out exploring, while you and Alex are having a little heart to heart session.
Alex rolled his eyes for the hundredth time this week. Reggie came to him earlier yesterday and also ranted about you to him when you were with Julie.
Alex sighed, "I think you both are the definition of dumb and dumb-er." he said.
"I mean we do a lot of stupid stuff together." you laughed, as memories flashed across your mind.
But of course Alex didn't mean it like that, he meant that you both are idiots who have feelings for each other and choose to ignore it by thinking the other one didn't feel the same way.
"Yes you will tell him. Right now." Alex stated, determination in his voice. He stood up getting ready to poof and find Reggie.
"What? Are you crazy?" you stood up too but it was too late, he was already gone.
"Damn." you mumbled under your breath.
You started to pace around the room and began practicing your little confession. "Okay uh hi Reggie. Um I- well you see, it's actually a funny story- I actually uh you know- UGH." you groaned in frustration when you can't think of anything to say to him.
"Why is it so hard for me to tell my best friend that i'm basically in love with him." you stated sarcastically as you hid your face in your hands.
"You what?" a soft voice asked.
You froze. Shit.
You look up and see Reggie, Luke and Alex standing together. Reggie was standing in the middle, his face full of confusion.
"Oh my god, hey guys!" you greeted them, trying to hid your nervousness. You felt like you wanted the ground to swallow you then and there.
"We're gonna leave you two to talk." Luke said as he patted Reggie's back and poofed away with Alex, probably outside the garage eavesdropping into this conversation.
You gave Reggie a small smile which made his heart skip a beat, but his eyes are still widened and no sentence coming out of him.
"So-" you started, avoiding eye contact.
"Did you mean it?" Reggie cut you off and started moving closer to you.
You took a deep breath and sighed heavily, looking up to him "Yeah. Yeah I mean it, i'm in love with you Reggie Peters." you confessed.
A huge weight was lift from your shoulders but a whole new one came, scaring you at how he's going to react.
He took your hands in his and gave it a soft kiss. "I think I'm in love with you too, well actually I'm pretty positive." he admitted bashfully, chuckling.
It was now your turn to have your eyes wide open. "What?"
"Surprise?" he wanted to sound optimistic but it came out in a questioning tone.
Your eyes cast down at your shoes and laughed. When you look up at him, you see him staring at you with the biggest heart eyes that made your heart leap.
"So can I kiss you now?" he asked softly. Reggie is screaming in his head at how nervous he sounded.
You nodded and managed saying "Yeah." with a small voice.
He grins and cup your cheek to pull you in. Resting his hand on your jaw and when your lips connected you instantly melted. This may be cliché, but sparks flew. He sighed in relief, finally feeling your lips against his.
"OW!" the sound of Alex's voice broke you both apart.
You guys look at the garage door then back to each other thinking of the same thing.
Reggie grabbed your hand and poofed you out in front of the garage door. When you arrived, his hand didn't move to let go of yours and it brought a huge smile to your face.
You look to see Alex on the floor, with his hand propped up his head. Luke was leaning against the door trying to act cool. And someone you didn't expect; Julie was sitting down pretending to meditate.
They all looked at you guys, a sheepish smile made its way to their face as they started to act oblivious.
"Oh hey guys!"
"Didn't see you there!"
"When did you guys get here?"
You rolled your eyes not believing them for a second. "You were there the whole time weren't you?" you said, raising your eyebrows.
"Yeah." they said simultaneously in shame.
You laughed as Reggie wrapped his arm around your waist turning you to him "Good, now I can do this." he said before smashing your lips together again. The effects were still the same as before. it felt like you were in cloud 9.
Reggie too felt like he was in heaven, having the girl of his dreams finally in his arms.
You pull back and look back at Luke, Julie and Alex to see them all hung open. But also a small smile lingering on their lips, happy that their friends are finally being together.
You felt heat rush towards your neck and ears as you laughed and pecked Reggie's cheek. "I guess we are dumb and dumb-er."
reblog for a kiss! 💋
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juneberrie · 1 year
BABE FOR THE WEEKEND reggie peters
author's note giggle giggle i loooove reggie peters
word count 0.4k
warnings fem!reader, fake dating, this is set in the 90s giggle giggle
ᥫ᭡ little romantic gestures ; trying to cook their favorite dish + pulling them in the warmest hugs
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"reggie is something burning?" you ask. dropping your bag on the couch, you made your way into the shared tiny kitchen in the apartment that you, reggie, alex, and luke shared. seeing that the only pair of shoes on the living room carpet were reggie's, you assumed luke and alex were at work.
"no!! everything's fine," he yells.
"see, when you say 'everything's fine' its not reassuring." reggie stands in the middle of the kitchen holding a smoking pot, a panicked expression on his face.
"heyyyy." he drags out the word. "how are youuuuu?" he quickly tosses the contents of the pot into the sink. immediately making your way over to the sink, you peer in.
reggie picks you up by the waist and lifts you up into the air and away from the sink.
"how the hell do you burn spaghetti?" you laugh. reggie puts you down and smiles awkwardly.
"i was trying to make your favorite," he offers, pointing to the canned sauce on the scratched counter.
"why?" you ask. reggie cannot cook for the life of him. alex literally put up a sign (a sticky note on the fridge) saying he wasn't allowed to do anything more than microwave leftovers.
"i... have a favor to ask you," he starts. you groan and roll your eyes.
"this can't be good."
"no, no i swear it's not as bad as you think. its like super simple, please," he says.
"can't you ask luke or alex?" you say, going to the dishwasher to grab a (probably) clean glass. you fill it u with water as reggie follows you around the small space like a puppy dog.
"no. it has to be you," he deadpans. you turn and lift the now-full glass to your lips, gesturing for him to get on with it. "ineedyoutopretendtobemygirlfriendfortheweekendprettyprettyplease," he blurts out, face turning scarlet.
"hold on. say that all again, slowly." you finish off your glass and put it into the sink, next to the blackened spaghetti strands.
"i need you to.. pretend. to, uh, be my girlfriend?" upon seeing your expression, reggie adds, "just for the weekend! please! bobby's been on my ass about not having one and i really just wanna wipe that smirk off his fake-vegetarian fa—"
you cut him off. "sure."
"sure?" his face splits into the widest grin. he grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you into the warmest hug you've ever received, even surpassing the one alex gave you when he had the flu and a fever higher than everest. "you're seriously the best, y/n."
"hey, hey! only for the weekend!" you laugh into his worn flannel as he lifts you off your feet and spins you around.
"i love you! you're amazing," he says, putting you down and running out of the room, the biggest smile on his adorable face.
you look down at the burnt spaghetti in the sink. "i love you too, reg," you murmur.
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weneedabassist · 4 months
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wanted to try a new style!! soz if it doesnt look that much like reggie i got carried away making pretty boy 🙂‍↕️
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swanimagines · 11 months
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Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Preferences (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for JATP or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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supercap2319 · 9 months
"I think we should set some ground rules. First of all: this is my studio. Which means you three will show it and myself some respect. Secondly: no more of this ghosting stuff that you guys do." Y/N said.
"Ghosting stuff?" Reggie raised an eyebrow.
"You guys take my stuff, and pop-up in embarrassing situations."
"Oh, really? Name one time that's happened." Alex said.
"Oh, how bout when you ate all my cereal, Alex? How does that even work? How do ghosts even eat? Then there's Reggie, who steals the plushies from my bedroom, and drools all over them when he sleeps."
"I don't drool." Reggie said.
"You also snore." Luke adds.
"And you, Luke. You pop-up when I'm taking a shower. Or changing. Or masturbating and it's really embarrassing to do those things with a ghostly audience."
"Dude, you watch him jerk off?" Alex asked.
"Not cool, dude." Reggie said.
Luke blushed.
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