#juliet mukami
seaoflove07 · 1 year
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🔪Azusa & Rose🌹
As Romeo & Juliet (1996)
•This is a commission artwork done by @cutelih•
“If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” - ROMEO [To JULIET]
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Juliet’s Story - I’m Sorry, My Love
Mun!Yuki: HOO BOY! HELLO EVERYBODY!!! IT’S BEEN A WHILE!!! So uh... I have finally finished this after about two months? This one is actually going to be a bittersweet one.
So um... Lind/Milady (formerly known as @/first-blood-moon) has silently left the fandom, and while I didn’t get a reply regarding the relationship between Juliet and Thomas, I think it would be for the best from them to break up.
Not just for angst reasons, but I think it would help Juliet grow as well in her own development as a character.
Sometimes, good things must come to an end. It’s something we’ve all experienced and have to go on with our lives doing. It’s a frustrating thing but it’s not exactly a bad thing. It’s an experience.
So I decided to write this as a proper way of transitioning from one chapter of Juliet’s life to another.
There is also an extra bit in the end, so please do stick around to the very end!
To help set the mood for this rollercoaster: Please do listen to this track while reading this.
I hope you guys enjoy as well as I did writing this.
He wasn’t responding back to my letters.
He made me promise to not look for him or follow him, but he also promised to send me letters.
Something must’ve happened to him.
I’m sorry, My love; But I’m going to find you.
In the middle of the night, once everyone was asleep, I grabbed the things I packed in advance to leave through my bedroom window. I live on the first floor while my parents live in the second floor with Leon.
Before I leave, I placed a sealed envelope on my desk.
A gut-wrenching feeling hit my stomach; To think I would leave behind the family I loved most in this world...
But for him, I...
‘I’m sorry, Mother, Father, Leon.’
I open up the window and jumped out before closing the window close as carefully as I could before getting prepared to leave.
I take one last look back to the house, before letting out a shaky sigh.
... That was what I hoped it could’ve been.
Before I could go further ahead, I stopped at a familiar figure in front of me, “Leon...”
Leon, my little brother whom I grew up alongside with all of my life, blocking my way.
He wasn’t looking at me with his usually gentle, understanding eyes. He looked stern and grounded. A look he only had when he is determined to a point nothing can change his mind.
‘My little brother.. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be..’
“... Go back inside, Leon.” I commanded, staring down at him; However, he showed no signs of backing down. “You’re going to go look for him... aren’t you?” He questioned. I can only be silent. But like that even mattered. He knows me well enough as I know him better than himself. “Sis, please, this needs to stop. You must snap out of it.” Leon pleaded. But like him, I showed no signs of submitting either, ”Snap out of what? You’re spouting nonsense. I won’t go back. He’s in trouble, and he needs me-“
“Sis, He hasn’t written to you for two month!” Leon’s voice rose, “There has been no word of where he could’ve gone! Not even the letters he sent to you were enough to pick up where he could be! How can you find him when you don’t even know where to look first?!” With every word he spoke, my irritation grew alongside my frustration. ‘He’s spouting nonsense again... Why was I wasting my time talking with him? My beloved needs me..!’
“Sis, listen to me-!!”
I growled and grabbed his collar before pulling him towards me, “You have no idea what the hell you’re talking about! You’re the one that needs to listen and to snap out of it! Tom and I are still in love! He wouldn’t just stop writing to me without a good reason! That means something must’ve happened! And all you’re doing is wasting the time I could be using to find him by spouting nonsense! He NEEDS me! Just as much as I need him! I’m not like you and that blue-haired bastard, We have no problems with our relationship unlike you two!!!”
In my heart, I knew I have hurt Leon’s feeling with my words. But my mind was clouded with rage and impatience to find my beloved that I couldn’t even feel the painful guilt from seeing the shocked, hurtful look upon Leon’s face.
And just as I was about to pull my hand away, I felt Leon’s hand gripping at the wrist of the hand I’ve grabbed his collar with. I looked at his hand in confusion before looking up to see his face was no longer shocked and hurt. While he did look pained, he had fiery determination in his eyes. “If he needed you, he would’ve asked you to come along with him!!!”
I gasped at his words.
Who is this?
Who am I speaking to right now?
Leon? Or Leo?
Leon would never say such words to me, or anyone in general; But Leo wouldn’t care if I left as he would be the first to celebrate.
So.. who is this in control?
“You’ve been like this with everyone! Denying the truth when it is right there! Whenever someone speaks up about it, you’re always looking for a fight! This isn’t healthy! At least Isaiah and I were able to work things out! Just because you two never had problems doesn’t mean your relationship was never going to end! That’s reality! Of all people, you should know that better than anyone! I’m not trying to stop you because I want to get in your way! I’m trying to stop you because I want to help you the same way you helped me! It’s time to accept the truth! And if you won’t face it, then I’ll just say it to you so you can finally understand!”
I gritted my teeth and growled, “Shut up...”
“He’s gone!”
I feel my body shaking from the rage bottling up within me, “Take that back...!”
“It’s over between you two!”
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE, LEON!!!” I yelled at him, balling my free hand up in a fist.
My eyes were clouded with the color red and I was about to throw my fist into a punch until...
“Hic..! Sis...!”
A memory...
A memory of little Leon, bruised up and crying on the ground, trembling and helpless.
From the memory flashing in my mind, I blinked and was brought back into reality, immediately stopping my fist right in front of Leon.
I looked in shock as I saw that tears were running down Leon’s face. He looked as if he was bracing himself for the impact yet he flinched and trembled with his eyes were shut. He looked scared, yet somehow prepared.
It was that moment, I realized what I was doing.
I loosen my grip, resulting Leon loosing his own grip on my wrist, and looked down at both of my hands. I sensed Leon’s eyes were open and looking at me as I stared down at my own trembling hands. “What.. What the hell was I doing...?” I questioned myself.
‘I was about to punch Leon... my sweet, kind brother that I swore to protect from any harm since we were little...’ I thought to myself, ‘But these hands... I was about to hit him... and I hurt him with my own words...’
As I stared down to my hands, droplets fell upon the palms. I blinked in confusion and realized... these were my tears.
“Leon...” I tried to speak as the realization made it hard for me to breathe, “I-I... I’m so sorry...”
I felt warm arms embracing me, and heard my brother’s whispers of reassurance. “It’s okay... I’m here with you... It’s just me.. You can let it out... You’re human too... You don’t have to prove yourself anymore, Sis...”
‘He forgives me... but could I really forgive myself for what I was about to do...?’
I couldn’t look up at him, but I knew he was crying alongside with me. This is the first time we’ve ever fought with one another.
‘I’m a selfish woman.. I’m cruel.. I’m ruthless.. I’ve been very open and proud of those things about me... I’m Juliet Marie Mukami.’
I slowly wrap my arms around Leon, holding him tightly as we both slowly fell to the ground.
‘But just for tonight... just let me be a girl suffering a broken heart...’
“Hic... hic...! Aaaaaaaahhhh....!!”
I couldn’t help but cry out all the grief, pain, and anxiety that swelled up within me into Leon’s chest.
I used to think that love besides familial was a illogical and useless thing to feel. But when I found it, I changed. For the better. And yet... if this was how it was meant to be, I... A part of me wished I never met him... But another part of me was happy to have fallen in love with him...
My memories with him filled up in my mind as I poured my heart out from the tears flowing from my eyes. The day we met, the day he approached me in wanting to be my friend, the day I confessed to him, the day he gave me the necklace, returned my feeling, and shared our first kiss, the day we went on our first date together...
I miss him...
I miss my Thomas...
I suppose this really is goodbye...
I’m sorry, my love....
It has been about three years since his disappearance... since our love story came to its end. We tried to make it work... But the distance grew wider and before I knew it, the letters came to a complete stop. Just as Leon said. I became delusional, waiting for his return; I even tried to follow him, prepared to leave everything behind; But Leon stopped me and opened my eyes to the truth:
He was never coming back.
While I was delusional, I coped by studying to get back into school. My school of choice being Ryoutei Academy in hopes he would come back to see I’ve become a better woman than ever before; Even after accepting the breakup, I was too far into my studying to go back. As a result, I got into the academy with flying colors and even became the new Student council President for my second year. I maintained my usual dominant, sadistic nature, I’ve toned down my need to fight to prove my dominance. Since then, I’ve been working on improving myself with this new position, which has surprisingly earned me the respect of others. I’m no longer known as the delinquent girl that would violently beat up others with my book; Rather, I’m the authoritative Student council President that will not tolerate any insubordination that will cause hindrance to the students.
“President, I just received word that the rest of the new student council members have all arrived in the student council room!” The Vice-president of the student council informed me as she spotted me coming out of the library, checking out a new book. “Thank you, Suwabe.” Suwabe is a third year that was also part of the student council when I was a first year; However, I was chosen as President for my second year due to, not only the former president finding me a suitable successor, but also from Suwabe willingly choosing to take the position of Vice-President. She is a good upperclassman to have, as she doesn’t belittle my vast knowledge; Apparently, it made things easier for her that I already knew everything so that it would save her the trouble of having to explain it. Quite a strange one. But not a bad one.
“Willing to make a bet?” She questioned with a kind smile on her face. I only continued to look forward as we walked and replied, “When will you cease this kind of nonsense? I already told you I’m never going to be interested in anybody. Love-“
“-is an unnecessary feeling to have.” Suwabe giggles softly after she finished of my sentence. Suwabe was different from the other girls here who would gossip about dating and material stuff. If anything, Suwabe loves to observe interesting events unfold and making bets on unpredictable futures which I have been guilty of taking part in; Like me, she is extremely observant and can predict a person’s move as well as I can. I guess that’s why I tolerate her better than anyone else here. She’s entertaining.
“The future is an unpredictable thing; I will bet you will fall in love during your term as Student council President; But you are free to bet that you will not fall in love during your term. You know I’m doing this as a form of entertainment for us both.” She explained. “Is there a reason you want to bet on this now? Whenever you make bets about my love life, you always voted I won’t fall in love with even the former members of the council. What make you decide to bet on the opposite side?” I questioned. In response to that, Suwabe’s smile turns into a smirk, “Because you’re entertaining to observe. From a rebellious delinquent to a respectable model student. Also, your younger brother is coming here as a first-year and you two are close, correct? If that’s the case, I’m pretty sure this year will become fun to observe.”
I glance at it and smirk back, “I suppose it would be a good change of pace for this school year. I won’t deny the fact that your eccentric nature is certainly something I’m going to miss once you graduate; Perhaps I should take advantage of this chance while we still have it.”
“Hahaha! Now that’s more like it! I knew you wouldn’t be able to refuse! You just know how to lit the fire within this gambler’s heart!” Suwabe laughs. Now I’m convinced that when my third year starts, I’m going to die of boredom without having this damn fool around.
We reached to the student council room, and, just as Suwabe said, everyone was seated; Especially the new ones. I see one face that looked rather familiar somewhere. A boy. One of the new first years perhaps? But I mentally shook my head and shrugged it off. If he’s somehow familiar, then he must be a friend of Leon’s that I just don’t remember.
“I see that everyone is present here,” I said as I looked around the room with my arms crossed, “Not bad.”
Suwabe goes to her usual seat before winking at me as a reminder of our little bet. In my mind, I simply rolled my eyes. She won’t be around long, so to humor her a little is the least I can do for keeping me entertained for this long since the beginning of my first year here.
I went back to being the icy, cruel-hearted girl I’ve always been. A woman that found love to be unnecessary.
But that’s okay... I’ve accepted the truth and will move on with my life.
I suppose that was one of the things that caught Suwabe’s attention in the first place. And that’s also why she recommended me to the former Student Council President as their successor. Someone that wasn’t swayed by unnecessary things, that can be trusted with enforcing the rules, and a reputation that can make the disobedient kneel and obey.
I just happened to be the right person for the job.
I have had about one or two men that have tried to confess, but I’ve shot them both down with a blunt “No”. It wasn’t anything personal. Everyone knows I never sugarcoat my words, and things like love became unnecessary. Thus, I’m highly unapproachable when it comes to stuff like that.
“My name is Mukami Juliet. I am a second year from Class 2-A.” I began, “I am also the new Student Council President from now on, so listen very carefully.”
Even if I never smile his smile again..
Even if I somehow love another or not...
Somewhere in my frozen heart, remains fragments of my love for him.
“Do not disappoint me as members of the student council, or you will be punished; That is your only warning.”
Forever and always.
~ END~
Special chapter:
~ Leon’s Special POV ~
I have been waiting for this day to come.
I finally get to attend school with Sis.
It has been about three years since our first fight.
But we’ve both grown in our own way.
She is more well-respected now, now that she is facing the truth instead of using violence to get her way.
I have overcome my fears and accepted my inner demons, becoming whole once again instead of running away from it all.
We agreed not to talk about what happened and act as if nothing happened.
It’s just better that way.
“Hey Leon!!!”
‘Wait, that voice..!’
Before I could finish that thought, I feel an arm around my shoulder and met with a familiar face.
Reddish pink hair, dark violet eyes, a boyish grin that you can identify from a mile away... There was no mistake about it!
“Shiki! You made it!” I smiled back, giving him a side hug.
Igarashi Shiki.
He’s been my best friend ever since elementary school.
He was always encouraging me and defended me from bullies.
We were always inseparable; Except during middle school, he had to train in order to become an idol. So we often texted each other.
However, once he told me he was also attending Ryoutei Academy and was in the same class as me, We could hardly wait.
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, man. We need to make up for lost time!” Shiki laughed, “How have you been? I see you’ve grown out your hair pretty long now, huh?”
It’s true. Ever since my personality merged and I became one with Leo, I decided to take the first step in letting my hair grow out. Now it’s at my waist. I’m satisfied with how it looks.
“I’ve been good, excited even,” I look up at the night sky with a smile, “You’re here. My sister’s here. Life is good right now.”
“Wait.. Julie is here too?”
I turned to see Shiki’s face in surprise.
“Yeah, she’s the new student council president now. She cleaned up from being delinquent and...”
... Wait a minute.
“... You still like her.”
Shiki looked down with a sad smile and removes his arm around me, “You catch on pretty quick...” He places a hand behind his neck awkwardly.
I sighed, feeling bad from what I’ve just done.
Shiki... has always had unrequited feelings for Sis.
One day, when we were still kids, we were cornered by bullies who were older than us; But when Shiki was about to engage in a fight with them, Sis appeared and beaten them all up with her book. Almost killing them.
But despite the fact that incident almost lead her to a juvenile center, Shiki developed a crush on her right then and there.
... Actually, no. He fell in love with her.
But he didn’t want to neglect me as his friend either. So whenever Sis is in the same room as us, Shiki took any moment he can get just by looking at her.
But that all changed when she met Thomas.
Her ex.
At first, Shiki was immensely jealous. How did someone like him catch Sis’s attention?
But then when he saw how happy Sis looked with him, Shiki saw no chance in even competing for her affections and cried to me when he found out she liked Thomas back.
I think that was what lead him to become an idol.
I mean, he always thought he would make a good idol from Uncle Kou; But he never seemed like he would actually do it due to the strict rules with “No love” and such.
But after that, he ended up going for it and ended up genuinely loving his job.
But what if...
“Sis is single right now.”
Shiki raises his head and grabbed my shoulder firmly with a serious look on his face, “No way! Wasn’t she with..?!”
I smiled sadly, “She was... But three years ago, he disappeared and stopped writing letters to her... She almost ran away and-“
“Was that when you called me...? When you were crying about how you and Juliet had your guys’ first fight? That’s what that was about?” Shiki questioned, I could only respond as a nod, “Holy shit...” He added, removing his hand on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry.. If I had known you still had feelings for her sooner, I would’ve-“
“Holy shit...!” I see the look upon Shiki’s face slowly glowing in pure happiness as he laughs with his hands on his head whole-heartedly, “Hahaha!!! This is... This means I still have a chance!” He pumps a fist in the air and looks like he was about to burst into tears.
Has he been holding onto those feelings after all these years?
“But you’re an idol now, right?” I blurted out, “Even if you were successful, wouldn’t you end up getting in trouble?”
Shiki turned around to me and grinned, “Leon, I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment. I’ll find a way to continue my work as an idol and make Julie happy!”
The moment I realize he was running, I shout out, “Hey! Where are you going?!”
Shiki turns to me and winks, “Didn’t I tell ya?! I’m part of the Student Council too! I’ll see you later, Leon!!!” And he left.
I just stood alone in disbelief and confusion.
Only a couple moments later was when I was able to say the only I could think of from these turn of events.
~ END ~
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adiabolikpastel · 5 years
New project update!
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Hello everyone! So I have a new project that I will be doing featuring the following blogs : @star-crossedfidelity @pureblood-prey @shattered-heathens @spellboundsonnet @first-blood-moon & @silencieux-aube
I will be using their OCs in my new project :
Yukio in Wonderland
We are all super excited for this project! It will be set up like a children’s book, where there will be 1 art piece per section of writing.
I hope you all look forward to this fun story!
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adiabolikpastelrp · 7 years
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from { X }
  *:・゚✧  Reply  *:・゚✧
Kanaye figured the two females would not get along. She and Tsubasa Mukami were both head strong, so it made sense they would argue. Fighting over a book was a bit immature though. 
“I have a few. You said your mother was a Vampire Hunter? Do you practice any of her ways? Clearly you don’t kill all vampires, but has the idea every crossed your mind? To follow in her footsteps?”
Kanaye ask relaxing a bit. Juliet did not seem like too much of a threat. 
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yuki-cchii · 3 years
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I got to draw some OC’s I haven’t drawn in a long time! One from a fandom, the other from an old original story of mine from my childhood. QQQQ
My style improved a lot since the last time I drew them!
I finished one with the colored-sketch style, but the other one will be rendered with all color! But that’s for another time since I need to focus on the move!
Please do not repost, edit, claim it as your own, etc!
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
I got inspired while reading romeo and Juliet, hence why the writing might be more.. fancy? //
This was their first faithful encounter, the hunter attacked the vampire before her savagely but it was clear that her heart held no will, he mind kept no hate, towards the vampire before her, for her attacks were slow and like moves of a dance that she wished to put out with him.
Each one of her steps were light on the ground below as the harsh rain soaked her up from head to toe, allowing her hood to fall off at once, revealing a face so beautiful it would put Aphrodite to shame.
Beautiful thin green eyes, pillow like pink lips with cheeks that were adornes with freckles, hair a deep orange that framed her pale face beautifully.
Those eyes held not a look of hatred, but one of love from the bottom of her heart, for she had fallen- but it was a love that was destined to drive them both mad and leave each other longing for more.
The silver claws she adored fell to the ground as her knife stabbed to the ground deep and hard, she was trapped in an embrace given by the vampire to seize her movenents all at once, and it left her staring longingly at him.
Love upon the first sight she put upon him, she couldn't stop the fluttering of her heart as it roughly slammed itself against the hard bones of her ribcage.
“You… How dare you,” the Vampire lowly commented upon such sudden proximity. What might have appeared as an embrace shared between those typically reserved for affectionate couples was Ruki’s way of incapacitating the hunter before him, the clanging thud of a silver knife scraping against the asphalt outside the manor’s entrance amidst the surrounding petrichor permeating the air and a torrential stampede soaking the paved roads. Taking the woman into his arms was simply his instinctual response to what he already surmised was a concealed weapon beneath the cloak that concealed a world of beauty, from her scintillating tresses of sunset to refulgent peridots that harbored not one iota of a threat. “Have you suddenly lost your courage? Normally I’d decapitate the likes of you by now, but I must admit… I’d never take one of your appearance as a hunter who slays my kind.”
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Chests melding into one another, the Vampire could practically sense the thunderous pounds of her heart akin to the storm off in a distance that rained the carnage of electricity to end any mortal’s life. That same voltage, the flowing current as fast as light itself, coursed through Ruki the moment their eyes met. Confusion suffused him instantaneously, the only response he could muster being a desecration of the hunter’s fallen hood and by extension her dark cloak reminiscent of umbral hours. First her neck came to view, then her shoulder once he shredded through the weak fibers with protruded nails only a supernatural could summon. The very ones she most likely detested, given her occupation.
“What’s the matter, little hunter? Afraid you won’t land a single blow? Well, that was your first mistake.”
Thousands of thoughts and speculations flooded his mind like the incessant rainfall as Ruki wondered about her reason for visiting the Mukami estate. Did she hold a vendetta against all Vampires, or was her purpose more specific than that? Perhaps someone hired a hit on him specifically. Regardless, the sharp ivories he brandished with aplomb carved their way into the hunter’s jugular, then her shoulder, all in search of the sweet ichor that would grant him unparalleled satisfaction. Abounding pulchritude before him fueled each vehemently passionate bite, blood besmirching his ashen and frigid lips.
“Ahh… Imagine my luck, encountering one as delectable as you… How does it feel, being bitten by he who will tame you?” The embrace only grew tighter as he drained her redolent life force, caging her body in his. “Hm… I should like to make you mine in due course. Tell me why you came here today and perhaps I’ll be gentle with you.”
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diabolikpersonals · 6 years
a lot of sakamaki/mukami ship fanfics treat it like a romeo and juliet type of situation, which is so valid. the families are fighting but these two are In Love and they have to hide it from their families. but in pretty much every single fic I read, reiji is the one who is like, super racist towards half-vampires and hes like “those mukamis are FILTH” and it’s just
idk, it’s so funny that its always him. he definitely does it in canon too, but its not JUST him...but in fics it’s ALWAYS reiji. it’s like all the fic writers are like “we need someone to be an asshole. ah yes, reiji will do nicely” and I dont mind it, it’s honestly hilarious dfsfdshgdhsg
like damn...what’s reiji’s problem...why’s he so bitter @ half-vamps all the time...I wish someone would just be like “what’s wrong with half-vampires you prejudiced jerk???” and I want that person to be yuma. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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afrojuke · 3 years
Mr. Seed – Romeo N Juliet (Prod. Alexis On The Beat) (MP3 DOWNLOAD)
Kenyan gospel recording artist and ragged EMB member, Mr. Seed came by with but another banger titled Romeo N Juliet. RELATED: Nadia Mukami Feet Rosaree – Prison Lover As effectively as, this fresh joint “Romeo and Juliet” produced by Alexis On The Beat, the song is off his fresh debut album tagged Unlit Little one. QUOTABLE LYRICS Mi nafurahi […]
AfroJuke - Download Mp3, Latest Naija Music, Latest Bongo flava, South African, Ghana Music & More!
from AfroJuke https://ift.tt/39a3ji9
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selena-snape · 3 years
Octava Generación
¤ Mitsuki Uchiha
¤ Touya Todoroki
¤ Fuyumi Todoroki
¤ Natsuo Todoroki
¤ Shoto Todoroki
¤ Shinso Todoroki
¤ Aidan Dominic Vanderwood Kim
¤ Michael Nolan Vanderwood Kim
¤ Menma Uchiha
¤ Boruto Uchiha
¤ Sarada Uchiha
¤ Himawari Uchiha
¤ Ryu Uchiha
Uchiha Mitsuki
D.N: 2004~2020
Padres: Itachi Uchiha y Deidara Kamiruzu
¤ Aiden Dominic Vanderwood
D.N: 2004~2020
Padres: Dimitry Vanderwood y Kim Jihyun
¤ Todoroki Touya (Enji e Aizawa)
D.N: 2004~2020
Padres: Todoroki Enji y Uchiha Aizawa
¤ Volturi
D.N: 2005~2020
¤ Todoroki Fuyumi (Enji e Aizawa)
D.N: 2006~2020
¤ Volturi
D.N: 2009~2020
¤ Michael Nolan Vanderwood
D.N: 2010~2020
Padres: Dimitry Vanderwood y Kim Jihyun
¤ Todoroki Natsuo (Enji e Aizawa)
D.N: 2010~2020
¤ Todoroki Shinso (Enji e Aizawa)
D.N: 2012~2020
¤ Todoroki Shoto (Enji e Aizawa)
D.N: 2012~2020
¤ Uzumaki Boruto (Sasuke y Naruto)
D.N: 2012~2020
Padres: Naruto y Hinata
¤ Uchiha Sarada (Sasuke y Naruto)
D.N: 2012~2020
Padres: sasuke y sakura
¤ Devlin Jaxson Rowe (Kevin y Ben)
D.N: 2012~2020
¤ Ken Caleb Rowe (Kevin y Ben)
D.N: 2013~2020
¤ Volturi
D.N: 2013~2020
¤ Dorian Keith Victoriano (Jordan y Leslie)
D.N: 2013~2020
¤ Uzumaki Himawari (Sasuke y Naruto)
D.N: 2014~2020
¤ Regan Faith Di Angelo (Evan y Leigth)
D.N: 2014~2020
¤ Ryan Casey Di Angelo (Evan y Leigth)
D.N: 2014~2020
¤ Judith Renee Parrish (Jordan y Leslie)
D.N: 2015~2020
¤ Bianca Hope Parrish (Jordan y Leslie)
D.N: 2018~2020
¤ Uchiha Menma (Sasuke y Naruto)
D.N: 2019~2020
¤ Uchiha Ryu (Sasuke y Naruto)
D.N: 2019~2020
¤ Rowan Lance Parrish (Jordan y Leslie)
D.N: 2021~2020
¤ Rowena Leslie Parrish (Jordan y Leslie)
D.N: 2021~2020
¤ Noah Aidan Broflovski (Ike y Firkle)
¤ Felix Chandler Broflovski (Ike y Firkle)
¤ Miles Spencer Broflovski (Ike y Firkle)
¤ Leah Tiffany Smith (Erwin y Levi)
¤ Han Kuyng (Saeyoung y Jumin)
¤ Han Sook (Saeyoung y Jumin)
¤ Choi Sun Hee (Saeran y Yoosung)
¤ Minerva Jordan Reed (Castiel y Nath
¤ Edmund Marlon Reed(Castiel y Nath
¤ Jeremiah Joshua Reed(Castiel y Nath
¤ Agatha Ashley Reed(Castiel y Nath
¤ Aaron Gavin Reed(Castiel y Nath
¤ Charlotte Gwendolyn Jackson(Pitch y Jack)
¤ Cygnus George Jackson (Pitch y Jack)
¤ Vergil Leighton Ainsworth(Lysandro y Armin
¤ Dante Quinn Ainsworth(Lysandro y armin
¤ Nicolette Alice Ainsworth(Lysandro y Armin
¤ Diana Catherine O'Connor (Ken y Alexy
¤ Juliet Rachel O'Connor( Ken y Alexy
¤ Sean Andrew O'Connor(Ken y Alexy
¤ Victoria Serenity Small( Val y Amanda)
¤ Joshua Isaac Bloodmarch (Ernest y Lucian)
¤ Anette Isabelle Couffane (Luka y Adrien)
¤ Marion Nicolle Agreste (Adrien y Nath)
¤ Vladimir October Agreste (Duncan y Gwen)
¤ Persephone Moon Agreste (Duncan y Gwe
¤ Raven Angel Skyfly (Sky y Riven)
¤ Rosemary Asura Pax (Helia y Riven)
¤ Kai Lorcan Pax (Helia y Riven)
¤ Skylar Rowena Skyfly (Sky y Riven)
¤ Medusa Aries Pierre Agreste (Le Mime y Jack)
¤ Louis Damon Pierre Agreste (Le mime y Jack)
¤ Selene Aura Volturi (Marcus y Alessandro)
¤ Venus Artemisa Volturi (Marcus y Alessandro)
¤ "Iker" Kuromoto Akihiko
¤ "Ian" Aoki Daiki
¤ "Ivan" Akagi Hideaki
¤ Tsukinami Jun (Karu y Oso)
¤ Tsukinami Katsuo (Karu y Oso)
¤ Matsuno Nobuo (Kara y Lai)
¤ Matsuno Nobuyuki (Kara y Lai)
¤ Matsuno Nao (Kara y Lai)
¤ Sakamaki Tadashi (Lai y Kara)
¤ Sakamaki Takeo (Choro y Kana)
Mukami Yuki (Yuma E Ichi
¤ Mukami Yuri (Yuma e Ichi
¤ Mukami Yoshio (Yuma e Ichi
¤ Mukami Sadao (Yuma e Ichi
¤ Mukami Satoru (Yuma e Ichi
¤ Mukami Satoshi (Yuma e Ichi
¤ Matsuno Ryuu (Jyuchi y Shuu
¤ Sakamaki Masaru (Shuu y Jyuchi
¤ Sakamaki Aiko (Rei y Oso
¤ Sakamaki Daisuke (Rei y Oso
¤ Sakamaki Haku (Rei y Oso
¤ Nevaeh Serenity Flame
¤ Matthew Charles Flame
¤ Sebastia Ethan Flame
¤ Moira Evilyn Abaader
¤ Astaroth Lucifer Abaader
¤ Elizabeth Selene Snape
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
The Unexpected Meeting
RP STARTER FOR @dyuukirp Characters: Juliet Mukami & Kanaye Sakamaki
“I’ll have an order of Takoyaki, please.” In front of a Takoyaki stand, was the black-haired human, Juliet. It was a nice day out, so she didn’t want to waste time doing nothing inside the house. What better way to make use of time outside than to buy takoyaki? “One order! Coming right up, Ma'am!” In some Takoyaki stands that are good, Juliet is considered a regular customer. It was amazing how a girl who always stayed in shape with physical training would too by at a place like this. Feeling a vibration in her pants pocket, Juliet saw it was a text from her brother. ‘What do I want for a snack?’ She thought, before replying back, 'Just give me some chocolate pocky.’ “Here you go!” Juliet went back to focus on the order of Takoyaki that have been finished. She paid the owner before taking the takoyaki. “Thanks.” It was then she walked away to find a place to go where it was quiet enough to eat her delicious meal in peace.
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seaoflove07 · 1 year
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🔪Azusa & Rose🌹
My Romeo. 🥰 Printed and Laminated.
A beautiful commission Artwork by @cutelih
Admin bought a new Rose Fragrance. It smells lovely. 💗🌹
📸 Photo taken by Me.
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Juliet M. Mukami - Pre-to-Post Timeskip Design
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Mun!Yuki: I’ve been wanting to draw this really badly. I’ve decided to give Juliet a timeskip appearance of her own; Like, eventually, Juliet, along with Leon, is going to allow herself be turned into a vampire when they become adults. So I figured, since I’ve drawn what she looked like as human and still growing, I’ve decided to draw her what she would look like when she’s grown up and goes through her own character development.
Since Juliet’s hobby is weight-training, I thought it would make sense that she would gain a six-pack post-timeskip. I mean, she has a bit of muscles there at the age of 15, but Juliet at the age of 18 has the muscles Hisoka herself wished she had when she was a trainee (and sadly never got to have). She used to be a C-cup but would grow up to be a DD-cup. She has always had short hair, but she would eventually sport the octopus layered haircut.
Juliet’s character development is a pretty massive one. She still remains the sadistic dom that she is, it’s just part of who she is and that will never change. But she begins to become more like her father, in a way where she doesn’t feel the need to fight to prove herself and show her dominance to others. She uses her intellect, intimidating yet authoritative aura, and manipulation skills to prove a point. Of course, she only fights when she is in a situation where she has to and there is no other way. She mellows and isn’t tormenting Leon as much as she used to, yes, but she still would rather cut her own tongue rather to make everything assume she is a softie for a small act of kindness.
Soon, I will design Leon next! I’ve had so much fun with Juliet, I want to be able to design my second grandchild. XD Otherwise, It wouldn’t be fair.
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adiabolikpastelrp · 7 years
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from { X }
*:・゚✧ Reply *:・゚✧
Kanaye lets out a soft sigh, the sun was starting to take its effect. Where it was true, he was able to walk about the day, there were limits. Standing in one place for so long, directly under the sun, was bothersome. 
“Before I answer, if you really want to continue talk to me, may I suggest a different location.” 
He wasn’t really planing on waiting for her response, and started walking on his own. The girl followed, which was fine, he did not mind this back and forth. Good practice. 
“Let’s see... how did I hear about your brother? I suppose it simply came up in conversation. Isaiah had joined Spencer and I in his room. He was texting Leon when Spencer informed me of their relationship.” 
Kanaye explained as they walked. They came to a shaded bench to sit on, which Kanaye took advantage of right away. With another sigh he sits down, relieved to be shielded from the sun. 
“How much do I know was your other question yes?”
He pauses to think a moment. To be honest there was not lot. There was also not a huge deal of interest when Isaiah was telling him about Leon. Now that he thought about it, did he even say anything about him being human?
“Hmm... not much. I know he is dating Isaiah, and you just clued me in on the fact that he is human.”
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ruki--mukami · 3 years
(( oh gosh thank luv 😊 it's been years since I last rp in this fandom lol. You are really great as an Ruki Mukami ask account 💖 ))
*His embrace startled Diane, to a point that she was scared of any slight movement. She wanted to enjoy this moment for longer, but both were aware of their situation at hand. Still, Diane found to situation amusing.. *
.. Ha~ You really became a softy over the years Ruki. It's rare to see you like this, given how stoic you tend to be, haha... Although, you adapted to the Romeo role quite well for that man. Hmmm~
* Diane sat up, taking a better look at his handsome face. She couldn't help feeling flustered once more over what they have done in that bed. She teased Ruki once more, as if it was a usual thing between the two *
Can't believe Im looking at the same boy that once said that " Romeo and Juliet are utter idiots! Honestly, I'd rather be food for the wolves if I ever become one " ~ Now look at you~ How ironic, haha!
Hmph, don't tease me like that. How could I show that side of myself after the intimate moment we just shared? Don't tell me... do you actually prefer my stoic side? I can speak to you as if you're nothing more than mere livestock if that's what you prefer.
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[Ruki laughed playfully, his voice a mere whisper in her ear. He cocked an eyebrow at her remark about the old Shakespeare play.]
I'm surprised you still remember what I said all those years ago. Indeed, their love story was tragic, yet brought on by their own stupidity.
[There was a coldness to his words, yet Ruki knew Romeo and Juliet were simply teens in love. On the other hand, he couldn't say the same for himself. He was no longer an impulsive child, yet here he was, going against Karlheinz's wishes.]
They really were idiots. Even so, I find myself relating to their stupidity when I'm with you. This forbidden love, this sneaking around behind his back... the only difference is I refuse to let things end in tragedy. Mark my words, Diane, I will find a way for us to be together, even if it means tossing aside the Adam and Eve plan.
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seaoflove07 · 9 months
Prompt 6: Kiss
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~ Diabolik Otp Challenge ~
by @yuriko-mukami
• All Azusa & Rose arts are commissioned artworks by @dlyuiannii •
Her Instagram: Here
CG from Rejet.
Short Fan Fiction is written by Me.
(I added a mix of a little poetic style in the writing) I couldn't help myself with this one. 🙈
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Walking through the hallway, on my way to see my lover. I’m wearing a pretty pink tight dress. I wanted to look good for him.
As I keep walking, I hear footsteps behind me.
I stop.
I was about to turn around, but he hugged me from behind.
“My Rose…” He said.
“I couldn't wait… any longer…”
He pins me against the wall
I thought he was gonna sink his fangs into my skin. But instead, his lips were kissing my shoulder.
I move a little to look at him, He stares back at me.
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• Artwork by @dlyuiannii •
I am lost in those Lavender Eyes.
I can feel my cheeks flushed, and I can see his cheeks flushed as well.
Is he lost in my eyes too?
I can feel a thousand butterflies in my stomach.
Is he feeling those butterflies too?
He cups my cheek
“Rose…” He said.
“I feel tingles… all over my body…
What my heart feels for you...
Is gigantic...
I was cold... and you sheltered me…
Thanks to you… today I'm happy…
I love you… my precious… Rose… forever…”
I whisper “I love you too, Azu.”
Words can't describe, how much I truly love him.
I pressed my lips on his.
His lips responded immediately.
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• Artwork by @dlyuiannii •
Every time we kiss, we mix our feelings.
Like Romeo and Juliet,
We devour each other completely.
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• Artwork by @dlyuiannii •
- END -
Thank you for reading. 📖🌹
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• Artwork by Alluraalteal •
Divider: Here
Song for the Scene:
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Can we have yandere headcanons for Juliet and Leon??
Mun!Yuki: Oh boy... This is interesting, Sweet Anon. But I will give it my best shot! Okay let’s go! :D Enjoy!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Which means I gotta tag the lovelies that own the following boys I will be mentioning for this ask.
Thomas belongs to @first-blood-moon,
Isaiah belongs to @pureblood-prey
Juliet is a master of deception, intimidation, and manipulation. It would be obvious to tell she is, not just Hisoka’s daughter, but Ruki’s daughter as well.
Growing up feeling and understanding that she was different from the other humans around her, Juliet always believed she was incapable of feeling romantic love. She lived a different world from other humans, a life that is not considered normal in human society standards, and not only that, she was a sadist that isn’t liked by many people.
While she used to dream about marrying a prince when she was a toddler, Juliet grew up believing that love, to her, was unnecessary. That it was unrealistic, that it was illogical. That Someone who was always disliked for being “different”, for being who they really were, cannot find the kind of love that makes you feel warmth.
She has only cared about her family.
She doesn’t care about anyone else.
That was until she finds love.
Thomas is the first person that has ever made her feel warmth and accepted.
She has never felt such a thing before in her entire life by another person outside of her family.
It melted her cold heart.
But what happens when someone tries to steal that away from her?
Let’s just say, Juliet makes Hisoka look like a saint when comparing yandereness.
Juliet doesn’t need to give a warning of any kind. She isn’t merciful.
There was even a time where she publicly humiliated a girl for getting close to Thomas because she refused to leave him alone and shrug Juliet as his girlfriend off. And she is capable of thinking up multiple methods on breaking them mentally.
At least with Hisoka, she can just kill them; Juliet, on the other hand, prefers the method of torturing them until they break and become broken spiritually and mentally.
While she isn’t as mentally fucked up as Hisoka was, Juliet is still a Do-S that has no problem harming those she isn’t close to and are not her family. Hell, she has almost got sent to an Juvenile institution for beating down Leon’s bullies to a point of near death.
She has never felt such warmth or acceptance from another before, nor would she ever thought it would change her in any way.
For the first time in her life, Juliet ACTUALLY felt human. She felt loved and accepted for who she was. Like, she wasn’t different from the rest.
And she doesn’t plan on letting that go.
She will torture, she will intimidate, she will humiliate, etc; She will do what she has to.
Have you ever felt so trapped and outcasted just for being “different”, just by choosing to be yourself rather than someone you pretend to be that is socially accepted? To a point where you feel like a caged animal in a zoo because the people around you staring at you? Like you don’t belong anywhere? Because society wants you to feel like your the one in the wrong for not fitting in? As a result, you have to numb your heart or any chance of normal happiness because you yourself are considered abnormal, so you end up seeing the world as black and white and feel that nothing is right, even feeling a void within yourself?
But suddenly, you feel something warm; Something that tells you that it’s okay to be who you are, that it’s okay to be different, that you are valid and accepted, and to never change? Like a light has come to aid you at long last after years of being trapped in a darkness you could never find your way out of and help you feel what it means to be human and alive after so long of being emotionally numb and hardened from the world of ignorant, blinded humans?
That is something Juliet wants to fight for. Something she would risk everything for. Something that made her feel human.
And she will do what she has to to make sure she keeps that warmth.
Whatever the cost.
Leon is difficult to talk about. Because he is incapable of hurting anyone. He’s soft, kind, and too nice for his own good. He can’t bring himself to even wish misfortune on anyone. That’s just the kind of person he is.
... But not Leo.
Leo is a different story, as he represents the negativity that Leon tried pushing away.
Leo is a dangerous person, more so than Juliet.
Leo can make anything look like an accident and can shift the blame upon someone else.
The main reason he doesn’t really reveal himself as the split personality of Leon is because he uses Leon’s cinnamon roll reputation to his advantage. Like, he does something horrible and if he gets suspected of it, He can just masterfully pretend to be Leon because Leon himself is well-known and liked by others because he’s always been a good boy.
But Leo thirsts for destruction and chaos.
While he claims Isaiah is a boy-toy he likes to play with when he’s bored, Leo makes it clear he doesn’t like sharing his toys.
So if he sees someone that he subconsciously sees as a threat (like say Leon knows that they are a love rival but he doesn’t say anything and doesn’t want to be rude in any way), it can go either way: One, He drugs them before doing things to publicly humiliate them and find stuff to use as blackmail, as Leo has connections with the Underground he uses many alias with; Or two, He would break their legs, arms, shatter any their spirits and dignity they had, and break them down to a point of mentally and physically broken and being traumatized.
He’s dangerous.
But as he shares Leon’s love for Isaiah, Leo is basically what would happen if Leon couldn’t take being nice anymore and just snapped.
And this is the result.
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