#jungkook oppa
ckkookie · 2 years
Soft dom kook, sub oc, established relationship, fluff, smut
Soft Dom Mafia boyfriend kook, oc is sub , comfort and fluff 🦋
Oc gets scared of a horror movie , soft dom kook , 100% soft fluff, comfort
18+ SMUT 💘
Elder brother kook, doggy style, kinky, whiny oc, this is one horny fic
Sub kook, eventually dom, noona kink, whiny needy kook 18+
Hmm? - mafia husband kook, jealousy, crack, oc is sub, slight angst but in the end they confess, arranged marriage au, mafia au
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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d-noona · 11 months
Heres a colored version to satisfy your needs
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theorygurl7 · 2 years
Is Jeon Jungkook from BTS spoiled by the other members?
According to me, Jungkook is over - pampered by his hyungs and ARMY due to him being the youngest of the group, but sometimes it looks like it goes to his head a little more than it should! Everybody adores him, don't get me wrong but even I adore him and I still think that he gets a little too much credit than he should (I know you people are gonna attack me in the comments! This is just my opinion!). Many ARMYS are just over obsessed with him, like people legit search up if Jungkook is god! Such ARMYs make the artist and the fandom uncomfortable. Jungkook has had his own set of hardships for e.g he joined the company when he was 15yrs old and came far from his home town (Busan), therefore his hyungs raised him to what he is currently. I love him a lot, he is lowkey my #4 on my bias list, I mean HE IS ADORBS but whenever he tries to act grown up (like he should!) the K - ARMY doesn't support it and makes comments like: "Where is our old Kookie?!", "He tries to act mature but ends up doing aegyo". DUDE LIKE WTF DO U MEAN?! HE IS 21+ yrs old! YOU CAN'T BABY HIM FOREVER, HE'S PROBABLY HAD MORE GFs THAN YOU'VE HAD BIRTHDAYS! Jungkook doesn't want to even try and act mature because of this! the entire concept of love yourself is failed if you all act as if he is a 5yr old!
~K, Peace out! (btw I don't hate Kookie, I personally think that he's cute but this post was for ppl who baby him and demotivate him from being himself!)
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daffyjjk · 17 days
babes im yet to watch the new ays ep but wdym jungkook was speaking banmal to jimin and jimin speaking formally omfg im gonna kms !!!!
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oppa-infires · 5 months
Scenario ↠ Não podendo beber
“Oiii, como vc está?, então eu vim com mais uma ideia de reaction ou scenario do BTS é assim a sn está grávida aí tem uma comemoração de algo e ela quer beber vinho ou alguma bebida que contém álcool e ele não deixa e ela fica zangada e depois eles se reconciliam” - @magicshopforever
Aniversário dele
V traria uma garra de vinho
Ele daria uma bronca silenciosa no rapaz
"Eu não disse que não era pra trazer bebidas???"
Deixaria os meninos beberem - Mas no sigilo!
Não deixaria você notar que tem bebida na festa
"Cheiro de alcool? Sei não, meu bem..."
Passaria a festa o tempo todo de um lado pro outro
Quando a festa acabasse lá estaria ele, domindo no sofá
Casado por sua determinação
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Ele tinha ido a uma premiação com você
O acordo era claro: ninguém poderia beber
"Querida, Vamos nos manter fortes pelo bebê, ok?"
Você nem perceberia o momento em que Jimin sumiu
Depois de algum tempo Hope informaria onde ele estava
Descendo todas no open bar!
Você iria busca-lo na base do tapa
Os meninos morrendo de rir
"Amor, você me perdoa?"
Arrependido e completamente bêbado
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Uma música solo de Hope pegaria #1
E e claro que você iria querer comemorar: bebendo!
"Nem pense, ______!"
Ele escoderia todas as taças de casa
Tentaria te fazer mudar de ídeia
"A gente pode comemorar comendo... Que tal?"
Pediria sua comida favorita
Assistiria satisfeito você comer feliz
Sentimento de missão cumprida
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Seu aniversário
Ele seria uma águia
Passaria o tempo todo te vigiando
Quando te visse perto de qualquer coisa alcoolica surtaria
"Nem sonhando, ______!"
Namjoon levaria uma cerveja 0 álcool para ti
Tae quase morreria quando te viu virando o copo
"_____!! VOCÊ TÁ MALUCA?"
Os meninos ririam horrores com o desespero do rapaz
Tu levaria a maior bronca pelo susto que ele levou
"Você quer me matar do coração?"
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Ano Novo
Você sabia que seria difícil... Mas não tanto!
Ele tentaria sempre ser bem empático
"Se quiser, eu não bebo hoje também."
E ele não beberia mesmo com você dizendo que podia
O famoso rapaz "Tudo pelo bem do meu amor"
Tentaria te distrair a festa toda
Assim você não sentiria falta da bebida
"Eu sei que é difícil, mas você tem que pensar no bebê."
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Comemoração #1 Billboard
Grande festa, muita bebida
Ele não relaxaria com você
"Sem bebidas, ______."
Você podia sentir JK te vigiando o tempo todo
Em uma brincadeira que você faria, ele surtaria
Ficaria tão nervoso com a possibilidade que acabaria gritando
"Larga isso agora! Você não vai beber!"
Iriam para casa brigados
No dia seguinte se sentiria péssimo
"Mô, você me perdoa?"
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Aniversário do Hoseok
Muito vinho
Você ficaria brincando o tempo todo sobre beber um pouco
E ele não gostaria nem um pouco
"Para com isso, você sabe que não pode!"
Os meninos brincariam também para irritar o hyung
"Ha ha ha que engraçadinhos, hein?"
Mas no final ele acabaria ficaria chateado com você
"Tá bom ______, fica de gracinha ai então."
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I miss you!! I hope you're doing well 😊
Just wanted to pop in and say hello and also to say that I adore your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
Awwww... tysm 😘 Been a bit busy but I'm back now... ish 😂😂
Here. Check out this video that I've never seen before.
Apparently JK noticed Jimin was cold and immediately told the driver to turn down the ac 🥺🥺🥺
I mean... wbk Jimin is JK's baby but still... the feels
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handkinkbis · 1 year
JK could've performed the song without slut-shaming lyrics, but these lyrical choices are something he approved of and that says something about his beliefs. As do some fans' mental gymnastics going into defending "thot" and "whoring" as progressive (?!?) lyrical choices. Spaaare me.
Women's safety and self respect >>>>> a male idol's right to use "thot" in a song. I'll always choose women and girls over Some Guy and it's not even a tough choice.
I don't care if JK and Harlow sing about consensually gangbanging 100 women in human centipede formation, they can sing about it without using misogynistic slurs.
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dreamescapeswriting · 23 days
BTS Reaction || Your Toddler Has A Crush
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2024
"You know we don't have to go out," Jin teased as your daughter's smile dropped from her face. All week long she'd been getting more and more excited to spend time with "Uncle Kookie"
"Nuh-uh!" She cried and pouted, stomping her little foot as Jungkook ruffled the top of her head.
"You need a date night and little princess here needs time with Uncle Kookie," Jungkook smirked, ignoring the look he got from you for messing up your daughter's hair.
"Not too many cookies, or ice cream...and make sure she goes to bed-" You were cut off as your daughter hugged your legs tightly.
"Uncle Kookie got this," She promised you before kissing your knees. It was true. Jungkook had babysit a lot and that was mostly because your daughter demanded he be the one to babysit and no one else. It was like she had a soft spot for him which was true, just last week she said she was going to marry him one day - which would never happen but kids were allowed to dream at her age.
"Be good for him, okay?" You warn her and she nods kissing your cheek once you bent down to kiss her softly YOONGI: When your daughter asked to join Yoongi at work he hadn't thought about why it might have been. He just assumed his daughter wanted to spend time with him at work but as he worked through his day it became abundantly clear that wasn't the case. Every single time Taehyung would come into the room her smile would light up and she'd cuddle up to him. Or even try to go with him whenever he was leaving.
"You like Uncle Tae?" Yoongi chuckled as Taehyung sat beside your daughter, her hand tightly locked with his as she told him he wasn't allowed to leave her side.
"I love himmmmm," She whines clutching Taehyung's side who smirked over at Yoongi.
"More than daddy?" Taehyung laughs as your daughter nods her head and cuddles closer to her favourite member. HOSEOK: Hoseok was in the kitchen, preparing a snack when he heard his daughter giggling as she played in the living room. You were out for the day leaving them to have a daddy-daughter day together.
"What’s so funny, sweetheart?" he asked, peeking around the corner to check that she was okay but she just grinned and looked up at him with her big eyes and said, 'I wuv Uncle JimJam!' Hoseok chuckled, crouching down to her level.
'Oh, you do? He’s a pretty cool guy! What do you like about him?' He watched as she thought about it for a second and giggled.
'I wuv his songs and he makes me laugh!' she said with a wide grin showing off some of her teeth to him. Hoseok smiled, feeling proud of her before squeezing her cheek softly. 
'Well, you have great taste! Maybe we should invite him over more often for playdates.' He smirks knowing Jimin would happily come around just to spend time with her. She gasped before nodding eagerly, clapping her hands. Hoseok laughed, scooping her up in his arms. 
'Let’s tell him he has a special fan!' NAMJOON: Namjoon was reading a book in the living room when his daughter crawled onto his lap, clutching a tiny photo of Uncle Hoseok, you smiled from the doorway watching them both together.
"Daddy, look!" she chirped, showing him the picture. Namjoon carefully shit his book and shoved it to the side studying the photo for a second.
"Uncle Hobi?" He smiled at the photo. It was of your daughter and Hoseok at the party from the week before. Your daughter nodded, her eyes shining as she giggled looking at the photo. 
` "Oppa funny! Makes me laugh!"
Namjoon chuckled softly. The two of you weren't blind to the small crush she had on Hoseok, in fact, the two of you found it rather endearing that she seemed to like him so much. 
"He is pretty funny, isn’t he? What do you like about him?"  Your daughter paused, thinking hard before staring at the photo and pointing at the smile on Hobi's face.
"His smile!"  Namjoon nodded, pressing a small kiss to her temple. 
"That’s a good reason. Smiling is important. How about we make a drawing for him?" Your daughter gasped before sprinting toward her craft table in the corner. JIMIN: Jimin was the first to notice something was up and he'd talked to you about it, only to find out you'd known for a long while that your daughter had a crush on Namjoon. He just caught your daughter staring dreamily at Jungkook during a rehearsal and couldn’t resist teasing her a little.
“Hey there, daydreamer,” Jimin grinned, catching her attention as she started to blush, looking down at her drawings as you smirked from beside her. 
“Who are you thinking about?" Her face turned crimson, and she quickly looked away. 
“No one! Umma, tell him.” she protested and you cuddled her close to you. Jimin chuckled as he sat down beside her to see what drawing she was working on. It was all of the boys dancing together. 
“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me,” he winked, enjoying teasing his daughter even if it was just a little but it was something he was never going to let her forget no matter how old she got. TAEHYUNG:
Taehyung was lounging on the couch, watching cartoons with his daughter, when she suddenly turned to him with an excited expression.
'Daddy, Daddy!' she called, tugging at his sleeve, pointing at the screen at one of the characters.
'Yes, my little star?' Taehyung replied, giving her his full attention.
'Looks like Uncle Jin' she announced, her eyes sparkling with delight before Taehyung followed her gaze. Taehyung grinned, finding her enthusiasm adorable, the cartoon character almost did look like him as well.
"Really? Do you think he's strong like Uncle Jin?"
"Very! And pretty! I love him!" This caught Taehyung's attention as he turned to your daughter who still had her eyes glued to the screen.
'Oh, really? What do you love about him?'
'He’s funny, and he sings and dances!' she said, clapping her hands with joy. Taehyung chuckled, nodding along with her, just happy your daughter got along with his friends.
'He is very talented. Maybe you can show him your dance moves next time he comes over?' Her eyes widened with excitement as she scrambled off the sofa starting to practice her moves.
'Yes, yes! I can dance too!'Taehyung smiled, putting some music on for her to dance her heart out to,
'You’re the best dancer I know! How about we practice a special dance just for him?" Taehyung asked as he got up to join his daughter on the dance floor.
Jungkook was playing a video game when his daughter crawled onto the couch beside him, wearing a Suga 96 top and carrying a Yoongi doll.
"Who’s that?" Jungkook asked, glancing at the toy, you giggled from the doorway as you watched them.
"Uncle Suga!" she declared, waving the figure around and almost hitting Jungkook in the nose with it but he dodged it. Jungkook chuckled, pausing his game so he could focus all his attention on your daughter. 
"Uncle Yoongi's your favourite?"
She nodded, her eyes twinkling as she giggled a little. 
"Uncle funny! He makes silly faces!" Jungkook grinned, amused that his daughter had someone other than him to make her laugh in this life. It was good for her to know she had someone other than him to go to in her times of need. 
"He does, doesn’t he? Want to make silly faces with Daddy?"
She giggled, nodding as they both started making exaggerated expressions. Jungkook laughed, taking a selfie with her. 
"We’ll send this to Uncle. He’ll love it!" His daughter clapped her hands, clearly delighted and cuddled closer to her dad. 
"Yes, yes! Send to Uncle!"
"Alright, princess," Jungkook said, snapping the picture. 
"Let’s make him smile!" You smirked from the doorway at them and Jungkook threw a look your way,
"Jealous." You mouthed to him before he stuck out his tongue at you.
"Funny faces for mummy too!" Your daughter yelled.
@chiisaiblog@sw33tnight@kaitieskidmore97@laylasbunbunny@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@katnisspeetaprim@acciocriativity@choisoorin@heyjiminnie@btsiguess-kpop@halesandy@gothic4under4lord@soulphoenix1618@aerastus@jin-from-the-block@lenfilms@elizaschuyler18@piratequeen-impact @Namgiswifey@delulu18@xyahrinx@katsukis1wife@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@blairscott@4-chan-inpadella@swga-ficrecs@niktwazny303@armystay89@myyouthdonut@xakx@kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy@kpopmenace143@loveforred@b1nn1e-1s-cut3@elissasimp @royallyjjk @parkjennykim @piercedddriver
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keen-li · 8 months
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Non idol jk x fem reader
Warnings: a little public indecency, a little honesty, and a little person.
You allow the summer sun to sink into your skin as you have your head leaned back and eyes closed. The man sat next to you on the picnic blanket he got from his grandma can't help but find the sight of your relax face and exposed neck pleasing. If he wasn't your man you'd call the cops on him for being a creep.
"I can literally feel you staring kook" you say breaking away from your previous position to look at him.
"Good" he says simply. He's still eyeing you like it's the first time he's seeing you.
You switch your legs to get into a more comfortable position for your legs. Your skirt hikes up a bit and like a bunny he's fast to get another little blanket to cover your legs. You chuckle at that little action.
You embrace the little blanket and pull it to where you're comfortable.
"It's nice to be out with you" he says softly moving closer to you like he wasn't close enough already.
"Yeah it's nice to be out and just chill together" you lean into his embrace. You and jungkook try your best to keep your interactions in public spaces PG, so only minimal touching and little kisses float between the two of you. But jungkook could only hold himself for so long, until he was tickling your neck with kisses and licks.
"Jungkook" you call put warning him. "In public remember?"
The little place where you were sat was a little enclosed cause of the large trees but it still didn't mean you weren't in public and the group of school goers weren't in your direct contact if you tilted your head to see past the tree. Plus they could probably hear your giggles that jungkook didn't want to stop hearing.
He still had his mouth on your neck not heeding your warnings.
"Jungkook" you call out and he hums against your neck making you feel like letting out the moan you've been holding.
"A baby jungkook" you say like you've just seen godzilla, you place your hands on his chest to maybe let him know he should wait for home but he takes it as encouragement instead. He kissed you more.
"Jungkook a baby"
He chuckles.
"Y/n, darling. I thought you were the one who didn't do PDA"  he smiles. "And you want me to put a baby in you here? new hair colour, new era?" He mocks your little statement from when you showed him your new hair colour.
You literally want to smack him right now.
"But are you serious about the baby thing? Cause I can-"
"That's not what I mea-"
"Oppa" jungkook quickly pulls away from you and snaps his head when he hears the little sweet voice coo from behind him. When he turns, his eyes widen when he sees the little baby girl, who's probably half a quarter of his height or shorter. She's in a little cute red dress with her little cute back pack and a packet of snacks in her hands.
Jungkook pleads with everything in him that she didn't see what he was just doing and scarred her for life. This was probably the baby you were meaning. 
He turns his head to ask you with his eyes.
"I told you there was a baby"
"You could've been more specific"
Yeah you could've been but seeing the embarrassed and panicked look on his face you're glad you didn't.
"Oppa can you open this for me" she asked and your heart could melt form her cuteness. You smile at her cute chubby cheeks you just want to pinch them, she seems a little nervous though switching her gaze from jungkook to you. She looks like she was having a little trouble choosing who to ask but she landed with jungkook who was closer. Her voice stammered a bit speaking to him but you dont blame her, jungkook looked intimidating with his tattoos and piercing but he's the cutest and softest person when you speak to him.
And you watch him grow even softer as he speaks to her.
"Uhh yeah sure" he grabs the packet she handed him.
"What's your name" you ask her leaning forward from were you were, trying to find a place in the conversation.
"Si-eun imnida" she speaks proud of her name and seemingly growing comfortable.
"Awwww, a pretty name for a pretty girl" you coo back.
"Isn't she cute jungkook" you turn to face the man who was struggling a but but finally got it.
"Yeah she is" he hands her back her snack "Where's eomma si-eun" he asks as she clasps the bags with her tiny hands.
"Eomma?" She starts to look around and you both follow her gaze not able to find or seeing anyone.
"Convenience store, she's in the Convenience store"
You hum knowing there is a Convenience store near by.
"We should take you to eomma" he coos at her.
"She's so cute" you say moving closer to her to fix her falling bag strap "this bag is big for you si-eun" you say trying to adjust the straps and she allows you to, she watches your hands move.
"Eomma said this bag is for big girls" she releases a little giggle after. You chuckle back.
"Eomma is right, it is for big girl and you are one."
"Especially if you came here by yourself" jungkook adds.
"Yeah" you and jungkook laugh.
Jungkook watches you handle the little straps and straighten her clothes and he can't help but think about when you both do decide to have a child and how you'd be a good mom. But little does he know that you're thinking about how he'd be good dad too.
You watch her assuming her mom is getting some errands done and so you keep her company.
"Oppa what are those?" She points with her snack dust covered fingers to jungkook's arm "appa has them too" she informs.
"Oh these?" He moves his already short sleeve upwards "these are tattoos si-eun" he says her name with so much care and softness.
"But you oppa have more than appa" she informs once more "appa only has three" she lifts up her three fingers.
"Ohh is that so?" He smiles at her.
"But appa doesn't look good in them"
You and jungkook let out a cackle as si-eun talks about her dad.
While still laughing he speaks "how about me do I look good in them?" It's funny how he's seeking validation from a little girl, but everyone knows that little kids are always honest so her answer is vital.
She tilts her head a bit analysing jungkook's arm and face. He flexes his arm and brings his arm into her focus so she can get a clear view.
You laugh at jungkook's obvious need of validation from her.
"Uhhh" she thinks "you look nice" she says simply but he doesn't seem satisfied.
"Only nice?" He tries to bargain a better answer. "Mm?" He bargains.
"Actually oppa you look handsome with them" jungkook finally gets the answer he wanted.
"Ah you see baby even she agrees" you roll your eyes, he's saying it like you've ever told him he doesn't look hot with the tattoos.
"I should get you some sweets for that si-eun" he chuckles.
"But oppa-" She interjects his blushing.
"But oppa I don't like that" she stretches her hand pointing to his lip where he's lip ring sat.
"This?" He plays with it with his tongue. She nods.
"Si-eun you don't think oppa looks cute with the lip ring?" You ask almost in a laugh.
She shakes her head showing her detest for the silver. You turn to jungkook and laugh. You thought he looked hot with that lip ring, you liked it a lot especially when you kissed.
"You hear that oppa?" You say chuckling and calling him oppa to mock him.
"She's a kid she probably doesn't understand.  She'll end up getting one when  she's older" he tries to save some of his proud.
You laugh and he knows you're gonna be making fun of him later, so he needs he's own ammo.
"How about unnie si-eun? what do you think of her hair?"
Si-eun turns to face you and you cuss jungkook in your head, cause if she says anything to make you regret getting yiur her coloured you're gonna have to call your hairstylist. It's funny how her opinions matter to the both of you.
You watch her analyse and think of an answer and you're so nervous for her answer.
"Unnie looks very pretty with her hair"
You rejoice at her answer and jungkook scoffs, he did think you looked great but he needed ammo too.
"Ahhh si-eun you're the best, I'll ask your eomma if you can colour you hair like mine too. Do you want hair like me si-eun"
She nods "eomma said I can get my hair coloured one day"
"Oh? Then I'll take you to unnie sana so she can do your hair like mine too"
"Ahhh unnie you're the best" she squeals happy at your offer. You smile at  this little 5-year old girl who you just met and are making plans with.
"We'll have a girls day with your eomma too"
You hear Jungkook scoff and you can't help but laugh.
"You're so salty"
"I'm not" Oh but he is "lets go find your eomma, si-eun" jungkook says.
You've spent quite some time talking to her and you bet her mom is probably worried.
Before jungkook can stand her little hand stretches out to hand him a lollipop.
"Oh is this for me" he says touched.
"No, open it" She says with so much attitude that you can't help but laugh at jungkook.
"Oh okay" he says laughing at himself too and opens the lollipop for her "here you go si-eun" she takes it.
You and jungkook stare at each, smiling at each over the situation.
"Oppa here"
She says in her cute voice and stretches her hand and hands him a lollipop.
"Do you want me to open this too" he asks to be sure and protect his feelings.
"It's yours"
"Thank you"
"And this one's for you unnie"  she hands you your own lollipop and you take it.
"Baby, do we have some chocolates?" you ask jungkook.
"Yeah in the bag"
So you reach and search in the bag and pull out a chocolate bar.
"Babe that's a rum flavoured one get the tiny ones" he warns.
"Oh my bad" you laugh you didn't even notice. So you grab the little ones you found and gave her two.
"Thank you" she says with a cute smile.
"You're welcome"
"Si-eun-ah" you hear a woman's voice announce and you watch as a middle aged woman comes to where you're sat.
"Si-eun-ah why did you go so far? I told you to stand by the tree" the woman picks her up and puts her on her hip.
"Eomma! Unnie and oppa gave me a chocolate" she exclaims to her now relaxed mom who notices the chocolates.
"Oh really did you say thank you" si-eun nods. "Did she?"
Her mother turns to you.
"Yes she did" you give her a smile which she returns.
"Thank you for staying with her, I got a bit worried when she wasn't were I told her to be."
"Ahhh,  it wasn't a problem. We enjoyed staying with her" jungkook says
"Hope she didn't say anything weird"
"No she didn't" you smile.
"Eomma" she calls to her mom "I told oppa I don't like his lip earring" she says amused and jungkook lowers his head laughing at the situation and name.
"Omo, si-eun-ah" she exclaims feeling embarrassed for her daughter's forwardness and turns to jungkook "I'm so sorry for that"
Jungkook waves his hands "no need to apologise its alright."
Her mother nods appreciating his understanding.
"Lets go si-eun and meet appa" she turns to you guys now. "Thank you, it was nice meeting you hope you have a good day."
You guys say your goodbyes.
"Bye bye" si-eun yells and from a distance you can hear her tell her mom about jungkook's tattoos.
"Lets go home now..." jungkook pulls you out of your thoughts.
"...and go make our own si-eun"
You chuckle at that.
"You can't be serious" you start packing the things.
"Oh I'm serious" you've talked about having kids someday but you both know it wasn't anytime soon.
"But first we have to get rid of that lip ring, advice from si-eun" you joke
"She's a kid she doesn't know what she's talking about" you laugh at him and how he's still clearly wounded.
"You're so wounded"
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attineilde · 5 months
why neil josten is actually Y/N:
erm I accidentally wrote a few cringy wattpad paragraphs so uh-
he has big blue orbs
involved with the mafia ("what is this, mom?" I asked, trembling. the famous mafia gang leader, harry styles was sitting in my living room!)
gets noticed by a famous person KEVIN DAY (my best friend dragged me to this concert. something called... one direction? I'm not really sure, I'm not like other girls, always obsessing over boy bands. I like to spend time reading instead. so in the concert, I decided to read my favourite book and just ignore everything entirely. then, this amazingly buff, tall, dark, and handsome man smiled at me, showing off his dimples. "come on, darling, what's your name?")
mommy AND daddy issues ("I-I-I-I-I never had parents," Y/N told her cold alpha mafia boss.)
has trauma from a young age (when I was only 10 weeks old, my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my sister, my brother, and my goldfish died in a plane crash)
he becomes more badass throughout the series ("Wow, Y/N, you're becoming more and more sigma," Jungkook the mafia boss said. "You were so skinny and fragile and petite, I never would've thought you were capable of being a muderer. You're such a baddie!" He exclaims with admiration.)
super multi-talented (even though I have a permanent stutter in my voice, I'm still a great singer. but I'm a really insecure petite girl, so I shyly sang a few notes to JungKook. "I-i-i-i-is it gwenchana oppa?" "Oh, yes, Y/N honey, you're voice is jinja good!")
has multiple men checking him out/appreciating his looks (andrew, nicky, and I bet kevin has too)
if you read all my little paragraphs I'm really proud of you! I hope you're gwenchana (this is all satire pls dont judge)
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xiakato · 1 year
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“Oppa?” Gaeul looks over at you, noticing she hasn’t gotten your attention. She crawls over to you, “Oppa?” Still nothing. She gets closer to you, your earbuds in your ears. She smirks to herself, getting a hold of one pulling it out and whispers in your ear, “Daddy~”
“W-what? Gaeul you know not to do that,” You slightly scold her, as she giggles. 
“Is it a good song?” She gestures to your phone on spotify as you listen to Seven by Jungkook. 
“It is, the explicit is better,” You tell her as you lay back onto the bed. 
Gaeul straddles you, “Have you been fucking me right?” 
“You and I both know I don’t let you leave this room if you can still walk straight.” 
She grabs your hand bringing to her ass, “So why don’t you do just that daddy?” 
“This girl,” You chuckle, squeezing her ass as you switch your positions. You love that fact that she never wore panties at home, easy access for you. Pulling her shorts off her waist, softly kissing as you go down further, the feeling of her silky smooth skin under your fingertips. She watches you as you reach where she wants you. Your tongue darting out, slowly licking up her clit, working throughly on her folds.
Her breathy moans fill the room, “F-fuck daddy,” her hands latch onto your head as her hip buckle against your mouth. You eat her out like she’s your last meal, her taste is addictive. Always the sweetest. You look up at her, her chest heaving, “D-daddy I’m going to fucking cum~” She screams out as her juices flood your mouth, “Fuck fuck fuck~” She screams out, her grip on your head tightens. She lets go of your head, trying to catch her breath, “Holy shit.” 
She has a schedule today, which you join her for. Your eyes never leave her as she walks around in that short leather skirt. You know that she knows that she has you falling over yourself. She teases you, slowly lifting her skirt higher and higher before dropping it back. The black leather contrasted her milky skin, your eyes trace her legs. The thought of her legs wrapped around your waist as you bury your cock in her runs through your mind. She looks over at you, a smirk plastered on her face.  
“Oppa what are you thinking about~?” She asks, you stare at her beautiful eyes. She knows what you are thinking about, she just wants to hear you say it. 
“Nothing Gaeul,” You don’t want to give her that satisfaction. A slight pout comes across her face for a split second as she stands up, strutting her way over to you. Your eyes fall back down to her legs. 
  “Come with me real quick oppa,” She grabs your hand and pulls you out of the waiting room. She ignores the stares as she drags you towards a very quiet area and into the maintenance closet. Pushing you against the wall, her hands work on your belt. 
“What are you doing?”  You ask her as your eyes get used to low lights. 
“It’s gonna go like this daddy, you are going to pump me quickly full of that delicious cum of yours and I’m going to perform with it dripping down my legs,” She smiles innocently up at you. Moving around her, pushing her against the wall, hiking up her skirt. She giggles feeling your rough hands squeezing her thighs, you kick her legs apart slightly as you slide your cock into her pussy, “Fuck~ always so big~.” 
“Crazy bitch,” You mutter as you start thrusting, thanking the fact in your head that she is always wet for you. 
“You love me for the f-fact that I’m a crazy bitch~” She’s right, both of you know it, “Now pump your cum into me~.”
“You know Gaeul, there’s a new article about you,” You hand her your tablet and she starts to read. 
“It’s just a bunch of speculation about white liquid running down my leg,” She laughs, “The virgin netizens can’t even tell what cum looks like.” 
“They are going to find out, some are already saying that it’s cum.” 
“If you were going to be so worried about it, maybe you shouldn’t have taken my panties.”
You sit there for a second, “Fair,” standing up, you grab a towel and walk to the bathroom. You turn around and look at her following you, “ Why are you following?” 
“We’re taking a shower are we not?”  
“I am,” You point to yourself before pointing at her, “You’re not.” 
“You know I’m going to join anyways so hurry up,” She skips past you stripping in the process. You chuckle to yourself, joining her in the shower. Your hands go on autopilot, roaming her body.  The hot water running down between your body and hers adds to the sensation. Her hands reach behind her, wrapping around your cock stroking ever so softly. Leaning her head back, she captures your lips in a kiss as she strokes your cock faster and faster. She gets on her tippy toes, getting your cock into her. Shuddering as she starts to fuck herself on your cock. Her hands gripping onto your forearms as your grip onto her hips.  Your tongues are still dancing around one another, your thrusting meets her hips going deeper and deeper every time. 
“Maybe we should get out of the shower?” You ask as you feel the water get cold, her wet hair matted to her face. Her breathing is erratic, she simply nods. You reach over, turning off the water, lifting her up as you don’t want to leave her empty.  Falling onto the bed, “That's better~.” 
Sitting in your office, you can’t help but check your phone every few seconds. You hear your phone ding, you look hoping it’s something from her. It is. You open it quickly, a video starts to play, you watch as her fingers bury themselves and spread her little pussy apart, her juices drip from her fingers. She brings the camera up to her face, “I miss you daddy,” She takes her fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean. The video ends, you move around in your chair uncomfortably. Soon another video arrives from her, pressing play, her fingers are buried again inside of her. Seemingly it appears like the video before it but as she brings the camera back up, she lets Wonyoung suck her fingers clean. Wonyoung stares straight at the camera, winking. You push a button at your desk locking the door to your office. Fishing your cock out of your trousers you snap a few pics and a video sending them her way. Something the two of you have always done especially during the start of your relationship. 
Her reply came quickly, but for you it felt like it was ages. Her wet pussy plays on full volume from your phone's speaker, finger blasting herself as she squirts all over the hotel’s bed. Her legs shake as she drops her phone. Quickly getting her bearings back she picks up the phone, “I need that big juicy cock in me right now.” 
You rush home after work, she should be back now. Getting up to the apartment, you punch in the code quickly. The smell of your favorite perfume of her’s linger through the place. Tossing your jacket to somewhere you don’t give a fuck. You make your way to the bedroom, the only room with the light on in this place. You open the door more, laying your eyes on her. The black lingerie that you love so much, hugging her figure. 
“Hi daddy~” She smiles as she crosses her legs sitting on the edge of the bed. You ignore her, stripping down, pushing her back to the bed, throwing her lace panties behind you. Lining your cock up with her entrance, “Someone is eager,” She says as you slam your cock in, she gasps as you stretch her out and fill her to the brim. You grip tightly as you push her legs closely to her head as you start to piston fast and hard, your eyes never leaving her face watching in glee as her eyes flutter and roll back. Her pussy tightens as you get deeper and deeper touching her womb with your tip. You watch as her stomach bulges as you plow her. Her mind is malfunctioning as she tries to look at you, yet she fails every time as your cock reaches her womb.  Her legs as she starts to squirt, you normally stop and let her ride it out but you keep going, using her as the toy she is, “FUCK!” she manages to scream out gripping the sheets, “Fuck me daddy! Fucking use that pussy!” 
“Such a fucking slut,” You slap her, keeping up your assault on her body. 
“Only for your use, I’m your toy daddy!” She gets out before she spazzes again, only adding to the mess she did earlier.  Gripping onto her hips lifting her ass off the bed, you continue to use her. Her thighs recoil as they meet your thrusts that reverb through her body.  Her hands move to the headboard. She doesn’t mind being used by you, she always wants you to use her. She feels as if that’s her purpose and she loves every second of it. She feels your cum as you fill her womb with your first load, a bright smile etches across her face. You slowly pull out, your cock still hard and throbbing but you elected to give her a little break. Her eyes are glued to your cock that is glistening with her juices. She peeks over to see that clock is 12:05 am, “It’s Saturday daddy~” 
“What about it being saturday?” You smirk as she gets on her knees turning her ass to you, shaking it ever so slightly. 
“You need to fuck me right seven days a week Daddy~” She giggles as she feels your hands take hold of her hips, shoving your cock back into her. She feels every inch throbbing inside of her, the warmth of your cum in the pit of her stomach. She tries to keep herself up with her arms that soon give out as you get back to using her. Her face buried in the sheets as you reach over pulling her short hair, pulling her up using it as leverage as you make her body malfunction again and again and again. You let her go after using her again, her body convulses on the bed. The sun peeks through the blinds, lighting up the room. She starts moving again as she leads you to fuck her everywhere, the bathroom, the kitchen, living room, the balcony. Your cum has dripped on nearly every surface in the apartment, the two of you take a break, chugging water.  The spree the two of you have been on since Friday has made a mess everywhere. Now going through Saturday, the two of you aren’t done. She slams herself down on your cock, the couch being one the favorite places to fuck. Her hands gripping tightly onto your shoulders as you watch as she rides you, she’s been at it for the past 20 minutes. Not that you care, you love it.  Her eyes are tired yet still filled with lust as she keeps going faster and faster. You hurry up her orgasm by thrusting up meeting her hips, her legs shake as she reaches her high and give out. She wraps her arms around your neck, trying to catch her breath. She moves her hips ever adamant that she continues to please you. You’ve lost count of the amount of loads that you gave her. 
“Daddy,” She says quietly and tiredly, you look at her, “Use me please, use every hole please daddy~”
“Of course my darling, there’s still a day left.”
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daichiduskdrop · 7 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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• Chapter 39
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: mentions of self worth and body image acknowledgement
Words: 4309
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragonsflare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys @massivelyfullenthusiast @iimichie
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
The soft snow patterned down outside, the cold wind blowing—a true romantic yet icy winter outside. 
The alpha wished times were different; the snow bite was too harsh on the man's skin. The times weren't great, for sure, to say the least, but he was so close. He wouldn't give up just yet, a still storm crashing in his soul. 
His pack needed to connect once again; he would come back and greet the omega he had missed already. 
„..Just a little while longer.” He hushed into the darkness surrounding him, taking another shortcut, and stepped quickly, with warm fog rising from his lips.
You woke up too early for the night to have passed. Soft snores sounded around you, thought you didn't mind too much; the warmth was comforting and sweet. 
As you looked around yourself, eyes still bleary, you could only recognise their scents—too dark for you to see anything much else than that. 
Jungkook's scent seemed to be the closest, the comforting musky vanilla and banana blooms close as his chin rested just above your head, his arms wrapped around you, limbs entangled and close. 
The alpha's chest rose and fell softly, occasional puffs and snores leaving him. He was as calm as the others, no one disturbing the chilly night as the other pack members too slept.
A few seconds passed until you could see better and could recognise Hoseok's hand, the alpha still wearing a bracelet he had yesterday, as your eyes followed his arm, you soon saw the back of his tousled dark hair facing you. 
Close to your front laid Jimin, a pillow resting under him while he held the blanket covering you tightly in one of his hands, the other caressing yours—he must have woke up only now you realised. 
And so you looked up, seeing his soft, creased eyes watching you with gentleness. 
„...Princess, you should sleep some more, hm?” The alpha's voice whispered, a deep rasp breaking the quietness around you. 
You blinked up at him, his fingers squeezing yours in answer, resulting in a sweet shrug leaving you. 
At Jimin's soft chuckle, a slight shuffling followed, his eyes blown wide with a smile as the alpha waited for the unknown pack member to settle back down into calmer sleep. A soft giggle left the both of you.
„I'm not tired anymore, oppa.” You whispered back, realising you must have slept too much yesterday. 
"Are you sure, sweetheart?” He asked you gently, but when you nodded again, the alpha didn't put up much of a fight. Maybe you will feel tired soon after and just need to occupy your mind for a little while. 
„What would you like to do then?” The alpha started to sit up, shuffling closer to you carefully to not push on any of the still-sleeping pack mates. 
„You should sleep, oppa... I'll find something to do.” You whispered softly, and before the man could even answer, you were already trying to untangle yourself from the youngest arms—a mistake it turned out to be. 
A soft gasp left the man as soon as your form started to leave his hold, the young alpha's eyes shooting open immediately. 
„Bunny-!” He gasped out, his arms pulling you closer until you were flush to his chest. As soon as you recognised the look in his eyes, one of pure terror, it didn't take long for guilt to arrive. 
At the man's still tired yet afraid voice, the others were jostled awake, still on edge with all that happened in the last 24 hours. The men were quick to sit up, Namjoon the fastest to move the closest, his warm hands cradling you close as much as the hold the youngest paid on you allowed. 
„Hey, hey, pup, it's okay.” His voice was heavily laced with sleep; the pack alpha rubbed at his eyes yet quickly returned his hold onto you, fingers gently combing through your hair. 
„I thought you were being taken away!" Jungkooked gasped, his eyes shining in the little light entering through the windows. Your hands snaked around his waist as you hugged the startled man close, the others still too sleepy to realise what was really going on.
„'M sorry, Kook oppa...” You whispered in his ears, a small nudge to his scent gland hoped to forgive from your cheek, resting it against his collarbone.
He held you tighter as the wild beat of his heart slowed down, the calming pheromones clouding the entire room. 
But as he was about to lay back down on his back, planning to cuddle you to his chest, the man's eyes were almost closing already, and you started to wiggle out of his grasp. 
"I'm not tired anymore.!” You whispered a soft whine, Jungkook's movements stilling—you were always so cuddly and sleepy. What does this mean now? 
The men were quick to complain, reminding you of the importance of good quality sleep, or else you could be sick and get headaches, and they didn't want that to happen, especially if you wanted to go swimming in the morning too. 
Sweet sleep-laced voices filled the air, consisting of gentle: „Baby pup, don't be silly now; come here; Alpha will make it better.” „Babycheeks, my angel, it's still nighttime; come cuddle with oppa.“ 
Yet you held your truth, and after a bit of discussion, Jungkook laced your fingers with his, and with a soft grumble, he climbed out of the warmed blankets and pillows, letting you lead him upstairs to your room, where a bunch of bags from one of your past shopping sprees with them were stored in your walk-in closet. 
"What would you like to do, baby bun? Should we play some games? Or maybe you would like to watch a movie with me? Fuck, I'm wrecked.” Whispering the last sentence to himself, Jungkook rubbed his face and ruffled up his hair, sleepy all over. 
He was truly ready to just get you anything; as long as you would come back to the large couch serving as the makeshift den, it didn't matter what. 
You could grab his phone, which he would happily provide, and go scroll through whatever you saw fit. He wouldn't mind; you held the softest place in his heart. He couldn't believe how he reacted; aish, seriously!, he scolded himself with a warm blush covering his puffy-with-sleep cheeks. 
But you already had an idea as to what you wished to occupy your for-some-reason hyperactive hands, pulling out the kit one of the alphas had found for you at the art store you visited a few days ago. 
It was for bead and charm necklaces and bracelets, and so, with a sweet smile on your face, you let Jungkook pull you back downstairs with sleepy steps, his attire matching the sleep-ridden attire. 
He was quick to climb back into the makeshift den, only now looking for what was so interesting for you to wake up for in the middle of the night. 
„You want to make bracelets with us, bunny?”
„For you,” you corrected him, letting the alpha pull you close with a sweet bunny smile gracing his lips. 
The others weren't much better. Yoongi, who has patiently waited for your return while some of the others were already soon to nod off, now even closer to Dreamland considering your comfortable scent entered their senses again, could only smile wider, turning the phone he was checking back off. 
It was only about 3 in the morning, but you were still the cutest thing ever, to him at least. 
And so, as the rest eventually fell asleep, with Jungkook half asleep and half awake, holding you on his lap as he sat cross-legged, his head resting against Namjoon's shoulder, Yoongi stayed up with you, helping you choose the beads you found fit your taste the best. Not that they were for you, but rather them, yet you paid the closest attention with the warm yellow light from a standing lamp turned on. 
The alpha's nimble fingers helped you tie the knots, quick to mumble about you being careful, watching with worried eyes as you used the needle to get the smallest beads on the elastic clear string. 
The youngest acted as if he were awake the whole time, grumbling any moment you would giggle or Yoongi would tease him when his snores filled the still air around him. 
His palm rested on his thigh and partly yours, open to let you place the cute chunky and unusual charms you wanted to scatter through the different sets you were working on for them.
The set purchased offered many different styles, cute and edgy, enabling you to create one for each of the alphas. While Yoongi tried his best to make a necklace and a bracelet for you, though his much bigger hand struggled more than he would like to admit compared to you. 
The first bracelet you made was for the second oldest too. Many small black beads were combined with dark greys and milky white to create a simple but fashionable pattern with a small but pretty star and a few small silver hearts clicking and creating soft sounds when moved. 
Once you tied the knot on the clasp, you nudged the older man's knee, having him look up from rummaging through the many small charms from which he was just finding the best fit. He hummed in question, but when you placed the bracelet in his palm with expectant eyes, his eyes closed with the smile he offered. 
„Aish, you're too cute, kitten. Thank you.” He grumbled his cheeks warm as he felt shy yet lovely at your soft presence, letting you close the silver clasp around his slim wrist, the alpha long smiling even as you got around to make the jewellery for the others. 
You took your time, carefully measuring Jungkook's wrist size, and threaded on the many small glossy beads and charms, creating a combination of dark green, purple, blue, and black; the colourful misty beads were larger in between the fillers. You chose the charm of a silver star, a bunny, and a little flower too, those reminding you of him. 
The alpha hardly even stirred when you put it on his right wrist, but you knew he would be there to thank you in the morning. 
And so, you spend the time until you grew tired of tieing and choosing the right beads that remind you of each of the men. Amid your work, Yoongi got your attention, a soft „Here kitten, for you,” sounding to make you look up. 
The man wasn't used to making much handcraft; it was Hobi who loved to make bracelets and keychains like these; he hardly ever tried, and he was worried that the set—a necklace and a bracelet—would never be enough to compliment your beauty; in his eyes, his work would never be enough. 
But the moment you set your eyes on the small, handmade jewellery, a soft gasp left you. You were surprised at how pretty it was, the many tiny beads shining in different shades of F/C, and exactly the nine charms you recognised meanings of easily: a small curled-up kitten, a shiny crown inlaid with small gems, a cute bunny, a tiny puppy, a peach emoji, a small sun, and a cute angel wing. 
You knew to which all were meant to remind you, and when you notice the snowflake and a heart in-between, the alpha noticed you looking at the two charms in wonder, he grew shy, unsure if you liked them.
„...we met when it was snowing out, remember?”
He whispered, looking away, but before he knew it, your arms wrapped around him tighter than ever, the man surprised for a little before he returned the warm hug himself, melting into the embrace. 
The necklace was a combination of little pearls and a few of the same shades used in the bracelet too in order to match. This time it was just the snowflake charm in the very front, smaller and more dainty for a comfortable everyday wear - you would happily indulge in.
It didn't take much longer after that before the ones you have finished laid on the floor next to the box of beads, yet to have cut off the elastic but ready to be given in the morning which would soon approach. 
And so, Yoongi who has given up one of the most precious things to him, sleep, in order for you to not have to lay around with nothing to do bored out of your mind, soon hugged you as you rested your ear against his chest, a few of the others too cuddling close, Jungkook's arms still wrapped around your waist. 
It wasn't much time before the first wake-up alarm sounded, yet you stayed in the soft slumber, suddenly tired. Who would think? 
Jin like usual was the first to wake up, rising grudgily and shutting the alarm off. The eldest was ready to go just back to sleep right away, but when he noticed the time, just a little past 6 am, he knew that won't work. As long as they still wanted to swim like promised. 
And so, the alpha leaned over the couch arm rest, shaking Hoseok's arm, having the man in a while later awake and climbing off the couch to help the eldest with the breakfast. 
Like usual, Jin was already washing the rice as it took time to cook in the rice cooker even if they used two, the other alpha was quick to take note of the few ingredients needed for the Pajeon, starting the preparation for the pancakes. 
He had done them many times to know the measurements by eye already, and so as the eldest started the rice cookers, the alpha would mix water, flour, eggs, cutting up the few scallions he first rinsed and washed well, letting the pieces be large enough. He would then add only a small amount of soybean paste and sugar, mixing the batter. 
Just as Hobi started frying the large pancakes, at the sound and smell of food few of the others would start to climb out of bed, the one to greet them first would be Teahyung, but just as quick as he came he was gone, Jin's soft command to get the Kimbap ready making the man quick to flee. 
The next to climb out of the makeshift sleep space was the pack alpha, who made sure to also wake the others up to eat soon, yet he let you sleep soundly wanting you to rest longer. 
It didn't take much time before the breakfast was ready, an array of different dishes, some sweet some salty and spicy, all offered so the pack could eat well. 
Only when Jungkook also shuffled to a seat, quick to take chopsticks and start plating himself a dish, did Jin notice you and Yoongi were still asleep. 
The eldest stopped stuffing the dishwasher, stretching from being hunched for a while and took the few steps over to the couch where he found the two in question. 
Yoongi slept soundly, soft puffs of air leaving him rhythmically as he cradled you to his chest a loose t-shirt and sweats on. You were hidden under heavy duvets thought the eldest doubted you would need anything to warm you up, the alpha most definitely working as the most able furnace. 
Your eyes were slightly open, yet your face was almost fully hidden in the man's chest, letting you rest fully with his scent around you, the calming and sleepy pheromones working wonders. 
„Peaches? Do you want to go swimming now?” While he would have preferred you to eat a filling breakfast first, they were running on time crunch already as it was just about 7. If they wanted to have some fun at the pool, they would still need to be ready to leave at 10 the latest. And they could always order you something to have on the set, no matter the annoyed staff with their strict: 'no eating on set!' rules.
At your small nod Jin smiled fondly, helping you wake Yoongi up, and even as the man grew annoyed with you climbing out of his embrace, it took him only a few minutes before he composed himself, too to go eat. 
He was the only one eating at the table then, the others getting ready and changing into their swimsuits. He would catch up soon he told himself, preparing a cup of coffe first. 
The first to run down the stairs in a pair of flip flops was Taehyung, a loose tank top over his chest while he wore a pair of dark red swim shorts. 
Only a few seconds after was Jungkook, in turn having a towel wrapped around his naked chest while he had jet black swimwear, his shoes loudly sounding through the hallway as he ran after the second youngest, giggling about something. 
Soon after the sliding doors to the garden at the back porch could be heard with beeping sounds that soon turned off, but Yoongi paid it no mind. 
The next to be seen run over to the heated pool was Hoseok, with a embroidered towel of the KAWS figure. There was a large JHOPE signature in one of the corners in white thread, shining against the colourful background. No doubt has it been done for the singer as a unique piece. 
The alpha wore a patterned swimsuit, radiating his energy like usual, and, to no surprise on his wrist jiggled the bracelet you had done for him during the night, the man wearing it proudly, thanking you just after breakfast. He woke up wearing it, after all.
Just a step behind him followed Namjoon and Jimin, who wore cream coloured Louis Vuitton trunks with dark navy trimmings and a tight black swim top which nicely complimented his body form. 
Namjoon had a pair of simple black swimsuit on with small white accents and a large bold lettering describing the brand - Dolce & Gabbana. With a towel around his neck he made his was downstairs, following the younger on the way to the pool. 
None of the men he had seen now made him want to look up as much as when you entered, a shy calculated steps as you wore a pair of simple crocks with a few jibbets, no question purchased by Jin considering their colour. 
The alpha held your hand as he guided you back downstairs, the pink with red trim on his swimsuit matching the colour of your shoewear, but he also had a simple black sleeve on not likely intended for the water. 
He combed his hair back with the other hand he held a pair of towels in, one a soft shade of purple the other a simple black. Yoongi didn't bat an eye at Jin, but when he noticed your figure, shy as ever but even more beautiful, that's only when he took a second look. 
You looked adorable, yet so shy and uncertain, even when the eldest would encourage you that you looked like the prettiest omega in the entire universe and that you didn't need to be afraid of not knowing how to swim well, that they wouldn't let you struggle a single moment. 
From the time Jin took you back to the room, this time to truly choose the swimsuit, not like yesterday with the side tracking, he let you try as many as you liked, only coming into his spacious bathroom if you invited him. 
You tried all of the over twenty pieces, still you showed him only a small handful, the ones in which you felt the most confident considering you were facing one of the prettiest men you have ever seen. 
Truly believed that you would never be able to compare to the others he had likely seen in swimsuits, you felt ashamed even if nothing was wrong with your body, in the truest alpha's believe a feast for the eyes. 
„Cub that colour goes so well with your hair too, and the cut is really flattering too...” 
„Ah seriously what a blessing to see you looking so perfect and beautiful, peaches I love that pair on you!” the older would gush, having you hiding your pink cheeks in embarrassment. 
In the end you took the one piece from Dior, which had a beautiful powder blue lining and a flattering mapping of cream colour with black thin lined flower detailing in the front panel, the straps over your shoulder thick to tie in a beautiful loose bow that would cascade down your arms. It was a truly flattering piece, and you felt nice in it, especially after Jin made sure you knew just how pretty you were. 
Placing the cup back onto the table, Yoongi was quick to stand up, coming over to look closer, if you allowed that. But your hands took his waist into a soft embrace in answer to his amazed gaze, and the alpha was quick to return it. 
While he wasn't necessarily keen on going swimming this early in the morning, seeing how pretty you looked, he couldn't give up on that and was quick to finish his coffee in a few gulps as Jin led you towards the back doors, going upstairs to also change. 
„Here, cub, let me wrap you up; it's snowing outside.” He whispered gently to your ear as he flanked you in the two towels, and before you could even protest, he picked you up into his embrace, your head resting against his wide shoulders. 
„You won't have to step in the snow now; let oppa carry you, little cub.” He argued, holding you in his arms as he slid the doors open, the freezing cold air immediately hitting both of you. 
Just as Jin cursed quietly, the snow fell around you. The man was quick to start a very brisk walk the few tens of metres until he arrived at the covered pool, the semicircular clear dome allowing one to see the pack members already inside. 
Placing you back on your feet tenderly, the eldest hurried to slide the doors open, ushering you first in, and only the moment after he entered did he sigh out. 
The sudden noisiness of the closed-off space, considering it to be hollow, surprised you a little. Loud water splashed as it cascaded down one of the water massagers you have only ever seen in spa advertisements. 
„Babycheeks!” Taehyung gasped, a large boxy smile taking over his face, abandoning the other young brothers, who were just setting up the net for the volleyball match they were planning to play. 
The second-youngest alpha was quick to swim over to the edge, effortlessly pulling himself up to greet you. Water rained down his tan skin as he shook his hair. 
Just as he was about to hug you, you squeaked a soft gasp, the towels falling off of your body. You didn't want to get wet yet; your skin was still warmed up from being asleep for so long, and even if the pool water was warmed, you needed to get to the point of being fully submerged slowly anyway!
Before you could even complain, the alpha was once again reaching for you, stepping closer, and having you gasp again.
And so, as the alpha taunted to hug you, you did your best to escape him. As you were running near the edge, with the other men already in the water except Jin, who was very attentively applying lip balm, you felt his cold hand just at your shoulder, just before you slipped into the water yourself.
The sudden cold embrace from the soft waves you received did nothing to calm you down. Even if you were under the surface for a bare second or two, the water level was not that high for you to not reach the bottom at this end, and you were startled. 
And so when you resurfaced, hearing the worried calls of the alphas surrounding you as they were quick to make their way over, you let a soft whimper leave you, having Namjoon, who reached you the quickest, pull you to himself right away, your distress breaking his heart. 
A soft frown settled between his eyebrows, watching as guilty Taehyung too climbed into the water hastily, wanting to comfort you and apologise.
He didn't mean to startle you so much you would lose your footing, but the edges especially were slippery, and considering you abandoned your shoes at the entrance as did the others, it was a question of time before you would slip. 
„Oh my god, princess, are you okay? Yah, Taehyung, can't you be any less careful?!” The alpha gasped, his hands squeezing your palm, which held onto the packalpha's shoulder, your eyes blown wide and startled. 
You really weren't confident in your swimming at all, and if you were at the deeper end, where even Namjoon hardly reaches the bottom, you could have ended far worse. 
But, to be truthful, there was something fun about jumping into the water like that, with the loud splash sounding around. And so you mumbled a soft yes, saying that you were okay, and no, you wanted to stay in the water longer. 
Soon after you were done answering their questions, letting them fret over you subtly but staying with the alpha longer, your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you to his chest with soft pheromones ghosting around you. 
The water was much warmer than you'd expected, and after even the second oldest joined you, at the invitation to play the water volleyball with them, you agreed, receiving a wide, dimpled smile as Namjoon promised to stay on your team so you could hold onto him any time you would be afraid again. 
„It's okay, pup, hm? Alpha loves to hold you close, baby; don't worry about a thing now.” 
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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aajjks · 1 year
Mommy Issues (III)
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synopsis. They wanted you, they needed you.
pairing. yandere!single dad!jungkook x fem!reader.
warnings. yandere behaviour, extremely delusional behaviour, obsessive behaviour, Jungkook simp 101, dark themes.
note. hello y’all. 😳 umm it’s surely been a while… but here’s another update, enjoy! and please share your feedback and thoughts! also send in asks for mi characters as well.
series masterlist.
taglist: @mageprincess7 @bids97 @saltandsugaa @minshookie29 @oppa-agust-d @sugarvenomlit @jinat8mydumplings82 @bloombaekhyun @peach-olic @multifandombishthatlovekth @vcutvante @minshookie29 @douknowbts @xjiminsthighsx @knjkitten @bruisedscrewedandtattooed @koocreampie @kooksmataec @monijeon @swaneffects @dragons-flare @dragonjimin @illnevertrustmyselfagain @itsjust2am @vicki1031 @burnahtsw @fjssk @jamacaicanxbarbie [will tag more people later!]
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“Hello son.”
Even hearing his voice made Jungkook want to throw up.
He gripped the phone in his hand tightly, his body tensed hearing his fathers voice into the speakers, tired eyes wandered around to see if anyone had heard him.
He sighed deeply as he saw his coworkers busy at their desks.
“Why did you call me?” Jungkook’s tone had now changed, he whispered. his nerves vanishing as his anger took over, the man bit the inside of his cheeks, venom dripped from his voice.
“I can call you whenever I wish to, son.” The older man was just as stubborn as Jungkook, it irked him so much that how calm the older man was. “Ha, of course.” Jungkook replied sarcastically.
His father had no right to sound so entitled, especially not after he had kicked Jungkook out five years ago.
“How’s your son?”
“Why do you care?!” He barked, his voice raising, “fucking hypocrite?! How can you even bring yourself to ask about my son?! The son that you wanted me to abandon, leave him to die?” It was hard for Jungkook to contain his voice from getting louder but he was trying his best.
And his father sensed that.
“Calm down, Jungkook.” The said man wanted to laugh at his “dad” for advising him to calm down, Jungkook’s dad really was the most hypocritical asshole he’d ever seen.
“Why’d you call me, dad?!” Jungkook emphasized on the last word, chewing on his bottom lip as he grabbed his car keys, the phone still pressed tightly into his ear.
“I want to have dinner with you.” Jungkook scoffed, clearing his desk out, “you cannot be serious.” Jungkook grabbed his coat and left the building, too engaged in his conversation with the man he hated the most.
“Tell me, is this about nara?” Jungkook knew his father very well, he was never a man who cared about his family.
“Dinner at the plaza, son. Saturday evening. We’ll continue our conversation there. Goodbye.” The line disconnected before jungkook could argue, his jaw was left agape as he sat in his car, his phone now in his hands as he stared at the screen,
His mind completely blanked. He was not going to be a pawn in his dad’s game this time. Jungkook would rather die than fulfill his fathers demand.
“Fucking damn it!” He started the car, his mind was going crazy the more he thought about his monstrous father.
He banged his hand on the steering wheel out of frustration, his mood was ruined, his excitement was gone.
He was looking forward to seeing you.
He couldn’t afford to have his mood ruined. Right now? He needed to focus on the PTM.
He needed to focus on you.
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You’ve been here for the last two hours.
“Mrs Choi, haru is a very good boy, he’s very into arts and is always very eager to participate in such activities.” You smile at the young woman, praising her son who smiles in return at you.
Seeing the little guy’s smile makes your heart very warm. “But.” You clear your throat. “He can be quite naughty especially with his friends.” You watch as Mira, the boys mother throws him a stern look.
The boy just pouts in return, his green eyes shining with mischief.
“Thank you for letting me know, Ms Yn… I’m guessing the friends are Jeon Seol, Min byung-ho and Lee-Jin?” The mother passes a look of disappointment to her son. You smile lightly at the sight.
“He’s a very good boy, very athletic too.” You begin praising your student, “and his friends are very good boys too, although Haru seems to be a little attached towards Jeon Seol.”
The mother turns her head to look at you once again, “yes I’m aware, they’re very close friends since their childhood together actually. My husband is a friend of Seol’s Dad.” You raise your eyebrows at that.
You were not aware of that, Mr Jeon was such a friendly man? He was even friends with your best friend and her husband too.
Small world.
“And yes, his English and both Korean are very good, especially for a little guy his age.” You nod at the young mother who ruffles her sons hair.
“Say thank you, haru.” She was such a sweet woman, barely any older than you, and you were almost done with the meeting.
“That’s all, mrs Choi.” You stand up and you watch the foreign woman take her sons hand and she bows her head to you, you repeat the gesture.
“See you soon.” You wave the duo bye and sit down at your chair again, you are pretty sure your ass aches but.
a few more parents were yet to meet with you.
It was going to be a long long day.
You sighed.
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Jungkook’s eyes searched for you, his loud voice had grabbed attention of people in the classroom as he walked through the students and their parents.
“DADDY!” Jungkook felt a pair of small arms wrap around his legs, stopping him in his tracks when his eyes found you.
You were looking so beautiful.
“H-Hey champ!” Jungkook replied to his 5 year old son as he picked him up, “Why’re you late?!” His son grabbed his face and turned it towards him, Jungkook teared his eyes from you, focusing on his son instead.
Seol pouted at his distracted dad, “ms Y/N is waiting for you!”
Jungkook smiled at that as he kissed his son on the cheeks, “really? I’m sorry for making her and you wait, my love.” He giggled with his son.
“Come.” Jungkook had his son in his arms as he sat down in front of you. Seol was sitting in his lap comfortably but Jungkook was looking at you.
“Oh Mr. Jeon you’re here!” You exclaim, focusing your attention on him, giving him the most ethereal smile ever.
His heart fluttered.
“H-Hi… I’m sorry I-I was late.” Jungkook stuttered like a little boy in front of you, “it’s alright. Let’s begin shall we?”
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Jungkook could listen to you forever.
He was having the time of his life, watching you, listening to your voice, he was feeling so lucky, it felt like to him it was just you, his son and you in the large room.
It was partially true, because the room was now almost empty.
He was actually glad that he was late.
“Ummm, are you there, Mr Jeon?” He watched your eyebrows twitch and you looked at him with confusion, your features looking even more beautiful.
He felt Seol pinch his skin and he broke his trance of thoughts, you watch him with concern and he also felt his child’s eyes on him.
“Yes-Yes I’m listening, ms yn… you continue, please.”
He was sounding like the most dumbest lovesick fool ever, but he didn’t mind sounding so stupid, you made him act so weird that it was impossible for him to be normal around you.
“And please please call me Jungkook, like I asked you to last night.”
He knows he probably shouldn’t have said that out loud, but oh well.
He had.
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bluemari23 · 6 months
Hello Mari, how are you? I was very happy with the new notifications! Your writing is one of my favorites🙃❤️.
If you feel comfortable, could you write a headcanon aimed at the BTS members where we are the boys' romantic interest, being the 8th in the group? Maybe a foreign member.
NOTE: Thank you very much for your attention! I'm happy to see you back, a big hug❤️.
Hello! thank you so much!
and i took this almost as a poly idea the second i read it, so thats kind of how i wrote your ask if that's okay! :)
bf!namjoon who constantly tries to hide negative comments about you during live, not wanting you to see any hate for being their 8th member. He and the boys know that your relationship with them is a secret, but cant help but to still try to protect you from anything and everything. Knows when something is wrong during an interview and immediately will send a signal to their manage that the interview is over. Tries to be a confidant to you and help you integrate into idol society as their new member.
bf!jin who just tries to do whatever he can to help you in any way. "Oppa will do it". Knows you are independent but loves to help you with the little things like opening a jar of pickles. Will keep snacks near by for you knowing how you tend to stress eat. Will forever be your cooking buddy despite you loving to bake. Wants to try to bake for you but you might need to help him not put too much baking soda into the baked good.
bf!yoongi who may not show it, but is so in love with you that he knows everything. he is so observant and knows exactly how you like your orange peeled (with none of the white stuff left because you can't stand the texture of it). Loves that you will hold his whenever he wants and for as long as he wants. Will never move first when cuddling on the couch, waiting until you make the first move. Is the first to sense something wrong by watching your facial expressions and body movements (like how you rub your fingers together when nervous or anxious).
bf!hoseok who takes extra time to help you learn all of their choreography so you don't falll behind with their new music/choreo. Is the best at getting you up and out of bed when you feel down from the hate youre getting online. will bring you your favorite coffee/tea when he knows you have an early morning. buys you your wardrobe (along with jimin) as they both want to dress you and take pride in the fact that you were the clothes they buy you. loves to dress you up in matching outfits.
bf!jimin who is very cuddly and affectionate. loves to lean on you and have you lean on him. spends a lot of time just being a buddy while you do chores or are getting ready for a schedule. just loves to being your ocmpany, not needing anything planned. will just lay in bed with you for hours, keeping you from stewing too long on things not in your control. stops the company from putting you on a diet for their next comeback because you are absolutely perfect to him and the boys.
bf!taehyung who loves to go explore with you. any new city you guys go to he likes to take you out to explore life in the city and find new places. loves to buy you accessories like scarves and sunglasses because then you guys match. taehyung who reads out all the "marry me y/n" and maybe makes some up just to see you smile and politely decline. loves trying to get a reaction out of you and maybe tag teams with jungkook to see who could get you flustered the most first.
bf!jungkook who loves to assert his dominance and "throw you around". loves to pick you up in his arms and throw you onto the couch or bed before smothering you in kisses. keeps you favorite treat in his bag so he can share it with you before jin sees. loves to do karaoke sessions with you on live and gets frequently caught by army staring at you in awe. jungkook who insists on sharing verses with you because he loves how your two voices mesh together. jungkook who knoes exactly how you like your ramen and makes it up before bringing it to you with a grin on his face.
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svt-rosalie · 9 months
. . . ♡ ROSALIE ! ? 🏴‍☠️ SCENARIO ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ ATEEZ PRESENT, 2019 ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2023 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
warnings. rosalie being a fan girl, bts being rosie’s other group of older brothers, ateez is awkward babies, wooyoungie has a little crushhhhhhhh, horrible writing, spelling mistakes, bad jokes,
authors note. please bear with me…i have not written an actual scenario chapter in a WHILE, so this a practice for me sorry to do with ateez but it’s okay hopefully you guys like it
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The stadium felt so small yet so big at the same time. The amount of people was the cause of this, Rosalie thought, it seemed as if the space the fans took up was the whole stadium and their screams were deafening.
The air felt thick as she and her band members made their to their assigned seats, chalking it up to the amount of people residing in the stadium and not the nerves racing through out her body like a cheetah through the jungle.
The group was heading inside after their interview that took place outside, glad to be out of the cold. The dress that Rosalie was styled in was a strapless red velvet textured skin tight gown with a slit down her right leg with a (uncomfortably big) bow on the back, though it was a gorgeous dress, it was not meant to be worn during December. She needs to remind herself to speak to her stylist about investing in some long sleeves.
Rosalie felt a sense of accomplishment for herself and her older brothers, they had a tough year and even though their leader could not be there with them, they were going to perform for him and for carats despite everything. Rosie was knocked out of her trance when she felt a tap on her shoulder indicating someone needed/wanted her attention.
“Ahh, Yoongi oppa!” She smiled brightly giving him a big hug, Yoongi patted her head in response with a laugh. Rosie knows he doesn’t like skin ship all that much but ignores his protest everytime and hugs him with all her might.
Yoongi lightly pulls away looking Rosie looks at him continuing to smile as happily as she can. “Quit the bullshit, why are you so nervous? I can tell something’s up?” Rosie shakes her head with a pout “No, nothing is wrong.”
That was the biggest lie if Yoongi ever did see one.
“You don’t have to lie to me.” He sighed and Rosie did as well. She looked around wondering if any of her group mates were listening in, doubting they could with how loud it was, she could barely hear Yoongi speak.
“There is just a lot going on at the moment and it’s hard not having Scoups oppa here with us.” She admitted.
Yoongi nodded in understanding.
“If you ever need me, you call me. I’ll always listen.” He said, rubbing his thumb across the top of her hand. Rosalie nodded with a smile before being interrupted by a loud voice.
“If you ever need us! Let’s clarify that.” Seokjin stated wrapping his arms around Rosie’s shoulders, Taehyung and Jungkook not too far behind him. Letting out a bright giggle that seemed to light up the room, she pulled the three other older boys into hugs.
“I’m so excited to see you guys perform!” She says excited.
“Well hopefully we do you proud, it’s gonna be a good one. We’re performing your favorite so don’t cry please!” Jungkook says. “You’re performing Mikrokosmos?” She squealed.
They all nodded laughing at her antics. “I’m gonna go find the seats we’re gonna be sitting in but i’ll call you guys if I don’t see you at the end! Okay?” Rosalie asked. “Sounds good to us, be safe and if we didn’t say it tonight you look gorgeous!” Taehyung said. Rosie pouts and puts her hands over heart nodding in thanks.
The boys in Bangtan always knew how to make her feel special. Yes, she has 12 older brothers and one situationship that has not been figured out yet that she can go to for advice and comfort, but having an outside perspective on situations that she doesn’t want to speak about with her members was always helpful! The seven boys always seem to know when she needs said comfort after all these years.
As Rosalie walked with her head slightly down to watch her feet to make sure she didn’t step on her dress, she didn’t notice the boy walking with their back towards her who was talking to his own group members.
“Mingi watch out!” A voice shouted and tried to grab at him before he ran into the 5’10 female but it was no use the two went down in a what looked like a bowling pin getting knocked down by a bowling ball.
Rosalie groaned in pain, “Yep, there goes the hip.” she says sarcastically.
“We are so sorry sunbaenim! We didn’t see you there and by the time we did Mingi accidentally hit you. We are so sorry again!” The voice of Yunho surfaced as they all bowed whilst the boy, Mingi, who knocked her down helped her get back up to her feet.
Rosalie waved her hands, “No, no it’s okay! I wasn’t watching where I was going either, I’m so scared to slip in this dress that I wasn’t watching straight ahead for other people.” She reassured the Ateez boys as much as she could.
“Am I going to have 13 people jumping me, because I just got off hiatus and do not want to go leave again.” Mingi mumbled to himself, but somehow Rosalie still heard and laughed loudly surprising all the boys.
It was a bit reassuring to them that she laughed and smiled, but that didn’t tell them if it was ‘oh your so funny laugh it’s okay they won’t hurt you’ laugh/smile or a ‘yes my 13 other members who could probably bench press you will hurt you for knocking their precious only female member maknae over’ laugh/smile.
“No don’t worry Mingi, it’s okay. I’ve gotten worse from my own members. Mingyu oppa acts like we’re in WWE and body slams me into pools, so I think I can handle a little tumble.”
All the boys nodded, glad that one of their favorite idols was okay.
“Well we’re very excited to see your performance Sunbaenim!” San said smiling brightly.
Rosalie couldn’t help but smile back, “Thank you! I’m so excited to see yours! I know the entire dance to Wonderland so I will definitely be showing my support for you guys tonight.”
It’s like Ateez just kept getting surprised by their sunbaenim more and more as they talked. First she jokes around with them like their long time friends, then she says she knows their recent comeback Wonderland, and she knows Mingi’s name.
Wait. . . she knows Mingi’s name!
“Oh, Rosalie sunbaenim do you know us?” Hongjoong asked.
“Of course I do! I’ve been an Atiny since your guys debut, I love your music and sound. I’ve been wanting to become friends with you guys for a while but my schedule and company haven’t allowed me the time.” She said subconsciously pouting.
Wooyoung couldn’t help but think “Wow, she’s pretty” in her stunning makeup that brought her best features and the dress that matches her curves so well. He was heaven in her presence.
“Oh thank you! You all are handsome too!” She said smiling proudly.
“I said that out loud.” Wooyoung said, eyes wide and mouth gaped open. His members laughed and clapped him on the back.
“Wooyoung hyung has had a crush on you since your debut—” Jongho says, or at least tries to before his mouth was covered by said person.
Rosalie’s eyes widen in shock, a red blush covered her face. Thank god her makeup artist decided to apply the foundation a little heavier tonight.
Wooyoung dragged Jongho away before the maknae could say anything more embarrassing saying his bye’s for himself and the younger boy.
The others that stayed laughed. “Well, we should probably follow them before Wooyoung takes out our main vocalist, but we’ll be cheering you on Rosalie sunbaenim.” Seonghwa says.
Rosalie nodded in understanding, adjusting her dress a little. “I’ll be cheering you guys on too! I’ll speak to my manager about getting in contact with yours so we can go to dinner sometime! I would like to become friends with you all if that’s alright!”
“Of course!” Mingi says a little too quick.
Rosalie couldn’t help but laugh again, “I’ll see you all shortly, it was nice to bump into you.” she says waving and bowing before turning around and walking towards her group knowing damn well most of them were watching the interaction and would definitely get questioned later.
Yeosang looked between all his members before asking “Did that really just happen? Rosalie sunbaenim wants to have dinner with us?”
San nodded in a daze “She was so pretty too! I hope we can become great friends with her.” They all nodded in agreement to his statement before walking off to find Wooyoung before he killed Jongho.
Oh, just you wait boys — that statement will become more true than you know!
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taglist — @angie-x3 @alixnsuperstxr @allthings-fandoms @peachyaeger @sakufilms @aysxldea
click here to join the taglist!
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taeyongdoyoung · 8 months
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summary: a vampire and a werewolf want to put an end to the war between their families. in their dangerous attempt to achieve peace, they find love where they least expected... pairing: werewolf!mingyu x vampire!wonwoo x witch!reader genre: adventure, fantasy, a lil romance warnings: mentions of blood, burns, cutting, death, killing, suicide & other supernatural themes author's note: the title is inspired by taylor swift's bad blood, while the plot is vaguely influenced by romeo & juliet with the lore loosely based on twilight & the vampire diaries; some song references in italics hehe word count: 6.2k
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Seoul, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where bad blood makes good hands unclean.
The werewolf Kim clan and the vampire Jeon clan had been enemies for as long as Mingyu could remember. He didn't recall a time when the two families didn't fight over something. There was an unwritten rule that the werewolves shouldn't go into the vampires' territory and vice versa. And for the most part, the agreement was followed. But occasionally, there were casualties. Occasionally, Mingyu lost a distant cousin or an uncle to the feud between the Kims and the Jeons. He was so tired of it. He wanted peace so desperately. Little did he know, he was not the only one who felt this strange longing.
Wonwoo was exhausted of this war going on between his family and the Kim one. He no longer wanted to participate in the pointless fights. He no longer wished to see another vampire fallen victim to the vicious werewolves. He had no idea how it had all started so it seemed completely devoid of meaning to him. Wonwoo wished he could find a way to put an end to it. Once and for all. And just then, as if some magic force had heard his plea, a piece of paper fell into his hand. From the sky. Right there on a balcony in summer air. He was stunned but nevertheless, he read the words written on it, which said:
What you seek you shall receive Go to the golden mountain If you wish your heart to grow Be prepared a sacrifice to give Drink from the magical fountain May all bad blood cease to flow
At the same time but in a different place, a twin paper landed in Mingyu's tent. It was cryptic as hell and it might as well have been a trap. It might be something that the Jeons, those smartasses came up with to cause more damage to the Kims. And yet, he was in such need for peace that he wanted to try whatever it took to find a solution that would ensure a tranquil future for him and his family. He put a couple of snacks in a bag, a few bottles of water and went out into the night.
Wonwoo did a similar thing, gathered a bunch of essentials, only he was caught by his younger brother and sister.
"Where are you going, hyung?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah, you're acting suspicious!" Somi exclaimed.
"I'm going on an adventure," Wonwoo said simply.
"Take us with you, oppa!" Somi pleaded.
"I have to do this alone. It's too dangerous," Wonwoo was firm in his decision.
"Promise you'll come back!" Jungkook insisted.
Wonwoo knew he shouldn't make promises he wasn't sure he could keep. But he owed it to his precious siblings to reassure them that everything will be okay.
"Promise," he said and walked out of the door.
A couple of hours later, Mingyu found himself in the golden mountain. He could immediately sense something was wrong. It smelled like…death and decay. He sniffed aggressively into the air and seconds later he found himself pressed against a tree. By a stinky vampire!
"What are you doing here, Kim?" Wonwoo asked him.
"I could ask you the same thing, Jeon!" Mingyu growled. He tried to transform himself into his werewolf form and yet there must have been some sort of magic inside the golden mountain that prevented him from doing so. His suspicions were proven to be correct when he managed to escape from the vampire's grasp. Aha! He was slower than usual. Which meant he couldn't use his vampire speed around here.
"How…" Wonwoo was shocked by how quickly the werewolf had fled. "Why are you running?"
"Because you wanna drink my blood!" Mingyu screamed as he kept going.
"No, wait…I just wanna talk!"
"Yeah, right, and fish can fly!"
"Some can actually!" Wonwoo pointed out.
"Nerd!" Mingyu cried out and then he saw a big light in the air that said the exact same words in the paper! What even?! Something compelled him to stop running and moments later, Wonwoo hit his nose into the back of Mingyu's neck.
"Ow," he complained, taken aback by the fact that Mingyu was no longer trying to escape. "No way!" he had a similar reaction to Mingyu's upon seeing the mysterious words.
"Wait a second…" Mingyu started connecting the dots. "Don't tell me you received one of those as well."
He was probably taking a huge leap of faith but something was telling him that if the vampire wanted him dead, he would be dead already. Mingyu took out the crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to Wonwoo.
Wonwoo's eyes widened in shock and he pulled out an identical-looking paper from his own clothes.
"What are the odds?" Wonwoo laughed bitterly.
"So…if we both want peace between our families, then I suppose we should work together," Mingyu offered sweetly.
"We might not have another choice," Wonwoo nodded reluctantly. "I'm Wonwoo, by the way."
"Mingyu. I would say nice to meet you but I'm not fond of lying," he tried to joke.
Wonwoo shook his head, amused by this encounter.
Seconds later, the sign in the air disappeared. In its stead was a golden door. Seemingly leading nowhere. Right in the middle of the mountain. How strange.
"Shall we?" Wonwoo suggested.
"Vampires first," Mingyu gallantly waved his hand.
Wonwoo didn't want to waste energy in arguing and opened the door. Mingyu followed him and the two were immediately greeted by the most beautiful creature they'd ever seen.
"Welcome!" you said. "If you've come this far, it means you've already taken the first step towards peace."
"Who are you?" Wonwoo asked.
"My name is Y/N. I'm a witch and it is my purpose to guide you through the seven challenges you must face if you wish to bring peace to your families."
"What kinds of challenges?" Mingyu inquired, suspicious of this whole situation.
"Well, it wouldn't be fun if I told you now, would it?" you chuckled mysteriously.
"How do we know we just won't get killed or something?" Wonwoo insisted.
"You don't. Guess you'll just have to believe that the possibility for a better future is strong enough to get you through these challenges," you explained patiently.
"Did you come up with these challenges?" Wonwoo wanted to know.
"So many questions," you laughed once again. "No, my ancestors did, I'm just a carrier of their will. Here's what I'll tell you. If you work together, you have a very good chance at succeeding."
"Not very reassuring," Mingyu complained.
"Still better than no chance," Wonwoo sighed.
"And if you complete the first six challenges successfully," you continued. "I will help you with the seventh one."
"I'm assuming the seventh one is the hardest," Wonwoo muttered.
"Clever boy," you smirked. "Are you ready?"
"Not really," Mingyu shrugged. "But let's do this."
"Well, good luck, guys. I'll give you a hint for the first challenge. If I eat I live yet if I drink I die. What am I?"
"Huh?" Mingyu looked at Wonwoo in a confused manner. "Any idea what this means?"
"No, but I don't like the sound of it."
You disappeared and in front of the two men, a wall of fire appeared. Great, so the hint was fire.
"So we just have to jump above it. It's not very tall," Mingyu observed.
"No, Mingyu, you don't get it," Wonwoo responded. "I will literally turn into ash if the fire touches me. I'm a vampire, remember?"
"Right," Mingyu nodded. "Well, then, hop on my back and I'll jump. I'm tall enough and I'll make sure the fire doesn't touch you."
Wonwoo shook his head hesitantly.
"I don't know…"
"Do you trust me?"
"Not particularly, no."
"Smart answer," Mingyu grinned. "But do you want peace or not?"
"More than anything," Wonwoo replied.
"Then, hop on."
Wonwoo did as Mingyu suggested and closed his eyes. In no time, the werewolf jumped and the fire was behind the two. Wonwoo opened his eyes and got off Mingyu's strong back. You had returned.
"Congratulations, you have completed the first challenge!" you greeted them cheerfully. "Keep up the good work and peace shall be yours soon."
"Well, that was easy enough," Mingyu smiled confidently.
"Easy for you to say," Wonwoo shuddered at the thought of fire.
"Do you guys want a hint for the second challenge?"
"Yes, please," Mingyu asked, guessing that since the first one was something dangerous for Wonwoo, then the second one would, logically, be something lethal for Mingyu.
"This is a type of color But it’s not yellow or blue You’ll need this type of bullet If a werewolf’s after you," you recited dutifully.
The answer was glaringly obvious. Silver.
"No," Mingyu groaned in fear as you vanished once again. The two somehow ended up in a room. There was only one way out and forward - a door at the end of the room. And in front of the door was a machine designed to shoot silver arrows. How fun. "What are we going to do?"
"Let me think," Wonwoo tried to analyze the situation in a way that would ensure Mingyu's safety. "If I run on zig-zag with you glued behind me, we might be fast enough to go behind the machine and open the door."
"But the arrows could shoot you?" Mingyu gasped in horror.
"I think they won't. The first challenge was designed to scare me and the second challenge is designed for you."
"It's very risky."
"Well, we can't let that stop us."
"Let's do this."
The two began running and surprisingly, the machine started shooting arrows their way. However, it was only capable of doing so in a straight direction, so it didn't manage to hit them once. With some great luck, Wonwoo and Mingyu squeezed themselves behind the machine. Yet, Mingyu was too impatient to grab the door handle, which, was, of course, made of silver. It burned his hand pretty badly but it wasn't lethal like arrows or even worse, bullets, would have been. Wonwoo immediately opened the door and pulled Mingyu with him to the other side.
"Are you okay?" Wonwoo asked, overwhelmed by a sudden concern for his werewolf companion.
"It hurts but I'll be fine," Mingyu tried to convince himself as well as Wonwoo.
Wonwoo quickly bit his own finger until a small streak of blood appeared.
"Drink this, it will help you heal faster."
Mingyu looked at Wonwoo doubtfully but went ahead. In no time, the burns disappeared and his hand no longer hurt.
"Wow, thanks a lot!"
"Thank me when we've completed all challenges," Wonwoo puts his hand on Mingyu's shoulder in a friendly manner.
You once again surprised them with your sudden arrival.
"Two in a row! You're really something else," you cheered them on loudly. "I was about to offer some healing herbs but the vampire beat me to it."
Wonwoo bowed dramatically, making Mingyu and you laugh.
"I won't ask whether you need a hint, because I'm feeling generous. I’m often running, yet I have no legs. You need me, but I don’t need you. What am I?"
"Ugh, another riddle," Mingyu was so done with them.
In front of the two men appeared a table. On the table, there were two cups filled with some kind of liquid. Next to the cups was a note:
"One may kill a vampire. Another may kill a werewolf. Drink all to move forward. Drink none to stay behind."
"I'm guessing one has vervain and the other wolfsbane. We drink the wrong cup, we both die. We drink the right one, we go to the next challenge," Mingyu started thinking out loud.
"What if I drink both cups?" Wonwoo suggested boldly. "That way I can ensure that you will move forward."
"Are you crazy?" Mingyu exclaimed. "First of all, there is no guarantee the witch will allow me to do the rest of the challenges by myself. Second of all, there is no guarantee I will succeed without you. Third of all…I don't wanna do this alone."
Mingyu sounded so vulnerable and like a lost puppy in that moment that Wonwoo felt so bad he cursed himself for offering something so dark in the first place.
"You're right, sorry I mentioned it. Do you have any better ideas?"
"Let's think about the riddle instead of rushing to poison ourselves," Mingyu replied. "I'm often running, yet I have no legs. You need me, but I don't need you…"
"But of course!" Wonwoo shouted triumphantly. "Water! It's just a trick, Mingyu. There is nothing but water in both cups!"
Mingyu eyed the two cups suspiciously.
"They don't smell like anything," he pointed out.
"Do you trust me?" Wonwoo repeated Mingyu's question from earlier.
"Not even a little bit," Mingyu teased. Even though a part of him was beginning to…
"Great. Drink up."
"Oh, what the hell." Mingyu and Wonwoo both grabbed a cup at random and downed them in one go. Nothing. No burn. No pain. No death. Just plain old water.
They both let out a sigh of relief and started laughing.
"We did it! We passed the third challenge!" they grabbed each other's hands happily and started jumping in circles.
You appeared yet again to congratulate them.
"You two are so smart, I'm genuinely impressed!"
Wonwoo and Mingyu let go of one another's hands, as if embarrassed that the witch witnessed a vampire and a werewolf behaving like this.
"How about a little break?" you offered.
"Not another challenge?
"Nope. Just a small something to reward you for getting so far."
Mingyu and Wonwoo exchanged a look.
"How do you plan to reward us?" Wonwoo raised an eyebrow.
"What would you like?" you smiled mischievously.
"Something more useful than those riddles," Mingyu asked.
"Okay, okay, no more riddles. Wonwoo?"
"Help us in the sixth challenge, as well. Not just the seventh one."
"Ambitious. I like that. Alright, then. Make sure you pass the fourth and fifth and I will give you a real advantage in the grand finale. Now, how about a snack to gather your strength?" you said and handed Mingyu a couple of big, juicy hamburgers. The werewolf gulped the first one hungrily.
"I'm a vampire, this is like plastic to me," Wonwoo complained.
"I know, silly," you chuckled and offered your wrist. "Come on, help yourself."
"How do I know it's not a trick?"
"Why would it be a trick?" you blinked at him innocently. "Mingyu already ate his burger and he's still safe."
"It's just a burger. I don't think the blood of a witch has the same value."
"Aw, I'm touched," you cooed. "Fine, suit yourself, then. Starve if you want."
Wonwoo shook his head, determined to reject the temptation.
"I'm not hungry."
Your smile suddenly transformed into a quite sinister one.
"Good. You just passed the fourth challenge."
"W-what?" Mingyu, who'd just swallowed the last bite of the third burger, asked in shock. "But…we didn't do anything, did we?"
"Wonwoo did," you explained. "The virtue of restraint is incredibly rare among vampires nowadays. Him rejecting my blood so easily shows that he is truly determined to achieve peace."
"But…me eating the burgers is okay, right?" Mingyu kept worrying.
"It's okay, Mingyu, don't worry," you laughed. "Still, previous participants never made it this far."
"Wait…we're not the first ones?" Wonwoo was shocked. "Others from our clans have tried these challenges before?"
"Of course. They all failed, though. These challenges are held once every seven years. Since…since the feud between your two families began."
"But…why?" Mingyu asked.
"I'll tell you if you make it to the end."
"Is the fifth challenge a hidden one like the fourth? I mean…you said we were having a short break, I didn't even know it was a test," Wonwoo complained.
"You asked for no more riddles. You didn't say anything about tricks," you pouted, the picture of blamelessness.
"Witches, man," Mingyu murmured, causing Wonwoo to smile. You didn't look offended by these words, considering the circumstances. Still, you were just doing your job, so you refused to feel bad for it. Besides, you genuinely believed that your actions would help them succeed. You wanted peace just as badly. For your own reasons.
Suddenly, the full moon shone brightly in the sky.
"Oh, come on," Mingyu groaned, as he felt overpowered by his transformation into his wolf form. It was more painful than usual and he experienced such intense anger towards everyone and everything. He wanted to ravage the vampire and the witch. Consequences be damned.
"Control it, Mingyu," Wonwoo tried to calm him down as he saw the werewolf approaching him and you like a predator stalking his prey. "It's just another trick. You have to show restraint, like I did. We're so close to success, don't give up now."
"You know what they say. A wolf can change his coat but not his character," you laughed maniacally.
"Stop goading him!" Wonwoo reprimanded you. "Mingyu. Remember why we're here. Remember what we both want. Peace."
It was like that one short magical word unlocked something inside the werewolf. His eyes that were full of rage seconds ago became full of warmth, kindness and hope. And in no time, Mingyu was back in his human form.
"Peace," he repeated, shivering, as the poor guy was naked after returning to his humanity.
You snapped your fingers and by magic, his clothes were back on him.
"Astonishing. I've never witnessed anything like this before," you were truly amazed by their willpower.
"I take it the fifth challenge was a success?" Mingyu wanted to make sure.
"Not only a success. It was your golden ticket to the grand finale," you beamed with excitement.
"So, what is the sixth challenge?" Wonwoo inquired.
"You'll have to fight each other. The winner gets to move forward to the seventh challenge."
"Excuse me?" Mingyu cried out indignantly. "We didn't go this far only to end up hurting one another, we're supposed to go through these challenges together!"
"You promised you'll help us!" Wonwoo was also flabbergasted by the turn of events.
"And I will, relax. I'll give you a hint. The challenge requires you to fight. That's all it says. Nothing about killing," you winked and once again disappeared.
"Damn, she's got to stop doing that," Mingyu complained. "So cryptic."
Wonwoo laughed quietly.
"I don't wanna wolf out on you," Mingyu confessed.
"And I don't wanna suck you dry," Wonwoo responded.
"So what now? How do we fight each other without harm? How do we decide on a winner to go to the final challenge?" Mingyu was panicking as he couldn't seem to find a solution.
"Look, there's the table from the cups of water challenge!" Wonwoo observed, surprised by its return.
"But of course!" Mingyu exclaimed. "We can arm wrestle. A fight without killing."
"You're a genius! Just don't break my arm, alright?" Wonwoo smiled.
"No promises," Mingyu teased and the two knelt on two sides of the table. Mingyu easily defeated Wonwoo and then they were confused that nothing was happening. No seventh challenge.
"Maybe we're both meant to win to move forward?" Wonwoo suggested. "Like you said, these challenges ought to be done together for true peace to be achieved."
"Oh! Right!" Mingyu took hold of Wonwoo's hand once again, not putting any strength into his grasp this time. "Go easy on me, night kitten."
"Right back at you, moon puppy," Wonwoo teased back and as Mingyu allowed himself to be defeated, a large sign lit up the sky, announcing the beginning of the seventh challenge.
"Grand finale, here we come," Mingyu declared in amazement that they'd gotten this far.
You greeted them as enthusiastically as ever:
"It truly is a wonder you made it to the seventh challenge, I can't believe the peace between your families is so close."
"It's too early to celebrate," Wonwoo, ever the realist, observed. "The final one is the hardest, no?"
"Yes, but I intend to keep my promise and give you a strong advantage. As it was hinted at in the piece of paper you received, you have to be prepared for a sacrifice. Only that will put an end to the bad blood between the Kims and the Jeons."
"What kind of sacrifice?" Mingyu asked, already anticipating the worst.
"A blood one," you stated grimly.
"You've got to be kidding me," Wonwoo rolled his eyes.
"We don't want to kill each other, I thought it was clear we came here looking for peace!" Mingyu cried out.
"I know you grew attached to one another throughout the course of these challenges," you nodded morosely. "However, the prophecy doesn't specify who has to be sacrificed. You…you can kill me, instead."
You gently placed two daggers in their hands.
Wonwoo and Mingyu were beyond appalled by your suggestion.
"But…you're just doing your job," Wonwoo murmured. "Why would we kill you when you helped us get this far?"
"Yeah, I'm with Wonwoo," Mingyu was adamant. "You didn't do anything wrong to us. There has to be another way."
"It's the only way," you announced, your eyes tearing up. "If you don't do this, you'll fail the seventh challenge and you'll be automatically turned into ash like all the previous participants were when they couldn't pass one of the challenges. Don't you want peace more than anything? I'm not important, just one life that could potentially save the lives of many vampires and werewolves. Is this not why you came here?"
Mingyu and Wonwoo looked at each other, weighing out the pros and cons. The witch's point was a solid one. But was it really worth it? They would have to endure the rest of their lives haunted by what they'd done…Was it really peace if it was marred with innocent blood?
"I'm not doing it," Wonwoo decided and dropped the dagger.
"Yeah, me neither," Mingyu agreed and let go of the weapon.
"Even if you die instead by the design of these challenges?" you were amazed by their willingness to sacrifice themselves, to abandon their cause just to save her - a witch they'd just met.
"Even so," Wonwoo confirmed his previous decision.
"How much time do we have?" Mingyu wanted to know.
"I don't know. Like I said, no one's ever gotten this far," you admitted.
"Can't we try something else? These challenges were full of loopholes and tricks and whatnot. Maybe another kind of sacrifice?" Wonwoo kept trying to think of a way out.
"I've got some snacks in my bag? And water?" Mingyu suggested.
"I'm pretty sure my ancestors would not be satisfied with snacks," you chuckled bitterly.
"Be prepared a sacrifice to give Drink from the magical fountain May all bad blood cease to flow…" Wonwoo repeated the last lines of the prophecy.
"We did drink from cups of water but there was no magical fountain so far," Mingyu mused out loud.
"That's true," you replied. "And there's the sacrifice and blood part…maybe I'm reading this all wrong."
"What do you mean?" Wonwoo was desperate to hold onto any piece of hope.
You grabbed one of the daggers from the ground.
"Give me your hands," you urged them.
"Erm…" Mingyu eyed you with suspicion.
"Quick, I'm not sure how much time we have left," your eyes were telling them that you genuinely wanted to help.
Wonwoo took a leap of faith and gave you his hand. You pressed the blade into his skin until blood started pouring out and soaked the earth beneath you. Mingyu figured he had nothing left to lose as he might be dead very soon and also offered his hand. You did the same thing with him. And finally, you cut your own skin. As the blood of a vampire, a werewolf and a witch started drenching the soil in the golden mountain, the three creatures witnessed something they hadn't expected. The blood started turning into water and soon enough a small fountain emerged in front of their eyes.
"The magical fountain!" Wonwoo exclaimed.
"Hurry, we have to drink from it!" you rushed them, the prophecy finally being fulfilled.
The three beings took turns taking sips of water and their bloodied hands were healed in no time.
"Does this mean we succeeded? We passed the seventh challenge and peace will reign between our families?" Mingyu was curious to know.
"I guess there's only one way to find out," you shrugged mysteriously. "Go back home and see for yourselves."
"You promised us something," Wonwoo reminded you. "You said you'd tell us why the feud began in the first place if we make it to the end. Here we are."
"Clever boy," you once again said the words from your very first encounter. "It's a long story, though. You sure you don't wanna check up on your families first?"
"Don't try to weasel your way out of this," Mingyu warned. "We want answers. We've spent long enough living in the dark."
"Nicely put," you laughed. "Very well, then. But first, let us sit down."
The three creatures sat in the grass and so, you began telling the story of how the Kims and the Jeons had started resenting each other.
"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful witch named Yunchae. She was not only as elegant as a flower but was also smart and kind and her whole family adored her. Tales of her beauty reached the vampire and werewolf families. Haneul the vampire and Kwang the werewolf fell madly in love with her. Yunchae, being so sweet, began spending time with both of them separately. She was unaware of dangers such as jealousy and genuinely considered both of them her lifelong companions. One thing led to another and friendship blossomed into love. One dark night, when there was a full moon, Kwang the werewolf wanted to surprise Yunchae so he came into her chambers earlier than the appointed hour. When he saw her embracing Haneul the vampire, Kwang, affected by the curse of the moon, was overwhelmed with wild rage and possessiveness. In his anger, he ended up tearing Haneul apart. The vampire had been caught unprepared and could not defend himself. Yunchae, in her grief, stabbed herself to death. Kwang, upon seeing his beloved lying cold and shaken by the consequences of his actions, could not accept the reality and threw himself off the tower where Yunchae lived. Upon hearing about the tragic turn of events, Haneul's family and Kwang's family began blaming each other. Yunchae's family was so distraught by the loss of their precious flower that they cursed the Jeons and the Kims to be in constant war unless representatives of the two families desired peace so strongly they were ready to risk their own lives. And here we are."
Wonwoo and Mingyu were silent for a while, trying to think of what to say. The story was so tragic but Mingyu wanted to lighten the mood.
"They were so stupid. Why couldn't they just have a threesome and call it a day?"
"Mingyu!" Wonwoo scolded the werewolf for his slightly inappropriate joke.
You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling awkward.
"Anyhow, this is all in the past. The curse should be lifted by now. I wish you all a peaceful life."
And with that, you vanished into thin air.
"Seriously, when will she stop doing that?" Mingyu groaned.
"She just did. Do you think we'll see her again?" Wonwoo was doubtful but had to voice his concerns.
"Who knows? Maybe we were all meant to find each other."
Mingyu and Wonwoo returned to their homes and they were relieved to find how things have changed. As if by magic. The werewolf Taehyung was freely chatting with the vampire Jungkook. The vampire Somi was holding hands with the werewolf Dahyun. Peace truly reigned between the Kims and the Jeons. Whenever Wonwoo or Mingyu brought up the issue of the past, everyone reacted with surprise. As if there was never any feud. It turned out only the two winners of the seven challenges and the witch who'd helped them get this far remembered the truth about the history of the three families.
Time passed and Mingyu found himself wanting to see you and Wonwoo again. Though dangerous, that one night he spent in the golden mountain was the most magical memory he had and he couldn't stop replaying it in his head. He wondered if Wonwoo felt the same way. Now that peace was established between the Kims and the Jeons, Mingyu could easily go to the castle where Wonwoo lived and ask him to hang out and maybe accompany him to the golden mountain in the hopes that they would find you somehow. Since the challenges were over, he had no idea whether you would still be there or whether you lived somewhere else, but it couldn't hurt to try.
"Hey! Psst!" Mingyu started throwing little rocks at Wonwoo's window in the middle of the night. He could smell him from a mile away.
"What the heck, Mingyu?" Wonwoo exclaimed in surprise as he came out on the balcony. "It's 1am!"
"I thought vampires didn't sleep!" Mingyu pointed out.
"We don't but I lost a very important game because of you," Wonwoo complained.
"Oh, boo-hoo. What I came here for is much more important," Mingyu insisted.
"What is it? Don't tell me there are problems between our families again…" Wonwoo whispered, worried that something bad had happened.
"What? No, everything is fine. I just wanted to see you…" Mingyu confessed nervously. "And ask if you wanted to find Y/N again. Go on another adventure in the golden mountain."
"Huh? But why? We passed all the challenges. Why would we go back there?"
"Because…I can't stop thinking about that one night. If it's just me, I'll leave you alone and go by myself. But if a part of you, even a small one, feels the same…then, please, come with me, night kitten," Mingyu begged, his eyes wide and moist with unshed tears.
Wonwoo didn't want to admit it but he knew exactly what Mingyu was talking about. His no longer beating heart was warm all of a sudden and he couldn't bear the thought of rejecting Mingyu's tempting offer. Still, he tried to play it cool.
"Whatever, moon puppy. Wait for me down there," Wonwoo said and hurried out.
When he faced the werewolf outside, Mingyu attacked him with a tight hug.
"I knew it, I knew it!" Mingyu squealed happily. "I knew you'd come! We're gonna have so much fun!"
"Gee, alright, relax," Wonwoo muttered but deep down, he was overjoyed to receive so much affection from his…what were they? Once enemies but during the challenges, they had become allies, something like companions. But now that there was peace, what label could he put on their strange…was it friendship? Before he could come up with an answer, Mingyu grabbed his hand and led the way towards the golden mountain. Wonwoo couldn't bring himself to push him away. He wondered why…
As they arrived at their destination, they started calling your name but to no avail. With the challenges over, it was logical to assume that you went somewhere else. They should have asked you where witches lived before you'd vanished in that typical but super frustrating way of yours.
"What do we do?" Mingyu asked. "Should we summon her somehow?"
"She's not a demon," Wonwoo chuckled. "Do you know any other witches?"
"Nope. You?"
"No. How can we possibly find her?" Wonwoo sat down and touched the ground with his hand. Mingyu mirrored his movements. And as if the earth beneath them recognized them, flowers started growing and glowing in the dark!
"Wow!" Mingyu was in a state of disbelief.
"Incredible," Wonwoo stated and as the picture before them transformed into an image out of their wildest dreams, they finally heard a familiar voice.
"Looking for me, fellas?" you asked.
"Y/N!" Mingyu grinned happily and rushed into your arms. Wonwoo was more reserved…for now.
"Hello there, big puppy," you laughed affectionately. "What brings you here? Don't tell me there's trouble in paradise."
"No, actually, we just wanted to see you," Mingyu admitted.
"Why didn't you show up rightaway when we called your name?" Wonwoo inquired bitterly.
"Hello to you, too, Wonwoo," you shook your head, scolding his manners. "How have you been? Very well, thank you. And you?"
"Hi," Wonwoo corrected himself curtly. "Now tell me."
"I couldn't hear you, so to speak. However, most witches are linked to the earth and your touch sent a signal to me. Does that answer your question?"
Wonwoo nodded but didn't press the matter further.
"Where do you live? How can we find you more easily next time? What do you do now that the challenges are over?" Mingyu started bombarding you with more questions.
"Whoa, there, relax, Gyu. Let's just say I know a place that can give you answers."
"Lead the way!" Mingyu replied enthusiastically as you took hold of his hand.
Wonwoo stood there for a couple of moments, thinking.
"You coming?" you wanted to find out.
Wonwoo followed you wordlessly. Something was off about him and you intended to find out what pretty soon.
You showed them where you lived - in a small cottage near a beautiful lake. You told them that they could come visit whenever they felt like it and Mingyu offered that you also come to the werewolves' camp sometime. Now that the challenges were completed, you spent your days creating spells and gathering herbs. It was peaceful and you couldn't ask for more. Or so you thought. As the three of you explored the golden mountain, you felt closer to the werewolf and the vampire than during the challenges and enjoyed the time spent together more than anything. You could tell that Mingyu felt the same way as he was very cuddly and clingy. Wonwoo, however, was more difficult to read. As morning was nearing and you were all exhausted from your late-night adventures, the three of you ended up sitting in the grass. You and Mingyu ate some sandwiches, while poor Wonwoo starved. You offered him your blood (no tricks this time), but he refused. In your defense, he said he wasn't hungry. Mingyu fell asleep with his head in your lap, so you took this opportunity to ask Wonwoo what was up with him.
"Why are you so cold?" you confronted him directly.
"I'm a vampire?" Wonwoo reminded you needlessly.
"Not literally, you dumbass. During the challenges, you were different. What changed?"
"I know the whole truth now."
"What are you referring to?"
"I'm scared, okay?" Wonwoo admitted. "What if…history repeats itself? What if both Mingyu and I fall in love with you and we all end up hurting each other? What if this peace we fought so hard for is fragile and gets destroyed quickly?"
"It won't, I promised you," you reached out and held Wonwoo's hand gently.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because…we're here now and we're happier than ever. And besides, if we fall in love, we can do like Mingyu suggested our ancestors should have done," you joked.
"Ha-ha, very funny," Wonwoo rolles his eyes.
"I'm serious, though. Would you kill Mingyu if he fell for me?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"No, he's my...friend," Wonwoo confessed, surprising himself.
"Do you think Mingyu would kill you if you…if you felt the same?" you kept up with the hypothetical questions, even though it all seemed very real.
"He managed to control himself pretty well during the full moon challenge, so, no, I don't think he would."
"Would I kill you? If you two fell in love with each other?" you teased.
"I don't know. Would you?"
"Of course not, my sweet vampire friend," you chuckled.
"Good. Then, I guess my fears were unjustified," Wonwoo felt more at ease.
"Yay! So, threesome?" Mingyu suddenly joined the conversation.
"Mingyu!" you exclaimed.
"Hey! I thought you were sleeping!" Wonwoo was taken aback.
"I was, but I kept having dreams about you two. Must have been because you were talking about me, weren't you?"
"Are we so transparent?" you groaned.
"Nah, it's just that I'm irresistible. Witches and vampires alike can't stop thinking about my puppy charms," Mingyu kept talking.
You leaned down to kiss him to shut him up. Then, you reached out to Wonwoo and gave him a kiss, as well. The werewolf, no longer in the mood to sleep, also embraced the vampire and touched his lips with his own.
"The sun will rise soon," Wonwoo observed sadly. "I have to go unless I want to turn into ash."
"The rules don't apply in the golden mountain. You're safe here," you explained. "You can stay as long you wish and leave when it's dark."
"How about the moon?" Mingyu was curious. "Why did it affect me if the rules don't apply?"
"It was just an illusion designed by my ancestors as part of the challenges. If you were here in the golden mountain during a full moon, you wouldn't have to transform anymore."
"Pretty convenient way to get us to stay, don't you think?" Wonwoo eyed you suspiciously.
"Mm, but don't take advantage of my hospitality. I'm totally coming over to check out your castle next time!"
"How did you know I live in a castle?!" Wonwoo was shocked.
"A witch never kisses and tells," you winked and disappeared.
"Man, not again!" Mingyu complained loudly.
"Just kidding," you came back and rushed into their arms.
The End
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