#just a funny weird crop top for me thanks!
calcium-chan · 2 days
drawmegle was this weird little website that was like omegle, except for drawing and nominally fewer nazis?? tho at launch that was a bit of an issue lol (idk the creator went on vacation right after advertising or something? oops). i got sucked into it for like a day or two and ended up drawing a bunch of stuff. ive lost some of it because there was this weird glitch that just deleted my drawings before i could save them or anything. OH WELL. thats also the reason some of these are slightly unfinished. im also going to be cropping most of these to just my side, exceptions where its funny, or the other persons art was nice or whatever. just know that these almost all had people on the other side who were also drawing their own thing. also of note, i wont be posting these in order of creation, its mostly arbitrary tbh
this first one is of haru from dorohedodo. i had just finished reading the manga about a month or so prior, and i really loved this character a lot. disregard the amogus or whatever. dorohedoro is really cool and its really special to me now. not a fan of the anime adaption but what the fuck else is new (im sorry if you like the anime, i just didnt like the style very much). Q hayashida is brilliant, and she clearly just really loves women like a lot, thank you miss Q!
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next is this silly drawing of knives chau. scott pilgrim takes off had just aired, and i was slightly enamored with knives for a bit, i kin the scott pilgrim girl fucking sue me. i also drew kim, but the drawing deleted and this was the last save i had WAHOOOOOO its so fucking over. scott pilgrim takes off was obviously really really good in my opinion, and its like the perfect way to adapt an original work in my mind. uh shout outs knives or whatever.
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oops shitty cowboy bebop drawing. i like this one well enough for how goofy it is. jets fucking face still kinda gets me. i love bebop a ton, but i dont think ive ever drawn the characters despite that. theyre actually a ton of fun to draw, like their shapes are all super varied and they have distinct style about them. very good cast of characters. i didnt even realize or mean to, but i kinda gave spike a fucking granny face, oops
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uuuuhthese pissing dogs are really funny, they were fun to draw, and seeing peoples reactions to this one in particular was cool. having even a little bit of ability to draw on sites like this where randos are looking at your work as youre drawing it is always kind of an ego boost. like none of these drawings are really that great, but for the medium im happy with them, and having people show up and go "woah" was always really flattering and it was fun watching the other people draw and interacting with them in some limited capacity.
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ggggundam bullshit. i left the other persons side this time because i thought it was kinda funny. i had been rewatching the early part of turn A gundam, and it really reminded me how fucking cool that series is? loran is like top 10 gender non conforming mech pilots (there are a surprising amount honestly). and it always kinda takes me off guard when i watch any gundam because they were just so forward thinking in a nominally "boy" coded genre. shoutouts the fucking gundam staff frfr.
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@oretal joined me for these next two!
a lot of the shit in the second drawing is probably totally incomprehensible to like anyone outside of a select group. were both have that like, 3ds era nintendo brain parasite, so a lot of these are just weird obscure game characters or memes, or just straight up OCs. most of these are actually oretals little characters which have kind of entered that inside joke canon of being so ubiquitous between the two of us (and honestly i assume oretals friend group at large) that i kinda forget "glasses girl" isnt a well known character. many such cases. thank you oretal for drawing silly shit with me! i really like your drawing of james and your madotsuki yapping about blunt rotations to uboa. very cool
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uuuh quick fire round of stuff i dont like how i drew but want to post anyways. the first one is my irl husband, aki from chainsaw man. i love him a lot, kinda hate this drawing tho, i think it was the first one i did? the second one is basil from omori, im a big fan of little blorbos who peep the horror, and basil is no exception. my friend got me the little vinyl figure of him for my birthday so i end up thinking about him a lot and i doodle him every now and then. very good design. the last one is kiruko from heavenly delusion. i did not have much hype going into the show after my middling feelings on summertime rendering (they were both in the news for being on disney+ for absolutely no reason). i dont remember what got me to watch it, but by the time episode 2 ended i was stuck in big time. i ended up binging the whole series in like one night and it was such a good time. the prototypical calcium show is probably somewhere between heavenly delusion and made in abyss. its a rough watch at times, but if you have this specific brainrot, its probably one of the best in its league tbh.
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second to last is this drawing of vriska homestuck. i kept the other side because it was really pretty. im genuinely quite pleased witht his drawing, its not perfect but for what it is i find it visually appealing enough to like it. vriskas design is probably the best in homestuck, at least to me. its been a long time since ive read through homestuck proper, but something about these little shits sticks with you pretty much forever. actual fucking deadly brain parasites you get from dunking your head underwater in an infested pool, dead within days.
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OOPS ALL KUMI CHAN! it had to be alien nine, it could only be alien nine. i love alien nine more than i love any of my blood relatives. kumi is literally me, i love this stupid fucking series so much you have no idea.
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ufolvr · 2 years
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Marriage is the best thing best friends can do together (no romance necessary to win)
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Unpopular Hobie takes/opinions
Him and Gwen actually have pretty good romantic chemistry and if it were up to me they would've been canon instead of Ghostflower with Miles having moved on from Gwen romantically and Gwen thinking of him purely platonically from the get-go
But also,they work just as well as found siblings and NOT parent-child because even with the interpretation of adult Hobie,he has Dad Friend vibes,not Actual Dad ones.The one thing i would change about romantic Ghostpunk also is making Gwen a half white afrolatina since Hobie would be poc4poc for obvious reasons
The trope of him being a popular target of thirst on Earth 138 thanks to being in a band is honestly kind of stupid because yes he's objetively handsome as fuck(/platonic)but also he's also a black person living in 1970s England.Speaking from the experience of a biracial homecountry raised afrolatino who grew up with the white side of his family only and went to predominantly white/nonblack poc schools,he definitely gets a lot of comments on his apperance but not positive ones and the best he'll get from most is a backhanded compliment
He dosen't listen to indie music but he loves indie games since part of anti-capitalism is supporting small bussiness and creators
Him and Noir wouldn't be all that close-Obviously they'd like eachother because Noir's based but i can't see him ever being into him romantically,even disregarding that he looks exactly like Peter B which would make dating him So Fucking Weird
He hates being theythemed-No shade to people who headcanon him with any pronouns or do actual respectful nonbinary rep with him but i find the idea that Hobs being nonbinary means he'd use only they/them to be just reinventing the gender binary as a genderqueer person who largely perfers he/him even if he's got they/them in his pronouns set too
He's jamaican(Honestly not entierly sure if this is in unpopular but i looked for content and found only a small amount of posts)
Related to the above,i fucking HATE the weed jokes because oh yeah,of course the jamaican guy is a stoner hahaha NOT you guys aren't funny
His favorite color is pink and that's why he turns pink when he's happiest(Around Miles because babyboy is CRUSHING and around Mayday because again,Dad Friend so obviously he loves babies)
He's not really a sexual person including his humor and tbh i find very creepy how often he's assumed to be based off his flirtations because y'all,Gwen's a MINOR and SO IS MILES and the crop top is to be gnc,stop making it weird,this is a kids movie!Plus that's not even getting into black male stereotypes
I don't like the idea of him and Miles G or Pavitr together because no hate Chaipunk shippers because i truly do think it's a good ship but all the feminization of Pavitr has ruined it for me and it's not helped by me not seeing anything between them in the movie and just casually shipping them and i think it's better if our Miles gets a Hobie and Miles G gets a Ganke seeing as our Miles was robbed of his thanks to the Mcu so it's equal.Also Prowlerpunk shippers are always so fucking goofy,STOP drawing Hobie without his beautiful black features other than his melanin
Him and Jessica have a mother-son relathionship that parallels Miles and Peter B's,including that Hobie has an actual mom but diffinerating in that he actually views her as a parental figure(while Miles sees Peter B as his older brother)-Purely headcanon based but that little interaction between them at the end screamed that they're close so she knows his attitude
Margo is one of his best friend's because obviously she is,i don't even need to explain why and Margobie/Siblings!Punk Byte both have way more of a basis than Noirpunk
His counterpart in Batman crossovers should be Stephanie Brown or Duke Thomas,not Jason Todd because they share some similarities but Stephanie and Duke are almost exactly like him(Including names regarding him and Stephanie and i've even nicknamed her Stephie so there's that)
And also,he's a Percy Jackson and Katara kinnie
Rio and Jefferson would actually fucking love him because guess what,it's stupid and transparently antiblack to automatically assume a black couple would see a black boy who's unbelivably sweet-looking but brand him as a thug who's out to abuse their child just because he's alt and isn't a fence sitter about oppression-In fact,they'd tease Miles about someone as dorky as them pulling someone as cool as Hobie and there should be gags about them loving Gwen as a person but being SO relieved he's not actually dating a white girl
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stitchdfox · 9 months
Cross posting from my Twitter fan account!
Eddie’s on Tour pt 1
Eddie can’t remember the last time he tapped out first from a night of celebrating with the band post show. Sure, they were only on the third show of the tour they, by some miracle, booked to open for A Day To Remember. It felt like a fever dream.
His head was swimming with excitement from the exposure of playing with a legit band. They had only ever played at local bars like the Hide Out and that one time they played Battle of the Bands in Indy. It’s crazy the last show of tour will be at the House of Blues in Chicago.
Eddie had to figure out a way to make it through the tour without vibrating out of his skin.
So, here he was, half drunk and spiraling in the van. Thanks to his favorite crop top his back stuck to the vinyl of the middle bench he deemed the best place to suffer.
“Goddamnit,“ he sighs as he shoves his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He opens his contacts and selects /Uncle/ and clicks the speaker icon before dropping the phone on his chest.
As it rings Eddie realizes how late it must be in Indiana and thinks about just ending the call when—
“Hellooo?” The voice says on the other end.
“You’re not Wayne” he sputters out.
“You’re right.” The voice is deep but sweet somehow.
“Why are you on my uncle’s phone?” Eddie is so confused.
“I’m not, actually.”
Wayne had a new number from when he moved out of the old trailer.
“I’m an idiot,” Eddie whispers. The new number was under /Wayne/. He’d have to write the old man, like he promised, and tell him about the mix up. He’ll find it funny—
“You okay over there, stranger?” The voice asked.
Eddie had gone silent, lost in his thoughts.
“That’s a loaded question, sweetheart.” Eddie drummed his fingers on his bare midriff.
“That’s fair. Why don’t you start with why you were calling Wayne?” The man on the other end of the phone urged him on.
“Why the hell not?” Eddie hums. “I guess, I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed.”
“Hmm.” There’s a sudden clatter of dishes. “Shit.”
“You okay over there?” Eddie holds in a laugh.
“Fine. It’s fine.”
“Are you doing dishes? Oh my god. I’ve called a complete stranger and I’ve interrupted his chores. You were probably busy cleaning up after you made dinner for you and your lady friend. She’s patiently waiting for you to join her for the movie you settled on but you’re that weirdo that insists on doing the dishes right away.” Eddie rubs his hands down his face.
A sharp laugh comes through the phone. “You think you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?”
“Hardly.” Eddie sighs. “Look man, I’m sorry I interrupted. I’ll let you go.”
“Wait.” The response was quick and Eddie could swear there was a pinch of desperation. The man continues. “I mean… uh. I don’t mind. See I just… um. I wouldn’t mind the company is all I’m saying.”
Eddie couldn’t help the stupid grin on his face anymore than the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
“Well then… Hi.”
“Hi.” The man chuckles on the other end. “Wanna tell me why you’re overwhelmed then?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” Eddie isn’t sure he’s ready to dive into this deep rooted fear of failure with a complete stranger. Nice enough as he seems, it would be weird, right?
“I’ve got the time.”
There’s silence from both of them for a three count.
“Fine. I’m in a band.” Eddie pauses.
The man on the other end hums.
“We have only really played dive bars and Battle of the Bands type shit before, right? And I’m convinced one of the other guys made a deal with the devil to get us here, touring as the openers for one of our favorite bands. We’re three days into this tour and I can’t even enjoy it because I’m waiting for the fallout or to wake up from this dream and I can’t stop wondering when they’re gonna pull the rug out from under us. You know?”
“Sounds like you don’t see how amazing you really are then.” The man’s voice is so soothing, motherly almost. “Clearly this favorite band of yours saw something in you. They probably started out just the way you did. Give yourself some credit here, man.”
Eddie swallows back tears. “You don’t even know me though. I’m the freak, the fuck up. I…” he sighs. “Why do they think I can do this?”
“I dunno. It’s not just you though. You’ve got your bandmates with you. Don’t you believe in them?”
“Of course!”
“Don’t you trust them?” The man asks.
“With my life.”
“Then reel it in a bit. I’m sure they need you as much as you need them right now.” The man’s tone goes low. “Trust it.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Oh, I know I’m right.” There’s a smile in the man’s voice.
“Cocky, cocky. Wish I had your confidence.” Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Shit. I’ve got call.
“I can let you go, man.” Eddie couldn’t mask his disappointment in letting the stranger off the line.
“No! No. Sorry. It’ll be a quick call. I’ll be back.” There’s a lull. “I promise.”
The phone beeps and Eddie is left with a faint static sound and his buzzing thoughts. This is absolutely not where he thought he’d be after the show tonight. There’s something about being on stage and the confidence he has in himself when he’s performing, but the second the lights go down and their gear is packed up, he feels like an imposter. Maybe the stranger was right, maybe he just can’t see what everyone else does. Maybe–
“You still there?” The man comes back on the line.
“Yeah. I– Still here.” Eddie covers his face, embarrassed.
“My friend needs a ride and I’m the designated driver it seems. I gotta go, but I…” there’s a soft huff, Eddie can almost feel the warmth of the breath, “I’d like to chat again. I mean, uh, if you’d like to. I figure the tour could get lonely? But now that I say that I realize you have so much happening and so many people there and fans to meet and this is probably dumb and–”
“Hey now. I’m the one that’s supposed to be spiraling tonight. You can spiral the next time, okay?” Eddie chuckles.
“Next time?” The hopeful sound of the man’s voice was all Eddie needed.
“Yes, sweetheart.” Eddie coos. “Next time.”
“I’m Steve, by the way.”
“Can’t wait. I’ll talk to you soon, Eddie.”
The line dies before Eddie can make a bigger fool of himself.
There’s a ruckus outside and he jumps as the rest of the band topple into the van.
“Are we sleeping in the parking lot tonight, fellas?” Eddie asks.
They all grumble. —
Part 2 on the way. You can catch up on Twitter if you’re impatient enough. Ha!
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juliafied · 1 year
Face to Face
Chapter 4: When You're Smiling and Astride Me
Fandom: Hades
Pairing: Thanatos/Zagreus
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s): 4/5
Words: 8765
Thanatos can’t remember the last time he went on a date that wasn’t with his email inbox, so Charon sets about rectifying the situation by making him a profile on a dating app. Sifting through guys who fish and tourists looking for one night stands, Thanatos comes across his childhood best friend, who he hasn’t spoken to since their strange parting as teenagers. Thanzag modern AU, online dating.
It would have been easier if Thanatos had changed. If he’d become full of himself, like the stereotype of the successful finance guy that he is, or if he’d become one of those weird conspiracy theorists that have been cropping up all around lately. That is, if their friendship had been one of convenient proximity and not of genuine connection.
But he’d been just the same. Self-deprecating, dry yet somehow still affectionate, quick to fluster at Zagreus’ teasing. Exactly as they’d been as kids, climbing with their sandwiches to the top of the hill overlooking the ancient ruins in their neighbourhood, laughing at the tourists with their funny hats and single-use cameras. Just a little taller. Better-spoken, maybe. No longer nervously tossing too-long bangs out of his eyes. He wishes… he wishes he’d asked him about the last seven years, about something other than a college fling that had clearly meant so little that Thanatos had barely remembered the guy’s name. About who he spends time with on the weekends, and if he has a favourite coffee shop closer to work. If he still likes to read everything he can get his hands on. Whether he's been in love.
Achilles nudges him out of his thoughts – the stranger has bought the three of them shots. “You alright, lad?”
“Not sure,” Zagreus says truthfully as the bartender expertly flips his bottle of tequila and fills three shot glasses to the brim. Achilles’ admirer flashes a smile in their direction that doesn’t extend to Zagreus. They’re passed three limes by the bartender, and a moment and a ‘cheers’ later, the alcohol has burned its way to a warm place in Zagreus’ stomach.
He watches as Achilles leans in close to yell in the stranger’s ear, whose hand has migrated to the back of the barstool, thumb grazing Achilles’ shoulder periodically, and this annoys him, though Zag’s not sure why. He finishes his other drink that’s mostly melted ice at this point, but the guy behind the bar is busy again, so he thumbs through the menu. Checks his phone – an email’s come in, from Athena thanking them for their hard work on the grant they’d submitted this afternoon, and a text that’s an overly formal but expected request for a catch up lunch from Meg. He swears she must have a reminder in her calendar. First Friday of the month, check on Zagreus. Scheduled, just like everything else in her life. He slides his phone back in his pocket just in time to order another drink, and before long a margarita is in front of him, ice-cold and beading with condensation. By the time he finishes it, Achilles’ new friend’s hand has made it off the back of the chair and onto Achilles’ waist. Zagreus scowls and taps him on the shoulder.
“Should we dance?”
The booze is thick and heavy in his limbs as they make their way slowly to the most densely-packed part of the club, closest to the speakers and the dense, hard bass that slams into Zagreus’ heart with every beat. He’s not a very good dancer, but Achilles is, moving with ease, catching more than a few eyes around him. Zagreus can’t say he’s never thought about it before, especially back when he first joined the lab, assigned to be mentored directly by basically a demigod in a dress shirt. Even now, as Achilles tosses his hair and shoots a smile over his shoulder, there’s a twinge of something in the pit of Zag’s stomach.
And that’s when he spots him.
Keep reading on AO3
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vouam · 2 months
i wish i could spend some time with you
i want to get to know you
i think we would agree on many things
i want to laugh with you, cry with you. i want to listen to your rage about misogny and add in. i want to share hopes and fears for women and feminism. 
and i want you to get to know me. and see me as human. 
i want you to see me take my testosterone shot, and cry tears of joy. 
i want you to see me admire my top surgery scars and thank god every day for giving me a chance at a real life. 
i want you to see me with my trans friends. i want you to hear them laugh and cry and share their hopes and dreams. 
i want you to see my friend cry about not being able to use the bathroom. i want you to see her anxiously try on a crop top. i want you to see her face burn in shame when she gets called a tranny. i want you to see her with her girlfriend. her girlfriend is fierce and funny and unapologetically lesbian. 
i want you to watch us try to get through the day. 
i want to get to know you as a person. and god i want you to see me as one
im so sorry we’ve gotten here in the first place and im so sorry you have to fight just to be alive and im so sorry for everything you experience under the patriarchy and im so sorry that you have to always be on guard and always try to anticipate the next threat
im really scared things won’t get better for trans people but i know in the end we want the same things and i hope we both get to watch women become more and more liberated every day
I can’t tell if this is serious or if this was just a long way of implying that I’ve never interacted with trans people and that’s why i have no empathy for their struggle.
I’ve known many trans people, I was very much in the ‘trans rights activist’ space both online and in real life. I’ve seen what trans people go through - I’m not some conservative that just thinks trans people are weird or unconventional and that’s why I dislike them.
It’s the ideology that I disagree with. I disagree with socialised gender. I’m okay with people looking however the fuck they want, changing their name, whatever. I just simply have an issue with calling ‘woman’ and ‘man’ a social identity. I can elaborate further if you really want or you can view my blog.
If this ask isn’t a copypasta or if anyone viewing my page disagrees with my views - I’m very open to you messaging me so we can discuss it. I called myself a trans rights activist up until literally 2023. You can ask me any question and I’ll discuss it without just throwing personal attacks at you or calling you stupid 😭 I’m serious. I used to be like you. I wouldn’t even hear anyone out because I just thought terfs were bigots or whatever, so ensuring people can have an open discussion with me or asking questions is a vital part of why I made this account. This sounds like I’m some freak that wants to convert or radicalise you into my cult beliefs but like genuinely, I just want to set the record straight because I used to have such bad misconceptions about terfs. Thanks for your ask, I wish you well
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btsmosphere · 2 years
autumn with: hobi
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~pairing: hobi x reader ~word count: 2.5k (bullet fic!) ~genre: fluff fluff and more fluff, college au, friends to lovers ~rating: g (no warnings:))
a look at autumn and halloween with our beloved hobi! since I’m feeling very fall lately, I went on a hunt and found some lovely prompt lists from @crockettmarcel @flufftober and @lavenderotpprompts 💜I shook them all together to make a snippet of autumn for each of the boys- at the end, I’ll include the list I put together for hobi!
also a thank you to @moccahobi​ and @ssaboala​ for reading this and helping keep me in the autumn spirit!! I really appreciate it🥰
autumn with: masterlist
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Everyone moves back into the dorm for the start of term in September
It’s not the dramatic reunion some might think, everyone turns up in dribs and drabs instead of all arriving at once
You chose to head back pretty early
In fact, so early that you aren’t sure anyone else is here yet
Well, someone has to be the first, right?
It feels a bit barren, but it’s quiet and there’s something nice in that too. You stop for a bit in the hallway between all the rooms, where there are big windows and you can see the trees, the ends of the leaves starting to curl and brown
A huge cacophony of what sounds like the kitchen falling down shakes you
After a moment frozen, you turn towards the sound
It definitely came from the kitchen
But the door is still standing there as if nothing happens
Is there a ghost in your dorm? Should you have stayed back and waited until there was safety in numbers? Is this the beginning of your very own horror movie??
A loud curse echoes from the kitchen and you laugh instead
When you enter the kitchen, you find flour splatted on the floor, upturned bowl and one Jung Hoseok with his hair sticking up- you’re pretty sure he’s run his floury fingers through it, unless he’s going for some reverse Guy Fieri look
Unable to control your laughter, you set to work together
Hobi wants to make cookies
Shouldn’t be too hard
He has a goal this year, he says. He’s going to take up baking as a hobby so he can feed everyone nice things
You have to admit, when he lists off the cinnamon buns, apple pies and chocolate brownies he wants to make, you find your mouth watering. So you’re going to help him make those darn cookies
Your intervention might be the only thing that gets them out alive, to be honest
But Hobi is grinning so widely when you finally get to bite into them that you encourage him to bake something else soon
It’s been a long time away, and the plate of cookies doesn’t make it to the morning, having been slowly eaten by you two as you stayed curled up over the kitchen table cradling hot chocolates and laughing at each other
The kitchen lights were warm while it was dark outside. Now the morning light is the opposite, cold and pale as it wakes to frostbitten lawns
Hobi crawls out of bed while you’re blearily snacking on cereal
The moment he sees you, he yells and pulls back, hiding behind the door with just his face and fluffy hair visible
Oh. He’s topless
“I got flour on my only top,” he complains, “I haven’t unpacked anything yet.”
You call him a lazybones, but still go to fish something out of your wardrobe
It’s on the bigger side, but cropped, and he looks a little funny wearing it. Your style is so different from his, but he doesn’t complain
He eats toast and looks thoroughly adorable, dammit
It’s October before he completely unpacks
It’s chaotic, but you turn a blind eye. At least he’s done it now, and won’t have to go rooting through a suitcase every time he wants something
You should have foreseen, though, that with one victory, that only leaves something else weird to happen instead
You can never escape the weird
Not with Hobi
Which is why you’re staring at him now, stuck between shock and laughter
He’s in the kitchen, having forcibly sat you down to watch his fashion show, and right now you don’t think he could physically be wearing any more jumpers
You fend off the laughter and go straight for incredulity
“What are you doing?”
“It’s sweater season!” he defends himself
“It’s not even that cold out! And we’re not even out!”
“Let’s change that, then”
He clearly ignored the first part of your argument, but here you are outside, winding between the trees away from your dorm
Okay, so maybe it is a little chilly out
But there’s no way you’ll give that to Hobi. He’s still wearing entirely too many sweaters, even after you made him take some off
Anyway, you bite your lip. He’s having fun- his cheeks are round and a bit red as he smiles, looking around. He breathes in, rubbing his hands together and looking like all is right with the world now autumn in on its way
Then a leaf smacks him in the face
He flails around for a split second, blowing little raspberries as a defense mechanism against the onslaught of the leaf
All the while, you howl with laughter until he turns to you with a pout
It only makes you laugh more
“Autumn loves you as much as you love it!” you giggle
Hobi folds his arms, as far as the sweater bundle will let him
“I bet you can’t catch a leaf”
So now you’re running around like a lunatic
How did it end up this way, with Hobi laughing at you?? He’s the weird one
Your weird friend is lying back on a leafy carpet when you skip over, triumphantly holding a bright red leaf above your head
He struggles to sit up, but claps and woops for you
He has to clap with his arms straight
To save him the trouble, you flop down next to him, panting little gusts into the air
They show up in front of your nose, ghostly and lingering in the air; is it really that cold already?
It probably has something to do with the fact it’s also getting dark now, but neither of you move
Clouds drift over, just as lazy as you
You’ve been there a while, and you aren’t out of breath any more. The air is cool as it fills your lungs
Whispering leaves announce Hobi rolling over to face you
“Are you cold?”
And you’ve been so busy feeling warm inside at the afternoon filled with giggles and the prospect of autumn setting in that you hadn’t noticed
But cold is a side effect of the season
You were only shivering a bit
He smothers your protests and denial, knowing it’s only a bid to keep up your disdain at his outfit
His smug grin won’t let you forget about it when he finally thrusts a woolly cardigan over you, practically lying on top of you now, the result of your scrambling playfight that, admittedly, may have defeated the need of a warm jumper
Now that you have it though, it’s not bad, though no substitute for his warmth which leaves as he slides off to sit on the ground beside you
You cuddle into the material like Hobi had earlier, and he glows
The rest of the day is warm, even as light leaks from the sky
You’re back in the warm kitchen with warm food and warm laughter
And all the way until Halloween you’re caught up in the whirlwind of Hobi
It’s a budget Halloween, of course. You’re students, after all
Luckily, as Hobi puts it, some of the trees nearby are apple trees, and he’s hell-bent on apple bobbing on Halloween
“It’s only right,” he’ll say
And of course you’ll go along with it. One look at his hopeful grin is always enough to get you agreeing to his hairbrained schemes
No one knows if it’s legal to take or eat the apples, being on public property
Or if they’re edible
But surely all apples are edible?
You hope so, you think gingerly as you place another one in your bag
It may have looked more picture-perfect with those cute baskets, or if you were in a meadow, but instead your friends are all clustered under a line of apple trees that grow along the road, putting the apples into your backpacks like it’s something shady, underhand
Just as you reach for another, Hobi shrieks, and from your position sitting on his shoulders you wobble perilously
Looking around in alarm, you grab at his bobble hat for stability, feeling him clutch tighter to your legs
Somehow, you both stay upright as Tae runs off giggling, being shooed by Jin
“What if yn dropped an apple on his head, you punk!” he was yelling, “we don’t need to re-discover the theory of gravity!”
“Got enough?” Hobi asks
Confirming, you let him crouch to put you down
You’re both a little breathless
“Let’s see”
He bends closer, pulling your backpack open to see the shining apples nestled there
“I’ll make a good pie with these,” he promises
You give him a look
“I really will this time!” he exclaims at that, “the brownies were an exception!”
Chuckling, you acquiesce
“Alright,” this is how it always goes, “I trust you”
In the end, the home-made Halloween is great
Everyone has decorated their doorway – though you wonder how many Hobi actually helped with – and you take turns rushing up and down, calling ‘trick or treat’ like little kids
Of course, you all have costumes, as well as little bags for sweets, which are only plastic bags from the supermarket, but Hobi glued little paper fangs onto the top
Hobi’s a witch, and his black cloak swooshes out behind him
Of course this means he won’t stop running up and down the hall even after the lot of you have squished together in a pile to eat sweets in the kitchen
“I’ll eat all of yours!” Jimin threatens
This brings Hobi dashing back again
The evening is fun and full of you and Hobi feeding each other sweets, pretending you aren’t giving him the ones you know he likes the most
“ugh, another one of these, I don’t like them that much”
You’re not sure if he believes you
The others certainly don’t, but you ignore the way they look at you as you hold another up to Hobi’s lips
Hobi swears off the horror film later, but you follow him to the kitchen
Honestly, it’s out of fear for the apple pie
And nothing else at all
You laugh together and steal some of the leftover sweets as he makes it through one failed batch of dough
Namjoon goes to bed
You’re pretty sure the others have fallen asleep in the living room
They can have some pie tomorrow, if it ever gets made. Or if it does, then if it isn’t all eaten before they can get to it
This time around, Hobi deems the batch successful and finally it’s in the oven, complete with strawberry jam leaking out of the sides
“It has to look spooky!”
Hobi falls into a chair beside you, covered in flour and fruit and looking much better than he has any right to
“Let’s go outside, the pie has to bake for a while”
You don’t question your enthusiasm to go with him
At this point, you get excited along with him, and after seeing how brilliant the stars look, you can only half concentrate
Staring at him instead is just as tempting
You know the joy you’ll find there
It’s darker as you pass under the trees, further from the building
Still you don’t look away
Did you see that?”
Hobi gasps, a hand flying out to catch your own
His fingers around soft around your wrist, and slip down to grasp your hand
Eventually, he brings his gaze back to earth, frowning around at you
Blinking, you realise he asked you something
“See what?”
Your voice is no more than a breath in the air
All he says is “look”
There are other things you would rather look at, but you turn your head to the sky
You’ve stopped walking at this point, just standing still among the leaves
The tree branches stretch into the sky, much thinner than they used to look
You breathe
Hobi’s hand is still holding yours, calling you back to earth, but you force your eyes to search the heavens a bit more
You’re about the ask Hobi what he’s on about when you see it, at last
A flicker, quick enough that you could have missed it in a blink
Satisfied, Hobi turns to you
This time, it’s his turn to admire your face as it transforms, disbelief to wonder
“Was that-?”
“A shooting star!”
You wonder if he really was a witch, and if so what kind of spell he cast to make this Halloween work out so well
He holds his hand out
Doesn’t even ask
Without knowing, you realise your trust has grown well enough, so firm within your chest, that you take it without a second thought
And now you’re dancing
He really loves this cape, and spins you around as an excuse to make it fly behind him
Almost losing your balance, you grab him harder, laughing
And he pulls you closer once you stand up
Your feet are scuffling in the broken leaves like so many times before as you messed around
You trip and lose the rhythm, and spin too many times that you should stop, but you end up dizzy with a wide grin
When he kisses you, it’s like you had done it a hundred times before
No questions in your mind, you lean in more, hands sliding into the warmth under his silly cloak. And you wonder if you’re really just dizzy from spinning
The apple pie burns
You and Hobi still eat it, and the inside is really very nice
Like you would have before, you share spoonfuls, eating the whole thing over gossip and laughter
Only this time, you curl in his lap, and then he in yours because it gets uncomfy
In the morning, Namjoon finds everyone out of bed, sleeping on the sofas or the kitchen table, as is your case
And no one is surprised, or seems to bat an eye beyond smiling at the two of you
You wrap up in each other’s clothes, and walk under the trees, and dance, and suffer the results of baking- which will get better, he promises every single time
And you trust him
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Thank you for reading!! this was made with the following prompts: baking - back to school/university – “I bet you can’t catch a leaf” - wearing someone else’s clothes - trick or treating - apple picking – warmth - “it’s sweater season!” - “are you cold?” - “I trust you” - shooting stars - first dance
If you enjoyed this, a comment would be so appreciated, it makes it all worth it🥰🥰 find my other autumn drabbles here
taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine​ send me a message if you want to be tagged in my “autumn with” updates!!
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 month
Hiiii! How are you??? :) hope you are having a good day<3 may I ask for a romantic Tokyo revengers matchup, please??
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual, but mostly attracted to men. I'm usually very friendly with everyone and willing to help people. I make friends easily and I'm very easygoing, like I could make friends with other random girls on the streets because if I find a girl very pretty or I like her style I usually come up to her and tell her and we start talking and talking like we already knew each other, lol. I'm very very loyal with my friends and family and I'm willing to go confront someone for them if they are having beef with someone else and asking for my help. I talk a lot about things that I like but I am a very good listener. I'm also very very forgetful and very very messy. I'm not good at school, like at all, I just have my head in the clouds most of the time. I'm also a very affectionate and touchy friend, most people find me pretty funny and chill, I tend to swear a lot even in normal conversations, even when I'm not mad, and I fall in love soooo easily, like way too easily😭 I have very very low standards even though I like more older, masculine and tall guys I also really really don't mind nerds, sensitive boys, artists, ykwim?? But I usually gravitate towards people who I think can take care of me and give me a little bit of princess treatment, patient lovers. I'm also kind of the type of girlfriend who is kinda like your best friend. But I just fall very easily and get heartbreaks a lot. I'm a very sensitive person, very empathetic, but sometimes I'm unintentionally rude to my friends or other people, so I can be rude and uncalled sometimes and I'm very ashamed of that after, and sometimes especially with professors I can be easy to put up a fight with since I have a sharp tongue- my hobbies are drawing, photography, watching anime, singing, theater, acting,the history of cinema and animation, makeup and hanging out with my friends :)
I dislike people who are mean just because they think it's fun to be randomly mean to someone, people who look at you weird or snob you when you compliment them, when people touch my stuff without asking, when someone hurt animals and people who just can't stand up for themselves not even a little bit. I really like Italian old love songs, love books from the 50s 60s (they are literally so romantic without being cliche), musicals, disney movies expecially the old ones, animation, flowers (even though im allergic🧍🏻‍♀️), making people laugh, imprevedibile and fun people, dressing feminine, horror and romantic movies, videogames, old rock and romantic music.
I'm 5'0 with long long brown hair with highlights and bangs, amber eyes with long lashes, thin lips, a mole next to my nose and I always try to smile bc I like how I look when I smile :) my skin is pretty taken care of and clear, i love dressing feminine but mostly dress with baggy pants and a crop top or compression shirt, something like that, but sometimes i love putting on very short miniskits and platforms to look taller (I never wear non-platform shoes bc I wanna look taller). Also I love wearing hello kitty stuff😭❤️
I feel like this is way too much I am so so sorry- you can ignore if you don't feel like doing it🙏❤️
Have a great day, love the way you write, keep it up :D
Hi. I am doing pretty good. You didn't write too much at all and I would never ignore it. And thank you for the kind words. I want to let you know that I picked someone who could be considered controversial. If you don't like it, DM me and I will give you another. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!!
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I know. He's...him. But hear me out!
He's into girls who are friendly and super nice. You also give me Hina vibes.
He seems to be into very into things like history and film. I think you two would talk about film, it's history, how different camera angles are used, etc.
He would get you so many vintage things like books and old records. Anything to see you smile.
He would love that you fall so easily. That means it is easier for him to win you over. Although, he will try very hard to be the perfect partner.
Will treat you like a princess.
Most people would think he would hate someone who is not great in school. But I believe he would like that because then he could tutor you and spend more time with the person he loves.
Slow dancing to old songs in the living room!
Would love that you can fight for yourself. Makes him worry less about you and your wellbeing. He will still worry, but a little less
And lastly, he will love you no matter what. If you are rude, he will love you. When you are upset, he will love you.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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lyramundana · 1 year
Drabble based on my forgotten wip:
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The boys are having another photoshoot, this time for a brand of clothes that has accepted to sponsor them. The pictures have to give off serious, seductive vibes, but there are certain two who can’t get into it. They’re either eating each other with their eyes or posing like they would in a normal group picture. Seeing this is making the process difficult for all and they need to get it done, Chan decides to call Violeta and asks her to “do her magic again”.
- I’m sorry, you want me to what? - she replies confused from the phone. 
-You know what I mean. Just come here and do what you did last time. 
-You want me to make them laugh? But isn’t the photoshoot concept supposed to be “sexy”? How does that help?
-Not laugh. Just come here and...provoke them.
That’s even more ridiculous. Violeta gets annoyed and more confused.
-Provoke them? Are you hearing yourself?! What do you have in mind with that, ‘Topher? Me going and give them a strip show or something? If this is a joke, it’s not fucking funny - she huffs, laying back on her seat. She just wanted to enjoy her coffee in peace while listening to Chase Atlantic to start the day, but now she has to hear her potential brother-in-law encouraging her to go and seduce a couple, who are pretty much engaged at this point and, on top of all, one of them is fucking HOMOSEXUAL. Like, does he even hears himself when he talks? -Plus, even if I agreed, how exactly is that gonna work on Lee fucking Minho? Have you forgotten the guy is a walking rainbow?
-That’s not what I meant! Look..- he sighs, trying to find a way to convince her to come and explain it without outright revealing what’s going on in his head. It’s way too obvious and everyone else knows, but those three are still dead-set in denial, specially her.- I’m not asking anything weird from you. Just though they may cheer up a bit if you come here. 
Then, Olivia comes out of nowhere and takes his phone, speaking in a firm tone - Look, idiot, there are hot models here from the agency and they’re in need of cold drinks. Bring some here and then you can flirt shamelessly with them until they plan to sue you. Deal?
Violeta munches her snacks slowly.
- Why do you really need me there, ‘Topher?
-Listen here little shit, call me that one more fuck..
-Leta, the next album Ateez pulls out is on me. 
- Hell, why didn’t you start with that, guys? Of course I’m going! Anything to help my family. Give me a few minutes-sounds of chairs loudly moving and clothes quick steps.
-By the way, don’t take the public transport. This hour is hellish and you wouldn’t ever find a spot - the older girl says. 
-Sure, whatever. See you there. I’ll bring the drinks!
She hangs off, and Olivia returns the phone with a satisfied grin to a perplexed Christopher.
-Why did you say that?
-So she comes here walking. Sweat looks good on some people. 
-And how do you think she’ll react when she sees there are no hot models here?
-What do you mean? There are plenty. Those two specially would definetly catch her eye. - she points her head at the two reasons they both orchestrated this whole crap, who are currently taking a break after another failed attempt in the camera and instead flirting with each other. - Plus, the promise of a signed Ateez album would make her happy enough for the remaining day. 
Violeta arrives 20 minutes after the call, a bag of cold drinks in her hand. She’s wearing a crop top with a small hood that leaves her belly exposed, a pair of wavy shorts only the right amount of long to cover her ass cheeks and her long red hair pulled in a braid.
Chris and Olivia exchange a knowing glance. “It’s like she knows exactly what she’s supposed to do”
The younger girl walks up to them with a rather grumpy expresion, shoving the drinks towards them and complaining how crowded the damn Starbucks was. 
- Thank you, Leta.
-Where are the hotties? -straight to her point. Olivia chuckles inwardly and fakes a sad face.
-They left no long ago. They had a lot of work to do and couldn’t stay any longer. Sorry.
Violeta throws her a glare that says she doesn’t believe a single word, but Olivia doesn’t let her think too much. 
- Well, since you’re already here, could please be so kind to give the boys the drinks? They’re really tired and would love to have some. Thank you! - before Violeta can even protest, the older pushes her by the shoulders where the rest of members are, sitting around and talking. 
She goes anyway, huffing and wondering in her mind how couldn’t she have been born a single child. She’s so focused on her annoyed thoughts that she doesn’t notice she passes by the main photography station, where two certain boys are attempting to get into character again, until they see her..
Uknowing to the turmoil she just created, she greets the members politely and passes them the drinks. She takes note both Han and Minho are missing and a small part of her feels sad about it, but she brushes that feeling off quickly. She has no reasons to feel sad. Instead, she focus on whatever Felix is telling her about, since he’s the only one in the group with whom she can have a full converstation now. 
- By the way, this outfit looks great on you. How come I never see you with it? - the boy asks, twirling with a string of the hood and brushing his fingers on her neck ocassionally. She chuckled at the compliment.
-I mostly use it to work out, but you know, everything looks great on me. 
-Oh, I know that. - he wiggles his eyebrows in apreciation and she laughs, shoving him off softly. He laughs too and goes back to his skinship. Violeta notices he’s being more affectionate than usual and, while she’s used to it and doesn’t mind, she feels something iffy about it right now. 
Before she can think more, he suddenly cages her in his arms and hugs her tightly, burying his face in her neck and moving her from side to side. She’s caught off guard by the sudden display, even more when she feels his arms sneaking to her exposed waist. She looks around to check if anyone is seeing this, and what she ends up seeing cuts her breath short. 
There they are, right in front of her, posing for plenty of flashing cameras and looking absolutely gorgeous with those clothes. People are giving them instructions, praising them and making them change positions, but their eyes remain fixed on her. It’s the first time she sees this kind of stare from them, thrown at her. The world around her stops and silences, and there’s only those dark eyes piercing her soul in ways she can’t describe. There’s a mysterious glint in them, something intense and, if Violeta didn’t know better, she would describe it as territorial. They’re completely serious and focused, and she feels her legs becoming jelly. 
What’s going on? Why are they looking at her like that?? And why does she even feel like this???
By the time Felix stops hugging her, the eye contact is lost and she feels a bit out of place. Like her sould just went out of her body and returned. The boy’s sweet voice distracts her enough, but she can’t get it out of her mind. What the fuck was that? What just happened? She can’t even finds words to make it make sense in her head. Maybe she imagined it? Maybe it was just a short hallucination her mind created to mess up with her. Yeah. Sounds legit. 
While they both return with the others, she notices Han and Minho walking towards them, the same serious faces still on. 
They’re friends. They see each other often. She trusts them. It’s all good. 
(Why is she feeling this strong urge to run away as they aproach?)
Something I had in mind since @2chopsticks2eyes​‘s comment about that short scenario (she knows what I mean). @channieandhisgoonsquad​ you guys are free to add stuff or just give me opinions. Thank you.
@moonlightndaydreams (for context, Olivia is my OC for Bang Chan)
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paperbagsandwich · 3 months
omgosh whatvis Ros' fav anime? Does she have a fav genre?
Oh bless thats so sweet, they must love eachother so heckin much it makes me feel mushy they are so cute!!! Sorry if this is an odd question but does ros have autism? (Does she stim over things she gets excited about?)
Dawww thats adorable!!!!
Nausicaä and the valley of the wind (also known as warriors of the wind), its a very beautiful film !!
i enjoy animal crossing as well! Stardew valley is (imo) a fun and simple game, you just farm crops,look after animals and befriended/romance the townspeople, id highly recommended it (i also enjoy playing it with other people).
im sure all the players are going to heckin love that design!! (If you ever share it outside of the campaign id love to see it, i bet it looks amazing!!) I also just love making ocs for other people it makes me happy plus I love doing fun lil design challenges with friends basically everyone using the same inspiration to make thir own design to see how others interpret things differently its v fun to do, using 3 emojis for one design, a mood board, aesthetics and more. I also enjoy redesigning cartoon characters its a fun exercise!
Oh! If you are sure! The baker loves forest animals and the colour green, her baked goods normally resemble lil cute animals like mice and squirrels. Her fav colour is a deep green and she decorates with lil cute ornaments and music boxes (enesco mice music boxs are the inspo for that). She was scared and startled to see his partly transformed werewolf form near the bakery, but she saw he was shaking and just really wanted to help him, she could still recognize him and thought he was weird and a lil bit of a prick but also funny because she barely talked to him before (again how he was raised made him really shit at communicating with people) but that didn't change the fact she wanted to help. She lets him live with her as long as he helps around the house/apartment. But she also nursed him back to health and comforted him because he was in a ton of pain when transforming. She also helps him with his self confidence because he hates how he looks now (going from a pretty boy twig to big monster man). She thinks he's handsome and actually they get along well because they both love books. She warms up really fast to his personality when she realises he's actually very sweet and most of his issues was because he just didn't know how to interact with people that weren't rich. He fell in love with her from seeing her interact with other people and the rare occasions hed go into the bakery (his " friend " group didn't like the idea of him going and made sure he'd eat small and pricy things) his favourite thing to buy was a chocolate chip cookie, he find them very comforting. He thinks shes extremely pretty and sweet, his heart races whenever he sees her. In his fully transformed state if he wishes to go outside he has to wear a hoodie she made him (to accommodate his size and features). He doesn't like leaving the house much especially without her, he gets very excited when she comes home from work and he lays her on top of him if she is cold (hes very warm like a heating pad) and he likes comforting her and holding her close. He checks her ingredients for her and keeps the house clean when she's away. She is really thankful for it since she forgets easily. When they go outside together he is very protective and a lil posessive, not liking others looking at her. She doesn't mind (she finds it attractive) plus she loves going on picnics with him. With his speech being rough and not full scentances (he still thinks in them he just doesn't know how to express it in his fully tansformed state) he worries that she will get upset with him but she never does and understands him very easily. (His speech is very much like big mac from mlp). She realises she has fallen in love with him when she leans against him after he comforts her after a hard day at work. She kisses his cheek to let him know. Both of them are very easily flustered. She covers her face when she blushes and he looks away (his tail wagging like crazy unable hide how happy he is).
Sorry if non of the makes any sense (i struggle to explain things a lot!) Please let me know if you want to know more!! (About any of the ideas)
Thank you!! Im just being honest and i care about people. If you are busy you should take as much time you need and if you are upset but don't want to talk id give you time, but if you wanted to talk I'd listen, its the least anyone can do. You are human no one should expect more from you than you can give that includes yourself. Take the time you need and focus on yourself because you deserve to be the best and happiest you, you can be!
Roslyn's top favorite would be Kiki's delivery service. She would mostly watch slice of life type animes but she also loves magical girl type of genres too.
Hmmm, I don't really know much about autism so I don't think Ros would be on the spectrum. I mean she does little stims and even clap her hands when she's very excited about something but, yeah, I'm not fully in the know about it.
I wouldn't mind making some of my characters be on the spectrum, but I would have to look into first so I don't accidentally get things completely wrong and offended anyone. The last thing I want to do is bullshit and call it a day.
OOOH, I wanna check the film out!! 😭😭
Also, maybe when I have time, I'll probably check out Stardew but I can't make any promises. 😭
It's most likely gonna be a while before I actually get to post them, but I'll definitely post the characters when they get to them.
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, I never tried the mood boards and the three emojis thing before!! I sorta just combine characters I like and make them the exact opposite of what I got it from.
I suck at questions, but who was the first to admit they had feelings for the other? Was it spoken or was it like one of those moments where the just knew they loved each other and no words were needed because everything kinda spoke for themselves?
And also, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, you're just too incredibly sweet, honestly, you are a blessing!!! I love your patience and I truly appreciate you in my inbox!!!!!
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esta-elavaris · 8 months
Hello! Same anon as yesterday for Catch the Wind - I just wanted to add that I really love that you research things! It is so nice to see that you don't just use stereotypes of the genre. It is very refreshing as someone who takes interest in historical things! And it shows through but you don't write down all the research so it's not becoming a history book (which I personally would still read lol) but it shines through. And of course there are bound to be inacuracies because they come from the very movies themselves BUT that is ok because everything else is so well done that it just neatly sits there. Suspense of disbelief and all that I mean magic and Achtland and Jones exist soo. It doesn't HAVE to be 100% accurate but it has a very good foundation in historical stuff! (Also I am by far not an expert of anything history but still)
So thank you for not only creating and writing these characters so well but also for putting them in an invironment that I thoroughly enjoy!
Oh and. And thank you that Theo doesn't fall into the "I'm not like other girls" trope! She is strong and independent but also she doesn't have to complain about the dresses all the time in order to be so. Or the corset trope.
I just love your story so much!!
Honestly it was always kinda funny when I ended up having to do historical deep dives for the sake of literally one throwaway sentence, which was why I usually ended up putting full explanations in my notes - not just as a way of being like "I do know what I'm doing sometimes lol" but because if I could put two or three paragraphs rambling about it at the end, I didn't feel like I'd just spent an hour digging into the next best historical alternative to a coffee table would be.
Thank you! 💜 I'm glad you enjoyed it! Avoiding the whole "not like other girls" thing was really important to me, not just because it's a gross trap to fall into. Literally the first thing I decided going into the story was that Theo and Elizabeth had to be friends, I really didn't want to make more of a thing than was wholly necessary of "boo hiss she's my competition, she's evil" especially as Elizabeth didn't return Norrington's feelings, so like? If she was a rival at all, she didn't even want to be, really? The idea of her always being at odds with the only really super prominent female character from the thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Also because it could just get so exhausting so quickly.
And it just felt so much more real and uh? More mature? I guess? For her to not mind the gowns and the dressing up for social occasions, rather than going down some weird route where she whines about the whole thing the way some 14 y/o emo kids pretend that the sight of pink makes them physically sick. Like she's a bit of a tomboy, but I never saw her as not being comfortable in her femininity either.
Like, if by the time the real drama and hardship hits, Theo has already spent 50k words by that time whining and complaining about having to wear skirts, basic gender rules of the time (deservedly or not, in that case), and crop tops being out of the question, the high-stakes hardship doesn't feel weighty, it just feels like yet another thing for her to complain about? I think she's a pretty pragmatic character, she can mostly roll with the punches, she's not going to choose something like skirts or corsets as her hill to die on, even if she finds them impractical at times. Plus I think she'd recognise that she was pretty lucky with James in that respect, because he's not really a "women should be seen and not heard" type of lad.
Plus, I know it was an actual plot point of the first movie and all, so I can mostly wave it away because of that, but the whole corset thing is one of the few things I do not like about the first one and the whole "you like pain? try wearing a corset!" line always makes me cringe 💀
But yeah, the movies having little slips like that really helped because it kinda gave me permission to play around with things a bit more than I could if it was 100% historically sound. Like you said, inaccuracies absolutely slipped through (some I was aware of, undoubtedly some that I wasn't, too), but I tried to approach it from a standpoint of like, if the majority of it was historically sound and reasonable enough, people would be more willing to suspend disbelief where it mattered because the rest felt believable.
I am so sorry for this beast of an answer 💀
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safyresky · 2 years
Me: sorry, did someone ask for some older Fino, Fiera, and Jacqueline? Oh! Well here you go!
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Okok so these are kinda lil. BAD sketches lmao except for the top ones!! Practise makes perfect and I'll get them right eventually!! :3 Mind the cam scan watermark, I always forget to crop it out 🙄🙄🙄
anyway some hot facts about Fiera, Fino, and Jacquie when they are a weee bit older than they are now below the cut!
First up: Fiera!
BUNS. She has FIERY BUNS! On her head. And freckles, apparently
Absolutely VIBING ribbons
She causes a ruckus, a stir up, but in the most elegant of ways which nobody expected, least of all Fiera
She's become v good at summer sprite-ing. Her fire is RAINBOW sometimes, she's very proud of that!
She and Fino both have the same face shape, same noses, and same freckles funnily enough! V. similar twins
The second doodle is a bit of a better Fiera-Hair. She's not as spinelly as I drew her at the top!
What is she up to? No idea! Adventure is out there and she's an on fire ribbony mess. She's carpe dieming that SHIT
Both she and Fino got a lot of Winter's more angular (pointy) features, and are very lanky. they have no fluff or curves. They are also both very tall!
He's a very very VERY skilled warlock
And just as good as Fiera at fire manipulation--he's seen his Dad and Uncle and Fino went yeah, no, I'm gonna get real good at BOTH the summer sprite shit AND the warlock shit!
And then he did.
Smaller simmer of hair at the top; but it's pretty long! By Fino standards, at least. not quite a mullet but if you squint....
Spends most of his time in the human world cultivating the reputation of weird forest wizard, helping local kids and ordibeings down on their luck
he likes nature a LOT
Went to castor school in Crystal Springs, fucking ROCKED IT
And of course, last but certainly not least: Jacqueline!
Happily married to Dite (who has, at this point, forged her own identity and goes by her name: Hedone! Jacqueline calls her Donnie for short ;)
They have 3 kids!
They are just as unhinged as Jacqueline with all of the Frost crazy and bits and pieces of god power thanks to Donnie (Dite), and sass out the ass since their granpater (Cupid) is. well. like that lol
Jacqueline loves them very, very, VERY much
Jacqueline: My kids are so terrible and I love them soooo much for it 🥺🥺🥺🥺
She tries really hard to keep her hair up in a messy fat bun, but by the end of the day it's fallen down completely
Has smile lines like her parents do!!!!
She is out here Jack Frosting officially
Still cannot seem to leave behind poofy sleeves 🤔
Lives in ordibeing world with Donnie and the kids. Kids go to human school; they cause all sorts of shenanigans
The middlest, Bianca, has a tiktok devoted to her moms called magic moms. In it, Donnie and Jacquie just exist as their magical selves and Bianca gets a kick out of all the human commentors being like WOW THEY ARE SUPER GOOD AT MAGIC HOW DOES SHE GET HER HAIR LIKE THAT? HOW DOES YOUR MATER MAKE HER WINGS MOVE LIKE HANDS? And their insistence that Bianca's answer of "they're for real actually magical beings" is not true
Also has a smattering of magibeans following who like to cause problems with ordibeings in the comments and Bianca LIVES for this
Jacqueline also lives for this magic moms thing, she thinks it's funny. Her fave video is one where Bianca charges in and goes MOM SHOW THEM HOW YOU DO YOUR HAIR and Jacqueline goes WELL, I FREEZE DRY, AND IT'S VERY EASY. YOU SUMMON YOUR FROSTY POWERS AND JUST RUN YOUR HANDS THROUGH YOUR HAIR AND MOLD IT INTO THE SHAPE YOU WANT! BOOM! DONE! You can use snow or ice or mix it UP. sometimes a light dusting of frost is gr8 for when you wanna just. have your hair down but not in your face :)
Everyone trying to debunk the sfx after that one gave Bianca and Jacquie many fun nights in the evening chillin on the couch. watching the replies. just a Legend and her Legate bonding
Jack follows magic moms and is the BIGGEST shit stirrer in the comments
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tumblr is glitching out on me so bad this is my third
time rewriting 😭 and this weird spacing is not a choice I’m making
small town bad boy (man?) eren who works in a garage and spends his evenings in bars
mikasa being an old childhood friend who comes back home after moving to the city when they were 12ish to be a teacher at a elementary school
just her being excited to meet him again after hearing some small town gossip ab him bc they were such close childhood friends just for him to be less than enthused (she’s flustered by how handsome he is and doesn’t recognize him at first bc it’s my
favorite corny trope 😭)
anyways armin as her boyishly handsome friend from
the city who gets eren moving on her bc I think it’s
funny 😆
Omg the third time! Thank you for your dedication anon!! 🫡
I have received your ask without trouble! It’s very cute! I also love the moving away trope tbh it’s so cute, especially when she comes back and doesn’t recognize him at first lol. He probably brushes her off at the beginning but then she shows up to his Shop in These tiny little Shorts and a crop top, and all the other guys are looking at her, trying to help her out and Eren finds himself Breaking it up and dragging her away to look at her car bc all these other douchebags just want in her pants. She’s so pretty and a little clueless as she stands there in all her Tall Mikasa glory, like she’s wearing heels and her legs just look fantastic and Eren Cant keep his eyes off her as she bends over to show him the problem with her tire or whatever.
Ugh plz, he finds himself agreeing this time when she asks him to coffee later and there he finds out about Armin 😒 his new mortal enemy bc he Stands too close and touches her too familiarly and Eren doesn’t like it one bit. He only just got to be the recipient of her big Smiles and this asshole gets them every five minutes, UNACCEPTABLE
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bananastarion · 1 year
I haven't really thought too much about my farmer as a character in her own right, I modeled her to basically look like me (except I could neeever rock that blue cowboy hat, purple boots and bikini top combo).
But it might be kinda fun to give her a personality based on my playstyle. She's a bit reckless, impulsive and disorganized, which basically means she winds up passed out in the mines on the regular, plants crops wherever the hell she feels like and has chests full of random shit all over the place. It looks like pure chaos but somehow, some way she knows where everything is this way. She certainly doesn't mind that Shane is a bit on the messy side too. She dotes on her husband and animals, is generally kind to everyone around town (but likes to hand her garbage to Morris whenever she runs into him late at night). Her BFF is Emily, because duh. Pretty much any oddball or weirdo is drawn to her... Linus, Pam and even Clint have become surprising allies. She also gets along great with Jas but they have more of a sisterly relationship than maternal. She has a childish side and her house is full of cute pink things and plushies.
She's hoping to be good friends with Krobus and the wizard some day too, as she likes all things occult and weird (yet hasnt broken much ground with Abigail, likely for reasons detailed at the end of this post).
She hoards cats and never goes a day without petting each and every one (thank you mods). She has a weird fascination with eels and blobfish and collects them in aquariums, with the hope of being a full blown eels n' blobfish farm one day. She just thinks they're neat.
She thought it'd be funny to fill her babies nursery with skeletons and weird fish. She gets the feeling he's gonna grow up to be a beast in the mines just like her mom, so might as well desensitize him.
Ironically she also loves booze and that is also a main focus in farm production in her big picture plans, but she keeps a close eye on Shane to make sure he's not tempted to sample too much of the wares. Pam is her drinking buddy instead, which is also a bit morally questionable but hey there aren't that many people in pelican town quite as willing to party down, and when this farmer isn't working hard she's partying hard.
She has a mischievous and capricious side, and isn't exaaaactly the most loyal wife all the time... don't hate me shane stans but I mightve slipped sebastian a bouquet just to spice up the game a little. 😅 Sebby is just a side piece though, my farmer would never divorce Shane. She gifts him home cooked meals every day and kisses him pretty much every chance she gets, and turns her whole summer farm into a pepper factory for him, so Shane doesn't complain too much, but occasionally he gets rightfully pissed off. Sebastian gets no such special treatment. But she couldn't resist a motorcycle ride, ok?? Plus that surplus of void eggs weren't going to appreciate themselves. All Shane has to do is put that goth/punk outfit back on, and Sebastian will be completely forgotten.
Basically, my farmer is chaotic neutral and a little bit of a hoe. Hey, she's a farmer after all. Geddit? Hoe? Dohoho... I'm gonna lose followers for this post aren't i
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dearsnow · 2 years
Here’s my description for the matchup trade! I’d like to be shipped with Eddie please, but I’m honestly kinda convinced you would’ve picked him anyways once I get through with my description. I bolded the important parts because this is kinda long, sorry about that
I’m 19 years old and going to be 20 on Valentine’s Day. I’m bisexual and on the Autism spectrum with ADHD. I’ve got chronic pain in my hip and back a lot too. Eddie and I probably met because I helped him study or something, I’m very smart and I love helping people. Either that or we met at a local D&D store. I can get really nervous sometimes but once I’m comfortable with someone or an environment I become really excitable and open. It’s weird because a lot of people assume I’m super shy or reserved but then they hear me making dirty jokes and dancing to weird music and they get caught off guard lol. I’m also really clumsy and am both nervous but also quite blunt somehow (basically I’m forward but in a blushy way). I also completely lose track of time and space a lot and end up forgetting things or doing stupid stuff. I have no self preservation skills despite giving good advice - high wisdom, low intelligence kinda stats. I also research anything that interests me and know tons of facts, and I’m really touch-starved. My love language is physical touch. 
The easiest way to get me to come out of my shell is playing Dungeons & Dragons or talking about similar interests. I’m currently studying to become a Television and Cartoon writer but am applying to local D&D stores in the meantime (very on brand). I also draw and read Tarot cards! If I lived in the 80s I’d definitely be considered just as weird and Satanic as Eddie lmao. I’m very cheap and will diy stuff if I can, I don’t like spending money. I also love making jokes and puns, and I’m really good at coming up with funny comments. 
I’m really short, like 4’ 11” (149 cm) tall. I’d only come up to his shoulder at best. I have wild wavy brown hair, am very slender and toned (you can actually see my abs really well), I wear glasses and am kinda androgynous-looking. I’m currently wearing an AC/DC crop top (aka a tshirt I cut into a crop top). Most of my wardrobe consists of funny t-shirts and jeans.
Thanks so much!! Take care of yourself and remember to drink lots of water, okay? :)
Eddie Munson!
a/n - omg it was so hard to just pick a few of your traits, but i did my best :) you seem so awesome. mwah
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- there is no way this man isn’t neurodivergent too. He knows exactly what you’re feeling at all times and always takes that into account. He’s a master at keeping you comfortable so you can let your amazing personality shine
- sometimes he says he hates smart people, but you know he’s never talking about you. He actually admires your brains a lot and even asked you to help him study before you ever even became a “thing”
- whenever you stumble, he’s there to keep a hand on your back or tug the waistband of your pants to keep you from falling. It’s so hot when he does it too, it truly makes your heart pound
- he’s also a bit forgetful, but he always remembers the most random things. Your second favorite animal? He knows it by heart. The vocab words for the quiz next period? He hasn’t retained a single one
- he loves sitting you on his lap for some much-needed cuddles. Sometimes he even plays guitar over your body
- you guys can shoot DnD facts back and forth for hours. It’s honestly really impressive
- he takes such an interest in all of your hobbies; tarot, drawing, anything you’re into, he’s also into. It doesn’t matter if he knows literally nothing about the subject, he just likes to listen to you talk about your passions. It makes him really giddy
- Eddie is such an asshole (lovingly) about your height. He’ll use you as an armrest and put guitar picks in your hair when you’re not looking
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cosmicck · 2 months
Sweetie, I'm so sorry you feel uncomfortable wearing crop-tops and all those pretty clothes that make you even more gorgeous
I want you to know that whatever you wear, whatever type of makeup you do, however you put your hair, you'll always be beautiful.
Don't let those pricks get to you, we know that even with our weight, we're completely fine (even if we aren't COMPLETELY who truly is? we still aren't dying, there's a remedy to everything but death, remember.) So please, don't ever feel uncomfortable because you're pretty inside and outside, I wish you all the best things ever because you deserve them, you're funny, you're sweet, you're strong, even if they tell you otherwise, I hope this makes you feel better because this is what you truly are❤️❤️❤️
thank you cherry this means so much to me❤
i just felt weird wearing a whole different tank top as well, which is why i also deleted the post. there was no need for them to point out your weight though and that's what really made me upset and i hope you're okay too
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