#just a weird guy out in the forest with a big fire & burnt food
r0semultiverse · 3 months
Samama is looking into the Magnus protocol :pogchamp:
I mean, I’d be curious too having heard about the Magnus Institute then seeing a reference to a protocol.
Gwen being “trapped here forever,” I wonder if that’s literal or just a reference to Elias. 😂 Also would she be Elias & boat captain guy’s kid?? Asking the real questions.
Also, is Augustus’s voice a character from The Magnus Archives proper or a new voice actor/character?? Okay, new voice apparently!
Last Fortnite? /j
Okay so the violin is definitely paranormal or has paranormal origins.
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Also the name Oliver strikes me as very familiar but idk why. 🤔
“Unseen maestro of his own imagination.” Oh yeah no the music man is back in some form or it’s a new thing.
BRO JUST LEPT FOR IT??? Holy fuck. Wait did this thing take hold of his tutor, then the carriage guy??
This instrument is hot! 🔥
I wonder if the musical notes will burn the audience or something. 👀 Oh shit it’s musical talent for blood! ⚰️ Vampire ass instrument. Deal with the devil type shit.
Oh shit... he fed other people to his violin. I wonder if it ate him in the middle of the night because it got hungry & he hadn’t fed it.
“Feed my violin nephew.”
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“I could disappear again, they would never know!” WHO & WHY??
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acraftedmistake · 3 years
Nether Time!
Cassie and Petra need to get stuff from the Nether! It’s been a while since they’ve done this.
“Nether time!” Petra sang as she leapt out the portal.
“Nether time!” Cassie Rose chimed as well, landing right beside her friend.
The two exchanged big grins with one another. Cassie was holding onto her outfit so tightly she thought it’d tear.
It’s been ages since they’ve been in their house together. Everything still looked and felt the same. The red and teal carpet was still covering the netherrack floor, still stained and torn, the walls were that weird combination of wood and netherrack that she remembers so fondly, shelves and counters surrounded them, holding both their’s and the previous owner’s items. Those four cushioned chairs they placed in the upper left corner of the house--the ‘kitchen’--have yet to move. The kitchen itself was just a few chests filled with food, a battered stove that stopped working years ago, and a cauldron with strange splatters in it. There were also the remains of their kitchen table. Used to be fine, sturdy wood, but when they first arrived at this house, monsters were trying to break in, so they had to use the base of the table and the legs to fend themselves. The decorations were still hung up too! Bells, chimes, other sorts of art pieces attached to strings that hung from the ceiling, just as Cassie remembers it.
Well, it technically isn’t ‘their’ house. Their portal just happened to appear inside this strange old place one day, and they claimed it. Finders keepers, you know? Besides, the previous owners were probably long dead.
“Come on, we need to get your pumpkin.” Petra made her way to the counters beside the portal. The countertops were covered with broken weapons, ores, and strange nik naks they found over the years, and sitting in the middle of it all: Cassie’s white pumpkin.
Petra grabbed the hollowed fruit and spun it around in her hands, “You’ll be happy to hear I’ve been taking good care of your other pumpkins back at the cave.”
“That’s impressive, considering you somehow managed to kill a cactus that one time.”
“Hey, I already told you that stupid cactus killed itself. I was gone for one day, and when I came back, it was dead. I did nothing wrong.” Petra denied as she tossed Cassie her pumpkin.
Cassie quickly dropped her extra set of clothes to catch her it, “Did you water it when the soil got dry?”
“It’s a cactus. Water’s irrelevant.” Petra avoided Cassie’s little glare by facing the counter again and sorting through the random items.
Cassie held the pumpkin in her hands and stared at it for a moment. It’s been a few years since she’s worn it last. Memories were flooding through her. She still remembered how she first got her hands on her first pumpkin; she stole it from a crazy old guy’s backyard. She just happened to spot it while walking through a random town one day, Petra told her ‘If ya like it, get it.’ And she did exactly that. It was a real strange pumpkin. When the two cut it open, it hardly had any guts, and the inside smelled like… Nothing. Well, it smelled ‘wet’ if that was possible. The sorta wetness you’d smell in a forest after it’d rain. They were surprised at how durable it was too, which soon sparked the amazing idea of shoving her head inside the pumpkin and using it for protective gear. It sounds ridiculous--heck, it probably looks ridiculous--but it works, and Cassie likes it, so that’s all that matters.
Cassie ended up planting the few pumpkin seeds years ago, and before she knew it, she had a bunch of = pumpkins to last.
Cassie can trust Petra with the pumpkin care, but she always makes sure to check in on them. That white pumpkin got her into plants, she even has a few houseplants back at home, but she’s still too embarrassed to tell anyone yet.
“Oh!” Petra snapped her fingers. She dashed back to the portal, shoved the upper-half of her body into the vortex, then came back out with her Wither Skull in hands. “Nearly forgot this bad boy.”
“I’m surprised that thing’s still in one piece.” Cassie said while she watched Petra grab a cloth from a chest in the kitchen.
“Right? This thing’s insane!” Petra exclaimed as she cleaned the inside of her painted skull. “One time I forgot it outside, a quake happened, and when I ran out to get it back, a tree landed on it and it was still in one piece.”
“You ever thinking of repainting it?” Cassie asked. She began putting on her long, oversized, dark blue pants over her leggings.
“Nah, the stripes are iconic. “ Petra tossed the cloth aside then shoved her head into the skull.
Cassie let out a grunt as she struggled to put her large long-sleeved shirt over her hoodie. She knew she was going to be drowning in sweat with three layers on, but that’s three extra layers of fire protection. When she finally got it on, she began tying the belt around her waist and slipped on her thick, brown gloves.
As she was adjusting her gloves, Petra handed her a crooked pickaxe and a worn-down sword.
“If I knew you were comin’ over today, I would’ve made some better tools for you.” Petra said. She was holding a blue backpack in her other hand that’s seen better days. One black strap had been completely torn off while the other was just barely holding on. There were holes where the buttons used to be. Hopefully it’ll be able to hold their stuff.
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” Cassie said, holding the tools by the sides of her arms. “We’re just gonna pick up a few things anyways.”
Cassie stuck her head into the pumpkin.
“You ready?” Cassie asked, her voice muffled. She took the weapons out and held them firmly.
“Super ready.” Petra smiled as she watched Cassie twirl the tools around before shoving them into her pockets.
Petra swung open the front door, and a horrible heatwave rushed in and hit their faces. Cassie’s eyes watered. You’d think after all those years of exploring the Nether, she’d get used to it, but it always seems to get worse each time.
Petra held the door open with her foot and the girls made some quick, last-minute readjustments with their outfits.
Cassie glanced to the side and spotted a familiar sign hanging under the doorknob. It was a piece of oak wood with the words “No Boys Allowed” that she made as a joke. That was way back when they first spawned into this house.
“Why do you still have that old sign up?” Cassie asked, surprised it hadn’t burnt to a crisp.
“To keep the boys out.” Petra said casually as she closed the door.
“But we’re the only two here though.”
“All thanks to the sign.” A little smirk formed on Petra’s face.
Cassie rolled her eyes and gave Petra a playful shove as they went out into The Neighborhood.
The Neighborhood… A sweltering ghost town. Awakening members used to live here years ago. Their ‘homes’ were just hollowed out holes in netherrack hills, making the place look more like a Hellish wasp nest than a cozy neighborhood. The openings were usually covered in old wood, and their front doors were rather busted or missing. And the way these houses were placed in such unorganized clutters just felt… Wrong. People weren’t meant to live in the Nether.
Any leftover space was taken up by Nether portals. It didn’t matter if the space between the houses were huge or cramped, people found ways of making the portals fit. Maybe the Neighborhood looked real pretty when the portals were all activated, but they’ve been deactivated for years, and Cassie and Petra weren’t planning on lighting them up anytime soon. It was bad luck to reactivate dead portals.
“So what things you lookin’ for again?” Petra asked.
“Gold’s high on the list,” Cassie replied, “we also need extra iron, extra flint, and some netherrack just in case.”
“Awh shoot, what?!” Petra froze. Her tone turned serious.
“What? What’s up?!”
“Do you know how hard it is to find netherrack!? We’ll be looking around for hours!” Petra exclaimed, standing on the netherrack floor. Surrounded by netherrack hills. With a netherrack covered sky.
Cassie couldn’t see Petra’s face, but she KNEW she had that big, dumb smile.
Cassie gave her a quick bonk on the skull and bent down to gather an arms-full of netherrack chunks, all while Petra was laughing.
“Damn, talk about lucky.” Petra teased, “You always had a good eye for rare items.” She slipped the bag off her shoulders and opened the flap for Cassie.
“Yeah, yeah. You gonna be messing with me the entire time we’re here?” Cassie rolled her eyes as she shoved the netherrack into the sack.
“Awh, come on, it’s been almost two years since we’ve done this. I’ve missed ya.” Petra said. The two began walking again. “It’s really boring without ya, you know?”
“Man, has it really been two years?” Cassie stared at her feet, a feeling of guilt starting to gnaw at her.
“But I mean--mentally, it’s only been two days.” Cassie said, looking back at Petra.
“Ex-ACT-ly. Time doesn’t move unless we’re together. Common knowledge.” Petra gave her a grin. Cassie couldn’t see most of it, but she could feel it. It was reassuring.
The two stepped over a wooden bridge that was splayed out over the ground. It’s been there since day once, wood planks, rope, and all. They kept telling themselves they’re gonna move it, but they never do. It’s not like it’s a huge obstacle or anything.
There was a lotta stuff like that around the Neighborhood. If you looked up, you could see more bridges hanging between the hills, many of them missing their planks or dangling by their threads, and a bunch of the houses built into the top of the hills had staircases, ladders, or ramps that stretched all across the area. Cassie and Petra had the “fun” experience of finding out which ones were stable or not.
“So, shouldn’t we start looking through the houses or somethin’?” Cassie asked, her eyes scanning the dozens of houses they’d have to scour through.
There were still items in these houses. Even though this place was abandoned years ago, a looming presence remains. Dirty dishes sitting in cauldrons, rotting meals on kitchen tables, unfinished letters on desks, wrinkled blankets on unmade beds, all signs that this ghost town was once full of life. Petra and Cassie have spotted many weird trinkets The Awakening members have made; chunky jewelry, small dolls carved from nearby materials, chimes, and masks that lacked eyeholes. Many, many art pieces included the Awakening symbols: A red flower with hundreds of petals, their empty eye, and the Hero. Another thing many homes seemed to have were mirrors, but they were never in one piece. Instead, they were often broken into several large parts and tied to strings that’d hang from the ceiling, or arranged in odd shapes on the walls. Sometimes the shape would resemble their eye, but most of the time it looked like nonsense.
“Nah, I have a different place in mind.” Petra replied.
“Have we been there before?” Cassie tilted her head.
“Perhaps.” Petra said, “Just gotta wait and see.”
The two stayed on the path, which was a mix of netherrack, gravel, and soul soil, passing under the hanging decor above.
Wooden poles were on each side of the path with rope tied to the tops, connecting them together while chimes, flags, and glass hung from the threads. When a hot breeze came by, the Neighborhood would create its own music. The clinking of the glass, the flapping of banners, the clattering of metal chimes, and the creaking of wooden doors created this strange but soothing sympathy to fill the silence.
“How’re things with the other Jesse and Olivia goin’?” Petra asked, swinging her sword around.
“Frustrating.” Cassie huffed.
“Things were kinda going okay until Aiden decided to basically blurt out what was happening to our Jesse. Now Stella’s all stressed out, and we gotta keep an eye out for that cult creep, and Aiden’s probably gonna be super bummed that he made poor little Jesse upset--” Cassie ranted.
“I remember bout Aiden spillin’ the beans.” Petra commented. “Sorry everything’s been stressful.”
“It’s been so freaky with those two around! I dunno if I should be happy, upset, but Hero, everytime I look at them for more than a minute I start to feel sick.” Cassie felt that familiar queasy feeling rising in her stomach, “I’m not saying they’re bad people or something, just that… Everything sucks. And having our Jesse running around isn’t helping.”
“I mean, it’s a weird situation. Don’t blame you at all for feeling that way. Heck, even when I first saw them I was thrown off. Felt like two freaks wearing Olivia and Jesse’s skins.” Petra noticed her friend falling behind and waited for her to catch up.
“That’s a fun way to put it.” Cassie said, trudging along.
“Jess and Liv,” Cassie mumbled, “they’re nice, but I can’t wait for them to go home. I wanna forget this ever happened. They make me miss those two all over again.”
“I can imagine.” Petra went quiet when Cassie joined her side. The sounds of the Neighborhood filled the air.
Petra extended her arm out, “I’m here for ya, though, ya know? If you ever wanna complain, cry, or get angry about that Radar guy, I’m always here.” It was hard to see it, but through the gaps of the skull’s teeth, Petra was giving her a smile.
“Thanks.” Cassie took one hand out of her pocket and went to lock arms with Petra, something they used to do years ago, “I mean it.”
“Course.” Petra said.
And with that, the two picked up the pace.
Petra glanced at her friend then glanced at the various portals surrounding them, “I’m gonna guess Jesse and Olivia didn’t walk through an obsidian portal, right?”
“No, some weird blue portal. Probably lapis. I wish it was somethin’ as easy as obsidian.” Cassie sighed. “I’m guessing you haven’t seen Jesse recently?” She asked.
“Nope.” Petra lied, “Not yet. I’ll let you know though.”
Cassie gave her a nod and looked ahead. They were nearing the Nether Fortress. Their Nether Fortress.
Seeing this place after so long… It was like seeing it for the first time again. The broken, tall towers, the bridge stretching across the sea of lava, the ruined railway system, it was so otherworldly. The only thing missing were those hundreds of monsters crawling around the place that Cassie and Petra used to beat up.
That wide open bridge over boiling magma--with the Fortress being so close--was just begging Cassie to run across it.
Petra noted Cassie’s excitement and unlocked arms with her.
“Go ‘head, I’ll be right behind ya.” Petra said with a grin, and on cue, Cassie bolted off to the entrance.
Memories of the two of them raced through Cassie’s mind. The hot air hitting her face, the colors blurring together, her feet stinging each time they hit the ground, it was just like old times. This was liberating.
“Hey, I’m winning!”
Cassie whipped her head at just the right time to see Petra taking the lead.
“Not for long!” Cassie hollered as she picked up the pace.
They were both set on the entrance. Cassie could see Petra out of the corner of her eye. She could feel the confidence radiating from her, like she knew she was gonna win. But not this time.
When Cassie was just feet from the entrance, she dived. She crashed into the ground, her pumpkin making a loud THUD when it hit the floor.
Before she could push herself up, Petra fell on top of her. She must’ve had the same idea.
Both of them were laying on the ground, panting and laughing.
“Pretty sure I won.” Petra finally said.
“Nu-uh, my hand made it past the entrance first!” Cassie shot back, still breathing heavily.
“Yeah, but your hand didn’t touch the ground first, so technically--”
“Since when were you about technicalities?!” Cassie exclaimed. Petra could hear the laughs between her words.
“Alright, if it’ll make you happy, then I’ll admit it…” Petra got up and helped Cassie to her feet. “We tied.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Welp, guess we’ll never know who won.” Petra shrugged. Cassie gave her a playful shove.
“Yeah, yeah.” Cassie adjusted her belt. The two stopped and faced an intersection of three hallways.
“Which way do we need to go?” asked Cassie.
Petra glanced at the wooden arrow signs above then pointed ahead, “Straight, then a left, then straight again.”
“Got it.” Cassie started walking and couldn’t help but snicker at the words on the signs. There were a bunch of those signs hanging around here, their original words have long since faded, so she and Petra took some creative liberties.
Cassie recalled those directions, they were heading towards the ‘Spicy Abyss’, which was the second bridge on the other side of the Fortress. It's in ruins, so the two of them just like to sit on the edge and enjoy the view.
The middle sign was ‘Lotsa Boxes’, which is the hallway they’re currently walking through. It’s a rather wide hall--nearly as wide as the bridge they just crossed--that’s filled with abandoned stalls, carts, and chests. The stalls had boxes in, on, and around them, the old carts had boxes in them, and the chests--the chests were already boxes. This place must’ve been a Trading Hall, a storage, or even a marketplace for the Neighborhood back then. The way everything was arranged reminded Cassie of the night-market in Obsidian Town; lots of trading, buying, and selling, except not in the middle of the blazing-hot Nether.
Banners hung from short poles in the walls, all shades of red, turquoise, and gold while covered with symbols and faded words advertising goods. When Cassie and Petra first found this place, they were surprised at how many tools, ores, and old books were left behind, so of course they gathered them all up and sold ‘em. Made them a great deal of money!
The two took a left and continued down another hallway. They were pretty close to ‘Petra Fell’; those were the words on the last sign. It was one of the three tall towers you could see through the windows. It was the shortest of the bunch, it’s upper half is completely missing, but it was the best place to climb and get a fantastic view.
Cassie and Petra haven’t been on top of that tower in years. The last time they were, Petra was playing around near the edge, stumbled, and nearly fell to her death had it not been for Cassie catching her. Petra’s been terrified of heights since then. Cassie can’t blame her.
It’d be nice to rush through that tower again with Petra, even if she didn’t want to go to the very top, it’d be a great… The tower…
It looked different.
Cassie couldn’t put her finger on it, but something was off. She could feel it.
“Hey, did that tower get shorter? Or have I just been gone for too long?” Cassie asked.
Petra didn’t even glance at the tower, “Already noticing my hard work, I see.”
“Hard work?” Cassie tilted her head. Petra didn’t elaborate. Cassie kept pestering her, but she wouldn’t budge until they reached the end of the hall.
Where there used to be a big, gaping hole was now covered up by tons of banners. They were sloppily sewn together, trying to hide every piece of the other side.
“So,” Petra began, “Remember how I said I had a different place in mind to find those items?”
“Yeah?” Cassie answered slowly.
“And remember how we always wanted to build that bridge to the other side of the Nether?” A grin grew on Petra’s face as she watched Cassie’s eyes light up.
Cassie gasped, “No, nu-uh, you did not!”
“I did.” Petra raised her brows. When Cassie took another step forward, Petra yanked the banners off to reveal a magnificent bridge that stretched across the sea of lava and connected to the other side of the Nether. It was a mish mash of netherrack, nether brick, gravel, and even some obsidian. There weren’t any rails on it, and Cassie was certain it hardly had any support underneath it.
It looked dangerous.
It looked fantastic.
Petra watched Cassie take all this in. She was bouncing in place, hands over her mouth, all excited like a li’l kid. Man, Petra could only imagine what Cassie’s face was like under that pumpkin. Her eyes were probably sparkling and she had that big, dorky smile that’s bright enough to light up this entire fortress.
“Oh Hero, oh--Oh I canNOT believe you!” Cassie exclaimed, grabbing Petra and shaking her excitedly before giving her a big hug.
“Hey, we always wanted to see more of the Nether together.” Petra chuckled, “Thought this would be a nice little surprise for when you came back.”
Cassie let go to look at the bridge again; Petra took a lungful of air.
“And don’t worry, it’s stable.” Petra said, “I’ve tested this bad boy out hundreds of times and only had several near death experiences.”
“Perfect, great! All I need to hear.” Cassie was revved up. She dug her feet into the ground, ready to blast off, but she stopped herself. “Agh, wait. I promised Aiden I’d come back home soon.”
“How soon?” Petra leaned against the wall.
“Like, by the end of tomorrow, I think?”
“Well, you got here at a pretty good time, so we got, what? Several hours to work with?” Petra tapped the skull’s chin, “If we’re fast enough, we could see some good sights and get your stuff. So whaddya say?”
Petra got closer to Cassie, “Wanna see how fast we can blast through this sucker?”
Despite the skull hiding her face, Cassie knew Petra was smiling, and Cassie smiled right back at her.
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kyoupann · 3 years
fic request: hyrule "getting lost" on purpose for some alone time from the group, and bringing someone with him to find a cool spot and just hang out a while! bonus if it turns out he very rarely actually gets lost and just uses it as an excuse xD extra bonus if it's legend 👉👈
Anon, I love you. You're the epitome of big brain.
Have Hyrule and Legend having a wholesome moment. It's not much, but it's honest work. <3
Bold of you to believe Hyrule gets lost easily
Being on an adventure with a party was quite different from what Hyrule had imagined; truth to be told, the thought never crossed his mind. But when it finally became a reality and he found himself surrounded by people 24/7, the closeness, the noise, started to suffocate him.
Don't take him wrong, he loves his new friends. He absolutely does. Ones more than others, but he still loves them all. But he could do with fewer people from time to time. And since some of the others didn't seem to be willing to separate for more than a couple of minutes, unless extremely required, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
The first time was almost accidental. He did go off-trail for a bathroom break, but as he waited for his business to be finished he realised how quiet the woods were; no clinking of armour, no footsteps, no small chat, just birds chirping and treetops rustling gently against each other. Just pure, comfortable quiet. He didn't even notice that he had finished already, so lost contemplating his surrounding and how much he missed this. Soon enough, he snapped out of it, fixed his clothes and started heading back to the main trail. The group was probably far ahead, so he didn't rush to reach them. Instead, he took his time, idly following the trail and admiring the beauty around him: massive trees, so tall they covered the sky, the only source of light slipping through the gaps between the leaves; so lovely and delicate and warm. Without the noise of a full travelling party, he noticed that the small creatures of the forest didn't mind his silent steps,  some hares peeking from their burrows and a couple of squirrels chasing each other down a tree trunk.
He didn't know how long it took him to catch up with the group, but he knows that it must have been a good half an hour or more; their faces showing nothing but annoyance, maybe a bit of worry etched on their youngest companion, but irritation definitely took the lead.
"Where were you?!" was the first thing one of them asked, followed by some concerned queries about his well-being.
He took exactly one second to think and answer "I got lost on my way back."
And from then on, he was never allowed to leave the perimeter without a partner. Which, mind you, fucking sucked. There he was trying not to hurt anybody's feelings, yet his answer ended up backfiring in the worst way possible; not only was it harder to have some quiet, but the group also started to underestimate his sense of direction in a way that felt almost insulting. Did he have to remind them that there are no maps in his Hyrule and yet he knows the land like the back of his hand? But go off, not like he cares, anyway.
He tried to not let it bother him, and not past a couple of days, he found a solution to the very same problem he got himself into. He started to sneak out without anyone noticing, and if they did notice, they were nice enough to not rat him out. To each their own, whatever. It became a habit, whenever he would feel the tingling sensation at the nape of his neck, he would begin to fall behind and leave the group as soon as he saw an opportunity. Often times, it was Wild and his weird wolf who found him pacing around somewhere, the blue-clad hero with a mischievous smile on his face while the wolf sported a frown, not thrilled to be on hunt duty. Other times, Hyrule made his way back to the group a couple of hours later, before anyone started arranging a rescue team for someone who clearly didn't need it. But he appreciated the sentiment; at least he knows that they wouldn't just ditch him anytime.
One day, though, he noted that their veteran was in a sour mood, more than any other day. He had no idea that could be possible, but, hey, you learn new things every day. He felt kindness fill his body more than usual and was willing to let the veteran in on his little secret. He didn't need to worry too much before turning to him as they unpacked their stuff for the night.
"Hey, I'm feeling a bit restless," he said and the other just hummed in response, "do you want to go for a walk with me?"
For a moment, he thought of dropping it right then; but on the other hand, he was feeling a tad overwhelmed by the noise coming from the guys helping the cook with dinner and the others taking care of their gear. Couldn't they be a bit more... silent? For mostly mute companions, they sure were extremely loud in their tasks sometimes.
"Please, everyone is busy," he pleaded, now moving to be face to face with the veteran, "please, Leg. It won't take long."
He saw the Legend drop his shoulders in surrender before agreeing to a short walk around the area. And as soon as they had their stuff ready, they took off.
Hyrule was excited to have some alone time after what had been entire days without the opportunity to sneak out. He didn't even mind Legend coming with him. In fact, he was delighted to have him around. While Legend often worried about his disappearing habits, he was also the most chill about it. He really liked him. He hoped that this walk would ease his mind of whatever was bothering him; he wasn't going to ask, that was not the point of this. If Legend wanted to talk, they would.
"It sure is nice around here," Legend said, as emotionless as ever, making Hyrule question if he even meant it.
There were no trees blocking the sky, the sea of constellations shining brightly above them as they walked up a hill. Hyrule guessed it was most likely a small mountain if his adventure had taught him anything. The path was becoming too steep for them to trek in a straight line. Just as soon as they got to what seemed to be a dead-end, Legend whistled, catching the traveller's attention.
"It was a great walk," he said, boots already turning around and retracing his steps. "Time to go back."
But Hyrule didn't follow him. Instead, he reached in front of him.
"Last to get to the top is a bald cuccoo," he shouted as he started his climb.
He didn't even look back to check on Legend, he knew he would be following him. They climbed in silence, saving their energy and attention for the slippery rocks that fell from their hands and under the weight of their boots.
About ten minutes later, when the moon was at its highest point, Hyrule reached a small plateau on the side of the mountain. It might not be the destination they had in mind, but he couldn't deny that the view from there was stunning. To their south, he could see the prairie they had passed through early in the day, the light of the moon illuminating every single patch of grass and rock; on the other side of the mountain, to the north, Hyrule could spot the light and smoke coming from their campsite. They weren't that far, after all. Just enough to relax.
"What the fuck? You can't just say shit like that and start climbing, Hyrule!" Legend wheezed as he dragged his body over the edge, completely out of breath and slamming his back against the cold ground.
Hyrule ran to aid him to stand up, extending small apologies as he offered his hand, his shoulders shaking with a stifled chuckle.
"What are you talking about? That was fun!"
He gave Legend the time to look around, hoping that the view would make him forget his irritation. In the end, he guesses he succeeded; a soft smile adorned the other's face.
"I wished we could stay longer, but we gotta head back."
Hyrules ears perked up in interest and a grin that showed nothing but mischief appeared.
"Oh, it would be such a shame if we got lost on our way back and we had to wait until morning to avoid getting even more lost in the dark."
It took Legend 5 seconds before the gears in his mind began to work and process what Hyrule said.
"You little shit," he punched him on his arm playfully, earning him a cackle from the traveller. "You. cheeky. little. shit." He marked each word with a punch, each less hard than the last.
Hyrule rubbed his arm, "so, what do you say?" He looked at Legend expectantly, " If you want to go back to the others, we'll go. I'm not keeping you here, but I think some time off would do us good."
It was then that Legend noticed that Hyrule had brought his bag with him. He sat down and started pulling a variety of items from it, a fabric too thin to be a blanket being one of them.
With a snap of his fingers, a nearby bush lit on fire, and in no time they had their own little impromptu camp set up.
"I have some fish if you want me to make something," he pointed to his bag, but as always, he didn't wait for a response, already elbow-deep into the bag looking for the food, "caught it this morning, it's basically fresh."
Two small fish stabbed through the middle with a stick later, he handed one stick for Legend to grill over the fire.
"So... you get lost... on purpose..."
Hyrule bit the inside of his cheek and flipped his fish over, " for the exact same reason you accepted to come with me, I suppose." He took the fish off the fire and inspected it. "Unlike most of you, I didn't have a companion during my adventures. Having someone to talk to whenever is nice and all but... well, I simply value my privacy. I like being alone."
Legend could only hum in agreement. He rolled his stick, half of his fish almost burnt, "Wow, thanks," he said, his words coated with sarcasm.
"I like being alone with you," he laughed at his own words, a bit unsure of how to fix what he had said, but no less true.
A soft smile pulled at Legend's lips. He sighed in contentment and extended an arm to ruffle Hyrule's hair.
"I like being with you, too."
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
More family outing scenes 🥺🥺🥺 going to the beach, picnics, camping and stuff :D
Oh my gosh, ok listen; growing up, Daniel and his family went hiking and camping and canoeing a lot…I mean what do you expect when you live in Vancouver? It’s like living inside a postcard photo. So it’s no doubt that when his own kids are grown up just enough to enjoy it, he wants to take them camping too. But the Seavey daughters were nothing like he and his siblings were and they only ever tried camping once since it went so horribly...
Daniel had a week off work in the summer and they packed up the car with camping supplies, stocked coolers, and plentiful bug spray and sunscreen and headed up north. Daniel was thoroughly excited for that week and he was absolutely radiating excitement, filling the drive with stories of when he would go camping with his family as a kid. Florence was raised in a household that never did any sort of family bonding activities so she had never been camping before either, a bit hesitant to sleep outside but Daniel’s thrill was certainly rubbing off on her on the drive up.
They arrived at the park an hour and a half later and Daniel parked and headed into the gatehouse to check in and pay. The girls in the backseat were staring out into the surrounding forest silently and Florence glanced back at them, “How are we feeling?”
“Fine.” Penelope answered quietly.
“It’s gonna take some getting used to, I’m sure, but we’re gonna be excited for Daddy, okay?” Florence whispered.
The girls nodded.
“I’m actually excited so I don’t need to pretend.” Clementine retorted.
“That’s very good.” Florence chuckled, turning back around as Daniel got back in the car. He drove them through the park over gravel roads to their campsite which was literally a clearing of grass with a firepit and a picnic table surrounded by trees.
“Okay, let’s set up!” Daniel jumped out of the car and pulled open the trunk. The girls climbed out carefully, hesitantly, and started to look around their area.
“Stay close, okay, girls?” Florence told them before starting to help Daniel unpack the car.
“Where’s the hotel?” Lucy asked softly, standing to the side of the car as she watched her parents stack the coolers and things on the grass.
“We’re sleeping outside! That’s what camping is.” Daniel said.
“Yeah! Outside with all the bears.” Clementine grabbed her youngest sister’s shoulders, making her scream.
“There aren’t any bears.” Florence assured her. She turned to Daniel, dropping her voice, “There aren’t any bears, are there?”
“Sometimes.” Daniel answered.
“Oh my God, Dani.” Florence gaped softly.
“Relax, we’re not gonna be eaten by a bear.” Daniel chuckled, carrying the folded up tent farther down the clearing and set it down on the grass. Clementine rushed right over to help him and he showed her how to pitch the tent and soon it was standing solid and the girls climbed right in to check in out.
“Shoes off in our house, little ladies.” Daniel said, watching three pairs of running shoes get kicked back out onto the grass. He smiled as they talked excitedly and laughed together inside the tent, exploring every little corner.
Florence had finished unloading the car and was setting up their things around the picnic table and he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
“What are you doing?” Florence giggled, leaning back against him as if waiting for a kiss but she pulled off his hat and placed it on her own head before pushing him off to continue working. “When do we want to start dinner?”
“5:00 sounds fine. We can explore a little bit first.” Daniel suggested, checking his watch quickly.
“Daddy! I have to pee!” Clementine shouted across the campsite and she came running, nearly tripping over her shoes as she tried to put them back on. “I had that huge slushie in the car and I really have to pee. Where are the bathrooms?”
“On it! I got the map. Let’s go, ladies.” Daniel herded all the children up and all five of them headed down the path towards the bathrooms. Florence was a little hesitant just leaving all their things out in the open but he assured her it was fine and pulled her along. Nearly two minutes later and Clementine was already getting impatient.
“Dad. I’m going to pee my pants!” she groaned, holding onto his arm so he could pull her along.
“Almost there.” Daniel took them across one more pathway and they were face to face with a row of outhouses. All four girls stopped dead. Daniel turned back, “What?”
“What the hell is this?” Florence frowned distastefully.
“The experience.” Daniel said, pulling Clementine after him.
“Nuh uh.” Clementine pried his hand off of her arm. “I don’t have to pee anymore. I don’t have to pee ever again.”
“Oh, come on.” Daniel said, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s not a portal to hell, it’s a bathroom.”
“It’s smells yucky.” Penelope frowned, hiding being Florence.
Daniel sighed, pressing a hand to the bridge of his nose, “We’ve been here thirty minutes and you guys are already complaining. It’s not a big deal, okay? It’s just a hole in the ground.”
“Ugh!” the girls groaned.
“We’re here for a week you can’t just not got to the bathroom.” Daniel challenged.
The girls stared blankly back at him.
“Flora.” Daniel pouted, desperate for some sort of back up. She sighed, looking down at her frightened daughters and then back up to her husband.
“Fine. To prove I won’t get sucked to the depths of hell, I’ll give it a go.” Florence grumbled.
“No, Mommy!” Lucy shrieked, clinging onto her leg.
It took way too long to convince the girls to finally give the outhouse a try that by the time they had all gone, it was dinner time and Daniel was already exhausted. The trek back to the campsite was sort of an awkward one.
“There weren’t any campsites with plumbing?” Florence asked lightheartedly as she linked her arm in his.
“The experience.” Daniel pouted, resting his head against hers as they walked.
“At least the fire and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows will be a fun experience after whatever that was.” Florence sighed.
“It’s fine. Just one hiccup.” Daniel shrugged, leaning in to kiss her once as they made it back to the site. The sun had started to set and the girls got their chairs around the firepit as Daniel bent down to start the fire…by hand.
Florence gathered their food supplies too cook dinner and set them in her own chair as she watched Daniel crouched by the pile of wood and kindling trying to start a spark. The girls glanced at their mother after a moment.
“Sweetheart,” Florence set her hand on Daniel’s shoulder, “Why don’t you use the lighter?”
“No, no. I can do this. My dad taught us when we were younger.” Daniel assured her, turning back to his work. A few minutes passed.
“Daddy, I’m hungry.” Lucy whined.
“Dammit.” Daniel sighed, pushing his arm across his forehead tiredly, staring down at the lack of fire in front of him.
“You can be a boy scout later, right now we have to feed our children.” Florence said, clicking on the lighter and resting the flame against the kindling. Mere seconds later, there was a good fire going and Daniel was sat on the grass pouting. Florence pulled his head back to kiss him upside down and gave his cheek a quick pat before handing out the metal sticks to the girls.
“Can we have spaghetti?” Penelope asked.
“We can’t have spaghetti, Penny. We can only eat what we packed.” Florence said. “We’re having hot dogs tonight.”
“Aw.” she frowned as her mother stuck the uncooked hot dog on the end of her stick.
“Can we order McDonalds?” Lucy asked.
“No, we can’t order McDonalds, princess. It doesn’t work like that.” Daniel cracked a small smile as he got himself a stick to make his own dinner.
“Why not?”
“Because McDonalds doesn’t deliver outside.”
“Then we can go inside.” Lucy said matter-of-factly.
“I think I burnt it.” Clementine broke the gradually annoying conversation of the six-year-old as she held up her stick with a charred black hot dog on the end.
“Let’s get you a new one.” Daniel chuckled, passing her over a fresh one.
The parents helped the girls roast their hot dogs and stick them safely in buns to eat. When dinner was over, Florence brought over the marshmallows and passed some down the line to make smores. Daniel stuck with Lucy to make sure she didn’t burn her dessert since she was only six; it was a cute sight with her sitting on his lap with both of them holding the metal stick towards the fire, matching concentrated faces making Florence smile and snap a picture.
It was finally peaceful and Daniel was back to feeling that family love and excitement he had when they first arrived, surrounded by his sweet daughters and beautiful wife. They shared little stories around the fire before bed and then got into pyjamas in turns in the privacy of the tent. The girls were tucked into their sleeping bags on the tarp floor of the tent and Florence got herself into her own sleeping bag on the double air mattress they brought for themselves. Daniel said the parents always got better sleeping arrangements…part of that experience. Of course, Penelope was ready to challenge that statement with her annoyed shifting and uncomfortable whines against the ground.
“I can’t get comfortable!” she cried, finally flopping on her back to shoot a pout in the direction of her father who had yet to even try to get into bed.
“Just…don’t think about it as sleeping on the ground. Think of it like sleeping on a really lumpy mattress.” Daniel suggested.
“Daddy’s punishing us.” Lucy grumbled from behind him from her spot beside Clementine.
“What?” Daniel gaped down at her. “I am not!”
“Why do you get the air mattress?” Clementine protested.
“I don’t like this!” Penelope whined louder from the other side of the tent, kicking herself out of her sleeping bag. “It feels weird on my feet!”
“It hurts!” Lucy groaned.
Florence simply glanced up at her husband who was in clear distress as his three children complained; one about the unfairness of the sleeping arrangements, one about the feeling of the sleeping bag, and one about the lumpiness of the ground, and he sighed loudly.
“Fine.” Daniel said, throwing his hands up. “Nell, get up here with the normal blankets we have. Give your sleeping bag to Lucy so she can lay on it like a mattress. Clem, just…relax, okay?”
The girls huffed with annoyance but didn’t put up any more of a fight as Daniel helped them re-settle and got into bed himself, Penelope tucked up between him and Florence. The family shared their ‘goodnights’ and tried to sleep. The girls were already pretty exhausted so they thankfully fell asleep easily, even Florence, but once Penelope was asleep she turned into a full on starfish and Daniel ended up with a hand in his face and a foot uncomfortably close to between his legs and once she moved and actually decked him in the nose, Daniel was getting up. He grabbed one of the blankets, making sure the others were tucked around the ten-year-old and then he was left to sleep on the tarp floor with a single fleece blanket.
It was no doubt that by morning no one was well rested, especially Daniel, but he was the first one awake and struggled off the ground before heading out to make breakfast. He had poured the bowls of cereal at the picnic table by the time the girls were awake and the family gathered quietly around the table.
“How long have you been up?” Florence asked softly, leaning down to kiss her husband before taking a seat beside him.
“All night pretty much.” Daniel answered flatly, but still sent a small smile to his daughters as they thanked him for breakfast. He lowered his voice again to speak with his concerned wife, “I slept on the bare ground because Penelope turned into a starfish and punched me in the face.”
“Oh.” Florence couldn’t hold back her giggle, leaning her head against his. “I’m sorry.”
The family ate their cereal together and then got dressed for the day with a quick stop to the bathroom before heading for the beach. Canoe rentals were open and Daniel jumped at the opportunity to try one out. Florence stayed on the beach with Penelope while Daniel took Clementine and Lucy out on the lake first, the oldest absolute thrilled about the idea of rowing a whole boat on the lake. Lucy wasn’t terribly thrilled, sitting on the floor of the canoe as Daniel pushed them off the sand and into the water before hoping in with them.
Honestly, God bless Clementine for being the more sane and tolerable out of the daughters as she was incredibly invested in the rowing and was eager to point out all the little things she saw around the lake as they went on. Lucy was frowning, her lifejacket pushed up to her chin with how she sat and she wanted nothing more than to go back to the beach to play in the sand.
Daniel was too busy with Clementine to notice his youngest pouting but he certainly noticed when she shrieked and jumped up, screaming at the top of her lungs, “A bug bit me!”
“Lucy! Sit down, Princess!” Daniel tried to grab onto her as she flailed her arm around.
“I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die! It hurts!” Lucy scratched desperately at her arm, the canoe rocking a bit too much in her panic.
“You’re not gonna die! Sit down!” Daniel assured her desperately.
“Lucy!” Clementine shrieked, holding onto the side of the boat as it swayed.
“It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop!” Lucy cried, jumping a little in her dramatic desperation, too preoccupied to even notice that they were still in the middle of a lake. She lost her balance and flipped backwards over the side of the canoe right into the water. Clementine screamed in fear that her sister just died and Daniel swore loudly before jumping in after her. Lucy broke the surface absolutely silent with shock and Daniel grabbed her quickly and held her close.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.” Daniel whispered more to himself than anyone as Lucy clung onto him in the water.
“I wanna go home!” Lucy sobbed, her arms around his neck and tears pouring down her cheeks with the lake water.
“Me too.” Clementine grumbled from still inside the canoe.
Daniel sighed and helped Lucy back into the boat and get her sitting where he was before he carefully climbed in too. It was a silent ride back to shore and you can only image Florence’s face when they returned soaking wet and miserable after leaving so excited and ready for adventure.
She jumped up right away and rushed over to them with concern all over her face, “What happened?”
“She fell in.” Daniel replied, scooping up the six-year-old and setting her steady on the sand.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay, baby?” Florence bent down to Lucy’s height and took her face in her hands as her daughter cried louder and threw her arms around her mother’s shoulders.
“I wanna go home! I hate it here!” Lucy cried, earning a few glances from other families around the beach.
Florence looked up at Daniel over their youngest’s shoulder and he simply shrugged tiredly. Daniel helped Clementine out of the canoe and she trudged over to Penelope farther up the beach without another word to her parents. Daniel sighed in defeat as Florence got a crying Lucy out of her lifejacket and then picked her up, petting her wet hair out of her face and held her head against her shoulder.
“Okay. If you want to leave we can leave.” Daniel mumbled.
“I’m sorry, my love.” Florence whispered, pressing a hand to his cheek and pulled him in for a quick kiss. “I know you wanted a fun week.”
“Yeah. It’s fine.” Daniel frowned lightly, glancing past her to the oldest two girls on the sand as they dug with their little shovels, looking absolutely miserable. “Don’t want to torture my family anymore.”
“You’re not torturing anyone.” Florence laughed lightly, pushing his soaked hair back from his face. “Now come on, you return the canoe and I’ll bring the girls back to the site to pack up.”
After their campsite was packed up – ensuring another screaming fit from the girls when a large spider was found on their tent – and the car was loaded, Daniel had to suffer the embarrassment at the gatehouse to ask for a refund for checking out early after only one night. When they left the park, they stopped at McDonalds for lunch much to the girls’ excitement and then hit the highway to head back into the city.
Daniel had been mostly silent since they left the park and the girls had fallen asleep in the backseat after lunch, tired out from an uncomfortable night on the forest floor. Florence set her hand on Daniel’s thigh comfortingly as he drove, “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Daniel shot her his best convincing smile, but it wasn’t very believable.
“Sorry it wasn’t what you expected.”
“It’s fine.” Daniel shrugged. “We’re definitely not doing this again though.”
“Nope.” Florence agreed.
Daniel set his right hand in hers on his lap and linked their fingers together, “Maybe having three girls is different than my parents with three boys.”
Florence scoffed lightheartedly, “You think?”
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mybiasisexo · 4 years
Blood & Bond
Genre: Angst | Fluff | Supernatural!au | Werewolf!au | College!au | OT12 (altho you only get to see Tao....)
Pairing: None....yet....
Length: 16.4k
Warning: OC | Language
Summary: Kai and his little pack of werewolf cubs’ lives get a lot more interesting when a pretty foreign girl with special abilities decides to befriend them. 
Author’s Note: I finished reading Running With Wolves (debatably one of the best werewolf exo aus ever written and maybe even the best werewolf story ever written idk read it if you havent I swear it doesn't matter who your bias is you will fall for kai!!!) and was like ‘I wanna write a werewolf!au’, but this doesnt touch a candle to the genius that is that story which is why I kinda stopped writing it. I want to make it darker, a bit more mature, so here is this! If I ever decide to humor myself and rewrite it, it will be completely different. So, enjoy this, cause, I mean, its pretty good!!! also who else misses ot12???? Just me??? ok....
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1. The Witch…Kinda Sorta
“I’m open! I’m open!”
The crunching sound of sneakers against gravel could be heard around the area as a small group of young men ran across the basketball court at a park. It was an intense game, the boys were snarling at one another, not afraid to push and shove to gain the upper hand.
After ten minutes, one of the boys jumped up and with the flick of his wrists, scored the final three points.
“We win,” he grinned after the echoing swish of his victory faded into the trees.
“You cheated,” one of the boys from the other team muttered, wiping the dripping sweat off of his forehead while others around him fell to the floor, breathing hard and exhausted.
“You always say that when you lose,” one of the guys who was on the ground whined, yanking the boy’s ankle, causing him to stumble to the asphalt. They all chuckled around him.
He just sighed.
The young man who had scored the winning points tossed the sore loser a bottle of water, which he took gratefully. “Thanks, Kai.”
“No problem, Chanyeol. Also, I didn’t cheat.”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes and chugged half of the bottle.
The six boys sat around in silence, drinking, snacking, and just enjoying the chilling wind dry their damp skin.
“Do you smell that?” One of them asked the others, his big eyes widening.
They all paused, sniffing the air and shaking their heads.
“It smells like a fire.”
A different one shrugged, “it’s probably a forest fire or something, Kyungsoo. Nothing to worry about.”
Kyungsoo shook his head. “No, Tao, it’s close.” 
He stood up and brushed off his shorts, heading towards the smell that only he could distinguish.
The boys that he had left glanced nervously at each other before standing up as well and following their somewhat peculiar friend.
They trudged around the trees, past the playground and the water fountain, until they were surrounding the restrooms that were on the opposite side of the park.
The cement wall that was around the tiny building was covered in graffiti, and the two doors were slightly ajar.
As they approached the deserted restrooms, one of the taller boys began to cough, “ugh, Kyungsoo, you were right. Someone definitely started a fire.”
“And it’s coming from the back.”
Slowly, the group began to circle the building, and once they were at the back of the structure they paused with shock.
In front of them was a young woman. She was kneeling, her back facing them, and in front of her was a pile of black char.
“Uh….” One of the boys named Jongdae was able to muster. His rumbling voice startled the girl, and she spun around in surprise, nearly falling into the pile of black.
The boys gulped once they saw her face. She was a foreigner, which was easy to tell with her deeply tanned skin and big curly brown hair. She was wearing a pleaded skirt and a black tank top with a green plaid shirt on that was hanging off her exposed shoulders. She also had a gray sweater tied around her waist, torn black stockings and dirty combat boots.
“What are you doing?” Kai asked her with raised eyebrows.
“Uh….” She mimicked Jongdae as she slowly climbed to her feet. Her shock seemed to fade once she was standing straight, and she grinned while shrugging, “nothing?”
“That doesn’t look like nothing,” Jongdae said with narrowed eyes, his arms crossed over his chest.
“It doesn’t smell like nothing either,” Tao added with his nose scrunched with disgust. Sehun, who was right behind him, made a show of waving his hand in front of his nose.
The girl laughed nervously, “Well, it’s nothing that you boys need concern yourself with.”
She began to turn back to her work, but froze once she realized something. Her lips curled knowingly as she returned her gaze to the group of males, placing her fists on her hips, “you all are werewolves.”
That startled the group, and the six boys began talking loudly at once, trying to dismiss her wild accusation.
She sighed, “It’s alright, calm down.” They all stopped in unison and stared at her with awe. “Well, I guess since you all are a part of the super realm… I’ll let you in on my doings.”
“Super…?” Chanyeol’s eyebrows scrunched together with confusion.
“I was casting a spell,” the girl informed the group. “I’m trying to… well, recall some things… I guess you could say. I read a book earlier, and it said that burning a certain type of branch could bring suppressed memories to the forefront. But, as you can see, it didn’t work like it should have.”
Everyone eyed the pathetic pile of burnt ash.
“Anyways,” the girl began, twirling back to the werewolves. “I’m Sloane.”
“And you’re a witch,” Tao inferred.  
Sloane’s eyes narrowed at the tall boy, “I am not a witch!”
Static surrounded the cramped space and a second after the six males were on the hard ground, on top one another, unconscious.
Sloan smirked at her handy work, brushed her hands together and hopped over the bodies lying on the floor, strutting away from the restrooms.
“Yesterday was weird,” Sehun pouted the following morning. The six friends were huddled on the lawn in front of their university. It was a small and rather prestigious school with only four hundred students. Unlike most universities, the students were required to wear uniforms and a lot of the rules were similar to high school.
“I feel like I dreamt the whole thing,” Tao said, adjusting the strap on his shoulder.
Kai groaned, “I really don’t want to be here.”
“Aw, come on!” Jongdae cheered, ruffling Kai’s silky brown locks, making his hair look messier than it was prior. “School’s fun.”
“You only say that because your super power is sweet talking teachers to give you good grades,” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, but the huge grin on Jongdae’s face stayed planted.
“I like school,” Kyungsoo mumbled, causing the other boys to sigh and head inside.
The six of them were only freshman, yet they already held a reputation. As they walked the halls, others stopped and stared—some with envy, others with lust. They were easily the best looking in the school, it also helped that they had a strange rebellious aura that made girls swoon over them.
“They’re staring,” Kai, who couldn’t handle the fame to save his life, whispered to Jongdae, who loved his fame all too much.
“They always stare, Kai. I’m surprised you aren’t used to it by now. Nothing’s changed since high school.”
“Don’t they have something better to do?” He asked, voice rising with exasperation.
Jongdae shrugged and tapped Kai’s chin. “Enjoy it while it lasts, Kiddo. We only have three more years of this.”
“You’re literally three months older than me!” The younger yelled, his hands curling into fists.
“Blah, blah, blah!” Jongdae replied just as passionately.
“Kyungsoo!” Kai whined, wrapping himself around the smaller boy.
“Jongdae, leave Jongin alone, would you?”
Jongdae gulped as Kyungsoo glared at him and nodded quickly, running towards the front of the group to avoid the dark energy emanating from Kyungsoo’s eyes.
At lunchtime, the six schoolboys trickled into the cafeteria and sat around their usual table in the middle of the room. They ate quietly for the most part, some doing homework, a couple were playing cards and betting their chips, Kai was complaining to Tao how much he hated his math class while Tao slowly ate Kai’s rice.
A loud plop on the end of their table startled them, and once they all whipped around to where the noise came from, they jumped. The witch from the day before, Sloane, was standing at the end of their table, hands on hips and eyes slightly narrowed as she scanned the werewolves.
“So it wasn’t a dream,” Sehun muttered, gawking at the figure hovering over their table.
“Mind if I sit, fellow classmates?” She asked and slid into one of the last remaining two chairs before anyone had time to object. She began scarfing down her rice nearly frantically and the boys sat frozen, staring at her with wide eyes.
“The food here is to die for,” she moaned with her mouth stuffed with food. That seemed to knock some sense into the others, unpausing them, and they all began to eat their food as well—all while keeping an eye on the new girl that was currently sitting right beside Kyungsoo.
He scaled her lean body with his eyes, and couldn’t help but to grin at how she was wearing her uniform. The skirt rolled up, so that it ended slightly above her mid-thigh, her dress shirt half tucked, a few buttons at the top undone, her jacket sleeves pushed up to her elbows. She still wore black stockings, but these ones ended above her knees and her scuffed combat boots hugged her feet comfortably. Her hair was still wild and free and she was covered in jewelry—her neck, fingers, ears and wrists wrapped in gold and black.
The dishevelment of her uniform resembled Kai’s.
“How… How are you here?” Tao finally sputtered, the other guys seemed to all let out a collective breath of relief with the question finally out in the open.
Sloane glanced at all the people at the table and giggled softly, “I enrolled.”
“Are you stalking us?” Sehun asked her rudely, his usually soft features hardening into a glare.
She flat out laughed at that, it ringed mockingly, “of course not! I enrolled about two weeks ago. It’s a coincidence that we bumped into each other yesterday. Either that or fate. Most likely fate though….” Her last few words were muttered, her talking more to herself then the boys, but they heard it regardless and they seemed to tense at the word.
“Is today your first day?” Kyungsoo quietly asked the young witch. She nodded. “Mind if I see your schedule?”
She smiled shyly before digging into her bag until she found the slip of paper she needed. Kyungsoo scanned it, nodding here and there and finally gave it back to her, “we have english together, along with Chanyeol. You and Chanyeol also have biology together. You have history with Jongdae and Sehun and trig with Kai.”
She nodded slowly, digesting what he just said before opening her mouth to ask, “So who is who?”
“Oh, right, I forgot we haven’t introduced ourselves,” Kyungsoo chuckled, scratching the back of his head. One by one, the werewolves introduced themselves to Sloane.
Except Kai.
He just watched the strange girl as she blinked at him expectantly.
Finally Kyungsoo sighed and gestured to the broody male, “that is Kai. Don’t mind him, he doesn’t bite.”
“Depends on the time of day,” Jongdae added, causing them to chuckle.
“It’s nice meeting you all,” Sloane grinned. “It’s been a while since I’ve stumbled across someone from the super realm.”
“The super realm?”
“Yeah, folks with supernatural abilities. Such as werewolves, vampires, and wi—” She seemed to choke on the last word.
“Witches? Just like you are?” Kai finally broke his silence, studying her intently.
Her eyes darkened as they met his, “I’m not a witch…Kai?”
He shrugged and chugged his milk. Their lunch break came to an end and Kyungsoo and Chanyeol lead Sloane to their next class.
“She can’t hang out with us,” Kai informed his pack. Class had finally ended and the six of them instantly headed up to the rooftop, where they usually went when they had to talk about something serious on school grounds.
“Why not?” Sehun asked his leader, he tilted his head like a curious puppy.
“There is something off about her,” Kai elaborated. “I get strange vibes from her.”
“It’s her power,” Chanyeol shrugged. “She’s very powerful. I’m surprised we didn’t notice it yesterday.”
“There are a lot of things you didn’t notice yesterday,” Kyungsoo muttered with an eye roll, remembering the fire only he could smell.
Kai shook his head, “I don’t think that’s it. I mean, yeah she’s definitely powerful, but there is something else about her that puts me on edge.”
“Is it her sense of fashion?” Tao asked with true concern. “I mean, her uniform was like the female version of yours—”
“No it wasn’t!” Kai snapped, huffing as the others started laughing. He pinched the bridge of his nose, “I’m being serious. She can’t be around us.”
A few of the boys sighed, but had to obey their alpha’s order.
As they walked out of the school, Sloane was leaning against the stairs. Once they were close enough, she went up to fall in step with them.
“So, where are we going? Are we doing some supernatural stuff? Are you going wolf? Or can you only do that when there is a full moon?”
It took everything in Kyungsoo not to answer her questions. He could admit to himself that he had taken a quick liking to the foreign girl. The six boys continued walking, attempting to give her the cold shoulder.
She appeared to not register their attempt as she continued. “Maybe something boring, like homework, huh?” Tao could hear laughter in her voice. “Werewolves doing their homework? Isn’t that comical?”
“Sloane,” Kai began, slowing down so that he was walking beside her. She glanced at him, noticing his dark beautiful features. “Stop following us. We don’t want you to hang out with us.”
She stopped walking, “what?”
She glanced at the rest. They were a few steps in front of her and Kai, half circled and turned towards the two.
“You are not a member of our pack,” Kai continued with a voice cold and sharp as icicles, catching her attention again. “What? You thought you could get an in with us because of what you are? You’re nothing special. You’re just another girl. No. You’re just a weird witch.”
He watched her jaw clench and her thin fingers tighten against the strap of her bag, “I told you already that—”
“All the same,” he smiled politely at her and she wanted to slap it off him at that moment. What a typical pretty boy!
She took a step away from the group, “fine. I won’t interfere with you or your math homework. Good luck trying to get that D up.”
Kai arched an eyebrow as she spun on her heels, and winced as her brown curls slapped him viciously across the face as she stomped away.
“That was harsh,” Chanyeol admitted with a sigh. All the boys were watching Sloane’s form blend into the crowd.
Kai didn’t reply, instead he touched his cheek where her hair hit him, when he pulled his hand away he noticed blood on his fingertips.
True to her word—and much to Kai’s relief—Sloane left them alone.
For the rest of the week, they didn’t see her in the cafeteria, and in the classes they shared, she sat as far as possible from any one of them. She must not have taken it too badly, because whenever they crossed paths in the hallways she appeared chipper. She appeared to bounce when she walked, as if she had zero cares in the world and it caused a lot of stares. The student population were all extremely curious of the foreign new girl who came out of nowhere and was able to eat lunch with Kai and his group of hot friends—even if for a day.
On Saturday, the six boys lounged around Kai’s house, doing homework, studying, playing videogames, whatever to pass the time. The weekend was their favorite—especially Kai’s—they didn’t have to deal with the stress of being stared at and judged for seven hours of the day.
“Who wants to play another round of ball?” Tao asked suddenly, spinning the dingy basketball that he found resting on the floor on one of his fingers.
“I’m down,” Chanyeol said. His eyes turned to slits as he glared at Kai, “plus, we need a rematch.”
“Why?” Kai scoffed. “You want to get your ass handed to you again?”
“Shut up!” The two boys started wrestling around the living room while the others gathered everything needed for their trip to the park.
Once there, they spared no time splitting into teams and beginning their vigorous round of basketball. On one team was Kai, Sehun, and Kyungsoo while Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Tao played against them.
They were tied; Kai had the ball and was about to score the winning point when a strong wind blew the ball out of his grip. They all watched as it rolled off the court and into the semi muddy grass.
“What the—?”
Strange growling noises could be heard from the trees surrounding the park. The six werewolves huddled together, listening intently, trying to figure out what was going on.
Slowly, they made their way towards the trees. Hairs sticking up like the fur on a frightened cat, eyes shining colors that were not the usual brown, fingers curling into claws, they anticipated an attack.
They were not disappointed.
Something flew from out the shadows, crashing roughly into Kyungsoo, dragging him down to the ground. It appeared human, but had bluish-gray flesh with long limbs, fingers, and fangs. It was literally skin and bones and the noise that came out of its mouth when Kyungsoo lashed at it with his claws was chillingly inhuman.
Kyungsoo pushed the corpse off of himself and sat up with wide eyes glowing ice blue, “What the fuck was that?!”
He wasn’t able to get an answer. More of the bizarre looking creatures sprang from out of the shadows, all running towards the six werewolves. The boys did not hesitate to attack back; one by one they all fought against the monsters, but were outnumbered. Tao yelped in pain as one of the creatures slashed the side of his stomach, Sehun stumbled and landed hard on the ground, a crunching noise following suit. Jongdae was thrown across the field and hit a tree painfully, knocking him unconscious.
The werewolves were losing and Kai, the alpha, could feel it. He scanned the field, watching his pack mates battle the creepy beasts. There seemed to be even more coming out of the forest, Kai had to think quickly.
While he was preoccupied with his thoughts, one of the creatures saw its chance for a surprise attack and sprinted towards him, claws and fangs at the ready. Kai sensed its approach at the nick of time, but was too close to the monster to move. Something bumped into him from behind, and he landed hard on the grass. The creature twirled in confusion and froze when it saw whatever it was that knocked Kai over. Kai also glanced up and was stunned to see Sloane hovered over him eyeing the thing that would have killed him a second ago.
She pulled out something shiny from her belt. Kai noticed that it was a dagger with weird swirls engraved in the metal.
“Restitui quondam tibi,” she muttered with the knife over her head. She then dived the knife deep into the soil until only the hilt could be seen.
Bloodcurdling screams were soon heard, so deafeningly loud, Kai winced and covered his sensitive ears with his hands. He watched in confusion and shock as the creatures frantically ran away from the park, vanishing into the trees. The air seemed to still with the newfound silence.
Sloane leaned back on her heels, letting go of the knife that was still pinned to the ground with a relieved sigh. Kai and a few of the others who weren’t in critical condition stumbled onto their feet, glancing around them in awe.
“How did you do that?” Kai asked Sloane.
She let out a breathy laugh and shrugged tiredly, “looks like I can hang out with you after all.”
“Your nose is bleeding,” Kyungsoo stated, pointing at Sloane’s face. Her eyes widened as she dipped her finger in the warm liquid sliding down her cupid’s bow. With a soft chuckle, Kyungsoo slid her a tissue, which she took gratefully, placing it hesitantly against her face.
Tao, Sehun, and Jongdae were lying on the couches, all three of them unconscious from the pain. Tao’s side seemed to be ripped into shreds, blood running steadily onto the wooden floorboards. Sehun’s arm was broken at both the elbow and the middle of his forearm, while Jongdae’s head was bleeding and a few of his ribs were broken.
“What are we going to do? They’re not healing themselves!” Chanyeol asked desperately, his deep voice vibrating off the walls of the silent room. His arms were crossed against his chest and his eyebrows tried to unite at the center of his forehead.
Slowly and somewhat uneasily, Sloane stood up, “I can help them.”
“But you’re exhausted,” Kyungsoo said, standing up with her to make sure she didn’t fall.
She shook her head, “I can do it.”
She approached Tao first, since his condition appeared to be the worst, “Kyungsoo, can you sit him up for me, please?”
He silently did as he was told, and Tao groaned a bit, but his eyes remained closed. Sloane sat beside him and rested her forehead on his while she wrapped her arms around him, making sure one of her hands was firmly pressed against his wound. She started muttering under her breath and the three boys who were conscious to witness the ordeal stared in shock and wonder as his side began to glow a silver white. Sloane’s muttering became more urgent and she finally pulled away. She gently laid Tao back onto the couch and rubbed her fingers against his ribs that were now hidden by his unblemished flesh. Kai blinked and kneeled down beside Tao, staring at the side of his stomach that was, just a few seconds ago, torn apart with blood gushing out of it. It now was back together, as if it had not been touched at all. Kai ran his fingers across the boy’s skin and Tao began moving, coming too.
Sloane snatched Kai’s wrist and he lifted his eyes to meet hers with a threatening growl. The girl was unfazed, “let him rest.”
Kai yanked his wrist out of her grasp and Sloane walked away as if the encounter never happened, walking over to Jongdae. Kyungsoo again lifted the boy up so that Sloane could press her forehead against his, but this time, she wrapped one arm around his head and the other around his waist. She once again muttered some words, and Jongdae started whimpering silently.
“I know, honey, I know.” She broke her chanting to say and sighed, pulling him closer towards her. After a few minutes, she laid him back down. His breathing was back to normal and his eyes moved against his eyelids.
Chanyeol quickly went to Jongdae’s side, eyes full of wonder as he checked to see that his wounds were healed.
Sloane kneeled beside Sehun’s sleeping form and tilted his head toward her, placing her’s against his. She rubbed his arm as she started her chanting, and quickly finished with him. When she removed her head from his, his eyes fluttered open and he tiredly stared at her. His eyes saying everything his mouth couldn’t. His gaze remained on her as she stumbled to her feet and swayed a bit, his other hand rubbing his once broken arm like she was doing prior.
“Whoa,” Kyungsoo said as he caught Sloane’s now unconscious body.
“Let her sleep here,” Tao’s groggy voice was heard, and they turned to see him lazily blinking up at Kyungsoo, tapping the small space beside him on the couch. Kyungsoo glanced at Kai for approval and the alpha shrugged.
They both started chuckling at the image of Tao’s tall frame clinging to the witch’s body like a koala to a tree.
When Sloane’s eyes finally opened, she was welcomed with darkness. Something was pressed against her, pinning her down to the soft surface she laid on. She tried to move and froze when she heard a grunt in her ear and a tightening around her body.
A light came on and she blinked, not used to the brightness. She noticed Kai sitting on an armchair; he had turned on the lamp on top of the table beside him. He was gazing sternly at her with gold glowing eyes.
She turned away with a gulp and scanned the room. She was still in his living room, lying on a couch with Tao, who had wrapped himself around her, snuggling close. Jongdae was still resting on a couch, but Sehun and the other two boys weren’t present.
“What time is it?” Sloane asked the brooding werewolf, her voice rough from sleep.
“Eight thirty.”
She had slept for four hours. Sloane tried to sit up again, but Tao’s hold on her was unrelenting, she somehow was yanked closer to the boy, his nose digging into the crook of her neck. She sighed with frustration.
Kai chuckled at her despair, “he’s a cuddler.”
“I’ve gathered.” The two were quiet for a minute. “Are they alright?”
Kai nodded. “Yeah.” The humor left his voice. “You saved us.”
She could hear the question in his statement, and knew he would ask, but her stomach interrupted him with a loud growl.
He grunted, “Hungry?”
She rolled her eyes, “using so much of my power is draining. I need to regain my energy.”
She heard him shuffle around until he was hovering over her with an outstretched hand. His eyes were back to a deep chocolate brown, although she could still see the disdain for her in them, “Kyungsoo’s in the kitchen cooking. Let’s go.”
It was a battle trying to unknot Sloane from Tao, but with a few yanks, she was free and she gratefully smiled at Kai, it quickly turned into a scowl as he dropped her hand as if it burnt him and headed towards the kitchen without checking to see if she was following.
The first thing Sloane noticed once she entered the kitchen was Kyungsoo. He was standing in front of the stove, wearing a cute pale pink apron, which contrasted with his black clothing, singing softly to himself as he stirred around whatever he was making. Chanyeol and Sehun were seated at the island, Chanyeol messing with his phone while Sehun rolled an orange around the granite tabletop, bored and hungry as hell.
They all turned towards Kai and Sloane once they entered. Kyungsoo smiled at them and Sehun nearly fell off his stool as he tried to reach the witch.
When he was in front of her, he just stood there, staring at her intently. She returned his gaze, although a bit self-consciously—for he was just a few centimeters away—and they remained in that position until someone else came stumbling into the kitchen. Everyone turned again to see a groggy disheveled Tao leaning against the wall, “you left me!”
Everyone gathered around Kai’s dining table as Kyungsoo and Chanyeol set it, placing down the huge feast around the table. Kai woke Jongdae up, and he joined the rest of them, just as ravenous as the others.
Sloane learned something then, and it was that werewolves could eat, and could eat a lot. Kyungsoo had made enough food for about twelve people, and the werewolves scarfed down every bit on their plates as though it were their last meal. There was not a bone left once everyone was satisfied. Chanyeol burped obnoxiously as he leaned back on his chair, rubbing his protruding belly.
“Are you full, Sloane?” Sehun, who was sitting beside her, asked. She nodded and stood up, helping gather up all the dishes and setting up the sinks to wash them.
“You don’t have to do that,” Kai said, coming up beside her as she poured the dish soap into the water.
“It’s alright. I’d feel bad if I didn’t do anything.”
Kai sighed, Sloane felt he wanted to say something, but he refrained and she didn’t push him. The two washed in silence. A few of the boys had left to get ice cream and the other two that were left were laying around on the couch, watching television. Sloane could hear Chanyeol guffaw from time to time and it made her smile.
Once they finished the dishes, they joined the others in the living room. They were all gathered around, a pint per person, and now that they were settled, Kai turned the television off and they all turned to the stranger in the room.
She looked up at them wearily, “yes?”
“We have some questions,” Kai began. She slowly placed her ice cream onto the table and sighed, folding her hands over her knees. “What were those things?”
Her eyes widened in shock, “you mean, you don’t know?”
The boys all shook their head.
“They were—I can’t believe you don’t know—they were vampires.”
“What?!” The boys asked.
“We’ve seen a few vampires before,” Sehun started. “But none that looked like that.”
“There are three different types of vampires, and even calling them vampires is being generous. They are a type of immortal, the ones that crave blood. You have the Ancients, whose blood still runs in their veins because they were turned when they were still alive. Those are the stereotypical vampires that everyone knows. They appear human and drink blood and the like. The second type are the Medietas, they were turned at the brink of death, they are less human then ancients, but still can pass for human. They always have pale skin and dilated eyes; their fangs can’t be hidden….
“Then you have the last kind of vampire, the Mortuum, who were turned after death. As you saw, they are monsters. They don’t have any cognitive thinking, only hunger for blood.”
“Why did they attack us? Why were they here?” Jongdae asked.
“You don’t know much, do you?” Sloane asked, sparing them a judgmental glance. “Werewolves and vampires are mortal enemies, and this just so happens to be your territory. I highly doubt you all know, but this town is a supernatural goldmine! The power that flows through here is strong enough to pull many of us here—myself included. Those vampires were drawn here because of that energy, but they happened to run into you guys, and their instincts kicked in, so they attacked.”
“Why couldn’t we heal ourselves?” Sehun asked quietly, rubbing his once broken arm.
Sloane swallowed thickly, “That’s the thing about being mortal enemies. It’s easy to destroy the other. Vampires have the ability to disable your fast healing as well as your other wolf abilities, as do you to them.”
“How do you know all of this?” Kai muttered, somewhat frustrated by his lack of knowledge.
She shrugged, “I read. A lot.”
“What did you do back there? You spoke that weird language…”
“Latin, the language of the dead.”
“You mean the dead language.” Kyungsoo corrected.
She shook her head, “no, I meant what I said. Latin is the language of the dead. What I did back there was cast a vanquishing spell. It pretty much banned that coven from returning. But, like most spells, there’s a catch. The spell only works for that coven alone—meaning other covens may enter without a hitch—and it only lasts for a certain amount of time, ten years to be exact. After that, they can return and cause all the havoc they want.”
The boys were silent for a while, digesting everything Sloane had told them. Finally Tao spoke up, “….Coven…?”
Sloane groaned and fell back on her chair, “why don’t you guys know this stuff? You’re werewolves!”
“We’re young,” Jongdae defended. “And also, none of us like to read.”
She shook her head and laughed with disbelief, “how you’ve survived this long is a mystery.”
“We got guts,” Chanyeol grinned.
“And lack of brains,” she mumbled, but they all heard her.
She rose to her feet, “I should probably go….”
“Where are you staying? One of us can take you,” Kyungsoo applied.
“I, uh….” She shuffled her feet.
“You don’t have a place to stay, do you?” Chanyeol asked. The pack glanced at her.
“I’ve been staying at different hotels, using spells to trick them into thinking I paid, or forgetting I was even there. I don’t have any money on me.”
“So, you’re homeless?”
She shrugged, staring at her feet.
“You can stay here,” Kyungsoo offered.
“What?” Sloane and Kai asked at the same time.
Kyungsoo shrugged at his leader, “Kai lives here all alone, and he has two guest rooms. You’re going to school with us now, and it would be nice to have you around, being that you know a lot more about this stuff than us…. We have a bit to learn from each other.”
“I don’t want her living here,” Kai spat through clenched teeth. This place was his sanctuary; he didn’t want some strange girl with magical powers who he still didn’t trust to ruin that for him.
“Come on, Jongin, don’t be stubborn.”
“Don’t call me that in front of her. She’s not staying here and that’s final!” Kyungsoo suddenly pulled Kai into a headlock and dragged him away from the living room.
“We need a moment,” he informed Sloane as they disappeared down the hall, into another room. It was dead silent as they waited for the duo to return, Sehun and Tao’s grins never left their face while Chanyeol and Jongdae chuckled every once in a while.
Seven minutes later, the two reemerged. Kai huffing and pouting while Kyungsoo’s lips stretched into a heart shaped grin.
He nudged Kai forward, and with an eye roll, the leader trudged to the girl with his hands in his pockets and muttered, “you can stay here.”
“What was that?” Jongdae asked dramatically, his smile stretched evilly.
Kai rolled his eyes again and raised his voice, “you can stay here…Sloane.”
“Thank you,” she said but the other boys’ guffawing quickly swallowed it up.
He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck, “Whatever.”
His pack left his place soon after that. As soon as Kai and Sloane were alone, he cornered her and sat her down.
“I still don’t think you being around us is a good idea,” he began. Sloane’s eyes were wide as she took in his words. “I don’t trust you. I know you are a witch, despite what you want us to believe, and I’m keeping a close eye on you.”
He sighed, “That being said, you did save my pack’s lives today, and that is something I’m indebted to. So, I promise to let you stay here, as a form of payment for what you did today, alright?”
Sloane nodded with understanding, “I promise, in return, Kai, that I’ll prove to you that I am no threat. As Kyungsoo said earlier, we have a bit to learn from one another.”
“That we do, Sloane. That we do. Let me show you your room.”
2. House Rules & Lone Wolves
“She carries this ancient looking suitcase and it is literally the only thing she owns. It has her clothes in it, and this book that looks just as old as the suitcase, and that is it,” Kai informed his pack mates as they were all walking up to the cafeteria.
It was a Monday, their first day back since Sloane saved them from the vampires, and Kai was having a rough time adjusting to the whole living-with-a-witch-that-may-not-actually-be-a-witch situation Kyungsoo unceremoniously thrust him into.
“Until then, I mean, she’s alright. She’s quiet, stayed in her room for most of the day, and only came out to eat or use the bathroom. We’re going shopping later tonight so she can buy a toothbrush and whatnot.” Kai shook his head in disbelief, “I can’t believe I have a roommate.”
“A really pretty magical roommate at that,” Chanyeol added with a nod.
“You think she’s pretty?” Kai asked, sparing the taller boy a judgmental glance.
“Well, yeah? She’s very pretty,” Chanyeol shrugged.
“That means a lot coming from Chanyeol,” Sehun snorted, nudging his fellow playboy friend.
“If she gives you any problems,” Kyungsoo said, as they all sat around their table. “You can always kick her out.”
Kai sighed, “You’re right, I just… what will my aunt think?”
“What will your cousin think?” Tao asked. “Once he finds out you have a good looking girl living with you….”
Kai’s eyes widened with horror, “he shall never find out.”
“Not to mention,” Jongdae began with a sharp curve to his lips. “What your little buddy downstairs will think about this situation.”
“Jongdae! I’ll have your head!” Kai pounced on top of the table, reaching for his evil friend’s neck, when the center of his problems finally joined them.
“What did I miss?” Sloane asked Chanyeol under her breath as she slid into the seat beside him.
The tall boy shrugged, chuckling all the while, “Kai’s having some issues and Jongdae is really bad at giving advice.”
The girl nodded with wide eyes, placing a spoon filled with soup into her mouth thoughtfully.
After Kai was satisfied with the purplish hue Jongdae’s face took from the lack of oxygen, he settled back down and Tao rubbed his friend’s back as he coughed a lung out.
Once everyone was settled, Kyungsoo began talking, “the full moon is this Saturday.”
All the boys seemed to grow tense once the words were uttered.
Sloane, on the other hand, gasped, “Does this mean you’re finally going to go all wolf?!”
She began squealing.
“Why are you so excited to see us as wolves?” Kai asked, baffled.
Her jaw dropped, staring at him in disbelief, “why wouldn’t I?! It’s not every day you run into werewolves! I can’t wait to see your fur. How big do you guys get? Do you still have your human mind? Is the shift painful?”
“Whoa whoa!” Sehun said chuckling. “One question at a time.”
“Um,” Kyungsoo began thoughtfully. “Pretty big, yes, and yes.”
“But,” Kai drawled out, sending a warning with his eyes to his pack mates before meeting Sloane’s. “You are not going to be able to see our fur. You’re going to stay in the house for the entire night.”
Sloane’s face fell, “What?”
“It’s dangerous for you to be out with us in our wolf forms. Yeah, we do keep our humanity, but the full moon pulls us towards our wolves, those instincts are quicker. You can get hurt if you are not careful.”
Sloane’s shoulders fell, “but… I really wanted to see your wolf forms. I bet you guys are beautiful.”
“We can just tell you,” Jongdae shrugged. “And we can always half shift, you know? Our eyes change colors and our claws and fangs come out. But during the full moon is when we shift completely and it’s out of our control, and aw you think we’re beautiful?”
“Let’s just show her!” Sehun yelled excitedly. Tao gasped loudly and nodded in agreement.
“No,” Kai said immediately. He used his alpha voice, so the others had no choice but to listen. That didn’t stop Tao and Sehun from whining.
“You’re no fun,” Sloane pouted, twirling her spoon in her food.
Kai just shrugged, “being the alpha means keeping a level head.”
“And which head exactly is it that must be level, huh, Kai?” Jongdae questioned with a wicked grin.
“Have you not learned your lesson?!” Kai barked, hopping across the table to choke Jongdae out again.
Kyungsoo sighed, while the others started making bets over if Jongdae would pass out or not, and Sloane lifted her hand from her spoon, even though it remained swirling around her soup.
“There are rules to my house that we haven’t discussed yet,” Kai informed Sloane as he pushed a cart through E-Mart. She walked beside him, well around him, running from one side of an aisle to the other, tossing things into the cart.
“Like what?” She asked as she studied the different types of deodorant.
“Like…” Kai began, thinking of something. “You can’t invite anybody over without my permission.”
“Well that’s fine. I only know you guys.” She finally settled on a deodorant and continued towards the hair products.
“Any food that’s in the fridge will be for the both of us, I don’t expect you to get a job or pay rent or anything, but if you could hold your keep, you know, cleaning after yourself, cooking dinner, washing dishes—”
“Making sure my hair doesn’t clog the drain. I get it,” she placed watermelon scented shampoo and conditioner in the overflowing cart and continued on.
“Respect my things and my personal space and I think we’ll get along just fine.”
She twirled around to shoot him a quick salute and returned back to leading the way towards the toy aisle.
“Why are we here?” Kai asked skeptically.
Sloane laughed and stopped in front of the board and card games, “We should have game nights.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I think it is. Come on, Kai, live a little.”
Kai rolled his eyes, but helped Sloane decide on a few games they could play.
After they picked them, they headed towards check out.
“How can you pay for all this?” Sloane asked, munching on a Slim Jim that had been rung already.
“My parents had a lot of money,” Kai stated, sliding his black card to pay for their items.
“I couldn’t help but notice the ‘had’ in that sentence,” Sloane pointed out.
Kai shrugged again, feigning nonchalant. He didn’t say anything as they headed to his car.
Once on the road, Sloane played with the radio for a minute until she found a song she liked. She started shaking her curls and Kai pressed his lips together to hide a rare amused grin. Once the song was over, she turned the volume down, “You are one of the younger members of the pack, right?”
“Yup. Sehun’s the only one younger than me.”
“Then how come you are the alpha?”
He winced, “I’m the strongest.” He left it at that.
“But…” She let her sentence carry; knowing that Kai didn’t want to talk about this either. “Never mind. Sorry I asked.”
Kai blinked at her in surprise, and for some odd reason felt guilty, “its fine. I’ll tell you…someday.”
She nodded at him, “I’d like that.”
Kai pulled into his driveway, and the two dragged their bags into the house.
“Thank you again for taking me in. It means so much to me, I don’t think you understand.”
Kai scratched the back of his neck, “You saved my life, this is the least I can do. Just know that I am waiting patiently for you to fuck up so I can kick you out.”
“And ever so charming,” Sloane muttered. She perked up instantly. “I’ll make dinner!”
“I have another question,” Sloane said, once she started cooking. Kai, who was still putting things away, groaned and Sloane took that as permission.
“Why won’t you let me be around you guys once you change?”
Kai clenched his jaw, “I told you, it’s dangerous.”
“I’m not a mere mortal, Kai. I’m sure I could handle it. I can help.”
“There’s no need for help, Sloane. We change, we venture the woods, and then we turn back into humans at dawn. He meet here, eat, shower, and then they all go home. That’s how we’ve always done it, that’s how it will go on Saturday.”
“But, maybe I can fold your clothes for you, or cast a spell to make the shift easier to handle, or something?”
Kai shook his head, “We can handle it. We’ve been shifting together for a few years now. Just stay here and wait for us to return, alright?”
Sloane sighed, “Fine.”
Kai let out a relieved breath. He didn’t want to tell her how they hunted and killed innocent animals. How they howled at the moon for hours. How he used the pain of the shift as a reminder of the monster that he was, of the burden his family and fellow pack members had to carry. She didn’t need to know any of that.  
The following day, after school had ended, Sloane found herself at the nearest public library. She had decided that she would try to help Kai and his pack as much as possible without being a burden or upsetting the alpha, so she spent about an hour and a half searching for the right books about plants and glancing around at books about witchcraft—coming up empty on the latter.
Satisfied with her borrowed books, she bounced out of the building with a warm smile on her face. The sun was shining despite the chilly autumn breeze, and she could tell that things were finally looking up for her.
Those thoughts turned sour as her body collided with one in front of her. Her newly acquired books tumbling towards the asphalt, but before she could finish her blink, the person she bumped had them stacked neatly in his hands. They never even touched the ground.
Her eyes widened as she took in the stack before lifting them up to see a boy around her age, a stunningly bright smile on his just as attractive face, “here you go, miss.”
“Thank you,” she stuttered, collecting them from his grasp as he bowed and proceeded on his way before she could yell out an apology. She followed him with her eyes; he seemed in a rush, almost running as he crossed the street.
“Weird,” she pouted. His energy was off, and she couldn’t figure out why.
“What’s weird?” A deep voice asked from behind her and she jumped out her skin as Kyungsoo seemed to appear out of thin air.
“I…” She spun back to where she last saw the boy but he was already long gone. “There was a guy….”
Kyungsoo just arched an eyebrow up at her, as she slowly came back to her senses. “How did you find me?”
He shrugged, a smug smile on his face, “I’m getting really familiar with your scent. Also Kai sent me to look for you, he was getting worried.”
She scoffed, “Kai? Worried about me? I’m sure.”
“He worries about anyone he feels he has to protect.” The two fell into step, heading towards Kyungsoo’s car that was parked on the corner of the street.
“He feels like he has to protect me? I’m a magical being,” Sloane almost scoffed. The two settled into their seats, and Kyungsoo took off towards Kai’s house.
“But you’re living under his roof. That makes you his responsibility in his eyes.” He could sense her disbelief. “It’s the alpha in him.”
She nodded understandably at that, “I never got to thank you.”
“For what?”
“For making him take me in. If it weren’t for you, I’d probably still be mooching off hotel workers. I hated doing that.”
Kyungsoo smiled at her, “all in a days work. You’re the first wit—uh… magical being we’ve ever ran into. At least, one around our age, who didn’t want our heads on a platter.”
Sloane smirked at Kyungsoo stuttering over her title. “So you have dealt with witches before?”
Kyungsoo nodded, “yup. Ones passing though who had a dislike for us pups.”
Sloane cracked a grin at that, “you’re funny, Kyungsoo.”
He blinked owlishly at her, “that’s a first.”
She burst out laughing at his reply and shook her head with a sigh, “you’re also very refreshing. I appreciate that.”
“You seem to appreciate a lot of things.”
“I’ve had a past that allows me to do as such.”
Kyungsoo sensed the bitterness she tried to suppress and it piqued his interest. He knew better than to press her on it though, deciding instead to change the subject quickly, “what you got there?” He pointed at the books in her hands.
“Some books about plants. You know plants have a ton of magical attributes? Certain plants give us certain powers or take some away.”
Kyungsoo nodded, “like Wolfsbane.”
“Yes. Which, please remind me, I must read up on. Now that I’m living and hanging out with a bunch of wolves, I need to know as much as possible about you all.”
“Do magical beings like you have plants that are your kryptonite?”
“I’m pretty sure. I haven’t looked into it, but I know there must be.”
“You’ve really made me curious about all this supernatural stuff. We haven’t really worried about these things, I guess being young and powerful makes you really ignorant to certain things at times.”
They finally reached Sloane’s new home, and Kyungsoo held the door open for her as they entered the loft.
“Yeah, we both have quite a bit to learn, huh?”
“It seems so.”
“Sloane!” Tao squealed once she was in his vision. He hopped off the couch and leaped on her, causing the books she was holding to fall again. Kyungsoo quickly plucked them from the air, gathering them into a pile in his hands.
“Wolf reflexes,” he smirked once he noticed Sloane’s shocked expression.
“Is that so?” she sputtered.
“Sloane! Kai told us you bought games! Let’s play some!” Tao, who was still wrapped around the girl said, dragging her over towards the bookcase where the games she and Kai had bought the day before had been placed.
Something Sloane had noticed was the way Tao, Sehun, and Jongdae treated her. Ever since she healed them, they had seemed to hover around her, always needy. She wondered if her power had anything to do with that.
They decided on Apples to Apples, and the rest of the gang joined them in the living room. Chanyeol and Jongdae were both really good at playing, although Jongdae tried to make his answers as inappropriate as possible. They snacked and joked and relaxed for a few hours. Sehun and Tao had Sloane sandwiched between them and Jongdae constantly asked her if she needed anything. Kai was suspicious, but his thoughts on the matter speculated about the same as Sloane’s.
“Those three seem to be smitten with you,” Kai mentioned when he was able to corner Sloane in the kitchen.
She nodded, digging in the pantry for more snacks.
“I couldn’t help but wonder if your power had anything to do with that.”
Sloane stiffened at his tone and spun around, facing the wolf, “are you accusing me of something?”
Kai smirked and shrugged, “you didn’t cast a spell on them to make them act like that, did you?”
“Of course not! Why would I?”
“Because if some of my pack members love you, it would be easier for me to accept you.”
“That’s ridiculous, Kai. I think when I healed them it made a slight bond. They’ll get over it in a couple days. I already told you I’m not evil.” She walked towards him so that she could clearly look into his eyes and so that he could hear her heartbeat better. “I’m not out to get you and your pack. So you can relax.”
Kai blinked at her, noticing her heartbeat remain steady. He clenched his jaw and snatched the chocolate cupcakes from Sloane’s grasp. Spinning on his heels, he returned to the living room where the others were waiting for them to return.
Sloane sunk into a stool near her, holding her head in her hands, feeling slightly exhausted from dealing with Kai’s attitude and distrust.
She was going to win him over somehow.
“You alright?” Sloane lifted her head to see Jongdae watching her anxiously.
“Yeah. Fine,” she tried to smile, but it wouldn’t stay on for long.
“Don’t mind Kai,” Jongdae advised, walking over to the girl with his hands in his pockets and a warm smile on his face. “He’s all bark.”
She laughed at that, “He doesn’t seem to trust very easily.”
Jongdae shook his head at that, “nope. It took him ages to warm up to me, actually.”
Jongdae’s grin stretched mischievously, “I appeared out of nowhere, kind of like you did. He had no idea what to do with me, and I got on his nerves. It just takes him some time.” He worked up the courage to place his hand on Sloane’s back, rubbing it reassuringly. “Will you please come join us? I have to whoop your asses at Apples to Apples again.”
Sloane rolled her eyes and pushed him away, following him out into the living room.
“Sloane! Sit next to me!” Sehun called as soon as Sloane stepped into their shared history class. She smiled and took a step, but as soon as she did, Jongdae ran into the room, wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her away to sit next to him. Sehun stared in disbelief before he whined and began sulking, and a few girls that were sitting behind him started quietly squealing to themselves.
Jongdae began laughing hysterically and Sloane started questioning whether coming here was a good idea after all.
“Mr. Kim!” Their history teacher, Professor Park, barked once she entered the room. “Control yourself or I’m kicking you out… again!”
Jongdae waved his hand dismissively, but tried to contain his chuckles.
Their teacher began lecture and Jongdae leaned over to Sloane, “tomorrow’s Saturday.”
Sloane nodded her head; taking notes quickly before turning to Jongdae, “are you scared?”
He scoffed, “are you kidding? This is a part of who I am. I’ve been doing this for years now, it’s routine.”
“So why are you reminding me of it?”
“Because I can practically smell the tension on you. You’re not planning on going against Kai’s order, are you?”
Sloane blinked rapidly at her fellow classmate and shook her head vehemently, “no, no, that’s not it.”
“Well, what is it then?”
She sighed, but before she could tell him what was going on in her head, Professor Park called on her. She answered her question correctly—annoying her teacher in the process—and returned back to her conversation, “I, uh, had a dream last night.”
Jongdae nodded slowly, “that usually happens when people sleep.”
“Jongdae!” Sloane grinned. “I’m being serious. I had a dream that… well, I can’t really remember what happened, but I remember my emotions, the urgency, the full moon, and fur… lots of it. Something is going to happen tomorrow, something out of the ordinary.”
“Are you psychic?”
“No, but I am incredibly intuitive. Also, I broke a vase yesterday!”
“What does that have to do with anything,” Jongdae questioned, truly concerned for the girl’s sanity.
Sloane grew distracted as the boy in front of her began answering a question. Jongdae watched as her eyebrows scrunched together and her eyes widened in realization, her eyes never leaving his neck.
“Earth to Sloane? You okay?” Jongdae waved his hand in front of her, causing her to come back to reality. “Did you just have a vision?”
“I… did I zone out?” Sloane seemed genuinely confused.
Jongdae pursed his lips. “You were staring at that kid as if he had a bug on his back.” Sloane tried to recall what she was thinking about, but came up empty.
“Great answer as always. Sehun, why don’t you elaborate on what Mr. Zhang was saying?” Professor Park said, staring at Sehun expectantly.
“Uh… I believe he covered it all, Professor?”
Sloane face palmed and Jongdae began his manic laughter again, causing both him and Sehun to get thrown out of class.
Sloane and Jongdae’s conversation was forgotten for the rest of the class.
“I made dinner!” Sloane’s voice was heard as soon as the door swung open. Six exhausted young werewolves stumbled into the kitchen with relief as the waft of stew overwhelmed their senses. The table was covered in plates and bowls and beside it stood Sloane with a nervous grin on her face.
“Sloane! You shouldn’t have!” Jongdae cried while Tao pulled her into a tight hug.
“You’re a life saver!” Chanyeol praised, quickly yanking a chair back to plop onto it. “Kai was promising us he’d cook and I really wasn’t in the mood for burnt kimchi fried rice.”
“Hey!” Kai barked, eyes slits with the promise of death as he glowered at Chanyeol.
“What? it’s true!” Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at his alpha.
“What did you make?” Sehun inquired, glancing around the crowded table. Kyungsoo smiled appreciatively at the girl before sitting down as well.
“Well, I cooked a stew with astragalus roots in it, some beef, a salad, and warm agrimony tea.”
Once everyone was settled, they all began eating, the moans of pleasure didn’t go unnoticed to Sloane, and she bit back a smile, pleased that her cooking skills were still up to par.
“This is, without a doubt, the best stew I’ve ever had!” Tao squealed.
“Sorry, Kyungsoo,” Kai grinned at the smaller boy, who just rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea.
“His stew is still better than your kimchi fried rice,” Jongdae muttered and yelped as Kai kicked him underneath the table.
“What did you say was in the stew and tea?” Kai asked Sloane soon after, acting as if he had not just given Jongdae’s shin a nice purple bruise.
Sloane slurped some broth before answering his question, “astragalus roots and agrimony.”
“Are those the plants that you found in your books?” Kyungsoo asked.
She nodded, impressed that he remembered. “Yeah, astragalus helps increase energy, both the body and mind. It will help you with fatigue and unclear decisions. While agrimony helps keep away negative energy and spirits as well as keeping a level head.”
Kai’s chewing slowed as Sloane continued talking. He blinked at her, and she must have felt his gaze, because she looked up at him.
“Is this your way of helping us?” He questioned. She nodded and quickly broke eye contact, awaiting a scolding.
“Thank you, Sloane,” his voice was strained, but Sloane could hear his sincerity. “I should have known you would find a loophole.”
“Aw! Our Sloane is so smart!” Tao gushed with a full mouth. He ruffled the girl’s hair.
“Our…Our Sloane?” She choked. Tao began laughing, murmuring a ‘how cute’.
“Are you still anxious, Sloane?” Jongdae asked soon after.
She glared at him and Kyungsoo cocked an eyebrow, “why were you anxious?”
“I…” Jongdae began his manic laughter and Sloane threw a carrot at him. It shut him up immediately and he pouted, feeling betrayed that Sloane would use violence against him. “It’s nothing really. I promised that I wouldn’t get involved…”
“But?” Chanyeol pushed.
“But… be on guard tomorrow. I feel something will happen, something different.”
“Good different or bad different?” Sehun asked.
She shrugged, “that’s up for you to decide.”
“She also broke a vase,” Jongdae added.
“Jongdae!” Sloane shook her head at him, and his lips seemed to glue together. His eyes widened and he pushed away from the table, causing him and his chair to stumble backwards.
“Now you get why I’m always beating him up, “ Kai sighed as the table burst into laughter.
Sloane just scratched her head and drank her tea, “I really did break a vase though, is there any way I can get you to lend me six dollars?”
“Mmm!” Jongdae yelled from the floor where he was practically convulsing, pulling at the pink flesh of his lips in an attempt to rip them apart.
“Shut up!” Kai ordered.
“It’s your fault you’re in this situation!”
“You really would try to act that way towards a witch and not expect her to retaliate?”
“Hey! I’m not a witch! You want your lips merged too?!”
“No! I’m trying to defend you!”
Outside the moon shown bright, nearly full with the promise of change.
“I’m curious,” Jongdae murmured sleepily the next day. “Why are we watching a movie about a werewolf hunter?”
“Van Helsing also killed vampires,” Sloane informed, running her fingers through Tao’s brown hair where his head sat comfortably on her lap. He began purring like a kitten.
“I still don’t get why we are watching it, regardless of what he murdered,” Sehun scrunched his nose at a particularly violent scene.
Kyungsoo sighed, “it’s an attempt at distraction. But… it really isn’t working very well.”
“Where’s Kai?” Chanyeol asked.
“He couldn’t stomach the plot,” Kyungsoo shrugged.
“He’s not the only one,” Jongdae muttered.
“Will you guys just relax?” Sloane asked. “You’re transforming in less then twenty-four hours. Eat, rest, and enjoy a cool action flick with both a hot leading and supporting role and horribly depicted werewolves.”
“The werewolves are a bit much,” Kyungsoo relented with a soft chuckle.
“I wish I was that muscular when I shifted,” Tao yawned.
“Those vampires don’t seem that far off though…” Chanyeol mentioned, causing a chilling silence to take over.
Sloane let out a gust of breath and a few of the boys glanced over at her.
“Don’t worry about us too much, Sloane,” Jongdae said. He threw her a reassuring grin after sensing her distress.
“Yeah, we’re big boys,” Chanyeol added, flexing one of his biceps and sending the girl a wink.
“I know. I don’t even know why I’m so worried, honestly. I hardly know any of you.”
“It’s because we’re so handsome,” Tao provided, his eyes still closed.
Sloane lightly smacked his arm and rolled her eyes, “and so dumb.”
“We’ll be okay, Sloane,” Kyungsoo assured with a warm smile. “We always are.”
“Look who has finally graced us with his presence!” Sehun yelled as Kai stumbled down the stairs a few hours later.
“Sloane made us have a werewolf marathon,” Tao informed his leader with a slight pout.
“All of them sucked, especially that shape shifting one,” Chanyeol added.
“Um, Blood and Chocolate was actually pretty decent. You have to admit that,” Sloane said. Chanyeol just shrugged.
“Well, I obviously haven’t missed much. It’s go time, you all ready?”
“But, the moon isn’t even all the way out yet!” Sloane said, her eyes widening with alarm.
Kai smirked, “we have to prepare some things. We shift pretty far from the house.”
“It’s going to be fine!” Sehun drawled, throwing his arms around her shoulders. “You worry too much.”
“Can I at least—”
“Nope,” Kai interrupted, popping the P.
Sloane groaned with frustration, “then what am I supposed to do?”
Kai shrugged, “watch movies about witches. I heard that The Blair Witch Project is a good one.”
“Not cool,” Kyungsoo chastised as he walked past his best friend to grab some bags.
“What’s in the bags?” Sloane questioned, plopping back on the couch in defeat. She watched as Kyungsoo distributed the bags so that each boy got one.
“Snacks, extra clothes, first aid. Just things we will need if we change back early for whatever reason.”
“That happens?”
“Occasionally. It’s rare.”
“Usually, if we get wounded pretty badly or knocked unconscious, we’ll turn back to our human form,” Jongdae mentioned.
“Oh great,” Chanyeol said, throwing his arms in the air. “Now she really is going to panic!”
Kai headed over to where Sloane was seated and knelt in front of her, “we do this every month. We will keep a look out for anything out of the ordinary, but until then, it will be just like always. You really need to chill, we know what we are doing.”
Sloane nodded, “I know, I know. Just be careful… all of you.”
Sehun saluted, “aye, aye, Captain.”
Kai rose to his feet, “I am the captain of this ship, and my first command is to head to the van!”
Sloane smiled as the boys said their farewells. Kyungsoo patted her shoulder, Tao gave her a slimy kiss on her cheek, while Jongdae kissed the top of her head. Chanyeol clipped her chin, Sehun rubbed her arm, and Kai walked out without so much as a wave—which was what Sloane was expecting.
“We’ll be back before you know it,” Sehun whispered to her before rushing to the others, closing the door behind himself. 
Now alone, Sloane let out a shaky breath and played with her gold necklace, hoping that their confidence would get them through the night.
“She is really worried for us,” Jongdae mentioned as they all piled into the van.
Chanyeol jumped into the driver’s seat, Kai in the passenger, while the other four climbed into the back.
“It’s nice,” Chanyeol admitted as he pulled out of the driveway. “She’s like a mother. It’s kind of cute watching her fret over us like that.”
The guys in the back nodded in agreement.
“I just hope she doesn’t do anything stupid,” Kai muttered, closing his eyes and sinking into his seat, mentally preparing himself for what was to come.
The ride was mostly silent, as they made their way to the outskirts of the forest. The moon seemed almost reachable as Chanyeol haphazardly parked and they all filed out. They were in a small circular clearing; the trees in the area were easily fifteen feet, hovering high above their heads.
“You all ready?” Kai asked, locking eyes with each member of his pack and receiving a nod from each. “Alright, here we go.”
It took a few moments, as the moon slowly began to reveal itself. The wolves became anxious, hobbling from foot to foot, claiming to have to pee, and telling stale jokes to pass the time. But soon, they began to feel the shift.
Chanyeol was the first to change. He yelped, startling the other five, as he tumbled to the ground. With his last bit of sanity, he quickly yanked his clothes off, not wanting to destroy them during the shift.
Jongdae whistled, “looking good, Channie!”
“Fuck off!” Chanyeol roared before screaming in agony. Sehun winced as Chanyeol’s arms twisted in odd angles. The others undressed quickly, knowing their turn was soon.
Kyungsoo was the next to begin shifting. Tao, Sehun and Kai quickly joining him. Jongdae blinked in surprise, Chanyeol was practically full wolf now, his russet fur blowing in the breeze, as his snout started to form.
“I’m not shifting,” Jongdae spoke from the corner of his mouth nervously, knowing none of the others were listening, too distracted by the pain. “Uh…” He glanced around and glared at the moon, “what are you doing?! Let’s go! I’m on the clock!”
Chanyeol was full wolf then and his fire orange orbs stared at Jongdae, almost mockingly.
“Oh, shut up!” Jongdae snapped. He cursed loudly right after, feeling the bones in his feet break and expand.
“There we go!” He cheered with his signature laugh as he began to shift.
The shift took around ten minutes to endure, and slowly, the boys changed into wolves. Once Jongdae’s white and black fur fully covered his new body, the six wolves howled, quickly taking off through the familiar forest.
Quick as lightening, the beasts raced through the land, leaping over fallen logs with their tongues lolling out their mouths. A few roughhoused, snapping at each other’s necks, while others chased after squirrels and other small animals. The sense of freedom they felt while they were wolves was indescribable. Although the shift was painful, being a wolf brought a joy that made it somewhat bearable.
A couple hours passed with the six pups playing and running around. Jongdae and Sehun were play fighting, Kai and Kyungsoo were racing one another, Tao got distracted by a frog, while Chanyeol was chasing his tail.
While running, Kai suddenly stopped, causing Kyungsoo to become distracted and hit a tree. After shaking it off he studied his leader. Kai was stiff as a board, the chocolate brown fur on his back slowly rising and his gold eyes glowing brightly against the darkness. He began growling menacingly, and that’s when Kyungsoo smelt it.
He whipped his head in the direction Kai was glowering and joined his low growling. Kai let out a quick bark, and soon, the other wolves joined the two. Immediately smelling a threat, they all snarled dangerously low.
Finally, the threat came into focus.
Another wolf, about as big as them, hesitantly made its way towards the group. It had ashy grey fur and sapphire eyes. It made it clear it wasn’t looking for a fight…
But he was on Kai’s territory.
With a sharp bark, Kai charged the lone wolf, his pack following immediately. They began fighting with the wolf, but he was stronger than anticipated. He was able to ward off Chanyeol and Sehun, and dodge Kyungsoo and Tao’s advances, but Kai surprised him, coming at him from his right and causing him to land on his side.
He immediately rolled onto his back in surrender, but Kai was seeing red. He dug his teeth into the beast’s flesh, causing him to howl in pain. Somehow he was able to get Kai off of him and bite him back in defense. Once free, he turned to run away, but was wounded, and wasn’t as fast as he could have been. Kai, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo were hot on his heels, and once again pinned him onto the moist ground.
The exhausted animal closed his eyes, tired of fighting them off, and awaited the deathblow Kai was so eager to give.
Before he could finish the wolf off, Kai was knocked over. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol growled in surprise as Jongdae stood protectively in front of the other wolf. He huffed and shook his head. Kai got back on his paws and barked, ordering Jongdae to move, but the pup remained in front of the wolf, who was now unconscious.
Sehun and Tao joined the rest, ears perked with wonder, as they watched the confrontation.
Kyungsoo yelped in surprise as his attention was brought back to the strange wolf—who was a wolf no longer.
A boy around their age now lay were the wolf once had. Realization hit them all slowly—except for Jongdae, who had pieced everything together while Kai was blood hungry—and panic slowly took over the situation.
Another werewolf had shown up on their turf and approached them, probably asking to join them, and what did they do? They attacked him, nearly killing him in the process. Four out of seven wolves present were covered in blood, but the boy had bite wounds on his neck and belly, and blood was pouring profusely out of them. Almost without thinking, Kai dragged the boy unto his back and took off, rushing towards his house, to Sloane, who he knew could help the boy. He heard the pounding of his members’ paws against the rough earth as they followed him, some limping. It was a race against the sun, which was beginning to rise over the horizon.
It took about thirty minutes to get back to the house. Kai yipped once he saw the familiar wood of his home, but as soon as he left the clearing of the trees, he stumbled and fell, convulsing as his human form began to resurface.
One by one, the boys began to shift back to their human forms. Kai tried to crawl to the door, as he was still changing back with an unconscious guy still on top of his back. It was a struggle, but he was able to bang on the door, leaving blood stained handprints in his wake.
“Sloane!” He croaked, his voice was still laced with his wolf. “Sloane! Please help!”
Exhaustion got the better of him and he relented. He was aware long enough to see the door swing open and smiled with relief as a startled Sloane appeared before him.
Could it be possible for silence to be so loud it could startle someone awake? That’s what Kai’s first humane thought was as he jerked from his sleep. He was disoriented, still stuck between his wolf and human minds, but as he began blinking into focus, he realized that he was in fact human.
He sighed, running a hand over his face as the night’s events began surfacing. He was in his bedroom, clad in only a pair of black boxer briefs. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand—three forty-six. He checked the skin of his stomach, remembering he took a hit, but saw that his slight wounds were already closed in a fading pink.
He still had dried blood under his fingernails.
With a groan he climbed out of bed, trudging down to the living room. Once down there, he noticed that the television was off. Everything was off and it was silent. The silence made him feel incredibly guilty of his behavior, and he needed some type of distraction.
Chanyeol, Tao, and Kyungsoo were all in the living room, asleep. Tao on a couch, Kyungsoo siting up in the armchair, his chin resting on his bare chest, while Chanyeol’s tall frame was sprawled on the floor.
Kai headed over to the kitchen and saw Sehun sipping on a glass of milk. They locked eyes and Sehun bowed his head a bit in greeting, his face blank of any emotion.
“How long have you been up?” Kai asked the younger boy, his voice still rough with sleep.
Sehun shrugged, “about twenty minutes. The groaning woke me up.”
Kai cocked an eyebrow but didn’t question. “Where’s Sloane and….” He dropped his head, the guilt closing up his throat.
Sehun sighed, leaning back in his chair and drinking more of his milk, “in her room.”
Kai patted the wall before heading down the hall to his roommate’s room. After some hesitation, he knocked quietly.
“Come in,” he heard her say, and did as he was told.
Sloane was sitting on the floor in the middle of her room, Jongdae sat at her desk, looking the most serious he ever has, and on the bed laid the werewolf Kai tried to kill. He gulped, seeing him in the light. His wounds were closed, but the dried blood still remained.
“He was having trouble earlier, but he’s all healed now,” Sloane informed, her eyes never leaving the stranger’s sleeping form. “You got him pretty good.”
“I didn’t know,” Kai said.
“I know.”
“I did,” Jongdae admitted. His voice was hard with anger, and when he locked eyes with Kai, they were stern and shown a bright hazel—his wolf’s eyes. “I tried to get you to stop.”
“You did,” Kai sighed, looking down at his bare feet.
“There’s a question I can’t get out of my head, Kai. I keep wondering what would you have done if he hadn’t shifted back? Would you have killed me too? Just to get to him?”
“Jongdae! You know I wouldn’t.”
Jongdae shook his head, “how could you be so careless? How could you let your bloodlust take control over you like that? You weren’t you, man….”
Kai kept his head low like a scolded child, knowing he deserved this.
“You nearly killed someone, and for what? What reason, Kai? Because he was in your territory? Please, you don’t kill someone who approaches you with caution! You don’t deliver a deathblow to a wolf who has his fucking belly up in surrender!”
“Jongdae!” Sloane called. She spun around to see her usually casual and goofy friend. He was glaring at Kai, his chest heaving. “You’re going to wake him up.”
Jongdae stood up and walked out the room, but when he was in front of Kai he muttered, “I’m disappointed in you, Leader.”
Once he was out of the room, Sloane sighed and Kai sat where Jongdae was sitting prior.
“He’s right,” he confessed, running his fingers through his hair to yank on the strands. “What was I thinking?”
“You told me that it was dangerous,” Sloane began, after a small silence. “You being a wolf. You said that you don’t have complete control; that the wolf takes over. You saw a threat and proceeded to get rid of it.”
“But Jongdae is right. When he approached us, he was cautious, letting us know he didn’t want any trouble. Still, I attacked him. Even when he was surrendering, I was all too willing to end his life. I’ve never been like that before. It scares me.”
Sloane sighed, sitting a tad straighter. “I know this guy.”
“What?” Kai’s arms fell limply at his side.
“I mean, I don’t know know him, but I saw him earlier this week.”
Kai didn’t know what to say to that.
“At least you stopped,” Sloane continued. “At least you were able to get him here safely.”
“Not without him nearly bleeding out.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here then, huh?”
They sat in silence, watching the boy sleep. He had pale skin and jet-black shaggy hair. His face was blessed with angelically soft features and his build was sturdy, yet lanky.
He began twitching in his sleep, and with a loud gasp, the boy sprang forward. His bare chest was shiny with sweat and was rising and falling quickly.
He sensed the two in the room and jerked his head towards them, “who are you!?”
“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Sloane murmured with a soft, yet dazzling smile.
The boy looked confused, his eyes wandering back and forth between Sloane and Kai as his nose flared.
Finally, his eyes widened with realization as they bored into Kai, “You…you tried to kill me!”
Kai winced. Of course, he would recognize his scent.
“Don’t worry about him right now,” Sloane interrupted. “As a matter of fact, he’s leaving.”
“I am?”
“Yes,” She said sternly.
Hesitantly, Kai left the room, shuffling back to the living room where the others were sitting, awake and aware.
“We heard him. Is he awake?” Kyungsoo asked.
Kai met his eyes briefly before nodding.
“Come here,” Kyungsoo ordered, pulling his leader down on the chair with him. “We’re not angry with you, Jongin.”
“One of you are.”
“Jongdae will get over it,” the shorter boy assured. “Don’t beat yourself up, alright?” Kai didn’t answer, so Kyungsoo punched him slightly on the arm. “Alright?”
Kai nodded again and sniffed, not wanting to cry in front of his members.
“Do you remember me?” Sloane asked the werewolf, who had relaxed somewhat since his attempted murderer left the room.
He studied her and slowly nodded, “the girl… I bumped into you earlier. You dropped your books….”
“And you caught them all before they had the chance to even hit the ground. I should have realized it then, but I still don’t know much about werewolves.”
He blinked at her.
“I’m sorry about what happened last night. I’m not even sure they all know what happened, but I know they are all incredibly sorry. Especially the one that was in here. He’s the leader of this pack.”
“And what are you? You’re definitely not a werewolf.”
Sloane grinned, “That I am not. I’m not sure what I am. I hope you don’t mind, one of your wounds was infected, so I took the liberty to help with healing you.”
The werewolf reached up to his neck, but was met with smooth flesh. He sighed with relief and glanced back at the girl, “you’re overflowing my senses with your power. Are you a witch?”
“No,” she answered, mostly out of habit.
He stared at her in wonder.
“Are you hungry?” He shook his head. “Are you tired?” He shook his head again. “Are you going to tell me your name, at least?”
He finally broke into a smile, and it was beautiful, “Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.”
“Hello, Baekhyun. My name is Sloane Collins. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well.”
“One of the members brought you some clothes… It’s not much, but it would probably be easier on the both of us if you were clothed.”
Baekhyun glanced down at himself and his face turned an endearing bright red.
Sloane chuckled and placed the pair of shorts and plain white shirt on her bed, “I’ll be in the living room. It’s right down the hall.”
He smiled at her appreciatively as she headed out.
Sloane fell on top of the couch with a huff. Sehun and Jongdae quickly joined the others in the living room and they all stared at her expectantly.
She groaned when she realized all eyes were on her, “what?”
“You know what,” Kai said.
“He’s awake…”
“We know,” Tao sang, pointing at his ears. “What happened? Is he alright?”
“He’s fine… A bit disoriented, but fine.”
“Did he tell you anything about himself?” Kai asked.
“His name is Byun Baekhyun, but that’s all the information I have on him. He’s changing right now, I told him to join us once he is dressed.”
It didn’t take long before Baekhyun was shuffling into view. He nervously glanced around the room at the werewolves before making his way to Sloane, sitting stiffly beside her. He stared at her expectantly, blinking innocently, but jumped as a few of the boys groaned.
“Not you too!” Chanyeol complained, throwing a couch cushion in the air.
“W—what?” The boy asked, utterly confused.
“She healed him,” Kai informed his pack, although none of them realized what that meant.
“Anyways,” Sloane began, demanding their attention. “I believe there is something that needs to be said before we continue any further.”
She gave Kai a meaningful look and he cleared his throat uncomfortably, “I’m sorry, Baekhyun. About last night, I didn’t mean… it was not my intention….”
“It’s alright,” Baekhyun stated with a small smile.
“It’s not!” Kai countered, finally working the nerve to meet the stranger’s gaze. “I was going to kill you.”
“But you didn’t,” Baekhyun said with a shrug. “That’s all that matters.”
The other boys apologized as well, and Baekhyun accepted them graciously.
“Now that that’s all out of the way,” Sloane said. She turned towards the boy, “how did you end up in Kai’s forest last night?”
Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably, “well, I’d been in town for a couple weeks. I knew there was a pack nearby and was waiting to approach you, but I didn’t know what to say. I decided that the full moon would be a good idea, because you would see me as a wolf and not question it… at least, that’s what I had hoped for.”
“Why did you want to meet us?” Kyungsoo asked, handing the boy a glass of water.
“I don’t belong to any pack,” Baekhyun informed once he chugged half the glass. “I’m alone.”
“He’s a rogue?” Tao asked, the pitch of his voice higher with fear. Sehun, Chanyeol, and Kai’s eyes changed into their wolfs’ at the idea of a rogue.
“Calm down!” Jongdae barked. “If he wanted to kill us, we would have a while ago. Not all rogues are vicious anyway.”
The three relaxed, and Jongdae rolled his eyes.
“What happened?” Sloane asked, visibly concerned. “Why are you alone?”
Baekhyun stared at his hands that were wrapped firmly around his cup, his knuckles were snow white from how tightly he gripped it, “I don’t know. I’ve always been.”
“Were you bitten?” Kai asked.
Baekhyun shook his head, “no. I was definitely born a werewolf, but I’m an orphan. The first time I shifted, it was in front of my foster parents. They were so terrified they kicked me out on the spot. I’ve been wandering ever since.
“I told you all I have been here for a few weeks. In that time, I watched you. You seemed like a nice pack, and I was envious—especially of you, Sloane.”
His eyes flickered over to her and he chuckled lowly—self-consciously.
Sloane tilted her head, “why?”
“Because,” his kept eye contact with the magical girl. “You all seemed like a family. I knew you weren’t a werewolf, yet they had accepted you. I wish I could feel accepted.”
“You can,” Sloane whispered, and she smiled reassuringly at him. “You can. With us. Right guys?”
She scanned the six pack mates. They were silent, for whatever reason. All of them avoided her gaze.
“Kai?” She tried. 
He scratched his chin and whined silently before meeting her gaze, “what? You want him to stay with us too? As if I have the room?”
The hostility in his voice caused Baekhyun to flinch and his shoulders to slump. 
Sloane was unperturbed, “If he doesn’t have anywhere else to stay, I don’t see why not. He’s been alone all his life. He needs brothers, Kai. He needs you guys.”
“But I—”
“He can stay at my place.” All heads snapped over to the giant who had been sitting quietly on the floor beside the television for most of the conversation.
“You don’t have to feel obligated to do so, Chanyeol,” Kai assured.
Chanyeol shrugged nonchalantly, “Why not? I highly doubt my parents would mind another werewolf in the house. I don’t have a spare room, but my bedroom has a lot of space, and I wouldn’t mind sharing.”
“You would do that?” Baekhyun breathed in awe, slightly overwhelmed by the hospitality the giant shown.
The two locked eyes and Chanyeol nodded firmly, “I know what it’s like to be an outcast, Baekhyun. No one should have to deal with being a werewolf alone.”
“That’s our little Delta!” Sehun gushed, falling on top of Chanyeol. The two began wrestling on the floor, knocking over a lamp in the process.
“Are you alright with adding another member to your pack, Kai?” Sloane asked the tense alpha.
Kai ran through the events that happened not even twenty-four hours ago. Of him attempting to take Baekhyun’s life. He had no idea what the pup had been through prior to that night, and now the guilt seemed to pile onto his skin like dirt, making him feel grimy and gross.
He gasped for air and looked up, looked at Baekhyun—at the earnest and hopeful look in his eyes—and knew without a doubt, that he wanted him in his pack, “any werewolf is welcome. I’m the alpha of this pack, Kim Jongin, but I go by Kai. From this day on, I will be your alpha, Byun Baekhyun. Welcome to our pack.”
All the boys hooted and hollered. Sehun ran over and ruffled Baekhyun’s hair, yelling incoherently in his ear. Sloane clapped along, a giant smile on her face, but it was dim compared to the one on Baekhyun’s.
“Now that that’s all settled,” Sloane said once the excitement died down. “Will you all please get dressed?! I’ve seen enough naked bodies to last me a lifetime!”
“Hey!” Sehun huffed. “We’re all wearing underwear!”
“I’m sick of all the skin! Are you all not cold!?”
“You know werewolves run hot!”
“That doesn’t mean you have to act as if you think you are hot enough to walk around this house half naked!”
“Whatever, Sloane! Don’t act like you don’t like it!”
“Ew! Sehun, don’t touch me!”
The day ended on a high note, the boys’ surviving another full moon.
3. The Sullen Siblings
The halls were silent.
Almost eerie, considering the time. Byun Baekhyun gulped as his eyes skittered around the dimly lit hall.
His ears perked, noticing the small explosions of heels on tile and he sighed from the familiar sound.
“Are you nervous?” Her voice smooth, sweet, comforting. He couldn’t help but smile at just the mere thought of her, but she was there in his presence, an eyebrow lifted as she studied him.
He cleared his throat and wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs, “is it that obvious?”
Sloane slowly shook her head, “no. Not for others, at least. Come.”
She grabbed his hand and led him down the hall into the office. It was stuffy and smelled slightly moldy, but Baekhyun tried his best not to cringe.
He hated school.
When he actually attended school, he was bullied relentlessly, but he had faith that this school would be different. He had faith in his pack, in Sloane. Hence why he was allowing her to drag him into the office.
His pack. He still couldn’t believe after nineteen years, he was finally able to say those words.
Apparently, Tao is ridiculously rich, and he begged his parents to yank some strings so that they could get Baekhyun enrolled. As before mentioned, their university was prestigious and private, only accepting the best of the best—also known as the rich of the rich—so it came to no surprise that getting Baekhyun in wasn’t going to be an easy feat.
Unless, of course, you’re Huang Zitao.
Baekhyun couldn’t even feign his surprise by Tao’s generosity. Tao seemed rather… Detached. Unbothered by everything. Baekhyun would even go as far as to classify the tall werewolf as frightening. But when he brought it up to Sloane the night before, she laughed, genuinely confused by his assessment.
“Well, if that’s what you see, it definitely won’t last for long. Trust me.”
The two new students headed over to the desk where the principal’s assistant sat and she printed out Baekhyun’s class schedule.
Once they were out, he kept staring at the piece of paper in awe. Sloane noticed the slight shake of his hand and grinned.
“Would ya look at that? We have biology together.”
Baekhyun’s head snapped up to stare at her, his expression still in that dreamy state of disbelief. “We have a class together?”
She nodded; getting the reaction out of him she wanted. “Yup. Chanyeol is also in that class.”
The sparkle in his eyes nearly tripled.
But then the bell rang.
Doors sprang open and hoards of students trailed out, flooding the halls.
Baekhyun’s nerves got the best of him; flashbacks of his brief time in school making him break out in a cold sweat as shoulders bumped into him. He was instantly aware of his clothes and hair and height and everything he ever was insecure about and he could feel a panic attack crawling up his throat.
A warm soft hand slid into his damp one, tightly gripping his limb and bringing his attention to Sloane.
“You’re okay. You’re here with me.”
“And me,” a deeper voice called and Baekhyun was surprised he could hear it over all the chaos around him.
The hall in front of them seemed to part and about five feet away, Kai, Chanyeol, Tao, and Sehun were making their way towards Baekhyun and Sloane. Kai was the one Baekhyun heard and it made some sense now, because people were quieting down as the boys walked.
Sloane had been at the university for about two weeks now and in that time she had sensed that the boys who she was starting to consider her friends were pretty popular. But, she could admit, she was very ignorant to it all—for there were more important matters to her. But now she was seeing it all first hand and wow how could she not have noticed it before? The way girls—and guys—were not only giving them space, but also how they all giggled and gushed once the guys passed them. Not to mention the ogling….
They were viewed as gods here.
She couldn’t help but to wonder where that put her in the college hierarchy.
It wasn’t looking too good.
She shook away her thoughts and the sense of impending doom and glanced at Baekhyun, who would be a part of all this attention in less than a minute.
He seemed to gather what was coming for him, and his free hand twitched at the hem of his uniform jacket. Sloane could tell how uncomfortable Baekhyun felt in it, as if he were not worthy of such things, and it hurt her soul. She was going to do everything in her power to make sure that beautiful smile of his never faded.
Kai and the gang finally met up with the two and stopped before them.
“Did you get your schedule?” Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.
Baekhyun nodded and practically threw the piece of paper at his new roommate. Chanyeol grinned at the action, but didn’t mention it as his eyes wandered down the sheet. He wasn’t the only one with wandering eyes. A lot of the students were now noticing Baekhyun, and he felt each stare penetrate him like a knife.
“We have biology together,” Chanyeol said. Handing him back the paper.
“I know. Sloane told me.”
“Did she also tell you that you’re sweating like a stripper in church?” Tao commented with a slightly disgusted look on his face.
“Leave him alone,” Sloane hissed, narrowing eyes on the taller boy. “It’s his first day and you all are giving him more attention than he needs.”
“Well he better get used to it,” Sehun sighed. “It’s not going to get any easier.”
He sauntered passed them, heading over to his next class.
“He’s right,” Kai murmured to Baekhyun. “The students here… they have nothing better to do with themselves, I guess.”
“Ya’ll are hot and mysterious,” Sloane shrugged. “Of course you are popular.”
Kai scowled.
“You think we’re hot?” Chanyeol smirked, eyes glittering flirtatiously.
Sloane shrugged, unfazed. “I have eyes, Yeol.”
Chanyeol stiffened at the name, “you… you gave me a nickname!”
Kai rolled his eyes, “come on. The bell is about to ring.”
The four dispersed. Baekhyun, Sloane, and Chanyeol had their shared biology class next so they headed there.
The minute walk felt like an eternity to Baekhyun. The whole time his eyes flittered around the hall, taking in everything. A lot of people they passed whispered to one another, gazes trained on the three of them. The hot and popular Park Chanyeol followed by the mysterious new foreigner girl and an equally as attractive new boy. Baekhyun didn’t know how to take the ‘being attractive’ thing, so he decided not to let it get to him.
He also didn’t really like the way people were talking about Sloane.
She told him that his strong need to be around her was a byproduct of her power. That a slight bond had been made between the two of them and it would wear off in a week or so, but he wasn’t so sure. Since the first time he saw her, he knew he wanted to be around her. She had a calmness about her, a gentleness that made him like her.
But he seemed to be the only one.
Everyone they passed was either curious about her or completely disgusted. It made his wolf furious that people were so quick to judge someone they obviously knew nothing about.
Chanyeol must have sensed it, because he glanced at the smaller boy with wide eyes that grew impossibly bigger once he saw the glowing deep ocean blue of his irises.
“Whoa, man!” He whispered so that no one else could hear.
Baekhyun’s eyes snapped shut as he tried to control his wolf. Chanyeol’s big hand came up to rub his back encouragingly and after a short moment, Baekhyun’s melted chocolate colored eyes returned.
“Thought we lost you there for a moment,” Chanyeol said. His face was drawn together with concern as he took in his member’s appearance.
“What happened?” Sloane asked as they slipped into class right before the bell rang.
“The way they were talking about you….” Baekhyun locked eyes with the girl and she gulped. The blue was slowly bleeding into his iris.
“They talk,” Chanyeol dismissed, loosening his already lazy tie even more. “That’s what they do.”
“Not about Sloane,” Baekhyun growled, baring his teeth.
Chanyeol raised an eyebrow, then lifted his hands in surrender. “Alright, Baekhyun. You’re right. Let’s sit down, okay?”
Baekhyun was fighting his wolf again and it caused his senses to skyrocket. Sloane bit her lip in worry as he remained standing in the front of the classroom, the teacher introducing him to the rest. His neck was tight with strain and his eyes were closed in case they weren’t the right color.
He bowed quickly once he was introduced and made his way next to Sloane, who immediately grabbed his hand under their shared table.
The bond between them flared, and Baekhyun gasped as energy ran up his arm.
“You’re alright now,” Sloane grinned mischievously. Leaving Baekhyun stunned, but his wolf was dead silent, and he sighed with relief. “Now listen to the teacher and do good in school, okay? We didn’t get you enrolled so that you can scare everyone.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“I haven’t even been here the whole day and I’m exhausted,” Baekhyun pouted. His backpack was already trailing behind him on the floor and his jacket was hanging off his shoulders.
“It’s lunch time,” Jongdae began in a warning tone. The two had calculus together which was their class right before lunch break. “You better brace yourself. Chanyeol told me about your wolf coming out this morning.”
Baekhyun groaned, ruffling his dark hair. “I don’t think he will be making another appearance today, but—” he took a deep breath in front of the wide doors to the cafeteria. “Alright. I’m ready.”
Jongdae chuckled and pushed the doors open. The dull hum of multiple conversations exploded and Baekhyun shuddered before entering the giant room behind his pack member.
Out of all the boys, Jongdae was definitely the most caring to Baekhyun. He was sure it had something to do with being the only one without a guilty conscious for attacking him the first full moon together. Jongdae has felt like an older brother for the past days, helping him with whatever issues he has had and always asking him if he is all right. Baekhyun has been thankful.
They grabbed a tray and loaded it with food before Jongdae led Baekhyun to a table nearly filled with familiar faces.
“How is it going so far?” Tao asked curiously.
Baekhyun bit his lip. “Besides nearly going wolf a couple times, it hasn’t been too bad. The classes don’t seem too difficult.”
“Has anybody tried talking to you?” Kyungsoo asked.
Baekhyun shook his head. “No. But I have been getting a lot of stares. It makes me nervous, I don’t like it.”
“I told you earlier that you need to get used to it,” Sehun said. “Hanging out with us, well, we get that a lot.”
“We’re kind of like celebrities,” Jongdae revealed with a relaxed shrug.
“Celebrities?” Baekhyun repeated, eyeing the cafeteria and locking eyes with more people than he would like. “I don’t know….”
11 notes · View notes
sinister-bob · 4 years
Truthfully, each time there is some sort of outbreak (namely from foreign countries because the racism really jumps out), I get irritated.  If there’s nothing you can do, have hope, keep clean, and monitor yourself/surroundings.  That’s it.  That’s all you can do.
I have a chronic illness, and with that comes a compromised immune system, which means that even flu shots are out for me.  But for the most part I live like this, since a common cold can lay me low for a month or longer.  So it’s more so a drudge, and seeing people panicking like this feels like an overreaction, though if I care to be empathetic enough, I know why.  You’re not used to the thought of all this, or the great finality of it all.
It’s going to get better, guys.  Just like it always has before.  Yes, there are risks, but that’s for the people with the compromised immune systems, IE., people like me, pregnant folk and the elderly.  You are going to survive.  Remember that.
But, people are scared.  Just like they always are.  Which makes sense, so okay, you want to be healthy along with your friends, family, and other people.  But, in doing so, people are buying out stores, using not really necessary things that are bad for the environment, and buying hand sanitizer, which was found years ago to be BAD on a whole other level because it makes super-bugs that can’t be killed by antibiotics.
There are things, though, that you can get, that you can make, that will work in place of them.  All it takes is a little effort, so in the long run, these things will probably be cheaper too.
Wet wipes 2
Disinfectant 2 3
Thieves oil 2 mix it with oil based hand lotion, or a carrier oil, like coconut oil, which is antibacterial in itself.*
Four thieves vinegar 2 3 4 (white vinegar is fine, don’t believe their lies.  You can also eat this, unlike the thieves oil.)
Then there are the things you can buy, which are a little off the beaten path, but are still good.
Carbolic soap:  It’s antibacterial, kills acne, and is good for open sores.
Coconut oil: As stated above, it has antibacterial properties, and as well is good for open sore.  Don’t over do it, though, because it can clog pores. (It’s also good for healing tattoos.)
Honey: it’s antibacterial and antifungal.  I once made a mix of this and coconut oil of equal measures, and it’s wonderful for cuts and the like.  Honey is also good for getting rid of acne.
Edible plants 2 3 4: Because, oh shit, there’s a lot of them!  The ones linked are actually lists that give their properties, but they are all either antibacterial/antiviral.  Check to make sure you aren’t actually allergic to anything.  You can’t be healthy if you’re dead.
Capsicum: Eat spicy foods.  The spice helps your immune system, and helps keep you healthier longer.  At least one meal every day.  Even if you don’t like spice, start small.  Start with paper-thin garlic, and work your way up the peppers, starting at something like an anaheim.  It looks like a giant jalapeno, but it is pretty much a green pepper.
*Essential oils: This one is tricky.  You have to make sure that you are getting the right ones, and you will have to do some research.  They can be harmful to pets, especially small ones like rodent, birds, lizards, ETC.  But you have to make sure the ones you’re getting are the antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral ones, like tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon . . .
Lemon concentrate:  Lemon helps boost your immune system, and if you catch anything, it can help you get better quicker.  It also helps loosen phlegm stuck to the walls of your lungs.  So, if you have asthma or bronchitis besides, this would be a good thing to keep in your fridge.
Ginger: Ginger is like lemon only a 100 times better.  It does so much more, like help with blood flow and is an anti inflammatory.  Tastes great with lemon and pretty much everything else.  Fresh or dried, it doesn’t matter for the most part, but fresh always tastes best.
Turmeric:  It’s again anti everything, including anti-inflammatory.  Good for both the inside and outside of you.
Then there’s prep.
Take the carbolic soap, melt it in a double boiler with some water.  Once it’s dissolved, you have a choice: either you can make liquid soap, or you can make some small hard ones so you can take it wherever you’re going.  If you are making it liquid, you add some more water, and once that is done, you add it to the bottle.  If you’re making hard ones, use an ice cube tray or the like.  I don’t suggest using a plastic one, because it can melt it as well as the soap scent will linger.
Either way, you can add things to it to either make it pull double duty or to make it stronger.  Things you can add?
Baking soda:  About a teaspoon per bar.  Warning:  It foams a lot when you introduce it, so make sure the walls of your pot are high enough to keep it contained.  Mine went about twice the volume.  It makes it a better cleaner.
coconut oil: About a tablespoon.  It retains it’s antibacterial properties.
Honey: About a tablespoon and a half.  It makes it lather well.  It keeps it’s properties as well.
Essential oil: For the most part, I don’t suggest adding more than 30 drops (a tablespoon).   You can do more, I just think you’d be wasting it at that point.  This would be a good use for the thieves oil, too.
*Note*  Always vent, especially if you have pets or small children.
Antibacterial ETC ETC ETC Hand Lotion
All you need is coconut oil, wax, and your choice of essential oil.
Depending on how hard you want the lotion, I would say about 1/3 wax to 2/3 oil.  Use a sliding scale to see where you want it, but remember, you cannot tell when it is in a liquid state.  If you are unsure, you have to let it completely cool before checking.  To add your essential oil, add it by the drop and stir.  You have to experiment, rather than just dumping stuff in.  Always add your scent last, otherwise you’ll kill it while smoking yourself out.
As for wax, believe it or not, you can use most anything.  I recently made hand lotion with the wax that comes off baby bells.  Certain candles work too.  You can even use crayons.  You dilute them so much, that they don’t really leave a colour on you, but that said, you might want to stick to colours that are complimentary to your skin tone.
You can steep a couple teaspoons of turmeric in the oil while keeping it over a low heat, and you’ll get the added benefit of it.  Steep it for about 4-5 minutes.  You can later throw the bundle in your bath for your health.  *Turmeric can dye things including you, so be careful.  I would more so suggest this step for people who have naturally occurring yellow or gold tones in their skin, unless you don’t mind looking like a Simpson.
Honey Lemon Ginger Drink
1/4 c. lemon concentrate
2/3 tsp. powdered ginger
2 tsp. honey
3/4 c. water
Optional: 1/4 c. gin (Decrease water to 1/2 cup)
Add all of the ingredients (except gin) to the pot.  Bring to under a boil.  Pour into cup and drink when cool enough to handle.  Tastes great cold, so you can make it a few days ahead.  Strain if you don’t want to contend with the sludge in the bottom.
Sage and Thyme Tea
1/2 tsp. powdered sage
1/8 tsp. powdered thyme
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. water
prep like regular tea.  Let steep for 6-8 minutes.  Strain before drinking to get rid of the sludge.  Sweeten to taste.
Fermented Milk
Yes, it sounds weird and gross, but it is good for you and boosts your immune system.  It doesn’t taste bad.   Kind of creamy and nutty.
1 c. warm milk
1/4 tsp. bakers’ yeast
1 tsp. honey or sugar
Combine all ingredients in a jar, shaking until the honey is dissolved.  Put the lid on loosely, not even barely closed, so that if you were to tip the jar, the contents would spill out.
Let sit for four hours, checking on it occasionally.  Sometimes you need to agitate it a little.  Once the time is up, you can drink it.  Leave it any longer, and it will turn to alcohol.  Don’t drink the dregs.
Wash your hands.  It’s a little terrifying that that has to be a reminder, since I got that drilled into my head as a child first from my mother and then by countless kid shows and ASPs.  Didn’t that happen with you guys?
20 seconds right?
Have a soliloquy:
Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? I see thee yet, in form as palpable As this which now I draw.
Have a poem:
Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire?And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet?
Make Big Bird proud.
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roxanne-xanne · 4 years
Anne and The world within
Chapter 1
How long I’ve been here? I don’t know anymore the concept of days, all I know was morning and evening where Chuck tortured me endlessly.
“I won’t kill yet. You have to say first you’re bloodline of Harold” Chuck say after he almost drowned me and whipped me.
Rather than saying anything, I spit blood on his face that makes him more agitated. He slaps me harder that make my lips taste blood. He walks out in the room after several of torture and still didn’t get the answer he wants.
I become numb to his torture to the point I’m not scared of dying anymore because I already gave up living. Its easier than expect someone to help me. But this man who came in make me think twice.
Red always treat me after Chuck tortured me, he always sneak in to gave some food and everything I need. Red is an interesting guy, he was fond in school because he didn’t have the opportunity to experience it and he has different persfective among his race.
“Again, I was born and raise here but it doesn't mean that I value the same thing. I can't oppose their believes but I have the right to believe what I want” Red says when he caught me looking at him.
“Do you hate me?”
“I wouldn’t say, I don’t hate your race because that would be a lie. I was raised to hate your kind that it become normal to me. That’s why I hope for younger ones to think and to feel what they want. Sounds contradicting right?” he continued to aid my wounds.
“I’m asking you, if you hate me not as Harold’s granddaghter?”
He didn’t answer, he just continue what he came for then leave but before he left, I said something to him. “Don’t generalized your hate, everyone is individual”
I put the blanket around me and for some reason I started to reminise all the events before I came here and experience this.
It was fine day at that time, everything was normal. Getting nightmares of a girl who looks like me, then waking up, getting ready at school after that I will talk to my friend and hear them talking about Dale.
Dale is who you can describe as tall, dark and handsome but not for me, I don't even gave a damn thing about him. But what makes me curious about Dale is, he was proctective to me ever since grade school but the funny thing is, we don’t even talk but whenever I’m in trouble he was always there to protect me then leave like nothing happen.
Then after talking to my friends, my teacher instructed us to used his time to find a book in a library that we want to make report and from there, everyhing become a mess.
While searching for a good book, I came to a corner that gives eerie feeling and honestly I don't know why but there's something on me that tells me that I should go there.
Without having any second thought, I step my feet on that corner and browse the books there. "What a weird book" I said while checking the book that piqued my interest.
The cover says nothing about what title might this book be nor it has a brief summary at the back of the cover. The paper looks like it survived the time and fire because it has burnt edges but apparantly that makes look like it was the intention of the manufacturer.
As I flipped the pages it gets more weirder and weirder, there's nothing on it except of my name at the very last page of the book. Before I closed the book something bit my index finger which result of dripping my blood on the book. After that happened, I feel little shake on my sorroundings, a howl of the wind and everything that I can describe as an effect on fantasy movie when they opened something they shouldn't.
I was gonna put the book to where I found it but suddenly I found myself in the middle of forest and was about to attack by red fox but like what I said, Dale is always there to protect me.
I was really surprised at that time when I see the red fox lying on the ground while bathing on his own blood then second later the fox turned into human. I was really shocked that I couldn’t move nor what to say at that moment.
Dale grabbed my wrist and then we started running. But the red fox was so fast that we end up cornered by them. Dale took one playcard out of his pocket. He tossed it into the air and said “Thou respond in my call for who am I your owner. Lend me strength, come forth Ari!" then a girl came out in the playcard and possessed Dale.
He fight them until the wolves pack saved us but I can’t say they totally saved us. We ride the big wolf but the red fox ambush us and grabbed me by my neck and put me here.
Chuck is the one who brought me here and put me in this situation. He accused me that I’m the granddaughter of Harold, which honestly, I don’t know where he get that. I don’t know who he is.
My whole body was trembling at that time when I thought I was gonna die. I wanted to cry and call my parents, to helped me. So, when an elder say that they must wait until they prove that I am related to this Harold, I was really relieved that I want to hug her.
But now, I don’t know anymore whether I’m grateful to be alive. I should die right there than slowly dying of losing hope to live. I put my arms around my knee as I hug myself then slowly closing my eyes as my tears started to fall.
"This way Mr. Harold. I saw them there"
"Leave no one. Slaughter them all child, women, men, anyone you see"
"They will not listen to our peace . Its either to be killed or killed. That's our only way to stop this millennium war"
What are those voices? Mom and dad? But how come they are with them? What’s the meaning of this?
I open my eyes and to my surprised, Red is infront of me, untying my rope.
“Harold and his packs are coming here. You need to get out of here, they will kill you”
Red help me to get out of the torture room. He help me until I get far away in their village.
“I don’t hate… you” he said before he left.
As I started walking towards my freedom, something came to my mind. What will gonna happen to them? I'm not saint to not hate them, after what happened to me. I can't even stand properly nor stamina to walk but... Chuck is the one who made me like this not all of them.
And they were driven by war that started millennium years ago by their ancestors because of hatred for being different. I don’t know, why they can’t choose for their own future. Was it really disrespectful for their ancestor not to bring their hatred towards to different kind? Or that it became norms to them? I know that we shouldn’t forget our history but we shouldn’t live be their beliefs. History is there to help us learn and change our future.
I gather all of my strength to walked back to where the red fox lair. I run desperately at the middle of the village, hoping I could stop their upcoming war. But who am I again? I was fool to believe I could stop it.
One of the red fox shot an arrow on my shoulder and that’s when the wolves arrive. Dale immediately take me to safe place while the others started attacking the red fox. All I could do is cry silently as they slaugher the red fox. They can’t hear my voice. A howl is the only thing you could hear and that’s when you know the war is now gone.
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shut-up-math · 7 years
Home Is Where the Pack Is
[Author Note: Okay be nice. I haven’t written an actual fanfic in like two years but I really wanted to do a (Not so little) fic of Martin x Amanda fluff and the Rowdy 3 after last weeks episode so this is what happened.]
Martin sat back and watched as the shadows danced across the trees as the light of the fire licked at the night sky. The Bofuki Nepoo (A name that would still take him some getting used to) were an odd people, if they even were that. They danced and jumped around like animals for what felt like forever and played music like no Rowdy had ever heard before and their food tasted sweeter than candy. However they were not only offering the Rowdy 3 a safe haven in this strange land, but celebrating with them as well. And what a cause for celebration. The Rowdy 3, together once again.
Martin leaned against a hut with his thumb pressed to his lower lip in thought. He missed the sensation of a cigarette between his lips. It was just a reminder they weren’t quite out of the woods yet. Away from Blackwing perhaps, but now a new threat loomed overhead. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
The wind shifted suddenly and Martin could feel Amanda’s presence before she stepped beside him crossing both arms and leaning up against the hut. He never dropped his gaze as his eyes flicked back and forth between Gripps and Cross who were linked arm in arm dancing around Vogel who was now hooting and flapping his arms like an owl, grinning ear to ear. “Bit poetic, ain’t it?” He huffed with a hint of a smirk playing at his lips. “You showin’ up just when we were about to give up hope—BOOM!” He made an explosive gesture with his hands, mimicking rain trickling down over him. “Drummer girl saves the day!”
“Well, what the hell else was I supposed to do, stuck in Puff the Magic Dragon’s bad acid trip? Besides…Vogel really missed you guys. ” Modestly Amanda laughed trying to act like it was no big deal, despite feeling the complete exhaustion of whatever freaky psychic shit she had managed to pull off. Even under the waterlogged mascara and eyeliner, he could tell by the dark circles under her eyes she hadn’t been sleeping well. Though, Martin wasn’t sure he looked all that great himself. Two months of starving will do that to a guy. It was impossible to imagine what she and Vogel had gone through trying to find them. It was hard enough running from Blackwell, even more difficult finding it.
His lips parted trying to find the right words to thank her for…well, everything but the moment was cut short when Vogel and Gripps grabbed Amanda by the arms and hoisted her up on Cross’s shoulders while the Bofui Nepoo slammed their hands against the ground in a rhythmic pattern. “Admit it, Drummer! You missed our ugly mugs!” Cross teased as he balanced her weight while he moved around the camp fire.
“Of course she did! Vogel laughed hysterically as he smacked Martin’s arm. “Tell ‘em Drummer! You cried like a little cry baby after we went on the run!” Amanda knew he didn’t mean for it to embarrass her but it did. A light blush rose up on her cheeks, visible even in the dim light of the fire. The boy’s comment left a sour feeling in Martin’s stomach, not liking the mix of emotion he felt emanating off of Amanda nor the thought of her lying awake crying while they were locked up.  
“’Cry baby’?!Oh please!” She retorted back to Vogel with a scoff. “Who was comforting who when we accidentally burnt down that Circle K because somebody doesn’t like spiders” Cross then launched Amanda into Gripps’s arms who gently set her back onto the ground.
Vogel gave her a playful shove. “I told you! Nothing that small should be able to build cool web stuff outta their butt!”
“And I told you not to mix lighters and hair spray! That’s an outside activity!” Amanda teased back.
“Sounds like you two got quite the adventure to tell.” Gripps joined along side Cross. “Can it wait til morning?” Cross yawned as he leaned his head on Gripps’s shoulder. “Dancing’s not as fun when you’ve been in a box for two months.”
“Agreed. Those box headed guys really filled me up too. I need a nap.” Gripps nodded and his head sunk onto Cross’s.
“You always need a nap.” Vogel hummed as his eyes closed. Amanda seemed to notice, even before they returned from Blackwing that the Rowdy 3 had a kind of Hive Mind thing going. She could see the exhaustion settling in on each of their faces at the same time.
“Come on,  Wakti Wapnasi said we had a place we could crash for the night.” Amanda said gesturing for them to follow.
“Wak-tee-woop-what-what?” Martin made an attempt at the name, giving up half way through.
“Just…don’t even try to make sense of it. I gave up after the unicorns. I know this place is batshit, but trust me on this, the old lady with the butterfly face is cool.”
Amanda lead them to what looked like a bird’s nest made of every color feather imaginable, and then some. By the time 4 out of 5 Rowdys had settled in it reminded Amanda of when they’d sleep in the van. Dog piled into a small space, limbs wrapped around each other as make-shift pillows, the complete concept of personal space thrown out the figurative window. Amanda knew well enough to know to pile in last for fear of being crushed under Cross’s boney elbows or be stuck by Vogel’s smelly feet. Martin on the other hand ended up on top beside Amanda, both using Gripps’s shoulder to support their heads, Cross’s long arm draped across Martin’s chest.
Almost instantly the snoring started. A familiar noise Amanda didn’t realized how much she missed. For the first time in two months…no before that even. Maybe for the first time ever, even while being stuck in a weird land that sounded like a nursery rhyme, Amanda felt at home. The feeling settled into her chest and again Martin could feel the warm comfort of emotion roll off of her in waves. The snores mixed in with the faint distant music of the Bafuki Napoo still playing tribal drums and the crickets chirps echoed into the forest making it feel like it went on forever.
Martin could feel the others drift to a deep sleep but he couldn’t keep off edge. Every crack of a branch had him twitching, listening, feeling for anything that might dare ruin this moment. His family was back together and it still felt like any second Blackwing would sweep through the grass the moment his guard was down and he’d be back at square one. For a brief moment he entertained the idea that this was all just a beautiful dream and soon he’d wake up still dangling from a chain in the ceiling but quickly dismissed the idea feeling his heart race at the thought. It was then he felt the shift of Amanda’s boot against his and hearing the subtle sigh of someone still awake.
“Drummer?” He whispered over his shoulder to her.
“Hm?” Came a soft reply as she did the same before shifting onto her back to hear him better. He mirrored her actions so they were face to face now and suddenly Amanda was finding herself aware of how close they really were.
“Thanks.” Martin spoke softly again, just loud enough for her to hear. He could see here attempting modesty again but quickly put a hand up to silence her. “Not just for this…Vogel too. I know he ain’t …” Martin stopped himself for fear of sounding insulting. He loved Vogel like a little brother, of course he did, but he also wasn’t blinded enough to not see that spending most of a boy’s educational years in a government facility and then on the run with three crazy psychic vampires didn’t do Vogel any favors.
“Martin…it’s okay. I get it, we actually had a lot of fun along th-” She tried but again he put a hand up.
“He’d be dead if’weren’t for you. We all would. Takes a lot of balls to do what you did, to last ‘s long as ya did. To still have hope after two months of nothing. Shit you’re more Rowdy than any of us.” It was now Amanda was realizing this was the most serious she had seen Martin. There was a desperation behind his eyes that pained her to see. She tried her best to swallow the knot in her throat, but there was no hiding your feelings from the Rowdy 3. After a long silence once more Martin cleared his throat.
“I cried too by the way….” He spoke softer than before but the words hit Amanda like a ton bricks to the chest. She knew what he was doing, trying to make her feel better about Vogel calling her out earlier, but it didn’t change the fact that the pain in her chest grew tighter. “Don’t tell the boys. We were locked I separate cells beside each other.” He explained. “When y-you…”He cleared his throat and gave the hint of a sniffle. “A few moments before you pulled us through that-what’dya call it? Magic water thing?! It’d been days since we’d seen anyone. Not Priest, not Friedkin, not even that weird little assistant guy who filled our water bottles. Just…darkness and I was sitting there thinking…We’re never going to get outta here. Then –” He snapped his fingers softly. “Splash, I see you looking back at me and smell the most delicious meal I’ve had in months.” He smiled licking his lips at the residue of energy drained off the knights. “And it all feels like a dream still…Thank-Ooof!” Martin grunted as Amanda’s small arms wrapped around him pressing her cheek to his chest.
“Quit fucking thanking me already. Just don’t ever leave us like that again.” Her words were mumbled into the fabric of his suit, but heard none the less. Martin didn’t need to use his abilities to know she was crying again, though the emotion was powerful.
“Promise, Drummer Girl. Never again.” The words passed between his lips in a heavy sigh against her hair and he wrapped his arms around her as she shook slightly trying to hold back sobs. His beard burrowed into her hair as they nuzzled closer together. After silence and time he felt her begin to drift to sleep. The sun crept over the trees and birds chirped as morning slinked across the forest floor. Martin never let himself fully fall asleep, ever watchful of the Rowdy 3. All five of them.
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kee-writestrashh · 6 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader fic
Chapter 16: Bold as Brass
ao3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12036195/chapters/28382980
"The fuck are you going?" Ramsay asked coldly behind you.
You looked at him through the mirror, setting your lip stick down.
"Lunch with Liz. It's Friday." you said with a shrug, avoiding his gaze.
"Lunch with Liz." He said mockingly, rolling his eyes. "What did I tell you?"
"Okay." You said, closing your eyes briefly and taking a deep breath, "Look, she's my friend." (He made a noise, saying "friend" in distaste.) "She's sick. Pretty soon she won't even be able to leave her house other than to go to the hospital. I promised her lunch today. So, I'm going."
"Oh you are, are you?" He breathed, eyes narrowed and deadly.
You turned to face him, "Please, baby? She needs the support. Other than us she has no one. Her family isn't from this country. Come with me, or send one of the Boys to watch us." You pouted, "Please?"
Ramsay looked at you for what felt like a lifetime before frowning and giving a nod.
"Where are you going?"
"That little cantina on the river. And then I'm stopping by the Girls salon and getting this nail" you held up your middle finger, "fixed, and see if they have any new information."
Ramsay blinked slowly and glanced at his watch, "You will be home by three or you will never leave this house again."
You gave a smile, "Thank you, my love."
He grunted and left. You dropped the smile and sighed, turning back to the counter to finish your make up.
Ever since trying to pry him open yesterday morning he had been a real dick. He was quieter than usual, and you took it as a bad sign. Quiet meant over thinking. Over thinking meant unwanted trouble. He was restless too. You weren't sure he had even come to bed last night. All morning he had fidgeted and would abruptly get up and start cleaning something that was already spotless.
You had joked about throwing mud on the walls so he would have a legitimate reason to clean, but you didn't even get a chuckle.
Maybe he was strung out on speed or something? It was all you could come up with. You would make a point of examining him closely later.
"Baby?" You said rather timidly as you walked into the quiet living room, glancing around and not seeing him.
"Yes, doll?" He said, sitting up from the couch.
You threw caution to the wind, "Are you high?"
He raised a brow at you and smirked, "No."
You frowned. "See, I'm not sure if that's honesty or not?"
"I'm not. But speaking of drugs, I'm making a run tonight." He said, falling back into the couch.
Why was he so fucking weird?
"You good?" You asked, walking to the back of the couch and looking down at him.
"Of course. No one is ever as good as me." He said, looking up at you.
He didn't look high. No flushed face, glassy eyes, or blown pupils. He hadn't even started drinking as a bottle of water sat on the coffee table beside his cigarettes and lighter.
You pursed your lips with a frown, "mmm."
He gave a grin.
"You've been weird since we got home yesterday."
You gave an irritable sigh, "I don't know. Just thought I should make you aware. Now, I'm going to lunch. I love you."
You leaned over the couch and gave him a gentle kiss.
He cupped your face and pulled you over the couch into him. You gave a startled noise, with a gasp. He pulled you closer, kissing across your jaw and worrying a hickey on your neck.
You relaxed into him. He bit down, much harder than usual,  making you hiss.
"Ouch, Rams. That hurt." You whined, pulling away from him, but he pulled you closer and placed a gentle kiss to his bite marks.
"Three O'clock, baby girl." He said, letting go of you, slapping your ass as you stood up.
"Yes. Three. I know." You said, grabbing your coat and purse.
You sighed as you closed the door to the jeep, adjusting the seat, and waiting on the heater to start blowing warm.
You blindly made your way across town to the restaurant, lost in thought, and yet not even sure what you were thinking about. Ramsay, obviously. But what exactly about him?
You had learned so many new things about him recently, and it was as if he kept you going to the point of exhaustion so you didn't have the time to process it all.
You walked in the restaurant, glancing around, spotting Liz at a booth. There was no mistaking her dark hair, tanned skin, and big brown eyes. Seeing her and Ben together was like seeing snow meet the desert. Their son only got Ben's light colored hair. You wondered if your child would take after you or Ramsay more.
You gave Liz a tight hug as you sat down across from her and ordered a water.
"How are you?" you asked, fingering a tortilla chip.
She heaved a sigh, "eh."
You let out a laugh, "I heard that. No updates?"
"No. I have an appointment Monday with the specialist about all of my options at this stage." Liz said, absentmindedly dipping her chip in salsa.
"How's Ben taking it?" You asked, glancing the menu over as your drink was set in front of you.
"He's being a champ. Got my mom a plane ticket to come out here and stay for awhile after I start the chemo, to help with Kade."
You gave a smile, "good. I'm sure that will help everyone. How is my little amigo doing?"
"Great. He's still loving school. We've kept him in the dark about me though. Not sure how to tell him where he will understand and not flip a lid. He knows I'm sick. But that's all we have told him."
"What are we doing for his birthday?"
"He wants to do Paw Patrol. Party, tomorrow at our place. Around three."
"Sweet. Anything I need to bring?"
"Nope. Just yourselves. How'd your ultrasound go?" Liz said, sipping her drink.
Happiness spread through you, "absolutely amazing. Thirteen weeks. Due June twenty seventh. It's so surreal. Like there is a tiny little person in here."
Liz laughed as you pushed your belly out.
"Si. But they don't stay tiny for long. It seems like one minute you're screaming for them to get out and the next your screaming because peanut butter is in the bluray player."
You both laughed. How nice it was to spend time with her again.
"I suppose Ramsay wants a boy?"
"Of course. If he could find a way to make it set in stone he would."
"Well, what about you?"
You shrugged, "either way I'm fucked, if you really do pay for your raising."
"Truer words have never been spoke. But, he or she will be worth every physical pain, and your sanity may leave you, but like we really have any of that left anyways."
You nodded with a laugh as the waiter approached your table and you placed your order.
"So, you know this better than I, being a nurse and all, but what kinds of, um..." you glanced around the crowded restaurant, "things would wire you for sound?"
You nodded.
"Doubt it's that. A lot of stress for you both lately. Finding out your pregnant, the shit at the bar, the shoot out, and whatever else goes on with you two. He doesn't exactly process stress well. Maybe it wires him? What did you do?" Liz said, eating another chip, adding the last part casually and accusatory.
You reached for a chip from her basket, as you realized you had demolished yours.
"We actually don't spend a lot of time together. He's always going. But now with the bar burnt, and the shit with Stark we are both kind of stuck at home. I think he's afraid something will happen to his child. But, I may or may not have pressured him into a lot recently. Sponsoring underage street racers. Demanding questions to be answered. My hormones have been ridiculous. I may have accidentally called him a bastard. I'm pushing him over the edge, and it scares me, but it's exciting too. Like I can't even help it. I want to see what happens when he gets cornered. I can see it in his eyes, and it's satisfying to see the internal struggle."
Liz gave you a long look and laughed, "you two were fucking made for each other, hon. When did you become such a bold as brass bitch? You are playing with fire. Like raging forest fire. You are the reason for his weirdness, chika. Just put on some edgy metal, call him daddy, and blow him. Or give him some pain. Whatever weird shit it is you two are into. Just let him vent it out sexually and he'll be good as gold again. And if that doesn't work, make a scene with some random guy for him to kill. Maybe both."
Your cheeks burnt, but you couldn't suppress the grin. "How long have our husbands been friends? Rams doesn't really talk about his childhood."
"I don't know. I know they met in like fifth grade, but I don't know if they became friends immediately. Why?" Liz said, picking up her fork as the food was placed in front of you both.
You shrugged, tucking into your food.
"Have time to get your nails done? I want you to meet our girls."
"Sure. It's been awhile." Liz said examining her nails.
"Follow me, and I will see you there." You smiled, climbing up in the jeep.
Liz, too took to the girls immediately. But they were one in the same, as they were from the same country. Maybe they would help her feel more at home. Liz had often confessed she felt so out of place here.
She had met Ben eight years ago, while he was in the service, and he married her the first opportunity he got. She had left everything she loved and knew behind when Ben's contract was up and he wanted to "come home". In a way you connected with Liz on that level. To leave everything behind and never look back.
Your conversation with Ramsay the previous day creeping up on you again.
"Sup, little flower?" Obella asked, looking up from your hand to look at your face.
You made face, "nothing. Just thinking. Let's do a sharper tip."
"Thinking about?" she asked, finishing up your nail and examining it closely, filing it to a sharper point.
"Rams." you said with a shrug.
"So why the long face? I usually hear about how you look at him with love and hunger. Tyene gushes about how cute it is." Obella said, resting her face on her hand and piercing you with a fierce gaze.
"We just... had a disagreement yesterday is all."
"And who was right?"
"Um, neither?" You said as the woman rose, taking your hand and leading you over to the drying lamp.
She leaned against the wall, "How long have you been together?"
"Three years." You replied, watching her curiously.
"Mama!" Obella called across the room to Ellaria.
The woman glanced up from Liz's nails.
They exchanged a very emotional sounding conversation in their native tongue. Liz joined in.
You pursed your lips, watching them, as the rest of your girls also threw their two cents in. Man, how you should of actually paid attention in your classes in high school.
"What kind of lingerie do you wear?" Obella asked, abruptly.
"Um..." you said, clearing your throat, feeling warm in the face, "none? Rams threw everything out. Said he hated it. That it gets in his way."
Obella tutted, yanked your hand up, made sure your nails were dry and tugged you from the chair.
Questioningly, you followed her through the door to the back and into a much smaller room. She flipped the light switch on and you glanced around the storage room.
"Wait here." She said, leaving.
A few moments later she came back with a large black plastic bag, dropped it at your feet, and stooped down to rummage through it and pull out revealing outfits.
She made you try on multiple outfits ignoring your protests, setting aside the ones she had liked on you best.
She walked around you examining the strappy black leather outfit that hardly left anything to imagination and hardly covered even your nipples and rather uncomfortable fabric between your legs, pulling at the thin chains at your throat. What would Ramsay say if he knew what you were doing in a nail salon?
"This one for sure." Obella said with a smile.
You frowned, placing your hand on your stomach.
"But I'm pregnant, and it's becoming obvious."
"No, no. Nothing is sexier than a pregnant woman who knows how to embrace her body and fuck her lover senseless." Ellaria said, walking in and leaning against the door frame.
"But I..." you began, your cheeks burning as the older woman ran her eyes over you.
"But nothing. It's no secret that your husband has no shame in showing the world how obsessed he is with you." She nodded at your neck. "Embrace it, child. You control him. He does not control you. Remind him of that. He's picking fights to bend you. Push back." Ellaria said firmly.
These women were trying to get you hurt. Like damn. No one knew Ramsay like you, and not even you knew him.
"I'll try. But, I need to get home. I promised Rams I'd be home by three." You said, grabbing up your clothes.
"Oh, before I forget. The Greyjoy has left the state. He went back to his hometown. Vacation. Or that administrative leave shit. Whatever. He will be back in two weeks." Obella said, before leaving you alone to dress.
"Thank you ladies." You said with a smile, walking back onto the floor of the shop.
"Of course." Obella said, grabbing your breasts and shifting them to make them seem much bigger.
You grabbed up your coat and purse, giving Liz a tight hug as you entered the shop floor, and letting Obella stuff your bag full of lingerie.
"Alright girls, I have had a splendid afternoon." you smiled, placing a 100 down on the counter and leaving.
Maybe the Girls were right. Ramsay belonged to you as much as you belonged to him. You were not going to let him get bored of you. You were not going to let him cast you aside. And, well, if he was stressed, you could fix that. Your hormones were changing your outlook on things. You were no sweet, innocent angel. Maybe it was time to raise a little hell.
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