#just an fyi :P
sc3n3kitt3h · 5 months
I made an amv!!!! cw 4 anime girls crying blood and killing eachother and getting shot at and stuff
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hey! since i'm strugglin with comin up with headcanons on my own, i'm gonna take some inspo from my buddy over at @hermitagereheadcanons and start takin hc requests!
just send me an ask about a character, pair, or one of your own hcs and i'll come up with some headcanons for ya !!
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asterixer · 24 days
Not that I think anyone cares but I wanna establish that I don't use Carmeo and Promeo interchangeably when I tag my art 'cause to me P =/= Carlo
They're two different people
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13eyond13 · 6 months
L doesn't have like any body hair but Fem!L does. Hope this helps
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Below: my attempt at a retelling of Tam Lin, with a little more emphasis on the Baby as a central concern.
The first time Janet goes to Carterhaugh, in the early spring, she wears a green cloak on her shoulders and a gold ring on her finger. She's curious, not stupid. She knows the prices Tam Lin is said to demand for trespassing, and she is prepared with every option.
The second time Janet goes, in the later spring, she wears her cloak but does not bother with a ring. She is more confident now, since her first meeting with Tam Lin, and thinks the cloak is a price worth paying to meet the fairy man again.
The third time Janet goes, it is summer. She wears no cloak, and wears no ring; and when she plucks the rose and Tam Lin appears, she sees him notice this even before he meets her eyes.
She smiles at him.
Later, when she wakes in the wood, she wakes alone. She finds her way home by moonlight, and wonders if she will ever go to Carterhaugh again.
There is no future there for her, she knows, no future with Tam Lin but these woodland meetings. He may never even appear to her again, now that she is no maiden... and she may never seek him out again, now that she has proven all the tale.
Time goes by, and Janet puts the memory of those hours in Carterhaugh away. There's much to be done about her father's court—sensible, daylight things, of the mortal world and not the fairy one.
She did not reckon with the fact that those hours might not be done with her...and so even after a week of sickness, when her father said, "I fear you are with child," it was Janet who was most taken by surprise.
That should have been one risk lessened, she had thought, by chancing herself in Carterhaugh and not with one of her father's knights.
Now she was struck with fear; for it had been one thing to take this affair upon herself, but what had she done to this babe inside her? Was it a mortal babe, sired as it had been by a fairy creature, and one she barely knew? Even at the best, what would the babe do in the life she had made for it, growing up fatherless and in dishonor?
Her own father, always kind and mild, did not press her when she said the father would not be found among his court. He frowned mournfully at that, but gave her time, to consider what the child's fate might be.
She was still considering, though, when the oldest, grayest, dourest of her father's men shook his head at her and said, "Ah, and now our lady is with child? It's us knights who'll bear the blame for it, Lady Janet, you will see."
"Hold your tongue!" she snapped back, thoughts broken by her scorn. "As if," she said, "I'd let any child of mine be claimed by you—or any of your company—or ever give any of you reason for such a claim."
Some of those within earshot laughed; but one, a younger knight, shot back, "And what manner of man is it, then, who is so preferred to us, but who has not claimed the child?"
Janet looked at him, and all those around, and thought of Tam Lin. Strange, uncanny Tam Lin, of airy form and shifting mood, remote and strange and dangerous—but Tam Lin, still, whom she had sought out once, and again, and a third time, for more than the mere adventure of it all. Tam Lin as she had come to think of him, fair and brave beneath his strangeness, with a hidden warmth and gravity in him—she thought—that had come out for her, more and more in the short times they had spent together.
Janet could, perhaps, be fairly dense in recognizing uncomfortable truths, but when she did recognize them she faced them squarely and without flinching.
"He is the one who holds my heart," she said to the younger knight, clear for all the world to hear, "as well as the naming of my babe—and if he were a mortal man, and not a fairy strange, he'd be a better knight than you could ever hope to face!"
In the silence, she swept away to her own rooms.
Once there, however, she fairly collapses into her seat, picking up her sewing automatically simply to occupy her hands. (It is the finishing work on a mantle, green as leaves and grass; a replacement for the one she left with Tam Lin, some months ago.)
Despite her words down below, she is keenly aware that Tam Lin is not a mortal man. A fairy cannot serve as father to a human child (and again, she thinks with a thrill of unease, is her child going to be human?), and yet Janet knows now that she will not—cannot—consign herself and her child into the keeping of any other man she knows. She will not give her child, or her heart, to any man but the one who has true claim to them...and he is no man at all.
Well, what is he?
As she sits and finishes her seam, Janet becomes uncomfortably aware of how little she knows of Tam Lin. Perhaps, if he knew, he might be able to propose something she could not—if, that is, he is human enough to care.
"Well," she says aloud, jumping up, letting needle and thimble fall to her feet. "There is only one way to learn.
So she braids up her hair and straightens her skirts and sweeps the new mantle around her: and again, for the fourth time, Janet goes to Carterhaugh, to the well where they met before.
This time, though, she does not pluck one of Tam Lin's roses. She looks around her, thoughtfully, and spies a patch of herbs she knows full well a pregnant woman should not let near her mouth. She bends, and gathers some in her hand...
And is stopped by a small, cold hand upon her wrist, the hand of a fairy knight.
"What are you doing, Janet?" Tam Lin demands, voice urgent, face pale and set. "What are you doing to our child, the child we got between us?"
And that answers half of her questions, right there.
Janet straightens to face him, a rush of warmth chasing out the chill that's been following her. "I would not harm our child," she said, hand resting on her belly, "and truly, Tam Lin, I would carry this child through day and night, summer and winter, for love of it and love of you."
Her face warms, but she sees his eyes soften in surprise, and it is worth it.
"But," she says then, and watches him stiffen in wariness, "but, Tam Lin, I must know whose child I bear."
She stops for a moment, watching him; but he only watches her back, his slim shoulders set back, unearthly face still as the hills. Only his eyes show feeling—a flicker of some intense feeling, far beneath the dark surface, like a caged hawk waiting for a door to open.
"Tam Lin, tell me," Janet says, with a breath taken in silent, desperate prayer. "Did you ever pass through the church-door, or feel the water on your forehead? Were you ever earthly knight, or any kind of man who rode beneath the Cross?"
At her questions, that feeling leaps out of his eyes, and Tam Lin's face comes alive with all the warmth and laughter she has ever seen in it.
"Yes, Janet, yes," he says, and Janet sits down hard on the curb of the well. "I was a man like any other," he continues, taking her hand, "a youth of this country trained for knighthood, until the day I fell from my horse into the Queen of the Fairies' hands."
Her love has a soul, like to her own—and a heart, what's more, for her and the babe. This, Janet thinks, is the most important thing. Everything else, they can manage.
Of course, this is before her love goes on to tell her of the fairies' tithe to Hell.
"Tonight?" she asks incredulously. "You ride to pay the tithe tonight?"
He smiled at her. "If you had decided to see me a little earlier, perhaps..."
"Perhaps if you had told me sooner," she said, "that the Fairy Queen meant your soul to go to Hell, I would have—" But then she stopped herself.
"I did not think," he said gently, "after your last coming, that any reason would arise for you to see me here, let alone to miss me."
And then, from something in his face, and from the sudden memory of his manner at that time, Janet guessed that, then, they had both been using one another. If she had sought adventure and pleasure that came free of the consequences of her father's court, Tam Lin had perhaps been seeking that same pleasure, and a respite, away from the knowledge of his doom. And then they had parted ways, affection mingled with their half-hidden guilt, never to meet again.
But then another life had entered the affair. Another life that neither of them would willingly see harmed, even by their own foolishness.
"You are not the Queen's," she said at last, meeting his eyes fiercely, "and you are not her court's, and you are not going to any devils while I breathe. So how do I take you from them all, Tam Lin?"
He smiled, like a man who had just seen his first sunrise in seven years, and he told her.
When Janet met the Fairy Court riding at the crossroads that night, she had no time for fear. She was repeating his instructions in her mind.
"First you'll let the black horse pass, and then you'll let the brown—"
—and then she leapt for the unfamiliar armored figure on the white steed, dragging him down into her arms while all the procession crashed to a halt.
The figure wavered in her arms, and writhed, and became something small and slithering—
"They'll turn me in your arms, to an adder or an asp."
The snaked seemed to rear and then strike, fangs bared, at her body. Janet stiffened, but kept her grasp tight, refusing to recoil.
You, she reminded herself and it, are the father of my child.
And as its head reached her belly the snake's mouth closed, merely tapping her with its snout—"Hold me fast and fear me not," she almost heard—
Before wavering again, and growing, encompassing her in fur and musk and muscle until it seemed as though her arms physically could not wrap around it.
"They'll turn me once again, to a grim and fearsome bear."
Janet set her teeth, and held fast. You are, she thought again, my earthly mate to be.
And its claws and strength were not turned against her; but just as her grasp began to feel more like a hug, the shape wavered again, to something hard and sharp and searing—
"They'll turn me to an iron brand, red-hot as blazing fire."
Janet hugged the iron tight to her breast, through a pain like none she had ever known before, and concentrated all her will on not letting go.
She could not think, but she could remember.
"But hold me fast and fear me not," her true love's voice had said, "and I'll do you no harm..."
And just like that, the pain was gone. The shape in her arms changed, in a way somehow unlike the other changes, into something real and warm and permanent, solid and familiar.
Quick as thinking, Janet swept her mantle over the naked man kneeling against her, covering him in her cloak and arms as he rested his head on her belly.
Above them both, atop a tall mount, the most beautiful woman Janet had ever seen glared down at them.
Janet stared back, triumphant and unafraid.
"So you are stolen, Tam Lin," the Queen of the Fairies said, her voice frozen with rage.
"Not stolen," Janet said at once. "If I had stolen him tonight, I know I could not have kept him. He already belonged to us."
Her love straightened to lift his head beside her, face clear in the moonlight—like and yet not like his fairy face, she thought, but not unlike in ways that she would miss. His breath was warm on her cheek, as he turned to face the Queen.
Whatever the Queen saw there, she hissed at, a long indrawn breath.
"If I had known," she said, "Tam Lin, what drew your eyes from me, I'd have taken them from your skull this night and changed them for eyes of wood.
"If I had known," she said again (with a poisonous look to Janet), "what pulled your heart from me, I'd have taken it from your chest this night and changed it for one of stone."
But with that, she cracked her reins, and—the court sweeping in disarray behind her—rode off and vanished into the morning mist.
Tam Lin turned his eyes to Janet, smiling wide and joyful.
"And I am father to your babe," he said, taking her hand, "and I will be your mate in life, and I will be your true love, Janet, as long as you will be my wife."
"As my love I claimed you," she said, smiling too, "and as my husband-bound-to-be, and as the father of my child: so, Tam Lin, these things are yours for good, and so too I will be."
Home then they went, and the banns were read, and in due course came the marriage and the child. And the story was often told by their hearth, as that child grew older, of the role it had first played in bringing its parents through peril.
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dnpbeats · 1 month
my original philslion post was ~2k works and 14 pages... this is what the master doc is at now with everything compiled 😭 i think i'm finally done though 🙏🏻
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so, question:
*it meaning a link to the doc, it's wayyy to much to post directly into tumblr lol
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b-blushes · 1 month
i am feeling very strongly that i don't want to hoover right now! this is a dilemma for real (small scale ik but it still exists to me!!!!!) bc i'm trying to figure out how i can spend less of my time pointlessly generating stress for myself to the detriment of my mind/body but also balancing discipline and maintaining a level of chores and hobbies (because they are also something that i'm forcing myself to do most of the time atm! it is a real 'forcing myself to do everything' moment rn!) that feels good to me in an ideal sense. stuck on thisssssss. for now (literally this morning) i think i will just. force myself to do it. which is what i've been doing already. bc i'm stuck with the idea that, i do it this way (chores assigned to certain days) because that allows me to pace myself with the household things that i'd like to get done across the week (so as i don't end up with 3 days of the week left and a pile of physically intense activities i want to get done before next week which would crush me into the ground huge style), and it also allows me to have some more predictability about how much energy expenditure will happen on each day. however there is a potential for reassessing how often i do certain things? ideally i like to hoover once a week because that's the level of clean i like, and also it seems to have some impact on my allergy stuff. idk i'm just thinking out loud! it's hard to have an idea of, like, ideal basic life and maintenance and for that to not necessarily be physically attainable? or else, i'm spending all my energy on just that, or else i'm forcing myself through every day and being mentally and physically exhausted all the time...... ideally i would just. only do these things when i feel like doing them i guess? but i feel that that wouldn't match up to what i would like to be done from uhhh a different type of like. like there's 'like' of the ideal feelings type and 'like' of the 'i feel like doing this' type. much to consider + curious about how fellow disabled/chronically ill pals handle this in your own lives?
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friendzoned61 · 11 months
I have a Kofi now! I have commissions open on there!
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You can see more about my prices on there, or you can buy me a Kofi!
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
I’m fairly new to the fandom, but I do have a question if you can answer it! Why do people ship Daigo with Aoki / Masato? I tried looking to see if they’ve interacted before, but couldn’t find anything! Sorry for asking I’m just </3 dumb AND I LOVE YOUR ART OF THEM!!! Nerd looking ahhhhhh
hi ! welcome to the community i hope you're having a lovely time so far and ty for enjoyin my stuff :) no need for apologies it's a very fair question to have :]
i cant speak for everyone (all. ten people into masadai anyway) but Personally To Me i just think the idea of them together is very funny. thats quite literally it im afraid..
#snap chats#//twenty page google doc in the background// ignore that. it's mostly for comedic purposes#might also be my fault idk sorry about that. allegedly. idk ive had like three people tell me they started to ship them cause of me 🧍‍♂️#@mementoasts is another person who's drawn masadai and whose stuff i love and am inspod by .. i love their disneyland fic sm ...#there was another artist on twitter who posted a neat drawing of them but i cant remember who they were and i didnt bookmark it //screams//#recently there's been ANOTHER masadai artist ive started following on twitter - @wifekiryu. his account's n/s/f/w fyi before you go looking#he has a tumblr too @foxdies. i say cause i realized as much recently vjeaKLGJALKGJ#oh but I GUESS ill get deeper into why. /i/ personally ship masadai or whatever#first off they're opposing factions yet their character alignments Do Not Match their roles. stereotypically anyway#aoki who leads the 'surface' of society and is meant to be an admirable figure and someone 'just' when really. he sucks LMAO#though that's not atypical of politicians but just from a stereotypical This Is A Respectable Individual perspective of his role#daigo on the other hand leads the 'underbelly' of society- yk comprised of dangerous criminals and outcasts and whatnot#yet as we know him daigo's compassionate and considerate of his men- he doesnt treat them like tools like aoki does#if put in a room with the two daigo would be most people's choice of person to hang out with. probably open a trapdoor on aoki tbh#and i think thats really cool and epic i always love that kinda Subverting Expectations thing#theres also the fact they both started off like. edgy/angsty in the franchise and then brush up down the line#masato does a stronger 180. publicly. obviously but its still really funny they both have to get their act together#if you wanna talk about in-text reasons. there really is none LMAO I TELLS YOU masadai is pure crack#but if i wanted to pull a muscle reaching then there's daigo being on aoki's side while everyone else is on arakawa's during the funeral#im lying of course. mitsu was behind him. rgg tryna make me forget mitsu exist .... put him back in y8 ....#and ofc ichi joins that side to even out the seating but moving on another Goofy Reason is arakawa being like#'the chairman and my son are like p much the same age Surely he knows how he thinks :)'#and then i just think daigo being all smarmy about outsmarting aoki is really goofy and im choosing to interpret that as personal#they both also have issues with their dad. s. dad/s/. anyway.#tbh the google doc tag was a joke but i really could sit here and list every dumb reason why i think theyre funny together#like i started going over the tag limit so uhhhh yeah needless to say i have a lot of. dumb reasons 💀💀💀💀#one day ill use the main text for long rambles like this but todays not that day Point Is my imagination is rampant im afraid#so the short and sweet of it is I Think It's Funny. And They'd Be Terrible Together. Which Is Why It's Funny.#and the unfortunate part is anything i find funny i obsess over for a year so. //gestures to the mountain of bullshit thats my masadai tag/
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samodivas · 2 months
bought a Bulgarian historical fiction book and the historical inaccuracies are actually making me scream. A chiton is referred to as "a dress" and apparently the author thinks that stained glass was used in Balkan chapels in the 9th century. What if I killed you
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
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OH????? actual massive W what the hell
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soomanymoths · 6 months
CrinklyTinfoil bs
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Just a collection of receipts since krys decided to go ahead and spew such backwards bs im no longer willing to keep this to myself - i only did in the first place because crinkles spouse (nightjarteeth) asked me to keep it tucked away for a while (Night is aware of the events and supports me in the situation last i checked). Crinkle really hates the idea of their behavior backfiring & someone they hurt speaking about the experience. They will do anything to discredit people, doesnt matter if they caused the sitch in the 1st place. Its all about appearances, distorting events and grasping at straws for them. If you're their reader and you choose to believe them - remember they were comfortable pulling wool over the eyes of their spouse and someone they called a "dear friend". Ask yourself why anyone else would be exempt from this. I might update this when i have more time on my hands.
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maxthesillyy · 11 months
hello max-with-a-lowercase-m its me samby and i have to say i REALLY like your art style i love how creature all of your characters are!!! if you drew alex (my beloved) or just literally anything it'd be cool!! also hi hello how are you!!!!
woagh… you have no idea how big of an honor it is for me to be requested to draw someones blorbo.
also hai :3 and thank you very much :33 i love making the blorbos creature looking.
this was also a good wake up call that i do not draw Alex NEARLY as much as i should.
i kind of wanted to draw half-dead Alex, but i have not earned that responsibility yet 😔 so instead i did one of those “his ass is NOT ___” memes
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versions w/o the text and guitar under cut
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mare-bare · 6 months
this is only for the beatles girlies: went to a fab four concert over the weekend in which they played the entirety of rubber soul, and during 'if I needed someone', john leaned over and kissed paul's cheek while they shared a mic 😘
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virewolf · 2 months
starter for: @liamxbryne
location: junkyard
"What the hell are you doing here?" In that moment, Vi wished her shotgun wasn't locked up inside their armory at the precinct. It'd have been good to feel it's weight in her hands as she limped her way over to a person she'd hoped to never see in Redwood again.
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Not everybody knew why Liam had left. But Vi most definitely did. Her face twisted in a firm grimace she pushed in close, squaring up to him and certainly not giving a shit that he was almost a head taller than her as she stared up at his face with barely hidden anger. "You better have a fucking good reason for showing your face around here again. Get the hell off my property."
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spindaonateaspoon · 3 months
Am I allowed to ask for your thoughts on Fuegoleon x Nozel? 🥺
Yes, even though you asked the wrong blog 8U
>Makes sense, compels me
It makes sense because their relationship is intense and intimate in a bizarre way that is neither platonic or romantic. I interpret it romantically because I found BC when I was suffering from Terminal Online Quarantine Brainrot. Maybe if I found it now I'd want them to cannibalize each other or something.
I guess there's no reason why I couldn't switch to wanting them to cannibalize each other...
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