#just as Donnie probably assumes the opposite as well
An ongoing debate within the fandom is whether or not Leo fell on purpose during the episode Lair Games
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Leo: Donnie? Donnie are you okay?
Donnie: You did this! You’ll do anything to win! My ankle! My moment!
Some people have said that Leo might have fallen on purpose in order to win due to his competitive nature while others have said that Leo looked too surprised at Splinter declaring him the winner of the event to have fallen on purpose. 
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Splinter: Purple hit the ground first! Blue wins!
Other arguments used for Leo having not fallen on purpose are that the fall most likely hurt for Leo as well as Donnie & that Leo would never intentionally actually hurt a family member considering how important family is to Leo. A counter argument for this have been people saying that Leo didn’t mean to hurt Donnie by falling & that was the only part that was an accident.
However there is a piece of evidence that might mean that Leo did not fall on purpose & that is his family thinking that he did do it on purpose.
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Mikey: And that’s when Leo fell, or did he?
April: So you think he did it on purpose?
Mikey: [Nods]
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Donnie: It was Leo! He did it on purpose!
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Leo: I’m only talking to you to set the record straight, I didn’t do it on purpose! I mean how could I? I had half a fridge on my chin!
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Donnie: I’m sorry can I have a moment?
In the episode Lair Games most of the Hamato Clan seem convinced that Leo fell on purpose with Donnie & Mikey even saying so & April arguably taking Donnie’s side in the interviews. However a running gag within Rise is that whenever one of Leo’s family members try to make assumptions on what Leo’s doing we’re shown Leo doing basically the opposite of what they’ve just said.
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Raph: Hey! Where’s Leo?
Mikey: I’m sure wherever he is, he’s trying to save us
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Raph: Leo probably talked his way straight into Big Mamma’s dungeon 
Whenever Leo’s family tries to predict what Leo will do, Leo’s family is almost always wrong whenever they try to assume Leo’s actions. In contrast when Leo tries to guess his families actions, he is almost always right.
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Leo: Look I bet the only reason we’re here right now is ‘cause Donnie inputted coordinates of blah blah blah
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Donnie: After inputting Shredder’s previous coordinates on the X-Y-Z and D for Donnie axis, I have calculated that this is the sight of our final resting spot. I mean go team?
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Leo: Mikey Razzed his Tazz
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Mikey: Whip-o-Rama!
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Leo: April finally used her crane license
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April: ‘Why would you get a crane license April?’ BECAUSE THIS!
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Leo: And Raph is going to put it all together in a plan to defeat that led head with this mystic collar
Raph: Wow Leo that’s remarkably accurate
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Raph: He’s back. Prepare for Operation Fire, Hanky, Tickle, Collar!
Leo: Yeah!
It is a slight running gag in Rise is that Leo is able to predict his families actions to a near perfect degree but whenever his family try to predict or assume Leo’s actions they are almost always wrong to a near comical degree, meaning that Leo’s family assuming he fell on purpose in the episode Lair Games might actually be evidence that Leo fell by accident instead.
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imagionationstation · 23 days
*Slams open the door to your inbox very, very loudly*
But this one is a little bit deranged.
AU where only Donatello and Karai are raised by Splinter and the rest (Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo) were raised by the Shredder. (Or vice versa idk which would be funnier)
It's stupid, I KNOW— but wdnsixjsks—
Just imagine the lone turtle being raised by the opposite side of the other three, accompanied with just as fierce + overprotective older sister who'd drop kick anyone who ever attempt to claim the title as 'Donatello's older sibling'.
Donnie'd be so confused to suddenly have a group of the same species as him suddenly thrusted into his life after spending years of beliving he's the only one— and oh look they're now claiming him to be their brother, how neat.
Karai is NOT happy because that's HER little brother and they have to pry him out of her cold, dead hands.
Leo and Raph would be, "You're our master's daughter and that's OUR little brother", to which Karai would be, ">:0".
Cue to Mikey and Donnie arguing who is older.
I'm not sure about you, but I am also a sucker for (over)protective Mikey. It's a neat concept, one that hasn't been explored much by the fandom— but arhwidnsidnsi.
I just love the purple genius, okay?
This AU is purely crack and self-indulgent at this point hahah.
Donnie didn’t consider himself to be a bad son, per say.
Sensei always had a list of rules to keep him safe. Never go down to the ground floor unless the dojo was closed for the day. Never open the curtains because he might be glimpsed. Never go out into the yard unless he got permission or had one of them with him.
And never, under any circumstances, was he to enter New York City.
Sensei was always very careful when it came to his safety. It’s the whole reason that he found a place outside the city for him to grow up, miles away from people, but close enough to the city that Miwa could visit to terrorize socialize whenever she feels cooped up.
Donnie’s never had that luxury, but now he was fifteen.
Fifteen was practically driving age. Fifteen is old enough to be in a high school and get invited to parties that sounded unsafe and rent adult movies behind parents backs and get to buy things at stores or check out books at the library!
He’s definitely responsible enough to borrow some books on his own.
Fifteen is also the perfect age for sneaking out and breaking rules.
It’s not really his fault. It’s the hormone and teenage ritual stuff. He couldn’t help it, probably. That’s what Miwa always says. Sensei buys it sometimes. He goes easy on her. So when Donnie wakes up to a carpeted floor and a splitting migraine, he knows he’s been caught and he’ll need every reasonable excuse that he can get his hands on.
It’s his birthday, anyway. Sensei can’t be too mad.
There are muffled voices around him as he lifts his head, immediately regretting it when pain spikes from his skull and scatters across his forehead. He clutches at his skull, groaning miserably. He’s never had an all-nighter migraine this intense before.
He supposes that this is what Miwa would call a personal problem as remains on the ground, forcing his eyes open to get a read on the situation. He expects to see his father hovering as Miwa goads him into a punishment because the consequences of his actions was never enough for her.
Somehow, his father usually ends up letting him off the hook instead. A perk of being an extinct species that can never see the light of day, he supposes, is endless sympathy points.
Donnie’s greeted with three shells, four blinding overhead lights, five individual weapons, and six eyes, all balanced out by a truckload of confusion. He stares, blinking sluggishly, as one of the turtles announces, “Well, he’s not dead.”
And just like that, this has officially slotted itself to be the weirdest dream Donnie has ever had.
So anyway, feel free to assume that he’s in pain and kidnapped for any number of reasons because I have about twelve different ideas and they are all equal GREAT for the crack AU atmosphere that is in development in my brain.
I’m just imaging a backstory where Shredder fought the Kraang (cause he was hangry or something, who knows) and the turtles (sitting abandoned in the alley, maybe?) are corrupt with mutagen.
Absolutely dumbfounded but not stupid enough to leave the little freaks of nature behind, he (still human) snatches three of them, accidentally leaving one behind.
Hours/days later, Toddler Miwa hear Donnie crying, barely alive and all alone. Obviously, dad and daughter care for him.
Shredder and Yoshi are still human, but neither is on guard for the other. They both think the other remains in Japan.
Their sons don’t grow up hating each other’s guts. They are both trying to leave their past behind. Yoshi is raising his family. Shredder is growing his empire.
So Donnie didn’t grow up knowing he had other brothers because no one knew they existed. Ergo, I imagine Donnie would be confused at first, but after fifteen years thinking that he’s alone in the universe, he’s eager to learn everything about these three fellow turtle mutants in ninja gear. He’s a bit perturbed about the fact that they keep making excuses to keep him from leaving, but he’s not to concerned about it. He has brothers! How neat is that?
And since it’s a crack AU, it would be absolutely hilarious if Donnie seems like this naive, learned soul, who cannot social in the slightest- but the second that the need calls for it, he knows how to use several different type of weapons and can take all the brother down single-handedly. He had fifteen years of no brotherly distractions and a sister who takes training very seriously. Why wouldn’t he?
It’s why he’s not concerned with technically being held hostage. He’s reasonably certain that he can take them. And he proves it when Karai finds him and tries to take him home, only for the brothers attempt to stop him from leaving.
Of course, he always feels bad about his supremely awesome and instinctive skills. He prefers his studies.
No, but your “pry him out of her cold, dead hands” comment made me think that she’d need a reason to feel threatened. If they bond before she finds him, Donnie will begin looking at his older brothers (yes, even Mikey, who adores being able to feel in charge of someone) like, well, eldest brothers, and Karai will sense the change.
And, obvs, be completely and utterly ticked off by it.
Donnie’s spent his entire life admiring her and everything that she does- how DARE she have to share his attention with these three random strangers that literally kidnapped him?!
And his older brothers will all immediately decide that this lost child is theirs’ for one reason or another. And obviously, the safest thing to do when you find a stray mutant like you is to take it home and give it care. Heck, if it turns out to be your brother, even better!
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green-lotus · 2 years
Raphael making out headcanons, pt 1
(disclaimer: i tend to imagine more ugh vanilla stuff when IT comes to sex, even tho that's not quite the best word for it. don't misunderstand, i'm all in for some wild ideas, but i'm not into really rough sexual stuff, but more of intimate, passionate ones myself, so to speak, so that's the filter all my headcanons naturally go through. if your red turtle wet dreams include getting dominated & straightforward railed & being aggressively cummed into, good on you, but that's not so much of what i will be sharing here. even if I do have some fun parts i'm working on. having said that!)
• I've seen many headcanons' on how Raph would be probably kinda possessive and jealous of his s/o, and I just don't vibe with IT tbh. Sure, he may have some issues with it, but given how playful he can be when not feeling threatened in any way, I'd say that given the right amount of reassurement and love and acceptance, he may go basically the opposite direction and even enjoy his partner casually flirting with or teasing other people, only for the pun to be that they're falling back into his arms and leaving the other person quite fucking bewildered to say the least. That would both play to his more fun side & would give him the much needed public display of appreciation, praise & putting him in the first place
• Imagine Casey strolling through the lair to find something he misplaced there earlier and seeing Raph with his partner starting to casually make out on the couch in the corner. Casey is not his dad nor any of his brothers, so Raph doesn't feel like he needs to show off or hold the tough guy attitude. Casey freezes, as Raph and his s/o stop, lock eyes with him and then with each other with a mischievous smile
"Raphael, look... He's looking at us, the self - elected half - assed Jason Voorhees... maybe he wants to join in. Sweet fuck look at his face"
"Should we let him watch?"
"Oh, and share the sight with a hockey slut? Nah, he didn't deserve it, that's all for me under that shell"
"Should I let him at least undress you then?"
"Man, you wanna kill him? And yourself, in the process? What's here is for your eyes and hands only tonight"
Casey's long skidaddled away at this point but you're having the most delicious fun watching him die inside
• That being said, I do believe that in the right circumstances he would have no problem making out in the middle of the lair and letting his brothers hear a bit of the fun between you two. He would want to pride yourself in what you're doing between you and that he has you and you want him
• He would particularly enjoy falling asleep together and someone finding you in the morning laying with each other, with obvious implication of what was happening before you two dozed off
• Particularly Leo, yeah. Leo is speechless, annoyed or at least slightly bothered, Donnie is a bit awkward but just assumes it for what IT is and goes about his business being just quietly glad for you two
• Raph may not be the best of a showman in that regard but boy would he enjoy just observing you dancing, stretching, getting naked or doing anything explicitly innuendo, if not just for him then knowing full well he is around seeing what you're doing
• And shit, would he love the moment you come to undress him, there's not much there except for those hilarious pants or his mask or shoulder pads but it's something
• You make him undress you as well. It's some sort of handsy exercise for him. If Splinter's making him knit he can handle your dresses, lingerie and jewellery
• You make him wait for you. It's killing him but he's enjoying that and the taste of you after is all the sweeter
• I'd bet Raph would love to make out to the music. Some deep techno/ rap vibes with something a bit more rhythmic and rock - ish in between. but for more gentle times he would accept and try to vibe with whatever his partner's into
(yeah I've been trying to put together list off songs i imagine would play to his taste in bed, but i'm just not really that knowledgeable in those music areas, if anyone has any suggestions please share)
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twilightpony4 · 4 months
Backwoods: 5. That's Just Lazy Writing
“How the shell you get beat up by two broads, bruh?” Raphael punched Michelangelo in the shoulder as he yelled in Casey’s face. With his breath kicking, the human had reason to push him in the chest.
“She had a SWORD!” He yelled. Mikey went quiet, but he folded his arms and rolled his head. “Can you guys stop trying to put me down and focus for a sec? Splinter was captured by two women who are, definitely not by mistake, NINJAS!”
“Or some women with a sword.” Raphael mumbled. Casey turned and pointed.
“It looked just like Leo’s, not just some medieval-type stuff.”
“If we can deduct anything from this they’re probably female Foot soldiers.” Donatello added whilst he was sitting on top of the dumpster with Venus. Mona stood up from her crouched position from where Casey had previously laid from where they found him. She cocked her hips to the side with a single hand on them.
“It’s about time they pressed the issue of gender equality.” She mumbled. Venus slid off the dumpster.
“What could they specifically want with Splinter?” She questioned. Casey reached into his shoe. A card was poking out of it. She gripped it and handed it to Leo who took it without hesitation.
“This is the card she threw at me.” Casey pointed at it as Leonardo studied it. It was plain cardstock, smooth but not glossed. That’s why it was written by hand and not printed. The handwriting itself was small and obviously rushed. It could be deemed as a “come-or-don’t” invitation. “Think it’s legit? Like, a legit location?” The blue banded turtle quit looking and tapped the end a few times on his opposite fingers.
“Set-up, possibly.”
“You mean ‘set-up, definitely’.” Donatello added while Mona Lisa pointed at him and nodded in agreement. Casey groaned. This was all too frustrating and too fast. Leonardo blew a raspberry.
“We’re going to have to outsmart them if we are going to spring Splinter out of there.” Raphael cocked his brow.
“Assuming he is there in the first place.”
“Aight.” Angel stood up from where she was sitting, which was the middle of all of this whilst listening quietly. She clasped her hands and made various goofy faces to show them she was ready. “What’s the plan?”
“I don’t know,” Leo grabbed her by the shoulder.  “but you’re not in it.” The young girl got into the leader’s face with a big thumbs down.
“Go home Roger.” Donnie called. Angel made a stank face by crinkling her nose. She crossed her arms in a big huff.
“Ya’ll never let me do sh*t.” She muttered.
“You tryna die? Go ahead.” Raph was never one to be subtle. Her attitude changed immediately. 
“Aye imma head home real quick.” Her thumbs pointed to behind her as she stepped back from the middle of the group. Raphael nodded, knowing that she wasn’t going to be down with the real deal.
“Good call.” He whispered as he watched her fall back.
“What’s the real plan?” Venus butted in.
“No plan!” Everyone jumped back as he proceeded nonchalantly. “We Wing it! Probably won't work but I said it with a lot of confidence.” He nodded before turning away from the group and went to climb up the building a little bit away. The family were frozen, watching him. No plan? No way. This is Leonardo, the mastermind of planning.
“Wait. Are you serious?” Mikey chortled as he broke the silence. Leo paused and looked at the ground.
“Yeah.” Mikey’s smile vanished.
“Well, that’s just lazy writing.
“Why am I stuck being the driver? I thought Vern was the driver.” Casey complained. Although it was pretty cool getting to drive the tartaruga truck. So many attachments, so large and in charge. Quite a badass for a garbage truck. Raphael swung up to the front of the truck where Casey and Leonardo were seated and held on to the handle above their heads.
“Oh, let me check the truck.” Casey waved him off with his hand. Leonardo chortled silently, shaking his head as Raphael went back to his station. “Quit bitchin and drive.”
“What’s really gonna happen when we get up there?” Casey checked the side mirrors. “I know the floor plan but it ain’t much. I’m not helpin’ out at all?”
“Driving is something.” Leonardo assured. “You are capable of a lot but this is what we need you for right now. You’re the cover, a human being, and one shell of a driver.” Casey nodded in a cocky agreement. “Relay anything you see outside. If you can handle it, handle it. We have to do all the stealth work. Splinter was taken by some unknowns. Right now I’m focused on bringing him back home and collect data on them as we go but first we need sensei out of that building.”
“We’re coming up. I suggest parking over there.” Donatello pointed to the direction where they should move the truck when he looked up from his projections that came out from his wrist. “The building is inside the junkyard so we’re gonna have to take a walk.”
“You guys remember coming out here before we met with April?” Mikey commented as Casey proceeded to park just outside of the junkyard fence.
“What were you guys doing here?” Venus turned around in her swivel chair. Mikey lit up and looked over his shoulder to talk to her.
“Unlike you and lizard lady who got the access to silks and fish…” the sisters rolled their eyes in amusement and listened as he continued. “We boys had to forage for supplies. Once April came around we said bye bye raggedy quilts and hello 1,000 thread counts.” The young turtle grabbed the tail ends of the sweater around his waist and nuzzles his cheek into it as if it weren’t raggedy itself.
“I sometimes still make rounds here for supplies for my lab but I’ve pretty much acquired as much as I need so I haven’t been here in awhile.” Donatello chimed in. “To think someone probably settled in here since the last time we visited…. the yard is barely managed so it wouldn’t be hard to find use of the building.”
“Time to get in there. Let’s go.” Leonardo unbuckled and exited the vehicle and his family followed in suit. The leader came over around Casey’s window and leaned on it. “Hang in tight, keep your phone on.” Casey gave him a nod where Leo returned with a pat to the truck door.
Donatello and Leonardo led the troop. The purple clad turtle had his holograms up to be alarmed by any means of repercussions such as cameras, traps, anything to stop them. Getting inside was easy. From multiple trips, the family already knew how to get inside without using the main gate. Along the fence line was a large hole that never was repaired. Besides, there was no need to actually break into a junkyard at this point of near abandonment. Raphael lifted the flap so the family could go through unscathed. Once the last of them came through he shoved his large body through and followed them behind a pile of junk. 
“Alright, I’m calling a split. You guys know how come of these piles are tall enough to let you look in through the windows? Use the night vision on the Tphones to report what you see. Splinter is out main goal. Mikey, you’re with me.”
“Whyyy?” He whined.
“You don’t wanna be with me?”
“I wanna go with Raph.”
“I’m pairing brains and brawn right now. I know you guys are a super team but that’s not what I need for right now.”
“Oh, so just cuz y’all radios weren’t working and couldn’t hear us the last time we can’t be together no more?” 
“I’m doing this for better execution of a stealth mission. You two aren’t stealth, agree on that?” Mikey took the time to think while the rest coordinated.
“Mona, you’re with me?” Raphael grabbed her hand gently and guided her towards him.
“Actually, can you go with Donnie?”
“There Leo go hatin again!” Mikey whispered loudly.
“Mona is the brawn Venus needs.” He addressed the turtle girl. “Not that you two aren’t brains and brains, but you’re definitely the best stealth team out of all of us.” Venus held up her necklace with her thumbs, acting like a playful showoff. “I’m placing you with Donnie.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Michelangelo rolled his eyes whilst whispering “hater.” Everyone heard it, even Leonardo, but now was the time to focus on bigger things.
“I’m thinking the best entrance would be-.’
“I hope it’s somewhere not around the building.” Mona interrupted.
“Huh?” Everyone said collectively, their eyes veered towards the lizard lady as she looked over towards the backside of the pile. She was locked on something as she continued.
“A colorful batch of colored arms just came out.” The family crawled and tip toed to either sides of the pile to see. Sure enough, a nice sized group of colorful gangsters with guns and bats exited the premises. They showed no sign of leaving as they purposely loitered around the building, which included any types of entries.
“Purple Dragons.” Leo whispered.
“Purple Dragons?!” The family tried to shush Raphael, in which he continued but in a harsh whisper. His eyes were wild. 
“How in the shell Casey get beat up by some Purple Dragons?”
"I’m putting him under April in the reliant list.” Mikey commented.
“Ok, ok.” Leonardo put his hand up to signal both of them to shut up. “I’m thinking. We need to get them away from the doors. If we can we can have entries by the main door, through that open window, and possibly on the side where they keep the scrap metal piles. Donatello began to squeal with low murmurs and hums while making a little step dance.
“I’d like to do the distraction. Please.” He bursted in the quietest way he could.
“I know something by the warehouse and if it’s still there I would like to use it, please.”
“If it was so cool, why didn’t you bring it back home.” Venus questioned. Obviously he was very excited about it and he would usually have it already in his possesion if it was that cool.
“You’ll see.” He giggled underneath his voice. “Just please, let me do it. It’ll work for sure.” Leonardo tried to weigh his options quickly in his head.
“Alright. Take Raph with you.” Donnie’s fists jerked quickly in front of him as he celebrated a quick victory. “Make the distraction, we’ll follow as we see it fit.”
“Yes! Let’s go Raph.” Donatello looked off the side of the pile and began to sneak off from the group. Raphael followed but he did so with more caution as an excited Donatello frightened him.
Time had passed for a while and the family continued to wait for the distraction they were promised or a return of their two family members to tell them that it was not going to work. Mona sat down as the wait was getting to be too tiresome.
“What do you think Donnie and Raph will do for a distraction?” She posed. Venus shrugged.
“Who knows.” Leonardo joined in.
“They’ll probably, like, you know, make a noise, or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.”
At that moment, the ground shook as a big burst shocked their ears and a red light showed around the outline of the pile they hid behind. Not long after, a big blaring alarm came on. The family jumped up to see all of the commotion. The main entrance of the building was on fire. The Purple Dragons scattered. Some were helping those who caught partially on fire while others ran away.
“Or they could do that.” Mikey pointed out.
“We gotta move!” Once the family saw that the Purple Dragons were beginning to fan out and away from the building, possibly looking for who had done it, they lurked behind the trash and advanced towards the building.
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Hi! Could I get HC from the guys? 👀 How they would always react to catching the reader seeing them "badly", in addition to the fact that he usually avoids them, but with his brothers it is incredible and they feel bad because they think they do not like him.  But she actually likes them and she looks at them like that because she "studies" them to draw them and she is too clumsy and shy to talk to them, that's why she ends up avoiding them. Until finally he catches her drawing them with lots of hearts or maybe they'll find her notebook with lots of portraits of them.
It's kind of funny because when I study people to draw them, they think that I look at them with hatred xd maybe I should increase my glasses prescription
God, glasses are such a pain in the ass but I have to wear them. If I don't anyone within my near vicinity doesn't have a face. But why they gotta get dirty so easily???? Makes me wanna explode or something
TMNT Headcanons
The boys w/ a quiet reader who is fine with his brothers but acts cold around him and stares a lot
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mikey couldn't describe his disappointment upon realizing that you didn't want to be friends with him
well, you never actually said that to him
but he was pretty sure it was the case
you'd never made an effort to be friends with him
stared at him an awful lot though, but there was always something off about your gaze when you looked at him
like you were sizing him up, scrutinizing him, like he was an opponent
it kinda worried him
to add to that, you didn't even attempt to look embarrassed when he caught you staring
you'd just stare harder
on your end it was quite the opposite
you always found the brothers fascinating and you LOVED studying their anatomy, you'd confessed this to Donnie early on and he happily indulged in your questions
and you loved how easily you got along with the boys
well, except for Mikey
but it wasn't for a lack of trying
whenever the orange sporting turtle came around your normally flamboyant personality crept back into its little corner and hid
any words of excitement that had previously been with you died in your throat
for the longest time you didn't understand it
and you hated not understanding things, so you turned to your only outlet
that's how you ended up with an entire sketchbook full of the youngest brother in vastly different styles and poses
you had a separate book for the others, none of them as detailed as this
and when you stared to analyze you'd fallen into a habit of not looking away when caught
by your logic, if you stared back hard enough he'd look away first or just assume you'd zoned out
he didn't
and on one hectic day you'd left your sketchbook open on the kitchen table in your rush to get to work
you hadn't even noticed the slip up until Leo texted you to let you know during your shift
instant panic
in truth, Mikey was the one who discovered the book upon waking up from his nap and he'd spent the next three hours analyzing every drawing
when you finally dropped in after work to grab your book the turtle was waiting for you with it in hand
he'd asked you if you hated him
you told him no and accepted your sketchbook from him
he was relieved and screaming excitedly, just in his head
"Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?"
You sighed in relief and nodded
"If you're cool with it- you don't think I'm weird do you?"
"I mean- you are talking to a turtle..."
you lightly shoved his chest and smiled, although it faded within a second
"Oh hush, 10 o'clock tomorrow? I'll bring snacks."
he was so stunned he could only shoot you finger guns in approval
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Donnie genuinely couldn't understand your unease around him
he'd followed all the proper expectations of holding a conversation
he was polite and engaging
so why wouldn't you talk to him?
this boy has read so many social blogs to try and figure out what he was doing wrong and he just couldn't put his finger on it
you were fine with the rest of his brothers, you'd stay up for hours laughing and gaming with them
you'd even sat still long enough to listen to Leo explain some old Japanese myth that he'd read about in a book
but with him it was always a quick, cordial greetings and farewells with bland small talk in between
Donnie had picked up pretty quickly that you weren't interested in any sort of interaction with him
and he convinced himself that that was okay
but that didn't explain the staring
he'd caught you in the act several times, eyes narrowed and locked on him
especially when you were alone with him in a room or just in the lair
the poor turtle just couldn't put his finger on it
then he caught you drawing, he noticed early on that you always carried a small sketchbook on your person but he didn't think much of it
and it wasn't so much that he caught you drawing, in fact, he wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't snapped at him while he was trying to do a sudoku puzzle
"Damn it Donnie! Stop moving! If I fuck this arm up one more time I'm gonna decompose!"
he'd quickly moved back into the position he was in prior
but you'd gone silent again, occasionally glancing up from your work and running your eyes along his frame before looking down again
nearly twenty minutes later Donnie had finished the puzzle and it seemed as though you had finished your drawing
"Uh- can I ask what are you-"
"I'm drawing you but you kept moving your arm and making me mess up. You always do that when I draw you so every damn picture I have of you stays a sketch because you always come out looking like a fucking octopus."
He just stared
"Sorry, I uh- I didn't mean to explode on you like that. I'm just- I'm really bad at talking to you okay? It's so easy with everyone else but you've just gotta be so damn smart all the time and I worry that you'll think I'm boring so I just... don't talk to you?"
Donnie is stunned™
You refuse to show him the drawing until you can complete the line art and color it
But at least he knows that you don't hate him
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To be completely honest Leo didn't mind that you were distant from him
You created an aura of calm when you were around and you always managed to distract his brothers while you were present
And he enjoyed the alone time
But after a few months that calm acceptance turned into jealousy
Not that he would ever admit it
He would just push it off and ignore it, that usually seemed to work
So why wasn't it?
And your obvious staring problem didn't help at all
Leo didn't spend much time considering his appearance but something about your gaze made him self conscious
And he hated that with a passion
Why was it that you could hold entire debates with his siblings? Even his dad for gods sake. You'd have hour long conversations on almost everything but whenever he tried to say hello you'd make up some lame ass excuse and scamper away
He just wanted an explanation
It appeared that the answer resided in your sketchbook
You'd left it open on the couch when Raph had called you away to spar with him
Leo very delicately flipped through the pages, careful not to disturb some of the polaroid pictures of his brothers
He was admittedly surprised to find pictures of himself among the pages
One of him in a handstand, another of him meditating, there was even one of him mid sneeze that you'd recreated with pencil and paper
The image of his eyes was the most startling, but the book held no polaroid of his eyes
You drew them from memory
And he was shocked when you returned to the room and didn't immediately panic
But that might have been because he didn't try to withhold your book from you
"It took me three months to color them, your eyes. I could never get the shade of blue just right."
"I'm gonna be honest with you y/n, I really thought you didn't like me."
You had the nerve to roll your eyes and follow it with a laugh
"I don't. I mean- I do but no, you just remind me a lot of myself and I haven't exactly figured out why yet. I thought that maybe if I drew you it'd be easier to figure you out..."
"Well did it help?"
You grinned
"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"
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If there was one thing Raph hated it was not understanding something that was right in front of him
which is ironic, as a much younger version of himself probably couldn't care less
and a part of him wishes he didn't care about it so much
he wishes that your blatant avoidance of him didn't upset him
but shit, it got under his skin better than any needle ever could
was it too much to ask for you to just tell him what he said or did wrong?
was he asking too much of you?
but on the same scale you'd never shown obvious dislike towards him, you were never rude and you sure as hell didn't talk shit about him to his brothers
you got along great with them
in fact it was getting more difficult to remember a time before you became a part of his family
he'd become so used to your presence that it no longer put him off when he found you hanging around the lair
but in another sense he was certain that you hadn't spoken more than three sentences to him in your time knowing him or his family
so what was the reason
several months in he finally caught onto the staring, your narrow, glassy gaze locked onto his body and refusing to look away
he stared right back at you
this annoyed you for several reasons
because within five seconds your very peaceful drawing session had turned into a staring contest and your eyes were getting VERY dry
then you exhaled in a half-sigh and looked back down at your paper
"Huh, I guess your head is more of an oblong shape..."
he took offense to this
"What tha' hell is that supposed t'mean?"
now your eyes held more of an amused silent judgement, you begrudgingly held up your sketchbook
"I'm drawing you, you fucking walnut."
now you rolled you eyes and tossed the book to him, he nearly dropped it and fumbled with the pages
your annoyance was quickly growing
"Careful with that."
He flipped through the pages at a snails pace, assumingly because he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing
you had some real talent
when he looked back up at you he was wearing that crooked smile
"and here I was thinkin' that my eyes were just green."
Hope I was able to get this down pretty well! I really enjoyed writing this one! Thanks for the patience!
-Mars 🌠
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We Met Within This Screen (chapt. 5)
[Donnie x fem reader]
sfw, chapt. 4 here
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Just as Donnie had predicted, the night air was cold on his scales. Right upon leaving, Mikey brought up to Leo going in pairs this time, to cover more ground, he said. An extra thorough patrol. Donnie honestly couldn't make up his mind and so by then he was flying by the seat of his pants, not objecting to Mikey's plan, but also not agreeing. He doubted Leo would be convinced, anyway. They didn't do duo patrols that often. 
"I was thinking we could split up this time, you know, me and Donnie, you and Raph?" suggested Mikey, closing the manhole behind himself.
"I thought you liked it when we're all together," Leo commented. 
Donnie shot Mikey a look, trying to tell him to cool it, but he shrugged, "Come on, it'll be like some kind of training or...something," Mikey went behind Leo and shook his shoulders, "aren't you into that?"
Internally, Donnie facepalmed. Unless he actively tried to stop this, it was going to happen, wasn't it? One way or another, probably; it all depended on how Leo was feeling that night. Raph was indifferent. He didn't care whether they were all together or in pairs, just that he got to flex his combat skills some. If he could, he'd go out and do it on his own, even. 
Leo looked around, considering Mikey's suggestion. "Okay," he agreed, eventually. "You and Donnie take East, Raph and I will cover the usual route and then—" 
"No," Mikey interjected. Both Leo and Raph's brows furrowed as they stared at their brother. He motioned toward Donnie, "Me and Donnie can take that, you guys just go on ahead," he smiled. "You know I like checking out the skatepark!" 
"No skating," Leo said. 
"I'll just watch whoever's there, then." He pouted.
Raph snorted. "Yeah, make sure he actually pays attention, Donnie." 
"As usual," Donnie sighed, and looked at Leo. 
"Well, what do you think, Don?" 
The decision is up to me? 
Turns out it was his all along, but he wanted to feign innocence in saying that Mikey was the one to drag him through it. Easier to not take responsibility and let life happen at you rather than making a conscious effort, at times. 
"I guess we can do that," Donnie answered reluctantly. He could have said no. Why didn't he? In the corner of his eye, he saw Mikey beam, giving him a discreet thumbs up. 
"Alright, meet back here by four AM, and if either of you run into big trouble, call. We'll come," Leo said. "Same for us."
"Yeah, we'll holler for ya," added Raph dismissively. "And nah, a big dog doesn't count as trouble, Mikey." He sounded gruff, but in actuality, he was still chuckling to himself over that years later. After they got over being annoyed that he had called them from that far while they were on a supply run. Chased by a junkyard dog—some of their least favorite parts about visiting those places. 
"Hey, it was mean! And way fast!" Mikey protested as they parted ways, them taking to the East and red and blue the opposite way. 
As per course, Donnie and Mikey took their normal route, and his heart skipped a beat when they met the scene of their last run-in with criminals. Not because of them, no, but because of the familiar apartment building that was now more intimidating than he'd expected. They circled the area like they normally would have, but Mikey came to stop them on a roof just opposite of the complex, eyes searching each window. Obscured by the height of the building, he sat on the edge. 
Donnie didn't know what to do with himself. He stood back a good ten feet, somehow paranoid of being spotted even though he knew it was not possible from their angle in the complex. Mikey was comfortable, and weirdly at peace as he sat there quietly on the edge, assumed to be waiting for his brother to make a move. But Donnie was stuck in place. 
"What are you waiting for, D?" 
The sudden question broke him from his stillness. It was true; he didn't know what he was waiting for. 
"I—I don't know what you want me to do, what are you thinking?" Donnie asked in return, stepping back a little further as he noticed movement behind the curtains of a lit window. 
"Get your phone out and talk to her," Mikey told him, waving his hand at the apartments. "What did we come out here for if you aren't gonna make it right, bro? Do some smooth talk, tell her you're sorry and you wanna get to know her better…"
"This is absolutely a ridiculous plan," Donnie said, though as if his hands had thought of their own, they reached for his phone, and a moment later he was looking at the messages. Still nothing. Radio silence on both of their ends. How would he approach it? "I'm sorry I went from hot to cold so fast. Please talk to me again." Too strong. "Sorry, can we get a redo?" Too casual. "I'd like to apologise for being a jerk." Okay, that's just not good. Reconciling was going to be as difficult as he'd thought it would be. 
Mikey came over and looked at his phone screen and his brother floundering, thumbs stuttering across the keyboard, deleting the text, retyping it over and over again for perfection where he wasn't going to find any–
"I got this, let Love Doctor Mikey handle it," he said, taking the phone right from Donnie's hand. 
"You've never been in a relationship, not even talked to anyone, how would you—" 
Mikey shushed him. Donnie was going to snatch the phone away but he spun around, draping himself over his shoulder.  "Just let me work my magic, dude!"  
Donnie couldn't watch; he had to turn away. How sure he was that Mikey was going to say something uncalled for, something weird or bone-headed, and the wait was killing him. What if she didn't even respond? Was that better than doing damage control for Mikey's shenanigans? For someone usually decisive, he could not for the life of him make up his mind about what he wanted at that very instance. 
The phone vibrated. 
Mikey cheered. "Got her on the line, now you just gotta reel 'em in," he grinned, handing the phone back to Donnie. 
"Hey :/
I thought you wanted to stop?"
Mikey kept trying to lean over to catch a glimpse of the screen, but Donnie felt that it was a personal moment, so without skipping a beat, he activated the electric current in his staff and poked it behind him into his brother's plastron. 
"Fine," Mikey whined. He stepped in one last time, "But don't hold out on me here!" 
Trying to find an graceful way to patch this all up, Donnie replied: 
"I apologise for that, and I know you probably want an explanation, but it's hard to explain
Moment of weakness? 
I guess... 
Anyway. I'm not expecting you to suddenly be cool with it, if you don't want to talk to me I understand 
Mikey noticed Donnie's dismal expression and he mellowed out accordingly, standing close but not putting a hand on him, nor saying anything. He didn't watch the phone, but Donnie's face and slumped shoulders. He'd thought it would have been going better by now. 
"I won't lie, I'm still confused 
But if you're going through something, I'm right here for you
Don't worry about it. Just don't give me a spook like that again, I thought it was me  
Okay it's not funny but this is a little awkward" 
Donnie's heart sank reading that. He'd made her feel bad, even question herself over his problem. Never had he wanted to make her think it was her that drove him off. 
"No, no, it was never you 
Again, I can't really explain…
Is it okay if we just try this again? 
I understand if not."
"Jeez Bo, I already said it's alright 
I WANT to keep talking to you, you're cool
So let's forget about it, yeah? 
Friends again :) "
And like that, his heart took a leap. A smile slowly spread across his face, and without looking away from the screen, grabbed Mikey by the shell, pulling him toward. "Look at this!" he exclaimed. 
"You see it too?" he quirked, pointing at the apartment complex across the road. 
Donnie paused and looked over his shoulder at him, "What?" 
On one of the balconies sat a lone girl, on her phone, and if Mikey looked hard enough, he could see a smile. Definitely a smile. 
"Ah!" yelped Donnie quietly. He scurried back against the wall of the attached building behind him, as far as he could. 
"Dude! Come on, this is perfect!" Mikey nudged him, and when he didn't hop up onto his feet, dragged his brother near the edge of the roof. Donnie was boneless but unwilling, his mind stuck on the fact that she thought he was cool. Him, cool. Was he? She didn't know even the half of it. She didn't know he was a martial artist, technically a genius, and that he'd gone against some of the worst the city had to offer. And without that, she still thought he was cool, as an average guy. 
As average as what my circumstances will allow me to be. 
Feet dragging all the way, Donnie's stomach did a flip as they met the ledge, peering carefully over it in a crouch. They were prone, watching the girl who was completely unaware of their presence. He was, simply put, enraptured, for a second there, studying her features as much as he could from where they were. The details of her face were not distinct due to the distance, but he could tell she was both nothing like he'd imagined and so much more. For once, he didn't immediately question the validity of the situation; there was no "it could be a coincidence", or "it's too unlikely that she would be out just as they were". Not right away. But it hit him when Mikey spoke. 
"You're so lucky, D," he said wistfully. "Really." Head rested on his forearm, his gaze fell on not one thing, but the whole scene, a somber smile gracing him. He was excited, happy for his brother. But deep down, Donnie knew that though Mikey wasn't envious of him in a resentful way, it had to have stung to witness such a thing unfold for someone not himself. Their youngest had always craved connection the most. He looked away from the girl, "I wasn't gonna let you throw away an awesome chance, was I?"
Releasing a heavy breath, Donnie crawled away from the edge, but his eyes remained on that balcony. It was weird to watch someone who didn't know they were being watched. Not in that context. 
"I...guess I may be," Donnie responded. But it would only get more complicated from there. His phone vibrated, breaking his trance, and the message he found read:
"Anyways, with that out of the way, what are you doing?"
Just watching you from a roof, nothing much, Donnie thought. 
"Currently out enjoying the night" 
"Isn't it kinda cold?" 
"What about you?" 
He knew what he meant, because he was there watching her as a chilled breeze rolled through, but she told him she wasn't doing anything. Only relaxing and talking to him. 
It took him a few minutes to get his bearings. To know that he now had tangible evidence that she was a girl, an ordinary person, and that said person really thought he was cool. Worth the effort. He felt exceedingly difficult for not being able to give her a rightful explanation, but comforted by the fact that he wasn't being demanded of one. He felt light. Almost weightless, with Mikey next to him instead of his other cynical, skeptical brothers. For a moment, he had nothing to worry about. 
From across the roof, he could still see the yawn escape her mouth. Probably an indicator that it was time to wrap things up. He didn't want her to stay up too late; it was already odd that she was up at such an hour, almost two AM, but glad nonetheless. 
"Are you tired?"
I think I'm gonna hit the hay
So goodnight, Bo
Talk to you later (☞゚ヮ゚)☞" 
She got up, leaning on the railing which faced them. 
"I want to stay up with you but—"
Donnie sucked in a sharp breath as she looked up, just barely able to see from underneath the balcony above her. He snagged the strap on Mikey's shell and yanked him back with him away from the edge of the roof, taking cover behind the wall. 
"Shit," hissed Donnie, "do you think she saw us?" 
These shells, they make us look so big! 
"Relax, bro, even if she did, it was only a little bit. Besides, we could be anyone from this far, they don't have pigeon vision." 
"You mean 'eagle vision'?" 
"They're both birds!"
Donnie deadpanned and peeked over the wall. She'd gone in. Three minutes later, he hadn't gotten any texts yet about something weird on the rooftops, so he could finally relax, groaning lightly. "Too close," he breathed out, "Mikey, we need to go, Leo's going to notice we're not back in time if we don't hurry up and get the rest of this route done."
"Already on it," he whooped, vaulting onto the next roof.
As Donnie was scaling the wall of the attached building, he felt his phone vibrate, and curious, he checked it one last time before getting on his way.
"One question before I go
You ever see stuff you can't explain but even if you did you'd sound crazy?"
Oh, no.
"No, I don't."
Chapter 6
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remmushound · 3 years
Part 12 of my bay/rise crossover! @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88
It hurt. Everything hurt and he didn't know where he was and he felt sick. He bellowed out into the cold, dark room. He cried again, this time louder as he tried to stand on instead legs. His head spun. Powerful bounds around his wrists and ankles held him down, and moving sent electricity down the length of his body that made him roar. Something on his face covered his eyes— not his mask, something far darker. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t move— he couldn’t hear anything other than his own echo. He was alone.
“... come to find out it wasn’t really a car show. It was a destruction derby and I… he just wanted to use my car to win it so he could get another trophy.”
“I cannot understand how upsetting that must have been for you.” Splinter’s head was low as he watched the steam rise off of his tea, “I am certain you treasure your creations just as much as my Donatello. I am sure your father meant no harm, but even the best of intentions can come off as… less than that. When my son was having diffuclties as leader, he said and did many things that upset his brothers.”
“Really? My Raph’s never done anything like that.”
“Your Raphael?” Splinter looked to Donatello curiously as he sipped his tea.
“Yeah. I mean, he has his moments but he’s usually pretty chill toward us— the stress of being the leader leader gets to him sometimes but—“
Splinter choked on his tea. He dropped the cup in favor of covering his mouth during the intense coughing fit that followed. The cup shattered on the ground and spilled tea all across the cold stone of the lairs floor.
Donatello sipped his tea calmly. “You okay, buddy?”
Splinter waved that he was fine as he slowly recovered from the fit. Donatello helped himself to another buiscit.
“Ah— my apologizes, Donatello. Your words just started me is all.”
“Ok.” Donatello didn't ask why. “These are really good buiscit.”
“Thank you, but a… clarification question if I may?”
“You did just state that your Raphael was your leader, correct?”
“Yeah? He’s the oldest, so leader by proxy. Why?”
“I apologize— when I stated my son was having some difficulties, I should’ve clarified it was Leonardo. The leader of my sons…”
“Gasp. Now it is my turn to choke.” Donatello put his cup to his lips and purposely inhaled some of it. He immediately fell to coughing just Splinter. “ACK! GAG! CHOKING NOISES!”
“You really are a curious fellow.” Splinter hid his mouth with another cough as he laughed. The mutant’s ears pricked to attention at the sound of a disturbance from the opposite side of the lair. “I believe we are not alone.”
Donatello wiped his mouth and looked behind him trying to see whatever Splinter had seen.
“Stay here.” Splinter gave Donatello a pat on the shoulder as he ran past.
Donatello gasped, and then squealed. “OH AM GOSH! A positive touch from a parent aged adult! Dreams really do come true!”
Donatello drank the rest of his tea happily, starting to wiggle in his seat to try and get his nervous energy out. All of the anxiety flooded right back into him when he heard Splinter’s loud scream.
“Splinter!” Donatello was on his feet and running before his mind could catch up, initially on the rats trail but quickly turning paces when he spotted a broom in a corner. He grabbed it, holding it like it was his own staff, and sprinted finally into the room Splinter had entered.
The rat had his own staff at the ready, backed into a corner with his eyes locked on the beast that filled a great deal of the room. The snapping turtle's jaws were frothing over with white foam in his panic, his tail lashing like a whip to further show the agitation of the red beast. Around his wrists and ankles were ropes that had once held him down, now snapped at the base and swinging as he struck out wildly and blindly toward the assumed attacker. Raphael couldn’t see them— his eyes were covered with a tight blindfold that made him lash his head back and forth trying to find any stimuli to tell him where he was.
Donatello recognized the fearful motions immediately— he’d lived with Raphael all his life and learned to recognize the motions his brother would go through for fear or anger or pain, and this wasn’t the second. But one so unused to recognizing the different cues that the snapping mutant had could easily misinterpret any one of them as an anger response.
Splinter brought his staff down at the bridge of Raphael’s shell trying to force him into a corner. Raphael roared in response and swiped a counter strike, just barely missing the staff's quick motions as it hit him in several more places though it was more like gentle, guiding taps.
“Wait— nonono!”
Raphael made a sharp movement when he heard Donatello’s voice and tried to search for it, colliding with Splinter and making the rat stumble slightly before he found a more secure footing.
“Raph, it’s me!” Donatello ran forward, trying to reach for the blindfold, but the moment he touched Raphael, the mutant shouted and slammed a massive fist into Donatello’s stomach.
Donatello stumbled back into the wall, gagging and clutching as he stomach as he tried to both catch the breath that had been knocked from him and try not to throw up. He did, of course, have plating over his plastron just as his brothers did— it was just covered with soft skin instead of hard keratin—but the bone only served to make the pain worse somehow as Raphael’s fist collided with enough force to knock a grown man off his feet.
Raphael immediately recognized who he had hit and started to panic even more.
“Don-nee?” His head thrashed back and forth trying to shake off the blindfold obscuring his vision.
Donatello tried to call out to him, but only a wheeze was produced.
“Donatello, stay where you are.” Splinter took a defensive pose in front of Donatello.
“Nah…” Donatello tried finally, pushing himself off the wall and trying to stumble to his brother's aid, but Splinter’s tail directed him back. “Don’t hurt—“
“I’m not.”
“But he doesn’t know that!”
Splinter jabbed the tip of his staff into Raphael’s chest, making the savage mutant grunt and try to grab at whoever kept poking him.
“I swear… ah…” Donatello felt his way across the wall trying to get behind Raphael without being hurt again or singled out— if he could separate his noise from the racket Splinter was making, then maybe— “I’m… so gonna beat those other turtles shells… if I have any spoons left by time they get back. RAFFEREL!”
Raphael grunted and turned quickly at the sound of the voice.
“Listen to me! Your name is Hamato Red, but when you were nine and me and Leo were eight and Mikey was seven we all chose names we thought were cooler from an old library book April gave us, and you became Hamato Sanzio Raphael.”
Raphael listened intently, his breathing still labored and body tensed, but all senses locked onto Donatello. Splinter stopped his assault to listen as well.
“And when we were little hatchlings and you’d go into your fits, dad always calmed you down with the Chūgoku lullaby. And Leo and Mikey and I were always jealous because you got your own lullaby, but every night Splinter would sing the Takeda lullaby to all of us before we went to sleep. Do you remember the Chūgoku lullaby?”
Raphael didn't respond.
“Come on. You know how it goes! Nenneko shasshari mase, neta ko no kawasi… okite naku ko no… nenkororo, tsura nikusa, nekororon, nenkororon…”
As Donatello went slowly through the lullaby, Raphael started to chur softly and sway. Halfway through he started to hum along, and once Donatello was sure Raphael was calm, he approached Raphael without stopping the song. Donatello reached gently to Raphael’s head, hesitating as the great beast flinched but quickly recovering enough to take off the blindfold.
As Raphael blinked in the sudden light, Donatello gently fell to unbinding the ropes from Raphael’s wrists, and the song wrapped up perfectly as he removed the final knot.
“There we are.”
Donatello screamed as he was yanked into a hug, then fell to growing as Raphael rubbed his cheek against Donatello’s battle shell.
“Oh come on Raph you know I’m afraid of togetherness—“
Raphael moved to rest his head on top of Donatello’s, holding the softshell tightly to his plastron. “You’re okay…”
“Of course I’m okay you idiot you threw yourself on top of me!”
Raphael kissed the top of Donatello’s head and continued to hum happily while the softshell struggled for his freedom.
“Oh, really? Really with the kiss? You were just trying to kill me two seconds ago!” Despite his words, Donatello’s heart flooded with warmth at the snapping turtles quick rebound from beast to brother.
“Donnie, I don’t feel good…” Raphael sniffled.
“What kind of don’t feel good?”
“Like I’m gonna be sick.” Raphael stuck his tongue out, “And my back hurts- it is bad—?”
Donatello grabbed Raphael’s face before he could turn around to look at the bandages, forcing the snapper to look back at him. “He probably just gave you oxycodone to help with the pain.”
“Oh okay.” Raphael nodded, not quite understanding but trusting his brother's judgement. “But uh. Who is ‘he’?”
“I may be able to help best.”
Raphael gave a confused grunt and turned around, pulling Donatello along with him as he saw Splinter for the first time.
“Hey, pops got taller! Good for him.”
“That’s not dad you idiot— well it is kinda— but not our dad!”
Raphael blinked. “Raph is confused!”
Splinter laughed, finally letting his staff back down into a relaxed position and resting on it. “I’m going to need so much more tea.”
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orange-imagines · 3 years
Congrats on your new blog!! 😁 I was wondering, how would the Mud Dogs react when their crush is friends with the turtles? Do you think the turtles and the Mud Dogs would get along??
A/N - Mud Dogs content hell yeah 
I have no idea how you managed to befriend both of these groups (at least I’m going to assume you’re friends with the Mud Dogs in this), but, honestly, I can see the Mud Dogs being pretty chillaxed about what you do in your spare time and who you choose to spend it with outside of them, so they don’t really pry. And, well, you know the turtles. They didn’t know their own dad’s true identity for a whole 13 years
Your accidental double life totally fits with the vibe of the show  
You didn’t mean to hide your friendships from anyone, they just sort of happened and never got brought up. And no one asked. Whoops
Honestly, the whole discovery part was a little awkward because,,would you believe it,,,you had no idea the guys were even enemies 
They aren’t even technically enemies! The Mud Dogs just had a bad encounter with Raph one time and you only heard about it a couple days later when you were hanging out at the Mud Dogs’ apartment and Leonard was going off about this “lame red guy” who totally screwed them over
“Uh...could you repeat that, Len?” 
“Lame red guy. Looked kinda like a turtle. We thought he was Heinous Green, but he was just pulling one over on us.” 
“Oh okay okay cool cool okay cool would you guys excuse me for a second-”
You had no idea how to go about this, but both groups meant so much to you that you couldn’t just up and abandon either of them 
You’re kinda pressed for options, and probably don’t feel like continuing to lead a weird, double life, so you decide to just introduce the guys to each other. How hard could it be?
(This goes a couple different ways depending on which Mud Dog it is that’s crushing on you)  
The second he sees Raph, he’s pushing you behind him and trying to shiv the guy 
This does not go over well
You’re gonna have to get Danny and Mickey to hold Leonard back while you explain to the turtles that this is just a misunderstanding, and no one’s going to stab Raph
But, even if you’re not in a relationship yet, Leonard is protective -and he heard the rumors about Raph taking down Heinous Green. There’s no way he’s not gonna fight to keep his family out of that line of danger
Eventually, upon your insistence, everyone will calm down. It’ll take a minute for Leonard to see that Raph’s not a threat to them, and you might have to stare him down a bit to get him to back off, but he will
Still, Leo, Mikey and Donnie will be watching Leonard like hawks for the rest of the time you’re all together
After you explain everything, Leonard’s kind of hurt. He thought you guys were closer than that- he thought you knew you could tell him anything. But once you clarify that it was just an honest mistake, he’s more understanding than he would’ve been with anyone else. It’s you, after all. He can’t stay mad at you
At first he’s just shocked and confused. He’s quiet, but he keeps an arm around you because he doesn’t trust Raph as far as the turtle could throw him
Once you start putting yourself in the middle of everything to calm the guys down, he listens. He isn’t quite sure what to say, so he’s watching you intently and deeply processing your words 
He knows making blind threats and being overly protective isn’t going to help right now, and he trusts you. A lot. And from how chummy you seem to be with these turtles, it’s pretty easy for him to realize that you guys are friends and they’re not gonna hurt his family, which relaxes him a lot
After you get everyone on the same page, Danny begins to understand that it was just a weird mix up. He can recognize when someone has malicious intent, and you definitely didn’t. So he’s cool. He’ll still tease you about being friends with a bunch of “goody-two-shoes heroes”, though
“Oh fuck!!”
He honestly thinks the turtles ambushed them, so he’s got a hand on your arm, ready to either fight or make a run for it at any second
Raph is obviously confused, so he steps up to bring his questions to you, but Mickey’s Not Having That
Like Leonard, you’ll have to physically hold him back. Which kind of ends up with you just holding him against you as you talk things out with Raph and the others glare each other down, waiting for either Raph or Leonard’s signal to attack
Mickey’s still in your arms...he’s not complaining
Once you get things sorted out, he’s honestly not even mad about your weird, secret double life. He has no idea how none of them figured it out before, but he thinks it’s kinda cool. I feel like he would get that you were trying to sort things out and he honestly does not care if you force him to try and get along with four teenagers. He’ll do it for you
He’ll probably hold this over your head for a bit though. Just as a “you hid your double life from me. You owe me a night out committing arson” kinda thing
All in all
It would take a while, but I feel like the guys could learn to coexist and be cool. They may be on nearly opposite sides, but all of them are your friends. And if they all really mean that much to you, they can put their differences aside 
But the turtles will get worried when you’re on missions with the Mud Dogs, and vice versa. You’re exposing yourself to twice as much danger, but, then again, you’ve got twice as many friends watching your back
...You might want to keep an eye on Donnie, though. He may or may not be crafting an anti-Mud Dogs ray as we speak
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dakotafinely · 3 years
Turts and april with a s/o who has deadpool powers/ healing factor please?
Okay, okay, hold on. DeadPools powers are like, regenerative right? Sort like Warren Stone’s but cool. So like, even if there’s a molecule of him left he’ll still regenerate? I’m not sure how his powers work but. I’m gonna assume it works like that.
(Don’t worry we’re not going that far, just wanna traumatize my bois a lil’ bit)
(Gosh this gets really long)
After months of persisting, he finally gave in and let you go with him on a mission
And so far so good, you listened and stuck with him like you’d promised
Then came actually having to fight the Foot Clan
Not that you can’t fight, it’s just- well you know, a fight against literal paper ninja’s
You had fought off at least five of them when one finally got the better of you, sneaking up from behind just in enough time that
Raph practically fainted at the sound of your scream
Looking back in horror to see you, cowering on the floor with an arm twitching on the floor as you gripped the bleeding shoulder
It was a blind rage from there, he saw nothing but target’s of a rage he hadn’t felt in years
When it was finally over, Foot Brute and Lieutenant barely making it out before Raph could catch them, he made his way over to you in a panic
The adrenaline fading into fear as the others crowded around you, he gently shoved them to make room for him to be face to face with you
Where you smiled at him, that comforting smile you give him whenever you know he’s feeling overwhelmed, it makes him feel even more guilty as he should be the one trying to comfort you
He was apologizing, regretting having let you go, you hushed him
“Raph, baby, chill, my arm’ll be back in like, a week tops.”
Annnnnnnnnnnd, he fainted for real this time
You promised you wouldn’t touch any of the tempting big red buttons
You swore of it
But... big red buttons. Big Red Buttons I say!
Unfortunately for you, you touched the most dangerous button first
One that shot a circular saw at the unexpected victims hand, cutting it off
Donnie ran dropped the coffee mugs in his hands and bolted out of the room as he heard your shriek 
Now, you’d told him before any of this about your powers, hence why you were in his lab in the first place. He wanted to take a study of it and you were willing to it because aye, why not?
However, as he saw you bent over, blood dripping between your fingers and onto the now severed hand on the floor. His mind did not bring up your regenerative powers
“Oh Mi Gosh!! I Told You Not To Press The Buttons!” He shouted, not in anger, but in panic, rushing over to you as he scrambled to find his first aid kit. Which, despite always putting it in the same place, he’d forgotten where it was stashed to begin with.
“Why do you have a button to saw off peoples hands???“ You retorted with gasp of pain. Watching him scramble to open the first aid kit. Trying to bandage you up with shaky hands
As the pain eased, you began to realize more and more of your boyfriends silent panic. The shaky hands, the slow exhales of air in order to slow his heart rate. And the tiny tears that were on the brink of breaking through to his eyes
“Hey... hey,” you say making him meet eyes with you “relax, it’ll be back in a week. I know your worried about only having one hand for shell scritches.” You say with smile, trying to make him laugh.
A scoff and an eye roll is what you get, but a smile nonetheless eases onto his face.
“Yes, that’s clearly what I’m worried about right now.” He retorts
“I know, I know, your always so selfish. Guess that’s why I love you Dee.”
To be fair, you totally thought you could make that trick flip
Not your fault that you fell off the skateboard and scraped your face against the cement
Leo watched your body roll across the floor in slow motion, like he couldn’t believe what he’d just seen
Mostly because he couldn’t
You were usually the one teaching him tricks that watching you fail one so dangerous made his body tense
He finally snapped back to current time as he heard you groan, curling up as you gripped your face
Leo turning pale as he saw one part of your face on the complete opposite side of the ramp. Blood trailing to you it made him want to gag a bit at the sight.
He rushed to as you sat up, still gripping the left side of your face with a hiss
“Oh mi gosh, are you okay!?” He asked
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you saw, pulling your hands away to see if you had any blood “wow, that’s a lot,” you comment as you stare at your drenched hands, looking up
Leo’s color was gone, completely, as he stared at your freshly skinned face, blood oozing down onto your chin as he could see in HD the definition of you face muscles
“...Leo? Leo!”
He woke up, slowly sitting up in before the night before hit him like a brick wall.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)!” Leo called out, bolting off his bed (unsure of how he got there now that he thought about it)
To find you, in the kitchen, talking to Dee. Half your face bandaged as you held a nice cup of OJ
“So, yeah, at least, that’s what I’ve noticed about my regeneration,” “Fascinating.”
“(Y/n)!” “Oh hey Leo, you okay love? Your head made a pretty loud thud hitting the floor last night.”
Leo stutters before pointing at your face
“Me!? What about you!? Half your face was taken off by the cement last night!”
“Yeah, but like, I can regenerate and you could’ve totally had a concussion. You kinda take the priority babe.”
And for once, Leo’s at a loss for words. Bumbling and stuttering trying to find a response.
“You can regenerate???”
You were chopping onions for Mikey as he practically danced around the kitchen to prep dinner. The recipe called for an oddly large amount of onions, granted you were sure having someone as big as Raph to feed probably meant Mikey quadrupled the recipe.
Constantly having to stop and rub your eyes as they got blurry from tears. At first it wasn’t all to bad, but with onion you finished up it began to feel as though you were rubbing your eyes every second chop.
You eventually get frustrated, and continue chopping even as your vision gets blurrier and blurrier. Just wanting to complete that part of the recipe and move on.
Eventually you accidentally chop off a finger due to your recklessness
Mikey jumps at your unexpected scream, whipping around and turning pale at the sight. Seeing blood cover the onions as you gripped your hands so hard your knuckles turned white.
Looking at the finger left to lay on the chopping board before snapping back to reality as you let out a groan of pain.
“Oh mi gosh! (Y/n) what happened? Are you alright?” he asks quickly pulling out the first aid kit he keeps in a drawer to patch up your hand.
“Yeah, sorry! I just got frustrated with the onions,” You say, wiping your eyes of tears both from the pain and the stupid onions. A moment of silence falls between you before you let out a growl of frustration.
“What? Is the bandage to tight?”
“No! I just realized I ruined all the onions I just chopped!”
“Love... you do realize you cut off a whole finger right?”
“Yeah, but that’ll come back in a week. I can’t regenerate the time and energy it took to chop those flippin’ onions!”
“Look, we’ll just leave the- wait you can regenerate??”
You and April were just walking to her house when some idiot came up to you two
“Give me all the cash on your wallets and no one gets hurt.” He whispers, a gun pressed to you back, wrapping an arm around your neck and making distance between him and April
April looked at you with wide eyes, but you stayed calm. Yes, your heart was beating into your ears, but that was mainly because you were afraid he’d switch targets
“Hey man, look-” “Shut up and just give me the money!” he interrupted you, pressing the gun deeper into your back
April began shuffling through her purse, trying to find her wallet as quickly as possible. The wheels in your brain began turning, churning ideas you were sure would get you hurt
But hey, you could handle it.
“Alright, my wallet’s in my pocket can I get it?” you ask him, hearing a grunt of approval you move into action
Taking a swift elbow and digging it as deep into his ribs as it would take to make him let you go, he lets out a yelp of pain and releases you.
You take a jump back and turn toward him, shielding April from view as he glares at you
The gun shots were deafening, shooting you three times in your chest before running off.
April let out a shrill as you fell to the floor. Limp as your eyes lay wide open and lifeless
She dropped to her knees and pulled you into her arms, clothes getting bloody from your fresh wounds as she sobbed over your temporary corpse
This goes on for a few minutes until you let out a large gasp. As life returned to you and pushed the bullets slowly out of your skin. April jumped at the sudden action of your body moving, Looking down at you with wide eyes
You looked up at her, feeling guilty as you see her puffy eyes and the slow tears falling onto your face
“Sorry babe, I couldn’t let you get hurt.”
“What? I thought-”
“It’ll take more than that to kill me I promise.”
(Sorry this took so long to get out! Also, I know April’s is a bit cheesy but I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for the cheesy bro. I hope you liked it!)
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The three of them lay low in the bushes, as the trotting of hooves came closer from the distance. Two soldiers, atop steeds, were talking and moving past the garisson's walls.
They were still a bit of a ways away, where Link could hold his fingers up and squish their figures between his fingers if he moved back the right way...but the soldiers had moved close enough that the winds carried the men’s voices towards where the three of them were hiding.
“I’m just saying, it sounds very out of character!” the soldier atop the black horse exclaimed. Arcadius tried to get a look at their face to identify them, but with their helmets and armour, they looked nearly identical to the soldier beside them atop the chestnut mount.
“I mean, Captain Arcadius?? The Hillside Hero Hartell??? The Knight of the Iron Woods??? The Scar of the Yiga’s Hand?? Does that sound like a traitor to you???”
Link scrunched his eyebrows and frowned at his dad.
“The Battle of Wizzrobe Peak gave you the title, ‘Knight of the Whistling Woods.’ He’s obviously fake fan.”
Arcadius and Mipha hurriedly shushed Link as the two soldiers trotted along, parallel to their bush.
“I don’t care about the circumstances, Donny, what you should be focusing on is the opportunity.” The man eyed something in the distance, but continued talking.
“A great hero has fallen to a villain, and that means it’s an opportunity for a fast track through the ranks. The spot for the kingdom’s new favourite knight is up for grabs, and I’m gonna focus on it.”
The soldier on the black horse, supposedly Donny, bit their cheek. “I mean, his own son is THE Hero. Like, the actual hero.”
“Who turned against the king, yeah.”
“Well I’m just saying, maybe something happened that gave them a valid reason for doing it??” Donny rubbed their horse’s mane. “Heroes don’t just turn evil at the flip of a switch, you know!”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care!” The other soldier cried, exasperated. They went to unclip the bow from their back. “All I care about is capturing them, and finally making a name for myself. Sick of just wasting away at the old ”
“C-Capturing them??!” Donny stuttered in surprise. “I know he said, 'dead or alive' but...Y-You can’t seriously be thinking you can go up against the Captain of the Royal Guard, much less taking them alive, and fully intact can you?! You’re just asking to be their next easy victim! It’d be much safer to just kill them on sight.”
Donny turned the reigns of his horse closer to whisper in their ear.
“I mean...he's dangerous in more than one way. There might be something in the blood....His brother was a killer, you know.”
The other soldier rolled their eyes. (At least, Arcadius assumed, given that they were mostly covered by his helmet)
“All I need is a shot to the legs, and they’re down. And yes, Donny, capturing them alive IS harder, that’s why I aspire to do it. It’ll get me all the more recognition when it’s done.”
“You sure are confident in yourself, Rubeo...” Donny said, patting their horse once more.
“Well someone’s gotta be. Anyway...” Rubeo took an arrow from his quiver nocked it. “I thought I saw a rabbit or something near here...You up for a splitting the snack with me?”
Rubeo aimed the arrow towards the distant bushes, thankfully away from where Larc, Mipha, and Link were hiding.
Arcadius eyes suddenly sparked with recognition.
“Wait...Rubeo?” He shuffled his leg a bit to get a better look at the man, one of the shrubs bended its branches slightly.
Rubeo caught the motion and loosed an arrow in Arcadius’ direction.
It embedded his right hand straight into the ground.
“GAK—!” Larc wanted to scream from the pain, but Mipha suddenly clasped her hand firmly around his mouth to keep him silent, and Link’s eyes went wide with fear. The sound still caused a rabbit from the opposite end of the bunch of bushes to rush off into the wilderness.
“Hm.” Rubeo set his bow down. “Well I thought I heard something, but I guess it wasn’t a rabbit...”
“Maybe a bird?” Donny piped in. “Ohhh dude, I could totally go for wings right now. Morello’s mom made her this most AMAZING breading, and we’ve got to try it out later!”
Rubeo scanned the area where he had fired the arrow, seeing no movement.
The two of them watched the bushes and trees for a moment longer.
“...I think you just missed, man. The sound was probably the wind...” Donny finally said with a sigh. “No wings for us...”
Rubeo frowned. “Maybe...”
In the bushes, Larc was still whimpering from the pain as Mipha tried to keep him quiet. Link wrapped his hands around the arrow’s shaft, unsure of what to do.
“Don’t remove it!” Mipha hissed as quietly and forcefully as she could. “He’s going to cry out if you do. Just wait for them to leave!”
Rubeo removed his helmet, revealing a fluffy bunch of red hair. He clipped his bow back, and set the helmet down, hanging it on one of the belts on his horse’s saddle.
“I’m gonna go find the arrow.”
Link and Mipha whipped their heads to lock eyes with each other.
“Let’s go, Rodent! Tk, tk!” Rubeo hopped off his horse and clicked his tongue to get her to follow him.
“Should I continue patrol?” Donny asked. “Or maybe come with you?”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. You can stay there if you want.” Rubeo waved a hand as Rodent followed after him.
“Just got a weird feeling, is all. But it’s probably nothing.”
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temunitu · 4 years
I am just getting such *chef kiss* catharsis from all this 2012TMNT critique....I enjoyed the show because I was small, it was kinda dark, and the fandom filled in the gaps that lacked love and friendship (and now it's the opposite with RISE, haha), but on it's own, that show was...yikes (and very unpleasant to the eyes, too). What would you say is your favourite relationship in RISE, vs. least favourite in 2012? (why, yes, because I'm a little salt&vinegar chip)
Glad you're enjoying it, Anon! I can see why people like it when they first watch it, me included. It has a lot of potential and I think as the show carried on, people got tired of that potential never being fully used. Uh, the animation always sucked, though. 3D ages too fast.
My favorite Rise relationship vs least favorite 2012 relationship... I'm assuming you mean between the turtles so correct me if I'm wrong in that.
For Rise, it's really hard to pick. Like, nigh impossible because any of their dynamics (including April, Splinter, Casey, and even Draxum!) are so unique and have so much chemistry. I'm gonna go with Raph and Donnie though since I feel like we did not get enough of them together, but the tiny moments we did get were really cute and funny! They're both very emotional and both have really smart and dumb moments, and I think it'd be nice to see more of them.
For 2012, again, it's hard to pick, but I'd probably go with Raph and Mikey. Raph hits him too much and says too many hurtful things without apologizing for me to believe him during the moments he acts all worried or sad for Mikey. It just feels so cold and heartless whenever he interacts with his so-called little brother, like he doesn't care if Mikey gets hurt unless it's by someone else's hand. And like, it's not like the writers wrote Mikey well either, since he's a brat a lot of the time and too stupid to really know what's going on. It gets old watching Mikey say something dumb and get wacked on the head.
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Leonardo Fanfiction- Oneshot
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"I'm gonna kill you guys!!!" Leo's yell echoed all the way through the halls. When you step inside the lair, you're a bit confused. That is until you see all three turtles running out of Leo's room laughing. Mikey catches you on his way out. "Hey (Y/N)!!" He's not able to say much more, because he's already disappeared with his brothers. You can only imagine what they've gotten up to. When you get to Leo's room, you peek your head in, and the sight of him tied to his bed almost knocks the air right out of you. His arms are held over his head, and the rope that they've used to keep him bound is doing its job. You can see him struggling, and the action just makes his muscles bulge. So, it was no secret you had a thing for the blue bandana turtle. Well, you suppose it was. Only April really knew about it. Which is why she constantly badgered you to make a move.
"L-Leo?" when he sees you his eyes light up. "(Y/N)! Hey can you help me out of this. Raph and the others thought it would be a funny joke. Just wait until I get free." He's already plotting his punishment, and you smile at the fatherly manner that Leo acts. You sort of get why Splinter appointed him the leader.
Despite Raph's assumption that Leo is the favourite, you know it's more about maturity. Each of them have their own traits that make them unique. Leo's is the air of authority that just oozes around him. He's the voice of reason, and he always puts the interest of what's best for his family before himself. That's probably what's so attractive in your eyes. His effortless selflessness.
You walk in slowly. As you do so you're about to climb up the side and reach over, but from the angle of the bed, and his desk close by, it's near impossible. Leo notices your predicament.
"Maybe you should climb over me." It's completely innocent, he's not trying anything you know that, still, you can't help your mind from straying to that. So you obey, hesitantly climbing unto the bed. You inch up, hooking your legs on either side of his waist, apologizing when you almost tumble on top of him. Leo just offers a smile, and you lean over to make quick work at taking out the knots of the rope. You try to keep your eyes focused on the task, if only to distract you.
"She smells really good.." Leo hasn't failed to notice you, although it may seem like it. When you came into their lives it was unexpected, now it's come to the point when he can't imagine not seeing your face on a regular basis. He's been trying to tell himself that there's nothing that could ever happen. You don't even see him as more than a friend, maybe even a brother. Just the thought makes him grimace. He certainly didn't see you in a platonic manner. With his hands restricted, he's silently thinking that being tied up isn't that bad. When he hears the little grunts of frustration, he looks up. "Is everything okay?" you nod, sticking your tongue out. "Yeah I just, these ties are really good. How the hell did they manage to do this?"
He's a bit embarrassed, but it was three against one. He doesn't want to admit he was caught off guard. He's a ninja. Stealth and alertness is part of his life. When he doesn't answer, you look at him, and at that moment he does the same. Your gazes meet, and it's like you don't even remember that you should be working at the ties.
Leo leans up slightly, as much as the ropes will permit. And the action makes you slide down a little, now he's face to face with you, and you're unable to utter a word. "I think maybe I let my guard down before.." he mutters. You don't even process that he's answering your previous question. "That's bad.." you mumble back. Your dazed look brings a small smile to Leo's lips.
"Sometimes it isn't that bad." you're praying that the statement has more meaning. Your question seems answered when he leans in slowly. Your breathing is shallow, and you just stay still, because you're terrified if you move, then this will all go away. As he inches closer, you close your eyes to anticipate it. When your lips connect, your brows knit, completely taken. Leo doesn't deepen, or push too much. It's just a gentle brushing of lips. You still can't believe it.
"Donnie!!" April's voice rings, and you jolt, staring at Leo in surprise.
"Donnie I need you to-" before you can move, April is already standing in front of the door. When she sees the situation she gapes. You're not sure what to say. How could you explain that this wasn't what she might be assuming.
"S-Sorry! I'll give you guys some space." She darts away, and you fumble.
"N-No April it isn't what it looks like!!"
This would be interesting.
Leo has been freed, and Splinter has taken it upon himself to enlist the punishment. A few hours in the hashi. Leo's is grinning the entire time as he watches his brothers walk to some very painful hours of training. "Raph made me!" Mikey calls out in an attempt to escape.
"It was your idea dumnut!!" He whacks him over the head, and you laugh, watching them trail off. Now, it's just you, Leo and April. He notices, clearing his throat, making the excuse that he has to tend to his bonsai tree. As he's going to leave, there's a brief moment when he looks your way. His eyes are so distracting, and piercing. It's not even a full minute, and you have to direct your eyes elsewhere to keep your heart under control. When he's out of sight, you're able to think straight. It's then that you catch the look on April's face.
"You sly dog, so his brother's tie him up and you take advantage of the poor guy. " you shake your head with flushed cheeks. "T-That's not what happened!" you protest. April just folds her hands, waiting for an explanation. "Details, come on!" you sigh, there isn't anyway for you to escape this. You pull her to the couch, Hopefully sitting will help settle your nerves.
"I was just trying to help him out of the ropes. But then he..he leaned in April. He initiated it. I was so shocked, I can't even remember if I responded." you press your hands to your cheeks.
"Is it stupid of me to assume that he likes me, even just a little."
"Trust me (Y/N), I know a lot about guys, and Leo's he's one of the most decent ones you'll meet. And he isn't even human." you giggle. "Honestly, I think he feels the same way you do. But you know Leo, he puts duty and family above all else. I'm shocked he was the one that made the first move. I think you're going to have to initiate the next one. I'm sorry I barged in, maybe things would have gotten spicier~" you flush hitting her arm, which she just laughs in return.
"Just tell him how you feel, everything else will just fall in." With a deep breath, you nod. Although it would be a bit difficult, maybe she was right. He did kiss you, so that counted for something.
April stuck around waiting to ask for some assistance from Donnie. You've been alone with your thoughts for a while, trying to mentally prep yourself for the upcoming conversation with Leo. You've buzzed by his room at least six times, but whenever you get close you'd chicken out. Finally tired of your cowardice, you stomp over there, knocking. You stand there waiting patiently for him to open up, and as the seconds fly by, you're a little less sure.
"What the hell am I doing! I can't do this!" you're about to take off, hopefully before he answers. Luck isn't on your side, because the door swings open, and you swear Leo's nervous, almost like he's been expecting this.
"Leo I...we..I think that...you know?" It's not even an actual sentence, but he gets the message, ushering you inside. He closes the door, and you're now facing him again. You don't know whether to sit or stand. The bed is a bit too daunting right now.
Leo's not really looking at you. It doesn't really help.
"I just thought we should, you know, talk about earlier." he knows that's why you're here. What scares him is the prospect of losing you. All because he was unable to control himself.
"I'm sorry (Y/N). I really shouldn't have done that." You blink. "What?"
He shakes his head. "It was a mistake. I hope we can still be friends. "
"Friends." Just the word shatters you. So it was all imagined. He'd never intended to kiss you. Maybe it was just him getting lost in the moment. Whatever it was, he obviously doesn't think it was right. Your head lowers, and you want to cry, but you know that'll just make Leo feel bad. You weren't sure you could take his pity right now. "Well, y-yeah sure. I-I'm glad we talked this over."
It's important that you get out as quickly as possibly. Maybe find April so you can cry your eyes out. As your hand grabs the knob, Leo takes your wrist. "Wait (Y/N)." you turn slowly, not too sure you want to hear anymore. If he says friends again you'll break down right there.
"I lied, I don't want us to just be friends." you pause, confused and a little angry. Was he messing with you?
"I know I just said that's what I want but it's not true. Friends don't wake up every morning thinking about the way you smile. Or how you make even the baggiest sweatshirts look absolutely stunning. Friends don't make the other person's heart beat like crazy every time you walk into the room, or look at me.."
You're the one who's heart beat has gone crazy at Leo's confession.
"I do value our friendship, more than anything else, but I also want something more. I kept telling myself it was wrong to kiss you like that. I should have asked permission. I felt like I took advantage of you." It's funny, because he was the one who was tied up at that moment.
"If you feel even a fraction of what I feel for you, then I'd like to try and be maybe something more. I-If that's what you want too of course." You know a confession like that is risky, especially in his case. He's already kissed you, so he must assume he's threading in dangerous water. It's quite the opposite.
"That's all I've ever really wanted Leo." His face illuminates so much light, and you wouldn't be surprised if you have a similar expression. His hand slips from your wrist, and he takes your hand in his. The feeling is indescribable. You smile up at him, glowing, and pulling him to the bed to take a seat. He's following your lead, probably the first situation he's a follower, and not a leader. You scoot closer to him and he isn't very sure how to proceed. 
He knows you won't mind if he kisses you, but he's sort of anticipating your kiss. He wants you to take control. When you lean in, he does the same, and you join in the middle. A sweet little kiss. It's so innocent, the way your lips move against his. He supposes that's something else he loves about you. You're innocent. His mindset is somewhat of an adult, he had to be to protect his family. But when he's with you, he feels like a kid again. A teenager. This is what normal teenagers do. They have relationships, fall in love.
He's far from normal, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying the normalcy he can get whenever it presents itself. You're pulling away, and he does too, just a little. He wants to see your face. You're flushed cheeks, puckered lips. It's a sight that drives him wild. He's shocked when you jump into his lap, pushing him backwards and pinning his wrists to the bed. You're not wearing a cocky smirk, no, far from it. You look almost hypnotized. Like you're in a haze. Leo gulps, not prepared for this progression.
"When you were tied up earlier, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about all the things I wanted to do to you. " One of your hands trail from his wrist, going down his body, over his chest, down his torso. Leo has to force himself to stay quiet. Against his will, he releases a soft groan. He knows he can easily get out of your hold. You aren't a challenge for him. But at the moment, he doesn't want to. He's never been in such a position. 
Even though you haven't overpowered him physically, you have done so in every other aspect. Your words have informed him that maybe he misread you. You're not as entirely innocent as he's believed. That excites him. "You can do whatever you want (Y/N)." You look back at him, and the need in his eyes, it almost rivals yours. Those words, that's all you need. You reclaim his lips, and Leo is happy to return it, lost in how heavenly your body feels, pressed to his. He's been captured, with no escape. And he doesn't really want to. He'd gladly be your hostage anyday.
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nachohypno · 4 years
The Daylight Club Ch. 1 - This is my life
This is an indirect sequel to “William and the demon”, so I recommend checking that one out first before starting this story.
‘Wednesday already’ I sighed.
After opening a can of energy drink, I dropped half of it in my mug, then filled the rest of it with coffee.
I couldn’t sleep last night. Bah, it’s not like I couldn’t. I definitely could if I tried to. “I didn’t want to” would be better in this case.
As I finished my mug of ‘killer mix’ as we liked to call it, I ruffled my brown hair to make it look cooler, then washed my face.
I grabbed my phone, to check the time, then blocked the screen after that.
“You’re a great leader” I said to myself, staring at my reflection on my phone’s screen while flexing one of my arms and admiring my biceps, before putting the phone back in my pocket.
I grabbed my school bag and went downstairs, hoping dad wouldn’t hear me. As I opened the front door, I noticed Bobby was waiting for me on the doorway. It was a normal thing for us to walk together to school by now.
He lives across the street, and he was my best friend, so I didn’t see harm on going together.
“Donnie!” Bobby said, extending his fist for a bump. My classmate was wearing a hoodie as usual, with some light blue jeans. We were the same height, but he was better built than me. Pros of boxing in your free time, I guess.
‘I should start boxing too’ I thought ‘May come in handy sometime’ But honestly, I didn’t see me training anytime soon. I wish I could, but there was no time for that. Besides, I was too tired, may as well fell asleep in a wrestling mat.
“Hey Bobby” I said, as we fist bumped and started walking. School wasn’t far, but this wasn’t a big town, nothing was far. I wished we had some kind of vehicle though, that would save us so much time…
“You seem off today, everything alright last night?” Bobby asked. Honestly, last night had been a great one, besides of one loss we had, but it was alright. Much less than what we usually had.
If everything went according to the plan, our mate should be back at school today, barely remembering last night.
I yawned, before answering “Yeah, just… things get weirder every night that passes, y’know? I don’t know If we’ll be able to keep going if we don’t change our tactics”
As we arrived to the school, I noticed there was a guy wearing a dark green polo shirt tucked in his khaki pants. He was giving pamphlets to other students, I noticed one in the floor, it was for the variety show. ‘There’s another variety show?! Geez, these assholes sure have a lot of free time’
He was one of my friends, and a former club member.
“Pat’s been acting weird all week. Are we still trying to get a cure for that or we’ll just focus on beating those stupid gods?” Bobby said, almost whispering.
“Patrick, my friend” corrected the preppy guy, coming closer to us. Apparently, he noticed us too as we stared at him. “I don’t go by ‘Pat’ anymore”
“Cool, you talk to us now?” I told him, in a very annoyed tone. The lack of sleep and my anger was getting to me; I should calm down before things end up badly.
He looked around before answering “My parents don’t want me hanging out with you. They say you’re problematic, and I think they’re right, man” I rolled my eyes “Look Brandon, just stop leading that stupid club and we may be able to be friends once—”
“Why don’t you go get fucked by your daddy, Pat? And I’m Donnie, not Brandon, asshole.”
My former friend frowned at my aggressive answer, but that wasn’t going to stop me. Got worse stuff to deal with rather than a mind-fucked asshole. “Why do you have to be that rude all the time?” He said, handing Bobby one of the pamphlets and walking away.
“Man, you sure you don’t want to sleep for a while? You can tell the nurse you’re having headaches and she’ll let you skip a few classes” Bobby put the pamphlet on his bag. We usually participated on the variety show, but we usually didn’t have to deal with weird stuff at night.
“I’m…” Yawn “…Fine. But I think you’re right, may ask for a little nap later” I told him.
If I had more nights like this, I would probably end up passing out at school.
Hmm… I should explain what was that all about with Pat and “the club”.
First of all, there’s a secret club in this town. We call it ‘The Daylight Club’, because ‘we crave the light of day to be safe’ or some shit like that. Don’t ask me where does that corny line came from, Molly came up with it.
It’s kind of poetic, if you think of it, but it’s true. We are safe during the day, and our lives return to being… somewhat normal again.
It was started not long ago, two or three months ago, maybe? Or at least, we noticed it a few months ago.
One random night, adults around the town started to sleepwalk at night. At the beginning it was already strange, but when parents started acting even more strange is when the club started his own doings.
You could say that the whole high school knows about the club. Students can choose if they want to enter, or they prefer to stay out. We can’t and won’t force anyone to join.
The dangerous parts are for the seniors though, my class.
Freshmen and sophomore students or younger ones can NOT, BY ANY MEANS, go out to the streets at night. And if so, they have to be in a life or death situation, but that would never happen.
The shape and the sleepers don’t seem to care about them, probably because they’re too scared to move from their beds when they hear noise at night.
Juniors are the next on the line for leading the club. They can enter the hideout, and they can go out the streets at night, with a senior supervisor. They CAN’T, by any means, get seen by the sleepers. We take the safety of our members very seriously.
They shouldn’t even be involved in this, but the more the merrier, I guess.
Seniors, that’s where I come in. Well, me and my class. Most of my class.
We are the ones that are most in danger, since we have to be actively out on the streets, trying to check on everything and setting the pieces together to save the adults, and the town.
What do I mean with “being in danger”?
The definition of nightmare fuel, the shape.
It’s not an artistic name or something like that, it’s a real creature. We can’t see it, we have to close our eyes to see it, and even then it’s just an orange shape running towards you.
Pat… Patrick, my former friend, got dragged by it two weeks ago. Three times in a row.
We thought he was dead, to be honest. He disappeared for the whole night and the day afterwards.
His behavior changed drastically after his ‘resurrection’.
Wearing awful polo shirts tucked in his pants, stopped hanging out with us… Yeah, he got mind fucked. I know my best… former best friend too well to know he wouldn’t do some of the stuff he’s been doing lately.
A few more mates were mind fucked like him. Pat was the first one, but then the shape took it as its objective to drag as many of us as possible. Like it probably did with all of the adults.
Should we be more secretive about the club’s existence? Probably, but the adults don’t care about us.
We use drama club as a façade to reunite at school and talk freely about our plans, without anyone overhearing.
Funny enough, as soon as someone gets mind fucked by the shape, they want to step out of the club. I assumed they weren’t interested on spying for their evil overlords.
Speaking of which, I should explain a bit more.
Gods, voices, whatever you want to call them.
They’re invisible, no matter if you close your eyes or not. They can whisper things to us, or send messages while we keep our eyes closed. Some of us even had dreams where they talked to us.
I’m sorry if it sounds like the ramblings of an attention seeking senior student, but it’s really not. I don’t really care if someone tries to tell the adults about the club, they won’t believe it.
They don’t even believe the existence of the voices, or their sleepwalking behavior. We even tried showing video footage of the sleepwalkers to them, but their eyes glaze over and they dismiss us like some kind of troublemaker kids.
That’s why I’m the leader.
I’m the most problematic guy around, not proud to say that. I’m not walking around the town stoned, or going around doing harsh vandalism.
Our main enemy seems to be looking out to have complete order in our society. I manage to keep the opposite. Free will, chaos, noise, everything that can have them one step away from their victory, we try it.
And the shape never was even close to getting me, and I’m the one who sinned the most overall.
I think the most serious sin I’ve been accused of was “Murder” (Which totally wasn’t, I just pinned down a guy who was attacking one of my friends, and knocked him out with a tranquilizer dart.
Another adult found him, and reported him as dead just because the dude wasn’t moving an inch. Then he got up and started patrolling again a few minutes later, but it was already too late and the shape had been summoned.
The shape seemed to be after a different person every night, that’s why we try to go out in small groups.
Four is the ideal number, but sometimes we have less members around.
Breaking into another person house, fighting against the adults when they try to subdue us, make noise at night, etc. Everything counts as a sin, and I’m the less careful guy of the bunch, I guess.
You just have to be quick and think fast, be faster than the sleepwalking adults and the shape, and it won’t even see you getting away.
“Dude?” Bobby shook his hand in front of my face. I must have zoned out. “You really need some sleep; I’ll take the lead tonight at the club. Last-Laugh told me some curious and funny facts about…”
“You should stop talking to it, we don’t know if we can’t trust them at all” It was a common practice at the club, and sadly, there wasn’t a way for me to stop it. I could only say my opinion: The voices weren’t to be trusted.
“C’mon, man. You’re the king of chaos, and you’re afraid of a prankster like him? He always makes me laugh, even when he just tells dumb jokes. It’s like some kind of superpower he has”
King of chaos. That was a good title, never heard it before.
I shrugged “You asked for my opinion, and I gave it. Do whatever you want with it”
Bobby frowned at me, and folded his arms. “I hate when you get all edgy, you know that-” He got interrupted.
A girl grabbed him from behind. Molly, she was at the club. A senior member of the daylight club and the president of the drama club. She’s the one who offered the drama club as our base of operations
“What did you do to Pat?” She asked me “He’s been really pissed after he talked to you two, you know we can’t mess with him when he’s acting all weird like now. He’s unstable and he can take revenge at any time”
Just like she interrupted my best friend, I interrupted her “He’ll be more unstable after I break his jaw, I won’t stand here and let some random dude order me around”
Bobby sighed, placing a hand over my shoulder and looking at Molly “It’s okay, he hasn’t been sleeping properly. Donnie was about to head to the nursery, right dude?”
I wanted to complain, but he started pressing my shoulder and I got the message very clearly. ‘Do as I say, or you will be the one with a broken jaw’.
I would retaliate later, but he was right. I was tired as fuck.
I wasn’t mad at him; it was very hard for me to get mad at Bobby. I couldn’t get mad with Molly either. In these weird times, you can’t afford being mad with your allies.
“But wait, before you go” Molly started “I’ve got a dream last night, I thought I should tell you guys” She said, lowering her voice.
Bobby and I exchanged looks before looking back at her “What was it about?” My bro asked.
“A kid prayed to one of the voices, but I couldn’t get which one it was. Probably a freshman? I dunno.” She shrugged “The voice was Dance-for-them, I recognized her cheerful voice. She told the guy that he shouldn’t be scared as long as he had music around, and that something nice would happen for the club kids tonight”
“Could it be some sort of new mission? Or a clue about our mind fucked classmates and parents?” Bobby asked, excitedly interrupting her.
“Do I look like a gypsy with a crystal ball?” I told him, pretty annoyed. “It’s maybe some normal thing, right? Doesn’t really *have* to mean anything. Just a dream because we live in a fucking nightmare”
“Language” the janitor said, as he passed by.
I frowned at him, and looked back at my pals. “But Donnie, we should at least be on the lookout for tonight. If nothing happens, then we go back to the hideout without anyone ever noticing, but if something happens… better be ready, right?”
I shook my head in denial. “No missions tonight, and that’s the last word—“
Bobby chuckled and grabbed me by the shoulders, pressing strong to make sure I wouldn’t complain. “Alright bro, you’re going to the nursery. I’ll catch up with you in a bit, Molly!”
Skipping first class… Well, here I go.
The day passed by pretty fast. I almost didn’t enter any class with the excuse that I went to the nurse’s office and took a long nap.
And now… it was nighttime, and I was back at home.
I took dinner with me to my room and avoided my dad. I wasn’t on the mood for ‘family time’ tonight.
After I finished eating, I tried to go straight to bed, but I wasn’t tired at all. Sleeping seemed impossible.
I looked around. My room wasn’t THAT big, but it was cozy and I liked it. A pair of customizable dumbbells on the floor which sometimes made me trip and fall. My mission bag hanging from the closet door, next to my school bag. A few posters of horror movies, those made me laugh.
Now, my life was a horror movie itself. Imagine how a poster of this horror movie would look. Probably with me shirtless, abs tensed and holding a grappling hook while running away.
I looked at my computer, I could jack off, but I wasn’t too horny. I mean, it’s always a good time to jack off, and I’ve got a nice gay porn collection on my computer, but I was just like… meh.
I laid my body on the window frame as I looked outside.
Adults wandering the before-empty streets.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Molly’s dream. It was normal, even if she was excited about it. Every kid of the daylight club had weird dreams, and also lose track of time sometimes.
I woke up on the middle of the street once, covered in mud. And I almost get passed over by a car.
This was going to be a stupid idea, nothing good could come from those stupid voices. There’s no way they could help us in any way, without wanting anything in return.
I couldn’t sleep, and decided to make a video call.
It was a rest night, but I knew that at least Bobby would be awake. On the other side of the street, I saw the lights on his room were on.
It would be good to talk to someone instead of just look at the chaos- no, sorry. “Order” around my house, with mind fucked adults whispering and patrolling the neighborhood.
The Shape was nowhere to be seen. Which made sense. The club wasn’t out tonight, that means nobody is ‘sinning’ around town.
I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. “CHORUS Communities” was written on the back of it.
I suspected- No, I KNEW they had something to do with the ‘sudden’ appearance of the voices and the shape. The ‘sudden’ part being still under investigation, because there was this theory that they were always there. Watching, waiting. Around us at all times and we were just oblivious to them.
Look, my town is isolated from the world.
No Wifi, we have a special local thing. We could call other townies, but not anyone on the outside world. Since I’m still a student, and most of my club members also are, we can’t leave town without explicit permission from our parents, which they would never give.
No TV, unless you count the local channels.
No exits.
I turned on the phone and video called Bobby, who lives at the other side of the street.
“Bro!” He shouted at me, after answering the call. As I suspected, he was awake. I think I caught him preparing himself a joint. Lucky fucker.
“Seems like you don’t want to sleep either, huh?” I said, smiling at the camera.
“Huh… what can I say, Donnie? You know good ol’ me” He placed the camera on his desk, in a perfect spot so I could see him preparing his thing, while he was fully visible too. “Free nights are some of my favorites. No chases, no sleepers besides my mom patrolling around the house, but she doesn’t enter my room”
As I said, Lucky fucker.
“Hold on, bro. Gonna head there” I said, turning off the lights of my room and grabbing my night bag.
That’s where I put all my club stuff. A bandage, my grappling hook, a quick snack and a few firecrackers.
“B’ careful!” Bobby said, before I finished the call.
I passed through the open window, and set my feet straight on my rooftop. I walked to the edge and slowly climbed down.
Just cross the street, right? Piece of cake.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and started to record, this just turned into a club mission.
“Donnie Thompson here” I mumbled to the phone, just to set the record. The club members had to record the happenings during every expedition at the curfew. Good thing about CHORUS phones, they have a good camera.
I looked around as I walked through the street.
I reached Bobby’s doorway. But, instead of going through the main entrance, I gave a few steps back, jumped and grabbed the cornice.
He opened his window to let me in and I climbed to the rooftop. “Heyo, bro” He said, offering me his hand for help.
“Yo, no need to help me bro” I entered the room. His room was similar to mine, just that it was a bit bigger, and had a bit more of work out equipment.
Bobby sat on his bed, leaving some space for me to sit next to him. I took a little time to look around as I got back on my feet.
I did notice he had the variety show pamphlet Patrick gave us earlier today. “Huh, thinking of joining the show of freaks?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
The idea actually did amuse me. Imagine Bobby, the guy who loves boxing with his life, singing and dancing in front of the whole school.
“Doing Molly a favor, because we’re at her club. And we’re supposed to be drama freaks. And it wouldn’t hurt you to try something else besides being an ass from time to time” He said, grabbing the pamphlet from his desk and throwing it in the trash can near him.
“It’s okay, not gonna judge you or anything” I said, in an apologetic way. Bobby is… a kind of a sweet guy.
He’s really nice, and I appreciate him being with me after Pat was brainfucked, but he’s not Pat.
He doesn’t really get my humor like my former best friend.
“It’s… okay. So, wanna play some COD?” Bobby said, shrugging the subject off before pointing at his monitor.
“Bro, you should have told me before, I could have brought my joystick!” I said, with a big smile.
My mate chuckled “Alright, we can play some dbd in the meantime if you—“
There was this loud honking sound. Like a car horn, but at this hour? Who could it be?
We both ran to the window and noticed something weird. There was a light coming from one side of the street, being followed by a pretty determined sleeper. The light grew bigger and then it became much clearer. It was a biker, which was already a weird sighting in Greenwood.
After that, I noticed a faint glow of red from behind a house. The shape came out to play, that means whoever this person was, they were in danger.
The person fell from his bike as he tried to avoid another sleeper in his way. Bobby gave me a nod, before running out of his room and downstairs.
I went out through the window and climbed down the rooftop, trying to get to the guy ASAP before the shape did.
He was wearing a biker helmet, luckily. A leather jacket and a dirty as hell shirt, which seemed to be once white.
As I reached out to the stranger and lifted him slowly, Bobby came to my side. “Grab him and take him to my garage!”
“Roger that, cap’n!” He answered, before helping me with the stranger.
I closed my eyes and noticed the shape was getting closer to us.
On the rush of the moment, I snatched Bobby’s crossbow and pointed it at him. I didn’t take a look to see if it was loaded, but it served for a few seconds as a distraction. The shape stopped right on his tracks, waiting to see if I actually was a threat, or if I was just playing around.
By the time it discovered I was doing the latter one, it was too late. Bobby was already off to my house, carrying the biker on his shoulders.
I lowered the crossbow and started running away from my house. The shape was following me, which was a great thing. I just had to buy some time and it would be over.
A turn to the right and I was soon climbing another rooftop. I had to be quick, there was no room for error when the shape is chasing you.
I tried to grab my grappling hook from the bag, a gift from the club’s local genius. After that was done, I threw it to the cornice of the next house in front of me. It grappled to it, and a long rope came down, ready for anyone to climb it.
Without a second thought and with the shape right behind my ass, I jumped and clung to the rope. Climbing quickly and getting on top of the other rooftop. The shape tried jumping after me, but I grabbed the grappling hook and ran away again.
‘That’ll give me some time’ I thought, as I ran to the other part of the roof while the shape tried to climb from the side of the house.
I headed back to my place, but not by the front door. That would rat me out quickly.
I crossed the street in a rush, while trying to keep my stamina ready just in case the shape surprised me. Nothing of that as I went outside of my neighbor’s house.
A sleeper in the backyard, no problem. I crouched and just walked next to the fence, until I was next to my own backyard.
I climbed the fence and jumped towards my door. I opened it and just ran inside, closing it behind me.
Now, to lock everything.
I ran around the house, closing every window and door as quickly as I could. I would close my eyes from time to time to just check the shape wasn’t in front of me.
After I was sure my house was safe, I went towards the garage.
Bobby was there, with the biker guy. My classmate was hugging him, whispering what appeared to be things to calm him down.
“—will be alright, man. We just… We just need to wait for my bro and everything will be— Donnie!” He said, as soon as he noticed me. “Where’s the shape? Is it still outside?”
But I shushed him.
We haven’t misbehaved, we just helped a stranger who fell from his bike. If anything, we did the opposite to sin tonight. But we couldn’t trust the shape’s rules. Better be careful and not give out where we are.
I was mostly worried, who was this guy and why was he so important?
“Should we try to wake him up?” Bobby said, pointing to the stranger beside him.
I nodded and poked the stranger’s belly, hoping to bring him back to his senses. “Hey, bike-man. What’s your name?”
He took some time to answer, while the two of us remained in silent, waiting for him to react.
Until he whispered a weak “K-Kevin…”
I exchanged looks with Bobby. Was this a joke? Another guy to take care of? I mean, I wasn’t expecting a ‘I’m the one who’ll save you all’ or anything like that. The guy just smashed his head on the pavement so it made sense for him to be weak and all.
I sighed, before grabbing him by his legs, and motioning Bobby to grab him by the torso.
“Well, Kevin. Welcome to the daylight club” I said, as we started to slowly carry him to my room.
Chapter 2 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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Hi lovely! I just want to say, your writing is amazing!! Do you think you could do little headcanons for each bayverse brother where the reader is almost ALWAYS super happy and chipper, super kind to everyone all the time, but then one time somebody (turtles or readers family, doesn't matter) says something to really piss them off? Like... Teeth clenching, furious, silent, and boiling kind of anger that terrified the SHIT out of them that they've never seen before or expected from them?? 😂
Usually, when my Dad and Stepmom are arguing, the fight is blamed on me because I'm "the oldest" and "the most responsible" and I become extremely upset, completely opposite of what I usually am, and there's nobody I can talk to. Thank you so much, for taking my request!! Love your writing!! -Captain trash 🐌
Ohhhh 💢😡 love this, and I do this all the time. Out here bottling my emotions like I'm canning pickles.
TMNT Headcanons
The boys reacting to the quiet type of rage
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you were an absolute angel
this was one thing Leo knew to be true
to him, you were like a carbonated beverage, bubbly and sweet
but what he didn't take into account was that like most carbonated drinks, you always hit just right
he learned that the hard way
no, he wasn't sure what he'd actually said to set you off, but he knew it probably wasn't about him insulting potato chips
you weren't that passionate about potatoes, shockingly enough
but he'd ran his mouth when he shouldn't have and immediate correction was provided via a VERY solid punch to his plastron
then you were up and storming out of the kitchen to your personally designated shelf at the other side of the lair, snarling as you went
you stayed up there for the rest of the day and when dinner came around Leo had to tackle Mikey to the ground to stop him from throwing a paper airplane up into your nest
a wise choice
Splinter was the one who informed you that it was time to eat
Another wise choice
Personally, Leo's never seen anyone eat fettuccine with the afterthought of murdering god but damn if you didn't look like you were considering it
Your jaw was clenched so tight that he feared you'd break your teeth
He felt bad of course, how couldn't he? But he also knew from experience that it was best to leave you be until you came down from your anger
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Now, Raph is no stranger when it comes to anger or rage, especially the silent type
He likes to think he knows it better than anyone
But holy shit- he never expected it from you
You were always kind and sweet and every other synonym for those words under the rainbow
In fact, Raph had gone so far as to assume that you didn't have a mean bone in your body
That turned out to be lie
The argument was something dumb, it had to be, but it quickly escalated. Much faster than he thought it could
And he made the mistake of running his mouth
"Oh yeah? And what could you ever get outta being with a freak like me, huh?!"
Big mistake
He actively watched your face darken and your lip curl into a snarl
"You need to stop using your appearance to win arguments."
And then he had to watch as you turned your back on him and simply walked away
You were silent at dinner, only speaking when you needed the salt or something else
You declined all offers to be walked home and left by yourself
They could all tell by your stature and your tense jaw that caused the veins in your neck to bulge that you were beyond pissed
Despite that Raph still received your text informing him that you made it home safe
But that was all
Two days went by before he showed up at your apartment to apologize
You'd never been one to hold a grudge against anyone
Especially not your boyfriend
You accepted his apology and he hasn't crossed that line since
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From the day he met you, Donnie knew you were different
Your social anxiety and self esteem overlapped in some of the worst possible ways
But damn if you weren't an absolute sweetheart around everyone else
You defended your friends better than Fort Knox security and that was a fact
So in truth he really shouldn't have been surprised by your outburst
But in his defense he'd only ever seen you react verbally, yelling, threatening, the works
When they were all returning from a scouting routine that night the last thing Donnie wanted to listen to was Leo's lecture
Donnie had gotten in a little too far and banged himself up, bleeding from a few cuts and scrapes but nothing major
And none of them had realized that you were there
So when Leo went in for an attack on Donnie's intelligence and worth you'd done the only reasonable thing you could think of
The glass bottle shattered on the wall next to Leo's head and sent them all ducking and covering their faces
You stood opposite of them, murder dancing in your eyes like a ballerina
You pinned Leo with your gaze and held him there for a painfully long minute
Then you were taking Donnie's hand and pulling him to the needle room
You were both silent while you patched him up and he was relieved to know that your anger wasn't directed at him
Your entire body practically melted when he touched your cheek
"You're going to break your teeth if you keep that up."
"Well I've never been one for self preservation now have I?"
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You and Mikey's personality and mentality were basically identical
You might as well have operated on the same vibrational frequency
He just worked so well with you
If it wasn't for the fact that he clearly wasn't human you could've been twins
It wasn't that you were necessarily angry with him at that moment, but the argument you were having was quickly escalating so you both opted to shut it down before it got any worse
Things usually turned out better when you both went nonverbal
Ended with way less hurt feelings than it could have
But you both found it best to take some time alone during these situations, things were easier to smooth over if you were both calm
The others found this terrifying however
Because silent, angry you was one thing
Silent and angry Mikey was another thing entirely
But fortunately you both typically resolved things rather quickly after giving each other some space
I know the last one is a little off but I kinda ran out of ideas and brain power. The dreaded wall of writer's block has hit me and I think I just made a nest under it and took a nap. But in all honesty this week has really stressed me out so I apologize for the lack of postings. I'm doing my best to get back into it. Thank you all for being patient with me. 🧡
-Mars 🌠
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tmntxreader-fics · 5 years
TMNT Donatello x Reader: Sudden Interest
@mariamonteon97 asked: Hi, could I request a #75 for donnie?
Fair warning, it’s kinda long. 
Warnings: Cussing (as usual)
Word count: 2685
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You and Donatello have never really been close. 
In fact, if you’re being honest, out of all the brothers he seems to be the most unapproachable of the four.
When April had described each of her “turtle friends’” personalities, you had been most intrigued by the intellect she had promised from the mutant who donned a purple bandanna. Upon introduction, however, there was disappointingly minimal interaction and no display of the intelligence you’d been expecting. 
Instead, you were appraised for a brief moment, a golden gaze behind ridiculously oversized goggles observing every inch of you in an almost clinical fashion. You could basically see the notes he was probably committing to memory based off of your appearance, to be simply filed away in the miscellaneous sector of his mind. Then, with a polite exchange of names, it was over. Donatello disappeared back into his lab where the only indication of his presence was the occasional muffled curse and distant clatter of metal. 
Despite this disappointment, you find that his brothers are easy enough to like; each offering a unique personality to bide your time with. 
You learn to hover-board with Mikey and bond over culinary adventures within the kitchen together, though that proves to be quite hazardous to your health at times. The leader of the troupe also occasionally invites you to simply relax with him and talk about mutual interests and individual perspectives.
Though, admittedly, you find it hard to remain at ease with Leo. His ice blue eyes are too intense and penetrate the soul even during the simplest conversations, proving it difficult to extended periods of time in his presence. On the other hand, you find Raphael to be incredibly straight forward with no hidden thoughts smuggled behind his gaze. He’s gruff, uncaring and wields a “charming” sense of humour that can only be redeemed by the depth of his personality.
Despite the observations you make of your new friends, there is one who has evaded examination. Even as the days turn to weeks and weeks to months, Donatello remains a mystery to you.
It almost feels as if he’s purposely avoiding you at this point, though, you can’t for the life of you figure out what you had done. What had you said upon meeting him that offended him enough to steer clear? 
It’s only now, seven months later, do you see him for more than a thirty second window since meeting him. Seated at the table with all four brothers, you find yourself precariously perched between Donatello and Leonardo on a rickety stool. There is a weathered game of monopoly set up on the wooden bench and you scowl upon landing on Donatello’s property.
He peers down at the board from behind his glasses, identifying the property name then sifting through his cards to find the cost of rent.
“One hundred and fifty dollars,” he states, gaze shifting from the cardboard in his hand to meet yours. Eyes narrowed, you hand him the pretend cash, fingers lightly brushing his palm. While you grit your teeth at the touch of his skin, he seems unbothered by the transaction. You catch yourself glaring at the board for more reasons than one as Mikey snatches the dice to roll his turn.
  As the game rolls on, you notice Raphael begins to grow heated in the battle against his competitors. You quickly remove yourself from the equation by not allowing your ego to be baited by his barbed comments that are thinly veiled as friendly smack talk. Eventually, the hot head doesn’t bother covering his remarks and outright goes for Donatello when he lands on the purple clad turtles’ property with three houses occupying the space.
“Five hundred and sixty dollars,” Donatello grins a rare, toothy smile and you find yourself almost dazzled by the rarity of the sight. He flashes another lopsided quirk of his lips when Raph groans, holding out his hand, “pay up!”
Meanwhile, the resident muscle looks as if he’s about to blow his top. At the sound of another snarl, everyone waits with baited breath in anticipation of his frustration. “You shouldn’t be allowed to play this shit, Don,” Raph snaps, slapping the money into his brothers’ hand.
“And why not?” Donnie shoots back, immediately sorting his new income into the according piles of his money.
“You’re basically a walkin’ computer,” Raph starts, his voice rough in which you initially assume to be frustration. However, when you see the red clad turtle shoot Mikey a mischievous glance, you begin to suspect foul play. “You got numbers, statistics and strategies up in that head and that’s all you know how to do. Playin’ with you is like playin’ against a bot, game might as well be rigged.”
You frown at the comments being made, then you realise that they’re simply being said to bait Donatello. The second the clever turtle bites, he will start to play irrationally, making bold and risky moves in order to both impress and thwart his competitors; that is when his brothers can move in to take the victory.
“What would you suggest I do, then?” Don says dryly, “Should I play blindfolded and plug my ears in order to give you a fighting chance?” 
Raphael leans in and you watch the unnerving grin pull at his lips. “Nah,” he snickers, golden eyes appraising his brother in an unsaid challenge, “I want ya to play a little risky. Show me what you got, Don.” 
The turtle in question quirks the ridge of his brow bone, shifting in his seat. 
“Don’t bite, Donatello,” you mutter before he can retaliate. Though your voice is gentle, the table falls silent at the sound of it. You continue, “they’re trying to throw you off your game, it’s the only way they’ll win against you.”
His narrowed eyes watch you carefully, an inquisitive gleam in his usually neutral gaze. Donatello licks his lips, tilting his head fractionally with a softly spoken, “noted.” 
Despite your exchange being brief, all occupants of the table remain quiet and motionless for a moment. You ignore the way Leonardo’s gaze constantly flickers between both Donnie and yourself, scrutinising eyes searching for something unnamed.
“Well, there goes any chance you had of winning the game too,” Raphael rolls his eyes, leaning back in his seat with a salty sneer. 
“If I come first thanks to manipulation rather than skill then that’s not a win,” you snark, snatching the dice from their place before him. “Not that you’d know.” 
His eyes widen and the sneer that twists his lips evolves into a mean grin, “oh, it’s on Short-Stack.” 
The game continues (quite aimlessly) for another half hour, until, the leader sighs deeply and bids you and his brethren goodnight. You tip your head in his direction, brows furrowing as you catch the last glance he sends you before striding from the room. 
When Mikey yawns, the jolting realisation of the hour hits you; time has flown and it’s much later than you anticipated. You don’t want to walk the streets of New York City alone in the dark but you also don’t want to burden the turtles to take you home. Raphael and Mikey’s patrol shift is not due for another couple of hours and you’re definitely not going to be able to stay awake until then.
“You can sleep here tonight,” Donatello murmurs, interrupting your spiralling thoughts. You glance up, taken aback by the gracious offer- coming from him, no less! His sight catches yours and he immediately glances away, resorting to reorganising his cards for the third time in a row. “I mean, only if you would like to. We can set you up on the couch; it’s much more comfortable than it sounds.”
You gape at him for a long moment, lingering on the way he stutters over his sudden uncertainty.
“Wow, Don,” Raph remarks dryly, reminding you of his presence. “First girl you invite over and you stick her with the couch.”
You briefly see Donatello’s eyes widen before Mikey croons disappointedly, “yeah, bro. That’s not how you treat a lady. You’re supposed to offer her your bed.”
The purple clad almost chokes on his saliva and your face is burning from both the audacity of the comments and your newfound embarrassment.
“No!” You splutter, catching the attention of all of those who sit at the table. You gather yourself before continuing, “No. It’s okay, the couch sounds great. Thanks, Donatello.”
The turtle in question exhales a little, as if allowing himself to breathe again. There’s a short silence as he regains his composure, his eyes flickering to meet yours with a gentle curiosity.
“You can call me Donnie,” he finally offers, standing to his feet quietly. “I’ll go get you what you need for the night.”
Watching his retreating figure, you assume that he’s talking about a pillow and perhaps a blanket.
“Damn, who knew you were such a killjoy! Let the nerd squirm a bit,” Raph chuckles, letting slip a groan as he stands to his feet. Your narrowed gaze follows his movements, unsure of whether he is being sarcastic or is simply an asshole. He eyes you intently from behind the red fabric of his bandanna, “Don’s real weird about ya so it’s fun to tease him over it- watch him suffer a bit for once since he’s good at most things.” 
Just an asshole then.
You try not to dwell on what he means by that, but the connotations were unnerving.
“Don’t worry babe, we’re just having fun,” Mikey shrugs, though his attempt to reassure you has the opposite effect. You try a smile in response but you suspect that it looks more like a grimace, provoking an intense eye roll from Raphael. The temperamental turtle waves his hand at you both dismissively before making his exit, what you assume to be his version of ‘goodnight’.
The chatter that ensues fades into background noise as the remaining excitable turtle leads you to the couch. “Donnie will be back with your stuff, but,” Mikey trails off cheekily, “if you need anything my bedroom is always open.” 
You roll your eyes and thank him dryly for the ‘offer’, you know for a fact that if you need anything you will be going straight to Leo’s room. At least the leader wouldn’t suggest that you should share a bed with him, which is what you'd guess to be Mikey’s first response. 
The mischievous terrapin shrugs with playful indifference, “the offer stands!” 
“Cut it out, Mikey,” a new voice calls from one of the tunnel entrances. Both yourself and the jokester turn to observe Donatello, eyeing the hilariously tall stack of pillows and blankets in his arms.
“Damn. What; is she meant to be making a fort with all that?” Mikey whistles. Turning to you, he adds, “if so, can I join?” 
“Mikey!” Your voice is blurred against Donatello’s and Mikey throws his hands up as a sign of surrender. 
“Alright, alright, no worries,” he rolls his eyes, “I’m going. Goodnight!”
You bid him good night, ignoring the subtle wink you receive as he turns and leaves the room. 
“So, I have here a few things you might need to make your stay here more enjoyable,” Donatello says, setting down the pile of sleeping material onto the couch. You can’t help but snicker at his travel agent choice of wording. He spares you a quick glance at the sound but continues to talk. “So, I know it gets chilly in here at night, hence why I’ve brought four pillows and four blankets. They’re all a different fabric, so you can choose which one you’d prefer to be in direct contact with you and the rest you can organise to your liking.”
Your eyes widen slightly, four different fabrics? The turtle literally wanted nothing to do with you just a few hours ago, now he’s providing an array of blankets to maximise your comfort? 
“Thanks, Donatello,” you say, visibly bewildered. He nods his head and places the materials onto the couch. 
“I’ve also brought you a bottle of water,” he says, unlatching a clear bottle from where it was tucked on the side of his utility belt. He grips the case lightly in his hands and offers it to you. Staring at him for a long moment you slowly take it with a small nod.
You have so many questions simmering beneath your skin as you both shift around in uncomfortable silence. He doesn't seem to want to leave just yet and you're not sure as to whether you should sit down with him sill there.
"Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" The words blurt from your mouth, each syllable following in quick succession of each other. You almost want to slap a hand over your lips at the rude inquiry, though you refrain if not only to maintain your dignity.
Donatello's gaze hardens slightly, but not out of offence. He gets your confusion; he knows that his behaviour would seem odd to you and he doesn't expect you to understand the trip. Possibly because he doesn't quite know what triggered it himself.
He just simply wasn't expecting such a blunt question.
You almost regret opening your mouth when the silence stretches and you can't help but feel like a bug being observed beneath a scrutinizing golden lense. It's only when his expression softens and he scratches the back of his do you allow yourself to breathe, unsure of why you were so anxious to begin with.
"I realised that I had severely misjudged you. I'm trying to make up for it," Donatello mutters, a timidness to his voice that you have never witnessed previously within him.
Despite his words you can't help the indignation that claws at your chest, eventually climbing out of your mouth and into the air, "you never even gave me a chance.”
The turtle’s mouth closes softly, his silence encouraging you to continue, “You took one look at me and wrote me off completely.” 
“I know,” he stammers, “I know I was wrong.” 
“Then why?” You question with furrowed brows. What was it about you that repelled him so much? It was the million dollar question. 
“I just,” he just about squeaked, casting his gaze downwards. You’d have thought it impossible for someone his size to seem small; yet, Donatello seemed to be shrinking into himself further by the second. “I didn’t know what to expect after my... ‘experiences’ with April; I just figured it would be logical to avoid you to prevent any future problems.”  
You stare at him for a long moment, unable to form a coherent response. You had no idea as to what April and Donnie’s history entailed, you find that you almost don’t want to know. It’s clear that the reporter unknowingly had a detrimental effect on the turtle’s life. “What happened?” You find yourself whispering. 
He shakes his head, “I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore. What matters is that I had wrongly assumed you to be the same.” Finally he pulls his gaze from the ground to meet yours,.“I’m sorry,” he says quietly. 
You nod your head, a strange feeling swelling in your chest. With a small smile you say, “no harm done.”
He shrugs, knowing that your words were a lie. He scuffs a crescent moon shape into the ground with his foot, unsure of how to appropriately change the topic. 
You stick your hand out suddenly, watching as he flinches slightly from the energetic movement. He looks up at you, bewildered and confused. 
“Let’s start again,” you grin. You state your full name as if meeting him for the first time and gesture towards the outstretched hand. He hesitantly takes it, a goofy smile quirking at the sides of his lips. 
“Donatello,” he states, releasing a breathy sound of amusement border-lining a  giggle as the entire mood shifts for the better. “It’s nice to meet you!” 
You return the sentiment with mirth, buzzed with the opportunity of a clean slate and a prosperous new friendship.  
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2k18leo · 5 years
TMNT 2007 talk
Okie dokie since we’ve been on hiatus for a long long time, but I still want to talk turtles, I figured I’d talk about the TMNT 2007 film again. If you’ve been with my account for a while you may know what a huge fan I am of this particular movie (of course I love the other films and may talk about them at a later date, but this one just hits differently for me mainly because it’s what got me into the Ninja Turtles in the first place) 
So, I have already briefly covered my take on the 2007 film as a whole.  Aaaand, @my-sai-and-i _and_i wrote a post that goes in depth about the emotional scarring that the fight had on Leo and Raph. It’s a wonderful post and you should def check it out 👌🏼
I am currently watching the 2007 film (yet again (HA what is my count up to now? Can’t keep track. Lol moving on—)) and once again I am breathless at the climactic fight BATTLE that Leo and Raph have. Every single time I watch it, my love for the franchise grows even more. I think this may be because I’m actually such a fan of the TMNT trope that is the constant butting heads of the two oldest brothers (oof sorry not sorry 🤭). I’m also going to talk mainly about this fight scene because it’s literally the EXACT scene that I started watching when I was first introduced to tmnt. That is already talked about in another post, however 😂
Okaaay, let’s get into this thing. First off, the score for this chase scene is already making you very anxious for some sort of confrontation between the two boys. It gives you chills right off the back. Whenever Nightwatcher accidentally cornered himself I got to thinking what it would have been like if we had seen Leo and his trip out into the city instead of the diner scene with the 12th monster. Like, was he just out looking for Raph and heard police scanners saying there was an issue with the diner? Then he headed over to possibly help, but ran into the vigilante Nightwatcher. I can only assume he was already looking for Raph since Splinter right beforehand advised Leo that he needed to get off his high horse and work things out with Raph. Since April and Casey were in the lair, I’m sure Leo didn’t expect Raph to go back to their apartment. He probably went around to their old hangout places in the city (before Leo was sent to South America) but since he had been gone so long, maybe he figured his brothers didn’t hang out anymore since it wasn’t all four of them. Sure, Casey’s a great friend, but never a replacement for one of the turtles. Leo could have also gone back to the construction site that they had partly demolished with that first monster a couple nights prior. Raph did make a point in saying that they needed to find out who was responsible for the sudden burst of creatures in New York. Don’t get me wrong, learning where the 12th monster was when Raph fought it was important I guess? I mean, it made the stone generals stationed in the area, but still not THAT close to where Raph and Leo ended up (they ran quite a ways. A mile at least.)
Okay, back to the rooftop scene. The setting was beautiful and I just— *chef’s kiss* love it. The rain. The red glow of the Red Eye Club sign. Which, I’m just now thinking about this but if an English teacher was asking you what the red sign symbolized I do believe that that could be some sort of symbol/foreshadow that Raph will be the one who comes out victorious in the upcoming brawl. In case I’m not completely giving that a whole-ass stretch, I looked up the Red Eye Club to see if it was a real place but all I got were a bunch of pictures of marijuana so I’m gonna assume NOPE. It could be a minor detail or it could just be a coincidence 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean the neon sign did not have to be red specifically. Lol don’t @ me 😂
Anyway, I love the way the rain falls on the metal of Raph’s armor. I can only imagine how much of a BITCH that rain was to animate. 
Leo starting off with the good cop persona is very in touch with his character and I like. He’s still the “talk first, shoot later” wise character we LOVE, while Raph is so much the opposite (which we LOVE JUST AS MUCH (ugh sorry im gushing again)). I like how Raph stayed silent. He didn’t give his identity up. He didn’t try to stop Leo from starting a fight. He WANTED to fight Leo. And this was the perfect opportunity without Leo holding back by being aware of his own brother under the suit. It’s sort of like a Red Hood/Batman type scene. And, it’s hardly audible but, Leo then continues to try and calm down the vigilante by saying “The road you’re on is a dead-end. Believe me, I’ve tried it.” He has no idea who is behind the mask. For all he knows, he’s talking to a complete stranger, yet he is still trying to be the voice of reason. The Nightwatcher could be a deranged murderer for all he knows. He is only aware of what the News has been recently saying. You can tell he doesn’t know everything about this vigilante (which, side note but, this all seems a bit hypocritical if I’m honest. Up until Donnie and Mikey got jobs, all the turtles/Casey/possibly April did was vigilantism. I mean, does Leo think that the Nightwatcher is correlated with the monster sightings? Is that his main reason for being a vigilante to stop a vigilante??) ALSO when Leo said “…believe me, I’ve tried it” is that referencing his time in South America? I know he “got caught up in his own world” and “forgot about everyone else” but does that necessarily correlate with what he’s talking about? Did something really bad happen in South America that we didn’t see? Did he become like Hawkeye (cough* Ronin) in Endgame? 
This also makes me wonder what would have happened if Donnie and Mikey had gone out to help Leo search for Raph. It could have been like a Teen Titans scene where Robin was posing as Red X and the rest of the titans unknowingly fought their ally because he was seemingly just another villain. If things played out that way, I’m not even sure that Raph would have put up much of a fight. He didn’t have any major beef with his younger brothers. The scene would have probably been way less emotional as well. Plus, Leo probs wouldn’t have been captured. 
Whenever Raph first wields his weapons, signifying he’s ready to fight, Leo gives a very small smirk. He wants to fight as much as Raph does. But for different reasons. Raph knows his opponent and is angry with him— furious even. Leo… I think deep down he loves to fight. He knows he’s good at it. He knows he’s going to win. But it’s probably been a long time since he’s actually felt that great adrenaline rush of a fight (yes, I’m aware he was in the fight with the first monster but that’s not a one-on-one duel) Which is why when he says “Trust me when I tell you. You don’t want to do this” he says it in a way that he’s still trying to be the voice of reason… BUT it’s also very much a threat. He’s been wanting a proper fight for a while. There’s a certain thrill I’m sure he gets when he’s faced with someone who is probably an even match for him. Even with the threat he gives, he’s fully aware that his opponent will strike. 
I’m not going to even try to get into the subject as to why on earth Leo cannot recognize his own brother under the suit because @my-sai-and-i already explained that WAY better. 
I mean, Leo is chuckling as the Nightwatcher does his second swing. It’s funny to him because he still knows he’s going to win this fight. There is no doubt in his mind that he will defeat this amateur clown in a costume. But this is the way, I’m absolutely positive, Leo acted as a teenager to common criminals on the streets.  He’s always known how good he was at fighting, so I can bet money he was cocky growing up. And yeah, it’s way different than how he was fighting the raiders in the beginning of the film. Back in South America he acted all dark and silent, more than likely trying to keep up the persona of the Ghost of the Jungle. If he acted all cocky and obnoxious to the raiders, I’m sure word would get out, which might frighten the villagers even more. Being his sneaky stealthy self, he was less likely to scare the villagers, and probably able to keep up the thought that he was just a peaceful legend (kind of like Katara as the Painted Lady in Avatar (I’m referencing soooo many other things, but it makes sense to me 😂)) So, now that Leo’s back in the place where he grew up, of course, his old cocky tendencies would come back. It’s almost nostalgic for him. 
Another thing. Leo is completely defensive for the majority of this fight. He hardly ever throws an actual blow. He jumps back out of the way when the Nightwatcher swings his chain at him again. Which is a completely smart move. Another reason to note that he KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING. He’s fought for about 20 years (we don’t actually know their ages in this movie (or do we ?) but I would guess around 18-20 ??) so he’s fully aware of the fact that one of the best fighting techniques is letting your opponent tire themselves out so you can then finish them off and become victorious. But Raph’s temper has always led him to go guns blazing. Shoot first, questions later. 
Leo continues to mock the Nightwatcher because he knows he’s going to get a rouse out of him. He spent a good enough time sparring with Raph to figure out how to egg on that temper. A temper that would then make Raph angry and thoughtless, thus becoming rash with his fighting technique. Ultimately becoming careless and in total defeat. Again, don’t get me started on how Leo has NOT recognized his brother yet. Even after Leo has eluded yet another strike from the chains and the Nightwatcher turns around, Leo still gives a CHUCKLE to his face. He’s begging for that temper to be released. He’s ready for a real fight. And Raph’s more than ready to finally kick his big brother’s ass. 
Raph absolutely takes on the offense with a full charge to Leo as he does three heavy swings. Leo eludes all three until coming back with a counter-attack on the third. Leo does a fair job of holding his defense until Raph throws a huge right hook to the side of Leo’s head. I mean, it’s enough to knock him back a few paces and shake it off. This is when his face really goes completely serious. He’s just been caught off guard. There’s something in him that’s telling him to quit the wise-guy act. I mean, it was a simple punch, something I’m sure he is mentally beating himself up for misreading. Yet, he doesn’t charge back. He stands his ground while Raph is still the offender. 
Then Leo tries to continue to coach this dude by telling him how anger is destructive. This is probably something Splinter did as they were growing up. Also, Leo never once unsheathes his weapons on the Nightwatcher (yes, he ultimately does with Raph, but that’s later on. Hold tight, my dude). Even when the Nightwatcher drew out his chains, Leo didn’t react by drawing his own blades. I feel like being able to hold your own during hand-to-hand shows power/strength, while fighting with weapons shows skill. Which is another reason why I think Leo teased him at the beginning of the fight; he didn’t really expect this vigilante to have had any actual training with these weapons. He’s probably just some punk who thinks it’s cool. Another Casey Jones or Purple Dragon that could probably be knocked on his ass in 3 hits max. 
Leo’s uppercut is powerful as hell. He shot Raph like 6 feet in the air. And that can’t be easy. I can’t imagine how much these boys weigh. They’ve got the mass of a typical bodybuilder + the weight of their shell + the weight of their weapons PLUS Raph’s entire armor. That’s heavy as hell. 
Okay. The “Goodnight, Dark Prince” line. I don’t like it. It doesn’t seem to fit. When has this character ever been referred to as the Dark Prince? The only other thing Leo has referred to this vigilante is Nightwatchmen. Though, I get that it would be kinda redundant to say “Goodnight, Nightwatcher.” 
That’s another thing. Leo never meant to kill this dude. Just knock him out to drop him off at the police station later. Leo doesn’t kill. I mean, the very beginning of the film where he had his one-on-one with the raider leader almost implied that he killed him. Because the shot changed as soon as Leo made contact with the guy and all you hear is a loud scream making a flock of birds fly away in fright. If he was dark enough to kill these types of men (because IF he killed him, that probably wasn’t the first guy he had killed) in South America, that’s most likely the “dark path” / “dead-end” that he was referring to earlier. But I guess being back in the city does make him revert back to his old tendencies (but it shouldn’t completely disregard whatever messed up shit he had done in South America. That stuff should still be carried with him). Not even Raph is low enough to kill criminals. In his first scene in the film all Raph does is knock out some burglars and chain them up for the cops to find later on. It makes me wonder what would it have been like if Raph had gone to South America instead of Leo, while Leo stayed in the city. Would Leo have taken on his role of his own Nightwatcher? In the 2012 series, we see him become some sort of vigilante but he’s got Karai and Shinigami with him. It doesn’t seem very in character for Leo to go solo like Raph did. Of course, Leo would still miss the fight, but I’m sure he’d wise up and get a job just like his younger brothers. 
Okay, here we go. Here’s that brother angst we’ve been waiting for. When Leo first realizes who’s actually behind the mask, he’s not angry. He’s not mad. Not even disappointed. He’s really just shocked out of his mind. Complete disbelief. He just walks closer to Raph in hopes to talk to him. Perhaps apologize for fighting him just moments before, that he truly had no idea. But Raph doesn’t even turn to face his brother before doing a powerful back kick to Leo’s chest. Which, of course, takes Leo by surprise. Sure they had had a couple arguments since he’s been back but honestly that’s how Leo remembered things being with Raph. He remembered small quarrels. Nothing serious. They had always butted heads. Even though Splinter warned Leo that Raph had taken Leo’s absence pretty hard, he didn’t really know what that meant until now. He didn’t understand why his brother had so much pent up rage toward him. 
And Raph is throwing all these words at Leo. Calling him out by saying that he believes the world revolves around him. That they couldn’t possibly survive without him. I’m sure these words sting a bit to Leo but that’s not what he’s focused on. He’s starting to register everything. THIS is why Raph has always had an issue with him. THIS is the reason for his younger brother’s constant attitude. And when Raph says that they got along just fine without Leo, for a split second, you can totally see the pain that causes Leo. Like, that shit hurted. But he raises his voice and retaliates by calling him out on his bullshit. He’s telling Raph how immature it is that he’s taken up this new persona (*cough* still a tad hypocritical since he did basically the same thing as Ghost of the Jungle) because it’s causing danger to their family. I mean, at least the villagers were never truly afraid of Ghost, but the citizens of New York are terrified at what the Nightwatcher is and his motives. It’s all they’re talking about on the News lately. Raph has been causing a panic without even realizing it because he’s been too blinded by his own good intentions. 
But Raph doesn’t want to hear it. Leo hasn’t been around. He left. He wasn’t there when the turtles were just sitting by without a leader while criminals still ran amok. I mean, Raph has been angry at the thought “why does Leo get to go?” “What are we supposed to do now?” And with Donnie and Mikey being too passive to stop Raph, there really isn’t anyone around to keep Raph from straying from this road. How can Leo honestly expect things to go back to normal?? How can this big shot waltz back into our lives after he’s missed the last year and a half? And how the hell does he think he’s still the boss of me? 
And now Leo is trying to explain to him that the reason for being gone so long was to better himself for Raph and the boys. It wasn’t up to him to go to South America and be gone for so long. He didn’t ask for it. Just like Raph never asked to be second best. He didn’t want someone to lead him. This is just how things turned out. Neither of them can help what they went through in the past. It’s just a recipe for disaster when one party is trying to be the best they can be for the other party and positively beats themselves up if they let the second party down. Aaand when the second party is completely resentful of the first party because they were chosen for the role the second party wanted. Leo can’t get over the fact that no matter what he does to better himself for Raph, Raph will still disregard it. And Raph can’t get over the thought of the living embodiment of perfection that is his older brother, so he’s angry with himself for not being as perfect and takes it out on Leo. 
And Raph has become his own leader. He’s become a lone-wolf that doesn’t need a leader anymore. He has good intentions (even though they are not being followed through quite right) and Leo is just coming back and messing everything up. Things have changed and Leo needs to realize this. But Raph also needs to take into consideration that Leo is trying to realize this. He’s been trying to reconnect with his brother. But Raph has put up such a strong wall around everyone that he thinks talking isn’t going to help.
Leo telling Raph that he isn’t ready to become his own leader is a tiny bit selfish in my opinion? I mean, I agree, but still. Like Leo sees that Raph never went on a hardcore training period off in some jungle halfway across the world. So, he thinks, how CAN Raph be ready if he hasn’t done that? But that’s the thing. Leo and Raph have their own way of doing things. Leo, in multiple iterations, tries so hard to have his brothers be exactly like him. If he achieves something a certain way, he expects his brothers to reach their achievements by doing it the exact same way. But Raph is fully capable of reaching his achievements his own way (same with Donnie and Mikey). That’s something that Leo has had a difficult time wrapping his head around. 
I also don’t feel like Leo outwardly staying that he’s better than Raph is true to his character. There’s no doubt in my mind that Leo believes that and has thought it on SEVERAL occasions. But with his “gotta be the bigger man” personality, it’s hard to believe he would stoop so low as to actually say it to Raph’s face. 
Now Raph laughs at this. And I feel like most of it is a fake laugh, but there’s still a part of it that’s real because he’s finally ready to show Leo that he’s better than him. This is the real fight that RAPH has been waiting for. The perfect match. The leader and the lone wolf. The Ghost of the Jungle and the Nightwatcher. Leo and Raph. 
Leo still tries to have him call off this fight. He’s confident in himself that he will win. Both parties are, in fact. They’ve both developed such different fighting styles since the time they’ve sparred together, that they’re basically strangers to each other now. They both know this isn’t going to end well. That things will be different after the dust (rain?) settles. Leo has a negative outlook on it. He doesn’t think that Raph will ever be happy towards him again. If anything, Raph will probably shun him. This defeat could push Raph over the edge. This could make Raph leave for real. He doesn’t want that. It pains him that he has to fight his little brother. But Raph? Raph has a positive outlook. He believes that after he defeats Leo, Leo will then see Raph’s true potential. He’ll be recognized as the best, no longer second-best. He finally gets to prove to Leo that things are different. 
Leo visibly sighs and shakes his head knowing there’s no getting out of this fight. His stubborn little brother won’t back down. It wouldn’t be honorable for Leo to stand down and admit defeat. It also wouldn’t be honorable to disgrace Raph by completely disregarding that he’s his brother and just going for the kill. He’s at a complete crossroads here. So, ultimately, he draws his swords. 
The shot of the two boys staring at each other from across the roof — I want that as a poster !! It’s so gorgeous. I’m just noticing this now but it’s split JUST down the middle in terms of color. It gives a very yin and yang type picture. Leo is on the side where the red neon sign is glowing bright, thus making him glow a faint red color. Raph, on the opposite end, is on the side where the shine of the moon is hitting down, making his armor almost glow a pale blue. Ugh so much symbolism I may cry.  Right off the bat you can tell the differences in the two boys. Raph has been in his ready-stance for a while. He’s been waiting for this. Leo stands tall with blades in hand but not in an attack stance. There’s still that sliver of hope that Raph will back down. It’s still early enough to put this behind them, but that window is fading fast. As the rain beats down around them, Leo realizes that the window is closed. Nothing will stop this fight. It’s happening. There is no going back. 
Per the theme this rainy evening, Raph is the first one to charge. He runs like the brute he has become, fists clenched around his sai so he’s ready to stab or punch. Leo charges in a very graceful samurai run. Also the music. The thundering drums that beat so deep and so fast. It’s such a powerful scene. 
The shot of the tip of Leo’s blade grazing the water on the roof is STUNNING. Honestly, who thinks of these details because I hope they got a RAISE back in 2007 😂 it’s beautiful 
I also love how they both jumped toward each other as their first move. This shows that they are now both on the offense. Something snapped inside Leo to make him change up his tactics a bit. Almost to throw off Raph, who has never been the best at a defensive position. His strong suit is in the offense. 
Still the differences between their fighting styles after the jump. Leo did a beautiful forward shoulder roll, which is a proper technique of coming out of a forward jump. It keeps your momentum going into your next attack. Raph landed on his feet which, may not be ideal, but gave him a split-second advantage to be on the offense for the next attack. Leo then had to block with his sword. This fight goes FAST. I’m watching it so carefully and I’m sure there are things that I’m missing. I love how Leo does a roll over Raph’s shell, and up until now I figured he had made contact with his shell, but he actually didn’t because just as Leo started his roll, Raph ducked forward out of the way. Then Raph does a couple kicks towards Leo’s head, which cause water to sprinkle EVERYWHERE and it’s gorgeous. Raph is just going ham and not letting up on Leo as he’s still going for those strikes. (Lol I took a stage combat course over the summer so I know a little bit of the lingo (but good god I am no expert so please call me out if you know I’m using improper terms)) Watching this scene makes me want to do a move chart with a list of moves they are doing and in the order they’re doing it haha. Finally, Leo is able to squeeze in two strikes towards Raph, both of which he ducks and then blocks. 
The camera angles are wonderful. Have I talked about that yet? I mean the shot of the two of them squaring off. The little shot of the two of them fighting between the E and the D in the neon sign. And even the upcoming shot from below when they’ve got their weapons locked together. So beautiful. 
This scene also really shows the details of the Nightwatcher suit. 
And when Leo is able to do an X cross block with his swords at the downward blow Raph is throwing with his sai, and the camera angles are just moving with the characters. UGH. Here you can see that Leo really is mad. The fury of the fight is showing through his eyes as he watches his brother with a predator-like stare. *frantically looks up synonyms for furious* and boy oh boy, Raph is just seething as he twirls his blades. This small segment of them circling each other (sort of like a Spaghetti western style) is a fighting trope that I really dig. Sais are actually a lot larger than I gave them credit for. Those sharp boys are HUGE. 
The way they have their teeth bared as they circle each other reminds me so much of two very dominate male animals fighting. Like two lions fighting for the pride. When Leo finally comes to a stop his eyebrows furrow just a tad bit more, almost impatiently waiting for Raph to make another offending move. Or possibly giving thought as if the fight was coming to its end. And Raph’s pupils are crazy dilated as he charges yet again. It’s like a sickness that has infested his mind, this constant need to one-up his older brother. It’s making him crazy. And the heaviness of that armor is making Raph charge like a rhino or something. And the shot of Leo tightening his grip on his blade gives the implication that there may have been a split second where he believed Raph was ready to be done with the fight. 
Their eye contact hardly ever breaks during this scene. Raph is wanting to see that split second of worry in his brother’s eyes. He’s wanting to see that hesitation. 
Now Leo charges and he has taken full offense. He strikes at Raph many times, closing him into the wall under one of the two signs. He throws seven blows before doing a jumping spin kick to Raph’s abdomen. You can tell that blow sent Raph back a ways, maybe even farther if that wall wasn’t there to stop him. He probably has some form of whiplash. And even as he’s starting to lock eyes with his opponent again, Leo’s sword comes RIGHT BY HIS NECK. Leo literally got so close to making a fatal would for Raph. And no, Leo had no intention of killing Raph. He was probably aiming to give Raph a nasty slash on his cheek. Just a warning. Something that would remind Raph to stay in his place. 
Now here it is. The locking of their weapons. The climax of the fight. Raph is enraged and is gritting his teeth so hard that he’s shaking. In the shot from below, you can see the absolute force that they are using to one-up the strength of the other as their muscles are just quivering. And Raph tries to make himself become larger to push Leo back. Leo gives a quick glance down to his weapon in fear that the thin blade will give out. Swords aren’t meant to withstand this kind of pressure. 
And when they do break. b o i. The shock and pain that sweeps through Leo is heartbreaking. He just lost. Even before Raph throws the final blow. Leo’s swords are finished, just as he is. His swords. The weapons he’s most likely had since he became leader all those years ago. A literal extension of his body. Taken away from him in an unforgivable instant. And right as Leo is taking a glance back up to Raph, Raph is already coming up to powerfully kick him straight through the jaw. Through his kick, Raph is still in his jump twirling around to deliver the fatal blow to his brother’s head. The spear of his sai is centimeters away from Leo’s head as he falls back and hits the concrete behind him. As soon as his eyes open after being knocked back, he registers how close that blade was to piercing his skull. He’s been around long enough to recognize a deadly shot. You can tell his mind is racing in that fraction of a second as he sees the blade and looks back up to Raph to question why on earth he would throw such a potentially devastating blow. And just like that, Raph standing above with Leo pinned to the ground, he has won. He has defeated Leo. Even still, you can see their expressions change numerous times as they process what has just happened. Raph still bares his teeth in anger/triumph. He’s finally showing Leo what he thinks of his “place”. Finally showing him that he is a worthy opponent to Leo. 
Again, Leo is in shock. All he’s thinking is “why” and “what” and many other synonyms for said terms. You can see his eyes flit between Raph’s own as he continuously tries to read what his brother is thinking. Then his brows furrow once more as it finally sinks in. Raph hated Leo for so long. Up until the point where he came close enough to kill him. It didn’t matter how much Leo trained to be better for Raph. Raph still hated him. Every fiber of his being. He’s confused and frightened still as to why. Just because they fought doesn’t mean there was any resolution. Leo is still left in the dark as to WHY his brother actually despises him. 
Raph, still seething, is beginning to shake all the way up to his face. Then it hits him. What he’s done. His pupils widen as his eyebrows slowly shift up. That’s Leo. That’s his older brother. That’s his family. That’s who he’s got pinned down. Who he nearly sent a sharp blade through the skull. Who he nearly murdered. Leo is still staring up at him, I’m sure wondering how someone could be filled with so much hate. Maybe for a split second, if the Ghost of the Jungle actually did kill those raiders in South America, Leo saw himself in Raph. Perhaps that scared him. This could have been the path Leo was headed down if it wasn’t for April coming and pleading for Leo to return home. No one was able to help Raph. No one tried to stop him from going too far down this path. Was it because he had been absent? Was this all because he left? This is what Raph really thinks of Leo, huh? 
I love how no words are spoken here, yet again. It’s brilliant what can be said without any actual words. There’s so much emotion between the boys after what just happened. 
And here’s Raph again. Still processing. He tries to shake it away as if it’s just a bad thought or a nightmare. He’s in disbelief of his own actions. He then starts to shy away from Leo as if in apology but honestly what’s to be said after that that will make everything better? He also looks a little to the right of Leo, but we don’t get to see what he’s looking at. Up until this point, I’ve always just figured he was just looking away in thought, not on anything in particular. But now, I feel like he could possibly be looking at the rain falling on the concrete roof as if to help him figure out that this is reality. That he’s actually here in this moment. And so is Leo. OR, he could be looking at Leo’s broken swords, which is also bringing him back to reality. He destroyed a part of his brother. He could have done so much more destruction. He gets up ever so gently as if Leo is a paper doll that will break under his weight or a sudden shift of movement. 
Leo still clutching onto his sword handles is probably subconscious instinct, like when something suddenly scares you and your muscles clench up and you hold tighter onto whatever. And here you can see that he’s actually showing that he’s in pain. His adrenaline is wearing off so the blows from just moments before are actually beginning to enflame his body. I’m sure there’s a part of him that’s scared of Raph now. Like there’s no more teasing or mocking. If he were to try it again, I’m sure he believes things could spiral out of control again. Something neither of them wanted anytime soon. His face is a little hard to read when he stands up, but mostly because he’s in pain and is showing that in his gestures and expression. Knowing Leo, he’s probably mentally asking so many questions. I’m sure he wants to talk. I’m sure he wants Raph to talk. But what on earth are either of them to say? 
They’re exhausted from the fight. Leo is visibly heaving his body. Raph is still stunned as ever as his eyes are fixed on his brother who is SOMEHOW ALIVE ?? He shakes his head slightly as the thought creeps through his mind again. As the more devastating idea enters. He doesn’t even want to consider what the aftermath would have been like. What if it actually happened. What if Leo wasn’t standing right in front of him? What if he was still on the concrete ground, covered in rain pellets, immovable. Just… still. With a single sai protruding from his head. No. He messed up. How could things ever be the same again? How could he move on from this? How could he go home and face his family? His brothers? Splinter? He feels like such a little kid. A scared child who’s worried about the consequences of his actions. He would be disowned. He would be shunned. He would be hated. What was he to do? He glances down at his weapons, still in hand, and gives a tiny gasp. These were almost murder weapons. Of his own brother’s death. So, he runs. Any specific destination, probably not. He just needed to be away from Leo. He has no idea if he’ll ever see him again. Or his family. He just messed up way too horribly. How would anyone be able to forgive him? How could Leo even be facing him?
As he turns away to disappear into the night, Leo inaudibly tries to call him back. Even after all that, Leo’s still trying to reach out to him. He doesn’t want Raph to leave. This is something they NEED to discuss. He’s not mad or angry at his brother. He’s confused. He could see it in Raph’s eyes that Raph was guilty about what he almost did. I’m sure he doesn’t audibly call out to Raph because he’s partially too exhausted to do so. Plus, I’m sure there’s still a bit of fear right on the surface. 
As Raph runs, he is most definitely ugly crying. But we can’t see that because of the pouring rain :’D so. And then Leo gets captured and yadayada. Wow. I think I may be FINALLY done talking about this 😂 I’m exhausted. If you read this much I’m honestly super proud of you and I appreciate you haha you’re amazing. If you have anything you want to talk about concerning the ninja turtles (preferably the 2007 film because it’s fresh on my mind, but I’m also down to talk about the other movies or the tv shows) don’t even hesitate to ask. I love talking about the turtles. We can debate certain topics, gush about OTPs, talk about issues we had with certain things. I love all that. 
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