#just bc those are the most common tags for this stuff but this made me WARM šŸ˜­
butchdykefag Ā· 1 year
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wickjump Ā· 1 month
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My name is Wick (she/they), also known as Wickskip (TikTok), Wickjump (Tumblr), or Hopwick (AO3*).
On all platforms my content centers around Undertale and the Undertale Multiverse, however Iā€™ll also sometimes reblog/post about a few other fandoms.
What I post and reblog can contain themes of violence, mental illness, suicide/self harm, suggestive themes, or more. For those reasons, this blog is intended for audiences 16+ in age.
information zone /į  - Ė•-惞ļ½”Ėšį¶» š—“
[ā‰ļø] byf/dni:
dni: pro/com/darkshippers (i do not support harassment or doxxing), TERFs, zionists/pro-isreal, anti-semitics, basic dni criteria (bigots). also xvials shippers, the person who popularized the ship (and even made the ship name) literally admitted it was a proship. you can stop pretending
byf: i will sometimes post/reblog things of a suggestive nature, but none of said posts will be graphic nudity. i am not an nsfw account, and will not reblog or post nsfw content, but it may be briefly mentioned or discussed. any suggestive posts will be tagged as such so youā€™re able to block the tag and not see that kind of content.
*my ao3 account is not intended for children.
[āš ļø] boundaries:
pls no asks referring to alcoholism, substance abuse, or proship content.
donā€™t flirt with me or make sexual comments towards me, regardless of age or relationship status, including jokes!!!! conversations with graphic sexual themes are generally uncomfortable for me and iā€™d prefer not to have them.
donā€™t drag me into fights/start them under my posts!!!!!!!
sometimes i can be wrong about things. if i am wrong about things, tell me so i can improve!! i never mean to make anyone upset because of something i said.
[ā­ļø] faves:
aus: xtale, handplates, dusttale, reapertale, aftertale
au sanses: cross, reaper, lust, dream, dust, error, sci and fresh
canon ut characters: chara, frisk, asriel, toriel, alphys
other au characters: xtale alphys, xchara, xtale toriel, uf!toriel, uf!flowey, reapertale chara, handplates gaster, starlo (ut:y), outertale grillby, core frisk
ships: lustblue, kross, hypersomnia, afterdeath, bad sans poly, errorink qpr, and drinkberry. im not a picky shipper though :))
tropes: devotion, childhood friends -> lovers, hurt/comfort, opposites attract
color, animal, movie, book: pink/red/yellow, cat, the little prince (1974)/the last unicorn, fading echoes/the forgotten warrior (wc)
coffee order: 60-120k word slow burn rivals/strangers/friends to lovers modern au (possibly with a fantastical twist)
[šŸ•Æ] other assorted info:
no twitter, discord, or insta :(
i have another name btw itā€™s winnie :3
every time i talk about ink in a relationship it is always queerplatonic on his part, even if i donā€™t clarify!! i personally donā€™t like shipping him romantically.
i have diagnosed autism, adhd, anxiety, and some others but thatā€™s my personal biz. if i come off as awkward, ā€˜trying too hardā€™, unable to realize when a jokeā€™s ended, or just weird/unlikable, thatā€™s why. iā€™m seriously bad with that stuff but iā€™m trying my best!!
iā€™m an ace lesbian (i love women) and fem non-binary
i am squirrelstar, nightcloud, and mapleshadeā€™s biggest fans and defenders ever!!!!!!!!!!! itā€™s fine if you donā€™t like them, just please donā€™t hate on them in reblogs of my posts or my askbox. common courtesy you know?
pls stop telling me to block people bc they draw gore art i donā€™t care as long as theyā€™re not sexualizing it or endorsing the actions, itā€™s a genre of horror u cannot watch saw for fun and then get made at sans fangirl 172838373 for drawing sans undertale being crushed alive. this is the same for most* other dark themes.
*please google the definition of most. i do not mean all. there are some themes i personally wouldnā€™t want to interact with.
[šŸ‡] links to my projects
Undertrap Sans/Milkbone Sans
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(warrior cats divider by skelos-cath)
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cannibalismyuri Ā· 11 months
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way to take things out of context <33 lemme show u some things i said in the actual post that aren't taken out of the connotations i meant to imply them with?
"they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others." this was the whole sentence. way to take things out of context huh.
"many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up)" so where in this sentence do u see me saying that they aren't good writers?
"also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down." so did i or did i not clarify that i think the people byler tumblr puts on a pedestal handle it gracefully.
also the way u phrased this is Exactly what's wrong with this fandom. have u ever read anything that wasn't be the 10 writers u idolized? i've found some AMAZING, FREAKISHLY TALENTED, SWEET AND ALL-ROUND LOVELY writers in fandom whom i never would've found if i didn't Specifically try to broaden my horizons. the way you phrased this implies that there is simply nobody who compares to the writers with most engagement and like... how would u know? isn't this exactly the kind of behavior i was saying was Not It? ur putting them on a pedestal and refusing to acknowledge other people, no matter how talented they may or may not be. i'm not saying everybody is an amazing writer right off the bat and that these writers aren't amazing; i'm saying that others may be just as good. i know Several amazing writers eho dont get half the recognition as mediocre writers in other fandoms (NOT! TALKING! ABT! BYLER! HERE!) based on luck and when exactly they post. u guys will never branch out and Try to support these other fic writers who are helping keep this fandom alive and contributing Beautiful fics and then say that the tag is dying just bc UR personal favorite creators aren't creating as much. this doesn't in any way diminish the obvious prowess and skill of the Big writers, bc they're amazing writers and people, but u suggesting that nobody else even comes close? this is NOT nyt bestsellers this is FANDOM. its common courtesy to atleast respect people who write these fics for free and if u can't provide basic respect by trashing others' writing that u haven't even read bc its not one of the Big writer's writing... ur part of the problem.
and im going to say it for the last Fucking time. dont bring my fics or engagement into this. im speaking for so many other people and im trying to demand support for Everyone. this was never just abt me. i said this previously too, but i made a whole ass EVENT to shine light on less popular writers. bylerficrecweek was made for a reason. if it was just abt me and my engagement i never would've wholeheartedly put my whole heart into that project. and don't u Fucking dare insult my writing. "maybe you're not as good at it as you think"? im fucking tired of u coming on my blog, claiming im saying a bunch of BULLSHIT and recontextualizing everything i say and insulting my writing on top of that. you won't see this bc ive blocked u now but. im genuinely so fucking tired. im turning off anon. clearly who ever is sending these has a problem with me personally; so say it with your whole pussy to my face now. ok thx and im Really Fucking Tired please read the post for what its meant to be before mindlessly accusing me of shit.
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piraytoro Ā· 2 years
Okay so I havenā€™t talked outside of like tags and stuff about racism in the MCR fandom bc itā€™s honestly draining and sometimes triggering for me but I did want to talk about like. A trend Iā€™ve been seeing in the way people talk about Ray. And this isnā€™t a callout for any specific people, I honestly donā€™t remember where a lot of these examples even came from, theyā€™re just things that kind of stuck with me bc they made me uncomfortable.
Anyway, thereā€™s been kind of a trend with people calling Ray dumb? Whether itā€™s for the crypto thing or for his poetry or his lyrics, Iā€™ve just seen it happening a lot, even within circles of people who love Ray Toro! And I get that calling fictional characters dumb without meaning it is just a part of fandom culture, but this is a real person and honestly it feels like sometimes people kind of do mean it. Generally making fun of his spelling and writing rubs me the wrong way because there is a definite disparity in literacy support and education between Latine peopleā€”ESPECIALLY those who are (probably) neurodivergentā€”and white people in this country that has nothing to do with intelligence and ability, it has to do with racism.
And like. We all know Ray has suffered from self esteem issues in the past. He bluntly stated he didnā€™t like how he looked, has said he didnā€™t think he had a good voice, and he demurs whenever Gerard says heā€™s the best guitarist ever. But he is so wrong on all counts! And heā€™s super intelligent and widely knowledgeable about a ton of things! If anything, the only issue with his lyrics is that heā€™s trying too hard bc HE DOESNT THINK HEā€™S GOOD AT WRITING. Like We Save is literally amazing lyrically, heā€™s contributed lyrically to a ton of MCR songs, most notably Early Sunsets, and people are saying things like ā€œoh he canā€™t writeā€ as if that mentality isnā€™t literally the issue in the first place. Itā€™s a common problem with people who arenā€™t confident in their writing abilities to try too hard to Sound Poetic, but poetry/lyricism is so much about creating a feeling and an experience that trying too hard doesnā€™t translate well. When he goes for very direct and specific visuals/sensory experiences, his lyrics are actually really good.
And the thing is that the people who are saying these things just arenā€™t thinking about the implications because they donā€™t have to. Because most people just arenā€™t fully, viscerally aware of how insidious these prejudices are. But when you say that Ray is ā€œthe only true himbo in the band bc heā€™s kind of dumbā€ or whatever, just remember that what youā€™re implying by that is ā€œout of these four guys, the only dumb one is the only one whoā€™s not white.ā€
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barananduen-blog Ā· 10 months
Top Nine TV Shows tag game
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Was invited to do this by @lovesickfolly I'm going to do it with cdramas, bc that's what I'm into lately, but if anyone wants to do this, you can do it with any kind of show.
My top nine cdramas, in no particular order...
Before I begin, I should probably point out that I'm more "plot" over "ship." I like ships, but usually as a means to showing character depth; they're not the thing I tend to focus on the most.
What these nine have in common is:
good plot and writing - not just the plot, but the storytelling
3D characters who are also likeable
hooked my attention - my mind didn't wander while watching, AND I wanted to watch more than one episode in a row
I'm going to include another indicator, too. If it "got" me good enough to make me make fanart: šŸŽØlol I mean, I'm SLOW. If I was willing to dedicate days/weeks to make a drawing out of it, that's SOMETHING. lmao
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1 - Word of HonoršŸŽØ
Martial arts adventures (+ a steampunk sect), BL.
This was the first cdrama I watched, and I loved it and it still has a special place in my heart. I rewatched along later with @ginsoakedgirl80 and it was as enjoyable to watch the 2nd time as it was the 1st.
Awesome story and characters, beautiful scenery. And it gave me my first two favorite drama actors.šŸ˜†*cough* My fav characters were, in order: Ye Baiyi and the Scorpion King. My fav actors, the same two, but reversed; I like comedians, OK? XD
Just a word of advice to anyone planning to try this: I don't know why the opening scenes character-dump on you; most of those people aren't even that important. Just learn Prince Jin and Zhou Zishu (a few others will show up later, but you can learn them then), and then start learning names only once Zhou Zishu becomes a homeless drunk man.
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2 - The Taoism Grandmaster (technically, I have a drawing WIP, but it'll probably stay a WIP)
If the Triwizard Tournament from Harry Potter and a Final Fantasy video game had a child in ancient China, you'd get this, complete with items shop before boss battles (the store ox is so cute!).
No but look, this is like my gremlin child. I'm not a fast watcher, but this is the only one which I binged so many episodes in a row, that it made me lose track of time, and before I knew it, it was past 2am on a weeknight and I had work the next day. I may have made it to 4am one of those nights; I don't remember. After it happened twice, I had to set an alarm. Have also watched twice+
Yes, the CG is bad, the costumes were cheap sometimes, and the plants did not pretend to not be plastic, but I love the story. It's well written and has so many details and ways things tie together. And THE CHARACTERS! They're all lovable dorks AND I LOVE THEM!
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3 - The Legendary Life of Queen LaušŸŽØ
AAAAAAAAA!! I love comedy and this was GREAT in that sense! Really had me laughing out loud every episode! This is one to watch more for the funny and ingenious situations than for plot, but it was SO enjoyable, I'd even watch them do slice of life. So cute, so fun, love it love it love it!!šŸ„° Another one that I rewatch whenever I need something uplifting and cute. Also, one of my two favorite OSTs. So uplifting and danceable!
Alright, those are my top 3. The ones I'm sentimental for. The stuff I squee over. But I have 16 starred on my list as excellent / recommendable, so let's have six more.
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4 - Song of Youth
Case-solving; mini-cases and the one overarching one.
I loved the format of one case per couple of episodes, so it was broken up into smaller chunks. Super interesting and creative - each case was solved in an unconventional way, which was fun and engaging. All the actresses did a fantastic job. The jewelry, props, lighting, etc. were absolutely beautiful.
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5 - The Blood of YouthšŸŽØ
Martial arts adventures with a group of friends.
Story: šŸ’ÆCharacters: šŸ’Æ Fights: šŸ’Æ Visuals: šŸ’ÆOST: šŸ’Æ
Xiao Se as the tired babysitter I love him! Wuxin! OMG Wuxin as the sassy fake monk who monologues before every fight and people just let him. I love him! (Wuxin spinoff, please! and I love his theme song!) The whole cast is gorgeous and acted wonderfully, so no sacrificing talent for looks; these people had both in spades. The supporting cast, too. OMG Baily Dongjun and the thunder guy!šŸ˜ It had funny moments. Mr. Sikong! The fights were SO creative... how many ways can you design a martial arts fight?? Way more than I thought! No two were similar; it was amazing, the creativity.
As an artist, I really enjoyed the cinematography... the scenery, lighting!! composition, all absolutely gorgeous. Those shots of Xiao Se with soft backlighting? Chef's kiss. And, as a photographer, I know they're not as easy to achieve as it looks. Alright, this one got 2 paragraphs already; need to move on, but watch if you haven't. It's on YouTube.
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6 - Till the End of the Moon
Doomed love fantasy; watch them struggle against themselves and their destiny.
THIS IS SO GOOD!! The story is great, excellent plot and pacing. Characters are 3D and always surprising. Gorgeous costumes (Tantai Jin's especially! And the clam clan makeup!), sets, and special effects. THE SOUNDTRACK IS EMBEDDED IN MY BRAIN IT'S SO GOOD (šŸŽ¶favs: "Use my Body as a Shield" or whatever it's called, I keep seeing different translated titles for it; "Reborn" instrumental; and "Holding on to a Thought" instrumental).
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7 - The Blue Whisper
Fantasy romance and adventure. Merman. Animal-spirit people. Angst, treason, and undying hope.
Gosh this drama is so beautiful. This, Till the End of the Moon, and Blood of Youth are up there as the top 3 visuals in dramas I've completed (there are others that have stunned me visually, but haven't been able to watch in full). Excellent story, too. It's a tearjerker, but it's SO GOOD!
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8 - My Uncanny Destiny
Romcom. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Lots of fun. Very enjoyable and bingeable.
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9 - Guardian, the one with Bai Yu and Zhu Yi Long
Modern urban superpowers type of thing, which is a genre I like, and the story is so good! By Priest, the same author for the Word of Honor novel. Never a dull moment. Tearjerker warning, but so good. Excellent theme song, too, btw. (I don't have any screencaps that aren't a spoiler, so that's what this is XD)
I ran out of slots, but I'll list the other seven in my Excellent and Recommendable list. Order is just as I watched them:
The Untamed
Legend of Fei
A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College
Be Reborn (modern, heist/police)
The Romance of Tiger and Rose
A Familiar Stranger (mini-drama; watch the movie version)
Reset (modern, action, investigation)
PS: I've been here one month, and have done two tag games and they both had the number "9" in them; is this a tumblr thing?
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capriciouscaprine Ā· 2 months
good morning!!!!! I had good number news this morning!!! lotsssss of numbers below, just fyi
I haven't really talked about my goals or current numbers on here, in part bc I was worried that if that was one of the first things I posted, whatever flagging bot gets used on here (I know, it's mostly crusaders who go thru the tags and mass repo blogs that gets us distapeared) would see those things and I'd be on their no-fly list immediately
plus, there's something to be said for the fear of saying something out loud, when I've not been the sort of person to stick to hobbies and things before
last week, I hit a goal of $125.4 (iirc), which means I hit a simultaneous goal of a 'healthy' -$5/month for 15 months straight, for a total of -$75.00 from my starting balance of $200.00
which, I honestly was having trouble being excited about hitting that goal bc of our common habit of rounding up, so any decimals next to that number it feel like I hadn't actually hit it, and I had worked REALLY HARD to get there, including a multi-mile treadmill walk and everything
my check in day is monday (start the week off informed!); on tuesday the monthly obnoxiousness started, and most of us who experience that will skip check in days that are close to it bc it messes with our bodies so much, so our measurements will be inaccurate
then, last week was spring break for my internship, but it's only two days a week, so I spent two days last week almost entirely sitting at my computer, working on my course work
meanwhile, in the same week, I clocked THEE MOST hours at my almost entirely outdoor, moderately physical job in about six months aka since about mid-fall, as late fall thru early spring is our slow season and things are now picking back up; I spent the week planting seedlings, repairing fences, running around after babies, and doing deeper cleaning now that things are warmer and deep bedding isn't so much of a priority
which, I spent last summer consistently dropping without thinking too much about it, tbh, and I'm pretty sure now that it's bc of this job (there was other stuff like switching from regular ice cream to halo top, etc, but on the whole I wasn't doing things like counting and I hadn't even made this blog yet)
and for meals this week, I seemed to average just about 1k; some days were higher and others were lower, some days I felt like an unwilling black hole and others I was just... fine after eating a small lunch/dinner (I keep weird hours, it was the final meal of the day for me, idk); plus, no semi-fraught Easter lunch with my family
that brings us to today's check in
officially, for realsies, under that $125.00 goal, and also the amount I claimed on my drivers license bc I thought it was funny and it was only a little lower than my actual amount BEFORE UNIVERSITY, AND very genuinely really close to a secret goal I've had since I heard it as a song lyric in 11th grade: $120.00
I know, it's such a silly thing to base a goal off of, and really highlights just how pervasive unrealistic body standards are, that some man stated it as the measure of a fictional grown woman he was writing about who you KNOW he envisioned as being 'curvy' and taller than a literal child
but I'm still gonna hit it
and yep, I'm once of those people who have reduced their goals over time; you think a number sounds really low, and then you find out how much people who look the way you want to measure in at, and realize that if that's where you wanna be, this number isn't going to have you looking like that unless it's mostly muscle, and I'm for sure not mostly muscle
anyways, introspection on societal pressures out of the way, this morning's breakfast was a 1/3 of a cup of egg substitute (50), two low f 'canadian bacon' slices (20 each for 40 together), a slice of lite toast (45) with lite country crock spread (about 1/2 a tblsp, so half of 35), and my coffee (25), so that's a relatively high f and protein breakfast for just under 200 (and of course we round up to the bigger whole number!)
I was hoping to feel satiated from that, but it's not quite hitting like yesterday's grilled cheese did; ah, well, just one more data point to take note of!
now, fingers crossed I can finish this presentation before work this morning!!!
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Whump Intro
Hi, hello!Ā 
Um, Iā€™ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesnā€™t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I donā€™t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? šŸ˜‚)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to @i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send itā€¦ oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! šŸ†šŸŽ‰šŸ’œ
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog šŸ‘€ šŸ˜‚ but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by @whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic šŸ˜‚
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut šŸ¤£
I tend to use emojis excessively, but donā€™t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means Iā€™m 18+, obviously).
Iā€™m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didnā€™t find that out until earlier this year, so Iā€™m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc Iā€™m tired of that shit.Ā 
Erm, alsoā€¦ fuck is my favorite word. If you donā€™t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you.Ā 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If Iā€™m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that Iā€™m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what Iā€™ve seen in this community, Iā€™ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and itā€™s nice to:
1. know what to call it šŸ„²
2. find someplace where I donā€™t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
Iā€™m super nervous to post on here, but thatā€™s what Iā€™m here for, soā€¦ deep breaths šŸ˜¶
*Fantasy whumpĀ 
Magic w/ consequences
Emotional whump/angstĀ 
Defiant whumpee
Breaking whumpee to the point of hopeless despair before building them back up again
Revenge against whumperĀ 
Creepy/intimate whumperĀ 
Named charactersĀ 
Recovery arcs, bonus points for romance <3
Eventual Happy endings after copious amounts of suffering
I write what I like, btw. I have written explicit romance previously, but Iā€™m not sure if I will here.
I will try to be diligent with my warnings, but as those are new for me as well, I may miss some. Please let me know if I do and I will fix it! (within reason, don't ask me to tag something like sadness. that's a typical emotion. extremes like depression, yes. sadness, no.)
* Disclaimer: I will only ever write fantasy. I prefer to read fantasy as well, but I have made exceptions when I get the tropes I want :DĀ 
Iā€™m willing to try most anything once.Ā 
In general though, I tend to avoid cannibalism, major character death, hard-core conditioning, whumper redemptions, bad caretakersĀ 
Iā€™m excited to join the community here and looking forward to participating in Whumptober! I have no idea how well Iā€™ll keep up since I only decided to write for it 3 days before the event, but Iā€™m willing to try šŸ˜…
Even if I canā€™t keep up during October's events, I do plan to finish the storyline and there will be a happy end :DĀ Ā 
Fuck, this got long. Sorry!!!
See you all around! šŸ’œ
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snaillock Ā· 9 months
noo, bc i fucking feel yall. bc a fic i read thr other day?!? "gn!reader" the next line is "reader could arguable be considered afab" and then out of no where the fic uses female anatomy terms??? the reader is not "arguably" afab. it is afab, and a warning tag like "afab!reader, but no pronouns used" would have been a better explanation for your fic.
i fucking DESPISE when people do that and refuse to put the actual gender of the reader in the actual post or the tags. its really not that hard. as someone who writes both female and male readers, i know how to tell my viewers which one they are so they csn steer clear of something they dont like. its just female readers r considered "the standard" or "the default" with both female and male characters. (finding fem char x male reader is the hardest thing on earth omg but anyways)
and untagged drabbles are the WORST at this. there's no gendered tag and no warning at the top of the post so i assume the reader is gender neutral only to ve bombarded with fem terms. even if a creator doesnt want to put the reader's gender in the fic warnings, but it in the tags. it really isnt that hardddd. all tumblr writers need to have a seminar about tagging fics correctly and stating what is actually in your fic. or we all need to learn a03 etiquette or smth. bc being a male reader sucksšŸ˜­
(srry sbout this rant. i just needed to say it)
nsfw mentions for anyone else reading!
dude yesterday i saw a fic that was legit tagged ā€œgn reader, reader is called mama.ā€ like how is that a coherent statement. itā€™s almost comical to me. one of infinite examples of what itā€™s like to look for fics on tumblr. like im BEGGING and PLEADING to people to think about what the neutral part of gn means.
i hate also when writers do ā€œgn!reader that could be seen as femaleā€ when 90% of the fic makes it so so obvious like shut up thatā€™s totally fem reader.
when people use afab as some cool fancy ass synonym for woman also irks the shit out of me but thatā€™s a whole other conversation.
i fucking wish putting ā€œcharacter x female readerā€ or whatever gender in the actual tags itself was a much more common practice so filtering would actually do something. unfortunately the only people who actually do it consistently are of course the ones who write male reader fics.
like people shouldnā€™t be allowed to leave their fics untagged if it isnā€™t 100% gender neutral. like give me some indication god please. itā€™s even worse when iā€™m going through the blue lock tag so most of it is just untagged fem smut drabbles so itā€™s like a double smack in the face for me. like give me a heads up at the very least.
honestly i should just start fining people whenever they screw up with their tags. like straight up start demanding money for emotional damage charges.
(speaking of fem char x male reader, once i transition into more multifandom, iā€™m for sure gonna start doing those as well. the lack of them just makes me so so sad)
also donā€™t worry about ranting bc im so glad i have yet another chance to complain about this for the second time today. being mad about this stuff is like the whole reason why i even made this blog
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icharchivist Ā· 1 year
was having banri thoughts lately just bc like. why not right. and then i suddenly remember u mentioning that some ppl... did not like banri at the start? which is wild to me bc in my mind ive always been ride or die for him. like i love juza so much but i feel like. that doesnt rly oppose liking banris character as well? banri is such fun character drama at the beginning of autumn and then his and itarus dynamic is fun from the start... gosh and the acting in the final bits of the autumn troupe between him and juza! suchhh fun tension. like. idk. it just started making me think like wow. digging thru a3 on my own with mostly the influence of like, just you has probably skewed my opinion of what the common perception of a3 is like. for example in my head winter is the most popular troupe which... it maybe isnt? i feel like recently i saw u mention summer might be the most popular(? this couldve been a dream) and i didnt realize itaru was super popular until like. last month. i mean if i had to pick a character i thought was the most popular i'd pick. misumi.
LKFJDLKFJD god what an ask
yeah i doubt i'm exactly the "common a3 experience" but to be perfectly honest i havenā€™t really kept tabs on the fandom per se since hh mid-2020 when i started to dig into some tags and saw so much negativity i was just :/ and stopped doing so (the curse to liking rascals </3).
Nowadays my knowledge of the a3 fandom is mostly the people interreacting with me, which already generally means that they vibe with what i post, so it gives me a skewed vision of the fandom like, are we all like that? or are the loud voices that made me go avoid the tag still here yaknow?
More stuff under cut
For Banri, i'll admit i wasn't too hot about him when i started the game, which now i regret so bad because he's my precious little meow meow hands down. He has such a good arc!!!! I know in my case i just had a hard time because i cared for Juza right away and i was still so high on Summer's development i kept comparing Banri to Tenma and going "here's why Tenma is amazing and Banri is cringefail". But it lasted me until a bit before Banri sees the portraits, when he starts to be conflicted, after that i was all, oh wait i like that guy. And then the more content i saw of him the more i loved him and he became my fav Autumn Chara. (so if you want to ramble about him more youā€™re free to do so because iā€™m team i adore this guy. please do. youā€™re so right in what you say of him.)
But so i did expect people to have my experience - hard time in the beginning, then mellowing on him before the end of the Autumn Chapter. And it wasn't the case šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ At least at the time, the Banri's takes were rancid. Like it was genuinely annoying at a point, you couldn't go anywhere without some Banri bashing fuckery, even after his initial arc, people just. really hated him. My most hated takes were that i saw so many people say Banri would bully Yuki or stuff implying they would have an antagonistic relationship and it's probably why i cling to Into the Night so much, like HELL you're going to twist one of my fav crosstroupe dynamic!!! I legit saw so many things reducing Banri to a menace and a bully, and if not that, talking about how much everyone in the dorm hated him, and it was really driving me insane then.
I remember once making a post about how i was so close to blacklist "Banri" because people didn't filter this bashing with tags so i was just ready to just, not see Banri anymore, but it was breaking my heart. But somehow after this post i got a few people coming back at me about how it annoyed them too and i saw some of those people make their own posts in a more. direct way. and after that i never saw Banri bashing again. My power (< absolutely not, coincidence at best i'm sure).
A lot of Banri bashing i saw back then were from "newcomers" in the sense that it was after the anime aired, and a lot of people were just coming in without knowing about the events. imo i think the events do help giving a better feel to Banri in general so the fact people were fresh from the anime might have skewed things. I remember a friend who was in that case, newcomer and all, only read the main story, didn't like Banri after reading the main story. Then, Main story act 2 came out and while they didn't read the events, they read the main story and they started liking Banri there (because he did develop so much since then)
And as a whole i'd say, by act 2 it must have died out a bit.
There's another chara who gets bashed a lot but. Act 2 stuff šŸ˜”. Unfortunately a chara i like a lot so this was my breaking point of "i'm not checking the tags anymore none of you know how to behave". I think it mellowed since then? and i know the chara is popular in the JPN fandom meanwhile.
else i've seen like, Tasuku having very little content from fans and a few people being mean to him when they talked about him, but it was a long time ago and i sure hope it died out. I don't think i'd say he's bashed, more that most folks don't have strong feelings about him and stopped just with a bitter taste over his anger toward Tsumugi in the first winter chap.
Now. About popularity, Winter is DEF NOT the most popular troupe. Pretty sure it plays between Autumn and Summer in term of popularity. That said it's not like any of the troupes are unpopular so any ramblings about each Troupe would be meet with pleased reactions from the fandom, so it is harder to gauge that but yeah.
Troupewise something i noticed is that i think Summer is the most popular in term of GROUP, while Autumn is the most popular in term of Individuals. So a lot of people liked Summer specifically for their dynamic and how each of those charas played out each other more than individually liking each of them, while for Autumn it was, they liked all of them strongly! not specifically for their dynamic, though of course it plays a part, but as individuals. I mention it because i think it was the key difference in rank up in why i think Summer plays were okay to rank up to while Autumn were a nightmare. (that said that can also be "blamed" on "fans gravitate around characters that have elements they have as well" or something which means Autumn fans were more likely to be competitive and stubborn in a way Summer were more mellow.)
Itaru is definitely the most popular character of the whole game, period. It's not even a competition at this point it's so funny. when the EN server was live, anytime Itaru had a rank up card was a bloodbath (< survivor of Kniroun ranking up at 0.2%. Didn't sleep normally for the whole duration of the event it was so much.).
By the end of the server things were dying out a bit but still in general you could get a vague idea of popularity by how wild the rankings could be. For instance the fact Tasuku's ranking was a breeze without even trying was indicative of how he's not that popular.
In general i've noticed, at the time at least, that Winter ranks up were rather easy. I've ranked up for a few of Summer and i didn't see much of a problem otherwise*. Spring was really chill unless Itaru was in rank up. Autumn was THE Bloodbath. There were Autumn Stans organziation all over, the appp SYSTEMATICALLY broke EVERYTIME Autumn was around, it was always much more challenging, so yeah man.
Misumi* is probably the one i'd consider the second most popular character of the game, pretty much.
(*The funny thing is that Misumi got his lead play very early in the server's history, and i know i ranked up for him then and i didn't think it was too hard. In retrospect i'm sure it has more to do with the fact the game didn't have as many people playing it, than it had to do with popularity, so my word on Summer not being a problem is based on weird stats)
A while ago, for the Taiwanese server, there was a special set of cards in term of popularity on this server. Itaru got a SSR, Masumi got a SR, and Misumi got a R.
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Masumi is in a weird position because i'd say he's fairly unpopular in the EN server, while he's popular in the JPN and Taiwanese server. Honestly i'm assuming he's especially popular with the teen audience.
The first Cross-troupe's play was involving the most popular character of each troupe, by a poll being made by the JPN server. The leads were Itaru and Banri, then Misumi as a secondary character and Tsumugi as a more support character.
Meaning at the time, this was the order of the 4 most popular characters of the game.
When the mixed troupe event came to the English server, i remember a poll circulating on tumblr and likely twitter as well, trying to see if the EN Server had different favorites. Itaru still came on top, Misumi followed closely afterward. For Autumn, it was Juza and Taichi that were on the top of the Autumn poll, not Banri, and for Winter, i think it was still Tsumugi but Homare was very close behind.
So that was the popularity at least back then, god knows opinions now.
I've seen Homare be extremely popular on tumblr for sure. I have no doubt in Juza's popularity as well.
I saw a lot of Taichi fan going "Taichi is underappreciated" but i saw so many of them i was kinda just thinking "bro i'm pretty sure Taichi is in the popular character squad by now" But i'm also on the other hand as i've once seen a post saying Hisoka was popular and it stunned me a moment going ????? because as a huge Hisoka stan i don't see it???? There's a few devoted fans, and he has a better fanbase in JPN server, but in EN server??? (I'm comparing the last rank up for Hisoka VS the last rank up for Taichi in my mind and i genuinely don't see it for instance) so i also think it's likely i have a "fav blindspot" where i just don't think people are vibing with the charas the way i'm vibing, just. exactly like what i'm talking about with the Taichi stans so.... (that said i also once was tagged in a post that was going "i don't think i've ever seen a Hisoka or Tasuku stan" and a friend just went @ icha come here. Schrodinger Hisoka who's both popular and unpopular depending on who you're asking. And Tasuku IS MY UNDERRATED MEOW MEOW)
I think i recall Tenma being popular for a time, and Yuki is well appreciated by everyone around here. Kazunari has a loud fanbase but i'm pretty sure the seiyuu thing was a huge blow to them and a lot of them got more quiet at the time.
And for what it's worth i do think there's a sizeable portion of the fandom that really like Tsuzuru, but i think it's just, something you get to see a lot when a huge part of the fandom is creatives. And to be completely fair, Clockwork Heart is the one event i had a massive burn out at and didn't pay attention to the rankings at all, so i can't tell if people went really wild about it. And the next Tsuzuru rank up event was literally the last event of the EN server and i'm sure it's not indicative of anything since a lot of folks just didn't want to bother. So unlike the others were i'm using rank up as a gauge of popularity i can't tell how Tsuzuru's might influence his.
SO YEAH that's for what i could pick up BACK THEN, as i remind, i didn't really look deeply into the fandom itself. I'm really good in my corner so it might not actually be indicative of the fandom trends and i'm maybe completely off base.
Then about how, i, personally, don't represent the fandom, unless the fandom changed since then: When i first liveblogged a3, it was when the server was new and no one was on tumblr about it, so i was a little unfiltered from people's opinions. when i came back about a year later to comment on act 2, getting all worked up, and running then into the growing fanbase on this website, is when i started to run into fan takes and everything.
And, let's be clear, i came back because i was crying very hard over Hisoka and Azuma and the full Winter Troupe, and Chikage, so i really came here with my Big Winter Boots only talking about Winter and then Spring.
I ended up getting a feel of what people were talking about a lot at that time, and kinda ended up talking more about what i considered my Underrated Gems.
For instance, i absolutely adore Itaru. I ranked up for him, i've bleed for him, i love the dude. But he's so popular i figured i legit had nothing to say about him that a hundred people wouldn't have been able to say before. So i've mostly didn't really talk about him much despite loving him a LOT because i just didn't think i had anything to say. (now in my current reread i'm doing it so disconnected from what i know of the fandom that i indulged in talking more about how much i like him LMAO)
Meanwhile, there's characters i love that i know the fandom don't talk about much so i end up talking about them more, and it's the case of Tasuku. I wouldn't be surprised Tasuku is really low on most people's popular list. I'm just Not Most People and you're going to hear me ramble about that hunk of a man every few days or so.
I've made my niche in the Winter Troupe appreciation gang and i'm pretty sure by now a lot of other Winter people follow me as a result because i couldn't shut the fuck up, so then my perception of the fanbase gets skewed because i just think of Them ahah.
And there is the fact i adore the rookies, mainly Chikage and Guy, but don't talk about them so much mostly because they came out later in the main story and i've been rereading act 1 so many times instead,,, and didn't talk much about act 2 in case some people managed to save themselves from being spoiled (like you!!)
So my personal perception of a3 is probably not reflecting the whole a3 fanbase really much. God the amount of times i talked my friends's ears off about Winter, that they kinda just humored me without thinking much about it, until they found out one of the More Popular Chara (Itaru, Tenma and the whole Autumn Troupe mostly) and suddenly they're like *twirls hair* heeyy Icha tell us more about a3. It's genuinely so funny to me.
and again i don't know perhaps i'm full of shit, and it's not like i've kept tabs on the fandom recently either!
But that is at least a bit of what i remember in term of popularity and what i can say is that i shouldn't be taken as an example of the fanbase's views in general.
I'm vibing in my corner, and by experience, it usually meant i ended up talking about more niche things, but since i'm disconnected from the fandom i'm pretty sure i still have opinions that are popular opinions. So who knows! not me!
So yeah that's all i can say about the popularity of the a3 fandom. Def not an indication of it by me.
and it must be funny for you since you only really have me as your fandom gateaway because well. *waves at post* yeah.
The more you know!
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hashtagloveloses Ā· 10 months
hi hashtagloveloses,
I'm a new user and saw your post about reblogs. Is there anything else I should pay attention to? Could you tell me if there is a post or guide or something I can consult on how tumblr works? I'm still getting really lost here and have trouble finding anything.
thereā€™s actually an official staff blog with a bunch of good tips called @tips everybody should know about! but off the top of my head also:
1) make sure you have a profile photo. you donā€™t need a cover photo you can even just turn that off in your blog settings. this is to make sure people donā€™t think youā€™re a bot
2) have a different username here than you have other places and donā€™t share personal information of any kind here (huge mistake i madeā€¦.). despite what some people say you do not need to share anything about ur sexuality, pronouns, diagnoses, opinions, etc. frankly if i could advise my younger self, iā€™d say just donā€™t make original posts or comments at all (if u wanna make commentary in reblog tags maybe?). use a diary or a journal instead of original posts about yourself or your opinions or comments on othersā€™ posts. even if you delete your blog or change your username, the reblogs of things you say live on here forever.
4) reblog instead of like, and tag posts with what theyā€™re about when you post and reblog (this is something i donā€™t do as much as i should bc im often on mobile and donā€™t feel like it and only do it for original posts). at least make sure youā€™re tagging for common content warnings and spoilers. donā€™t censor words in posts or tags if youā€™re trying to tag, bc that breaks peopleā€™s mute/blocklists. DO censor words/tags if youā€™re talking about something you donā€™t want to clog the tag for or attract attention to or something.
5) if you personally want to keep track of original posts, asks, and queued posts, create tags you use for each of those and on mobile manually tag with them every time you do one of those posts, and on desktop you can have an extension do it. in your blog settings you can make like your original post tag one of your ā€œfeatured tagsā€ if you want easy access, or other people to be able to see, which just means when they hit the search bar on your blog itā€™s suggested.
6) make sure you go to your dashboard settings and turn OFF ā€œbest things firstā€. i keep on the other algorithmic stuff like showing stuff based on likes as well, and i flip between the various feeds, but most of what you should be doing is following blogs that post or reblog what you like, following the TAGS of things you like, and those will appear chronologically in your regular dash ā€œfollowingā€ feed.
7) freely block, unfollow, and filter/mute people and topics. do not feel like you have any obligation to anyone. curate your experience on here.
8) turn off submissions on your blog, and turn off anon asks or even asks all together if you donā€™t want them. you are not obligated to answer every ask or even have an open ask box. you should also take a look at your settings for private messages and replies to set them to what youā€™re comfortable with.
9) how i use notifications is different than a lot of ppl bc i get a LOT of them but explore how the Activity and notifications page works to your favor, but turn off push notifs and as much as you can. followers, likes, etc, do not matter that much here if youā€™re not trying to build a following for art or something and you shouldnā€™t pay attention to it other than just for fun.
10) learn what T*RF, SW*RF, and white supremacist dogwhistles are and how to spot them bc they can still be prevalent on here and you may not realize. a lot of seemingly normal posts about feminism on here can be crypto t*rf shit so you need to learn how to spot it. (those kinds of posts spread to a lot of platforms and people donā€™t realizeā€¦.)
11) do not get into discourse on here. of any kind. even if youā€™re right. some idiot will drain the life out of you arguing with you and people get weird. youā€™re not gonna convince people online of anything in a discourse fight most of the time and you will only come out of it drained or harassed yourself (frankly this is good advice for anywhere and sometimes even i slip up). in general even on here where engagement is not encouraged as much, every platform has engagement bait and discourse either purposely seeded to piss you off, or if itā€™s not on purpose itā€™s still pushed by algorithms.
12) for things like news, etc, this is general online advice but make sure youā€™re practicing basic media literacy to check how real a headline or a video or something is. whatā€™s the source? how old is it? did they provide sources? etc
13) DO NOT REPOST ART. EITHER FROM HERE OR FROM OTHER WEBSITES. unless the artist says you can repost it (and you need to do so with credit, and look and see if they need to give permission). do not REBLOG reposted art either. you may find it in tags sometimes. do not encourage that behavior.
14) to that same end, do not post AI bullshit here. chatGPT, character AI, voiceover deepfakes, AI videos, etc. donā€™t do or support those in general but donā€™t post that shit here
15) in general, and this is something i try to tell people on EVERY platform, remember that what you see people discussing online is often a small minority of what most people think or feel. it may FEEL like everyone is talking about a certain thing, or fighting about a certain thing, but it does not represent the whole. thereā€™s so many discourses where people are like ā€œwhy do x always say yā€ and iā€™m like well they donā€™t. the very online segment of x often say y bc it gets engagement or bc they are very loud. (this isnā€™t the case for everything but it happens often for very stupid topics). this isnā€™t to dismiss important conversations had online by a minority of people that arenā€™t being discussed wider enough either - bc that also does happen. but that is often for things that are more important than like, the same movie sex scene discourse i see on twitter every 2 weeks.
16) donā€™t feel any obligation to your ā€œfollowersā€. you are not an influencer you are just here having fun, and your followers follow for the things you reblog, not for you. be FREE.
17) on desktop browser, get the XKit Rewritten extension and go wild with the settings. its a really nice tool and has a lot of good features, like the quick reblog and queue features that give you those auto tags and stuff. (also if you arenā€™t already using Ublock Origin extension as your adblocker on desktop, get that too).
18) if you have an iphone, apple store limits what they can show you within the app, so if you want to look at more NSFW, the mobile browser version of tumblr is quite decent. but also go to your blog settings on desktop and make sure your settings of what it is showing you on your dash include sensitive content (even if you set it to have a filter over it at first), bc it sometimes autoflags random shit as ā€œsensitiveā€. also play with your dashboard filters with tags for nsfw content to your comfort - it wont remove it itā€™ll just put a thing over it so it doesnā€™t pop up in public accidentally before you click to look at it.
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dykelawlight Ā· 5 months
mikalight for that ask game :3...
001Ā |Ā send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
Literally instantaneously. Like as soon as I saw them like even thinking about each other for the first time before they ever interacted I was hooked.
my thoughts:
MY THOUGHTS. UMMMMMM. They made a ship based on some of my very favorite dynamics just for me. That was nice of them. I literally am so incoherent about their insane and wildly unhealthy relationship because of how much I want to chew on it. I think it's definitely bittersweet bc of how much room there is for like unrequited shit, emotional abuse, generally terrible vibes, but there's also room for them to be having insanely good sex about it and for Light to be worshipped via Mikami kneeling in penitence for the sins of the world that he has failed to curb sooooo you know you win some you lose some.
What makes me happy about them:
I am very happy about the fact that they are having deranged worship kink sex. That's my #1. But I also think they come to understand each other very well, even if their relationship is a disaster. They have a lot in common and operate in largely similar ways and I love that for them.
What makes me sad about them:
I think the imbalance in their relationship is incredibly depressing but I would never want to change it because it's very fun for Me, Isa. But it is definitely a saddening situation. A mess. You're in love with the person you worship and that person regards you as, what ā€” almost an intellectual equal, a devout servant, an excellent fuck, but not really a person. Enjoy.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Oh my fucking G-d what DOESN'T annoy me about 99% of Mikalight fanfiction. The Mikalight tag on AO3 is a fucking disaster. I will say I hate when Mikami is portrayed as like, either a creep inflicting himself on Light OR an entirely brainless slave to Kira, and both are very fucking common. I also really hate fluffy stuff for them most of the time unless it's like threaded between scenes of total relational dysfunction but that's my own deal.
things I look for in fanfic:
Worship kink stuff done WELL. Mikami characterization that makes him act like a person. Mikami having a sense of religiosity that is rooted in Shinto practices rather than Christianity. <- This one is HUGE. Acknowledgement of the fact that Mikami is clinically psychotic and likely has schizophrenia or a similar disorder that's not ableist and 2edgy like so much fic about psychosis is. Sorry those last two are just expansions on the second one but they're important to ME.
Who Iā€™d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:Ā 
Mikami is about to be SUPER ALONE and obviously I'd want Light to end up with L. If L is dead Light is going to "end up" with Misa and cheat on her like crazy with men, which is fine. I really struggle to see Mikami entering a long-term emotionally committed relationship with somebody else.
My happily ever after for them:
I don't know that I have one! Mikami hopes to someday be elevated to Light's level by his grace and Light wants a devoted acolyte, so there's a goal and emotional desire there that's unreciprocated and hard to get around. I think it ends badly. However I do also love to imagine them curled up on the couch watching Saw II like it's a comfort movie. So that's something they might always have even if they break up or kill each other or die.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Mikami is the big spoon most of the time whether he wants to be or not. However I don't think Light is above big spoon behavior. I think he kind of gets a kick out of wrapping his arms around somebody (this guy in particular because he's cut as fuck, hiiiiii) and being weirdly possessive of them in their sleep.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Killing people.
ask game
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theliteraryluggage Ā· 1 year
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I posted 2,868 times in 2022
That's 1,899 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (6%)
2,704 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,687 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#i think i made queue up inside my head - 2,021 posts
#spiderling - 357 posts
#yoi - 261 posts
#fma - 100 posts
#nwh - 92 posts
#nihi writes stuff - 86 posts
#tom holland - 69 posts
#nihi does art - 66 posts
#ask - 66 posts
#answered - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i never thought about this but i'm guessing it comes from some biscuits or other baked goods that are chocolate covered on one side? so you'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Please consider:
A character who always wears their hair tied back leaving it down. soft. vulnerable.
Also consider:
A character who always wears their hair down tying it back. shit's about to go down.
108 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Common Fanfic Mistakes pt. I: Idioms
Since there was a decent response I decided to make good on my promise to write up some of the most common mistakes I've been seeing in fanfic recently, focusing in particular on homophones (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning) and idioms and idiomatic phrases (phrases that are often used and recognised in combination).
Now, this isn't meant to attack anyone; these mistakes can happen very easily and for me they don't really take away from my enjoyment of a story, even if they do make me pause sometimes. But as someone who has picked up many phrases just by reading, both books and fanfic, I know how quickly it happens that you first read it somewhere used wrongly and you absorb it into your vocabulary without even knowing it's not right.
So! For those interested, I want to list up a few of the most common things I've seen, along with explanations and example sentences. This got pretty long so I'm dividing it up into two posts: this first focusing on idioms and the second on homophones.
Disclaimer: I am not a native English speaker myself, so I'm not claiming to be 100% accurate here, but I did do some research and I have a MA in English/International Literature, so I do know a little bit what I'm talking about.
There's certain idiomatic phrases that are very popular in fanfic, I seem them over and over again--but I also see them used incorrectly a lot. Let's get right into it with what might be the most common.
To make a beeline for something
Unlocking the door, he made a beeline for the bed and dropped face-down into it.
This one confused me when I first encountered it in fanfic. I hadn't heard it before, but having seen the kind of bumbling, roundabout way bees fly from flower to flower, I thought that's what it meant: to make a slow, meandering path. Only it didn't fit into the context, bc it turns out, it means the opposite: To take the quickest, most direct way possible. It does actually relate to the bee, the insect, though: it's meant to reference the way a bee takes the quickest route back to its hive. So it is actually a beeline, not a b-line, as I have often seen it spelled. Who knew!
wreaking havoc
He didn't know how the raccoon got in, but it was now wreaking havoc in his kitchen.
a phrase that means to cause mayhem or bring about distruction, I often see it spelled wreck havoc, which doesn't seem farfetched, given the meaning. But to wreak means to bring about or cause, and that's what you do with chaos and destruction: you bring it about, you don't destroy the destruction. Havoc, by the way, used to refer to plundering and pillaging. Also interesting: The past tense of wreak it wreaked--not wrought.
at someone's beck and call
I cannot be at your beck and call 24/7! I have a life of my own, you know?
I often see this as beckon call, another understandable mistake, since the word beckon does exist, means the same as simply beck, namely to wave someone towards you or give a hand signal, and is more commonly used today. If someone is at your beck and call, though, they will cater to your every whim when you beck them AND when you call them.
one and the same
She realised that Lucky and The Hallowed were just titles for one and the same person.
two things so identical it's not enough to say the are one, or to say the are the same. they are one AND the same. That's how identical they are. One in the same, as I sometimes see it spelled, makes me more think of two peas in a pod.
case in point
You need sleep. Case in point: You just watered the plants with cat food.
If you try to give an example for an argument you're making, you bring up a case in your point, as in a case in support of your point, rather than a case and point.
getting off scot-free
We all knew they were guilty, but they got off scot-free.
TBH, neither the correct phrase nor the version that I often see in fics, getting off scotch free, made much sense to me before I looked up the origin. It has nothing to do with the people of Scotland or their finest whiskey--apparently the scot was a tax that people living in a town or village had to pay. If you lived outside the bounds and were able to avoid the tax, well--you were scot-free.
a shoo-in
With her charisma and eloquence, she was a shoo-in for chairwoman.
not a shoe-in, as you might think. This phrase, refering specifically to someone sure to win a competition or election, does not relate to having a foot in the door. It's a term originating from horse racing, referencing the action of driving the horse in a certain direction with gestures and noises. Shoo! Originally it was used to refer to rigged races, but it has lost most of that negative connotation today.
getting down to brass tacks
We don't have any more time to waste, let's get down to brass tacks!
See the full post
145 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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I just saw this on my dash for another fandom and I couldn't help myself. (i went with one character per alignment, obviously there are many other obvious choices.)
224 notes - Posted December 20, 2022
Here is what the sea smells like. It is more texture than scent, because the sea is primarily made of two substances that have no smell of their own: water and salt. Salt has no smell, but makes the air sting, and so all of the other smells of the sea are layered upon the pang of salt. Water has no smell but instead a comfort. We feel moisture as life and so the smells of the ocean are layered upon the contentment of the water. Salt is treble and water is bass. I don't know how I know this is true, but I know it is true. The sea smells like old wood and wet leaves. Like cold mud and warm stone. Like every creature who has ever lived in it, a churning graveyard and nursery. Like winds from the inland carrying the hot circulation of life and winds from the ocean carrying the distant froth of waves against ships and islands. Like gray, only more so. Like blue, only less so.
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home, Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor
5,578 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
rotating my blorbo in my mind like the cough drop in my mouth, slowly stripping away layer after layer as I let it soothe me, until I reach its very core where it is soft, and I can crush it.
10,642 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ā†’
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romanarose Ā· 22 days
Hello there āœØļø love your work šŸ’• I'm a long time fan šŸ«¶šŸ¼. I've been on tumblr a few years now, but I'd never found the courage to post anything of my own til now. I've been feeling a little optimistic these days, and genuinely excited about posting some of my writing and sharing it with the people out here. Do you have any advice on how to start posting and interacting from scratch? Cause I'm low-key nervous abt it and it seems like my target audience has already formed a solid community I don't know how to get into šŸ„ŗ
Wow, this might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me wowie!!!!!!
okay let me tell my advice
The numbers don't equal quality. Certain things appeal to people more, like shorter stories, straight up smut, Joel Miller gets way more than when I write Marc. I think one of my best works was my Marc X Jewish!Reader series, Seattle, but it idnt get anywhere really even at the height of moon knight popularity bc people dont read OC's esp ethnic oc's. Put your heart into it and those who enjoy it will enjoy it. I had a William Miller series that averaged like 8-20 notes per chapter but I had a handful of readers I knew adored it and thats what mattered
This site is so much better with interaction. PLEASE DON"T ONLY INTERACT FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING FRIENDS WHO"LL REBLOG!! However, if you dont already, make sure you are reblogging stories and leaving nice words! Me personally, if someone reblogs regularly and leave nice words, espcially things that show they really paid attention, I usually just follow back bc I love friends. Im happy to get to know you!
Yes, it's hard sometimes to break it. It took a few months for me to get into the Oscar Issac writer circles, and then when I started writing Pedro it took a while too but I always reblogged and tried to communicate and I made friends. Isn't it crazy we can just.... become friends with our fav writers? Obvs Im not friends with all my favs but MOST of my favs became my friends <3
It's kinda annoying to me bc Im bad at it but aesthetics help. Title, a picture to catch eyes, summary, warnings, note. Try to make it look nice. Im really had at this LMFAOOOOOO. My lovely friends have made my best looking banners. If you have graphic design skills, use them! i wish i didn't have to but it does help catch readers when you have an interesting headers and everything looks pretty.
Few technicals. Use the readmore option. No one wants to reblog a LOOOOOONG story and clog up the feeds. Use as many correct tags as you can. Tag any triggering content. And I'm the worst at this but proof read. Im bad at proof reading, everyone who reads my work knows spelling, grammar, wrong words are a common issue I have bc Im bad at typing. When I still had word on my laptop I started typing in word and using text to speach to help me catch stuff!
Keep at it! IDK where you know my work, weather moon knight, triple frontier or tlou or whatever but all those fandoms right now are like.... a little less active. So don't be dissapointed if it takes a while. With TLOU, theres SOOOOOOO many amazing writers. With Moon Knight theres just less buzz rn. If you write for lesser known characters like Llewyn Davis or Will Miller, you probs won't reach the notes of established writers in Joel Miller. Just the reality. the point is keep going, find what you like and what gets people excited and go from there
This is the most important. Write what you want. I mean it. I love writing Will Miller because he's my special man <3 even though it's a small fanbase. My series Rooms On Fire, a lot have lost interest bc its a long series. That's okay! I love the series and it makes me happy to write it. I wrote a few Miguel O'Hara stories because, I'm being honest here, I wanted to capitalize on the hype. Guess what? They weren't good. I'm not proud of them. Since then, I write what Im inspired to.
feel free to say hi off anon! I'm always happy to get to know new people. If you like Triple Frontier, I have a discord server that is pretty much open to everyone! I'm trying to revive it and you can share your works and meet knew people!
Anon or not, let me know if you have any questions!
0 notes
cj-writes-things Ā· 4 months
~Introduction Post~
Hi, I'm cj
My pseudonym/pen name is Chris Shades (cringe I know but it made sense at the time)
I identify as genderfluid and use any pronouns (including it/its and neos, I'm chill with pretty much whatever, not a huge fan of she/her but don't mind it all that much either)
At the time of this post, I'm 18 and in my freshman year of college as an english major
I hope to be a writer, whether it be books, poetry, songs, shows- you name it, I just love to tell a good story
I'm queer (somewhere under the bi umbrella, maybe on the a-spec, and as mentioned above, genderfluid) and neurodivergent (AuDHD and possibly some other things I haven't quite figured out yet), so homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. will not be tolerated here
Things I'll probably post about here:
*My writing (obviously)*
Art of various forms
Personal stories/experiences/musings
Photography- if I ever get a good camera :')
Whatever my current hyperfixation/special interest is (usually fandom-related)
Mental health, psychology, neurodiversity, etc.
And I'd totally love to discuss/answer questions about any of those topics!
I'm also very interested in history, mythology, space, animals, theatre, and travel
*For the most part, I intend to use this blog to post fanfics, poetry, songs, and pieces of the multiple book series I have in the works
I look forward to sharing my stories with you all, but I do ask that you engage with my work in a respectful and considerate manner. If you don't like something, obviously you don't have to read it; constructive criticism is welcome and even encouraged but don't just hate-comment bc I do tend to take things very personally, and please don't ever repost without credit or use my work without permission as I do hope to eventually publish some of this stuff
(Also, I absolutely love talking about my OCs and the worlds they inhabit, so please please please don't hesitate to ask me about them)*
**I cannot for the life of me recognize or comprehend the genres and I may not be familiar with every single song or artist but I live and breathe music, I love to sing, I'm listening to music in my earbuds almost 24/7, I really want to learn an instrument (planning to start working on guitar this summer) and maybe even be in a band someday, and I'm always happy to give or receive song/artist recommendations or share specially curated playlists (including OC/series based playlists) if anyone's interested**
Fun facts:
I have a little sister and three dogs
I love the rain
I want to learn sign language
I was in a horrendous production of Alice in my senior year of high school (I played the caterpillar)
I absolutely cannot settle on an aesthetic; I love so many of them so much, so my style is kind of all over the place
I have an awful, stupid sense of humor (think dad jokes, corny puns, etc.)
Contact options:
"Ask" button under the blog title
Messages here on tumblr
Phone number: [REDACTED]
You can also find me on...
My main tumblr blog: @duck-in-a-thrift-store
Instagram: mx.harris05
Among Us: MxHarris (username), tiemint#1852 (friend code)
YouTube Music: you can check out some of my playlists here
That's it for now I guess, I might eventually be on ao3 and/or webtoon and if that happens I'll update this with the relevant info
(subject to frequent changes/updates, still in the works)
#cj's music recs
#song of the day
#cj's playlists
Warrior cats fanfic:
#love over law
#LoL Secrets (arc 1)
#LoL Truth (arc 2)
#LoL character
#LoL song
Side note: since I can only have one pinned post at a time, the love over law master post can be found here
Other writing:
#miscellaneous short stories
#common tale with a twist
#the prince Ɨ the pauper
0 notes
thesnailkiwi Ā· 1 year
for the fic writer emoji ask game: šŸ˜…šŸ„ŗšŸ¤”šŸ˜ˆšŸ›’šŸŽ¢āœØšŸ¦šŸ·šŸ’ŒšŸ†šŸ¤—šŸ’žšŸ¤©āœ…šŸ¤­?
Oh. God. Help. Me. /lh
Why does it still surprise me when you do this!?!?!?!
šŸ˜… Alright, I'm not telling you where to find it, but my third ever fic. Just. The whole thing. It's cringey af and it's like I tried mixing Crack with heavy Angst and it does NOT work.
šŸ„ŗ Mental Breakdowns. Always the feels.
šŸ¤” in the latest fic, the second half there's a joke that Jimmy immediately gets cut off on and it made me giggle.
šŸ‘æ ABSOLUTELY. I love leaving cliffhangers in the Soulmate AU to make you guys wait in pain.
šŸ›’ Common themes. I've answered this in a previous ask game, but I usually use dark themes that include stuff that I'm not going to list bc I don't want to make anyone reading the responses uncomfortable bc I swear I forget to tag stuff.
šŸŽ¢ [Insert A Fallen Angel Spreads It's Wings, Wishing To Fly Away] yeah that turned to fuckin crack
āœØļø dhrjxjtdjtdjtxj uhhhh I like my writing style ig??? I don't do compliments to myself that much :,)
šŸ¦It's a hard one. Uhh, Red Means I Love You I'd say is the sweetest, but in a weird way. It's got the most acceptance ig. Or A Thread Apart.
šŸ·I'm a minor I can't legally drink :)
šŸ’Œ I eat feedback like a fish on a hook. Nothing helps writing more and giving motivation abt writing than comments and feedback. Just be constructive, tho :[
šŸ†Fallen Angel probably
šŸ¤— Be yourself! Make sure that you like whatever you write, if you don't, don't publish it! Also, do your best to get a beta reader. It's always good to have those.
šŸ’ž Scott and Jimmy if you can't tell
šŸ¤© Scott and Jimmy. The constant answer.
āœ…ļø My characters having mental breakdowns :D
šŸ¤­ not actually Unrequited Love
THERE WE GO! Woo! It's sounds narcissistic, but talking about myself and answering questions is great
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rysingsun Ā· 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 4,964 times in 2022
That's 1,303 more posts than 2021!
121 posts created (2%)
4,843 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,105 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#serotonin - 1,095 posts
#funny - 917 posts
#moon knight - 327 posts
#neat - 288 posts
#truth - 267 posts
#video - 260 posts
#queer stuff - 257 posts
#important - 252 posts
#tumblr - 158 posts
#relatable - 113 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#just ā€˜cause your genital preference ā€˜alignsā€™ with cisheteronormative ideas doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s the only valid experience of your orientation
My Top Posts in 2022:
So apparently people think neopronouns are brand new and like to make fun of them. I saw a bunch of people saying ā€œjust use they or itā€, calling people who use neopronouns disgraces to society, etc. Just general vehemence likely spawned from viewing neopronouns as a useless recent fad.Ā Quick queer history lesson! Feel free to add on if you have more detail, this is just pulling from what I remember.
"They" only became mainstream as singular recently. Until then, neopronouns (literally "new pronouns") were singular alternatives to he and she. The reason there are so many "options" is because a consensus was never made for a definitive gender-neutral pronoun in the mainstream, so people kept coming up with new ones over the decades (centuries? been a bit since I read up on this).Ā 
People who use neopronouns today typically do because they dislike that ā€œtheyā€ has both plural and singular connotations, making it a messy replacement for he or she. Most nonbinary people (self included) have adopted "they" because it's currently the most accepted by society (a very small few use ā€œitā€, but most view that as dehumanizing. Donā€™t refer to someone asĀ ā€œitā€ unless it specifically tells you it uses those pronouns).Ā 
I hear "why don't they just make up a new word" about singular they and "why don't they just use they" about neopronouns. I think everyone just needs to chill and use whatever the person wants. Idk how to use neopronouns bc no one in my life uses them, but I'd fuckin learn.Ā 
Give it a decade or two, nonbinary people being relatively socially accepted is still new. Neopronouns will either all die out in favor of singular they, or one or two will become common use and the others will fall out of use. As for genuinely new neopronouns (not aware of any, personally. 99% sure ey/em, xe/xem, ze/zir, etc outlive me), itā€™s only a growing list if people you refer to use such varying pronouns. I am nonbinary. I have a handful of non-binary friends. None of us use neopronouns. How many people are there in your life that each use different neopronouns for you to be audibly frightened? If someone says they go by any neopronouns, you donā€™t have to learn them all. Just one.
I know learning new things and changing your vocabulary is scary, but very few people use neopronouns. They are not something to be forcibly stamped out, but treated with respect. Yes, some baby queers have adopted them, but Iā€™m sure there are also people who have used them for decades in the circles that they were out in.Ā 
If someone in your life uses neopronouns, learn them. Think of it not as a foolish impossible task, but as a brain exercise, because if English is your first language you havenā€™t had to actively think about learning NEW pronouns in English since you were an itty-bitty tot.Ā Donā€™t assume defeat, view it as a challenge. And if no one in your life uses neopronouns... why tf are you complaining about something that doesnā€™t affect you?
13 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
my ideal episode 6
-we FINALLY officially meet jake. bonus points if jake is based right out the gate and if marc says any stupid shit jake sets him straight
-the scales are explicitly stated to not be ableist (idk running out of words juice but you know what i meanā€” integration is not the end goal for every system and should not be implied to be and should definitely never be forced). basically just explain them better. theyā€™re anubisā€™ scales and he needs to be freed from his lil statue still. maybe heā€™ll do that chad move where everyone else thinks they understand how it works and heā€™s just like, ā€œno, the problem was actually the lack of communication. yeah, that also solved it but that was kind of a fucked up loophole and honestly shouldnā€™tve happened.ā€ or ā€œyeah no shit it wasnā€™t balanced. youā€™re supposed to weigh one heart at a time. she confused the scales! itā€™s a soul per person not per body. you each needed to be weighed separately. stevenā€™s probably wouldā€™ve been balanced too at that point, the idiot just had them both on at once.ā€
-steven is brought back to life (maybe the gods do it as an apology ā€œyea sorry for not listening to you, hereā€™s your buddy backā€)
-the mk system goes to ACTUAL therapy with a qualified professional
14 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
would a power fantasy be called a
20 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
two options for the scales:
1) only one heart was supposed to be weighed at a time so thatā€™s why it couldnā€™t perfectly balance until steven was gone (but if tawaret weighed them each individually it wouldā€™ve given proper results)
2) the ā€œsoulā€ is one per body so even though there are three people, all three hearts needed to be weighed at once but jakeā€™s wasnā€™t there (but doesnā€™t explain why it balanced after steven was goneā€” jakeā€™s heart still wasnā€™t there)
if it turns out to be anything else iā€™m calling bullshit and writing my first fix-it fic
24 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
me @ fictional characters:
i love you
not in a romantic way
in a i want to cry and hug you way
33 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ā†’
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