#just because you're online doesn't mean you are free from ethics
electrictorch · 1 year
A little play
A modern AU Edmund x reader fic about academic rivals for @needsmth's request
First year of uni, and you already found a rival. Yay!
At first, you couldn't complain about sharing most of your classes together, since he was intelligent and cute, but when he started getting all the answers before you (and of course, he called them right), he became unbearable.
Sociology? He got it. Psychology? Easy-peasy. Economy? Wait, how come he had previous knowledge of this one? And let's not get into Philosophy, the subject you were looking forward to the most during that last year of high school.
And he was beating you on that one, too. He was so quick to answer, so quick to understand, and that when he didn't guess what the teachers would say next.
Now, he was not over-confident or smug. Even you could see that. But just that happy little smile he had on his pretty face after he won a teacher's approval was so, so annoying, sometimes you just could not resist the urge to find something to shout right after him -- a counter-argument or whatever. Whatever.
Yeah, you were not proud of that little scene you may or may not have displayed yesterday. The worst thing was his concerned look as if you were a little mad girl with no self-control. His dark eyes were tender, looking down at you. You felt sorry for him that time -- he had nothing against you. So you decided that today you were going to apologize to him.
Such decision had been made with no consideration of the long class hours that were to pass before lunch. There he was again, the smart boy. What was his name again? Oh, Edmund. Edmund and his dark wavy hair, his rosy lips uttering every right answer... You had to look down.
Coward, you told yourself. Apologize as you should, little brat, and grow up for once. No more high school drama. You graduated with honours, and you were now decided to make the best out of your college years.
The arrival of lunch was both a relief and a burden for the feeling of anticipation that surged in your chest. You walked out of the classroom, through the hallway, preparing a speech. When you entered the cafeteria, you scanned around the room. You spotted the cute boy waiting at the last of the queue, one hand in his trousers pocket. He stood straight, with almost a regal posture, and looked ahead with patience. How could he be so perfect?
You approached him, steadying your breath. Apologizing was never easy. He noticed you were walking towards him, so turned his head with curiosity.
'Hey,' he said. Low voice, soft.
'Hi,' you said. 'About yesterday...'
'Oh...' He remembered.
'Yeah, I'm sorry.' You twisted your fingers in awkwardness. 'I don't know what came unto me, I didn't mean to shout at you.'
'It's OK,' he said.
You stood there, next to him, fingers twisted. The queue was advancing, and you also needed to have lunch. Better not to wait awkwardly that long distance to the counter.
'So...,' you said, 'Edmund, right?'
'Yeah. And yours is...'
He nodded. 'Seems we have every class together.'
'Oh, yeah. For better or for worse, you won't get rid of me so easily.'
'Pff,' he looked away, nothing to add. Then, something occurred to you.
'I guess I'll stand to a challenge,' you said, shrugging. He looked at you. 'I won't let you call all answers out so easily.'
'Well, it won't hurt a little play.' He lifted an eyebrow.
'A little play?' You mocked offence. 'Sir, I'll make you play in hard mode.'
He scoffed. 'I'm all in.'
Well, it is done! Hope this is what you expected, and that you like it ♡ As I previously said, my hyper-fixation on Narnia is sort of fading away, so I am unsure of what to work on next for this blog. (I knew this would happen, but I also thought I would have new fandoms to write for...)
Either way, requests are still open! No, I am not turning down your Narnia requests, so feel free to send them if you have any! But if you just want to reach out to me with other ideas, I would really appreciate it!
Oh, I'd also like to ask you, if you like this, please reblog <3 Reblogging is ten thousand times better than just liking for the Tumblr algorithm, so if you appreciate my writing...👉👈
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pxayopina-unilsiyu · 11 months
Credit art when you use it. It isn't hard.
Since some of you on Tumblr, especially in the Avatar fandom, are unfamiliar with art usage etiquette, allow me, an artist, to direct you on what is considered ethical and legal usage of artwork you didn't make.
Credit. Shit. When. You. Use. It.
You do not have an excuse for not doing this, it's incredibly simple. Find the original artist (which you don't need to do if you're taking straight from the source) and credit them either immediately below the artwork or at the end of your post. No hiding credit in the tags.
"Credit to artist" IS NOT CREDIT.
Nor is any variation of it such as "not created by me" or "credit to [random pinterest account]. Credit is specific and direct. You do not see "credit to visual effects artists" in the end credits of a film. You see names. Online, you should always credit someone's social media handle.
But I can't find credit!
Then do not use it. It's literally that simple. Don't know who made it? Either make an effort to find out or leave it alone.
If an artist says not to use something in a certain way, DO NOT USE IT THAT WAY.
Always check people's bios, watermarks, etc. to see if they list their terms of use for the art. If you're unsure, message them directly. "Do not repost" means DO NOT REPOST. "Do not use" means DO NOT USE, FOR ANYTHING.
People pay money for art, you know.
The art you carelessly download and use for your fics or roleplays could very well have costed upwards of hundreds of dollars. Ask yourself how fair it is for you to take it and use it willy nilly without paying, whereas the commissioner paid their hard-earned money to have it created. It isn't fair at all.
Other people's original characters are not yours.
Not everyone is okay with their original characters' likenesses being adopted for your own. Original characters can be extremely special and personal, it can be insulting and heartbreaking for their likenesses to be stolen and assigned to completely different characters. Ask yourself how that shit would make you feel. I can tell you first-hand it doesn't feel great.
But Pinterest--
Pinterest and other repost sites are plagues to artists, just don't use them for sourcing art.
Who cares? If they posted it online then it's free to use!
The law cares, and no, that isn't true. Art created by human hands has automatic copyright given to it. It is against copyright law to use artwork made by others in a way they have not permitted. Yes, fair use exists, but fair use is not a get-out-of-jail free card to use whatever material you find online. To be protected by fair use, your use of copyrighted material has to be transformative for the purposes of commentary, demonstration, or parody. Grabbing art off the internet to use for fics or roleplay is none of those things. It does not apply.
Are artists gonna sue you for using our art? Probably not, because we're all broke ass bitches who can't afford lawyers, but this is like, common decency, yo. Also, we can file DMCA takedowns against your posts / accounts for using our art without authorization, and guess what happens if you rack up enough of those?
Just ask!
If you really want to use a piece of art, consider just... reaching out and asking the artist who made it if it's okay to use noncommercially and with credit. A lot of the time, the act of reaching out and getting permission puts you in our good favor. A lot of the time, the answer will be yes. Just ask. We won't bite your head off. Just be willing to take "no" for an answer.
Thanks and have a sexy day
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mistype360 · 6 days
retyping(?) @ten-of-imps
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looper isfp (or alternatively and unlikely, infj)
I genuinely can't tell if the reason I am typing more people as loopers is because I am biased or because most people follow the iiee/eeii stack...
I mostly approached your typing question by question. towards the end I make my final judgement, but I tried to collect as much inference and deduction from your answers as I could before I made a typing.
viewing beauty as subjective is definitely high introverted function. it could be interpreted as high fi, especially with the "judgement" aspect of both the question as answer, but I didn't want to make assumptions too early. what I looked more for was where your subjectivity was coming from. you acknowledged the fact that different observers hold different perceptions of beauty - which is very much fi. even later in the question, you seem to assert your own fi judgement - which seems to me to be very healthy. the combination of acknowledging subjectivity but also having your own values/judgement.
something I found very interesting was your use of the word "convenient" towards how you describe you can "switch" your love for something depending on how much you care about it. when I read it, it seemed as if you didn't really feel it objectively, as a fe user would. applying a sense of love with no requisites. instead, it was something very personal, very subjective to the situation (fi).
for your personal values - I don't type on what the value is, but rather how you experience it. I also don't believe that just because it doesn't come immediately to you doesn't mean that you're not a fi user (because values are not usually consciously thought about).
if I did type based on your values I infer that you hold a sense of duty towards the things you do, which may/may not be fi.
you want to have integrity, but from the way you view yourself you are seemingly 'all over the place.' i wasn't entirely sure how to interpret what you meant by 'integrity' - is it that you want to be true to yourself or true to others? how do I even type someone who wants to be vs. someone who actually is?
I spent a bit of time thinking about this, and I decided that
for your question on power and military - I actually saw a lot of ni. you seem to look at the past to synthesize and spot patterns, which is part of how you make predictions/judgements about topics.
towards the end of it, however, you mentioned something about how you interpret power. you stated how you believe it's "having enough money to make free decisions and have plenty of possibilities to choose from, so you would never have to be stuck in a bad situation."
...this is very, very much isfp. there isn't much isfp info online, but from the one's there are, they are practically known for wanting freedom (even more then every other type 👀).
(um so this is the part of my typing where I get a little lazy but this is just more evidence of fi>fe)
not being very connected to surroundings or outside situation -> low sensory
searching things up to find objective source or facts, looks towards outside sources -> te?
valuing authenticity (mostly within self and expressing it towards others) in relationships -> fi
the entire answer related to society was so ixxp it's actually wild...
critiquing societal structures from an ethical standpoint ("society does not work for everyone", "rent is a crime", "a sign that a society is failing") is very very very much fi
the labyrinth dream is NI NI NI NI:
unsure about the future, questioning the path to take and possibilities, then afraid of choosing a safe path and hated being taken no where. you cared more about what was safe, rather than what you loved internally, which ultimately brought you comfort. but through feeling safe, you felt you could explore more.
now here is the problem - I can't type you as an isfp, since you are very low in se. there is a way for me to do this, but there is not much information online for a fi-ni-se-te infp. you can try searching it up and doing research, but I doubt there is enough (yet), since the iiee or eeii structure is not as popular (even though carl jung confirmed it could work).
in the end, I decided that ne just didn't work, not matter how much I tried to reason an infp typing. I simply cannot see you as an infp, no matter how much I tried to twist your answers or interpret it in different ways.
this left me with the 2nd possibility, that you are an infj. the problem here is that again, your fi is stronger than your fe. ultimately though, I am able to see how some of your feeling answers could (key work - could) be a way that your fe manifests. imo, it is much more likely that i mistyped your fe rather than your ni, since your ni just seems to be a lot more concrete.
in the end, I will end up typing you as an infj. but I will leave the option open for that fi-ni-se-te infp. I know that you probably submitted another typing since isfp may have not identified with being an isfp. however, consider searching up looper isfp (although most results will talk about more negative stuff since looping is considered unhealthy).
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buriedinleather · 1 year
info about photography / edits
lol, i doubt anyone will read this or care, but w/e i have time to burn :'D
your local photog here to remind you that copyright law is merciless & doesn't care much about if you don't know what you're doing or do - if you're profiting off of edits of photos / using them in work you are getting to do be CAREFUL. places like pinterest, tumblr, twitter, etc are NOT good sources to get images ethically. even the more acceptable options for free photos only go as far as to protect their users. indemnification clauses only do so much! know what your rights are as a creator making a profit off of edits. know what licensing the photos you are using have available. just because there's a lower risk of getting caught doesn't mean that things couldn't possibly get fucky - and, honestly, you gotta decide if it's worth fuckin' over other creatives if you keep using stuff that's not been ethically gained!
( example : if you grab a stolen photo off of pinterest and use it for your edit, sure there's an inherent risk of getting told to stop using it or worse, but that's also money out of another artist's pocket. and, of course, the photog could potentially ask you to pay for licensing or, worst case scenario, sue! )
it's getting pretty fucking easy to find photos that have been taken / misused - protect yourself, protect other creatives. there's a lot of stock open for non-commercial use and plentyyyy of stuff that you can use for free on the up and up - your results may vary, ofc, but pleaaase try.
Under the cut is a list of links - places where you can find public domain photos, info about creative commons, and info about different public domain photo sites.
Library Of Congress - Public Domain Photos Sample ( Primarily older images! There is an entire online section outside this that's comprised of millions of images, but rights differ for some collections. )
New York Public Library: Public domain digital collection ( Keep in mind this also has a lot of archived historical content - please don't traumatize yourself. You can see NYPL's statement on historic content here. I personally suggest just searching up exactly what you need - for example, you can pull a lot of lovely botanical drawings! )
Smithsonian Open Access: Everything from photos of wild animals, to vintage furniture, and more!
National Gallery Of Art: Their permanent collection has an open access policy for both commercial and non-commercial use.
Creative Commons Info: Information about the various types of CC licensing - also has a repository of CC images!
Images: A Guide To Visual Resources: UIC has an entire online section about using visual resources, public domain, and attribution for different types of content. Neat!
Pros & Cons Of Different Photo Sites: If you're not sure of where to start or need something more specific than what galleries / museums offer, you can consider places like Pexels, Wiki Commons, etc.
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years
How are you? I hope you are well.
Thank you. I know you probably meant to send this as a light thing, but unfortunately you caught me at a very off time
Warning for VENT post.
Ngl I'm probably gonna come off as super whiny and annoying so if you don't wanna see that, just ignore this. I really just can't fucking take it anymore. I'll probably delete this in the morning when the shame of my actions come to haunt me right before work. Haha. I'm still working on my normal art stuff, if you're wondering.
Technically thing have been good for me, I got my first STABLE job and it's working with dogs! And my manager is impressed with my serious work ethic
haha my overwhelming need to Not-Be-A-Disappointment-And-Prove-I-Am-More-Than-My-Deformities-Despite-Having-Them-Recitfied-With-Surgery-Meaning-Theyre-Not-Even-Noticable-And-Weird-"Girl"-Behavior-To-My-Own-Detriment comes in handy even after high school ... my knees... my ankles... they do not love me...
But yeah, as far as things are going, technically they are going well!
But honestly, I just want to curl up in a hole and cry. Not that I will anytime soon, given how I've learned at this point that me expressing genuine emotion that is not "Chill/Go with the Flow" is such a Weird Thing for everyone around me... I guess I'm still processing that I am An Actual Adult(tm) now and that I'm just too tired and scared of what the future will be... and just how lost I feel about where I even WANT to go in my life.
Especially when I've realized how much of my childhood was spent me being forced to act like an adult because of some of the people and circumstances surrounding my life, so I couldn't really properly, I guess, enjoy it???? There were so many good opportunities I missed, including two years of FREE COLLEGE because of a series of incidents with one of my parents... and medical neglect of my younger sibling's ATV accident injury, which turned into a WHOLE other mess I had to miss almost 2 weeks of school for... right before going online for COVID-19 too... sigh.
Idk I just wish I could have done more with the time I had before graduating high school like 5 months ago. I was top of my class, but now it just feels like I'm letting everyone who ever believed in me for whatever reason down for not immediately going to college.
And like I KNOW it doesn't matter what others think I should or shouldn't do in regards to taking a break from school or just my own life in general, but it still doesn't make it any easier for me mentally I guess. I just feel guilty and awful and like I'm back in elementary school again, except it's with people who now have insanely high expectations of me because I've always "Beaten the Odds Againt Me", "The Will Power to Go Far in Life" or whatever of that sort of bs rather than "Born Deformed, is Weird, and Most Likely Won't Make it Far in Life" kind of expectation.
It just feels like one thing after another and I'm just... so tired of it. I'm tired of forcing myself to spin just shit awful situations as a positive thing for everyone else's comfort (oh a "Learning Experience" or "Now I'm More Prepared for the Future" and "This Would be Good for a College Application" lmaoo)
Especially with all the recent stuff I've realized, like how my parents treat my siblings and I is probably some form of abuse (something I did not want to confront for years) and just how fucking traumatized I am (haha no wonder my fav is Sad Little White Boy from TOH).
And literally yesterday, my mom's car, who I rely on as transport to and from work, broke down when she had gone to take my siblings to the dermatologist to get a mole checked out (turns out it was completely fine and normal, as I 100% expected).
So while I was at work, my younger siblings were stranded with our god awful mother at god knows where since around 10 am, and couldn't be picked up until my brother called my geometry teacher from MY freshman year of high school (and his best friend's mom) to go pick them up, and then come pick me up after my shift ended, which I had no clue about until I was walking out of the door of my workplace and saw them waiting for me, I was fully expecting to walk home that afternoon in my wet and nasty scrubs, reeking like an actual doghouse (cause I work with the doggos as my job), under direct heavy sunlight, and 90 degree heat. So I at least avoided walking then. Today I was lucky enough to have my dad be my transport, and tomorrow morning he can drop me off an hour before my shift starts. Though I'm worried for tomorrow after work and I'm worried about what the weather might be like (given there's a hurricane/tropical storm coming and all that...) and if it'll be safe for me to even walk home.
I don't know anyone at work well enough to give me a ride, no matter how many times my dad tells me to "just ask". The guilt of being any sort of burden to anyone will always be heavier to me than any consequences as a result of not asking or accepting any kind of help. Like I'd rather walk three hours to get home in the pouring rain and risk getting hit by some idiot driver while crossing the street, than ask someone to drop me off on the way when my house is like literally 5 minutes away by car.
It's so stupid I don't even understand why I'm like this and thinking about it makes me wanna cry, but I CANT cry because it's inconvenient for everyone else and I just generally S U CK at processing my own emotions and its a complete waste of time to try and do so and my stupid intrusive thoughts won't leave me the fuck alone when I'm in the middle of doing BASIC ASS CHORES.
And I just fucking resent my parents so much for all the shit they put me through over the years, making me be the "voice of reason" between any arguments between them. They willingly decide to have their fights in front of me and then try to egg me into joining them. Like literally over the period of time where I was stuck at home looking for work online, I would just be eating my lunch at the table in the emptiness of the house and the minute the two of them happen to be under the same roof, they decide to bitch at each other RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE I AM EATING.
There is a WHOLE ASS HOUSE for you two to bitch at each other and yet you do it RIGHT. I FRONT. OF. ME. while I'm eating noodles too... asshole.
Hell, my mom is literally the reason my siblings and I ended up in the foster care system for TWO. FUCKING. YEARS. They almost separated me from one of my siblings because of his autism and ADHD (and you know how fuck awful the system is to older kids who are deemed to be "problematic") combined with my "low self-esteem" and Cleft Lip nonsense going on at the time too. I don't even want to think what would have happened had I not begged my fosterdad for two weeks straight to take in my other sibling too. It's super rare for fosterhomes to take in sibling pairs, much less a Trio like my brothers and I.
Nevermind how shitty all the "court ordered" therapists I've ever had are. Literally one of them would belittle me and my problems, acted like I was too stupid to talked to like a normal person. She was suppose to help me with my "low self esteem" with these stupid packets and instead turned it into a trigger for me like 5 years later lmaoooo
Literally happened during my AP psych class, my teacher brought up "low self-esteem" and "fostercare" in the same sentence (and some kid made a Shazam joke I think???) and I immediately had a silent panic attack at my desk with my head down.
God and on top of being a foster kid, my 5th grade teacher just fucking had to OUT ME as one to the entire class. A foster kid to gay parents, you can imagine how that school year went.
Like how goddamn petty as an adult do you have to be to repeatedly target a 5th grader??? No because that shit stressed me out so much at the time on top of everything else, on top of being bullied by the other girls, the teacher even fat shaming me a couple times (when at the time I was VERY unnaturally thin, no matter how much I tried to gain weight.) I legit started ripping out chunks of my hair from my scalp during class and peeling the skin off my fingers with my teeth to the point of bleeding as a very fucking up coping mechanism that "soothed" me. The only reason any kind of school intervention was made because the assistant principal happened to do a classroom observation on my teacher on a particularly bad day for me where the teacher made me sit all the way at the front of the class and the environment of the class happened to be very overwhelming to my brain too. I remember it so vividly too it felt like this fuck awful metallic buzzing noise before everything became totally silent for a good 10 minutes.
I just hope and pray to whatever god or being of higher power out there that I NEVER have to hear that noise ever again. It was just so bad, whatever it was...
I literally still have a couple hidden bald patches than haven't recovered since like the rest of my hair and I still chew at the skin of my fingers at the first instance of me being stressed. They're always so sore...
I'm just so fucking tired. Of everything. I just wanna skip to the part of my life where I'm not walking on eggshells every waking moment of my life. I just wanna have my own space cuddled up on a rainy day with a pet. I wanna be able to cry freely and just not have to worry for once. I can't even remember a time where I was ever TRULY happy, even as far back as elementary school there wasn't a moment where I didn't want to dissappear.
I just want to be held while I cry and be told that everything will be okay, but that's not going to happen so there's no point in hoping for that to ever happen.
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winstonindia14 · 8 months
Buy Men Organic & Sustainable Clothing Online In India
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals
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UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable menswear. Our collection of shirts, pants and other items lets you look great without sacrificing your values—or your bank account! We’re committed to sustainable practices through our manufacturing processes and materials used in all our products, which means they won't end up in landfills or be harmful to people or the environment. mens sustainable clothes
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UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing.
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. We are a fair trade clothing brand that cares about the world we live in. Our clothes are made of 100% organic cotton and come in a variety of styles so you can find something that suits your style.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We have a range of options in our collection, so no matter what style or colour you're looking for, we've got it covered.
From casual to formal workwear, there's something for every occasion! buy sustainable clothing online india
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We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We are a sustainable menswear brand that offers a wide range of menswear including shirts, trousers, jackets and accessories. We also have an organic cotton clothing line with fair trade practices.
All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals, which are suitable for all skin types.
organic clothes online is a sustainable alternative to regular cotton. It's free from harmful chemicals, which means it will not harm your skin or the environment in any way. Organic cotton can be used on all skin types and is more comfortable than regular cotton because it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals that can dry out your skin. While organic fabrics may be pricier, their durability is superior to conventional synthetics: they'll last longer before you need to replace them with new ones!
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All our clothing is Fair Trade Certified, ensuring farmers get a fair price for their hard work.
At Unmoda, we believe that fair trade is the best way to help farmers get a fair price for their hard work. Fair trade is a certification program that ensures the rights of workers and the environment are respected. It's also a way to help farmers get an ethical price for their products by making sure they receive just compensation for what they produce, rather than giving them only pennies on the dollar or taking advantage of them financially.
Fair Trade Certified means that all our clothing has been made in factories where workers live in safe conditions and have access to health care; they're paid fairly; they earn enough money so they can support themselves and their families; there are no child labor laws broken—and no pesticides used on crops grown on those farms!
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton (free from harmful chemicals), which are suitable for all skin types.
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You'll love our sustainable mens clothing, and we're confident you'll find the style that suits your needs. With its high-quality fabrics and stylish designs, UnModa is sure to become your new favourite brand of sustainable menswear.
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unmodaglobal · 8 months
Buy Men Organic & Sustainable Clothing Online In India
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals
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UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable menswear. Our collection of shirts, pants and other items lets you look great without sacrificing your values—or your bank account! We’re committed to sustainable practices through our manufacturing processes and materials used in all our products, which means they won't end up in landfills or be harmful to people or the environment. mens sustainable clothes
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UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing.
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. We are a fair trade clothing brand that cares about the world we live in. Our clothes are made of 100% organic cotton and come in a variety of styles so you can find something that suits your style.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We have a range of options in our collection, so no matter what style or colour you're looking for, we've got it covered.
From casual to formal workwear, there's something for every occasion! buy sustainable clothing online india
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We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We are a sustainable menswear brand that offers a wide range of menswear including shirts, trousers, jackets and accessories. We also have an organic cotton clothing line with fair trade practices.
All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals, which are suitable for all skin types.
organic clothes online is a sustainable alternative to regular cotton. It's free from harmful chemicals, which means it will not harm your skin or the environment in any way. Organic cotton can be used on all skin types and is more comfortable than regular cotton because it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals that can dry out your skin. While organic fabrics may be pricier, their durability is superior to conventional synthetics: they'll last longer before you need to replace them with new ones!
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All our clothing is Fair Trade Certified, ensuring farmers get a fair price for their hard work.
At Unmoda, we believe that fair trade is the best way to help farmers get a fair price for their hard work. Fair trade is a certification program that ensures the rights of workers and the environment are respected. It's also a way to help farmers get an ethical price for their products by making sure they receive just compensation for what they produce, rather than giving them only pennies on the dollar or taking advantage of them financially.
Fair Trade Certified means that all our clothing has been made in factories where workers live in safe conditions and have access to health care; they're paid fairly; they earn enough money so they can support themselves and their families; there are no child labor laws broken—and no pesticides used on crops grown on those farms!
Tumblr media
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton (free from harmful chemicals), which are suitable for all skin types.
You'll love our sustainable mens clothing, and we're confident you'll find the style that suits your needs. With its high-quality fabrics and stylish designs, UnModa is sure to become your new favourite brand of sustainable menswear.
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[ad_1] I think we all probably know that this is the painting of the mona lisa well it's a picture of the painting of the mona lisa and this is probably the most famous painting of all time painted by probably the most famous painter of all time leonardo da vinci now something you Probably don't know because i just found this out myself but we can legally and ethically steal this picture of the mona lisa sell it and make money and i know that sounds like way too good to be true but i promise you this is 100 real and legit and in this video i'm Gonna explain why it's actually real and why it works how we can actually do this the right way and make money and i'm going to be showing you how to do all of that completely step by step so if you want to learn about that and see how you Can make money completely for free from home with doing very little work make sure to watch this entire video and with that being said let's get started what's going on thomas garrett's here and like i said in the intro i'm going to show you how we can use famous pictures or Pictures of famous paintings and sell them online and make money completely legally and ethically now the first question you probably have is like how do you do that or you might be like oh you're lying you can't just take pictures online and sell them and that's True kind of right like for example we couldn't go to google and take pictures of wonder woman or the hulk or spider-man and just upload them and sell them online right like if we click on this image here you can see right here this poster art copyright is believed to Belong to the distributor of the film warner brothers obviously right however copyright doesn't last forever you may not know this but it only lasts for 70 years after the artist passes away okay and then at that point it goes into what's called the public domain and its copyright has expired and the public Domain means literally there is zero copyright you can use it completely free you can sell it you can edit it you can do whatever you want with it and that's legal and ethical but before we actually start selling these images online i have to show you how to find more than just a Mona lisa on the public domain so there's really i mean there's plenty of ways but i'd say there's three of the the best ways and number one is wikipedia number two is raw pixel and number three is free dash images.com and me personally i feel like raw pixel Puts it together in the easiest way to browse so that's what we're going to use in this video but the other two options are great and feel free to use those if you'd like but once you're on rawpixel.com you literally just go right here to public domain and then they sort it in Different categories by like all public domain or like the name of the artist so like vincent van gogh right like he's probably the only other artist i know their name of but he has a ton of great paintings so you could just click here literally as you can see right here it's public Domain free cc0 image that's copyright zero like there's zero copyright so it's in the public domain so you don't have to pay or anything you can literally just free download and then just make sure to create your free account i'm going to sign into mine quick and i'll Be right back all right so after you're logged in or after you create your account you just hit free download and then you get your image right here okay so this is literally a famous vincent van gogh painting right here all right pretty dope but now to actually sell This painting or picture there's two ways to do it okay so the first way is on etsy the second way is on redbubble okay so i think etsy's great i personally just don't have any experience with etsy all right if you want to use etsy you can do it but for This video we're going to be using redbubble specifically so basically create your free account for this as well and then once you're signed in you go right to your little
profile right here and you hit add new work so right here you go upload new work you're gonna Go to your downloads right here and then we have our vincent van gogh painting and while it's downloading or uploading we could title it so we could do uh what's it called let's take the actual image name right here vincent van gogh's starry night let's just literally take The title all right like you don't have to make it complicated and then just paste that in you could probably take out the famous landscape painting and then you could do like updated 2021 hd image or something like that just to give them another reason to get it and Then for the tags you'd probably want to do vincent van gogh famous painting you separate them by commas like it said um i don't know starry night over the rhone fine art okay so that's good for the description what i would suggest personally is going and looking at other Pieces of this art on redbubble and seeing what other people are writing and then just kind of using that as like inspiration and writing your own so i'm just gonna say this is vincent van gogh's i'll just copy and paste that right there but the important part is it Prints it on all of these different things like clothing and all these different things some of them are going to be enabled some are going to be disabled i personally would disable most of them i mean you can keep whatever enabled that you want like some of these Look good and people might order them but the most important one is down here i'll show you it's right here prints cards and posters because if you hit edit right here and you click the second box that's where you can get the framed art and the canvases and that's what People are most likely to purchase when it's a painting like this you know what i mean because that just makes the most sense i'm not saying people wouldn't order the other stuff but just know that that's gonna be the main thing so then if you took any off of here like if you Didn't want cards or the metal print whatever you want just make sure you apply the changes and i personally would keep the markup what they have it at or you could try and undercut people by lowering it a little bit but i wouldn't raise it too much okay and just in case You're wondering like how do you actually get that money for that markup basically when someone purchases one of these from your shop which you'll see in a second redbubble prints your image on whatever is purchased ships it out for you and they give you a cut of the Profit okay so it's a really simple business model it's called print on demand so i just wanted to clear that up if you were confused at all about that but then once you've got all that set you just scroll down to the bottom of the page for media right here you can Select up to two right so it's a digital art and photography and then default product in your shop optimize so they choose it who can view your work you want it public and is this mature condit content no it's not okay so i have the rights to sell this product and then Save work and then you just gotta wait for this to process and then this is the page it goes to once it's all done processing you can click view right here and it will take you to all the different products that you now have for that design and if you just literally Click on one this is the product page that redbubble uses okay so you can add it to cart and that's how you can actually sell it through redbubble and again if you look at how many different options you have here it's kind of a lot so that's why i was saying i would Probably take most of them off like i said these are the main ones the canvas the art those are the ones that look super dope but when it comes to actually making money from redbubble the best part is you can literally just upload the designs and you can start making Sales because if we go to similar web right here it's a chrome extension they get 30 million monthly visitors
to their website okay people browsing and wanting to purchase designs just like this but there are a couple things you can do to really multiply the amount of money You're making the first way would be creating like an instagram account or a pinterest account and really creating content around whatever type of art you're uploading to redbubble and directing those people to your product pages for that specific design but that's really a more longer term play And definitely takes some more work so an easier way in my opinion would be to do one or both of these next two things first you can take this image that we uploaded and you can change it a little bit whether that means change the colors or if you're really good at like Photoshop and it was like a different drawing or 3d image you could like move the arms around or make it if it's like a skeleton for example or a person you could have them in a different position that's different from all the other ones because again this is public domain you Can edit these however you want but the easier way of those two i'll show you it'll take like 30 seconds okay so this is a free website called canva if you don't have an account you can create a free account but literally if we go to Create a design and you want to hit edit photo right here and you want to upload this one and it might be too big because this is yeah so this is too big in size so what you would do is you want to just take the next size down right here so It's less pixels basically which is not a problem at all so now if we use the new image create design edit photo this one should work and it's working okay so just hit edit photo and literally all you got to do is click on the image and hit edit image so there's A couple things you can do you can use filters and you can literally like look at that how much it changes you know what i mean there's some pretty cool filters like that one's dope right you can double click on it too and raise the Intensity if you want by the way or what you can do is you can go back and go to none right so that's what it looks like without it you go back you can adjust the brightness and contrast on its own so if you want it brighter a little more Contrast a little more saturation right or again you can put those all back to zero then you can do the photogenic right and kind of do it like that that just completely changes the image into something completely new and it takes 30 seconds literally okay so then you would Just download the image as a png download and then you would upload it to redbubble like that and the second way is something you could combined with this like i said and it's super simple but it's just going to google and typing in art added to public domain in 2021 or Maybe you want to do 2022 and really try and be the very first person to upload something but even stuff added in 2021 there's not going to be as many people who have added stuff like that to redbubble and etsy but if you look up mona lisa on redbubble and etsy there's Going to be hundreds or maybe thousands of people using that whereas if you go right here maybe the cover illustration of the great gatsby is something that there won't be a lot of but that's something maybe a lot of people want you know what i mean so definitely just do Some research on new stuff being added to public domain because being early or first on something can really make you a lot of money but at the end of the day all of these strategies they're really focused on earning small commissions or small profit from print on demand and There's nothing wrong with that this is a good way to earn some extra money on the side but something that can earn you a full-time income and has been able to provide me with income like i've never seen in my life and allowed me to quit My job and truly just have freedom in my life is with affiliate marketing but more specifically with high ticket affiliate marketing and if you want
to learn more about that you can click the first link down below in the description that's my number one recommendation and that's the one program that changed my Life but if that's your first time ever hearing about affiliate marketing or even high ticket affiliate marketing i have a video right here you can watch where i go much more in depth i talk about the program and all of that so i highly suggest checking that video out And that's all i got see on the next video [ad_2] #Copy #Pictures #Money #FREE #Selling #LEGALLY For More Interesting Article Visit : https://mycyberbase.com/
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aurobi · 2 years
What is Sustainable Fashion and Why Does it Matter?
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Sustainable fashion is a term used to describe clothing that is made without exploiting people or the environment, for example by using environmentally Eco friendly sustainable clothing materials and methods of production. The future of the fashion industry will always be sustainable because it cannot exist without clean water. This post includes information on how to find sustainable clothes in your area, how to support sustainable brands you love, and what you can do to become more mindful about what you buy.
The amount of clothing in the United States alone that is landfilled, burned or sent overseas to be recycled is about 10.4 million tons a year. That amounts to about 12% of all the solid waste we produce each year. This number is expected to increase because more and more people are buying clothes from less ethical companies, who produce cheap clothes that cost little but are destroyed quickly.
There are many ways to shop for Sustainable womens dresses. The first step is to research your favourite brands. Do they use any organic or recycled materials? How green are their factories? What is their company policy on how their employees are treated? These questions, and more, should be asked before purchasing anything from a new brand. If the brand you love doesn't provide the answers you want, it's best to move on and support a brand that does.
Second, learn how to repair or alter the clothes you already have. In the long run, you won't be supporting unethical brands and buying new clothes, if you learn how to keep your clothes in good shape. You can find lots of free tutorials online that show you how to repair everything from hems to massive tears. Also, consider purchasing second-hand clothing to support ethical brands because used clothing is a great way to keep garments alive for many more years.
Lastly, another great way to practice sustainable fashion is by recycling what you already own. Instead of throwing out any clothes you no longer wear, consider donating them to a local organisation that helps out the homeless or another person who needs clothing. That way, you are not just discarding goods, but instead of donating them to people who can use them.
Why Does it Matter?
The fashion industry is notorious for exploiting people and the environment. There are many unethical ways to make money in the industry, like underpaying factory workers, burning animals alive, or labelling clothes that never wash well as "waterproof."
In order to be sustainable, the industry must become more ethical and less reliant on the current way of doing business. That means supporting brands that pay fair wages to their employees, treat animals with respect and don't use harmful chemicals on their clothing. We'll have to change the way we shop so that we can embrace a more sustainable future.
If you're looking for a new brand or item of Sustainable apparel for women, consider purchasing from a company that uses recycled or organic materials. You will be supporting businesses that are good for the environment.
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oceanspray5 · 3 years
So I've noticed recently that there have been a lot of fics being stolen in the Five x Reader tag lately. This is the second time this week and it's INFURIATING!
The first time was someone stealing a fic by @anapocalypseinmymind. Now one of my good friends on here @fiveisnumber1 has also gotten their fic stolen by user @pinkieumbrella. This is APPALLING!
As a creative, a person should understand the toil and emotional labor that goes into crafting a beautiful fic. To steal from someone else is so ethically wrong. Just because something exists in a freely accessible online community space doesn't give you the right to plagiarize it!
Changing a few words, a few settings, a few circumstances and copying the rest of a piece of work word for word without credit IS plagiarism. It's not "creating something new" of however the hell you want to justify it to yourself. Do you even realize how much time and effort and energy goes into producing an original work of art? A writer fights themselves over the tiniest details to get their work to perfection before publishing it! Writing is a piece of yourself that you willingly share and fic writing is the same thing done for FREE!
I know for a fact how much fiveisnumber1 works on her fic. She has created her own version of the TUA universe and has crafted it so meticulously over MONTHS in an effort to make it its own entity while respecting the original source material! It's heartbreaking to see her so sad because someone stole their work! To taint a writer's labor of love in such a way is so disrespectful! It's downright VIOLATING! A writer puts a piece of themself into every work they create! In every sentence, in every word! You can't just rip it off and claim ownership! That's VILE and DISGUSTING!
If you're going to steal another person's work, then one writer to another: DON'T WRITE AT ALL! Fandom spaces are better off without your intellectual theft and toxic energy.
Write fic because fandom is a free space. Write fic because you CAN. I am a genuine believer that everyone is able to write with practice and that there is no such thing as "bad" writing to be embarrassed about. @pinkieumbrella I specifically remember I encouraged you to write after you posted your first chapter because I love supporting new writers. But stealing? That is definitely something to be ashamed of. I'm sorry I or anyone else encouraged you if this is your or anyone else's definition of "writing".
It doesn't make you a writer to steal someone else's ideas, make a small change here and there, and claim it as your own. It doesn't make you a writer to spoil someone else's effort and hurt their soul because they kindly shared their time and energy to tell us all a story for our entertainment which they had NO. OBLIGATION. TO. DO.
This goes for all writers who have recently plagiarized fics in this Fandom!
If you're ashamed, you should apologize and take responsibility for this instead of denying it. And I hope you all are ashamed because this is not okay. Write fic! This is by no means an attempt to tell you to stop, but write your OWN fic! Stop stealing from another writer! If you're only gonna do that then don't write and just enjoy reading fics because by stealing you're ruining the experience for everyone else ESPECIALLY the people you're stealing from who don't deserve this kind of bullshit after the time and effort they put into their work.
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winstonindia14 · 8 months
Buy Organic Cotton Clothing For Women Online
Organic clothing is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable. Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment. The benefits of organic clothing for women. Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com. They are 100% organic cotton, which means they are made without the use of chemicals or pesticides. This makes them safer for both you and the environment. Organic clothing is better for you because it’s free from harmful substances like pesticides, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people. It also means that your clothes will last longer than those made from conventional cotton. buy organic clothes online
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Buy Organic Clothing for Women Online
organic ladies clothes are more sustainable, comfortable, ethical and affordable. It's also more environmentally friendly. Organic clothing is natural and comfortable to wear because it uses no harmful chemicals or synthetic materials in its production process. This means that you'll be able to enjoy the comfort of wearing organic cotton without worrying about whether or not it will cause any harm to your body or environment!
Organic fabrics come from plants that have been grown without pesticides or fertilizers. The result? Better quality of life for both humans who consume these products as well as those who grow them!
Organic clothes is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable.
organic womens clothing is not just better for you and the environment—it’s also more comfortable. The fabric contains fewer chemicals, so it's less likely to irritate sensitive skin. It also has a natural silky feel that makes it easier to stay cool in the summer or warm in the winter.
Plus, organic clothing lasts longer than non-organic clothes because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals like pesticides or dyes that could end up leaching into your water supply if you live near farms where cotton is grown. And since many organic fabrics are made from recycled fibers, they're more environmentally friendly than conventional materials too!
Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment.
Organic cotton clothing is made from organic cotton. Organic cotton does not have pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is grown without GMOs, so it's one of the safest ways to dress yourself in style. It also means that you can be confident that when you buy organic clothing online for women, your purchase will be good for both yourself and the environment!
The benefits of organic clothing for women.
sustainable clothing women is more sustainable, more comfortable and more durable than other types of fabric.
It's also better for the environment. For example, it uses less water to produce and requires fewer chemicals during processing. Organic cotton clothing is also made from renewable resources that don't harm the Earth like pesticides or harmful dyes (some people are allergic).
If you're looking for organic clothes for women that won't cost an arm and a leg then look no further!
Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com.
Unmodaglobal.com is a great place to buy organic clothing for women/men. Unmodaglobal.com has a wide selection of organic clothing for women, including tops, bottoms and more! You can also search by size or brand name here on this website too!
When you buy organic clothes online, you can feel good about what you're wearing.
womens organic clothing are the most sustainable way to dress. They're made from organic materials, which means that they don't pollute the environment and require less energy to make. Organic cotton is a great example of an organic material because it requires no pesticides or other harmful chemicals during production (and it doesn't need pesticides or other harmful chemicals afterward). The result is a cleaner, healthier product that you can wear without worrying about harmful chemicals leaching into your skin or contaminating your water supply!
We hope this article has helped you find the right organic clothing for women. If you have any questions, please visit our website.
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unmodaglobal · 8 months
Buy Organic Cotton Clothing For Women Online
Organic clothing is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable. Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment. The benefits of organic clothing for women. Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com. They are 100% organic cotton, which means they are made without the use of chemicals or pesticides. This makes them safer for both you and the environment. Organic clothing is better for you because it’s free from harmful substances like pesticides, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people. It also means that your clothes will last longer than those made from conventional cotton. buy organic clothes online. Best sustainable clothing brand. Best sustainable clothing brand
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Buy Organic Clothing for Women Online
organic ladies clothes are more sustainable, comfortable, ethical and affordable. It's also more environmentally friendly. Organic clothing is natural and comfortable to wear because it uses no harmful chemicals or synthetic materials in its production process. This means that you'll be able to enjoy the comfort of wearing organic cotton without worrying about whether or not it will cause any harm to your body or environment!
Organic fabrics come from plants that have been grown without pesticides or fertilizers. The result? Better quality of life for both humans who consume these products as well as those who grow them!
Organic clothes is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable.
organic womens clothing is not just better for you and the environment—it’s also more comfortable. The fabric contains fewer chemicals, so it's less likely to irritate sensitive skin. It also has a natural silky feel that makes it easier to stay cool in the summer or warm in the winter.
Plus, organic clothing lasts longer than non-organic clothes because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals like pesticides or dyes that could end up leaching into your water supply if you live near farms where cotton is grown. And since many organic fabrics are made from recycled fibers, they're more environmentally friendly than conventional materials too!
Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment.
Organic cotton clothing is made from organic cotton. Organic cotton does not have pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is grown without GMOs, so it's one of the safest ways to dress yourself in style. It also means that you can be confident that when you buy organic clothing online for women, your purchase will be good for both yourself and the environment!
The benefits of organic clothing for women.
sustainable clothing women is more sustainable, more comfortable and more durable than other types of fabric.
It's also better for the environment. For example, it uses less water to produce and requires fewer chemicals during processing. Organic cotton clothing is also made from renewable resources that don't harm the Earth like pesticides or harmful dyes (some people are allergic).
If you're looking for organic clothes for women that won't cost an arm and a leg then look no further!
Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com.
Unmodaglobal.com is a great place to buy organic clothing for women/men. Unmodaglobal.com has a wide selection of organic clothing for women, including tops, bottoms and more! You can also search by size or brand name here on this website too!
When you buy organic clothes online, you can feel good about what you're wearing.
womens organic clothing are the most sustainable way to dress. They're made from organic materials, which means that they don't pollute the environment and require less energy to make. Organic cotton is a great example of an organic material because it requires no pesticides or other harmful chemicals during production (and it doesn't need pesticides or other harmful chemicals afterward). The result is a cleaner, healthier product that you can wear without worrying about harmful chemicals leaching into your skin or contaminating your water supply!
We hope this article has helped you find the right organic clothing for women. If you have any questions, please visit our website.
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unmodaglobal · 8 months
Buy Men Organic & Sustainable Clothing Online In India
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals. long sleeve organic cotton T-shirt
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UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable menswear. Our collection of shirts, pants and other items lets you look great without sacrificing your values—or your bank account! We’re committed to sustainable practices through our manufacturing processes and materials used in all our products, which means they won't end up in landfills or be harmful to people or the environment. mens sustainable clothes
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing.
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. We are a fair trade clothing brand that cares about the world we live in. Our clothes are made of 100% organic cotton and come in a variety of styles so you can find something that suits your style.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We have a range of options in our collection, so no matter what style or colour you're looking for, we've got it covered.
From casual to formal workwear, there's something for every occasion! buy sustainable clothing online india
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We are a sustainable menswear brand that offers a wide range of menswear including shirts, trousers, jackets and accessories. We also have an organic cotton clothing line with fair trade practices.
All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals, which are suitable for all skin types.
organic clothes online is a sustainable alternative to regular cotton. It's free from harmful chemicals, which means it will not harm your skin or the environment in any way. Organic cotton can be used on all skin types and is more comfortable than regular cotton because it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals that can dry out your skin. While organic fabrics may be pricier, their durability is superior to conventional synthetics: they'll last longer before you need to replace them with new ones!
All our clothing is Fair Trade Certified, ensuring farmers get a fair price for their hard work.
At Unmoda, we believe that fair trade is the best way to help farmers get a fair price for their hard work. Fair trade is a certification program that ensures the rights of workers and the environment are respected. It's also a way to help farmers get an ethical price for their products by making sure they receive just compensation for what they produce, rather than giving them only pennies on the dollar or taking advantage of them financially.
Fair Trade Certified means that all our clothing has been made in factories where workers live in safe conditions and have access to health care; they're paid fairly; they earn enough money so they can support themselves and their families; there are no child labor laws broken—and no pesticides used on crops grown on those farms!
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We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton (free from harmful chemicals), which are suitable for all skin types.
You'll love our sustainable mens clothing, and we're confident you'll find the style that suits your needs. With its high-quality fabrics and stylish designs, UnModa is sure to become your new favourite brand of sustainable menswear.
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winstonindia14 · 8 months
Buy Men Organic & Sustainable Clothing Online In India
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals. long sleeve organic cotton T-shirt
Tumblr media
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable menswear. Our collection of shirts, pants and other items lets you look great without sacrificing your values—or your bank account! We’re committed to sustainable practices through our manufacturing processes and materials used in all our products, which means they won't end up in landfills or be harmful to people or the environment. mens sustainable clothes
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing.
UnModa is the stylish, comfortable and affordable choice for sustainable mens clothing. We are a fair trade clothing brand that cares about the world we live in. Our clothes are made of 100% organic cotton and come in a variety of styles so you can find something that suits your style.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs.
Our menswear offers you an array of styles, colours and fits that are sure to fit your needs. We have a range of options in our collection, so no matter what style or colour you're looking for, we've got it covered.
From casual to formal workwear, there's something for every occasion! buy sustainable clothing online india
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We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products.
We are a sustainable menswear brand that offers a wide range of menswear including shirts, trousers, jackets and accessories. We also have an organic cotton clothing line with fair trade practices.
All our garments are made from organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals, which are suitable for all skin types.
organic clothes online is a sustainable alternative to regular cotton. It's free from harmful chemicals, which means it will not harm your skin or the environment in any way. Organic cotton can be used on all skin types and is more comfortable than regular cotton because it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals that can dry out your skin. While organic fabrics may be pricier, their durability is superior to conventional synthetics: they'll last longer before you need to replace them with new ones!
All our clothing is Fair Trade Certified, ensuring farmers get a fair price for their hard work.
At Unmoda, we believe that fair trade is the best way to help farmers get a fair price for their hard work. Fair trade is a certification program that ensures the rights of workers and the environment are respected. It's also a way to help farmers get an ethical price for their products by making sure they receive just compensation for what they produce, rather than giving them only pennies on the dollar or taking advantage of them financially.
Fair Trade Certified means that all our clothing has been made in factories where workers live in safe conditions and have access to health care; they're paid fairly; they earn enough money so they can support themselves and their families; there are no child labor laws broken—and no pesticides used on crops grown on those farms!
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion
We're proud to offer stylish, comfortable and affordable men's sustainable clothing for every occasion.
We pride ourselves on the high quality, stylish designs and superior comfort of our products. All our garments are made from organic cotton (free from harmful chemicals), which are suitable for all skin types.
You'll love our sustainable mens clothing, and we're confident you'll find the style that suits your needs. With its high-quality fabrics and stylish designs, UnModa is sure to become your new favourite brand of sustainable menswear.
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unmodaglobal · 8 months
Buy Organic Cotton Clothing For Women Online
Organic clothing is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable. Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment. The benefits of organic clothing for women. organic ladies clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com. They are 100% organic cotton, which means they are made without the use of chemicals or pesticides. This makes them safer for both you and the environment. Organic clothing is better for you because it’s free from harmful substances like pesticides, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people. It also means that your clothes will last longer than those made from conventional cotton.
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Buy Organic Clothing for Women Online
organic womens clothing is more sustainable, comfortable, ethical and affordable. It's also more environmentally friendly. Organic clothing is natural and comfortable to wear because it uses no harmful chemicals or synthetic materials in its production process. This means that you'll be able to enjoy the comfort of wearing organic cotton without worrying about whether or not it will cause any harm to your body or environment!
Organic fabrics come from plants that have been grown without pesticides or fertilizers. The result? Better quality of life for both humans who consume these products as well as those who grow them!
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Organic clothes is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable.
womens organic clothing is not just better for you and the environment—it’s also more comfortable. The fabric contains fewer chemicals, so it's less likely to irritate sensitive skin. It also has a natural silky feel that makes it easier to stay cool in the summer or warm in the winter.
Plus, organic clothing lasts longer than non-organic clothes because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals like pesticides or dyes that could end up leaching into your water supply if you live near farms where cotton is grown. And since many organic fabrics are made from recycled fibers, they're more environmentally friendly than conventional materials too!
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Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment.
sustainable clothing women are made from organic cotton. Organic cotton does not have pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is grown without GMOs, so it's one of the safest ways to dress yourself in style. It also means that you can be confident that when you buy organic clothing online for women, your purchase will be good for both yourself and the environment!
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The benefits of organic clothing for women.
Organic cotton clothing is more sustainable, more comfortable and more durable than other types of fabric.
It's also better for the environment. For example, it uses less water to produce and requires fewer chemicals during processing. Organic cotton clothing is also made from renewable resources that don't harm the Earth like pesticides or harmful dyes (some people are allergic).
If you're looking for organic clothes for women that won't cost an arm and a leg then look no further!
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Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com.
Unmodaglobal.com is a great place to buy organic clothing for women/men. Unmodaglobal.com has a wide selection of organic clothing for women, including tops, bottoms and more! You can also search by size or brand name here on this website too!
When you buy organic clothes online, you can feel good about what you're wearing.
organic clothes online are the most sustainable way to dress. They're made from organic materials, which means that they don't pollute the environment and require less energy to make. Organic cotton is a great example of an organic material because it requires no pesticides or other harmful chemicals during production (and it doesn't need pesticides or other harmful chemicals afterward). The result is a cleaner, healthier product that you can wear without worrying about harmful chemicals leaching into your skin or contaminating your water supply! buy organic clothes online
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We hope this article has helped you find the right organic clothing for women. If you have any questions, please visit our website.
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unmodaglobal · 11 months
Buy Organic Cotton Clothing For Women Online
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Organic clothing is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable. Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment. The benefits of organic clothing for women. Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com. They are 100% organic cotton, which means they are made without the use of chemicals or pesticides. This makes them safer for both you and the environment. Organic clothing is better for you because it’s free from harmful substances like pesticides, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people. It also means that your clothes will last longer than those made from conventional cotton. buy organic clothes online
Buy Organic Clothing for Women Online
organic ladies clothes are more sustainable, comfortable, ethical and affordable. It's also more environmentally friendly. Organic clothing is natural and comfortable to wear because it uses no harmful chemicals or synthetic materials in its production process. This means that you'll be able to enjoy the comfort of wearing organic cotton without worrying about whether or not it will cause any harm to your body or environment!
Organic fabrics come from plants that have been grown without pesticides or fertilizers. The result? Better quality of life for both humans who consume these products as well as those who grow them!
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Organic clothes is not only more sustainable, but also more comfortable.
organic womens clothing is not just better for you and the environment—it’s also more comfortable. The fabric contains fewer chemicals, so it's less likely to irritate sensitive skin. It also has a natural silky feel that makes it easier to stay cool in the summer or warm in the winter.
Plus, organic clothing lasts longer than non-organic clothes because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals like pesticides or dyes that could end up leaching into your water supply if you live near farms where cotton is grown. And since many organic fabrics are made from recycled fibers, they're more environmentally friendly than conventional materials too!
Your organic clothing can make a difference in the environment.
Organic cotton clothing is made from organic cotton. Organic cotton does not have pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is grown without GMOs, so it's one of the safest ways to dress yourself in style. It also means that you can be confident that when you buy organic clothing online for women, your purchase will be good for both yourself and the environment!
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The benefits of organic clothing for women.
sustainable clothing women is more sustainable, more comfortable and more durable than other types of fabric.
It's also better for the environment. For example, it uses less water to produce and requires fewer chemicals during processing. Organic cotton clothing is also made from renewable resources that don't harm the Earth like pesticides or harmful dyes (some people are allergic).
If you're looking for organic clothes for women that won't cost an arm and a leg then look no further!
Organic clothes are available at unmodaglobal.com.
Unmodaglobal.com is a great place to buy organic clothing for women/men. Unmodaglobal.com has a wide selection of organic clothing for women, including tops, bottoms and more! You can also search by size or brand name here on this website too!
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When you buy organic clothes online, you can feel good about what you're wearing.
Organic clothes are the most sustainable way to dress. They're made from organic materials, which means that they don't pollute the environment and require less energy to make. Organic cotton is a great example of an organic material because it requires no pesticides or other harmful chemicals during production (and it doesn't need pesticides or other harmful chemicals afterward). The result is a cleaner, healthier product that you can wear without worrying about harmful chemicals leaching into your skin or contaminating your water supply!
We hope this article has helped you find the right organic clothing for women. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.
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