#just delete the rest of that silly episode
I visited the WGA library to read Yellowjackets scripts and wanted to share some of my findings! (Pt. 2)
Here are my notes for 1x03! Quotation marks indicate direct lines from the script, whereas everything else is me paraphrasing.
1x03 “The Dollhouse”
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•The script starts with a scene of a panicked adult Travis bursting out of his secluded house (shack?) with a “wild glint in his eyes” “as if desperate to find the source of something and also terrfied he will find it.”
•Then it flashes back to the 1996 teen timeline and Travis hears a whisper late at night in the woods. He is “inexplicably drawn” to the plane wreckage. “The breeze rustles the tree branches, and again he hears a soft, hushed sound, as if the wilderness is calling his name.”
Travis is interrupted by Javi, who approaches him saying he had a bad dream.
As Travis is walking back to their camp with Javi, “The breeze picks back up. We hear a low and sinister exhalation, as if the woods are whispering for Travis to stay and preparing to make him stay.”
Both of these scenes were obviously cut, but I do think it’s really interesting that Travis was originally made out to be, arguably, just as connected to the Wilderness entity as Lottie is. Travis is one of the first people to be “contacted” by the Wilderness and it seems to take a particular interest in him. Also that line about making him stay is eery as hell.
•When the group is voting on whether to go to the lake or stay at the plane wreckage, the script makes sure to point out how hesitant some of the girls are to go against Jackie. Some of them even vote to stay at the wreckage just to avoid pissing her off. This shows her influence over the girls at the time, even though it eventually fades as they become more adapted to their new way of life.
•While the group is hiking to the lake, Taissa sees the man with no eyes for the first time, crouching in the bushes staring at her blankly. It understandably freaks her the fuck out and she’s shaken by it for the rest of the episode.
In the final product Tai doesn’t see the man with no eyes until later on, but this scene sounds creepy as fuck in the script.
•When Nat is looking through Travis’s house and finds the photo of the two of them together on his dresser, we get this line:
“We realize Natalie’s not only seen Travis recently, but they were close. Intimate. Natalie glances up from the photo, and suddenly sees adult Travis in the mirror. He’s standing behind Natalie, and his eyes seem to be judging her.”
Just thought it was interesting, particularly the “judging her” line. Judging her for what? Maybe judging her for looking for him? For not keeping herself safely away from all this?
•When the girls are swimming at the lake and Jackie is sitting with Mari trying to make Shauna jealous, there’s a line about Jackie being “clearly tired of Mari’s yapping” but trying to hide it, which I found funny. Mari is a canonical yapper.
•The girls also play chicken at the lake, with Nat on Van’s shoulders and Laura Lee on Shauna’s shoulders. This is so cute and I’ll take whatever scraps of VanNat friendship I can get. I wish they kept it in the episode.
•And another deleted part from the lake scene, Lottie is standing on top of a rock above the lake preparing to jump in and she does the cabbage patch dance on top of it while everyone cheers her on (if you don’t know what the cabbage patch dance is you should definitely look it up). Then she sees the cabin in the distance and stops.
But I love a little hint at silly goofy Lottie! Before all of the visions, just a silly goose.
•While Nat and Misty are in the jail cell and Nat asks Misty about her messing with her Porsche, Nat and Misty stare each other down and the script then says this:
“So much history between these two.”
A little sneak peek at a lot more happening between these two in the Wilderness that we don’t know about yet.
•While Nat is on the phone with Tai trying to get her to bail her out of jail, this line:
“We realize these two are closer than we thought.”
Tainat friendship acknowledged!🙏
•Also on that phone call with Tai, the script says that “Natalie is struggling to even speak his name,” referring to Travis. This again shows just how painful and complicated Nat’s feelings are towards Travis.
•When Nat and Misty are bailed out, there’s a cut scene of Misty going through a plastic bag full of all of the things that were in her purse at the time of her arrest. Here are the items in Misty’s purse: peanut butter, condoms, Travis’s notebook that she stole, and a small plastic toy cat.
God, I love that woman.
•After Jackie spills the nasty canned food all over the floor and complains that they should have stayed at the wreckage, Van snaps at her “How is this helping?”, and the rest of the girls roll their eyes at Jackie. Jackie storms outside and we get this line:
“Suddenly, she stops, overwhelmed by her emotions—how scared she is, how alone she feels, how much she hates the wilderness, and the shame she feels for showing it.”
A great look into Jackie’s mental state and very representative of Jackie’s gradual loss of influence and power in this new environment. She’s used to being sure of herself and having this magnetism that everyone naturally follows. In society, Jackie is influential and powerful. But here in the wilderness, she cannot adapt and cannot lead the group like she once did. And the other girls can see that, hence the rolling eyes and snapping at her.
•After Nat and Misty find Travis’s body and they are driving away, there is a line that was cut from the final product in which Nat admits to Misty:
“We were together, on and off. We started up again about ten years ago.”
So this would mean that Nat and Travis started up their relationship again around 2011 and have been on and off for ten years. Does this mean they were not together after they got rescued but rekindled things about 12 years later? Or did they stay together for a little while after the rescue, broke up for years, and then got back together and that’s what Nat is referring to? I don’t know, maybe this line was cut for a reason and it’s definitely not canon yet so we’ll see. But the timeline of Nat and Travis’s relationship is confusing to me and I want to know more.
My theory is that Nat and Travis have broken up after Javi’s death and don’t get back together in a romantic capacity until 2011.
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quodekash · 5 months
yeah so im gonna make my silly little commentary posts for we are sometimes but not all the time
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he stared at his friend's water and started smiling like a fucking idiot 💀
h2o just makes him giddy like that 🥰
also I genuinely fucking adore Pham and Fang's dynamic, they care about each other so much (I might cry)
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here to pick up his twink
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i think i just really love satang cos during msp every time sound was on screen i lost my shit and now every time toey is on screen i lose my shit
btw i fully had to rewatch that entire scene, i was entirely focusing on satang’s little adorable fuckin face that i forgot to read and process the dialogue lmao
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his expression is like “did you bring me here to do your chores, or are you gonna be honest and just say you want to makeout"
the real answer is just that he wants to spend time with him btu doesnt know how to do that normally 💀
(and also that he wants to make out with him)
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I genuinely adore accidental kiss tropes in bls, its just so unrealistic its fucking amazing
[insert image of phum's friends walking in here (I had to delete some of my screenshots because I can only do 30 and I dont want to do more than one post for this)]
it's so awkward and I am LIVING for it
people in bls always walk in at the WORST possible moments and its AMAZING
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phuwin’s character trying to cook is so me
and also my sister, one time she was making spaghetti bolognese for us for dinner and she put way too much salt, and then to attempt to solve the problem, she put water into the pan to "evaporate the salt" 💀
the best part is I didnt even realise why that wouldnt work until my brother started laughing
anyway, back to the ep
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Youre fucking KIDDING
literally last week I was like "yeah okay I like it" and then suddenly im on the verge of tears when they make physical contact???
[insert image of pun eating]
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oh fuck yes I love this friendship already and it just started
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they look like tired dads fr
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is phuwin just fuckin short or is pond like 3 metres tall cos holy shit
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woah he really just went for it there
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great frame
[insert that entire scene with the jump onto him and the holding hands and the FUCKING CHEEK KISS]
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he's jealoussssssss
I love pun so much, I truly would die for him
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Welcome back to another episode of Toey Thinks Peem And Phum Are Dating (And He’s Right)
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Im gonna be completely honest, if pond looked at me like that, id probably do whatever he tells me to without a second thought
thats all im saying
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this song is so out of winny’s range tho 💀
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so fucking SMOL
also chains hand just always naturally rests on pun’s shoulder
literally all the time
what im saying here is I think they should kiss
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Cool! 👍
im glad they finally got there
okay now I just have one final question before I take my leave: what the FUCK was the song playing in the background of the qtoey scene near the end of the episode
it was just electric guitar and I KNOW recognise it but I cant figure out what fucking song it was (literally I finished the episode at like 1:30 but didnt go to sleep til 3 because I was trying to find the song)
so please, if ANYONE recognises it and knows what it is, tell me as soon as you can cos Im fucking dying
update: a moot is pretty sure the song played over other qtoey scenes earlier in the show (the same way msp did with noelm) so now im fuckin PSYCHED for the new song that’s gonna come out eventually
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aaronontherun · 5 months
Okay, there are two things about the ending of GO S2 that I cannot get out of my head after finishing the rewatch:
1. Gabriel's descent to earth
2. Aziraphale's reaction to the offer of Metatrash
(The rest under the cut)
The thing about Gabriel's descent to earth is that when he comes down to earth, he has not been fired yet. He decides to come down.
What's interesting about this is that in the last few minutes of the last episode Gabriel says his original plan was to leave heaven to go to hell, to join Beelzebub.
The quote goes:
Beelzebub: "Silly, silly angel. Why?"
Gabriel: "I was coming to you, but I... I forgot."
So... he had not been fired yet (because he left heaven before Michael and the lot could get a hold of him again). And he had originally planned to go to Beelzebub ("oh, you're sending me to hell, aren't you?" -> he was kind of counting on that). But after hearing he will lose his memory and go down to earth, he decides to ditch that plan and make himself forget all of it to go to earth (where he did not really intend to go in the first place) to give a box to Aziraphale that says "I am in the fly", that he knows will make him remember.
My working theory is that since he was the highest ranking angel, he knew about the plans of heaven. He knew about the second attempt at Armageddon of course and he did not want that to happen, because of his love for Beelzebub and the war that would break out. But I reckon he also already knew about the Second Coming.
And by wiping his own memories, he deleted that knowledge for all of heavens associates. But by storing it in the fly and transporting that to earth instead of hell, he brought it to the safest place he knew.
"The Second Coming will be a fearful, mournful time for the wicked, but it will be a day of peace for the righteous."
I don't know if I am reading something into it here, but to me it also sounds like a clue. The only other pair that kind of unites the powers of heaven and hell like Gabriel and Beelzebub is Aziraphale and Crowley. And we know that connection to be quite a strong one (as seen by the "teeny tiny miracle" that ended up sounding every god damn alarm bell in heaven). Crowley is a fallen angel and does not particularly care for heaven or hell and Aziraphale is still an angel and also does not conform with everything that heaven does. And Gabriel knows that.
BUT as far as we know, neither Aziraphale nor Crowley have had contact with the fly or the memories. For now we only know Gabriel kept his memories out of heaven by going to Aziraphale and that he probably knew more than he let on.
The question is, does the fly still exist or did it get destroyed when it went into Gabriels eye?
Also, given the CLUE that takes up almost half an episode - the part of the song that we don't really get to hear is this:
"Everyday seems a little longer,
Every way, love's a little stronger"
Everything we have seen points to an ending where you don't have to choose a side. Where there is no need to categorize into black and white, but to just accept shades of grey. Which is obstructed by heaven (the big corporate agenda, that needs people to think in black and white) and hell (which holds the outcasts that could not keep up with the agenda, but still cling onto it in their own competitive way).
Okay and this is the perfect transition to Aziraphales reaction to the Metatrons offer.
Because after years (or millennia in Aziraphale's case) of being oppressed and silenced and having to be careful around everything he says, I think Metatrons offer to put him in charge of heaven is in Aziraphale's eyes the only perspective of ever getting out of his misery while still doing good.
He *could* have given up heaven and fallen like Crowley, joining him that way, but instead he takes the route of trying to take Crowley with him to the very top of heaven.
Which, in my eyes, is a very very clear sign of the abusive relationship he has with heaven.
I don't think he realises that he is still just a pawn in a big chess game, also and especially as archangel of heaven.
As both Beelzebub and Gabriel said: "As if we make the rules..."
That is not how it works.
(I also find it very interesting, that the voice of god (basically the manager of heaven) asks if anyone ever "asks for death" (I mean, come on) whereas god, talking to Job, is genuinely fascinated by him and his goodness.)
I don't know if I can put this thought process into proper words, but I feel like the problem is that Aziraphale is still clinging to the whole concept of "doing good" and preserving his own status in the organisation. I don't think he is going up there to "change it from the inside" with a wicked plan in mind. When the Metatron made the offer, he told him that he would be "such a good leader, kind and honest", "be able to make a difference, be put in charge of everything". Which is exactly how they get you. He did not tell him he would be in charge of the second coming right off the bat. He lured him with being able to make everything better for everyone (which is all Aziraphale really wants) while keeping and continuing to receive approval from above (which Aziraphale is so afraid of losing).
Which is also what he tells Crowley about. The trust he is being given, the opportunity to make a change, the opportunity for Crowley to regain validation from heaven.
And only when he has accepted the offer, the Metatron specifies the details of the deal and that "doing good for everybody" means initialising the Second Coming, that has already been well planned (and that is everything Aziraphale never wanted to be a part of, but he won't disappoint them by saying no now).
"We could have been us" feels so powerful in that context, because I feel like what it really meant was "we could have been us without the approval of anyone". Without the need to justify their actions, think about right or wrong in the sense that heaven or hell would have categorized them. The freedom to work as a team, as the shades of grey they naturally are, containing both "good" and "evil" in a way that they balance each other, not desperately trying to put one of them out. (Also worth noting here, that throughout the seasons Aziraphale *has* done "evil", but only if he could somehow twist it to be "good" (see the episode with Wee Morag, right?), which showcases the pointlessness of categorizing again).
"I forgive you" from Aziraphale is such a heartbreaking line here, too. Because it is not him speaking, really. It is him already speaking in place of the organisation he is going to work for. "I forgive you for not regaining approval. I still love you."
"Don't bother", Crowley says and his whole posture drops. "For me it was never about that."
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miumura · 1 year
helloooo !!! can i have hanni gf hcs? thank you
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SOPH — hihi ofc!! tysm for requesting :) <3 this is SOOO overdue but im starting to work on my requests again <3 im sorry if this is a bit short, i haven’t been motivated recently but i tried! anyways smth for my bae hanni <3
WARNINGS — use of petnames (bae/babe)
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— the person who you could just be honest with and talk about everything and ANYTHING. like we’ve seen her on that debate episode, bae was PREPARED! so i think she’d be also that talkative with you!
— i would say she’s touchy? like she loves physical touch, it’s one of her love languages. so when she’s by you, be shocked if she doesn’t start cuddling you or resting a body part on you LMAO 😭😭😭
— seems like someone who would do playful childish teasing. LIKE sticking tongue out or be like “ooouuuu” YKWIM? she does it for the fun of it and wanting a reaction. she’d be more than glad if you joined her <3
— forget about petnames, she’s gonna call you bro and dude all the time LMFAOOO. it’s a habit of hers and probably a habit of yours too, let’s be honest so it’s hard to stop! but if she does use one, it would probably be bae / babe bc she likes how it sounds
— idk…she seems the type to get jealous easily ? like she’d get real pouty or be overdramatic js for you to get the hint. she’d pretend to act cold after you notice but then just give in under your touch
— would make you do weird things w/ her LMFAO. like who wouldn’t want to ding dong ditch someone’s hotel room? hanni hanni hanni….
— would def hype you up! like she’d instantly scream and shout be like “ayyy, that’s my bae!”. just makes you feel so confident about yourself </3
— the type to just like tackle you HELP. like oh you’re laying down? she’s already preparing to jump on top of you.
— despite being pretty playful, i think she would be understanding. like she’s willing to hear you out and would change anything that you don’t like or whatnot.
— whenever she sees you sad, she instantly goes and check up on you. 😧 THIS EMOJI IS HER. and she would be like “what’s wrong?” as she rubs on your back.
— when one of you is stressed/sad (or both), she’d suggest taking a walk outside just to clear up your/her mind a bit. a bonus if it’s at night, since she loves taking walks at night.
— would probably try to make you laugh but end up laughing at herself before she could. but that doesn’t matter, since her laugh is contagious, it ends up with you laughing as well.
— probably loves matching stuff! i think she’d get really excited with matching necklaces, and even matching wallpapers!
— she’s just really comforting to be around, and you’ll never be bored when she’s around!
— forces you to watch movies with her. like she would get all excited when she finds a new movie to watch with you. so when she’s all giddy, who are you to refuse?? movie nights/dates are definitely your thing w/ her!
— likes taking silly pics and vids 😭 and whenever you tell her to delete it off your phone, she just goes “but you’re so cute here!” which explains why she has a whole album of you and her…(you also get a separate album of js you on her phone <3)
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💭 — cool with you is literally stuck in my head
NWJNS PERM TAGLIST — @miumiuangel222
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bluginkgo · 1 month
Ep 8 Theories
With the series finale come my last minute theories and thoughts regarding the episode and what could be going on towards the end of the episode.
Spoilers, duh
I'll be trying to stick with how the episode played out, might occasionally end up jumping around though. I have heard plenty of rather negative/disappointed thoughts regarding the ep. Overall, I'm very happy with how it ended- yes there are a couple issues, but I don't think they took away from the main idea. Most of my theories will mirror that.
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First being, V is alive! The queen returned in the best and coolest way possible. Couple things here.
I do wonder if V was more than suspicious of Tessa and her identity. So in the end, chose to not go with them on purpose- fake her death, and see how the rest goes.
Something that was on the sentinel's part/fault, they didn't actually boot loop her, giving her a higher chance of escape. Rather unsatisfying explanation to some, but to me, it is more than enough. The sentinels have less knowledge/programming made by humans, and it was already seen that V could overpower one of the sentinels. Seeing as they are a pack running team, seeing that defeat might have just turned those tides. A bit of a silly thought, but silly is this show and the reason I love it.
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The biggest thing that had me confused was this. Perhaps I'm slow- and I am- but I had to think about what possible promise the Absolute Solver could have made and later tricked her instead. That would probably have to go all the way back to ep5:
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"You will not have to discard your pets, and I will not discard you."
In a way, this line was aimed both at Tessa and J- who was simply a bystander. The Absolute Solver kind of promised not to get rid of Tessa, someone that J seemed to have a close connection with. Technically, the AS never got "rid off" Tessa, simply repurposed her just like all of the WD in the mansion to become DDs. Perhaps there was a background deal between AS and J that included the promise of leaving Tessa alone, or doing something for the AS and being freed from its control after. Either way, the AS broke that promise and J simply gave up. She chose to side with the "winning side" and lost all of her fighting spirit and reason to be. Perhaps that is why during the fight, she simply never returned. We saw J being tossed into a crevice and that was all- before her returning in the credits rebuilding the ship. When the tide changed, she didn't see a reason to keep on fighting alongside the AS and dipped out of her shift.
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The comment of "I never needed either of you." also made me wonder if this also implied that all J needed was Tessa. Someone of higher authority to tell her what to do and which orders to follow. J never needed friends, only a boss that oversaw them all in an orderly manner. But then again, that's just my thought, in no way a concrete theory.
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Less of a theory and more of a observation. Seems that a lot more of N's memories were wiped slowly one by one, and this would be one of the reasons as to why. If the AS wanted the team to retain their personalities, it would need to get rid of the things that could traumatize the team and therefore change how they behaved- especially seen with N. He seemed to always have the least amount of memories from the past, surprising until you see that maybe this was because he woke up during the transferring process between WD and DD. That would completely change how he behaved, his core personality would be gone- the one that the AS got so attached to.
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A call back from ep4: "We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us alone." Perhaps V and AS also had a deal. Because they all retained their personalities, and at first maybe their memories as well- before the CYN administration started to delete them- V could also make a deal with the AS for her and N's freedom. The deal was broken, V chose to raise her sword against Cynessa entity instead which irked the AS. An attempt was made on V's side to salvage the moment, perhaps to say that she could still finish the overall job, choose the "winning team" as according to J earlier in the ep. Of course, that didn't work.
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Gotta give it to my tired and sick brain, I couldn't figure out what Uzi meant by "Just me in here." Nor how Uzi was even able to start fighting the AS control unlike in ep7. What changed? Well Uzi, herself said it, "You don't fricking own me." Uzi's personality and desires was something that the AS could never use for its own gain. Unlike with Cyn- who did not want to be discarded- Uzi didn't really have any wishes and desires that the AS could fulfill/poach. Yes, in ep4 Uzi was often forgotten by her classmates and seemed to want to hang out with them all as well. "So glad you fit right in. Super cool-" is what she told V. She wished to fit in at some point in time. The AS took that thought and said, "'aight I got this. To fit in/make sure N doesn't leave her Imma just get rid of the obstacles!" in a very AS way. The snap that occurred between ep7 and ep8 was Uzi's dislike of being "owned" by something. She's always prided herself in being her own drone, with her own personality and character. The AS constantly wants that control, to be able to move its puppets as it wishes. Once Uzi said "no" to it once, it gets easier to say "no" to it again and again- because the method is always the same. The callback ping stops working and instead Uzi takes the control.
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So, the Solver of the Absolute Fabric, the Void, the Exponential End is this. It has a final form that always resided in Cyn. It appears that Nori knew this as well, because she made a comment of:
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"The Solver needs a host- destroy Cyn's heart."
The AS's final form is a black hole, much like those that the Solver drones have been able to create. Except in Cyn's case, the form of the AS is much bigger and more grand. Cyn's core behaved a lot like how J's core did back in ep2
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All of her parts became miniature black holes before floating away off of the screen. Perhaps each drone that has some form of the AS in it- be it a DD or a Solver drone- will eventually become this. Hinting at the fact that if N and V were to die, their cores would become small black holes. In Nori's case, something similar would happen as well, if the core was to be destroyed. In Uzi's case, if her core is destroyed, the size of the black hole would be similar if not bigger than the one we saw in ep8 from Cyn. Depending on how much control the AS has in the drone, the bigger/smaller the black hole will be post core death.
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Now as for the end. The ending I'm actually fine with. It's very open ended, leaving it to us to figure out the truth and the lies. For us, the viewers, to fill in the holes that may be left and choose where the story goes from there. Some may take the path of: this is all a lie, none of the things post Uzi integrating with the AS is real, others may take the route of the happy ending and that everyone figures out how to live on. I'm more with the happy ending gang.
The ending doesn't solve anything though. Much like how the image says "I'm not solved" the problem was never solved. The AS still exists and at best, what Uzi did was put the whole kill all of the universes thing on a pause. But here's where I give the one and only thing I have a gripe about regarding this episode:
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The moment between N running to check on Uzi to Uzi waking up where everything is destroyed. Half of the confusion regarding the ending of the series and many disappointments I see stem from this scene alone. Because it's so sudden and rough that it makes the episode feel rushed. I expected the entire episode to be a big fight and then leaving about 5 minutes for the ending/denouement- that's generally how these sorts of animations go. My issue is with that scene and the rough transition. What could have helped, I think, was to have 2-3 minutes of Uzi chatting with the AS directly. Doesn't need to be anything grand- put her and the AS in a black plane/mindscape and have them chat. About why the AS is still even fighting, and make a deal/truce with each other showcasing the reasoning behind the integration/fusion of Uzi and the AS at a much better pace. Then, have her wake up with the Fatal Error, continue on with the ending. Granted, this method would take away from the suspense and tension feeling that was originally felt when we saw Uzi with the "Fatal Error" on her visor. Furthermore, the surprise that we felt when we first saw Uzi's eyes.
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Another theory as to the possible sudden/rough transition would actually be this. When Uzi imploded the planet for the umpteenth time in the episode, the things that were surrounding her slowly started to go back up- much like they did when Cyn was calling for the second core collapse. Perhaps her actions, in fact, did cause the core collapse and then yeeting her into god knows where like Nori and Yeva in the past. All the while this was happening, the AS integrated with Uzi. But because Uzi is much stronger now- mentally and physically- the AS couldn't take complete control like it did with Cyn. Instead, it was a partial fusion of the two entities. Giving Uzi the extra solver powers seen with Cyn, but keeping her personality intact instead of the AS exploiting it like it did with Cyn.
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Finally, my take on what the hell is happening with the post credit scene. I've seen a lot of people take this scene in the way that Uzi is living in a simulated ending. They never actually won, and the AS simply created an entire illusion of a happy ending just for her to cope better. Here's the problem with that theory:
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Cyn was known for being able to switch between all of these forms without needing to lose her original body. The AS is now integrated into Uzi and has given her the power to do the same thing Cyn was capable of doing. "But Ginkgo, why does Uzi seem so tired then? And why show the empty halls?" To be for real, if I had a little tail that would constantly spout that I look good in a bow and other comments, I would be tired too. Regarding the hallway, depending on time of day could mean how many drones are out and about. In ep2, it was shown that a lot of places become deserted when it's not being used, same applies to the school. Furthermore, a small idea just came to mind, maybe hiding the AS parts of herself takes a lot of energy and makes Uzi tired. When the drones are all gone- the ones that are at least afraid of her- she could let that mask slip, thus glitching out occasionally and dipping into the other forms.
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Overall, I genuinely enjoyed the episode and was really sad to see the series come to the end- still coming to terms with it really. While the ending is very open ended and gives a great opportunity for season 2 to pick from, I wouldn't be upset if there is no S2. If they ever did announce there was one, I'd be really happy, but if there isn't that's alright as well. Liam did a wonderful job with tying the story off, open ended for us to play around with and continue the journey of these characters in a way that makes us happy.
Glitch stated that they have some things they'll be using N and Uzi for, my gamble is they will mostly likely return for events- Glitch Inn, promotion of products, GlitchX, etc. What I would love to see is little snippet episodes of little shenanigans they might get up to. Post canon mini episodes if you will.
Most of these "theories" don't match up to some older ones I may have done, but when something comes to an end, there isn't much to theorize about in the future. Plus I've been under the weather for a little while TwT So I don't have many braincells online currently. But thanks for seeing through these last "theories" and thoughts I had. Maybe in the future, if I come up with some other insane idea I'll share it. Until then, I'll be seeing you later >:3
Have a cookie for getting through all of this bs XD 🍪
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 5x06
"How you ever had a crush on Richie Cunningham, I will never understand."
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I'm actually so easy to please
"And Lois... *laughs* I'd do anything to get rid of Lois."
but thinking about how annoying she is makes him laugh, soooooo... she's a good influence, I rest my case😌😌
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Jonathan knows too, like-
Chloe & Lois as an investigative duo are actually really fun
Lex really lives in Jonathan's head rent free💀💀
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"She's here to dance."
Chloe really threw Lois under the bus like that I'm cryingsjakjsha
the struggle is real💀
SOOOOO let's see if Jonathan actually apologizes when it turns out Lex didn't do anything
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Lois x bisexual lighting I LIVEEEE
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they did that for me😭😌
"I'll have a coke😇" ... "S- straight up, on the rocks.😤"
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I just choked on my ice cream
LMAOOOOOO bless his heart
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I'm really not ready for what's about to go down here😭😭
Someone needs to go to jail for that music choice💀💀
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this is history in the making. absolutely iconic.
i do wish she was my girlfriend actually they're so right
aaand she's getting into it
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he's kind of giving me:
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it's okay bb, we're all looking respectfully right now
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kshadjwka his fight or flight is kicking in😭😭
"What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?"
story of their life fr
the struggle has never been more real, pray for Clark💀
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they did that.
smallville writers really did that.
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legend behaviour if you ask me
i would like to take this moment and say thank you.
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"I've never been in a position where people look up to me."
This is such a silly statement, Jonathan is literally the person Clark looks up to the most. His bigger personality flaws clearly come from Jonathan's influence💀 (not to say he didn't also learn a lot of good traits from him -he absolutely did- but you know)
I'm really curious what Lex's (and Jonathan's) politics are actually, don't be shy writers tell me👀
creepy mf
"Hey 007. Nice of you to show up." "I'll start assuming that means thank you?"
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giggling kicking my feet
"I can't touch him." "Well, I can."
pls his face😭
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he knows he could never be as cool as her
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my parents🥹
(listen the shit i went through to upload this last picture tho, i hit the upload limit and had to delete stuff, then i accidentally deleted the whole post for a second🤡 my whole life flashed before my eyes💀💀)
Lex talking about a guy falling in love with his best friend's wife uh oh, no thank youuuuu😬😬
He was making a good point though.
"The thing I always try to remember is, no matter how much le lays on, he never expects more than he expects from himself."
Clark really grew up didn't he😭😭
"What are you doing, you just moved back in."
from the guy who said "I'd do anything to get of Lois." at the beginning of the episode, what in the clownery🤡🤡
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All men do is lie.
she's such a menace, I LOVE HER😭😭
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they're secret bffs your honor😭
"And you didn't have to come after me but you always do. So I wanted to say thank you. You're a really good friend."
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well. stay normal challenge failed again but that's exactly how i thought this would go, sooo
Question for the people: should i even tag Lex in posts like this? I don't think twice about tagging characters like Jonathan because I don't expect fans to look through his tag for him specifically, but i know people do it with Lex and I feel bad at the thought of them having to scroll through me losing my mind over Clois with a few Lex mentions in between. Lex fans lemme know
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saturnzskyzz · 4 months
The couple that fights the most among the members might be Taehyung and Jimin.
So when they fight, will it turn into a tickle war?
It could be a funny and cute story and please switch the two. And please let things happen in the car.
(so the tickle fight should be in the car)
Lee; taehyung jimin
Ler; taehyung jimin
AAH! I love this idea, thank you! 🙏
I'm sorry for how short it's going to be, my apologies!
Nonetheless, enjoy reading! :]
(The photo of vmin I added below will be the target of discussion for starting this fanfic so you all aren't confused by where this is starting. *context, the photo was taken in a car*)
Divider credits
Nude divider
Taglist(I couldn't remember who else wanted to be tagged, but if you want to be tagged in these fics, then just let me know!)
@btspopperssg @cookiegirlsstuff
Car ride shenanigans
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Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were all in a car heading back to their dorm after a long day of recording a RunBTS episode. It had everyone quite exhausted and all wanted a peaceful drive back home before having to wake up to do rehearsal's with their new comeback single.
Taehyung, though tired and already drifting off to rest, wanted to take a photo with Jimin real fast to savor the moment.
"Wait, Jimin! Let me take it again, the lighting doesn't look quite right!" taehyung said after scoping out the photo he had just took of him and the older.
"What do you mean, Tae? It looks fine." jimin tried to lighten the mood by reassuring him since Taehyung always does this when taking pictures in the car.
Tae, however, was not buying it so he deleted the photo and tried again by holding up the phone once more, motioning Jimin to chime in at any moment. But Jimin only looked at the younger in disbelief.
"Hey!- I'm not doing it again, Tae. Why'd you delete it?" Jimin argued, crossing his arms. He quite liked the silly atmosphere of the photo, yet was baffled that it no longer registered in Taehyung's phone.
"What do you mean? I didn't like it, now get in frame!" Tae said, grabbing at Jimin's shirt to pull him in frame, but he only got a stubborn Jimin, and a few pokes to get him to dislodge the offending hand off his shirt.
"Hehehey!" Taehyung began to panickly giggle, now dropping his arm with the camera to rest it on one of his legs while he used his other hand to block out the pokes, yet failed, from Jimin.
"I'm sorry Taehyung, but you're not getting another photo with me in this exact car tonight. You had your chance." Jimin then launched both hands to attack the younger's sides out of playfullness now, enjoying the scene either way.
"AAH!- Jihihimin! Quhuhuit ihihit!" Taehyung begged, trying to grab at the attacking hands, but Jimin was precise on moving his hands quickly to catch Taehyung off guard.
"This is what you get for deleting that masterpiece of a photo!" Jimin said, never recioling his attack.
Ohoh, Taehyung did not take that one bit.
"Fihihihine! Hahahave it yohohour wahahay!" Taehyung said, now darting his hands at Jimin's sides to catch the older by surprise.
Jimin, startled by the touch, retreated his hands to grab at the offending fingers by the wrists, trying desperately, yet failing, to push them away.
"NOHOhohoho! Tahahae, Stahahahap!" Was really all Jimin could say before dissolving in sweet, high-pitched giggles.
"NOHOho! Yohou're the one whoho started this mess!" Taehyung bit back, laughing at the fact that Jimin's giggles always seem to catch Tae's amusement. His giggles are contagious, it's no lie here. Even Hoseok and Yoongi chuckled here and there upon hearing the both of their frantic giggling. It's normal for them to bicker, and poke fun at with each other.
"Hohow about you two take the photo once more, and if one of you disagrees again, then no more photos, deal?" Yoongi suggested.
Tae stopped his offending hands, yet still holding onto Jimin's sides to throw the poor dude off.
"Yoongi.. I'mma be real, that was a boring, yet logical answer from you." Tae answered honestly. He saw Yoongi's eye dart up to look at him from the rear view mirror, causing Tae immediately regret his choice of words.
"I'm tickling the shit out of you when we get home, Tae." Yoongi said in a low, monotone and calm voice all at the same time to make Tae nervous. All the while, Jimin, who was enjoying too much of his predicament, quite liked Yoongi's idea.
"Whahatever wohohorks! Ihihi just want Tahae's hands ohohoff me!" Jimin said, still trying to break free from Taehyung.
"Well, if only you had taken another photo with me, then maybe you wouldn't be in this predicament!" Taehyung emphasized the 'be' by digging his hands into Jimin's armpits. This threw Jimin in a loop of hysteria.
"HAHAHAHA! T-TAEHEHEHEHE! NOHOHOAHAHAH!" Jimin sinked into his chair as best as he could, given that he was still strapped with the seatbelt, and shook his head from side to side. The feeling was unbearable.
"Guys?! Eh-? Ugh! Soho much for MY ihidea!" Yoongi giggled, defeated. He glanced at them both, using the rear view once again, and saw the wholesome scene before him for just a split second. Maybe they could go on a bit more.
"THAHAHAHATS IHIHIT!" Jimin, however fatigued, used all his strength to move his arms to latch onto Tae's armpits, to throw him off guard, resulting in Tae to forfeit his hands with a screech.
"nahahAHAHA! *hic* whihihiHIHIHI?!" Taehyung panicked. The way they were both seated before, was now switched from Tae being on the upper hand, to now being sinked into his seat, with Jimin shuffling to appear bigger and taller to intimidate Tae.
"Wehelp.. At least they aren't actually fighting back there, yeah?" Hoseok said, reassuring Yoongi while having himself turned to look at the two's chaos.
"..You're right. At least they aren't harming each other, that's good enough for me to continue driving." Yoongi agreed, then turning on the music radio to pan out the rest of Tae's boisterous laughter.
Yup, this is going to go on for the whole car ride..
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thegodcomplcx · 1 year
top ten 11amy moments
in no particular order:
11 feeding amy a little candy in vampires in venice. severely cute and underrated. it's giving father
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2. in the eleventh hour when little amy says youre funny and the doctor says am i? that's good and then for the rest of his regeneration he's a silly goofy guy because amy said he was. and he's her imaginary friend so of course. he's funny
3. the van gogh episode.
4. what if you were really old and really kind and the very last of your kind? you couldn't just stand around and let children cry. she really got down to the very core of him. not to mention that amy IS the crying child to whoms rescue he came
6. he showed up to her wedding dressed as the groom. what is wrong with that guy (affectionate)
7. when 11 regnerates and amy comes back to haunt him because they've traded places and she's the imaginary friend now.
8. my amelia pond.....
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9. not technically an 11amy moment, but in vampires in venice when rory says you kissed her back? and the doctor says no. i kissed her mouth. that was so cunty of him what the fuck. he's really like girl i hate your boyfriend
10. deleted dialogue; because you still love it, you still love me, i love the privilege of when we're together
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astrosfaerydae · 1 year
Welcome! Here are all 15 of my skz fanfics! I will update this list as I upload fics. <3
Completed fics:
☁️ When the Storm Subsides
Word Count: 9.1k
Felix is struggling with himself and having nightmares. Chan and Minho are there to help. (Hurt/comfort can be read platonic it doesn't matter either way)
☁️Groovy Gaytime Princess
Word Count: 3k
Chat fic. Felix posts that TikTok and sends the chat into chaos. First one that gets home gets Felix! (MinLix, mild smut)🔞
☁️Your Favorite Necklace is my Right Hand
Word Count: 9.1k
Red lights MV inspired behind the scenes smut. (Hyunchan explicit smut)🔞
☁️Die From a Broken Heart
Word Count: 3.1k
Jeongin gets his heart broken, Chan is there to help (hurt/comfort platonic jeongchan)
☁️It (Was) Getting Hot in Here
Word Count: 1k
That one time where Minlix was in the hot tub together. Yea that's it. (Almost explicit but not)
☁️It All Started With a Curse
Word Count: 35.5k
Chanlix high school au. Chan meets Felix in history club and well the rest is well history (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Warning read all the tags and notes for reasons thank you (slice of life high school au rated mature for some jokes)
☁️The Universe in Your Eyes
Word Count: 4.1k
Chan was trying to do an episode of chan's room but Felix is a brat and gets what he wants. Chan... Well he tried to tell him no.
(Explicit pwp)🔞
☁️ Just Another Day in Paradise
Word Count: 325
Chan and Felix didn't like anniversaries but still celebrated in their own special way. Just some silly little domestic fluff scene that's so cute it will make your teeth rot out of your head. (3 word prompt challenge, domestic fluff, lots of love)
☁️If You Get There Before I Do
Word Count: 7.1k
1920s farm life au, Chan and Felix plan to run away together but things take time and communication is hard, but they make it work. (Established relationship, fluff so much fluff, happy ending, marriage) Rated G
Deleted Scene:
In His Eyes My World So Came Alive
Word Count: 348
A cute little snowball fight in the past before their plans to run away. It was so sweet I couldn't just let it go.
☁️ Silence is One Thing That I'll Remeber
Word Count: 11.1k
TW// Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!!! Major character death, death, gore, weapons, graphic violence, blood, dismemberment, hospitals, sedation against will, bullying
Chansung, Love is the Death of Peace of Mind supernatural/skz crossover AU prequel detailing the events between Chan and Jisung. Can be read as a standalone.
☁️ You Had Me From Hello
Word count: 3.7k
Prompt for Chanlix fest on Twitter
Prompt: Felix/Chan is an avid reader and often uses the the «Little Free Library» in his neighborhood. Someone else also seem to use it, and the two start leaving small notes imbedded in the books to each other.
☁️ I Love The Look On You Face When I'm Tempting You
Word count: 2.7k
Fluffy smuty one shot based on Minsungs ASEA Awards shenanigans. Minho is a little shit and Jisung hates loves it.
☁️ Try my Best to Just Pretend
Word count: 6.1k
Rated: Teen (for language)
Chanlix fake dating but they aren't the ones dating. But omg Felix wishes they were... But he can't ruin his friends relationship, that doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous though.
Hurt/comfort and fluff, fake dating, ft. All of the gym bros dorm, Canon, happy ending
☁️ I Miss The Way You Say My Name
Word count: 2.7k
Rated: Explicit
Felix was just an absolute social butterfly at the ASEA Awards. Chan loves that about him except for when that means he is put on the back burner. Or at least he sees it that way. Jealous is a nasty little monster but the entire hotel is about to hear just who Felix belongs to.
Pwp, possessive behavior, jealousy, orgasm denial/edging, screaming, crying
☁️ Gonna Drop Dead at This Rate
Rated: T
Word count: 4k
Raffle fic won by Lixieloveangie from the Stay with Palestine fundraiser ran by St4y Community Events on twitter! Thank you for donating to a good cause, hope you all enjoy! Prompt: chanlix are in an established relationship, Felix does/says something in frustration that he doesn’t mean to upset Chan. Chan feeling hurt starts to avoid Felix and it gets so bad that the guys step in and are like look Felix you need to fix this
Bad at communication, canon comp, angst, angst with a happy ending
☁️ Aqua Regia
Rated: E
Word count: 2.2k
CW// non con elements from clientele
Security Gaurd Chan can't stand it when patrons get too handsy with his stripper boyfriend Felix and finally does something about it
PWP, strip club au, quickie, jealousy, possessive and obsessive behavior
☁️Touch Me Again
Word count: 2.3k
CW// blood mentioned no actual blood
Felix is not used to Chan being so damn touch now that he's allowed to be on camera. He doesn't hate it though he just hates that it's so addictive and all he wants is more. Chan makes sure he's taken care of even if they are at a photoshoot.
Pwp, blowjobs, canon compliant
☁️ Can I Call You Baby?
Rated T
Jeongin loves all his boyfriends but has never had a real first kiss. He's taken things so slow and everyone's been so patient but the pressure is mounting he wants to do it but he's scared they are going to treat him like a baby and make a big deal out it.
☁️ Coffee and Cream(pie)
Canon compliant, First kiss, poly skz, jeonglix
☁️ Even if it Hurts me, Even if I Can't Sleep, Show me the way
Summary: Rated E 🔞 3.3k Prompt: Minho wakes Jisung up with coffee and a creampie and anything but lube Canon compliant, minsung, smut, domestic fluff and smut
☁️ Turn Me Into Your Mannequin
Summary: Rated: T 7k Chanlix- Once again Felix fails to confess to Chan. He's feeling the pressure of time, contract renewals and dorm switches it is a lot at once. He can't go into this new era of Skz with this hanging over him. Canon comp, chanlix, getting together, idiots in love, angst. hurt comfort
☁️ Connected
Summary: Rated: E 🔞 5.5k Changjin- Photographer Changbin and Model Hyunjin AU. Changbin is a professional and refuses to cross that line. Hyunjin trips right over it! CW// Blood and mild injury (Hyunjin is fine just clumsy) AU, Changjin, getting together, fluff, humor, stupid in love, vanilla, smut
☁️ Scared to Try Again
Summary: Rated: T 2.4k Chanlix- “How did it even start? It's been so long the memories are a little fuzzy,” Chan scrunched his face up as his eyes wandered around the room trying to recall the memories from his brain, “When did you fall for me?” canon comp, Furture canon, story told in flashbacks, anniversaries, fluff, domestic fluff, pov alternating Podfic Available
Summary: Rated: T 7.9k Chanlix- Everyone was happy about the change now. Even Felix was. For a moment it brought up some more than uncomfortable feelings but he’d get over it. He always has… he had to. He had no other option. canon comp, another this is how contract renewal fic, post break up, possibly getting back together, angst, angst with a happy ending
Ongoing fics:
☁️Love is The Death of Peace of Mind
Chanlix supernatural crossover AU. Felix gets attacked by a demon and hunter Chan saves him. The demons are after Felix's necklace, Chan has to find out why. (That's the best summary I can give without spoilers!) Read all notes and warnings this fic tackles a lot of dark topics also Eventual smut 🔞 dead dove do not eat ⚠️
Silence is the One Thing I'll Remember
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neragufetta · 8 months
Link click S1
This is an incomplete list (apparently I love lists) of details scattered throughout the 1st season (still working on the 2nd, my head needs some rest) which seems to be either: hints to a deeper truth; red herrings; mistakes; meaningless details not to be taken seriously (except, in time traveling story, messing with dates and times would be silly, it shouldn’t happen, right? RIGHT??)
Unfortunately, at the moment I am unable to collect screenshot of the episodes as reference, but if you request them I can produce the timestamp.
Episode 1
Emma’s mother sends her a message at 02:47 of the 15th April 2021. The phone states “Wednesday”. Too bad April 15th 2021 was a Thursday. Why, Why Wednesday. Is that a mistake? Was it meant to say that they live in a different timeline? Is it a hint that shows that Time is already broken?
I had my timeline all done and to simplify it, I was sure that: - 14th at 22:00 – 16apr!CXS dives in Emma - 15th at 10:00 – 17apr!CXS dives back in the present - 16th, before evening – QL states the mission - 16th at 22:00 – CXS dive in 14apr!Emma - 17th at 10:00 – CXS dives back and LG pass the info on the fraud to the client. - 17th, Later that day, the fraud makes into the daily news - 17th evening – Emma goes home, finds spring rolls and blankets, calls her mother, meet Liu Min - 18th at dawn, Emma dies. - 18th evening, LG see the news about her death until I realized that the consensus is that the news about the fraud came out on the 15th already, which would make sense with her not seeing CXS message before coming back home and her parent arriving straight away. But then, How could the news about the fraud reach the public before Shiguang were involved? Another time traveler? A mistake? Which timeline makes more sense? I’m not sure anymore. Is it important? Most probably.
Emma's wristwatch consistently marks times inconsistent with the timeline, which I will just tag as “random watch pics, do not read too much into it” and move on, but I feel I still need to acknowledge them.
Episode 2
Now, I have nothing much to say about this episode, except that it seems to be completely separated from the main plot, every episode is strongly affecting the whole story, why this one does not? They could delete it without affecting the overall plot and it weirds me out, probably because I’m a little bit too paranoid at this point.
Episode 3-4-5
Three major problems with these episodes:
Obviously, the glasses issue: at first I indeed thought it was weird, but then we saw Liu Min walking easily while possessed, so I thought that, somehow, the possessor retains its physical characteristics while diving. But then, episode 12 kindly reminded us of this glasses detail. So what’s going on here? Are physical abilities passed down while diving or not? And in that case, what’s happening, someone put lenses on Chen Xiao? The glasses were not his? Is there someone else possessing him?
Why is Chen Xiao the only one actively asking to change the past? Any other case has always been just about retrieving information.
And why does LG accept? Because I’m definitely not buying that the only crucial node is the actual earthquake. After the dive, Chen Xiao should feel less guilty about that day, and therefore he has no reason to look for the “Fairy” in the first place. Isn’t there a time paradox through and through?
Episode 6-7
Why the date on the Security Camera is 20XX/XX/XX 14:48:12 instead of an actual date? What’s the secret here? Was it meant to hint that time is already broken (again) or was this an easy way to stalling because the authors had yet decided the days of the trip?
IF we agreed that, while diving, past and present time flows at the same speed, the two dives in these episodes overlap in present time:
first dive starts on October 13th at 14:30 in the present and presumably on 20XX/XX/XX at 14:30 in the past, the kidnapping seems to have occurred at 14:55, both in the past and in the past. We can presume that this dive ends way before the 12 hours limit was reached.
second dive begins right before the kidnapping, which again I presume happened on 20XX/XX/XX at about 14:55, then CXS awakes and LG states that the 12 hours period is almost done; the dive ends on October 14th at 02:55, which seems to suggest that the second dive started on October 13th at 14:55 BUT at that time CXS was still inside the first dive.
What’s happening here?? Am I wrong? Is time wrong? My goodness
Episode 8
This one drives me nuts for really no reason, I’m not even sure if I’m correct, BUT on the dial of Dong Yi’s wristwatch watch you can read what appears to be a 15 inside the box where, as far as I know, the day of the month is usually shown. IF this assumption is correct, Dong Yi’s watch marks that it is the 15th, while XSS’s phone marks that is October 21st.
Again, Why? Just why are they messing with our head?
Episode 9
Nothing new on this episode but, if only, this episode proofs that diving doesn’t need to start at the exact time the picture or video was taken, because CXS’s dive occurs somewhere between the 10:00 and the 14:45 of October 21st, while the dive’s time seems to be late evening (from more that 2 hours prior 22.34). Does this solve the issue with episodes 6 and 7? Not sure.
Episode 10
I’ll use this episode to address the elephant in the room: the 10:10 ghost clock!
The photo studio seems to have at least 2 clocks, one on the hall, with a red frame, plus another one in the darkroom.
However, a third ghost clock with a white or blueish frame switches place with the other 2 every now and then. The red clock seems to be working fine, the darkroom clock seems that either it stopped or it is 10 minutes off, the ghost clock always marks 10:10.
WHAT is this clock?! Is this a random clock picture just to fill the scene? Is it a hint that something happened at 10:10?
I, I… I’m lost.
Episode 11
I won't address Lu Guang's thought at the end of this episode but I'll leave them for my season 2 analyses, because they fit there better.
Therefore, nothing much is left to say about this episode, except that the darkroom wall with the clock keeps changing aspect (and even the clock disappears at some point).
But, just for the sake of my mind I will tag this as “do not read too much into this one” and, again, move on with my life.
And this was just season 1, I have no idea how mad it’s going to be during season 2.
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vikenticomeshome · 6 months
The Cyberchase Homepage Through the Years: part 2 (January 6, 2005 through February 10, 2007)
I decided to pick up where I left off on my earlier post documenting the Cyberchase homepage over the years. Here is a capture from January 6th, 2005. The page is now back to normal after Starlight Night 2004. We now have an advertisement for "Cyberchase: The Quest".
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On January 30th, 2005, we got the Valentines Day design again. Cyberchase had wrapped Season 3 in December of 2004, and they wouldn't start airing Season 4 until April, so I suppose they didn't have anything new to promote just yet. I only just noticed that Matt is holding a flower as part of this artwork. I'm a bit surprised that neither of the girls are holding anything.
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They went back to advertising Cyberchase: The Quest by February 20, 2005.
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On April 6th, 2005, Digit started advertising "Know Your Dough", which was all about teaching children about money management.
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This capture from June 28th, 2005 shows an advertisement for "Quest 2: Race for Radopolis".
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On July 21, 2005, we got this promotion for Hacker's secret.
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This was referring to the main part of the "Transformatron Story Arc", as it discussed the four episodes where The Hacker was assembling the Transformatron. This was also where Slider was reunited with his dad.
Season 4 Episode 2: "The Icky Factor"
Season 4 Episode 3: "Penguin Tears"
Season 4 Episode 4: "Past Perfect Prediction"
Season 4 Epsiode 5: "Measure for Measure"
I may do a separate post talking about the promotional content, as it is no longer on the PBS Kids website, but I have recovered most of it for the FlashPoint Archive Project. Unfortunately, that video preview was in RealPlayer, and those files are lost now. But, the rest of it is now preserved.
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By August 7th, 2005, the "Hacker's Secret" promotion was gone. At that point they didn't have any advertisement in the bottom right corner. Fun fact, the file names refer to this bottom-right-corner advertisement as a "bug", regardless of what was being advertised. This would have been in reference to bottom-right-corner station IDs that you would see on television channels.
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I found a capture from September 30th, 2005 where they re-worked the page. The background is the same, but they've added new screens, kicked out Buzz and Delete, and now we get a count-down for new episodes, which are given a more prominent place. There is also a mention of a contest for 2005. It looks like another Intel partnership where winners would get laptop computers, similar to the 2004 contest. I need to dig around and see what can be retrieved from that and make a separate post.
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It's October 13th, 2005, and we get a Halloween version of the site. It looks like they just recycled it from last year. It is a bit of a shame, as I liked the new screen arrangement.
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And then, when November 2nd, 2005 rolled around, we are back to the advertisement for Cyberchase: The Quest.
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Here we see a capture from December 5th, 2005, and its a little bit confusing. The kids are all dressed up in their winter wear, and we have Cybersite Penguia as our backdrop. It looks nice until you start thinking about it.
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At first, I thought the kids had lugged the terminals and computer screens out there for this winter photoshoot. But then I saw the whole-ass balcony was also out there. How would they get that all that way to Penguia? Portal? Why would Motherboard agree to that? Was she in a particularly silly mood? And why were Buzz and Delete invited to this photoshoot? I think this is a Star Trek Holodeck type of situation where they haven't left the original room, and they are just simulating Penguia.
And now, we have this capture from December 10th, 2005, where Bianca makes a cameo to announce the winners of the 2005 contest. I don't think the kids have noticed her yet. Otherwise, they would be very surprised.
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And now, it is January 18th, 2006, and we get a promotion for Cyberchase Super Science coming in 12 days. I don't remember what this was off the top of my head.
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It is now February 2nd, 2006. The winter theme is gone, and the screens have been shifted around again to advertise "Cyberchase: The Quest 3" (the top left Cyber-beast), and "Cyberchase Super Science".
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This was an initiative that focused on kids designing, creating, and customizing things. This is something else that I need to make a separate post on at some point, depending on what I am able to recover. I can see that we have a link to "Cyberspace News Issue #3", which is a little confusing. The "Hacker's Secret" promotion gave us an un-numbered issue of "Cyberspace News", which I assume was Issue #1. I don't remember seeing an issue #2 anywhere. I need to look into that.
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This capture from April 10th, 2006, shows the "Know Your Dough" advertisement has returned. Maybe the kids spent too much money on the screens and needed a refresher.
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An June 15th, 2006, we get a promotion for "My Cyberchase Summer", pushing aside the Cyberchase Super Science promotion. This new promotion does feature The Hacker, and he would do something like that. This section had a list of the different episodes that were going to air during the summer of 2006, and they included activities to go along with them. Maybe I'll make a separate post all about this section later.
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It is now September 25, 2006. They finally kicked The Hacker off the screen and replaced him with a promotion for "My Big Idea".
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This was an initiative where parents could submit videos of their children working on inventions. This page talks about the invention videos being put up on the website and potentially aired on TV. The TV airing would have been part of "Cyberchase: My Big Idea", which was a two-hour special hosted by Harry and Bianca. The special used four episodes aired in a row, and Harry and Bianca would show up in-between them to talk about inventions and show the clips of the kids. I need to see if this is still around somewhere.
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Here we go. It is October 23rd, 2006, and the site has had a major redesign. They had been serving Flash games for years now, but now the homepage interface is all Flash. Additionally, the kids get idle animations. I can post a still image, but that can only show so much when the whole point is that the site is full of animations now. This particular page is advertising the new episodes coming in February, the character gallery where they put artwork submitted by viewers, a Starlight Night theme, and an advertisement for "Cyberchase: The Quest.
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Delete shows up if you click on this door.
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Uh oh! Buzz and The Hacker have gotten into wherever this place is. If we don't count The Hacker appearing on a screen or advertising bug, I think this is the first time The Hacker has shown up "for real" on the homepage. Maybe the Cybersquad should do something about that.
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Hey, I just wanted to point out that it is February 2nd, 2007, and the kids haven't taken down their Starlight decorations yet. https://web.archive.org/web/20070202023432/http://pbskids.org:80/cyberchase/index.html
They did them down sometime between February 2nd and February 8th.
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I think this is a fair place to stop for right now, before I hit the image or character limit.
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nobleriver · 2 months
Hi!! It's me- anon-sy! So, just a question- there's a fic that's been ruminating in my head that I'm trying to write out- that I will not finish in years lol- but it's a 10River fob!watch au with martha & River friendship and 10 & Martha brotp. Actually it's more and less a family of blood episode AU and something I still can't figure out is how will it be finished in a way that will be Silence of the Library compliant AND give River and/or 10 more angst- cause River is my precious blorpo and she must suffer 😊
Anyway, how would you in particular plot this out and/or write this? I promise I won't use your ideas- I just don't have Whovian friends to talk to about this.
Feel free to disregard this if it's too silly. Thank you!!! 😊 💕💕
Ooooh what a fun AU concept! Martha and River being besties sounds amazing, and let's be honest, if they ever met, they would be. River instead of Joan as the teacher. River is there to investigate. Maybe, as those creatures have been chasing the Doctor, she has been chasing them. Also, I don't care if you use these plot ideas.
My immediate reaction while reading the rest of your ask was "Forget Silence in the Library"! No seriously, I yelled this out loud as I was reading that 😂 It's like a 10River graveyard (well, I guess "like" is the wrong word. It literally is.)
But right, right, right, Martha comes before Donna, I got you, and SITL is the first time he sees her. *sighs* However, you can employ the same trick as Big Finish. Have River wipe his memory when it's over. That would DEFINITELY give both of them angst. Maybe, it can be a device like in Hell Bent or a drug she uses. Martha will offer to persuade River to stay, as she offered to persuade Joan, yet the Doctor will tell her not to. River's made her choice. Timelord!10 would vehemently reject a memory wipe, so she would either have to do it secretly OR she would need to get Human!10 to agree to it and inject a slow-release memory drug into his system while he's compliant. That way, when Timelord!10 arrives, it'll be too late to reject. The drug would already been in his system, deleting her face, her voice, her kiss (if they're kissing, but hey, it's human!10, you can go ham). Then, we the audience would be suspended in angst with these two characters as they say goodbye, as 10 - just like in the end of the original Family of Blood - strives to cling hold to his memories, to cling hold to River, to have her travel with him, only to be rejected. She promises he'll see her again, one last reassurance before she teleports away, leaving him alone once more. Once more is he trapped in the unending grief of losing the woman he loves.
[This is probably WAY past the endpoint of your AU, but in my mind - I really do love your story concept - the aftermath goes like this lol ]
Even after time passes, his memories turned to dust, the feeling of lost, the residual grief of her absence still haunts his steps. Her phantom laugh plagues him at night when the companions sleep. No wonder he stops breathing when a strange message with bizarrely familiar handwriting appears on his psychic paper: The Library. Come as soon as you can, x. All thoughts of the beach fly from his mind. His limbs operate as if on autopilot, his feet kicking levers into place, his fingers punching in new space-time coordinates. Donna questions why he came here, why come if he doesn't know the sender? But he can't give a real answer. He doesn't know the real answer. All he knows is...he can't resist their call.
Your AU can be canon compliant to SITL while fully developing 10River's romance. Have fun with it. :)
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pilferingapples · 2 years
An Ongoing Effort to Index This Blog
You’re probably here for reference material! Here’s a tag list to hopefully make finding that easier!
Before I get into the tag lists, a note on my Editorial Policy, such as it is:  I truly appreciate corrections, warnings about bloggers/writers operating in bad faith, etc! But if you’re contacting me with actionable info please come off anon or leave me some other way to get hold of you, so I can follow up if I need more info! I’m happy to keep a convo private if asked, I just need to be able to verify my sources. 
Also: I will delete asks about donation campaigns. I'm sorry, but I've been getting spammed with scam accounts and I can't keep up with the rest.
That out of the way! The tags!
(I had all these linked before accidentally deleting this post once; it's going to be a While before I can repair those links. If you want to find any of these , just go to pilferingapples.tumblr.com/tagged/name of tag and it should work!) Les Miserables Specific: -BrickClub: former readthroughs - LM X.X.X (as in: LM 1.2.3): chapter specific tags -Fandom 101: stuff that’s hopefully useful for people just starting to look around ; if there’s something not here you think would be useful, let me know! -Fashion,or:  Canon Era Fashion : what it says on the tin - Les Misereference: a general tag of all kinds of things , if you just wanna binge canon-era reference - (Character) relevant: references and commentary specifically relevant to one character.  Note that this includes “barricade relevant”, “Amis relevant” as a group, and, yes, “sewer relevant” - (character) talk: discussion of a character/concept , like “ Grantaire Talk”  or “sewer talk”  -what’s the meta for:  a general catchall tag for analysis discussion; mostly older stuff- Paris in Canon Era:  historical info for the True Main Character ; incl. sewers, schools, etc  - maps : They Are Maps - FRev :  goofy fannish stuff and silliness about the French Revolution - FRENCH REVOLUTION: actual historical/ analytical posts about the French Revolution (NOT when Les Mis is set, but hugely influential!)  -Women in the Revolution: what it says! historical /analyses stuff about women in various revolutions and uprisings, though mostly the 1830s and the Frev.  Romanticism Specific:  - Actual Romantics : stories and histories on members of the French Romantic movement -Four People and a Shoelace: specifically about the Petit Cenacle/Jeunes France crew -Hugolania: trivia and random Hugo homages/commentary/fandom stuff. Because Hugo always  had a fandom. more, doubtless, as I think of them! Adaptations: - Les Mis Stage : things about /from the stage musical  -Les Mis Dallas, Dallas Les Mis :  the 2014 Dallas Theater Center modernized production -Les Mis 2012 : things about/from the 2012 musical movie  -Shoujo Cosette: the 52-episode anime; characters from this sometimes just get tagged SC(character)  -Les Mis Arai:  the multivolume manga - Other Adaptations : what it says on the tin , including other musical adaptations, movies, and tv shows  Fanwork Specific -(Character) art:  exactly what you’d expect  - Canon era fic :..again… - Modern AU : rarely needed, but sometimes! -Fic Rec, Ficrec-what it says  Character/ Group/ Ship/Pairing tags, when not just a character’s name : - The Pontmercy Friend: Marius  - All of Them : the Amis as a group -Most of Them: ALMOST all the Amis as a group -Poetry Smash: Bahorel and Prouvaire  -Justice and His Tutor: Enjolras and Feuilly  - Bini!, Bini:  Joly and Bossuet  - OMST3K: J/B/M, for reasons - Power Trio: Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac  - Party Trio: Joly, Legle , and Grantaire -To Watch Faith Soar: Enjolras and Grantaire Ships Ahoy:  any content focused on romance  (these are NEVER EVER Ship Tags): - Owl and Wren : Valjean and Cosette - Para Bellum: Bahorel and Gavroche
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decidueyes · 4 months
I recently rewatched Death Note, its been one of my fave anime since I first watched it and it still is :) Some thoughts (hidden for spoilers):
-I know the common opinion is that the rest of the show after L dies isn't as good. I recently learned that the anime actually rushed it/skipped stuff from the manga, which is unfortunate :/. I noticed that there were much less inner monologues during the latter half; disappointing to me bcuz 1. it made it harder to follow the logic, and 2. it would've helped develop the Light vs Near dynamic and make us viewers feel more invested. It would have been nice if the anime had more episodes so it wouldn't feel so rushed. We also don't really get to know Mello and Near very well, which sucks cuz now everyone thinks they're not as good as L (which might still be true, but at least give them a fighting chance lmao). The worst victim has gotta be Mello's friend Matt who shows up in one scene just to get shot at by a group of people and die. Its funny to think about cuz why did they do him like that lol.
-L is still my fave <3. The OG autistic anime boy. When I first watched I was so surprised when he died that I felt like I was in shock for the rest of the day. I'm not usually that affected by character deaths but that one really got me. This time around I braced myself for it, but its not that bad when you know its coming. Still, Fs in the chat for him o7.
-On the other hand, I remember I hated Light lmao. I disagree with him but then also the whole "I'm a god" ego thing was off-putting to me. Now that I'm older I think maybe I can appreciate his character a little more. He's still dumb tho, killing criminals isn't gonna magically make the world better. I guess that's part of his character, the way he is so naive. There's also the question of whether the death note corrupted him or if he was always like that. Maybe a bit of both? That might be what's interesting about him. Tbh I feel like the death note would corrupt anyone :O
-I don't think I ever gave much thought to the relationship between Light and L, but now that I'm thinking about it, its kinda fascinating. Like, they don't really like each other, but they're also obsessed with each other. The most joy in life they have is this intellectual back-and-forth game they are playing. When Light says "its boring without Ryuzaki" and then multiple times he's like "Near u suck ur not as good as L" like why are u thinking about another man that much lmao. Anime rivalry/toxic yaoi go brrrr.
-Misa deserved better. She was basically written out near the end when she had to give up her death note again. 2 shinigami died for her and yet she barely gets to do anything damn lmao.
-I saw a youtube comment about Matsuda that was really cool. It said he was like a son to Soichiro, more than his actual son, which made it meaningful when Matsuda was the one to shoot Light at the end. Matsuda was also the only one who would sometimes say that Kira maybe had a point, so there's another meaning to him shooting LIght. Idk I just think that's a neat detail.
-Never 4get the memes. The potato chip scene. All according to keikaku. "I've even brought America to its knees". "DELETE DELETE DELETE". The other cop pocketing the strawberry that L gives him instead of just eating it. This show is so silly :)
This got kinda long whoops. TL;DR: Death Note good. Also, stan L :)
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steve0discusses · 2 years
S5 Ep 40 Pt2: Time to Bother Bakura (In Kul Elna)
We have arrived in Kul Elna! And it looks like a bomb exploded on it. Which like...I dunno how the process of making the Millennium items works, the show gracefully cuts away at the inferred carnage, but it removed the roofs.
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And then this blessed being shows up.
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Look at their eyes!
Their funny little open maws!
(read more under the cut)
Down in a crypt where the Millennium items were forged, Bakura is vibing in the best way he knows how. If my brain weren’t so strewn with so much freakin long covid that turns it into moth balls and if I weren’t behind on everything in life, it would be fun to draw this situation. I mean look at this situation.
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Like when this anime wants to get extra and weird, it gives it the full weird, and I appreciate that. This is not subtle at all, and that’s why I like it. Corny as hell. Extra aesthetic. Keep it up, this is the good stuff.
Pharaoh enters the tomb (or whatever the hell it is--not entirely sure what this underground Legend of Zelda temple was before it became the super haunted place where the items were made. Probably a cellar for storing that garlic they like to eat so much.) and the rest of his crew stays behind to fight oodles of skeletons.
The whiplash between silly skeleton fight and Pharaoh facing his demons down in the crypt was pretty funny.
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This is probably some Dark Magician girl lore that I should know but I don’t. Like on a good day I don’t watch the card fights and so on an off day like today you bet your ass I have no memory of it.
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Since it’s About Time Already, Bakura finally explains this guy who we saw waaaay back in Season 1.
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As I was remarking with bro how there was symbolism to the puzzle being over the heart Bro said “and the ring is over the dick” and he also says he wishes to rescind his statement, but he’s not wrong I mean...look where it is.
But now we know, this big ol millennium stone was filled with dead people the whole time! There we go, that’s uh...that’s new information. Not like we haven’t had a bunch of items with dead people souls in it in this show, but this guy is like when you go to the gas station and they got like little chips and sandwiches you can buy--but then there’s the REALLY BIG PICKLE.
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Which like I dunno if this is a universal thing, the big pickle, but at every single store there’s this massive pickle and you’re like “well that’s weird, but who is buying these???” and then you see one in your fridge and it’s “OMG is it my roommate?” and then you go to your friends house and the big pickle is there, and then you go to your mom’s house and big pickle is there. Everyone gets the big pickle. Everyone respects and understands the weird ass giant pickle but you.
That’s Yami and this tablet.
Forgive me if that makes zero sense but my long covid brain is convinced that was a good metaphor.
Anyway long story short, Yami is about to get chewed up by ghosts which...he’s a ghost already but don’t worry about it.
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Bakura will try and redeem himself constantly with how he’s the last soul survivor of a dead civilization but when you think about it...everyone from Pharaoh’s era is dead by now so like preaching to the choir a bit.
Also, we get a glam up by Mahad, back in business, as the Dark Magician, in  a suit he cannot turn his head to the right or left in.
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Every time I see Dark Magician man it’s like
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I get that they’re committed to the hat at season 5, but like It’s a banana. It screams banana.
Y’all I haven’t touched this card game in like 5 months because of the LC and I gotta tell you: I already forgot every single one of the rules so I’m thankful this season that the card fights are kind of just normal ass fights.
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PS if this is like the fault of my brain or the dub, like you can let me know but like...
...did Mahad in his banana suit really infer in this episode that it’s OK that Bakura’s town got supermurdered because they were criminals? Like, Mahad, that’s a bad tweet, you should delete it.
But then again, that is on point for how the justice system worked in 3000 BC.
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Convinced that Pharaoh’s Dad died in order to free Pharaoh from the burden of All Those Dead People, he is ready to play cards and unite Egypt. hallucinate.
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And then Guess who shows up, that’s right...the girl who once gave us a giant sword in a dream about an evil Aurora Borealis. It’s Dark Magician girl, who exists before I thought she should exist yet in the Yugioh timeline. But that’s OK, because she’s here now.
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...man here I was thinking Mana would hella die and get turned into a card in order for Dark Magician Girl to exist--but if that doesn’t need to happen. They’re two seperate people. Like in the same way Yami and Yugi are two seperate people (that look very different although similar haircuts) Which like, sucks for Mahad because he super died--but great for Mana, I guess.
It makes you wonder like...does anyone else die then? Is there hope for Seto’s Soon to be Dead Wife?
None. None hope, that wife is super dead, but maybe?
haha absolutely not.
Anyway here’s my link to read these in chrono order. Lets hope the next episode comes out quicker than the last one. I do have a goal to finish this season by the end of the year -- I think we can do it, but we shall see how the long covid pans out.
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tappioca · 9 months
hi :) i'm a huge fan of anam cara like it's my favorite fic of all time, so first just wanna say thank you for writing it <3 i can't even verbalize how much this fic has affected my emotional state like if i hear someone *mention* leaving on a jet plane, then it is over for me ! i am thinking about that part right now and crying (not kidding) !! how did you learn to write the way you do? is it just natural talent? did you take classes or do you have a specific book genre/author you take inspiration from?
hi, anon! :D kinda wish this was done through DMs ‘cause i don’t deal with compliments well especially this is anon too so this HAS to be published idk cultural stuff i think but let’s power through, babyyy!
first off, thank you for liking my silly lil’ fic! and that i am honored it’s your fave when there are a lot in the crop to choose from. 🙇🏻‍♀️ we have the muses (dua lipa’s “pretty please”, taylor swift, and that one passage in The Great Gatsby i’m tryna adopt the energy of) and ofc the entire institution of hor🆖y to thank why it exists. also special thanks to my beta reader for being so cool and keeping me grounded at many points.
lmaooo leaving on a jetplane’s a bit of a tear-jerker for me too, even before i got into RE. then i realized it oddly fit with the whole dynamic of ashleon in the fic, so if it’s any consolation—yep, i myself stare dramatically into space and imagine an ashleon music video when that song comes on.
as for writing…hmm. i suppose it’s a mishmash of everything i read. i was never privileged enough to take lessons (lessons would have turned me off, anyway); i just have a bit of an imagination, a penchant for explaining stuff, and, in anam cara’s case, i was severely horny for two sets of pixels 💀
i’d love to say i’m a voracious reader, but alas, not really 😭 i just happen to be a bit of a sponge when i read—i subconsciously note the vibes, the writing cadence, how hard a description can make me hallucinate. my writing influences include gabriel garcia marquez, luisa may alcott, andré aciman’s CMBYN, (and in the nonfiction category) standup comedy, memoirs, carrie fisher, cs lewis’ essays, a lil’ bit of david sedaris. garcia marquez would explain the hell-bent-ness on describing the environment. the rest would explain for the penchant for exposition.
(i’m yapping here but if there’s one thing i’d leave you, anon it’s this: there’s a saying that goes “every writer is a reader.” some people just read, but writing’s not up that much in their alley. but every writer must be a reader. so yeah. shoutout to my mom who bought us fairy tale books when we were kids and told us “one day, you’ll learn how to read, so you can enjoy these stories on your own” her daughter’s writing porn about fictional characters now but hey it’s whatever)
oh, this went off the rails a lil’ bit. sorry. anyway, chapter 15’s is a WIP now. and thank you for these kind words, anon. sometimes i feel like deleting that thing when i’m having one of them “brain go brrr” episodes but being told that my stuff gives enjoyment to some matters a lot 🥹 thanks for this, truly. happy holidays, anon! 🫶
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