#just for you maeve 😘
saphirered · 1 year
I have a request! I am in desperate need of anything for fenrys X reader 😩 I love a good enemies to lovers Trope 😏 (but you can do what you want!!)
It's been a while so why not kick off with a 3 part story. 1.5k each sound good? Here's the first part. Enemies comes first so expect some angst and canon typical violence. Happy reading! 😘
When he took the oath he followed his twin because they stood together. They’d remain together no matter what. Fenrys, though blinded by all that glory had to offer, was not entirely disillusioned with the strings that came attached even if he tried to desperately ignore them until he couldn’t. Things got worse of course. The further he strayed, the tighter the leash. He told himself it was simply a price to pay; one where his brother would be safe, where he could live his life freely some of the time and live gloriously. Was it worth it? He used to think so. Though what frustrated him is that no matter what, there would always be this thorn in his side, the true pearl in Maeve’s collection of empty shells. You. Maeve might lack the ability to love and truly care for anyone but herself but when it came to you there was a weird sense of possessiveness. The Cadre might have been the prized bloodhounds and guard dogs, but you were something different entirely. You were her songbird; to sing at her command, to be shown off as a prized possession and put on display for all to see. What made Fenrys hate you is that you seemed o bask in the glow of it all. 
You stood at Maeve’s side always. You never had the need to warp her words to take some illusion of freedom, to escape her clutches for a moment longer before the leash pulled you in. There was no leash on you. Maeve never had you swear the oath. You were just there, you could walk out of Doranelle but you chose to stay at her side. You stood there with your head held high. You needed not fear the strike of a whip. No rope would wrap around your neck and choke the air out of your lungs for a misspoken word. There was no reason for you to follow her commands other than loyalty. Your loyalty had to be a choice because you’d seen it all, you stood there and watched the bloodshed and torture and pain inflicted upon others. You did not even turn your head when faced with the horrors. You simply stared with cold indifference. 
What Fenrys didn’t know was you might not be on that same leash as him, you are caged either way. Maeve took great pleasure in the fact she did not need to have you swear the blood oath. No what she had on you would be more than enough to keep you from rebelling, from stepping even one toe out of line. You had been there before Fenrys so he had not witnessed the torture you endured; that if you looked away from the bloodcurdling screams, from the pleading and begging and met them with anything other than indifference at best or cruelty of your own at worst, you would be offered the same punishment as them. You were a prisoner and no amount of torture had you spill the secrets you kept. It was an eternal stalemate. Torturing and killing loved ones, that simply wouldn’t do. You’d die with them and you’d be useless, but keeping you around even if she would have to wait centuries for you to finally break and spill, not only was she patient but she took great pleasure in it all; in what you’d become. 
While the cadre was sent out to fight wars and bask in the glory of bloodshed, your dalliances with the upper class of nations were no secret. When those nations failed to submit to Maeve’s wishes, you’d swoop in and convince them otherwise. When rebellion arose, you’d be the face trying to quell and snuff the flames before they could spark. You’d use your charm and body to entice and bring the most favourable outcome for Maeve. At some point Fenrys considered you might have been as in love with her as Lorcan and you’re simply wrapped around her finger. He hated you for the special treatment you got. He hated how okay you were with everything you faced, how you presented yourself like you were better than them. He hated that in Maeve’s eyes you could do no wrong and they’d be sent to clean up the mess where your persuasions and deception failed where they got tortured for setting one foot out of line. So he would make you pay in his own way. Of course he would not dare lay a hand on you, especially unprovoked, be that out of fear for Maeve or simply because it felt wrong, there is plenty of ways to press someone’s buttons and he just happens to be very good at it. That’s exactly what he spent the next century or so doing. 
What a blessing it was to have you be sent along on a mission. There was no escape for you, and no one to truly punish him for his awful behaviour. If you were to be his warden then he would make that a living hell for you. He’d done so successfully that now you sent Gavriel with him in your stead to negotiate with the Pirate Lord. He’d watched you burn from within but then you’d take that frustrating breath and all emotion would ebb away. Your pretty face would turn ever so cold once more and thus with it the small spark of satisfaction on his end died away. He submitted to your command either way. He had to. Maeve’s orders. 
When he returned he saw you on that couch, head bowed forward, hands in your hair. If he dared be so bold, he would have sworn he saw the light tremble to your body but it instantly disappeared upon his arrival. 
“Why so glum, sunshine?” He decided to gracelessly drop himself onto the couch opposite of you. You brush your hair from your face and look up, once again eyes deadly cold, though right now there’s an exhaustion haunting your entire being he cannot quite place. 
“I’m not in the mood for your teasings, Fenrys.” You struggle to keep the inner turmoil from your voice. You have to be strong. You have to be thick-skinned. You have to keep taking the blows. Not like you don’t deserve them. Now more than ever must your resilience last. 
“You never are. Now are you going to tell me who pissed in your soup? I’d like to personally thank them for getting you to show even an ounce of discomfort and might want to ask for some pointers on how to wear you out like that. You keep refusing my other advances after all. I’d say exhaustion suits you but…” You can’t do this. You’re hanging on by a silken thread and it’s about to snap. You rise to your feet and make for the door but just before you reach he is blocking your way. You try to get around him but he holds you back.
Fenrys is too caught up in his own mind to realise you flinch at his touch, how you pull away. He misses that paranoia and drop of remorse blinking through you. He’s too focused on making your life hell and right now you’re making it very easy for him. You’re not one to run away but rarely there is no one else to tell him off, to face him with the consequences and remind him of his stupidity. He’s had his toes stepped on already. He’ll take great pleasure in playing this eternal game with you. He might not be able to get to Maeve to get recompense, but he sure as hell can take those grievances out on you. 
“Fenrys let me go.” You demand. Your breath is high in your chest as he holds onto your shoulders. You shake him off and step out of reach but still he stands between you and your escape to the outside. 
“Or what? You’ll tattle on me to Maeve?” He mocks. You can clearly see that frustration burn beneath his skin and he has every reason to be frustrated. You’ve stood by for decades. You were perfectly fine letting his brother suffer, letting him suffer if it meant you kept the strings in hand. If it takes being cruel then so be it. You’ll be cruel. You’ll strike where it hurts. Your words are much sharper than your claws and they cut far deeper. He was not prepared for what you said next. He did not count on his impulsiveness to be so crippling to his better judgement.  
“If I do we both know you won’t be the ones to suffer at her hand for it.” That’s it. Fenrys snaps. Next he knows you’re against the wall and his hand grabs your throat. You struggle to breath from the crushing force and claw at his hand to no avail. No, you weren’t truly trying. He sees it now; acceptance, relief even. In that very moment you are prepared to meet your end. He wouldn’t have done it of course, he might be stupid but he’s not outright suicidal but you didn’t know that. It’s the first time he’s truly seen you break. He has half the mind to wonder; never has he seen you break, so what has gotten you to do so now? He noticed the crack in your perfectly crafted armour. It took him a while before he realised there were many more. 
“Lay a hand on Connall and I will personally repay you in kind. With interest.” He lets go and air enters your lungs once more. You wobble on unsteady feet as he exits through that door and leaves you alone with your thoughts. Once you are sure he’s truly gone you simply drop to the ground, hug your knees and stare into the abyss. You’d ran out of tears a long time ago. 
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spiky-berry21 · 2 months
AHAHAHAGUSJFZTUXBH- *cough cough* pardon me. Just finished Calli's little character poster after... Multiple hours, and here it is!
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Transcription (so sorry for the blurriness 😭):
Born: December 6th, 1899
Murray bridge, South Australia
Born and raised on the murky expanse of the Murray river, Calliope was always one for life on her family's cattle farm. And, undenounced to her parents, the life of a small-time bank robber in the latter half of her teenage years. Considered more wayward and rebellious the older she got, it came as a shock to her when her elder brothers, and father, were enlisted in the armed forces to fight in the great war. Leaving only her and her mother to take care of the farm for the years they were away. And by circumstances of a tragic heartbreak, Calliope left her homeland and became a stowaway on a cargo ship heading for the distant lands of the Americas. In the hopes of finding an opportunity to build a new life for herself.
Though as they always say, old habits die hard. With the young Australian lass getting recruited for little pay in the esteemed Marigold gang. Now both a well-known patron, and a long-time bootlegger. Nothing, and she means nothing, is getting in the way of her current life. Or... That's what she thinks at least.
Living a congenial life on the wooden panels and planks of the Marigold room's backstage area, and being mostly forgotten about by a certain Marigold night manager. Calliope enjoys a plethora of... Interesting activities. Those including: Precarious automobile operating, wrangling with almost any cattle you put in front of her, mending household appliances, and dutifully using a shotgun. Her weapon of choice.
Woo! Thank you for reading all that (if you did), Maeve and Angel are going to be here (hopefully) soon. Feel free to ask any questions!
As always, have a magnificent day/night! 😘
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lorei-writes · 9 months
Hello there please can I have 🦋🦷☁️🌸❄️🧸🍬🍄🍓 Thank you Have a nice day 😘😘
Hello, hello! >:)
I hope your day is lovely too <3 Mine... Well, it could have been better, but it's not the worst either. :')
❄️has been answered here.
Ask game
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Recently I've been thinking about how success is measured in the era of social media.
Call me a fool, but I consider myself extremely fortunate and successful, even if it is not reflected in any easily quantifiable manner. I am yet to be an object of anon hate in its pure form (meaning a hateful comment rather than something unreasonable), but at the same time I have received messages saying that my writing was meaningful to somebody. I am surrounded by wonderful friends who look out for me and who I can (and do) build things together with. The projects I'm involved in (such as @flash-exchange and @writing-wednesday ) give people joy.
I do not know how to express my gratefulness in words.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
... Remember that very few things in life are final or otherwise permanent. Appreciate the good while it lasts. The bad? Live through it and do not despair. It will end. It always does.
Likewise, don't grow attach too much meaning / consequences to things. They often matter much less than our minds would have us believe.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
'Lorei' is a keysmash I did when I was, what, 10 or so? It stayed. -writes is fairly self-explanatory.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I do! I have four cats and a dog. (Three cats are more attached to me than my family, though. One cat treats my mom as her owner, and the dog... Well. The dog has chosen my father and brother. But mostly my father.)
However, I don't have any pictures of them on my PC :')
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Talking to me like to any stranger you'd like to get to know better. If we click, we click; if we don't -- we don't.
There's nothing more to it.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Chevalier Michel can be a big dum-dum at times, and it definitely shows. (Chevie, you idiot, what do you mean you forgot to tell your fiancee that the imperialism plan is abandoned; It's adorable sometimes, though. He can remain this peculiar kind of stupid. Especially when he takes Clavis' teasing to heart.)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Keith and Maeve would maintain a herb garden together.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Things in my life weren't going so great, I ran out of fanfics to read, and I started feeling bad about talking my friend's ear off with Sen. So I started my blog, and then things followed fairly naturally -- some ideas just needed to be let out.
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rowaelinsdaughter · 7 months
For the get to know me
Since you like astrology have you like done your birth chart are you into that part of astrology like all the zodiac and birth chart and witchy stuff or no
What’s your favorite color?
Who is your favorite character to write for and your least favorite?
And also im your favorite right person to get asks from right bestie duh 🙄 Thats not really a question thats just a fact lmao 😘🥰
𐙚˙⋆.˚ yes!!! my chart is; sagittarius sun, aquarius moon, scorpio venus and leo rising. i also love minerals and charging them with the new moon.
𐙚˙⋆.˚ difficult question... it depends on my mood, but i like black, pink and pastel colors, like soft colors.
𐙚˙⋆.˚ this is an easy one xd i LOVE LOVE LOVE to write for rowan, aelin, manon, dorian,fenrys, feyre, rhys, cassian, nesta, ruhn, lidia, hunt, bryce and more!!! and least least least, maeve, tamlin, amarantha... all the b!tches, but, bad b!tches
𐙚˙⋆.˚ you just have said it, its a fact <3
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keithsandwich · 10 months
Hello I have a question for Maeve you said she could sing but I am curious to know where and why did she learnt it ? What did she used it for ? And after when she get in a relationship with Keith did she keep singing at the palace ? Thanks Have a nice day 🙏🙌🤗😘
Hey, Julie!!
Her singing voice is a (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ gift
No, seriously, in the AU fic she was originally made for, it was literally a gift from the Goddess, as simple as this. Now, toning down the fantastic elements to match IkePri canon better, I would still say it's a natural gift. She just enjoyed singing the songs passed through generations in her village and during the celebrations, and people noticed she had a good voice and started asking her to sing more and more in such events.
I can see her singing in the palace, more often just for Keith, but she wouldn't oppose to singing in little soirees for people she likes.
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jayktoralldaylong · 8 months
Turning my new obsession into my favourite things.
Dorian: Being young and human doesn't mean that I'm an easy mark. I've been swimming with piranhas. 🏊‍♂️ I don't need a shark. 🦈 Yes, life sucks. But not that much😬👀 (Eyes her). Okay, Maeve, Maeve 😌. Be a doll and spare the lecture. 🙄
Maeve: I'm offering you a full time specter. 💰🪙❤️
Dorian: But are you any good?😏🤔
Maeve: You bet'cha.😏Trust me, baby. 😘😈
Dorian: I just met ya. 🤨💀 Really it's a flattering offer. 💃🏾
Maeve, whispers and grins because he slows: Don't you wanna see Erawan suffer?😏
Dorian: I think I'd rather just jump off. 😔
Maeve: No! 😳
Dorian: I may be suicidal. 😌 But Maeve hon, it's not as if I've lost my mind. 💀
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go-to-two · 1 year
I agree with the predictions for season 11 but no one could ever replace Hailey 😘
Under the caveat that I fully understand what you're saying and no one can replace the role Hailey has to you on this show...
I actually have no problem with the word "replace". I know it's used as a deragatory thing in fandoms, but I've never understood why. It's literally just filling a role that was vacated. Samuel Hunt replaced the role vacated by Stella Maeve who replaced the role vacated by Archie Kao (throwback!) Tracy replaced the role vacated by Sophia (YES I know she technically was covering for Marina on maternity leave, but that was her first three episodes). Lisseth replaced the role vacated by Jon. Benjamin replaced the role vacated by Jesse. If Tracy were to leave, someone would probably replace her too. I don't know, I don't see it as some negative thing. It's just people filling a role to me. It doesn't mean they are trying to be that character (they aren't) or that the characters should be compared. It's the same as any staffing turnover. A spot opens up, and it's filled.
I can't see "replacement" as a bad thing because sometimes the replacements work out better than the original 🤷🏼‍♀️
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n7viper · 2 years
2 3 5 6 and 6b what is a ghost (not really I will Google it)
Thank you for humouring me :3 💖😘 I'm gonna answer this easy one first haha
(Destiny OC Questions)
2. What race is your Guardian?
Maeve is Awoken -- Earthborn Awoken in her previous life. She's a little blue plasma lamp girlie. (The picture below doesn't show it well because of the lighting, but Awoken have Light swirling under their skin. I like to imagine that it can be reactive like those little plasma lamps, just as a bit of self-indulgence.)
3. What do they look like?
A baby! She has cropped black hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin is a pale blue grey, and she has little black markings on her forehead and at the edges of her eyes. She has a slender but athletic build with well-defined arms from using melee weapons and bows. I haven't played through Lightfall with her yet, so I'm excited to get to all of the fun helmet-off scenes it has. My screenshot key is gonna be working overtime.
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5. Defining features?
Mae is a return to my norm of having tall OCs -- she's about 6'3". Is height a feature normally called out like this? Because I can't really call out her glowing skin and eyes haha
6. What's their Ghost's name?
Lyra! I don't remember exactly where I'd seen it or what inspired it, but once I decided on it, my friend reminded me that he often names his RPG characters Lyralene. So the sentimental part of me is keeping it for that reason. I don't have any lore associated with Lyra's name at the moment, but it's simmering on the back burner for now.
I'll put this little blurb from Destinypedia here for any other followers who see this and are unfamiliar with the games: Ghosts are small, sapient machines created by the Traveler shortly after the Collapse. Their sole purpose is to locate and resurrect deceased individuals capable of wielding the Light as Guardians, and to support their Guardian charge in combat.
Death and reviving aren't just gameplay things - in the actual universe, Ghosts revive their guardians when they die, with few limitations. As long as your Ghost is alive, you're immortal for all intents and purposes.
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terramythos · 2 years
Top 5 favorite female characters? Top 5 books/movies/video games coming out in the future that you're excited for?
Thanks for the asks Wiz! 😘
Favorite Female Characters:
1. Akane Kurashiki from Zero Escape - surprising absolutely no one, she makes me go completely insane at all times and I've thought about her every day since I played 999 a decade ago. She is such a genuine surprise and a compelling character, there are so many layers and analyses one can have about her. Deception, narrative, fate, humanity vs godhood, thoughts shaping reality, etc etc etc. Blorbo In Chief.
2. Venat from Final Fantasy XIV - A very recent addition and I'm avoiding advanced story spoilers, but for a character that's technically introduced early but has the bulk of her development towards the end of Endwalker, I was very impressed with how well the writers pulled this character off. If you told me 2 years ago that she'd be on this list I'd call you a liar, but holy shit. They give her the coolest fucking cutscene in the entire game, no contest, which is in itself impressive, but her monologue and how it thematically connects to the story, lore, AND THEME SONG???? seals the deal. She also makes me go insane.
3. Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - I think Midna is one of the most complex and compelling characters in Zelda, I love her character growth and how her relationship with Link changes over the course of the game. She seems uncaring and cruel toward the beginning and grows more compassionate-- a well known arc, but I like how here it's a mix of facade and genuine growth. I think it's a damn shame they haven't explored Midna or the Twili in subsequent entries, I think she fully deserves to join the core three, triforce or no.
4. The Luidaeg from October Daye - God there are so many layers to this character. Her genuine tragedy, cruelty, and compassion are a highlight of the series and one of the things that keeps drawing me back in. Her different faces and relationships with each character and how that ties thematically to her protean nature... chef's kiss. She's a terrifying, vengeful force of nature older than time itself, but also a protector and guardian of the helpless, but also just a woman and mother who has been deeply wronged time and again. God I could go on for hours about her. She steals every scene she's in and I look forward to seeing her every book.
5. The Psychologist from The Southern Reach - I debated putting her here, but she is a fascinating example of narrative limitation. She goes from a stock villain in the first book (the biologist's interpretation), to an obsessive weirdo in the second book (Control's interpretation). In the third book we finally get her full story and perspective and learn what a fundamental character she is to the whole series. I find her fascinating in how much she shapes the narrative and events of the story despite being killed off early in the first book-- and just how wrong both the biologist and Control are about her.
Top Things I'm Excited For
1. System Collapse (next murderbot novel). I'm SO glad it's a full novel again, Network Effect was incredibe.
2. The "A Wonderful Life" remake for Story of Seasons. I liked the Friends of Mineral Town remake so I'm glad they're doing another one. I spent so much time playing this on the GameCube and was soooo disappointed when the PS2 special edition was such an unplayable mess.
3. Shadow and Bone Season 2. I was skeptical but really liked the first season and think they nailed the casting.
4. These Violent Delights (next October Daye). Boy did the last book reel me back in. I'm wondering whether the Maeve reveal is going to happen this book or not, I'm so excited for it.
5. ??? I'm sure there's a fifth thing but I can't think of what :3
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saphirered · 1 year
Caged Birds Don't Sing
And here's the third and final part of this request! You can find part two here. I hope you have all enjoyed this little angsty piece as much as I have. Happy reading my darlings! 😘
You walk among the gore and decay, stepping over those who have left this world and the horrors that tore them away. You hear the wails be they cries of pain, of grief or relieve. You’re covered in grime, head to toe. The silk and gossamer had been exchanged for steel and leather but the burden is equally heavy. You just wander. No purpose. No direction. You hear the faintest echo pierce through your hazy mind. The world is numb. You are numb and waiting for it all to come crashing down, for the realisation to hit you viciously. You’re free. You’re free of her, free of it all. You were a fool to think it’d magically all be better. All those sacrifices you made, they were a blood price for this. The goal was reached but the price steep. You find your gaze connecting to the eyes of one who paid the price for your silence. The White Wolf of Doranelle steps up to you. You can see his lips moving. He speaks your name but his words are a distant echo. He grabs onto your arm and gently shakes you. 
Fenrys saw you walking among the corpses and chaos. You looked like an angel of death among them; reaping the souls of the fallen and walking them to the afterlife. Once upon a time he might have jested you looked horrible, that the battlefield did not suit you and you should return to your life of finery, that blood tarnishes even the prettiest diamonds. You might have clapped back but he knows now you won’t. You’re too far out of it. You don’t even respond when he calls your name. He realises why when he shakes you, when he sees that hand you had clasped over your abdomen move, and sees that blood and gore is not your enemy’s. You’re ashen, and have lost your radiance. You could never be plain but this must have been the closest you’d ever got to it. He’s all too aware how you straighten your back, you don’t even feel the pain anymore but still make it a point to appear presentable, as if you’re ready to meet your end.
“Have you come to finish the job yourself?” There’s an airiness to your voice. You’re ready. You know what’s coming. It’s all lead to this. “It’s okay, Fenrys. I’m ready to face the consequences of my actions.” Conflict crosses his features so you reassure him. You find it with yourself to take his hand and guide it to his sword. He doesn’t shake you off nor stop you. Still he looks conflicted. 
“I used to dream of this moment,” He starts holding onto that sword but then he takes your hand instead, placing it over your abdomen and keeps pressure on it. “But I was wrong. I know what you did. I know why. It wasn’t worth it. You did what you could to be selfless, to protect and preserve. You did it at the expense of so many others.” Fenrys thinks for a second while you take in his words. He continues no less. 
“How is it any different than any of this? Why do you deserve to die when we’ve done just the same? When I’ve done just the same in those years of service. It doesn’t make it right but I know I’ll be spending the rest of my days making things right. You are clever and quick witted. You see through lies and deception, and are a master of persuasion. You are stubborn and thickheaded and annoying but most of all you can be a complete and utter bitch. We need that. We need you.” 
“For now I would like to see the stars.” One last time… You don’t say it but something in your heart knows this to be true. The sun is close to set. You don’t even know how long you’d been wandering the fields. It might have been eternity. You knew it would end here on the battlefield. You knew this life of yours would come to an end with Fenrys standing there in front of you. That was your curse wasn’t it? You knew how it would end for Maeve but you never gave her the opportunity to get rid of those who would lead to her downfall prematurely. You had no intention of changing this moment of yours either. It’s best to not mess with the way things are supposed to be. You learned that lesson the hard way. 
Fenrys sees the solemn distance in your eyes. He cannot begin to imagine what runs through your head, not even now he knows the gravity of your life, of the burden you’ve carried ever since you met him. He doesn’t envy you. He simply nods and throws your arm over his shoulder and lifts you as if you were no more than a rag doll. If you wish to see the stars then you will witness them away from death and ruin. With what energy he replenished he takes you to the beautiful hills of some forgotten place. As the last light of the sun sets over the horizon and the grasses rustle in the wind he sets you down. He debates if he should sit down next to you but then he feels the gentle tuck on his sleeve. You stare up at him with bright and peaceful eyes and he finds himself lowering next to you. How is it in the aftermath of it all you have become the embodiment of peace among the chaos? How is he feels that pleasant relief and release now he is near you? 
Together you sit until the silver speckles fill the night’s sky. The air grows cooler, and the wind dances ever so lightly; the only sound of the rustling blades of grass banishing the echoes of haunted clashing steel. You feel warm and comfy and cozy so you slowly lay down and gaze up. An easy smile graces your features, even when you see Fenrys at your side. If someone had told you you’d be here right now in this very moment, you’d have called them fool. Yet here you are. Here he is and he stares at you with something you can’t quite place. There’s pity, regret but that’s as far as you can uncover. 
“It was easy to hate you for all she did to us. We couldn’t do anything about Maeve, loyal or not but you… I see now it wasn’t right- I don’t know- I think what I’m trying to say is I’m sorry it had come to this.” Fenrys stumbles over his words. For that smooth talking and quick-witted fae he is known to be he half expected you to give him shit for it. He’s surprised you don’t. You just smile up at the stars. 
“I’m sorry too. For everything. I wish I could have done better.” There are so many words you want to speak but don’t have the energy for to voice them nor does it seem to be the moment to bring up that horrible past now the healing can finally begin. 
He watches as you struggle to breathe a little. He adjusts, lifts your head and sits behind you so you may lean against him. Throughout his weeks of torture, you’d been the one to clean up the mess. You’d been the one to nurture his wounds and held him while he slept. He’d refused your help at first solely for the fact he hated you, or told himself he did. He meant what he said; it was easy to hate you, to blame you and tell himself you were the villain in the story. You patched him up. You’d given his brother a final resting place when no one else dared to. You’d lied to Maeve’s face about it too. You’d risked it all for him. How could he hate you now knowing what he knows? You’ve been so strong but so broken for so long. You deserve your peace. You deserve the one thing you asked for. He’ll keep you company just as you kept him. That’s what he tried to tell himself at least. 
Hatred can turn from many things. Fenrys is not ashamed to say he’d miss you if you’d become another casualty of this grand scheme of Maeve’s. You asked to see the stars for a reason, thinking it’d be the last thing you’d see. He’ll be damned if he doesn’t try. Your odds might not be looking good but he knows you’re stubborn. He brushes some tangles from your hair with his fingers. 
“Then do better. I dare you to do better, you stubborn little bitch.” He speaks with a laugh. You tilt your head backwards more to look at him and manage to raise an eyebrow, sniffling a snort.
“What?” You’re confused but something within you sparks beneath the surface of your skin. You’d never been one to back down from a challenge set by a furry bastard. A part of your mind asks the right questions; why should you stop now?
“You heard me.” He guides you into a sitting position and pats your cheek. “Think you can’t do it? You lost your game, sunshine.” 
“Fenrys, now is not-“ He places a hand over your mouth and your next words are muffled. You try to remove it but can’t get a grasp.
“No no. I expect a grand apology for all the years of slander of my esteemed character. Besides, if I’m going to do this ambassador thing, I need you to write me a good reference. It’s the least you could do.” He lowers his hand just in time for you to snort.
“Ambassador? You? You don’t even know the first thing about basic etiquette, let alone foreign etiquettes. You’ll start a war within the week.” There’s that spark again. There’s that life in your eyes, that chaos among the calm that he’s hated facing only to be reminded it was the only consistent thing, the thing he took joy in over all these years. It was easy to hate you and blame you but it was never truly satisfying. Fenrys had found great satisfaction in challenging you, teasing you because despite everything, you made a worthy opponent who would meet his challenge. You were a sparring partner in a fight none of his friends could match. 
“What you gonna do about it? Stop me? I’d like to see you try.” He crosses his arms and raises his chin in defiance. Your lips part and you scoff shaking your head. “You can spend the rest if your life looking at the stars right here or you can tell me exactly how I fucked up the precious table settings and ate with the wrong cutlery. Hell, you can even judge me for all the princess I’ll sleep with and haunt me for being banished from nations. Someone needs to know what they’re doing and I sure as hell don’t.” He’s not wrong. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and you do. When he looks forward on his own, all he sees is shortcomings and the need to learn. he could be taught and would be of course. And he’s not completely incompetent but when he looks at you, if he had you with him, he feels safe and confident. 
“Only an idiot would leave you unsupervised.” You’re not wrong and you can see the horrible scenarios play in your mind of Fenrys running half naked out of a country or greatly offending a court for not knowing their customs. He’d be a mess. You know no amount of tutors could put up with his bullshit or have the dog pay attention for more than five minutes. 
“Well then, hello there idiot. You’re my supervisor. Now let’s get you to a healer and a bath because frankly you reek of death.” You feel your heart beat in your ears, feel the rush of blood when he reaches out his hand and offers it to you. He needs you. And in a way you need him. You need Fenrys to remind you what it feels to be alive because that’s what he’s done. He’s taken many hurtful blows to your armour in the past but when you were at a loss, you knew him to be consistent, you knew what to expect and when it mattered most, you had each other despite it all, despite the hatred you had for each other. It won’t be an easy road but then again nothing about Fenrys is easy except maybe his tendency to share his bed with others. You sigh and close your eyes. You nod as you place your hand in his. 
“I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?” 
“You better make it worth my time.” The look he gives you when you speak those words; the one that is filled with the most indecent thoughts, tells you enough. 
“You’re the only person who’s ever shared my bed and I haven’t fucked. We can change that.” He teases. Old habits die hard but he’ll never go out of his way to let you know you’re his type. Previously it would be followed by a comment of how your horrible attitude or the moment you’d open your mouth would be an instant mood kill. There’s no follow up comment. 
“I’d like to see you try.” You couldn’t resist the urge to make that comment, to set that challenge and while your initial thought is you’d regret this, everything else screams you won’t. You just won’t make it easy on him. Fenrys laces his fingers with yours, gently pulling your entwined hands towards him and therefore urging you forward. Cocky bastard. 
“How about a kiss first? I’m told it leaves the many wanting for so much more. You up for the challenge?” You don’t answer but instead close the distance and so his lips meet yours. He’s damned. He’s down the rabbit hole and falling forever more. He’s breathless. Few people managed to get him so and he’d be damned if he’d let you win that easily. He’ll still take great pleasure in this moment but when your lips finally part, he has the both of you falling through the worlds and reappear in the healer’s ward. 
“I hate you.” You groan.
“And you can hate me even more after you’re all patched up.” 
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spiky-berry21 · 2 months
Second Lacka-oc finished!
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(Transcription for any who find the image too blurry):
Born: November 27th, 1903
Salem, Massachusetts
Maeve Midwinter, the proprietor (and solitary worker) of a cosy little bookstore in downtown St. Louis. The epitome of a pristine and upstanding citizen, she carries herself with utmost pride. Serving her community like the very legal citizen she is.
Well... Aside from her random bursts of uncontrollable rage. But she will assure you it was just the amount of caffeine she had in her coffee that morning, "It's nothing, I assure you!". But besides that, Maeve has devoted her life to her books, the few things in life she finds worth her time. That, and the fact that she chooses to associate with what her mother would call the scum of the earth, supplying speakeasies with a portion of illegally made wine. Though perhaps being a supplier certainly has its... Perks. For example, getting to know the charming Australian bootlegger working for the infamous Marigold gang. Who she seems to have taken quite the liking to.
Among the pleasantness of her small bookshop on the corner, this gentlewoman enjoys listening to the ambience of her many records on her gramaphone. Coupled with the oh so calming turn of a book page when nobody is around. Loving all fashion with ruffles and jewels to them, she collects anything even remotely shiny she can get her little mitts on. As well as being an avid lover of dark humour, and strawberry flavoured macarons.
Very happy to have Maeve's character card done, I find her to be the more ostentatious of the three given her... wealthier upbringing.
As always, have a dazzling rest of your day/night! 😘
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
Y’all I was bored so I made a demon slayer OC
(Actually I made like 16 but these two are the main attractions okay 🥰)
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Meet Charlotte (right) and Calypso! (left)
(Yes I named one of them after me deal with it 🙄🤚💅)
Warnings: mentions of SH, forced sūi¢ide, and death
Info abt them!! :)
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-Her favorite color is purple, (if you can’t tell) mainly because it was her mother’s favorite color.(but she also thinks the color is really pretty)
-She always has some sort of assortments of flowers in her hair, they can be any color, but most if the time they are either purple, blue, or dark pink.
-She has a star tattoo on her left cheek, because of her father’s profession. He studied the stars, and he sometimes took her outside with him to look at the constellations and different patterns in the sky at night when it’s darkest.
-She has a flower eyepatch to cover an injury when she was younger. She had hurt herself while carelessly playing with her mother’s katana, which left her eye almost blind. She can still see out of it, but barely. She prefers to cover it up, however.
-The white streak in her hair is a form of vitiligo, but instead of it affecting her skin, like her mother, it affects her hair. (She really likes her white streak becoming she thinks it unique)
-Her mother also used to be a demon slayer, a powerful one at that, but she retired shortly after having her younger sisters. Her husband’s mysterious death also affected this decision.
-She has an older brother, and two younger twin sisters. Her brother is three years older than her, and her sisters are both five years younger. (She also has a step sister from when her mother remarried)
-At this current state and time, she is twenty-one years old, and stands at about six feet four inches. (Literally like two inches shorter than Tengen😭)
-Her skin is light compared to her mother, brother, and one of her twin sisters, who have more of a dark mocha complexion.
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These are the names of her family members!
(Left to right)
Callum (🕊️), Ezra, Charlotte (herself), Larissa, Maeve, and Aurelia! (Not including the step sister because she’s a snake 🙄) (also she lives in a family of giants 😭) her sisters are short lmao
-In her free time, she enjoys casually singing to herself, or reading romance or mystery novels. She also sometimes walks through her mother’s zen garden, just listening to the quiet wind.
- She also sometimes plays games with her younger sisters, who enjoy her company when their brother won’t play with them. They mostly play hide and seek or make paintings, or just walk outside and enjoy the sun while talking.
-She became a demon slayer after her brother was ambushed by a few in the woods, but was saved by another slayer. While he was healing Charlotte when to her mother and asked to tell her more about demons and the demon slayer corps., which ended up in her mother training her to become one.
-But, since her father had died, her mother could not protect her from any suitors in her village who wanted to pursue her.
-She ended up being engaged to a snob of a man, but he ended up cheating on her with her step sister. He didn’t show up to the altar anyhow, so she decided to just ditch the wedding and run away.
-She took her mother’s old katana, and ran away from the village, but not without leaving her family a note to where she was going.
-She lived aimlessly in the woods for a while, until stumbling upon a wisteria plant. She tucked it in her hair, thinking it was pretty, but didn’t know it kept demons away until one tried to attack her, then it backed away from her once it saw the wisteria in her hair.
-Fast forward to present day, she is a Hashira. She uses Dahlia breathing (something I made up 😘), and is very close to Tengen and Rengoku.
-Whenever she is on a little vacation, she always visits her family back in her home village. (Her step father and sister got kicked out ✨) She also visits the lovely little flower shop in their village, and has taken a liking to a certain florist who works there. 😏
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(The florist in question) His name is Noah :)
I’m going to kms is they don’t get married and have kids together omfg
-Whenever she visits the flower shop, Noah always has a bouquet of one flowers ready for her. (Purple Dahlias, Butterfly Snapdragons, Fuchsias, Orchids, or Forget-Me-Nots.)
-Mitsuri and Shinobu always tease her whenever she brings home a bouquet, saying that they want to meet her “secret flower supplier”. She always gets embarrassed when they ask and gets all flustered.
-She is very close to the butterfly children (Kanao, Aoi, Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi), and often spends time with them. They remind her of her younger sisters, and make her feel less homesick.
-On stormy nights, mainly when Shinobu is away, she often goes to comfort them. The butterfly triplets always beg her to read them a story, while Kanao and Aoi prefer to hear her sing them a lullaby. She usually ends up doing both, and they’re all asleep right as the song ends.
-She was one of the last Hashira alive, and often spent her days visiting Uzui and Giyuu. Sanemi came to visit a few times, mainly to reconcile for the past.
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-Calypso is, you guessed it, a demon. She is a purebred demon, which means she was born and conceived by one. No one is sure if her age, family, or origin, however.
-It is believed she has some sort of tie or connection to Charlotte Takahashi, whether spiritually or by blood, no one is really sure or has come up with an answer.
-Her blood demon art is “Starlit Frontier” (Referring to space). Some abilities include; Siren Song, Zero Gravity, Supermassive Star, Cosmic Blind, and Universal Pressure. I’ll explain each of these abilities.
-Siren Song is used for hypnosis/manipulation. She can use her voice to put anyone, demon or slayer, into a sort of dazed or hazy state. The sound of her voice will be irresistible to them, making her able to control them very easily. She can make them do absolutely anything she wants, including snapping their own necks. She rarely uses it, though.
-Zero Gravity is pretty self explanatory. She can either make everything around her float and use it to her advantage, or make herself float. She uses this one a lot, mainly because she likes floating in the air and flying around.
-Supermassive star is one of her more dangerous abilities. She can fuse her hands together and make a ball of light, sometimes as hot as the sun and as heavy as a neutron star, and stretch it to mass quantities. She doesn’t exceed more than five feet, however, since the results would otherwise be catastrophic.
-Cosmic blind is an ability where she can flash someone with immensely bright light and temporarily blind them, or make them permanently blind. Whichever she chooses. She can control how bright the light is, and how the results pay out.
-Universal Pressure is also very dangerous. She barely uses this one except in very, very dire circumstances. How this ability works is that she can build up energy inside her and trace it down to her hands, and she directs them at her target and then the ground. What happens is that her target feels an immense amount of pressure on top of them. Sometimes it’s not enough to break bones, but other times it can turn her desired victim into meat putty in moments.
-Calypso prefers to use her more harmless abilities, like Siren Song and Zero Gravity.
- It is widely believed that she has a strong fascination with a certain demon she met in the forest. The two of them are very close.
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Going to jump off a cliff if they don’t get married
-If I’m being honest, her personality does not fit her power. 😭 She’s introverted, and actually very shy. She likes to remain quiet and is quite skittish. She’s surprisingly powerful. And she’s also not very good at socializing.
-She often likes to find open areas of land (preferably a beach) to gaze up at the stars and planets. She could sit for hours in one spot, just gazing at the night sky. She has memorized every constellation to be seen, and knows what stars appear in which season. She also happens to know when certain planets align.
-There tells of a legend of a demon who fell from the stars, who was given extraordinary gifts. She felt back when earth was still a young planet. After many eons alone, she found a lover. They went on to have many children and descendants, who would become powerful and revered.
-Calypso was born in that line. No one can trace her back to her direct family members, only to the demon who fell from the stars. Charlotte Takahashi was born around the time when Calypso was, as well. Her blood can also be traced back to Calypso’s ancestor.
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-Her pupils are meant to signify a broken heart, hence the line in the middle of them. Her eye color represents the dark void of space and the galaxies and universes in it.
-Her horns are meant to signify the zodiac sign Aries, the Ram. Which also happens to be her zodiac. (And Charlotte’s) (irl and my OC)
-Her hair is a mixture of purple and dirty blonde, the purple is said to be tied with her connection to space and other galaxies, while the dirty blonde is her regular hair color.
-Her skin is a purple-ish hue, and if touched, it feels like the petals of a fresh dahlia flower basking in the sun. She also emits a light, sweet lavender scent from her person at all times.
-Her flower crown was a gift from the demon she befriended. She now wears it wherever she goes.
-She has a birthmark in the shape of a star, and a scar on her right eye, along with a little white streaking through her hair. (Similar to Charlotte Takahashi…)
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-Her claws are made of pure obsidian, and each have an amethyst tip at the end of them. Very sharp. One swipe can cut a hand clean off, bone and all.
-Her tail can kind of be used as a third hand. She can grab things with it and can use it in combat. (Usually for balance, or as a whip)
-She wears a shortened version of a kimono, (she ripped off the bottom half to have better movement in combat) and has a breastplate underneath it.
-Her gloves (wrist sleeves?) cover up the scars of SH. She rarely takes off her gloves anymore, mainly because she doesn’t want anyone to find out or know.
-She made her shoes herself, and wanted to make them look “stellar!” as she put it. (Hence the stars in them. Cause you know- stellar? star?)
-The scars and cuts on her legs are mainly from previous encounters with various demon slayers. And also from how clumsy she can be from running through the woods.
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That’s all for now! I hope you guys like them. And if you do, maybe I can post some content about them! If you’d like. :)
@meowzfordayz I just wanna give Calypso a big hug SHES SO ADORABLE WAAAAAAAA
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editorandchief · 2 years
Homelander saving a blind!fem!reader (she's not totally blind, she just see a very very very color blurred and she can't see peoples face at all) from being assaulted? And he just fell in love w her and well... Homelander is Homelander (or in other words, start an obssesion w her and stalks her)???
Sorry for my awful english, im trying haha :(((
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Warning: none
Requested: yeppers, I love requests 🥰😍😘
Landing at the scene of the crime in progress Homelander lets go of Maeve once both her feet were secure on the ground Black Noir appeared next to him almost out of nowhere as A-Train came to a halt with him Starlight and the deep. 
Vought thought it would be great promo for the newest 'Seven' movie if the team was seen working...well as a team. 
"What's the situation?" Maeve asked walking up to the group of officers. 
"Apparently one of the patients of this shrink is holding her hostage in there." One of the cops answered. "Her assistant called the cops after she heard yelling and a gun shot."
The assistant in question came rushing towards the supes, tears streaming down her face. "Oh my god you have to help her," She cried. "He has her in there and these pigs are just standing around." 
"Hey!" One of the cops yelled. Maeve put her arm around the women and pulled her closer to the team while glaring that the police officer.
"Okay I'm gonna need you to tell us everything you know." Maeve smiled. 
"My boss Dr. Y/N L/N one of her patents Greg...J-Juniper, I don't know exactly what's wrong with him but I've heard him a couple of time bitching about his wife leaving him or something." She explained a glare having taken over her tear stained face. "That son of bitch if he hurts her-."
"I'm sure Dr. L/N will be fine," Starlight steps in. "Is there anything else we should know?" 
"She's blind," The assistant informed. "Well not all the way blind but she can't see thing well just 'moving blob of color' or at least that what she calls it."
"Alright ma'am thank you so much for all your help you have been so brave." Homelander steps in showing off his pearly whites. 
He was beyond done with this whole situation, a hostage, a literal hostage not even hostages. This was the big mission that needed all "The Seven'? There couldn't have been an orphanage on fire or some shit."
He was going to be having a long talk with someone when he got back to Vought.
"Okay A-Train," Homelander called prompting the speedster to approach him, hands on his hips a charming smile on his face as onlookers snapped pics. "I'm gonna need you to use your speed and disarm the suspect." 
"You got it boss." He replied with a small nod. 
Lowering his voice Homelander placed a hand on his shoulder speaking through his fake smile. "And if you could do that without popping anyone like a fucking balloon that would be great." He finished with a small pat on his shoulder. "Noir and I will have your six." He said, once again raising his voice to reach the ears of the public.
The three supes entered the front lobby of the therapist office seeing movement behind the opaque  double doors that lead into the office.  
Alright lets get this over with," Homelander states once the doors connecting them to the outside world had finally slammed shut. "Noir bag 'em and tag 'em." 
As instructed A-Train sped through the door of the office, running over and snatching the gun from the patients hand. not long after Noir was yanking the man down to the ground before tying his hand behind his back. 
Still having a grip on Y/N when all this happened cause he to also be yanked to the ground. 
Walking slowly over to the women Homelander looks down at her as she looks around the room while slowly attempting to stand on her feet. 
"It's alright now ma'am," Homelander said causing her head to snap toward him. "We're gonna get you out of here." Placing his hand around her waist he moves to grab her legs only for her to step away upon feeling his hands touch the back of her knee. 
"That won't be necessary ." She said with a small frown. "I may not be able to see that well I can walk."
"Of course you can." Homelander replied sending her a small smile only after realizing she probably couldn't see it.
Keeping his hand around her waist he guided her out the front door of the building Noir and A-Train following close behind Noir with the patent and A-Train holding the gun like some sort of trophy. 
As soon as they stepped out the crowd burst into cheers, claps and snapping pictures. 
"Y/N!" The assistant called out rushing forward. "Y/N, oh god are you okay? Are you hurt? Did that bitch hurt you?" She asked practically pulling her from out of Homelander's reach. 
"I'm fine Jen," Y/N replied with a laugh as her assistant began twisting and turning her to check for injures. "Just a bit shaken up, I had no idea Greg was so far gone. There has to have been a stresser."
"No no don't make excuses for him." She scolded rolling her eyes locking eyes with the leader of the supe team. "Oh godness and you guys thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to her." 
Homelander smiled at the show of gratitude from the women, especially while the camera's were rolling, he couldn't have wrote it better himself. "There's no need to thank us ma'am, just doing our job."
"No, Jen is right," Y/N replied turning towards his voice. "I'm so thankful for what you've done for me."
After that the crowd began throwing 'questions' and snapping pictures, although Y/N couldn't see the best she most defiantly saw the flashing lights.
'Y/N Was there anything else going on between you and the assailant?'
'How does it feel to have been saved by 'The Seven'.'
'Do you fear that the suspect will come after you again if released?'
"Wow this is alot." Y/N said to the Homelander still in his place next to her. "It has to get a bit overwhelming at some point."
"Well you know, I can't complain." He brushed it off. 
"Of course you can." She replied. "It doesn't matter what people think of you, you have the right to feel how you feel."
Looking down at the young women Homelander didn't know what to say. No one had ever told him that he should/could feel his feelings, because most of the time whenever he felt his feeling people died, mostly he was told he needed to suck it up and put on a bright face for the camera, for the people, for the ratings. 
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She assured. "It'll be our little secret." 
"Ma'am." A voice called as a hand is laid on her shoulder taking her attention away from him, he didn't like that. "We'd just like to make sure everything is okay." Looking over to the person Homelander finds a paramedic. 
"Oh I'm really fine." Y/N starts to protest only to be cut off. 
"Nope, you're letting them take a look at you." 'Jen' the assistant insisted. 
"Fine fine." She said holding her hands up in mock surrender. "Thank you again." She said before she was led away throw the crowd towards the ambulance.
On her way to work the next week Y/N was more exited than she ever had been, after spending the rest of the week listening to music and podcasts, returning to work seemed like a dream come true though that thought would probably change as soon as she got there. 
Stopping abruptly Y/N took a few steps back as her body connected with another.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized to the blue blob that was standing in front of her. 
"It's quite alright." The figure replied. "It's good to see you again Dr. L/N."
"Homelander?" Y/N asked tilting her head a bit. 
"Guilty," The blonde supe replied. "I was just flying by and I happened to see you and thought I should check in to see how things were going." He lied. 
The truth was Homelander had been watching her every spear moment he got, telling himself it was only to make sure she was safe, he watched her listen to her music and podcasts half the time wondering what her fascination with SCP files were the other half worried that she was going to bump into something, trip and crack her head open. He had to be there to make sure she was safe.
She could barely fucking see of course she couldn't take care of herself, despite watching her do just that Homelander had convinced himself that it was his job to take care of her that she wanted him to take care of her, she was just too prideful to ask seeing that it was her job to help people not ask for help. 
"That's very kind of you," Y/N complemented. "I was actually just on my way to work."
"You're going back to work already?" Homelander asked with a frown. "Don't you think it's a bit too soon?" 
"Not soon enough I was getting a bit stir-crazy stuck at home all day." She laughed. "Speaking of which I have an early appointment and I really have to get going." She said giving a small nod before heading off towards the office.
An appointment with another person who could be just as crazy as Greg, someone that could walk right in past that fucking airhead Jen and do god know what to her.
Watching her walk down the street Homelander could feel himself becoming more and more frustrated as he couldn't think of a way to keep her from going to the office, at least not today. 
"Knock knock." Y/N heard as she sat her desk eating her lunch when she hear the door open. 
"Homelander." She replied as he walked towards her desk.
"You've memorized my voice." He notes a smile stretching across his face. 
"Yep, one of my mini talents." She joked. "what can I do for you?" She asked wondering what had prompted her second encounter with the supe. 
"Is that all you're having for lunch?" He asked looking at the single skinless orange in her hand.
"Yeah I was too lazy to think of things to eat and Jen gave me this orange so..." 
"Hmmm." Squinting his eyes not really liking her answer. "What a lovely office space you have here. If you don't mind me asking, Do you own it?" 
"Oh no, this used to be an accounts office and after he retired he put the space up for rent." She answered placing a slice of orange in her mouth. "I've been renting it for about two years." 
"An accountant?" Homelander pressed in hopes of getting the answer he was looking for. 
"Yes, Mr. Kline." She smiles at the thought of the sweet old man.  "Says once he has enough money he'd sell me the building and buy a nice little farm house for him and his wife, not really a fan of the big city anymore." She explained. A soft chime rang though the room before Y/N quickly reached for her phone and tapped the screen.
"Break times over." She sighed. 
It took three weeks! Three fucking weeks to get that old bastard to sell the office space that he rented to Y/N to Vought for a more than generous amount.
Soon Jen would so up to the office only to find the locks have been changed, she'll try to call Mr. Kline to find out what's going on but his phone will have been disconnected. Y/N will show up and Jen will frantically read her the letter that was slid in between the crack of the door, informing them that it would be in their best interest to come to Vought Tower.
"Homelander Sir." The Vought employee entered the meeting room. "I was told to inform you when anyone came asking about the office space...someone came...about the office space." he stated nervously. 
"Send them up."
Homelander watched as the two women entered the room cautiously arms looped together as if someone would try to pry them apart. 
"Y/N." Homelander greeted cheerfully with a bright smile. "I'm go glad you could make it."
"I'm sorry I don't think I can say the same." She replied frowning in his direction. "You bought my office space and changed the locks? Why would you do that? Did I do something...something to make you upset with me?" She asked shaking her head slightly in disappointment.
"No no of course not," He denied. "Please have a seat and I will explain everything." Jen led Y/N over to the pair of seat closest to Homelander. 
"I know I should have talked about this with you before but I just couldn't get it out of my head." Homelander started. "I didn't grow up in the city, in fact I grew up in a small farm house, and once you told me about Mr. Kline I just knew I had to help-."
"Wait, you bought Mr. Kline his farmhouse?" Jen interrupted causing Homelander to clench his jaw in anger. 
"Yes....Jennifer, as I was saying." He answered. "And Mr. Kline signed over the deed to the office space as long as I promised that you would be treated right." 
"So I still have an office." Y/N sighed finally able now to relax a bit. 
"Absolutely, though there are going to be a few changed in your rental agreement." Homelander stated pushing over a manila folder which was taken by Jen as she began reading along with him. "I noticed that your hours are Monday-Friday 7am to 7pm, a bit long don't you think?" Homelander asked rhetorically.
"No actually I th-."  
"Monday-Wednesday 8am to 5pm will be the updates office hours." He continued ignoring Y/N attempt to respond. "All past, present and future clients will go though a mandatory background check before their next session. At least two Vought security agents will be monitoring the building during the newly stated business hours. A balanced lunch shall be provided and must be eaten within the mandated lunch hour."
"I don't need an hour for lu-."
"Farther more any patent seen as hostile, agitated or aggressive will be treats as a threat by the above listed Vought security agents. Failure to comply with said rule and regulations may result consequence varying from reduction of business hours to eviction."
"Eviction!" Y/N raised her voice for the first time, in Homelander's experience. "Excuse me for saying but this is ridiculous! You cut my business hours by more than half, my clients expect a certain amount of privacy when coming in for there session, they also expect not to be treated like criminals if they get agitated because if you haven't noticed I practice therapy and I have absolutely no clue what our eating habit have anything to do with renting us this building."  
"There are other building in New York you know?" Jen spoke up. "I'm sure we can find another office." 
"Not for nearly as low as you are paying now." Homelander rebuttals, turning his attention back to Y/N placing a hand on her shoulder. "Look I'm not trying to be the bad buy, this building is now an affiliate of Vought and therefore has to be held to a certain standard, in the future I'm sure some alterations can be made to some of the minor stipulations."
"Minor." Y/N scoffs.
"Look everyone is a bit on edge right now, how about we give it a few hours and you can decide what you are comfortable with and we can talk about we can be changed." Homelander offered. "What do you say...tonight, I'll pick you up at around 8:00 and we can discuss over dinner?" 
Taking a few moments to think Y/N nodded her head before answering. "Fine." 
"Great." Homelander smiles. "I don't know about you but  think this is the start to a beautiful relationship." 
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moiraimyths · 2 years
what kind of kissers are the LIs? Also bonus smooch for flannan on the top of his head! 😘
Shae: Soft, gentle, and a bit hesitant. They don't kiss on the mouth a lot unless they are feeling very affectionate or emotional. Mostly cheeks and forehead.
Keagan: Like everything else he does, he is a perfectionist and alters his methods to his partner's signals. If he is setting the pace and intensity, it's going to be a very passionate kiss: tongue and all.
Aífe: She will kiss you any time, anywhere, and said kisses range from quick pecks to enthusiastic mwah-mwah-mwahs to, well. Something more intimate and best kept behind closed doors.
Maeve: Warm and gentle, she kisses slowly at first until you soften against her, then she takes the lead.
Flannán: He's out of practice, so expect it to be a little rough and twinged with desperation. He'll kiss you like it might be the only chance he gets, but he makes it feel like worship.
Robin: Like Shae, they're usually more of a quick peck-person, but it's less of a preference and more a way of keeping themself in check. Let's just say they it's easy for them to get carried away, and mouth-kisses tend to make them... hungry.
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) is now out on Steam and Itch.io! Check our pinned post for details!
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keithsandwich · 10 months
Hello I hope not to bother but can you explain to me what Nakshatra is and how to recognize take one over another ? Have a nice day 🙏😘
The Nakshatras are largely used in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology). It's a subdivision of the Zodiac wheel in 27 parts, each one with a meaning, a deity, a planetary ruler, and a whole set of symbols and myths connected to it.
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In Jyotish, the Nakshatra where your Moon is placed is more important to consider your personality and general luck than your Sun sign.
For real people: you can find your Nakshatra by making your Jyotish natal chart. There are some online calculators, like this one here, for example.
I'm choosing the Moon Nakshatras for Keith and Maeve because they're fictional, so I'm just going for the ones I personally think suit them better.
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readerxlovestay · 3 years
Hello, I’m the one who requested the fenrys fic
And i loved it alotttt thank you so so so much I can’t wait for the second part 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Fenrys x Reader
Summary: He finds his mate and takes her on a date (kinda?) And she learns more about the mating bond but mostly about him. She says yes to it too. Lots of fluff and you might see the angst if you squint really hard:)
Ref: E/c - your eye colour
H/c - your hair colour
Y/n - your name
A/n : YES! I'm so very glad that you loved it and this time, I really wanted to do the same. I tried my best here. Also I got carried away and it's a little longer than usual so please bear with me. Love you like always😘 Take care❣️
Forever with You - 2
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Fenrys Pov:
He was still reeling from the mating bond. To make things worse, people were starting to stare and whisper but he couldn't stop himself from looking into his mate's pretty face.
Framing her stunning face was messy H/c hair thrown carelessly over one shoulder that revealed pointed ears just like his. Below gracefully arched eyebrows were her beautiful E/c eyes that peered at him through dark lashes. A cute nose and those very kissable lips that were still parted slightly in shock. Her cheeks had a light dusting of tint.
She wasn't all that perfect but she was his mate and that was more than anything he could ask for.
"Um if you don't mind, can we go?", her friend spoke up. "People are starting to look at us weird"
Y/n was the first to break eye contact. She looked like she was about to protest but thought better of it. He didn't get glance back from her as she brushed past, friend in tow and he let her go, only moving after he was sure he was in control of himself.
Considering how he wanted to take her away right then and there, he'd say he did okay.
He turned around, looking at the door from which she left, hands in his pockets. How was he going to approach her now? Maybe find her and ask her out nicely? Or was that too creepy? He honestly had no idea.
Fenrys have never hated Maeve more than he did that moment. His blood oath with her had slimmed, if not diminished any chances he had with the other Fae. So he didn't really know how he was supposed to get to know a female romantically or anything like that. But he wanted to try. Try to get to know his mate like what foods she loved, which line from a book made her smile, what scent reminded her of home, who made her laugh and everything else about her.
He left the shop in search of her. He had already scented her a while ago so he could pick out her individual delicate yet intoxicating fragrance. He started towards its direction.
Y/n's Pov:
Her traitorous heart instantly felt dull and missing when she exited the shop in a hurry. Even the voice was silent for once. She was his 'mate' apparently. Her heart argued otherwise, but still she hesitated.
She never thought she could have a mate. How could she? It made sense because how could anyone love someone like her? With the secrets and scars she carried.
"What was that?! Why was he calling you his mate?" Her friend interrupted her thoughts.
"I don't know. Maybe he mistook me for someone else"
The girl shrugged. "I wouldn't be so sure Y/n, 'cause he looked like he knew who he was approaching"
She frowned, because he did look like he knew where he was going. And yet he came to her. Who was that though?
"Have we seen him around by any chance?" Her friend questioned. Even Y/n was not sure. "I don't think so. Plus the male's clothes looked like he was royalty. We should be more careful around him"
Her friend pursed her lips looking behind her.
"Uhh...speaking of being careful, I think we are exactly not that"
"The Fae's following us"
She whirled around and sure enough he was walking right behind them.
She felt like her body instantly wanted to throw itself in his arms. What the hell? What was going on with her? She strangely felt very responsive towards him. Maybe that was the mating bond? She didn't let herself dwell on it as she crossed her arms and waited till he came up to them.
He smiled which really softened his features and made him more alluring.
However, she stood still, watching him flinch under her gaze.
The male seemed very nervous though he looked all sassy and confident.
"So um..." She decided to spare him his suffering this time.
"Hello", she replied.
He kind of relaxed and continued speaking. "I think we have to talk about what happened at the store."
"What is there to talk about?"
He looked taken aback.
"So you didn't feel it?"
She considered refusing it. But then again, it would be like refusing her own feelings. What she had felt in that store was real, that much she was sure of. She glanced at him.
He was still a stranger after all, but he looked so hopeful at that moment that she would forever hate herself if she denied him. She nodded.
"I... I felt something, but I doubt its anything to be spoken about" Y/n looked pointedly at him. "Especially with someone I'm not familiar with"
"Oh" The male realized it and held out his hand. "Fenrys Moonbeam"
Immediately the gears turned in her head. Fenrys Moonbeam. She has heard this name a countless of times before, so he must be-
"You're The White Wolf of Doranelle?!" Her friend blurted out who had been silent all this while. "At your service"
He smirked and retrieved his unshaken hand from the air, clearly getting more comfortable. She narrowed her eyes, unimpressed.
"And why were you following us?"
"Well as I said before, I think we may be mates so how about someplace quiet to talk in private?" He gestured at all the people that they had been ignoring until now. "Just us"
She was reluctant. "My friend comes with me" But her friend backed away. "Nope. I'm not gonna be the third wheel here. You two can take all the time you want to talk about it. Explain more when you get back, I'll be at the house"
"No buts. This is The White Wolf of Doranelle Y/n! Queen Aelin's close friend too". Her friend pulled Y/n close and whispered. "And I also trust you to land a blow if necessary" Y/n smiled a little at that. She winked before waving goodbye and walking off into the crowd.
She sighed and turned towards him.
Fenrys Pov:
"What was that?"
He could see that Y/n was hiding a smile. She shook her head slightly.
He raised his eyebrows, smiling to himself.
"That's settled then. I know a good place but it'll take us some time to get there so I suggest we use magic"
She looked confused. "I don't have that kind of-"
"I meant mine. Now, if you would hold on tight"
Y/n widened her eyes as he placed a hand on the small of her back and whisked her away.
No one in the increasing crowd of people noticed two Fae disappear into thin air.
When they reappeared, his mate's side was flush against him. She was clutching his shirt in a death vise and had her eyes squeezed shut. He chuckled when she opened them.
"We're here"
She withdrew right away looking flustered.
"Yeah...okay let's go"
He led her inside the spacious inn. He could see her observing and taking mental notes of everything silently.
"How did you do that?" She asked.
He shrugged. "I've always been able to travel like that. Even my-" He immediately caught himself. Even my brother could do that, was what he wanted to say but he wasn't ready for that conversation just yet. She just looked at him curiously. He dusted an invisible fleck of dust on his shirt.
"Let's get a table"
After they were seated comfortably, a barmaid came up. "What would you like to have?"
"The usual", he replied eyes on his mate.
She looked at Y/n with pure envy.
"And you?" Even her words had a bite to it.
"Watch it", he drawled.
No one talked to his mate like that, even she hasn't accepted it yet.
The barmaid had tried countless of time to woo him and he had rejected her advances from time to time. Still she never took a hint.
"Just water please", Y/n said, looking surprised at his comment.
The barmaid turned away with a swish of her hips. He wanted to roll his eyes but his mate was all business.
"So you said we were mates, how do I know it's true?"
His eyes crinkled in amusement.
"And here I thought you'd be happy to have me as your mate"
She raised an eyebrow. He tilted his head. They both stared down at each other like cats ready to pounce. His lips twitched.
This game, where she matched his energy and stood up to him while he tested her waters, was honestly turning him on. Her gaze was level, never distracted or distant, and he held it, a challenge in his eyes. She seemed to acknowledge his attention to her, and there was a twinkle in hers.
Fenrys felt like dreaming. He was actually being with her, his mate and he was living every single second of it.
"I asked you a question", she exclaimed without breaking eye contact.
"And I will answer it", he replied doing the same. "Give me your hand"
"What for?"
"So I can show you the actual bond"
"Is hand holding really necessary?", She asked, extending her arm across the table. He smirked.
"It's not, but looks very romantic doesn't it? She tried to scowl but he could see that she was fighting a smile and he almost went in for those lips.
She was just so beautiful. He took her hand in his and watched goosebumps rise up on her arm.
She left a silent gasp. He was instantly concerned.
"Did I hurt you?"
"No... It's actually..." She shook her head to herself. "It's nothing... I think I felt something"
Her hand tightened in his.
"What next?"
He straightened.
"Now close your eyes"
Y/n's Pov:
It was like a fireworks happening in her mind when she touched him. The dark emptiness that always seemed to loom around in her mind was dulled. Muted. She could actually feel herself alone after a long, long time. And she revelled in it. The constant drab of the voice was nowhere to be seen. She sighed through her nose. This was nice.
"Once you proceed through your memories, you'll find a wall", Fenrys' voice guided her.
Y/n concentrated on herself and floated past her memories.
Her dad kissing her bruised knee, her mother swinging her around and many more like that. She schooled her expression under control when the bad ones came up. She skipped through all of them, and finally found the back of her mind, where she could feel her mental wall. It felt familiar, like it was always there and she had forgotten about it.
"Found it", she said out loud, keeping her eyes closed.
"Now look for a tether. Its not physical but it's a part of you", he said clasping her hand gently. "Like a bridge or a rope"
She moved along the wall, feeling its surface. It was made of a mixture of her forgotten dreams and thoughts. And there was the tether, somehow connected to it. She couldn't really see it but she felt its comforting presence.
Without her mate telling her what to do, she followed its path, not caring where it led to, and stopped right before another wall.
A crack opened up, as if just for her, and she slipped past.
She was welcomed by memories and wishes, dreams and nightmares alike.
"This is me. This is my mind that you're in right now, and it will always be open for you", Fenrys' solemn voice distracted her. "Now that you're in there, I wanna show you something funny"
Before she could do move, her mind was tossed into another place, another time.
Y/n looked at herself. She was there as a faint form, only that she was in Fenrys' mind.
Was that Queen Aelin? Why was she running after Lady Lysandra?
"I didn't steal your chocolates! I swear to god!"
So it was one of his memories.
"Then who was it?!", Aelin shrieked, making Y/n laugh. "I dont know! Ask Fenrys!". Uh oh.
"Fen I'm going to kill you!"
From his eyes, she could see Queen Aelin head straight to his hiding place, looking like she might actually kill him. He bolted out of reach.
"They were tasty, can you blame me?"
And Aelin's expression got murderous.
"Exactly the reason why it was labelled 'Positively do not touch'. Those were meant for me"
Fenrys shrugged innocently. "Oops, guess I didn't notice"
Y/n watched as Queen Aelin made a run for it and yell in annoyance as Fen vanished.
"I'll make up for it, I promise!", Fenrys' voice could be heard from nearby. "Don"t kill me just yet!"
Y/n opened her eyes, smiling softly, as he gently tugged her hand.
"And that's why I get Aelin, her monthly stash of chocolates without fail" He smiled back at her. "I'll show you a bit more"
-time skip-
So for the next few minutes, Fenrys' showed her bits and pieces of his life and it didn't take much for her to understand him. She could feel his pain and agony over his brother, among other things.
My mate.
The scene changed to when he first saw her amidst the crowd. It felt like finding answer to the one question that he had been searching for all his life, similar to the unacknowledged feeling she felt, when she first saw him.
It slowly faded out and she opened her eyes to Fenrys' sad smile.
It was like seeing him in a whole new light. She understood that this was his way of telling her that he was vulnerable to her. That this mentally bruised and shut down male was hers. And it was completely up to her if she accepted him or not.
She knew he wouldn't pursue her anymore if she ends up not choosing him, but she simply didn't want to. She had started warming up to the idea of him and besides, she knew that the mating bond didn't happen to anybody and it was irreplaceable.
She smiled at him.
"I really appreciate this, thank you"
"You don't have to thank me" His eyes twinkled. "I simply did what any mate would do"
She nodded at him.
"So is that a yes?"
Y/n grinned slowly. "Maybe"
"What? After everything I showed you, all I get is a maybe?!"
She laughed and he smirked. "Honestly I wouldn't mind a maybe, if I get to see you laugh like that"
Her expression turned serious. "However, I would like to take this slow" She glanced at her hand covered by his. "One step at a time"
He gave her a grin that melted her insides.
"I can live with that." He lifted her hand to brush a kiss over her knuckles that made her toes curl, and placed it back. "when I have forever to get to know you"
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