#just giving you big ole puppy dog eyes
This could go for both mute and roommate reader,
Simon hearing them laugh for the first time. Or even better, the readers hearing Simon crack a laugh for the first time.
I feel like both sides would be in awe.
THIS IS SO PERFECT FOR THE MUTE READER @thedevillovesflowers ❤️
Everyone knows Ghost cracks jokes even though most of the time they’re very dry or dark. The most he gets are a small huff or scoff, but it’s enough to keep him doing it.
The first time he cracked a joke at you, you both were waiting for exfil after a successful mission, but it was taking a while. You both were a little bored, kicking rocks and talking about nothing when Ghost turned to you.
“Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?” He asked and you gave him a confused look. “Because they taste funny.”
You snorted. You hadn’t meant to but you couldn’t help it since you were caught so off guard by the random joke and the noise made you start laughing, mainly because you were embarrassed.
Ghost’s heart soared and if you weren’t busy trying to calm yourself down, you would’ve seen the hearts in his eyes. It was cheesy, but all he could think was you were so beautiful when you laughed. He wished that he could take the sound and hold it so he wouldn’t forget it days from now as it slipped from his mind. Every part of him wanted to keep you laughing so he just kept going.
More and more jokes, just to get you to laugh until you had to sign to him that he had to stop because you couldn’t breathe.
Ghost had never felt more accomplished and he now had his own personal goal to hear you laugh again.
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rabbitblackx · 11 months
Can u make a HC on how the slasher would react when the s/n gives them puppy eyes when the slasher said no to smt but then finally caved in for the s/n
(Ps. I love your stuff keep em coming<333)
Thank u!!! :’)💞
Slashers when Reader gives them puppy eyes
Includes: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger
Michael Myers💖
You could’ve looked at Michael that way for as long as you wanted. It wasn’t gonna work on him. There wasn’t a single bone in his body that felt the littlest bit of sympathy for you. Sure, he thought you were kinda cute, but he never let you take advantage of him because of that
If Michael was gonna cave in to your puppy dog eyes, it was because you were annoying him. Not ‘cause he thought you were adorable, okay? Never, ever because of that! …
Every time you gave Michael those big ol’ eyes, he couldn’t help but feel a little fuzzy inside. If he could smile, he would. It was still a no to whatever you asked him though!
Jason Voorhees💖
Jason never thought something so silly like your puppy dog eyes would affect him. He was a strong, indestructible killing machine. Your dumb eyes weren’t gonna—
Aw :)
Jason couldn’t help it. You were cute! You were a cute human, and he didn’t think that often. You usually didn’t need to beg him with your eyes. Like, he wasn’t your mother. You could do whatever you wanted. Just stay where he could see you and don’t talk to strangers
If Jason was in a bad mood though, expect no luck. Whatever you asked to do was instantly canned. You were to stay here in this cabin and not say another word. Got it?
Freddy Krueger💖
Freddy was a total bastard. You thought he’d cave in if you gave him puppy eyes? Real cute. Nah, you were gonna have to beg him in other ways
He couldn’t help but chuckle every time you put on those big eyes though. Freddy thought you were just too cute. If he wasn’t the man he was, they’d probably work on him every time
If you were giving him puppy eyes for something that actually interested him… like something fun or sexual, he was totally down. But if Freddy didn’t care for it? Consider it cancelled. Especially if you were asking to go out with friends of something. Like, no! You were to fall asleep and come hang out with him forever!
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marsdontbesade · 4 months
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𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑘𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠:
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ted logan —
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type of guy:
sweet lovey-dovey dork, this himbo will be all over the place
as soon as bill mentions valentines day, all the hairs on his body just stand
the thought of him being so lovey cringes him out but he's just can't remove the obsession with you.
he's so tooth-rottenly cute, when you're around him, he just don't know what to do with himself. you approaching him is like him seeing an alien. either runs away or just freezes and breaks a sweat when you talk to him.
you’re his brainrot and ted's just sadistically a victim to it, completely wrapped around your fingers
musters up the courage and makes it his objective to make the most excellent v-day ever
creating planning boards in his room, preparation talks with Bill, lowkey stalking you at school
saves up every penny in his piggy bank, not wasting a single dollar
reads up on things on what girls would like
love language is quality time and words of affirmation
valentines plans:
excellent adventure ted— you first spend the day on an afternoon at an arcade; you and ted wearing casual formal outfits (ted in his tuxedo and converses, you in a dress and sneakers), playing on all of the arcade machines, giggling, screaming and laughing and goofing around.
he then takes you to his favourite spot by the Circle K, chilling down on the pavement. playing some UNO/tells you his wild adventure stories/jamming out to punk & pop rock on his speaker, sitting and eating slushies and a hot dog
after the arcade, he takes you to a diner, ordering a classic American meal (two burgers, fries, onion rings, two milkshakes with the extra cream & a cherry-on-top)
finishes the date with a trip back to Bill's, awaiting a heartwarming surprise (aka the anticipated secret)
he cutely takes your hand and sits you down on a chair, closing your eyes whilst you wait. 5 minutes later, you take them off at his command, waterworks immediately start to run as you look at the sight infront of you.
ted, with his guitar, announces his special song for you.
hands begin to strum on the guitar, puppy loving eyes gazing into yours, heartfully. ted serenades you with a sweet melody, accompanied by his surprisingly sweet voice
in the garage that's decorated in cutesy heart decor; red and pink balloons and banners all over the place, you feel as if you're in a safe haven, enchanted away here by your adorable, innocent boyfriend
mid performance, ted brings you up to the stage, twirling you around and then dancing with you. his big BFG self towers over you, slowly rocks your body and embraces you tight with his bulky arms. leaning in his head, ted finally caresses your face and kisses you— signing off the most excellent Valentines day ever. . .
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bogus journey ted— either takes you to the movies or rents a movie at the local blockbuster, so he can watch with you in his apartment
for the outing, he takes you to the movies to watch a cheap chick flick he thinks you'd like; popcorn, nachos and a big shake
at home, he puts on a sci-fi movie, both stuffing down on a large pepperoni pizza, watching contently
afterwards, you kick back and relax for a long smoke sesh, getting high on some good weed whilst he puts an arm around you, nestling and cuddling with you close
he'll definitely brings out a guitar and sing to you, smoking a spliff that still rests between his lips (typical lightskin moment)
one way or another in ol' netflix and chill fashion, the night ends with ted loving on your body— giving you the most ultimate rocker boy finale his bodacious girl needs . . .
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face the music ted— buys two VIP tickets, for the both of you, to a summer rock festival across state; booking an all-inclusive hotel nearby so you and him can rest in with convenience (away from the kids)
packs all the necessities— snacks, water, a pack of beer, foldable chairs, portable fans, sunscreen, a pair of sunglasses, and a charging bank
you both get to the airport, getting on a plane and travelling off into the concert place
arriving at the hotel; you unlock and enter your room— spacious king-sized double bed, tv, automated bathroom and a great view outside the window. the hotel has an all-you-can-buffet that you never forget to not miss
following the next day, you dress up for the concert; you wear a house of sunny 'lemons on a plate' dress with yellow sandals, and ted wears a white t shirt and cargo shorts, styling up with sandals and a hat
for the whole three days, you and ted rock out to live iconic rock music. screaming, jumping, and partying; dancing like you never you could
golden retriever ted watches out for you; handing you snacks, cleaning after you, supplying water, emergency hugs, cheering you up
breaks into a chuckle and laughs when he catches your boomer self taking videos and pictures, uploading them onto facebook and instagram ('me and hubby @/tedtheologan rocking out at the _____ festival! party on, dudes ! 😎🤩😀😍😆❤️👩‍❤️‍👨💍⚡️🤘🤙🎫🏴‍☠️🎸❤ #____festival #summer #sunny #fun #mostexcellent #smiley #happy #happyvalentinesday #rockfestival #yolo #youngforever #foreveryoung #tb #throwback #80s #1988 #2024 #thenvsnow #wyldstallyns #mosttriumphant #rockmusic #date #valentines #couple #airguitar #happy36thyearanniversary')
last night of the festival ends with a colourful night show, fireworks lighting up and crackling the night sky. under the bright lights, ted takes your hand and holds them. warm, tall body pressed against yours, he gazes down on you with such love. gently caresses your face, hazel orbs boring into yours, rubbing the small of your back soothingly. he closes in and kisses you on the lips, passionately making out with you
the fireworks continuously keep lighting up in the background, looking like a happy ending straight out of a movie.
type of gifts:
handmade stuff: arts and craft/DIY cards with cute stickers, colourful glitter, ribbons and drawings (imagine him getting glue all over his fingers and hands, big 6'1 self hunched over his little creations uwu)— gifts you a teddy bear and says something along the lines of: "babe, i got you this teddy bear, even though i'm, like, totally your teddy bear... and my name is Ted!", some candies, 'girly stuff' like makeup, "..because you're a babe and all..", a handwritten song personally made for you (with the help of wingman Bill), tulips and roses he got from his England expedition, an antique necklace he got from his Greece expedition, heart-shaped chocolates, some tapes and vinyls of your favourite music
john constantine —
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type of guy:
typically indifferent
depressingly and callously cynical
not the one to be celebrating stuff like that, but he'll do what it takes to make you happy
he knows it's still worth it, just as long as it's with you
love language is gift giving and physical touch
valentines plans:
literally remembers ON the day, springing up from bed and bolting outside. goes to like 30 different stores, searching for the best presents he can find
runs back home with last minute stuff before the sunset. doorbell suddenly rings and john opens up, smiling as he sees the love of his life, you all prettied up in a cherry red dress, heels and matte makeup (something is bulging...)
you and john get in the car and he drives you out to a late night dinner, only to be met with disappointment when the restaurant he spoke to earlier informs him that the reservations are all booked up
sighing in devastation, john bows his head and shakes disapprovingly. he looks up to give you a weak smile and rubs your back reassuringly, gesturing you to head back inside the car. the both of you drive back to his, decidedly opting for some Chinese
you both head back to his, decidedly opting on some Chinese
john resumes back to finishing the set up of the living room; red candles and roses on the coffee table
impromptu date begins: candle lit dinner in front of the tv, you both drink some wine and eat some takeout, watching a random movie
finishing up, you doze off asleep, snoring on his lap
john still watches the tv, glancing down on you every 5 minutes. he wraps a warm cloth around you, resting a hand on your back. the urge of him to kiss you is burning him alive but he remains neutral.
he's upset that the day has been ruined, the one thing that he could've gotten right all slipped and fell out of his fingers. his callous self for once actually cares about something, something he originally thought was 'insignificant', something he wished it could've gone more better
even though the day didn't go out as planned, you've insisted that it's not too bad—grateful for the date overall. it's small and disorganised, but as least it's something, , as least it all ended with him
types of gifts:
silver antique jewellery, a card, giant teddy bear, a box of chocolates, and roses
john wick —
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type of guy:
valentines day with baba yaga?!
already got the whole day planned and sketched out, back-to-back
john's fat wallet's will treat you well
always 'knows a guy', so you know your ass is about to be showered to filth
the wholesome family man side of him will be coming out, abandoning the stoic, brutally cold assassin behind
no more john wick— now it is jardani jovonovich
love language is gift giving, acts of service and physical touch
valentines plans:
he would start the morning with cooking you a nice sunny side up and toast, a side of maple pancakes and coffee. whilst you eat, he calls up a spa centre and gets you booked in at a lavish clinic, ordering some men to take you there privately. he asks you to call up your friends, inviting them to the spa day as well. gives you his card and some change just in case. once you leave, he cleans up your plate and cleans up the house, decorating and preparing whilst you're gone.
a full day later with hanging out with your girls, you return back home, deeply relaxed from the tantalising spa treatment. opening up, the house is completely dark and quiet, only seeing rose petals leading off to somewhere. walking along the rose covered path, you follow it and halt at the dining room. right there at the table, sits your husband of 5 years, warm smile on his face; white polo shirt and jeans. he gets up to greet you, kissing you on the lips and forehead
john's whipped up a classic candle lit dinner, steak and baked potatoes with a glass of wine. after a nice hearty meal, he takes you upstairs via the rose-petal lane, leading you to the bathroom. you're welcomed to a bubbling hot bathtub; two glasses of champagne, face masks, scented candles, and a charcuterie board sitting on the bath rack. you two hop in and relax in the tub, slippery naked bodies against each other. you watch a drama series on his laptop, silently staring at the screen
one blink later and you're in bed with john. big hands clasping on your small waist, bearded kisses and pecks littering on your stomach, muscular strong body dominating over yours, stocky fingers slipping to unholy places; john ends the day with pleasuring you for the night, showing you what no other man but him can give.
types of gifts:
surprise trips, full package spa treatments, his card for shopping trips, makeup, perfume, high end clothes, expensive wine, a bouquet of flowers, chocolate, a small teddy bear, menstruation stuff (pads, tampons, pills, hot water bottle pouch, snacks, his masseuse expertise, baby— this man loves you), anything you want, name a price, john will be your man
thomas anderson (neo) —
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type of guy:
similar to constantine but more open-minded in his indifference
either forgot or is pretty clueless on what to do
casually flips through calender and scares himself shocked as he realise the date is tomorrow
goes on a forum to ask for help: "@/cyberspacecatontheweb: any suggestions for valentines day ?? I (37M) and a girlfriend (34F) are going out on a date and I don't know what to do. sm1 help a guy out thx"
goes on the internet and researches on ideas
eventually gives up and just scraps the ideas, goes with the flow
love language is quality time and physical touch
valentines plans:
thomas wakes up early and gets changed; black shirt and suit on. you arriving to the 101 apartment, he takes you out to a Chinese restaurant downtown. orders quite a lot of food— dumplings, stir fry, sweet and sour chicken, rice, hot pot, and bbq ribs. he pays the bill and you two leave, walking out to window shop.
later in the evening, thomas takes you up to a rooftop, sitting down and watching the city below. he hesitates, but then opts to spontaneously show you 'something cool'. gets out a tech device and presses a button, opening up a cybernetic portal. jumps inside and pulls you with him. you both teleport to a white void, confused and scared as fuck. thomas reassures you and shows you some of his latest tricks like emerging buildings and cities out of nowhere, binary codes that pop up and creates a giant ass dog that almost eats you, floating and flying through a cyberspace wormhole. for the last bit, he gently grabs your hand and shows you the last thing he promised: binary codes formulate and change, syncing up together and creating a love heart. thomas presses another button and the heart opens up, revealing a cybernetically generated portrait of you and him, written underneath 'happy valentines day xoxo'. his hands move to your waist and he slowly kisses you, simultaneously taking you back to the real world.
types of gifts:
digitally-made things: flowers, teddy bear, heart, a picture of you. makes a hologram gadget that does origami, a scented candle he remembers you like, cool tech glasses, paired with some gloves, that's installed with a program that allows you to do things- holographic games and worlds all built into these spectacles (norman jayden from heavy rain reference)
jonathan harker —
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type of guy:
mr darcy-coded
valentines day with him would be a fairytale, straight out of a book
sensitive, kind, chivalrous, charming, courteous, and hardworking, your princelike husband who will always know how to woo you to your knees
planned everything in his sanctuary, ready to show you how he can treat you well
love language is gift giving, acts of service and quality time
valentines plans:
you wake up to a traditional english breakfast-in-bed; hot tea, coffee, porridge, bread, and eggs, served by maids. then you're being dressed up for the day, maids helping you out into your modest and elegant attire, fixing your hair, doing your makeup, and dusting you down. jonathan escorts you onto to the carriage, heading off first to a picnic at an expansive, spacious garden. The place is embroidered with pretty plants and flowers, fresh fragrance of pollen filling your nose. you and jonathan settle on the grass, laying a blanket. you enjoy some tea, crumpets, scones, and sandwiches, admiring the floral nature. jonathan dotes you inbetween small talk, complimenting your look frequently. for some short time, you both get up and walk around, appreciating the afternoon. after the picnic, he hires a photographer to have your picture taken. you sit on a chair as jonathan stands behind you, posing for the camera.
shortly comes the evening and it's time for the special occasion. you both get onto the carriage again, heading off to a restaurant. the restaurant is filled to the brim of posh people alike, halls decked with chandeliers and embellished with statues and paintings. the pair of you enjoy the night, relishing and dinning happily. jonathan brings you back home, taking you to the bedroom to surprise you with a bundle of flowers and a toy bear. he kisses you softly and gracefully on the head, reminding you of his love. you both tuck into bed and lay down for the night, sleeping peacefully into each other's arms.
type of gifts:
a basket full of roses, lilies, orchids and carnations. handwritten poem, a card enveloped and stamped with a red heart wax seal, chocolates from romania, dainty jewellery, toy bear, fragrance, a trip to paris, tickets to see an opera and a theatre performance, small trinkets, fruits, and a pocketwatch locket.
kevin lomax —
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type of guy:
sugar daddy kevinnnnn
toxic but fine husband
will absolutely spoil you rotten, pampering you like a princess
love language is gift giving, physical touch, and acts of service
valentines plans:
first thing in the morning, breakfast's being sent to you at the penthouse. kevin leaves a note on the nightstand: "hey sweetheart, it's me. how was breakfast? it was good, right? i've called in your boss to let him that you're sick, so no need to go to the office. your whole day will be booked: spa treatment, nails, hair, and a private boutique booked so you can try on some new outfits that you'll be choosing for the evening. make sure you wear that lingerie i got you and don't miss any of those appointments. daddy's gonna have fun with you tonight.
love kevin xoxo"
you do as exactly he says, rushing up & down, excitedly getting changed. a black limo takes you to and back of all destinations, attending all your scheduled appointments. at the boutique, a blonde clerk waits for you, standing by a row of clothing racks with designer clothes hanged and heels below to select from. after carefully selecting, you choose a snug black dress and heels, fully dolled up for the occasion. a makeup artist quickly does your makeup, just in the nick of time kevin arrives, black waist coat and suit & tie. you exit the building to find him standing by the car. his eyes wonder around and check you out, hypnotised by your beauty. linking arm to arm, you two are driven to the wall street restaurant. the place is luxurious; interior design opulent and rich. kevin grabs a seat at the vip section, inviting some of his fellow law firm coworkers along. you cheers to a good night and dig in to the fine dining, enjoying the night. almost midnight, you and kevin return back home, immediately jumping into the jacuzzi.
you strip out of your clothes and wear the cute swim piece that kevin's bought for you— a black skimpy bikini that hugs all of your curves and cleavage. you sit back and relax with your man, peacefully sipping some champagne and enjoying each other's company. many drinks and pillowtalks later, the night ends with what you exactly expects: sounds of skin slapping and bed shaking; your moans echo throughout the bedroom. kevin's tall body thrusts repeatedly into you, grunting and groaning as he fucks your pussy. lasting with the real pillow princess treatment, kevin worships your body and makes love to you, showing you who you really belong to. . .
types of gifts:
expensive makeup, luxury trips abroad, designer outfits, exclusive spa treatments, sexy lingerie, his black card for those shopping trips, perfume, deluxe jewellery and accessories, a bouquet of roses tied in a bow, heart-box of chocolates, expensive wine and champagne, adult toys (wink wink), a white teddy bear, polaroid photos of you and him
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(Dilf!Deku x Nanny!Reader is what I think is what this is)
Description ~ Single dad #1 pro Deku’s daughter wakes up and starts crying for “mama”
“MAMA!” Izuku shoots out of bed at the sound of his daughter screaming. He sprints down the hallway of his large apartment to his daughter’s room. He turns on the light to find his daughter with tear stained cheeks reaching out for him. He sits on the edge of her bed and wrapped her in his arms. “What was it babygirl?” Izuku asks his 5 year old daughter. “Nightmare, about you and mama.” That caught him off guard, his daughter had never really had a “mother” she was dropped on Izukus doorstep with a paternity test saying she was his. “What do you mean baby?” He gives her a confused smile. “Mama? Where is she. I wanna see her too, where is mama?” Izukus daughter looks up at him with big ol puppy dog eyes that would make anyone certain she was his. “Who are you talking about bubs?” “Mama! She’s around all the time! Don’t pretend daddy.” Looking into her confused eyes and that’s when it clicked, she was talking about her nanny.
“Are you talking about Y/n? She’s not your mama, baby.” The little girl in his arms makes an ‘oh’ sound and cuddles deeper into him, he knows she's just to tired to argue and frankly he is too. Instead of risking another nightmare leaving her in her own bed he picks up his little girl and goes back to his bedroom. Izuku finds himself unable to sleep, instead thinking about you. In the last few months you’re all that’s been taking up his headspace. Thinking about how good you are with his daughter, and he wishes he could tell you but he couldn’t do that. It’s bad enough how much it aches him to be away from his daughter as much as he is but he refuses to put a partner through that. So he keeps his thoughts to himself, but will continue letting his daughter think you are her mother. The next day when you came by before he left he had told you that his daughter was in his room, and that she’d had a nightmare and to keep an eye on her during nap time and if anything changes to keep him updated. The usual stuff- except when he was saying goodbye and he grabbed the back of your head and kissed your forehead before heading out the door. You froze in your spot and started overthinking, of course you found him attractive but it was more than just his physical appearance, you’ve seemingly fallen for him because of the way he acts towards everyone that works for him, the way he is always there to kiss his daughter goodnight even if he has to go right back to work after, its the way he is exactly what people think he is but so much more. Now, switch to the other side of the door Pro hero Deku was panicking, when he got home tonight you would probably tell him you quit, or you’ll give him some kind of “HR paperwork”.
He shouldn’t have done it, he knows that but it felt so natural as if he’d done it every morning, like it was routine. But he hadn’t, it wasn't, he’d never done it, he’s thought of doing it. Thought about what he’d do if he would actually married you and got to do that every day- but that wasn’t your guys’ dynamic, your dynamic was that he’d tell you what was new with his kid then leave, and you’d message him interesting stuff that happened throughout the day, and when he’d get home you’d be watching something on tv and he’d sit beside you and tell what happened that day and then you would politely say goodbye to him, but this? This is too- too domestic for you two. But before he can retract and go back inside to explain he gets a message from work telling him there’s an emergency. So he has no choice but to go about his day, expecting a text from you about anything, so that maybe he’ll stop overthinking and panicking but you don’t.
And back at the apartment you were hanging out with his daughter and there has been so many things you’ve wanted to send him but you didn’t want it to be weird. So you went through your day, overthinking just as much as he did because, what was that this morning? Did he mean to do it? Did he think it was someone else and he mixed up because of how tired he was from his daughter waking up in the middle of the night? Oh god… of course, he probably thought it was someone else. You went about your day trying to put your best fake smile on for the darling little girl and at times you’d forgotten but then it come rushing back justas quickly as it had left. At some point Izuku had called a friend who had the day off to go relieve you of your duties for the day, but that only made your despair and overanalyzing worse. You had spent half the night confused and worried and mind wandering, until eventually you gave in, put on the closest pair of pajama pants you could and drove yourself to his apartment. You knocked quietly a few times and while waiting you were questioning what you were doing here but then he opened the door of his apartment and you knew.
You know what to say and why you’re here, “what was that?” You almost cringe at the question. “What?” Oh no, he’s confused, he doesn’t know what you’re talking about this was a mistake. And you abruptly say that you’re sorry for bothering and turning around but he grabs your wrist turning you to him. “I don’t actually know what it was” “So it was a mistake?” Damn, that hurt. “No, definitely not, I- would you like to come inside to talk? It’s cold out.” You follow behind and sit beside him on his couch facing him, knees close to touching. “Believe me, I, very much, like you, and if I was normal, living a normal life I would ask you out on a date in a heartbeat. But I will not do that to you, and I am sorry for what happened yesterday morning, if you choose to continue working for me then I can arrange that we will not be in the same area at the same times-“ “I’m not fired?” You interrupt him, severely confused.
He then looks back at you mirroring your expression, "w- why would you be fired? I'm the one who did it, if anything i thought you'd have smacked me with HR "sexual harrasment' papers when i got back but you didn't." You cut him off again because this whole misunderstanding was starting to make your head hurt, "Why would you be in trouble? You sent me home early, i thought you were firing me." You place your head in your hands. Izuku wants so badly to rub your back in comfort but is understandably apprehensive of making the situation weirder. You pause with your head in your in your hands. 'How could you have just glossed over what he'd said?' You lift your head to look him in his beautiful emerald eyes, "You, like me?" You tilt a eyebrow at him. His face turns a bright shade of red as he answers, "i- w-well not- no- but-" He becomes frantic with his wording and as your looking at him avoiding your eyes you take a chance. You reach for his face and pull it to your own so your faces are inches apart. You leave space for him to close in case youve read the signals wrong. Waiting for what seems like forever (it was a few seconds), Izuku places his hands at your waist and presses his lips to yours. Both of your movements are slow and intimate as you press together fluidly. Before it goes too far you both pull away breathlessly admiring one another. "Izuku...would you like to go on a date?" You speak softly still doubting what had just happened. Hesitating to answer he looks at you earnestly, "I don't want my schedule to hurt the people i love."
"I know, and I'm probably one of the only people who will actually understand enough for this to last with us. I know your schedule and i know you. I know that if anything happens it isn't your fault." You keep eye contact with him as you speak. "If this doesn't work out i would never hold it against you." He scrutinizes your face for any hesitancy, and when he doesn't find any he answers your question, "How's Sunday?"
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strwberri-milk · 10 months
Could I request Zhongli, Childe and Diluc getting jelly when their s/o buys and starts cuddling in bed with a plushie of them?
All those Zhongli dragon plushies make me want one soooo bad
i love this trope so much bc its so funny to have like lighthearted jealousy
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Zhongli doesn't mind too much that you want to cuddle with a little dragon plushie. He thinks it's cute how you hold onto this smaller version of him and how happy you are to be with the both of them.
When it becomes "excessive" he likes to teasingly become jealous, just a bit. Ultimately he knows that you aren't actually shoving him aside to be with a plushie.
You turn your back to him, playfully pouting because he "upset" you and swearing that you'll never hold him again. Your face is buried in the plushie in your arms, ignoring him calling your name and his light touch on your shoulder.
Eventually, he decides it's "too much" and ends up gently pulling the plush out of your arms. You make a displeased noise before he ends up sliding your arms around his shoulders, holding you too tightly for you to complain anymore.
Wordlessly, you decide to hold him too, giving up your brief stint of mock anger to return some of the affection you've been withholding from him as he smiles to himself for another small victory against fabric and cotton.
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Childe thinks it's cute at first. He finds it adorable that you've named a little narwhal after him and that he can always find you holding it whenever he's on especially long trips. It soothes his heart to know that you've got something that reminds you of him to keep you company.
When he's got a few late nights in a row he again thought it was cute to see you holding onto the narwhal. He was easily capable of taking it out of your hands and replacing it with himself but it slowly became harder and harder.
One night when he totally can't take it out of your hands he decides it'd be better to just wake you up. You slowly open your eyes to see him giving you puppy dog eyes, a big ol' pout on his lips as he whines for your attention. If he was actually a dog you'd be able to see his tail wagging happily to finally be getting a response from you.
You hold onto the plush regardless, giving him a sleepy kiss on his head as he continues to take the plush out of your arms. Being half asleep as you are, you decide to let go of the plush to take your needy boyfriend back into your arms. He tosses the narwhal over his shoulder triumphantly before burying his face into your chest, holding you so tight you that there'd be no chance of you getting something between your bodies.
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Diluc thinks it's a little childish to be so jealous of a plush toy but here he is, staring down the owl in your arms as you read a book and wanting to do something about it. The bed is big enough for all three of you but he doesn't think your heart should be, crossing his arms and frowning to himself as you shuffle around to make yourself more comfortable.
You can feel his stare on your back, laughing mischievously to yourself as you know he's caught himself in a dilemma. You can hear the gears in his brain turning as he tries to figure out if he should do something or not, trying not to shake your shoulders with laughter.
After what might be hours of him deliberating but was really just minutes he finally comes into your view, your eyes grazing upwards to meet his. The way he can see you smiling exposes your malicious plan but he can't stay mad at you when you open your arms for him.
He slides onto the mattress with you, pulling both you and the owl into his chest. He'll work on getting rid of the thing some other time - seeing how happy you are just like this is more than enough for his heart.
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freyito · 2 months
Could I request the Lin Kuei trio and Syzoth with a male reader that just has the prettiest puppy-dog eyes ever?
Like, he doesn't even have to try to beg for anything because he simply has to look up at someone with slightly pleading expression and then before anyone knows anything they're just giving into him because his eyes are so hghnwejh
✭ pairing(s): bi-han [sub zero], kuai liang [scorpion], tomas vrbada [smoke], syzoth [reptile], kenshi takahashi (seperate) x m!reader
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✧ a/n: if i could get anything i wanted just by staring at someone i think i would be rich (would have more miku figures)
🗒 cw: male reader (but i barely use gendered terms), just fluff :), bonus character, proofread
✎ wc: 1.7k
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ʜᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴀʏ ɴᴏ…
⎯ Bi-Han
Bi-Han is prone to spoiling you, it’s no secret. Even amongst the Lin Kuei, they know that you, specifically, are his weak spot. He might be the strictest man in the world to their eyes, but he’s putty in your hands. Usually.
You and Bi-Han haven’t had a date in a while, he was busy with the Lin Kuei, and you could tell he was starting to get more and more stressed out. So you’ve essentially dragged him on a date, a nice little bakery in town that serves decadent desserts.
He insists on some place else, just a walk will do. But you beg and beg, and plead, it has some of the best chocolate cake, you know he’s a big sweets person deep down. And he pushes back. Not because he doesn’t want to go with you, but because he’s just too stubborn.
So, you have no choice but to use your trump card. He can see the gears turning in your head and he does his best to fight against it, but it’s too late. You give him a look with big ol’ eyes, almost quivering your lip. You watch his resolve crack, and shatter. Victory in hand, you drag Bi-Han to the bakery. And as much as he tries to be dismissive about it, you can tell he actually appreciates it.
He may act all tough, seem unphased, but you have him wrapped around your finger. He always tries to play it off, the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei cannot show any weakness. And god forbid he enjoys ‘cute’ things… but you are the exception. You don’t even need to plead, or beg, because he’s at your beck and call. The puppy eyes are just the cherry on top, he can never, and will never say no to them.
⎯ Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang likes to think he’s impenetrable. He believes he won’t fall for your puppy eyes time and time again, which is always a lie. Case in point: you were trying to get him to spend more time with you. Why? You were just feeling clingy.
And of course he tries to push back. It’s not that he doesn’t want to spend time with you, it’s the fact that building the Shirai Ryu takes a lot of time and effort. Although, he does seem to agree that he has been neglecting time with you. So, he’s convinced eventually.
It’s not the date that forces you to use your secret weapon, rather, where you are at. After much planning and scrambling to find a time that fits his schedule, you two are off to see a film. It isn’t necessarily his favorite choice, and it feels a bit cheesy to him, but he can look past it. What matters to him is the time with you.
After the movie, you find a photobooth. It may be silly and a bit childish, but when was the last time you had a physical picture with Kuai Liang? Never! So of course you bug him to get in it with you. He pushes back, he believes there’s no reason for it. It’s not like he has a scrapbook. But you don’t need a scrapbook for a little photo strip of you and him! After a bit of back and forth, you’re starting to feel like you’re losing.
No warning, no escape. You tug on his arm to pull him on, giving him a pleading look he just can’t say no to. Begrudgingly, he joins you in the booth. The photos come out cute… in a way. Kuai Liang doesn’t exactly look too thrilled in any of the pictures, but he clearly plays along with whatever pose you chose. If you try to make a heart with your hand, he’ll complete it, if you kiss him, he’ll lean into it. He tries not to come off as too annoyed, because secretly, he kind of likes this childish kind of stuff. It isn’t something he got to do a lot when he was younger, as the Grandmaster’s son, he didn’t get much free time. Training and the like.
⎯ Tomas Vrbada
Now, Tomas could never say no to you. He’s not weak-willed, but when it comes to you, you always get through to him. Anything you want? It’s yours. Ignore the fly that flies out of his wallet. You wanna spend time with him? Of course! Let him just clear his schedule real quick.
However, you two don’t get to enjoy a lot of city dates that much. Normally, you two just settle at Madame Bo’s, which is always a nice time. But both of you are starting to get restless. You plan a night out on the town, a nice little dinner, and ending at an arcade.
The date goes wonderfully, it’s a peaceful night, and both of you are able to unwind. Given the stress of building the Shirai Ryu and training new recruits, it’s clear that Tomas needed a night out. Or a week out. A month, even. But that was an issue for another day. What mattered the most now was the arcade!
You spend hours there, jumping from machine to machine, scrounging for tickets. You have your sights set on a massive bear plush. Why? You can’t help but think it looks like Tomas… and you’ll be damned if you’d pass up on that. You’re determined, beyond so, but you’re about…. 4,000 tickets short. And it’s late. You start to give up on your goal.
So, you turn to your boyfriend with a defeated look, and he doesn’t even give you two seconds before he’s working overtime. Truthfully, he doesn’t see the resemblance, but if you’re so hellbent on it… he is too! And he can’t stand to see his pretty boy so dejected. You will walk out of this arcade with that bear in his arms, he makes sure of it. In record time, he manages to scrounge up the 4,000 tickets, and an extra 500 for some probably stale candy, as well. Needless to say, you walk outside of the arcade and end the night with the bear in your hands, your boyfriend following behind happily.
⎯ Syzoth
With Syzoth, it is a war of the gods. You have to use your power sparingly, and you have to be prepared to get it back tenfold. But you're resilient, so you can take it. You’re sure of it. And he has a massive soft spot for you, of course he does. So no matter how long you two stare into each other's eyes, no matter how big and sparkly you try to make your eyes look, he always gives in.
Right now, you are certain you can get through to him without weaponizing your eyes. You’ve just found a stray kitten, it’s all scraggly and wet and probably abandoned and most definitely infested with fleas. And you can’t help but want to keep it. You can and will take care of it, you swear!
Even the kitten is pleading its case, mewing and staring at Syzoth with big, brown eyes that just scream ‘take me home’. And he tries to turn away and close his eyes. He’s stubborn, for sure. And if this cute little kitten can’t get through to him… maybe you can?
And so, you huff, waiting for him to turn back towards you. You can look at him like this all day if you need to, this kitten is in clear need of a home and you weren’t just going to leave it behind. You pout slightly, your eyes water a bit, and finally, he turns around.
Of course, Syzoth doesn’t allow you an easy win. He gives you the same energy back, sighs and says it will cost a lot of money. You don’t give up, and clearly this kitten hasn’t either. The air is tense, you and your boyfriend stare into eachothers eyes for what feels like an eternity, the kitten mewls and does its best to join in. Ultimately, you win. It’s two against one, and Syzoth just can’t say no.
⎯ [Bonus!] Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi has been a busy man these days, caught up with the OIA, still dealing with the remnants of his past, it’s hard for him to keep up. He works long hours at the office, sometimes coming home well into the night when you are asleep. Of course he feels guilty for this, and he does his best to get time off, but not everything works in his favor.
Considering his lack of eyesight, he says he’s immune to you. Which is only partially true. He picks up on that little breath you take when you pout, the way you shuffle to look up at him, so he knows your routine. But you know his, too. You’ve picked up on the fact that he’s incredibly susceptible to you with Sento around, given the fact that he can actually see you.
You wait all night for him to come home, you’re beyond tired. It’s hard to keep your head up, or your eyes open, but you sit in the living room, anxious and waiting. Kenshi’s first move when he gets home is to always put Sento away, which involves him grabbing it, which means he can see you. For even a split second. So when the door opens, you’re on him.
He asks why you’re up so late, hand slowly reaching back into the case that is slung over his shoulder to grab Sento. The moment his fingers back contact with the sheathe, you look up at him and pout and plead, hands clasped together, begging him to spend more time with you. The instant he sees your face, he lets go of Sento, shaking his head slightly.
He tells you that he does his best, and he swears he will spend more time with you, but he cannot give you a day or time set in stone. He can’t take another second of your face, because it makes his heart hurt and it makes him feel guilty… which he was already feeling beforehand. However, Kenshi surprises you the next week with two days off, a nice day out with a fancy dinner, and a day in where you’re cuddled up against him while he plays with your hair.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN, REPOST ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM, OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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tenjikyu · 7 months
𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 - 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ comedy, (toman) manjiro , tall!reader , gn!reader , overall a bunch of fluff and manjiro loving his taller partner.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ original requester - @r0z0 i hope you enjoy!
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❤︎ mikey with a tall reader would actually be so funny.
❤︎ the man himself is pretty short, however his best buddy draken is rather contrasting in height, so people towering over him isn’t anything new for him.
❤︎ i can imagine him looking up at you the first time you guys met, in absolute AWE.
❤︎ he’s munching on some snack that draken paid for earlier, crumbs on his cheek, his abnormally wide eyes glimmering.
❤︎ you just stare down at him like ‘wtf this kid staring at” before asking him if he needed anything.
❤︎ obviously, being as straight forward as manjiro typically is, he basically goes:
❤︎ “you’re pretty cute, can i have your number?” before smirking at himself in pride, knowing he’s smooth.
❤︎ “alright i’m down” you nonchalantly reply, making him take a step back. you ACCEPTED??
❤︎ draken was equally as shocked. someone? cute as you?? REALLY??
❤︎ anyways he took you on a date and suddenly you two are besties LMAO. (and partners but let’s be real, a relationship with mikey is like a bestfriendship)
❤︎ mikey adores you! he especially loves crawling into your lap and being huddled in your embrace, hogging all your body warmth.
❤︎ he’s 100% the little spoon once y’all are comfortable sharing a bed. he loves protecting you, however he also appreciates having you spoon him from behind. it feels as though he can let his guard down a little.
❤︎ when out on dates, you hold his hand like an overprotective parent. y’all go to a restaurant or an ice cream stand and you, being the pants of the relationship, cover for him <33.
❤︎ mikey loves hand holding, if you couldn’t tell. having your hand in his does make him look like a little kid (despite being BUFF) , but if he needs to yank you away or grasp you tighter, having your hand in his keeps you safe.
❤︎ he gives you puppy dog eyes everytime he wants something. whenever you guys go out to grab snacks or take away and he’s too broke to pay for his part, he just gives you his big ol’ baby eyes and your card magically swipes on his transaction (how can you possibly refuse your boyfriend anyways).
❤︎ mikeys friends all worship you LMAO. ofc he brings you to every toman meeting (bc he can’t function correctly without you) and you just chill on the side while he acts all tough and mighty.
❤︎ and ofc, you meet all of his friends as you go.
❤︎ chifuyu and baji LOVE you! they always end up stealing you away from mikey whenever he’s distracted to fool around. you, being you, ofc go off and get up to mischief with them. mitsuya appreciates your protective side when it comes to mikey. he knows that the blonde can protect himself but sometimes, you need someone else to be there for you.
❤︎ you and draken are auto besties. the two of you are mikeys most trusted, his right hand units if you will. takemichi is a newer addition to your group, however he does like your presence! smiley and angry both like your big sibling energy and the three of you make a good trio when nessessary, ESPECIALLY if you’re apart of toman.
❤︎ overall, mikeys very VERY tall s/o is beloved by all around them, and mikey wouldn’t change anything about you for the world <3.
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hammity-hammer · 9 months
steve harrington would absolutely get big dogs when he moves out on his own-- maybe his grandparents had one or two when he was younger & he'd visit them and see his family love the dog and play with it & just be happy, and he vowed to get his own one day so he could have a big ole best friend. & i dunno what breed specifically he'd get, but that dog would be so loved & would eat only the best food (because steve would chef up some cool fancy dog stuff because like why not??? if he can eat good, so can his pup) and have so many toys, and go on so many walks and have so many dog friends (that he met at the dog park) and they would wrestle & he would just-- give all of this love to his dog & it would have the dumbest name, chosen by dustin & max who just had to torture him with something stupid, steve picked out a sweet girl puppy so of course they named her Cheese, because what other name could they have chosen? (steve hates it but it is pretty funny to have to scold something named Cheese) and maybe one day he's walking Cheese (whom he does not call Cheese unless she's being bad-- he calls her all kinds of ridiculous petnames instead) and they stumble upon a very pretty, loud metalhead, walking his tiny ass chihuahua that cannot seem to leave Cheese alone. It just keeps leading the man over to them and Steve gets flustered every time, because wow he has such big, pretty eyes and oh wow, his mouth moves so pretty when he talks and-- oh god he's been talking and steve has no idea what he's saying and just has to awkwardly smile and nod, and the man blinks at him, waiting for an answer to the question he'd asked but steve has no idea what he's supposed to say.
"I can't just call you Pretty Boy, sweetheart, as much as I'd love that, I don't think that's your real name." The man laughs and then Steve realizes he has to introduce himself to him, and when he finds out that his name is Edward he has a whole hayday with that one, because he seems nothing like an Edward.
And maybe once they keep on talking, they make little playdates for their babies, and they plan real dates for themselves<3
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tmntxthings · 11 months
Had a dream where I got to meet the 2012 TMNT and Raph just gave me a big ol hug and wouldn’t let go.
Gave me the idea, what if reader went on a trip for a week or so and as soon as they get back, Raph is all cuddly with them and won’t let go. He’s making sure they aren’t leaving for a while. He’s getting teased for sure, and he’ll try to deny that he missed them that much, but he won’t leave them alone, sooo.
一∑ Proximity ・゜・。
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author’s note: i thought this was cute, so yes, here we go c: also what a nice dream!
warnings: fluff, short
It was good to be home! Sure traveling was fun and you’d definitely be traveling again. Just not anytime soon. You had definitely gotten a case of homesickness. It was especially tough to be away from your friends. Though thankfully they had kept you company through texts.
You had been surprised at how much Raph had texted you though! In person he wasn’t as talkative with you around, so to have those deeper convos gave you a bit of insight to the turtle in red unlike before! In fact you felt closer to him, and you hoped it could pass over to in-person as well!
Now you hadn’t been gone too long. This wasn’t the longest trip you’ve ever been on by no means! In the past when you were little you had went on road-trips that lasted well over two weeks. So just a week at the beach was nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Yet as you texted the turtles that you were back and heading their way, you were met with a plethora of ‘ Hoorays/ Can’t wait to see ya/ & Hurry over’s. ’ It was heartwarming! So you had a pep in your step down the New York City’s sidewalks. Down the manhole cover you went and as your eyes adjusted to the darkness your footing finally found the sewer floor.
Immediately strong arms wrapped around you. It was a shock no doubt and you couldn’t stop the sudden gasp from leaving you as you practically jumped out of your skin! But you saw green arms and tilting your head everywhich way behind your back to see a flash of red clued you in on who it was.
“Raph! You gave me a flippin’ heart attack!!”
His reply was to only squeeze tighter, and silence enveloped the two of you for a beat.
“I missed you too,” You said softly a smile on your lips. His reply was mumbled into your hair, so low you couldn’t decipher it but you had an inkling.
After a moment or two more his arms relaxed and you slipped out of his grip and started regaling your adventures from the trip! He led the way back to the lair, giving responses when you paused but letting you talk overall.
And then you were met with three more hugs! “Was wondering where you ran off to Raph!!” Mikey drawled with a smug look. To which earned him Raph’s patented glare, a heated look that warned Mikey he was treading on thin ice.
You restarted your tale of adventures, all five of you sitting comfortably around the tv in the living room. Mikey was asking a bunch of question while Leo and Donnie listened politely. Raph sat right next to you, arms going over the back of the couch.
It had been about an hour when your phone started to ring. Your mom needed a grocery run and was asking for your help! With that you relayed the message to the turtles and said you would stop by again soon! “We’ll be here!” Leo smiled. “Do you need help with the groceries?” Donnie asked, to which you thanked him kindly but said you could manage. “Leaving already?!!” Mikey whined giving you a puppy dog stare before crushing you in a hug. “Betcha Raph’s gonna walk you to the manhole!” Mikey said in a sing-song tone. Teasing his red brother once again.
“And if I am??” Raph asked defensively. “Just admit it bro! You missed Y/n sooooooo much. Never left your phone alone, always texting during patr—“ Things started to fly at Mikey’s head before he could finish his sentence. As Raph ground out that he needed to mind his own business or just shut up in general.
It took you calling out a goodbye for Raph to finally let Mikey out of a headlock as he raced towards your side. But not without giving Mikey one last warning to be prepared for when he got back.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed Raph! You know I missed you guys too!!” You tried to say.
But you were met with denials! “Mikey doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I was playing this new game..”
“What game?” You questioned. And not to see if he was lying just because you were honestly curious. He sputtered about it being some dumb fighting game and that ended that conversation. The walk was quiet but you were used to it. Raph kept close to you the entire way to the manhole, sometimes his hand would even brush yours as his arms swung slightly as he walked. Surely that had just been a coincidence!
“Well, this is me!” You joked, head nodding up at the manhole above you. “You sure you don’t need help with the errands?” Raph offered. Your heart warmed again, but you shook your head. “I’ve got it! But I promise to be back soon, maybe even later today?”
Raph seemed to like that idea. “Alright, well text me and keep me updated..” he put his hands on his hips as he started rocking slowly back on his heels. “Will do!” And with that you turned your back to him and went to climb to ladder rungs.
Before you could take too many steps away though, it was like déjà vu. Raph’s arms went around your middle. Hugging you for the second time today. This was one quick, almost as if he hadn’t exactly expected himself to move into action. He cleared his throat and called out a goodbye as he left. At the top of the climb you looked out to see he was already out of sight! You still called out for the whole sewer to hear,
“Missed you too Raph!”
Even though he wouldn’t say it. At least not clearly. You would say it just so he knew that for certain.
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Mini post about Gallagher because @pix3lplays and I were talking about him... Like we always do with these Star Rail men... Man-
We're so Normal about him I swear-
Here's a bunch of ideas and headcanons in no particular order because I cannot scrape together enough sense after seeing that official art of him to make this coherent:
Writing under the cut (dw it's SFW I just started doing this for convenience):
Leaks suggested he had a bunch of scarring on his arms and if you look closely at his hands in the official art, he has some on his hands and juuuust under some of the bandages. Imagine kissing his scars... Auuuu-
I said it before and I'll say it again he's a big ol' puppy. Big scruffy scary dog puppy man. The way he's so attentive with you and concerned for your health, safety, and wellbeing at all times. I actually don't think he'd be the biggest on PDA. However- That doesn't stop what happens when he's protective. You'd be in a crowd and in order to shield you from the hustle and bustle, he'd pull you in close with an arm wrapped around you.
He totally rubs his cheek against yours like a fuckin cat as like an affection thing but also sometimes to mess with you because it's scratchy.
Definitely has a Chair. It's His Chair. By the fireplace. But he, of course, let's you sit in it whenever he isn't sitting there. And if he is? Pats his leg to you can come sit in his lap. You two often take naps there, cuddled up with one another.
Those buttons of his are fighting for their LIVES but you aren't complaining. He jolts a little before smirking at you when you slip a hand between said buttons to feel the exposed skin there as well as plenty of what the shirt does cover.
Pix and I like to think that he's naturally warm. Whether this is because he is a fire pathstrider is up to interpretation.
Also please tell me he's another guy who just straight says run them hands his hands are his weapon-
(I wonder if we're getting a character in HSR who just straight up throws hands like "time for some fisticuffs". Because I didn't even think about it, but Stelle in the new trailer didn't have her bat or lance she was gonna like Stellaron punch someone??? Bro gimme the "run them hands" strat right NOW Hoyo- Going back to Gallagher... Like yeah I wanna watch him straight up punch someone, lolllll- And look at his left glove!!! It has those little metal thingies on the knuckles like come ON-)
Speaking of him being a big ol puppy for you... I should write about him being a cute puppo boy... ANYWAYS-
Pix talked about kissing his scruffy chin and my immediate thought was:
"Leaning up to kiss his chin because of height difference and jwefoi he just thinks it's cute and you see the way his eyes soften weoigj- I feel like he'd lean down for you only to move so he can kiss you properly at the last second. And then he would give you lil eskimo kisses and gently murmur against your lips the softest lil "my wife..." as if it's his favorite thing to say as if it's him reminding himself and being happy about it all over again weoigjwe-"
(Yes that thought was a bit more catered to me as a certified Wife, okay??? Leave me alone- OTL)
So ofc I had to write a bit about it:
It's late at night and you two just finished dinner together as a sort of stay at home date. You've already cleaned the dishes together and put everything away, relishing silently in the domestic feeling of doing those tasks together.
And then suddenly he's wrapped his arms around you, nose buried in your hair as he kisses your head. Slowly, he turns you around.
One kiss... Two kisses... "Dance with me?" "I don't know how." "I'll teach you."
Tugs you forward so you can stand on his feet as the two of you sway and dance in the kitchen, the only music being the sound of your hearts that now beat in sync.
Anyways more about this absolute Husband of a man again at a later time goodbye iewjgo-
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hijackalx · 5 months
More headcanon asks for Gale, Astarion, and Gortash! What would their reaction be to their lover pampering them after a rough day? (Talking like preparing their favorite meal, treating to a relaxing bath, that sorta stuff)
LOVES TO BE DOTED ON SOOOOO MUCH 😹😹 to the point where he will mope and pout if you don’t want to pamper him. since he’s a wizard he gets a lot of bumps and bruises during battles, but he ONLY wants you to fix him up. he’ll look at you with those big ol’ puppy dog eyes, sigh really loudly, then go, “gee, i wish somebody around here cared enough about me to patch up my finger…” and it’s literally over a papercut LMFAO. it’s not that he’s not capable of doing it himself it just makes him feel loved when you do it 😹💗 the type to get a cut on his lip and ask you to kiss it better— also loves to have you sit on his lap while you clean up his face
he’s initially a little put-off by it since he doesn’t want his baby to have to lift a finger EVER !!!! not even for him. besides, he (probably) has servants who are willing to do that stuff, and he doesn’t want to view you as one of his lowly lackeys 😹😹. ALTHOUGHHHH, if you’re persistent enough about it, he’ll eventually let you. i think he’d be more adamant on a mutual kind of pampering though, like washing each other’s hair or giving each other massages (you KNOW this man’s shoulders are TENSE gurl). he really likes when you lay your head in his lap and massage his tired hands— that way he can use the other one to run through your hair 💗😌
THE MOST DIFFICULT when it comes to letting you do this. like he insists that he doesn’t need it or that he’s “fine” but lowkey he does want it 😹😹 he just prefers more subtle acts, like you doing favors for him (offering to wash his dirty/bloody clothes, for example) or listening to him rant/complain about his day. well actually— i guess letting him drink from you could be considered preparing his favorite meal? 🤔 so make sure to offer him your neck after a long day 😹. too much blatant doting on him makes him feel silly (or he gets the crazy idea that you’re doing it because you think he’s weak 👹). honestly just don’t smother him and he’ll live 😹💗
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leaentries · 5 months
Please can we talk about Nico when his gf is having a bad body day, just feeling a little sad/insecure. (me atm)🥺
I love how your blog is for chubby girls btw💗
my heart ❤️ he would be so sad and his big ole brown puppy dog eyes would get so big
here’s a lil blurb to kick off my return to writing 🕺
also i’m writing this on my phone so the format might be slightly different…sorry😋
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your mind was cloudy, the world just seemed darker today. something about the way your outfits clung to your body just didn’t seem right.
your floor was littered in different items of clothing, having tried on what seemed to be everything hanging in your closet.
tonight was the first night in a long while that nico was able to plan something nice for the two of you. making reservations at a fancy restaurant, booking a hotel room for the night, the whole nine yards. you should be happy, ecstatic that you are finally getting your boyfriend all to yourself, but, in this moment, all you wanted to do was cry.
tears threatened to spill as you stared into the mirror. the fabric of the dress hugging your body in all the ways you hated, you felt suffocated.
you choked back a sob as you violently unzipped the dress and threw it somewhere amongst the rest. sitting on the edge of your bed, clad in nothing but a bra and some panties, you looked helplessly at the tsunami of clothes. you wanted nothing more than to feel beautiful in your own skin. to feel worthy of going out with nico.
the salty drops cascaded down your face faster than you could will them away. you were lost, not knowing what to do from here. a loud knock echoed through your apartment, drawing a small, “Fuck,” from your panicked lips.
nico was here and you weren’t even close to being ready. dread filled your chest knowing how excited he is and how his beaming smile is what’s gonna greet you the second you open the door. you quickly grab the nearest oversized sweater, throwing it over your head as you make your way to the entrance.
you take a deep breathe before gripping the metal handle and carefully opening the door.
your heart melted and broke all at the same time. nico stood tall, dressed in his all black suit, the one he knew you loved, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. you felt a new batch of tears quickly begin to build in your vulnerable state.
you didn’t want to ruin nico’s night with something a minuscule as being insecure. you wouldn’t hurt him like that. before your tears could fall, you plastered on a small smile, letting nico walk in the apartment.
his happy features dropped slightly upon seeing your sweater, “What’s wrong, schatzi? Why aren’t you dressed?” his tone filled with worry.
you shook your head, opting to give him a little fib, “I’m just having a hard time finding something that fits tonight, Neeks.”
He smiled cheekily, taking it upon himself to place the flowers in a mason jar, “Let me put these in water first, then I will come help.” You gave him a slight nod, before returning to your cluttered room. A deep sigh left your lips, realizing that Nico is gonna see the inside of your brain that now lays upon your bedroom floor.
“Oka- Whoa.” nico’s words died in his throat as he glanced around the space.
You buried your head in your hands, embarrassed at the mess. “I know, I know! I just couldn’t find anything to wear! and i felt like i needed to try on everything and nothing worked and-” Nico cut you off.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not judging. I think you forget I have a sister, i’m not new to this.” He walks in, eyes scanning the pile carefully. He picked up a black dress, once that just-so-happened to match his suit. “Here!” he flashed his dimples at you, “This is perfect. Put this on, f’me, schatzi, you’ll look beautiful.”
You gently took the dress, clutching it to your body.
He placed a quick kiss to your temple before walking out, “I’ll wait outside the door, just shout if you need anything.”
You stripped yourself of the sweater, pulling on the black dress. Normally, you’d admire the way the intricate details of the fabric or the way it tied gracefully in the back, but you only found yourself criticizing as you stood in the floor length mirror once more. Your eyes dragged over each spot you hated.
The way you thought your legs didn’t look quite long or skinny enough, or the way your tummy wasn’t flat. Even the way your hip-dips stood out more prominently in your opinion, it all just seemed overwhelmingly visible. Too lost in thought, you missed the door opening and a certain swiss making his way into the room.
Nico’s eyes focused on the way yours filled with disgust at your body, the way you were picking at every inch. He wasn’t oblivious to your insecurities, although he would never understand why you felt that way. In his eyes, you were the most gorgeous and genuine woman he’d ever met. You were perfect and even better, you were his.
He took his place behind you placing his hands gently on your hips. You jumped slightly startled by his sudden appearance.
“This is more than just finding an outfit, schatzi.” His eyes meet yours through the mirror, “What’s really going on?”
His soft words broke the damn that you’d been trying so hard to keep from cracking. Your head dipped down as a sob left your throat. Nico immediately moved to stand in front of you, pulling you into his chest.
His hand came up to stroke your hair softly, as you cried into his shirt, “Shh, shh. It’s okay, baby.” Nico tried his best to console you, whispering comforting words into your ears.
“C’mon, take some deep breaths for me.” He pulled your head from his chest, hands moving to cradle your face. He began to breathe slowly, encouraging you to breathe with him. One you had regained some air, you looked up at him.
“M’ sorry, Neeks.” You sniffled, “I’ve just been having a bad day and I kept putting on different outfits, but I just felt…” You trailed off, trying to find the right word. His big doe eyes bore into yours, waiting patiently for you to continue. “I just feel ugly.”
Nico felt his heart physically throb. How could his beautiful girl see herself as ugly? Doesn’t she know that he wishes he could see her for the first time, just so he could fall in love with her all over again? Nico was at a loss for words. He genuinely couldn’t grasp how someone, let alone yourself, could ever think you were ugly.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the simple word that left the man’s mouth.
“…No?” You were confused.
“Listen to me,” He turned your bodies back to your original position, “You see these legs? These are the most gorgeous, most soft, most warm legs that I could ever want. The way they work as a perfect pillow,” His lips brushed against the shell of your ear, “Or the way that they wrap around my head.”
Your breath began to pick up as he began to list off every part of your body and the reasons why he loved them. He picked apart your insecurities and replaced them with love and desire.
“But more of all, this girl.” His eyes rose to meet yours once more, “This girl is the most beautiful and precious person that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. This girl is my girl. My pretty girl.”
You felt a new flood of tears, this time because of the vast amounts of love radiating from Nico.
“Thank you, Neeks” You felt the need to thank him, thank him for dealing with you.
“Don’t thank me. I would give up anything just for the opportunity to tell you how pretty you are.”
His hands began to untie the back of the dress, only stopping when your hands came up to hold his in place.
“What about dinner?”
He smirked at you, “Screw dinner, let’s just go to the hotel room.” You turned in his grasp as the dress slowly fell to pool at your feet. Nico tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth at the slight of your exposed skin. “Because right now I want nothing more than to spend the night between my favorite pair of legs.”
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wowa-bublord · 8 days
How do you decide how to stylize the characters you draw? If it's okay to ask.
totally okay to ask! but kind of a hard question because I have so many designs BAHBGFHDJKS!! I'll use my zack design as an example since I draw him the most... and I want an excuse to talk about my process BAHABGFH
the first thing is obviously to get references haha. with Zack thats really easy cos he has 500 designs, I did some studies to figure out how to draw him, what aspects I liked and what things I didn't like! I don't have the studies anymore cos i lost them (bubby lost media) so heres my recreation vvvv
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the thing I liked the most were the sharper, bigger eyes of the cutscene zack, the harder jaw of the remake older zack, and the bigger eyebrows of the younger remake zack >:3 so I slap them all together into my design !!
some other stuff misc stuff I took from some design are the darker skin from the og crisis core, and the big ol mane he's depicted with in his first designs!
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BOOM first pass design
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once I have my first design, I just slowly decide what parts I want to emphasis and exaggerate :) for zack, I like to really push his hair and his eyes. I like to make his visuals very expressive because I see him as a character who isn't very good at verbalizing his emotion, having him physically readable makes writing comics with him easier despite this. (In canon he actually has a tendency to completely turn around or hide his face when he cries! You can see this when Angeal dies, he hides his face behind the sword, later faces away from aerith in the church when he cries, and then at the end during the final meal he turns away from them again. Just a little zack fact.) I also like to push triangular shapes in his design to give him a sort of super hero vibe. Triangle eyes, triangle body type, triangle hair, that sorta thing. Triangles are the strongest shape, so they give him a sort of immovable vibe, however triangles in character designs are also often used for villains because they convey a sharpness and unpredictability. That's why I use them in my sephiroth design a lot too LOL, parallels. I also tend to push the wolf/dog theme a lot with him, with the sharp teeth, big fur hair, and puppy dog ear bangs in his younger design. Mostly because. yea duh Zack The Puppy BAHBVGFHD but also to mirror Sephiroths own theme of dehumanization. Zack is a person second and an attack dog first to ShinRa. Sephiroth the hero and Zack the puppy..... ive got a lot of thoughts but idk how to say them i just hope it comes out in my drawings at all thats what its all about LMAO
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Some other things I try to add are visual parallels I give him to my sephiroth design, with a low nose, sharper jaw, big shoulder pauldrons and a triangle body type. It's more obvious from how I draw their side profiles tho hehe
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And that's how I got to my current Zack design!! sorry for the ramble, thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about my art FWWHWH character design is a big passion of mine yippee!!
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naughtybg3confessions · 2 months
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the fact the ALL the men in this game have big ol puppy dog eyes is criminal my gay little heart can't take it!!!!
Oh? the sun is shining just right to highlight the intricacies of your big beautiful eyes? you're giving me those big wet eyes looking so pitiful? grown ass man?? I'm gonna give you the biggest kiss in the world stop looking at me like that!!!!!!
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arthvrmvrgan · 8 months
Arthur Morgan x Male!Reader Hcs
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Hey!! I wanted to make another hc list cuz the last one did so well! I made this an x male!reader because as a gay trans guy, there really isn’t too much when it comes to male readers. I just wanna make other people who feel the same and myself feel happy and represented!
Also to add Arthur is autistic in this
Warnings: Mention of vomit
Though he maybe aversive to touch with others, arthur is SUCH a cuddle bug with his partner. When they first start out he’s shy and will hold your hand or wrap his arm around your shoulders.
but once it’s long term arthur gives you big bear hugs, hands around your waist, holding you close by the fire, and of course those soft kisses <3
When he’s drunk, he pulls you onto his lap, smothers your face in kisses, and yells about how much he loves you.
Arthur also gets shy when it comes to talking about his interests. If you mention something like drawing or horses, he’d make a small comment or addition to the conversation. But once he’s comfortable enough, he’ll infodump for hours about horses to you!
Just hold him close, let his head rest on your chest while you pet his hair and he infodumps, and he’s in heaven!
Some pet names he’d call you would include: “Darlin, Sweetheart, My prince, My man, Hun, and Sunshine” :3 When you call him any pet name, his heart melts and his legs feel like jelly
He loves giving and receiving praise! He’ll whisper in your ear “good boy” just to mess with you cuz he know it makes you BLUSH! But he’ll also be like “atta boy!” or “yup, that’s my boy.”
The first time you praised him, it felt really odd for him. He hadn’t been praised like that ever since he’d been with Mary. It felt so foreign but so…good.
His big ol’ heart skips a beat when you tell him how proud you are of him, or how he looks so handsome in that new shirt you got him. He feels like the happiest man on earth
Now unfortunately, times weren’t as accepting as they are now. You and Arthur knew it had to be kept secret for fear of what might happen. You two don’t feel any embarrassment at all, just a need for a safety. The gang knows about you two, most of them accepting you with welcome arms!
You also help Arthur out more with errands, jobs, and chores. Ever since an incident were Arthur worked his way up to illness like vomiting, you’ve made it your duty to lay off the weight on Arthur’s shoulders.
If he needs help with the hay bales, you’ll be right next to him holding one. If he’s going out on a stage job from alden, you ask if you can tag along!
Arthur has gotten better with accepting help or rest, but not so much asking for it. You still encourage Arthur to request help if he needs it, and how he’s not weak for doing so.
There have even been times where you’d yell at Dutch and Strauss to leave Arthur be for a bit.
He’ll sometimes doodle little drawings of you in his journal as well as writing lovey dovey passages about you and putting “A<3Y/N” with a big heart too. He’ll even just doodle random hearts while spacing out and thinking about you..
He gets so excited to see you, even if you can’t tell. The way his eyes light up like a big puppy dog’s as he speed walks over to your horse to greet you and give you a welcome back kiss
He also penguin pebbles and finds random stuff that reminds him of you!! Whether it be a cigarette card, a flower, or even some artifact or object he found…he WILL give it to you!
That’s all for now! If y’all wanna send in your arthur or just any other rdr hcs, feel free! I also wouldnt mind writing more arthur hcs so please feel free to send me rqs!
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vintageshanny · 4 months
Waiting for Love - Part Four
Relax and Enjoy the Ride
Content: Late July 1970, marriage problems, infidelity, smut, some angst, fluff, 18+
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list!
Catch up here: Waiting for Love series
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Elvis heard a soft rapping at the door to his hotel suite and his heart sped up at the irrational thought that maybe Vivien had decided to just quit her job and stay with him. He swung open the door, but to his shock it was Priscilla, holding a small bag in one hand and Lisa Marie’s arm with the other. Lisa was trying to squirm away. “Daddy!” she yelled out when she looked up at him.
“Yisa!” he responded with delight. “C’mere and give Daddy a big ol hug!” He scooped her up and covered her little face with kisses, blowing raspberries on her chubby cheeks.
“Daddy have cake?” Lisa asked with a big grin.
“Of course Daddy has some cake for ya. Ya want chocolate?” Elvis beamed as he led her over to the dining area.
“Elvis, she really doesn’t need that right now,” Priscilla started to say, but Elvis waved her off.
“Let me give my princess some cake.”
“Yeah, mommy, princess need cake,” Lisa smiled at her hero and sweet-provider. Priscilla rolled her eyes.
“Are you alone here?” she asked Elvis casually, glancing around for any evidence to the contrary.
“Of course. I mean, the guys are here, but they’re out pickin’ up dinner. Or lunch. Or whatever meal we’re supposed ta be eatin’ right now,” Elvis said, glancing at the clock. 6pm. “Why? Were you expectin’ someone else?” he asked, starting to grow suspicious and irritated. “Is that why ya showed up unannounced two weeks early?”
Priscilla looked away guiltily. “No,” she murmured. “I just thought it would be nice for Lisa to see you for a few days. And for me, too,” she quickly added. “Then we’ll go back to LA.”
“But you’re comin’ for opening night, right?” Elvis asked, his face looking eager like a puppy dog.
“Yeah, yes, of course,” Priscilla answered, wondering how long they were going to keep up this charade of a happy couple for opening night. Elvis was wondering the same thing. Wondering why he felt he needed her there. Wondering if he’d care to see her at all if Lisa wasn’t with her. Wondering why he felt more irritation than happiness when his own damn wife showed up at his door. He felt trapped in a web of promises, expectations, and pressures that he could not begin to articulate. And now the added complication of Vivien. Of love.
“So what happened next?” Roxanne grilled as she and Vivien relaxed on her sofa Friday night. They’d both had busy weeks at work, and it was the first chance they’d had to catch up since Vivien’s whirlwind trip to Las Vegas the weekend before. She sipped her red wine and stared intently as Vivien fidgeted with her bottle of Pepsi.
“Well, he rehearsed for a while, and it was amazing to see. Like my own private concert,” Vivien said, smiling at the memory of that rich soulful voice filling the rehearsal space. “And then later,” she continued, staring down at her red fingernails tapping nervously on the bottle, “we, uh, went up to his room.”
“Oooh, now this is what I wanna hear!” Roxanne leaned in close so she wouldn’t miss a thing. “Was it like a party or just the two of you? Did you see him naked? Did you do the deed?”
“Hold on, hold on, I’ll get to all that. First we just talked for a while. He was asking me what I thought of his rehearsal and then we talked about his movies. Rox, he’s sooo sweet and funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, sweet, funny, charming, now get to the good stuff,” Roxanne teased. “Did you tell him how much we love his tight pants in the movies?”
Vivien blushed as she reached for the bowl of popcorn sitting on the couch between them. “I might have mentioned something about that.”
“You did?” Roxanne squealed. “What did he say?”
“Um, he turned really red actually. It was very cute. Of course, I was blushing too. And that led to me, uh, doing some other things,” Vivien said evasively.
“Other things? C’mon, Vivien, tell me what happened!” Roxanne threw a piece of popcorn at her.
“I’m sorry, I just feel embarrassed saying it all out loud,” Vivien groaned, burying her head in her arms, using the bottle of Pepsi to cool down her burning hot face.
“Oh, Viv, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I always tell you everything, and I’ve been waiting for the day when you’d have something juicy to share. Don’t hold out on me now!”
“Okay, okay,” Vivien breathed out nervously. “This is what happened. He let me take his pants off, and then I…” Vivien made a motion like she was licking a lollipop.
“Oh Viv I’m so proud of you!” Roxanne crowed. “Did you like it? Did he like it? How big was it?” The interrogation continued.
“Oh, I really loved it. The way he moaned when I licked him…I’ll remember that sound for the rest of my life,” Vivien giggled. “I think he liked it, but I don’t know if I was very good at it. I didn’t do it too long before he wanted to do some other things.”
“What things?” Roxanne demanded. “Did you go all the way?”
“No, I wasn’t sure if I was ready, and he said he wanted to take things slowly anyway.”
“Aww, that is a very sweet line,” Roxanne said. “So what did you do instead?”
“Well, he took my dress off so I was just in my underwear, and then he got on top of me and just kind of, you know,” Vivien made a rolling motion with her hips and laughed. “It felt really good, though, especially since his tongue was just all over me. And he must have loved it too because he…finished on me,” Vivien’s voice dropped to a whisper at the end.
“Wait, what? Elvis finished just from humping you through your underwear?” Roxanne sounded shocked.
“Yeah, then he used his fingers to make sure I finished too. He said he had to take care of me.” Vivien beamed at the thought of how considerate he was. She knew from Roxanne that not many guys were like that. “After that he got some towels to clean us off. It’s funny because he seemed almost shy to be naked in front of me after it was over. He was sort of trying to hide behind the towel when he saw me looking at him still.”
“Well yeah, Viv, I don’t think men like to be stared at when their thing is soft,” Roxanne laughed. “When it’s just hanging there like a cute little mushroom.”
Vivien’s brow furrowed at the description. “It didn’t really look like a mushroom. More like a, um, like a caterpillar in a cocoon. A nice thick cocoon,” she added dreamily.
“Are you telling me Elvis is not circumcised?” Roxanne asked with a quizzical expression, as if she couldn’t believe her ears.
“Um, I don’t know, I guess not,” Vivien shrugged. Since she hadn’t known what to expect, the thought really hadn’t crossed her mind.
Roxanne wrinkled her nose in mild disgust. “That’s weird, I wonder why not.” Vivien rolled her eyes. Roxanne’s judgments over superficial things were a bit much at times.
“Who cares? I thought it was perfect.” Vivien tried to keep her annoyance under the surface, but it was clearly rising.
“I’m sorry, Viv, I wasn’t meaning to insult him. I know how protective you get when you love someone.” Roxanne reached over and squeezed her hand. Vivien turned to look at her, and her eyes suddenly welled up with tears. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Vivien shook her head as the tears started rolling down her cheeks.
“I do love him, Rox. I’m scared of how much I feel for him already.” Vivien let Roxanne pull her into a hug as she continued. “I haven’t even told you the worst part yet. I thought he was feeling the same way about me, and then when I left the hotel, I’m almost positive I saw Priscilla arriving.” She sniffled into Roxanne’s shoulder. “It just hit me so hard, y’know? Like I’m falling in love while he has this whole other life with this person.”
Roxanne rubbed her back soothingly. “It’s okay, Viv. You don’t know what she was doing there; it could have been just to bring their daughter by. He told you not to worry about it, right? I’m sure he needs to sort some things out, but I think the only thing you can do at this point is to follow your heart.”
“I’m trying, but it’s so hard. He hasn’t even called me this week.” Vivien let the tears continue to fall while Roxanne rocked her like a baby.
Two hours later, Vivien was walking up the stairs to her apartment, feeling a little better after watching some television with Roxanne. As she reached the landing, Mrs. Quimp popped her head out from next door. “Y’know dearie,” she started in that pleasant yet judgmental way, “If you’re going to have people calling all hours of the night, you might want to invest in one of those machines that answers your phone for you. I’ve been hearin’ it ring for near on an hour now.”
Vivien glanced down at her watch and saw it was 9pm. Hardly “all hours of the night,” she thought as she rolled her eyes. “I’ll be sure to look into that,” she said sweetly as she slipped into her apartment before Mrs. Quimp could offer more helpful advice. She tossed her purse on the counter and grabbed the pale blue phone receiver. “Hello?”
“Baby, w-w-where the hell ya been?” Elvis spluttered out. “I-I-I was ‘bout ta send out a search party for ya.”
“Elvis? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were calling,” Vivien responded, totally caught off guard by his slight hostility.
Elvis let out a little sigh. “It’s okay honey, I-I was just’ gettin’ worried about ya.” He cleared his throat a little bit. “So, w-w-where were ya? On a hot date?” He said it casually, but his sweet stutter belied his nerves, and Vivien was surprised, and honestly a little flattered, to detect a hint of jealousy in his tone.
“No, of course not, silly,” she laughed. “I was with Roxanne. The only man I want a hot date with is halfway across the country.” Vivien could picture the crooked simile she knew was spreading across his handsome face.
“Is that right? Who ya seein’ in New York, baby?” Elvis let out a loud laugh at his own joke.
“Very funny,” Vivien giggled. “You know it’s you. And I want to see more of you.”
“I think ya seen ‘bout all there is ta see, honey,” Elvis teased.
Vivien blushed at that. “Well, I want to see it all again then. It looked so good the first time.”
“Not disappointed then?” Elvis’ tone was still light and joking, but Vivien thought she detected the tiniest bit of insecurity in his voice. The weird look of disgust on Roxanne’s face flashed through her mind, and she wondered if Elvis had ever seen that look on a woman’s face in his most vulnerable moments. The idea that someone so amazing could also be nervous and insecure somehow both soothed her and broke her heart. She felt determined to make him see the beauty that she saw.
“Disappointed? Oh, no, you looked absolutely perfect. I could stare at you all day,” Vivien murmured, her face growing hot at the thought of it.
“You’re a sweet little weirdo, y’know that?” Elvis laughed, glad she couldn’t see the way she made him blush with her compliments.
“Well, it takes one to know one, doesn’t it?” Vivien teased.
“It sure do, baby. Now when ya gonna come back and see me so we can stare at each other?”
“Oh, um, Joe told me I couldn’t be there once the camera crews arrived,” Vivien explained.
The tension immediately returned to Elvis’ voice. “Baby, don’ ya worry ‘bout him. We already had a conversation, and if he wants ta keep his job, he’ll mind his own goddamn business.” He sighed and continued, “I ain’t mad at ya honey, jus’ don’ worry ‘bout any of that, okay? Remember to jus’ stay in the moment with me. I need ya with me. Everything feels better with you, Vivien. Everything,” he repeated.
Vivien’s heart melted a little bit. “Okay, of course I’ll come. I just didn’t want to be in the way.”
“Honey, ya ain’t in the way if I want ya here, okay? I’ll make the arrangements for next weekend. I can’t wait ta see ya again.”
Elvis kicked off his boots, peeled off his socks, draped his heavy belt over the chair, and flopped onto the giant bed in his suite. He set his glasses on the nightstand and patted the spot next to him. “C’mere honey, take off your sandals and lay by me. I gotta unwind before dinner.” Vivien obeyed and settled in next to him, leaning her head on the sleeve of his cherry blossom shirt. “You got some cute yittle sooties, honey,” Elvis announced as he nudged one of VIvien’s feet with his own.
“What, my feet?” she asked, trying to figure out what sooties were. She was slowly but surely adding all of Elvis’ special little words to her vocabulary.
“Yeah, I like how your toenails and fingernails match,” he said as he stared at them with a little grin. “You should try pink next time. That would look real nice on ya, baby.”
“Maybe I will,” Vivien smiled. “Your feet are pretty cute, too.”
Elvis laughed. “Oh, ya like how two of my toes are partly connected?”
Vivien kneeled up on the bed to get a better look.
“Aww, look at those cute little toesies!” she cooed, grabbing one of his feet and nibbling at his toes like he was a little boy. Elvis laughed and squirmed, trying to pull his foot away. “Oh, is someone ticklish?” Vivien teased, running her fingertips over the bottom of his foot.
“B-b-baby, st-stop it,” Elvis pleaded, his laughter now completely uncontrolled.
“What are you gonna do about it?” Vivien asked playfully as she moved the tickling up under his pant leg, around his ankle.
“L-lemme show ya,” Elvis gasped out, and he leaned up and pounced on her, rolling them both over so he was laying on top of her. He immediately lunged in for a deep, passionate kiss. Vivien relished the way his marshmallow-soft lips smashed into hers, his tongue prodding its way into her mouth. He pulled back slightly and stared into her eyes. “Ya feel Little Elvis?” Vivien nodded, feeling his arousal growing harder, pressing into her. “You, uh, gonna kiss me there again, honey?” Elvis asked, his face turning a deep crimson.
Vivien nodded again, reaching up to stroke his flushed cheek. “Elvis, I think I’d do anything to make you happy,” she whispered. The way he smiled at that made her feel like he was looking into her very soul.
“You’re such a giving person, Vivien. So am I. There’s somethin’ I’ve really been wantin’ to do for ya.” Elvis shifted gently off of her and reached his hand slowly under her dress, pulling her panties down and removing them completely.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Vivien asked anxiously as Elvis lifted the hem of her dress and started inching down between her legs.
Elvis looked up with that adorable, lopsided, heart-melting grin. “You’re so sweet ta me Vivien, that I jus’ know ya gotta taste sweet too.” Vivien remembered what she had forgotten to ask Roxanne about, but it was too late now. She could feel her body trembling as Elvis pushed her legs further apart. “Shh, ‘s okay honey,” he rubbed her thigh soothingly with his thumb. “You jus’ relax and enjoy the ride.” She grabbed his hair as the waves of pleasure began to overtake her, Elvis’ tongue dancing across every inch of her body.
Tag List: @whositmcwhatsit @lookingforrainbows @arrolyn1114 @thatbanditqueen @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @be-my-ally @from-memphis-with-love @pebbles403 @deniseinmn @everythingelvispresley @little-laamb @annapresley8 @leapresley @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @atleastpleasetelephone @gatheraheart @richardslady121 @helen06dreamer
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