#just hovering over your shoulder (he doesnt mean it bad but like. please give some space dude.)
qwuilty · 2 years
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i do not have the brain power to like make these like Proper Drawings but i want to get him out there so. what would you do if you saw him press X if you would slap his shaved head and press O if you would slap his shaved head
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suddencolds · 3 years
different anon here but omg im so happy you made a kaeya/albedo drabble.. could you write up a pt 2 where kaeya catches his cold? doesnt have to be long, anything would do if youd be so kind
😭 anon... please, have mercy. Reversed roles are my absolute ~weakness~, so just this once, I am here to deliver a fic that I didn’t spend like 300 years writing. (Thanks for the excuse to write these two!!)
[part 1] 
A few days pass before he sees Kaeya again.
Albedo is only at the headquarters to ask Lisa if she has any books on the medicinal uses of Liyue specialties. The meeting is a coincidence, all things considered. Kaeya is leading a group of Knights—new recruits, Albedo thinks, because he’s pretty sure those are new faces—back into the main hall.
“Captain,” one of the recruits is saying. “I’m sorry about today. I’ll do better next time.”
“Struggling with training?” Kaeya asks. “I hope you weren’t hurt.”
“I wasn’t. I just… I should have been able to dodge. Back up in Starfell Valley, when that hilichurl fired. It wasn’t hidden or anything, but I didn’t notice.”
Kaeya shakes his head. “It’s a lot to think about, right? That’s one of the tricky things about fighting with a close-range weapon. It’s not a bad thing to pay attention to whomever you’re clashing swords with. Just don’t forget to keep an eye out for enemies that are further out.”
“Got it,” the recruit says, solemn.
“Your swordsmanship has improved, though.” Kaeya adds, “I can tell you practiced. The new sword suits you.”
The recruit brightens visibly. “Thanks a lot, Captain.”
It’s not surprising, really—Kaeya has a strange talent for saying the right thing at the right time. He’s patient, too, and good at strategizing; all things considered, Albedo can’t think of someone more qualified to be training the Knights.
But Albedo isn’t here to watch. It just looks like their group is about to adjourn, and he figures he should really thank Kaeya for his help a few days ago—Kaeya is a fast learner, and an even better conversation partner. Had it not been for him, Albedo knows he would’ve been up on Dragonspine for much longer.
Currently, Kaeya is turning to address the entire group. He still hasn’t noticed Albedo’s presence, it seems.
“Great work today,” He says, then launches into a speech about strategy. It’s not a notable incident—or, it shouldn’t be—except the more he talks, the more Albedo can tell how tired he is. It’s subtle. It’s Kaeya—of course it’s subtle. But his posture looks deceptively casual—really, it looks like it’s taking all of his energy to keep himself presentable—and mid-speech, he’s actually stifling a yawn. His voice sounds slightly off, too, perhaps from overuse.
They’re all busy, Albedo knows. But he feels guilty nonetheless. He knows it had been Kaeya’s decision to help him, but still—perhaps it hadn’t been the best choice, seeing how much he still has to do.
“Captain Kaeya,” one of the other recruits interjects, after Kaeya finishes his speech. Most of the other Knights have already started to leave. “If you are free later, could I stay late to train with you today?”
And Kaeya—
—Kaeya, for some reason, hesitates. He shuts his eyes for just a second, as if he’s at war with himself, before he opens them again. This time, his smile is a little less effortless, a little more strained. “Of course. I need to get some paperwork filled out first, but I’ll meet you after.”
“Alright, thanks! I’ll wait for you outside?”
“Sure. I won’t be long.”
The recruit—oblivious to the fact that something’s wrong—turns to head towards the exit. Kaeya sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows furrowed. He really looks exhausted.
Albedo wants to call out to him. He’ll say thanks, and then he’ll get out of Kaeya’s way. But then Kaeya starts off towards Jean’s office—to pick up paperwork, presumably—and stops halfway down the hall, tensing, one hand hovering over his face—
“hiiH… hiiH’ESSCH’ew!”
It sounds… rough, and tired, as if he’s been doing that all day. He sniffles, shivering, and continues walking, and Albedo knows.
He feels bad immediately. Kaeya had been kind enough to help out—of course he had, he’s selfless like that—even though he must have been busy. Meanwhile, Albedo hadn’t thought to tell him to sit further away, hadn’t been careful enough about not touching what he’d touched, hadn’t stepped away when Kaeya had insisted on walking back with him, hadn’t protested when Kaeya had lent him his scarf for the walk back through Dragonspine’s freezing weather…
...All things considered, this is most certainly Albedo’s fault.
“I got it, Jean,” Kaeya says, taking the pile of paperwork from her desk.
“Take it easy,” she says. “You should go straight home after this.”
Kaeya smiles tiredly at her. “Oh? I thought you didn’t want me slacking off. I can do more today, really.”
Jean rolls her eyes. “You look like you’re about to fall asleep standing. Please, for the love of Barbatos, get some rest.”
Kaeya can’t say he feels very differently than Jean says he looks. Still, even if Jean won’t ask him to stick around, the new recruits will—he likes them, but they’re still new to combat, which makes things harder on him. In between scouting domains, looking out for the younger knights, and trying to cover for the mistakes they make, perhaps he’s pushed himself just a bit.
“It’s just a cold,” he says, turning as far away from her as possible to cough into his elbow. “No one’s ever taken off work for a cold.”
“For now it is,” Jean says. “I don’t want it to turn into something worse because you won’t rest.”
“It won’t. It’s just paperwork, right? I could do that in my sleep.” And one-on-one training with a recruit. And after that, another meeting with the Knights, and a domain East of here to scout out on his own, but Jean can find out about that later when she’s reading his reports.
It’s very unfortunate that he has to sneeze.
He takes another step away from her, lifting his hand to cover.
“hiIH’EESCH’-ew!” he winces. The sneeze is loud, and it sounds almost as miserable as he feels, which means it feels far too transparent. “Hiih… hIIH… snf… hiiih’IiDDZScsh’ew! hIIIH’EZSCHh’-iu! ugh… snf…”
“Bless you,” Jean says, sighing as she passes him the tissue box on her desk. He takes a generous handful of them and before handing it back. “You sound awful.”
Kaeya laughs, pocketing the tissues. “You never fail to flatter me, Acting Grandmaster.”
“Forgive me for being worried,” Jean says flatly. “At least tell me you’ll take care of yourself.” “Of course. When do I not?”
She gives him a significant look, which is fair.
He takes the chance to leave her office. His head hurts, more than it would if he’d just had a bit too much to drink, and it’s the kind of headache that he knows is going to get much, much worse if he doesn’t take it easy. Maybe if he rushes, he can get the paperwork done before then.
The recruit he’d spoken to is waiting for him outside, he recalls. He rubs his nose, shivering, and heads for the door.
Someone is waiting for him, but it’s not the person he expects.
Kaeya musters the energy to smile. “Albedo! Did you need something?” He probably shouldn’t be taking on additional responsibilities after Jean’s already told him to take him easy, but then again, this is Albedo—whatever he needs, it must be  worth staying late for.
“I just happened to be stopping by,” Albedo starts. “I, err, wanted to ask Lisa about my research.”
“I take it that you didn’t find what you needed?”
“I did.” “Is that so?” Kaeya says, faltering—if that’s the case, he’s not sure why Albedo is still here. “Were you waiting for me, then?”
It’s supposed to be a joke, except Albedo hesitates, and Kaeya feels bad for suggesting it.
“Actually, I was,” Albedo says, which is a surprise.
Kaeya’s breath has gone unsteady again, and he rubs his nose, sniffling. Albedo, who seems not to have noticed, keeps talking.
“I wanted to tell you—”
Kaeya doesn’t want to interrupt, but colds tend to make his sneezes so jarringly unavoidable. He turns away, lifting up a hand to shield his face. “Hiiih… hiih’EESCHh’ew!” He gasps, and with a muffled sniffle, presses his hand closer to his face. “HIIH… hiiIH’IIZSCHH-uu! hIIIH’NGKT-Sshew! snf…!”
—His shoulders untense as he finally lowers his hand, fishing through his pocket for tissues. How embarrassing, he thinks, blowing his nose as softly as he can. He doesn’t exactly want to look over to Albedo to see the expression on his face—disgust, probably, or worse, pity—
“I’m sorry,” Albedo says instead.
Kaeya’s glance snaps upwards in surprise. “What?” “I was hoping you wouldn’t catch this,” he frowns, looking away. “I wasn’t careful enough. I did not intend for you to feel miserable because of me.”
What is that supposed to mean? “This isn’t because of you.”
“Captain,” Albedo starts, completely serious. “Whose cold do you think you have?”
Kaeya blinks. It’s true—he’s probably caught this from Albedo, given that he can’t think of anyone else who’s been sick lately—but that doesn’t mean that Albedo should feel guilty over it. “Colds spread. It happens, it’s not your fault.”
“I should have been more careful,” Albedo shakes his head dejectedly. “Or perhaps I should not have accepted your help at all when you offered to stay. I knew you must have had a lot of work. It was selfish of me.”
“I told you, I wanted to help,” Kaeya insists.
Albedo sighs. “You are selfless to the extent that it is detrimental sometimes.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I sent the recruit home, by the way. Really, you couldn’t have told him to wait a couple days?”
“He asked for my help.” Kaeya holds a hand up, veering away again. “I wasn’t going to deny him just because of… a… hiIH… c-cold… HIIih’EESSCHh’ew! HIIIH’GKTt!-shew!” His head throbs in protest, and he sniffles, tilting his head upwards, a fresh tissue in hand, in ticklish anticipation. “hiIIH… hiIIH’IIIZZSCH’ew!”
It takes everything in him not to slump against the wall.
“Bless you,” Albedo says. “You sound—”
“—awful?” He lowers the tissue with a laugh. “I know. Jean informed me.”
“I was going to say tired,” Albedo says, shifting forward to feel Kaeya’s forehead. His hand shifts to Kaeya’s cheek, studying him with a look of such intense concentration, Kaeya tries not to smile. “I don’t think you have a fever, but you’re warm. Allow me to walk you home?”
As enticing as the offer sounds, he shouldn’t. Everyone else is working hard—he knows if he does less work than usual, it will be Jean and Amber picking up the slack, which is the last thing he wants. “I still have lots to do.”
“It can wait until you’re well. The Knights will survive if you take a day off.” Albedo drops his hand, but he’s still looking at Kaeya with the same intensity. “I will talk to Jean, if it’s an issue.”
“Please don’t talk to Jean,” Kaeya says sheepishly. He’s sure she wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to find out about his plans to stay and work late.
Albedo raises an eyebrow. “Will you listen to me, then?”
Maybe it’s not such a bad idea, after all—he can head home, sleep this headache away, and come back in the evening. “Well,” he starts. “If… hiIIH… hiiIH’ESSCH’ew! snf-! If you insist…”
“I do.”
“...I guess I could head home early.”
It’s worth it, for the way Albedo smiles softly in response. He looks... relieved, Kaeya realizes, which is strange, too—he hadn’t expected Albedo to be so worried about him.
Kaeya starts off in the direction of his house. It’s not a long walk from the headquarters—certainly closer than the manor was, back when he’d lived there. Admittedly, it’s lonelier sometimes, living on his own.
Unexpectedly, Albedo follows him.
“You’re really walking me back,” Kaeya says, slightly disbelieving.
“Yes,” Albedo says. “Would you prefer if I didn’t?”
“It’s nice.” Kaeya sniffles, stifling a cough into a raised hand. “I hope you’re not just doing this because you feel bad about this.”
Albedo hums. “I’m not. I am quite free this afternoon, thanks to your help. I do feel bad, though.”
“Doing alchemy with you was the most exciting part of my week,” Kaeya says honestly, flashing him a grin. “I’d say it was worth catching a cold over.”
Albedo stares back at him. Then he smiles back, so brightly that Kaeya feels warmer, just looking at him. “You could come visit more often, then. I enjoy having company if it’s you.”
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brelione · 4 years
Neon (Sarah Cameron x Reader)
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This Is That Good Gay Shit Right Here
It had been study period.You sat across the table from Sarah at the library in the large kook school.You werent really a kook,you just had the money of one.You acted and dressed like a pogue and your friends were pogues as well.You didnt wear your school uniform.Instead you wore JJ Maybanks shirt and a bracelet that Pope had made you.You hung out around the boys a lot,every single day.You’d go surfing with them and drink cheap beer.You wore John B’s socks and the boys would often tease you about the school you went to full of rich princesses.Sarah watched everything you did.You did the same thing every single study period.You’d take out the same notebook every time and sketch lines out with a pencil.When there was two minutes left of the period she watched as you’d grab a neon marker and swipe strokes across the paper precisely.The things she’d do to know what you spent so much time drawing.She never got any studying done during study period,she was too busy watching you.She watched as your nose would scrunch up when you messed up a line or how you would throw your hair back aggressively when it got in your way.She was just so fascinated by you.
It had been a bad morning for Sarah.She hadnt been able to get a good breakfast or do her hair properly or even have a nice cup of coffee.She was at her locker,chatting with Kiara when she saw you.You were wearing some rather short shorts and a neon blue striped shirt.She couldnt help but stare at you.You looked amazing,hair up in a messy bun,a generous amount of bracelets on your wrist that you had collected over the years and that neon shirt.You were so effortlessly gorgeous she just couldnt wrap her head around it. “What are you looking at?”Kiara asked.Sarah laughed it off,saying she zoned out but couldnt help but stare at you out of the corner of her eye.She knew you and Kiara were close friends in the eighth grade but had drifted a bit.She looked you up and down multiple times,eyes falling to a mark on your jaw.She couldnt quite tell what it was but she knew it wasnt a birth mark.She had looked over your face so many times she could probably draw it from memory.
Neon streaks covered your hair.Pink,green and blue.The morning had been a rather chilly one.You wore a thin brown leather jacket over a white crop top,not that the crop top could be seen due to your arms and jacket covering your torso.Sarah knew it was fake leather.She had heard you talking about your love and appreciation for cows so she knew that you’d never wear something made out of their skin.She stared at the neon streaks in your hair,the way the light reflected off of the colorful streaks and how two neon yellow pieces of hair framed your face.Only you could pull off that look,she thought.She had never actually spoken to you but she felt that she knew you so well.Noone hated you,no one even disliked you.You didnt fit in in any way shape or form but there was something about you that just dragged everyone in.Every night before she went to bed Sarah would scroll through your instragram.It was a public account because clearly you didnt really care about who followed you and who saw you.Her thumb would hover over the follow button but she never pressed it.
Neon pink was the color of the bikini you were wearing when she saw you on the beach.The bottoms were high waisted,your hair up in a bun and she couldnt help but think about how brilliant your boobs looked in that top.You were sitting next to JJ Maybank,giggling about something as you talked to him.She wanted to be the one to make you giggle like that.JJ said something to you and you nodded before he ran off.You rolled your eyes,continuing to walk by the water.Sarah watched as you bent over to pick something up.She watched as your face of happiness became one of worry.She watched as you ran to find a stick and a leaf.She watched as you got a small creature onto the leaf and ran down to the water,placing the leaf down.She grinned as you were smiling again,scooting the creature along.She took a deep breath,walking down the sandy hills towards you. “Hi, (Y/N),right?”She asked.She didnt have to ask.She knew your first,middle and last name.She knew your siblings names,your pets names,your parents names,your cousins names.She knew your favorite foods,your zodiac sign and your favorite animal.She had spent hours stalking your instagram and going through the people you followed to find your mother.Once she found your moms instagram she found her facebook and that lead to Sarah learning many details about your life.You nodded,turning to see the blonde. “Sarah Cameron.”You nodded.She blushed.She never knew her name would sound so good coming from you. “So,what brings you to the beach on this lovely morning?”You asked.SHe shrugged. “Just...hanging out.”She replied.You nodded. “You want me to hang out with you?”You smirked.She blushed. “Sure,umm do you maybe wanna come to my house?”
Neon green was the color you painted you painted your nails while the two of you were hanging out at her house a week later. “Hey (Y/N)?”Sarah asked as she held a pillow to her chest,wresting her chin on it. “Yeah?”You asked.Sarah blushed,squealing into her pillow.That caused you to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.The boys never acted like this.Sarah was really quite different from the guys.She was stunning and giggled a lot and made your heart thump. “So like-do you like anyone right now?”She asked.You sighed.Why?Why that question?What the hell were you supposed to say?You just shrugged. “Oh my god!You’re blushing!Who is it?”Sarah faked enthusiasm.She wanted to frown and roll her eyes but that would definitely give it away. “God,Sarah.You ask so many questions.Why dont you just guess?”You asked.She bit her lip,staring at your bright finger nails. “Well...where do those little marks on your jaw come from?”She asked.You laughed. “You can say the word hickey,Sarah.”You grinned.You and JJ had a sort of friends with benefits thing going on.It wasnt exclusive or anything,just something to do when you were bored or horny or whenever you were mad.
He had always had the biggest smirk on his face afterwards.He’d ask you who you had thought about during it.You never told him. “Just because I have hickeys doesnt mean I like someone.”You replied.She frowned. “How can you do that?Like do someone and then not have any thoughts or feelings afterwards?”She asked.You smiled,blowing on your fingernails. “I just think of someone else.”You shrugged.She gasped. “So you do like someone!”She exclaimed. “Whats the first letter of his name?”She asked.You rolled your eyes,butterflies building in your stomach. “S.”You repled.She bit her cheek. “Seth?”She asked.You shook your head. “Whats the next letter?”She asked.You bit the inside of your cheek. “A.”You told her.She’d have to catch up eventually.Her eyebrows furrowed. “Uh...Sam?”She asked.You shook your head with a big grin. “The next letter is R.”You told her.She’d have to get it eventually.Her heart thumped a bit and she tried not to blush.
She was getting really excited at the possibility that it could be her.No boys name had those three letters in a row. “Next letter please.”She pouted.You blushed,looking away from her. “A.”You told her.She raised her eyebrows,eyes darting around the room. “Is it a girl?”She asked.You nodded,nervous for her reaction.She could have squealed in that moment. “Im Bi,Sarah.”You told her.She held her head in her hands. “Same.”She replied.You gasped quietly. “Shut up!”You exclaimed.She giggled. “Wait-is it Sarah Carpenter?Shes kind of a bitch,dont you think?”She asked.You bit on your lip. “Sarah,its you.”You avoided her gaze.You didnt even notice her lunging forward and wrapping her arms around you tightly and kissing your forehead. “This is really embarrassing-but ive liked you since the beginning of ninth grade.”She grinned.You giggled,kissing her nose. “Are you serious right now?”You asked.She nodded. “Dead serious.”She replied.
 “Why didnt you talk to me or something?”You asked.She bit her lip. “I didnt know that you were into girls!”She exclaimed.You rolled your eyes,sure that your face couldnt be any more red. “Sarah,I have dyed hair,short nails and I cuff my jeans.It couldnt be any more obvious.”You kissed her cheek.She looked down at her lips,pecking them gently.There was a knock at the door.You pulled away from eachother. “So yeah,grilled cheese sandwiches are so much better than tuna and if-Oh,hey rafe.”You greeted the tall boy standing at the door. “dinner.”He said quietly,winking at you before leaving.You and Sarah laughed,going downstairs.
Neon pink was the color of the beaded bracelet Sarah had made for you.That bracelet was tied to your wrist as you stared at Sarah.Her white dress,the diamond crown on her head as she held your hands. “You may kiss your bride.”Pope read off.You kissed Sarah gently,holding onto her waist.You rested your head on her shoulder as you hugged,JJ and Kiara screaming from the crowd and clapping loudly.Dear god youd think they would be the ones getting married with how excited they were.Sarah sung the words to We Fell In Love In October into your ear as you danced together.She kissed your cheek,your temple and your collarbone as she giggled.You had never loved anyone more,nor had you ever been happier.JJ had literally tackled you after the ceremony,spinning you around. “YOU GOT THE GIRL,BITCH!”He shouted.You laughed,punching him lightly on the shoulder.Kiara hugged you as well. “I’ve gotta get married next now,dont I?”She asked,glancing over at Pope.You nodded. “Hell yeah.”You replied,slapping her arm in excitement. “This is some great ass cake.Why the neon frosting though?”Rafe asked,poking at the frosting with his fork.He had somehow gotten off the drugs and stopped being such an asshole...most of the time.Sarah laughed,shrugging. “My baby loves neon.”She replied,watching in awe as you danced around with your cousin,dress twirling at your feet.
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ayyyoonohwhatimean · 4 years
highschool!boyfriend haechan
mode: fluff, comedy and a lot of bickering! 
haechan x reader! 
p.s.: hii it’s been a long damn time I haven’t written about nct-related kind of things lol anyways I hope you guys would like this one eventhough it’s quite long and I had so much fun writing it! haha I would appreciate it so much! happy birthday to lee donghyuck, our pride, our fullsun haechan! I love you. ♡ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
ridin and rollin oh baby 
first of all y all know haechan aka lee donghyuck 
such a pain in the ass jjsjsjs jk 
he would literally annoy you every second, every minute everytime hes with u 
bcus he loves u 
like he finds u cute he loves seeing reactions 
so u guys go to the same highschool and obviously classmates duh 
and imagine him in a smart highschool attire esp with his body proportion  and his hair up showing his forehead omg 
he would wait for u outside the school bcus u’re too slow jsjs
too slow too fasT 
but whenever ure done and is finally outside the school w him, he would hold your hand tightly and kiss ur knuckles as he swings ur arm
when he sees the other guys tryna check u out oof boy he snapped 
“what are u looking at she’s mine u flat ass”
u guys aren’t seatmates but he’d literally push ur seatmate mark lee away so he can sit with u 
“get away im lee haechan aka y/n’s boyfriend” 
and whenever it gets cold and u fall asleep in the classroom he’d silently wrap ur body w his sweater or jacket 
hanging out at the canteen with the dreamies!! 
haechan would literally steal your food when you look away 
and out of anger and annoyance you’d pull his hair literally 
you guys would literally chase each other haha 
god hes so annoying 
but i love him 
btw hes such a bad influence 
you guys will be doing the baekhyun’s candy dance challenge in the school’s hallway!!
u’ve never ever skipped ur class in ur entire life until like u guys met and got closer im srs 
“duDe aren’t you bored? this class is so boring i might die lets sneak out together and ill buy u food” 
“shut up im trying to focus here dumbass” 
“u can’t tell me what to do” 
“im gonna get in trouble again if i follow all the things that u said wtf-”
“well u only live once oh come on please pls-” he replied back w his pouty lips and u know that kind of sad cute eyes 
“what food where” 
“um me cus im a snack-” 
“i bet u taste horrible-” 
“oh no i mean im a wholemeal and i bet u taste even more horrible” 
“right now im not even surprised if i have a damn high blood pressure bcus of u”, you replied to him 
“me too bcus u’re old”
the no ending bickering jsjs it’s a MUST 
he loves to pick a fight w u for no reason man I SWEAR TO GOD
no bickering, no haechan
no haechan, no life
bcus he thinks ure cute when ure about to explode and get upset 
omg remember when he talked about renjun being cute whenever they bicker and he makes him feel upset uwu
he be gettin all the attention skrrrttt skrt
but anyways u guys ended up skipping class and went to eat at ur favorite restaurant or whatevahh 
he attac but he also protec 
u guys went to his house after chillin and eating at the restaurant cus why nOt 
it’s normal sometimes u would spend ur time at his house or he’d come to ur house so that u guys can spend ur time together ehe 
spending time at his house with him is so much fun even his parents adore u 
his room would be filled w michael jackson’s songs, ur and his loud laughter, a lot of love and just pure affection uwu 
u guys would study together and help each other whenever one of u have trouble in understanding smthg, eat and even cook together eventho it’d be a mess, play games, listen to the playlist that he made for u, listen to his smooth  honey voice singing to u, dancing w just the two of u together like u guys are just vibin y knoww 
he might be a pain in the ass kind of boyfriend but deep inside his love for u is soooo deep u can’t even see 
he has this special soft spot for u but he doesnt rlly show it but its obvious most of the time lol 
“hi baby”
“im literally sitting beside u haechan” 
“hello my name is haechan” 
you giggled, “what’s up, baby?”
“um nothing but like have u ever thought about your weakness? do you even like exactly know what are some of ur actual weakness is?” he suddenly asked
“honestly yeah i do think about it a lot and yea i know what are some of my main weakness is it’s quite...a lot”
“what is it?” 
haechan pulls u closer into his arms till u guys are like in a cuddling position next to each other on his bed and then he plays w ur fingers w full of love as u continue
“hmm like um failing? like i can’t accept my own failures” u hold his hand while stroking it up and down gently 
he might be annoying and always love to tease u nonstop and like how u guys would bicker and everything 
BUT having a deep heart to heart conversation w him is the best 
he loves it and treasures it so much and so do u 
he’s very attentive and a genuine good listener, like when he listens to u, he ACTUALLY listens 
he knows when to be goofy and tease u and when to actually be serious 
“failures? baby, you’ve been doing great and working so hard especially in your studies! I can’t even do it like you and in fact you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and known” 
you shrugged, “I mean yeah sure but like I feel like I’ve been lacking a lot especially in my maths! you know how I’ve always dreamed of studying actuarial science for my uni major and it’s rlly deadass tough-”
haechan then holds ur chin up so that u can look at him and he cups ur cheek as he looks at u softly 
“hey, if you fall, I also fall. I’m not letting you give up so come on what do u need help with ur maths? I can help and teach u” 
you chuckled as ur eyes met his eyes and sigh, “hey, thank you for existing, hyuck. really.” 
he smooches ur whole face and coos at u, “no problem, I’m ur fullsun” uwu 
haechan wants to go to the bathroom so he stands up from the bed before making his way 
“hey wait, wait a second, I have something to tell u before u go to the bathroom-”, you said trying to stop him 
he looks at you with a curiosity, “hm, what is it?” 
“your breath...smells kinda bad just now” 
he rolls his eyes showing his disbelieved facial expression, “i swear to god don’t even start you-” 
and thennnn it beginsss 
anyways u guys spent ur time together in his room that day with him teaching u maths in the topic that u had hard time understanding and solving it 
hes so good at teaching and explaining that u can’t help but to stare at him in awe 
“sTop checking me ouT” 
“wtf hyuck i aM noT” 
jamming to love again while studying together!!
after like half an hour, u guys wanna take a break and u wanna eat some snack so u go to the kitchen 
haechan wraps his arms around your waist as he snuggles his face into your neck, “I thought you want a snack” 
“babe, i’m trying to cut these oranges stop bothering me” you replied to him while struggling with cutting the oranges 
to be honest ure not really good with cutting fruits :’) but u love oranges 
ten can’t relate oops 
haechan watches u from behind with his arms still wrapping tightly around ur waist and stops u
“hMm wait hold up, who the heck cuts an orange like that-” 
“I-I actually am not really good at cutting fruits-”, you replied as u look at him
he giggles while shaking his head, “shut up you’re cute” 
he then proceeds to hold your hand and fingers holding the knife carefully as he stands still behind u and shows u the right way to cut the orange at the same time teaching u slowly too
isn’t he lovely made from love 
you guys would always end up watching the same movie haha
so the two of u lie beside each other on the couch w some of the snacks that u guys prepared at the kitchen 
cuddling is a must!!! 
he prefers to be the big spoon and u the smol spoon 
but when he doesn’t feel well or stressed out, you’d be the big spoon 
he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and just having your hand in his hand
he would kiss your knuckles and stare at u but as in like lovingly and admiringly 
he loves giving u smooches and lil kisses all over ur face eventho u might act disgusted but u love it too deep inside lol 
“hey, look at me” he whispers to u as he entangled his legs w urs 
pls just look at him or else he’d make u suffer with his otteoke otteoke song aegyo 
anyways the movie got boring so u just get closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder while putting ur left arm around his waist tightly 
“hyuck baby, sing me a song”, you telling him 
“you’re my missing puzzle piece”, he starts singing softly in ur ears while playing with your hair gently using his delicate fingers 
you rub his cheek slowly as u admiring his tanned skin, the details on his face and his beautiful honey brown eyes 
then u fell asleep 
he pulls the blanket nearby the couch and wrap the blanket around the two of you tightly so warm like a tortilla 
haechan looks at u w that soft eyes for awhile and smile before closing his eyes
“7 days a week, I’ll always hover by your side”, he whispers lightly 
“I love you”, you mumbled before going back to sleep 
“I love you too, idiot.” 
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taurusjaehyun · 6 years
kiss me // j.jh
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♦️Pairing: jaehyun x fem reader
♦️Other Members/ Characters: 97 line GC (Eunwoo, Jungkook and Mingyu) + Jihyo of Twice (also a 97 liner)
♦️Genre: smut, fluff,, bf Jaehyun, uni au
♦️Warnings: rough sex, nipple play(?), slight cock warming, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, badly written smut lmao, mentions of RuPaul’s Drag Race bc I’ve been binging on it after Netflix put all the seasons on!!!
♦️Word count: 3,981
♦️Story: Finals are done and you finally have proper time with your boyfriend Jaehyun but he barely pays you any attention. He won’t even give you a kiss you because of a stupid mobile game.
Note: A request by anon for bf!Jaehyun. Also, yeaaah, this isn’t proof read, sorry for the shitty aftercare and the shitty writing in general lol. Tell me what you guys think, please! I’d love feedback so I can improve hehe <3
"Kiss me." You say as you push yourself up closer to your boyfriend’s face, who was currently focused on his phone as he laid next to you in your bed, playing whatever mobile phone game he was addicted to with the guys. It was kind of annoying, really.
 You purse your lips and make kissy sounds, making him chuckle. You roll your eyes at him but he doesn’t notice, because he was too focused on his phone. You couldn’t believe how he’d rather play with his phone and his friends rather than spending time with you, his girlfriend, despite it being a free Sunday for the both of you. Finals were fucking finally over for all of you after the two of you, along with your friends had spent every day studying (more like cramming) to try and ace your tests.
 It was safe to say the two of you hadn’t had sex in a while. Plus, this was your only time alone together after a while as your roommate, Jihyo was on a date with her boyfriend, Eunwoo. Jihyo was a bit anal about you bringing in Jaehyun to your dorm to have sex after she had caught you and Jaehyun fucking a few times (it was more than a few times, honestly). You couldn’t hold it against her because she never had sex with Eunwoo in your dorm. Ever. Or not that you know of.
 You pinch Jaehyun’s side, making him yelp but he barely spares you a glance. You pucker your lips again and make kissy faces at him, trying to annoy him more than anything at this point. Jaehyun tilts his head towards you, eyes still focused on the screen of his phone as he blindly pecks at your face, kissing your nose instead of your lips like you wanted to.
 Feeling annoyed, you grab the phone out of his hands and turn it off. You set his phone on your nightstand, straddle him and cup his cheeks, squishing and pinching it with your hands. His hands automatically make his way to your hips as he looks up with you with a less than pleased expression.
 “I was about to beat Mingyu and Jungkook, you know,” he grunts in annoyance, taking hold of your hands that started to pinch his cheeks painfully. He pulls your hands off his cheeks and intertwines his fingers with yours.
You laugh, “Baby, today’s our free day. You can kill them some other time!” You started to grind your hips against his, testing the waters. You really wanted to take advantage of the time alone you had with the love of your life and do anything and everything you’ve wanted to do for the past few weeks. Also, fucking the built up stress away wasn’t a bad idea.
 Jaehyun watches you, grinding and circling your hips, almost as if he was hypnotized. He bit his lip and gives you a pointed look, “I thought we weren’t allowed to have sex here anymore?”
 You lean back and shrug, “Jihyo isn’t here anyways. What does she know?”
 “Well Jungkook and Mingyu know how important my ranking is in that game to me. And they know I’m here with you.” Jaehyun chuckles, “they’re already probably going off in the group chat that we’re already fucking and you know Eunwoo’s in the chat too.”
 You stop grinding on him, and sighed before blowing a raspberry, “I honestly don’t give a shit. Jihyo knows I’m putting RuPaul’s Drag Race over everything, including you so I could just say I forced you to watch.”
 Jaehyun scoffs and looks at you as if he’s offended, “so you mean to say you finished the season we were watching WITHOUT ME?” He lets go of your hands and holds onto your thighs, squeezing.
 You explode in laughter, knowing well that Jaehyun took offense in it. You both were big fans of the show that you’d do marathons of it together, especially the most recent All Stars season. “Trinity-“
 He puts up a finger to your lips, “ok, spoiler queen. I don’t need to know. I’ll watch it for myself.”
 “No, I’ll tell you right now! Trinity and Monet-“
 Jaehyun puts his hands over his ears, closes his eyes and starts howling, and basically doing every annoying sounds he could produce, just to shut you up.
 You laugh, trying to pull his hands away from his ear, telling him about the finale. Each second he goes on with his act, the more you found it funny so you ended up bellowing in laughter, weak as you fall down on his chest, shoulders shaking.
 Jaehyun sighs as he wraps an arm around you, patting your head gently. “God, you’re annoying.”
 Still in fits of giggles, you sit up again and hover over him, staring at him. Jaehyun was probably one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen in your life and you thought you were blessed to have been given a chance to be one of the people he loved in this world. “You love me, though.”
 Jaehyun gives you a goofy smile, “that I do, sweetheart. So fucking much. You have no idea.”
 “Prove it!”
 "Kiss me."
 Jaehyun didn’t have to be told twice. His hands find its way on the back of your head, and he pulls you close while he lifts his head up to meet you halfway and locks his lips with yours.
 You chuckle and proceed to kiss him. Deep and hard, always. His tongue swipes on your lower lip and you grant him access and soon your tongues wrapped around each other. You didn't know how long you were kissing but all you knew was you were already feeling dizzy and breathless but you just wanted to taste him again and again.
 People might call you crazy but every time you saw him, he still gave you the butterflies he made you feel from the first time you saw him. That was how you knew you were already in love with him. You were so into in him that his mere touch sent shivers up your spine and when he makes love to you, you’re afraid you’ll burst into tears because of the overwhelming feelings he gives you.
 You pull away and pull off the large t-shirt that you used as pyjamas. Underneath it, you weren’t wearing anything because you knew you’d be fucking your boyfriend. You shoot him a smile as you cup your breasts for him, earning a whistle from him. You knew he loved your nipples and right now, they looked too appetizing to him, already so hard and begging to be sucked by him.
 He bites his lips at the sight of your naked and pliant body. He knew how conscious you were of your body but he loved how you trusted him too much that you were confident naked in front of him. He was thankful for that because for him it was a way to really say how much you trusted and loved him.
 You grab his hands and rest them over your breasts as you start to circle your hips on him again. He had an obsession with you boobs that he would find a way to suck your nipples most of the time, that when you would sleep over at his dorm (which was better because the athletic department had budget and gave them solo rooms) even before you sleep, he sucks your nipples. It was endearing.
 You were his and he was yours. As soon as he lets go of your nipples, you kiss his neck, making sure to rub you hard nipples against his chest as you pull up his shirt and help him fully take it off. He cups your face as you kiss and you rush to undo his jeans. You plant kisses down his neck, chest and stomach as you go lower, pulling down his jeans.
 His half hard cock pops out as you pull down his underwear and help him get both his jeans and underwear off around his ankles until the both of you were buck naked. You settle between his legs, kissing his thighs, just taking your time but your hands find his cock, the tip leaking with clear liquid.
 You spit on your hands, easing the friction and starting to jerk him off. You use the pad of your thumb to rub the slit of his cock, watching how his cock twitches and gets harder at the action. His dick continues to leak pre-cum, enough for you to spread it around the sensitive mushroom head of his shaft.
 “Fuck, baby. Stop playing and suck it if you’re going to,” he hisses, fisting the sheets beside him.
 “Ok, ok.” You laugh but you continue to play with his sensitive head. You gather your spit in your mouth and drop it slowly on the head of his dick, circling your tongue to the air so the spit goes around and covers the rest of his cock. “I’ll get your dick wet first, you big baby.”
 Jaehyun moans as you start to jack him off, your left teasing the head and the right jerking the rest of his cock. He watches you as you bite your lips in concentration as you jerk him off, using the tricks that are fool proof to make him feel good. Especially that jerk-jerk-twist-jerk movement that had his hips bucking.
 Without a word, you start to suck on his head, slurping on the salty precum, making him hiss in pleasure. You use your now free left hand to fondle on his balls as you keep jerking and sucking him off. When the moisture from your spit around the rest of his length dries, you slowly take him in your mouth, deep throating him.
 You keep your thumb in your fist, trying to keep your gagging down as you used your left hand to hold onto the base of his cock as you take him deeper inside your mouth until your nose was touching his belly, his trimmed pubes prickling you.
 Jaehyun was always amazed how you manage to take in his whole length but then again, you always managed to surprise him and managed to exceed his expectations which was one of the reasons for why he fell in love with you. Out of all the girls around him, you managed to catch his attention and he found himself unable to keep you out of his mind until the two of you got to work together since you were both in student government.
 You lift your head a little and bob your head, keeping his dick down your throat, knowing this would surely cover the whole of his cock with your spit. Jaehyun had always been a loud grunter and moaner so it was no doubt that the room was filled with Jaehyun’s sounds of pleasure and curses as you make him feel good with your mouth. Once you couldn’t hold your breath anymore, you pull away from his cock.
 You take the spit stringing your mouth to the head of his cock with your fingers and jerk him off. Jaehyun looks at you, mouth swollen, eyes lidded and tears forming at your ducts. You lean forward, rubbing the head of his cock against your nipples, making him groan at the sight. You take him in your mouth again, this time, just comfortably sucking him off, just taking in the length you could casually and jerk the rest of his shaft.
 He grabs a hold of your head, pushing your pony tail back and tucking the strands that came apart from the vigorous bobbing of your head on his cock. Jaehyun starts to thrust his hips up so you stop moving, your arms on either sides of his hips on the bed, letting him fuck your face at his own pace. When he thrusts to particularly deep, you end up gagging and you pull away, coughing.
 Jaehyun gasps in worry, immediately sitting up and cups your face. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
 You let out a giggle and peck his lips, “it’s ok, love.”
 "So now, it’s my turn to please my lady." He grins as he kisses you on the cheek before he maneuvers you to the head of the bed and pushes you down until he was hovering over you and in between your legs. He licks the tips of his fingers and rubs at your clit, making you twitch. He reaches down and slips two of his fingers inside you with no warning, making you gasp. “You’re this wet for me, sweetheart? Well shit.” He grins at you, teasing as his he finds a comfortable paces to fuck you with his fingers.
 You close your eyes, reveling in the sensation of his fingers stretching you and rubbing against your spot as you squeeze your breasts. God, he knew just how to make you feel so good, and you couldn’t wait for the main event: his cock but his fingers were doing more than good that you find yourself bucking against his hand as your orgasm comes over you fast, like it was unexpected that you didn’t realize you were cumming until it you started to scream and tremble.
 “That was fast,” Jaehyun teases, pulling his fingers out of you slowly, watching your pussy juice stringing as he separates his fingers. He takes the fingers from inside you and shoves it in his mouth and licks it clean. It as a shame you couldn’t see it as you were still basking in the after effects of your orgasm, eyes pinched close. “I didn’t even touch your clit!” He says, giving you a teasing look. “You must’ve waited for this long, huh?”
 You grin at him, but still trying to calm yourself down by taking deep breaths. “We haven’t had sex since Jihyo made us stop having sex here and finals was a bitch, Jae. I was stressed!” You close your eyes, clutching your chest dramatically.
 Jaehyun laughs at you and kneels in front of you, lifting your hips and pulling you to him. He lifts your hips and settles it on top of his legs. You feel him line his cock to your slit and pushes his head in.
 “Wait! I’m not ready yet!” You whimper, using your legs to push yourself off but his grip on your hips was strong and he had already pushed inside you, the whole of his length inside you. Your eyes roll back as his tip presses against your sweet spot but at the same time, the burn of the stretch makes you hiss in pain. He was never an easy size to begin with.
 “Relax, babe.” He says gently as he takes a hold of your waist but you see how he has his eyes closed and his mouth agape. “You’re fucking tight.”
 Still feeling the stretch, you lift your head and hit his hand on your waist, making him laugh. “You’re an asshole. I’m still sensitive.” You pouted.
 “I know, love. Your pussy’s still throbbing.” He gives you a sweet smile and grabs your legs to wrap them around him. He takes his time, keeping his cock inside you while he takes his time into admiring your serene face and running his hands on your skin. “You ok?” He intertwines your fingers and plants kisses on the back of your hand, watching you remain silent with your eyes closed.
 You eventually give him a sign but don’t answer him, instead, you smile at him as you squeeze your walls around his cock, making him wince. “Your cock is-AH!”
 He starts to move his hips, just grinding do every roll of his hips, his cock hitting your sweet spot. "Ah, shit. You're so fucking tight." He groans as he finally pulls his hips back and drove into me slowly, bottoming out and slamming back in, making you moan at the sweet pressure inside.
 You wrap your legs tighter around him as he moved his hips up, hitting your sweet spot at a different angle as he leans down and sucks at your nipples. Fucking Jaehyun wouldn’t be fucking him if he wasn’t sucking on your nipples while he was fucking into you. You keep his head close to you, as if you were holding a baby’s head sucking on its mother’s nipple. Honestly, with the amount of times he was sucking on your nipples, you wouldn’t be surprised if you started lactating out of the blue.
 He lifts your legs as he starts slow but deep thrusts and puts both of your legs over his shoulders as he leans down, basically folding you in half. He captures your lips while his hips pick up pace. He kisses the sensitive spots on your neck as he builds up a steady pattern of fucking you, making you eyes roll back in pleasure. He licks the skin from you ear to my neck, making you shiver and buck your hips, easily receiving his hard cock.
 He eventually goes into full force and you’re left to nothing but a moaning mess as he drives his hips to yours forcefully and in a pace beyond what you could handle. He was so deep inside you that you could the sweet pressure of his hard cock jabbing your cervix.
 You claw at his back and grabbing onto whatever you could, holding on for dear life as he drives into you relentlessly, with his hands lifting up your hips for easier access. "F-fu...fuck! Ah! Soooo goo-...ood! Ah!!"
 He pulls out and you groan at the loss of his cock inside you.
 "Jaehyun, no," You groan desperately as he smirks at me.
 "Patience, love." He smiles and lies on his back, making me straddle him.
 Needing no words, you straddle him and slip down his length, releasing a sigh of pleasure at the fullness you’re feeling. You lean down and kiss him and he settles his hands on your ass cheeks, massaging and slapping. You pull away, moving your hips slowly, forward and backward, taking him in deep inside. You lean your head back, moaning from the pleasure.
 He leans forward and sucks your left nipple and plays with your nipple with his hands, rolling the hard pebble with his fingers, pulling and squeezing. He groans in pleasure as you tighten your walls around him. He moves to your riģht nipple and sucks, and gives the same treatment as he did with your other nipple.
 Jaehyun then pushes you down towards him and holds you tight as he starts thrusting hard and fast from below you. You squeal at the intense, hard pleasure coming in, giving you no room to breathe.
 "JAEHYUN!!!!" You scream as you push your hips down to meet his thrusts and take him in any deeper, if it was possible. "FucK! AHH!!" You let myself go and my body becomes limbless at the excessive pleasure. You feel the drool escape your lips as you lean your face on the crook of his neck.
 Without effort, he maneuvers you off of him and throws you on the bed then kissing every exposed inch of my skin he could reach. Once he reaches down, he doesn’t hesitate and proceeds to eat you out like a fucking maniac, making you scream and shiver in so much pleasure. There were lots of things Jung Jaehyun did well and one of the top things besides academics, basketball, cooking and fucking, eating you out would be included. And it didn't help that he knew your body like the back of his hand.
 "Jaehyun! I'm cummimg!" You scream and before he could react, you were trembling, already in your second orgasm of the day. He never stopped sucking on your clit and started fingering you again, jus jabbing at your sweet spot while you were on the verge of your orgasm. You wanted to keep away but he had your hips on hold. Pretty soon, you felt it coming again and this time, you ended up squirting.
 He looked pretty proud of himself after you were left a shivering mess. “There we go, good girl!” He smiles, kissing the back of your hand. “I told you I’d make you squirt, right?” The last time you had sex, knowing it’d be while before you could again, the two of you had rented a room and tried every position you wanted to try out and tried finding out your limits. He had made you squirt then and you both were amazed after seeing it once so he had promised you that he would be making you do it again.
 “Jihyo’s gonna be so fucking mad when she gets home…” you trail off, still a bit high from your orgasm. “God, I’m dead. I need to find a new roommate.” You take a deep breathe, “also, I think… I’m gonna pass out.”
 Jaehyun laughed, “at least let me cum before you pass out!”
 “I fucking hate you right now.” You could feel the slight sheen of sweat on your body, besides from the body liquid you just expelled earlier.
 “Excuse me, Ms. Y/N? You were the one that wanted this, remember?”
 You wanted to pass out but you were sure Jaehyun wasn't over yet and besides, you always wanted Jaehyun’s cum inside you. It wasn't done until he came inside you. “Fuck me now, come on.” He immediately enters you and starts working his hips in a pace fast and hard.
 "Fuck! Slow down!" It was too good that you could feel fresh tears drip down your temple. "Wait!!! Jaehyun" You try to push him away to at least slow him down but he holds you tighter and drives into you harder, constantly pressing against your g-spot. It was honestly like his cock was made for your pussy as he’s always hitting the places inside you that made you see stars.
 "Ah, fuck! Your pussy so fucking tight for me!" He exclaims, followed with a plethora of curses as he does a steady pace of strong, deep, fast thrusts. He kisses you and holds tight on your breasts, squeezing them.
 "I'm cumming!" You scream as you quickly cum on his cock which triggers his orgasm as well, but he keeps his shallow thrusts until he's emptied his cum all inside of you, filling you a few weeks worth of cum, filling you to the brim that some spill out even though his cock acted as a plug.
 He stays inside you as the two of you kiss again, lazily this time, so you both could catch your breaths too. "I love you, y/n." He smiles at you, kissing your chin.
 You laugh at his sweetness as you focus on breathing to slow down your fast heartbeat. Was it because of his words or your exhaustion? Or both? But you did know the exhaustion was taking over you. You close your eyes, basking in the warmth of his body against yours. Your ears were blocked and you were still trembling but you weren’t complaining.
 Jaehyun knew you so he wasn’t expecting your reply and he already knows your answer anyways. Pretty soon, you quickly fall asleep, surprising him. But it was understandable because he made you spent so he cleaned up after you, wiping your body and your crotch with a warm towel and dressing you in panties and one of the shirts he’s left intentionally after he had cleaned himself up. It was the least he could do.
 From Jung Jaehyun | 10:30AM
To Cha Eunwoo
So, what are you willing to do for me not to tell y/n I caught you and Jihyo fucking after ur gf made us stop fucking in their dorm? Send me your most expensive skin, Cha and try to beat me!
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wingsporkhalo · 5 years
He’s Mine: A BakuDeku Fic Spork- Chapter 4
WOW I can’t believe this story only ran for 4 chapters! Or no, wait, I can absolutely believe that.
For those of you who are new, I read a terrible BakuDeku fanfiction and made funny commentary on it with the help of some good buddies!! Thanks again @kittykatz009​, @the-wizard-l​, @satsuneade​, and Phos!!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Support me on Patreon! I am poor!! https://www.patreon.com/WingSongHalo And check out my YouTube channel, where you can see video sporks!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTMFf7W6SyWoZdpqY9ZdPw/
Last time, Shoto made terrible jokes and lied to Izuku’s mother, Izuku and Shoto went on a date, and our helpless damsel protagonist got attacked by a villain!! Also, I provided several of my own takes on the pairing! When we left off, Izuku had received a note from Katsuki that had a love confession on it! In today’s installment, we see the fight between Lord Explosion Murder and Ice Ice Flamey from the beginning! Also, they stalk Izuku and hang around him creepily all night at his house!
Me: Izuku would stare at that letter for ages and find a hidden message in it. Izuku, reading the note: "Hey, damn nerd... Even though I didn't get to tell you yesterday, I was trying to say that I'm in Love with you. I want to go out with you. Let me know what you think. PS- Tell anyone else and you're dead." [long pause] "...............oh my god... the first letter of each line... HE'S IN TROUBLE!! I HAVE TO SAVE HIM"
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Wiz: 🦢 Me: First off, I think it's kind of telling that within the universe of this story, I'm kind of rooting for Bakugou over Todoroki. I mean, at least Bakugou beat a girl unconscious to save him. Todoroki just kidnapped him while he was dressed like a girl and then took him to a park for no reason and left him there. I like how this chapter is formatted like the shittiest poem I've ever seen. and yes THE DOOR SWAN OPEN Phos: I need to record myself reading bad fanfic like ee Cummings poetry Me: absolutely YOU COULDN'T SEE IZUKU ANYWHERE IN THE WHAT???? WHY WOULD HE--I--WHAT??? THE FUCK???? Jaz: did that say catheter?? Me: IT SAYS CATHETER Wiz: hvgjhgjhRTDYFYGIU Me: IM DYING OH MY GODDDDDD Jaz: that doesnt sound very sanitary Me: MAYBE LOOK IN SOME BETTER HIDING PLACES, TODOROKI
intill: It's all inside
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Okay but where is Izuku sitting?? Jaz: he’s levitating Me: "About What?" "Right, about Western Heroes' Acting Theater. They're putting on a show and I want to know if I can make it" "............" And then it’s like "Gee, I have no idea if i should go out with this dangerous person who has always asserted his unquestionable dominance over me with violence if necessary!!" "[internally] oh my god, is Izuku... is the guy I like... dumb??" Jaz: afudshgoudshuigdsh
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Me: Of course he doesn't know. Izuku isn't allowed to have a thought in his head in this story Suddenly, Bakugou just fucking Apparates there Jaz: What’s the dose? Me: I dunno, but if it's a Bakugou dose, I'm assuming it'll be -hard to handle -a little too spicy for comfort -really bad for my health Jaz: mhmmm spicy Me:
He must of herd
Surely you mean a Herd of Must? Majestic animals also who is Bakagou and when did he get here? At least we know one thing about him: He's an idiot (...because baka.) WAIT, maybe Bakagou was the author's idea of a pun?? Because he is now Todoroki's rival in love?? ...nah, that's giving the author way too much credit... Jaz: im just picturing Bakugou's head on a horse's body running through a pasture Me: LKAJF;LKSDJLK
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Or--hot take, but hear me out--mayyyybe Izuku belongs to no one but himself?? DID YA EVER THINK OF THAT, AUTHOR??? Who is Intill allmight and why is only the first word of his name capitalized Where the fuck did he come from, anyway? Doesn't this take place after the school festival? If so, how is All Might in muscle form? Or did he just appear here in his Smol Might form?? Then he just... fucks the hell off with both of them in tow, I guess IZUKU, HON, GUESS WHAT: YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHOOSE EITHER OF THEM! THEY'RE BOTH BLAND PIECES OF DRYWALL Wiz: RIGHT Me: also I like how they both just stalk Izuku until he makes up his mind. Except NO I DON'T, THAT'S SUPER FUCKING WEIRD AND DISTURBING Wiz: IT REALLY IS Jaz: this is so painful
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Wiz: this poor kid Me: Stay over to night? Does that mean they're going to leave at nightfall? sounds a'ight Jaz: the coach Me: "Eh yeah" WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. THIS IS SO STUPID I'M 😂 "Oh remember Izuku" "Yes mom I remember Izuku because that is me" "Oh, okay, just checking. I forget sometimes"
that poor coach
Izuku might as well be a stupid princess doll for all the agency he has in this fic
So the three of them just... sat there in uncomfortable silence while they slowly smushed Izuku between them? And then Izuku just gets up when he's done watching TV? DIDN'T ANYONE WANT TO TALK? THIS IS SO UNSETTLING INKO, COME BACK! WE NEED AN ADULT Wiz: PLEASE COME BACK Jaz: hfdsihgdsiugh
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Me: "Don't ask me what vegetables. Just... nameless vegetables. Honestly I'm not convinced they were even vegetables, but that's what the large blue letters on them said, so I thought I'd take their word for it." Wiz: That last line is so creepy for some reason Jaz: it IS creepy Me: "Your going it wrong" They should have said that to Inko when she was leaving. "Your going and leaving us alone with your son? It wrong."
"I never knew that you were good with at cuting!"
I mean, yeah, he could definitely use a refresher course on cute-ing. He has forgotten how to cute.
So like, Shoto's just sitting in there staring brainlessly at the TV while Bakugou impresses his supposed love interest by being a culinary genius? Weak, Shoto. Step up your game.
I haven't spend this much with kacchan
Good lord, I wasn't aware you were spending anything!! How much did those "vegetables" cost??
I went through
"You were cute when you were a kid weren't you"
Bitch!!! HE'S STILL CUTE AS FUCK!!! Wiz: It's paper mario :O kjwbejhbewfj Me: PFFFFFF Jaz: let this fic die plz
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Me: His checks went red??? GOOD LORD, THOSE "VEGETABLES" HAVE BANKRUPTED HIS FAMILY Wiz: oH NOOOOO Me: I can only assume the dinning room is where his mother goes to cause a din by screaming MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wiz: That’s it Me:
After dinner because author-chan is lazy
You only admit it after all this? You despicable coward. Wiz: gvhbjkhgjkuhilk mood Me: Should we be letting this expressionless cardboard cutout just silently look through all of Izuku's childhood photographs? Definitely not. Is anyone going to stop him? Definitely not!! Jaz: Izuku telling him to back off? GOOD Me: Why is this author writing both of them as these silent onlookers, hovering over Izuku's shoulder like the inevitability of death?? Also, jesus, why on EARTH would Bakugou just be like "welp I'm gonna shower with him derpdedoo!!" Okay Izuku doesn't feel safe in his own home now. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, AUTHOR. Wiz: THAT’S SO CREEPY JHB Me: so... you're writing one of his love interests as a silent but loyal protector who diligently waits for him and follows him everywhere like a dog? Author, are you... was your first crush a dog or something??? I'm???
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(except with “man”) I mean his other choice was to fucking leave, but everyone forgets about that I guess
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Jaz: god, i hope they were wearing gloves Me: Author, when you don't put A/N before your stupid pointless interruptions, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SEPARATE IT FROM ALL YOUR CHARACTERS' STUPID POINTLESS THOUGHTS Jaz: his waste Me: "You still cute Izuku!" the Southern Accent returns, this time with Shoto Okay Bakugou's growling when someone's getting close to his beloved now. It's official. Bakugou has become an actual dog Jaz: a smol doggie Me: WHAT SO IZUKU JUST GOES TO BED WITH TWO SUPERPOWERED STALKERS STILL IN HIS HOME?? I???
Also yeah apparently someone pooped the bed Wiz: fdghjkhgjkl
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Me: THE END??? And then it was never updated because nobody wanted any of that shit for poor Izuku Wiz: THE END WOW Jaz: the end jesus thank god Me: look... I don't usually say this, because it might seem hypocritical coming from someone who hoards fanart and writes character analyses and... does what I'm doing right now, but…
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please get a life Jaz: maybe they are also sporking and want an update Me: I mean, fair? Wiz: What a journey Me: ANYWAY YEAH THAT WAS "HE'S MINE!" THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING ME, Y'ALL
Hope you all enjoyed that!! Please let me know if you’ve found any terrible fanfictions you’d like me to spork! Right now I’m working on a Sailor Moon one that was submitted to the blog earlier, so I definitely take your suggestions! Thanks for reading <333
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jaehyunavenue · 6 years
a fool ♡ nyt {1.6k words}
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pride and prejudice!yuta + y/n
in which mr. nakamoto proves to be the most infuriating of men.
"that's not to say that i'm fond of you," mr. nakamoto said, his chest pushed out, eyes as icy as a winter morning's frozen lake. you felt the crowd around you try to push back a gasp, but a few had found the challenge too hard.
"let's get out of here," your friend whispered to you, a warm hand guiding you through the crowd.
it had been a few months since your aforementioned best friend had announced her engagement to mr. dong sicheng, and society had been abuzz at the news of this pairing. so what else could've made this even more sensational, if not for mr. nakamoto, mr. dong's intimidating best friend, falling for the bride-to-be's soul sister? society was drinking this up.
the entire situation was infurtiating, because you had no idea where these rumors were coming from. a man like him had no shred of love left in his body, so how could he give it to someone else?
you had tried to call as little attention to yourself as you wove through the crowd, but this had proven to be nearly impossible. believing you'd finally get some more alone time with mr. nakamoto, you had followed the advice of your sisters and dressed up a bit. karma knew though, because she had come to tell you you should've known your place.
you were in the midst of an intellectual discussion, when you felt the people around you come closer. it's them, right? was the phrase on everyone's mind.
"you know, you're pretty smart, miss y/n," mr. nakamoto had simply stated. a few older women around you two snickered, and it seemed to have caught him off-guard.
"that's not to say i'm fond of you."
"y/n, darling!" your mother shouted up the stairs. "please come down!"
you hurried to tie the ribbon in your hair, getting out of your room and instantly rushing down.
"what is it, mother dear?" you inquired.
"i've just received notice that your friend has come down with a fever! oh dear, could you fetch a carriage and send some soup to her? i believe both her and mr. dong sicheng are at mr. nakamoto's manor."
"she's what?" you asked again. you felt as if your heart would explode. recently, you'd heard of a new sickness that was claiming many lives, and it always started off with a simple fever. your heart automatically assumed the worse, so it didn't take you long before you carried the soup out.
"elizabeth, have you seen the carriage?" you asked your maid.
"miss, i believe your father had some important business in london. they're not to arrive in a week or two."
and so it wasn't long before you headed to the stalls, picked the healthiest-looking horse, and headed out.
"y/n!" your mother screamed. you could feel her anger, so you rushed, hoping she wouldn't catch up to you just as you were heading out.
your sister was right outside when she saw you speeding past her on her horse.
"who will marry you??" you could hear her temper from behind. "a lady never rides alone!"
the newly-brewed storm was now in full swing, whipping your skirts around. your horse tried to gallop ahead, but her whines had slowly gotten more and more frequent.
"it's okay, it's just a storm," you tried muttering.
just at that second, your horse slipped and fell, and you fell in too. your pink dress was now a mix of browns and blacks, dirtied by mud.
and, as if that wasn't enough, your horse got up with a whine and raced back in the opposite direction.
to say you were having a bad day would be an understatement.
you got up, looking around. the heavy rain was making it hard to figure out where you were, but you could still manage to recognize some of the outlines around you. if you were correct, you were just over the halfway mark of your journey. it would take you about an hour and a half to continue, and about two hours if you wanted to head back home. there was only one rational choice.
you were sure you looked like hell. the mud on your dress had dried in random spurts, your hair was drenched and stuck to your forehead, and the cold weather had made you develop a runny nose after just under two hours of walking. the soup you carried with you was now freezing cold, but you still made your way forward.
you had entered the front garden of mr. nakamoto, and even your soured mood couldn't help hiding the admiration in your eyes. you had heard about his family and his influence, but this garden was above what you had imagined. marble statues sat alongside perfectly trimmed trees, and the beautiful arrangements of roses occasionally gave way to tiny groves hiding elegant, but small fountains.
you turned around, feeling embarrassed at how your muddy footsteps had left marks on the gravel. the storm had quieted down meanwhile, and now you could think clearly. standing right in front of the door of the most gorgeous manor you had ever seen, you were seriously considering leaving the soup on the doorstep and heading back. your hand was angled already, ready to knock, but it slowly made its’ way down. how could you possibly come in, looking like this and knowing this was his house, especially after what he had told you last week?
you turned around, making your way back, when you heard the front door open.
"if my cat dragged in something looking like you, i'd throw it back out," his gruff voice greeted you. "come in."
what had been one sick woman had become two sick women after your courageous trip. your mother was instantly assured of your safety and informed that you couldn't possibly come back home in the state you were in, and she had granted you permission to stay at mr. nakamoto's. after all, he could afford a better physician and was closer to him too, so you could only benefit from the situation. so why did you feel so out of place?
mr. dong sicheng was constantly calling friends over, trying to entertain his fiance and her best friend as well as possible and yet, your host had done nothing but give you the occasional odd eye. the drawing room conversations always ended with a snarky remark towards your side, which would result in everyone slowly dissipating to their rooms, and you'd be left in the dark of your chambers, trying to fight your cold off.
your friend was almost all better, but she refused to leave you alone, taking mr. dong sicheng and his entertaining skills away with her too. so, slowly but surely, you had started feeling like a bother, spoiling what was proving to be a gradually sunnier month. the physician said you were definitely on the road to getting better, it's just that you had a few symptoms that were harder to get through. so why did it feel like you were only getting worse?
the night was slowly settling in, and you eased yourself into your bed. just as you lay down, you felt your head ache aggressively, and it had taken you all you could muster to ring the maid bell before you passed out.
once you woke up though, the maid was not the one holding the cool, damp cloth to your forehead. instead, a pair of dark eyes had greeted yours'.
"the physician just left," mr. nakamoto had started. "he said this was likely your illness' last try, and you should definitely be improving after your fainting spell."
you mused over this new piece of information. yes, you did feel better. although you were still undeniably sick, you did not feel as weak as before. your cold was now just a pestering side-event, instead of a death sentence.
you tried to rise out of bed, but were met with protests. his hand touched your shoulder, and you could feel the warmth of his fingers through your nightgown as he pushed you back into bed. the man you had considered so stern and unforgiving proved to have the softest of touches.
"you know-" he began, voice heavy with what would soon become another harangue against your foolish ways.
"i know, i really do," you stopped him before he could continue. "i was stupid. i should've waited, or called for help, or-"
and yet, as his fingers pushed a curl of hair behind your ear, you could feel none of that condescending attitude he usually had.
"do you think that's what i was about to tell you?" he whispered back, the slight ghost of a mischievous smile flashing across his features, eyes angled to the floor.
"like you would miss the chance to remind me how much of a fool i am?" you fired back. your newly improved condition had offered some of your fire back to you.
"do you really think that's what i think of you?" he asked calmly, but his smile was now evident on his face.
"is it not? because if it isn't, you clearly aren't making it obvious. thank you for all the times you've made me seem inferior to you in front of society then." you shot at him, lower lip jutting out subconsciously.
he really must hate me, you thought. it seemed as though as he always tried to make you seem as stupid as possible, with his witty remarks and cool exterior, and especially in front of those deemed important. maybe that's why you were surprised as your thoughts got interrupted by his face, hovering just above your's.
"then maybe i should try harder," he said, almost sadly, and his thumb rested over your chin, just as his lips enveloped your's in the sweetest of kisses.
honk, she’s back. finals are (almost) over and i’ve been meaning to write this for a while (this was actually originally meant for jaehyun !!! but i thought yuta would fit better) and i finally got to doing it! so pls (hopefully) expect some more stuff in the upcoming week. as for now, thank you for reading <3333
p.s. istg if this doesnt show up in the tags ill LITERALLY rip my hair out
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
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chapter ten / rem belongs to @forlornraven / masterpost
The trouble with a man like Michael is the guy has shit all over the country. He’s well known, if not by his full name, and well-hidden. Nakoa’s never known him to be even close to discovered by authorities.
He hides his tracks well, and living in Withervale, not flaunting the money he must have… It must makes things easier.
Unfortunately for Nakoa, it means he’s stuck in one of the warehouses, chained to a fucking car, waiting. The warehouse is in the shitty end of town, though, quiet and rundown. A lot like Withervale. Nakoa screams, but he can’t hear the sounds of the road, so why would they hear him?
Nakoa bangs his hand against the car, against the door until more of the paint scrapes off, then starts scraping HELP into the side of the car, with the metal chain.
If Michael’s gonna do what he fucking pleases, he might as well make him work for it. Nakoa already plans on fighting as much as he can, but Nakoa’s not a fighter.
“Good,” he hears, over loud speaker. “You’re awake. I was hoping I’d be able to send in one of my men, test your limits when you least expect it, but…” A sigh, then Michael continues, “I’ll bring your friend in soon. Don’t go anywhere. You and I have plenty of fun to get to.”
Fun. Is that what they call this? When does ‘fun’ turn from fun to torture, when does Nakoa stop getting chained to cars and gets back giving Rem blowjobs in the back of the van?
Nakoa sits. Waits. Tugs on his wrists and lets panic consume him. What does Michael have planned for him? Why bring in Rem?
Minutes tick by, so many that Nakoa loses track of how many. He rattles the chains and swears and waits.
And waits, but Michael doesn’t return. No one does. The sun sets and Nakoa feels a chill in his bones because still, no one comes. He thinks maybe Rem got him, somehow, that Michael’s nothing, anymore, but… Rem would have found him.
The chain holds strong.
Nakoa dozes, sings Queen and Bowie and Billy Idol and tries, fucking tries, to put the thoughts behind him, but he keeps remembering Rem on the ground, on the asphalt, and—
The door slams open. Nakoa can’t make anyone out in the dark, and the light that turns on blinds him.
Something drops to his feet in the dark, brushes against his leg, and Nakoa peers between his fingers, and—
“Rem—” His voice is choked, already, immediate at the sight of Rem crumpled at his feet, and Nakoa’s heart plummets and speeds up, a thumpthumpthump against his ribcage. Eyes wide open even as the light burns, Nakoa tries to reach out to him.
From above, Michael chuckles. “Little fighter, this one. Too bad for him. Dropped the knife.”
Nakoa holds his breath—don’t—he can’t—and waits for the rise and fall of Rem’s chest, counts five seconds, six, until he sees Rem breath, hears his nose whistle.
His shirt, one of The Clash, has been ripped to shreds, blood dotting the grey fabric and matting it down against his skin. His knuckles are a mess, a bruise is forming around his eye, around his neck.
A cut sits, still bleeding, on his cheekbone.
“Nakoa,” Michael says, his tone no-nonsense. “I expect you to cooperate, if you value your friend’s life.”
“Fuck you,” Nakoa responds, his voice breaking. Relief is a monster in his chest, thrashing with anger and fury, and he lifts his gaze to Michael, finally, says, “Fuck you.”
Michael looks worse than Rem. There’s a long, long gash spanning most of the side of his face, scratch marks, /teeth/ marks in his neck. His nose is swollen, blood dripping down his lips and staining his mouth red, but he grins through it.
“Fine. You want a fight, Nakoa, I’ll give you one. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He disappears into the darkness, for a minute, footsteps fading, and Nakoa takes the break to search Rem’s face, his body—to will him to wake up.
He does. 
Rem stirs with a groan, then, barely; tries to sit up, but he can’t. Nakoa watches, helpless, as he struggles with his position, his surroundings. More than anything Nakoa wants to reach for him, pull him into a hug, into anything, into bed if that’s where Rem wants him, but away. Safe and not here.
Anywhere else. Michael’s footsteps are returning, double now and Nakoa wonders if he’s just hearing things, but when Michael returns, he’s with another man.
“Na—” Rem chokes, forces his voice out, “—nakoa, what the—” Then stronger, as Michael grips his hair tight: “Hey, asshole, get your fucking hands off me!”
Nakoa reaches a hand out, knows that Rem can’t grab it, that Michael won’t let him even if he could reach, but Nakoa still does it. Wants to feel Rem’s skin under his fingertips, wants to feel Rem’s flesh against his own.
“Nakoa.” Rem’s voice is gentle, though, edged with worry, and though he’s already being pulled from the room, he keeps talking. “I’ll fix this, Nakoa, I’ll fix it. This asshole won’t know what hit him.”
Okay. Okay. Nakoa thinks it’s garbage, that it’s not something just anyone can do, take out Michael. And Rem probably is the first person in a long time that even fucking tried.
“Vaughn,” Michael calls, over Rem’s voice, “make sure you break him. He’ll be a challenge.
Rem keeps swearing as Michael hauls him out, and the lights go off, and Nakoa is left in the silence once again, Vaughn grinning down at him.
“Shall we get started?” Vaughn says, taking a knife from a holster at his hip. “I’m eager to make you sing, little bird.”
“Nakoa,” but his voice is far away. In his mind, maybe? Nakoa can’t open his eyes, too heavy, but he smiles at Rem’s voice, anyway. Reaches his hand up, even though it aches, hurts worse than anything he remembers, the pain reverberating from his shoulder through his chest. Rem’s voice is sharper when he speaks next. “Nakoa. Are you fucking okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m great,” Nakoa says, but his words come out as, “Mmm,” and he makes no attempt to correct himself. He feels cold, but he feels like he’s on fire, too.
“I need to get you out of here.” Shuffling, then swearing, before Rem grabs for Nakoa’s wrists Rem makes quick work of the ties at his wrists, though, sawing through the ropes holding Nakoa down with a pocket knife. He brushes his fingers along rope burns Nakoa can’t feel through the fog in his head. “Can you walk?”
Nakoa moves his leg, but pain rockets up into his torso, and he moans, drops his head back against the concrete. Tears form in his eyes, but he says nothing.
Swearing, then, “Okay. Okay.” He can feel Rem’s hands hovering, over his stomach, his face, his legs. “I’ll carry you.”
Nakoa wants to ask where the fuck Rem got out, how badly his father hurt Rem, if he did. If Rem got revenge, or…
“But we need to move, now.”
“Rem,” Nakoa says, brushes his finger against Rem’s wrist, and even that movement makes pain burst behind his eyes. “Rem, I need to tell you something.”
Rem’s laugh cracks, humorless and broken. “Fuck no. Not here. Not—not now.” His hands are warm under Nakoa’s neck, too warm, but Nakoa still turns into him. “Might hurt— ready?”
No, but somewhere in the back of his mind, Nakoa knows he ought to be more hurried to get away from here. Instead, he’s grateful for the proximity. “Sorry,” he says, his voice a mess. “Fuck, Rem, ‘m sorry.”
“Don’t fucking apologize. Gonna get my revenge in a second—hold still, okay? Try not to make a sound. I can’t fucking run with you.”
Nakoa braces himself for the pain, which hurts in itself, but Rem moves him carefully, aware of Nakoa’s shoulder, and Nakoa holds the sound in his throat when Rem lifts him into his arms. Instead of screaming, Nakoa shoves his face into Rem’s shoulder and huffs a warm breath out
“Okay. Good. Quiet—stay quiet.”
Though Nakoa isn’t walking, it still hurts, still jostles his injuries and sends him through the roof with pain, but he grips Rem tight and doesn’t let go and hopes for a pleasant ending to this.
Not sure if there’s one for him, as long as Michael’s still around.
The world fuzzes out, turns black, over and over. Nakoa tries to focus on Rem’s breathing, something to keep him conscious, but with the pain throbbing through his leg…
Nakoa’s slowing him down. Nakoa’s going to get Rem caught up in his bullshit, and Michael’s not a merciful guy. Never has been a merciful father. It’s doubtful that wouldn’t extend to Rem.
Without Nakoa, Rem has a change, and it’s Nakoa’s fault they’re in this in the first place. Michael’ll be furious, but—at least Rem will be safe.
“Rem,” Nakoa says, reaching for him. His hand hits some of the spikes on Rem’s jacket. “Rem. Listen to me.”
“Shut up.”
“Leave me here.”
A huff of unamused laughter, then, “Fuck no.”
“I mean it.” Nakoa swallows, already terrified at the thought of Michael finding him in a failed escape attempt.
“I think I prefer you unconscious.” But Rem bites his lip, says, “You sure you didn’t hit your head?”
“He’s just gonna keep finding us. He has people all over North America.” The world’s blurring black again, shadows along the  edges of his vision. Sweat beads across his forehead. “Look at me, Rem. You gotta leave me.” He’s not being dramatic, not doing it to force Rem’s hand; he’s just right. Nothing Michael does surprises Nakoa anymore, but Rem… Rem doesn’t need to know the secrets Nakoa has kept from him about his father.
“Fuck you,” Rem says. His expression hardens and he scowls. “This is the thanks I get for trying to fucking help you—”
He shuts up, goes quiet, staring down at the ground, anywhere but at Nakoa. “Can’t put you down.”
They’re close to outside, now, Nakoa can smell the fresh air coming through the cracks in the doors, through broken windows. Rem still won’t look at him, even in the dim light. “What did you do?”
“We’ll talk about it later,” Rem says, turning to open the door, and—
It’s outside. Freedom. Nakoa takes deep breaths, despite the pain that creaks in his chest, and lolls his head against Rem’s shoulder, taking it in. Rem leads them past a bleak landscape, out past the road, into a clearing behind some trees. He sits Nakoa in the grass and says, “You good?” Head lifted, Rem says, “Gonna be loud—cover your ears—”
“What—” Nakoa starts, but shoves his fingers in his ears anyway, trying to crane his neck to whatever it is that Rem’s waiting for.
He hears it through plugged ears, a loud explosion that shakes the ground. It lights fire in Rem’s eyes, a grin on his face—which Nakoa can now see is blood covered and bruised, but Rem looks so fucking pleased with himself.
“Should buy us some time,” Rem says, but Nakoa can’t hear him, just sees his lips move. He pulls his fingers out of his ears, turns around, heat warm on his face, and—
Oh. “How the hell—”
“Michael has more secrets than he lets on.” Rem clears his throat. “Let me look at your leg.” He tugs a knife free from his pocket and cuts a slit up Nakoa’s jeans. At Nakoa’s protests, he says, “Relax. You have others.” He whistles, says, “Shit,” under his breath, and starts ripping from the bottom of his t-shirt. “You remember anything that happened?”
Nakoa barely remembers five minutes ago, barely remembers Rem carrying him from the building. He reaches out, grasps at Rem’s wrist, makes a noise, and drops his head back against the floor.
“All right. Okay. Up.” Rem puts his arm behind his neck, the other behind Nakoa’s legs, and hauls him to his feet. “Hey. Stay with me, right?”
But Nakoa’s consciousness is fading, and the last thing he says is, “Rem, I l—” as he grips at Rem’s hair, and…
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mangled-dreams · 6 years
Septic egos go out to dinner, and some guy gets angry because Jameson doesnt talk, and he slaps the mute ego. How does that work out for the guy, seeing as he just slapped the youngest ego in front of all the other egos (and maybe Sean too)
OKAY! So I did a lot of internet looking for the right kind of words to use and how to use them, so please, if you’re Irish or know a lot about how the Irish speak, please call me out and correct me about the phrases and word choices. I tried to have more of a true Irish feel to the story as far as dialog goes there is a bit of British in there too, so if it seems wrong with that let me know. I will update the dialog as needed. But there you are:
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Gettingthe “family” together always proves to be difficult. Withdifferent work schedules, butting heads, and indecisiveness it's astruggle to get everyone to agree on something. Nevertheless Sean andhis egos try to get together at least twice a month for a few scoopsat the pub.
Tonightis one of those nights. Robbie, Jacequet, and Jackieboy are out ofcity—unable to attend in person but send their regards.
“Cheers!”voices raise as pint glasses clank together in joy.
“Solads, how's yer day?” Sean asks downing his pint within a fewminutes. The group falls into conversations and laughter sharingevents that have passed and to come and sharing spirits.
Antiactually joins in on the conversations, smiling and toasting his“brothers” as they talk. It's really the only time anyone see thetrue Anti in public. May are put off by the carefree appearance hegives off.
“Morescoops!” Marvin cheers loudly at a barmaid that passed by. Shegauges the table, nods and walks away. He looks around the table,happy to see his “brother” look so happy and carefree for oncesince their last outing.
Thinghave been busy and overly so. Marvin has been booked out for monthsnow. Shows almost every night for the next three months. Jameson hasbeen the greatest of help with both behind the scenes and on stage.Then Anti and Sean are on tour together, much to Anti's“displeasure”. Everyone knows he'd rather keep his joy at meetinghis fans and being able talk so candidly with people. Chase has beendoing pod casts and going to extreme sporting events as a guest staror as a competitor. Henrik has his clinic with Dr. Iplier in Americaand rarely comes over because of his shifts.
Jacquetis in the middle of getting pieces ready for an art gallery event ina few months, so he's bee cooped up in his studio drawing andpainting and cursing. Robbie generally just wonders around with oneof the egos mainly Jackieboy just in case he gets unruly, but that'srare. He has to have gotten really railed up to cause a disturbance.
“Whereis your tour headin' to now?” Chase asks looking to Anti and Seanrespectively.
Seansmiles. “We're gonna hit the west coast in America. We're going tohang out and have a laugh with Mark and Dark.” Sean answerscheerfully. The other nod, glancing at the dark look on Anti's faceat Dark's mention. It's not that the two hate each other, they justhave “creative” differences.
Turninghis gaze elsewhere Anti people watched as his alter selves continueto talk about the tour and up coming conventions in the UK andAmerica. He's looking for the troublesome character to keep away fromhis younger siblings. He knows each one—with the exception ofJameson, are fully capable of defending themselves, but he'd ratherjust avoid any kind of confrontation.
Takingnotice of a large male with a tight t-shirt on at the billiardtables, Anti makes a mental note to keep and eye on him. The guy isyelling at a poor barmaid about the drink in his hand, but even if hewasn't Anti can see the darkness in the man's soul. It's a talent herarely speaks about but uses on a daily basis to keep his familysafe.
Chasesmiles at Jameson, laughing at the joke the youngest member had justtold. A little on the racy side Chase just knows he learned it fromsome of the other stage hands. “You hear this boyo?” He laughs.
Theothers join in on the merriment. Henrik burps, his hand covering hismouth as he quickly apologizes for the action. The others get a goodchuckle. Out of everyone Henrik is the easiest to get langered.Jackieboy would be a close second followed by Jameson, Chase, andMarvin. Lastly Sean, Anti, and Jacques. Robbie doesn't drink and evenif he does it does nothing for him being dead and all.
Jameson'sshoulders bounce with his silent laughter. He do so enjoy his timewith his older selves. He likes seeing everyone look so happy andlaid back, especially Marvin and Sean. It's been non stop for thepair with small glimmering speckles of days off. Standing up Jamesonexcuses himself to the restroom. Chase offers to walk him over incase someone tries to talk with him but Jameson declines polietly.
Forall their hovering he knows he can go to the bathroom withouttrouble. Not to mention he wants to prove he can do a few things onhis own. Because of his age in comparison with the others, they arevery protective and strict on him. He knows that his older siblingslove him. Pushing in his chair Jameson disappears into the crowd tothe bathroom.
Antikeeps and eye out but resumes engaging the conversation. Minutes tickby and no one worries about the youngest Septiceye (McLoughlin)family. The pub is busy but small and mainly filled with local thatknow the brothers fairly well.
Itisn't until the ten minute mark that Anti notices something abnormal.“Oi, what's goin' on there now?” Anti asks noticing a gatheringof people around the thick chested man from earlier.
“What?Nothing to say, eh? The fuck you thinkin' mate? Fucking apologize yatwat.” Anti hears the now obviously drunk Englishman say to someoneAnti can't see, but he has a bad feeling.
“Lads,I think James is in trouble.” Anti says shooing Sean out of hisway. The others stand up and head over to the crowd.
Upontheir arrival to the gathering the local part ways with looks ofguilt written on their faces. The egos give each other confused looksuntil they make it through. Muscling their way through the last fewpeople much to the people's displeasure they're shocked at the scenebefore them.
“Youtell 'im Rob!” Someone to the Englishman's left says sneering at avery unsure Jameson.
“Well?”Rob snaps not catching on that Jameson is a mute. Jameson tries toshow with his hands that he didn't mean to bump into the brute butit's not enough. “Ya fuckin' quiet tosser, fuck off.” Rob snapsback handing Jameson across the face. The force of the blow sendsJameson clamoring backwards.
Chaseshoots out from the crowd as first to react. No one touches hisbrother. With a wicked right hook Chase sends the man to the groundas the others gather to back him up and to get Jameson off the floor.
“James!Shite, how to do you feel?” Henrik asks his Irish upbringingslipping out over his German accent. He looks Jameson over,instructing him to follow his finger to test his neurologicalresponse.
Jamesontakes a few moments to respond but tells Henrik and the others whathappened. Someone had shoved him in favor of leaving his sick in thebathroom rather than on the floor. When the person shoved Jameson hebumped into the man and quickly tried to apologizes but couldn't saythe words out loud and the man got angry, demanding that he apologizeand buy him another round of pints.
Antistands next to Chase glaring at the man—Rob before reacting toprotect Chase from the friend that egged on the ill set man on thefloor. Switching space with Chase, Anti catches the punch and throwsthe man back watching him knock into the wall.
“JaysusChrist. Who the fuck taught you manners? A heathen?” Sean askshelping support James to his feet.
Robrubs his cheek as he stand to his full height, glaring down at Chasewith murderous intent. Anti steps in front of Chase again. “Touchanother one of me brothers and I'll bust your dial, mate.” Antiwarns glitching ever so slightly to intimidate the man before him. Itworks for the most part, but Anti can tell it's all the attentionthey're getting that's keeping the thick fuck from backing down.
Jamesonlooks at Anti with a little bit of concern. He asks Anti not to killthe man but at this point, if Anti is glitching Jameson knows its notvery promising.
“Whothe fuck you think you are? Eh? Yer fucking brother knocked into me.The little shit couldn't even say sorry for spilling my pint.” Robsnarls back getting closer to Anti.
“Thefuck he did. He told us what happened ya gobshite. 'e's a mute. Can'ttalk.” Marvin challenges earning the giants heated glare.
“What'dyou call me ya chav?” Rob sneers.
“What'dyou call 'im?” Chase asks ready to throw a hook. Rob's shakenfriend stands up and stands at the ready next to him, a littlehesitant about going rounds with Anti.
“Chav,ya gotta problem, mate?”Rob challenges attempting to loom over Chase.
“Anti,don't—“ Sean doesn't get a chance to call Anti off the attack.
TakingRob by surprise Anti catches his with an upper jab with enough forceto knock the man off his feet and halfway across the hall. To keepfrom killing the man with one blow Anti held back. He knows Seanisn't happy with what just happened, but it'd be worse if the guydied too. Rob's friend stares in utter shock at the power Anti'sslimmer frame put out.
“Onyer bike then, if ya know what's good fer ya.” Anti snarls ready totake the man's head off. It only takes a few seconds after Antisnarls for the man to run off leaving Rob laying unconscious hangingoff the billiard table.
Jamesonsits in awe of his older brother. He wants to be that strong. Lookingat Henrik he can see the admiration in his eyes. In fact all theother egos and even Sean look at Anti with a sense of pride. Jamesonis helped to his feet and tells them he's ready to go home. His headhurts but so does his cheek. For as strong as the guy would beagainst a regular person, Jameson was more thrown off his balancethan physically hurt. The fall had been more painful than the actualslap.
Antinods, walking through the crowd that quickly parts out of his waycameras following his movements. He gathers their things tosses a fewnotes on the table to completely cover their tab and then some andwalks over to everyone dispensing the jackets.
“Le'sget ya home, Jay.” Sean says clasping his arm around Jameson'sshoulders in case he needs help walking. Jameson nods and thanks hisbrothers for being there for him.
Antijust nods.
Everyonegathers in the large white van and heads back to the house. Slowlythe merriment returns to the egos as they reach their destination.Between Chase and Sean there is plenty of spirits to drink when theyget home.
PullingAnti aside Jameson asks him to teach him how to fight. Anti chuckles,ruffling Jameson's teal hair. “If ya wanna learn I got ya. Littlesteps ya?” Jameson nods his head thanking Anti for agreeing to helphim before joining the others for a few shots.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Oct 19 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Monster AU - Creature from the Black Lagoon
Instead of a normal stream, we did an AU stream where everyone’s a monster. Prowl was a shadow person. A very shy shadow person.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Tarantulas changed their nickname to Tara. Kweh: ((holy *** i haven't heard this song in years Kweh changed their nickname to Bevel. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i love this song. ] Tara: (( my bother thought this song said "fajita, i can't cool down" Tara: (( **brother Bevel: ((I first heard this song on Sabrina the Teenage Witch E x s p i r a v i t: [[ accurate. ]] Bevel: ((fajita pft E x s p i r a v i t: [[ Remember, you can be any monster you like, any size, any shape, any form. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ Blurr here is a ghostie ]] Ravage: *A sleek, black and red mechanical beast with a feline body, birds' wings, and vaguely humanoid face slinks into the room... and parks itself at the door. None shall pass. Maybe.* E x s p i r a v i t: / is going to just slide along the walls with speed, making monitors turn to static and music morph in and out for a moment. Coils up from the ground.  ghost present / E x s p i r a v i t: / With one good eye and one eye in the pits of blackness that coil out like black smoke. / Bevel: ((I am probably going werewolf for B here but it's literally a new moon Ravage: *Does that thing where cats stare at a wall wide-eyed with blown pupils for no discernable reason. GHOSTS.* E x s p i r a v i t: / just slides out of the wall and drapes over the lamp. Making it flicker / Heeeere kitty kitty. / twists head upside down and grins/ Ravage: *Hisssssss.* E x s p i r a v i t: / wiggles claws at from the lamp/ E x s p i r a v i t: [[ oh my god, my son is the hatbox ghost. A mischevious little shiit. ]] Ravage: =This song is easy. Make it harder.= E x s p i r a v i t: Oooh, that sounds a little tedious. /hangs from the lamp from his coiled legs and swings back and forth/ Tara: *tara slides in, an androgynous incubus. violet wings and tail are playfully flicking* Bevel: *a perfectly normal looking human enters, nothing to see here, ignore the wet dog smell* Tara: If it's so easy, then make it harder yourself, Ravage. Tara: That's generally what I prefer. Tara: *purrs* Ravage: *Ravage smacks a paw on the incubus' tail and the human's foot.* Ravage: =Not so fast.= E x s p i r a v i t: / stops swinging so he can watch. Might be swinging just a little / E x s p i r a v i t: / watching upside down. / Bevel: *stops short of entering the room* Hi? Ravage: =Entry fee, you see. Answer to be free. Fail and feed me.= Bevel: Oh! I have to pay? Tara: *swats at Ravage* Pay with the answer to a riddle, that is. Wing: ((omg what is this song. I love the guitar)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ bat out of hell by meatloaf ]] Ravage: *Hiss at the demon. You first, fiend, if you're so intent upon pestering him.* Tara: Let's have it, then. Bevel: *whines a little but nods, she's not very good at riddles* E x s p i r a v i t: / don't worry, bevel. He might tell you the answer if he knows it / Prowl: *the shadows she's casting shift a bit, then still.* Ravage: =A little house am I, only large enough for one. I have no doors or windows, and if they want to leave, they must break through the walls. What am I?= Prowl: *excited shifting! then still again.* Tara: *looks at claws for a while, grooming them, the flicks hand* An /egg/. Are we done here? Bevel: *Bevel feels like she should really know this for some reason... maybe if it were a box instead of a house, Ravage geez* Ravage: *Ravage huffs and lets the tail go. Fine.* Bevel: Eggs! *laughs* Bevel: *will just go to follow Tara into the room then* Tara: *tara prances off. can't embarrass this incubus as easily as you can his spidery counterpart* Ravage: =And you.= *Glance to the "human". He sneers and sucks in air, smelling that horrible wet dog stench.* =I've lived for millions of years, but am born again every month.= Bevel: *stops short and pouts at Ravage* Bevel: Rude. It is the moon. Ravage: =You would know.= Bevel: *sticks her tongue out at him* Ravage: *Peers around. Any others? No? Just the ghost and these two? All right. He'll creep away from the door.* E x s p i r a v i t: /swings on the lamp again, humming obnoxiously / Tara: *wanders over to the lamp and ghostie to say hullo* Bevel: *she'll finally make her way into the room and settle as far from the weird cat as she can* Prowl: *rides on in on bevel's shadow* Bevel: *it's a pretty good sized shadow, enjoy* E x s p i r a v i t: / twists body around like a twizler and blinks at Tara / Ravage: *Flops to the ground, crosses his front paws, and flares his wings out. Most comfortable. Though a snack would make things better.* Prowl: *it is indeed. lots of room to stretch around.* Tara: *leans on table* What's your name again, love? I /know/ I've met you somewhere before. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ lemme know when yall are ready ]] Ravage: ((ready whenevers)) Bevel: ((ready! Tara: (( o7 Tara: (( also i am admiring the demure color scheme E x s p i r a v i t: Meeee? /stretches arms out and hangs down from the lamp. Staring upside down at/ Many names, many names. /tugs head off with claws and giggles/ Tara: (( our names E x s p i r a v i t: They call me lots of names! Ravage: =Rumplestiltskin.= E x s p i r a v i t: That guy? He's a sham. Bevel: *giggles* Tara: But what do you want ME to call you, that's the thing. Tara: Oh, and that goes for you too, lovely lady in the corner ~ E x s p i r a v i t: / puts head back on and hums / Exspiravit, they say. E x s p i r a v i t: Spira works for me. Ravage: *Mutter mutter.* Make sure you like to hear it screamed. Bevel: *her?* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ just lemme know when we can start~! ] Tara: *the teeniest snicker. tara heard that and is proud. and you, yes, you* Bevel: ((i'm ready whenever Ravage: ((we're all ready whenever)) Prowl: ((ready whenever)) E x s p i r a v i t: / blinking at Tara upside down / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i actually got dinner for once so ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i am ready. ]] Tara: (( food! yes! good! let's go :3 Bevel: Everyone calls me Bev. Tara: Spira and Bev ~ A pleasure to meet you. E x s p i r a v i t: And who are you? Prowl: *meanders away from bevel's shadow and to a shady patch of floor from which the screen is visible* Tara: *trails a claw down chest* I was just /getting/ to that. The name is Tara. Bevel: Hi, Tara! It is nice to meet you. Tara: *settles into a chair near the lamp* Prowl: *from the right angle and the corner of one's eye, a personlike silhouette hovers on the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: Tara... huh. /coils onto the lamp and looks at the screen / Prowl: ((good to know that creature from the black lagoon is pro-evolution)) E x s p i r a v i t: / flicks head around and bends over the lamp, looking to said silhouette. Another ghostie? / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ yes ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ "Ive never seen like this ever before." E x s p i r a v i t: Me: A hand??? ]] Prowl: *... caught* Prowl: *disappears back down into the shadows* Ravage: *Ravage looks up and around, but is too late to see this other ghost. Hmm.* Ravage: ((MY BOY)) Prowl: ((THERE HE IS)) Ravage: ((also. y'all be appreciative of the dude in the suit plz cuz he had to hold his breath underwater for up to 4 minutes at a time)) Prowl: ((goddamn)) E x s p i r a v i t: ... /hmmms and goes back to watching screen / Tara: (( daaaang E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i would die ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ also please appreciate the creature's costuming because the make up artist never got credit for it. She was never credited, or so I read. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ someone else was. ]] Ravage: ((she wasn't)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ * was posting about it jfc LS ]] Ravage: =I could do with a fish.= E x s p i r a v i t: To eat? Ravage: =To wear.= Ravage: =Yes, to eat.= E x s p i r a v i t: / reaches into the ceiling and fumbles around. Holds out the literal full skeleton of a fish. Very amusing / Tara: Oh, /ick/ Ravage: *Turns his nose up.* Prowl: *shifts a bit to look. hmm.* Prowl: *yep. those are bones.* E x s p i r a v i t: Kitty wants fishy fishy? /wiggling it / Ravage: =Ghost wants salt?= E x s p i r a v i t: / HISSSS / You throw salt at me and I blow out the entire room! Prowl: *sinks back to the floor.* Ravage: *Flicks his wings. Then it's settled. No fish, no salt.* E x s p i r a v i t: / tosses bones and lets them sort of float orb like into the floor / E x s p i r a v i t: / 4 u prowl / Prowl: *not fresh enough for this shadow* Prowl: ((let it be noted here for the record that the humans attacked first)) E x s p i r a v i t: / swings on lamp again./ E x s p i r a v i t: [[ it is true ]] Tara: *twirls finger around one of the ghost bits trailing off of spira. can tara curl it or make it move?* Prowl: ((... it looks like the jungle cruise boats)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ DOESNT IT 8) ]] Bevel: ((pft E x s p i r a v i t: / Tara can, yes / Prowl: ((where are the bad puns)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ that's my favorite part about that ride. ]] Ravage: =What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?= E x s p i r a v i t: / twitches a little and crawls over the lamp, looking down at Tara / Prowl: *... more excited shadow fidgets.* Tara: You're making these too contextually easy, Ravage. Ravage: =If you WANT to be eaten...= Ravage: *Forgets what he was saying and squints at the floor. He could have sworn he saw movement.* Prowl: *... goes still again.* Tara: Depending on how you mean that... *wink wonk* Bevel: *checks over her shoulder nervously before telling herself she's imagining things* E x s p i r a v i t: / is trying to find the other ghostie, though he isn't sure if it is a ghostie or not / Ravage: *Flashes those jaguar-claws-that-rip-like this at Tara. How do they think he means.* Tara: *you're just inviting him to give a little clawed rawr back, c'mon* Prowl: *shadowy silhouette slides up onto the wall again. better view of the screen up here.* Tara: *giggles* Ravage: *Grunts and gets onto his paws. Going to move to a couch away from the tailed one. Not enough room for two sets of wings.* Tara: *awww* Prowl: *new couchmate?* Ravage: *Quite possibly. Though he probably doesn't know just yet.* Bevel: *quietly to herself* noooooo Prowl: *will be a very still silhouette on the wall by the couch* Tara: *tara'll settle with toying with spira's smokey shifty parts while he watches* E x s p i r a v i t: / twists around and swings down, dangling beside Tara / E x s p i r a v i t: / trying to spy this shadow he sees flicker, but he is missing it . Hmmm / Ravage: =Wet.= E x s p i r a v i t: Is water wet? I didn't know. Ravage: =Explains your stink.= Prowl: *the shadow's better camouflaged now. easy to pretend to be the sphinx's shadow, as long as no one realizes that's not the angle where the shadow should be cast* Prowl: ((this is it. the scene that got us our fishfucker movie.)) Tara: (( dfgdfds E x s p i r a v i t: [[ yeP ]] E x s p i r a v i t: Pardon? Bevel: Is it gonna eat her? E x s p i r a v i t: Maybe. Ravage: =You. Smell.= All ghosts do. E x s p i r a v i t: / twists around by Tara and levels with them to watch the screen / I do not smell. E x s p i r a v i t: / lifts claws and makes a ouija board out of smokey bits  / Do I smell? / it flares up a NO / See? Bevel: What do ghosts smell like? Tara: *sniffs spira, shakes head, shrugs* E x s p i r a v i t: See? No smell. E x s p i r a v i t: / twists around and scans the room a few times/ Hmm... Tara: What are you /looking/ at? Ravage: =Must. Light rot. Sulfur.= E x s p i r a v i t: That's just my natural allure. Tara: Everyone keeps eyeing something, and it's not me. *huffs* E x s p i r a v i t: / blinks/ Oh... I'm planning something. /pats Tara's head and sinks into the ground. / E x s p i r a v i t: / He's going to try and scare the kitty / Bevel: Sorry, Tara E x s p i r a v i t: / which means he sort of needs to be in the general vicinity of behind Ravage / Ravage: *There's plenty of general vicinity back there.* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ furious kicking ]] Ravage: *...Do you ever get the feeling that you're being shadowed by someone? He can't smell anything, but...* Prowl: *can't relate.* E x s p i r a v i t: / good. He's going to attempt to scale the wall here/ Ravage: *Wiggles a little to get himself prepared for movement. Wiggle. Wiggle. Scrunch.* E x s p i r a v i t: / pauses for a moment. Looks around the wall. Then Ravage. Then the wall. Tilts head to the side and then upside down / Tara: *mutters something about how merpeople are overrated and demons are where it's at* E x s p i r a v i t: / That is not the right angle the shadow should be / E x s p i r a v i t: ... / SCREECHES at Ravage / Ravage: *SPRINGS off the couch with an unholy yowl and rustling feathers* Bevel: *jumps a little from across the room at the sudden screech of noise* Prowl: *watching the movie too intently to notice th— DIVES into the shadows under the couch* Ravage: *Lands in the incubus' lap* E x s p i r a v i t: AHA!! E x s p i r a v i t: /swings up over the couch and leans over it, peeking under it upside down / I knew I saw a thing! Tara: *jumps but is smothered in sphinx* Tara: *good* Prowl: *there's shadows, and then there's darker shadows. and in the middle of the darkest, two faintly glowing eyes.* E x s p i r a v i t: / amused flick of his smoke coils all over. Blinks back. / Hellooo. Ravage: *Does the rapid cat smack thing at his new seat's noggin. Bappity bappity bap. How dare you be where he lands.* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i imagined the gif. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ the bapbap gif. ]] Tara: (( omg Prowl: ......... hello. E x s p i r a v i t: / excited wiggle and slides onto the ground, halfway under the couch / You can talk! Bevel: ((bwahaha Ravage: =What talks.= Tara: Owowow /stoppit/ *grabs at paws* Bevel: Talks? Prowl: ... yes. *very softly, though.* E x s p i r a v i t: I thought you were hiding. / wiggles claws/ Shy? Prowl: *scoots over to see the movie from around the ghost. can't quite see the top of the screen from under the couch.* Prowl: ... yes. *wiggles darkness back at claw.* E x s p i r a v i t: / grins and pokes this wiggle as best he can/ I'm Spira. Ravage: *Scowl. Tries to wiggle his paws free.* Tara: *still pushing at paws, tara leans over to see the shadow* Prowl: *the wiggle is very cold.* prowl. E x s p i r a v i t: Come outside. Watch the movie from different shadows. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ to be honest, I love that suit so much ]] Ravage: ((I KNOW)) Bevel: ((it's so well done like dang E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i can't wait for the sequel we all needed. ]] Prowl: *... glides up to the edge of the couch.* which shadows? E x s p i r a v i t: I can make some! Ravage: *Takes advantage of the distraction to move back to the middle of the floor. Much safer here.* E x s p i r a v i t: /quickly moves from the couch and zooms to the lamp, twisting around it and angling it to make big shadows on the walls / Prowl: all right. E x s p i r a v i t: / hangs down by Tara, letting his coil hold the lamp in place, smokey bits hovering around him/ Tara: *grabs at ravage as they go, but alas. at least now spira's back* Ravage: =...It is darker in here.= Prowl: *glides out, zipping through the half-shadows until he gets up to the deep shadows along the wall.* Tara: A wonderful host, you. How accomodating. *petpet the ghost to see how much he can dissipate the smoke* Prowl: ((gdi i'd gone all night without using a gendered pronoun on the shadow and then i slip up with a he.)) Prowl: ((yall saw nothing)) Bevel: *flinches at the sudden movement and hunches in on herself some* Prowl: *silhouette hovers curled up in one of the shadows on the wall* E x s p i r a v i t: / smoke coils around Tara's hand / E x s p i r a v i t: There. Much better, yes? /to prowl / Prowl: ... yes. E x s p i r a v i t: / grins and hangs back down , watching the movie / How sad. E x s p i r a v i t: I think he wants to eat her. Tara: *...licks the ghost smoke* E x s p i r a v i t: Why can't they let him eat? Ravage: *Ear flick. Who said that. Looks at the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: / exCUSE. poofs the smoke from the lick / Prowl: they invaded his home. E x s p i r a v i t: Very rude. When someone invades MY home, I make them leave. E x s p i r a v i t: It's very fun. Bevel: Yeah. Bevel: *maybe not the fun part but the first bit for sure* Tara: *keeps trying to lick the smoke, distract distract* E x s p i r a v i t: ... / twits a bit and looks at Tara / I have a riddle for you! Ravage: =That is MY job.= E x s p i r a v i t: *twists E x s p i r a v i t: Yes, but you don't know this riddle. Tara: Have at it, hehe. E x s p i r a v i t: / lifts claws and makes a smokey ouija board/ What blends in with the night, turns out the light, and feeds your monstrous appetite? Ravage: *There's the voice again. The beast twists to look at the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: / trying not to swing the lamp to keep the shadows steady for new friend / Tara: Oh, I know what feeds /my/ appetite, but I doubt that's the answer to this riddle. Ravage: *...Stands on his hind paws, leans over the back of the couch, and test bops the wall.* E x s p i r a v i t: Do you... give up? /8) / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ the fact that he swims so well in it, too ]] Ravage: ((especially since they couldn't see anything in the damn suit lol)) Prowl: *jolts out of the way. zips up to a dark corner.* Ravage: *!!!* E x s p i r a v i t: [ dude yeah ]] Tara: I give in - what is it? Ravage: *THERE'S SOMEONE IN HERE AND THEY DIDN'T PAY THE TOLL.* E x s p i r a v i t: / poofs the ouija board/ Me, you silly thing! Hee! /laughs and pats Tara's face with claw / E x s p i r a v i t: / would waggle eye brows, but has none. Waggles smokey eye brows / Prowl: *toward spira* is it--? oh. Ravage: *Scrambles over the back of the couch with a thud, jumps back onto his hind paws, and starts trying to catch the thing in the dark corner.* Prowl: *didn't answer the riddle in time. had a different answer anyw— !!!* Tara: *snickers and looks over* Did someone pull out the laser pointer again? E x s p i r a v i t: / uh oh. / Run, Prowl. E x s p i r a v i t: /grabs lamp and twists it to make a path of shadows / E x s p i r a v i t: / run forrest run / Prowl: *shoots along the path* Ravage: *Chase chase.* Bevel: *distracted from the movie by the chase scene in the room* E x s p i r a v i t: / swinging lamp around and trying to make as many shadows as possible to hide in / Ravage: =They did not pass the test!= Tara: At least give the shadow a chance, Ravage. What's your riddle, then? Prowl: *dives back down to the floor and hides under another couch* E x s p i r a v i t: Then play fair, kitty ! E x s p i r a v i t: Give him a riddle. Ravage: *Flops onto his side right by the couch and closes one eye, trying to see the intruder.* Ravage: =...You agree to play?= Prowl: *there's darkness, and darker darkness.* ... yes. E x s p i r a v i t: / swings down to relax by Tara again/ I hope the monster lives. I rather like him. E x s p i r a v i t: He's got a funny face. Ravage: *Tappity tappity claws. He's thinking.* Tara: I hope he does too, but as far as faces go, I quite like yours better. *claw traces ghost jaw* E x s p i r a v i t: Awww, ain't you sweet. /wiggles a little / E x s p i r a v i t: not much of a face, though. Missing half. /sticks claw under his floating red eye / E x s p i r a v i t: Nothing here. Tara: Half's plenty to land a kiss on. *quick smorch teh ghost* Ravage: =I am a solitary word, 5 letters long. Behead me once and I remain the same. Behead me again and I still do not change.= E x s p i r a v i t: / aaaAAH! bursts into smoke. Poof. / Tara: *pouts* Tara: *mumbles* Just when I thought I was getting somewhere. E x s p i r a v i t: / reforms by Bevel / Did you see that? /giddy wiggly. Pause. / ... You smell like a wet dog. Bevel: *jumps a little* So? E x s p i r a v i t: / shove face in hair and SNIFF/ Kidding. I can't smell! /poofs again and forms by Tara/ E x s p i r a v i t: Howdy. Come here often? /waggle smokey brows / E x s p i r a v i t: [[ this is the longest "on my way to steal your girl" ive ever seen ]] Bevel: *jerks away at the sudden face in her hair. and falls off the chair* E x s p i r a v i t: / cackles at Bevel / Prowl: *... shifts nervously. knew the riddles the other two got. but this one is about words.* Prowl: *... solitary word. is the word itself solitary?* Bevel: *just gonna.... stay here on the floor yep* Prowl: ... alone. Tara: Not yet, but I plan on it. *boops ghost nose* E x s p i r a v i t: Haha. I usually scare away visitors. E x s p i r a v i t: Nasty people with cameras. Ravage: *Big smile. Many sharp teeth.* =Good.= Ravage: *Backs up and nods. The toll is paid.* E x s p i r a v i t: / oh no!! / Prowl: *glides up to the edge of the couch again. at least it isn't over yet.* Ravage: *Aha. So that's what the stranger is.* Tara: *turns head* See, Ravage, all you had to do was give them a chance. You can't eat a shadow, anyhow. Prowl: *finds a shadow next to the couch to hover in* E x s p i r a v i t: Yeah. E x s p i r a v i t: Bad kitty. Ravage: *Flicks his wings at them both.* =Rules are rules.= Bevel: *laughs* E x s p i r a v i t: Break the rules! Tara: *flicks wings back at* Prowl: rules are rules. Ravage: *Growls and rests his head on his paws. Unruly pair. At least the shadow and the... whatever they are... behave well.* Ravage: *Slow blink* =Yes. Thank you.= E x s p i r a v i t: I didn't have to answe.r. E x s p i r a v i t: But, this is my house. Tara: Does anyone ever have to give /you/ a riddle, Ravage? E x s p i r a v i t: / swings down from the lamp and coils up from the ground / Tara: *can still play with ghost smoke with his tail, good* Ravage: =That is why.= Those who own a place need not earn entry to it. =Other sphinxes. Clever creatures playing games.= E x s p i r a v i t: So, when you have meetings, you have to all answer a riddle? E x s p i r a v i t: / smoke will play around the tail too / Ravage: *Nod.* =The one who asks the best riddle is honored.= E x s p i r a v i t: ... Oh,  you really have meetings? E x s p i r a v i t: What's that like? E x s p i r a v i t: Do you all have meetings with your groupings? Prowl: *... slides under couches and through half-shadows to get next to the one with the lamp where everyone is gathered. stays on the opposite side from the lamp, pressed up under the shade of the arm rest Ravage: =A diamond plate, a glowing grate, a place you never leave.= E x s p i r a v i t: / wiggles claws at shadow!/ Ravage: *Tracks the shadow and offers it a small nod for the earlier defense.* Prowl: *stretches out something spindly and vaguely hand-shaped to return the wiggle. it quickly wilts and vanishes under the lamp light.* E x s p i r a v i t: / grins. / E x s p i r a v i t: Do you have meetings, Tara? /leans over on / E x s p i r a v i t: A bunch of you heart eaters in a room? E x s p i r a v i t: What about you, wet dog? Bevel: Glowing grate? Bevel: *grumbles* Ravage: *Makes a lazy circle motion with one paw.* =Fireplace.= Bevel: Like in a house! Oh is it home? Ravage: *Nod.* Tara: *is curious, makes a hand-shaped shadow where the spindly hand was to see if anything'll happen* Hmm... We tend to steer clear of each other, heh. Bevel: *fist pump* Prowl: i leave fireplaces as fast as possible. Ravage: =Present company excepted.= E x s p i r a v i t: Prowl, do you have meetings with other shadows? Prowl: *... sinks into the offered hand-shadow.* Prowl: not on purpose. E x s p i r a v i t: Aah. Prowl: *warning: having a shadow in your shadow is cold.* E x s p i r a v i t: ... I can't leave my house. E x s p i r a v i t: / 8( / Ravage: *Rasping chuckle. He did say "a place you never leave".* Bevel: Meetings are kind of like family reunions. Or something. Everyone either knows someone else or is related to them. Tara: *hums and wiggles fingers, trying to pinch the shadow* E x s p i r a v i t: Aaah. You all have interesting lives. /coils into the air / Prowl: vampires leave their homes by taking a little of it with them. E x s p i r a v i t: I can play ticks. Can scare the visitors away. E x s p i r a v i t: But I'm tied to my person. E x s p i r a v i t: / twists in the air to hover upside down / Tara: Your person? You mean you're taken? *pout* Prowl: *curls up into the grabbing fingers* E x s p i r a v i t: Aah... /pats Tara's cheek/ Not really. Ravage: *Nods to Bevel. He knows what that's like.* E x s p i r a v i t: He doesn't see me. But he's afraid. Everywhere he moves, I move. I follow him. E x s p i r a v i t: Heplayed with a ouija board once. Opened the door. E x s p i r a v i t: But tsk tsk, foolish mortals. They never know when to burn the board! Ravage: =Eat him.= E x s p i r a v i t: Nooo... he's too fun to play with . Prowl: i follow people, too. E x s p i r a v i t: You do?! /grins/ Are they assigned? Ravage: =Why?= Tara: *makes prowl follow his hand, then* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ okay imma be real. I'm gonna switch to my other playlist to wind down. So you guys can enjoy my ugly music dsjkfs ]] Ravage: ((roger)) Tara: (( :3 i wanna hear! Prowl: no, i choose who to follow. E x s p i r a v i t: ... Lucky. Prowl: to eat their souls, a little bit at a time. E x s p i r a v i t: That sounds fun. /pout / Ravage: *Perk.* Bevel: *shudders* E x s p i r a v i t: I just get left forgotten in the house. Tara: *mutters, licks lips* All this talk of eating is making me /hungry/ Prowl: it's a living. E x s p i r a v i t: / licks Tara's cheek / E x s p i r a v i t: I tear souls from people when they make me mad. I can be playful... until I'm not. Prowl: i have to wait as it leaks out of them. Prowl: it's hard to speed it up, even when they deserve it. E x s p i r a v i t: i bet you're real good at it. Bevel: ...I only hurt people when they hurt me first. Tara: *licks spira back* Tara: I know the feeling, Prowl ~ Prowl: that's why i didn't choose you. E x s p i r a v i t: I hurt anyone who comes in the house uninvited. E x s p i r a v i t: Sometimes they break the windows. Tara: Rude. E x s p i r a v i t: Very. Ravage: =Who DID you choose? If not the... 'human'.= Ravage: *Watching the shadow curl around Tara's fingers.* Prowl: *follows the shadows up the underside of tara's arm.* what is it you feed on? E x s p i r a v i t: / sinks into the ground and slinks back up. throws skeleton fish at Ravage. For fun. / Ravage: *All these soul eaters. He prefers to stick to the meat. Souls are messy, complicated business. Too much for him.* Prowl: no one, right now. thought i'd stop in for the movie. Ravage: *Ravage ducks the fish bones and snarls* E x s p i r a v i t: / cackles and hovers by Tara and Prowl / Prowl: *buddy, have you ever seen a shadow eat a steak* E x s p i r a v i t: / do they use their shadow utensils / Tara: *purrs at the chill running up his arm* What do you think I feed on? Prowl: ... i think you must feed on souls, too. but only a small part of them. something regenerable. Bevel: *eats meat, frest as she can get it, souls sound... not very filling* E x s p i r a v i t: You all feed on such interesting things... E x s p i r a v i t: My diet seems so basic. Bevel: I eat meat. What do you eat? E x s p i r a v i t: ... Fear. E x s p i r a v i t: the more people are afraid of me, the stronger I get. E x s p i r a v i t: The anger between people.Negative emotions. They're filling. Bevel: ...Oh. Ravage: *Growls again.* =I protected your home and you fed from me?= Tara: Each to their own, yes. Personally I find pleasure in consuming lust. A much richer flavor than fear. E x s p i r a v i t: ... A little snack /smile innocently / Bevel: How do you eat fear? Prowl: slowly, then all at once. E x s p i r a v i t: Exactly. Ravage: *Bares fangs and sits up straight, no longer comfortable in this place. Tucks his serpent's tail around himself and pulls his wings close.* E x s p i r a v i t: Oh, don't be such a spoil sport! / poofs his head into his claws and twists it with a grin/ Turn that frown upside down! Ravage: *Swipes at the head* E x s p i r a v i t: / poofs head back and pouts / E x s p i r a v i t: I've never had so many visitors without scaring most of them. E x s p i r a v i t: I'm new to company. Bevel: It just seems... um, *holds her hands up and tries to make a ball before "exploding them outward* is it heat or microwaves or something? Or is it like a pheromone? Tara: *is still playing with his own shadow. where does the chill reside now?* E x s p i r a v i t: ... Eh? Ravage: ((I LOVE THIS SONG)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ same ]] Bevel: *fear is pheremones to her but maybe other creatures eat something different* E x s p i r a v i t: Fear? To me it's... it's like an energy Bevel: ((*WHEEZES* I LOVE THIS SONG AND HATE IT AND I LOVE IT E x s p i r a v i t: Negative energy makes me feel better. E x s p i r a v i t: But, I'm also rather mischevious in my own ways. E x s p i r a v i t: [[ yEP ]] Prowl: *finished moving up the arm. moving down the side of his ribcage by now, slowly* Prowl: it is like heat, yes. it radiates off them. you must be close to absorb it before they pull it back in. Tara: *probably looks like he's just petting himself by now, then. hee, it tickles* E x s p i r a v i t: / twists self back up and settles on top of the lamp / E x s p i r a v i t: / just draped over it. Droopy. / Ravage: *Watching that ghost. You stay over there.* E x s p i r a v i t: / glances at Ravage. Might just scare u / E x s p i r a v i t: / droops anyway / Bevel: *side-eyes the shadow some before nodding* That kinda makes sense being energy. E x s p i r a v i t: / flicking his shadowy coils to and fro / E x s p i r a v i t: *smokey E x s p i r a v i t: [[ excuse i am fire and brimstone, not shadow ]] Tara: *is that a sad droop or a comfy droop? tara's checking by leaning over to lick at the smoke again* E x s p i r a v i t: / smoke is going to swipe up that lick like a counter lick / E x s p i r a v i t: / it is an in between droop / Tara: *smiles and purrs. good. this is turning out to be a lovely evening* E x s p i r a v i t: Halloween is soon. That means so many broken windows. E x s p i r a v i t: / side glances at Ravage./ E x s p i r a v i t: / is waiting to scare / Bevel: *gets up finally* I have to go now. Ravage: =So soon.= E x s p i r a v i t: Well, come by and visit again. I'll ask the human to install a doggy door. E x s p i r a v i t: / smug upside down grin / Prowl: *is gradually slinking down tara's side* where is the human tonight? Bevel: I have to be home. *sticks her tongue out at Spira before leaving* E x s p i r a v i t: / mimics this / Eh? Oh... he went out for something. E x s p i r a v i t: / props chin in claw/ He's not very fond of me. Ravage: =I will eat him.= E x s p i r a v i t: / sulking/ He keeps me locked in the house and everything. E x s p i r a v i t: Eh? But, he's my main food source. Ravage: =I know.= Tara: Someone's feeling catty, hmm E x s p i r a v i t: ... /disappears into a poof / E x s p i r a v i t: / reappears and just breaks the light. Welcome to dark / Tara: *tara's eyes glow tho! just a teeny bit* Ravage: *Got them glowing eyes.* Prowl: *has glowy-but-the-least-glowy lights in the room* Tara: *all the glowy* E x s p i r a v i t: / sliding around. Okaaay. Coils up from the ground and jups at Ravage with a screech/ Ravage: *Whips around and snaps at the air* Ravage: *Was expecting that.* E x s p i r a v i t: / AH! yanks down and swats at / E x s p i r a v i t: / will do it. Will pull the tail./ Tara: Please take care not to harm the corporeals in here!!! *ducks down* Prowl: *... takes the opportunity to slink freely around the room for a moment, before settling on the couch next to tara--more heavily and solidly, now.* Ravage: *Flaps into the air. He can take a hint.* E x s p i r a v i t: Don't threaten my food source. Ravage: =You betrayed me first.= E x s p i r a v i t: Ah ah ah. I never said I WASNT going to eat your fear. Ravage: =I leave for places my services are appreciated. Pray your human does not find me.= E x s p i r a v i t: He's not going to actively look for any of you. Ravage: *Snarls and zips out of the room* E x s p i r a v i t: Awww. Kitty got his tongue tied. HAHAHA! E x s p i r a v i t: Or is it fur fluffed? What's the phrase these days? I'm a hundred and tired. Tara: I miss you already, Ravage. *waves but it doesn't matter in the dark orz* E x s p i r a v i t: / pats Tara's head and Prowl's shoulder maybe / E x s p i r a v i t: / or prowl's face . what is this / E x s p i r a v i t: / pat / Tara: *arm comes down near where tara can feel the shadow* I'd love to stay and get acquainted, but... Tara: *hee, nudges horns up into spira's touch* E x s p i r a v i t: / pat pat / Prowl: *shadow is a proper person at the moment. touches the arm.* you're leaving? E x s p i r a v i t: I should be getting back to my usual mischief as well... E x s p i r a v i t: I haven't littered the kitchen with dishes in a while. Tara: I ought to go, yes. I haven't had dinner yet. You're more than welcome to come along, though. E x s p i r a v i t: ... / little pout / Tara: *can't see it, gotta pout louder, spira* E x s p i r a v i t: / LOUD SAD SIGH / E x s p i r a v i t: / BREAKS A SCREEN / E x s p i r a v i t: / SUCH POUT / Tara: I'd invite you along too, but you /know/ you can't, dear. E x s p i r a v i t: He surrounded the place with salt. E x s p i r a v i t: I can't go outside. Prowl: ... i rarely get to taste other cuisines. E x s p i r a v i t: / hUFF / Tara: I'll fix you up something lovely, then. But we ought to be leaving, it'd be rude to tease Spira with details to a dinner he can't attend... E x s p i r a v i t: .. /just breaks something else and crawls up the ceiling and into the corner.on the ceiling. where he pouts. endlessly. / Prowl: mm. E x s p i r a v i t: / will be here when dodge gets home. / E x s p i r a v i t: / i can't believe my human boyfriend doesn't let his ghost bae leave the house / E x s p i r a v i t: / he is pouting upside down, for fun imagery / Tara: *takes prowl's shadowy arm and makes for the door* Prowl: *follows* Tara: *just don't step on the tail, pls* E x s p i r a v i t: / will throw something at the tail. B( / Tara: *rude* E x s p i r a v i t: / u cant tease me and then bail. U RUDE FIRST / Tara: *he'll come back and have ghost makeouts with you another time, shh* Tara: *he's hungry and you're not alive anymore* Prowl: *it hit prowl. ;;* E x s p i r a v i t: /oh. Sorry Prowl/ E x s p i r a v i t: / quick pat spot it hit / E x s p i r a v i t: / then back to pouting. / Prowl: *thanks.* E x s p i r a v i t: / prowl is a good. / E x s p i r a v i t: / he likes prowl / Tara: ...How about I kick the salt on the way out, hmm? Tara: Blow a bit of it away. E x s p i r a v i t: Oh, go ahead. E x s p i r a v i t: I need to wait for him anyway. He said he's buying a new ouija board so we can talk. /this is a lie. / Tara: If you insist... E x s p i r a v i t: ... but you could. E x s p i r a v i t: maybe break just part of the ring. E x s p i r a v i t: if it's broken, I can work on the rest. Tara: *winks* Done deal. Tara: *is outie* Prowl: *follows in tara's shadow*
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mademoisellegush · 7 years
Hmmm let's see...Boaz and Atton playing a game of pazaak? Mira popping in to make some comment on spicing up the rules? Is strip-pazaak a thing? It is now.
A few things first: this is somewhat purple prose, i haven’t written anything in months and it shows
this is also 1957 words so if the readmore doesnt work i am so sorry mobile users
The Dorian passionfruit tears apart easily, chewed up nails ripping the rind in half.Blue fingers raise a piece to bruised lips, grab the corner of asemi-clean rag to wipe down any stray drop of juice. The Ebon Hawk isnearly silent, most of the crew gone off to stretch their legs, visitthe cantina, look at merchants’ inventories. Hrott'eboaz'baonsu isnearly alone, if not for T3’s whirring in the engine room,G0-T0’s soft beeps, Kreia’s constant presence in the dormitory. Thequiet is deafening.
Ten years spent alonehave been a blur, yet she finds no regret at being with people again.There are social conventions to respect, feelings and convictions toassess and dance around, but she has missed this, the knowledge sheis not entirely alone in an uncaring galaxy. For all the barbs theydeal each other ceaselessly, the crew has held together remarkablywell. Kreia has warned her not to get too attached. Countless lessonsin the crêche have drilled into younglings similar warnings of thedangers of relationships; and twenty years later the exile tries tobe distant, understanding of others but not connecting.
She has failedterribly. Somehow, the people that have taken to waddling behind herlike so many pelikki have gotten under her skin, undoing in just afew weeks the shell she’s built over a decade wandering rim worlds.
If she allows herselfto be honest within her own mind, it isn’t a great loss.
A sudden blip of hercomm jerks her out of her thoughts. She wipes a sticky hand down herbrown robe, and opens the holocomm to Mira’s face, brows furrowed.There is loud cantina music in the background, louder than whateverthe red-head tries to say.
“–and it’d beworse that way.”
Boaz blinks, slowly,unsure.
“I am sorry, I didnot quite catch that. What has happened?”
“Look, just comeover? Fly-boy’s gonna bet the ship to his next opponent, or whatever,if he keeps up like this.”
Boaz inhales, counts toten in Minisiat, then backwards.
“I will be thereas soon as possible, then. Make sure he slows down on the spicebrew?”
Mira snorts, hologramfizzing out at the edge.
“I’ll try, but nopromises.”
Atton insists ongetting inside the ship unaided. As the three of them climb up theramp, he waddles, lists to the side. Boaz reaches out tentativelywith the Force.
“St'p that,”Atton says, hand waiving in the air as if batting away invisiblegnats. “I don’t need your help.”
Mira shrugs, stillsipping on the red drink she’s picked up on the way back.Reluctantly, Boaz backs off.
“What is that,anyway?” she asks Mira, uncomfortable in the almost-silence ofthe docks. “It looks worse than what you keep in the storageroom.”
“This? Want asip?” she raises the plastiglass up, wiggling it. “NogaBoga, it’s local. Or is it Boga Noga? Good, though.”
“Better that youfinish it, then.” she says, as they enter the main hold. “Ihave had some bad experiences with Huttese food.”
Mira smirks, lips andteeth stained red from the brew.
“Your loss. ButI’m gonna get you wasted someday, watch out.”
“Should you havetold me, in that case? I will have to be careful.”
“Nah, I prefer itwhen the prey knows I’m there.” A beat, and Mira’s cheeks turnred. “Oh, not that I’m still after you. Or, well, that I’ve keptup with what happened to your bounty, but, um, look,” and Boazfeels tendrils of embarrassment and nerves through the Force. It’sendearing.
“I’m just gonna gomake some caf, yeah? I’ll bring some in a bit.” Mira throws overher shoulder, half-running away.
Boaz turns back to thecenter of the room, where she finds Atton has slumped down on thedejarik table. The man’s brown hair is more disheveled than usual;Boaz is tempted to hand him a comb. She settles on rummaging throughthe med-bay. When she finds what she’s looking for, she shuts thedrawer and steps back to Atton’s side. Her heavy robes take upspace as she sits down.
“You look like youjust came out of a Corellian Merchant’s Guild reunion.”
Atton barks out alaugh, and slumps backwards into the other chair.
“What, I don’tlook like my handsome, usual self? I’m crushed, jedi.”
Boaz shrugs.
“What can I say?Humans all look the sameto me.”
“Butyou’ve just go blue skin… Wait. Was that a joke? You’ve beenspending too much time with Kreia.”
Sherolls her eyes, then holds up the shot for him to see.
“Andyou, specifically, look like you are going to need anti-veisalgia.Please,give me your arm.”
Heshrugs out of his jacket, nearly elbowing herin the process. Assoon as that’s done, she grabs his forearm and jabs the hypoin, holdingthe limb in place ashe jerks it in surprise.
“Notthat I don’t like youholding ontome and all, but could younot be so harsh?I kind of need myhandto pilot the ship.”
“Wecould always ask Bao-Dur to buildyou another one. Or you could starta club with Kreia, sheseems like she’d enjoy the company,”shelaughs as Atton frowns.
Boazholds on a few more seconds as the hypo empties itself. Whenit’s done, she stands to throw it away.
“There,we will be able to traveltomorrow without you feeling like theaftermath of a banthastampede.”
Whenshe turns around, Atton’s slipped back into his jacket, and isthumbing through a worn-down pack of cards. Helooks up.
“Sure.Just let me find the deck I bought onTelos.”
They’rejuststartingthe tiebreaker when Mira walks back in, a tanker in one hand andpiled up mugs in the other.
“We’reout of sugar.”Thebounty hunter passeseach of them a mug. “I hope you like spiced caf, by the way.”
There’sno answer as Boazdraws a card. Mirapullsanempty crateto the dejarik table and plops down on it.
“Thisis boring, guys,”shesighs afterten minutes pass in silence.Boaz’sgazeflicksto her, thenback to her deck.Thedim light allows them to see the scarlet rim of her irises,red bleeding back into red.
“IfI am not mistaken, this is a two-players sort of game. How would youdo it?”
Miragrins like the Loth-catthat ate the Loth-rat,andslides forward, chin in her hands and elbows on the cards.
“Say,heard of Nar Shaddaa rules?”
“We’renot armed,” scoffs thepilot,frowning as he puts down another card.
“Notthat one, Atton. That’s the one you play inthecantinaor in the streets.I’m talking about the one with friends. Or close acquaintances, ifyou don’t have any ofthose.”
“Oh!”he exclaims, thenslightlyquieter.“Strip-pazaak.”
“Itsure is,fly-boy. Are you in?”
“Whynot?” Boaz says, cards down and caf in her hands. “Notmuch else to do now, and the others are not due for anothercouple of hours.”
“That’sthe spirit! Now, this is how we did it down in the vents…”
It’salways dusk on the smuggler’s moon; Brianna doesn’t know if shelikes it yet.Butit isdifferent from Telos and the underground academy,flashing signs andrude sentients moving in almost-waves.She’s glad for the walk throughout the street merchants’ stalls,feeling freerin thecrowd, away from her half-sisters. She’sleft the Exile (a quiet…what, Pantoran withan eye condition?AmalformedDuro hybrid?) butchering fruitin the main hold, the sight of jedi clothing makethe half-Echani uneasy. ButBao-Durand his remote havefoundher wandering the stalls beforeshe could get overwhelmed, andhe has handed her a crate full of rations, Thedroid beeps on the way back, hovering in what she guessesis a playful manner. Droids are weird, anyway.
TheIridonian heads to the garage when they enter the Ebon Hawk, as eagera look on his face as Brianna thinks he might ever have, sayingsomething about parts and upgrades. She doesn’t sigh, left alonewith a crate full of rations, but it’s close. Thecargo hold is empty. With a heave, she drops the rations with theother foodstuffs. Sherummages in the already-opened one, grabs some dried Tarinetea. The multiprocessor is in the main hold, however, and shegrumbles as she carries the packet out.
Shedrops it when she enters the room. Thethree people at the dejarik table are in various states of undress,various glasses spread around them, clothesstrewn across the floor.The Exile turns to her asshe walks in,and the smile on her face turns blinding.
“Handmaiden!There you are!” shesays, then looks somewhat cross asshe looks back to the table.“Imean, Brianna!Do you wish to join us?”
Shetalksvery, very fast. When the smell of spiced caf hits Brianna’snose,it becomes clear why.Sheglances at the players. Boazand Atton stare pensively at their cards, Miraradiatingsmugness.Pilotin abrown undershirthanging down to his thighs, jedi in theugliest bodyglove shehas ever seen,andbountyhunterstillcladin leatherpants paint asurprising holo-picture.The familiarity, the closeness between them strikes somethingbittersweet in the hollow of her chest. She misses her sisters, sherealizes, evenwithall the shamethey made her bear.At least, then, she knew where she stood, asfaithful servant to the last true jedi; now she waits before theprecipice of the unknown, unsure of the future ofthis woman, with this crew.
Boazstares at her oncemore,and Brianna realizes she hasn’t answered. She bends to pick up thetea packet, trying to think of something witty. She settles forblunt.
“Whyare you all naked?”
“Ah,well,asyoucan see, we are all absolutely awful at pazaak.”
“That…that doesn’t really answer my question.”
Miragiggles. Brianna suspects there’s more than justcafin the mug she’s sipping.
“NarShaddaa rules,” Miraexplains. “No weapons,andyoutake off your clothes when you lose a hand.”
“Isee,” is all that she can say in reply, carefully making her wayoverdiscarded clothes tothe kitchenette.
Shehears someone sigh. When she turns, Boaz is standing up, throwinghis leather jacket at Atton.
“Timefor us to go to sleep, in this case. Come on, up you go,” she saystoo loud, pulling Mira up by the arm. “Wehave places to be tomorrow.”
“Trya few weeks, at the pace this old ship goes.”
“Goodpoint. All the more reason to depart as soon as possible!”
Miragathers mugs, Atton his clothes and dignity, and they go theirseparate ways, eachthrowinga good night overtheir shoulders asthey leave.
TheExile slipsback into her robes, blue skin engulfed by waves of washed-out brown,bare feet and hands poking out.
“Youshould join us sometimes,” she mentions as she fiddles with thenav-computer. “I believe you would have enjoyed seeing Miraembarrass Atton.”
Briannastays quiet for a few beats, and turns around to watch her.
“Maybenext time.”
Asmile spreads on the woman’s face.
“Great,”andsomehow she feels better, the bittersweet feeling in her chestreplaced by something warm, comfortable.
Shestill may not know what is in store, but she can see why this womanhas led battles, attracts people to her. She wants to see what thefuture holds as she, too, follows.
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kampasaur-blog · 6 years
So im picking up my son from monroe elementary after his bus ride home from camp. Bus arrives. I get out of the car and immediately i notice nearly all of the children, some with large bright red marks on both of their cheeks, sobbing so inconsolably that they could not breathe. Some were runnin away from the bus frantically lookin for their parents and some were already clutching their parents tightly and bawling, burying their lil tear soaked faces into their parents stomachs. they kept saying "please i dont ever wanna go back there, i dont wanna do this again, dont make me do this anymore, i was so scared, i didnt know what to do" let me tell you....these babies had the most traumatized faces ive personally ever seen on a kid and it just broke me. At this point i am very confused, concerned, and alarmed. my instincts kick in to try and help a little so i try to comfort some of em. im askin other parents what happened, but they understandably couldnt pay me attention as im sure their minds were probably as lost in all of this as mine. I keep aimlessly sayin wtf is going on and why is everybody crying like this. I start askin some of them if theyre hurt or if there was an accident but they couldnt even speak cuz they were too hysterical. Im trying to calm some of them down a bit like "hey its ok baby dont cry ur ok ur safe." still friggin looking around for adults who arent too absorbed in this mess to ask them wtf is happening. at the same time im searchin for my own kid in the crowd tellin ppl "hey, i cant find my son! is there another bus coming?!" A little girl said no this is the only one. So now im REALLY WORRIED. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CHILD?! I run into a kid nate knows. him and a little girl are shouting, to what seems like essentially nobody in particular, about having the police called on them by the driver and that they coulda been tossed in juvi. (Honestly they should have been tossed in juvi! this particular kid brought a knife to camp and steals shit constantly from the kids at school especially my son) Grabbed his shoulder and said "calm yourself down and look at me! why?! what happened?! was there a fight? were u involved? Was nathan involved? Where is he??" The boy, (still shouting for some damn reason even tho he is right in front of me), says no nathan wasnt involved. He doesnt know where he is. (Turned out he knew where he was but lied cuz just minutes prior he threatened to beat him up and tried punching him, the little fucker, but staff grabbed his arm midswing) Then he tells me that almost the entire bus was gettin into fight after fight and there were kids punching, slapping, verbally abusing other kids, a lot of whom did nothing to warrant the abuse and continued being abused repeatedly for almost the ENTIRE 3 FUCKING HOUR RIDE, by much older kids whom they were afraid to defend themselves against. I was like "omg this is terrible. where in the hell is my son!" Some guy finally says "they are keepin some kids with staff up by the front of the bus" so i literally gotta force my way thru people who's kids were still hanging off of them in fear. now im crying, other parents are crying, some are screamin at the children who beat up their kids and the children who beat up their kids were screamin at them..... FINALLY.... I find nate. He had been slapped in the face by a 12 yr old girl but he was alright. they had made prior note of his behavioral disorder and quickly got him away from the situation while on the bus and sat him by camp staff. thank goodness. Im asking him, "are u ok?! did anyone hit u?!" before he can answer, suddenly i see an enraged mother almost attack an older girl who hit her kid in the head. The girl is shouting at the jefferson staff member who stepped in AND the mother. She yells out that she hit her in the head, at first, then 2 seconds later she says she didnt, and shouts "yea yea lady! bye bye! fuck off! shut up!!! i didnt hit her!! quit runnin ur damn mouth!! Shut your mouth!!". My. Jaw. Dropped. I saw her gramma or whoever she was doing absolutely nothing about this little shits behavior, actually trying to get the staff to stop speaking to her and leave her alone, and thats when i just plain SNAPPED. When i say snapped folks i mean i damn near deadass rowdy roddy pipered this child. It took every muscle i had to stop that train from derailing. I was pissed. Told her shes an awful disrespectful little shit and will go no where in life with that bullshit. She was like "thank u! Thanks bye! BYE!" Thats when i probably should have split. But i didnt. Conveniently forgot how to adult for a minute there. My bad! She was a repugnant little fart sniffing booger eater who felt a lil too validated from decking a much smaller kid in the head and just, just....fuck THAT... Then i word barfed. "good riddance to bad rubbish youre an awful AWFUL child and should be ashamed of yourself. Shame on you!" i looked at her gramma and shouted "good luck with your apparent lack of being able to deal with that mess of a child! Shes terrible! You have failed!" then basically i walked away tellin her shame on her for sucking. ****************************** A 16 yr old was shot n killed recently. A pastor was shot and killed recently. We got all ages of unsupervised kids vandalizing everything in site. Kids shootin off guns in parkin lots, stealin vehicles n crashin into buildings. breakin into cars 4 valuables or just breakin the windows cuz they feel like it. We got kids having knife fights n runnin round with gd knives, tellin other kids theyre gonna cut em or kill their siblings if they dont hand over cell phones money bikes hover boards u name it. Kids breakin into ppls homes. Kids stealing n vandalizing walmart 2-3 times a day. Kids stealin carts bringing em here and pushing each other around into ppls cars n then they run away. They beat on my son at school n bully him all the time stealin his things verbally abusing him. He got beat up by teenagers just playin with his toys in the backyard! Theres just hoards of em. Never supervised or disciplined. Not once have i seen the parents of any of the kids causing problems in my apt complex regardless of whether theyre 6 or 16. sumtimes theyre out there in the parkin lots screwin around til 2 am. They plain as day are simply not being parented and have no guidance. Sum of these piece of crap parents just dont wanna have the responsibility of raising their own kids period. Sum of em run away n their parents dont see em for days weeks months but never report em missing cuz they dont care. Theyre out there sleepin in abandoned sheds houses alleys parks n gotta steal their food. 12 yr olds smokin pot and having sex in ppls yards. Even when they mess up n end up at the police station n the police either cant even find their parents or they do n theyre told "i aint dealin with it find something to do with em urself" juvenile hall is FULL. There is no where to put them. And they just run away from annie whittenmeyer n nobody does anything. Im dead tired and fed up. I hate living here and im stuck. We dont feel safe anywhere. My kids cant have friends cuz u cant trust the kids nor their parents. Nate had a lil 9 yr old buddy next door and he would come to play n his mom would just leave n lock the door without saying shit to anyone not even him. He'd go home n come back like "nobody is over there" so i had no choice but to keep him with me even if i had shit to do or it was 10 pm n we wanted to go to bed. We have GOT to spread the word about this shit and try n get sum awareness. This is a crisis we are having in the qc. Im sick of the ever escalating crime here. I dont encourage ANYONE to move here. And i absolutely hate that i gotta raise my kids around this. Create a discussion about it. Get involved. if ur readin this n u kno ur kids causing mayhem but still u do nothin dont do right or make excuses then u better recognize UR JUST AS MUCH OF A PROBLEM. if u arent gonna give enuff of a shit about ur own offsprings lives 2 check n change urself then get u n ur kid the hell out of my city n away from me n mine!!
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gulescamisade · 7 years
MN, Ground:  Day 21
DIRK: -has been up since the wee hours trying to get a signal on the lake house's tv. not only to keep on top of current events, but also to make sure they can catch the show his dad and uncle are planning on broadcasting. he can't miss that... plus, this gives him something to do with his hands. it's a win-win-
SOLLUX: -He can't sleep. It's not a completely unusual occurrence, but it's definitely unwanted when there's so little for him to occupy his mind with. He's frustrated with his own sleeplessness, and he elects to drift around corners of the lake house, smelling his way around and brushing into edges here and there.-
ARADIA: -she's awake also, sitting at a table in the kitchen and staring out the window, watching the scene outside-
SOLLUX: ...wtf?
ARADIA: -car sounds. Yes. as expected- yes it is tf
SOLLUX: thanks aa.
SOLLUX: that really clears things up f0r me.
JAMISON: =Now they they've been freed of all shenanigans (for now) the Mystery Machine pulls up outside a cozy looking cabin. TOO COZY. This van seems a bit too much anyway what with its mounted high-powered rooftop weaponry and a mysteriously stained pyramid ram located on the front.... listen you gotta be prepared. The van stops, we're here. YOU'VE BEEN FREED=
ARADIA: youre welcome
ARADIA: theyre here
SOLLUX: wh0's "they"????
MEULIN: -smushes against the glass up above her-
ARADIA: youll see
ARADIA: hear or smell rather
SOLLUX: i d0n't think i want t0.
MEULIN: I GUESS SO. -steps out and adjusts her sunglasses in a thoughtful, nerdy sort of way.-
ROSE: At least several people are inside.
ROSE: I think.
ROSE: We've been driving for days. I'll take an ambush over a perpetually sore ass.
ARADIA: then cover your ears and nose
ROSE: Tempting.
MEULIN: FRIENDS GIVE FRIENDS BUTT RUBS. -sneaks toward the door-
SOLLUX: -flops in a kitchen chair next to Aradia and buries face in her hair. Done.-
ARADIA: there we go
ARADIA: perfect
SOLLUX: mph.
ARADIA: ignorance is bliss
ARADIA: and composed of my hair
SOLLUX: yeph.
MEULIN: -taps on the door and then sneaks to peer into the window-
ROSE: -UNLOADING some crap from the van. Like a bag messily stuffed with laundry.-
ARADIA: -sees meulin at the window and waves excitedly for her to come in-
ROSE: I imagine she would. Do you see anyone else?
ROSE: Okay, good. That means it is legitimate.
ROSE: -BURSTS IN.- I need a washing machine and a shower. Not necessarily in that order.
MEULIN: -slinks behind her- HI! ME TOO.
SOLLUX: f0inh the klaa.
ROSE: Aradia, you appear to have something entangled.
ARADIA: -smiles widely at them- hi guys! im glad you made it
ARADIA: -glances solluxward- yes it appears to be a pretty bad knot
SOLLUX: -flips them all off-
ROSE: It's good to see you're safe, too.
SOLLUX: hhhf.
DIRK: -walks in on all this and stares at everyone with wide eyes. loses his cool for a second, but whatever he already looked worse for wear. he's just he's so relieved to see them.-
DIRK: Rose.
DIRK: Hey.
ROSE: -APPROACHES... and drops the bag of laundry on the ground.-
ROSE: You look pretty good, for looking like hell. Have you been shaving?
MEULIN: (。◕ω◕。)
DIRK: Do I really look that ragged? -runs a palm over his scruff. he hasn't been.-
ROSE: Could I possibly not look that ragged?
ROSE: Did you hear about what happened?
ROSE: I am somewhat hoping that you did.
MEULIN: -pads over and touches Dirk's whiskers with her beans while they converse. TUCH.-
MEULIN: -also nuzzles his shoulder. HELLO.-
ARADIA: it was pretty incredible
DIRK: -wow, affection. he almost forgot what that feels like. whoops. he gives meulin's hair a pet and cracks a small smile at both her and rose's combined presence. they're wonderful.-
DIRK: I wish I could've been there.
ROSE: At this risk of sounding inappropriate at a time like this, I am, in fact, quite glad that you weren't.
ROSE: I don't think there is anyone I'd wish that place upon.
ROSE: Not that it matters now, I suppose.
DIRK: Yeah. You're right. I'm sure there will be more opportunities to witness Rose showing off how fuckin' rad she is.
ROSE: -SIGHS and leans into the pile-
ROSE: You are going to make me blush.
ROSE: Everyone here's okay?
DIRK: -nods- Yeah.
DIRK: We're... We're good. -pets meulin's hair some more. thank goodness for therapy cats.-
DIRK: We lucked out finding a nice place to lay low. You guys can take care of your showers and shit. Just don't expect hot water for long.
DIRK: Oh yeah, I got the TV to work this morning too. That's a thing.
MEULIN: -prrrr rumbles, then perks ears.- TV? WHAT'S IT SAY?
DIRK: Still a lot of buzz about what y'all did. And my uncle's twitter war.
DIRK: You know the Virginia folks are gonna broadcast some kind of concert as a big fuck you to the presidents? Now that I definitely wish I was there for.
ROSE: ...
ROSE: Is it going to be broadcast?
ROSE: I kind of like the idea of that.
DIRK: It is.
DIRK: Wonder if I can scrounge up some popcorn for the event.
ROSE: We do have chips from a truckstop.
DIRK: Oh shit. Then we're all set.
ROSE: -CASUALLY, AND GRACELESSLY, flops onto the nearest couch-like surface.-
DIRK: -there she goes... he's going to wander over to the kitchen though. hovering a little around sollux and aradia. subtly.-
DIRK: -addresses the new arrivals, though- Can I get you anything? We have... soup.
DIRK: Which incidentally is about the extent of what I can cook.
ROSE: I'm not sure. I may be done with eating, possibly forever.
ROSE: The concept has become fallow, truly.
MEULIN: -not even zombies can faze her-
ROSE: Can I consume soup intravenously?
DIRK: If only I had the means to test it. DIRK: Hey, Aradia. You've got first aid on you, right? Inject some soup into Rose.
DIRK: -rattles pots and pans for meulin. again, it's something to do. at least he can feel useful.-
ARADIA: mhmm
ARADIA: i could if you really want to
ARADIA: i recommend tasting
MEULIN: ~(=^. .^) -HOVERS-
DIRK: But she's suffering.
DIRK: -pours bowls for everybody once it's done. it's tomato... hands meu a bowl, then slides a couple at sollux and aradia before shuffling over to rose. eat...-
ROSE: -....ok so tomato soup she can probably do no matter how much it may resemble the blood of guy fieri.-
ROSE: -She tries to make it hover-- but urgh.-
ROSE: -nevermind.-
ROSE: -she just puts it on her stomach and eats it from there.-
MEULIN: - 👀tomato soup-
SOLLUX: -very slowly extracts himself from the hair prison-
ARADIA: dont get stuck
ARADIA: thanks dirk
DIRK: Think nothing of it. -goes to join them at the table to eat, but he's just kinda poking at the soup.-
SOLLUX: -grunts and just sort of touches his spoon.-
MEULIN: -SLRRRPS in the bg-
DIRK: Huh.
DIRK: Maybe later.
ROSE: They killed a moose, by the way.
ROSE: -slurps...-
ROSE: Do we have a plan of attack, yet?
DIRK: ... Not quite.
DIRK: Haven't really... been able to focus.
[[ There's a soft glow of green that grows stronger suddenly, and there's a humanoid shape that hovers into the kitchen through the wall. There's some slime left behind. Oops. ]]
ARADIA: -turns to smile at jade sprite- hi
JADESPRITE: -holds up a paw- i didnt want to interrupt especially since i cant eat or
JADESPRITE: contribute much else but
JADESPRITE: we did have some ideas
ROSE: -Blinks-
ROSE: Hello.
DIRK: -blinks in jadesprite's direction also.- ... Yeah?
JADESPRITE: but i think maybe first we should talk about what's going on
ROSE: Right.
JADESPRITE: davesprite has been watching jade
JADESPRITE: something like this has happened before, in the universe we're from -laces her paw fingers together-
JADESPRITE: so we know what she's capable of
JADESPRITE: though you probably already figured out she was the one that zapped you around the country
JADESPRITE: she has full control of that power now
ROSE: Right. So we can't do anything to her head on, or with her awareness. ROSE: We'll just be in the same position we were before.
JADESPRITE: essentially yes
JADESPRITE: so someone has to deal with her
JADESPRITE: thats why were volunteering ourselves
JADESPRITE: -carefully, she pulls out some sort of pendant with a Skaianet symbol and dangles it in the air- i managed to recreate a device that davesprite has for myself
JADESPRITE: id like to give it to one of you for safekeeping, in case i need it
JADESPRITE: i can go into it and also be summoned to its location
JADESPRITE: jade has the one of davesprite's
DIRK: ... I can take it. -holds out his hand-
JADESPRITE: -smiles a little and offers it over to him- thanks
JADESPRITE: anything she tries to do to us would be significantly less dangerous than to any of you, and we should be able to come back quickly with these
JADESPRITE: besides... someone also has to handle jane
JADESPRITE: she doesnt have the same powers but... she is dangerous
ROSE: I... right. I suppose we're going to have to incapacitate them.
JADESPRITE: somehow, yes
JADESPRITE: but we can buy as much time as possible
JADESPRITE: but if it came down to it...
JADESPRITE: ...well, im sure well figure out something
ROSE: Right.
ROSE: I could probably buy time with Jane, at least.
ROSE: But I can't imagine deprogramming them will be... easy.
DIRK: -quietly puts the pendant on to keep it close, tucking it under his shirt, but he's zoning in and out of this conversation and it's frustrating him a little because he NEEDS to be a part of this.-
JADESPRITE: the brainwashing is affecting jades filters and inhibitions at the same time its telling her whos in control
JADESPRITE: all her repressed thoughts are loose
JADESPRITE: so it's not just the obedience thats the problem... -shakes her head- im sure jane is feeling something similar
JADESPRITE: um... anyway
JADESPRITE: hal has the ship just outside the atmosphere
JADESPRITE: weve managed to talk to him safely from space
JADESPRITE: horuss is still cloaking the ship too but im not sure what theyre planning to do
JADESPRITE: hal is being sort of cagey about it
ROSE: -She frowns.-
ROSE: Is this something that... happened to you?
JADESPRITE: i think so
JADESPRITE: its not all clear but...
JADESPRITE: between my memories and davesprite's i feel sure that it's something i know well
ROSE: Do you have any foggy memories of getting out?
JADESPRITE: it just feels like i went to sleep for a long time
ROSE: -She nods.-
ROSE: Well. That's an option.
ROSE: Knock her out somehow.
DIRK: I wonder if the Serkets would have any effect on them. -manages to chime in-
DIRK: I don't like suggesting that, but it might be one of our safest options. I'd rather not knock them out forcefully.
ROSE: Well, we can't waste our opportunity.
ARADIA: trust your instincts and dont doubt yourself
JADESPRITE: -hovers thoughtfully- ...
JADESPRITE: it could work
JADESPRITE: we will just have to be careful
JADESPRITE: if jade knows whats coming she could zap them away
ROSE: ...
ROSE: -sorta. Takes in a deep breath through her teeth.-
ROSE: Okay.
MEULIN: -she's already finished her soup, and now she's just sort of contemplating the bowl... everyone's working so hard-
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