#just like Izzy if you like him ffs
naranjapetrificada · 1 year
"Ed has lost it because he'd rather befriend a bunny than--"
*checks notes*
"--the guy who belittled and threatened him for showing a desire for softness" is a hell of a fucking take.
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paleoleigh · 3 months
Stop making Izzy the face of inclusion in OFMD!!! FUCK!!!
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pixiedust-poppers · 6 months
If you would’ve told my younger self there were more Jizzy non-shippers now she would’ve been ecstatic and then promptly disappointed as to the reasonings of why lol.
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scarrletmoon · 11 months
it's izzy hands it's kylo ren it's billy from stranger things it's snape it's draco it's loki circa 2012-2014 it's a REPEATED PATTERN throughout all of fandom of an antagonistic white guy getting a devoted fanbase that is both disproportionate to his importance in the story and also misunderstands the white guy's role as an antagonist. they think their mean little guy is a misunderstood victim and they base their entire fandom experience around him. and then in season 2 ofmd went and redeemed izzy before killing him off to further ed's arc, something that is a solid choice from a technical writing standpoint but from a fandom perspective it built the izzy fans up into thinking they were right about how izzy has never been homophobic, izzy is a poor downtrodden abuse victim, and from day one izzy has been a protector and the only competent guy around and a loyal and dutiful first mate. and possibly the most significant part is that so many izzy fans have accidentally and unknowingly tricked themselves into thinking that izzy is a main character bc their fandom engagement revolves so heavily around izzy that they forgot the actual show itself doesn't, so they were completely blindsided by a death that has been foreshadowed since season one ("im not dying, not for that twat and not for you" and "only retirement we get is death" and the whole "plumb the depths, man" sequence where izzy was talking to stede through a death shroud ffs). and i want so bad to just ignore it but we literally got a queer romcom centered around an interracial couple and an incredibly diverse cast and an indigenous main character and a diverse writer's room and the season ended on a happy note and it's all about queer joy AND YET. soooooooo much of the post-season discussion has to center around the white side character!!! even in death izzy hands takes up a disproportionate amount of the fandom conversation and im exhausted. it's every fandom! every fucking time!! this isnt anything new this is the same time-honored fandom tradition of white man favoritism YET A-FUCKING-GAIN and im SO FUCKING TIRED OF IT!!!!!!!!!
(i get so scared when i turn on anon bc i’ve consistently gotten such shitty, cowardly messages through it but i’m glad this isn’t one of them lmao)
i know i’ve said this 374748 times but the last time i made the kylo ren/snape/white villain connection on twitter (i mean that’s on me, it’s twitter) i had people legit furious with me for calling them nazis which………..i literally never said
and i get the frustration. trust me, I GET IT. the white villain problem smashes right into white fragility and makes it almost impossible to talk about any of it. it means, like you said, that we’re talking about a fucking white side character in cast of amazing, nonwhite talent, because some people can’t handle confronting the fact that whiteness insulates them from the realities of racism, and that their ignorance and hostility makes them active participants in white supremacy
(and it’s really hard to explain this to people who’ve been taught that racism is when slurs and white klan hoods, because then they’ll say and do the most vile shit and CRY or fight you when you gently try to explain the racist shit they just did)
and because fandom is very queer as well as very white, we also have to contend with the kinds of white people who think that queerness somehow negates their whiteness. that they can’t express their privilege in contexts involving POC. that we’re making shit up to be victims and to minimize their pain on purpose. and time and time again, i have had my queerness erased by white people, so they feel comfortable ignoring criticism i only ever shared bc i was hoping for something better
i’ve said it again and again and again and AGAIN that it’s ESPECIALLY depressing seeing white people close ranks in ofmd fandom especially BECAUSE it has such a diverse cast and doesn’t shy away from discussing racism in all the ways it manifests. like, most of the racism in the show isn’t even subtle and y’all STILL elected to ignore it? do y’all not feel ANY shame about that?
and some of them don’t! bc they think we’re infiltrators. bc they’re only a few steps removed from “they will not replace us” as they see more POC try to join fannish spaces. and they’ll pretend they’re not trying to push us out bc they’re marginalized in other ways — deliberately ignoring the fact that they’re also crushing their fellow queer, disabled and marginalized community
so you’re tired? yeah. me the fuck too. we deserve so much better
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rdng1230 · 11 months
10 things Easily fixable about That thing that happened: look, killing off Izzy Hands was always gonna hurt like a bitch. And it was a stupid decision, but what really made it worse was how many ways they could have made it better and specifically didn’t, so here’s a list in no particular order of general things that I think would’ve made things suck less, and a couple different story fix proposals. Maybe if I write it all out I can move on a little bit.
I know it was for budgetary reasons but it bothered me Ivan was killed off with one sentence and never mentioned again. I think what would have worked is if Ivan had been a little more fleshed out in s1, and then had him die on screen at the hands of a particularly dickish British naval officer in 2x01. Cut to episode 7 and said dickish Brit is Ricky’s number two. Izzy could have willingly and purposefully drawn the fire of officer asshole, as an acknowledgement of his failure to save Ivan and his past failures to be a proper protector of blackbeards crew, and to save the crew he’s now realized is his family that he is willing to die for. In addition I think that would’ve helped set up the British as being an actual formidable bad guy, because up to this point they were the most looney tunes ass villains on the high seas. Also it would’ve been an interesting symmetry to have the loyal pirate first mate vs. the loyal imperialist scumbag first mate. Think of the banter people.
I hate it when bad events in stories are predicated on having highly intelligent characters be complete idiots. You’re telling me Izzy fucking hands didn’t check noseless wonder for weapons? Fuck off. At least have a fellow soldier toss ricky a musket or something, or just have another soldier shoot him.
I think the main issue here is agency. Yes everyone consented to going into battle that way, but Izzy’s shooting was unceremonious, it wasn’t like he charged somebody or acted as bait, he just got hit by a stray bullet (It’s giving “your shirt” and I fucking hate it Iykyk)
Literally no one attempted medical intervention to help Izzy. Roach isn’t gonna stuff a rag in there? Jim isn’t gonna pass a knife to help rip Izzy’s clothes to visualize the wound? Fang and Frenchie aren’t gonna hold his hand? We’re not even gonna fucking try?!?!
if they had to center Ed’s issues with Izzy’s literal dying words, could we have at least have it be a big character moment for Ed to say “yes the crew is my family, but they’re yours too and I promise I’ll take care of them and make amends” like if DJ is so convinced of this father mentor thing (which seriously what the fuck is he even talking about) what’s more par for the course in this trope then the ole “you’re the man of the house now son you gotta take care of the family” routine
look, I know they got a short episode that they have to keep short. Cut a minute of time out of that breathtakingly awkward fishing sequence from the beginning and give Izzy’s death some breathing room. FFS the fallout from Karl’s and Lucius’s finger’s death had more reaction and more airtime than Izzy Hands (and more effect on the story)
Ricky fucking got away and no one talks about it. It would’ve been great if literally anyone had said “yeah we’re going after that guy” or “we may have won the battle but the British are always out there and one of these days we’ll meet again” just an acknowledgement that one guerilla battle at the republic of pirates was never gonna be the end of it.
this one hits close to home for me. I live on a boat, my mother is a licensed 100 ton ship captain. We’re seafarers goddamit and when we shake off this mortal coil we are buried (or cremated and scattered) at sea. Izzy Hands would not have wanted a land burial and he would’ve wanted to be buried at sea like the distinguished pirate he is, by the crew that became his family.
This segues into the burial at sea thing but maybe don’t bury him without his leg on, like just don’t do that. Don’t put his cravat and mothers ring where anybody could just come along and yank it off, Jesus.
I think frenchie being captain was a weird choice tbh. I love frenchie but he is a jester, a troubadour, a fae walking among us, the worlds handsomest grifter, but this dude does not want to be captain. However, if you had to make him captain I think it would’ve been nice to have had a scene post amputation where Izzy deliriously tells frenchie all these bits of advice about being first mate/captain and how Izzy had failed to be a good one in the past. I just loved the frenchie izzy bond in general and I would’ve loved another extra scene with them. This also would’ve lended itself well to frenchie being the one to outwardly grieve (the box opening up finally) during that minute of breathing room post death that I mentioned was needed earlier, maybe he would’ve reprised la vie en rose, or played a shanty/wake song that everyone could join in on.
I’m sure there are other things too that I’ve forgotten, but I think this covers most of it. Let me also say Izzy’s death was hardly the only issue I had with the finale, but that moment was the most egregiously and easily fixable (or at the very least mitigable) plot point. At the end of the day I think Izzy should’ve just not fucking died, but if they were gonna kill him, there were so many more respectful ways to do it.
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gntlbrd · 3 months
Avalanche by Leonard Cohen
"I have begun to long for you, I who have no greed.
I have begun to ask for you, I who have no need."
just breaks my heart every single time! as ed decides to fully embrace the kraken persona and mask all his emotions, go back to his old ways and then izzy's whole "blackbeard is himself again" bs.
ed was never a pirate due to greed, it was the only lifestyle he knew that would keep him safe. and once he became the greatest pirate in the Caribbean, he had no need for anything. he was rich beyond comprehension. but he longed for and needed stede more than anything material. (this is even more interesting to look at after stede returns and we have the "guilt room" scene).
and honestly vice versa because stede had never wanted for anything (material) in his old life, but always longed for the lifestyle of a pirate. he got his wish and the man of his dreams that he didn't even know he was dreaming of! just to rip it all away from himself! (though arguably that chain of events is also all izzy's fault but i do believe they needed to happen for ed & stede both to grow as characters).
"don't love me quite so fiercely now when you know you are not sure" is so heartbreaking from every angle. because stede wasn't sure that he loved ed. but that was only because he didn't know what love felt like. he didn't even know he was gay ffs. and yeah, he wasn't sure if running away to china was the best thing for ed. in stede's eyes, he was ruining yet another beautiful thing, the man he had come to know as blackbeard (there's already so much meta on ed shaving his beard off and stede's reaction to that) . he didn't know that ed didn't want to be blackbeard anymore. but from ed's point of view, the kiss scared stede away and proved to ed that he wasn't lovable. even though for a glimmering moment he thought he might be (he is! he is!). and of course his descent into madness/depression helped along by izzy fucking hands because he was attempting to handle to breakup in a healthy way, but we all know how that went.
but yeah. if you listen to the whole song there's so many bits that are perfect matches for the show. it's a gorgeous song.
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ayashitetsuko · 11 months
I started out this fandom by being a hardcore HappyEdIzzy shipper, but even then I’m aware that their aura can he heavy. Even when I wrote them as a happy couple, the air surrounding them can be stuffy. “I was born to love you” kind of love. It’s beautiful but phew.
This is why I become so passionate about Stizzy. They’re sexy, intriguing, flirty—they’re two horny idiots stuck in an elevator. Writing them allows you to have so much fun with occasional touch of sweetness, a fluffy romance that doesn’t have to involve big ideas like destiny.
Also, the way their relationship progresses in canon is indeed the best part of the season, the one that almost remedies the finale—apart from Izzy’s transformation itself. My hot take: With Izzy, Stede has the opportunity to develop a healthier and more stable relationship. One that is based on respect for what the other person actually is—not his romanticised idea of him.
Another character that I passionately ship Izzy with is Jim.
Because they are just so incredibly sexy together. Heck, even the age gap is deliciously scandalous—if you don’t believe in creative freedom in shipping then shoo shoo. Their similarities mean they have great chemistry together. Izzy can be Jim’s daddy (not dad). And Jim can make him feel young again, making him believe in life and love again. Jim can be the first enby he dates and it really opens up his horizons.
Other characters I ship Izzy with:
- Kitty Bites aka Fang x Izzy x Frenchie
A sweet, asexual kind of love. Supportive and affirming. They help ease Izzy into this brand new world of partnership and acceptance. Izzy can give them the devotion they deserve for being such kind souls
- Mary and the widows’ club
If I were to write Izzy as Bi/Pan or even straight, this is where I’m going. He is the ladies man. He treats them like princesses. He provides them both the chivalry and the adventurous, sexy side of being with a pirate woohoo. The widows deserve this after years of boredom and restrictions.
I’m also cool with Lucius and Pete and genuinely believe they were going to be together in canon.
Come on. Where is Lucius’s sketch of Izzy? And that is a literal horseshoe on Pete’s belt FFS. If only a certain showrunner has more common sense in leading us through this journey
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sky-neverending · 4 months
me when my mutuals ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i love all my moots ☝️ however i do have favorites and i’m going to list them bc i’m a DORK
@bonpocalypse has been my friend since day one and i love her <3 she’s so amazing and kind and i’m so excited to where life takes her
@fleshbook GRRR MY FATHER!!!! genuinely one of the most easy people to talk to <33 always there when I need to rant
@chancellor-reno5 my parabatai. the izzy to my alec. my favorite disaster lesbian ILY !!!
@retrograde-tonic is such a good person to look up to on the internet and i love him so much <3 like an older cousin to me. and his art is AMAZING
@dragonsworn05 you’ve always been so nice to me and i actually don’t say enough how much i care about you
@richieshitlips silly guy!!!! silly little man!!! i love you, dude. you’re so talented and funny and amazing
all of my ff moots!!! not gonna tag y’all but ily!!!
same goes for all of aos <3 i just don’t remember all ur usernames and i don’t wanna leave anyone out <33333 my family forever
and last but not least @quackberri for putting up with my silly ass. love you more than the moons <3 i will never stop spamming ur dms xoxoxo
ok i’m done being sappy now :/ i could keep going but i won’t. i love all of you!!! and if i didn’t mention you, i love you too!!! i just have a shit memory!!!
ok bye i’m gonna go write (no i’m not)
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pockyandsoda · 11 months
omfd s2ep8 spoilers & rant
originally posted to my twitter acc
i am genuinely so confused by the amount of pure vitriol some of you have towards izzy and izzy fans?? i get not particularly liking a character or agreeing with the way other people see them, but some of y'all are being absolutely disgusting towards others. what happened to cringe culture being dead, huh? insinuating people should be embarassed or ashamed to have a reaction to characters they like - having big emotions about media you love is part of being in a fandom! you're no better or less weird! oooh look at you being unwilling to forgive or accept character growth! wow! so morally superior and cool! just because you dont personally agree that a redemption arc was deserved or done well doesnt make it a fact btw.
ive been watching this season with casual viewers who are not a part of online fandom at all, and they have all very much enjoyed izzy's arc and him as a character, they are able to see the narrative importance of it, as are the writers and the crew. again, you dont have to agree. but dont act superior.
at the end of the day, this is a silly pirate show made mostly for 'haha's, and ALL of these characters have done HORRIBLE things, they're pirates ffs, that's kinda the whole point here guys! and those things are ridiculously easily forgiven (by our standards) again, because they are pirates and this is not a serious show.
izzy fans are sad, some are very very sad, maybe even a 'weird' amount! so? do you really need to dunk on them for lolz? make it out like they're insane for even liking a character that the show itself actively likes and supports and clearly wants the audience to like (in s2 anyway, and if you deny this then sorry but you're being willfully wrong)? idk why any of you are remotely surprised people like this character? starting to think some of you just wanna be edgy and seem sarcastic and cool and superior for your 'witty' twitter commentary tbh.
and of course sending any kinda negativity towards writers/cast/crew is disgusting and pathetic, but im seeing that from izzy lovers and haters alike on my feed, so dont you dare try and make it seem like a pro-izzy only issue here. and y'know what? it's also disgusting and pathetic to belittle and mock other members of the fandom, and im only seeing one side engaging in that behavior, please do humble yourselves and remember the times in your life when you have had a strong emotional reaction to things happening to your fav characters and ships. dont forget that you are also a loser with a fandom twitter/tumblr account.
and for the record, i thought the finale was genuinely good, as was all of season 2 in my opinion. all this immature negativity and faux superiority is making this fandom toxic. izzy is a popular character with viewers (casual & otherwise) and the creative team, who had a decent redemption arc. that is a fact, whether you like it or not. people should not have to feel hesitation about posting anything remotely positive about izzy out of fear of judgement or ridicule. save your cutting twitter remarks for actually problematic people.
im not even particularly attached to this damn character but the way y'all have been behaving has annoyed tf outta me.
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earthwormspaghetti · 11 months
I feel simultaneously very sad about the Thing (ffs there’d better be an AU fanfic where everything’s absolutely the same, except Izzy’s still there) and very happy that Stede and Ed finally got to be silly little innkeepers together.
Also, why, though. Why Izzy, of all people? You just give him a lovely redemption arc, a good story of acceptance from the crew and the journey to self-love, AND a killer speech to that asshole with the wooden schnoz, but then YOU FUCKING RUN IT INTO THE GROUND LIKE A BOAT WITH A MADMAN AT ITS PROW!
Do you UNDERSTAND what you did? The character everyone enjoyed watching grow and hurt and feel happy and learn, who finally got a chance at happiness after basing his whole life off something that only hurt him, who survived all the curveballs thrown at him, you just ABANDONED him so the story had a bit of drama in it?!
Also, if I correctly calculate, Stede & Ed (the real people!) do only 1 year at sea: this is correctly mirrored in the show; they leave seafaring after about a year (1717-1718)
Meanwhile, Isreal Hands is said to have continued after Ed Teach and Stede Bonnet stopped; he’s on PHYSICAL records (for testimony against Ed’s corruption, but such details are not the most important in the show’s contents. [what IS, you mothers and sons of fuckers, is how long he fucking LIVED!]) as being alive and well after both pirates’ end of careers: he was recuperating from a bullet wound (see what you could’ve DONE THERE, you?! See how symbolic it could’ve been for him to recover from that bullet he took, this time not ferreted away in secrecy, but cared for by the crew, and, most importantly, in the place where he finally felt welcome? To heal and get better, becoming captain like he was [IRL] of Blackbeard’s ship the Adventure? TO FINALLY FEEL AT HOME AND SAFE?! To have CLOSURE?!)
But NOOOOOO, you just HAD to kill the guy off, and for what? Was the intent to make it more dramatic? To amplify people’s feelings while watching the show? Because what has been done here is a deliberate killing off of a very prominent character, with no obvious or logical reason for doing so in view.
Now, this is certainly a complaint against the writing choices for the show, but can’t we also blame HBO, who crammed it into 8 episodes instead of 10? Would it be better if they had more stuff to work with; would there have been less need for drama and melancholy? I would strongly prefer slower episodes, to cramming the storyline into only eight, and just throwing random shit at the whiteboard and seeing what sticks. You understand? That drama is not the answer? That having him recover, or better yet, just not have him get shot at all, would be so much funner to wrap up ROMANTIC COMEDY with?!
For fuck’s sake, we don’t even really know when Izzy died; the only record we have is from 1724, when Captain Charles Johnson said in his book “A General History Of The Pyrates” that he died a beggar in London.
See how fucking open ended that is? Just a questionable source, giving a rather vague claim? How EASY it would be to have him… well, pretty much do anything except get randomly shot in 1718? They did it for Ed and Stede, they could very easily do it for Izzy.
At least, if they wanted something exciting/dramatic, have him be captured by the English and testify against Ed as an innocent bystander who Teach maimed; and somehow build from there. Maybe he could become a craftsman and fade into obscurity, enjoying a quiet life on land. Maybe become a singer at a bar, having a good time as himself (he wasn’t bad at the party, he could sure use that to his advantage!) Maybe he could run into the crew, just as he’s about to be executed, or as he’s being hanged, and be liberated by them; to rejoin their crew as their beloved unicorn. Maybe he could get lost and presumed dead in the chaos, only to be found alive and his usual slightly damp, permanently cranky state of being a while later.
I now feel quite disappointed to be deprived of my, and a lot of people’s, favorite weird little one-legged grouch.
Godspeed to the fic makers, I wish you all the best of winds in your sails, which sadly appears to have left that small part of the story itself. Make me proud and use as many adjectives as you like; I’d love to learn how many words you can find to convey “strange and slightly greasy”.
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nobie · 1 year
I watched ofmd s2 e4 but it’s just me screaming…
“I thought I lost you” AUGGHHH WHAM. It wasn’t an accident jsjsjs. The crew is baaaaack. EDS ARMS OMFFFF. IZZY MY BELOVED OH HES SO DRUNK BABY PLSS DONT DO THIS. He’s so hurt. Auggh Frenchie looks so good. “You’re not a fckn mermaid” I’m cryinggg. THE RABBIT awwww he’s explaining his tattoos to him. This is so cute. NOOOOOOOO. Stedes head scratch was so cute. The energy is off. Yeees roach this is a safe space!! They don’t want to talk to about it and my heart is hurting. Stedes sad expression auggghh. These Lesbians are fckn crazy I love them. My babies are traumatized. Oh these lesbians ARE WILD ASF…POISON. OLU CALLING JIM BABE OMFFUUU. OH SHIT IZZY JDJDJDJ oh he’s crawling… oooooh no “you left me for Mary” noooooooo My heartt. Ffs stede is so gentle. Melt back in your arms oooooh PLSS. “I love your chin” IM SICK SIIIIICK HE WAS SAYNG THAT TO HIM FFS OOOOOOH YALL ARE SIIIIICK. “ I love being near you. It’s nice it feels good.” EDS SMILE AUGGGHH. oh THESE LESBIANS ARE FCKN WILD. the crew is in shambles and they’re working together for Izzy MY HEART. Izzy’s hair HELP hes soooo. my babyyyy he cry’s like the Virgin Mary. Ed is so babygirl. Stedes little run. BUTTONS HOLY SHIT. IZZY IS THE UNICORN HE PICKED HIMSELF BACK UP
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apostatehamster · 11 months
Watched OFMD, I have thoughts and feelings, and here be my outlet, whoopee. Spoilers, livewatching ramblings and screenshots ahead
Oh yeah Izzy focus, because I am me :)
Ep 6:
The episode had a villain of the day and I thought that was funny. Just some random guy who got jealous because Ed broke a record jkfhjk. Chill out, man
I've wanted Ed and Izzy to talk again for episodes but -
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Bro, he confessed his love to you and you shot him down like a dog. Then knowing he loves you, you wanted him to end your life, which he refused. He tried to end his life instead, stripped of all meaning in life. You do not fucking get to be snappy with him, you were supposed to be the first one to talk,. Yes I am bitter, shut up- Kudos for Izzy being the bigger man (heh).
The drinking issues continue, i see :( "I thought you were Roach" hjkdfhkjl sur
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Well, he managed to say the word Sorry at least, that's more than the crew got. I know he is working on the apologizing but. Oof man, it still needs work.
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fucking love the crew but especially Archie, I think she's a great addition. Just good chaos. Also lmao Roach
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Fang is so precious to me, you do not understand-
Everybody is just adressing Stede as their captain. Frenchie's eyes nervously flick to Ed from time to time though. Ed just heaves in annoyance. This guy really just hates his life atm. He's the most disconnected from the crew, like they tolerate him but his only social contact is Stede basically. And somewhat Izzy. Speaking of, it feels like a role reversal to season 1 where Izzy was the one kind of isolated on board
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idk why but the way he said "that"Oh." absolutely made me lose it- What emotion was that. Nobody nose
Ed, seeing two kids: "Here's a lot of money. Also here's a knife. Stab anyone who gets close to the money" Me: he'd be a great dad-
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idk just LOOK at her, ugh. QUEEEEEEN
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Love Feeney for having that idea. Love Izzy listening to this and thinking "...you can just. do this?" and then picturing himself like that next to feeney. We love the self-discovery and self-expression
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I just love them, your honor <3
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He absolutely fucking killed it man and I need to look at ref pics to draw this because holy shit what a look
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my favorite guy and his two support pals <3
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Love the way Stede's face goes from "ehh...?????" to "awww..." within seconds. Love the way Fang starts clapping immediately after like one Note of singing (honestly same) Love Izzy just casually grabbing for Calypso/feeney's hand and turning the whole boat into his stage. You stole the thunder you little drama queen. But man he can SING T_T it's so soft..... and a love song....
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The throuple hugging..... and also wth Fang and Roach have going on. I love the crew....
And the wonderful singing gets interrupted by... Cannonball and torture!!
OK Ed stepping in front of stede to shield him is cute
Ed continues to look annoyed and pissed off at everything that is happening in his life. Fair enough, I mean he wants to leave the pirate life behind but his pirate life keeps catching up with him
"Struck a chord" haha music pun
Roach laughing "I dont think the torture has begun yet :D :D :D" are you okay, my guy hsdjkhsdjkl???
*they're about to be tortured* Izzy: "It's just gonna turn me on." Ffs Izzy you little freak lmao
Lucius and Pete celebrating their honeymoon for a whole day, that is. impressive and lowkey concerning hjkshdjk
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this was just. a nice frame. okay-
This season has a really mixed vibe inbetween funny and dark. Like, this ep is very artsy but they're also being tortured, i almost felt like I was watching a bit of Hannibal
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If you think I am going to make this about Izzy, you are absolutely right!!! (I guess Ned and Maggie are Captain and first mate too, so I am definitely drawing the parallels) Because I think most of the issues between Ed and Izzy stem from Ed seeing him only as his First Mate and not Izzy, to the point where Izzy wasn't a person anymore. And now that Ed doesn't want to be a pirate anymore, the First Mate following around is a thorn in his side, and he fails to see the loyal friend underneath the front of the First Mate
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Live Mutiny reaction
Ned not caring about whether Maggie dies, because she deserves death if she can't do her job (tie a proper tie). Yeah I am thinking about Ed shooting down Izzy and replacing him immediately. "You're mercenaries, you don't have feelings." Yeah, hm.
Stede is an absolute handsome charmer in this season, I gotta say.
Izzy absolutely flinching in panic as LuPete kick in the door. My man has PTSD (like the rest of the BB crew probably)
"We got engaged" Everyone: Awwwww :)
Ned: "You used to be a killer" Hm not so sure about that. Not the way everyone thinks at least. I am actually not sure if Edward ever killed anyone after his dad and the one person during the raid. His flashbacks were of these two murders at least (and the almost murder of izzy) so I am guessing there weren't anymore off screen murders?
Ed giving absolute zero shits about Ned's taunting, but Stede steps in, my man is manning up.
I find the difference between Ed and Stede so fascinating. Ed, who feels like his whole life went downhill after he killed and who wants to run from his life as a pirate, versus Stede who has been taunted for being weak, who wants to prove his strength and become a proper pirate. They are progressing in opposite ways.
"See, that's why he likes you. Because of your bumbling amateur status" I wonder if Ed feels like he corrupted Stede, sort of like Stede was afraid he ruined Edward at the end of season 1.
Izzy the killer being like "Give him a minute. First kill is always a mindfuck." and Edward going to check on Stede anyway, makes me wonder when Izzy first killed. If it was for Edward or if it was on his own. And if it was for Edward, if he checked on him, because I think probably not. And judging by the way Izzy stares into nothingness as Ed goes to check on Stede... yeah, no.
Can't help but feel sad tho with Izzy continuing his love serenade as Stede and Ed make out. Singing about how "It's only him for me, and me for him for life. He told me, he swore to me, for life." while the guy you're in love with is hooking up with another. I swear if the ring he wears around his tie was a promise form Ed I'm gonna be so devastated, I really really hope it isnt. :')
Fingie sand footsies gdfgjh LET'S FUCKING PARTAAAAAY
OK will continue in another post for episode 7 because I can't post so many pictures
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cwarscars-a · 1 year
I haven't seen any other Heid's but I LOVE how you play him. You give him a human element....which he is after all. No one was born a tyrant. I love to see that you have given him so much story as well as we don't really get much. I love to see how creative people can be with giving stories to characters. I absolutely love writing with him.
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OTHER HEIDS? mate, i wish. imagine an army of heids? they'd all be shouting at each other. it'd be GLORIOUS. but thank you lovely; you know how much i adore izzy & your entire way of writing her / the story you've given her & i'm really enjoying / enjoyed the things that we've written together so far. i said it to you not long ago but like, i just equate her with og ff now - like, if i ever made a mod you bet your BOTTOM she'd be there, pottering about beside hojo like his top no.1 highest onlyfans paying simperino (or is the other way around? owo) all in all tho, you're wonderful and i appreciate the kind words <3
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scary-flag · 2 years
Jesus all the recent OFMD-related (not saying Izzy but mainly Izzy) drama is incomprehensible to me???
I mean, on one hand I am all about analyzing media and shit, and though YES, some people are reading too much into a silly comedy show that's not a reason to hate on them though?
I'm not really into meta posts trying to explain how Stede is wrong and you should not like him because he's based on a real person who owned slaves and liking him means you support slavery??? How Izzy is apparently racist because someone thought he is more rude to PoC characters than to others even though Lucius was the one getting the most shit? Or the opposite actually, that Izzy is some kind of a working class hero defending the workers from the evils of high society leeches? That Ed is basically a saint because he did *not* kill anyone himself and just gave the orders?
Ffs, they're *fictional* characters and I literally see people basically saying liking Izzy means you're a potential murderer and shit and also people saying you liking Stede means you're a capitalist asshole???? That not being a fan of Jim means you're nb-phobic???
what the actual fuck???
Can't you just stick to Twitter with that shit mates? Tumblr was so peaceful before...
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ortofosforico · 2 years
Think I might have gone a bit too deep, but bear with me:
I feel like there's a factor in OFMD fanfictions that is being mostly ignored, but at the same time has SO much potential, both for comical and serious plot points.
Some people don't know, some people don't want their stories to go there (completely understandable) but hear me out:
In canon, Stede is from Barbados and Ed is from England right? Just picture a ff set in the latter, in which newly divorced Stede sets off to a new life, meets Ed, gay panics and goes "Sorry Ed you're not gonna see me for a while, my VISA has JUST expiredthey'recomingformeokbye!"
AND if it happens as a serious plot point, that's a big motherfucker right there, 'cause immigration WILL have your ass on a platter (sometimes).
And what the hell is Stede even supposed to apply for? We can all agree Ed would have a job; so you make him kiwi, you make him English in the US, Blackbeard has an honest to god work VISA. But STEDE?
He's going through an identity crisis, moving across the world and buying himself a brand new house. He comes from old money so oftentimes he doesn't have a job- you can't.
Doesn't even matter how strong your passport is. You moved in your vacation house without telling a soul, don't pay taxes to the current country you're living in, and you don't have a job?
Good luck renewing your travel/vacation VISA.
Stede never applies for a work VISA because he's SURE he'll come back to his family one day and that he's away for a short period of time (that's been stretching for moths now).
Either one of them has a problem with their permit and is forced to go back, so the other one goes with them for a period of time.
Izzy calls immigration on Stede just because.
Even the trope of marrrying for citizenship is all right if you wanna go there. Why not? It's Fanfiction, if you want it sappy-stereotipical/ I like the view- you do? - you're my best view- eh, you can do it.
Again, if you don't think it would be relevant for your story, you don't need to do it, I just think it has potential.
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beachy--head · 2 years
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I posted 759 times in 2022
That's 759 more posts than 2021!
243 posts created (32%)
516 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 703 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#japril - 267 posts
#ask - 186 posts
#april kepner - 152 posts
#jackson avery - 133 posts
#drabble - 101 posts
#grey's anatomy - 19 posts
#sarah drew - 19 posts
#b99 - 17 posts
#jesse williams - 16 posts
#japril ff - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also if you're a slow watcher like me and don't want spoiler from the new season tell me and i'll stop reblogging tua stuff for a few weeks
My Top Posts in 2022:
I know we're supposed to believe that once a character is off Grey's Anatomy, he stops interacting with the other characters, but you can't convince me that April Kepner doesn't regularly talk to Arizona and that they don't do girls weekends in NY or Boston. Or that she doesn't follow Cristina's career and doesn't send her flowers to congratulate her for her professional achievements. And you know she definitely managed to get Alex's address in Kansas and sends him Christmas cards every year. In return, Izzie has added the Averys to her Christmas cards list, and April can gush over how Eli looks just like Alex.
48 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Some Japril headcanons I have
– April's middle name is Elizabeth.
– When they were married, Jackson brought April to a Harper Avery gala, and April impressed Harper, though he never said it.
– When she was back in Moline, April named that pig Jax both because she missed her best friend AND because she was mad at him for not calling.
– Back at Mercy West, it was April who sneaked Catherine Avery in the gallery so she'd be able to watch Jackson's first surgery when they were interns. It was then that their friendship started. She never mentioned it to Jackson.
– April still corresponds with Reed's and Charles' parents and sends them a Christmas card every year, with a quick note. They are not ready to receive the next Christmas card, which features April, Jackson and Harriet in matching pyjamas and equally matching grins.
– Harriet can get almost anything she wants from her dad, because he's a big softie when it comes to her, something that April brings up all the time but not so secretely loves.
54 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
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"So this picture is Hattie, and this one is April, and this one is April and Hattie, and this one is April and Hattie and me, and this–"
54 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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Jackson Avery's office pictures 🥹
55 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Random thoughts about Grey's 18x20
– Catherine making people eulogize her when she's still alive is such a Catherine move. Kinda wish we could have seen April's speech though, I bet it would have been amazing. Also, Harriet on her grandma's lap, looking at her dad is so precious.
– That scene between Amelia and April was so sweet. Sometimes love comes back around <3 I knew it from that line everything was fine.
– From Sarah's interviews I thought we were going to see April in the ER way more. What a shame to put her in charge of the pit only to close the hospital to trauma right away. Liked her scenes with Ben though.
– I knew we weren't going to have lots of japril scenes, but I wish they spent those scenes delving a bit more into what their life in Boston looks like. Let's say they kept that for the spinoff.
– Harriet on a sugar coma in her stroller is a mood. SO PRECIOUS.
– That elevator scene is everything I wanted and more. The fact that as soon as they stepped into the elevator he looked at her and his eyes never left her <3 Man is still whipped. Now let's release the whole scene!
– I'm a little underwhelmed tbh, even though that's mainly because I didn't lower my expectations, but the episode just left me wanting way, way more. The whole damn thing.
78 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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