#my precious *golem voice*
cwarscars-a · 1 year
I haven't seen any other Heid's but I LOVE how you play him. You give him a human element....which he is after all. No one was born a tyrant. I love to see that you have given him so much story as well as we don't really get much. I love to see how creative people can be with giving stories to characters. I absolutely love writing with him.
「   ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated!
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OTHER HEIDS? mate, i wish. imagine an army of heids? they'd all be shouting at each other. it'd be GLORIOUS. but thank you lovely; you know how much i adore izzy & your entire way of writing her / the story you've given her & i'm really enjoying / enjoyed the things that we've written together so far. i said it to you not long ago but like, i just equate her with og ff now - like, if i ever made a mod you bet your BOTTOM she'd be there, pottering about beside hojo like his top no.1 highest onlyfans paying simperino (or is the other way around? owo) all in all tho, you're wonderful and i appreciate the kind words <3
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candlecoo · 2 years
Do you happen to have an Au list?
I’m only linking the Main au’s (aka the named au’s) these are the ones I’m willing to make full au’s. theres too many as it is.
Wooden Doll au
Villain Deku au
Ghost Story au
Enhancement au
Other Worlder’s au
Inuyasha au
Catzuku au
Ant Antics au
Trapped in Form au
Dreams of Flight au
Tear to Pieces au
Have You Seen this Fox au
Depths of Darkness au
Izuku 1/2 au
Assemble Warriors of Light! au
Up in Smoke au
Unlikely Companion au
Norse Myth Modern Legend au
Change Your Reality au
The Lost Aizawa au
Vetitum au
Hot Air au
Dabi is a Midoriya au
Cyborg Heart au
Negation au
Birds of a Feather au
Persona au
Nomu Deku au
Bakeneko au
Sludge Slime Surprise! au
Digital Destined au
From Avalon au
Big Brother Mikumo au
Nimbus au
Show Me Your Daemons au
Once Upon a Dream au
His Majesty Deku? au
Beyond the Stars We Go au
Teenage Robot IZU-9 au
This Child’s the CEO! au
To Summon a Son au
Mother(?) of Dragons au
Pokemon Powers au
Ghosting You au
Power Up Punch au
Roll of the Die! au
New Day New Quirk! au
Let’s Rewind! au
School Hero! au
Legend of Izuku au
My Precious Golem! au
Blood Ties Blood Dies au
Mage Among Heroes au
Child of Horrors au
Weapon to be Wielded au
Works of Wonders au
Remember me Fondly au
Analog au
Cardcaptor Izuku au
Kaiju Gate au
Reporting from Planet Earth! au
Way of the Sword au
Life After Defeat au
Aspirations of Earth au
Mouse and Stout au
Test my Limits au
Prism au
Gravity of You au
Play Me a Song au
Aquarium au
Heart of Emerald au
Living Light au
One Good Man au
The Long Con au
Contracted Demise au
The Hauntings au
Maternal Pull au
Indian in the Cupboard au
Synthetic Experience au
Second Chances au
Shark Bite au
Harry Potter au
Full Metal Alchemist au
Pocket Family au
Legend of the Lightning Ram! au
Debt to be Paid au
Shepherd of the Soul au
Sighting Statues au
Aura au
Into the Woods au
Destructive Force au
Your Voice Draws me in... au
Sick and Tired au
Heroes One Door Down au
You Cried for Me au
Selkie au
The Cambion Boy au
Something on the Mountains au
The Half Genie Warrior! au
O’Clock Strikes Twice au
Miraculous au
SHP Project au
Whose a Takuni? Not Me! au
Little Godling au
You Are the Foundation au
Bippity Boppity Bam au
Cafe’s Open au
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Dabi/Touya Todoroki (My Hero Academia) "Aided by his fire quirk, Dabi wants to see the world burn. He wants to destroy hero society and especially crush his father, Endeavor. While he works with the League of Villains, his real focus has always been on his family’s the Todorokis, orchestrating attempts on their lives on several occasions. Though as a child Dabi loved his siblings and aspired to live up to his father’s expectations, he now revels in their suffering, sending a villain to kill one brother contemplating the best time to another, and revealing his identity as the alleged dead eldest son to all the world, forcing them to deal with the public fallout as he outs their father as an abuser. On that note of outing their father and revealing his identity, Dabi waits until the best moment to cause the most pain possible. Though he’s disappointed when Endeavor becomes number one hero, he then takes it as an opportunity, deciding to let his father revel in the limelight for a bit before publicly destroying his legacy. He puts thought into what blow will hurt the worst, and waiting for everyone to become comfortable with Endeavor as number one, letting him adjust his image and start to atone before telling everyone is demonstrative of that, waiting before he tells the whole world that the number one hero was responsible for creating a mass-murdering villain."
Mr. Eaten (Fallen London) SPOILERS FOR FALLEN LONDON, SPECIFICALLY CONCERNING MR. EATEN'S NAME. "Despite Mr Eaten’s superficial ties to certain other entities in the more basic manifestations of his influence, his true allegiance lies with the Desolation. Long ago, the creature once known as [REDACTED] was betrayed by one whom he called a friend, and now his hatred burns eternal somewhere on the edge of dreams. His voice can be heard in the flickering of a candle-flame: listen, and it will tell you what to do. Do as it asks, and you will regret it.
Those consumed by his hatred will seek seven candles of their own, gained through sacrifice and suffering- both their own, and that of others. A dedicated Seeker of Mr Eaten’s Name will, over the course of their journey, completely and utterly unmake themself- they will betray their friends, dragging them down into the very same self-destructive quest. They will give up their home. They will throw their most precious possession- which may be anything from their greatest work of art, page by tortuous page, to their own child- down a well. They will burn most of their possessions for a chance at slow, arduous, luck-based progress. They will destroy their reputation, their identity, and their very destiny, piece by piece. All this culminates in the Seeker themself becoming St Gawain’s Candle, a wax-golem bearing the semblance of living flesh- and the last of the seven candles which form the burning message the Seeker must now deliver.
The reward? For the Seeker, a one-way trip to [One day I will go north to the end of the world, where the White waits and the Gate sails, and there will I burn until -]. For the rest of the Neath? The fiery end of the world as we know it. Mr Eaten’s hatred will not be contained until the Sun itself is cindered and damned, and Judgement brought upon those who betrayed him- in the sense of the furious, searing light of a thousand suns.
A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely."
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sacred-algae · 1 year
Did you know there are David Bowie tarot cards? Yes. David Bowie tarot cards. Let’s just ignore logic about when they were made and say Sirius Black owns a deck. And he’d be obsessed with it. (Before he lost it for some very stupid reason) So…
Things Sirius Black has said about his beloved David Bowie tarot cards, a thread:
• “You know what this sleepover needs? A tarot reading!” *groans from everyone in the room* “Feat. David Bowie!”
• Sirius: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this...” *pulls cards from the inside of his jacket* “Never mind, David Bowie says it’s all good. We can proceed.”
Remus: “No we fucking can’t, the brownies have started to fucking mold.”
James: “If we’re lucky we’ll hallucinate too.”
• “My precious…” *making the Golem voice while staring at the box and stroking it tenderly*
• Sirius: “We must remember the fallen on this day, this most important of days, the day I lost my one true love…”
James: “Remus is right there.”
Sirius: “My other true love.”
James: “Mate, I’m right here.”
Sirius: “No, the other one.”
Pete: “He means his Bowie cards.”
Sirius: “Thank you… you know my pain.” *sniffs dramatically*
James: *pats his back and frowns* “It’s okay, they’re in a better place now.”
Remus: “I really need to get replacements.”
Pete: “You really really do.”
• *Mad at Remus for something petty* “At least I know my Bowie cards will never betray me, they’re never wrong.” *pulls a card calling him out for being petty* “You are wrong! How dare you betray me!”
• *hugging the box (its a considerably sized box) like that meme where people put the album cover and headphones over it*
• Remus: “Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and his David Bowie tarot cards.”
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
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rules of engagement: a steddie proposal 
steve: *on one knee* you’re perfect for me, you’re all i’ve ever wanted, and i love you more and more with each passing day, so will you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man—
eddie: *tearing up but interrupting him regardless* wait steve, steve, steve—
steve: *confused* um, yes ? what is it ? i’m trying to ask you a really important question, here…
eddie: you remember the thing you’re supposed to let me do, right ? like after you ask me ? y’know we talked about it…
steve: *rolling eyes* jesus christ, yes i remember—now, can i get back to it ?
eddie: sure, i’m all ears
steve: so, as i was saying, eddie munson—will you marry me ? *pops open the box to reveal the engagement ring*
eddie: *crouches down and puts on golem voice* my precious, it came to me, my own, my love, my precious—
steve: *clears throat* so is that a yes or—
eddie: shit, sorry ! i’ve just always wanted to do that. yeah, harrington, i’m going to marry the absolute fuck out of you *tackles him into a kiss and mess of happy tears*
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Can we see another one involving another little one? Brandon being a brave little solder is soooo CUTE!! We have to see another one please!?
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((Hi anon dear, hope your well and yeah I know right?! These kids are precious! Even Brandon being brave for his mommy!! <3 But sure, I can write another one! Oh and Joshua belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Ummm a...are you okay?" Ashley asked the male she was helping but she only sees him having hearts over his head. She was minding her own business or helping someone for a moment before this guy shows up.
"Oh don't worry about me doll. I just figured I remembered you from somewhere...your face tells so much...along with the boobs." he giggled to make Ashley blink.
"E...excuse m..me?" she said.
"You don't remember me do you?" he said to sigh but Ashley blinks looking really confused.
"It's me! Bradley!" he said happy but Ashley looks more nervous to look at him.
"Y..You a..again? Your t..that guy that kept hi..hitting on my f..friends.."
"The one and only..though, enough about me..how have you been? Still sexy as ever." he said looking her up and down only for Ash to sigh looking away from him.
"L..Listen, it's weird t..to do that s..so don't. Second, I-"
"Shh shh shh I know, I know. You missed me too. I would too if I was a hottie." he said that Ashley sweatdrops thinking about it. "But like I said, I was still hoping your up to my offer. True, you beat my ass but..I'm hoping we can make amends. So...how about a hot date?"
".....N..No thanks. If you d..didn't know I'm already married." she said.
"Huh?!? To who!?" he said. "Don't tell me you married that weak jerk that stood up for you? Joshua right?"
"Hey! D..don't be mean to my husband-"
"Oh gosh you did! Tch, why are the cuties getting taken!?" he said now annoyed but Ashley looks to him. "Look sweetheart, I really don't know how to say this but..maybe you can rethink and..have a little fun with me? I know your married but-"
"I'm not doing that t..to my husband. Your pushing your luck here Bradley." she said only for him to grab her wrist seeing Ashley wince.
"Too bad. I wanna a cutie so I'm trying to find one. Besides, your husband isn't here. So why not have a bit of fun with me?" he said as Ashley was about to do something.....
"H..Hey! Leave my mommy alone!"
A scared voice was heard seeing a little boy there. Bradley looks to see a boy with black hair but his dark were just like his fathers own. He was nervous to prove a point only for Bradley to sigh.
"Oh don't tell me..this kid is yours?" he asked Ashley who looks to him.
".........OF course he is." he said.
"Didn't you h..hear me, I said let my mom g..go!" he said but Bradley sighed to glare at Lewis.
"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it kid!? I starting to think the cuties were taken and even this shy one was. I didn't know that geek was able to get his hands on this cutie."
"Don't make fun of my-"
"Anyway, just run along kid. Your not going to stop me from taking your mom here. She's mine now!" he said.
"N..No she's not! She is with my d..dad! S..so let her go or e..else!" he said but Bradley sighed walking over but he quickly grabs Lewis by the arm to lift him up harshly look at him.
"Lew lew!"
"And what are you going to do little brat huh!?" he said seeing him wincing in pain. When he got his answer, something did happen. As Bradley was about to hit him some green vines show up to smack him away as Lewis falls but was caught by some green plants. He blinks to look but he sees the plants nuzzling his cheek.
Ashley rushes to see if her son was okay but Bradley quickly recovers and grabs her. She was going to use her own plants to smack him but he shoves her down. "Oh no! I'm not losing another cutie this time!" he said.
"Mom!" That's when Lewis saw the plants glowing that they changed to a lighter green. Right away, they hit Bradley off of Ashley while they form into 4 plant Golems that growls at Bradley. He tenses seeing them but he laughed nervously.
"Ummmm..I didn't mean it?"
Right away, the golems beat him up seeing Bradley screaming for help as Lewis goes to check on her. "Mommy?! Mommy, you o....okay?" he asked as she sits up to look at him but quickly checks him.
"Lewis, are you o..okay? Are you h..hurt?" she asked but he looks to shake his head.
"N..No I'm okay..my friends protected me." he said seeing the golems beating Bradley up and even showing him get thrown near by wincing.
"W..why you little.." he growls but Ashley protected her son only to see her own eyes glowing. "..Oh Nooooo."
"You got a lot of nerve trying to hurt my son!" Ashley said angry but she saw the golems back off that she summons her own that cracks their knuckles seeing Bradley scared.
"Mommy..." He whines only to get beaten again. Lewis blinks but he saw the other golems that he made come back to keep him safe. Though, the two were alright and even told Joshua what happened.
"S..so that's what happened? Lewis really did that?" Joshua asked petting Lewis' head.
"It's true. He protected me..just like you would." she said. "But I'm thankful he helped me but his powers are growing every day even stronger now." she said remembering when he was able to form green light energy weapons or shields. Thinking about it, they saw Lewis sitting by while taking a nap against Joshua.
"Huh, I had no idea..but why-"
"Bradley came back. I think he's trying to kidnap the others a..again.." she said.
"....OH boy but d..don't worry. I'll be sure to protect you Ash." he said but Ashley smiled even leaning in to kiss his cheek softly. This made Joshua blush red to her being happy.
"I know you will. J..Just like me wanting to protect you and our little Lew lew." she said but she gently hugs Joshua's arm while holding her son close. Joshua said nothing but he held his wife and pets his son's head. Though, he might have to warn the others about this.
Seems others were noticing this too.
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officermaddie23 · 4 months
Maddie Drachenfire: GREGORY COME HERE NOW YOU NEED A SHOWER (sees Gregory eating cookies out of the cookie jar) LOOK AT YOU JUST STOP EATING THOSE COOKIES
Gregory: But I can’t they taste so good
Maddie Drachenfire: COME ON GIVE ME THAT
Gregory (Imitating golems voice): NO MY PRECIOUS
(Cue Gregory running off with a trail of feathers coming off of his wings as he runs off and hides)
Maddie Drachenfire (turns into her Darksteel dragon form): HEY GET BACK HERE YOUNG MAN
(A few minutes later Drachenfire comes into the hallway)
Maddie Drachenfire (acting all dramatic): Where can Gregory be he is so good at hiding oh no
(Drachenfire then gets an idea)
Gregory (running out of his hiding spot): SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS
Maddie Drachenfire: GOTCHA
(Cue a cartoon like fight until Drachenfire has Gregory secured in her arms)
Maddie Drachenfire: Fair or not you need a shower stinky boy
@mellowwolflady Typical life in the Drachenfire family lol
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hcneycrxsp · 3 years
She’s been staring at him eating for a long time now. She hopes she’s kept well hidden behind this bench that is just a few feet across from him. AHHHH, whatever it is, it looks delicious. IT smells delicious. She’s tempted to inch forward to get a better look, but what if she does and then he spots her? No, she can’t risk that. 
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She needs to hurry and find that tree! Mother could be looking for her!
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hvproductions · 4 years
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SUMMARY: The Knights of Saint Christopher learn of your involvement with The Order, prompting you and Hamish to break up. When Edward Coventry takes you as a hostage Hamish realizes that despite everything, he doesn’t want to lose you | Requested by: @elleclairez​  FANDOM: The Order PAIRING: Reader x Hamish Duke WORD COUNT: 1604
WARNINGS: Swearing, violence, mention of death
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When you entered the building belonging to the Knights of Saint Christopher, you instantly knew something was wrong. The four members sitting on the couch in silence was an indicator on its own, yet what worried you the most was their glances and the easily readable expressions on their faces. Lilith seethed with anger, Randall and Jack both with sympathy in their eyes. The look that Hamish, your boyfriend, gave you screamed of anger, hurt, and disappointment all together. Every emotion of theirs was directed towards you, and there was no denying of the reason behind this: the secret of you being in The Order had come out, and now you would have to face the consequences that would surely by dire. 
“I can explain.” You quickly walked closer to them, stopping in surprise when Lilith jumped up with the intention of attacking you; she would have succeeded if Randall hadn’t held her back as the girl struggled against his grip.
“You’re a fucking traitor! We were your friends, we told you everything, and you thank us by stabbing us in the back! Did you tell your precious little Order everything about us?” Lilith yelled with so much anger in her voice that for a second you thought she’d kill you is she’d have the chance.
“I swear to you, I never said anything about you to anything. I would never do-”
“Enough!” Silence befell the whole room due to Hamish’s loud outburst; during your months of dating it was the first time you heard him yell with so much authority in his voice that made no one question why he was the leader of the Knights.
“I want to talk to Y/N, alone.” When no one moved, he added: “Now.”
You stayed put, not daring to move an inch. Forcing herself away from Randall’s grasp, Lilith passed you by deliberately bumping into your shoulder; Randall passed you with a small sympathetic smile on his face while Jack guiltily walked away, leaving you with Hamish who had already managed to fix himself a drink which he downed rapidly fast.
“Were you going to tell me? That you are in The Order?” He silently asked, his eyes desperately searching for an honest answer. You had never seen him looking as broken as he did now; the sadness in his eyes made a tear roll down your cheek. It took everything in you not to walk over to him in order to hug him, even though you knew he would most definitely reject your attempt to do so.
“It’s the only way I can have my scholarship.” You explained, though the look in his eyes said that he did not care much for your excuse. “I promise you Hamish, I did not betray you.”
“You did so by joining The Order and not telling me about it.”
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The next couple of days proved out to be hellish: Lilith and Hamish didn’t want anything to do with you. Randall and Alyssa provided their company after your heartbreak. It was impossible to avoid Jack - the boy apologized for being the person responsible for your breakup, and although you wanted to blame him you knew you couldn’t. The guilt was solemnly on you - you had months to tell Hamish and the other Knights, but didn’t do so only because of fear.
You were such a walking mess that you had managed to ruin a couple of incantations. To make matters worse, they had been for the Grand Magus, and to say he wasn’t happy was an understatement. Luckily, the only punishment you received was that you couldn’t attend the said incantations; you weren’t too sad about it. It was evident you did more bad that good, and perhaps some time away from The Order would provide useful in order to get yourself together.
While The Order waited, your classes didn’t. It didn’t help that you had to see Hamish in a class he taught you - if only people knew you were together with a teacher of yours. It was Alyssa who made the suggestion to skip the class, yet assuring her that you were fine - even though you were not - you still decided to attend his class. After all, you needed every possible credit in order to graduate.
Walking into the class, your eyes briefly met with Hamish’s before he averted his glance away from you. With a small sigh you passed him silently, taking your usual seat in the middle of the classroom. Not a lot of students were present, and you weren’t sure what to make of it. Hamish always liked to engage his students in a conversation, and it wasn’t unusual for you and him to argue passionately about a topic that he was teaching. Arguing with him didn’t seem like a good idea now as you made a promise to yourself not to provoke him the following classes you had to share with him.
About ten minutes into your class, your phone silently vibrated in your pocket. You instantly took it out, reading a message from Alyssa who wondered how the class was going. Just as you were about to reply your best friend, Hamish spoke out loudly: “Miss Y/L/N, no phones in class. You have attended plenty enough to know this rule.”
Responding with a glare, you slammed your phone onto your desk, gaining your fellow students’ attention. To them it seemed as if you were only angry because of getting caught, yet you and Hamish knew the truth. If he wanted to act like a douchebag - one who didn’t even bother to listen to you - so could you.
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You knew the Vade Maecum shouldn’t belong to no one, especially to a Grand Magus such as Edward Coventry. That man only thought of no one but himself, and with such a powerful book in his possession, you knew that no one would be safe. When Alyssa came to you for your help, of course you said yes. Even though your magic was not as strong as Alyssa’s, you knew that you had to try to stop him, especially when she revealed to you that Jack was Edward’s firstborn son; you cared too much for him to let him be sacrificed.
For a reason unknown to you, Edward decided not to kill you and Alyssa on the spot like he had done to Jack’s grandfather. Instead, he deemed it wise to bring you along with your best friend to the temple with him, Jack following close behind. For a brief moment you saw Hamish, Randall and Lilith about to attack the Grand Magus. When Hamish saw you being dragged inside, he instantly tried to attack Edward without thinking; he didn’t succeed, as the Magus used a blast on all of the Knights, knocking them out instantly. 
Jack had proved to be smarter that anyone else, making it seem as if the golem Clay was him instead. Therefore, the sacrifice Edward wanted to do so badly didn’t succeed; when he saw the Knights along with Vera Stone raid into the temple, he grabbed you as a hostage, a knife finding its way onto your neck.
You were scared, you really were. When you looked at Hamish you saw that he was too. Yet you forced yourself to give him a small smile before you dropped onto the ground, blood flowing down from your neck. You didn’t see anything else but Hamish desperately trying to do anything to help you; you placed your hand onto his cheek as he looked at you with tears in his eyes. Before you closed your eyes you tried your best to tell him that you loved him, but failed to do so. You waited for the pain to arrive, but instead, peacefulness came.
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You didn’t think you’d open your eyes ever again, yet surprisingly, you did. You found yourself lying in Hamish’s room; as soon as he saw you waking up, he grabbed your hands and gave them a tight squeeze. His eyes were red, as if he had been crying for hours straight, and you noticed that his knuckles were covered in blood like he had hit something or someone many times. 
“What happened? Did you get Edward?” You questioned, trying to sit up in the bed as if you wanted to go after him. Hamish couldn’t help but to let out a small chuckle at that, forcing you to lay down and not make any sudden movements. 
“Why am I not surprised that even after dying you want to go after the bad guy?” He asked with amusement that quickly turned into seriousness. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I thought so too.” You replied, not quite realizing how you were yet alive. Hamish provided an answer by telling you that Vera had used magic to save your life, and that Edward Coventry was now gone.
“I’m sorry for not listening to you. I was blinded by the fact that you are in The Order and how they are our enemies. I know that you would never use bad magic, but I-”
“Don’t forget the time you acted like a douchebag in class.” You added to which he replied with a chuckle.
“Yeah, that too. But seeing you like that, I realized that I don’t even care that you are in The Order. I had someone I loved once, and I lost her.” He stopped, letting out a small breath as he continued: “But I don’t want to ever lose you, because I love you.”
“Hamish, I love you too, with all my heart.”
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Chthonic Love Ch. 16
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Series Summary: A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone. Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi
Previous Chapter here
Sidenote: Someone at BH reading this FF?  This is literally Lord Yoongi.  Just imagine some black sand. 
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You thought you would have difficulty finding people given how unpopulated the castle usually felt. However, the tremors had roused most of the servants who were milling about nervously in the hallways and in the Great Hall.
As you entered the Hall, Lethe came running over. “Lady Persephone. Thank goodness. I went to your room right after the Earthquake and you weren’t there. We can’t find Penthos or Lord Yoongi either.”
“It’s alright,” You reassured her, giving her hands a gentle squeeze. You looked around and saw the same concerns etched on the faces of the other servants. “Help me gather everyone  in here and I’ll explain what I can.” You pressed your lips together into a firm line and went out in the hallway to gather people. Once you returned to the Hall you walked over to the front of the room and stepped up onto the small dais. You waited a few minutes for people to file into the room and to collect your thoughts. Once it seemed like people were ready to listen, you began.
“Thank you everyone for gathering here. I understand you are concerned about the Earthquake. Earlier this evening there was a small cave-in in the tunnels beneath the palace. Lord Yoongi and Penthos are investigating. At this time, there is no reason to worry. If these tremors happen again, please remain calm. We have evacuated the tunnels for the time being and several of the creatures who lived there are seeking refuge in the older part of the castle. They are subterranean and require dirt. I need help carrying sand from the desert into the abandoned throne room. Once it is there, I can transform it. Thank you.” You stepped down and walked over to Lethe. “Was that ok?”
She laughed, “I don’t think anyone has ever addressed the staff of this castle ever. You did great. Let me show you where we keep the buckets and barrels.” 
The two of you led the way to get containers for the sand. Before long, there was an assembly line throughout the castle from the desert to the abandoned throne room as you and several servants began to spill black sand onto the ground.
“Watch out little babies,” You cood to the spiderlings who had come over to see what all the noise was about. “It’s not dirt yet, but I’m sure we can do something with it. The repetitive task went on for hours. Your bandaged hands ached and your back was beginning to hurt as well. Finally, when most of the floor was covered in three inches of dirt, you told the staff to go rest for the remainder of the day.
You had removed as much clothing as was appropriate as you took a seat on the stairs. You heard Lethe sit down next to you.
“I am so sweaty.” You said.  She laughed and handed you a glass of water. “Thanks.”
“You did a great job earlier, rallying the troops. Took me back to my Athenien days.” She said, dusting sand off her hands and onto her apron.
“Yeah, thanks. I just hope this works and that Lord Yoongi is ok.” You started to remove the bandages from your hands. You picked up a jar you had saved and stood up. “I’ll be right back.”
“What can I do to help?” Lethe asked.
“I’ll probably need a stiff cup of tea when I’m done. And a bath. I stink.” You wrinkled your nose.
“I’ll get the tea started and come back. Be careful. Don’t push yourself, your hands are still wounded.”
“Too late.” You sighed looking at the lacerations. “Thank you.” You were truly grateful for Lethe.
You walked down the steps and into the tunnels. You knew that Yoongi had told you to stay out, but you needed a sample of the soil so you could try to replicate its composition. Without Yoongi’s powers to illuminate the steps, it was slow going as you felt your way through the darkness. You hoped he was alright. 
Yoongi stood with his hands on his hips, assessing the rock pile that had collapsed. While he had remained calm earlier, his mind was now racing. You could have died. What would he have done? He knew he cared for you but he hadn’t realized how much until the moment he threw his body on top of yours, terrified you would be crushed by the dirt collapse. What would he do if you were gone? But weren’t you going to leave anyway. No. He didn’t want to think about it.  He wasn’t going to let that happen, he resolved.
He heard footsteps approaching and recognized the footfalls as Penthos’. Centuries together could do that to people. He turned slowly.
“My Lord.” He bowed slightly, “What happened down here?”
“There is something out there. On the other side of the mountain.” Yoongi gestured towards the wall Penthos had resealed just yesterday. “Lady Persephone says it’s something big. But we don’t know what it’s purpose is.”
Arachne and the other adult spiders continued to dig through the rubble. The path to the golems had been cut off. Yoongi was trying not to worry about it, but he was beginning to feel extremely vulnerable. He turned around to face Penthos.
 “How on earth would she know that?” Penthos scoffed.
Yoongi narrowed his eyes, “Because she can read life forces and she detected something behind that wall. You seem to forget that Lady Persephone is an Earth Goddess.”
Penthos noticed the gash on Yoongi’s head, “My Lord, you’re bleeding.”
Yoongi waved his hand, annoyed. “It’s nothing. It will heal soon anyways. I need your ideas. The path to the golems is cut off. There’s a mysterious something on the other side of this rock and I can’t leave to investigate it or else corpses will pile up on the beach.” He let his irritation with the situation show. 
“My lord, we could always appeal for another God to travel there. Jungkook travels through the sky all day, every day. Ask him to gaze upon that part of the underworld.”
“No.” Yoongi almost snarled.  “I will not be indebted to any of those Gods.” Yoongi quickly dismissed the idea. He hated ingratiating himself to anybody. 
Penthos sighed. “I could travel there my Lord if you wished it. I do not like leaving the castle unguarded, especially with how things have been lately.” 
That last sentence was a mistake. Yoongi didn’t miss a thing when people spoke. Being a God who chose his own words so carefully, he appreciated and noticed the nuances with which people spoke.  “Lately.” Yoongi paused for effect. “Lately? Now what is that supposed to mean exactly?” 
Penthos grew slightly rigid. “I would be happy to travel to the other side of the Mountain my lord, if it pleases you.” He looked down.
Yoongi clicked his tongue and wrestled with himself about if he wanted to push the issue or not. “Yes. You will travel and investigate.”
“Yes my Lord. Thank you.” He seemed to know he had avoided a severe tongue lashing.
“But you should know,” Yoongi’s voice grew dark, “don’t return unless you are willing to pledge yourself to Lady Persephone as Queen.”
Penthos eyes snapped up, “Lord Yoongi you barely know..”
“I wasn’t asking you.” Yoongi closed the distance between them. He grabbed Penthos’ face, holding his chin in his hand and squeezing his cheeks between his thumb and forefinger. . “Do you understand?” He applied minor pressure.
Penthos nodded his head, “Yss Yss.” 
Yoongi held on for a few more seconds and then pushed back, causing Penthos to stagger. “Good. Seal the tunnels again. You will leave tomorrow.” Yoongi gave him one last look before heading back to the main antechamber. His jaw was clenched still in irritation. Penthos was lucky he had so many years of service under his belt, Yoongi thought, or else he would be in charge of guarding Tartarus. He felt himself growing angry once again as he rounded the corner to the main room.
His gaze and thoughts immediately softened when he saw you, crouched down on the ground, gathering dirt into a jar. Your hair was haphazardly cascading out of a loose bun, you were covered in sand, and you looked sweaty. He had never seen you look so beautiful. 
He felt his anger towards Penthos ease momentarily  as he thought back to a few minutes ago. He didn’t just say what he did to threaten Penthos; he would make you his Queen if you would have him. He cleared his throat, "I thought I told you to stay out of here." 
You turned suddenly, surprise you let out a small cry at first. "Oh it's you. I was so worried." You stood up, holding out your jar of dirt . "Sorry. I know you said to stay away but I've been busy and I need a dirt sample so I can finally finish and take a bath." 
Yoongi sighed, there was really no telling you what to do. He walked over and took the jar of dirt. "Fascinating. Tell me more."
You smiled, "it's more of a showing thing. But you'll see soon enough. Are you done down here?”
“Yes. For now. Let’s go.” He illuminated the sconces lining the stairs. The two of you made your way back to the old throne room.  Yoongi abruptly stopped at the top and turned to look at you. "Is there any sand left in the desert?" he asked, his eyes bugging out slightly. 
You cackled, removing the jar from his hands You pushed past him, "Don't worry, your precious desert is safe. Be careful not to step on the babies." 
Yoongi looked down and noticed a bunch of the spiderlings had come to see what the commotion was about. 
You dumped the jar of dirt into the middle of the room and took a deep breath. You placed your hands on top of it and began to concentrate. You felt the durst react to your touch as you focused. Be dirt be dirt be dirt.
"Hey. Your hands are still injure,d stop it." Yoongi said, his voice filled with concern. 
You looked up at him defiantly and pressed your hands down further into the soil and sand. 
"Dammit Y/N.”  He cursed and walked over to you. For a moment you thought he was going to yank your hands off the dirt, but instead he placed them gently on top of yours. You felt your powers become amplified as the dirt began to root into the sand. Sand turned to dirt. Slowly, the transmutation worked. Once every grain had been converted you stopped pressing your hands down. You felt so weak between carrying sand and using your magic. You started to sway.. 
"Come here," Yoongi sat down next to you. You let yourself fall against him. 
"Sorry. I just want them to feel safe." you whispered. 
Yoongi moved some of your hair out of your face. "I know. You're a good person.You felt him press a kiss into your hair and all you could think was how much you needed a bath. 
Lethe walked in. It was quite the sight. The lord of the castle sitting in a pile of dirt with a filthy lady half-collapsed on him. Oh dear. 
"My lord are you ok? Is she OK?" she asked from the stairs. 
Yoongi normally would feel embarrassed being seen so casually, but at this moment, you were his most pressing concern. He stood up and then crouched down to pick you up. 
"Yoongi, that's not necessary," you quietly protested against his chest. 
"By the time you walk to your room I'll be late for my reaping." He teased. 
“Lady Persephone needs to rest.” He walked over to the stairs.
“And a bath.” You said.
“And a bath. And her hands redressed.” Yoongi added as Lethe carried the tea back towards your room with Yoongi following her. 
You tried to keep your breathing calm as you were pressed against Yoongi’s firm chest. You could hear his heartbeat racing. IT had been quite the day. Your mind traveled back to the kissing from earlier. You had been so busy you hadn’t thought of it since then but now...your face grew red. The three of you arrived at your room.
Lethe sat down the tea and excused herself to draw your bath. Yoongi sat you down on your bed. Your face was still red, you were sure of it.
“Are you ok?” Yoongi asked, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead.
“I’m just tired. It’s been a long day. Did you find anything in the tunnels?”
“No. Penthos is leaving tomorrow to investigate.”
“Is that safe? For him to go alone”
“Are you worried about him? I thought you two didn’t like each other?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow
You shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t like him, but I assume since he’s been your Steward he must have some redeeming qualities.”
Yoongi pushed some stray hairs behind your ear. “You really are too kind.” You saw a brief look of sadness cross his face. Before you could ask, it was  gone.
“I have a reaping to attend to.” He stood up. “I’ll see you later.Make sure you rest up.”
“Ok, thank you.”You responded quietly. 
Yoongi exited your room feeling his heart beating in his ears. You were too kind for the underworld. For him. You deserved to be on Earth where it was warm, and happy, and full of good things. But you had kissed him earlier. That had definitely happened. So maybe you wanted to stay. He should have asked you about it, he chastised himself, but you were so tired. He resolved to talk to you about it the next time he saw you. NEXT CHAPTER
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destinys-dragon · 4 years
A Battle for All
Characters: Patton, Logan, Roman, Remus, Janus, Virgil
For: @littlebigmouse
Warnings: Gore, Extreme Gore, Unsympathetic Patton, Unsympathetic Janus, Unsympathetic Logan, Major Character Death, Betrayal, Body horror/gore
Words: 2,500
Hey Mouse, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I was your gifter this year for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange and I gave you a super hero Au with a side of gore [Or rather a main course of gore] I hope you enjoy it!
This was it, the battle for all the marbles, or as Morality said, "All the cookies in the cookie jar." Whatever you wanted to call it, this was the most important battle. Here and now, would decide the fate of the world. Sure, you hear that in all the superhero movies to get the action and the thrill up, even if the heroes always win in the movies. This though, this was very, very real, and all the heroes could feel a deep fear fill them. It wouldn't stop them from protecting the entire world, and they would do everything to make sure that the world was saved. It was still an unsettling feeling, to be staring potential death straight in the face, your future becoming less clear by the second.
Sanders University, the place they were meant to defend, held the key to world domination, at least to the Troublesome Twosome that was Deceit and Logic. The university was famous for its advanced technology, some of which could give normal humans pseudo-Superpowers, putting them on an even playing field with natural born Supers. The Twosome's plan was to engineer as much superpowered technology as possible, to create an army of villains that would help them conquer the entire world. First they would start with the University itself, but with how much super-tech was in there already, they wouldn't have trouble building a small army to defend it while they work on bigger projects.
The Prince stood on one end and the Duke on the other. In between them stood Anxiety and Morality, their healer and shield respectively. The Duke was holding a thunderbolt in one hand, preparing to throw it should the villains pull any tricks. Prince was holding a pen in his hand, preparing to draw up a weapon or something that would protect them. Anxiety had his hand out, ready to heal the team and get them back to the fight. Morality was empty handed at the moment, giving the villains a smile as if they were just naïve children instead of people bent on world domination.
"Now kiddos," Morality started, holding his arms out in a gesture of peace. "We really don't have to fight today. If you would just willingly come with us we can help you," he assured, making sure his voice would sound even and calming. "Please, don't do this. It would only end in disaster and chaos for everyone, including you two."
Deceit chuckled quietly, which cued Logic to break out in maniacal laughter. Morality cringed and even the Duke shuddered, which was uncommon since he was rather creepy in his own right. Prince and Anxiety looked unamused, even if Anxiety's hand fell to his side, where a short sword, crafted specifically for him by Prince, rested on his hip.
"Oh Morality, darling~" Deceit purred, elbowing his laughing companion in the stomach, who wheezed and went silent, rubbing his stomach as if that would make the pain go away. "That's exactly what we want. Chaos and disaster are what will help us take over this worthless world. Soon, oh so soon we will rule and you will be powerless to stop us! Now, get out of our way and we may spare your lives, if you beg that is." He waved his arm in a big gesture to the building behind the trio of heroes, the one that held the key to their dream.
"Never!" Prince snarled, a sword held in his hands. "We shall never let you get past any of us! We will put our lives on the line to protect the world we love! You'll never win, so give up now and walk away!"
That made Deceit laugh again, wiping a tear from his eye with a gloved hand. "Oh Prince, foolish fool, you will be made to eat your words. I can assure you of that. Logic, if you will."
Logic stepped forward, snickering as he pulled out a remote with a single, red button. He pressed it, causing a dozen cars to crumble and meld together. After a few seconds a giant metal golem stood behind the Duo. Logic cackled, covering his mouth as he snorted. "Be-ha- prepared to meet m-my greatest creation to date, the car golem!" He announced, pointing forward. "Go! Wreck, maim, DESTROY!" He shrieked, doubling over with laughter.
The golem seemed to come to life, surging forward towards the heroes. It was coming fast, intent on ending the battle and the heroes once and for all. It had no mind, no heart, no soul. It had a purpose though, a sole purpose it was destined to complete. End the heroes and leave not even a single one standing.
Morality stepped in front of everyone and summoned a giant dome shield, covering all four of them. Prince and Duke stood behind Patton, while Anxiety put all his energy and focus into keeping Morality's shield strong, which meant using all he had to heal it.
"When I lower the shield go for the weak spots in it's limbs!" Morality shouted, crying out when the Golem pounded on the shield, putting a giant crack in it. They all heard Anxiety let out a sharp exhale, slowly forcing the crack to close. "Damage the legs and arms, rendering it useless!"
"Yes Sir!" "Yes Daddy!" The twins spoke in unison. Morality couldn't help hide an eyeroll at the Duke, but now was not the time to lecture him on his inappropriateness.
"Ready?" He asked, taking a breath. "GO!" He cried out, forcing the shield to burst outward, which made the golem fall back. Morality fell back at the force he used to push the golem back, Anxiety quick to Morality's side to heal him and boost his energy.
The second the shield went down, Prince took towards the right and Duke went left. They were in perfect sync, each summoning their sacred weapons, a paintbrush and a bolt of lightning respectively, charging forward and removing it's limbs.
Prince let out a loud cry, circling around the golem and fleeing the scene. The circle glowed green and vines, flowers, and even tree branches sprouted around it, quickly tying the golem up. The thing let out a loud, metallic screeching noise of distress, before the Duke acted.
He took the precious time where the golem was immobilized and used the pulsing thunderbolt in his hands to slice and dice it's arms and one leg off. The golem continued to shriek and cry out, thrashing around with it's one leg, until Morality came through.
He had moved forward, leaving Anxiety in the back to watch their back. He summoned a small shield, one that was a simple circular shape, save for the spikey thorns and notches in it. He threw it as hard as he could, watching as the killer frisbee cut halfway through a leg, rendering it a mostly useless, twitching lump to the golem.
It continued to try and get to the heroes, but it only managed to flop around uselessly. It was rather useless, slowly going still as it died.
"Fuck yeah!" Duke cheered, before letting out a choked cry as a large snake plunged through his chest. His eyes went wide and he coughed out a sickening mixture of spit and blood, slowly going down on his knees. He reached out, as if to beg for help, his body going still as the snake again plunged through him, tearing his throat in half. His mouth was moving as if attempting to speak, before he fell face down, poised in a silent scream.
Deceit stood behind him, wiping his gloves with a white cloth. It was covered in a layer of blood, but the cloth cleaned the majority off. He tossed it on the corpse, looking at the heroes, who were looking at them in a mixture of shock, fear, and horror.
It was broken as Morality let out an ear piercing shriek, followed by Prince crying out in absolute anguish.
"Remus!" He shrieked, struggling to breath and looking like he was moments away from fainting. "Oh gods, Jesus god WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He cried out, Patton's shrieking sobs becoming a dull noise to him as his rage filled. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"
He charged forward, unaware that the Golem was sliding painfully slowly towards Patton. He continued moving towards Janus, aiming punch after punch, kick after kick at the monster who murdered his brother. Deceit only dodged out of the way, not even bother to strike him.
Eventually, he ducked behind Prince, sweeping his legs out from under him. "Oh dear Princey, don't worry, you'll see him soon,"  Deceit purred, stomping on the hero's back, relishing in his shrieks of pain. "But look, here." He bent down, grabbing Prince by the hair and pulling his head up to make him look towards Morality.
Morality was on his knees sobbing. The golem was squirming closed to him, using it's half destroyed leg to slowly roll itself over. Roman was shrieking and begging Morality to do something, only to watch as Anxiety sailed past him, sprinting like his life depended on it. "No Virgil stop!" He begged, not wanting to lose two friends and his brother, he wasn't sure if his heart could take it.
Roman could only watch in horror as Virgil shoved Morality, the golem landing on top of the healer, crushing him to death. Roman let out a scream of pure anguish just as Logic began cackling with glee. He couldn't see Morality from behind the golem, but he was so sure that both of them were dead.
Logic danced around, watching the golem start to become consumed by rust. After it was fully rusted, it broke apart into dust, falling to the ground in large, clumpy piles. Even the limbs that were cut off were turned to dust as well. And Virgil? He was laying on the ground, flattened into a bloody clump of human and clothes. The lump didn't even look remotely human, but Prince found he couldn't look away, and he was glad he didn't.
There, next to what was Virgil, was Morality. He was alive and well, Roman hadn't lost everything! He went to call out, only to watch as Morality spit on Virgil's remains, climbing to his feet. "God, I can't believe he was that stupid. Though I suppose his foolish need to jump into bravery was admirable," he commented, brushing himself off. He reached down and grabbed something off of Virgil's remains, but Roman couldn't tell what it was.
Morality walked slowly, painfully slowly, over to Roman, who was confused. He let out a cry when his hair was let go and his face met painfully with the pavement. He ended up biting down on his tongue on the way down, causing his mouth to fill with a metallic tasting liquid. Blood, he thought distantly, but he wasn't able to comprehend it with how quickly his brain was shutting down.
He was rolled over, coming face to face with Morality. "P-Patton?" he croaked out, spitting up a glob of blood that got onto his pure white suit, or a suit that had been pure white. Now it was caked in dirty, boot prints, and even his own blood.
"Oh Princey, sweet sweet Roman," He cooed, brushing his thumb over Roman's cheek. "You're an absolute fool." Patton slowly held up the short sword, Virgil's short sword, pressing it against Roman's throat. He let out a soft whimper, unable to stop the noise from leaving his lips.
"Why?" He choked out, spitting a glob of blood onto Patton's suit. He saw his leader, former leader, cringe but shrug it off after a moment.
"I'm so tired of being treated like the innocent little healer on your team. I can't tell you how many times you've just left me to get captured, used me as bait...you even used me as a human shield once or twice instead of our actual shield, the guy who can make them out of thin air." He grabbed Roman by the chin, forcing the hero to meet his eyes. "I'm not meant to be bait or a human punching bag to protect you selfish lot. I am my own powerful person, stronger and better than all three of you worthless buffoons. I may have been your leader, but I was treated like trash by all three of you. But now....now that won't happen ever again!" Patton chirped, a bright cheery, but equally eerie, smile on his face.
Roman heard Deceit chuckle, looking away from Patton to watch as the villain walked towards the university, Logic right on his heels. He watched as Logic's lips moved quickly, mostly likely talking about whatever wicked plans he wanted to try on poor unsuspecting people.
"Don't take too long, darling!" Deceit called, loud enough for the pair to hear. “We need to get our plans into motion, we've already been set back quite a bit."
"Yes Deceit, I understand," Patton assured, looking back at Roman, who was petrified with fear. "I'm so sorry Roman, but this is your final scene. The curtains have been called and your act is through," he whispered, plunging the knife deep into Roman's chest.
Roman coughed up blood, reaching with one hand to try and pull it out to no avail.
Patton looked rather bored, but delighted at the same time. "This is goodbye Roman, I can't say I'll miss you or any of the others." He gave Roman a big smile, his deep brown eyes looking more golden as he twisted the knife that was lodged in Roman's chest, twisting it to cut deeper into the hero's body.
He felt Roman slowly going limp, the last few strings that he used to cling to life snapping as he let out his final breath. Patton shuddered in pleasure as he felt the man's last breath tickle his neck. He felt a rush, a thrill, he felt almost drunk on this feeling. He let a small grin cross his features, cackling as he pushed the corpse off him. Rising to his feet he felt a need, a deep hunger for more. He wanted more, he needed more of this feeling.
Patton licked his lips, groaning as the few stray drops of Roman's blood hit his taste buds. That felt good. So very, very good.
He brushed himself off, walking towards the University with a smile on his face. He had a mission after all, and world domination sounded just as glorious as crushing these pitiful heroes. Maybe more would come to play with them, that would be fun. If he were lucky, Deceit would let him keep one as a treat, a very special one just for him. Patton had to prove himself, and now that he was seen as an equal, he was never going to disappoint Deceit. He was going to show he earned his spot, and earn his spot he would.
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makoto-nanami · 4 years
Miraculous Rewrite: Origins Part 2 (Chapter 5)
Been a long time... whoops... Welp, Adrien and Marinette meet, Chloe attempts to threaten Alice (fails badly fyi) and Alya makes bad life preserving choices! Have fun!! Also if Alice seems harsh this chapter, the people who need to listen aren’t listening and she has to deal with dumb people, you’d be stressed too! It’ll get better by the end of Part 2 I swear!
Marinette storms into the classroom glaring at the boy, ah jeez not good. “Hey! What are you doing?” Adrien struggles to answer the angry girl, confusion crossing his face, I let go of his arm and raise my hand to cover my cringe at the situation. Chloé and Sabrina laugh at the girl, I don’t see what’s so funny, it’s disgusting and unsanitary. Marinette looked at the two girls before her eyes widen in realisation at what she thinks has happened. “Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny.” Her voice blunt and tired, upon looking closer she looked a little red around the eyes like she had been crying and a little sleep deprived, I couldn’t help but avert my gaze in guilt.
Adrien tries to defuse the situation, grabbing Marinette’s attention. “No, no, I was just trying to take it off!” I step forward.
“Wait, Marinette, he’s…” I’m cut off by the two witches cackling even louder.
“Look, Alice. I appreciate you trying to look out for me, but just stop.” The blunette avoids my face as she stresses. She spins to face Adrien. “And you! You’re friends with Chloé, right?” Adrien looks at her in shock.
“Why do people keep saying that?” He whispers, but Marinette hears him and scoffs, returning to her seat before pulling out a tissue and covering the disgusting blubber. Adrien looks to me as if asking for help. I stare at him.
“After school. Kid… Get new friends.” He looks even more shocked and the blond witch glared at me.
“What? Do I need to teach you to respect me too? Adrien is way out of your league!” Her shrill voice worsening my already growing headache.
“Oh Chloé, I assure you, if you try that with me, I promise you’ll regret it.”
“Is that a threat Wattson? I’ll have you know my Daddy, THE MAYOR, can have you deported you know!”
“Yeah, but I’m sure you’re Daddy would be thrilled to hear that his daughter is trying to put bodily fluids onto people. If your fathers not interested, I’d be happy to spread that info around to everyone who is, and let’s say I do somehow get deported, I’ll happily plead my case and sue your precious daddy. I may not like lawyers, but I know a few who have a licence to practice globally, plus… I wonder what kind of dirt I could pick up on poor Mayor Bourgeois before I am deported huh?” I sneer at the blond in front of me as she huffs and goes back to her seat. Adrien looks at me as if disappointed in the way I handled the situation. While I may have been a little overdramatic, for people like her, you have to be or else they don’t get it. Not doing anything, let alone not saying anything would be worse! Also… I can’t afford to be deported because some rich brat is throwing a tantrum, I better try to dig up some dirt on the family, for insurance. I take my seat in the back and watch the two interact with their seatmates… I sigh… teenagers.
Bustier walks in and greets the class with a smile like nothing happened yesterday. I look to Ivan and notice he’s not in his seat. Where is he… Oh no… this feeling, it’s gotten to the same intensity as yesterday. An Akuma? Could it be…
“Agreste, Adrien?” Bustier called, patiently waiting for him to answer. I need to get out of here, with them. Nino leans over and whispers into the boy’s ear, only for him to jump up eagerly with his hand raised. “Uh, present!” He squeaks, the others laugh at him, his cheeks turning red as he sits down and fist bumps his seatmate, hey… at least he’s following my advice, wait, no, focus Alice, gotta hurry.
Bustier giggles at him, moving onto the next name. “Bourgeois, Chloé?” Chloé says present back to the woman and I raise my hand nervously.
“Miss? Erm, may I go to the toilet?” Alice? Toilet break… five minutes after class starts? Really?
“You should have gone before class. Let me get through attendance and today's task, and then you may go.” Marinette turns her head to look at me suspiciously. “Bruel, Ivan?”
Suddenly, the Akuma from yesterday, busts down the door, crap, too late! “Present! Mylène?” The giant scans the chaotic classroom, people running away from the room. Adrien jumps over his desk and runs out of the classroom. “Wait!” I try to get his attention, but he’s too quick, at least he’s quick to react. Ivan, no Stoneheart spots Mylène and reaches to grab her.
“Let go of me, Ivan!” She screams, but not in pain, even when taken over, he’s still so gentle…
“I’m not Ivan anymore. I’m Stoneheart!”
“Why are you doing this?”
“So you and I can be together forever!” Anger fills me, a part of me remembers that this isn’t how the Moth Miraculous should be used, it allows those possessed to reveal and obtain their true desires, but not like this tainted with darkness, instead of loving her, the Akuma has made him obsessive.
My anger is interrupted by the annoying ring of Mayor’s Brat on her phone, speaking loudly… is she that stupid? “Daddy, the monster is back!” Stoneheart growls at the girl and grabs her tightly, making her let out a small shriek of pain. He breaks the wall of the classroom and jumps down onto the street level, crap oh crap… that’s a problem. I turn to Marinette to find her cowering under the desk, the same fog in her eyes from yesterday lingered, swirling in deep fear. Alya slides to see her with a grin. “Come on! Let’s follow him!” She’s almost vibrating from the excitement; does she not care that her classmate is probably going through the roughest time of his life?!
“Uh… Oh, no. You go. I’m finding myself a safe place to hide.” She stutters. Alya just shakes her in her excitement.
“Girl, you’re gonna miss Ladybug in action!” Marinette looks at the bag on the table before picking up, it’s Alya’s bag. Wait… the energy coming from it… no! That idiot!
“You and Ladybug will both be better off without me…” She murmurs, ashamed of her past mistakes. She holds the bag out for Alya to take. The fangirl just shrugs ignoring the girl’s gesture and runs out the room. I sigh in relief but Marinette panics running after her. “Wait! Your bag!”
I run after her, taking my hoodie out of my bag and wrapping it around me. Marinette notices me and cries in annoyance and frustration. “Why are you following me? I told you to leave me alone!”
“Well if you would just listen to me instead of wallowing in self-pity, I’d be happy to! What the hell do you think you’re trying to do?! You can’t just give away your Miraculous to some girl!” I know this makes me sound like a hypocrite, but now is not the time!
“H-how did you know?! And self-pity?! I failed, what else could I do!” I was about to answer, but we were coming closer to Alya who had started filming the disaster in front of her.
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with. My daddy, the mayor, will bring in the police, the army, the entire cavalry!” I’m pretty sure he already has… Swinging in on his baton, Chat hits Stoneheart only making him bigger.
“And don’t forget the superheroes! …Oh no. My bad…”
“Ugh. Super incompetent, you mean!” Chloé screams at him.
“Focus Chat! Just keep dodging!” I shout out, he nods, not taking his eyes off the giant golem.
“Ugh! You wanted the cavalry? Well, here it is!” Crap, I hear the rumbling of the smaller giants running amok and they begin to surround Chat. “Seize him!” I dodge the ones that run in from behind us, Marinette curls up into a ball, making herself as small as she could to avoid the stampede, while Alya jumped onto the pavement. Mylène screams.
“Ivan! Where are we going?” Terror clouding her eyes.
“To deliver a message. Then we’ll be brought together forever by a pretty black butterfly!” A message? From who? My thoughts cut short by his other captive.
“Ugh. All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick.” Is she trying to get killed?
“Don't worry, little monster. I'm gonna take care of you, too.” Chloé cringes at the implications behind Stoneheart’s words as they get away.
I turn my attention back to Chat and notice Alya moving closer, what the hell is she doing?! Chat is suddenly slammed to the ground, holding them back with his baton. “If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!” His voice strained and they begin to pile on top of his stick. Suddenly one of the giants flip over a car, sending it flying towards Alya, I reach out in vain, but the boy quickly throws his stick to save her, however, it still pins her, and the baton is slipping. The giants grab Chat and carry him away. “Let go, let go of me you rockhead!”
“HELP!!” She screams. I turn to the frozen Marinette, she stares at the trapped girl conflicted on what to do, her body twitching as if trying to react. I skid in front of her and shake her.
“I- I… It’s all my fault if I had given it to her sooner… If I had become Ladybug…”
“Oh, my Kwami! Will you quit it with the pity party! Marinette, you made a mistake, so what! You have the power and ability to fix that, so what exactly is stopping you?! Your partner and friend need you! I know you’re scared but you need to be brave! Marinette, what do you want to do?!” Her eyes instantly clear up, burning with courage and determination, that-a-girl! She pulls the box out of Alya’s bag and puts on the Miraculous. Tikki zooming out with a smile, happy to see her chosen again.
“I think I need Ladybug!” Tikki’s eyes brightened at Marinette’s words.
“I knew you’d come around!” Marinette shook her head and looked at me.
“Well… I’m still not sure I’m up for this, but… Alya’s in danger! I can’t sit back and do nothing! I want to save her!” I smile, understanding her desire and fears.
“You know the magic words then!”
“Tikki, spots on!”
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randomnameless · 4 years
To that anon about sub and dub :
I’m sorry I accidently deleted your ask (:’( )
Short story long story, I prefer sub because FR dub isn’t up to par, i can only remember RD and cry (and in a way, for people who don’t use english as their maternal language, US!Dub is also some kind of sub?)
Also I feel like sub - which is a translation - allows you to understand the meaning by reading, but having a better understanding or feel about the characters hearing them. Like I know shonen protagonist with a gratting/childish voice is annoying, but when he suddenly becomes serious you know something big is going to happen or happened. Protag stopped being the carefree doofus. But if the dubbed version gives the protag a more serious voice since the beginning, you won’t be able to make him “more serious” to show shit hit the fan. Or it would have less impact.
I wanted to illustrate with FE16 since the datamine is now fully voiced but, hey, I noticed the script, even for small things like support or battle quotes, has been altered in the localisation so of course the dub feels different, they’re not talking about the same thing !
Like, lizard wise : 
When Flayn disappears, localised!Rhea’s goes :
I think of your...sister as family as well. You know that. 
Leigh!Rhea marks a very very small pause between “your” “sister” and “as”.
あなたの大切な……妹は、私にとっても かけがえのない家族のようなもの……
which gives, with google translate some sort of : “your precious sister... is like an irreplaceable family to me too...”
Inoue!Rhea marks a defined pause between “precious” and “sister”.
From JP!Rhea, I get that she casts more shade on the “sister” bullshit but she’s also more emotional and calls Flayn irreplaceable. She shares his grief. Localised!Rhea added a “you know that” which wasn’t in the og script and I don’t feel like it’s supposed to add or translate something ? (but then i only use GT as my translator so...). 
When Seteth tells Cyril he’s totally not like Rhea’s family nope not at all :
Localised!Seteth goes :
But she and I are actually very old friends. In fact, we think of one another almost like family.
Whitten!Seteth doesn’t pause (save at the end of the sentence) at all and delivers in a straight... line.
Jp!Seteth script goes :
だが本来、レアと私は同志…… いや、家族のような間柄なのだよ
GT : But at the origin, Rhea and I are comrades ...... No, we're like family
There’s that gap marked with the “....” which isn’t present in the localised script.
Koyasu!Seteth adds another pause after the “no” (comma?) when Whitten!Seteth, who also has the comma, gets a much shorter pause.
I feel like Jp!Seteth delivered the usual bullshit he had to learn when someone would ask him why he is so close to Rhea, but then, he reconsidered while still being careful, marked by his pauses. 
He trusts Cyril with this info (not with the full beans though, they’re still “like” family). Interesting enough, maybe it’s only because this convo happens in their B support, but Seteth pulls the “comrades” card with Catherine, without revealing, like he does to Cyril, that they’re closer than that.
Localised!Seteth feels like he adds a precision to what he said earlier when Jp!Seteth’s like checking right and left and up and down to see if anyone isn’t spying on them to reveal what was obvious since the beginning.
Also useless tidbit, but the localised script went with “ I am, of course, Rhea's servant. So, in a more formal context, I must maintain a deferential distance “ to translate the jp “ かつての私は、レアに仕える者として 立場を��えた言動を取る必要があった”  which, google translated, means “ In the past, I had to speak and act as a servant of Rhea” - suggesting that there used to be a period where he didn’t have to act or speak as a servant of his younger sister! 
It blows me away that this important (one day i will stop kidding myself) tidbit was erased!
Anyways, it’s not a case of difference between voice actors here because I can’t reproach to Whitten!Seteth to feel different from Koyasu!Seteth since they don’t even have the same script to begin with...
OTOH, Rhea remembering Willy in CF is more or less the same thing (per google translate, as always) in the localised or the og version :
Localised!Rhea goes :
He saved me. Supported me. Gave his all to the cause of defeating Nemesis.
That I should find myself here at Tailtean, striking down his scion... 
Even if it’s not marked with “...” like the above lines about Flayn, Leigh!Rhea makes a pause between “Supported me” and “Gave his all”.
Jp!Rhea goes :
私を助け、支えてくれました。 ネメシスの討滅に尽力してくれたのですよ。
その裔を、このタルティーンの野で 我が手にかけるとは……。
Translated with the bestest tool ever goes :
Helped and supported me. He was instrumental in eradicating Nemesis.
To get that seed in my hands in this Tarteen field ...
I’m sure a more accurate translation would be “scion” and not “seed” rhea isn’t recalling her kinky days during this battle
So it’s roughly the same stuff, there’s no hidden intel like Seteth’s backstory with Rhea or something. However, Inoue!Rhea marks a longer pause between “supported me” and “he was instrumental”. Inoue!Rhea catches her breath during that pause, something Leigh!Rhea doesn’t. 
When Leigh!Rhea delivers her “ That I should find myself here at Tailtean, striking down his scion” in a monotone voice (still a small pause after tailtean with the comma), Inoue!Rhea catches her breath again between uh, what was translated as “that seed” (again thanks to the comma), after the “tailtean plains” (no comma here!) and the rest ; at the end of the sentence her tone breaks.
IMO, with Leigh!Rhea’s performance you get that she remembers Wilhelm as Edel’s ancestor who helped her, but now she has to end Wilhelm’s descendant. It’s a sad twist of irony but I supposed she’d be “it’s regrettable, but oh well.” Leigh!Rhea’s sad but will live over this.
Inoue!Rhea remembers more fondly Wilhelm (longer pause?) and catches her breath several times, maybe to focus but it fails because her voice cracks at the end - Inoue!Rhea isn’t only sad or inconvenienced, she’s legit upset and shaken (maybe she’d apologise to wilhelm’s memory or the golem after the fight?).
I know the general meaning is the same “Rhea faces Edel and is saddened by having to kill her first friend’s descendant” but the tone is different. Even if the Google Translate Sub gave me random handjobs, comparing Inoue!Rhea’s tone to the dubbed Leigh!Rhea’s tone was worth it.
As one of my old uni teachers said, if you want to write about something, check the primary source. If you can’t, learn the language. And if you can’t learn, don’t write.
Google translate is a far cry, i know, from a professional translation, but I’m not writing an academic paper and I still have enough material to look at the secondary sources and spot the differences in interpretations.
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ginny-lily · 3 years
*golem voice* franssssiskaa my precious ❤️
That should be creepy but it isn't xD ❤
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It was a habit he picked up during his time with Lisa. He opened the car door, he pulled out the chair, he helped with the coat. He just couldn't stop it. But also didn’t really notice it.
But the small smiles it put onto Cas face were worth it. He never said anything, but the fond smiles made Deans knees go weak all the time.
So after a successful hunt Dean - as always - opens the car door for Cas to get in.
“May I ask you something, Dean?” Cas asks.
“Well, technically you just did, but you can ask me another question.” Dean says and winks at Cas while getting into the car himself.
“Why do you always open the car door for me? Or any other door for that matter. I’ve never seen you doing that for someone else, like Sam or Jack. I think the only time I’ve ever seen you doing that, was when you were with Lisa and I was watching over you. So why for me? Is there anything special about me? Don’t you trust me not to scratch the finish of your precious car?”
With every word Cas said Dean felt his heart sink even lower. He hadn’t even realized he was doing all those things. And now that he thought about it, yeah, the only time he did something like that was when he was involved with someone romantically. Was his subconscious trying to tell him something? Did he have deeper feelings for Cas than he thought he had?
He had always deemed Cas somewhat good looking, with his tousled hair that never seemed to stay in one place, the strong jawline with the everpresent stubble, those plump, chapped, pink lips that no chapstick in the world could smooth out. And then there were his eyes. Those beautiful orbs of the bluest blue Dean has ever seen as an eye color.
Holy Crap!!
Dean was in love with Cas!
How come he never noticed it! Cas was his best friend, the one guy that promised to always be there for him, to never leave him. Would it be so bad if there was more than friendship involved? Would Cas even want anything more than friendship?
Dean was majorly freaking out, at least internal, on the outside he’s been sitting in Baby’s drivers seat for the past 5 minutes, staring into the abyss.
“Dean? Are you alright? If I said something to upset you, I’m truly sorry. I didn’t even wanna mention it, but I was wondering what’s going on but I really didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I’m sorry, Dean, please forgive me.”
Cas’ voice carried Deans thoughts back into reality.
“Yeah, no problem, Cas, I was just thinking. Put your seatbelt on.”
Bam! Another detail he usually only tells his s/o.
“Dean, I’m an angel, even without all my powers I couldn’t get killed or even hurt in an car accident.” with a sigh he tried to put the seatbelt on, but struggled until Dean lent him a helping hand.
“Yeah, that might be, but when the police stops us I have to pay the fine for you not being properly beltet.” Dean tells him while putting on his own seatbelt.
On the whole ride back, which took several hours, the two didn’t say a single word, but Dean was thinking a lot. Thinking about all the times he was alone with Cas and what he did, that he usually only did if he’s in love with someone. And the list was long, very long.
Apparently he’d been falling in love with Cas without even noticing. But when did that all start? Was there ever a time he wasn’t like this? Did he fell in love at the very beginning? But he wasn’t gay? Well, maybe he was a little gay. There was his Dr. Sexy obsession and that guy that kinda catfished him with the Golem, what was his name? Aaron Something. It didn’t matter.
But how would he talk to Cas about that?
Hey, Cas, just uh, I think I’m in love with you, so...you wanna make out or something?
Yeah, no, that was bullshit. He had to smooth into that particular conversation, it was a sensitive topic after all, he could lose his best friend about this.
Dean let out a heavy sigh when he finally parked Baby in the Bunker’s garage.
“I’m sorry, Dean, I really didn’t want to upset you with that question.” and without a look in Deans direction Cas got out of the car and into the Bunker.
Dean let his head fall onto the steering wheel.
This was going to be one hell of a conversation.
The next evening Dean made two large cups of hot chocolate, he knew how much Cas loves that stuff, and went over to Cas room to have a - probably - rather unpleasant conversation.
Since his hands were full with the cups he used his foot to knock, it kinda worked, after all Cas opened the door, even if with a puzzled look on his face, which quickly turned into a happily surprised one, once he noticed what Dean was carrying.
He took one of the cups out of Deans hands and waved his arm into the room to invite him in. Dean did, sat down on the foot end of Cas’ bed and patted his hand on the empty space besides him, so Cas would sit down there, which he promptly did while sipping his cocoa.
“What brings you here bearing gifts, Dean?” Cas asked, again with the puzzled look on his face.
“Well, I need to talk to you about something.” Dean started but Cas interrupted.
“Is it about the question I asked you yesterday? If so you don’t have to say something, I understand.” now it was Dean’s turn to be surprised.
“You do? But how? I only just realized it yesterday myself? How could you have known about this?”
“I know a lot more about you than you think, Dean. I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t just tell me you just like to be a gentleman from time to time? It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything and I really appreciate the gesture.” Dean actually snorted with laughter.
“You…” he fell into a giggle fit. “You thought I just wanna play the gentlemen once in a while?”
“Well, yeah. Sam would just give you a hard time about it and Jack wouldn’t know how to appreciate the gesture, he does kinda lack the knowledge about some finer social norms.” Cas did his adorable head tilt while saying this and Dean’s heart began to practically glow.
“I’m sorry, Cas, but you’re very far away from the truth here.” Cas brows furrowed while still having his head slightly tilted. Dean just wanted to kiss him then and there, but he first had to finish this conversation.
“The actual truth is...I don’t even know how to start with this,” Dean paused for a moment and recollected his thoughts.
“You made a comparison yesterday, that you only ever saw me doing that when I was with Lisa. And after some thinking I came to the same conclusion, I only ever did all that with someone I was romantically involved with.” he put some emphasis on that word specifically, hoping Cas would get the hint.
“Well, yeah, I know what I said. But that just fits into my conclusion. You miss having someone you can care about and - well - pamper a little, so you took me as a substitute. I don’t mind it, Dean, I rather really appreciate it.” there was this amazing Cas-Smile Dean could never have enough of.
“No, Cas, you’re still wrong. I don’t ‘use you’ as a substitute for something I’m missing." he actually did the air quotes.
“It’s rather I realized you have kinda become that kind of person I usually do all those things for.” he smiled at Cas who was still looking at him with furrowed brows.
“I don’t think I can follow, Dean. What kind of person did I become? I’m fairly sure I’m still the same person I was when I raised you from hell. I didn’t change. Well, I did change periodically, but I always became myself again in the end, didn’t I?”
Internal Dean was laughing, but not to hurt Cas’ feelings he kept his outside face straight.
“Cas, stop thinking so hard about this. What I was trying to say is, I think you’ve become the kind of person I’d like to be with. Like, really be with. Be with in a romantical way.” Dean couldn’t look at Cas any longer. The fear of seeing his face change into something like aversion or even disgust was too much to handle for him. He flinched when he felt Cas hand on his chin, guiding his face so he would look at him again.
The look on Cas’ face was nothing like what Dean was afraid of. It was soft and pure and Dean would’ve sworn he even saw the glistening of tears in the corners of Cas’ eyes.
“Oh Dean.” it was just shy from a whisper.
“Why did it took you so long to realize this? I always told myself you don’t feel this way about me and that I should stop hoping for you to come around.” Cas thumb was slightly caressing Dean’s jaw while he was talking.
“You wanna know why I volunteered to get you out of hell? I’ve been watching you, or rather watching over you, for quite some time already, and when you went to hell I was heartbroken. But then we got the command to raise you and I couldn’t have let anyone else get you out of there. And ever since I’ve been secretly pining for you, hoping that one day you’d return my feelings.”
There was a look on Cas face Dean had never seen on him before. It was a look he had last seen on his mother’s face. It was pure and unconditional love.
“I fucking love you, Cas” was everything Dean was able to say before he took Cas face into his hands and kissed him with a passion he never even kissed Lisa with.
@bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 @pray4jensen
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drax-is-inthefandom · 4 years
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What kind of father are you?
That was all the time since the last time Kanjigar acted like a father to Draal.
Decades in which he only behaved with him like the Trollhunter, not like his father.
The change had been progressive.
It started with Kanjigar's refusal to continue taking him with him to his missions as Trollhunter, it continued with the rejection of training offers, the father-son evenings in the bar stopped, the interaction between the two became minimal. He even stopped calling him son, it was just Draal.
And he said he was fine.
He said he didn't care about that change in his father. But for someone who knew him, as she knew him, it was obvious.
His pained look was obvious every time he saw Blinky and ARRRGGHH!! go or return next to his father, the grimace of annoyance that formed on his lips when the sound of metals colliding in the Forge filtered to the rest of the Trollmarket, how his voice lost volume and strength every time he exchanged words with Kanjigar.
How he was fading, how je was changing, since his father decided to walk away.
She was fed up.
She grew up alongside Draal, grew up seeing his relationship with his father, their pride in each other, and knew firsthand how much Draal admired Kanjigar - She just couldn't stand idly by!
One day when she saw her lifelong friend duller than normal after a confrontation with Kanjigar, she felt his living rock burn like magma and decided to act, demand answers to what was happening.
Draal the deadly might not be one of talking about his feelings.
But Imah the determined was ready to show the fangs to defend them.
He found Kanjigar in the Forge of Heroes, training with Daylight against the mechanisms presented by the arena.
- Kanjigar! – The Pion called him just as she saw him touch the ground after a dodge jump against an obstacle, and she approached him without caring that the mechanisms were still active, she knew she could dodge them.
- Imah – The Trollhunter greeted her with a shake of his head, keeping Daylight on his back and heading to the controls of the Forge to deactivate it and not risk the minor in her walk. – Something wrong? You don't usually show a face in the sand by yourself –
That he didn't dare mention Draal as her recurring partner in the Forge increased the troll's anger. She sighed, took a breath and tried to cool her mind, it was a subject in which the fangs were better not to show them ... At least not yet.
- Yes, well, nothing happens in itself. I just wanted to talk to you, Kanjigar – Her tone of voice and confident gaze gave him the message that what she wanted to talk about was serious, so he disregarded his armor, leaving the Trollhunter guarded and showing Kanjigar instead.
- I hear you – The minor stood before him, staring at him, organizing her ideas for a few seconds.
- Why did you decide that stopping treating Draal like your son was a good idea? –
She didn't want to decorate the theme, or put a pink filter on it. She wanted to confront Kanjigar directly, so they could get a quicker solution, she didn't mind the reaction of surprise at her uncensored question, she wanted answers.
- Answer me, Kanjigar. At what point did you decide to stop being Draal's father? – With that questioning, the older troll's expression went from surprise to outrage in the blink of an eye. Imah did not flinch, that was how determined she was to get answers to his abrupt behavior towards her son.
- I will never stop being Draal's father, Imah – Kanjigar's tone was firm, serious and hard, worthy of an authority about to put in his place a subordinate who was just crossing the line.
- Then why did you stop treating him as such? – And Imah's tone was just as firm, serious and hard, worthy of a minor who was not afraid to confront the authority if she was sure that it was wrong – I am not blind, Kanjigar, nobody in Trollmarket is! Draal as if this was a Changelling that you were forced to accept into your home! – Kanjigar knew the minor's dislike for the Changellings, so their comparison made him especially unpleasant.
- I will not allow you to question my actions as a father, Imah, you have no place in my decisions, understood? –
Kanjigar hoped to end that conversation with that wake-up call, he was the Trollhunter and he was one of the trolls who helped raise the Pion in front of him, he hoped that that authority was enough to cut off the minor's insubordination, he was even ready to retire from the Forge. But Imah was not going to accept any of that.
- I take place being the only one who seems to care about Draal apparently! What do you think he is? Some kind of golem that doesn't hurt at all about what you do to it? – Kanjigar stopped his withdrawal upon hearing that Imah did not accept the conversation as finished – Draal is hurting! He doesn't show it because of his damn pride, but anyone who knows him well knows how he feels inside! He is hurt that his father is driving him away, it pains him to see the troll he has idolized and adored all his life walking away from him overnight! You're hurting him with your distance, Kanjigar! What happened? Why this change? At what point did your son stop caring that you neither look at him nor speak to him? By Deya’s grace, I'm sure you haven't even realized how much he’s been breaking his back to improve his sword skills because he thinks his current self is not worthy of you! What kind of father are you? -
The memory of the previous night returned to Imah. The helplessness he felt upon hearing Draal's true feelings at the situation Kanjigar put him in returned.
- Draal, did you sleep something? –
She had stayed up late looking at the books available in Blinky’s bookstore, she had concentrated so much on her reading that when she finished she expected to return home in complete silence, because she was sure that all the inhabitants of the Trollmarket would be sound asleep. . When she heard the familiar sound of metal against metal coming from The Forge, it was needless to say she was surprised.
Finding her lifelong friend training at such hours was not at all in her plans.
- I'm fine, just a little more training – The spiky troll was breathing heavily, a slight tremor in his arms as a result of the effort he had put into these was noticeable and even his posture was that of someone who was already having difficulties bearing his own weight . Who knows how long he had been wielding the sword he was training with before Imah found him in the Forge at such hours.
- Draal - It wasn't until she deactivated the training mechanisms and approached her friend that she could notice the wounds that he had all over his body. What kind of training was he doing there? - A little more nothing, you are going to stop right now and you are going to let me heal you whatever you have done to yourself –
Draal tried to reply and continue, but such was his exhaustion that it took only a light tug from Imah to remove the sword from his hands and an even more delicate push to make him sit down.
- Now what got into your head? Why are you training like you're going to fight Gunmar himself in the morning? - He didn't say anything, just looked away from Imah's worried eyes, the troll felt her heart shrink.
- Draal, please - She took his arm and took out a pair of crystals from the bag she carried on her belt to be able to take care with these of the wounds that the troll had around his rocky skin, taking special delicacy from those located near the crystals that decorated his body – If something is happening, you can tell me, you know you can trust me with everything–
She took great care, both in her movements to heal the troll's wounds and in her words to convince him to open up with her, but it was a matter of time before she could open his friend's heart.
- I just want to be strong, Imah – That was what he answered to the Pion, just after she finished putting on the last bandage on his body.
- Draal, you are the strongest troll in all Trollmarket
- You know it's not like that, father knows it's not like that. – The mention of Kanjigar stopped Imah's heart, especially because of the pain that Draal mentioned.
- He must have realized my weakness, that's why he no longer see me as worthy of acting like his son. – His words were full of darkness, a darkness that was reflected in his features, the only brightness that he deigned to show was from the tears that Imah was sure he was containing. – I will strengthen myself, Imah, I will recover my value in his eyes. I will be strong enough not only to be worthy of being the son of the Trollhunter. – Imah could not finish processing what Draal told her, she could not finish understanding how such a determined statement could be heard so ...
- I will be the next Trollhunter – ... Sad.
A stomp of Kanjigar returned Imah to the present. For a moment she had forgotten that she was face to face with him.
- Imah, protégée of Vendel, you are getting into issues where your jurisdiction is null and where your words are extra. Right now you are going to stop this unsolicited and misplaced criticism, and it is an order not only as Draal's father but as your Trollhunter. Enough. Already. – How she hated that he used his title as Trollhunter to impose his word.
- Well, I know very well what to do to have your precious jurisdiction – Imah's claws were shown and Kanjigar's amulet shone to the east perceiving the minor's intentions. Both trolls let out a slight growl against each other, just waiting for the next action from the other.
- Imah! –
Any possible result was avoided by the convenient intervention of Vendel, leader of the Trollmarket and guardian of Imah. His presence was enough to relax the posture of the two trolls present, at least enough that it didn't seem like they were about to go against each other's throats.
- What kind of behavior is that towards the Trollhunter, Imah?
- I was not dealing with the Trollhunter, I was dealing with Kanjigar – Imah's response and haughty posture earned her a bad look from Vendel and a snort from Kanjigar, neither were happy with her attitude.
- Kanjigar, I apologize on behalf of my protégé, whatever the problem may have been, I am sure it was a misunderstanding and an overshoot of Imah because of her bad temper – She was going to claim, it was noticed by how she opened her mouth, but Vendel's gaze was enough to silence her, even if she didn't want to. Kanjigar stared at her, deciding his reaction to what had happened.
- ... No problem, Vendel, she is still young, I can understand her behavior - A nod from the old troll and a snort from Imah were his answer. – But I hope this problem doesn't happen again –
She was not looking at his face, but Imah knew that Kanjigar's gaze was fixed on her. It was not just a request, it was an order. She snorted again, knowing that if she growled she would get into more trouble than she already was.
- If this has been fixed, I must retire, Blinkous and Arghamont must already be waiting for me at the Gyre. With permission, Vendel, Imah – And with his head held high, as if nothing had happened, maintaining his posture worthy of the Trollhunter, Kanjigar withdrew from the Forge, leaving Vendel and Imah alone in a tense silence between them.
- … I-
- You will explain to me right now what your intentions were, your reasons and I hope you have good arguments for not extending your punishment for more decades than I have already planned
- Sorry? I'm not a whelp anymore, you can't ground me!
- Either you start talking now, or I will start to consider centuries instead of decades –
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