#just look at the media and material support. there is such a clear difference in how the west treats these issues!
hesitationss · 5 months
just scrolled thru an account harassing ppl for showing support for noury about being "anti ukr/aine" bcuz they tweet about palestine. they're saying they "don't give a shit about some random palestinian who lost their hand" and they said "germans were too kind to communists during ww2" i hate these nazi bitches!!! like the normalization of nazism is so incredibly fucked up and it's only going to get worse in europe and north america oh my god.
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mcromwell · 4 months
Hello! I have been following your art for awhile now- I just had to refollow because Tumblr is a webbed site. If this is rude to say, ignore it, but I find your pieces inspiried! They truly are so cool. It got me to get a set of caran d' ache water soluble pastels myself! I have been hitting a bit of an art block lately, and I wanted to try something different than what I have been doing.
I just have a question about what you draw/paint ON. I see a lot of what you are describing as reclaimed support - what is it and how/where do you get that? It is wood correct? Is it a specific type of wood? Is there any specific way to prepare it for painting?
Thank you for taking the time for reading!
Hello there! Thanks for your ask! I'm really glad you're inspired and trying new things, and with my favorite art toy, no less. The wax pastels are truly a joy to work with. Like the crayon of my childhood dreams.
I typically paint on scrap wood. I will scavenge plywood, old shelves, lumber, furniture panels, flooring, etc. and prep them for painting. Part of my personal set of values I try to live by is to buy as little new things as possible and that counts for art stuff, too. I have a video about how I like to prep scrap wood here: https://youtu.be/9Ni8aIgB7F4?si=fBAaaB1fSWQC4bfS
Lately my friend and fellow artist Sasha reminded me that mounting paper on the scrap wood is also a thing! So I've been doing a bit of that lately, too, and it has been really nice for pastels and colored pencils. (I mount paper usually with Nori paste and/or matte acrylic medium.)
When I use words like "support" instead of scrap wood, sometimes that's just shorthand for "an archival panel of indeterminate material", such as my stash of 12"x16" PVC panels I got from a fellow art supply hoarder friend. It's strange to say "mixed media on plastic sign material" because that... doesn't necessarily bring up a clear idea...? But yeah, a lot (like the heron series) are done on sanded and gesso'd PVC panels that were once intended for outdoor signage.
Salvaging your own surfaces takes more time and work, but costs barely anything. It works with my rough and natural aesthetic so I lean into the wood's imperfections. Look, this one even has a hole in it! And you can see the grain and the pop-and-lock groove on the left. This was a piece of cedar flooring.
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Boy he's a sad little guy isn't he
tl;dr I paint on flat sturdy things likely to last a long time. If you can sand, gesso, and attach wire hanging hardware to the back-- you're good. Go nuts.
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Donald Trump is facing criticism over alleged antisemitic propaganda in recent campaign materials—following a long history of incidents in which he has been accused of emulating or, in some cases, replicating imagery deployed by Nazis in the 1930s and '40s.
In a fundraising email sent to supporters Wednesday, the Trump campaign depicted President Joe Biden as being controlled by a puppet master portrayed as Democratic megadonor George Soros, a Jewish philanthropist and a frequent bogeyman of the right for his support of liberal causes and candidates. In addition, he has regularly been the subject of political opponents' conspiracy theories.
While Soros has long been criticized by conservatives for his policy positions, portrayals of him in conservative media and by politicians who oppose him have often evoked images of a sort of string puller behind the scenes who is orchestrating a liberal takeover of American society.
Those depictions also evoke conspiracy theories on the right that blame a Jewish cabal for orchestrating machinations in the political, financial and media sectors. Such tropes date back to antisemitic literature published in the early 20th century and proved influential in the rise of Germany's Nazi regime.
Some on social media said the Trump campaign's email closely resembled Nazi propaganda distributed throughout Europe, from its imagery to its caption saying that Soros was "a secret shadow president behind the curtain pulling the strings."
"Criticising Soros isn't antisemitic, but this is because he is represented in antisemitic terms," Alex Hearn, a writer for several Jewish publications, tweeted in response to the imagery. "It is the fantasy of the evil Jew secretly running the world by undermining countries. That is why it looks so similar to Nazi propaganda."
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"Same Nazi symbolism, different time," Elad Nehorai, another writer, wrote on Twitter.
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Newsweek has reached out to the Trump campaign via email for comment.
The recent fundraising email is not the first example of a Trump political campaign being accused of using antisemitic or Nazi tropes. In 2020, Facebook removed a targeted advertisement from the Trump campaign that included a red triangle once used to designate political prisoners in concentration camps. That same year, the Trump campaign used the "puppet master" trope in an advertisement featuring Senator Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, controlling Joe Biden.
And in July that year, Trump's campaign drew widespread controversy over a T-shirt, which was available on his website, that closely resembled Nazi iconography—a comparison a campaign official at the time dismissed as "moronic."
More recently, the Trump campaign gained national attention after a group purporting to be representatives of the antisemitic National Justice Party distributed flyers at a recent Trump campaign rally in South Carolina. The flyers called for a "2% ceiling on Jewish representation." (Newsweek could not independently verify the authenticity of the flyers.)
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Wednesday's incident, critics said, was just another example of the Trump campaign perpetuating another harmful stereotype. It is the same iconography, the critics said, that helped fuel a surge in the number of reported antisemitic incidents in the later years of the Trump administration.
"We continue to see fundraising emails from the Trump campaign that feature language & imagery of George Soros controlling puppet strings and secret globalist cabals," the Anti-Defamation League told Newsweek in a statement on Thursday.
"This isn't just disturbing, it's indisputably dangerous and reprehensible," the statement continued. "Let's be clear, these are antisemitic tropes about Jewish power and are a gateway into hardcore antisemitic conspiracy theories."
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Saya No Uta (Song Of Saya) figurines made by a variety of companies 1/2🌱
(I don’t support this game, I just find different interpretations and styles of characters done by different companies interesting.)
Good Smile Company figure model (comes with detailed stand, August 21st 2017 first release, November 18th 2020 re-release)
(Note: there had commonly been Bootlegs of this figure around, so please do your research and be careful for that if you want the real deal!)
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Soild Theater trading figure, part of there Nitro+ Characters 1st Bullet series (stand is a part of the figure(?) January 2006)
not just saya but Fumori also gets a figure in this set, another thing is put together it looks like Fumori is holding saya
There has also been a clear wing version made of Saya
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Wave (manufacturer) Garage Kit (comes with with no stand)
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Watanuki Garage Kit (comes with clear stand, July 24th 2011 limited release, February 12th 2012 limited release, July 29th 2012 limited release, all releases would be brought at the Wonder Festival at the time)
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Seidou Circus Garage Kit (comes with clear stand, July 24th 2011 limited release for Wonder festival, October 10th 2011 limited release for Treasure festival, July 26th 2015 limited release for Wonder festival, December 13th 2015 limited release for Treasure festival, December 20th 2015 limited release for Volks Hobby)
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OHR Keikaku Garage Kit (comes with detailed stand, July 26th 2015 limited release for Wonder festival though it’s also mentioned as a “2013 version”)
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Kraken Island Garage Kit (comes with detailed stand, February 10th 2013 as a limited release)
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OHR Keikaku Garage Kit (comes with round stand, February 8th 2015 limited release for Wonder festival)
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All credit to the My Figure Collection website for the information on these figurines,
Without them I would never be able to type about these figures right now,
Go check them out, there pretty important to collectors and have so much important information related to physical media in general! (LINK IS SAFE)
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depiston · 2 years
Thoughts About Latent Genes and Howling into the Void
I am Apo, DEPiston, Storyteller. I wrote two RenDoc fics on AO3 and I have had a few people ask about certain themes and I wanted to clear it up.
I am a lot of things and terms but what I am not... is trans. I am a cisgendered woman. I am lucky that my body matches what I feel represents me. I am currently dating a transperson, Hi darling! and consider myself an ally.
To me, personally an ally is someone who supports a movement. This means I vote for politicians that have platforms that do not harm other’s rights. At work, I ask for pronouns, and remove dead names as much as I can from my systems. I use gender neutral collective terms and actively challenge transphobia when I hear or know about it. But that is because I am safe to do so. I have the power to do so. I am lucky. Not everyone can do the same.
What I have as well... is a platform. I write. Holy hell, do I write. I have published every day at least for 231 days. In the process I have published nearly 300,000 words. In the process, I have gained a few readers. Most of my work is cliched fun but some of it has a double meaning.
I wrote Latent Genes as what I call Comfort Content for my boyfriend. Comfort Content is any media, anything that you consume to make yourself feel better. Usually you reread or rewatch it again and again, it is familiar… you know the emotional beats, you know it so well, it doesn’t take energy or brain power to re-consume it. There is no surprises just a world to escape to.
Why is it Comfort Content? It is just nearly 40 chapters of quasi furry/monster adult material. Also RIP Cub. You were an okay sacrifice.
It is trans-coded.
Ren isn’t trans. Ren went through hybridisation activation from the robotics process.
Ren instead was experiencing symptoms one might get from T-Shots:
Increased sex drive
Increased body hair
Increased body mass
Deeper voice
Changes in emotional and social functioning
You could even argue the knot thing was a literary foil for him having a T-Dick.
He finally found his support network with other hybrids and got his acceptance.
In my current story, Howling Into The Void. We are looking at hybridisation again. But not bodily symptoms, this time I am looking at more broader issues. Societal issues, internalised issues and cultural misrepresentation. And Doc… Dear Doc, realising there was things going on that he missed, and only now seeing the abuse/mistreatment Ren had gone through. Doc is also realising, very slowly, that people treat him differently too.
Representation in media, in all media types, is important. It doesn’t have to be overt. It doesn’t have be perfect. I doubt I am going to change anyone’s thinking in a story but maybe it helps. Maybe it becomes your Comfort Content.
Love Apo, DEPiston, Storyteller, Ally.
PS... If you have no idea who I am, you can find my RenDoc Fics at my AO3 account here:
Please watch the tags however. I am an explicit writer.
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letsberealgenz · 4 months
7 rules of life
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Let’s keep it sweet, simple and short just for you.
How do you expect to receive more in life when you’re not even grateful for what you have right now? It is so important for you to express gratitude daily in fact have a gratitude journal. Write down everything and everybody that you’re grateful for. In fact you can incorporate this verbally through meditation. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone eh!
Live in the now
Inspired by Eckhart Tolle by his magnificent book “The Power of Now” changed the way I look at life right now. With the fast pace of technology there’s no “stop” sign for us in fact it’s symbolized as a “delay” in today’s world!
Therefore it’s ever important for us to appreciate the now moment for the now. To give the best version of yourself to the person right in front of you and to give your full attention to the thing that you’re working on now. Yes I know it’s so important to have that future vision as well because that’s what we are working for right? But we need to find the fine margin of balance between now and later. That’s when I believe we would strive as a balanced human species.
You know what they say:
“Readers are leaders.”
It doesn’t have to be a fixed timeline, pick up the right book anytime you can and even if it’s for a minute that’s okay! You’re still putting in that effort for yourself. It is the intention that counts at the end of the day and this is a fact!
Honestly if you Google the benefits of journal right now, there would be tons of materials out there that would show you how life-changing it is but the real game changer is how journaling improves your mental health for real.
If you have not pick up the habit of journaling yet I am here to remind you journaling feels so therapeutic in fact how it helps to clear your mind and free that mental space that you’ve been stacking on for quite some time. It even boosts your productivity because instead of being in your head, now it’s on a piece of paper. What a relieve man! Try it out.
If you’d ask me the greatest remedy of success in fact if I have to choose the best #1 trait of all successful people it’s definitely this. Consistency is the key. Take action everyday that aligns with your true purpose and goals. If you do it repetitively enough you’re winning the long game for sure. Do you know why?
Most of the generation today lives for instant gratification. They need to see the results now. They want to achieve big now. They want to win big in life in the shortest timeline. But ask the experienced individuals who wins big in life for the longest timeline? It’s always the person who stayed consistent to his/her routine. You fail. You get up. You still do it. You succeed. Great you still do it. You learn. You improve. Rain or shine you still do it. Do it every single day and I am sure the win is yours my friend. It’s just a matter of time and how dedicated you’re to keep going even if you don’t see the results you want!
Family, friends & loved ones
We live in a world today where we are getting more distant from one another for sure. With the pressure of succeeding in life. With the pressure of making it in life and all the added social media expectations we tend to take the people whom support us, whom love us and whom would do anything for us in this world for GRANTED!
It’s sad to even think about how connected we are more than ever today just through our fingertip but the reality speaks different. Don’t you think so? How often do you call up your mom or dad to check up on them? How present you’re while spending time with your family? How often can you sacrifice your personal time to spend time with your loved ones?
The key here is to do anything but just remember it’s never hard to pick up your phone and ring your loved ones and let them know how much you love them and et cetera. In fact if one call is too much for you, a text wouldn’t hurt right? In fact imagine how would the receiver feels when they receive that “ping” notification from you? It’s that thought that counts at the end of the day. Crazy to even think that it takes less than a millisecond to do that!
This is one of my best habit that I’ve picked up in 2023 not going to lie! With my work revolving all through online it took a toll on my mental health. There’s no stop sign for me. It felt like living in a box or should I say a maze? Hmm but anyway the point is nature helped to restore that vitality my being needed. The stillness that comes with nature is impossible to put into words because it’s infinity.
The serenity, the tranquility, the peace, the silence and most importantly how can one simple act make you realize so much in life! It made me to question about my life motive. It made to realize how fragile life it. It made me to realize how temporary everything is. It made to realize how we need to fall in order to rise. It made me to realize how important was it to actually stop and look around. It made me to realize a lot which is one of the best thing that has ever happened to me. In fact I would credit nature for the creativity that I am unlocking every single day. It’s amazing to even think about it! I have so much to say but so little time.
But yeah spend time with nature as much as possible and you shall feel the words that I’ve typed coming alive into your life.
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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saintafflour · 7 months
Exquisite Women’s/Men’s Luxury Clothing
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In a world where fashion is a language, men's luxury clothing speaks volumes. It goes beyond mere attire; it's an expression of refined taste and an appreciation for the finer things in life. In this article, we'll navigate through the evolution, trends, and intricacies of men's luxury fashion.
Evolution of Men's Luxury Fashion
Men's luxury fashion has come a long way, mirroring societal changes and cultural shifts. From the regal attire of monarchs to the avant-garde designs of modern fashion houses, the evolution is a testament to the dynamic nature of style.
Key Elements of Men's Luxury Clothing
What sets men's luxury clothing apart? It's the meticulous attention to detail, the use of premium materials, and the craftsmanship that goes into each piece. These elements combine to create garments that transcend fashion, becoming wearable art.
Popular Brands in Men's Luxury Clothing
Explore the corridors of men's luxury fashion, and you'll encounter iconic names like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Tom Ford. Each brand brings a unique perspective, contributing to the rich tapestry of luxury clothing for men.
Trends in Men's Luxury Fashion
Luxury fashion is a dynamic landscape, constantly evolving. From classic styles that withstand the test of time to avant-garde creations that push boundaries, staying abreast of trends is key for the modern gentleman.
Celebrity Influence
Celebrities are not just faces on screens; they are trendsetters. Their collaborations with luxury brands often dictate what's 'in' and what's 'out.' We'll explore how celebrity influence shapes the narrative of men's luxury fashion.
Tailoring and Customization
In a world of mass production, personalized tailoring stands as a beacon of exclusivity. Delve into the realm of bespoke suits and custom-made garments that elevate men's luxury clothing to unparalleled heights.
Sustainable Luxury
As the world becomes more conscious of its environmental impact, the luxury fashion industry is not immune. Discover how sustainable practices are shaping the narrative of men's luxury clothing, blending opulence with eco-consciousness.
Choosing the Right Men's Luxury Clothing
Investing in men's luxury clothing requires careful consideration. From understanding the fit to appreciating the craftsmanship, we'll guide you on selecting pieces that resonate with your style.
Luxury Accessories for Men
A well-rounded luxury look isn't just about clothing. Accessories play a pivotal role. From watches to cufflinks, we'll explore the world of accouterments that elevate a gentleman's attire.
Dressing for Different Occasions
Whether it's a black-tie event or a casual weekend brunch, knowing how to dress for various occasions is an art. We'll provide insights into crafting the perfect ensemble for every event on your calendar.
Challenges in the Men's Luxury Fashion Industry
The road to perfection is not without its challenges. Counterfeiting, changing consumer preferences, and economic fluctuations pose hurdles to the men's luxury fashion industry. We'll dissect these challenges and explore potential solutions.
The Future of Men's Luxury Clothing
What does the future hold for men's luxury fashion? From innovative designs to tech-infused garments, we'll gaze into the crystal ball and make predictions about the next wave of trends.
As we wrap up this sartorial journey, one thing is clear: men's luxury clothing is not just a passing trend; it's a timeless affair. The allure of premium craftsmanship and exclusive designs will continue to captivate the hearts of discerning gentlemen worldwide.
Address: 785 H King George Blvd Ste D BOX 13 Savannah, GA 31419 Contacts: Email: [email protected] Phone: 1-912-746-132 Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/saintafflour https://www.instagram.com/saintafflour https://www.tiktok.com/@saintafflour https://www.pinterest.com/saintafflour/
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sweetswesf · 10 months
Hey hey, y’all.
I’m mad Tumblr STILL hasn’t responded to any of my support tickets to get my messaging back. As an engineer, I am criticizing the app in a different way than most lol. There’s a lot of cool things with the UI, but the way you can’t separate primary & secondary blogs, some of the playback, the slow or no responses on support tickets is kinda getting to me. I didn’t think it’d frustrate me this much, but it does…Maybe it was protection…
I made a lot of progress last week. I feel like I am making strides and getting stronger with concepts. I had 2 onsites and a practice technical and I felt I did pretty good in all of them. Rejected from one in less than 24 hours, but that 1 involved a lot of semi negative back & forth with the recruiters for over a month, so I felt the decision was made before I even did the interview.
I was exhausted, but felt like I was detaching from the pain of things and just telling myself get through it. Even in my workouts. My body was tired but it felt like it was moving without my mind. I know it’s only God…I spent less time on social media, I spent less time procrastinating, and I can get through most 12 hour days without needing a nap. I am completely wiped out on my break days (Sundays) and take 4 hour naps then lol but I remember a time during my early months of being laid off where I couldn’t get through the day without a 3 hour nap.
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I am about done with the sections of the API YouTube course I want to go over. It is a really good course and it’s at a good level of detail I need. I was familiar with the material, but this was good to solidify understanding of certain concepts. I think I have like one more day left that I’d like to spend on it for prep for my interviews. A lot of things make a lot more sense. I wanted to get past it so that I can focus more on system design and algos, but it was necessary to go over. I’m trying to balance learning quite a bit of topics: system design, APIs, DS&A, OOP, behavioral questions.
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For you that have been commenting on my posts encouraging me, especially @mythgrippa-blog & @tenaciousdeveloper, I want to send a particular word of appreciation. Whenever I get a bit discouraged, I remember your comments, so thank you so much.
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I even caught a butterfly by its wings! I’ve always wanted to do that, but I don’t think I’ll ever do that again. I won’t forget how surprisingly strong it was wriggling to get free. I quickly released it when I realized I could be hurting it’s wings! I’m sure I did though and the thought makes me sick. I never meant to hurt it. These are sentient beings. There was no need for me to do that. I didn’t realize I would hurt it before I did it. I was on break from an on-site, feeling good, listening to this song, and intrusive thoughts took over.
It flew away fine, but still…I’m sure I damaged the wings just by touching it. I felt a similar guilt when I thought my car would clear and not hit this cat that was laying in the middle of the street. It didn’t and I killed a little collar-less white kitten 😔. This was almost a decade ago. I don’t even own a car anymore but I still think about it & feel guilty.
I took a Cruise autonomous car ride. That was my 3rd time in an autonomous car ride, but 1st one by Cruise. After it, I was inspired. This is the type of things that drew me to tech in the 1st place…
School loans start accruing interest again at the end of this month, and I would like to pay those off. I haven’t looked into deferring my payments because I’m hoping I can pay them off before needing that option. It is humbling to go from having a lot of autonomy with spending to relying on government assistance. Life comes at you fast…I can’t judge anyone. I do, but I shouldn’t and I try not to. I am reminded everyday, with every new experience or challenge, that you truly don’t know what people are facing or what the heck you would do if in a similar scenario. Ideas & history are different from reality.
Pastor at church today said, “You think you have strong faith until something happens that tests it,” and I related hard. I reflect on everything. Sometimes I just sit and stare like, “I’m tired and I’m ready for a different reality.”
My mom comes at the start of September too, and I would like to fully enjoy that with her with my dream job. I will enjoy it regardless though.
I order from DoorDash less, to save money, and also, because there’s not that many options that are healthy, and regardless if the meal is healthy or not, I’ve had it so many times that I’d rather just try to make a replica of my own if I have time. Some things I just can’t replicate, but I do like that I’m empowering myself to have some control over that. I’m often negotiating between saving money and saving time when it comes to this food stuff.
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Also, food at this point is one of the only break aways from work that I’m allowing myself to enjoy right now. A LOT of my community has left the city or don’t reach out despite my efforts of trying to maintain the relationship. I don’t want to forge new ones right now, because the emotional and financial investment is… a lot right now. Anytime you want free time outside these days, you end up spending like $50 at minimum! I also feel like I need to find someone to help on Sundays. Sundays are for rest though, and so far, I’ve taken up the whole day washing my hair, going to church, grocery shopping, cooking, eating, napping for 3 or 4 hours, reflecting, and YouTube video watching. I don’t study, I don’t do any chores, and I don’t even like cooking those days. I appreciate my Sundays for what they are for: rest.
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A few people close to me asked me again this week if I wanted to keep doing this and I was audibly annoyed. They don’t think I’ve made success in the way I should, but they don’t know much about the industry or how things typically go on this side. They also don’t know my plan. They don’t have to, but it does because it kind of feels they don’t believe in my abilities. I don’t want to be struggling forever, but I don’t think I should give up. I want to do this. I mean, I even get the question a lot in interviews. Like, I transitioned about 3 years ago. Why are you still asking me why I transitioned? You’re wasting time when you could be asking me about my qualifications for this role. I’m sure non-career-transitioners (people with traditional backgrounds) don’t get asked why they chose that field. Does it matter WHY I’ve chosen it if I’ve been gainfully employed in it for years and am applying to keep doing it? It shouldn’t. This question is totally valid outside of interviews. I appreciate answering it then. It just feels invasive when asked in interviews. I could see if I was fresh out of my old career, but I’ve been working as a full time software engineer for more than 3. It almost feels like, “well duh!” at this point when it comes to choosing tech. Look around you. Why not?! EVERY industry damn there has been elevated and can’t survive without tech. It’s really hard to cover your basic needs and a lot people on a 6-figure salary are living paycheck to paycheck given how outrageous rent is. At least tech gives you a fighting chance. Look at me! A tech worker still with debt who’s now had to rely on government assistance…It feels similar to interviewers asking why I majored in something. It doesn’t matter at all when you should be looking at the work I’ve done for money.
It was recommended, and I agreed, that I should stop interviewing with startups and start interviewing with companies I would like to work at, so I’m doing that soon. I feel a bit impatient and when I do, I try to refocus and remind myself that I shouldn’t give up and potentially blow the progress made thus far (another word of encouragement from y’all reading, so thank you!). I just need to keep going, stop feeling rushed, be fearless, be strategic, have confidence, and know that God will give me something great in due time that’s fit for me that exceeds my expectations.
I’m grateful for vision, dexterity, my mental health, my education, having hot water, still being able to afford a gym membership and to never go hungry. To spend on organic groceries. I also still have quite a bit of savings. I didn’t realize but my high yield savings account has been kicking me back about the amount of a week’s worth of meals & groceries every month. Praise God. I also am still able to tithe and be generous to people who need help during this time.
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The things that I wanted months and even weeks ago, like purses, shoes, etc. all seem so frivolous now. Thousands on these things? I’ve never spent that much on purses & shoes. I’ve never been that girl, but I HAVE bought a lot of excess before, or bought things, albeit cheap, that I thought I would use one day. I even imagined that once I get a job, I would treat myself on one of those $1k+ purses, just because I’m a 30 and never have bought anything designer. Now, I don’t even care about taking a vacation. I just want to wake up employed. I WILL take a vacation, but I don’t mind just visiting something local. I miss NYC like crazy! I’ve always wanted to visit Atlanta (my 1st visit was at night and was too short, I had to drive back to Nashville in the morning). Those purses and shoes are still NICE but, I don’t HAVE to have them like I once felt…Imma still treat myself, but the treats won’t be as extravagant/often/out of my honest price range.
Fashion blogs seem so DUMB to me now. The THOUSANDS people will pay and still be in debt or not own any assets seems CRAZY now. But it took this to open my eyes. I’ve been unemployed before when I was fresh out of bootcamp, and I went into super frugal mode, and promised myself to maintain those habits. I did a lot, but still made dumb decisions after I got employed again. Freeing myself from want this time around, I hope it sticks.
There were days this week where I woke up wanting to contact a particular dude from my past. Just thirsty and lonely and craving a hug. I kept saying, “I just want a hug.” It’s really just me. Day in & day out. Friends & family only call. Everyone close to me I have to talk to virtually through a screen/over the phone. It gets to me…someone will love me hard and give me the affection I crave one day. I need to rely on God’s love though and remember not to put too much dependence on people, but it’s okay to want a partner. God honors marriage and says a spouse is to supply the other’s needs for affection. Not one way: this is for both partners.
I’m grateful for everything this time has taught me and I don’t know if I would have learned it without this. I shun fear of not getting what I want. I refuse to believe that my efforts will go unrewarded. I chase away the devil that made me believe I was less than. In the meeting with my mentor last week, he said, “I’m going to be candid: the team did NOT like that you were let go. We all felt that you had made so much progress and we actually had a rant session about it.” That almost made me cry, because I felt like the weakest link on the team at that time, but to know that people respected my work and felt like great things were coming for me, confirmed my suspicions too that I KNEW things were looking up. I had finally felt comfortable, and then it felt like my progress was stopped. But I know, and I knew even when I got laid off, even without my next position, it wasn’t a mistake. God tends to shift things when you’re feeling comfortable. He’s trying to elevate me. I will be in a higher position my next role, potentially making more than double what I was. More than what I could have gotten if I stayed. I don’t fear getting let go as much anymore because I know how to do these algos, or, I know where I can go to refresh my understandings of them. I lived in fear before this and couldn’t truly enjoy anything because I knew there was a huge hole in my understanding of things in the interview & my career that I felt I didn’t have the time to learn. Nothing is by mistake and I’m grateful to Him. Amen!
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I hope y’all are well too. Be blessed <3
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homecabinet · 13 days
Durable and Stylish Projector Cabinets for Modern Homes
Features of Projector Cabinets
Durability and Build Quality
When selecting a projector cabinet for your modern home, durability is a key factor. Look for cabinets made from high-quality materials such as solid wood, metal, or engineered wood with robust finishes that withstand daily wear and tear. Reinforced structures ensure that your cabinet can support the weight of your projector and other AV equipment, providing long-lasting performance.
Style and Design
A stylish projector cabinet can elevate the aesthetic of your home theater. Modern and contemporary designs with clean lines and minimalist features are popular choices. Many cabinets offer customizable options, allowing you to select finishes, colors, and configurations that match your interior decor. The Apollo Projector Cabinet, for example, combines sleek design with functionality, making it a perfect addition to any modern home.
Functionality and Usability
Functionality is just as important as style. Look for cabinets that offer ample storage solutions, such as adjustable shelves and hidden compartments for AV equipment, media, and accessories. Efficient cable management features help keep your setup organized and clutter-free. Additionally, proper ventilation and cooling systems are essential to prevent your projector from overheating and ensure optimal performance.
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Benefits of Projector Cabinets in Modern Homes
Protecting AV Equipment
A projector cabinet provides secure housing for your projector and other AV equipment, protecting them from dust, damage, and unauthorized access. This is especially important for delicate and expensive devices that require careful handling.
Enhancing Home Decor
Projector cabinets can seamlessly integrate with your home decor, complementing existing furniture and enhancing the overall aesthetic of your living space. A well-chosen cabinet can become a focal point in your home theater, adding both style and functionality.
Improving Home Theater Experience
Proper placement of your projector is crucial for an optimal viewing experience. A projector cabinet allows you to position your projector at the perfect height and angle, ensuring a clear and immersive picture. Additionally, an organized and clutter-free setup enhances the overall ambiance of your home theater.
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Types of Projector Cabinets
Wall-Mounted Cabinets
Wall-mounted projector cabinets are an excellent space-saving solution, ideal for smaller rooms or minimalist setups. These cabinets are easy to install and keep your equipment off the floor, freeing up valuable space.
Freestanding Cabinets
Freestanding projector cabinets offer mobility and flexibility, allowing you to move your setup as needed. They provide versatile placement options and often come with additional storage features.
Custom-Built Cabinets
For those with specific needs or unique home theater setups, custom-built projector cabinets offer tailored solutions. These cabinets are designed to your specifications, ensuring a perfect fit and unique design.
Choosing the Right Projector Cabinet
Factors to Consider
When choosing a projector cabinet, consider factors such as size and compatibility with your equipment, style and color options, and your budget. Ensure the cabinet can accommodate your projector and other AV devices, and select a design that complements your home decor.
Top Brands and Models
Research top brands and models to find the best projector cabinet for your needs. Look for reviews and comparisons to understand the features and benefits of each option. Customer testimonials can also provide valuable insights into the performance and durability of different cabinets.
Setting Up Projector Cabinets in Modern Homes
Installation Tips
Proper installation is essential for stability and safety. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for assembly and mounting, and ensure the cabinet is securely positioned. For wall-mounted cabinets, use appropriate hardware and tools to prevent accidents.
Cable Management Solutions
Efficient cable management is crucial for a clean and organized setup. Use cable ties, clips, and channels to conceal and organize cables, preventing clutter and tangles. This not only improves the aesthetics of your home theater but also ensures better performance and safety.
Ventilation and Cooling
Proper ventilation is essential to prevent your projector and other AV equipment from overheating. Ensure your cabinet has adequate airflow and cooling features, such as ventilation slots or fans, to maintain optimal operating temperatures.
Maintenance and Care of Projector Cabinets
Regular Cleaning
Regularly dust and clean your projector cabinet to maintain its appearance and functionality. Use appropriate cleaning products and techniques to avoid damaging the finishes and materials. Pay special attention to ventilation slots and cable management areas.
Handling Wear and Tear
Over time, your projector cabinet may experience wear and tear. Address minor repairs promptly to prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your cabinet. Regular maintenance, such as tightening screws and checking for stability, ensures long-lasting performance.
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mykreatecube · 15 days
10 Ideas for Choosing Architects in Chandigarh
Choosing the right architect for your project in Chandigarh can make all the difference in achieving a successful and smooth construction or renovation process. Known for its architectural significance and modernist designs by Le Corbusier, Chandigarh demands a careful selection of professionals who can uphold its architectural legacy while meeting contemporary needs. Here are 10 ideas to help you choose the perfect architect for your project in Chandigarh.
1. Define Your Project Goals
Clarify Your Vision:
Scope and Purpose: Identify whether your project is residential, commercial, industrial, or a renovation.
Design Style: Determine your preferred architectural style, whether it’s modern, traditional, or a mix.
Budget and Timeline: Set a clear budget and timeline for your project.
2. Research Local Architects
Utilize Various Resources:
Online Directories: Use platforms like Houzz, Justdial, and UrbanClap to find architects in Chandigarh.
Professional Associations: Check listings from the Council of Architecture (COA) and the Indian Institute of Architects (IIA).
Local Recommendations: Ask friends, family, and colleagues for referrals based on their experiences.
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3. Review Portfolios and Past Work
Evaluate Their Experience:
Project Relevance: Look for architects with experience in projects similar to yours.
Design Versatility: Ensure they can handle various styles and are adaptable to your specific needs.
Quality of Work: Assess the quality and creativity of their previous projects.
4. Check Credentials and Licensing
Verify Professional Qualifications:
Licensing: Ensure the architect is licensed by the COA.
Certifications: Look for additional certifications or memberships in professional bodies.
5. Read Client Reviews and Testimonials
Gather Feedback:
Online Reviews: Check reviews on platforms like Google, Houzz, and social media.
Client Testimonials: Request testimonials from past clients and contact them to discuss their experiences.
6. Conduct Interviews
Meet Potential Architects:
Initial Consultation: Schedule meetings to discuss your project and gauge their interest and understanding.
Communication Skills: Evaluate how well they listen to your ideas and explain their approach.
Problem-Solving: Ask about their strategies for handling unexpected issues.
7. Compare Proposals and Fee Structures
Analyze Their Offers:
Detailed Proposals: Request comprehensive proposals outlining their services, approach, and timeline.
Fee Transparency: Understand their fee structure and what it includes (fixed fee, hourly rate, or percentage of construction costs).
Value for Money: Assess the overall value and not just the cost.
8. Evaluate Their Network and Resources
Check Their Connections:
Local Network: Ensure they have good relationships with local contractors, suppliers, and craftsmen.
Team and Support: Understand the size and expertise of their team, including any subcontractors or consultants they work with.
9. Assess Compatibility and Chemistry
Ensure a Good Fit:
Personal Rapport: You should feel comfortable and confident in your interactions with the architect.
Shared Vision: Ensure they understand and align with your vision for the project.
Professionalism: Trust your instincts regarding their reliability and professionalism.
10. Prioritize Sustainability and Innovation
Focus on Forward-Thinking Practices:
Sustainable Design: Choose architects who prioritize eco-friendly materials and sustainable design practices.
Innovative Solutions: Look for architects who stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in architecture.
Find Complete List of Architects in Chandigarh — https://kreatecube.com/chandigarh-punjab/architects
Choosing the right architect in Chandigarh is a critical step in ensuring the success of your project. By following these 10 ideas, you can find an architect who not only meets your needs but also brings creativity, professionalism, and local expertise to your project. With the right architect, your vision for your project can be brought to life with efficiency and excellence, ensuring a beautiful and functional end result.
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scarletavenue · 20 days
Discover the Best Online Plus Size Boutique in New York: Scarlet Avenue
Finding stylish and comfortable plus-size clothing can be a daunting task, but if you're in New York, look no further than Scarlet Avenue. This online boutique has become a go-to destination for women seeking trendy and affordable plus-size fashion. Online Plus Size Boutique New York Whether you're shopping for casual wear, work attire, or something special for a night out, Scarlet Avenue has got you covered.
Why Choose Scarlet Avenue?
1. Extensive Collection
Scarlet Avenue boasts a wide range of plus-size clothing options that cater to different styles and occasions. From chic dresses and trendy tops to comfortable loungewear and elegant evening gowns, their collection is carefully curated to ensure you find something that suits your taste.
2. Inclusive Sizes
Understanding the importance of size inclusivity, Scarlet Avenue offers clothing in a variety of sizes to accommodate every body shape. Their size chart is detailed and user-friendly, helping you find the perfect fit without any hassle.
3. High-Quality Fabrics
Quality is never compromised at Scarlet Avenue. Each piece of clothing is made from high-quality fabrics that ensure comfort and durability. The boutique sources materials that are soft, breathable, and designed to last, making sure you feel as good as you look.
4. Affordable Prices
Fashion should be accessible to everyone, and Scarlet Avenue embodies this belief by offering stylish plus-size clothing at reasonable prices. Their regular sales and discounts further enhance the shopping experience, allowing you to stay fashionable without breaking the bank.
5. Easy Shopping Experience
Scarlet Avenue’s website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. With clear categories, detailed product descriptions, and high-resolution images, shopping online has never been more convenient. Plus, their efficient customer service team is always ready to assist with any queries or concerns.
6. Fast and Reliable Shipping
Located in New York, Scarlet Avenue provides fast and reliable shipping options to ensure your purchases reach you quickly. They also offer easy return and exchange policies, making sure your shopping experience is seamless and satisfactory.
Top Picks from Scarlet Avenue
Here are a few must-have items from Scarlet Avenue's collection:
Elegant Maxi Dresses: Perfect for special occasions or a night out.
Stylish Blazers and Jackets: Ideal for adding a touch of sophistication to any outfit.
Comfy Loungewear Sets: Great for relaxing at home or casual outings.
Trendy Tops and Blouses: Versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down.
Join the Scarlet Avenue Community
Scarlet Avenue is more than just an online boutique; it's a community that celebrates body positivity and self-expression. Follow them on social media to stay updated on the latest arrivals, fashion tips, and exclusive offers. Online Plus Size Boutique New York  Share your favorite looks and join a supportive network of fashion enthusiasts who believe in embracing their unique style.
For the best plus-size fashion in New York, visit Scarlet Avenue today and discover a world of stylish possibilities tailored just for you.
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Boosting Your Business Image: A Complete Guide to Business Photography
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In today's world, how you present your business visually is key. Great business photography isn't just necessary—it's a powerful tool to boost your brand. This guide dives into different types of business photography, like corporate portraits and product shots, and explains why they're crucial for your success.
The Impact of Professional Photography on Your Brand
Professional photos are at the heart of your branding. They make the first impression. In a tough market, standout images can give you an edge. For example, top-notch product shots showcase your items' quality, while engaging corporate portraits make your brand more relatable. These photos not only look good but also build trust and reliability with your customers.
The Drawbacks of Using Stock Images
Stock photos are easy to get and affordable but they might not fit your brand well. They can seem fake and fail to show what makes your brand special. Also, when many businesses use the same stock images, including your competitors, your brand might feel less unique.
What's more, search engines now recognize stock images and may rank your website lower because they prefer original content. Investing in custom photography can make your brand look authentic and improve your website's search engine ranking.
Key Types of Business Photography
Each type of business photography has its role in strengthening your brand and marketing efforts:
Corporate Portraits: Put a face to your brand with professional shots that convey authority and professionalism.
Product Photography: Clear, attractive product images are essential, especially for online sales, helping customers see exactly what they're buying.
Commercial Photography: Use these images in ads, brochures, and online to grab potential clients' attention.
Brand Imagery: These images tell your company's story and what you stand for, helping to differentiate your brand from others.
Event Photography: Capture key moments and achievements at corporate events to use in your promotional materials.
Professional Headshots: Quality headshots on professional sites like LinkedIn introduce your team effectively.
Marketing Photography: Strong images in marketing campaigns can convey your message better and make your materials more engaging.
Editorial Photography: These images support your written content in magazines, blogs, and articles, adding depth and context.
Choosing the Right Photographer
Picking the right photographer means finding someone who understands business photography and can match your brand's style. Look at their past work and discuss their projects to make sure their style aligns with your vision.
New Technologies Changing Business Photography
Emerging tech like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is changing business photography. These tools can create immersive views of your products, attracting modern consumers. Personal branding and social media also demand authentic, narrative-driven photos that reflect your brand’s values.
AI tools help track how well images perform, helping businesses make smarter choices about visual content. This blend of tech and personalization is changing how businesses connect with their audiences.
Investing in high-quality business photography is a strategic move that boosts your brand, draws in clients, and drives growth. From stunning product images to engaging portraits, the right photos will show the world your professionalism and the quality of your services.
This guide highlights the crucial role of professional photography in today's business environment, ensuring your brand not only looks professional but also stands out from the competition.
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techtoolsdaily · 2 months
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Unlocking the Power of JPG to PNG Conversion: Elevate Your Visual Content
In today's visually-driven digital landscape, the quality of your images can make or break your online presence. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or business owner, having visually appealing graphics is essential for capturing the attention of your audience. That's where MATSEOTOOL's JPG to PNG converter comes in, offering a seamless solution for elevating your visual content.
Converting JPG images to PNG format opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your visual assets. PNG files support transparency, allowing you to create images with clear backgrounds that seamlessly integrate into various design projects. Whether you're designing a website, creating social media posts, or developing marketing materials, the ability to work with transparent images can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your content.
MATSEOTOOL's converter simplifies the conversion process with its intuitive interface and powerful features. With just a few clicks, you can upload your JPG files and convert them to PNG format quickly and efficiently. The tool also offers options for customizing output settings, such as adjusting compression levels and resizing images, ensuring that you have full control over the quality and size of your converted images.
Furthermore, MATSEOTOOL's converter is optimized for performance, allowing you to convert large batches of images without sacrificing speed or quality. Whether you're processing a single image or an entire photo gallery, you can trust MATSEOTOOL to deliver fast and reliable results every time. In conclusion, unlocking the power of JPG to PNG conversion with MATSEOTOOL's converter is a game-changer for anyone looking to enhance their visual content. From improving transparency to optimizing image quality, this tool offers everything you need to take your graphics to the next level. Try it out today and see the difference it can make for your digital projects.
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winter-spark · 2 months
Okay so, I forgot this in my Citron essay but there's actually a reason why Tangerine wasn't harmed as much as Citron when he became Crown Prince. And since this is separate from the essay, I'm gonna try to write this as a standalone as I can go into a bit of length with it here. Also, because I can, I'm going to include a little bit of headcannons, but they're mainly speculations based on the canon material. But don't forget this goes with, paragraphs 17-22: Tangerine in Citron's Past Role, in my Citron essay: Citron's Love and Limited Self Value Disguised as Coldness & Selfishness!
But the short of it(aka the too long, didn't read) is, Tangerine was able to be okay because he had the time to grow into his own person but more importantly he had Citron. Growing up Tangerine always had Citron's love in its actual warmth and time to himself that helped nurture him into the person he is and he's still being shown love and support now and going forward.
Now, before we analyze Tangerine we first must look at Citron because what we understand and know about Tangerine is formed pretty much in comparison to Citron. So let's dive in.
From the age of 6, Citron was told he was the Crown Prince, that when he reached a certain age he would rule the kingdom. Growing up he didn't only have to prepare for that but he had to prove he was a good fit for the role because his mother was a commoner unlike his brothers' moms who were concubines, he was seen as lesser. Of course, when he could he'd squeeze in some fun and games but he was living a lonely existence. He wasn't alone, just lonely. The two whom he could probably relate to the most were actively against him and trying to steal his role from him, were trying to prove him ill-suited. Then, of course, there was Guy but they had a major disconnect, and Guy was always just agreeing without understanding or reminding him to get back to work. It could be frustrating. He didn't spend much time with his dad nor mom, seeing as he says himself he spent more time with Guy than either of his parents and while to me that doesn't seem like that much of a clear comparison, it's also revealed that there were palace caretakers. Which adds to just how little he spent with his parents. And like yea, that's Citron's backstory what does it have to do with Tangerine?
Tangerine, from birth, wasn't ever really an option for the throne growing up. He had nothing to prove, not in the same way Citron or even Orange did. Of course, he's still a Prince of Zafra but the energy around him is different. Unlike Citron, he didn't have people watching and judging his every move. However, that also means he didn't have many eyes on him at all. Orange and Navel were dedicated to the running for the Crown, Tangerine didn't have a retainer, and if their father didn't spend much time with Citron why would he spend any significantly more time with Tangerine. Of course that raises the question of his mother as she would've been a concubine, but the way Tangerine is, I don't think she was very involved or cared very much. Like I don't think she had Tangerine because she, like, wanted a kid, I think she had Tangerine and didn't have very much of an attachment to him. Ultimately, I think all he had really was Citron. And the caretakers, I suppose, but they don't really count.
Citron who understood what it was like to have no one else to really lean on was there for Tangerine as they grew up, he offered Tangerine someone he could go to for comfort because where else was he gonna get it(don't say the caretakers). And we know this is true because Tangerine basically says as much. When he couldn't sleep he went to Citron. This is something that commonly pops up [in media?], a young child struggles to sleep and thus goes to someone they trust, someone that is a source of comfort for them. Often times it's their parent, but it doesn't have to be, for Masumi it was his grandma, for Citron it's implied/is possible to have been Guy(in Hotel Compass, episode 7, Guy offhandedly mentions them lying together in the past when discussing how it's his turn to sleep with Azuma), and for Tangerine it was Citron. Taking his own experiences into account, Citron was able to provide a trustworthy comforting space, he was essentially the warmth of Spring for Tangerine growing up. So Tangerine had some source of comfort, someone to help him through rougher times. That's important to have in one's developmental stages. Even if he couldn't always be at Citron's side.
Again, Citron is Crown Prince, thus he has responsibilities as such, Tangerine isn't, thus doesn't, therefore he also had time alone, as I'm sure there's been multiple times that Tangerine was like "can we do this thing" & Citron was like "sorry I have other things to attend to". So there Tangerine was with time. Because he had this time and nothing to combat it (ie Citron's interests vs his responsibilities as next in line), Tangerine was able to sort of grow into his own person. He was able to be sort of sure of who he is (even if he didn't yet have plans for what he wanted to do), making him more sure of his actions and what he thinks of those around him.
So when the time came that he became the next in line for the Crown he didn't see himself as just the Crown Prince, he sees himself as Tangerine, the youngest of four princes, who became next in line partially because his brothers' actions, partly because his father thought he proved to be suited for it. While there is some pressure and some things to catch up on as he spent the first like 16 years of his life just being one of four princes and now has 4 years to prepare to take the throne, he doesn't have to fight anyone for the spot. Citron had to prove he deserved it his whole life, Tangerine earned it and has to learn what it's all about. Both are stressful, but Tangerine's not as susceptible to falling into the mindset of all he is and all people see him for is his title.
Of course, there's opportunity for it, he went from not being that centered in everything to pretty much being the center of it all because of his new title, but all in all, he knows who he is, what he's willing to put up with and what his values are. Additionally, Tangerine knows that he is valued as a person because growing up Citron always valued him. Plus after becoming Crown Prince, others are showing him value moreso as a person than as a prince, Mankai took good care of him, and Mika is definitely providing a bond that is a closeness that while the gateway may have been Tangerine becoming Crown Prince, Tangerine being in line for the throne is not the backbone of their bond, if that makes sense.
Basically, where Citron was rarely shown that others cared for him as a person when it came to his title (because of everything else around it), Tangerine has always and is continually shown that he is cared for as a person, title or no title. And that's why the title of Crown Prince, has an underlying stigma to it for Citron, why it harmed him so much, while Tangerine doesn't see it as such and will be to be okay.
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just6f · 4 months
BLACK CAT PLUSH TOYS STUFFED: 12% OFF! Searching for the perfect Black Cat Plush Toys Stuffed? Take a look at our curated selection of products -- and purchase for 12% off. Inventory is running low, so act fast. Our store guarantees quality and a selection like no other -- all with a 100% satisfaction policy. So, ADD TO CART now! BLACK CAT PLUSH TOYS STUFFED INFORMATION Filling: Pp cotton Material: Cotton Gender: Unisex Features: Stuffed & plush Any questions left? Then feel free to contact us in any convenient way, and don’t be shy to ask anything you want to know because we're always happy to answer any question. PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Are the materials safe for the user? When manufacturing our Black Cat Plush Toys Stuffed, we use only quality materials. So, there's no reason to worry. Do your images give a clear picture in terms of colors? Please, be sure that all the colors in the pictures match the actual ones of the Black Cat Plush Toys Stuffed. However, check your device to see whether it distorts the real colors. Do you charge extra fees for delivery or anything else? You can see the final price when confirming the order. After that, you pay no extra money. How much does it cost? You can order this item for $15.98. When I buy something in an online store, I always share my experience in my blog. Is it OK with your goods? Certainly, you can freely post the photos of our goods on social media. We have absolutely no objections to that. Thank you. What if I don’t like my Soft Round Animal Cat Pillow Nap Cushion Creative Birthday Gift? Feel free to get in touch with us if anything in your order doesn’t suit you or doesn’t meet your expectations. We have a buyer-friendly refund policy. Therefore, you can easily get a compensation. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES What happens if I buy several of these at once? Will the items come in separate packages? When you order multiple units of the same item, they arrive together (even if every unit is packed separately). So you won’t have to wait for multiple deliveries at different days! What to do if I don't get my order or it is faulty? We're proud of our customer-friendly return policy. So if anything happens to your package before it’s delivered, we’ll offer you a full refund. Something went wrong and I’ve chosen the wrong Height. So what should I do to change the details or cancel the order? You can always message our support center and describe your situation. They will solve your problem at short notice. How many are available for purchase? Every day, the number of these products in stock changes because of both buyers’ and manufacturers' activity. There is nothing to worry about, though: if there is no “Out of Stock” sign on this product page, then the Soft Round Animal Cat Pillow Nap Cushion Creative Birthday Gift can be purchased safely. Can I just go and buy the identical ones offline? Most typically, offline stores provide a more limited range of products. Besides, they commonly set much higher prices due to numerous extra business expenses. Do you have a right to sell this kind of products? All our products including the Black Cat Plush Toys Stuffed are distributed legally. In other words, you have no reason to worry. https://just6f.com/black-cat-plush-toys-stuffed-soft-round-animal-cat-pillow-nap-cushion-creative-birthday-gift/?feed_id=6905&_unique_id=65e05da077690
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paanking · 4 months
A Sweet Business Opportunity: How to Succeed in the Paan Business and Franchise in India
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Popular and traditional mouth freshener in India that has been enjoyed for centuries. Made from betel leaves, areca nuts, and various other ingredients, paan is not just a simple digestive but is also considered a cultural symbol. In recent years, the paan business has been booming in India, with many entrepreneurs opening up paan shops and franchises. If you’re interested in entering this sweet business opportunity, here are some tips on how to succeed in the paan business and franchise in India.
Research the Market and Location: The first step towards success in the paan business is to research the market and location. Conducting market research will help you identify potential competitors, customer preferences, and price points. It will also give you an idea of the type of paan that is popular in the area and whether there is a need for a new paan shop. Choosing the right location is crucial in the paan business. You want to choose a location that is easily accessible and has high foot traffic. Busy streets, near colleges or universities, and near market areas are ideal locations for a paan shop.
Focus on Quality and Innovation: To succeed in the paan business, you need to offer high-quality paan and innovate. You can experiment with different types of paan fillings and flavors to stand out from the competition. You can also offer unique packaging options that differentiate you from other paan shops. Quality is crucial in the paan business. You want to ensure that you use high-quality ingredients and that your paan is fresh and hygienic. You also want to make sure that you prepare your paan in a clean and sanitized environment.
Offer Excellent Customer Service: Excellent customer service is key in any business, and the paan business is no exception. You want to ensure that your customers feel welcome and that their needs are met. You can offer personalized recommendations based on their preferences or create a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Training your staff in customer service is also essential. They should be friendly, knowledgeable, and able to handle any customer inquiries or complaints.
Build a Strong Brand: To succeed in the paan business, you need to build a strong brand that resonates with your target customers. Your brand should reflect your values, personality, and unique selling points. It should also be consistent across all your marketing materials, from your logo to your packaging. Social media is an excellent platform for building your brand and reaching out to potential customers. You can showcase your paan offerings, share customer testimonials, and run promotions or contests.
Franchise Your Business: If you’re looking to expand your paan business, franchising can be an excellent option. Franchising allows you to replicate your successful business model in new locations, without having to invest in the entire cost of opening a new store. When franchising, you want to ensure that you have a clear franchising agreement in place that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties. You should also provide training and support to your franchisees to ensure that they are successful in running their businesses.
In conclusion, the paan business is a sweet business opportunity in India, with a growing demand for high-quality paan. By researching the market and location, focusing on quality and innovation, offering excellent customer service, building a strong brand, and franchising your business, you can succeed in this booming industry. At Paan King, we are dedicated to providing the best paan franchise opportunities in India. We offer training, support, and a proven business model that can help you succeed in the paan business. Contact us today to learn more about our franchise opportunities.
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