#just remind me I'm a bit of a space cadet
'Reverse' (( unfortunatelilbirdie ))
I'm not sure what meme this connected to.
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aeternallis · 3 months
So I went to the kimchay tag with the intention of pulling some old gif sets I really liked from a year or two ago, only to come across fanon things that just made me shake my head, lol.
So now that I'm in this mood, I thought I'd vent (if you know me, nothing about this rant is new, so move on along if my opinions piss you off):
Cat!Kim - I think back on this headcanon and why exactly my negative reaction to it is so visceral, and honestly? I really just think it's because I have such a big ick when it comes to mixing up the actor and character, yknow. And this headcanon just reminds me of how much the space cadet's media personality has so utterly influenced the fanon take of Kim that I barely recognize him from the one in the show. Like, for reals, do we know if Kim even likes animals in the show? Cuz honestly? I feel like he'd see them as an obligation he doesn't need in his life. WIK likes them well enough to put them in his music videos, but I do wonder how much of WIK is real vs Kim's additions to the character in order to make him more appealing to his audience. Hmmmm~ (although thinking about it now, I totally have a fic/drabble idea I wanna tackle with this headcanon...hehehe...)
Autistic!Kim - No comment.
Chay being knowledgeable about all things sex because Porsche used to sleep around at his job in the bar - This one never made much sense to me, because of the reasons I've explained before. Personally, it disregards so much of the cultural context as to how the idea of openly talking about sex is viewed in Asia, besides the fact that it's not at all accurate to how Porsche's role in Chay's life is portrayed, as both a protective older brother and semi-parent.
Vegas would take a liking to Chay and vice versa - Yet another one that I never really understood, at least from the context of the show alone. Vegas is a self-serving man, and he has a penchant for using everyone around him to get what he wants and/or to keep himself safe. I'd sooner see Vegas pulling a gun on Chay and pointing it at his head, rather than playing besties with him.
Kim as submissive: Definitely influenced by the space cadet again (and his aesthetics), uh huh. Yknow, for a character that a lot of fans like to play with and bestow upon him the space cadet's characteristics (which is in and of itself also another can of problematic worms, cuz let's be for real ahahaha), I'm honestly surprised there's not much more Jeff/Reader fics out there. Hmm~
Chay as dominant: the poor boy is definitely used often as a self-insert. Alas.
Kinn and Khun picking Chay over Kim - This one is just hella weird. Chay is a kind and gentle character, and there's a lot to like about him, but he's not some Gary Stu that has the halo of auto-charm. Like, wtf? Give Kinn and Khun a bit more credit than that, oooof.
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that0nebird · 1 year
Part Two of my OL×ACNH headcanons
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I actually had a lot of fun and a lot of trouble making this.
So first off I'll explain his lazy boys I chose Zucker and Stitches. First not only is Zucker a giant piece of food but he's also one of the few sea creature villagers (Octopi) in the game. Truly a villager designed for cove. (Besides Sasha who literally Cove if he was a villager imo.)
Now stitches may seem like a bit of a wild ard BUT her me out. Stitches is one of few animals that is based off an object and not really an animal. He's a stuffed bear and he's like the animal crossing embodiment of childhood. His room is filled with gifts from "mom" and because his hobby is play he's constantly running around like a little kid playing with toys and playground equipment you place. If anything stitches would fit most of the our life love interests in my opinion. I feel like it would remind them of Jamie/Franky. HIS FAVORITE SONG IS I LOVE YOU!!! Like he's perfect.
Next up is his Peppy Audie. She was an obvious choice as her house is literally a mini beach vacation and she was made for new horizons so she's a very tropical girl. She looks like she'd be right at home in sunset bird.
Next up his Cranky. Octavian would have been chosen purely because 1. He's an octopus and 2. He's the only cranky design cove liked that fit with his beach/space theme.
Next is his snooty Diana. Diana might also seem like a bit of a wildcard but I chose her mostly for her interior as it's a beach/flowery themed bathroom.
N e x t we have his smug Cephalobot. Cove would love him no doubt about it. He's once again a sea creature, his name is a pun about octopi. hIS HOUSE IS ALSO SPACE THEMED! Another perfect fit he and Cove would be besties.
Now up for his sisterly Faith! Faith is an adorable little koala with flowers and her house is beach themed as well! He'd have no choice but to take her.
Next up is Frobert, he's the closest cove could get to an aquatic like villager that was also a jock. Grew on him like moss to a brick wall.
Finally for his normal gals we have Marina and Ione. Marina is once again a little octopus so he had to choose her to complete the collection. Ione is a star/space/alien themed squirrel once again another obvious choice for our Space Cadet!
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It's the B-Man's turn! This is the one I'm most proud of.
First we'll go with obvious choice, His smug Zell. Zell is literally step 3 Baxter I he were an animal. He's a smug, monochrome gazelle what more is there to say?
Next are his Sisterly villagers Muffy and Agnes. I decided to give him two because he's an only child so I feel like he'd really like them. I chose Muffy specifically because she's an alternative queen which is right up Baxter's alley let's be real. I also chose Agnes because she was the only other monochrome sisterly and she's a very sophisticated girl.
Now for his lazy I chose Antonio because he's the only black and white one I could find. He's just a little guy <3.
Next for his peppy girls Piper and Bella . I must repeat myself and say LOOK AT THEM, young Baxter and those two would be besties. Piper and Bella are so bitchy looking (compliment) I love 'em. Also Bella is another alternative queen.
Now up for his lazy Wade! He's a cute penguin with all around good vibes and a solid design.
Up next to bat is his snooty Portia. Portia is not only monochrome by much like Muffy wears a lot of purples! Her design request in the Happy Home DLC is place where she can listen to classical music! All of the snooty's give off mom vibes so I feel like her personality mixed with design would definitely make her a favorite of his.
Now it's Marlo time! His smug villager is a fancy looking hamster who may also be a mafia boss secretly (???) Peak Baxter vibes once again.
Aurora is our final Baxter-brand villager his resident normal. Aurora needs zero explanation I feel, her catchphrase is b-b-baby and the quote on her photo says "Always keep your cool." She's perfect.
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ekebolou · 3 months
Academy Days: Day Two, Evening
This is for those of you who love bureaucracy. Originally it had a lot of architecture in it, too, but I had to cut it because 8,000 words is really too much, even for me. What I'm saying is, this may be a bit boring, but we do leave our boys' perspective behind for a bit, so that's a nice break.
If I were writing this to be in a book, I would definitely have to cut stuff like this, but I'm not writing it for a book, I'm writing it for serial release. Maybe it'll get put into book format, but serial format means I can kinda go hog wild with what in TV would I guess be called 'filler' - it's not that it doesn't move the plot forward or do important things for character development and introduction, it's just that it doesn't do so in the most exciting or straightforward way. It may make it harder to get into as a novel, but frankly, I expect the Academy Days stories are harder to get into as a novel anyway - I'm not so sure how independent they are of the main Kostas storyline (which I've heard is still up in its entirety on Wattpad, which I've been meaning to delete, but maybe haven't because maybe you want to read it. No I'm not going through the psychological torture that would be reposting that on Tumblr, it'll be on the website eventually).
Anywho, I have lots of thoughts about narrative etc, but for the time being here's a chapter featuring a meeting, Corin being douche a being shut down, and the introduction of Quartermaster Ghent (and Horace, which if you remember Horace I am pretty impressed). I should probably start labeling these with what's in them more consistently, 'cause, you know, that might make people more interested in reading them.
The fire roared in the fireplace, the plates steamed on the sideboards, and the wine sparkled, red, gold, and yellow in the thick patterned glasses, yet you could not have purposefully assembled a duller crowd.
“It is a despicable kind of joke that mocks our very values…”
The Representative for the Palace leaned back in his chair and pressed a cherry to his lips, tempted to practice some kind of flirtatious stem-twisting maneuver for later, when he might attend a real party, with actual important people. But he didn’t want to give any of the dour Military men the wrong idea. And also, he was supposed to be representing the Palace (not accurately, but respectfully, so no flirtatious maneuvers of any kind).
At the Palace they probably would have pitted the cherry and removed the stem, anyway, which was a shame both because it ruined the cherry, whose deliciousness lay in the unbroken tension of its skin, and because it removed the opportunity for flirtatious maneuvers. But it probably also removed the chance for someone to choke to death on a pit, which he supposed might be good.
He reminded himself not to put his heels on the table, ate his cherry, and observed.
“…How can the other cadets be expected to perform at their best…”
This was the nicest of the meeting rooms, so it was a terrible shame it, like the pitted cherry, was being so abused. It really was too small for the crowd the opening meeting this year had garnered – or, rather, it wasn’t actually too small, but its usual comforts were waylaid by it being slightly too full.
The Gold Room at the Palace would have scoffed at calling many times more people a crowd, but these were (for the most part) Military officers, and high-ranked ones. It had long been below their dignity to be squeezing into barracks or classrooms. To have so many so close was like trying to pack porcupines in a box. They puffed to maintain their stately space from one another.
“…much less receive adequate training, when so distracted…”
Yet, they stayed, crowded. In fact, a few more filtered in sending a little rippling squoosh through all the bubbles of personal dignity, and adding a fresh spritz of resentment to the air. The poor little room! Could they have changed venues? Yes, but this, the traditional space, was the easiest to find, the most comfortable (when properly attended meetings were held), and had the second-quickest service. And, of course, the Council was not going to change its traditions for the sake of the comfort of guests.
To the Council anyone not preoccupied with the day-to-day running of the Academy counted as guests, whether they had merely the unexercised right to attend (as many of this evening’s attendees did), or were supposed to have been attending all along (as a slightly smaller number of attendees), or were the actual public (technically, he supposed, the guests who were guests that were also military officers who made up most of the rest of the crowd, because no citizen of the Capitol deigned to give the Academy too much serious attention, lest it begin to believe itself important).
Thus, the air of resentment.
“The ollamh were not even consulted! What strange customs and beliefs…”
Sweet Peace, if only there could be dancing. Was there even a space for dancing at the Academy? (Logically, there had to be – all the little cadets showed up to their graduation relatively skilled, if stiff, dancers, at least of the traditional forms). It was, at this moment, hard to imagine.
The Representative of the Palace briefly entertained himself with memories of past graduation balls, and by the depth of his distraction was briefly saved from hearing the stentorian complaints of whatever ollamh it was holding forth.
“…might have been the case in the past, though I doubt the veracity of these claims and even IF true…”
By Modesty’s Shaded Nipples, everyone was being quite uncharacteristically polite.
Even and especially Quartermaster Ghent, who was the Representative’s only real hope.  He quite liked Ghent, not because he was particularly impressive, friendly, or sociable, but rather, he was so thrillingly uncouth he tended to move the meetings along with tremendous efficiency.
This admiration existed only from afar. Quartermaster Ghent, if he knew the Palace Representative existed as a person, as opposed to an office, would probably hate him more than he appeared to hate most of the population of the Academy. Likewise, if in any proximity to Quartermaster Ghent outside the Academy walls, the Representative could easily imagine himself hiding behind bushes or perhaps drowning in a pond to avoid being seen so accompanied.  But parliamentarian admiration from afar was fine.
Case in point, though: sometimes, when he thought something particularly stupid or useless was being discussed at too great a length, Quartermaster Ghent liked to suggest they should get bells and motley to put on the Academy Tower – he could really go on at great length about it, always with new details and suggestions, however long was needed to bully the other speaker into silence. But nobody liked to listen to Quartermaster Ghent, for precisely this reason: his suggestions tended to be in the ‘go fuck yourself’ direction.
Why he wasn’t doing so now was baffling.
“…can even be accounted for, much less matters of custom and hygiene…”
Bells and motley would at least give him something to look at, though. All the grey stone and dark wood and flickering torches and ceremony (but, like, the stiff and boring kind, not the necessary and beautiful kind, that you got dressed up for). What about a little flair? Colored fire? Some music? Surely the Academy Council could arrange something – surely they didn’t purposefully impose how boring these things were.  The King, who also hated the Capitol, at least let people throw parties down here.
Not that bells and motley would help, currently. They couldn’t see the Academy Tower from this dim basement (was it all basement? Maybe!). They were underground, at a crotch proximal to the Tower where several eras of building overlapped like pastry. Still the best room, as the windows of its neighboring rooms created a cross breeze to ventilate it, and the Tower kitchen was only a floor below and somewhere left (also, miraculously, ensconced in a basement – how everyone didn’t die of smoke or heat baffled him, when he thought about it, which he didn’t, at least not often).
“…furthermore the traditions of the Academy itself should be considered, its bricks laid down by Keadar-Ainjir himself…”
The Representative was thinking about how the crowd in the room should dim the ring of the ollamh’s voice, at least a little bit, but this brought on the terrifying thought that this was the ollamh’s voice ‘dimmed’, and his thoughts rapidly diverted.
It was hard to tell exactly when the meeting would start, but their hand wouldn’t be forced merely by being annoyed. Though a beautiful, heavy, long table stretched importantly across the head of the room before the fire, none of the Councilmembers sat until they absolutely had to, to avoid being overheated in the ambivalent cold of early spring.  Everyone else – sans orator – was trying to mill about sociably amongst the tables scattered around the floor, three or four chairs around each so decidedly inadequate in number for seating them all that hardly anybody sat in any of them. The only place with any current at all – again, an admirable marker of (very boring) Military manners – was around the many thin tables arranged at the edges of the room, generously laden with food or drinks as appropriate.
They might not change venues, but they were at least not so stupidly rigid as to under-prepare the kitchens for an overabundant crowd, which any fool could have predicted would attend. 
The Military didn’t do unprecedented, so it had been quite a long time since anything unprecedented happened. He just wished it hadn’t inspired pre-meeting oration, which might be his new most hated occurrence at a meeting.
But thank fuck, here was Ghent.
“Aren’t you hungry, Ollamh Corin? Thirsty? Winded? Bravery’s Brass Balls, that could stop your mouth for a moment, couldn’t it?”
The Representative restrained himself from cheering. Quartermaster Ghent, being on the council, was one of few of rank enough to stem the tide, and of those few was perhaps the only one who maintained a soldierly sense of when to tell someone to shut the fuck up. (To be fair, he only ever told people to shut the fuck up. That there might be other, more polite ways to handle things never seemed to occur to him).
Their orator particularly disturbed to be so addressed by a member of the Council. “I would think you of all people wouldn’t be soft on this issue–”
“Fucking Fate protect us from you thinking, Corin.” With this, the old Quartermaster heaved himself painfully out of his chair and wandered over to one of the sideboards, gravelly voice continuing in a not-at-all contained rumination, twin to the one he had so effectively stopped. 
“I know, why don’t we have a little meeting about, eh? Why don’t we get everyone together let’s say, within the first few days of the new classes arriving and just have ourselves a little group think, and once that starts, we’ll have a whole section of it devoted to listening the bleating of idiots, and then you can express your blighted opinion all you want, eh? How about let’s do that instead of listening to you patter like rain while we wait for the blasted meeting to start.”
The officer who had remained sitting at Ghent’s table – an unusual-looking fellow with more-than-sun-browned skin and white hair – cast a glance over his shoulder, perhaps to hide his smile more than watch Ghent shamble to the food.
Brave of him to sit with Ghent (he was beloved, just not often by anyone of rank).  This companion was one of many the representative from the Palace didn’t recognize, though some he could pick up through his study of descriptions of the relevant players in Military matters. It was an unusually stacked crowd, but again – unprecedented. 
Corin seemed like he was about to go on – Charity’s Twin Cheeks, how could he? – when they were saved by General Durante abruptly mounting the step up to the head table.
“As good a sign as any – shall we get started?” 
Tall and well-built, just past his middle age with only the finest of gray hair showing, Durante had the presence one expected from a military officer, and the politesse more befitting the court than these dank halls. At times he had seemed to know it, and he made a good show of himself in Palace events, but then he would recede, disassociate, find himself too busy for every invitation (and as an officer, it was surprising he received any).
Durante was really the Representative’s main concern – or, he had been told so. He just wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to do about it. The meetings were boring. Nothing of great import was ever discussed. It wasn’t like a social event. It was all quite unpromising, really, but that wasn’t for the representative to judge. The Palace had its connections to the Academy the way the Academy had its – neglected and somewhat atrophied in this day and age – connections to the Palace, and they begrudgingly fulfilled the duty of maintaining them.
At least the object of the Palace’s vague interest wasn’t Ghent.
Now, the Councilmembers who weren’t Ghent slowly made their way from tables of food or drink or old friends to their designated spots at the head table. Durante took the center seat, his back to the fire but face nonetheless alight thanks to well-mirrored crystal lamps spaced across the table. Ghent continued to get himself food and drink. The other Councilmembers didn’t seem to think it necessary to wait for him.
“Let the first meeting of the Academy Council for year 541 commence; please recognize Marerog, note-taker, and Saeloch, senior; Ghent, senior; Ichtoran, Fiodar, and Durante, serving, and…” his eyes moved over the room, “some fifty, guest, honored guest, and ollamh.”
Now, the Representative did not particularly like thinking about politics, or would not admit to liking it, but like tinder taking flame – he lit up.
With the exception of Ghent, whose service as Quartermaster required his constant presence, the other Councilmembers rotated. Members could depart, resign, or be called to the field, so a roster existed of ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ candidates for Council seats in perpetual rotation, with the exigencies of Academy business and requirement of odd number the determining factors of its composition. They usually served no less than a year, those bouts of five to eight were more common, and peaks and valleys in the intensity of their work determined who was on hand any given day. The opening meeting required a full bench – no polite notes accepted – so there were only five.
Five was a low number; the peak was something like fifteen. A normal year, with some unrest, would be more like seven or nine (three was the kind of minimum that revealed an emergency or perhaps plague). So some months ago, at the autumn recess, when the decisions had been made about who to bully into being responsible for being there, they had expected little disruption in the day-to-day business of the Academy.
So, in some sense, they had been surprised, too (though they had had months to ruminate on it. The Military did not just make adjustments. That was a kind of flighty, reflexive, responsiveness reserved for the unreliable Nobility or the Executive officers).
With the meeting commenced, Durante was now looking down at a pile of paper, threateningly thick. 
It would contain all of the bureaucratic detritus that piled up between the end of one academic ‘year’ and the start of the next: overviews of schedules, information on divisions of students, reports on supplies and personnel in the medical facilities, some few early requests for more material for classes, early reports of trouble on the grounds from delayed maintenance of buildings or gardens (always so many requests from the gardeners). The onrush of new cadets, the return of old, the re-engagement of staff and resumption of projects delayed acted like the weight of a step on a semi-rotted stair; there always seemed to be some cracking and breakage not noticed on the last trip up.
All of it needed to be addressed in order, or the Academy – nay, the nation – nay, the entire world, would fall into chaos.
“I open the floor to the ollamh.”
Ghent, who had seated himself back at his table instead of the head table, grunted a “thank fuck” nonetheless audible for the scrapes of shifting chairs and little gasps of surprise.  He heaved himself up – repast in hand – to laboriously make the trek up to his official seat.
“We cannot allow a Midraeic to continue as a cadet,” said ollamh Corin, not waiting to be called.
“You are formally recognized as speaker, Ollamh Corin,” Marerog said dryly, scratching it into his notes and titching the sand closer to his hand, prepared to combat the smears of fast writing.
“Complaint registered,” Durante intoned. His final say on admissions made him liable. “But what is its substance?”
“It’s ludicrous,” Corin spat.
“Elaborate,” Durante replied.
“This is ludicrous,” Corin said, looking around the room for support. “On the face of it. I cannot imagine it an oversight, as classes have begun and this Midraeic is among the cadets. So I must assume it was done on purpose.”
Ichtoran, whose duties included ranking and thus the class rosters, seemed annoyed more by the aspersion on his record-keeping than opposed to – or in favor of – Corin’s objections. “All of the appropriate steps were taken for enrollment. There is nothing in the regulations that would prevent enrollment.”
“I would not doubt General Ichtoran’s grasp of the regulations, but some reasoning must be provided to those of us perhaps less familiar with their intricacies,” Corin said, barely maintaining a polite tone over his seething. “There should be an explanation.”
“Would it not be unusual to explain admission of a cadet in compliance with regulations?” Durante inquired, much better at maintaining a neutral tone. Not that it mattered, because–
“Why not?” Saeloch asked, offering the requested explanation in a bored, raspy voice, looking down to pick a new morsel from his plate.
“The objections are obvious and numerous, and to go through the procedure for removing a cadet at this point could be harmful to the class formation, and reveals a shortsightedness–”
Ghent’s glower seemed to imply he would respond, but before he could Durante raised a hand to stop them both. “On what specific premise would admission be refused?”
“We refuse admission all the time,” Corin objected.
“On regulatory grounds,” Ichtoran replied coolly, apparently still smarting from having his punctiliousness slandered.
“Also on the grounds of the spirit of the institution,” Corin retorted.
“Can you provide any specific examples of such?” Durante said over Saeloch grumbling “‘Spirit’ my ass.”
(The Representative assumed Marerog did not record this addition, though he did flourish his paper into a new orientation to quickly continue his notes)
Corin balked, but only for a moment. “The second son of the Royal Family, who applied as second son but became Prince Cullan.”
“That happened more than a hundred years ago,” Fiodar said, almost reluctantly. “And was the Palace’s business.”
“The Council then applied its right of refusal on grounds of the purpose of the institution.”
“But the objection was raised and prosecuted by the royal family,” Fiodar said. “The Council’s ruling was a concession of the branches and not on internal regulatory grounds. It was a gift of the Military to the Nobility.”
“And how could such a similar ruling not apply in this case? Prosecuted by the people of Ainjir for the sake of the purpose of the institution?”
“Because that’s horseshit,” Ghent said, which Durante quickly followed with, “the people of Ainjir have no such voice in the doings of the Academy.”
This was actually quite tetchy, in a way that sent political-theory tingles up the Palace Representative’s spine. There COULD be something like a voice of the people IF the third branch were revived…
But, perhaps finally realizing there was some chance that the Council had already discussed the matter, Corin paused to reassess, glare sweeping from one side of the great table to the other.
Finally, he took a nice lungful of air and started back where he had begun before the meeting commenced, “It’s a stain on the honor of–”
Durante held up a hand. “Condense your objections only to the salient points and we will commence discussion only if the Council’s answers prove insufficient.”
Really, he should have realized then that he was dead in the water, but it appeared that Corin’s anger up to this point had been mostly rhetorical, put on for show.  This call for concision truly got to him – the Representative could tell as the little tips of his pressed-flat ears reddened. “I don’t see how that’s a reasonable request. The ollamh were not consulted, not even warned–”
“It is neither the habit nor a requirement of the Council to consult ollamh on decisions of admission before the Academy year begins.”
Lips pressed into a line, Corin re-engaged. “The differences of belief, custom, even basic behavior and moral–”
“Differ from region to region,” Saeloch interrupted this time, “from family to family, from station to station – braile-breith cadets and noble and east and west and plain and forest, farm and mine – if the cadet adapts to the Academy from any of these places of difference then there is no reason to expect that a Midraeic cannot do the same. If he fails to adapt he can leave, like the rest.”
“Have you not considered the level of disruption–”
“This is one cadet,” Saeloch said, as if having to bring it up tired him. “The Academy has run its business during war. This cannot be more disruption than the raids from Geron were, and cadets died in those.”
“The level of disruption,” Corin continued pointedly, “this may bring to the Academy’s reputation? That it may not be a ploy?”
He had struck gold! The Council’s hesitation proved that they had not considered this. But that was because it was so very stupid an idea.
After a brief glance at the rest of the members, Durant raised a flat hand to invite a response from the Palace Representative.
The Palace Representative stared dumbly, for he was surprised.
“The nomination was made by Baron Seolgaire. Speaking on behalf of the Nobility, does the Palace wish to address the nomination of a Midraeic cadet by Baron Seolgaire?”
“As you know, the Palace on principle takes no interest in who chooses to attend Academy and how Noble families might wish to handle their sponsorships. Those are adjudicated entirely individually, within the family, except on small matters of inheritance when certain conditions of conflict are met, which in this case doesn’t apply – one assumes.”
He didn’t want to suggest that Baron Seolgaire might somehow have an unknown Midraeic inheritor, but… well, it wasn’t likely, though it wasn’t UNlikely, either, but… that was… well, that was quite out of the Palace’s purview and really any of his business and nobody, including the Military itself, would want the Military involved.
Durante was still looking at him, though, so the Representative went on, pausing between each statement to see when he had said enough that he could stop. “Which Baron Seolgaire? There’s some dispute, over title inheritance, at the moment. There’s a pretender.”
This damaged Corin’s clever suggestion, if only because it was yet another indication that the Nobility were very silly people.
Durante had to consult his stack of paperwork, digging down several sheets, adjusting his distance from the paper to consult the right note. “Baron Raghailligh Seolgaire.”
“Oh, well,” the Representative shrugged, “that’s who I would back. Anyway, no.”
“No what?” Corin objected.
“No, I can’t possibly see what Baron Raghailligh Seolgaire would get out of this. Actually not the other one, either, but still. That Baron Seolgaire is known for being eccentric. Thus the title challenge. Might actually be a Seolgaire by blood, which would mean there’s been some… close marriages in his ancestry. Runs a fine estate but makes odd choices, so it’s in keeping. Quite harmless most of the time. Likes to wear furry knickers, puts butter on–”
“Enough,” Corin barked.
Since Durante was still looking at him – as was the rest of the Council – the representative shrugged again. “I would imagine not. No ploy that makes any sense, anyway. And, of course, it goes without saying the Palace disavows any knowledge of such a plot, so even if there was one, it would be up to him, and I don’t think he’s up to much of anything except filing lineage proofs and frightening the peasants with the occasional public eccentricity. Of which the Palace also avows no pre-emptive knowledge. Officially.”
“Are there any other objections to raise on this issue?” Durante said tiredly to the assembly. Then, particularly to Corin: “Consider what Councilmember Ichtoran has said. Proceed with the understanding the decision has been made.”
“What loyalty can we expect from a Midraeic to Ainjir?” said a man with a severe face, square-jawed and narrow-eyed – an ollamh, sitting amongst the others. “The point of this education is to raise officers who will then give their oath to defend the nation. The Oath would be meaningless to a Midraeic.”
Corin nodded, as did a few others in the room. Even the other Council members turned to Durante.
Though it was evidently his answer to give, Durante instead turned to Ghent. “Quartermaster, your experience might suggest a better answer. What say you to this objection?”
Startled at having been called upon, Ghent started to answer, only for Durante to cut him off: “Please refrain from casting aspersions on the meaning of the Oath or other unrelated objections to the premise. A cadet is at issue.”
Ghent resettled himself, spending a moment looking out into the room without necessarily seeing it. His face maintained the same disgruntled expression that had settled on it upon first walking into the room. Corin seemed to be about to interject when he finally rumbled out a response.
“There is no difference. If this boy has chosen the path, then he’ll walk it, or not. The decision was made when he walked through the gates in the first place, same as the rest of them.”
“The weakness of superstition–” Corin began.
“Will get him kicked out. Or it won’t. He would hardly be the first superstitious cadet, and certainly not the last. Believers have come through the gates before, open and, more likely, many clandestine. It has never been raised as an objection to the Oath, which relies only on the personal valor of the cadet, their individual worthiness and participation in our society. To go through the Academy is to participate more fully than many a person outside the Midraeic people in Ainjir. If he lasts to the end, he may swear as truly as any other.”
“To disrupt the learning of the other cadets–” Corin began, but Ghent had no more interest in letting him finish than he had all evening.
“Many might be less worthy. Many a superstitious person has sworn the Oath, and many more a stupid person has done the same, and it’s the stupid ones that worry me more. I didn’t see you objecting then. Probably because–”
“That will do. Thank you, Quartermaster” Durante interjected. “The matter is settled. The Midraeic cadet has been admitted and will perform or fail as any other cadets performs or fails. Shall we proceed?”
Ghent stayed up at the table for the duration of the open-floor part of the meeting, but there was – perhaps surprisingly, perhaps not – little to bring in that was not already on the agenda at some other point. So the Palace’s Representative soon watched Ghent stump away from the table, back presumably to one more comfortable, with very little to add to what the Representative had thought was going to be the most exciting portion of the evening.
But alas again, all the interest of this particular evening had been spent, and now there was nothing to look forward to, except whether the discussion of the medical budget would lead to fisticuffs between the practitioners of rival healing arts. Which, frankly, appointment of the latest head, a woman who almost certain had ties to the Families and clandestine religious beliefs, had put quite a damper on. Though exciting in that she added to overall political drama of the Academy, she seemed to frown on the practitioners spending their first few weeks healing themselves, and thus doomed the meeting. So there wasn’t even that to look forward to.
Despite Durante’s radical reordering of the agenda, the meeting still stretched into the wee hours of the night. This was why Ghent advocated for holding all such meetings in the stables, where they would all be as sore and aching from sitting on dirty floors and railings as he got from the ‘comfortable’ chairs indoors, and would all come out stinking of shit literally instead of just figuratively. It would take some walking to work out the stiffness in his joints and twists in his muscles, but his rooms were some ways away of walking, so it worked out.
Ghent stumped through the halls with his broad rolling gait; his companion walked beside him with long, slow strides.
“Thank you for inviting me,” he said.
Ghent grunted. “What shit. You were conveniently around to be invited. Awfully conveniently. I hope you got what you came for – there’s nobody that would thank anyone for being put through that shit.”
“Well, it was interesting.”
“It absolutely was not.”
“I was interested.”
“Aiming for my job?” Ghent glanced up at him through narrowed eyes, but it was a show. He grunted again. “You can have it. Who wants it? Too much grief. Fucking gardeners wanting every cursed plant. Then they want to dig it up and put in every other cursed plant. These bloody meetings. Cadets.”
“Surely no one could hope to do your job as well as you.”
“Horseshit,” Ghent grumbled. “Any idiot could do my job.”
They ambled together in silence for a few paces.
Ghent seemed finally to lose his patience; though every bit as gruff, his outburst was quiet. “What do you want, Horace?”
Rather than responding, Horace turned his face to the sky, appreciating the stars.
“Oh, fuck you,” Ghent said, but in his way, meaning it was a kind of compliment.
“Well, if I just asked, would you do it?” Horace was smiling, as he often smiled with friends, whose company, though they might be yelling to wake Ainjir’s dead gods, make him happy.
What this meant was that Ghent was going to have to figure it out. Because of course he wouldn’t do it if he was just asked. At least, if he hadn’t already thought of doing it himself. So Horace must think he has an unusual request. This could be any of a thousand things, given the wide range of duties of the Academy Quartermaster, whose power really was second only to Durante’s, if he chose to exercise it (Ghent did not, but then, they had chosen Ghent at least partially because he could not leverage power through personal connections, his being quite so sparse). Ghent had other strengths.
But that wasn’t why Horace was asking; Horace was asking because he was Ghent, and was asking because he was Horace. Because he was Horace, there was an obvious connection to make, well outside Ghent’s usual wheelhouse.
“What do you think I can do for him?”
Horace smiled, as if for the thousandth time as for the first, dazzled by his companion’s brilliance (that he did this in a way that didn’t seem patronizing was one of his exceedingly unique gifts – when he was patronizing, you sure did notice, though).
“That’s a bit of the puzzle, isn’t it?” Horace asked, looking down at the grass as he kicked his feet through it. “I don’t even really know why I’m asking.”
“Beyond the obvious?” Ghent said.
Horace had been nodding along as soon as he had started to speak. “There’s not some conspiracy, you know. I wasn’t even raised in the faith, as you’re aware. I wish I could offer some kind of unique perspective to tell you what you might look out for, but really, I think the reason I thought of it, and the reason I thought of you–”
“–Other than my amazing puissance–”
“–Other than your amazing puissance, is because it seems so mightily unfair.”
“It’s not a fair place,” Ghent said, but as a pat response, not an objection.
“Neither was the border,” Horace replied. “At the border, at least, we all had a sense that we were there to make it fair.”
“‘We all’, my ass,” Ghent said, anger heating his voice. “It was setting bones getting all you grubs to think anything. All you had was hot blood and wet loins.”
“To be fair, many of us only hoped for wet loins,” Horace replied thoughtfully, to Ghent’s conceding nod. “Yet some sergeant seemed driven by death itself to get us to think of something else.”
“Well, there was hope for you, yet,” Ghent said. “You weren’t officers.”
Horace didn’t have to say anything about their officers. They walked in silence for a few long, slow paces.
“We talked to the Fourth Year class. Reminded them that if they had any pretensions of having reached their station through merit, the role of merit was theirs to maintain. I think they picked it up.”
“Durante and I.”
Horace grunted, a surprisingly Ghent-like noise. “Well, I wonder if anything should be done beyond that.”
“The Fourth Years can’t be everywhere,” Ghent said. He had clasped his hands behind his back, slowed their walk to give them time to resolve the conversation.
“They’ll be busy,” Horace said.
“Very,” Ghent agreed. “At the same time, I’m not sure what I can do.”
“Keep an eye out, maybe?” Horace said, turning to look sidelong, smile on his face. “As you once did for another young soldier forced into your company?”
Ghent grunted disdainfully. “You didn’t need my eye out. You had them all running.”
“Maybe,” Horace said. “But maybe it mattered that somebody didn’t run, too.”
“And wasn’t thin as the last piss squeezed from a pencil dick.”
“Oh, some of them turned out alright.”
“Once they had it beaten out of them.” This time Ghent’s grunt was a little raspy, more from phlegm than sentimentality, probably, but raspy all the same. “If they lived.”
“If they lived,” Horace agreed. “It wouldn’t hurt to give this one a fighting chance at living, you think?”
Ghent spat, whatever had been building up in his lungs excised by pleasant conversation. “If he turns out not to be a limpdick snot stone.”
Horace nodded and smiled. “If he turns out to be a limpdick snot stone. But frankly, if he’s made it this far and hasn’t realized he’s thrown himself to the wolves, I would be very surprised. Takes a bit more than a limpdick snot stone to keep at it after that. Surely there’s at least some stubbornness there. Stubbornness can be admired. Or at least keep him alive until he’s worth being admired for something else.”
“How dare you,” Ghent said flatly. “There’s nothing else worth being admired for.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Horace replied, grinning. ��I’ve heard people quite like sociability, also one of your foremost traits.”
“You just want my liquor.”
“Not true! I also want your recommendation for the best House to visit.”
“Virtue’s Tits, man,” Ghent grumbled, “make sure you’ve got your own wrapper.”
“For the liquor, or…?”
“Come in, you reprobate, and keep your dick away from my liquor, wrapped or no.”
“Ah,” Horace said, as Ghent laboriously unfastened the antique lock to the tiny outer court of his quarters, “to visit old friends is to know joy, even if you aren’t allowed to put your dick in their liquor, isn’t it?”
“Fuck off,” Ghent said, by which he meant, yes.
0 notes
rouge-variant · 2 years
Hi, how are you doing? I hope you are still taking up requests. I would like to ask a LEVI x READER with the scenario that they are married and Levi got wasted with the veterans. He was ranting about his wife for being strict with how they spend money (because he keeps on buying cleaning materials), how she cared about him seemingly being clingy especially when she bring him food when she actually just wanted him to not skipped meals and rant about how did he ever married her (well he was drunk)
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*Happy noises!!!!* You are one of the big blogs that I really like, so that fact you asked something of me, makes me so happy!!! So sorry about the long wait but I hope this is to your liking. I did change it so that Levi wasn't drunk. Instead it would be a stress/exhibition mix because I think it was canon that he can't get drunk...but if you don't like it, no worries, I'll fix it!! Cried a little bit too while I made this, it's angsty and I apologize for that! But happy ending!!! So sorry about the wait. Thanks for your request and I hope you enjoy!!
Levi Ackerman x Reader: Lucky to Have You
Trigger Warning; Heavy Angst, mentions of ignoring, unappreciation, falling out/divorce, angry ranting. Please keep this in mind while you read.
It's rare to hear anyone complain about their partners during the veterans weekly late-night meetings.
Miche is normally pointing out how the fierce Nanaba is so soft and sweet with him.
Hange is always talking about Moblit's great work or how spice their nights can get before Levi covers their mouth to stop them from saying things that shouldn't be discussed with a younger audience.
Erwin recalls stories with the girl he liked a while ago, offering advice or simply just enjoying what his friends say.
Levi normally never brings you up into the conversation. He adored you with all that he is but doesn't want people to know that you're his weakness. It could put you in more danger than you already are and give his 'friends' something to tease him about. The few times he did bring you up was when people noticed the way you had fixed his jacket's shoulder emblem which was coming off. Or it was about the way his posture was better since you helped get rid of the pain in his back from the strain of his ODM gear. You were a goddess in his eyes and he tried his best to make sure that you knew he appreciated your efforts.
But this last month was hard. With the discovery of the Female Titan and the death of his squad, the stress and exhaustion started clouding his clear mind and it tangled up with you, though you did nothing wrong. It mixed together and came out during one of the night meetings. Levi didn't really process the words he said and everyone else in the room really was tipsy from the drinks to point it out.
"Some days I can't stand her anymore. She's always so clingy, using the excuse to bring food to my office just to be with me for a few minutes. I never see her with food yet you don't hear me barking at her to eat something and stop doing the task in front of her" Levi grumbled starting off expressing his frustrations.
"Then it's always being cautious with money. Yes I know we don't have a lot because the Scouts only have so much of their own but I don't need you to remind me every time I plan on going to get something. The cadets are so clumsy so when they break something, the mop last week, I have to go and get new ones because no one else does" Everyoen just let him rant. They've never seen him so worked up over anything before and it was more so for the humor. Heck, none of them, except Levi, would remember this later.
"I'm a grown man, not some child that she needs to take care of. I need some space. How blind does she need to be, can't she tell?" He played with the ring on the necklace after he finished.
"Weird, normally Y/n's so good at noticing things" Hange sighed, looking down.
"Its normal, you'll get used to it" Miche hummed. Levi rolled his eyes but didn't add anything else.
"Talking works but I'm assuming that's already off the table?" Erwin adds and gets a grunt in response. The conversation quickly changes, thanks to Hange, and it's also quickly forgotten.
By them at least. Instead, it plants itself inside your head and leaves a tight feeling in your chest. Is that really how he view the things you did for him? But you two swore no more secrets the day you both got married. So many questions swarmed your mind and prevented you from opening the door and taking your husband back to your shared room. The entire conversation could be heard through the door from where you stood. No mistakes could be made as it came out perfectly clear. You walked back, alone as you decided to give him what he claimed he wanted.
You made a brief stop at his room, not your shared one anymore, to remove the traces of you from it. You didn't want him to put up with you anymore than necessary any longer. Then you made your way back to your room that was hardly used.
The bed was cold, the room was a little dusty but you cleaned it up quickly. And then the small container than sat in your top bedside table drawer made its appearance for the first time in two years. Your small pouch was taken out of the basket you used to love all your stuff and its contents was dumped inside. Just under twenty dollars left of the last three months salary. Everything else was used to help Levi with his cleaning habits for his own comfort. Your money could now be put towards the new set you wanted to help with your hobby. Something that's been on hold since the cadets have been so irresponsible with Levi's stuff.
Now that you're room was back in order, you settled into bed and tried to sleep alone. Something that you've gotten used to since Levi rarely listened and hardly came to bed with you. But at least his scent was on the blankets and you could hear him in his attached office. Now, there was nothing. Not to mention that you're office was on the opposite ends of the hallways since you were a Squad leader and had Levi's squad and another under your supervision. So there would be no contact with him whatsoever.
It was for the best but it didn't help the crappy feeling eating away at you. You thought things were going ok and that you and Levi had reached an understanding that if anything was wrong, you could come and talk to each other about it. You were strong, of course you were, but no one is able to go through a heartbreak without shedding a tear. Which is why there was little guilt about crying yourself to sleep that night.
A week passed and now that the stress has finally calmed within the regiment, Levi had started to notice things were off. First of all, nothing covered him during the nights he fell asleep at his desk. Your side of the bed was cold every morning and the wrinkles in the sheets where you normally sleep were gone. Meals were no longer brought to him, nor was his tea and he had to stop and grab something because concentrating just didn't happen when meals were missed. But most importantly, why the hell were you gone? Why didn't you pop into his office during the day with something corny to say or to mess his hair up so that he would sit up properly and not hurt his back? He missed you.
But its not like he could pull you over and ask what's going on because you were nonexistent when he went to look for you. He would try to talk after meetings but you would literally disappear into thin air. There was a meeting taking place in the capital next week and you both were assigned to go on it. So he was hoping to talk to you before that, which is why he's checking your office, a place he's rarely been to since being married.
He didn't bother knocking since there was no voices or noise coming from the inside. So when he pushed open the door, he had to bite hit tongue to stay queit.
You had fallen asleep on the floor of your office, surrounded by papers and folders. On your desk was lunch but it was only half eaten. His eyebrows furrowed because this was so out of your character. Even before he became friends with you, you worked smart not hard. This mess if work was hard work not smart work and he could tell by the small amount of finished work there was.
Next to the dishes, was a thinner folder labeled "private" and there were wet drop stains scattered around the label. He immediately assumed they were tear stains and he opened the folder. In red ink was the word 'Divorce' and at the bottom of the page, there was two sections. Once was filled in with all of your information and the otherwise was blank. The only thing that gave away what it was for, was the title "partner two". He ran a hand through his hair and swore under his breath.
The noise of the folder moving, woke you up and you watched his expression fall into one of despair. There was a painful flicker of hope that Levi did still love you but it was extinguished by the glare returning.
"You can take that, sign it then I'll mail it away and you won't be trapped with me anymore" you speak up, your voice was still rough from sleep. Levi turned around quickly and his silver eyes connected to your tired, dull ones.
"What?" He asked you to clarify though he heard you just fine the first time.
"We rarely see each other anymore, I'm not happy with this and neither are you. So why are you continuing to trap yourself with me?" You mumble, cleaning up your stuff and packing away the papers. He doesn't respond, just watches you. Since when did he say that you were trapping him or preventing him from being happy? You do the exact opposite to him...but you looked so...broken. So maybe he would just suck it up and do it for your sake. He hates seeing you this way but he didn't know what would've caused this.
"Ok" was all he said before taking the folder and going to his own office.
The next week was so hard to do anything. Levi couldn't do anything without having your broken expression or the last conversation going through his mind. He wanted to have a proper talk with you about this and he finally got the chance when you had to share a room with him.
You had sat down on the couch and Levi dropped the folder onto to the table in front of you. Your heart fell at the sight of it and you took the folder after looking at it for a few moments.
"You signed it?" You confirmed, not opening it yet.
"No I didn't. You never gave me a proper explanation as to why you're doing this. You can't just dump this on my Y/n" he sat on the bed facing you.
"Your explanation was your vent two weeks ago" you glared weakly at him and a cold sweat it Levi hard. He had forgotten about the things he said and they all came back in a rush, giving him a headache.
"You heard that? Y/n please, all of that came out wrong-" the steady, calm monotone voice he usually had, broke as he panicked.
"You don't have to keep lying Levi. I just want to know where I went wrong...I just wanted to take care of you since you do that to everyone but yourself. I thought it helped when I brought you food so that you didn't waste time, grabbing meals. I didn't mean to be clingy when I come and get you from your night meetings with your friends or when I sit and talk with you for a little bit after bring you food...I'm sorry I became a problem...I'm sorry this wasn't something you could come and talk about to me about. I'm sorry I let you down..." you started off strong but you eventually started crying again as you reached the end. The strong front Levi had, was gone and replaced with horror as he saw you break down like this. He wanted to hold you, soothe you, wipe away your tears and make things better again. But he couldn't because he was the problem. So instead he got up and took the folder, that was now next to you as you hid your face in your hands,and threw it in the fire. After hearing the new bring noise, you looked up to see him staring onto the fire with his eyes glossy.
You opened your mouth to speak but the clanking of the fire stick hitting the stand as he put it away, made you stop. Levi returned to the bed and sat so that he faced you.
"If you still want a divorce by the end of these three day, I'll go and get you another form. But can we please talk this out properly before jumping to conclusions like this?" He asked quietly, looking down at the floor. You stay silent and let him continue.
"I don't want you thinking I hate you, that I feel trapped with you, that I made a mistake marrying you or that I regret it. Because I don't...and I know you probably don't believe me. Those things I said...I was confused, tired and hurt but it doesn't matter because i never should've said that. I didn't remember I said those until you brought it up. Sorry isn't going to make up for this and it never will but I'm going to start by saying it because it's a sign of recognition of my mistakes and its better than saying nothing at all. Y/n, I'm so sorry for the crap I said about you. You are such a wonder that I've found and I'm sorry that I hurt you" as he spoke, his eyes were locked on you the entire time. You could tell that it was a struggle to stay composed as he stopped frequently and hid Adam's Apple bobbed nervously. When he finished speaking, he dropped his gaze again and shut his eyes slightly to stop the stinging from the tears that tried to build up and escape.
Your tears continued to fall because you didn't think you would ever hear Levi apologize the way he did. It helped to soothe the burning pain in your chest that you've had for almost a month now. But part of you was still scared that this was a cover up.
"We have three more days until we go home. If you'll allow me, I want to try and show you how sorry I am and try to make amends with you" he spoke again after a little bit, looking at you which mirrored the same pained expression you had.
You were hesitant but your gut was urging you to give it a chance, to give him a chance again.
"Alright..." you agreed slowly and Levi perked up a little more.
"Thank you. For starters, here" he passed you a small envelope. It seemed light until you grabbed it and it turned out being much heavier than expected. You opened it to inspect it and gasped at the contents. Money, it was a decent amount too and you shot Levi a look for clarification.
"I'm not trying to bribe you into staying with me...I found your money book in my office and found the amount of money that you took from your salary and added to my funds for the new cleaning supplies that the brats keep breaking. Most of it's my money but the kids found out and added some of their own too. There should be enough in there for the new kit you've been wanting for your spare time hobby. As well as some left over that will give you a boost for your savings" Levi explains and it fills your chest with a sense of calm and warmth. He noticed. Not only that but he paid you back even though he didn't have to. You were left speechless and it scared him a little bit. He was panicking internally that this was too much.
"You also don't need to acc-" he started but you cut him off.
"No...this is amazing...thank you Levi" your voice broke off near the end as happy tears replaced the sad tears. He relaxed and dug out a clean cloth from his pocket, moving towards you and kneeling in front of you to wipe your tears before stopping to correct himself. He couldn't do this yet, not after being such a jerk.
You placed your hands on his to stop his internal debate and gave him a look which told him he was ok to continue. He was very gentle when wiping your tears. He treated your face like glass but also welcomed your touch when you leaned into his hand more.
"Thanks Levi" you whispered and he nodded in response.
"Of course my love...I mean Y/n" he stuttered and you smiled a little.
Over the course of the next few days, Levi did everything to counter what he said about you. When meal time came, he made sure you both ate and stopped whatever he was doing and gave you his full attention. If you were working on something, he brought you food and sat giving you space to work but also staying near you in case you needed anything.
He slowly worked his way into sleeping with you again. Starting off in the bed while you took the couch, because he gave up fighting with your stubbornness, for the first night. Then it was a pillow barricade the second night which ended up with you cuddling Levi against your chest while he clung to your torso and lower body. And finally the last night...
"We go back tomorrow...If you made up decision, I'll grab the forms on the way back" Levi said nervously.
"Stop nervous fiddling and come lie on the bed" you instruct. You've started acting more like yourself over that last two days which was a big relief to him. He does what you ask and you surprise his when you curl up against his chest, just like before.
"You made the right decision burning the file" you claim, looking at him.
"Really?" His eyes lit up now, something that has been gone since he first found out about your plan.
"Yes. I'm mean it when I say it Levi I forgive you.-" he cuts you off before you can add anything else.
"If you're thinking of apologizing again, don't. You're not even the one who should've apologized. I am. This was my fault and you were only acting according to what you thought was best. This had nothing to do with you. We've just learned now to talk instead of assuming and venting." He scolds lightly and you hum in agreement.
"Don't try to apologize for apologizing earlier either." He adds quickly as you open your mouth. Though now, the words turn into laughter. Infectious laughter as Levi chuckles a bit too.
"I love you Y/n. So so much. Thank you for trying again with me" he kisses your lips once you both settle down.
"I love you too Levi...thank you for making things ok again" you smiled and cupped his cheek.
It was a dangerous way to learn a lesson about having a relationship but it worked out in the end at least. Levi made sure to be more cautious of his actions going forward and you did too. This hiccup in the road only made you two grow stronger as years passed. And looking back, you both were grateful to have learned the lesson of communication early on in your marriage. So that you didn't end up as the other couple down the the street that bickers constantly! You're both as happy as can be.
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littlecloudprince · 3 years
I'm Not A Little! Pt. 2
Summary: After Logan regresses for the first time, the adults, especially Roman, all but fawn over him. Not everyone is happy with this arrangement, though.
Warnings: None that I can think of! If something needs to be added, please do let me know!
A/N: Finally, it's done! I'm sorry it took so long, but I'm thankful that you all have been so patient with me! To make up for how long I took writing this, it's a little longer than the first part! I'll try to post more frequently from now on, but to do that I might need some help. So, once again, I'm reminding you all that my Asks are open, so feel free to give me fanfic ideas! Preferably age regression based oneshots, and absolutely no N/S/F/W or r3mr0m! Okay, that's all, please enjoy the fic!
Logan woke up feeling hungry. He rubbed his eyes, confused as to why the blur didn't go away. He rubbed his eyes again, this time harder. That just made his eyes hurt a little, and the blur was still there! He huffed. Fine! He could go about his day with blurry eyes!
Logan carefully slid off of the still sleeping Roman's lap, and began toddling toward the kitchen. It took him a while, trying his best to not bump into anything, as he made his way toward the kitchen. He made it to the kitchen before bumping into something, and falling on his bum. He looked up, squinting his eyes in an attempt to see what he'd bumped into.
"Oop!" the blurry adult figure exclaimed, turning around to face Logan.
"Well, what do we have here? A tiny...Logan?" their tone of voice changed from goofy to slightly confused, as they crouched to be on the eye-level with Logan. Their face was still a slight blur, but the toddler could begin to make sense of it. They had glasses, and brown eyes. Just like Logan's! And the adult was wearing a blue shirt, and a gray...something around their shoulders. Hey, wait a minute!
"Ton?" Logan asked, only now noticing the pacifier in his mouth.
"That's me! I'm Patton! Good job kiddo!" Patton praised the boy.
"Bwuw," Logan mumbled. Maybe Patton knew how to get the blur in his eyes to go away?
"Hm? Blur? What does that mean?" Patton mused for a moment, before realization dawned on his face.
"Oh! Oh, right!" he said brightly, before flicking his wrist. A pair of toddler-sized Warby Parker's glasses appeared in his hand. The frames were dark blue, and had spaceships, planets and stars on them. Patton gently placed them on Logan's face, and gently booped his nose.
"Is that better, starling?" he asked.
Logan looked around, blinking a couple times. The blur was gone. His eyes weren't blurry anymore! He smiled widely behind his pacifier, and flapped his hands and nodded his head for a bit before hugging Patton tightly.
"You're welcome, space cadet," Patton chuckled lightly, ruffling Logan's hair. They hugged for a bit longer, until Logan's tummy grumbled loudly.
"It seems someone is a bit hungry! What would you like?" Patton asked the boy.
"Coftew's!" Logan answered without missing a beat.
"Alright, Crofter's it is!" The moral Side smiled. Logan lifted his arms up, and Patton automatically picked him up.
After some time, Roman burst in the kitchen.
"Patton, have you seen— ?" he let out a sigh of relief as he spotted Logan, who was sitting in a highchair, happily kicking his feet as he chowed down on toast with Crofter's.
"So...That's all of us," Roman spoke to Patton in a hushed tone, as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
"Yeah," Patton nodded, "I wonder if that makes Thomas a Little too?"
"Maybe. We should go check on him once Logan's big again," Roman said, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Oh, just imagine how adorable he must be! Little baby Thomas!" Patton gushed. Roman stifled a chuckle.
"Well, we'll just have to wait and see," he said, hiding his smile behind his coffee cup.
"O-min!" Logan piped up in his highchair, as he noticed the prince. He didn't notice it himself, but he shrunk a little. He had grown to be about two years old overnight, but was now firmly back to the same age of about a year and a half that he was when Roman first found him.
"That's right, it's Roman! You're such a clever baby!" Patton praised, not missing the subtle shrinking.
"Well, aren't you just the brightest star in the sky?" Roman set his coffee down, and made his way to Logan. The baby let out a delighted coo, and made grabby hands toward Roman.
"Uh-oh! It looks like you've got a little jam on your fingers! Luckily..." Roman leaned slightly closer to Logan, "...there's a wet wipe right behind your ear!" he subtly conjured a wet wipe, pretending to pull it from behind the Little's ear. Logan squeaked in amazement, flapping his hands frantically. Roman allowed him to flap for a moment, before gently taking his hands and wiping them clean. He then proceeded to wipe Logan's mouth and cheeks, before waving his hand, causing the wet wipe to disappear. Logan bounced on his bum a little, making grabby hands toward the creative Side again. Roman picked the baby up and propped him securely against his hip before fetching his coffee, and sitting down at the table.
"Baby!" Remus gasped from the doorway. He was holding Janus' hand, but he let go in order to run to Roman and Logan. Janus sighed, adjusting Virgil on his hip, before following the young child.
"Careful, Remus. Babies are fragile," he reminded.
"Hey there, tiny terror," Roman greeted, ruffling Remus' hair.
"How old?" Remus asked, curiosly examining Logan with his gaze.
"I'd say about a year and a half," Roman answered before nursing his coffee.
"Tiny!" Remus gasped in a whisper yell.
"You wanna go say hi too, Vee?" Janus asked the three-year-old. Virgil nodded lightly, chewing on his bat-shaped chewie necklace. Janus gently set him down, and he toddled to Roman and Remus.
"Oh look, starlight! VeeVee came to say hello too!" Roman cooed at Logan. Virgil tilted his head, looking at the baby.
"Look, Vee! Baby!" Remus grabbed Virgil's hand, and dragged him a little closer to Roman and Logan. Logan began sucking his thumb, his gaze moving between Remus and Virgil. Roman gently coaxed the thumb out of the baby's mouth, and replaced it with his pacifier. Virgil backed away a little bit, going to hug Janus' leg.
"What's wrong, batling?" Janus asked, slightly worried at the sudden change in Virgil's demeanour. The three-year-old just whined, pointing at Logan.
"Yes, it's a baby," Janus said, trying to think of what Virgil was trying to say. Virgil whined again, this time signing "pacifier" by bringing together his index and thumb, and moving them toward his mouth as if placing a pacifier there.
"Oh! Do you want your paci?" Janus understood now. Virgil nodded, and made grabby hands toward the snake-like Side. The older man picked the toddler up, and turned to Remus.
"Remus, could you be a darling and go get Virgil's paci from his room? It should be on the bedside drawer."
"Kay!" Remus took off, all but running to Virgil's room. Before long, he came back, and handed the purple pacifier to Virgil. The toddler gladly took, it and quickly bopped it into his mouth before hiding against Janus' chest.
"Why's Vee hidin?" Remus asked bluntly, tilting his head a little.
"I think he's a little jealous of Logan right now," Roman explained.
"Because Logan is younger than him. Vee's used to being the youngest, and now that he's not, he feels jealous."
"Oh," Remus thought for a moment, before his expression lit up again.
"And I helpeded Vee feel better when I gave him his paci! Cuz I'm the bestest big brother!"
"You sure did, little octo. You are the best big brother," Janus ruffled Remus' hair.
"Nuh-uh! Not the best, the bestest!" Remus corrected.
"The bestest," Janus nodded seriously.
"Alright kiddos, breakfast time!" Patton called from the stove. They all scattered around the table as Patton served everyone the pancakes he'd made.
As the day progressed, it became evident that Little Logan was especially fond of Roman. The prince guessed it was likely because he had been the first one to find the regressed logic, and therefore Logan trusted him the most. The baby wanted to be held mostly by Roman, and would cry if anyone else tried to take over diaper duties. Only Roman could change him without tears. The creative Side didn't necessarily mind it, not at all. In fact, he was quite thrilled to have such a responsibility, seeing as no one else had ever clung to him like Logan did. Usually either Patton, Logan or Janus handled the role of the dad, while whoever else was Big at that moment acted more as a backup. Needless to say, Roman was happy to have been "chosen" by Logan.
Virgil, on the other hand, was not amused. He was jealous that Logan was hogging up all the attention from the grown-ups. The toddler didn't like it one bit. He was the baby! Not Logan! Virgil didn't want to be a big boy, he wanted to be a baby! But...he couldn't be. Right? If Logan is a baby, Virgil should be a big boy? Virgil didn't understand his feelings. There were so many of them, and they were all so confusing...what was Virgil supposed to do with them all?
"Whatcha thinkin' about, Vee?" Remus asked, noticing that Virgil had stopped stacking the blocks he was playing with. The toddler was staring off into space, absentmindedly playing with the handle of his pacifier. He blinked a couple times as he realised Remus had spoken. Virgil turned to briefly look at Remus, but didn't answer, instead just making a small noise behind his pacifier before turning back to his blocks.
"Who's a smart baby? You are! Yes, you are!" Roman cooed from behind him. Virgil turned around, his excitement quickly fading as he realised Roman wasn't talking to him. He was cooing at Logan. Virgil slumped his shoulders, abandoning his blocks and instead picking up his blankie. He held it to his cheek, not unlike Linus from Peanuts, and kept quietly observing Roman and Logan. The baby was laying on his back, happily babbling to Roman, who seemed to be completely mesmerized by the small boy.
"Who's the cutest, littlest baby? Is it you? Yeah, it's you! Logan is the cutest, littlest baby! Yes, he is!" Roman cooed, tracing Logan's hands and feet, and finally booping his nose. The baby let out a delighted squeal, reaching his little hands towards Roman's sash. Virgil clenched his blankie tighter, a quiet whine escaping from behind his pacifier. Was he not cute anymore? Was he not good enough? These spiralling thoughts were too much for the little boy to handle, and he scrambled to his feet as tears begun dwelling in his eyes. He toddled away in a hurry, dragging his blankie along. Remus didn't fail to notice.
"Ve- Vee? Vee!" he called after the toddler. The six-year-old stood up from his Lego's, and went to poke Roman.
"Ro!" he exclaimed, tugging at the back of Roman's sash.
"In a minute, Remus," Roman answered, not even turning his gaze from Logan. Remus huffed, crossing his arms. Fine! If Roman wasn't going to help Virgil, he'd go find Patton. If anyone knew about emotions, it was Patton! Remus took off, deciding to check the kitchen first. Patton was likely making lunch right about now.
In the kitchen, Patton was indeed making lunch, with Janus' assistance.
"PatPat!" Remus tugged on the hem of Patton's shirt.
"Yes, Little Duke?" Patton turned his attention from his pot to the child.
"Vee got sad and Ro only cares about the baby!" Remus explained the situation.
"Oh no! Why did Virgil get sad?"
"Cuz Ro only plays with the baby! Didn't pay any ttention to us, and then Vee got sad!"
"Well, it looks like we've got a baby to comfort! Janus, could you look after the pot so it won't boil over?"
"Nope," Janus lied, inching himself closer to the stove.
"Thanks!" Patton called behind him, being dragged out by Remus.
"Dunno where Vee went, but probably in his room," Remus said, tugging on Patton's hand impatiently.
"Well, let's go see," Patton said, allowing Remus to lead him towards Virgil's room. To both of their surprise, Virgil's door had been left open.
"Virgil, love, Remus and I are coming in, is that okay?" Patton gently announced their entrance. Neither of them could see Virgil, but they could hear soft sniffles coming from somewhere around his bed. Patton made his way to the bed, and knelt down on the floor.
"Hey little batling, think you'd be ready to come out of your cave?" he spoke gently, peeking under the bed. Virgil was cocooned in his blanket, hugging his black cat plushie tightly to his chest. His eyes were closed, but there were tear-tracks on his cheeks. However, upon hearing Patton's gentle voice, he opened his eyes, a mewl escaping from behind his pacifier as he reached out for the father figure. New tears dwelled in his eyes as Patton fished him out from under the bed, and the moment he was fully out, he clung to Patton like his life depended on it.
"Everything's okay, buddy, everything's okay," Patton gently shushed the crying toddler, taking note that he had shrunken smaller. Virgil was now about two years old, and clearly very upset.
"Do you think you could try to tell me what got you so upset? Remus got really worried about you," Patton asked the slowly calming down boy. Virgil tried to answer, but he was only able to produce incoherent mewling.
"Oh how I wish I could understand you," Patton murmured, hugging Virgil ever so slightly tighter. Virgil sniffled in response. For a moment, the two just stayed there, until something purple appeared next to them. It was Virgil's AAC device.
"So Vee can tell us!" Remus explained. He sat next to the duo, and handed the tablet to Patton.
"That's a great idea, Remus! You're such a smart kiddo!" Patton ruffled the six-year-olds slightly tangled hair. Remus wiggled lightly at the compliment, as Patton held the tablet in a way that allowed Virgil to see and reach it. Before long, the slightly less upset boy reached for the device, and pressed three different buttons labelled "Roman", "like" and "no more".
"Roman like no more?" Patton repeated, trying to understand what Virgil was saying.
"He thinks Ro doesn't like him anymore," Remus understood right away. Virgil nodded before sniffling sadly.
"Oh! Of course Roman still likes you, stormcloud!" Patton assured the baby. Virgil shook his head, and reached for the tablet again. This time, he pressed two buttons, labelled "only" and "baby".
"Ro was only playing with the baby, he wouldn't play with Vee or me. Only praised the baby, too," Remus crossed his arms, starting to feel a little jealous and bitter himself. Virgil nodded again, hugging his plushie tighter.
"Well, we ought to go talk to Roman about it! Tell him how you kiddos feel, so he knows to do better," Patton explained. Virgil snuggled closer to Patton, hiding his face against Patton's chest. Patton held onto Virgil, carefully standing up. Remus followed suit, and took the hand Patton offered to him. With that, the three of them made their way back into the living room.
"Roman? We need to talk," Patton started, gently but firmly.
"In a minute," the prince responded absentmindedly, still mesmerized by the baby.
"No, we need to talk now," Patton said, putting emphasis on the 'now'. Roman didn't answer, too busy playing with the small Logan. Patton sighed, starting to get somewhat frustrated.
"You've been neglecting Virgil and Remus in favour of Logan. That isn't okay," he stated firmly.
"No, they're fine, they're playing," Roman dismissed, still not even looking up from Logan.
"Remus, could you take Virgil and go play for a moment? Roman and I need to have a grown-up conversation," Patton turned to the six-year-old, gently setting Virgil down next to him.
"It's okay Virgil, Remus will take good care of you while Roman and I talk. And then I'll be right back, okay?" the fatherly Side explained to the little boy. Virgil gave a little nod, latching onto Remus, who took it upon himself to guide himself and Virgil back to Virgil's room.
"Roman, listen to me," Patton turned back to the prince. He only responded by making an incoherent hum. That frustrated Patton further, and he walked up to pick up the now sleepy Logan.
"Hey!" Roman yelped, startling Logan.
"Logan is going down for a nap now," Patton informed, gently rocking the fussy baby.
"And then you and I need to talk."
Some time later, there was a knock on Virgil's door. Virgil looked up from his colouring, and Remus scrambled up to go and open the door.
"Hey. Can I come in?" Roman asked. Remus turned to Virgil, who gave a small nod.
"Vee says you can," the six-year-old informed, stepping out of Roman's way. The creative Side stepped in, croutching between the two boys.
"I'm sorry, Virgil. Well, both of you. I've only been paying attention to Logan today, and that's not fair on you. So...I'm sorry," he apologised sheepishly. Remus turned to Virgil again, allowing the toddler to make his own decision. Virgil took his time to think, before crawling over to Roman. The two-year-old stood up, and gently hugged Roman.
"Vee says we forgive you," Remus smiled.
"I'm glad," Roman hugged Virgil back.
"Now, should we go make a blanket fort in the living room? Logan's down for a nap, so it'll be just the three of us. Yeah?" the prince proposed an idea.
"Yeah yeah yeah!" Remus jumped up and down in excitement. Virgil smiled widely behind his pacifier, silently flapping his hands. Maybe things could work out after all.
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oneofthosesimps · 3 years
Freak like Me
Tumblr media
pairing: levi x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 6230
summary: as soon as the reader enters levi's life, something changes in him. reader's madness spills over and he slowly changes
warnings: mention of blood (not yours), rough sex, dirtytalk, daddy kink, swearing, dom x dom, fight scene
authors note: although i wanted to write shorter stories again, this one somehow got longer again. i tried my hand at an action scene, but i still have to practice a lot. somehow i had strong harley x joker vibes and they had to come out, sorry.
all credits to the artist of this pic:
Lensar on DeviantArt
Your gaze falls into the depths of the forest before you close your eyes. Bright rays of sunlight fall through the branches above you and warm your face. You hear birds chirping around you, the crackling of the wood beneath you, the rustling of leaves swirling in a gust of wind. You breathe deeply as your open hair blows back. You hear your heart beating quietly in your chest as the silence embraces you like an old friend. What does freedom mean? What does life mean? You are sure that this is pretty close to the source. The people behind the wall, who go about their lives every day hoping to see the next day, would never get to see this world. Especially not the people you left behind in the underground.
A grin plays around your lips as you hear the hissing far off in the distance. The trees groan behind you under the force with which the hooks bore into their bark. That took a long time, you think to yourself, as ropes speed past you. You hear the chatter and shouts of your comrades in fragments, shattering the silence around you. Blurred faces shoot past you one after the other.
You spread your arms and stretch them away from you. One last deep breath fills your lungs before you hold your breath. Slowly your body falls backwards before you lose your footing beneath you and plunge headlong into the depths. The air hisses loudly past your ears, your body spins around itself. You are weightless, the green blurs around you before your whole body is pressed full force into your harness and you are yanked back up. You hear the gas sweep around you as you fly through the air, trailing the others. Your hooks bore further away into the trunk of a thick, old tree. You take momentum, flying high into the treetops, letting the ropes come back to you. Unsecured, you fall through space. Your body does a backward roll, allowing you to observe the forest floor for a brief moment. The moss nestles around the roots of the trees, single brown leaves cover the forest path, bodies move forward beneath you, you can still see a squirrel quickly making its way to safety before your body returns to its normal position and you dig your hooks into a tree again. You zip between the trees, your cape flying behind you, your face brushing some branches that bore into your tender skin. You hear the pop of a cannon being fired and see red smoke in the sky northwest of you.
Immediately you change direction, sprinting forward, leaving behind other cadets who still haven't processed what is happening. Arriving in a clearing, you find your place on a thick branch high above. Further in the distance, you see the shaking of trees, the earth shaking slightly, making the grass dance on the ground. You hear heavy footsteps, still moving slowly.
The branch below you moves and you look to your right. Silver eyes stare at you from beneath tousled black hair, eyeing your small body.
"You really do have to keep pushing forward." You hear more bodies land on the trees behind you and the wood weighs down slightly. The rest of your squad waits for instruction from your captain.
"I guess this is why I'll never get my own Squad, sir."
You turn your gaze back to the direction the titan is coming at you from and grin.
"What do you think, fifteen seconds?"
"Mmm, more like ten," Levi guesses, and the tremor intensifies. A huge hand grips around a tree trunk, pulling out from between the trees, and big eyes stare at you. Nearly ten-metres high, abnormal.
"Let's see what you can do then, humanity's strongest soldier." He snorts and rolls his eyes before his whole body moves forward with a jerk. He pulls his swords from their holsters and places them close to his body. With an ease and without the titan even noticing him, he cuts a chunk out of his neck. Before Levi even gets back beside you, the giant falls to the ground and starts to steam.
That wasn't even seven. He crosses his arms in front of his chest, the blood on his face slowly disappears and he looks at you. A small smirk curls his lips, "Brat."
You snort and slam your fist against his shoulder.
That's the word everyone would use to describe your relationship.
The first time Levi laid his eyes on you, when he saw you among all the new, shitty cadets, his foot hit your stomach area shortly after. You lacked respect and you lacked punctuality and discipline too. Another pile of shit he had to deal with - or work on until it headed home in tears.
The day after that, he hit your face with his fist. Kneeling on the floor in front of him, panting, you looked up at him. Wiping blood from your lips, you grinned at him and looked at him with wide eyes, your pupils exploding. "That's all you got, sir." Just as he was about to grit his teeth and lunge with his foot to beat the living daylights out of you, Hange stopped him. He tore himself away from her and knelt down to you, looking at you with dead eyes, "I'm going to make your fucking life a living hell." Your tongue licked over your lower lip, wiping away the remaining blood and your grin widened, "Try me."
He kept his word, always picking you out, giving you more tasks, making you run round after round, cleaning the whole headquarters, beating up your little body several times, but to his displeasure you did it all flawlessly. Yes, you lacked respect and also punctuality and discipline, but your performance was amazing, almost close to his. And when he finally saw the potential in you that Erwin had been talking about all along, it suddenly stopped - he left you alone, saw you with different eyes. Something changed in him, as if a plug had been pulled. You watched each other across the field during training, in mess hall at dinner, every spare minute your eyes spent on each other and gradually butterflies crept into the pit of your stomach. And you had the feeling that behind the cold silver there was something deep and dark that you wanted to bring to the surface. Your exchanges were still kept to a minimum, however, until there was another bang.
"That's the stupidest plan I've heard in a long time," you snort, raising an eyebrow.
"Excuse me, brat?" You roll your eyes and stare at him just as coldly as it hits you. The temperature in the room drops noticeably and the others at the table hold their breath. No one dares to say anything. No one would dare say anything. The moonlight from outside shines in, the candles in the room flicker slightly and trace sharp edges on your faces.
"That's the stupidest plan I've heard in a long time," you repeat louder, "Better, sir?"
Levi's eyes blaze and he stares at you. His eyebrows draw together, the corners of his mouth drop. You see Armin open his mouth speechlessly to your right.
Your hairs stand up, the electricity rises and you bite your lower lip, grinning.
"You doubt my plan?" says Levi low and monotone. Jean's hand lands on your shoulder and he grips it, pressing you into your seat to save you from your own stupidity, but it wasn't you who was stupid, it was the whole plan Levi had just explained to you.
"Not only do I doubt it, but I also have a better one," your grin widens as Levi's liquid silver darkens. "Let me fight on the front lines. Mikasa is good, but I'm better".
"For that, you're an incorrigible little bitch who won't listen to my orders".
"Yes, because my plans usually make more sense".
"You're not ready for that. Your cluelessness only makes you run from one titan to another. That statement alone shows me how small your brain is if you're not even aware of it and now shut your mouth."
Jean's grip tightens, but you just push his hand away from you. After your next blink, your heart jumps a tiny bit as you see Levi's annoyed face. He is always good at holding back his anger and it never shows. In fact, he almost never shows any emotion, but you see right through him. He has it bubbling up inside him. Never contradicts him and if he does, the person suffers a thousand deaths afterwards. But between you it is somehow different, tingling. It gives you the greatest pleasure to see him like this and you know, deep inside him, a voice is telling him that he enjoys it too. Others would describe you as crazy and full of the courage to live, but that's what makes it all so appealing.
"Maybe we can find a compromise?" suggests Armin and you see the sweat on his brow as he almost shits himself at the words. You roll your eyes and look back at Levi.
"I thought you wanted to make my life hell. So that's a good start," you remind him of the first words he ever said to you.
"Your plans are bullshit. If I let you keep fighting up front, you'll probably get yourself killed by your insanity, " he growls, almost at his limit. But only almost.
You lean over slightly, look at him, smile slightly, grin, bite your lip again, breathe, "I have a feeling you like this madness, Levi."
He tenses slightly, draws his eyebrows together again as his name passes your lips. Connie coughs and tries to draw attention to himself, but everyone ignores him. It seems like everyone is in a state of shock because you simply addressed him by his first name. Everyone watches spellbound as you literally eye-fuck each other. Do they like the show? Almost at his limit.
"Tch, what did you just call me, brat?" his voice gets louder and his hands form into fists. You lean back in your chair again and look at him, bored.
"Oh, I didn't know you had such bad hearing. Don't you like Levi? That's your name, isn't it? Do you prefer Sir? Or Captain? Or maybe," your eyes looked up at him, burning into him, "Daddy?" At his limit. Pathetic.
A deep dark sound comes from his throat and the others hold their breath again. His whole posture grows stronger and wider. You see the muscles working under his clothes, see veins popping on his hand and you feel butterflies in your stomach. His eyes are black. You all sit like that for a few seconds. You watch his gestures and his face change emotions. Without warning, his right hand hits the table flat, "Fuck off."
The sound cuts through the silence and the weaklings among you flinch. Confused, no one moves, while your eyes do not leave each other's. Armin is about to open his mouth and Jean is about to put his hand on your shoulder again when Levi stands up with a jerk, his chair tipping backwards and hitting the wooden floor with a thud.
"I said fuck off," he roars, looking around with a death glare.
Chairs squeak, footsteps run across the wooden floor, making it creak.
"What have you done now?" whispers Jean in your ear and you give him a look before he walks behind the others and the door closes.
The scene stops again and you stare at Levi. Both hands flat on the table in front of him, leaning on his arms and looking down, he stands there. You can no longer see his eyes as his long black strands fall into his face, but you notice his tense jaw. Your heart leaps again. He was so handsome. Especially when he was angry. Finally, you break the silence.
"Great, now you've scared everyone," you sigh and roll your eyes.
"What are you doing?", Levi hisses back at you, spitting venom and bile, finally raising his head. His eyes blaze again and your core drips.
"I don't know what you mean."
"You know your place, so start acting like it, you piece of shit."
"I wish my place was naked in front of you." Before Levi has taken in what you've said, you stand up, pushing the chair back a little as you do so, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go to sleep too. The day was exhausting and I need to rest to be fit for the expedition. So, I can sit my ass off nicely in midfield."
You turn away from him and your heart slips slightly into your pants. Never turn your back on the enemy. "But of course, it makes much more sense for Mikasa to fight in front and me in the back. Makes sense."
You can take two steps as his hand wraps firmly around your wrist. He squeezes too tightly, hurting you, and you grin again.
"Repeat what you said." His voice is so low it sends a shiver down your spine. Your expression changes and, playfully annoyed, you turn to face him.
"Do you mean the part where I explained that I was going to sit my ass off." He growls and you almost groan. The tension was heavy and hot.
"Stop playing games. My patience is running out."
You lick your lower lip again, wetting it before biting down on it. "I know this isn't about the fucking mission," Levi looks at your mouth. You take a step closer to him, looking up at him from below. "I wish my place was naked in front of you, Daddy," you breathe.
In that split second, his lips land on yours. Two forces of nature collide and you almost topple backwards. His arm wraps tightly around your waist, pulling you against him, and you finally moan. He bites your lower lip hard and you open your mouth in pain. He takes the opportunity to dig his tongue deep between your lips. He presses himself against your body and you slam into the wall behind you. A pain runs through your head as your tongues circle each other, fighting to see who has the upper hand. Your hands go into his hair, reaching deep into his mane, and you pull his head closer to you. Big hands grip your waist and he lifts you up with ease so you can wrap your legs around him. His hands travel under your thighs, squeezing the flesh before he drills them into the fat of your ass. Your teeth collide as you drill your tongue deeper into his mouth, exploring his mouth cavity. He releases the kiss and a thread of spit connects you. You lay your head back and lick over your swollen, sore lips as he places his mouth on your vein, kissing your pulse before licking along it.
"Took you long enough to finally decide to fuck me."
"Shut your mouth, brat," he breathes against your neck before biting into it and sucking on it.
"I swear, if you leave hickeys ..." you groan.
"What then? Are you going to hit me with your little fists?"
"You mean like you did to me all those times? Nah, I'm not an asshole like you. But you probably secretly get off on it."
He bites your neck, just above your pulse, and your head slams back against the wall behind you, making you see stars. He smirks as his nails dig into you and you claw into his shirt. Your panties are completely wet and your juice leaks out of you incessantly. You moan loudly as his teeth dig deeper into your flesh. This was far too good to be true. Your left hand goes into his hair again, you pull at the strands and tear him away from you. He makes a face and you press your lips to his again, biting his lower lip until you taste blood. He gasps and pushes your head away from him, "You're crazy."
You grin broadly at him. "We've been over this," you lick his lower lip apologetically, "and I can see you like it." His gaze is on your face as you wrap your arms around him. "You like crazy, you will stick your dick in crazy." A dark sound escapes him and your nails run over his neck. "You can't even argue with me, you want to fuck this crazy bitch so badly."
His lips land on yours again and you grin against him before moaning into his mouth as he presses you tighter against the wall. His hands leave your ass, skimming up the sides of your waist before moving forward to your chest. Two of his fingers find their way along between the buttons, stroking the sensitive skin. Your belly grows warm with the butterflies inside him. You wrap your legs tighter around his waist and run your hand under the fabric of his shirt at the nape of his neck, running it over the muscles of his shoulders and it shakes you with pleasure.
His strong hands grip the fabric of your blouse and without warning, he rips the front apart, sending the buttons flying across the room. You bite your lip as his arms fall around your waist to hold you in place. "You shouldn't have taken your anger out on my blouse," you moan as he kisses the bulge above your right collarbone and licks along it.
"Would you rather I took it out on you?" he murmurs as he bites into that thin skin too, sucking on it and sure to leave a hickey.
"Yes, I don't know you any different."
He continues to lick forward, kissing the ridge at the end of your neck, licking over a mole at the beginning of the mound of your breast. His right hand comes away from your waist, grips your left breast and kneads it. You claw into his shoulders, leaving marks as he pushes the cup off it and you feel his hand skin on skin. Almost painfully, he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger and you push your back through, coming to meet him.
"Mmm, you like that?" he murmurs and you can hear his grin.
"I never thought you'd be this good at it," you mock, before you make a grimace and groan. Pain runs through you as he bites down on your nipple and then his lips wrap around it and he sucks on it. The sensation extends to your fingertips and your toes, coursing through your whole body. You close your eyes, savouring and moaning his name as he bites into it again. He sucks harder on it, lifting his head slightly and releasing it with a plop. He circles your nipple with his tongue and licks it slowly and pleasurably. The knot in your stomach tightens and your head is fogged.
"More," you moan into the room. You tug at the piece of fabric covering him and press your core tighter against him.
"Don't be so impatient, idiot."
"I'm not impatient, you're just slow."
He pulls your whole body down a bit, pressing his bulge into your centre. You curse because the fabric between you is annoying and rub against him greedily.
"Slowly then?" he purrs against your ear and comes towards you, rubbing against you too, "I'll keep that in mind." He grips you again and lifts you away from the wall. You let yourself fall against him and moan against his neck, licking it as you continue to try and build pressure.
Shortly after, your bottom touches the table and he releases your weight. You seize the opportunity and do the same to him, yanking him out of his shirt.
"Tch, but I'm venting my anger," he leans over you, capturing your lips again. Immediately your tongues meet. Greedily your fingers touch his body, stroking his soft skin beneath your fingers, feeling individual scars over, which you let your thumb wander. You caress each and every muscle and gape at his well-built body. He surpasses every single one of your fantasies that you imagined while he was training or just cleaning. You follow his muscles down to the V of his pelvis and a deep moan comes over him as you undo the buckle of his belt. His hands also find their way to your trousers, undoing them, and he releases the kiss. He goes to the floor, kneels in front of the table where you are still sitting and looks up at you. Slowly he takes off your boots without taking his eyes off you. You watch him spellbound, a grin falling on your lips again. He pulls at your trouser legs and you lift your bottom, helping a little so that he can brush the fabric off your legs.
His hands run over your feet and you shake yourself slightly before he kisses them.
"Mmm," you moan, "I could see you like this more often, Captain." You bite your lower lip as his hands slide along your legs. Again, and again his lip or tongue hits your skin, caressing it and you are sure you would leave a stain on the neatly cleaned table. At the latest, when his lips lick the insides of your thighs, your hands clasp the edge of the table. You groan and your right hand goes into his hair, claws into it. His hands settle on your legs, pushing them apart, and his warm breath touches your core. He looks at the dark fabric separating his face from your lower lips and licks his lips. How will you taste? There is a distinct stain, your juice colours the fabric a shade blacker and his hard cock presses against his still closed trousers. He draws in the air around him and he groans. You smell so incredibly good, how much he'd like to taste you. How much he would like to fuck you.
When you notice his fingers gently stroking your pussy and he grips the fabric to pull it aside, you moan again and pull on his head.
Painfully he is pulled back and you close your legs.
"What are you doing, idiot?" he gasps in annoyance, his face contorting at the sting.
"I don't feel like playing this time," you murmur, grinning. "My patience is wearing thin," you repeat his words from earlier, "I don't feel like waiting anymore."
You press your toes against his chest and push him backwards. He is slightly off balance, staggers and falls into the chair behind him.
"Unzip your pants already", you stand up and your hands each rest on the back of the chair next to his head, your breasts dangling in his face, "Go ahead".
Completely caught off guard, he undoes the button and then the zip. You grin again and lean forward towards him. Your lips meet his jaw, kissing along it to his ear and you put your mouth to the shell of his ear, "And now you take out your big cock."
He growls slightly and does as you command. Your gaze falls briefly on his hard erection and a shiver comes over you, your butterflies dancing inside you.
"That's much better, isn't it, Daddy?" you see his Adam's apple dangle as he swallows hard and you look into his eyes. You place one leg on each side of his body. Your hands slide from the back of the chair to his shoulders and you claw into them. Still covered with a piece of cloth, you rub your cunt over his hard cock, which presses against it. You moan and he does the same, putting his hands on your waist and squeezing. His eyes close and he puts his head back in his neck, "Do it already."
"Anything my daddy wants," your hand grips the thin fabric and pulls it aside. Drops of your juice hit him, mixing with his precum and you rub it along your slit before gripping his shaft and sliding his thick tip inside you.
Never would you have expected him to be so big. Your walls press tightly against him as he slides inch by inch into you. Your eyebrows draw together because it feels so good. Levi gasps slightly beneath you as you swallow him slowly.
"You're huge," you sigh contentedly as he's fully inside you, and you twitch your walls, his fingers buried deep in the flesh of your waist. His jaw seems tense, but his eyes look at you half-closed. His irises are no longer visible. "God, so fucking huge. We should have done this so much sooner. I think it's tearing me apart," you grin wide and happy as you feel a slight burn.
"If I had known how good you looked doing that, I would have fucked you sooner."
"Yeah, would you have?" you look deep into his eyes as you move upwards, his cock sliding completely out of you and you lower yourself back down onto him, "Do you like the way I ride your cock?" Your movements slowly quicken and you hear the smacking of your cunt as it swallows his cock again and again.
"Do you like the way your thick cock keeps digging deep into me?" He growls out and starts to come towards you. His hips thrust upwards, hitting you hard. As he does, you don't part your gaze for a second and it feels like you can glimpse his soul.
"Do you like the way my cunt milks you?" Levi digs one hand into the fat of your ass, pulling on it and baring his teeth. You dig your nails into his back as he changes the angle and bumps against your G-spot. The sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the mixing of your fluids grow louder. You become incredibly hot and start to sweat.
"Do you like the way I moan your name?" you add a long Levi at the last word and he stares at you like you're a goddess. His goddess.
"Fuck, you're so hot," he murmurs in a dry, heavy voice.
"That you ever thought otherwise hurts my heart." You ram your fingernails deeper into his back and pull at the skin, leaving deep marks.
"I'll never think anything else again," he groans up at you. By now you are no longer riding him. Instead, he holds you in place above him, your feet no longer even touching the ground, and he thrusts into you with a brutality that leaves you breathless. The knot in your stomach gets tighter and tighter and you bite his shoulder to stifle a scream. He fucks you like a madman, pressing his body hard against yours and enjoying the feel of your hard nipples against his chest. He tries to get even deeper, to push against your cervix, but the position is too shitty for that.
"That won't do," he groans, suddenly lifting you up. With his pants at his ankles and you in his arms, he walks back to the table, lays you down on it ungently and buries himself in you again. He grips your legs with his hands, rests them on his shoulders and increases his speed further. He fucks you into the hard wood of the table and puts his head back, moaning your name loudly. He comes so far inside you, you feel pain deep inside you. Such good pain.
"God, your cunt is so tight. I never want to feel anything else ever again." You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Your breath has long left your lungs and your brain can't make anything up. Your little body is concentrating solely on how his fat cock is being pushed into you, how he is tearing your little hole in two and how incredible this feeling is. Because of this, you just mumble something to yourself, which makes him grin, "Suddenly I guess your mouth isn't so big anymore." Again, you try to say something, but it is in vain. Your head is full of fog and all you can think about is how he should thrust harder, even deeper, which is no longer possible, and how he should take you. You want him to ruin you, for everything and everyone. Every night he should do this to you so that you can never stand or sit again. You just want to be his little plaything.
"Good to know I can shut you up like this." His cock hits your G-spot hard and makes you see stars. You moan loudly and reach for something to claw into, but there's nothing. "Alright, I guess silent isn't quite the right word".
He's fucking you so well and you glare at him as he stares at you and you bite your lip, your breathing becoming more uncontrolled and you nod slightly at him to signal how close you are. He grins and you push your back through as he thrusts into you one last time and you explode, screaming his name and losing your grip on the earth.
That was probably the beginning of your death - and probably that of every other - but who knows for sure. The two of you were quite a force on your own, but as a duo you were invincible. Soon, word got out about what had happened. You could have tried to deny it, but it wasn't difficult to guess, since you were ever the only person allowed to disobey Levi and get away alive. Moreover, your loud moans could be heard throughout the building. Everyone should know that you now belong to each other. Your madness spilled over onto him. You had nothing left to lose - except each other and you swore you would only leave this hell together.
"Listen up, shitheads," Levi turns his attention to the people behind you and you follow his gaze, "we're going to do another round and secure the perimeter before we set up camp here for the night."
"Yes, sir," everyone but you shouts in unison and salutes. You roll your eyes.
Your gaze, on the other hand, averts and you direct it to the trees around you. The birdsong has died down and the wind has receded. The branch beneath you sways slightly again as Armin lands on it and turns to talk to Levi. You ignore them both and continue to look around. No wind, but the leaves sway back and forth. You close your eyes and concentrate. Far in the distance you can hear a river making its way through the ground. There is a faint smell of wet moss and it is all so peaceful. Far away you hear the tapping of a woodpecker looking for its food before it suddenly stops. You tear your eyes open and clutch the handles of your equipment. A moment later you see the bird fluttering overhead with a loud bird song. Your eyes fall on Levi and over Armin's shoulder he looks at you. He raises an eyebrow before your typical grin falls to your lips and his expression slips.
You shoot your hooks, which bore into a tree and you fly away. Behind you, you hear the shouting of others and more gas being consumed as you make your way through the forest. You build up speed and zoom past the many trees. You race in the direction from which you just heard the woodpecker. You hear a stomping sound that gets louder and louder the closer you get to it, before you see two huge figures running past you on your left. You didn't expect two, but that only means one more point on your kill scale. Your hands grip the handles of your 3DMG tighter and adrenaline rushes through your bloodstream. You draw in a deep breath through your nose as you suddenly change direction and race towards them. In the distance, you catch sight of your squad and see Levi racing ahead of them after you. He is stronger than you, but you are faster. He has left the squad behind with ease and does not look happy. His rage-filled face makes you feel like you're on fire and a shiver runs down your spine.
"Sorry," you shout loudly to them as you fly through the air and your hook bores into a titan's shoulder. You hear Levi yell your name, but you ignore him. Unfortunately, this distracts the two titans and they notice you. They stop and look around before spotting Levi.
The smaller titan is just under eight metres tall, the other about two metres taller, both of course abnormal. You whirl around the larger one and draw your swords, placing them against your small body, ready for battle. You hiss at his neck, but while he has not yet set his sights on you, the smaller one turns his attention to you and looks at you with wide eyes. He reaches out his hand to you. You curse loudly and drill your hook into a tree above you to get away from him quickly. It is just enough that when he closes his hand, you are not caught in it. Instead, your sole touches his huge finger and you push off against him in addition to putting more land between him and you. On the other side of the field, you see Levi whirling through the air, attracting the little titan's attention. He puts up his swords ready to fight, but you are quicker, get in his way and cut the titan's neck with a smooth slice. The first titan goes down, begins to steam and you are left with the larger one. As you fly through the air, you drill your hooks into his arm and pull yourself towards him. Just before you get on top of him you change direction and fly towards his shoulder. The titan looks around and tries to spot you again, but you are too fast. The next time your hooks hit a tree in the distance. You fly towards his neck, your swords just setting when your ropes suddenly loosen. The titan has lashed out, ripping them out of the tree. You tear open your eyes, more adrenaline finding its way into your bloodstream, your heart pounding against your chest. For the moment, your course is not altered, so your cut glides through him perfectly and he falls slowly to the ground. But you fall with him. You try to drill your hooks back into a tree, but apparently, he has damaged your equipment, so nothing happens. Panic shoots into your head as you get closer and closer to the ground. You close your eyes and brace yourself for impact before you hit the ground. Your air is ripped from your lungs, your body aches under the contact and the wind flies around your ears. You cling to the body against you and rest your head against its neck. Black tea and lemon. As soon as your feet touch ground, he sets you down and pushes you off him. You stagger back and see the faces of the rest of your comrades, who look at you in horror.
"What was that about, you retard?!" snarls Levi at you, and you see his tense jaw and the deep creases on his forehead, his lips pressed hatefully into a line, as he presses his eyebrows together.
"I don't know what you're upset about. I had the situation under control." You pat the dirt off your clothes, hoping he doesn't see your slightly wobbly legs. You take a deep breath and look up at him. That was more action than you planned. To be honest, the situation got out of hand, but you would never admit that - especially not in front of Levi.
"Under control?! You call that under control! You disobeyed my order!" he yells at the whole forest and you see Krista wince.
"I killed them, what more do you want? If you hadn't come, I would have finished faster."
"He almost killed you!"
"Right, almost," you grin at him and undo the straps of your equipment, letting it fall to the floor. It is no longer of any use and simply means more burden that you would have to carry around with you. You kick it lightly and it rattles. Everyone seems shocked, and Levi clenches his hands into fists. You bite your lower lip, "You were there, weren't you?"
"Yeah, but I'm not always, maron!"
"Yeah, and I'm good at taking care of myself in those moments," you stride towards him and place your hands on his tense chest, "Daddy."
You wink at him and the others almost skin it at your words. Eren is probably already thinking about running away before Levi takes his anger out on him. You stroke his shirt and he stares at you. His anger is immeasurable, but you can see something else mingling in his gaze and he relaxes slightly.
"You'll pay for that later," he murmurs and you lick your lips.
"I expected nothing less."
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iamjustrobin · 3 years
dalpony, curlypony, mmm let's do the wild wheel of darry/two bit
1. What made you ship it?
MOSTLY, because they remind me of the dynamic between Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (bastard x infp space cadet boy) and well, that's another of my fave ships ever💖✨ Btw, i have to take this out of my soul: the scene on ANH where Han ask Luke if he thinks if Leia could be interested on him and the scene on The outsiders movie where Dally says Cherry is kinda cute while Pony throws his sandwich are cinematic parallels and i don't accept other perspectives🔥.
Besides that, i really fell for this ship after reading a lot of fanfiction and paying too much attention of their interactions in the book and the movie (and it's more me taking everything out of context, but hey, that's the exact point of shipping🤷🏽‍♀️).
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They gave a lot to play in a very chaotic, drama and angsty sense. Dude, i live for this. Maybe is my latina side calling for telenovela drama, who knows? All i know is they feed my heart and i need all the quality content where they are involved💖😫 And i love to contribute trying to dedicate some fanarts to this pair because the content is small, but i'm also kinda proud because the few content is enjoyable most of the time<3.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really. More like a fandom thing, and is that (as usual) people don't know how to write Dallas on fanfictions (and headcanons lmao). I get that sometimes the writers want to see Dally getting soft on someone else, but there are other times when this just gets out of control in a very innacurate sense...
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
At first I didn't ship them and just made me mad because (imo) Curly is a character that in canon you can take as non-existent since his participations are limited to a few mentions in The outsiders and a tiny role in TWTTIN (a role that could be played by someone else if it wasn't for Hinton wanting to connect her books, tbh).
Then i started reading some fics because i was bored (like REALLY bored) and some of the few good ones or that at least entertain me made me like them a bit more? Is probably that i just like the idea of Pony having a problematic boyfriend.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I didn't mentioned this on Dally/Pony, but is related: Pony is not exactly a goody goody boy (fact that the fandom tend to forget) and i like when there's other person involved to take the "dark side" of Ponyboy out of him.
I see some signs where Pony could easily be a problematic boy if it wasn't for the family necessity of stay together and do their best.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
People only start to ship them because the "official ships" where made and they didn't want to leave any of the gang without a gay partner lmao.
ANDDD, i've noticed some of the fics/headcanons kinda took aspects of Dally's personality to put them on Curly. Which is the most funny part to me because that just make me think people want to ship Dally and Pony in some way without the "problematic" part (the age gap, smh).
Don’t Ship It
1. Why don’t you ship it?
They don't have too much to play in canon. I can joke about them as a couple (mostly for my best friend who likes this ship), but talking about myself-on my side-individually, is not one of my favorites. I can see the appeal about them (serious boy x clown) but the fandom have a kinda distorted idea about them and i'm still surprised to know they are popular (seriously, when my bff told me i never expect them to be that popular).
2. What would have made you like it?
Probably watch them interacting more in canon to see if they could actually work for me.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I'm not sure. Even when i read some fanfics where they're involved as a side couple, they're still very lame imo. I wonder if there's actually a good one where they're the main couple BUT i'm not that interested on them to confirm this, so... I guess i just keep them as a brotp on my mind.
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benandstumpy · 3 years
REWATCH: "marooned/untamed world" (1x05)
you know, i initially forgot that s1 was only 6 22-minute episodes. i thought it had 8 episodes for some reason. anyways, we're getting to the tail end of things here.
i remember writing a novella for nanowrimo as an assignment in my junior year of high school and i'm pretty sure the idea for the storyline came from "marooned". iirc i even made a direct reference towards it in the epilogue. (instead of focusing on a duo i only had one named character in the story, though, which was a self-imposed challenge.)
but moving on to the episode itself, the idea of the united states still existing and apparently colonizing space in the year 400 billion is certainly something. assuming it makes it that far into the future, that's probably what it'll be doing, ngl.
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behold: the skinny jeans experience
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this episode is best-remembered for the unique environment and it's certainly earned. i haven't seen this episode in at least a couple of years, but a lot of this stuff is burned into my subconscious and is an aesthetic vibe. i haven't seen the film fantastic planet, even though i feel like it'd probably work as a point of comparison. a work i am more familiar with that it reminds me of, though, is the video game adaptation of i have no mouth and i must scream. gotta love psychedelic sci-fi hellscapes
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[insert joke about how straight men draw female vs. male anthros here]
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i like how these guys look. they aren't fully animated so the paintings are just kind of shuffled around on top of the cel backgrounds, which reminds me a little of monty python.
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i find it interesting that the commander hoek & cadet stimpston episodes often have pretty bleak endings. i guess that's why stimpy refers to it as a drama in the opening.
moving on to "untamed world," the focus in this episode is definitely on the funky animal designs, which makes it a good match for the first half. both indulge in weirder settings and character designs. ren and stimpy themselves feel as if they're drawn with slightly more reserved expressions in this one, at least in most scenes; a lot of the focus is on the creatures that are based off of them, so i suppose that makes sense.
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i think this yucky little salamander is my favorite of those. i have a soft spot for deep sea creatures and other animals that spend their entire lives in darkness. also, they remind me a bit of axolotls, except land-dwelling and with little satellite dishes in their heads.
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the scrambling noise here is my favorite. i find that one of the most underrated aspects of this show is its sound design. sound design isn't a topic discussed very often in general, but this series has some of the best i've seen in a cartoon.
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with all that out of the way, i'm really looking forward to the next episode. happy helmet time.
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #11
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
*edited so the images are better
"... At least until we can get you to your room. You need to wake up before they ring the bell."
'What's goin' on..?' Why was my shoulder shaking?
"Is Mori okay?”
The sound of my nickname snapped me into consciousness. I pushed myself up and hummed in question. When I opened my eyes it took me a moment to adjust to the bright light. Everyone was standing in front of a gate.
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"Did you sleep well?"
Why did this world have three suns? Wait. Two were Sinbad's eyes. That checks out.
I nodded with another hum. I wasn't able to form words yet, and even if I could I would have lost access from waking up to such a beautiful sight.
I missed his response since I was still half asleep, but I did hear Ja'far repeating his words from earlier.
"Please, try to stay awake for a little while. When we step through, they will ring the bell to announce Sin's arrival home. We didn't want you waking up from the shock."
I had to repeat his words in my mind to hold onto them.
"Oh. Thank you for waking me."
Even with their best efforts I didn't have enough time to get clear headed before the bell was rang to announce the return of the King. I ended up jolting anyway.
I was glad to still be on Aladdin's flying turban. I couldn't focus if my life depended on it. I had some energy since I had just been resting and I was still mostly numb from sleep so my aches and pains weren't affecting me yet. After being sick for so long, I was in serious need of serotonin, so I couldn't shake the waves of excitement building in me as I realized I really was in Sinbad's Palace. It's one thing to read about something and another to actually experience it. I knew I had said I would see a doctor as soon as I arrived, but I couldn't stop myself from going into full geek mode and just wanting to look around.
In other words, I was a weak, energetic, space cadet without a filter -prime condition to make an idiot and/or nuisance of myself- if I couldn't find something to force me to "sober" up and start masking.
~POV Sin~
Horns announced the King's return to his Palace as the group walked through its gate. Many of the guards and civil servants present gave their welcome. The looks of awe on his guests' faces as they walked through the entrance to the court yard boosted Sinbad's already large ego.
Alibaba's and Aladdin's excitement had started to wane after walking so long, but Mori had the same look she wore when she first got on the ship. Now that Sinbad had seen her like that before, he knew better than to try to engage her in something she wasn't already thinking about. It was a lot like dealing with Yamuraiha after the magicians made a breakthrough. But that didn't mean he wouldn't still try to tease her if he had the opportunity; he'd just have to try a different method.
It was a bit of a relief to see Mori so energetic after the previous night. He would still have the doctors sent to her asap though.
Given how important his guests were, Sinbad decided to escort them, himself, to the Green Sagittarius Tower. Placing the 3 kids in the guest tower was a given since they hadn't agreed to any partnerships yet. The Purple Leo Tower was where Sinbad and his most trusted lived; as much as he wanted to move Mori in there with them immediately, Sinbad knew it would be better to wait until the others learned to trust her, so his Prophet was going to have to stay in the Green Sagittarius Tower for now. This would also give them more time to prepare her permanent room.
Ja'far raised his voice slightly to get all of the guests' attention as he explained a little about the Tower. Masrur took his cue to leave. The Fanalis raised his hand in a half hearted wave as he turned away from the group and started to walk away. The King watched one General leave as he heard the other lead his guests into the Tower.
It was his time to head off too. The rest of his Generals that had been left at home would be showing up to greet him -there was a lot to catch up on. As Sinbad had started to leave, the waves encouraged him to look back at the guest tower. Mori was standing watching him instead of following Ja'far. She had her bag in her arms instead of on her back.
"Is something wrong?"
"I know I should go rest and wait for a doctor, but," she looked at him with an odd expression -like she was seeing through him, "the waves keep pointing me that way." She pointed at the direction he was going.
She was right. The waves would have her follow him
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instead of Ja'far.
"It's Drakon!" Mori gasped and her eyes grew. She gave a small laugh to herself. "The first Household Member is the first to show up."
Sure enough, the only member of Sinbad's Household that had fully assimilated with his Djinn's power had entered the court yard.
If she had this much energy and the waves wanted her out here then it should be fine. "Would you like to meet him now?"
Mori looked up at him shocked and expectant. "Is that okay???” It was like he was the center of her world in that moment.
"As long as you feel up to it." This was a good feeling.
She squeezed her bag in her arms. Mori seemed to become like a clingy child when she was unwell. If he had told her to go rest would she have begged him to stay and clung to him like she had before?
Her eyes grew determined. "I will have energy for about an hour. I'll go rest when I start to wear out, and I will ask for help if I need it -you don't have to remind me." Was she this direct because she was sick?
Drakon's deep voice came from behind Sinbad. "Welcome home, my friend."
The King turned to face his General. "It's good to be back."
"How did things end in Balbadd? When we heard about you loosing your metal vessels we got a little worried but it looks like you got them back." He laughed at the end. Drakon knew better than most that his King always manages to come out on top no matter what happens to him. He stiffened slightly. "Hmm? Who's this?” The General noticed Mori before Sinbad had a chance to answer his other questions.
Time for introductions then. "Drakon, this is Mori. She's the prophet I told Yam about." The King gestured towards her.
Mori put her bag down and when she stood up she had full composure. She offered a hand to the General. "It's an honor to meet you, Drakon. I read all about you when I read Fate." If Sinbad didn't know any better he would have no idea Mori had nearly died of fever only a few hours ago -she only looked tired. She was much better at acting than he expected. How long could she hide it though?
Drakon looked more dragon than man now making most uneasy around him, yet Mori didn't seem scared of him at all. Was it because she was hiding it or because she had read Fate? Actually, there was a strange glint in her eyes he couldn't place.
"Oh?” Drakon took her up on the handshake she offered. It was rare for someone not to flinch upon seeing him for the first time; Mori was definitely making a good first impression. "I must admit that I'm curious about this ability of yours."
The glint in Mori's eye grew into a full sparkle.
Their handshake didn't sit right with King Sinbad.
When their hands released, Mori put her hands in her pockets like she often did.
"Would you like an example?" Her smile didn't give anything away. "Before you were shipped out to Baal's Dungeon you tried to be noble and charming to Serendine but she responded by talking about how you followed her around 'like a baby duck' when you were little. Then she made you promise not to die." The waves were building around Mori again.
Serendine must have really said that. Drakon might not look human anymore, but Sinbad could still read his friend's expressions plain as day. Drakon was shocked by the first thing she said, and she was only just starting. Mori really was amazing.
"I know! Let me show you what I've got copied down so far" Mori squat down to her bag. She pulled out and opened a scroll, "Yeah. This one." She stood up with the scroll in hand and swayed a bit on the way up -she couldn't hide her condition fully.
Mori stepped between the King and his General, and turned so they were all facing the same direction. She raised the scroll so it would be easier to see. "Honestly, I had some other things to write down before I could start copying down Fate. I didn't start this until getting onto the ship, so please excuse the sloppiness."
Mori's handwriting looked rushed, like she couldn't get all of this out fast enough. Sinbad had barely gotten to start reading before she continued unrolling to reveal a detailed illustration of a family of three.
"That's-!" It was Sinbad and his parents when he was little.
Drakon glanced at his King, "Sin, are those people your parents?"
"Yup." Mori responded without looking up. "He looks a lot like Badrr, doesn't he?"
Back in Balbadd, Mori had said that she had read his life from his birth to his death, but it was different seeing undeniable proof.
She scrolled past more text and past another illustration and didn't stop until she got to a drawing of child Drakon following Serendine just like she had described. Mori continued scrolling through her work, and each image brought on more comments. There was an illustration of Sinbad meeting Yunan which she gratefully skipped past, a few of inside Baal and one from when Sinbad killed the Abare Narwhal in place of-
"Is this one of me? I look so young!!" The Imuchakk towered over all of them.
Mori whipped her head up. "Hinahoho?!" She wobbled from her quick movement. Sinbad placed a hand at her back to steady her; Mori didn't even react to his hand, instead she put all of her weight on it so she could stare up at the man behind them for a moment. That excited smile spread across her face. "Hello! It's nice to meet you. Please call me Mori."
Sinbad had purposefully gestured for Hina to stay quiet when he came up behind them so as not to distract Mori, but this was fine too.
"So this is where you went!" Ja'far came back from getting the three kids settled into their room.
Mori's smile was unwavering as she stood back on her own, unrolled the scroll to the next image and flipped it around for Ja'far to see. "We just got to your entrance. Care to join us?"
"Lady Prophet, I know you slept on your way here, but you were barely able to get off the ship before you had to lay down. Did you forget you're sick??"
Both Generals that had been looking at the scroll murmured questions about Mori's condition while the Prophet said nothing. At least Ja'far's words would have explained who Mori was for Hinahoho.
Ja'far's eyes wandered to the scroll in Mori's hands; his shoulders jolted when he realized what he was looking at. "Is that me??” He stepped closer to get a better look. After studying the image he looked up at the person holding it. "Did you make this?"
"Yes and yes."
The Prophet and the youngest General present watched each other for an opening.
Mori broke their silence. "I will go rest when I finish showing this scroll. We are almost done anyway."
Ja'far sighed. "Fine." He walked up next to Sinbad to join the group. Even if he tried to deny it, he couldn't fully hide his interest. "What is this scroll you've made?"
Mori turned
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the scroll back around so the rest were able to see an image of when Ja'far attacked Sinbad in his sleep back when he was still an assassin. "Since I'm Sindria's Prophet now, I am copying down Fate so it will be easier to keep in order than thinking about it. This is just a draft though. After I have everything written down I'll go back and make it better."
That explanation was perfectly timed as two more Generals had join the group from behind -not that Mori seemed to notice.
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Next was an image of Hina in a cave being surrounded by insects.
"Hold on. I never told anyone about that."
Mori stopped scrolling at Hinahoho's comment.
"What is this?" Sinbad asked his General.
But it was Mori who answered. "When Hinahoho first entered Valefor's Dungeon he was swarmed by Blooderflies."
"'Blooderflies?'" All six repeated back at her.
"Butterflies that drink blood," she explained confidently. When none of them responded she tensed. Sinbad could see her turn a little pink as she said to herself, "I thought it was a clever name."
"I think it's hilarious!" Pisiti said before breaking into giggles.
Mori jolted, "It's Pisti this time!" and started to look around for the source of the voice. She spotted the Artemyran that was shorter than herself and the man standing behind her. "And Sharkkan!”
Sinbad could see Yamuraiha and Spartos in the distance. As soon as they were all introduced he'd have Mori head to bed -end of the scroll or not; the waves from earlier would be reaching their peak soon and she had almost fell over twice already. Of course, he wouldn't mind catching her again, but he didn't want her pushing herself in her current condition.
The cocky prince had his hands on his hips. "Are you really a Prophet or our biggest fan?"
"Maybe I'm both," Mori answered with a smile. Her face was a little red.
Was she flirting with Sharkkan??
"That so?" Sharkkan smirked and leaned between Drakon and Hinahoho to get a closer look at her. "When they said there was a real prophet I was expecting some old hag, not a cutie like you."
Mori's eyes dilated and she gave a small gasp. Seeing Mori get embarrassed from compliments was something that Sinbad normally enjoyed, but this time it put a bad taste in his mouth. And did Sharkkan have to get so close to her?
Mori clearly agreed since she attempted to step away from the flirtiest of the Eight Generals. She must have forgotten about her own bag though, as she tripped over it and fell backwards right into Sinbad's arms.
Mori didn't try to stand back up at all. She looked up at the King and after a moment she hid her face behind the scroll she was holding. ”I-I am not a klutz!”
"Oh?" Sinbad smiled down at her. This was much better. "Then did you intentionally fall-”
Mori clapped a hand over his mouth. "No! Shut up! I blame you for this!” She pulled the scroll into her chest, but it unrolled anyway. She was doing a poor job of hiding her enjoyment of his teasing.
He laughed into her hand and she went quiet. Her blush started traveling down her neck since her face couldn't contain it all. This was a much stronger reaction than he normally got from her. He was clearly the only one that could pull such cute expressions out of Mori. Sinbad kissed the palm hiding his lips, and when she pulled it back to herself with an "Ah!" he knew he had to tease her more.
"Are you saying you're really swooning for me then, my Beautiful Prophet?"
"I-!" Mori couldn't bring herself to deny it and pulled the scroll back up to her face. She still wasn't trying to stand on her own or leave his arms.
"That's a good atmosphere."
"You don't think ...?"
"OH MY-!"
See? No one could seduce a woman better than he could.
Mori finally found her rebuttal. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to be surrounded by your waves near constantly??"
He hadn't thought about that. Mori's waves were constantly opening new paths for Fate to flow. They have felt advantageous and that they would help him reach his goals. He wanted to keep her close to see what other changes she would make. And of course he had felt that she was going to live out the rest of her life in Sindria. But what did his waves feel like to her?
She looked up at him as angry as she was embarrassed. "I only slipped on the ramp and just now, and-and fell off of the bowsprit last night, because your waves crashed into me!”
That caught him off guard. "You knew it was me last night?"
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"YES!" Mori's voice cracked at the end; she was still recovering so all this talking must have been wearing her out. "You're the only one who's waves feel like this." She broke eye as she got to the end.
Mori could identify him from his waves? There were certain people who's waves stood out to him as well -like hers-, but Sinbad was still not used to anyone else being able to feel the waves. This meant that he had kept quiet for nothing. It also meant that Mori had clung to him knowing who he was -maybe she wouldn't have accepted comfort from just anyone.
Her voice was almost inaudible. "When I realized it was you I was relieved. I've gotten hurt in the past when I was sick because I was alone so, ... thank you for taking care of me."
Just like when he had first learned that Mori could feels the waves, he was happy he was already holding her. He wanted to pull her closer like he had last time as well.
Yam let out a gasp while landing.
"WAIT!" Ja'far had been about to cut in to stop their antics anyway, but this was a completely different issue. "Mori, can you feel the waves of Fate like Sin??"
The King and the Prophet both stared at Ja'far for a few moments before answering in unison, "Yes."
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((Hey everybody. Pretty sure you can guess why this chapter took so long. I just really wanted to draw so much of this chapter in comic form UwU Also, a bunch of life things got in the way. Now that everything is opening back up I can't work from home anymore. I'm very sensitive to the heat so I have to rest and cool down after each drive which really cuts into the time I have each day. -_-
Ja'far stared in disbelief at his King. "Sin, you knew?? Are you sure?"
With the mood completely ruined Sinbad helped Mori stand up properly. She grabbed his sleeve to keep herself steady and he left his arm around her waist just in case.
All of Sinbad's Generals -sans Masrur who had already left- were watching him. Mori had many abilities that made her extremely valuable, but they also made her a prime target to any of their enemies. The more her value is known the bigger the target on her will be, and Mori wasn't a fighter. Sinbad had already told all of them that Mori was a Prophet since she had already made that skill known to others, and it was something he wanted to use -there was no way he could hide it. His Generals had kept the fact that he could feel the waves a secret this whole time, so they would be able to keep her secret as well.
"Mori can definitely feel the waves of Fate. But you should know it is different from her ability as a prophet." He figured he should clear that up before they asked. Sinbad didn't know how they were different, but he had enough information to know they were.
Mori's voice was a little horse and on the weak side. "Since King Sinbad and Ja'far eavesdropped on my conversation with Aladdin there's no reason to hide it."
The King and his partner in crime froze. SHE KNEW HE HAD SPIED ON HER. Did his waves give him away?
Mori continued, "I can only read the Fates of realities that I am not currently in. It's not the same as different planets; It's a different universe with different rules." She rolled up the scroll while explaining. "The one I came from doesn't have Rukh, magoi, magic, or Djinn, but we did have 1500 to 2000 more years of scientific development compared to this world-" She was cut off by a short coughing fit.
Sinbad looked down at Mori. She was getting worse by the second. It was most likely fever and not embarrassment making her cheeks red in this moment. "It seems I've pushed you too hard while you are still recovering. My apologies." It was time to send the prophet to bed. He pulled at her waist lightly. "Let's get you to your room so you can rest."
Mori shook her head. "I have one more thing I want to say first."
"Fine." If it wasn't for the look in her eyes he would have refused her.
Mori's voice was getting worse so she had to take breaks in her speech. "I don't know what caused me to slip from my reality into this one, but I'm here now ... I fully intend to use my knowledge to help this world... But since I can't read this world's Fates anymore, I don't know how my changes will affect things..." She gripped the scroll like a life line. "As much as I'd like to answer the questions you all must have now... my voice is really starting to hurt, so I'd like to go rest."
Sinbad sighed. "Of course." It was a tough note to leave on, but her health came first. They'd have plenty of time to talk once she was better.
On a side note, I will be drawing Storpas (lol) in the next chapter. Don't worry, I didn't forget him.
It will probably be another 2 weeks or so before I finish the next chapter since I have less time to work on it now.))
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ghost-in-the-hella · 4 years
My first fill was amazing, I'm just being greedy now so no pressure: #8 amberpricefield?
Congratulations, you finally got a living Rachel in one of your prompt fills!
“Ugh. It’s boring in here.”
“Chloe, if you start messing around with your phone, I will scream. ‘No lights’ means ‘no lights.’” It’s too dark to see Chloe’s pout, but Max can hear her exasperated huff from somewhere across the small, dark shoebox of a room. 
“But what if--”
“No, not even if you keep the brightness down all the way!” And now Max has lost her place. Her fingers fumble carefully over the crisp edges of the film reel, feeling for the small holes and trying to count them. If she doesn’t trim the film leader evenly, she’ll never be able to get it to spool into the developer tank properly. And she’d rather not have to trim it more than once, because if she cuts up too high she’ll be ruining the first shot on the reel. It doesn’t help that Max feels utterly unmoored in the dark, like the walls and floor have disappeared and she’s floating in a sightless void. “Miss Henderson said even the light from a glow in the dark wristwatch could be enough to ruin a roll of film, and we are not going to waste weeks worth of photographs so you can watch Vines instead of being patient for ten minutes.”
“Told you we should’ve made her wait outside.” Rachel’s amused voice is closer to Max than she would have expected. Even though it was obvious how tiny the room was when the light was on, once the light went off it immediately felt huge and cavernous. Max can hear the smirk in her voice, and for a moment she’s distracted by the mental image of the way her lips are certainly curving. 
Max shakes her head to clear it and starts counting the holes again. “She’d just open the door because she’s bored and ruin our film anyway. At least this way we can keep an eye on her. Well. An ear.”
“Boooooooooooooooring. B. O. R. I.”
Max sighs heavily. She probably should’ve just come to the darkroom herself some day right after class. But Rachel needed to develop her film, too, and the project is due in three days, and Chloe actually seemed interested to know what kept her girlfriends occupied for some many hours out of the week, and, well… It had seemed like a nice way to spend some time with them both and get some work done at the same time. Until they shut the door and she was immediately reminded of just how short Chloe’s attention span can be when she doesn’t have any form of stimulus in front of her.
“You sure you want to keep an ear on her, Max? I’m starting to think we should be keeping a muzzle on her instead.”
“Ooh, kinky!”
Max could swear she’s feeling Chloe’s breath on her neck, but Chloe’s voice doesn’t sound that close so it’s probably just the lack of light playing tricks on her. “Shush, you. This is hard enough without you distracting me.”
“Here, let me help you.”
Familiar fingers ease over Max’s in the darkness, long and smooth and stronger than they look. A warm body presses up against her from behind, solid and grounding. The smell of cigarettes and Chloe’s sweat floods her senses. Max is grateful to the dark for masking the blush she can feel rising swiftly to her face. “O-okay.”
Rachel giggles somewhere in the darkness and Max’s blush intensifies. “Smooth, Price.”
“What? I’m helping.”
To Chloe’s credit, she is actually helping. She holds the film steady for Max, careful to not get fingerprints on the film itself, and Max is able to snip a clean line that she’s almost positive is passably even. It’s much easier to thread the film into the developing tank, too, with Chloe holding it in place as Max spools the film, slotting the holes neatly onto the pegs (and Max tries not to go dirty places with that, because she’s absolutely certain that if she said that out loud Chloe would pounce all over it).
“That’s it?” Chloe asks. “Dude, that was hella easy.”
“Yeah,” Max scoffs, “because you weren’t trying to do a four-hand job with only two.”
Chloe snickers and Max swats her shoulder. She runs her hand down Chloe’s arm and grips her hand. Chloe tangles their fingers together. The room is still a void, but there’s ground beneath Max’s feet now, and she’s starting to relax.
“Hey, Chlo, if Max is done why don’t you lend me a hand?” Rachel suggests.
“Sure,” Chloe chuckles. “Where are you?”
Max can practically feel Rachel rolling her eyes. “Chloe, this is practically a broom closet.”
“Uh, yeah, a pitch black broom closet. Fuckin’ Narnia was in a closet, dude.”
“A wardrobe,” Max corrects her. 
“Whatever,” Rachel sighs. “Just… follow the sound of my voice. Marco!”
“Polo!” Chloe shouts gamely.
Max giggles helplessly as Chloe tugs her around the tiny room. It’s nice not to be alone, she thinks. Even if Chloe can be a pain sometimes, Max loves the way her presence fills any room she’s in, whether it’s an itty bitty darkroom or an entire shopping mall. After so many years apart, Max loves to have her close.
And Rachel… Rachel’s taken a bit of getting used to, if Max is honest. Returning to Arcadia Bay to find her long lost best friend and first girl crush in a hot and heavy relationship with the most popular girl at Blackwell was… a bit of a shock. That Chloe and Rachel were both so open to welcoming her into their lives - and, eventually, into their relationship - still blows her mind.
Max never thought she’d have one incredibly beautiful and amazing person be interested in her. So to have two?! And to have them be the two coolest, most gorgeous, funniest, smartest, most talented, most amazing people she’s ever met in her life?! To have them like her?! To have them love her!?
Sometimes Max has to pinch herself to make sure she isn’t dreaming.
Max is spared the trouble of pinching herself by a sudden pat on her head. “Yo, space cadet. You still with us? Rach is ready for the lights, and I am hella ready to go destroy some burgers at Two Wales.”
Max double checks to make sure that her developing tank is properly closed and light-tight before squeezing Chloe’s hand and pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “I’m still with you.”
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sgwrscrsh · 4 years
white chocolate pistachio truffle
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♡a/n♡ i'm writing this the night before my chem midterm and i kinda gave myself a headache but i was debating whether or not to make this a crack fic but i refrained. however, i was reminded how good the aot ost is. youseebiggirl and apple seed and reluctant heroes always smack but zero eclipse? chef's kiss
eren jaeger x gn!reader + fluff + "you told me you hate me now you punched the guy who’s flirting with me, make up your mind" + jean getting punched once (1 time) + a bet + 623 words
♡box of chocolates event♡
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“for the last time, your scrawny ass can’t even take out one of the fake titans during gear training. how the hell do you expect to ‘kill all titans,’ huh?”
tired of hearing the same schtick being yelled every five minutes while you were trying to make sure you wouldn’t die on your first mission, you get in the bastard’s face, daring him to try you even further. as much as he clearly hated you too, eren doesn’t do a thing, both of you knowing full well who always comes out on top during sparring practice.
if there was one person who got on his nerves more than jean, it was you. all he wanted to do after a long day of scout training was use the small bit of free time you got to take a power nap, but any and all thoughts of getting some proper rest fly out the window when he sees his least favorite people right outside the barracks.
both of you are leaning against the side of the building, much too close for eren’s taste. everyone knew how close you two had grown, bonding over your shared distaste for the obnoxiously loud brunet, but flirting where anyone could see you was a new low in said brunet’s opinion.
jean leans in close to whisper in your ear, and eren instinctively freezes up, fully expecting you to grab his arm and throw him over your shoulder the same way you had done to him just a couple hours prior. but much to his surprise, you not only let him breach your personal space, but also giggle as he pulls away with a self-satisfied smirk.
damn, eren thinks. i didn’t think they could look so… cute.
as he nears the two of you, eren hears his name in jean’s voice before the pitch turns mocking when the taller boy imitates the shorter one’s infamous catchphrase with a corny imitation of his failed attempt on the odm gear.
your laughter carried on the wind is the last straw; eren’s vision goes red, the roar of his blood rushing in his ears. all of a sudden, jean is cradling his bruising cheek on the ground, you’re standing shocked behind him, and the sting of the breeze brushing over the split skin on his knuckles is barely registering in his adrenaline-addled mind.
“what the hell, jaeger? you told me you hate me now you punched the guy who’s flirting with me, make up your mind!” the indignance in your voice is unmistaken as you shove past him roughly to help jean off the ground. slinging his arm over your shoulder, you spit once more, “you wanna kiss me so bad right now, it makes you look stupid.”
the last line clears the fog in his head and heats eren’s cheeks in no time. sputtering, he denies your ridiculous claim, “i socked the horse off that bastard’s face ‘cause he was clearly making fun of me! it had nothing to do with you!”
“okay, whatever, man,” you turn away to take jean to the infirmary, cooing in a sickly sweet tone about how he’s such a poor thing, getting punched by the dumbest of the cadets just for having a sense of humor.
while the boy attached to your side eats up the attention you’re giving him, even though he knows it’s all an act, you sneak glances over your shoulder to catch eren absolutely red and fuming. hiding your grin, you mentally prepare yourself for the next stage of your plan to get him to confess first and win the bet you made with sasha and connie.
i can’t wait to have those two idiots do my bidding for a whole month.
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box of chocolates taglist: @honey-makki @lets-go-datehoe @nachotrash @newfriendjen @sugarshoyo @kenmaki @tsukkisfatsimp @alia-chan @bigdickdaichi @hanji-lover
aot fluff taglist: @lets-go-datehoe @luckypartyranchmug @bigdickdaichi
fill out ♡this form♡ to be added to the event taglist and ☁️this form☁️ for my general taglists
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Okayyyy. Seatbelt on, space cadet! I'm gonna take you on a loooong journey ✨
First of all hello again! I'm here to request for a Haikyuu romantic Haven Box if there's still a spot left. Take your time tho, I'm good at waiting 🙌🏻
here we gooo. so I'm an 159cm pansexual asian girl. I'm a little bit on the chubby side. I got long black wavy hair and I always let it down. People say I look rude and cold so they are afraid to befriend me at first (some even hate me for no reason.) I mean its not my fault that I borned with this resting bih face 😭💔 I love wearing dark colored clothes, high waisted jeans and Sneakers.
I do wear makeup, and my favorite lipstick color is red. Like a really bold red. That's like my trademark.
for personality, I'm an enfp, taurus, gryffindor (big yikes!); I think I'm a pretty openminded person. I'm not afraid to speak up and I will fight (both using words and fists) for what I believe in. People see me as someone confident and to look up to; Tho honestly I'm pretty insecure with myself. Like I find nothing good about me and got depressed easily. Its like I have this happy clown persona everytime I'm outside my house and once I go back to my bedroom by myself its all the sad clown hours haha. ooh- this is getting kinda heavy. 😵 But anyway I care about my family and friends a lot. Their happiness is actually more important than my own. So I'd do anything to help and protect all of them.
My hobbies are sleeping, singing and watching horror movies/true crime documentaries; and yes I got scared after watching those stuff so I ended up searching for some broadway musical 😂😂 I also love to play games; otome games, cause my love life sucks *coughs*
Some facts about me!!
I believe in soulmate. Just the thought that we all have someone created specifically for us is making me happy 🥺❤
I'm a touch starved person. So I like doing skinship and PDA. I just love being spoiled and showered with love I guess 👉🏻👈🏻
I hate spicy foods, cause it really burns my throat. and I also hate lizards. They are gross and weird 😭😭
I believe ghosts are real and I'd definitely want to speak to them someday. Just asking them how does it feel to be a ghost? Is there a way to help em stop being a ghost? (Only with the nice ghost of course) 👻💕
My favorite song is Helpless by Phillipa Soo and if that doesn't show how much of a Hopeless romantic I am then idk 😂😂
I love watching tarot cards reading.
I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope and I can't stop this addiction. Like aaaaa its cliche but I love em so much ashdjflgl
Okay thats it! I need to stop talking before my ask give you some real headache 😂 I wish all this information helps you write a little bit and not bother you in one way or another!! Have a great day and stay healthy in this pandemic situation 🙌🏻✨ see yaaaaa~☆
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Dream catcher loading...
ɴᴏᴡ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Old habits die hard
-  No matter what
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I'd match you up with
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Oikawa Tooru, The Grand King
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Sun drops
- Okay, when I read your description Oikawa popped in my head. So on to the great king we go!
- I also had an Oikawa brain rot when I decided to do your request but either way, I still think you two would look cute!
- Oikawa is the most realistic character in Haikyuu and I believe you two would definitely match
- You feel insecure? No worries, Oikawa already saw it coming and is going to give you compliments and gifts
- He may not look like it, but he is really observant
- You can't hide your feelings from this man cause he has been through that
- You both were deemed the power couple of the school
- He would ALWAYS always remind you to take care of yourself
- Both of you seem confident and really out going but in reality, you both are really insecure
- You both would understand each other
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Old habits die hard
- He almost NEVER calls you by common nicknames, except for Queen and princess
- Your nickname can be something weird like my little Alien or smth
- Whenever you watch a game, he alsyws gives you his extra jersey or his jacket
- He would randomly say I love you and if you don't respond, he'll pout
- You gave him a plushie and he named it after you
- Stargazing (Alien hunting) is his favorite type of date
- Study dates almost always ends up with one of you dead asleep before starting anything
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No matter what
Oikawa Tooru is the grand king of Seijoh. He was handsome, smart, and all that. He was very athletic and observant. He gets along with everyone and anyone. He could get any girl to swoon to him but he is only loyal to volleyball and Iwaizumi. And that’s what people thought, but this king has fallen off his throne. He, has fallen in love and doesn’t know what to do. It started with the little things like seeing how she loves skinship or how she hates spicy food. He thought it was normal, he was observant after all. But as time passes, he realized that he might be falling. He tried and tried to avoid it, knowing that it might just hurt him in the end anyway. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to fulfil what was in her heart because he would always choose volleyball. Oikawa had a girlfriend once, she left him because he wasn’t good enough, and he didn’t give her enough of his time.
Oikawa did not want that to happen again. He didn’t want his heart torn into pieces yet again. But still, he fell deep into the rabbit hole called love. And he hated her for it, becoming her enemy for no reason at all. But, fate seemed to be in his side. Soon enough the “mortal nemesis” relationship faded away and love soon blossomed. It wasn’t as smooth as most people would say but it’s still a beautiful sight to behold. The way Oikawa looks at her with so much love and passion, it’s breathtaking. The way that she would cheer for him no matter what, it’s alluring. A love so pure that it seems surreal and impossible. From then on, the great king knew that she was thee one. He knew that even if he was too busy, she would understand. He knew that she would always be by his side no matter what the cost is.
And he knew that no matter what happens, he would always love her. Volleyball may be his priority, but he will soon get out of it. Slowly but surely, the walls he built was crumbling away. Slowly but surely, his distant exterior grows into an attached and close koala. Oikawa’s train of thought was then shattered as he heard someone calling out to him. “Oi Shittykawa, why the hell is your face like that?” Iwaizumi said as he cringed at the sight. “Geez Iwa-chan, can’t a guy think about his soulmate in peace?” He then responded as he glared at the shorter male. “We have a game to play, Stupidkawa. And if you miss her so bad, why don’t you go to her at the stands and talk to her?” Iwaizumi said as he glared intently at his best friend. “I have a better idea,” Oikawa said as he stood up. His eyes wandered around the bleachers to find his one and only. And soon enough, he was able to see her long black wavy hair and her beautiful eyes. “Princess!” He yelled.
The female then smiled and waved at the player adorning the cyan colors with the number one. “Yes, my prince?” She yelled back. “Oh! My darling Princess! I love you with all my heart and know that no matter what, I’ll still be in love with you,” He yelled. The stadium awed at the interaction. Oikawa now found his one and only, his soulmate. And he would never let go, no matter what.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
Hello there! I'm so sorry for doing this quite late. Since exams and school and all that.
I hope you enjoy this matchup nonetheless! And I also made sure that the drabble was a bit different and unique to make up for it. Since I decided to try out a new way of writing.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm.
Levi POV
The other members of the squad gathered to see me spar with the new girl. I've only taken her into my squad because Shadis bragged about how good she was on the combat stimulated graduation test. "If trained by you, she'll be a very efficient titan slayer. However, she seems to work best alone, and when you give her some respect. She strangled a cadet to unconsciousness once for catcalling her. That's the only time she got in trouble with the rules." Shadis explained. I, however, wasn't going to give 'respect' to some privileged cadet who's much younger than I am. He mentioned she's as good as I am but I doubt it because she looks like she can barely lift a rock. Her big mouth back at the courtroom didn't improve my views on her either. A weak brat with a big mouth is as shitty as horse shit in a stable. She did have something different about her though. Her eyes, they held the same expression as mine. "Am I judging her wrong?" I wondered internally before putting the thought aside because what possibly can happen to a privileged brat who lived all her life up here? Dead parents? That happened to pretty much everyone in the undergrounds. As we reached the middle of the courtyard, I saw her take a defensive stance. "Hmm, that is a pretty good strategy" I thought. This means she wants to access my attacking style before attacking me. But it isn't too easy to predict me. With that, I threw a kick at her.
Your POV
He figured out my plan about the defensive strategy. I could see it in his eyes. His face was expressionless but his eyes gave it away. I understood because I never bring what I feel onto my face either. He came close to land a punch on me but I knew it could be a kick as well since he already figured out my plan. I was right and he did through a kick. I caught his leg and tried to twist it so that he would fall down but surprisingly, he just used his other leg to kick at my face. I held it at the last moment but that made him wrap his leg on my neck and throwing me to the ground. He wasn't using any particular fighting technique. He went from offensive to defensive and the other way around in a matter of moments. He made up his moves along the way.
Now that I knew his tactics, I took advantage of my aerobics skills and grabbed his neck from behind with my legs as he was over me holding my hands securely and putting a leg on my back so that I couldn't move while I was on the ground with my nose on the floor. As I choked him, he released my hand to remove my feet from his neck. I took the advantage of it and used my hand to remove his leg from my back and slid away from underneath him. However he caught my leg and as I fell down, he pinned my hands with his legs and my legs with his hands. There was only one thing to do now but that made me feel uncomfortable beyond measures. He wouldn't expect this attack in any way because most people in the army were strong but not flexible enough to do this. I had to thank my childhood in the underground for this as the amount of stretching I went through all my childhood made me flexible enough to ace all the aerobic lessons my aerobics instructor threw at me back when I trained with Uncle Erwin.
"You privileged brats don't know the importance of survival. All you can do is bark like a street dog, trying to make your whims justified. No wonder you can't win. If you have never seen death right infront of your eyes, you can't take a fight seriously. This is what brats like you should get for trying to act like grownups and interfering when your superiors are talking" he said with his monotone voice. A flash of memory went through my head. The picture of a darkened room, the blood splattered on the floor, the many hands approaching me. I knew I had to do something.
Levi POV
I had her now. She did put up a good fight but she definitely didn't last too long. Just when I was thinking this, I saw her boots sliding off and her legs shooting out and then she sat on my face. Leaving out the part about how embarrassing it was, that clearly was something I didn't see coming. She pinned my arms and legs with immense speed using her hands and legs because she couldn't hold it alone with her hands. "I surrender" I grunted because my face was being squished. She got up and saluted me. Everyone was staring dumbstruck. I personally was caught aback with that move. She was looking down on the ground trying to hide her face because she probably was blushing. I had to admit she was good. Being able to bend so much without breaking her back was an immense feat. She was second in command material. I finally understood what Shadis was implying. She doesn't deal with criticism well. Her fighting techniques were impressive enough to gain my respect though, even if she was a subordinate. I decided that I would respect her as an equal since that probably would lead her to trust me and help me to train her to make use of her skills in the most efficient way possible. Maybe I judged her wrong because someone with a privileged life wouldn't be able to react like that to a simple sentence... Her name seemed familiar too...
"I suppose Shadis wasn't lying. You are really talented. I couldn't have predicted that move but please do try not to sit on people's faces because it's awkward." I said keeping my normal monotone voice. "Sorry sir. This won't happen again" She answered, embarrassment clear in her eyes. "You have the quality to be second in command. However, I'll see how good you are on our next expedition and then think about it. You're dismissed. Get me a cup of tea at my office in one hour, Petra" I stated before going back in the castle to take a shower. The fight made me filthy.
Your POV
As embarassing as it was, I won against the strongest soldier of humanity. I was only able to win because he wasn't too tall and I surprised him by sitting on his face. He probably didn't expect a girl to do something like that. Not to mention that my flexibility gave me certain advantages in combat. I wouldn't have won against him otherwise because he's very much stronger than I am. Everyone was staring at me and once Levi left, Petra, Eren and three other men came towards me awestruck. "YOU ACTUALLY DEFEATED LEVI HEICHOU!" Petra screamed. "I thought he was gonna kill you" said Eren with a bright expression. "Well, you did pretty good for a rookie though. I'm Oluo Bozado. Call me Oluo" said one of the three men. "I see you will take my post as second in command in no time" Eld Jinn sighed. I knew him from the newspapers. With that, Eren went back to his chores already since it was clear that he was scared of Levi heichou to death. "She clearly deserves to be second in command given that you never won against heichou" said the other man. "Well, Gunther, atleast I didn't piss my pants like Petra and Oluo here when I first saw titans" said Eld. "It wasn't anything notable. I have much to learn." I answered to them. "Oh come on! Don't be so sour! Lighten up a bit!" Petra laughed, invading my personal space by hugging me out of nowhere. Did she really not get the message that I don't like people around me? "Well, I'll take a shower" I muttered before leaving. I made my contribution to the conversation and went to the bathroom.
After washing my body, I took a blade in my hand as usual and started making clean strokes on my back. Tears streamed from my eyes as my back was bleeding from the not-too-deep wounds but I didn't make any noise. This was the only way I knew to cope with my demons. This reminded of my childhood. Being hurt was what I was born for and I didn’t know how to live without it. The things Levi heichou told me triggered every emotions all at once. I wanted to kill him for denying the fact that I faced all those things that no one should face. I wanted to get rid of the whole squad for being so damn noisy and getting in my personal space. I needed the pain to calm down. "It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts..." my mind kept muttering like it did every day back in the underground. "I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive..." my mind consoled me with every stroke of the blade. This helped me keep my sanity back in the underground. As long as I was alive and I felt the pain, I would be alright.
"Ugh these disgusting food will give me constipation like Levi Heichou. No wonder he looks like someone slapped him all the time" I heard Petra's voice and before I could do anything, the door of the bathroom opened and Petra saw me. She looked petrified to see me naked, crying and bloody and she lunged at me, trying to take the blade from me but I kicked her in the stomach and pushed her out of the bathroom and locked the door. "Damn it, I shouldn't have forgotten to lock" I thought. Petra called at me a while after I asked her to mind her own business and then she left the room. By then I bandaged my back as usual and was cleaning the blood off the washroom when I heard a loud banging of the door and Corporal Levi's voice saying "Open the damn door brat!". I hid the blade and got dressed quickly and opened the door. " Petra told me that you were cutting yourself. Is that true?" he asked firmly. "Yes but it's not her damn business to poke her nose into everything I do" I replied with a cold glare at Petra which made her flinch. "What's your name Cadet?" Levi heichou asked with pure anger in his eyes. "(Y/N) (L/N) Sir." I replied with a calm voice. "And where are you from?" he asked with the same expression. "From Shiganshina District Sir." I replied. Some sort of realization spreaded across his eyes.
He turned to Petra and surprisingly, he only asked her to give me some antiseptic cream before he left. Petra did what he asked but kept giving me a sympathetic look. "Petra, stop with that pitying look that you're giving me. I don't need it" I told her while we were making lunch together. "I'm sorry." she replied but didn't stop with the sympathetic looks. I decided to let it slide. I didn't talk much at lunch except for when Eld asked me about my graduation results. They were mostly busy talking to themselves about how I beat Levi heichou until Levi heichou himself arrived shutting all of their mouths. After lunch, Oluo and Gunther were doing the dishes and I took a new book from my bag and went near the pond behind the castle to read it. The stairs of the bank was clean. Levi heichou probably made Eren clean it. "I see you're into reading too" I heard Levi heichou's voice. I stood up and saluted. He nodded and sat on the stairs too. "You can sit cadet" he said in his monotone voice. I sat at my place glad that he kept a good distance from me.
"Are you the girl who killed that Garrison soldier? " heichou asked without looking at me. "Yes sir." I replied calmly. I should've expected this to come up. "I read that book. It's a good one" he said, again with his usual monotone voice but that sentence made me blush. Levi heichou reads romance books with machoism in it? "You probably would like the book more as it is from a girl's point of view. After all, you do seem to cut yourself" he said. "It's not like that, heichou. I suppose cutting myself reminds me that I'm alive and I can make everything right. I feel like this book portrays it well because as long as you feel pain, you can still hope to feel happiness someday. When you stop feeling pain, you're either dead or too numb to feel anything. I honestly would like to keep feeling because when someone is numbed, all that's left for them is to die." I answered.
"I've heard something similar to that. About having no regrets. I suppose you can only have regrets when you're numb as you wouldn't have anything to live for. So, I guess that makes sense." he replied. "Heichou, please don't mind me asking, but, why are you alive?" my mouth blurted out. "Well, honestly, I don't know. Probably because humanity needs me and I probably am making a difference? I don't know really." he answered vaguely. "So, is it pride that's keeping you alive?" I asked him. "No. It's not. You could say, I'm alive because if I can make a contribution to eradicate the titans, I will feel worthy of having a normal life." he answered. It was strange that he talked to me so freely. Is it because I gained his respect by that fight? "So, you want to make things right for yourself and the feeling of worth is what makes you remember that you are alive and well enough to do that." I stated. "Yes. That's it." he replied. With that he started reading another book. After a while I was ensured that he won't make anymore conversation and so I got immersed into my own book.
A week later
Levi heichou decided to train me personally after my first day at his squad. He told me that I had potential but I wasn't doing things right and just agility won't get me anywhere. Thus, I needed to build my strength. Yesterday, Levi heichou found me cleaning the stables as he ordered me to do so after I spilled a cup of tea on him and apparantly my cleaning was close to flawless which is why, I was excused from every other cleaning duties and was assigned with cleaning his office daily. "I take back everything I said about you getting out of work, (Y/N). You just got handed a death sentence." Eren told me last night at dinner time. "Just don't argue with him when he shouts at you. Answer with 'yes heichou' only." Petra chimed in. "You'll get kicked out of the squad now for sure" Oluo snorted while the others merely gave me pityful looks. "I don't know... It didn't seem too bad when he criticized the way I cleaned the stable... Heichou even helped out to clean the spots I missed." I answered, confused with their statements. "Huh? Levi Heichou shouted at me to clean the stable again during my first time... And he made me do it three times..." Eren answered, quite surprised. "You must be really good at it then..." Petra muttered, sounding quite jealous for some reason. "I suppose I am..." I muttered, eating a spoonful of stew, remembering all the practice I had of cleaning.
I knocked on the door to Levi heichou's office to hear his monotoned voice shout out, "state your name and business.". " It's Cadet (L/N). I'm here for cleaning duties." I told him before he answered me with a "come in". I entered his office with a bucket full of water in one hand, a mop, a broom, a brush and a soap in another, and a dish cloth on my shoulder. Heichou was right, I need to work on building my strength because I felt like my hand was getting torn off by the weight of the huge filled bucket. The buckets in this place were too big to be honest. "You look like you're about to die. Aren't you practicing the exercises that I taught you the other day?" Heichou asked me with an irritated voice as he approached me and snatched the bucket from my hand and placed it infront of a window. I didn't get any time to practice those exercises because...well, I was slacking off due to all the new books in my room. "Sorry, Heichou. I will pay more attention to training from now on." I answered, with a speck of guilt in my voice since I didn't join the military to slack off. Heichou didn't reply to that and went back to his desk to continue his paperworks.
I started with cleaning the window, using the brush and soap to clean the windowsill. It didn't take too long as the place was pretty clean. Then I moved on to the furnitures, using water from the bucket to get the dirt off. I cleaned all the furnitures in silence except the desk, as I thought that disturbing Levi heichou wasn't a good idea. Then I used the brush to start scrubbing the floor. Just like I used to do back in the underground. "People usually start with the mop but I prefer what you're doing." I heard heichou comment. "Thank you." I replied and continued scrubbing. "Where did you learn to clean?" he asked me after a few moments. The question made me pause everything that I was doing momentarily but I collected myself almost immediately and answered, "Back in the underground." "I see. Seems like people from the underground are better at cleaning than the ones up here. Talk about irony." Heichou scoffed. "I believe that they don't have that need to clean because they take the cleanliness for granted." I replied, not taking my concentration off from scrubbing. "You're right." Heichou answered.
After a few more moments, I heard him say, "Back when I was a kid, I had the fortune to spend a whole day in a room with a corpse in it. It started to smell at the end and I decided that I would not tolerate filth ever again because it reminds me of rotting corpses.". Did he just share a childhood experience with me? Why would he do that? Is it because we both have similar backgrounds? These thoughts filled my head for a moment before I remembered that I never talked about my childhood with anyone. I never did it because I didn't expect anyone to understand. I assumed that they would think I'm a freak. Is that how Levi heichou felt too? If that's the case, maybe letting some burden off my chest by talking to him won't hurt. Ofcourse, I wouldn't tell him everything about myself but a random experience won't hurt.
"How much do you know about me?" I asked him. He seemed to be surprised by the question. "You were rescued from a brothel in the underground and you killed a guy from the garrison. Why do you ask?" he asked me. "Well, when I was a kid, I was locked into this room by the pimp. It had this small window on top of the wall that I couldn't reach. Almost no light came out of that window and I used to sit on that speck of light as I was scared of the darkness. So, the pimp came in that room with a lamp every day to clean up the mess and I used to take as much time as possible to clean cause I wanted the light to stay there for as long as possible. I guess, that's what gave me my habbit to clean. Oh, and about that question, I asked it to determine how much I can tell you." I answered, not looking up from the floor. "You used to live at a brothel? I didn't know... I'm sorry about that. I grew up in a brothel too." Heichou told me, his eyes showing that he understood me.
However, he didn't understand. No one here could. "I'm sorry too. Because you had to go through that. Being around a corpse doesn't feel good." I answered quietly. Thus, with that, a friendly relationship with heichou began, as we would talk every day when I came to clean his room, each time finding out that we understood eachother more than anyone else ever could.
To be continued
Taglist: @kingtamakimurder, @realityisoftendisapointing
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"Miss Honda, she deserves the moon, but would never ask for it." (Yuki Sohma, Episode Six, season 1, Let's Invite Ourselves Over.)
We are at the last character that I kin. Over the course of the three years that I watched anime, took a five year break, and then came back and have been watching ever since, I haven't found a single character that in my opinion (and my best friend's) is more me than the main character in Fruits Basket, Tohru Honda. To me, this is always laughable, because I always say that I'm not nearly as strong as she is, but Laney is always telling me that Tohru would say the same thing about herself so I know that she'd be pissed at me if I didn't include her for the characters that I'm like.
Tohru is kind. I don't think that I'm saying anything revolutionary when I say that. This source of kindness is one of the few things that I relate to the most about her character. I often joke that she taught me how to be genuinely kind. It was through her that I learned "Oh, this is how you communicate with people and get them to like you." Even the characters that say that they hate Tohru (one of them being one of my favorites in the entire show) don't really know her. They just see the person that they want to see in their head. In actuality, the Sohma's wouldn't have ever gotten any help with their problems without Tohru's influence on their lives. Kyo would have never gotten out of his pain and self loathing after Kyoko died, Yuki would have never known that he had the capability to love another person, and so many other Sohma's were helped by her genuine kindness. I try to be kind to others because I know that deep down everyone deserves a little bit of that kindness and open heartedness that she gives to every character. Everyone is always telling me how "kind" and "sweet" I am but I learned from the kindest and the sweetest anime character how to be kind.
I am also a massive space cadet. This might not be the best character comparison but I rarely see it done right. So many times a space cadet is played as an "ditz" but to me that's not Tohru. To me, it's more of the idea that she is constantly worrying and overthinking every situation. She worries about the people in her life so much even when they don't particularly deserve it and when they say things that are cruel or mean spirited. When she's sick even she worries about other people and I relate to that. Every time that I get sick I can't tell you how many times I apologize to my parents for looking after me.
I love the way that she can treat others and the kindness that she gives to her friends. Especially her relationship with the females in the zodiac. I love her relationship with Rin especially. It's such a unique and special friendship (I know a lot of people ship it and so do I low key if I wasn't such a KyoRu stan) but they remind me of my relationship with Laney, my best friend too much for me to really ship it. The sunshine girl and the gothic girl who find friendship through similar pain. They both grew up lonely and sad people and I can relate a lot to that. Tohru never had any friends before Uo-Chan and Hana-Chan. Before Laney, I really only had smalltime friends. Never a true best friend that I had everything in common with.
I also love that we see Tohru is independent. I've always tried to be as independent as I could be with overbearing parents. I miss having my own paycheck so that I wouldn't have to beg for money. I got so used to being able to get a stable pay every other week from my part-time job at my campus that when that was suddenly taken away from me I didn't know how to handle it. Tohru is constantly working, sometimes working herself to the ground and tiring herself out. I love the fact that she works so hard though because it proves as a drive for her. She learns to cook so that she can look after her mom and do at least one thing for her. I cook as well, not nearly as much as she does and I'm still working on learning more recipes, I'm more of a baker than a chef, but I love that she learned to cook to be more independent and help her mom with just this one little thing.
My relationship with Tohru is something that is really, really special. I love her so much because of who she is and how her character interacts with others. Through every little twinge of adversity she is always looking out for others and putting them above herself. I do that just about every day that I walk this earth. I don't want this to go on forever though so I'll leave it here. I hope that you like my edit that I made! I'm thinking about doing husbandos next maybe?? Let me know what I should do!
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