#just slav things
just-eyris-things · 10 months
Story time: A few days ago I decided not to kill my dad with a bow and arrow and as a result I lost my arrow somewhere in the bushes on my neighbour's lawn (definitely not a clickbait, nope, not at all!)
Basically my family and I were relaxing at my parents' cabin in the woods and I got myself a spot to train archery. Everything was nice and cool and dandy on that hot summer day. But then my dad had to do something around my "shooting range" so I had to stop. Perfect time to drink some water, give my arms a very much needed break. Did I do that, though? No. Of course not.
Now listen, I have been training for around a month. I felt good, I felt confident, I felt amazing. Not confident enough to shoot at my dad though. So I turned the other way and targetted a tree.
I missed.
I said "o kurwa". Like any normal polish person would do when their possibly deadly projectile misses and goes above the fence and through the bushes.
Needless to say, nobody was having fun. I cried internally because that meant I had to go to complete strangers and tell them I lost my arrow at their property. But I was already an adult and couldn't show weakness in front of my family. I couldn't say "mom can you go with me to the neighbours' and ask if I could go and look for my arrow?". I had to face my shame for not being a Robin Hood after a month of shooting.
Well, in typical Polish fashion the neighbours had a tall fence that I could not get over and everything was locked. There was no doorbell but come on, who would have a doorbell when they're on vacation at a cabin in the woods? Oh woe is me I cry internally because 1. I am a drama queen. I cry and complain all the time. The latter is in my blood though, after all I am polish. The former... in my case: a figure of speech, really. And 2. the last thing I want is my family and other neighbours think less of me because of my fear of being berated for my shitty archery skills and overconfidence. I have a horrible social anxiety. And yet it did not stop me from somehow enjoying a job where I am working with big groups of people on a daily basis???? My brain is an enigma. Both to my therapist AND me.
ANYWAY FASTFORWARD TO FRIDAY, my parents happened to meet one of the neighbours during my absence and informed him that an arrow was lost but the guy did not invite them to look for it. I felt ashamed. I don't even know why because there really is no point in crying over spilled milk, but I did.
And today when I was shooting, a neighbour came up and found the arrow and gave it back, he laughed it off and told me not to worry after I apologised for the trouble.
To conclude: I did not kill my dad with an arrow, felt shame and fear over a lost arrow, the lost arrow was returned to me and I feel good again.
Also, I saw a woodpecker and a really pretty tricolor cat today.
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aristotels · 9 months
my dad was so excited when i turned 18 he was like "i finally dont have to go buy beer myself. ive waited for this day for years. in yugoslavia it was different" and then to celebrate my 18th birthday he sent me to buy him beer
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hertzimwasser · 1 year
Ladies and gentleman I presents you..
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Finally got my drink 😌
Wanna hear a funny story? Two days ago, when i was driving home after my night shift, i went to a gas station. And they deadass didn't want to sell me alcohol. Boy, are you serious? Apparently there's a law that says no alcohol is allowed to be sold before 7 in the morning ( it was 6:45 ) ? What kind of stupid law is that? Let people be alcoholics in peace, it's not like there's any other fun left in life 💀
Beside of that, it was literally just a drink with 2% alcohol, that's nothing, it's not like i was buying vodka or smth... That ruined my day, for real 💀
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leona-florianova · 2 months
Way too many of my friends and family members lived through the traumatizing childhood event where they had a favorite pet rabbit or a chicken, n then they were served food made out of that pet...While asking the question "So, uhm, where did my pet x/y disappear to?"
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 7 months
This whole Slavic Girl trend on TikTok is so problematic on so many different levels, and telling actual Slavic girls to take a chill pill and stop being pissed about it is ignorant at best. Slavic girls are pissed about it because it feeds into the stupid stereotypes and clichés we have been trying to get rid of for years.
No, Slavic girls don't look like rich Moscow girlies. No, not all Slavic girls have blonde hair and blue eyes — in fact, many Slavic nations are known for dark hair and eyes. No, not all Slavic girls speak Russian; not anymore.
Slavic does not equal Russian. Russia is just one nation among many, one that has been coercing other Slavic nations into forcefully accepting their lifestyle and culture for decades, sometimes even centuries.
If you want to show Slavic girls, look up the traditions and customs of each nation. Look up how diverse and varied Slavs truly are.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Oh FUCK yes my Airbnb is like a block away from somewhere that sells Gira (lithuanian style kvass)
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slav-every-day · 1 month
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tchotchkez · 2 months
for some reason this hardcore run has been my best, most successful run of all the other times I've played disco elysium??
the most homoerotic, the most efficient, the most everything. what is happening.
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slaviclore · 4 months
you know what i really want? folders in the likes, and you can drag and drop the like into the folder
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homeosloven · 5 months
ok saw this fairly interesting job ad, required education and work experience are in my league and it seems like a nice company (no indication about salary rango tho so could be a huge hit or miss, really wish they would speed up with that law that would require salary info on job listings)
BUT I would have to submit the application by next week and GOOD LORD i would rather drink boiling oil than have to write a fucking CV
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kringelorde · 1 year
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your honour: he was made for me
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blackhillverse · 9 months
grechka (@grechkathekasha) and i discussing slavic accurate natasha romanoff: slav to slav conversation
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magnoliamyrrh · 3 months
thats why it hurts my brain too when ppl have intense ass arguments abt what race specific "hard to classify" groups are
the balkans are just one example of this bc weve been considered a bunch of shit throughout history and we exist in a weird position always but. there are So Many ethnic groups and regions of the world which are like this
and ppl will go on entire things with the upmost seriousness trying to "race" whatever ethnicity when its like....... dude do you not understand.... does the entire argument itself not make you see.... this is all made up and this conversation makes no damn sense bc there isnt actually any sort of biological basis that this shit is based on ,, ,,, race is Largely some bullshit made up for the sake of oppression and youre trying So Hard to shove ppl into it instead of understanding the complexities of the situation...why..... pls stop
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When back in 2016 i wrote about how much of an unreliable narrator Theodore decker is on PINTEREST of all places, like girl, i agree but just cut the slav and get a tumblr.
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resistanceisfeudal · 4 months
The other tng 3.10 thought is just how much the Romulans are the CCCP in this ep
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