#just something interesting
fireworkss-exe · 1 year
Y'know what I think is interesting? How in 92sies all the boys trip over themselves to give a girl room to walk, as well as taking their hats off as a sign of respect, but in livesies, they catcall and harass girls (at least in act one)
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skyward-floored · 1 year
I was going to make a post about something else, but—
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—I just realized Dark Link’s armor when he’s a lizard looks pretty similar to Time’s???
It’s less fancy, and the breastplate part is definitely not the same, but the shoulder plates and the parts where they connect, plus the overall general shape... they look pretty darn similar. Especially at a glance.
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teslapenguini · 1 year
So yknow how when hc!false was explaining the whole thing that went down with her sister, she said that the whole throwing her through the rift bit happened only shortly before the hermits went through?
I had a thought about that and. that recontextualises her whole interaction with grumbot in her hc ep 28. because consider what she says as she leaves the cave: “I feel like that was a close call. okay, okay uhhh, grumbot’s been doing his own experiments it seems” “grumbot obviously is no better than the other one, man, he knows what happened last time, dang it”
and unless she is very good at lying, this couldn’t have happened after e!false went through the rift because that was a pretty damn genuine looking reaction so.
There is a very solid chance that clip was from the pov of empires false rather than hermit false
this has a lot of implications for the electric shock thing that happens too, is it something hc!false set up to try and keep her from running away? cause evidently she’s at least able to make something very similar what with the tower doing the exact same thing with the exact same sound, with nothing visible that would be able to conduct electricity, just like with the rift.
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poolboyservice · 4 months
In like 2020-2021, I wrote the name "Fun Ghoul" onto the door of my fence in the back yard with pencil, primarily for fun but also because I just liked the character. Essentially ever since that day I always thought that it'd have washed out by now, from how much in rained down here in Florida.
Around 4+ years later, I come back to this fence and this bastard is still there looking brand new, like I just did it 5 seconds ago
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autistic-dumbass · 1 year
Replaying re: zero again and realizing billy coen and Rebecca Chambers are the only college graduates among the resident evil protagonists
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buddysys · 10 months
noticing that a lot of our headmates come in pairs. like it happens a lot
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academy13 · 16 days
If I had a nickel for every time the Doctor has stepped on a landmine, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that its happened twice.
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twofoursixohjuan · 1 month
please elaborate in tags :)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 20 days
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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ronanlynchbf · 10 months
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brw · 3 months
My least favourite type of internet person is the person who claims fanfic is over thousands of years old or whatever. I understand we like to joke but fanfiction is fundamentally tied to fandom culture and is a very specific way of engaging with media. Religious texts based off other religious texts is not fanfiction and it is worrying the only way you can justify your interest is by comparing the two. I promise you you don't have to reinvent the wheel to write fanfic you can just do that but we don't have to say "Shakespeare wrote fanfiction about Richard III", there was not a Richard III fandom in 1592, that was called the divine right of kings.
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marlowesberries · 11 months
Question: if you wanted to eat a lemon, would it be better to have more acidic saliva or basic saliva
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nephenee in heroes is always portrayed as holding her lance in her right hand, and ehr character model in the radiant games always has her lance in her right hand, but her official art for the radiant games has her holding her lance in her left hand
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eggsploded · 5 months
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heiress eternal
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bixels · 4 months
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Just gonna have to wait and see, right? Just wait and see! Just gotta wait and see! Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see! It's anybody's guess, we'll just have to wait and see! The future is exciting, we just gotta wait and see!
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haematoclan · 3 months
Leo's relationship with death
Leo really doesn't like to think about death.
I mean, we all saw how much impact Karai's death had on all of Mad Dogs but Leo was the only one that had to be dragged from her, yelling after her, he really, really didn't want to lose her.
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And I think when he lost her it left a deep scar.
I saw posts talking how Leo wants for things to get back to normal and pretend nothing happened, which I completely agree with. I think it's in big part because of his fear of repeating losing a close one.
He REALLY doesn't want to even acknowledge death.
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Here Raph seemed to be getting through to Leo-
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-but the moment he mentions possibility of his family dying?
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Nope, time to deflect, joke and feign ignorance.
Leo's aware that death is a big part of being a responsible hero and that's why he'd rather goof off with his brothers and not train.
Because obviously when you ignore something it just dissapears, right? So if they ignore severity of certain situations and possibility of dying it won't happen, right?
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If they don't treat it seriously they'll be fine! Totally!
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Then Raph shields Leo from the Krang and sends him away.
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And it's as if Karai's death stared right in his eyes.
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So Leo picks up the slack of leadership in order to save Raph. He behaves carelessly during this time but can you really blame him, he desperately wants to save his brother, to stop yet another family member from death that he is so scared of.
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He still tries to be positive and nonchalant, that "pfff obvioulsy everything will turn out alright!" but at the end of the day, it's not that simple.
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Casey's speech had hard time to really hit Leo, he's still avoiding confronting resposibility, literally and metaphorically turning away from it. But the moment Casey says Leo's whole family died?
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Now that made an impact.
And every time his family is in terrible danger he looks absolutely terrified and basically every time Leo has to be dragged away to not just return and try to save them again.
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And when there's nobody to drag him away?
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First thing he does is sacrifice himself. Because I don't think Leo is scared of his own death, or at least he is not as scared of him dying as his family. He'd rather give away his life than live through another grief.
Obviously I'm not sayin that the rest of the fam isn't terrified of close ones dying. But while they seem less aware (Mikey) and/or more ready for the possibility (Raph)...
Leo's wholly aware but he'd rather not be and ignore his fears until he can't anymore.
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