#just spam print screen
ilikedetectives · 2 years
The good side: you can edit pose in-game The unhinged side:
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umeoniii · 1 year
sending aot women pics
mikasa, annie, hange, sasha
mikasa: literally in shock, the first time it happened she was like ‘:0’. most people i guess would be shocked but she was like super duper shocked like “she trusts me enough to see this and have it?”. she kind of just hearts it or sends heart eyes or maybe even “:o”. it’s even more surprising than sex to her bcs she literally has a photo she doesn’t have to rely on her memory. just really red and flustered about it. but when she gets busy the pics are her #1 go-to, shhh.
a little bit less shocked. she actually really likes it, alot, like way more than she should. like what if i said she maybe even found a way to print them and had them in like an album. it’s not weird if you know about it, still kind of unique though. plus she just really think you have a pretty body, so think of it in an admirable manner. but when you send them she just sends a thumbs up, it’s kind of dry but behind the screen she does not have a just thumbs up.
hange def has the album. she probably takes the pics for you. when you just send them to her normally she spams. hella messages about how she feels and how good you look. she was probably licking her screen. and if i’m being honest depending on how thirsty she is and her location she might send something back. photo? video? like i said depending on how she’s feeling and where she’s at.
also spams. a whole lot. too much.
“god you look soo yummy”
“what have i done to deserve you”
“god blessed me w an angel” she just keeps going and talks about how she can’t wait to feast on dinner and not the food kind. thinks about it for the rest of the day. she’s the type to send back too. but overall she just praises you and makes sure you know how much she loves you.
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quoththemaiden · 5 months
I hope everyone enjoyed the finale of @mrghostrat's Big Name Feelings Good Omens AU as much as I did. While ghostrat ended his story perfectly with a beautiful and realistic close to the part of their relationship we as an audience get to see, I had one more scene idea close to my heart and so I'm putting it out here because my heart still sings with love for this story and its characters.
These fanscenes now also appear on AO3. Along with the four I've already posted here (1, 2, 3, and 5), you can find a scene I kept off Tumblr ("Ch. 12"). You can read the final scene ("Ch. 17") below, but you can also find it on AO3, where it shows the text messages in graphical form.
Bilv, thank you once again for creating such an amazing story! I'm happy to say that my mind is no longer filled with your middle-aged men and their middle-aged-man problems. Instead, please enjoy these 3k words of pure fluff.
Crowley dumped his bag on the hotel room floor and did a lazy spin to take in the space. "Not bad, eh?"
"It's very posh," Newt agreed, setting his bag down more gingerly. "You're sure we can't pitch in for it?"
"I'm not dealing with you setting your phone on fire trying to do a transfer." Crowley waved the offer off and flopped onto the couch. The hotel suite had two small bedrooms plus a nice little sitting area that would be perfect for board games. It was set up to mainly accommodate a family with kids, albeit a family that could afford to splash on a multi-room suite for the family vacation to Spain. Crowley stretched out, shamelessly taking up the whole couch in a bid to ease the stiffness in his hips. "Tell ya what, if you're feeling guilty, you can buy my drinks tonight."
Anathema laughed and gave Crowley a poke in the side, looking quite satisfied at his jerk and yelp. "Knowing you, that will end up being a fair deal. And I'll take care of renting the wheelbarrow to cart you back here."
Crowley rubbed his side dourly. "Maybe I preferred you on the other side of the ocean."
Anathema grinned at him, unrepentant. "If you want to stay at my place while I'm here, I'll lend you my keys." She ducked a thrown pillow with a laugh.
The weather was perfect for sipping cocktails outside, and their mutual agreement to all try drinks they'd never had before helped keep the night from slipping away from them too quickly. Being able to chat without the artificial framing of a webcam was a delight, too, but all of them were too continuously connected to be interested in a strict phones-down policy.
Anathema rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink before answering the text that had just popped up on her screen.
Aziraphale: Are you certain he doesn't know I'm nearby? Anathema: I didn't tell him, Newt doesn't know, and he doesn't have a magical angel-detecting sense does he? Aziraphale: I'm not so sure about that last point. Some of his last texts seem awfully pointed. Anathema: You're being paranoid
Anathema slipped her phone away before leaning over to look at Crowley's phone screen, where he was lining up a very artistic shot of his drink, showcasing as much of the swanky beachfront seating area as possible. She blinked at him slowly. "Have you been sending Aziraphale 'wish you were here' texts?"
Crowley glanced at her sideways, his thumb paused over the shutter button. "Maybe."
Anathema sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Are you an adult who can handle a vacation with friends or are you going to pine after your boyfriend all night?"
"I'm here, aren't I? It's not like we're tied together at the hip."
Anathema shook her head in fond exasperation. "Getting these printed on postcards for him would be funnier than this text spam." Crowley barked out a laugh and sent Aziraphale his next promise to take him here sometime anyway.
Anathema pulled out her phone again, tapping out a quick message.
Anathema: He says he's a full-grown adult who can handle being away from you.
There was a pause before Aziraphale responded to her — probably due to dealing with a barrage of messages from Crowley.
Aziraphale: A very convincing claim.
Anathema looked up as Crowley put his phone away. "All done?"
"Yeah, he's taking an early night." Crowley took a languid sip from his drink.
"How have his workshops been going?" Newt asked, fiddling with a vibrant russet cocktail in a type of glass he couldn't name.
"Good!" Crowley's eyes lit up with excitement, his cheeks pink. "We polished his presentation before he left—"
"I heard about that!" Newt cut in. "He said it was more like beta-testing than beta-reading."
Crowley snorted. "If you want to see what happens when someone goes against the script, I'm your guy."
"The reception's been okay?" Anathema asked. "I know getting audience participation at workshops can be pulling teeth."
"Nahhh, it's different in the library world. Those weirdos actually care about their jobs."
"So do I, but it would be pulling teeth to get me to do a 'group active learning exercise.'"
"Fair." Crowley grinned. "They know how to talk like humans, then. And they really are interested in anyone with tips on how to break into digital spaces in an authentic way."
Newt hummed thoughtfully. "He's really okay with talking about his online presence at work like that? I'd be way too embarrassed."
"Nah, you stop caring about that stuff when you get older."
Anathema snorted. "I'm still saying it's pure luck you didn't chase him offline again with that con nonsense."
"Pfffft." Crowley made a sound that was all plosives and no vowels. "Never even close."
"Right," Anathema replied with tasteful sarcasm.
Crowley cut her teasing short by slapping a yellow canvas pouch down on the table. "C'mon. Let's play a game!"
"Oh, Bananagrams!" Anathema accepted the diversion and unzipped the banana-shaped bag, pouring the Scrabble tiles out between them. She deftly started flipping them letter side down. "I don't think Newt's played?"
Crowley nodded and waggled his fingers at the pile of tiles. "Rules are easy: Everyone's building their own board-free Scrabble grid. You start with 21 tiles. Say 'peel' when you've used yours up to make everyone take another tile from the stock. Say 'dump' to trade one of your tiles for three from the stock. The first person to say 'peel' without enough tiles left for everyone to take one wins. Simple, right?"
Newt nodded slowly, watching as Anathema divided the tiles out neatly. "So they're putting Scrabble in bananas these days."
Aziraphale: Is he up yet?
Crowley gestured Anathema towards the table where their phones sat in a cuddly pile of charging pads and wires. "You got a message while you were in the shower. From Aziraphale?"
Anathema kept her face carefully schooled as she sauntered over and picked up her phone, using the need to adjust her towel turban as an excuse for not making eye contact. "Mm." She picked it up and read the incriminating message, then snorted. "Bracing himself for when your wall of texts will start, I imagine."
"Nahhh, he loves it!" Crowley snagged the glasses cleaner out of his bag and sauntered into the bathroom. He'd be wearing them all day and he'd murder someone if he had to deal with the scummy film left by hotel soap.
"Whatever you say, lover boy." Anathema breathed a tired sigh.
Anathema: Yeah, and he saw this. We should be at the conservatory by 11
She should have just taken the phone into the bathroom with her, steam be damned.
The botanical conservatory was, frankly, gorgeous. The greenhouses were so large the ceilings weren't even noticeable, and the outdoor gardens were a riot of native plants. Crowley devoured the signs about plants he was unfamiliar with with gusto, and pointed out those he recognized with the enthusiasm of a man determined to prove he wasn't hungover. Newt listened with unfeigned interest, while Anathema wasn't shy about slowing them down to take photos of particularly artfully arranged displays.
They'd been there about half an hour when a patter of English broke through the background chatter of Spanish. "Could you spot me the entrance fee for the butterfly room?"
"Aziraphale!" Crowley immediately spun to his right, his whole face lighting up in delight before realizing that seeing him here was, in fact, quite odd. "What are you doing in Spain?"
"I left right after my last workshop. I thought it might make a nice surprise."
"It made the best surprise." Crowley pulled him into an ardent kiss that went on long enough for Anathema to cough something about public displays of affection. Crowley eventually relented on the kiss, as much for the sake of their breathing as anything else, but kept his arm slung firmly around Aziraphale's shoulders. "You're a bit of a bastard, you know that? I could've been looking forward to this the whole time."
"Only as much of a bastard as you deserve," Aziraphale teased right back with easy familiarity. His heart kept pounding hard anyway.
"Heh. What a way to butter me up while you're angling for a free ticket." Crowley snuck another kiss onto Aziraphale's cheek. Aziraphale laughed as he slipped his arm through Crowley's, relishing the contact after their weeks apart.
The butterfly room, when they got in, was a riot of fluttering wings. The promise of iridescence was enough to get Crowley to remove his sunglasses, and a quiet compliment on his eyes from Aziraphale was enough to get him tucking them into his pocket instead of putting them right back on afterwards.
They left the butterfly room — with some careful mutual inspections to make sure no one was harboring a stowaway, involving perhaps a bit more care in running fingers through another's hair than was strictly necessary for the task — and emerged near the exit to the rose garden. Crowley's hand moved towards his sunglasses but Aziraphale put his hand on his arm. "Just a couple more minutes? There's something I want you to see first." Aziraphale glanced over at Anathema, who nodded slightly but otherwise kept her expression carefully uninterested.
Crowley looked between them and shrugged. "Not exactly subtle as far as hangover tests go, but a'ight." Aziraphale laughed breathlessly and kept a firm grip on his arm, drawing him deeper into the garden.
The rose garden featured small offshoots to the main path where groups could sit for a little while to rest. It wasn't until the third one that they came upon an alcove that was empty, and Aziraphale promptly pulled Crowley aside, Anathema holding out her hand to keep Newt just outside it with her.
"Crowley—" Aziraphale began, his breath catching in his throat as he caught Crowley's full attention. "I, ah. I actually came here because there was something I wanted to say."
Crowley's hand twitched reflexively towards his glasses again, but this time he kept it down himself, even as his heart started to pound. "...yeah?"
"Yeah," Aziraphale breathed out as he sank to one knee, reaching into his pocket. His fingers were trembling, and his smile was nervous but so very adoring. "If I ask you something, will you promise to laugh?"
"—huh?" Crowley blinked in confusion, then stared as Aziraphale opened a jewelry box to reveal a simple ring.
"Anthony J. Crowley, would you be my snouse?"
It took a few seconds for Crowley to register any of the words Aziraphale had just said, but then he barked out a laugh as the last one hit him. "Really? That's how you ask?"
"You don't like it?"
"I just... I thought if you did it, you'd do a whole speech for it. You even brought us out to a rose garden!"
"I'll be honest, I had one of those planned. I just... couldn't quite seem to bring it to mind." Aziraphale had no idea how he was managing to talk even as much as he was around the tightness in his throat. "You haven't answered my question, dear."
"Pfft..." Crowley closed both his hands around Aziraphale's. "Yes. Yes, of course I'll be your... your whatever. Forever and always."
"Thank goodness." Aziraphale half rose and was instead greeted by Crowley also kneeling, both of them moving together for a kiss that was slow and deliberate. Aziraphale could feel the pounding of his own pulse against the tight hold Crowley had on his hands, and he could tell how Crowley's heartrate had risen to match his by the way their kiss kept shifting for quick intakes of air. Aziraphale finally broke the contact only so he could gently extricate his hands from Crowley's. It took every scrap of concentration he could scrape together to find Crowley's left hand and slip the ring onto his finger. "...it fit okay?"
"Nggh," Crowley replied before pulling him into another kiss.
They might have stayed there all day if Anathema hadn't cleared her throat — snapping another quick photo as they looked up at her, flushed and frazzled. "We are still in public, I'm afraid."
"Yeah," Crowley breathed.
"Huh..." Aziraphale added, just as coherently.
Newt shook his head at the unlikely prospect of them getting up anytime soon, and looked over at Anathema instead. "How were you so prepared?"
Anathema flashed him a smile. "I knew this was coming. Aziraphale asked me to take the photos."
"Is that why you're here?"
"It was the other way around," Anathema replied. "Aziraphale realized he could arrange his schedule to join our trip partway, and we worked out how to take advantage of the situation."
"Bastard," Crowley muttered in response to nothing and everything, pressing tender kisses to Aziraphale's left ring finger like he could imprint a ring there with his lips. "Did you measure my finger while I slept?"
Aziraphale smiled as he watched him, his heartrate finally settling closer to normal under Crowley's reassuring touches. "It's scarcely my fault you're so easy to send to sleep, dearest."
"You're ridiculous. Adorable. Incorrigible."
"Are those all synonyms in your mind?" Aziraphale leaned in to steal another kiss.
Crowley laughed breathlessly at how easily they'd returned to comfortable teasing and carefully pushed himself up. He tugged his clothing straighter and tried to pretend he was put-together as he glanced at Anathema, who was grinning unabashedly at them. "I'll want those pics for... for everything. All of them."
Aziraphale put his hand on Crowley's arm for support as he straightened his own creaking knees. "I'm claiming Tumblr first, if you don't mind."
"Eh—" Crowley gave him his full attention again, not that it had strayed for more than a moment. "This will really get you notice, Angel."
"Good." Aziraphale took Crowley's hand and leaned in to kiss him. He rubbed his fingertip over the ring settled firmly onto a finger that had never borne one before. "Let them know who's claimed you."
Crowley snaked his arm around Aziraphale's neck, chasing down another kiss that went on long enough to have Anathema clucking behind them. "We're gonna get kicked out of the garden, Angel."
Aziraphale smiled against Crowley's lips. "Let them. The one we made is better."
Three bottles of wine sat open and mostly-drunk on the table, divided between four glasses that were using the remnants of the previous night's game of The Quiet Year as a coaster. ("We set it in an idyllic countryside and it all went downhill from there," Crowley had explained when Aziraphale came in and started examining the hand-drawn map. "I think the arrival of the dog was the real turning point to madness," Newt had chimed in. "It was doomed from the start," Anathema declared with a resigned sigh.) The red rings of wine stains could have added as much to the group narrative as anything they'd purposefully drawn.
"I came in like a wrecking ball~! I never hit so hard in love~!" Newt sang raucously, a broad grin on his face while Anathema laughed into her hand. Aziraphale tilted his head as he watched them, visibly processing the music.
"All the other kids with their pumped-up kicks, you better run—!" Anathema joined in as the tune jauntily transitioned to a new melody. Aziraphale's face froze into an expression of fond but intense confusion.
"Problem, Angel?" Crowley drawled, utterly amused as he watched the tableau.
"I'm fairly certain that isn't how those songs go. And isn't that polka?"
"Never heard of Weird Al? Bit bigger overseas, I s'pose." He gestured to Anathema's phone, which was supplying the impromptu karaoke party.
Aziraphale nodded, confusion dissolving and leaving just a hint of distaste in its place. "And a different generation, I suppose." He took another sip of his wine, a nice Syrah, as the melody shifted to a new and equally abrasive polka.
"I wear your granddad's clothes," the millennials continued singing, until one of them glanced at Aziraphale and started laughing and the other followed suit, wineglass held out in an attempt to insulate it from deep belly laughs. Crowley snagged it deftly and set it on the table, another drop of wine rolling down to stain the paper there. Aziraphale rolled his eyes, much more amused at their drunken good humor than offended.
Crowley patted Aziraphale's thigh. "Want to take the rest of that Syrah back to my room and leave the loverbirds to it?"
"It would still be rather noisy if we stayed here," Aziraphale replied with a tempting smile. "Why don't you come back to mine?"
Crowley leaned forward eagerly, only a fraction away from jumping up at the unexpected invitation. "Oh?"
"Well, the room may not wind up being quite as nice as the one you got, but I thought for our first night together as a formally promised couple..." Aziraphale's smile said everything.
"You're a genius." Crowley kissed his cheek and grabbed Aziraphale's hand to pull him up with him, then firmly refused to let it go despite the challenge of tucking a wine bottle under his arm while juggling a wine glass and his phone.
Aziraphale laughed. "We can take two trips, since you'll want your bag. Did you leave it packed?"
"Like always." Crowley grinned. "Not going to rib on me for that ever again, huh?"
"One occasion of convenience is not worth the wrinkles, my dear," Aziraphale responded with all the primness he could muster around a wide grin.
Crowley laughed and took the opportunity of Aziraphale opening the hotel room door to crowd closer and steal an eager kiss that was just as eagerly given. "You really managed to hold in that you'd gotten us a room all day?"
"I kept the trip secret from you too, didn't I?"
"Age will not wither," Crowley chuckled and nipped Aziraphale's ear. "C'mon, let's see that room. Coming back for pyjamas optional."
The two of them left the hotel suite hand-in-hand, with everything they truly needed already right there with them.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
riri x reader going to a game or playing video games together late at night
ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʀᴇʟᴀx ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪɴᴅ
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Characters: MCU!Riri Williams x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Drabble
Synopsis: Finals are here and you've been studying non-stop for the past few weeks. Riri gets you to unwind in the only way you can’t refuse.
Warnings: cursing, riri gets a bit upset cuz you're not taking care of yourself, one mention of the word 'depression'
A/N: a mix of a drabble + textfic style that I thought would fit for this request. It's also been a minute since I actually wrote for riri but I have engaged in a lot of the his floating around for her. Particularly the stud!riri ones....if you squint you'll def see the inspiration lmaoo.
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network
Sign Up For My Taglist Here!
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Ten forty-seven.
That was the time on your phone, printed in white against the background of your lock screen. You had been studying for four hours, since the second you got back to your dorm after your last class ended for the day. There had barely been a moment’s rest for you, and after the realization hit that you had been sitting in your seat for four fucking hours rereading the same study guide and notes over and over, you became increasingly aware of the sting your eyes and the soreness of your butt in your desk chair.
Finals were around the corner, and quite frankly, you couldn’t afford to not study. This semester had been exceptionally hard course wise, with the materials for many of your classes being dense and intense. The professors as well were not the kindest, and would make it all too easy for a student to slip up and fail, and you refused to be one of those students.
Your phone buzzes against the wood of your desk, and against your better judgment, you choose to pick it up and see the notifications you have. As you suspect, ignoring your phone and all other electronics for four hours straight garnered you a lot of notifications from the various apps you used on a day to day basis for entertainment and communication. And the first to sit at the top of your notifications column was from none other than your precious girlfriend herself.
riri baby ❣️
let me know you’re alive goddamn
like a lot
you know you wouldn’t be stressing like this is you just let me help you study
you know im a good teacher :D
pls answer your goddamn phone
you act like i wont spam your shit you know i’m crazy like that
…..now if i send you sumn imma be in the wrong
jesus christ ri
riri baby ❣️
wooooooowwww so you respond to the threat of me sending you nudes but not me being lovey dovey n shit
i see how it is
you know what they say
a tit pic a day keeps the depression at bay
riri baby ❣️
I wish my phone wasn’t fucked up so i could send that raven simone gif of her saying ‘ya nasty’
cuz that’s what you are
n a s t y
you offered??????
riri baby ❣️
pls tell me you’re not still studying
you been doin that shit since last week 
did you even eat anything when you got back to our room
I can neither confirm nor deny either of those questions
riri baby ❣️
Really (Y/N)?
that's not my name :(
you make it sound like i’m in trouble or sumn
riri baby ❣️
cuz you are????
bae its finna be eleven at night and you aint eat or take a break since you got back
ik ik ik
i tried to take one i really did
but i was just starting to understand some stuff and I didn't want my stupid brain to forget it just as i was already beginning to relearn it
and I still have so much to go….
riri baby ❣️
put you sumn on
im finna come pick you up and we finna go get sumn to eat
then i’mma spend the night with you and make sure you chill tf out on that studying shit bc you gon fuck around and make yourself sick from all that stress
can we get
riri baby ❣️
yes we can get tacos pretty girl
And baby?
riri baby ❣️
i love you
you’re doing great
thank you….n I love you too
can we also play the game when we come back?
riri baby ❣️
yes baby we can play the game
im suppose to be teaching you how to play 2K anyway
i’m downstairs mama
hurry up campus security be out here actin shady n shit
You were thankful that Riri had texted you in the end. You probably would be past out in your desk chair right now if you chose to ignore your phone again, but knowing Riri, she wouldn't have let that happen anyway. The trip to your favorite taco spot wasn’t long, and the cashier there who had memorized your orders made the process swift and painless. 
Returning to your dorm room, Riri wasted no time in shoving your study materials into the drawer of your desk to be forgotten about until tomorrow. You just sat on your bed, as you watched her move about your room with precision, cleaning up your discarded shoes, jacket and backpack, and turning on your gaming console, slipping the 2K23 disc into the game disc slot and loading up the application.
“C’mere,” Riri mutters as she takes you by your hand and pulls you onto her lap after you’ve finished eating. The warmth from her hoodie warms your body that's littered in goosebumps, and she all but ages you against her by wrapping her arm around her waist to connect with the other handle of the controller. You find yourself paying much more attention to her tutorial of the game than any of the course material from any of your classes, her soft voice coaxing relaxation into your mind. And of course, as the ever so appreciative girlfriend you are to her, you make sure to feed her as well while she’s teaching you. 
You’d save study for tomorrow. For right now, you were content with your girlfriend holding you close while she played her game, and you watched attentively, delivering her a victory kiss for every match she wins.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
My heart keeps on
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pairing: na kamden x secret s/o reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canonverse  (finale), angst ish, fluff
tw/tags: long distance relationship, very emo in general, a lot of tears LIKE A LOT, you surprise kamden twice, citing ep 12 as my ref for all this, kinda secret relationship, realities of dating a trainee/idol, reunions so more emo, cuddles, cheek kissing, using a pic as a page break, yes the title is fr kam’s rap in switch ty for noticing 💜
wc: 2178
summary: kamden hasn’t seen you in over a year. you surprise him.
a/n this was supposed to be a gift fic for 101 followers but y'all are 200 now 😭😱 omg so thanks so much for supporting my little blog!!! I know this took a little longer than expected so thanks so much for patiently waiting! 💜Special thanks to the anon who sent me an ask about missing kamden and especially to @seok02 for giving me the motivation to finish this fic and kinda just helping me with the overall process 💜💜💜
check my pinned for more fics!
“Star Creator, we always thank you and love you!”
They wrap up the pajama party livestream, thanking the staff and staying to chat as the cameras are switched off. (Or so they think, lol)
“The vibe was pretty good,” Kamden tells Matthew. The other boy agreeing instantly.
“I think we were able to show new sides of ourselves.”
Suddenly the staff play a recording, surprising them all. It’s video messages from Star creators all over the world for them to watch. Kamden grabs a fluffy pillow as he watches everyone slowly get emotional. Seungeon cries. Zhang Hao cries. Yujin cries. Almost everyone is crying. 
Kamden gets a message from a fan in Norway, which is pretty cool. Then, something he never expected happens. He recognises your voice before he even realises it’s you.
“Kamden, annyeong~”
The pillow falls off his lap.
It’s you. It’s really you. You who he hasn’t been able to video call in a few days because of practice and your schedule and the time difference. He almost calls out your name but it sits tight in his throat, unable to reach you. 
You’re on screen, wearing one of the shirts you’ve stolen from him, holding onto the plushie he bought for you at that silly little shop after you insisted it looked like him. God, he hasn’t seen you in over a year.
“Dude, you okay?” Jay asks him softly.
He must look like an idiot, eyes blown wide, mouth slightly open, hanging onto every word that comes out of your mouth.
“I’ve been watching Boy’s Planet since the teasers were released. And you’ve always been my favourite.”
Kamden knows. You’ve been spamming your chat with him with all these little clips from the PR videos to the behind the scenes footage. Screenshots of you voting for him on the Mnet+ app, comments you’ve left on his fancam videos, even the funny memes you found of him on Twitter all greet him when he opens his phone after practice.
Hope my favourite trainee is doing well and staying healthy! Take care of yourself and know I’m always rooting for you! I love and miss you so much! Hoping for your debut!
Your messages are his favourite. And speaking of:
“I’ve made a little compilation of photos right here. I hope you like how I decorated them, I really tried my best~”
All the trainees ooh and ahh over the handmade album you bring up to the screen compiled with photos of him from the program and cute little notes and stickers. Kamden can’t move, can’t talk. 
Because that’s your album, the one you had insisted on starting when he and you began dating. He knows that if you flipped to the other pages, it would be full of photos of both of you, dates, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, awards that either of you might have won, events that were important to you or him or both of you, everything carefully labelled. It was one of your favourite things to print out all the photos and he’d help you decorate them.
He can’t believe you kept that up after he left for Korea.
“You’ve stood out to me in every performance. You’re so talented and so many people are cheering you on so please remember to have confidence in yourself.” Your voice wavers a little towards the end of the sentence and as slight as it is, he catches that. He knows you.
Kamden only registers the wetness on his cheeks when the tears are already going, fast and furious. He reaches up, trying to dab them away gently with his sleeve. On screen, you blink rapidly and he knows you’re trying your best not to cry either. Even thousands of miles away, on a video you probably recorded weeks ago, you and him are still in sync. Maybe the rest of the trainees don’t see it but he does. Of course he does.
“I hope you take care of yourself always. Make sure to eat enough and get enough rest. I’ll be voting for you everyday so just do your best in practice and performing and us Star Creators will take care of the rest. We’ll support you so you can achieve your dream of debuting~”
To everyone else, you were just a particularly supportive fan. But to Kamden, you were his person, the one he was devoted to and he can’t help it, sobbing a little into his sleeve. Several pats on the back as the other trainees around him try to comfort him. He can’t help but cry even more. Why were you so far away? Why couldn’t you be here where he could hug you and kiss you and just be with you?
“Na Kamden hwaiting! Saranghae~”
That’s it. He turns and buries his face fully into his hands as if doing that would soak up all the tears that won’t stop coming. Matthew and Jay have scooted over, voices overlapping as they rub his shoulders and back and ask what’s wrong. Even Zhang Hao’s hovering a little on the side, equally concerned.
Maybe he’ll say something later, when there are no mics and no cameras. He’s been training for years and you’ve both agreed that in a career like the one he aspires to get into, keeping it quiet would be the best. Idols don’t date. Idols don’t have a significant other in a whole other country that they call when they can find free time. Even when it comes to casual conversation where there isn’t a camera directly trained on them, Kamden just doesn’t say anything.
They do ask him later. And when he says you’re a close friend he hasn’t seen in awhile, their faces light up in recognition. He leaves it at that.
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You walk into the arena with a little trepidation. 
It’s all been a blur. Packing your things, flying to Korea, meeting up with Kamden’s mom and brother who have been kind enough to get you a ticket pass for the family section. Of course, he has no idea you’re even here.
You’re quite a bit more nervous about surprising him than you thought. While you’d give anything to see him again, it was a little risky in such a public venue with so many people watching and cameras everywhere filming almost any angle. Maybe you can be discreet enough if you do break down but Kamden’s on stage, the spotlights bright and on him. Fans are probably filming him on their own devices.
At this point, you’ll just have to trust your boyfriend to keep his reactions to a believable level. You don’t stand too close to his family, trying to keep your distance but also staying near enough that you’d be in the same general direction if Kamden glanced your way.
You end up on the side, along with a few other people who seem to be dressed as discreetly as you, masks on too. The looks you exchange seem to come to a general understanding of why you’re all here and who you’re here for.
Kamden doesn’t notice you when the Top 18 first file in. You don’t expect him to but you see him though. There’s a growing knot in your stomach, emotions welling up from actually seeing him not through a screen but so close that you could walk on stage and touch him. You don’t do that, of course. But still, he’s so near that it almost hurts not being able to throw yourself into his arms for a hug.
You’ve wanted this so much, especially after more than a year of not seeing him. But right now, you feel frozen. You only watch as they start getting into positions for the signal song. Fans are cheering, even the family members and friends of the trainees are calling out words of support. Still, your voice sticks to your throat, as much as you want to shout out, something keeps you from doing it.
Good thing Kamden’s brother does it for you. It probably surprises you and his mom more than it should but who can blame you when he almost never does that? Kamden’s surprised too, maybe it’s a twin thing but he immediately stands up straighter looking for where his brother’s voice is coming from.
And then he sees you.
His eyes meet yours and they widen considerably. His mouth even drops open a little. You’re smiling so much and you’re sure it shows from how your eyes crinkle, just a little glossy. But you’re not going to cry just yet. Instead, you wave at him. He can’t do much more than give a little wave back before they seem to be ready to start filming. 
Suddenly, your heart feels just a little lighter. You step back and watch him dance the signal song. You’ve seen him do it a thousand times, every time you stream his video. It feels so surreal, being able to see it like this, right in front of you. When the song ends, you see his eyes flick back in your direction, searching for your face. When he finds it, his expression brightens.
It’s amazing, watching someone you love do what they love. Sure, you’ve seen Kamden dance, you’ve gotten him to sing and even rap for you a little before. But it’s different with the stage and the lights and the crowd and he looks so comfortable there. You laugh when you see the Jelly Pop teaser, maybe you’ll get him to wear that dress again, just so you can get photos. The final song is almost bittersweet and you try your best but a few tears do slip out.
He’s messaged you about barely making it to the finale, you’ve monitored the program, watched his rank. You both know his chances are slim. But they’re possible. Still, he’s told you that he’s prepared for the equal possibility of not debuting. His company should have plans, he assured you. You watch him walk over to every one of his fellow trainees who’ve made it to debut, offering hugs and congratulating them. And as the number of spots dwindle, you keep your hopes up but you begin to accept it as well.
By the time they’ve called third, you watch as he walks over to Matthew, one of the trainees he’s closest with from what he’s told you. Maybe he lingers a little longer. Maybe you catch his eyes as he looks over. Hwaiting! You mouth, shaking your fists a little in encouragement. The emotions are swirling inside you. When the camera pans over to him, he’s teary eyed, covering his face the way he always does when he gets like that. You can’t help it. The emotions are starting to spill over and you breathe between the occasional tears.
After they announce the ninth place, everything suddenly starts moving so fast and so slow. They wrap up filming. The audience begins to file out. The cameras switch off one by one. You go backstage.
When he walks in, mic gone, still in that uniform that you keep teasing about, you don’t hold back. His arms wrap around you and you fall into him, holding him so tightly you wish you didn’t need to let go. And then both of you start crying.
“I missed you so much, Kam.” You’re holding onto the fabric of his jacket, gripping at it so desperately you’re almost afraid it might rip.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He manages, his head somehow buried on your shoulder, tears soaking the cloth of your shirt.
“Surprise?” It comes out weak, a little shaky as you both laugh brokenly through your sobs.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He holds you even tighter, like he’s afraid you might fade into thin air.
“I’ll be here for a while.” You tell him. “I wish I could’ve come sooner but-”
“It’s okay seriously, you’re here now.” If he squeezes you anymore, you feel like your heart might burst. “I’m so happy to see you.”
He goes back with you. There’s few brief introductions to Jay and Matthew and a few other trainees he’s grown close with, nudges and knowing looks and raised eyebrows. But it’s nothing to stress about, you manage to make it back under the radar.
You feel him watching you as you grab a few more things from your suitcase after both of you have showered and you’re wearing another one of his old shirts. Before you know it, your legs are tangled together, your head resting on his shoulder, your hands intertwined. 
“I don’t want to sleep,” he says quietly. “I don’t want to wake up and find out this is a dream and you aren’t here.”
“You aren’t dreaming, Kam.” You reassure him, lifting your head to kiss his cheek. Even in the privacy of this room, he blushes.
“Even if I didn’t make it, at least I have you.”
“You do, Kam. You always do.” And you know he will make it, one day.
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britt-kageryuu · 5 months
It's a relatively calm day, and Donnie is playing Baba Is You, because he heard about it being a cute 'Programming Puzzle Game' so far he's impressed.
His model is lounging on a beanbag his legs wrapped in a purple circuit board print blanket, while wearing a black hoodie with a Genius Built design. The background is a version of his bedroom, with a shelf of hydroponics gardens being more clearly seen. Shelldon is on his lap giving some ideas on what to do for the level.
"So now I just change the 'IS WIN' and now onto the next level! Triumphant Laugh! I must once again say that despite the simple art style, I am loving this game!" Donnie says happily, he scratches Shelldon on the back while deciding which level to do next.
A graphic of a cartoony Mikey popping out of his shell appears with a 'Thanks for the $10' the name was cut off because it apparently hit a censor in the program.
"Thank You once again, sorry your name got caught by the filter, but I don't want to mess with the filter again just yet. Let's see your message came through at least, 'Any update on the Tea that made you high?'" Donnie pauses to think this over. He checks something on another screen.
He reads it over real quick before relaying, "With further testing, and looking over how it was made, we found it's fairly safe for human consumption, but we can't sell it just yet," He pauses to look at the documents more, chat is asking why no sell?, "Because well, some people don't believe us when we say it doesn't have anything bad in it. The combination just leaves you very, how would you put it, Loopy? At the very least."
Shelldon decides to add to the information, "Uncle Blue says the mixtures not bad, but it needs more testing to see how it reacts with other stuff you might eat or take while drinking it. So you don't totally mess up your body."
"There's that as well, because we all figure no one will regard the warnings while loopy and what not." Donnie goes back to the game, and starts the next level. "We might give another update later, but for now, let's focus on this game. The levels have been getting delightfully difficult." He lets out a slight pleasant churr that is only just heard by the mic as a slight static noise.
Chat is tossing around suggestions, asking for more info about the tea, and some wondering what the slight audio distortion what, but most is drown out by other nonsense and spam by others in the chat.
He was originally going to be playing the Untitled Goose Game, but I think he'd like Baba Is You better.
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stalwart-spirit · 8 days
i want people to understand the challenge of taking screenshots in gw2: there is no photo mode, no pausing of skills. you just spam print screen and pray
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fixated-on-something · 3 months
(Will be updated frequently)
My main blog is @robin-writes-and-such
Accidentally created another magicians side blog @quentinlives oops more places for my delusional rambling oh noooo how will I cope
You can Call me Robin, Felle, or Ray (or something else like ‘That weirdo that’s obsessed with the magicians’)
This is where I rant and monologue and maybe share fanart/adjacent stuff (perhaps even fics but no promises)
Yes I do in fact have ADHD
I frequently note spam people by accident- sorry if you receive 1000 notifications!
Im a minor, I don’t private message on platforms like this (typically) but I will absolutely have conversations with people in tags and comments, and you’re free to dm me with questions that aren’t personal!
This blog will probably change what it’s centred around quite a bit, but at the moment it is SyFy’s 2015-2019 show The Magicians, which I got so obsessed with that I needed to contain it in this side blog.
Most of the things I post will probably just be my opinions and stuff and I know this show doesn’t have a huge fandom anymore so
If you’re also into The Magicians thennn welcome!
Also I’m clearly an OTP Queliot supporter so yk- I guess if you don’t like that ship thennn agree to disagree????
My tag for Magicians content will be “fixated-on-Magicians”, I’ll index more tags here whenever this blog changes fandoms (or if I fall in so deep that I need to sort by category)
I may start adding rtc posts… that tag will be fixated-on-rtc if I do!
I am planning and writing a Magicians fanfiction that would be a hypothetical sixth season, in which I’ll be almost 100% canon compliant (maybe discounting some of season 5). Posts related to this fic will NOW be tagged Further Than Fillory (previously tagged MS6FF, standing for Magicians Season 6 Fan Fiction)
I bought a second hand deck of cards, and I’m making a series of drawings in which the Magicians cast are the face cards, and each ace represents the dynamics and plot lines of the people in that suit. When the drawings are finished, I will print out the drawings and paste them onto the cards! I’ll also be drawing side characters onto the number cards. To see progress on this, look under the tag “Felle’s magicians deck” and for more specificity they are sorted by suit as well (example: Felle’s hearts suit)
You are free to use my art for stuff with credit! Go nuts! A lot of the art I post here is realism studies or me tracing screen caps and spicing them up for personal projects. As long as you credit me if you’re using my art as a pfp or something it is all good! Just DO NOT USE MY ART FOR COMMERCIAL USE (selling it or anything) and PLEASE PLEASE do not print out my playing cards! I am looking into selling them as prints in the future and would prefer that you not print them before then! Thank you <3
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monibabsx2 · 11 months
Archie Benjamin , stitches & Jason maybe if you wanted to
Reacting to a fan edits of their tall alien / human s/o?
THIS IS GUNNA BE FUN!! sorry for it being so short it may also be a lil out of character 😭. also archie is canonly shy if he actually likes you 🫶🏾
If he had internet access he would be ecstatic about it because it's his s/o.
He finds it so cool and he can't take his eyes off the screen
He falls in love with you all over again
He'd show you and even start dancing around with you giving you little pecks with his mask on
loves the fact that other people think you're just as beautiful as he does
He'd probably get a bit possessive over you and become a little keyboard warrior if they call you theirs or try to claim you
HE WILL track down, doxx, and find someones location if they come for you in the comments. I don't make the rules 😭
Two words "horny fucker"
He would react the same way Gomez does with Mortica speaks French
He'd start howling like a cartoon dog just to prove a point
He'd stare so hard at first taking in every inch of you in those edits
He runs a troll account and has the worst digital foot print when it comes to comments under videos of you
To let people know your his he WILL be like "those" fans with the user "𝖺𝗁-𝗎𝗁𝗁~𝗒/𝗇 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾~"
A whole file of your edits was saved by him for "Research purposes"
Archie Benjamin:
If he even gave you the time of day and you're his s/o he already worships you
The moment he sees those edits he's in a choke hold
He falls down the rabbit hole of your edits and could do it for hours on end
Under that mask his cheeks are red hot
"You're my s/o AND I'M HORNY!!"
he'd be so proud of that joke as he starts to kiss all over your face with his mask off (if he trust you enough to take it off)
He's a corn ball and he'd be so happy about it. There would be and infinite amount of spam comments from him under your post.
HE'D BE SO DOWN BAD but would never have the courage to say it to your face 😭
If you asked him about it he'd pretend like he doesn't know what you're talking about
I hope you enjoyed‼️ MUAH MUAH💋🥹
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leqclerc · 3 months
hi hola hello!
first of all i wanted to apologize for the veryvery intensive spam 😭 initially i was looking for a specific moment/gifset and thought i'd have more luck finding it on your blog 'cause you're kinda one of my # charles archives tumblrs but i had no idea where to start looking (picture me typing in random '/page/20' 'page/100' thinking it'll just magically appear) so i just gave in and let myself be distracted by your content
(and went down a painful memory lane) (browsed through some of your posts pointing out ferrari's fucked up strategies and lack of critical thinking and it's good to know that they're still in the trenches) (rip)
which ,, know that your edits really are: everything
they're genuinely premium quality and creative and so well made and you're a blessing to this fandom okay
i enjoy the regular gifsets from races and vlogs and all like a lot but your quotes/lyrics/themed edits are just fucking beautiful (annnnd painful like if i were crazy about sebchal i definitely would have 10 mental breakdowns a day because of you) (but like your pinned drives me insane)
you deserve some charles &seb content as a treat to your contribution to this fandom (and for your sanity most likely) (and as payback for hurting everyone with your talent and ideas)
anyways i'm very sorry again i hope you do not have your notifications on for likes 🙂‍↕️ (and sorry in advance for when i’m gonna reblog all of it!) and lastly your icon is the prettiest ever
Hello, hello 👋🏻
This is soooooooo 😭❤️ *prints this ask out and hangs it on the wall* Thank you for taking the time to send this in, it's genuinely so lovely to receive asks like this ❤️
Second of all, okay, in this house we love and approve of mass like/reblog spams👏🏻 So no worries there!! Honestly I love seeing which posts of mine people have liked or reblogged, especially if it's an older gifset or something and it makes me rediscover it as well and I'm like "oh yeah that was a thing, let me go back to that real quick."
🫱🏻‍🫲🏻Same, my pinned also makes me go insane. Sometimes I feel a bit silly for still having very emotional visceral reactions or deep intensive thoughts about something that happened four or five years ago (the passing of time is cruel and unjust) but then messages like this make it all worth it ❤️ Thank you for your kind words 😭 I'm very, very, very happy you enjoyed your stay and also 👀 looking forward to the reblog spam!
Also, if there's ever anything specific you (or anyone else tbh, this is a general PSA) might be looking for, feel free to shoot me an ask and I'll see if I can help! Like please, I literally have '/page/20' 'page/100' and various random tags and/or words in the search bar of my own blog 😭😭😭 Not to mention the gigabytes upon gigabytes of clips and screen recordings and interviews and an assortment of Youtube videos just sitting on my drive; some stuff I've edited, some stuff I meant to use for edits and haven't gotten around to it yet, and some stuff I just want to keep around for reference or to enable my own insanity ajsdfk So if there's ever anything, I'd be happy to help in any way I can!
Anyway, thank you again, hope your day is wonderful, hope your pillow is cold on both sides, etc etc etc❤️
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kemendin · 1 year
hi! if you don't mind answering, i have a couple questions regarding screenshots that (iirc) you didn't talk about in your recent post 1. what resolution is your monitor? mine is good old 1920x1080 and while my full size screenshots look fine, if i crop them too much, the quality is noticeably bad
2. what format do you use? jpeg or png? and what program do you use to take screenshots? i use steam's screenshot button (F12) which might be where the problem lies, but everything else feels more clunky and uncomfortable to use
or is most of the magic just the post-processing and playing around with correction levels?
also, did you take screenshots of your characters' outfits in a cutscene (and if so, which ones would you recommend for it) or just in the open world?
Sure thing!
I'm also at the regular 1920x1080, so yes, definitely another factor to consider - fullbody shots in game can end up pixelly if you zoom in even a little, and I've more or less resigned myself to this haha. If I'm doing those and cropping them down, I just try to remind myself that I'm mostly posting on tumblr, IG, etc where they're unlikely to be full screen size when folks are seeing them. Sometimes a little sharpening in photoshop helps, but at the end of the day, that's where the resolution is staying at.
Honestly, I go back and forth between jpg and png. As far as posting on the interwebs is concerned, I haven't noticed a real difference in the outcome.
I use the windows game bar for all my screenshots and recordings, primarily because the regular print screen button does NOT work in SWTOR cutscenes, for whatever reason. So I just spam win+print screen to take 'em. One thing I've learned the hard way - screenshot quality is noticeably reduced if I record a cutscene and then screenshot from the recording. This is why I end up going through most cutscenes four or five times - figuring out what dialogue route to choose, screenshotting, and then the last one I actually record.
The outfit posts I make are cutscenes, yes. It is frustratingly hard to find good fullbody shots that take up most of the screen, but I can give you a few options here.
These ones were taken in the first leg of the Republic Taris world story:
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This is from an Imperial heroic in Bugtown on Balmorra:
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This is from KOTFE Ch VII (Lady of Sorrows), you do have to run through a bit of the chapter to get there, but once you get to the cantina you can keep escaping out and it'll just bounce you out of the instance, and you can change clothes and run in again. I colour correct this somewhat because it is VERY yellow/green.
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Hope that's all helpful!
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yvesolade · 2 years
q&a hello ! i have a lot of asks accumulated since i went awol, but i'm back now + more illiterate than ever and am going to answer all the anons here instead of like . spamming my feed, ur welcome
"hello i have sent u a nice message" hello, i have read the nice message and am keeping it in my inbox because i want 2 keep it and look at it forever <3
Hello. I’m looking for your poem called Cut. “You who never touched anything without wanting to destroy it. You who never loved anything at all.” Can you help? hello! 'cut' can be found in dark when it gets dark ! sorry it's on am*zon, i do not control distribution ! if u rlly want to read it w/o buying it tho, lmk and i'll see what i can do !
hi there! i really really love bloodsport, but i like being able to annotate physically. is there anywhere i can give you some money and then print it out for myself? i'd love to fairly compensate you for your stunning work <3 have a lovely day mentioned this a long time ago but i hope to one day put together a collection of bloodsport + slaughterhouse poems + get it printed but haven't had the time to look into it yet so ! in the meantime, go wild + if u want to throw some money my way, u can send some 2 my ko-fi ty ty
I was watching the 2006 Pink Panther movie, one of the best films put to screen yet when I found a character named "Yves", his name was pronounce 'eve'. Please do not tell me that is how you are pronounced. Belovéd will always be written by "ee-ves" Olade in my heart. this is so funny . live ur truth king xx
hi! i read an excerpt from mercy recently and i loved it so much. i was hoping to find the full thing somewhere, would you have a link? mercy is part of slaughterhouse which you can read here ! free to download but tips open if u can spare it <3
hi!! i read some excerpts from your works and i wanted to know where can i get a copy of them? like pdf or ebook thanks
Where can I find the books or full poems. This writing is beyond beautiful and I need it to consume more of my time.
Where can we buy some of your poetry?* slaughterhouse * bloodsport * dark when it gets dark those r three collections i have open at the moment !! thank u for ur interest : ) <3 <3 slaughterhouse + bloodsport are pay what u want !
hi from a beginner poet!! i'd like to ask what's been the most helpful writing advice you have been given? :D "start writing, no matter what. the water does not flow until the faucet is turned on." - louis l'amour. very important !!! much better to make trash than to make nothing at all
hello!! do you have any thoughts for baby poets and people just starting to write? other than the above i would encourage u 2 do 3 things. 1st and most important ! read !!! 2nd . write what u want 2 write !!! 3 : read again !!! those weirdos on twitter who say u don't have to read to write are narcissists + they're lying 2 u
I really want to get a tattoo of one verse of yours. go ahead !!! only rule is that u have to send me a photo after !!
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rudrakshigaur · 3 months
Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages: Efficient Messaging
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Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages: WhatsApp is one of the most widely used instant messaging programs for mass communication. Here's how to send bulk WhatsApp messages. The ease with which a large number of WhatsApp broadcast messages can be sent for personal or professional reasons can be revolutionary. However, as WhatsApp is always changing and adding new features, it's critical to stay up to date on the most effective methods for sending bulk messages in 2024.
We'll go over the best methods and resources for bulk WhatsApp message sending in 2024 in this comprehensive tutorial. We will navigate the process together, from selecting the appropriate software or service to comprehending its constraints and compliance requirements.
Just putting this tactic into practice could help you connect with more people and improve both your personal and professional communication. Consequently, whether you're a marketer trying to promote your products or an event planner wishing to welcome guests, this piece will provide you with the information and tools you need to send bulk broadcast WhatsApp messages efficiently in 2024.
Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages
WhatsApp's enormous user base and excellent engagement rates have made it an effective marketing tool. Businesses may quickly and effectively reach a broad audience with their products or services by using a WhatsApp bulk message sender. Customer engagement and loyalty are increased through personalized interactions made possible by this direct communication route.
High Open Rates: WhatsApp guarantees much greater open rates for your messages when compared to traditional email marketing. Research indicates that open rates might go up to 90%, while the average number of emails opened is only 20%.
Direct Communication Channel: WhatsApp messages arrive straight in your clients' inboxes, promoting a more personal relationship than mass WhatsApp message sender emails that may find up in spam folders. Bulk WhatsApp sender bulk message sending whatsapp bulk message sender businesses can communicate directly with their audience on a platform that they regularly use thanks to this direct line of communication.
Improved Interaction: A few cases of WhatsApp messages being sent in bulk Emotional icons, movies, and pictures are a few examples of interactive elements that can arouse users' curiosity and start conversations. Furthermore, WhatsApp has features that can facilitate clients' actions after receiving your message, like as buttons and quick replies.
Economical: Because there are multiple reasonably priced plans accessible, businesses of all sizes can use bulk WhatsApp sender tools as a marketing tactic. Bulk WhatsApp marketing offers a better return on investment than more conventional marketing avenues like print or broadcast advertising.
WhatsApp Bulk Message Sender
Are you prepared to begin? This is a thorough tutorial that shows you how to send bulk WhatsApp broadcast messages using the greatest tools currently on the market. Before you begin, you'll need Saasyto, a trustworthy bulk WhatsApp marketing solution. Saasyto is a WhatsApp marketing tool made to assist you in cultivating transparent and productive relationships with your clients.
First, allow me to briefly describe how this platform operates. During or after this tour, you can take advantage of a free seven-day subscription to Saasyto to explore its features.
To begin, navigate to web.saasyto.com. There will be a gateway that says "Sign Up" on it. Make sure you accurately enter your information and choose the Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages appropriate time zone (Asia/Kolkata for India or your local time zone) while sending bulk messages on WhatsApp. Click "Sign Up and Login" after that. This screen will appear after you log in, ready for you to begin sending bulk WhatsApp messages.
The primary benefits of Saasyto are its virtual bulk WhatsApp service provider and conventional bulk WhatsApp sender. When you send too many messages, WhatsApp may restrict how many you may send from a single phone. Saasyto solves this problem by allowing you to scan as many numbers as needed and multiple digits at once.
You can reach up to 10,000 people, for instance, if you scan 100 numbers and send 100 messages from each number each day. You are also lot more capable than that.
It's a rather easy process. The WhatsApp Manager option will be the first to show up on the left side of the page. After clicking on it, select "Add Account." Simply scan the QR code to finish the process.
Saasyto for WhatsApp Broadcasts
The usage of variables in Saasyto is another potent aspect. Assume you are in charge of a coaching facility that has a student body of one thousand. It is your responsibility to keep them updated on their progress. A WhatsApp bulk message sender would have to put in a lot of effort and time to deliver messages with each student's name and grade by hand. The variable function bulk message whatsapp bulk message sender sending, which explains how to send mass WhatsApp messages, can be used in these situations. This is how it operates.
Open a fresh CSV file first. In cell A1, enter "Phone Number" as the header. Put "Name" in cell B1 and "Marks" in cell C1. When entering each phone number in column A, make sure the country code comes up first. List the names that correspond to those numbers in column B and their grades in column C. Return to your Saasyto - Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages gateway after saving this CSV file.
Efficient Bulk WhatsApp Tips
Make the most of your WhatsApp mass broadcast messages by following these tried-and-true suggestions:
How to Effectively Segment Your Audience
When sending out a lot of WhatsApp broadcast messages, segmentation is essential. By segmenting your audience according to their behaviors, hobbies, or demographics, you may target certain groups of people with your messaging. This focused strategy increases interaction and promotes constructive behavior, which increases the overall effect of your commercial.
Write brief but informative letters.
Prioritizing clarity and conciseness is crucial when writing for a broad readership. As a bulk WhatsApp sender, being clear and succinct in your messages Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages aids users in understanding and remembering your primary points. This is especially true for group WhatsApp conversations. Respect their time and keep them interested instead of boring them with long content on how to send mass whatsapp messages.
Prior to mailing, make sure everything functions as it should.
Make sure everything has been tested completely before sending out a lot of WhatsApp messages. To ensure that the messages' general appearance, content, and formatting are all correct, send test messages. Testing guarantees professionalism in your messaging and aids in error correction, thereby boosting the efficacy of your mass media initiatives.
Analyze and improve the campaign's outcomes.
After you launch your WhatsApp mass broadcasting campaign, check key performance metrics including open rates, click-through rates, and delivery. These outcomes demonstrate the efficacy of the bulk WhatsApp broadcast campaign while also pointing out areas in need of development. Make use of this data to increase audience participation in upcoming messaging efforts.
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udyamregister · 3 months
How to Know Your Udyam Registration Number: A Comprehensive Guide
In India, the Udyam Registration is a crucial process for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to avail various benefits and incentives provided by the government. The Udyam Registration number is a unique identifier for these enterprises, and knowing this number is essential for accessing numerous schemes and services. This guide will help you understand how to find your Udyam Registration number, the importance of this number, and the steps involved in obtaining it.
What is Udyam Registration?
Udyam Registration, previously known as MSME registration, is a government initiative to provide recognition and support to MSMEs in India. The registration process is simplified and is entirely online, making it accessible to all eligible enterprises. 
Once registered, businesses receive a unique Udyam Registration number, which serves as their identity for various government schemes and benefits.
Importance of Udyam Registration Number
The Udyam Registration number is more than just an identifier; it is a gateway to multiple advantages:
Access to Government Schemes: Registered MSMEs can avail benefits under various government schemes such as subsidies, incentives, and low-interest loans.
Ease of Credit: Banks and financial institutions provide easier access to credit for businesses with Udyam Registration.
Market Opportunities: Registered enterprises can participate in government tenders and access new market opportunities.
Tax Benefits: Certain tax exemptions and benefits are available to registered MSMEs.
Legal Protection: In case of delayed payments from buyers, registered MSMEs can seek redressal through the Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council (MSEFC).
Steps to Find Your Udyam Registration Number
If you have already registered your enterprise but are unsure of your Udyam Registration number, follow these steps to retrieve it:
1. Visit the Udyam Registration Portal
The official Udyam Registration portal is the starting point for all related activities. Ensure you have a stable internet connection and access to the required documents.
2. Navigate to the 'Print/Verify' Section
On the homepage of the Udyam Registration portal, locate the 'Print/Verify' section. This section allows you to print or verify your Udyam Registration certificate and number.
3. Select 'Print Certificate'
Click on the 'Print Certificate' option. This will direct you to a new page where you can retrieve your registration details.
4. Enter Your Details
You will need to enter specific details to retrieve your Udyam Registration number:
Udyam Registration Number: If you have it. Otherwise, you can use your mobile number or email ID used during registration.
Captcha Code: Enter the security code displayed on the screen to verify you are not a robot.
5. Generate OTP
After entering your details, click on 'Generate OTP.' You will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered mobile number or email ID.
6. Enter OTP and Verify
Enter the OTP received and click on 'Validate & Print.' This will display your Udyam Registration certificate, which includes your unique Udyam Registration number.
7. Save and Print
You can save the certificate as a PDF or print it for your records. Ensure to keep a digital copy for easy access in the future.
Additional Methods to Retrieve Your Udyam Registration Number
In case you face issues with the above steps, here are some alternative methods to find your Udyam Registration number:
1. Check Your Email
During the registration process, a confirmation email with your Udyam Registration number and certificate is sent to your registered email ID. Search your inbox (and spam folder) for emails from the Udyam Registration portal.
2. Contact Udyam Helpline
If you are unable to retrieve your number online, you can contact the Udyam helpline. The helpline numbers are available on the official Udyam Registration portal. Provide them with your details, and they will assist you in retrieving your registration number.
3. Visit MSME Development Institutes
You can also visit your nearest MSME Development Institute for assistance. They have dedicated personnel to help MSMEs with registration-related queries.
Tips for Successful Udyam Registration
Accurate Information: Ensure all details provided during registration are accurate and match your official documents.
Keep Documents Handy: Keep essential documents such as Aadhaar card, PAN card, business address proof, and bank account details ready.
Use Official Portal: Always use the official Udyam Registration portal to avoid scams and fraudulent activities.
Update Information: Regularly update your business information on the Udyam portal to ensure continued benefits.
The Udyam Registration number is vital for MSMEs to unlock a plethora of benefits offered by the government. Knowing how to retrieve and use this number can significantly enhance your business's growth and opportunities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily find your  update Udyam Registration number and leverage it for your enterprise's success. Always ensure to keep your registration details updated and readily accessible for a seamless experience with government schemes and support systems.
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wildskissed · 9 months
Asking here in case other people also wonder. How do you get such good and clean screenshots of Balders Gate 3? With no UI and great framing.
You're actually the third person to ask me, so it's prolly time I answered it more in this format. So, thank you. &lt;3
First, I'm on PC, so when I'm in Steam or GOG (depends on which people I'm playing with, but Steam works quicker so it's my preference) playing the game, all I have to do is press my 'print screen' button (which for me is F12), and it just captures the screen as is while the cut scenes are going, which renders at the same resolution as my laptop background. Then when I wanna change up the brightness or anything, I open the screenshot into Photoshop, do the adjustments, then I 'convert to smart object', and then I go up to the filter and I 'smart sharpen' on settings I've messed with over the years (Amount between 100 and 200 depending on the picture, radius 1.0, reduce noise 10% and remove glaussian blur). Then I always save as a PNG, as I've noticed the quality is better than a JPEG.
As for the UI, I do have one, I just crop it out, and sometimes when I know a scene is coming I wanna screencap, I turn all my subtitles off. My sister actually has a mod that takes the UI off when applicable (it's the UI Dialogue version of the Improved UI), but not everyone wants to add a bunch of mods, so I just take the subtitles off and then crop the buttons out.
Admittedly, I've been spamming the button a bit lately since I realized how nice the screencaps are coming out, so I have more to pick and choose from, but it has been working. That all said, I also have a gaming laptop, so my graphics are all on the highest setting I can have them on, my NVidia Geforce graphics card settings are all on default, and that all helps me specifically with the movement not blurring or pixelating when I don't want it to. I know a couple of people who don't have a gaming laptop though, but they too are using the print screen button.
I hope that helps at least a little though!
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nataliesnews · 9 months
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Fwd: Mount Herzl, Yaak cooks, a movie about a different way of education, a family from Kfar Aza in tears. rabbis and soldiers 30.12.2023
It hits you in the guts every time you go past Mount Herzl and see the car park packed and also the parking at the  hill itself. Private cars, buses and the ambulance. Day or night. The last months. And our prime minister? Sits safely with his two ..... I wish I had a word for them and his blonde bitch.ut oje 
I have invited Irit and Yaakov to go with me to a concert of which the proceeds will go to the evacuated families of the various kibbutzim.  Irit told us Yaakov went to buy a new pot in which to cook and he took it because  In addition to koshering, many new dishes and utensils require immersion in a Mikvah before being used. I was surprised as they are not that religious but he is cooking for families who are. He also checked if there are vegetarians, etc. or people who are sensitive to various additions. A pity the government is not as giving as the people. When his butcher heard why he was buying such a large amount of meat he told him there was no charge and the same with the man from whom he buys the herbs and Gindi gave one time boxes, etc.  Don't.  know why this came out in blue
An amazing movie I saw was Radical about a teacher who comes to a tiny town in Mexico and applied an experimental teaching method which he saw online from Su gata Mitra, an Indian professor. The students had been  amongst the worst in Mexico. One of  his students was Paloma Noyola Bueno...her father scavenged scrap metal for a living. Check this out. The teacher knew she had potential but only realised it when her father wanted her to leave school as  he said that she must realise she had no chance in life and came out to bring the teacher a telescope which he thought she had taken from the school and she had made it herself. Go on , read it, it will give you a break from my usual letter. 
https://latintrends.com/is-paloma-noyola-bueno-the-next-steve-jobs/ No wonder Israeli Arabs are so careful of what they say nowadays but not only they.....read underneath the PDF why a Jewish teacher is being suspended. She is lucky she was not called in by the police and taken to the police station, blindfolded and handcuffed. 
There is a gigantic cover up for the soldiers who shot and killed three kidnapped victims who had escaped.......the army states man should turn red as he explains how this sort of thing  can happen......even when the battalion commander shouts at the soldiers not to fire! All the spokesmen forget the basic law which is often more honoured by being ignored....that you do not shoot an unarmed soldier....and we also know that this happened in the 1948 war. We criticize when this happens in other wars and nations but we are evidently given a dispensation to do as we wish. First the Arabs, now the kidnapped and the next in line will probably be one of the demonstrators......and...there too it will be easy to find the excuses.
How an Israeli airstrike on a Hamas commander also killed scores of civilians - The Wall Street Journal.  My cousins sent it to me and it makes horrible reading. But so does and unlike those who try to deny this took place, many of the incidents were seen by those hidingWhat did the newsreport of the way women were raped and burnt alie? I do not want to send the report as it is just too awful. Soldiers are being killed every day. We read of the death too in Gaza. Friends write to me about Dresden and Hirsoshima. You are to remain humane. But all of this comes back to Netanyahu and our own hubris that terrible day. And no end in sight. One day there is going to be a debate about the hostages. The next day they are at the end of the list and I have put in a PDF about Gaza so that you can know the depths of hell the other side is going through. 
Yesterday a four rday march ‘Everyone! Now!’: Kfar Aza teens march to Jerusalem, calling for hostage deal....they were given little publicity and the post in Times of Israel did not do justice when they wrote of a "group" 
 I had difficulty getting through the crowd so that I could see but people are very helpful. I found myself next to a woman with three small children who asked me to move slightly so that the children could see their mother on the stage. I asked where  they were from ...Kfar Aza. At first they were composed but then the littlest one started crying and they all did and were crouched on the ground holding one another and I stood there with my two sticks crying with them. Amazing that after what had happened to them they were able to host such an event. All along youth groups joined  them. How can we have such an autistic government? 
We hear that many of the ultra orthodox have now been trying to join the army. Well read this about what their rabbis call our soldiers....garbage. No Israeli soldier is ...... What I would like to know is how many of our fascist leaders in the government have children and close family members in the war. 
So yesterday I saw Elaine and family and in the evening went to Chana Stein and family which was a pleasant break. 
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