#just to be clear i'm not defending ''people's right to sexualize women''
lightofjedi · 1 year
I wish people understood that a female character being written by a dude who objectify and sexualize her is not her fault but the writter's, and that going on about the importance of not sexualizing female characters while simultaneously using said sexualization as a reason to sprout misogynistic remarks about and dehumanising sexualized female characters just shows your hypocrisy and how little you actually care about women.
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diamondcitydarlin · 1 month
Just fair warning- I said on my personal post about this that I wasn't going to talk about Neil Gaiman anymore, but as it's becoming clear that him and his publishers and anyone else who makes money off of him is circling the wagons and trying to bury these allegations, as well as some fans still defending and trying to 'rationalize' this information, I feel like, actually, we need to keep talking about him (as much as I cannot stand him and feel physically disgusted now when I so much as see his face somewhere). Specifically, the fact that he's a liar, master manipulator and should not, under any circumstances, be given access to his fans like he has in the past. At the very least. (And if you need to blacklist his name or even unfollow me so as to not be triggered, I completely understand, but I will always try to tag these posts accordingly and I think it's crucial right now that the truth be put where people can see)
This post specifically is in response to those 'rationalizations' I've seen, some that have gone as far as to blame the young fans/groupies that hooked up with him for being 'golddiggers' or just making a mountain out of a molehill for something they now regret. It's not that simple, yall. (And, again, this requires some amount of completely ignoring the story about him extorting his tenant for sex under threat of eviction of her and her three young children, I'm not sure how you 'rationalize' that under the best of circumstances)
So let's be clear here. What we know is that NG has routinely, for possibly an upwards of 30 years, pulled sexual 'partners' from his fan groups, most of whom are 18-22 year old young women (though possibly younger, accounts are coming forward of 16 year olds having allegedly been inappropriately touched/flirted/propositioned by him, which ig is the age of consent in the UK but still?? 16 year olds!!). This wasn't one or two times in the course of three decades, this was a constant pattern of behavior for him and for a very insidious reason.
This isn't to try to infantilize those fans or young women/young people in general or try to suggest that they couldn't have consented to sex with an older person or famous person. In fact, the onus isn't on them at all. This is about an older guy with a lot of fame, power and wealth choosing to sleep with people that he had already conditioned to idolize him and using that power imbalance to coerce them into doing things they didn't want to.
Regardless of one's age or gender identity, it can be difficult to impossible to say 'no' to someone like that. After all, you've been 'chosen' by the chosen one, you're special and not like everyone else, and if you don't do what the popular person everyone trusts is telling you to do you could end up ostracized. Alienated. Or worse. And you know what? Gaiman knew that! He knew it when he was crafting his 'approachable dad' persona on tumblr. He knew it when he was cultivating a fandom of personality. He knew it when he was having huge meetups to try to ensnare more victims. I hate to even think it, but I'm starting to believe he knew it when he was writing children's books too.
It's been talked about again and again in separate issues, but needless to say something not being strictly illegal does not make it inherently, morally okay. It does not erase the fact that this man has been essentially grooming his fandom to feel safe meeting/speaking with him so he can coerce those he can snare into sexual acts they're not comfortable with. That is predator behavior, whether strictly 'illegal' in the eyes of a court or not (but ofc I think he should be criminally punished even if I'm not naive enough to think he actually will be, because this IS rape and rape should be criminally punished)
I'm not personally advocating for anyone to give up being in his related fandoms, but what I am personally advocating for is that people don't forget who he is and what he's capable of, especially when he tries to crawl back to where he was (I'm almost certain he will eventually, as I've said).
Again, at the very least, we need to use what little influence we do have to keep him from infiltrating fan spaces again. He should not be on tumblr yukking it up with young people, he should not be at public appearances hitting on teenagers, he should not be given the unrestricted access to fans that he's 'enjoyed' for the past 30+ years because he is not a safe person. While I wish there was more in the way of restorative justice that could be done, I think at very, very least we should do what we can to limit his proximity to people he could hurt in the future. Make sure no one forgets, because sweeping this under the rug means Gaiman gets to hurt more people.
Lastly, no one is the wrong for having been manipulated by him. Let's make that very clear. What we're NOT gonna do is blame ourselves, each other, the victims, etc, for evil acts that Gaiman chose to do himself, time and time and time again. It doesn't help the situation and it certainly doesn't protect future potential victims. We were all duped because we're human and we attach and a lot of us want to believe there are good people out there, particularly those who make art that means so much to us.
And there are. But let's also use this a teaching/learning tool about how much faith we place in famous people in the future, regardless of how 'approachable' and 'safe' they might seem. Let's remember to have a healthy suspicion of creators/famous people that are oddly immersed in fandom spaces- yes, even the ones you still currently like that seem fine, as difficult as that may seem.
At the end of the day, we don't know them or what they're capable of doing or what they might be plotting to do to us. Support victims. Amplify their voices. Don't forget.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
I read the comments in this post and want to ask a question. Please feel free to ignore if you feel it's offensive. I can understand when queer couple with a certain mindset hate all these questions about top/bottom and all but I've met many queer couple (only asia side and only men) who themselves engage in this top/bottom thing. One of my colleague was very adamant about searching a bottom for him when we went to gay bar (I'm straight btw that's why want to understand). Not only this, a few Korean gay couple were very clear which side they prefer. My curiosity to understand is why would some of the comments implying it's nasty to talk about top/bottom approach when other queer people wants to accept and engage in it. Isn't that what is again queer community? To judge other people's mindset is wrong, no?
Personally I also read a/b/o trope but only of fictional characters. I've never asked any queer person if they are top or bottom or any other tags because I feel that's none of my business.
I don't think this is offensive to ask. It's the only way we learn, right?
So... You kind of answered your own question a bit, I think! Queer couples who want to disclose and people seeking the appropriate sexual partner for their proclivity is their decision. It's not dirty or wrong to have those preferences or to talk about them.
It's not just men either. I have very few straight friends. All my lesbian or AFAB friends who only sleep with women talk about it freely too.
There is zero judgement from me on people who are open to talking about it and I defend our right to discuss sex in the same manner hetero people do.
On the other side...
I think prescribing top/bottom to a couple who have in no way invited you into their bedroom is a huge no. Because the only thing you can possibly be basing it on is physicality, non-sexual behaviour, how they dress, etc.
Jungkook particularly is a victim of a LOT of gross misrepresentation because he has muscles and boxes. Remember we're about a month shy of an article that dehumanised him into "rough male pheromones". The top/bottom discourse is usually used in a reductive way in this case. Often used as a weapon against people who ship a certain way, definitely used to bodyshame Tae.
It's used to keep people in a convenient set of boxes, insult people who think otherwise, body shame and fetishize. It wilfully disregards the ethos Jungkook puts into the world in favour of making him into a fanfic top fantasy.
So my objection is not about the use of top/bottom, Dom/sub, alpha/omega in general.
It's about how it's never used thoughtfully or carefully by a certain subset. Their fetish and their fantasy comes first before any thoughtful consideration to the stereotypes rampant in queer media, queer community and queer representation.
And those reductive stereotypes hold us down.
Does that make sense? Top and bottom talk is fine if the people have opted to talk about it. Prescribing sexual positioning based on looks and personality is absolutely not fine.
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thedreadvampy · 5 months
watched monkey man. Thoughts:
dev patel is a really good actor
it's a beautifully put together film visually, the action flows great and the close focus and different speeds are really engaging.
also really enjoyed the sound design for the most part although Roxanne was a pretty funny needle drop for the strip club scene
haha this film is not even in the vicinity of fucking around. not since del toro's peak has a film been so utterly resistant to subtlety when it comes to You Understanding What It Thinks Of Fascism. which I appreciate, to be clear. it is right and good to beat hindutva fascist murderers to death with a shoe.
I was legitimately really emotionally moved by the protagonist's character arc and I thought it handled the trauma and sexual violence elements in ways that were sensitive and not gratuitous
having said that I did feel like it dropped a lot of threads I would have liked to see carried through more fully, and I think that hurt its attempts to be sensitive about gendered violence.
outside of the protagonist there isn't really much of an arc to the female characters - other than the temple guardian, the hijras aren't really given any character or individuation other than as an en masse backdrop to dev patel's badassification, and although it's sick as hell to see them kick some ass at the end, they kind of fall into the background, without their actions or deaths being given much dramatic weight.
Similarly the sex worker character gets two moments of significant characterisation - when she talks to him outside early on and when she fucks up the hotel owner at the end - and that implies an arc of her moving from resignation to hope but imo a lot of what we actually see of her in between those moments is only through the lens of how her mistreatment triggers the protagonist into thinking about his mother's assault.
So I don't think it's intentional and it clearly reads as though we're meant to understand both the hijra community and the sex worker as the protagonist's allies and comrades, but because we only really see them through the lens of how they move his story forwards, it does at times feel like it falls back into a trope of 'women and marginalised people's abuse happens in order to motivate a man to do manly violence' and none of the women depicted as the subject of violence - not the hijras, not the sex worker, not his mother - are the focus of power and subjectivity in the story. The mother comes closest in that - she's clearly established as involved in resistance and she acts both to protect her child and defend herself, and is also humanised and characterised - whereas the present-day women are kind of instrumentalised - they don't have particularly defined personalities and they mostly exist to inspire the protagonist to act by their suffering, and to be inspired to act by his example.
Other than the gender/power aspect where it gets a bit male saviour-y, there were a few other characters I felt like I was expecting to come back or be expanded on that just didn't.
The dog was one element - it was very built up early on, obviously it plays a part in his first failed attempt, then it just falls off the film which is weird cause it felt like they were introducing a thematic throughline.
also the guy from the hotel - I was already kind of confused about his motivation for going with Dev Patel in the police chase, since I thought we'd established him as being profit motivated rather than having a significant relationship with the protagonist, and then we see him on and off throughout the second act, which feels like it's building to him having some significant part to play, and perhaps it's understanding why he chose to align with the terrorist against his employer. then after the Dev-Patel-Has-Leveled-Up ring fight scene, where he's Dev Patel's biggest fan, he fully vanishes from the film never to be seen again. I do not know what I'm meant to take from this character.
couple more thoughts
the priest character is a really strong villain and that final fight was really really good, it truly did keep me on the edge of my seat.
I'm a little bit in love with the mother
man he REALLY wanted to bite that guy's nose off in the brothel fight. he literally goes in to bite the nose off THREE SEPARATE TIMES before he successfully does it. there are other bits of him to attack, I just think.
based on the trailer and the marketing, I really expected it to be gorier I think? there are some conceptually gnarly injuries and kills but the camera speeds by then pretty fast and the bulk of the film is not about the spectacle of violence. this isn't a complaint but it wasn't what I anticipated.
for me I think actually the only thing that made me wince was the bleach thing. and also I'm no pharmacist but I feel like snorting bleach should have fucked singh up more than it did, he seemed surprisingly fine other than a mild nosebleed.
speaking of bleach - really enjoyed that setup and payoff and callback but like the bit where he bleached the mask was very cool and then he only wore it for like 1 minute of screen time then took it straight off again before even entering the hotel. I just feel like he's not fully committing to this Hanuman thing.
ooh I really liked the bit right before the final fight kicks off where Not-Modi is addressing the room full of donors and it's so full of references to the British Raj and highlighting Not-Modi's public school accent, I thought that made really good points about the commonality of oppression. I also appreciated the moment where Dev Patel chooses to let Not-Modi, the political outcrop, go, and instead go after the ideological heart of the movement.
look it's been said but the bit where he bounces off the window in the first act is such a good choice. it's funny and it's also tense. works well.
all told I had a good time, and I liked that it was as on the nose and specific about its goals as possible, although I did feel like it dropped some threads which made it feel weaker than it otherwise might - I think that while I liked the first act, some of it could have been trimmed back in favour of fleshing out some of the side characters in the back half of the film so that they felt a bit less instrumentalised and a bit more human, which was done really well with the mother imo. overall I reckon 8.5/10.
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hcfiles · 1 month
There's a peculiar detail about this HC circus that people forgot and has been ignoring. Amazing how people are easily manipulated. It would explain his lack of attitude (Shame) and the need to make this woman the target of attention.
For over 3 years all they have been doing is using NV as a DIVERSION, while he changes Character according to convenience and accepts being a muppet in the hands of his team. Just pay attention to the slight changes:
- He started showing in public events surrounded by female bodyguards and his male bodyguards disappeared as if trying to sell the image he deals well and respects women.
- His family started getting involved, apparently trying to defend NV, but actually trying to manipulate people to believe the date was real.
- Many clickbait paid articles with lies and rumours started popping up.
- He started naming NV in every interview, obviously for professional reasons.
- He changed the way he looks and dresses, giving an impression of an elder man.
- His IG, all of a sudden, became fictional - his words - after saying he would only surrender to social media if it reflected who he was. So, who is he?
- He started referring to himself in interviews as a respectful eldery.
- Subjects not directly related to the content discussed in interviews were brought up: A speech about him not being comfortable with sex scenes, as well as the gentleman image, brought up by GR.
The goal became selling a more mature image. It's like he was impersonating a defensive character. There's something there. There are probably other details you've noticed. Those are just a few examples. And, while his team motivates hate on the internet against NV, who accepted being his shield, cannon fodder and maybe more, you forget a very significant detail:
In the beginning of this PR stunt, a page exposing HC appeared on IG. The person behind it made it clear she (It seemed to be a she) had had an affair with him and gave the impression she was an actress or someone from a studio crew pissed for being mistreated. She brought juicy donuts and tea about his way of treating women. making him look like a sexual freak.
I'm not getting into details of those donuts and tea, 'cause they are irrelevant to what I'm calling attention to. True or false, the person seemed reliable but, that page could have been easily considered a page of one more "toxic fan", like many that are still on IG. But, differently from most "toxic fan" pages, this specific one was fastly taken down. Now, that was really an enormous reg flag!
Especially, because right after being noticed in IG, they (His team?) created similar pages (with similar names) to NV and DG, which are still there, but inactivated. Curious, isn't it? I suppose these two were also distractions to discredit the first. And, the narcissistic strategies inflaming people and motivating hate on the internet had the initial intention to blend this page in, until they could shut it down.
From where we stand, it seems that using narcissistic strategies to gaslight and confuse was the way they found to hide the juicy donuts and tea someone he knew well was spreading about him. Also, it was to make his fandom forget, ignore or consider it one more lie about him, looking the other way.
Got it, now?
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kanmom51 · 1 year
This is not written to or about you. In your mind's voice please read it as I am speaking to and about the people who have written some excited rants. I like your site a lot and like your perspectives on JiKook topics. I am hoping, if nothing else, it might inspire a conversation for you. I wasn't sure where to share it since I am new to Tumblr and really don't plan to be a big poster.
================The thoughts==============
Some 'fans' and foes are losing their minds over Jimin participating in a song as a feature artist that has multiple performers, one of whom has - according to the conversations - done horrible things and has a bad reputation. However, many of these same people were not as concerned about Jungkook who performed in Qatar that has huge human rights violations and controversies. Qatar has been doing this for much longer and harming many more groups of people. The information is easy to research. Yet these same people and others have no problem supporting a KPop industry that exploits underage people with excessive work and sexual behavior. The very industry they support has had its own sexual abuse scandals and unfortunate suicide incidents, but yet they are now out of sorts about supporting Jimin with this song. I'm not in any way defending the rapper, if the information is confirmed to be true, and I am not saying it wouldn't be wise for Jimin to be aware of who he is working with, but he likely recorded a song in an isolated studio and didn't even meet the performers he was singing with. He would not work in this industry if he based his choices on only working with saintly people who never did wrong things or only behaved in ways that were perfect. As an aside, I don't know the personal behaviors of any of the other people on the song. I just don't understand the hypocrisy and the emotional tantrums people are having without thinking through information, much less looking at their own lives to see if they would have trouble being held to the same standards they hold BTS, but apparently Jimin in particular, to. If you are not who I am referring to with the descriptions above, feel free to disregard these thoughts. No need to be offended if you are not anyone referenced here.
Thanks for your time, Kanmom51. Keep up the good work.
I'm actually with you on this one @jimin-bangtan .
The hypocrisy in this fandom hits me every single time.
Let's start With Kodak Black why don't we?
Born 1997, now 25 yo man. Not without controversy around him, he has been involved in several illegalities in the past.
I will say this and be loud and clear: KB is NOT a nice person.
He's been involved in drug and illegal arms offenses and beyond the charges I will talk about below, the reason people are up in arms about the collab, he has been said to get rough with women. In my books he's a douche, and if he ever raises his hand at a woman he needs to pay the price for it. Period.
But the main issue that has people upset about is his rape charges. people screaming about how can JM be collaborating with a rapist.
So, let's make one thing clear here.
Plain and simple.
Well not so simple, because the legal system (law) and justice are two different things, at times intertwine and at times travel on parallel lines that never meet.
It actually goes both ways - people that literally get away with murder on the one hand and innocent people that have their lives ruined by wrongfully charged or convicted on the other.
But the legal system, as flawed as it is, is what we have.
Why this long winded explanation?
Well because KB was accused he raped a high school student in Feb 2016. He was charged for it in October 2017.
But 5 years later the prosecution reached a plea deal with him, the sex offenses were dropped (not even being accused of statutory rape, which is having consensual sex with a minor) and he was convicted of assault and battery and received a suspended sentence and probation.
I know this feels a little technical, but it is super important to make these distinctions. He was accused of rape but not convicted of it.
It is what it is.
He is a douche but he is not a convicted sex offender douche.
And if we are already talking about douches and problematic musicians, it's funny how everyone seems to wake up with these complaints and criticism when it involves JM.
Why is that? I ask myself.
Where were those people when Hobi was collabing with Crush? Where were they when BTS collabed with Snoop Dogg? Do I even bring up all the scandals he was involved in?
The above mentioned is merely an example of some of Snoop Dogg's issues.
Nothing, silence, you could hear a pin fall. Well, actually, not really. Because of all of the cheers and screams of joy that were heard when that collab was announced. Funny. Or not really.
And let's think about the examples in this ask why don't we?
JK doing the song for the Qatar games, well that didn't go without scrutiny. There were voices of criticism sounded, but those voices pretty much died down and at the end of the day, the song and JK as well, received the full support from the fandom.
And the K-pop industry?
"Yet these same people and others have no problem supporting a KPop industry that exploits underage people with excessive work and sexual behavior. The very industry they support has had its own sexual abuse scandals and unfortunate suicide incidents, but yet they are now out of sorts about supporting Jimin with this song."
Say it louder for the people in the back!!!
YG just announced their new girl group. Guess how old the youngest member is?
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13 yo.
As much as that is a favourite Jikook number, it sure isn't an appropriate age for a child to debut with a girl group in an industry that sexualises young girls the way it does. And it's not that the others are much older either.
Cookie someone?
So yeah, we all need to be conscious of our choices. Who we listen to, where our money goes, who and what we support. And it's ok to criticise our faves, I'd even go as far as to say it's our duty to do so. But a. it's a case to case basis, meaning circumstances matter (which means what the level of involvement is with that person, for example); and b. let's not be hypocrites here. Let's not have double standards. If we feel it's wrong to collab with a problematic rapper, that standard applies not only to JM but to every other member of the band and the band as a whole.
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aella-targaryen · 2 years
Vaemond deserved to die. And he doesn't deserve my pity.
On the internet I have seen many people justify Vaemond's actions. I understand that the actor does it, but that many spectators do it... well...
Reasons why Vaemond was wrong:
1.- Driftmark is NOT and has never been the property of Vaemond. It belongs to Corlys and when he is unwilling to govern, the person in charge is Rhaenys. Yes, Rhaenys, the woman that everyone always seems to forget. She is the one in charge of speaking for her husband and defending his interests and when King Viserys (like any rational person) decides that the final decision of her husband's inheritance corresponds to Rhaenys, she only limits herself to following the will of her husband , a will that Vaemond already knew but decided to ignore, disrespecting Rhaenys, because he is an idiot.
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2.- Vaemond behaves like if everyone was stupid except him
Does he think he's the only one who knows the truth about Rhaenyra's sons?
Did he never find out that Laenor was gay but not stupid?
Didn't he think that if Laenor publicly presented the boys as his own and he was loyal to Rhaenyra, then clearly he and his wife had come to some kind of understanding?
Ok, so suppose Vaemond thought Rhaenyra killed Laenor, so what? The owners of that pain and its consequences are Laenor's parents and not him. Rhaenys and Corlys at the end of it all seem to trust Rhaenyra. And do you know why? Because they have known her since she was a child.
If they decided to trust Rhaenyra or just don't want to affect their adoptive grandsons , then the matter is settled. And Vaemond has to keep his mouth shut and say no more about it if no one has asked for his opinion.
In addition, he is an unpleasant man who only confronts and offends old men, women and children. In my opinion those are not the characteristics of a respectable man.
Again, inheritances are the wills that people want to be carried out when they die. A last will is only legally acceptable when the person who says it is in full use of their mental faculties and also have witnesses.
That Vaemond ignores Corlys decisions only shows how little he respects his brother and that he doesn't think about his family. Vaemond thinks only of Vaemond. Which brings me to my next point.
3.- If Vaemond wanted to fight for justice, he must fight for Baela's rights.
Did anyone remember that Corlys had another child, a daughter named Laena? Did anyone remember that Laena had two legitimate daughters? Nope ? I'm not surprised..
Daughters are very easy to forget.
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The law of property inheritance in Westeros is clear.
If a man dies and he has no sons but daughters, then his property and titles should be passed on to his eldest daughter.
And in the event that said daughter has died, then said procedure must be applied to her children.
If Vaemond had fought for Baela's inheritance (as Rhaenys suggested in ep. 7) then I would have considered his cause to be more or less fair (and I say "more or less", because again Rhaenyra's children were recognized as legitimate by the King, Laenor and Laenor's parents)
Because, if Rhaenyra's sons hadn't been recognized by all the people who mattered as legitimate children, then Driftmark and all its titles must have been inherited by Baela.
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It is true that later Daemon would have married Baela to Luke and Rhaena to Jace, but that is Daemon's right as their father.
4.- Vaemond is a damn disrespectful man.
He does not respect Rhaenys authority and even tries to intimidate her ON HER OWN PROPERTY.
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Vaemond didn't have to shout like a pedant that Rhaenyra's boys were bastards. The term "illegitimate son" exists for a reason Vaemond.
And above all things: He didn't have to call Rhaenyra a "Whore". Calling a woman to her face "Whore" in public because of her sexual behaviors is really petty and pathetic even in medieval times.
Daemom did not call Rhea a "bitch" because of her sexual activities, he called her a "bitch" because they both shared a mutual hatred and used to treat each other cruelly, despite that Daemon acted bad because he insulted Rhea behind her back and despite everything she was his wife even if only legally and I have not forgotten that Daemon insulted Mysaria because of her work, but I have always said that Daemon is not a good and exemplary man. Do you want an example of a good man? Well, you just have to analyze Ned Stark.
Ned Stark never called Cersei "Whore" at any time despite that she was his enemy.
Also Ned is nothing like Vaemond. Ned fought agains Cersei because she lied to the entire royal family and thus committed treason. The royal family always knew the truth of Rhaenyra's sons and her actions were silently forgiven by the royal family (For the King, her husband and her uncle the only people who really matter in this situation)
Also, call a woman "a whore" in front of her father, her children and her husband? Vaemond is just a hypocrite who pretends to have honor and dignity when none of his actions show it.
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For all the above reasons, I consider that Vaemond does not deserve my respect or my pity, after all...
"If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing"
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observers-journal · 1 year
I dont know about you but recently I just saw someone here on tumblr using the Tenoch Huerta tagged doing the whole "you people should believe all victims because now there are mutiple woman accusing him. But you will defend white people like Ezra Miller"
Having you not been keeping pace and pretending to be ignorant. Many people on tumblr have been showing evidence that Elena isn't a victim, that all her so called "acts for women rights" is just her wanting political power, how she is light skin Latina who follows political that are anti-LGBT and trans. DOESN'T ANY OF THAT SCREAM 🚩
But know I bet you the who posted that isn’t keeping up with Mexcian news or how many people from MEXICO are admitting they thave either been threatened or assaulted by Elena or her family. Or better yet any document evidence against Elena that show poof she is a feminist. Even the other actress and feminist aren't clean one of them refined a man's life after convincing another actress she was SA or how the other feminist is a FRIEND of Elena which would've been fine since friend supporting friend if Elena didn't had such a dark history.
And I'll tell you this much. When this SA allegations came up I was on Elena side, however knowing Tenoch slander history I did found it suspicious. When more evidence came our that was AGAINST Elena I realized she a victim anymore regardless of her acid attack. Even if the evidence that Elena provide from her anon victims they still falled apart. While yes Tenoch being silence since the allegations is suspicious we don't know what going on on his end but I think when a other females that claim the FEMALE ACTIVIST is threating them, blocking any JOURNALIST who wants more of the story, the company that she is accusing to protect Tenoch providing EVIDENCE that they paid her, and looking beyond the Tenoch situation ND more towards Elena. People need to realize to stopping believing in the victims if there is so much evidence against them.
I think whatvi hate about this situation is that since this event is taking place in Mexico is harder for American media pick up to story unlike stories like Jonathan Majors case or the Johnny Deep case. And even when media picked up the SA allegations they didn't bother to continue their research and then dropping it leaving only the headlines the SA allegation 🙄. When there is so much more to this case that is proving innocence of Tenoch. I think unless there are other Americans who are still keeping up with this story they will know that Tenoch is innocent while Elena is a piece of shit while the majority would see his allegations.
That's a great take on the issue, Anon!
I find it infuriating, but I'm not surprised. In today's time of information overdose, all anyone cares about is the sensational news. So the allegations story made for a nice spicy, juicy piece of gossip, and it spread like wildfire. Coz people love to gossip, oh look at this actor (and racists going to the extent of labeling him as a sexual offender/addict coz he's a brown man 🙄).
Nobody cares about context, nuance, or bothering to do a little bit of research. Coz who will put all that effort! Because if anybody put even the slightest of effort, it is crystal clear who is innocent and who is not in this case. In fact, the more people here and on Twitter are investigating, the more disturbing things are emerging. We can now see there's a group of people who have come together with the sole purpose of destroying Tenoch's reputation and career.
I am a 1000% sure Tenoch is dealing with this just fine on his end. Unfortunately he is used to shit like this, although perhaps not at this scale. But I'm certain he's preparing a legal case, and there was a video posted yesterday wherein a Mexican lawyer covered the legalities of this case. All the evidence is in his favor. It's good he's staying away from social media, it will do no good to his career or his case.
I wish our group here had the means to make all this investigation gain more traction. We are trying our best, so are the folks on Twitter. But I'm also of the opinion that the American media and people have forgotten about it already. The public tends to have short-term memory. Do journalists care about clearing a man's name they very conveniently labelled as guilty? Of course not 🙄 most journalism is trash these days, barring few.
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I truly don't know how you can see pictures of men stripped to their underwear, kneeling on the ground, in rows, and not have alarm bells ringing. People really will just go with the mainstream explanation of anything when it's convenient, huh? I saw those photos and my fucking heart rate jumped. Other people see it and apparently are just like Oh! Well, Israel says they're all Hamas, so I guess that's who they are and it's fine. :)
But I have to say--and I try not to do this usually--but it is really disappointing (doesn't quite cover it, but for lack of a better word) coming from women who know what it's like for the mainstream to tell you to ignore what you can clearly see with your own fucking eyes. When we're told that women can be men and say no the fuck they cannot. Where is this energy when the mainstream tells us "Israel's just defending itself from terrorists" when it's clearly a fucking massacre of civilians for an intended land-grab? Their politicians and military leaders have fucking SAID as much!
To be clear, I know it is impossible to be informed about every single atrocity taking place in the world, and I know not everyone not directly involved has been keeping up on and off through the last two decades as I have, and no I don't want people blindly spreading information if they don't know what's true and what isn't. As I said, I have not been keeping up consistently. There are other things closer to home, or which have a direct impact on myself or people I love, such my own country's actions towards the Indigenous peoples here. So I'm not shaming people who don't know and who can't add this issue to the list of things in the world they're spending energy on. It's disappointing to see how much silence there is, but I think impossible to hold any individual responsible or to make assumptions about why any one person hasn't said anything about it. So I'm not going to do that.
But I absolutely am talking about those who see the images, see the videos, see the reports from human rights organizations, see the statements by Israeli officials and still come down on the side of the oppressor. Like, do you not remember how a bunch of us gathered articles and news reports to prove to TRAs that yes, men are a danger to women even when they claim to be women, and how they responded with "cherry-picking!" "no true trans!" even against hundreds of such reports? Or else they justified it as retaliation against "transphobia"? And yet in spite of all this information out there, the idea that men can be women if they say so is fully mainstream. Women's voices are completely ignored. How do you not draw parallels? Because I'll tell you there are plenty to be drawn. These current events in Palestine aren't new. They've been happening since 1948. Which predates the existence of Hamas by several decades, by the way.
I don't understand it. I don't understand how you can do that, and I think the only explanation is racism. Because I don't see how else you could hear about pregnant Palestinian women being stopped at checkpoints and forcibly stripped, about disabled Palestinian women arrested and denied menstrual products and left to bleed in their wheelchairs, about Israeli soldiers using rubber bullets against disabled Palestinians engaging in peaceful protest, about a young American peace activist run over and crushed by a bulldozer as she stood in front of a Palestinian home, about women and girls held in Israeli detention centres where they're sexually harassed and assaulted by Israeli officers, about children as young as eight years old arrested and held for months on the charges of "throwing stones at soldiers", about women dying in childbirth or losing their newborns because of the lack of medical resources thanks to Israeli blockades or cutting the power, about a mother watching her children burn alive in white phosphorus with absolutely no way to stop it, about a woman drugged by an Israeli collaborator, stripped naked while unconscious, and having her photos sent to her religious family, etc.. I don't see how you could know about these things as a self-proclaimed feminist and still think Israel is justified.
It's racism.
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buddiebeginz · 9 months
I will always love Robron and Emmerd*le still holds a special place in my heart despite how crap it is right now but still I will never forgive anyone who was involved in that horrible storyline with Rebecca.
I'm mostly referring here to how even before what happened with Rob and Rebecca that night in the Mill Rebecca was painted as this woman who repeatedly pursued an engaged/married man and when turned down didn't like to take no for an answer.
Then she went to the Mill that night in March 2017 knowing (from Adam) that Rob was drunk and upset. And even when seeing the state of him. Even hearing him say he didn't remember texting her (because he was so drunk). Even hearing him talk about how upset he was about Aaron. Even seeing how he could barely stand up. She still stayed and decided to sleep with him.
I still don't get how there are people who see Rebecca's behavior from the time she arrived (which was homophobic and disparaging towards Aaron right from the jump btw) and especially in the "ONS" episode yet still defend her. If the reverse had happened and Rebecca had been drunk and crying and upset over someone she was married to. If she had previously repeatedly refused Rob then decided to try it on with him when she drunk and vulnerable and he used that to his advantage to get her in bed people would have rioted.
I also don't get how it was the show runners/writer's intentions to seemingly paint Rob as the villain in all of this who took advantage of poor Rebecca when that was never how things were portrayed with them before the "ONS" and it certainly was not how the episode itself was made out to look.
It just feels like people too often don't seem to care when it comes to the sexual assault of men especially when it's men who have been hurt by women. I know statistically it's men who assault and rape women but the reverse does happen. And I know it's been years since this episode aired but it's something I still think about especially since I'm a survivor sexual abuse myself.
No matter what Rob's intentions were the night he slept with Rebecca he wasn't coherent enough to give a conscious yes. Not to mention he was in an emotionally vulnerable state which would have affected his ability to make clear decisions even more.
All of this was made all the worse by the fact that the show chose to pretend none of the consent issues even existed. They went on to make Rob the bad guy in most of his interactions with Rebecca afterwards. They also never even let Aaron get angry with her for pretending to be their friend and then taking advantage of his husband as soon as he was in jail.
And like the show knew a lot of people had issues with that episode and with Rebecca and still chose to keep her around for a long long time afterward. Not just in the village but like forever an interloper in Robron's lives until the day she left. It honestly put a damper on the show for me from the "ONS" ep onward. I can't ever see her and Robron and not think of what she did. It wasn't about the baby or her getting in the way of Robert and Aaron it was because what she did to Rob was wrong and she never had to answer for it in any way. She wasn't the victim Rob was and in some ways Aaron was to. I just wish the show would have dealt with it or at least gotten rid of her soon after once they knew how royally they had messed up that storyline.
Anyway I know this is all old news but I came across an old post recently and saw someone defending Rebecca it just brought up a lot of feelings I still have on the subject and wanted to vent. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
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charles-rxwlands · 4 months
I feel like I'm always portrayed as a hater because it's much harder to find the "proof" online as of now (if he was more popular/cared for than we'd have it - not a jab honest) but as someone who's WAS a Ryan Guzman fan early on and had a "crush" on him, who followed his career from the beginning... that man does NOT like women (and not in the non sexual meaning 😅) I mean, he doesn't respect females as equals, and if they don't fit his mold or aren't useful to him ✌🏾. He likes a certain type of woman. They're props to him and treated them as such.
We could go into the more well known PR/cheating stunt or the racist "ghetto... comeback Eddie needs a wife" comment, or the very public toxicity of the entire relationship with Chrysti Ane - not saying she was a saint because I'm not delusional - defending, praising, and portraying her as the perfect "wife"/fiance/girlfriend/mother, crypticly dissing her multiple times simultaneously, then going back to smiles for the kids (camera) like neither were saying or doing sketchy things... but what's the point?
He's troubled, and "no one" cares because all he has to do is smile, look pretty, and tell a sob story for sympathy for people to forgive him and look away. As if some of his difficulties weren't of his own doing (and no, I'm not talking about his SI)
He should not be on the pedestal that he's on right now. I'm glad I took the rose tinted glasses of years ago. Sometimes, it's very telling which (diehard) fans just don't care about the racist/sexism/misogyny, which fans are unaware of his persona, and those who acknowledge it and choose to "separate the character from the actor."
He hasn't changed regardless of past consequences. That's just who he is.
And very personal opinion ~ He doesn't care about certain "things" as he portrays, and he only does it so people like him and to get in a "good light." Timing was always telling of that. Actions and words speak loud and clear. Especially when there's no actual effort outside of a camera. He's only ever cheering when he wants/needs some likes. He's getting what HE wants/needs regardless because it benefits HIM and HIS agenda, and yet people will continue to say "poor Ryan" when the facade goes away because he set himself up as a victim.
the more digging i do on him the more i find myself agreeing with you ! thanks a lot for this bc i do think ur right tbh
ik i'll get a lot of backlash for this from the 911 fandom i just hope we'll have the foresight to not shut down and attack any debate about him bc i think these types of conversations are important in fandom spaces
like, i used to love ryan too (and i found eddie like so hot) but after i learned abt the discourse abt him in the past i just couldn't bring myself to think abt him like that any more
anyway yeah i hope the fandom will actually be mature abt this for once and not attack me for bringing this up. like of course it's okay to like or not like an actor but i think in this case it goes beyond personal opinion
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
More notes on beauty:
1) I started feeling ugly from a very early age, really as far back as I can remember. There is something deeply revealing about being told you're pretty only by blood relatives, friends of the family who are trying to flatter your parents, and platonic friends who are not sexually attracted to your demographic; all those people are trying to make you feel better in some way, even though they might be accidentally pointing out a problem you didn't necessarily think you had.* But anyway, my parents never interfered with my sense of ugliness--even though I was extremely vocal about how worried and sad it made me. On one single occasion when I was probably around 12 and bemoaning how gross I felt, my father stoically offered up that beauty standards are just reflections of reproductive instincts, that the qualities men find attractive in women are markers of high quality breeding stock essentially. I now know that this is only true to a limited degree, and even at the time it wasn't hard to see that the average sex symbol wasn't necessarily "fertile-looking". Besides which, this knowledge wouldn't exempt me from continued rejection and alienation! It was just another way of viewing my natural reject-ness. But still, this shut me up somehow. It was like Oh OK, so even if I'm like exiled from society, at least there's a scientific reason. It's not "unfair", it's just rational.
2) My best friend is ugly. This is her own assessment based on her own experience of just being in society, dealing with strangers, trying to find a partner, etc. I don't know that she ENJOYS being ugly, but I don't think she's offended by the diagnosis; it just is what it is on some level, and it makes her incredibly enlightened about the complexities of embodied existence, but ANYWAY. I was talking one day with another friend about the general concept of looks, and when I mentioned this fact about my closest friend, my interlocutor got very prickly. She said something like "ugliness is a really important concept to me, I've seen pictures of your friend online and she's not it." To be clear this person was being more defensive of ugliness than of the stranger I was describing--but it put me in this corner where I had to go, "OK fine, her skin is like this, her hair is like this," etc, until it was like I had her whole physical person disarticulated on an operating table. Finally the person I was talking to conceded that she understood me, but it was an unpleasant experience and I wished I hadn't taken the bait. This person just had a fetishized version of what it means to be "ugly"; she meant, for instance, character actors with uniquely extreme appearances that amount to their own special aesthetic. She didn't want to include just general people who are routinely ignored and rejected in any circumstance where the key thing is visual attractiveness. And there I was, so desperate to defend my friend's inalienable right to be ugly (which is just one small feature of hers within an absolute treasure trove of amazingly great human qualities), that I carved her up into parts for this other person--I made myself think about my friend in a way that I absolutely never would do naturally, all because of my obsessive resistance of judging people by aesthetics, even the "ugliness" aesthetic. It left me feeling pretty awful.
*Actually I wonder if people, let's just say women who are very attractive are very often TOLD that they are attractive out loud by people other than sexual partners (and suitors who can't control themselves). I feel like people are so threatened by attractive women, in various ways, that they don't necessarily come right out and acknowledge this attractiveness in words. I think maybe people are more likely to express "you're extremely hot/beautiful" through behavior and action, than to be so vulnerable as to say the obvious to a beautiful woman. In fact I theorize that you might know if you face more challenges re: appearance from the fact that people TELL you you're attractive more often than they act like it. But this is all speculation about other people's lives, I really wouldn't know!
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Maria Elena Rios' official statement.
Disclaimer: Google translate is not always accurate.
Mexico City on June 15, 2023.
In my position as a woman and defender of human rights, I have made it clear and they have been able to testify that my person is based on solid principles such as consistency, truth and frankness.
Living in a country where we still have the need to continue changing the laws for a system that does not protect
to women and knowing that while we fight for this, at any moment male privilege can swallow us, is not easy. Despite all this, over the years I have built a voice and I am not going to allow a cowardly statement to try to reduce the violence that Tenoch exerted and continues to exert towards me for continuing to evade
your responsibility.
The statement that Tenoch made on his official Instagram account on June 12, 2023, shows the traditional and typical intimidation techniques of an aggressor and that come from the structures founded from the patriarchy.
Women who find ourselves in a vulnerable emotional process, when having contact with a narcissistic abuser, are dragged into a dynamic where the fear of mockery of our privacy stops us from donating.
The consensual acts at the beginning do not determine that they continue to be consensual all the time because removing the condom without warning IS A CRIME of sexual assault and in English it is known as stealthing.
After my public complaint, several colleagues approached me to share their stories and
unfortunately it is a Modus Operandi that Tenoch has exercised in a normal way for years and that
consists in:
Look for emotionally vulnerable women. Make her feel admired (you are a woman, you are pretty, you are intelligent, I admire you a lot, i have always dreamed of having a girlfriend like you, etc).
Fall in love with them
Earn their trust.
Use them as a sexual trophy.
Abruptly stop communicating and disappear.
Sometimes he goes back to look for her but only to have sex.
Disengage and not take emotional responsibility to later victimize yourself, if necessary.
They seek to clarify things.
This is preceded by a SECT, which apparently functions as a Collective, but which has appropriated an anti-racist discourse to gather a capital of followers and obtain personal ends named Poder Prieto, which protects it and will continue to do so because they are the The only people who can support him in his statements. Within the same group, women members, upon learning of my situation, told me things like:
"That's right, he's very stupid but he's trying to deconstruct himself, I'm sure," one of the actresses who founded it acknowledged before me.
-I listen to you and I listen to myself, I also went through the same thing but it did not affect me so much because I did not fall in love and I understood that it was a lie. Mana, it's that you were the new one in the group, let's say that you had to go through it mana and what he did to you is not cool but well, I'm just starting acting: Tenoch and Maya can recommend me-, another young actress confessed.
The same ones who turned their backs on me and attacked me to defend him.
How to denounce in a Mexican Judicial System if 94.8% of the complaints remain unpunished?
I am a survivor of an attempted femicide with 98% pure sulfuric acid, one of the most extreme towards a woman, after trying to reintegrate myself into society, I personally met Tenoch in December 2021 in a forum of "The first Prieto Festival but it was not until March 30, 2022 when
During a trip to Felipe Carrillo Puerto for a meeting of groups for human rights, we traveled together with other colleagues representing Poder Prieto. He courted me constantly and indeed, his friends from Poder Prieto are witnesses of that but they are not witnesses the intimate relationship I had with him.
During that whole week, I believed in all the nice things he said to me and I fell. I fell in love and it does not give me Shame because everyone gives what they have.
The statement that Tenoch issued tries to make me look like a scorned woman. It took me a lot of work to assimilate and process all these emotions but this does not mean what he wants to imply.
"What a coincidence that until now you say it" "Complaint in the Prosecutor's Office" "You want fame"
"You want money".
Tenoch, in order to victimize himself and confuse me, exerted and continues to exert Gaslighting on me (a pattern of emotional abuse in which the victim is manipulated into doubting their own perception, judgment or memory) and Pity Play (an attitude used by the abuser to distort the true story and appear as the damaged party and thus blame the other party) where the effect of "the flying monkey" arose, a term used in psychology to refer to who helps the aggressor to attack the victim and make her feel guilty. That They did it to me and I have proof of it, that is, all the violence that members of Poder Prieto exercised towards me to protect Tenoch and it is because of this situation that months later led me to leave that group.
In a despicable way, Tenoch tries to intimidate me by hinting that he hired a legal team to initiate the corresponding actions and protect his reputation. The civil route reconciles the parties and unfortunately the violence that I received and continue to receive from you, in Mexico is still not recognized and much less legislated as in other countries.
Psychopathic abuse is a characteristic that whiteness has against racialized people and Tenoch together with members of Poder Prieto, with the appropriation of anti-racist speeches, have exercised it with me and with other people.
Dare to talk about this situation is not easy and Tenoch with the intention of detracting from my statement and legitimate truth, with his lies he has generated hatred and puts himself in danger, since I have received threats to burn myself with acid from fans of the characters he has interpreted in the audiovisual medium. I tell them that I don't want money or fame. All I want is for this violence to stop and to be able to live in peace. The first step is to raise your voice to name them and put a stop to them.
I remind you that nothing justifies threatening, violating and intimidating women for raising their voices. The character is one thing and the person who plays him is another, and being dark-skinned never exonerates you from being a violator who abuses his power.
Companions, don't feel guilty if you also went through this situation with him or with other men. Unfortunately it's part of a shady system. Today we have to make it visible so that tomorrow it stops being an unpleasant reality.
Always firm, always strong because we are women and fear is behind us.
My immediate thoughts:
In my opinion the only situation that could be punishable by law would be the possible "stealthing". But that would be hard to prove.
Everything else is asshole behavior or fuckboy behavior but not a criminal offense.
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alwek · 7 months
So, there's this whole callout unfolding on Tumblr right now about this disgraced tumblr named @d-e-a-d-e-y-e. Apparently, he's been using celebrity pics to catfish people and harassing women sexually on the platform. The whole point of this callout is to warn others to steer clear of him.
But then there's this other user, @izamami, who keeps defending d-e-a-d-e-y-e despite all the evidence against him. It's like she's blind to the fact that he's a catfisher and a molester. Also she is using her followers and willing to deceive her followers by denying his actions. It's like she's so thirsty for male attention that she'll support anyone, even a scumbag like him. she's so desperate for male approval that she's backing up a catfisher and molester.
Listen man, I'm not just gonna believe this shit without proper proof. There's so many fake callouts fuckin' about right now and I don't trust someone who claims such heinous things of people on anon and without any evidence
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hestiasroom · 1 year
why do women's boundaries have to be shrouded in patriarchal religion in order to be respected?
I just saw a post in r/ModestDress discussing fetishistic males posting in the sub under the guise of "modest dress" while also crossposting those same pictures to fetish subreddits.
Now if you know, you know that men do this pretty much everywhere. Nearly every single female dominated fashion subreddit is overrun with clearly fetishistic males (usually masquerading as poor innocent twanswomen) posting their "outfits", kiki-ing with the "gurls", and generally just chatting it up and being "womanly". It's very obviously a kink to anyone who's tuned in to this stuff. I can't tell you how many times I click on their profiles only to see these men posting the same outfit posts on crossdressing subreddits, and other blatant fetish subreddits. It goes unquestioned in those spaces.
Now in this r/ModestDress subreddit, the comments were actually reasonable, with many of these women pointing out how obvious this fetish content is, and how women really should not have to sacrifice their comfort and safety for the sake of including these males. But, but, the biggest thing, is that they kept using religion to justify this exclusion. And then all of a sudden, it's okay. Because religion is holy and untouchable, and if it's a woman's religion, we just don't have the right to question it, apparently.
I hate that. Not only because as an atheist I really don't think religion should be this unquestionable thing, but also because I hate that in general, these people were defending these women's religious rights more than anything else. But why do I have to subscribe to some patriarchal religion in order to get relief from these kinky males? Why can't women's general comfort and safety be enough? Why do women have to subscribe to incredibly degrading religious practices (that are often sexually exploitative in their own ways. I mean, the idea of modest dress in general can really give me the ick, not because I think women need to be showing the most skin possible to be "empowered", but because it is also so obviously rooted in male sexuality) to gain protection from other exploitative men?
This was long-winded and jumbly but I hope what I'm saying is clear. Like, it's great that the modesty subreddit can close the door on these guys bringing their fetish out in non-sexual subreddits, but also, why is it that it's only okay because of their religion? What good does that do for the hundreds of other subreddits that have basically been lost to these men's sexual kinks, who can't just say "but my religion" in order to get it to stop?
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
The Offender Law Guide - Know Your Rights, Endure the Program
"The Offender Law Manual: Know Your Rights, Endure the System" by Attorneys John Bergman & Sara J. Berman is an extraordinary 678 page tome of information exactly about offender law. The book units out to help you with understanding the puzzling principles and techniques a part of offender offences and to educate you on how the machine operates, why authorities, lawyers, and judges do what they do, and most of all, what you can certainly do to limit the harm. I'm it achieves that aim very well. Most of the book is written within an clear question-and-answer format to describe the offender justice program, both inside and beyond your courtroom. It goes from initial authorities pondering through trials to prison and parole.
One should understand that Nolo focuses on creating regulations available to everybody, and the books published by Nolo do a highly skilled job to do just that. Thus, that book isn't a offender legislation text book as you'd find in legislation college, but an extensive information for the non-lawyer or layperson. For this kind of information, it is very good vermoegensstrafrecht and involves plenty of information.
The twenty-seven chapters are broken down like this:
Chapter One: Conversing with the Police. Chapter provides home elevators authorities pondering of men and women who haven't been taken into custody and pondering of arrestees.
Chapter Two: Research and Seizure. A number of the topics covered here include: search warrants, plain see doctrine, stop and frisk, searches of vehicles, and warrantless searches.
Chapter Three: Arrest: When It Happens, What It Means. This phase addresses normal charge rules, charge warrants, warrantless arrests, utilization of force when creating arrests, and citizens' arrests.
Chapter Four: Eyewitness Recognition: Psychology and Procedures. Subjects include eyewitness identification techniques, psychology of eyewitness identification, lineups, showups, image identification, and activities to curb identification.
Chapter Five: Booking and Bail: Checking In and Out of Jail. The booking process, arranging for bail, and hitting theaters by yourself recognizance are covered here.
Chapter Six: From Suspect to Defendant. This phase focuses on offense and offender instances and charging, fantastic juries, and diversion.
Chapter Eight: Offender Protection Lawyers. Do you need a lawyer, court-appointed attorneys, personal defense attorneys, and self-representation are covered in that chapter.
Chapter Seven: Understanding the Attorney-Client Connection in a Offender Case. Subjects include confidentiality, client-centered choice creating, lawyer-client interaction, among others.
Chapter Seven: A Go Through Offender Court. The courthouse, courtroom, courtroom people, and courtroom conduct are explained.
Chapter Twenty: Arraignments. Moment and self-representation at arraignments are looked over here.
Chapter Eleven: Creating the Protection Strategy. Just what the phase concept claims, the fundamentals of defense strategy.
Chapter Twelve: Crimespeak: Understanding the Language of Offender Laws. Fundamentals about points such as kill and manslaughter, sexual abuse, burglary, robbery, loathe crimes, Patriot Act and more.
Chapter Thirteen: Defensespeak: Frequent Defenses to Offender Charges. Subjects such as partial defenses, self-defense, alibi, and madness are covered here among others.
Chapter Fourteen: Discovery: Changing Information With the Prosecution. Discovery is a significant section of any legitimate or civil case and that phase provides the fundamentals for the offender arena.
Chapter Fifteen: Examining the Facts. Interviews and witnesses are several the things covered here.
Chapter Sixteen: Preliminary Hearings. What they're, what your rights are, and frequent techniques of both sides are shown here.
Chapter Seventeen: Fundamental Trial Rights of the Defense. Subjects covered include: Due Process, Burden of Evidence, Directly to Stay Silent, Directly to Address Witnesses, Directly to Jury Trial, Directly to Counsel, and others.
Chapter Eighteen: Simple Evidence Principles in Offender Trials. You will find techniques that really must be used when offering evidence and that phase provides recommendations for carrying it out right.
Chapter Nineteen: Actions and Their Role in Offender Cases. Understand what they're and what they're for in that chapter.
Chapter Thirty: Plea Bargains: How Many Offender Instances End. Fundamentals on plea bargains, the good qualities and cons, the process, and the strategy of negotiating plea bargains are covered in that chapter.
Chapter Twenty-one: The Trial Process. Great phase on the various facets of a test from selecting a judge or court to deliberations and verdict.
Chapter Twenty-two: Sentencing: How the Judge Punishes Convicted Defendants. The basics of sentencing techniques and choices and a little concerning the death penalty.
Chapter Twenty-three. Appeals: Seeking Evaluation by way of a Larger Court. Dropping at test doesn't suggest it's over. This phase addresses speaks and writs.
Chapter Twenty-four: How the Offender Justice Program Works: A Go Through Two Drunk Operating Cases. Cases applying drunk driving.
Chapter Twenty-five: Juvenile Courts and Procedures. Specific phase describing the how points work in Juvenile Courts.
Chapter Twenty-six: Prisoners' Rules. Information protecting prisons and prisoners' rights, legitimate assets, parole and pardons.
Chapter Twenty-seven. Seeking Up the Law. What and where to research, including a glossary.
Again, that book is really a big tome of information. It is structured properly and has many side-bars and examples. If you have a question regarding offender legislation, most likely that book will have an answer. The experts do point out that regulations ranges from state to convey, and I'd suggest that besides that book, anybody working with the offender program on their own look to the statutes in the jurisdiction they're in to ensure they have regulations that is applicable for their case. That's why I enjoy that the final phase provides guidance in that area. The experts also observe that the book is not intended as an in depth information to self-representation. It is really a thorough overview of the entire program, but it's perhaps not every thing, and that's because you can't put every thing regarding our complicated program in a single book.
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