#the writers and yall be so fucking weird about girls
lightofjedi · 1 year
I wish people understood that a female character being written by a dude who objectify and sexualize her is not her fault but the writter's, and that going on about the importance of not sexualizing female characters while simultaneously using said sexualization as a reason to sprout misogynistic remarks about and dehumanising sexualized female characters just shows your hypocrisy and how little you actually care about women.
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Persona romance routes are all pretty bad but damn they really hit rock bottom with p3p femc route like the misogyny is very blatant and it’s almost hilarious like look at the Shinjiro romance. When you do his social link he’s like very clearly respectful of Kotone as a leader and explicitly says stuff like "oh yeah you’re clearly the best fighter we have, I don’t really know much about fighting like you do, I hope I’m not dragging you down, you’re doing a good job as leader just remember to take care of yourself, everyone looks up to you I know you can rely on them" etc. like he has faith in her leading abilities. But then when you romance him he’s like got dialogue like "bwah bluh i gotta look after you because you’re a GIRL and you need to stick by me, a big strong MAN so you don’t get hurt" and "don’t wear that revealing outfit in front of other guys 👺" and it’s like. Does he respect her or not and also like it doesn’t make sense for him to look down on her for being a girl cuz he literally has never not been led by a girl leader during his time in sees and Mitsuru in particular really has her shit together when it comes to being responsible and a good fighter and she’s always known the most about Tartarus
It’s also like. Idk maybe its just me I’m not a girl so FUCK IF I KNOW but to me the appeal of romancing Shinji is the fact that he’s sweet and sensitive and gentle and has respect for you despite the fact that he acts all scary. That’s like, what made me like this character in the first place. But the writers seem to think what women want is for a BIG STRONG MAN to protect them because they are just DELICATE WOMEN who are inferior in every way it’s like. Shut upppp thanks
#persona#persona 3#shinjiro aragaki#this is soooooooo obviously not the only romance route that sucks in this game yall know which one im referring to 🤨#and i actually tend to think of the shinji romance as the best one in the series cuz at least his confession scene is the only unique one#that really highlights who he is as a character and goes with the story#but ughh just idk its so annoying how the writers cant decide if hes sexist or not its really weird and its like#really shows how poorly the writers think of women playing their game its like all the romance options are trash and then your boyfriend is#sexist to you and its so clearly done in a way thats supposed to be romantic which is. ew#like idk if my partner was like talking about how i need to stay close to them because im a weak girl and they are strong man#especially when im literally the leader of the team and have been doing perfectly fine thus far and am clearly the strongest here#id simply run him over with a bulldozer#and its like this will all the guys in this game its like girl shut up and eat glass#meanwhile when youre a male protagonist your gf will kiss your ass to the point its infuriating#and their character arcs can never be too grand cuz then they might not wanna fuck you if they realize they have worth#uh sorry my brain is all over the place basically i hate persona romances lol and i hate how they wrote shinji in his#like dammit i dont want him cuz hes gonna protect me like a man i want him cuz he isnt great at fighting and prefers cooking and puppy dogs#and has respect for me and trusts my judgement and asks me to talk about my life and interests and smiles sweetly#but god forbid a woman in this series be respected i guess
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runaeveena · 8 months
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse part 2
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⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
now that the new Mountain Angel volume has come out can we please tag spoilers, some of us are still waiting for our pigeon mail
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
you can access the volume in full on TomePlane!
🎭 bardcampistrash Follow
until TomePlane acknowledges that its interplanar storage is made possible by binding aboleths to the plane and killing them then we are going to continue not using that platform, thanks
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
aboleths killed my cousin who was a royal cleric. ill never understand why theres a whole movement to protect abyssal creatures when theyve caused so much damage to our kingdoms. and disliking a pocket dimension which provides thousands of people access to books? your attitude reeks of anti literaturism and mal-aligned virtue signaling and im not sure which is worse
🫒 tenthday237 Follow
Aliizya gets pregnant on page 62
⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
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🏰 finchtruther Follow
okay but the way that faelor finch writes every song that perfectly fits pennbiel liiike its giving closet fangirl
🧭 waywardwarlock
seriouslyy!! like what else is "give me your unmarked hand / in the shadowfell we won't be a secret" supposed to be about if not pennipher and corabiel
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🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
yall please dont fill up the unseen servant tag with your super fucking weird smut posts im just looking for tips on how to find my unseen servant
🪡 scç-writer
the search function on tomeblr does need to be updated but we dont have to kinkshame :)
🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
the site is being overrun by virgin degenerates
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
sounds like you need Wilam the Wizard with Wandering Hands to help you summon the unseen stick in your ass
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🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
so whose going to be the first to commission a painting of that scene with Aliizya and the beholder 👀
🍎 bloodmaledickening Follow
i already asked my local artisan he said he's gotten two other commissions for the same scene lmao
🐁 softbarbarian
girl i commissioned a tapestry
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🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
friendly reminder that devil deals are a real thing that a lot of people fall victim too and that demons are malicious and do destroy peoples lives if theyre not careful so please be careful when consuming works like Hellionfinity which romanticizes devil deals and fiendish soul contracts
🌾entangled-farmer Follow
imo any work of fiction that involves a romance between any type of fiend is not just problematic but harmful
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
i used to be indifferent to books that had devil romance interests because like thats their whole thing theyre seducing people to get their souls and the mc overcomes it, but reading through the replies i see that Hellionfinity actually ends with the devil character as the main romantic lead which is super problematic in terms of power imbalance and the fact that he has a redemption arc is so out of touch especially since our military is finally recovering from the azgurian assault
helliofinity also has a scene where the main character uses a soul coin that an imprisoned mortal gave him and he uses it to bring the devil out of avernus so he doesnt fully die and no one in the book mentions it or talks about how messed up it is to use soul coins and we never see the now bound to hell prisoner ever again
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
hellionfinity officially cancelled on my end!
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☘️ celest-ial Follow
moment of silence for all the customers waiting on drink orders while the tavern wench gets her back blown out by a new guy every night ✊😔
🦁 king-killa Follow
the gods work hard but Girthy Gladys gets worked harder
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🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
paladin and warlock romances are OUT! cleric and necromancer romances are IN!
🪭 royalcoinpurse Follow
the only thing a cleric should do to a necromancer is beat him to death so she can revive him and kill him again
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
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❇️ arch-dryad Follow
i think we need to analyze why we're so quick to place women in categories of devious seductress or healer in romance novels as if that hasnt been the pervasive trope that holds magic-touched women back in our actual society
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
why do you assume these fictional tropes are mf couples only? can a gay cleric not beat his gay necromancer boyfriend to death?
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
and off! beat him off cmon guys
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🧀 weremouse Follow
yall ever be talking or whatnot and feel like no one understands you
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
ᛄᚠ ᛡᚢ ᚳᚪᚾ ᚱᛁᛞ ᚦᛄᛋ ᛡᚢ ᚺᚪᚠ ᛏᚢ ᚱᛁᛒᛚᚪᚷ ᚦᛄᛋ
🧀 weremouse Follow
say that shit fr (<- looking around clueless)
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
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🌠 crownofstars
remember when that person made a call out post for the author of ilairepeler for using a ghost writer and it turned out the author was an actual ghost. writing. like a literal ghost writer. like.
🍄gnomestool Follow
arent you the dwarf that fucked a slaad
🌠 crownofstars
how would you like to become a ghost so you can write more witty comments like this for eternity
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colecassidysfav · 5 months
The fact that so many people have to come talk about the amount of pedophilic posts on here is literally sickening. And it’s even worse that ppl r tryna defend it. “Pink and stuffed animals aren’t just for children!” Ur right it isn’t, but when a post shows a pic of a little girls shoes and clothes and has the reader basically be babied the whole fic don’t u think that it’s fucking weird??? Like I don’t write anymore so I can’t say much but some of yall writers don’t fucking know how to write an innocent!reader without making them act like a literal child, OR yall do know the difference and just put “innocent!reader” in ur description just to cover up the fact that ur basically writing pedo fics. Like wtf are yall on..
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descendantofthesparrow · 10 months
Brutally honest thoughts on each character?
...*Each* character???? bruh thats so many, okay ill keep this short cuz im waiting for a haircut rn
well start with the vks cuz thats easy
Mal-started off strong and then just became...THE WORST, love hate relationship for her. shes my art block fix but also i hate her
Jay-i dont have strong opinions on him, he actually never stuck out to me other than 'obligatory jock dude of the friend group.' i wish i liked him more but im more attached to his fandom self over canon Jay
Evie-got boring after D1, i wish they let her keep her chemistry stuff, love her vibe but shes kinda boring to me. SHOULD'VE BEEN THE MC OVER MAL!!
Carlos- lots of lost potential with his tech stuff from the first book and movie. easily could've been an engineer or inventor but they just made him an animal lover and i got bored of that real quick.
Uma-my queen, my idol, can do no wrong i love her so much i WILL kill for her.
Harry-i love his dumbass so much YALL DONY EVEN KNOW I WANNA BITE HIM SO BAD
Gil-one of the few characters i felt actually...grew up? idk but hes one of the few characters were it actually feels like time passed for.
Dizzy-oooooooh honey, honey honey, sunshine baby, please, put the glue gun down.
Celia- they should've gone with her trailer persona. Her outfits are so bad and i wish she got better writing and designs, so much lost potential, also she should've been Jays pick.
Smee twins- why the fuck are they even here they had one line and no significance. also they should've had a Harry scene.
Ben-puppy boy, deserved to have doberman energy. got turned into a doormat by the writers and is unfairly hated.
Audrey-bitch queen, shes not a nice person and thats okay~ girlboss.
Chad- should've been the D3 villan they had that all set up in D2 with his weird ass attitude over Ben getting kidnapped on the isle.
Doug -....honestly gives me the ick, especially in D3, i HATE the long hair his actor had/has. gold is NOT his color and neither is pastel purple or green. he looked good in D1 but ICK for 2 and 3.
Jane- bby gurl, blue bird sweetheart. yeah she did some fucked up shit in D1 but she was an insecure 14 year old girl who got manipulated by Mal and other aks!!!
Lonnie- deserved so much better, shes Chinese why is she getting Japanese style stuff?!?! her plot in D2 didnt even do anything it just happened and no one cared and Jay just shoved his problems of girls playing roar onto her.
Beast- *inhale* i wanna kick his ass, and i could, lemme at him. how dare he force an entire kingdom on Ben at 16 when he didnt become king when he was 28(when he married Belle)
Belle- they took away her backbone, shes not Disney princess book worm and independent Belle. she just, lost the spark
FG- they turned her into a preschool teacher, GIVE ME MY OL COOKY FAIRY LADY BACK
Leah- *seething rage*
vk parents
Maleficent- fuckin love her, shes such a manipulative bitch and feels like a gone crazy version of a Maleficent made for kids. def not the mistress of all Evil but i love her nonetheless
EQ- shouldve been the head villain, SHE WAS THE FIRST DISNEY VILLAIN CMON! def not the same character from the animated movie but shes dramatic and sassy and i adore her.
Jafar- haha funny characature~ i wish he was more menacing like he had been. Jafar is not one of my fav villains so descendants jafar didnt exactly translate for me well.
Cruella- yeah they nailed her, no complaints about her. good design, good dialogue, good acting.
Hades- LEMME KICK HIS DEAD BEAT ASS, fucking 'daddy issues made you stronger' my butt. i hate his hair and honestly he doesnt fit the washed up punk design, he didnt deserve the speech at the end and didnt deserve to be forgiven by Mal.
Ursula- we only saw her tentacle and one line but she seemed spot on so yeah
Lady Tremaine- why the fuck was she nice in D3??? bitch is the EVIL stepmother.
Smee- spot on, i have words for his sons designs becuaee hes old not naturally white haired but hes chill, makes sense hed be a good parent, he never felt evil to me, just compliant
Facilier- such a vibe, his actor got him spot on, would've changed up his suit design but hes chill and i can see him being a family man(ignoring wicked world).
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sky-is-the-limit · 4 months
I saw that someone broke the bucktommy situation down in spn terms and I want to expand on that a bit further so that hopefully you can understand how deeply frustrating this whole situation is for buddie shippers.
So not just did a third of the destiel girls jump ship, they immediately started actively hating and destiel and calling anyone who is still a destiel girlie delusional and denying any possibility that castiel is anything other than straight, and like a third of your favorite destiel blogs and fic writers just completely abanonded destiel and completely rebranded for this new ship and started writing only for them. like some of the most passionate destiel shippers immediately left simply because they got dean being bisexual and that's enough for them and they never actually cared about destiel or how queer coded castiel is, they just wanted to see dean kiss a man and as long as dean stays with this new man they are 100% certain to have that. so they cling to this nothing ship with this bland ass character and come at destiel shippers for actually wanting a ship with substance and history between characters who actually have chemistry. and now that the destiel shippers are pointing out hints that point towards castiel being gay and destiel being endgame the new shippers are completely denying any possibility of it and are proving that they never gave a shit about castiel as a character or his struggle as a clearly gay man. they just wanted dean to be bi and kiss a man.
oh and also a bunch of new people joined the fandom after bi dean became canon and they simply don't watch any of the previous seasons because they don't actually care about the show, and then they start speaking about dean and cas as characters as if they know them at all when they have clearly never seen most of the show.
like i cannot express enough how nothing of a ship bucktommy is. almost everything about them is either made up by tommy's actor in paid cameos, or just fanon. they had very few scenes this season, only had two very uninteresting kisses, their chemistry is just really lacking and the vibe is kind of off. and i'm not saying that you can't like a ship that is mostly fanon, i know people base ships off less than this and i genuinely don't care, but it's weird to then completely discount a ship that has been brewing for 6 seasons and pretend that the people who have been following that ship for years are just crazy.
The more yall explain it in spn terms, the more I get sucked into it and I'm not complaining.
Yeah, I understand the frustration because I know I wouldn't even be able to handle Dean, towards the end of spn, dating anyone other than Cas, especially after all they've been through.
But making people feel crazy for it, especially when one is canonically bi, is insane.
What I said on that as an outsider, is that it'd be cool for once to watch the writers/producers take the most loved/popular ship between two queer*coded characters and make it canon.
The dynamics are also different when it comes to a new character being introduced as a love interest and a main character that a large part of the fandom ships with the other main character.
Now I don't know much about Bucktommy as a ship as I've only watched their kiss scene but I understand the frustration of Buddie stans.
I'd lose my fucking marbles if Dean came out towards the end, only to end up with a newly introduced character and not Cas 😭 and as a Cas girl having to watch people shit on him and Destiel just because Dean came out, nah. People would riot outside the CW offices.
Anyway, I'll keep watching the random s6 episodes they show on tv and hopefully that will make me watch the entire thing!!
Yall are making me want to read Buddie fics, stop it before I open a new ao3 tab
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momsforroadhead · 7 months
idk shit about degrassi let's go with 2, 6, 8, 21, and 22?
YES you can't imagine how happy i am to be doing this i can't talk about degrassi to anyone and the fandom is kinda dead
2. a compelling argument for why my fave would never top or bottom: this question is crazy cause degrassi characters get to be like... 19 at the oldest (not that they die, the just age out and cycle out of the show) so let's imagine them older. now other problem there's like 36 000 of them total starting in the 80s and ending in the 2010s BUT if i pick a fave let's go with Eli Goldsworthy and make a bold claim: he would never top. in canon he's straight (the writers are wrong on this one) but i fully believe that any woman he has ever been with/will ever be with pegs him. he's simply too weak sauce to have the energy to top anybody. he has other things on his mind.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying: like i mentionned, the fandom is kinda dead so i don't really know fandom opinions apart for the yt comments when degrassi was still on youtube for free (booo hbo fuck you) BUT! i will say that people got really invested in Craig/Manny for some reason (he was always awful to her) and started hating Ellie as a result. Now yes Ellie was super misogynistic towards Manny, but that's not really a reason for the fandom to then be super misogynistic towards her. I love Ellie Nash she's my queen get off her back! yes she's whiny and a bitch. it's literally fine.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: OOUUH!! A lot of people hate Connor, which is SO WRONG. They hate him for stealing girls' underwear (which i will admit is creepy and weird) but like... degrassi is the everybody gets a second chance show... yall love Peter (so do i!!) and he literally distributed revenge porn of Manny so..... you just hate Connor cause you can't handle his autistic swag. but i can. i love him. him and jenna are my favourite couple and he's aspec in my head. (also he's a case of "if a white character did the same thing you all would love him" but let's not even go there)
also everybody hates tristan and he literally did nothing wrong. and people hate ellie and she's perfect. and people hate jane and why do you people have so much hate in your heart
21. part of canon i think is overhyped: i'm really having to think about this one cause idk if any part is really hyped all that much lmao degrassi fans, we love to complain...... i'll say a part of canon that i wish wasn't there is Adam's death. JT and Cam felt earned and realistic, but Adam... idk it just came out of nowhere..... and he's literally one of ma faves.....
22. my favourite part of canon that everyone else ignores: omgomgomgomg Marco and Ellie hooking up post graduation. for context Marco's like BEEN fully gay. and he hooks up with Ellie out of sheer codependency which is, in my opinion, HILARIOUS. also, he says that the worst part is he didn't want it to stop (they didn't go all the way) and if the writers of that episode weren't COWARDS he would've had a real reflection on the fluidity of sexuality but oh well. it's an iconic throwaway plotline and one of the foundational building blocks in my evil Craig/Ellie/Marco codependent love triangle polycule
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arlertwhore · 3 months
people going fucking crazy with this shit. they need some real problems. filling a tumblr writer’s inbox demanding they know who they support is so weird and funny lmao. also people can be upset i guess her bf isn’t racist he just liked mean tweets about angel reese which was inappropriate ig but not racist lol. and it wasn’t even her that did it and she’s responsible for it. im black too this shit is astounding
astounding dkm 😂
bro there is a war being waged in my inbox over somebody i don't know personally and whether i stand by her or not 😅 i'm like damn yall the girl jus fine to me i didn't know it came w alla this 🥲🥲 catch me on hiatus if somebody tries to fight w me over this again her bf is weird and very ugly so idk i could care less about what it has to say 😜 ALSO PLS tell me what he liked like what did it say??
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wheresmulder · 2 years
What a good goddamn day it is to be a D'Arcy stan
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I literally don't have the fucking words but ill make some up I've been deliberately trying to learn as little as possible about this play bc I want to be surprised right all I knew was the names of the ppl attached to it and the fact that the writer larissa fasthorse is the first female native american playwright (that we know of) and it's like a [title of show] esque show about trying to do an accurate Thanksgiving Play right ok cool sounds like it should be interesting thought provoking funny and punk rock right cool cool cool obvs i booked my flight that day lmao but um.
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And D'Arcy being the literal sweetest most giving caring person at the stagedoor to all the fruits tonight????? Like apparently there was discourse on Twitter the other day (I never saw it) about "don't be weird to D'Arcy don't wait for her at the stagedoor dont be a stalker you're not entitled to her time" which like. Obviously no one is entitled to anything but it didn't sit right w me bc she is so personable and outgoing and she genuinely LOVES her fans like it's so obvious that she's not just placating people when she talks to them its bc she WANTS to so I just laughed at it tbh and bc Obviously if you're a theater person you know about stagedoor etiquette like pls bffr. But I still was like well maybe they're right yk theater can take a lot out of an actor and maybe she won't wanna chat or anything and I'm fine with that truly. But no. This woman. The videos on Twitter of her with the fruits just 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm so happy for everyone that got to meet her tonight and I'm so glad that she loves our love and she knows it's genuine and not coming from a weird place she's just such a real one and this is a crazy ass long rant but dammit I'm so glad she's finally getting the recognition she deserves for a fucking 20 year acting career where no one wanted her and she couldnt book a gig like. Can you imagine??????? IM SO. SO FUCKING PROUD OF HER NO ONE DESERVES IT MORE YALL. LITERALLY NO ONE. I just think about that podcast where she was like "am I really a good actor or am I just pleasant to be around" and how that is an insecurity of hers and BABY GIRL. IT IS BOTH. TWO THINGS CAN BE TRUE. HER DAD WAS RIGHT "SHE IS THE BEST SHE IS THE KING OF THE WORLD" and I'm just so. April 20th can't get here fast enough I'm so fucking excited words cannot convey fr
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hongism · 2 years
honestly i expect nothing short of a masterpiece the moment i saw the notification. YOU! DO! NOT! DISAPPOINT! EVER! MISS CALY!!!
before getting into the crazier bits of this chapter, i wanna acknowledge how much you’ve grown as a writer during this series 🥹 recently i started re-reading some of the older moc chapters, and not to say that your writing wasn’t great before in any way, but the way you write now is so much more refined and beautiful, and i guess some of that is also attributed to how intense the story line and characters have developed. seriously, i’m so grateful to be able to read something and feel just how much effort and love the author has poured into in. now i can go on and on about praising your talent but i digress for the sake of discussing more… pressing issues that goes on here :)
now that jisung, hyunwoo and even hyunjin (sadly) has reached their demise, it finally dawns on me that this really is an end of an era. we spent like the past 1 or 2 maybe even 3 acts going through a gazillion emotional roller coaster rides all caused by jisung, but now is it weird that i’m kinda sad that he’s gone? it’s a perfect ending since jisung will probably never get his redemption even if he lives, but idk, i think it’s kinda depressing how love makes you do crazy shit :/ hyunwoo, on the other hand, BYE YOU ASS LMFAO WELL DESERVED. the only thing that dude has is the fucking audacity until the very last minute.
the action scene was beyond immaculate just as the emotional ones and there’s no doubt about that. im writing this with metaphorical tear streaks down my face and a broken heart after reading the whole chapter. you’ve got a way with words that can make me feel like i’m living and breathing in this fictional world. also, can we talk about this:
“Give me what’s mine first”
“Let her go immediately, you dog, or I’ll put a bullet in your head too.”
WELL GOD DAMN SIR. i’m gonna be fr and say i was SO certain we’re finally gonna get the infamous, long-awaited scene that must not be named between captain and ghost, but that’s on for me for not taking the slow burn warning more seriously lol. BUT there is still hope, i mean our mc would not be our mc if she can resist temptations and mind her own business yk.
"All these pit stops, huh? You sure she's the one trying to save you here, Captain? Because it looks an awful lot like that's what you're trying to do to her instead."
“I'm going, I'm going!”
and THIS IS ADORABLE OMG?!/?? i swear this whole part and the next part here is a prophecy that they’re gonna get it.
Yet, what you see before you is a trap, one carefully set by a vulnerable yet volatile man who could easily turn the situation into one that is advantageous to him permanently and you briefly. You imagine he has been in this position before — one where he can take as he pleases without thinking of the consequences of his actions — and where you stand, in a vulnerable spot yourself, you feel that tug to be near someone on equal footing. Wonder persists in your mind as you question where that is how Yunho initially fell into bed with him some time ago, or even further back to the first time Seonghwa was with him.
my girl has got some resolve and dignity alright, but we’ll see how long that lasts hahasksjak. we still probably got around 100 more chapters lol but just so you know, you’re gonna have to expect more than a broken askbox when that happens. everyone here will go so insane we might accidentally report you for emotional damage /hj. this is more than enough rambling but PLEASE I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MORE YOU’RE A LITERAL GODSEND THANK YOU LOVE YOU <3 - 🌊
OMGOMG okay i’ve been trying to answer this ask for like 2-3 weeks now but tumblr kept making it disappear from my inbox i was legit losing my mind?? but god bless today... today it worked... so finally i can respond... 
thank you for waiting for me so sorry tumblr was a bitch and didn't let me respond sooner </3 i was legit so sad it kept disappearing bc i wanted to answer SO BAD LSKDFJFLK thank you thank you first off in this past few days i'e received so much lvoe and compliments on my writing, and i've been told many lovely things and i know you sent this ask a while back but man it still means so much to me i'm still so grateful the words hold just as much meaning to me i really truly appreciate them and you!!!
now onto the spoiley bits... you're spot on! this is the end of an arc in its own regard where we've been in this storyline for such a long while by now that it's a bit like wow! that's over! i've been loving seeing the mixed bag of reactions about jisung, truly, the overwhelming majority are upset over his death even if he was a villain in many regards and that is super fascinating to me and frankly that was my goal i was trying to achieve! switching the perspectives of jisung vs hyunwoo, i wanted to play with that concept and i couldn't be happier with the outcome!
hongjoong and mc have such a fun dynamic and push-and-pull to play with too i adore it and i adore seeing everyone react to that as well, especially with recent chapters ofc.. but she's a strong one! she's resisting well! she's still got her resolve and her dignity both buttttt we'll see how much longer that lasts :3
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 4 months
tumblr should give us the option to make a to do list because it's genuinely so funny to see how many people just forget to respond LMFAOOOOO we have the minds of a dementia patient
YOU WERE IN ORCHESTRA??? did you play the violin?? omg brie lore
thank you for always loving my ideas 😭😭😭 i now understand why writers are always like 'ok i'm sorry if this fic isn't the best'. how do yall do it. HOW DO YOU WARD OFF THE DOUBT
OH??? ur so right japanese starbucks cups are so cute </3 but how are you gonna get taken care of if you won't let yourself get taken care of smh 😔😔😔😔
girl. i think you did get better at writing.... like genuinely I feel like your style has become more clear and refined over the years (i may or may not have read a lot of ur fics... lol.....) so don't sell yourself short!! don't pressure yourself too much because there's always going to be 'flaws' that you find in your work even when others say it's basically perfect. trust me bro you're all good
ur also so right for that. 'the right kind of people stay with weird people' is lowk poetry. shakespeare brie??
oh...i thought we were married.....
DUDE THE LALAI M/V THO. I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT. the song is so good it's actually an earworm atp. ALSO LIKE. WAVY HAIR CHEOL?? GRANDMA VERNON?? MAFIA WONWOO?? SHIRTLESS MINGYU?? it's almost like they wanted to kill us.
also idk if i've said this but. I'M YOUR FRIEND!! YAY!! BRIE TALKS ABOUT ME!!! my friends also know about you because i slipped up one time and said i read svt fics.
-shake n' bake anon
I FUCKING WISH TUMBLR WOULD we do have the minds of such a thing 😔
You don’t ever ward ofd the doubt i fear. You close your eyes as you hit publish and try not to look at your note count
TBH i don’t need anyone to take care of me, like they won’t do it right anyways, I’ll just keep taking care of myself you know
Thank you for saying that 😭 i feel like i’m regressing as a writer so this means a lot…
SHAKESPEARE BRIE yes… shakespeare brie…
Oh- uh- we are married! We literally are like… we totally are… love you… please don’t divorce me…
No they literally are trying to kill us… i keep thinking… imagine that fucking performance in person.
I’m writing my will.
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big-bad-skull-boss · 5 years
Straight(tm) girls be like
“uwu what if i had kids with guzma hehe its fun to think about his mental health issues and the impact on the child”
yall know for a fact that wouldnt happen for so many reasons
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yall are acting like mbb isnt an 18 year old girl who has constantly been in positions where she is heavily influenced by the people around her. from a boyfriend who made sexual comments about her sucking dick when she was underage, to the whole ass lgbtqia+ community using her photos to make homophobic memes, she's been through it, and ofc her takes are a little fucked. i mean, even matthew modine is saying nice things about brenner— mbb is parroting that shit too.
she shouldn't have been asked about byler anyways— she's not the writers nor actors for byler. she can only say what she thinks, and she was probably scrambling to find some sort of answer that wouldn't get her into too much trouble. if she doubles-down on something, people take her word as law. remember how last month she joked with noah schnapp in an interview about killing off all the characters— and then media outlets took that little joke and made whole articles about how "millie bobby brown wants the duffer brothers to kill all the characters!" if she's too vague, people get pissed at her for "not being supportive". she was damned if she did anything, damned if she didn't.
No one said Mille hasn’t been through a lot, but I fail to see the correlation? People made stupid homophobic memes about her, so she has a right to say something vaguely homophobic??? Her boyfriend was abusive, so she has no responsibility over her words??? Media outlets took her obvious joke about ST going game of thrones and killing off the characters seriously, so she has a right to call Will “confused and unlabeled”???
I’m not hating on Millie. No one here is really. I think she is clearly a well-meaning person, a talented actress, and someone with a strong sense of humor. And it’s also clear that she wasn’t trying to hate on Will as a character. It’s clear she genuinely thought she was saying something helpful and thoughtful. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call her out on it? You’re like “oh she’s just 18?” Fam, she isn’t a little kid who doesn’t understand what she’s saying. She’s a thoughtful, intelligent young woman who can legally vote! And even if she were younger, it wouldn’t make her comments okay. And she’s not just a random eighteen year-old saying things; she’s one of the starring cast members, and her words can have ramifications. This is such a weird take.
I agree she probably shouldn’t have been asked about Byler. But the problematic comments she made weren’t about Byler; they were about Will’s sexuality, after it’s already been confirmed by the Duffers, implicitly by the show, and explicitly by her literal best friend, Noah. And that’s the issue.
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things they do when they love you
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Tanaka Ryūnosuke, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma, Tendō Satori, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: literally nothing - pure fluff <3
A/N: sorry for the lack of content lately! I’ve been super busy with work and school and I feel myself starting to get selfconscious of my work again so I’m hoping I can break through the writers block it comes with! Hope you enjoy! Also thank you to @thisnoodlewritesao3​ and @satan-ruler-of-hells​ for listening to me talk about this fic probably a million times lol
haikyuu masterlist
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Kageyama is awkward with telling you how he feels so he just tries to give you things to show you. like you mentioned once you liked the protein bar that Coach gave you guys and now he bought every single one of them from the store and is bringing it to your house. Oh did you say you liked milk too? Well I guess he’ll just have to bring you the whole fucking vending machine. Just wants to show he will provide you with all the things you love, pls love him back. I feel like he’d also be bugging his older sister all the time - asking her all sorts of questions about girls. She’s the reason your first date wasn’t at a volleyball game (and also the reason why he no longer thinks your first date was the first time you attended his games. “Tobio, a date is supposed to be where the two of you are hanging out together.” “But.... we are together. She’s watching me play.” “.... somewhere where your whole team and the whole of the Miyagi prefecture isn’t!”)
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Tsukishima will let you pamper him lol. He likes the attention so when you’re doing face masks, he’ll like look through them and ask you questions about them. Sometimes it comes off as he’s judging you for spending money on this stuff but he’s really just waiting for you to ask if he wants to try one. You bought a dino face mask specifically for him but you thought he’d laugh at you if you asked. So you just kept it with the rest of your sheet masks. You’re putting one on one day and he’s like …. is that a dinosaur. And you’re like…. no? And immediately he’s like well now I have to have it please show me how to put this one. Lol cut to: it does nOT look like a dinosaur (have yall seen those ones that’s supposed to like look like a penguin or lion or something and just looks psychotic??? yeah that). He still likes it and even lets you take a picture of his first face mask cause you just look so happy that you’re doing it with him. It becomes a ritual and any time you’re doing face masks, he’ll do it with you and you just spill all the tea to him about shit you’ve heard at work or school and he just listens and aggressively calls everyone stupid  lol
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Tanaka aggressively praises you non stop but like in a good way haha. Did you just post a photo on instagram? He’s liked it first, commented a thousand different things about how he loves your outfit and your expression and how you’re the light of his life, and then he sHARES the photo to his story and is like look at how pretty my girlfriend is yall wish this was you. Oh did you just get a good grade at school??? Non stop bragging to his teammates about how he’s dating a genius (“I mean anyone’s a genius compared to you” “Tsukishima that is NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR UPPERCLASSMAN YOU ASSHOLE”). If you’re feeling upset about something, he’ll comfort you and all but also tell you that you’re such a badass you could handle anything. And it’s not like empty compliments either - he genuinely believes that you are the most amazing human being to ever walk the planet
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Yamaguchi (okay I got this idea partially from @/paige.ipairs on tiktok but it’s so cute that i had to put it here) likes doing anything with you so he likes it when you’re out shopping and you help him pick a new outfit or you style something for him. But his favourite thing is when you’re painting your nails and he’s like … that’s a nice colour… and you’re like Yamaguchi would you like… your nails painted? And at first it’s just the one finger and it’s a matching colour with you. Like on his ring finger to symbolize he’s with you but then soon he’s with you at the mall looking at different colours and picks out one’s he would like for you to paint for him and he just carries them over to you like .. o.o pls
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Kenma will actively look for 2 player games that he can play with you. He’ll pretend like it’s nothing and that he just wants to try the game for the 1 player story but he’ll leave a controller out and just kind waits for you to ask to play or pick up the controller. He really likes it when you play, even if you wander around a lot and aren’t super focused on the story line. Minecraft with the two of you is always fun. He thinks it’s really funny how aggressive you get trying to save your animals from the zombies even though they won’t get hurt. You teared up once cause the pen you made for your chickens got blown up by a Creeper and he actually felt so bad even though you told him it was definitely not his fault. Cut to: you screaming aggressively when it comes to any Creeper as revenge for the chickens who were lost in the battle.
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Tendō starts reading your favourite mangas and watches all of your favourite series/movies before you two really started dating because he wanted to know what to talk to you about. But now that you guys are together, he’ll plan dates where you can binge-watch all of your favourite movies/shows or just lie around and trade mangas (you had this man actually crying at some of them, he wasn’t ready for the hURT). If you’re not the biggest fan of horror films, he’ll insist that you guys don’t need to watch them but he loves when you stick it out with him cause it means extra cuddles and more snacks as comfort! If you do love horror films, he’ll always buy tickets to the new movies so the two of you can watch it together right away.
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Ushijima will hold you no matter where you guys are. Big beefy boy doesn’t really understand why he wouldn’t hold you, even if you guys were in public. When you guys first started dating, you’d avoid reaching out for his hand because you figured big stoic guy like Ushijima, he wouldn’t really be a PDA kind of guy would he? Wrong. Well right, but also wrong. Boy probably doesn’t even realize what PDA is but he’ll reach for your hand and hold it anytime. And if you guys are waiting in line somewhere, he’ll just hold you in his arms in front of him. He has no sense of when not to do this. It’s like you’re his comfort person (which you are). In front of his Coach? Suddenly has you in front of him, hugging you to him. Being interviewed by some reporters? Oh look, you’re here too. Reminding Oikawa that he should’ve come to Shiratorizawa? You’re right in front sticking your tongue out at the Aoba Josai boi like the child you are lol. Honestly, he doesn’t think it’s weird but he knows deep down that he’s just really scared you’ll leave. He likes knowing you’re around because it reminds him you’re always there. 
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​
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meredithdoesfandoms · 2 years
byler- yall know im an absolute sucker for the Writer Mike™️ and Artist Will™️ hc. they definitely leave hawkins ASAP and go to university together. they always wanted to live in a bigger city, both because of the art scene, and because larger cities are usually more queer friendly. the problem is that will absolutely hates the cold, but also doesnt want to go back to california, or live in the south. basically he’s just a picky little bitch. honestly fuck it, ik the winters are cold but lets stick em in new york. mike gets him through the winter, and they keep their tiny little shoebox apartment at like 80F. (thats a good bit warmer than room temperature for those of u who dont use Freedom Units™️)
dustin- goes to UI and gets his masters. he works in like communications engineering for a while (is that like a thing? like he engineers different radio waves and forms of communication.) he then moves to indianapolis and becomes ur insanely cool high school science teacher. his coworkers think he’s fuckin weird, but the students LOVE him. I THINK HE AND SUZIE ARE LIKE HELLA ENDGAME. they live together and have a bunch of weird ass pets, and like 2 kids MAX. hes just suburban and happy :)
lumax- california lumax. i always imagined lucas working a pretty standard 9-5. not because hes a dull character, but he grew up in a stable home, and after everything max has been through, he wants her to feel secure and happy, like he did before everything went to shit. i have no fucking idea what max would do. lowkey i always hc her as being crazy good with kids, OH MY GOD WHAT IF SHE IS LIKE A PEDIATRIC TRAUMA COUNSELOR. im fucking genius that is so max. NO BETTER YET SHES A SOCIAL WORKER. because the system fucked her over, and nobody ever listened to her, so she advocates for children the way she wished someone did for her as a kid. this is canon because i say so fuck you. lumax doesnt plan to have kids, max has witnessed too many tragedies involving children, and cannot handle having her own. but they foster teenagers every once and while. then they foster one girl who’s a bit younger than normal, maybe 8. and then they accidentally fall in LOVE with this kid and fuck it, we’re adopting her she’s one of us now. and theyre a little family and its cute and max teaches her how to surf :))
el- this always interests me because i dont know what her life could even look like? depending on s5 outcomes things could look like 10 different ways. ik she isnt a strong student, so i like to think she goes to community college to see what she likes, because shes never really had a chance to explore that. i hope she finds something that makes her happy i fucking love this bitch. i saw an hc where she worked at the library in hawkins, so maybe she does that while she does community college classes. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK SHE WOULD STUDY I CAN SEE LIKE 10 DIFFERENT THINGS. eventually she moves to california, to the same city as lumax. lumax’s kid calls her aunt jane, and they have dinners together and are happy because they all deserve the world ok.
the party remains intact to an extent. byler lives together, lumax lives together, and el lives in the same city as lumax. everyone reunites for the holidays, when will brings mike with him, and el brings lumax with her when they go home for Hopper- Byers christmas. dustin typically makes an effort to stop by while he is in town visiting his mother. even tho theyre in different cities, el and will talk on the phones every damn day. usually once, sometimes like 5 times daily. mike and el talk about once or twice a week, and byler talks to lumax about every other day. dustin creates a little bit more distance, but he makes an effort to call each person for at least an hour a week. there’s a lot of love between all of them :)
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diorjadore · 2 years
I'M BACK!! HAHAHHAAAA!! so yall thought you could get rid of me?! HEHEHEAHHA!! you are too funny! TOO FUNNY!
hiii its me JAMIE!! but the fun thing is, yall don't know who I am!
its great to anonymous because now I can talk all my shit and yall cant get me banned! I see that a lot of people quit writing because of ME?
Because I made the Tumblr Vinnie community toxic? HA! As far as I know I MADE the Tumblr Community what it is today! My likes and reblogs were the most any Vinnie writer had! I was in the thousands, I was posting every day, making content every day. Making new series, new imagines, changing the way people wrote about him. I did that!
You thought you could get rid of me just because I deleted my tumblr?! Nah! I have been planning my sweet sweet revenge and come back for a long time and NO ONE will see it coming!
I lost the love of my life because of you and this tumblr community ripping my name apart and I will be coming for you and everyone who has done me wrong! I have my evidence and screenshots, everything I need to ruin all of you!
And if you dont reply to this and show this to the tumble community I will just keep going from tumblr to tumble until someone posts this!
Be watchful my children, Jamie is back!
Guard, there’s a crazy on the loose! 🫵😂
Girl, you’re mad weird for making your re-debut like this HAHAHAHA sick in the head and full of hate if you ask me. After all this time, you’re still hung up on the shit you caused when you could’ve just apologized. Why is that? You don’t have a life? Aww :((
As far as I know, there were remarkable writers before and after you, with so much better stories and writing style (yes, I found your works subpar, rushed, and repetitive and I can hate on it because you’re a bad person), that held the community and people didn’t really give a fuck when you went away. You’re not all that, sorry to say.
And this isn’t a competition of likes, reblogs, and whatnot. If that matters so much to you, go join a writing contest! Maybe you’ll get money out of that. I think you need the extra cash? Or you really don’t have much to live for that’s why you validate yourself with the praise and engagement people give to you here? Surprise! You’re still mad insecure.
Mind you, I was kind to you even when I unfollowed and I even explained how I’m getting shit for what you did that’s why I’m unfollowing but you disappeared like a coward. I think you’d rather break your own back by bending backwards than apologize for, acknowledge, and right, your wrongs. And it’s quite funny how you’ve been plotting your comeback/revenge as if your boring life depends on it. Boo, you stink!
If you do come back, good for you Ms. Goofy! I really don’t give a fuck. I’ll be living my life in university while you do what? Take mirror pics at work? 🤣
I know I said to be kind but it’s okay to gag those who deserve it once in a while, guys!
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