#just trying to draw everyday even if it’s a doodle :0
cowardlykrow · 3 months
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The way he says this lives in my head rent free
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silksongeveryday · 8 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 200!!!
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(huge thanks to this person for the art suggestion!! <3)
I genuinely can’t believe that I’ve made it to 200 days, it’s truly been wild how time flies by like that and the amount of doodles I’ve made during that time. Over 200 doodles (217 to be exact if we’re counting double pictures/extra doodles) have been made over the past 200 days. :0
And thank you all so much for the love and support! Not only have we reached 200 days but also 1400+ followers about a week ago! <3
But, having said that I’d like to make a few announcements—some good, some not so great—about a few things regarding the blog, myself, and other stuff.
Putting it all under the cut so the post isn’t long if you’d like to know more
My pfp!
1.) I’ll be changing my pfp again!! I’ve officially decided that after every 100 days or so I’ll change up the pfp so it’s up to date with my doodle style (assuming it changed at all lol), but generally it’ll look relatively the same as the last!
Possibly more admins?
2.) As of right now I’m looking into the idea/possibility of having a second (maybe third?) person help me with daily doodles! As much as I’d like to keep doodling everyday there are some days that it can be tough or some situation might be happening. (i.e. recently got injured)
See, the problem is I don’t exactly have a proper way of trying this out??? My idea was to maybe do this through dms or more preferably Google Forms. I also don’t really know what form of communication afterward would be best either, suggestions to help me work this out would be great! (as you can tell I’m not very good at this stuff lol)
3.) After much consideration and a lot of thought, I’ve decided that in the near future, I’ll be opening commissions again for the first time in years. I don’t have everything set up quite yet, but expect more info in the near future!
About requests:
4.) You may have noticed recently that I haven’t been doing as many doodle requests recently. Sure, there’s usually quite a few in a row at once but you may have noticed I’ve also been doing “non-requested” doodles aka ones that I just do on my own.
Expect this to become a very normal thing going forward. I probably won’t be doing as many requests as before because frankly with the amount of requests I get daily when it’s open is a lot to handle sometimes. Does this mean requests will be stopped entirely? No, I’ll still do some occasionally, but not as much as I have in the past.
Also I’ll likely be doing strictly anonymous requests.
About Burnout:
5.) Alright let’s address the elephant in the room.
There have been quite a few instances where people have wondered if I would ever have burnout and have occasionally joked about “dying” from said burnout because “Silksong will never release, you’ll be doing this forever” etc etc.
In the past I’ve been fine, motivation has been great, but recently I’ve noticed it a little bit.
Unfortunately life has its own plans so it can be a little hard for me to make a doodle that day, expecially recently since I’ve been experiencing personal/medical issues. It’s part of the reason I’m hoping to get a second (maybe third) person to help me do daily doodles so I can take a little bit of the load off my shoulders.
So what does this mean for this blog?
Not much right now. But in the future, there may be some changes. My current plan is to keep going on daily doodles/posts for the length of a standard year, so roughly 365 days. After that, if things in personal life keep up the way they have, I may have to stop daily doodles and instead will post only if I have time. That likely means doodles every other day or every three days or something. At the very least I’ll still post a doodle once a week.
Not to worry though! I’ll still try my best even after I reach day 365 :)
I’ll discuss how things work a little more on my main @miizori later, but that’s as much as I can think to explain rn.
Just a few more things I wanted to say!
This community has been so cool to interact with, so much tamer than some others I’ve been apart of in the past. I’m genuinely thankful for how much support and how nice everyone has been. I truly didn’t expect to get this far, I was fully expecting to have stopped like 10 doodles in lol. I especially love to see all your comments in the tags and people sharing their art. You’re all so cool :)))
I have a dtiys from back when I reached 300 followers that’s still available if you’re feeling up to it!
Also my main (again, @miizori) is where I make updates on doodle stuff, regular art stuff and so on if you’re interested at all in that lol
I think that’s all that I can remember wanting to say, so thanks!! I look forward to more doodles for you all :)
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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So you guys know i (try to) post daily doodles, and i have said before that i draw for about 2-3 hrs every night. BUT that also means i dont post about like 80-90% of the drawings i do each night. Today though, i've been thinking about A*I and my own relationship with drawing, and how utterly baffled i am that anyone would want to use it to like...draw for them..and how the concept that *tell a computer what art to do so i dont have to do it* is alien to me. So here's ALL the drawings i did tonight. The bottom one is the last one i did and the one i would normally post. And i want to talk about A*I without talking about good or bad end product. Because i dont care if im making the shittiest art in the universe - i still wouldn't use A*I. Not even as a ‘tool’.
If you've been around here for a while you know i have a love/hate relationship with my art. I write too, but writing doesnt make me so frustrated and angry that i want to throw my computer out a second story window. HOWEVER. There is a huge caveat to that anger.
It happens after.
You could look at it a little like hockey. Every game is fresh, right? I mean god knows the US made an entire movie about how every game is a new game and the odds could always fall in your favor no matter how stacked against you. So every drawing i go into it excited - like LOOK at that reference material, its gorgeous. The gesture is beautiful, the post is interesting, there is something about it that is just begging to be drawn. But then say you hit intermission in the hockey game and the opposing team scored a few points. And i step back and look at the drawing and realize i started to go wrong somewhere along the way. But its too late now, you gotta commit and keep going. And you do but somehow the final score is STILL 6 to 0 and thats when i want to flush all my art down the toilet and never look at it again. But its okay because the next drawing is going to start with a blank canvas and who cares what happened last time.
Ok maybe a bad example.
The product is never really what drives me to draw - i mean, sure i do like it a heck of a lot better when i have something /anything/ that i can post to show that im sticking with my everyday doodle. But its not a requirement to doodling. The process of drawing is always fun. Its when i come out of it and look at the stupid thing that im like ‘well fuck i fucked that one up again didnt i’, and THEN i get annoyed lol.
I dont sit there consumed with frustration over ‘gee i dont know what to draw’. This is never an issue. I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DRAW. Sometimes i avoid certain gifs/photos because in the back of my mind im like ‘yeah no, i havent leveled up that far yet, i cant do that justice’. But i dont want to admit the sheer number of images of geno alone i have saved. I think my biggest reference folder is still aoki and that has over two thousand screenshots - i dont think anyone will ever surpass that LOL. I have a never ending supply of practice art to be done.
The frustration comes when i have an image in my head and i want to get it down on paper so-to-speak (computer whatever). So - when im NOT using reference (or at least not an exact one) and am making an ‘illustration’ (ish). But again, the process isn't the issue. I like the act of drawing, i like the image in my head slowly taking shape, i like how vividly i can see it. Yall know how obsessed i am with personality - that's not just part of the drawing, that IS the drawing. And each deicision in the illustration is defined by the personality/character.
A computer can't fucking do this.
Could i maybe tell a computer ‘draw geno in the shower’. Sure. And it probably could. And if i didnt care about the process - if all i wanted was a very good drawing of geno in the shower....that probably would be fine. Maybe great even. Maybe it would be the best damn drawing of geno in the shower ever. And then i'd feel like shit because a machine is producing art that is more valuable to other people than mine ever will be. But holy fucking shit that ruins the entire POINT of drawing???? Why would you do that?
I mean, im sure yall can infer the entire point of the act of drawing geno in the shower. He's hot, he's wet. ANYWAY.
In my opinion, a person who wants the end product and doesn't care about the process of getting there....that person is not an artist. That person is someone who enjoys art, and probably thinks they have a lot of good ideas to make into art, but who doesn't feel that pull to make art themselves. They just want to buy art. And they want it cheap. And mindless computers being trained in seconds on the decades of creativity and hard work of art masters is a heck of a lot cheaper than a human.
And the hardest part of all this for me is how worthless this makes me feel - nobody wants you, they want that automatic button. Kinda like my dad that way (haha)
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enavstars · 1 year
hello! i am really in love with your art style!! may i ask how you developed it? :0 seeing your work really inspires me to get back into drawing
Aww Thank you! <3 <3
I've been drawing for a long time and, like every other artist, it took me a lot of time to develop my current artsyle. I'll try to give you some tips that worked for me:
Think about the artsyles that you like. In my case I really like certain anime style (the Toilet bound Hanako kun style) and semirealism (like arcane) so I try to mix them and take what I like more of each. This also helps when I try to find artists or references for these styles.
This tip is kinda obvious but practice everyday. I try to draw everyday, even if it's just a quick doodle, and that helps me slowly get better.
If you like an artist try to understand what exactly is that you like and try to use that in your drawings. I take a lot of inspiration from manga, for example I learned a lot about expresions while reading Magi, and lineart from Toilet bound Hanako kun and Atelier of witch hat.
Lastly, make art for yourself. If you draw what you want you'll enjoy it and progresively get better, not everything has to be perfect. Don't be afraid to try new techniques and have patience (I haven't fully developed my artstyle either)
Hope these helped :)
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salamispots · 4 years
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Hullo anon, and thanks very much! : ] The color sketches are spitpaints! There’s a group on Facebook called Daily Spitpaints where they post daily topics and you basically pick a topic and draw something in 30 minutes based off that topic. I don’t do them everyday haha (more like every other day?); there’s days where the topics don’t really interest me so I skip them. On the days where I do do them I try aim for at least two or three mainly so I can post stuff for yall on sundays haha. Tbh even if it’s a little bit of time to draw for yourself that’s progress :0 I know some people say draw every day for a certain amount of time but I’m definitely not one of those people haha so I think it’s more of figuring out what works for you and also not putting pressure on yourself (idk when I had the ‘oh no I have to draw something today’ thinking it ended up putting more stress and made me not want to do any art). Unless you were talking about more of time constraints and less of of what I word barfed above hahaha in which case again maybe a little bit of time like 5-15 mins of doodling for yourself while you’re watching a show or something can help getting into the habit? huahah hope that was helpful on some level anon 
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SO I actually have an ipad 6th generation (no cellular, 128GB, 9.7 in)  because expensive hahah and after talking to other friends who got the same one; I got mine off of ebay for $325 w/shipping (the seller was chill to lower the price a little when I sent them a counter offer message) but then you gotta add in the apple pencil and if you get a case plus a screen protector. I use it for all the linework stuff and sometimes sketchy things; coloring and painty stuff are still on photoshop. It’s definitely worth it for me haha; still like photoshop way more in terms of painting plus they have the lasso tool which is kinda a must for me haha, but if you’re looking to get an iPad I guess it’s more of what your budget is? like if you have enough for a spankin’ new one then nice :0 but if not looking at older models is an option; I know Bestbuy for a while would have sales where they sold the 6th generation for $299, not sure if those are still happening. So I guess keep in mind size, how many gigs, if you want cellular or not, if you’re cool with one that’s refurbished or new or used, and model/make? hope that was a little helpful anon! 
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@alex--lies oh thank you! :0 and if you’re talking about for this year got a bit of art anxiety/frustration hence the style skipping all over the place (and now I’m just viewing this year’s mermay as more experimental/do-whatever-I-want haha). If you’re talking about in general hmm I like trying to do something different each year? Or at least change or alternate styles every mermay.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi! I'd like to request for a match up if you are available ❤️ I really don't talk to much at the start and I find it difficult to start a conversation most of the time. But when we become close friends, I won't stop pestering you until you get annoyed that you want to throw me out of your window. (1/3)
I think of myself as an average person. I have lots of interests but I don't believe I have any expertise. I am more of a general knowldge person : I am interested in medicine, science, art, history and eating. I can tolerate light to medium spice; I like sweets but not too sweet. (2/3) get interested in people that acts aloof but I also fear rejection. When I feel it's just too much, It makes me want to stop. I love to laugh, I am talkative but a bit insecure and unsure of myself, but I don't want to show it to anyone. I just want to make people around me happy, and I know that when I radiate positive vibes around me, it will just spread to my friends. I hope you'll pair me with Ieyasu hahahha but If you think I am more compatible with the others, I am very glad to know,  Thank you very much! :)
Hey there love I hope you didn’t have to wait too long for this ^0^ Thanx so much for the request, and I hope you enjoy it! Hehe, this definitely wasn’t on purpose. I went through the list of warlords, and to me, you just fit perfectly with this boy!
I match you with.................. Ieyasu
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The first time everyone meets you, its like dead silence. You can’t help if you are a bit awkward and shy. It’s not until the one-eyed dragon starts poking your cheek while saying:” you really don’t talk much do you lass, don’t be scared of these guys they won’t bite, although I might’. Your eyes went wide at that statement, and you backed away slowly. The next to speak was Mitsunari, he beamed his bright smile at you, “Let all be friends.” You loved the positive vibe it made you feel a little more at ease. “well this is boring if this council is done then I’m leaving,”. It was now Ieyasu’s turn to talk. He then turned his emerald green eyes on you, your breath caught in your throat. You had never seen such beautiful eyes. He rolled his eyes without saying anything and walked away. What a strange man. The rest of the oda forces continued to tease you for the rest of the day. You made quick friends with everyone due to your positive good vibes. The maids especially liked working with you because you somehow would make even the most horrendous task light and enjoyable
You hadn’t even been there a week, and the warlords were all off to war. Upon their arrivals back you had heard that Ieyasu had taken a considerable beating and was now super injured. Everyone was worried about the aloof porcupine. He had a bad habit of pushing himself too far and not taking his own injuries seriously. You sat in war council listening to the worried warlord’s gossip, that is when you finally spoke up to state your own opinion. “I used to practice medicine back home, perhaps I could go and check up on him.” You were met with smiling faces all round. “Very well fireball, Ieyasu shall be placed in your care until he is healed.” And that my friend is how you landed up bag in hand outside of Ieyasu’s palace. Part of Nobunagas official orders was that you were to stay in his palace and monitor his health. The head maid happily let you in and showed you to your room while conversing in some light conversation with you. Once you were settled, you went to see how Ieyasu was doing. He looked terrible, He looked like a porcelain doll, he was so pale and thin. You walked up to his bedside and placed your hand on his forehead. Shit, he has a fever, you looked around in hopes of finding something that would help you bring it down when you realized that, Ieyasu to must be into medicine cause his whole room was fully packed and stocked with every medical supply imaginable. You thanked the Lord at that moment for being a jack of all trades, as you had recently watched a youtube video about how to make medicine using only plants. You Carefully ground up a herb mix and made Ieyasu both something of the pain and something for his fever.
Ieyasu woke up to feel the presence of someone invading his space. His blurry eyes stared at a form near his workstation, grinding up herbs. He wanted to say something, but his throat was so dry, and he was feeling so cold. You came to sit beside him, placing beside you a bucket with cold water. Finally, his emerald eyes focused on you and widened. He managed to choke out, “What are you doing here.” You simply shushed him and offered him a tablespoon of the fever medicine. “here drink, it with help with the fever.” He narrowed his eyes, “And how do I know that is not some kind of poison.” Ieyasu could feel himself losing conciseness, you noticed this and put your arm around his head and neck to support it while bringing the spoon to his mouth. Ieyasu woke up to feeling a soothing cloth on his forehead, he absentmindedly relaxed into your fingers, caressing his face and hair. Once he fully woke up, his eyes shot open to see you staring at him with a slight smile and warm look in your eyes. “OOOh, your awake; I’m so glad.” You helped the grumpy boy sit up and brought a spoon of spicey soup to his lips “I can feed myself, I’m not some child, and as you can see my fever has broken and I’m as healthy as a horse so you can go home now.” You just glared at him, he relented by rolling his eyes and opening his mouth to drink some soup. You didn’t miss the cute blush that spread over his face as you fed him. And this was the start of your beautiful relationship
You would care for Ieyasu, changing his bandages, making him pain meds, and forcing him to get back into the futon to rest. You would also cook for Ieyasu. He would never admit it bad darn your food was good, it has just the right amount of spiciness. And boy did you live for the small slither of a smile on this boy’s lips when he would eat your food. The two of you really got to know each other while you were caring for him. You realized his aloofness was just a front to hide his insecurities. And you would talk Ieyasu’s ear off. You were overjoyed when you found out softi boy had a crazy good sense of humor. Once you found this out you would crack all the jokes
You lived to see Ieyasu’s laugh, this boy laughed with his whole body. “Haha, Stop Haha Making jokes, haha, you will be my death” He would just laugh and grip his stomach. You were the only one in the world privileged enough to see this sweet boy’s laugh. Some days you would talk so much that Ieyasu would threaten to throw you out the window so he could have some peace and quiet. You would just give him the biggest brightest smile, “I would love to see you try.”
Everyday Ieyasu would heal and get a bit more energy back. Until one day, he was fully recovered. It seems like it was time for you to leave and move back in with Nobunaga. You had walked into Ieyasu’s room and gave him his last dose of medicine, then he looked you dead in the eyes and said: “You know you can just stay right, it’s not like I was going to kick you out or anything.” You were ecstatic, at the statement, honestly between all the conversations and time spent with porcupine boy, you had fallen in love with him. You ran straight up to him and gave him the biggest hug. To the outside world, it may look like the two of you were rushing into a relationship, but honestly, if you know, you know.
You would often spend your afternoons with Ieyasu in his study, working on your newest skill. You were a jack of all trades but a master of none, and as of late, you had come to enjoy drawing. You would sit by the window and spend hours sketching wasabi out in the garden. Ieyasu would bring the two of you some spicy rice balls for lunch. The two of you would sit together while munching on the food, chatting about medicine and science. Yasu enjoyed the fact that he could have an intellectual conversation with you. It seemed like you knew a bit about every topic. 
When his back would get sore from leaning over the documents all afternoon, he would drift to where you were sitting and sketching. He would take a sneaky glance to try and see what you were doing. You would just look up covering your work, a little shy to show him your work. This would usually end in him tickling until you would let go of the sketchbook to let him see the drawing. He was in awe; it was so good.  
Ieyasu really loves everything about you. You are such a pure warm person, and he can’t help but smile when he is around you. He loves how you just bring him and his whole palace positive vibes. Somedays, he can low key tell you are feeling a bit down or insecure, and he will just walk up to you and pull you into a warm embrace. “Silly girl, it’s just us now so you can drop the mask and tell me what you are feeling insecure about.” You would hide your face in the crook of his neck and mutter what had caused you to feel a bit sad. Ieyasu would pull you down to sit on his lap at his desk. He lets you rest your head on his chest while he draws soothing circles on your back. You will fall asleep in his arms. He is so soft and sweet, hugging him is like hugging a big fluffy marshmallow. When you wake up, he will present you with a little doodle of you, him, and wasabi. You can’t help but laugh at the clumsily drawn picture. He would pout while being as red as a tomato. You would just thank him for cheering you up and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek
The two of you love spending time together. Both of you can often be found relaxing in each other arms reading. You would read up about your latest topic, and he would read the newest medical journal. Ieyasu will definitely drop a few Eskimo and butterfly kisses on your beautiful face to remind you of his love and affection for you
Other potential matches.................... Yukimura 
I hope you enjoyed dear! 
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kkoticlue · 4 years
Your art is so pretty! Do you have any tips for drawing and whatnot?
um anon im suuuuper honored that you’d come to me for art tips lol,,,ion really have any specific tips and like take my advice with a grain of salt but here’s some of the things ive picked up throughout my (limited) art experience
try to find time to draw everyday :0 even if its just a doodle or sumn, you’ll only get better if you practice
study life! you gotta know the rules before you can break ‘em, so do some studies every once in a while
copy, but don’t trace. the best way to build an “art style” is to just find the elements of another style you like, and copy it :) eventually you’ll make it into your own
draw what ya want. make sure you’re drawing for yourself and not just stuff that you think others want to see
and lastly, there’s no ugly art, just ugly people! be a good person and your art will reflect that :)
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110lbs-by-november · 4 years
New Years Plan
No more than 1000 cals a day, try to stay around 600
Drink 2L of whatever everyday as long as it’s 0 cal
Try the 5 bites diet for at least a week a month
Never accept food from anyone, no matter what it is
NEVER try your baking as you do it, just follow the recipe to a T and you’ll be fine. Trying Triggers Binges
If you feel a binge coming on get 2 bottles of water, lock yourself in your room and chug them. Sleep/draw it off.
At least do stretches everyday, I get sick a lot so I physically can’t commit to something too intense
Weigh each 3 days, so Monday and Friday
Do skincare routine everyday
Try and do some drawing everyday, even if it’s just a lil’ doodle
No go foods
Ice cream (even low cal)
Pork pies
Basically all of my baking
Okay cool ✨
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Chapter 2: Past, Present and Future
Summary: This chapter is possibly the longest and most challenging to write in the Millennium series (I hope), because there are not one but THREE different time travelers each on their own merry way, one of them being a god. I tried my best to organize all the stuff from the past, present and future (no pun intended) for this to be easy to read. Hint hint, the main focus is still on Miles, main events are in the same universe on the same timeline, and the main points in time are one cool summer day (Miles’s past), then the day before Orientation Day (present), and a cold winter night (further in the past). Let’s see how the present shapes the past, which shapes the future thereafter (ties to Chapter 0’s cancerous plane of existence).
This is the last part of the 9th personal assignment, after more than a month’s hard work, Miles is more than ready for this stage.
Doing a last check then taking off when instructed with his small self-built aircraft, Miles relaxes a bit and smoothly makes the journey to the finish line—a small nearby airport. His class tutor is already waiting for him there. “I knew you would excel on this assignment,” the tutor says, “your results and feedback will be in on the 2nd day of next week. Good luck with your midterms!” “Thank you for the extra day of good weather conditions Ms. Sonmi, thank you so much for your help and understanding.” Miles goes to the tutor after parking his aircraft. “Of course, you were on sick leave Miles,” she says, “everyone has one of those days.” “Yep, one of those days...” to battle a parasite fungus that could kill you. Miles can’t help but think to himself as he replies.
It is around 18 in the VR simulation when Miles finished but in fact 22:26 in real life (he had also spent lots of time with his team to complete their group assignment). Miles goes to the toilet to freshen up and prepare to take the shuttle home.
“Heyyy...” Jason Finn Lee was looking into the mirror above the sinks when Miles enters the toilet, he quickly turns to greet him (but things get awkward fast because this guy can’t remember Miles’s name to save his life). “Hey Jason,” Miles breaks the awkward silence, walking to a sink to wash his hands. “There’s my favorite redhead! How was you day?” Jason inquires. Miles answers while washing his hands, “Well, I’ve finally got everything done. It was fun flying an aircraft for my PA (personal assignment), over some fields, and some red maple trees...” “You’re so organized man, my assignments are a mess, and I’m so stressed over midterms!” Jason just starts rambling on.
Miles’s mind wonders off. He thinks of the red maple trees around his parents’ house—well, it’s just his dad’s house now; Miles has a tent he would bring out to the maple trees every now and then, he remembers he used to carry this tent out there everyday when he was about 4 or 5, and hang out there for hours. Miles again recalls that one day, that day he had the strange encounters when he was 5.
That summer day started as normal, little Miles finished doodling some cartoony multicolored trains in his tent, he was walking up to the front door of the house to bring in his drawings when he just had this feeling he had to see something. He looked, only to see someone almost identical to his 5-year-old self, a little Miles #2 but with torn up cloth, leaves in his messy hair and an unexplained look of sudden realization in his eyes; he looked on as little Miles #2 ran to hide in the tent, pulling the zipper shut. He was about to go to the tent to confront this strange kid...
Right now, Miles’s recollection is semi-interrupted with utter silence and a feeling of dread his 5-year-old self had experienced at that very moment back then on that fateful day. “Jason?” Noticing that Jason has abruptly stopped making a sound, Miles looks over to him, only to see an apparition grabbing onto the nose and mouth of his struggling schoolmate.
“... The ghost!” Miles stammers, “not again!” Distorted frozen face, hateful eyes, it is the same apparition little Miles’d seen moments after seeing little Miles #2 that day! “You! I know what it means to see your doppelgänger!” What they said as they charged his younger self echos through his mind, “you are going to die!”
Miles is in shock. This apparition is very dangerous! Jason cannot breathe, he tries to fight back, but the apparition isn’t effected at all. Seeing the apparition hurting his schoolmate, Miles immediately snaps out of it and throws the apparition off of Jason then keeps them at bay, and as soon as Jason caught his breath, Miles pushes him out of the room, taking his memory of the attack and planting a sense that he’s done his bathroom trip on autopilot. “Ah, you’re stronger than I thought,” the apparition speaks. “I’m taking you off this plane of existence!” Miles says as he restrains them.
On that cool summer day, after little Miles was jumped by the apparition blocking his way home, he gave up on confronting little Miles #2, dropped his drawings and darted off running away from them. “Why would it turn out like this?! Everything is horrible!” The apparition screeched and chased after him with a machete, “why must I suffer? Why must we part? The love towards her was so much yet you’d never get to spend a life with her! Never even said ‘I love you’ before leaving!!” “Leave me alone!” Little Miles was very scared, he went off the neighborhood roads and ran into the red maple woods—bumping into low branches and tearing his clothes—straight to a cliff. “Stop this futile attempt to get away child, die for me!” Waving the machete, the apparition taunted him, slowly passing through the trees, “you are horrible, let me end this.” Running a little ahead of the apparition, little Miles’s legs were giving out, at that moment he wished so much that all this wasn’t happening and he was back at the front door, going back into the safety of his home—
—Suddenly, there he was, out of the woods, but at this strange train station, not at home. Parked at the platform he stood on was one of the cartoony trains he doodled whilst imagining it making a stop in the yard of his home some day. With no idea where else to go and this train being the relatively more comprehensible option, little Miles boarded it to test his luck. And before he knew it, he was there in the yard of his home again, and he saw “little Miles #2” going to the front door with some drawings, except he didn’t have torn cloth and... little Miles suddenly realized there was no doppelgänger little Miles #2 at all, it was just himself all along—somehow he time travelled through that strange train station! Remembering this was when the apparition would charge his past self, little Miles ducked into the tent and shut himself in, hugging his legs to wait it all out.
Right now, Miles is once more traveling with a train through the Junction—his strange train station—to the past. The apparition gave up on fighting him (they decided they are powerful enough and didn’t need to hunt to gain more power at that moment), escaped his grip and went on a volatile plane to crawl their way back in time to quote on quote “end their suffering from its beginning” (despite Miles telling them this is not how time travel works after he realized the apparition didn’t recognize him at the moment), so Miles now needs to track them down and make sure they don’t cause a ruckus for nothing.
Boom, the train shakes as it enters a field of light, Miles stops by to see what that was about.
This is a freezing snowy winter night. Miles meets a gang of robed sorcerers maintaining an intricate puzzle box of their design—a cluster of volatile planes of existence piled at one spot, like an invisible labyrinth, imprisoning a sacrificial lamb, a girl, pleading for her release. The sorcerers are repeatedly chanting something in Latin, something along the lines of “take this innocent sacrifice and bring forth the apocalypse”, classic stuff. Miles enters the puzzle box attempting to free the girl, it is clear this puzzle is not just a day’s work: Each plane there is built by the ghost who haunts it, judging from their robes they are from the same society of sorcerers, Miles has to fight constantly to survive their attacks. Miles plans to pull the girl out of the puzzle box before she is sacrificed, but after going through some layers of this puzzle, he realized this whole thing has to be torn down in order to free her—she would somehow always be on a different plane than Miles, and Miles’s magic is limited by the structure of this puzzle box therefore cannot reach through to her. Time is running out, her organs are bleeding, Miles blows the puzzle box apart, weakening the sorcerers around it tremendously; he heals the girl, she runs off screaming as soon as her feet touches the ground, scared out of her mind.
“You fool! You thought we didn’t know there would be time traveling fools like you who’d try to stop us?” Says the one who seems to be the head sorcerer with a weak but stern voice, “the apocalypse will be upon us regardless of you efforts. My daughter’s innocent soul is just one of many sources of the energy we’d use to grow our cancerous dimension, the energy you supplied to our labyrinth before destroying it was needless to say far more than what a few souls can provide, the cancer will now root on our universe and thanks to your little retaliation you kickstarted this process! You have achieved nothing! Oh well, another pawn of the Court will cease to exist in our hands!!” Miles has to think about this, meanwhile he’s just looking at the sorcerer. “Be surprise you idiot!” The sorcerer gets angry at Miles’s lack of proper reaction. Miles carefully words his sentence, “I can tell you first hand that your efforts here are not in vain.” “Hah,” the sorcerer lays his head down, “people will thank us for doing this.”
Just what kind of maniac would sacrificing his own daughter? Walking in the winter snow, Miles thinks to himself after he’s a distance away from the scene, “at least I saved the daughter and she’d be alright, that wasn’t all for nothing... wait, that reminds me—the thing, the real idiot I’m here to watch!”
A gust of summer wind blows through the air. Making sure the apparition wasn’t in sight anymore, little Miles ran through the front door, slamming it behind him. “Miles? Is that you?” It was his mom coming to the door. Little Miles panicked, he wrecked his clothes and he was a mess, mom would be so mad! That was when everything stopped, leaving little Miles puzzled. “This is quite an unconventional first meeting.” a voice came from the living room, “Don’t be alarmed Miles,” the words brought a sense of calmness, little Miles walked into the living room to see a man looking out of the floor to ceiling windows, “I’m Atlas, some guy who carries the cosmos. Good job throwing that thing off your trail.” Everything around them was frozen in time, little Miles saw his mom on the stairs, about to turn the corner to the living room. “Atlas? A titan?” Little Miles asked. “Yes, that’s me,” Atlas turned to face him, “furthermore, the information about me you downloaded into your head is quite correct—I must admit that’s a pretty handy way to acquire knowledge.” “But what about that angry man who chased me?” Little Miles wanted to know more, “he is strange.” “The apparition you encountered breached the veil which separates your plane of existence and another volatile one, and I’m here to capture them.” Atlas gave him an answer, “however, that’s not the purpose of our meeting. Miles Millward, you have a unique talent with magic. A long journey of self discovery and learning lies ahead of you, this journey wouldn’t be easy. I cannot tell you you’ll have no worries or fears in the future, but I will be there for you when and only when you need my help. You know where to find me, in here.” He gestured to his head. The next thing little Miles knew was that everything was back to normal, his mom greeted him with a raised eyebrow and a “what were you up to?” regarding his clothes and hair, Atlas was nowhere to be seen.
The snow is falling. “This is my chance,” the apparition bursts through the redwood gates of a mansion. “Stop it right there!” Miles yells. “There you are child, having fun lost in your thoughts?” The apparition takes notice of him. “For the last time, you can’t change what you wanted to change no matter what you do here! Think about it!” Miles tries to reason with them. “I’m not listening!” The apparition taunts him. “What in the world?” A maid has rushed to the broken down gates. Miles quickly shrouds himself and the apparition from her sight, not wanting to scare her. “I don’t know why, but you think of me again and again,” the apparition roars to Miles, “the more you think, the more you wonder about me you’d feed my power! I just never thought we’ll be here this soon. Now I’ll finally get what I want no matter what!”
“Eric?” A voice from the landing facing the gate, “Eric where have you been?! You can’t keep chasing after some ‘supernatural’ nonsense and running off disappearing like that, I worry!” That’s when Miles noticed a lady rushing down to a figure that appeared at the gate during this mayhem. “Yes, there she is,” the apparition cheers. Miles looks at the figure at the gate then at the apparition, then it hits him. That figure is actually the ghost of this Eric guy, while the apparition he’s been dealing with isn’t any ghost as he initially believed, but a mindless manifestation of a burning desire, they certainly have very little reason in them. “Don’t do that ever again!” She is crying with joy. “Come to us and be united!” The manifestation demands. Apparently this powerful manifestation worked a deal with Eric in Miles’s absence. Eric is lured back from the dead and made visible to the living, probably on the promise he could join his love forever, this manifestation possibly planned on binding this lady Melanie and Eric for eternity which will certainly fail at some point and further harm all that are involved! It is clear the apparition sees joining them together as their purpose and not completing this job as their torment.
“This is sick!” Miles is really close to just annihilating that manifestation at this point, but he was stopped. “Calm down Miles,” it’s Atlas, putting a hand on his shoulder. “They’re... Melanie and Eric are in a very bad situation!” Miles is confused. “You have a drive to help and save people, this is good, but you have to keep this in mind,” Atlas explains, “we learnt that history runs on cause and effect, the cause and effect that we’re not always a part of. This couple don’t really need any help you know?” “Huh?” Miles questions his mentor. Atlas points to Eric and Melanie to tell him to watch on. “I’m leaving you Melanie,” Eric says unexpectedly. “What?” Melanie’s jaw drops, “but after all that we’ve been through?” “We’ll never see each other again,” Eric keeps the now agitated apparition away from Melanie with all his might, “this is for the best! You shouldn’t have had faith in me!” “What are you doing?” The apparition is ready to pounce on everyone here, “we end this now!” Eric notices and runs out through the gates, leaving Melanie behind, now crying with heartbreak and anger. “What ever did I see in him?” Melanie shakes her head. The apparition of course chases him outside. “You know you love her! You wanted to say you love her, you wanted to be with her!” The apparition screams, “you wanted this so much you created me!! And I’ll never let you off with that! Even in death, I’ll make sure you never rest until you man up and fulfill your desires!”
Through the snow, Miles and Atlas chase after them. “The manifestation is distorting even more,” Miles refers to the apparition who’s growing increasingly grotesque, “the more this guy suppresses his feelings the more this manifestation has a reason to grow...” “Although it doesn’t look like it but Eric will prevail,” Atlas isn’t very worried, “marriage at this day and age is hardly about love, it is a union of two families. He’s done the right thing letting her go, all he has to do now is accept his sacrifice.” “Then I’ll tell him that!” Miles teleports in front of Eric, stopping him in his track. “Miles! He has to do this by himself!” Atlas informs Miles.
“This is all my fault...” Eric sighs, “you know, in fact I couldn’t give her the life she deserves in the first place, I’m just a nobody with no status. She is to be wedded to the Brickdales tomorrow, and that’s probably for the best.” “We’re not done, you are coming with me,” the apparition catches up with Eric. “I feel the most difficult thing isn’t the goodbye to my love, but to let go of the fact that we will part forever.” Eric continues. “But you don’t have to, it was a mistake, we’ll go back and fix...” the apparition is then cut off by Eric. “I know Melanie,” Eric stands against them, “she will moved on, and William loves her no less than I do, I would only have one last gift to her now that I’m dead. If this fiend is truly just my longing for Melanie, then I set it free.” “Well this is a load of crap,” although much weaker since Eric punched them by letting it go, the apparition isn’t finished, “but I’m not giving up on the reason I exist! I still suffer! I’ll just have to regain my strength and try again!”
The apparition disappears onto a volatile plane. “Unnatural! The manifestation survived being cut off, and now they’re traveling through time again!?” Miles jumps. “This is indeed unnatural. I’ll handle this Miles,” Atlas goes after the apparition. “Ahh, I’ve never been so at peace,” Eric finally relaxes.
Miles follows his mentor, “Atlas, I can help!” Hearing that, Atlas turns around to him, “Settle down Miles, you’ve had quite a long day, I came to your aid earlier because I sensed you’re already exhausted. I’ve got this. Here, you’ll be at home right on time if you exit the plane now.” “You’re right, my mind’s getting jumpy,” Miles agrees, “and it’s in my favor to take a break before midterms.” Atlas sees Miles off then continues after the apparition.
Arriving at the cool summer day, Atlas comforts little Miles who’s just been jumped at the front door of his home, and thereafter goes on to capture the apparition his after.
“So, Atlas, you’ve got another one.” Atropos greets Atlas, her eyes focused on her freshly completed tapestry, “know that the Court will be happy to take over this matter.”
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linaisbluepancake · 6 years
I wish I had artistic talent at your age QuQ I'm 18 now and my art style is still cartoony af
Imma be 18 soon too honey dont worry, it isnt about age ya know? I have said this a MILLION times, but everyone has a different progress and time to evolve our art styles, Ive seen people also younger than me who are Masters in things I am still practicing or I don´t consider myself good enough for, I too get insecure about my art and some days I just wont have the energy to even try, tbh I have always doodled and loved drawing since I was like 7, I was (and still am) super easily distracted and I was always drawing when I WASNT SUPPOSED TO, everyday, and like that affected my life a lot and I was never a brilliant student man, but well in someway that constant drawing and doodling everyday helped me practice and progress till were I am now, and maybe that art progress was different for others, some people now more grown discover they actually like drawing a lot and start there with difficulty but they do! or maybe there are artist who started drawing from a young age but were discouraged in the process and stopped drawing at all for a long time and when they wanna go back to it, they have to start from 0, you feel? its is a matter of ur conditions in life, how much time you give to the things you love, how much u sacrifice for it even jaja, but ye I really want to encourage you guys, not discourage, find artist you love and practice, find ways to get inspired and just dont give up mijos
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ofstormsandwolves · 7 years
Arkytior and Rose
AKA that Human Nature/Family of Blood 13 x Rose AU approximately 2 people asked for. 
I spent all bloody day on this and it’s somehow ended up at 4.6k words... I totally blame @ohmypreciousgirl for encouraging me.
On the run from the Family of Blood, Rose and the Doctor must hide. But Rose is less than thrilled with their chosen destination, or their cover story...
AO3 (account needed) | Whofic 
“I’ll bloody kill you,” Rose Tyler muttered under her breath as she propped the unconscious woman up in a sitting position against a tree.
Eight hours ago, they’d been enjoying a nice (relaxing) day out. Four hours ago, they were chased by creatures intent on capturing them and wanting their bodies. Well, one body in particular.
Rose huffed out a sigh and stared down at the unconscious Time Lady at her feet. The Doctor was still out for the count, the bumpy journey of having been hauled from the TARDIS and across twenty feet of woodland to be dumped against a tree apparently not even causing her to stir. Her blonde hair was still messy, and her clothes- period appropriate, supplied by the TARDIS, and giving Rose the sneaking impression they were stranded in the Edwardian period- not quite neat and tidy. But hey, Rose had done a pretty good job dressing the slightly taller woman considering said woman was completely unconscious at the time.
The day had been going so well, until they’d been attacked. The Family of Blood, the Doctor had called them as she’d dragged Rose back towards the TARDIS, their legs pumping as they ran as fast as they could. Upon reaching the relative safety of the inside of the TARDIS, the Doctor had demanded to know if they’d seen Rose’s face, before sending the TARDIS spinning into the Vortex. It had soon become apparent, though, that the Family were able to follow them, and Rose was fairly certain that the terrified look that had crossed the Doctor’s face would haunt her in her dreams for weeks.
And then the Doctor had done something stupid. Monumentally stupid. In all the years Rose had known the Doctor, a lot of stupid decisions had been made. But this one, this one had to top them all.
The Doctor had turned herself human.
She’d used some sort of Chameleon Arch, had hidden her Time Lady self inside a fob watch that Rose was to keep safe. The Doctor had stressed that a lot, and Rose had been mildly insulted that the Doctor thought that she might accidentally misplace her bondmate whilst trapped in a fob watch.
(“This watch, Rose, this watch is me, ok? You have to keep it safe, love. Please.”
“Doctor, I’ve been married and bonded to you for nearly six years, I’m not gonna accidentally lose ya while you’re inside a watch!”)
And now, now Rose was stood alone at the edge of woodland with an unconscious wife, a large trunk, and nowhere to go.
Yeah, she was gonna kill the Doctor when she woke up.
As Rose took in the small twin room they’d been given, her heart sank. She’d known it would be an adjustment, she’d known that- given the clothes the TARDIS had provided them with- they were in an era where they couldn’t just walk in and go ‘hi, we’re married to each other!’ without at least one delicate lady swooning and half a dozen moustached men spluttering a ‘well I never!’.
But she hadn’t expected their cover story to be quite so bad.
Alright, it could have been worse, Rose reasoned, and as she took in the Doctor’s smiling face she found that she was at least relieved they hadn’t been separated. But they’d let the TARDIS deal with all the paperwork and stuff, and the Doctor had said that the TARDIS would integrate them with everyday life, provide everything they’d need. Then she’d activated the Chameleon Arch, and started screaming, and there hadn’t been much time for Rose to ask any questions.
By the time the Doctor’s screaming had stopped and Rose had shakily released her from the Arch, the Time Lady was unconscious and unable to answer her questions anyway. Rose had changed the pair of them into the clothes laid out by the TARDIS, gathered the large trunk the ship had provided, and hauled her wife from the ship.
Now, she was beginning to wish she’d questioned the TARDIS on their cover story. The ship had, as the Doctor had promised, integrated them with everyday life in the sleepy village of Farringham, including providing jobs and accommodation for them at the nearby all-boys boarding school. That was all fine. What was less fine was that the TARDIS had decided that the Doctor and Rose would be sisters.
Best friends, Rose could have coped with. Best friends would have been fine. She’d been best friends with her first Doctor, and for several years with her second Doctor before they finally took the plunge and furthered their relationship. But then they’d bonded and married, while he was still all pinstripe suits and wild hair, and while they were still best friends they were also something more. But she could have coped.
Sisters, though. ‘Sisters’ was a bit much. Admittedly, they looked similar now, though that was mostly the hair. The Doctor was still that little bit taller than Rose, and she found she quite liked that, having a taller wife. And facially, they didn’t really look similar at all. Maybe a little in the jaw line, but that was it. And yet, somehow, the TARDIS had thought that would be the best cover story.
It was, Rose reminded herself again as the Doctor tested out one of the twin beds in the bedroom they’d share at Farringham School for Boys, preferable to being split up. It would mean she’d be able to keep a close eye on the Doctor, make sure she didn’t do something too stupid while in a human body. But it would also be difficult, Rose knew; being so close to her bondmate yet unable to be too intimate. Even as sisters there would be boundaries.
“Are you alright? Rose?”
The Doctor’s voice interrupted her thoughts then, and Rose forced a smile, realising she’d been standing in the middle of the room just sort of... Staring.
“Yeah,” she responded, finding her voice. “‘M fine.”
The Doctor’s eyes narrowed a little at that, tilting her head to one side as she studied Rose carefully. It was an entirely un-Doctor-like movement, and the realisation jolted through Rose like a cold bucket of water being dumped on her head. She wasn’t looking at the Doctor. She was looking at her human counterpart.
What name had the TARDIS given her? Arkytior?
She’d have to have words with that ship, Rose knew. How was the name Arkytior Tyler going to help the Doctor blend in?
With a strained smile, Rose made her way over to the trunk and started unpacking their things.
Nearly a month later, Rose Tyler was very bored. With nothing to do in the tiny village of Farringham, and no sign of the Family showing up, Rose was spending much of her time either listlessly staring out of the window, or doodling in a sketchbook the TARDIS had provided for her. Her job at the school wasn’t even very exciting; she was a librarian, and aside from helping the boys occasionally find books so they could do research or finish their homework, there wasn’t much to do.
The Doctor- Arkytior- had apparently been hired as the school’s new Matron, and Rose had almost choked on her tea when she’d discovered that. But her currently-human wife had just given her an odd look, and clearly the TARDIS had provided false memories of medical school in her mind.
It wasn’t that the Doctor wasn’t qualified as an actual medical doctor. No, Rose had found out years ago that she’d obtained an actual medical degree from a university in Glasgow several regenerations ago. What had surprised Rose more was that the job would essentially involve the Doctor sitting around for hours at a time.
Even in her current body, the Doctor wasn’t one for sitting still. And seeing as the job of Matron meant she had to be near the infirmary at all times in case one of the school’s many pupils was taken ill, Rose couldn’t see Arkytior liking the job very much. She’d expected her to get bored very quickly, to spend evenings complaining of how she was cooped up in the infirmary all day, and “don’t you get bored in the library, Rose?”
But instead, Arkytior had taken to the job like a duck to water, and it was Rose herself who was going a little stir-crazy.
But then, who wouldn’t go stir-crazy after nearly four weeks of sitting in a musty library with nothing to do and your bondmate thinking she was your sister?
And the evenings were, somehow, worse. All Arkytior spoke about was the boys who had come through the infirmary that day. None of it was ever very interesting, and it just made Rose long for the three months they apparently had to wait to speed by so they could return to the TARDIS.
(“The Family are like mayflies,” the Doctor had explained as she clipped the fob watch into the Chameleon Arch. “Three months and they die. We just need to hide for three months, love, that’s all.” She flashed Rose a grin. “Easy.”
Rose swallowed. “Easy,” she echoed.)
On the plus side, Rose mused, she’d got a lot of drawings done.
(The Doctor had left Rose a video of instructions on how to keep her safe while they were in 1913. Rose had rolled her eyes at first, finding it a little ridiculous (and a little hurtful) that her wife and bondmate thought she needed a list to keep her safe.
“Number 1,” the Doctor had said with a grin, and Rose’s heart ached at the sight of it. She missed her wife. “Try and keep me from interfering too much with whatever’s going on where we land. The TARDIS shouldn’t land us anywhere too near any major historical events, but it might be better to keep me away from them just in case. Number 2, the TARDIS will create a cover story for us, and no matter how difficult it is, I need you to stick to it. I know it will be difficult, and I promise I’ll make it up to you once the three months is up and I’m me again. But please, Rose, if this is the only time you listen to me, stick to the cover story.”
Rose had rolled her eyes at that statement. “Like I’d do anythin’ to put you in danger,” she’d muttered under her breath, even though there was no one to hear her words.
“Number three,” the Doctor on the little monitor was saying, “do try and visit the TARDIS when possible. We don’t want our girl getting lonely, do we? She knows you won’t be able to visit too often, and I’ll mostly power her down anyway so the Family can’t detect her, but if we leave her too long she might get in a bit of a mood with us.”
Rose had fast-forwarded the video then. She’d seen it a couple of times already, and most of it was the Doctor rambling anyway. Then, finally, she was at the last point.
“And remember, Rose. Whatever happens, whatever our cover story is, and whatever our relationship is, remember this: I love you.”
Rose had sniffed, grabbed her shawl from the jump seat and fled the TARDIS.)
“Have I upset you?”
Rose looked up with a frown at the words, dropping her pencil back onto her sketchbook. “No, why?”
Across the room, Arkytior shrugged. “You seem distant. I could not help but wonder if I’d said something to upset you.” There was a long pause. “Do you miss mum? Is that it?”
Rose blinked. It had been odd, the first time Arkytior had mentioned Jackie, who was still safely in her flat on the Powell Estate a century in the future, because Arkytior was certain that Jackie was her mum as well as Rose’s. Well, she would, Rose had reasoned. Because Arkytior thought they were sisters. Jackie would have a field day when she found out.
“It’s not that,” Rose spoke truthfully after a moment. “I just... It doesn’t feel like there’s much for me to do here.”
Arkytior quirked an eyebrow at her, then tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, considering Rose’s words. “I’m sorry, I should have asked before putting you forward for the librarian job,” she said at last. “I just thought that it would interest you. You’d been saying you wanted to move out from Mum’s, and when they mentioned they were also looking to hire a librarian, I thought you’d like the job. You do like reading.”
It was true, Rose knew. Ever since she’d met the Doctor, she’d become much more of a reader. She’d read books as a child, of course, but that had sort of fizzled out in her teens; she’d much rather have gone shopping with friends, or gone out with boys like Mickey, or Jimmy Stone. Reading hadn’t been much on her radar, unless they were gossip magazines. But since moving into the TARDIS, with its vast library and extensive selection of books, she’d fallen into the habit of reading whenever she got the chance.
“I know,” Rose replied. “But when the boys are in lessons, there isn’t much for me to do in the library. I mostly just draw.” She held up her sketchbook. “I’ve almost filled this now.”
Arkytior grinned then, and held out her hand for the book. “Let’s see!” she said happily. “Go on!”
Somewhat reluctantly, Rose got off her bed and crossed the small expanse of floor to relinquish the book to Arkytior. She watched as the other woman flipped through pages, looking at various sketches Rose had done. Some were of some of the boys who came to study in the library, some were of the flowers she’d gathered and put in a vase in the library to try and brighten up her desk somewhat, and some were meaningless doodles.
But her heart leapt as Arkytior came across a section from a few weeks back. They were drawings of their adventures, some more recent than others, and the pages were littered with crude sketches of Daleks, Cybermen, the Moxx of Balhoon, Slitheen, Silurians. And then there were other drawings; of the TARDIS, both inside and out; of the Doctor in the first face where Rose knew him, all cropped hair and leather; of her second Doctor, all wild hair and a big grin and a slightly skewed tie; of her third Doctor, with floppy hair and a bow tie and a youthful face; of her Doctor before the one sat in front of her, white hair and a scowl, but a twinkle in his eye.
And of her current Doctor, blonde hair messed from sleep as she stared at some invisible object to her left.
“Wow,” Arkytior said softly after a long silence. She looked up at Rose and grinned. “Quite the imagination you’ve got, sis.”
Rose forced a tight-lipped smile at that, not really knowing what to say.
“Just drawings,” she managed after a moment. “Most of it’s impossible, really.”
Impossible that you don’t remember it, more like.
“Your journal of impossible things, then?” Arkytior asked with a smile, closing the sketchbook and handing it back to Rose.
Rose’s breath caught in her throat. “Yeah.”
(Rose had stomped into the TARDIS, glaring up at the time rotor with a look of disdain.
“You had to make us sisters, didn’t you? And you had to land us in 1913! God, I’d take anything over this! Why couldn’t you have landed us somewhere where we could still be married?!”
There had been no response from the time ship, but it hadn’t detered Rose.
“You’re a girl! You’re meant to be on our side! What about ‘all girls together’, eh? Or have you not heard of that? Of all the stories, of all the places in the universe, why did you pick a place where we couldn’t be married? Is it not enough for our bond to be suppressed? No? You thought you’d go the whole way and make my wife even forget we’re married? Is that it?”
Rose had slumped down on the floor then, back against the console, and she’d heaved out a sigh. She was exhausted.
“I just... I miss her. An’ I know it’s stupid, because she’s right there... I mean, I know you must miss her too, but we’re halfway through now.” She rubbed the console behind her head. “I want my wife back.”)
For three nights in a row, Rose slept with the fob watch clasped in her hands, the gentle murmuring of her bondmate penetrating the casing and easing the strain of the bond just that little bit. Nearly two months of being a librarian in 1913, nearly two months without a kiss or a cuddle from her wife.
Only another month to go.
Of course they’d be bloody found. Of course they bloody would. When did the Doctor’s plans ever actually work?
Rose grumbled under her breath as she half-dragged a protesting Arkytior through the woodland. The Family had found them, crash-landing in a field outside the village and proceeding to take over several locals, including a little girl, and the maid who usually served Rose and Arkytior their breakfast. Jenny, her name had been. She’d been nice.
She’d died because of Rose.
The strain on the bond had been too much, the way their bond had been compressed and squeezed while the Doctor’s consciousness was trapped in the fob watch had made Rose feel sick, and in the end it had all been too much. She’d opened the watch. It had only been for a second, before she regretted her decision and slammed it shut, but apparently it was enough for the Family to get a trace, to track them down.
And now they were going to die too, if Rose didn’t convince the Doctor to open the fob watch.
“But the school,” Arkytior was protesting, wide-eyed. “Those boys, Rose, we can’t just leave them!”
“We don’t have time for this!” Rose snapped back, shooting a look at Arkytior before continuing through the woods.
She had no idea where they were going, the Family had found the TARDIS and surrounded it, but there had to be somewhere for them to hide, somewhere safe...
There was a crash, and an explosion, and Rose’s heart began to hammer in her chest. No, no, no...
“They’re bombing the village,” she gasped out, wide-eyed as she stared towards the village they’d just vacated. Already smoke was rising into the chilly night air.
“Who are they?” Arkytior demanded. “Why do they want us?”
“They don’t want us,” Rose responded, and the whole thing felt strange, like an out-of-body experience. She was aware she was speaking but she felt a million miles away. “They want... They want you.”
Arkytior gaped. “Me? What for? I’m a school nurse, why would they want me?”
Rose closed her eyes for a moment, breathed deeply, tried to regain control.
“Those drawings,” she began at last, “the drawings you thought were of impossible things, they’re not. They’re real, all of them. All those creatures, all those places, all those people...” She took another breath, steeling herself. “You’re not... You’re not human. And you’re not my sister.”
Arkytior’s eyes had gone wide, and they were damp, Rose realised. Oh, don’t cry...
“Why are you saying that?” Arkytior asked then, voice soft in the darkness of the night. “Why would you... If you don’t want to be here, Rose, then leave. But don’t do this, don’t lie to me, or make up some silly story. If you want to leave, I’m not keeping you here.”
“Oh love,” Rose sighed then, and she moved towards Arkytior, hand out to cup her cheek. The woodland around them was still, but the sound of more bombing of the village was still audible in the distance. “I’m not leaving you. I’m not. But it’s time for you to wake up.”
Rose fumbled for the pocket watch she’d stowed in her bag then, pressing it into Arkytior’s hand. The taller woman just blinked at it.
“Open it,” Rose coaxed gently. “Go on. Don’t be scared.”
But the other woman didn’t move. “Rose, this is ridiculous. The village is in danger, they need my help, and you’ve dragged me into the woods to play some silly game!”
“I’m not,” Rose protested then, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Just, for once, listen to me. You’re not human, you’re not my sister, your name’s not even Arkytior.” She let out a bitter laugh at that. “An’ I’ll be havin’ words with the TARDIS about that once we get back. I mean, Arkytior? Seriously. I thought it was weird at first, but then when I was visiting the TARDIS I found out what it meant. It’s bloody Gallifreyan! For rose! You idiot, did you really think that was a good name? ‘Hello, I’m Rose Tyler and this is my sister Rose Tyler’!”
Arkytior blinked. “What’s a TARDIS?”
Rose let out a growl then. “The blue box! I told you all this, when we saw that the Family had it. That blue box, from my drawings. It’s your spaceship, Doctor.”
There was a long pause, and then Arkytior raised her hand to Rose’s face. And pressed a hand against her forehead.
“What are you doing?” Rose sighed, folding her arms across her chest.
“You don’t feel feverish,” Arkytior murmured, more to herself than Rose. “But you must have come down with something. It’s the only explanation for your behaviour.”
Rose snorted. “Or maybe you could listen to me and open the watch!”
Arkytior examined the watch in her hand for several long moments before lifting her gaze to Rose. “What’s so important about me opening the watch?”
“Because that’s you!” Rose shouted then, and all the anger and nerves and frustration of the past two and a half months bubbled to the surface and spilled over. “The watch is you, Doctor! You’re not human, you’re a Time Lady, from Gallifrey. And you’re not my sister, you’re my bondmate and wife! And my mother is certainly not your mother, and if you ever mention this to her we’ll never hear the end of it!”
“But I remember it,” Arkytior frowned. “I remember growing up with you. Our mother, Jacqueline Tyler, raised us alone after our father died. We were born and raised in London, in poverty, and against all odds I still managed to study nursing. I’m no doctor, Rose, there’s no chance anyone from our station would become that, but I am a nurse. You worked in a shop for the longest time, and I hated it, because I could see how bored it made you, how your potential was being wasted. So when I was offered the job here, I put you up for the librarian vacancy. And we moved here together.”
Rose let out a slow breath, and wiped at the tears she hadn’t known were falling. “None of that’s true,” she said quietly. “It’s all made up, Doctor. The TARDIS fabricated that story to try and save your life, to hide you from the Family. But they’ve found us, and, and I don’t know what to do! You never said what to do if they found us, an’ it’s all my fault. They found us because I opened that bloody watch, because I hated how our bond was bein’ constricted, and I thought that it might help... I didn’t stop to think, I was stupid... And I miss you, alright? I miss my wife. So please, please just trust me on this and open the watch!”
Arkytior studied Rose’s face for the longest time then, before finally taking a breath.
“I could bloody kill you, you know.”
The Doctor, in response, pressed a kiss to Rose’s hair. “You won’t though. You love this body too much. Don’t want me regenerating again.”
“I don’t think I said anything about regeneration,” Rose grumbled against the Doctor’s shoulder.
They were tucked up in the media room in front of a roaring fire and half-watching By the Light of the Asteroid. The Doctor had suggested the library at first, but the mere mention of it had made Rose shudder, and she’d quickly insisted she’d been cooped up in a library a little too much the past few weeks for her taste. So they’d chosen the media room instead, curling themselves up together on a sofa and pulling a blanket over themselves.
“I’m sorry I put you through that,” the Doctor said suddenly after a lengthy silence. Her voice was soft, but it sounded impossibly loud in the quiet, dark room. “I didn’t stop to think what the Chameleon Arch would mean for our bond.”
Rose sniffed. “It wasn’t too bad,” she admitted after a few moments. “Not painful or anythin’. Just uncomfortable. And lonely.” She paused. “Is that what it was like for you, after the war?”
The Doctor didn’t respond, but she pulled Rose just that little bit closer.
“We got through it alright though, didn’t we?” the Doctor said after a few moments. “The Family’s dealt with, we’re back safe and sound on the TARDIS, and we managed to stop things before they got too bad.”
Rose hummed in response, remembering how the Doctor had stopped the Family.
(“What’re you gonna do?” Rose asked, watching as the Doctor brushed her dress down and began setting off back towards the village.
“The Family want a Time Lady, I’ll give them a Time Lady.”
Rose blinked. “You’re not... You’re not handin’ yourself in to them?”
The Doctor looked over then, brow furrowed in concern until she saw the fear on Rose’s face. “Oh, love, no. Just gonna trick them a little bit.” She waved the now-empty fob watch in Rose’s face. “This should buy me some time, and then we’ll give them an ultimatum.”
“They wanted to live forever,” the Doctor shrugged, and suddenly her eyes were dark and bottomless. “So I’ll let them live forever.”
An hour later, Rose sat on the jumpseat in the TARDIS, watching as the Doctor trapped Daughter of Mine in every mirror, as she chained Father of Mine up in unbreakable chains, as Mother of Mine was deposited into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy, as Son of Mine was left to stand guard in a Farringham field as one of the scarecrows they’d animated and used to terrorise the villagers.)
“Why did the TARDIS choose that story for us?” Rose asked eventually, stifling a yawn. “I mean, why sisters? Why not just best friends, or something?”
“She probably thought it would give us a reason for a certain level of intimacy,” the Doctor answered. “I think she thought she was doing you a favour.”
Rose snorted. “What, like when she decided we should be Rose and Rose Tyler?”
The Doctor grimaced at that. “Yeah, that was a bit of an oversight,” she admitted carefully. “I think she was trying to stick with the flower theme.”
“There’s stickin’ with the theme, an’ then there’s giving you my name in a different language,” Rose pointed out.
“It wasn’t me who chose it,” the Doctor reminded her indignantly.
Rose snorted again, and craned her neck to press a kiss to the Doctor’s jaw. “Whatever you say, Doctor.”
They’d just turned their attention back to the telly when Rose spoke again. “One last thing,”
“Yeah?” the Doctor asked, eyes still on the telly.
“When are we gonna tell my mum about you thinkin’ you were her daughter?”
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varyupon · 7 years
Number 9!
9: How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
I feel like this will be very antithetical to every artist stereotype known across the internet but I usually don’t draw in the day at all. A straight up 0%.
If anyone were adamant on getting a statistic from me, it’d have to be measured on a weekly basis since I at least try to make (a finished) something each week and I barely even do that. (Weirdly, my most productive day of the week have always been Thursdays.)
High school has probably been my most productive period of time when it comes to drawing because I remember constantly doodling between taking notes (and actually finished my first sketchbook!!) but only because the classes bored me so much, or I would finish all class/homework early that I’d have nothing to do. I really wish I could get that old spark back but I haven’t been able to since.
I’ve been struggling to figure out if not drawing daily is a bad thing since tumblr has made me so self-aware that drawing everyday leads to dramatic improvement–but my personal take on art is more analytical/empirical.
As in, my approach is to study a technique and discern how it’d be done theoretically. Then I actually apply my knowledge based on evidence and it usually just works. (If that makes any sense?) I feel like I tend to figure out things better not so much through repetition, but more on hyper-evaluation and execution. (But I do know what happy accidents and muscle-memory feels like.)
Hopefully I’ll be able to draw more on a daily basis in the future orz.
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iyarpage · 7 years
Design Bucket List: 10 Projects Everyone Should Try at Least Once
It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday routine if you are a website designer. Whether you are managing sites for clients or taking care of a company website, it is important to step back from the daily grind to keep your design chops fresh.
Working on projects outside of that primary role is a great way to stay inspired, fresh and even bring new skills and ideas back to your primary work. But where do you start? We’ve got a list of 10 “side” projects that every web designer should try at least once. You’ll be surprised at how much you might learn and bring back to the websites you are working on.
1. Design a Postcard
You’ll find very quickly that designing something for a printed product will teach you a lesson in control. Web designers are able to expand the canvas as needed to get all the information in a design; that’s something you can’t do with a printed product.
Whether it is a postcard, business card or brochure, there’s something nice about designing within the constraints of space. (There’s also the great feeling that comes with actually touching a product you made on paper.)
What this type of design will help with most of all is gaining an understanding of different canvases and the relationship between print and digital publishing. From converting color mixes for print to thinking about how big something will be in real life, working on a printed design requires a new set of processes.
2. Build Something with Code
If you are one of those designers that starts projects in Photoshop or Sketch with a visual outline, consider working the other way and code a design outline. Start with a simple one-page design and work on refining your HTML and CSS skills in the process.
If you are a web designer/developer that starts with code, consider tackling the project with a more visual framework first.
Approaching projects in a new manner will give you a better understanding of all the elements that go into the design, and a better appreciation for other team members that contribute to projects in different ways.
3. Design an App
Have you stretched your design skills to an app design yet? Creating a mobile responsive app is a lot different than a responsive website in that you have to plan differently.
While some of the techniques are similar, designing something that will only be accessed on a mobile device presents new challenges and opportunities. Focus on the user experience when designing an app; you’re likely to find that the thought process is quite different from a standard website because users will interact with the design in a different way.
And it’s not just touch versus click; everything from forms to gamification techniques to location information is different with app design. (And then if you want to launch, you’ll have to navigate Apple and Google Play store rules and specifications.)
4. Work with JavaScript
JavaScript can be a strange programming language for the uninitiated.
But if you are designing in today’s web landscape, there’s a strong possibility JavaScript will be involved. Start with a primer from CodeAcademy.
Mozilla also has a great primer on the programming language if your familiarity with JS only goes as far as “I know a plugin uses it.” (If that’s the case, you’ve got some reading to do.)
5. Write a Blog Post or Tutorial
There’s nothing like explaining something else clearly to other people to make you think about how you do something. Teaching–especially by writing a blog post or tutorial–can be a great way to help you pick apart and understand why something you do all the time works.
Plenty of blogs [including this one] are looking for designers to highlight how to do cool things with tools such as Sketch, show off shots on Dribbble, or even share code snippets on GitHub.
Explaining how to do something will help you think about why you do it in that way. Do you have a good workflow or practice that others can learn from? Share a little of that knowledge with the design community.
6. Design a Big Data Visualization
While most designers have put together some type of infographic, but have you designed a data-focused project? (We’re not talking a handful of facts and icons.)
Think big data, with complicated tables and lots of values that must be simplified into a user-friendly design. The design challenge for you is figuring out what kind of format will work best to help users understand the information. How do you break it down visually?
Every type of data is different and this kind of project can be a giant challenge. If you need a place to start, the Data Viz Project is a smattering of chart types and how to make the best use of them based on the date provided. (It will definitely help jumpstart your project.)
7. Create a Style Guide
Just like creating a blog post of tutorial will help you understand how to do something, creating a style guide will help you understand why you do things a certain way.
Here’s the other bonus to creating a style guide: It can help you spot and clean up inconsistencies in existing website projects. Go back and work up a style guide for a website that’s finished where the guide was neglected. Go through the design as you create the style guide to ensure that it follows the rules. (As you know, many of the rules shift after launch based on user needs.)
8. Make a Logo
There are a lot of designers that despise creating logos. It can be a cumbersome venture and making a brand make isn’t as easy as people tend to think.
But you should do it anyway.
Start by trying to create a logo with your name to use on your portfolio site. Start with a simple logotype if you aren’t ready to create a more visual concept quite yet. Think about mood and brand. And don’t forget to design something in vector format that can be used in full- or single-color applications.
9. Build a Newsletter Template
A good email newsletter template can make or break the effectiveness converting users from the inbox. While creating a newsletter template might not sound like the most fun job, it can be quite the design challenge.
It takes a little HTML and the canvas size is set in terms of width. You also have to think carefully about design techniques and whether they will or will not work in an email. (Elements such as colored backgrounds or animation don’t work in all email clients.)
A custom newsletter template can set your company or clients apart from others as well because the branding will match across the web, making it easier for users to identify the brand.
10. Draw Something by Hand
You need to create something with pencil (or pen) and paper regularly.
This is the one project that might not ever see the light of day, based on your individual sketching skills.
But the creative power that comes from sketching is hard to beat. Drawing something – from stick figures to doodling your name to mapping out a wireframe – will unlock creative power in parts of your mind that you might not be using regularly if you don’t step away from computer screens.
Think, draw, daydream. It’s all part of the same creative process. And all your projects will be better if you try it every now and then.
Not sure how to add these projects to your repertoire? They are all great starters for personal projects, such as a portfolio. You can also ask to pitch in new ways at your creative shop.
Talk to a fellow designer and see if you can tag team on a different type of design project to get those creative juices going. And make sure to reciprocate and offer to help them learn more about website design.
FotoForm – The World’s First Geometric 3D Photo Animator – only $17!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} Design Bucket List: 10 Projects Everyone Should Try at Least Once published first on http://ift.tt/2fA8nUr
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unixcommerce · 7 years
Design Bucket List: 10 Projects Everyone Should Try at Least Once
It���s easy to get caught up in the everyday routine if you are a website designer. Whether you are managing sites for clients or taking care of a company website, it is important to step back from the daily grind to keep your design chops fresh.
Working on projects outside of that primary role is a great way to stay inspired, fresh and even bring new skills and ideas back to your primary work. But where do you start? We’ve got a list of 10 “side” projects that every web designer should try at least once. You’ll be surprised at how much you might learn and bring back to the websites you are working on.
1. Design a Postcard
You’ll find very quickly that designing something for a printed product will teach you a lesson in control. Web designers are able to expand the canvas as needed to get all the information in a design; that’s something you can’t do with a printed product.
Whether it is a postcard, business card or brochure, there’s something nice about designing within the constraints of space. (There’s also the great feeling that comes with actually touching a product you made on paper.)
What this type of design will help with most of all is gaining an understanding of different canvases and the relationship between print and digital publishing. From converting color mixes for print to thinking about how big something will be in real life, working on a printed design requires a new set of processes.
2. Build Something with Code
If you are one of those designers that starts projects in Photoshop or Sketch with a visual outline, consider working the other way and code a design outline. Start with a simple one-page design and work on refining your HTML and CSS skills in the process.
If you are a web designer/developer that starts with code, consider tackling the project with a more visual framework first.
Approaching projects in a new manner will give you a better understanding of all the elements that go into the design, and a better appreciation for other team members that contribute to projects in different ways.
3. Design an App
Have you stretched your design skills to an app design yet? Creating a mobile responsive app is a lot different than a responsive website in that you have to plan differently.
While some of the techniques are similar, designing something that will only be accessed on a mobile device presents new challenges and opportunities. Focus on the user experience when designing an app; you’re likely to find that the thought process is quite different from a standard website because users will interact with the design in a different way.
And it’s not just touch versus click; everything from forms to gamification techniques to location information is different with app design. (And then if you want to launch, you’ll have to navigate Apple and Google Play store rules and specifications.)
4. Work with JavaScript
JavaScript can be a strange programming language for the uninitiated.
But if you are designing in today’s web landscape, there’s a strong possibility JavaScript will be involved. Start with a primer from CodeAcademy.
Mozilla also has a great primer on the programming language if your familiarity with JS only goes as far as “I know a plugin uses it.” (If that’s the case, you’ve got some reading to do.)
5. Write a Blog Post or Tutorial
There’s nothing like explaining something else clearly to other people to make you think about how you do something. Teaching–especially by writing a blog post or tutorial–can be a great way to help you pick apart and understand why something you do all the time works.
Plenty of blogs [including this one] are looking for designers to highlight how to do cool things with tools such as Sketch, show off shots on Dribbble, or even share code snippets on GitHub.
Explaining how to do something will help you think about why you do it in that way. Do you have a good workflow or practice that others can learn from? Share a little of that knowledge with the design community.
6. Design a Big Data Visualization
While most designers have put together some type of infographic, but have you designed a data-focused project? (We’re not talking a handful of facts and icons.)
Think big data, with complicated tables and lots of values that must be simplified into a user-friendly design. The design challenge for you is figuring out what kind of format will work best to help users understand the information. How do you break it down visually?
Every type of data is different and this kind of project can be a giant challenge. If you need a place to start, the Data Viz Project is a smattering of chart types and how to make the best use of them based on the date provided. (It will definitely help jumpstart your project.)
7. Create a Style Guide
Just like creating a blog post of tutorial will help you understand how to do something, creating a style guide will help you understand why you do things a certain way.
Here’s the other bonus to creating a style guide: It can help you spot and clean up inconsistencies in existing website projects. Go back and work up a style guide for a website that’s finished where the guide was neglected. Go through the design as you create the style guide to ensure that it follows the rules. (As you know, many of the rules shift after launch based on user needs.)
8. Make a Logo
There are a lot of designers that despise creating logos. It can be a cumbersome venture and making a brand make isn’t as easy as people tend to think.
But you should do it anyway.
Start by trying to create a logo with your name to use on your portfolio site. Start with a simple logotype if you aren’t ready to create a more visual concept quite yet. Think about mood and brand. And don’t forget to design something in vector format that can be used in full- or single-color applications.
9. Build a Newsletter Template
A good email newsletter template can make or break the effectiveness converting users from the inbox. While creating a newsletter template might not sound like the most fun job, it can be quite the design challenge.
It takes a little HTML and the canvas size is set in terms of width. You also have to think carefully about design techniques and whether they will or will not work in an email. (Elements such as colored backgrounds or animation don’t work in all email clients.)
A custom newsletter template can set your company or clients apart from others as well because the branding will match across the web, making it easier for users to identify the brand.
10. Draw Something by Hand
You need to create something with pencil (or pen) and paper regularly.
This is the one project that might not ever see the light of day, based on your individual sketching skills.
But the creative power that comes from sketching is hard to beat. Drawing something – from stick figures to doodling your name to mapping out a wireframe – will unlock creative power in parts of your mind that you might not be using regularly if you don’t step away from computer screens.
Think, draw, daydream. It’s all part of the same creative process. And all your projects will be better if you try it every now and then.
Not sure how to add these projects to your repertoire? They are all great starters for personal projects, such as a portfolio. You can also ask to pitch in new ways at your creative shop.
Talk to a fellow designer and see if you can tag team on a different type of design project to get those creative juices going. And make sure to reciprocate and offer to help them learn more about website design.
FotoForm – The World’s First Geometric 3D Photo Animator – only $17!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}
The post Design Bucket List: 10 Projects Everyone Should Try at Least Once appeared first on Web Design, Hosting, Domains, and Marketing.
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templeofgeek · 7 years
I first came across Erin, when BBC America shared a piece of art that Erin did on their official instagram. It was a picture she created of Bill Potts from the television series Doctor Who. But I didn’t really start to pay attention to Erin, who is better known by her handle @butternut_gouache, until the news broke about who was cast as the 13th Doctor. I was writing an article on the fan’s reactions to the news.  I shared a piece of art work that she made in tribute to the first woman to be cast as The Doctor. At that point I took the time to really check out her page. I fell in love. Her art work included so many of the fandoms that I loved. From Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy to Doctor Who. She even seemed to share my love for Taylor Swift and great fashion.  I have shared her art as part of several different Fan Art Friday posts, that we host weekly on our blog. And since we had featured her art so often,  I figured it was time to get to know her a little better and share her story as well as her art with our audience.
Tell us about yourself.  Hi there! My name is Erin Lefler, and I’m a New York based freelance character designer and illustrator. I’m an all around nerd, so a lot of the times when I’m not doing illustration and character design work, you can usually find me doing fan art or cosplay!
How long have you been making art and how did you get started?
Oh that’s a tough one! I can’t put my finger exactly when I started making art, but I’ve been drawing for pretty much as long as I remember. As soon as I was able to pick up a pencil, I just doodled in pretty much anything I could. But I started really taking it seriously when I met a Disney fine artist by the name of Greg McCoullgh, and he encouraged me to keep drawing. I was really thinking of giving up at that point with my art, so if it wasn’t for his encouragement I don’t think I’d be where I am today with art.
What tools do you use to create your art?
Well I do most of my art digitally, but when I do paintings I use gouache paint! It’s by far one of my favorite mediums. I also have been getting into doing ink drawings, in preparation for inktober which I’m so excited to participate in again this year. When I’m out and about I use my iPad and Wacom stylus as well, which allows me to do digital art as well!
What is it that inspires a design?
Oh just about anything I lay my eyes on! I find life so inspiring! There’s so many beautiful things in life, that it’s hard not to find inspiration from it! A lot of the times I’ll just type the words ‘people’ or ‘fashion’ on Pinterest or google and I typically will combine some photos I find to make a piece. Or sometimes I’ll just draw people I see out and about as practice. Cosplay is also a very huge inspiration for me. I love finding different cosplayers and drawing them. Also music is VERY key for inspiring me. More often then not when I’m working, you’ll find me with over the ear headphones or my laptop playing playlists that I create for each piece. It really really helps me get inspired for sure.
How long does it take to make one of your creations?
That typically depends on how many things I’m drawing in the piece. But normally, it takes me around 3-5 hours to do one piece.
What has been the reaction to your designs been like?
Oh the reactions have been the best! I just love getting to see and hear how happy my art has made people. I’ve had people tell me that my art has made them so happy that they’ve made it their phone screens, that they were so touched by a piece I’ve done that they’ve started crying, and it’s things like that that really make my work worth it.
You have a website that showcases your art and where people can purchase your art, what lead you to put up your website?
I always wanted to have a place where I could keep my art organized, like a bit of a portfolio. So that led me to sitting down and completely coding my own website. And I always get asked about owning a piece I’ve done, so that led me to adding a shop where people could get their own print of whatever piece I’ve done.
What are your hopes for your art and yourself in the future?
Well first, I hope I get to keep doing this for as long as I can. It’s been one thing that’s brought me great joy, and I hope I never stop getting to do it.
Do you have any highlights from your artistic career so far?
Oh I have several! One of my very favorites, is getting to do sketch cards for topps Star Wars Episode VIII Sets. I grew up watching Star Wars so it’s been a childhood dream to get to do something like this. And now that it’s happening, it feels so unreal! Another thing that’s been a real highlight for me is having some of my favorite actors and actresses reposting my art on their social media accounts, and even getting to give some of my art to them in person. I never ever expect that my art will get reposted by an actor or actress, but when It does, I kinda fangirl! I mean it’s really really cool, and I just feel so honored that they actually took the time to look at it!
Are you interested in other types of art?
Oh their are so many different types of art that peak my interest, but the one that REALLY interests me is paper cutting art! I’m trying to do some paper cutting pieces, and it really requires a TON of patience. So hopefully I’ll be able to share some paper cutting pieces with you all soon!
Are there other makers who inspire you?
Oh there’s so many, it’s hard for me to list them!!! But if I had to name a few, I’d definitely say that Brittany Lee, Mary Blair, Liana Hee, and Lorelay Bove have been HUGE inspirations for me. I absolutely adore their work, and they all are such lovely ladies who have helped pioneered girls being in the animation and art industry. Another favorite of mine, I’d say is Glen Keene. He just is an absolute Wonder with concept art (and art in general!) and he has got to be one of my all time favorite artists.
What would you say to someone who is first starting out as an artist? What advice do you have from them?
Good question! I think the best advice I could give is never give up, draw everyday, love what you do, and do it for the right reason. So many people today just do what they do for the likes or the comments, and if they don’t get what their hoping they give up on it. Or when people put them down about doing what they love, they give up. DON’T!!! One of my favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. And one of the reasons is because Vincent Van Gogh was hated when he was alive. People mocked him, and yelled at him, just because of what he painted. They said his paintings were rubbish. But he kept on painting because it was what he loved. He never gave up, despite the hate and the anger thrown his way. And now, Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most widely known artists! His work is featured in museums such as the Louvre, the Guggenheim, and he even has his own museum! If he had given up, so many beloved paintings would disappear from these museums. The people who mocked him, well they aren’t even known by name today. So yeah, people will always have something to say about what you do. But DO NOT give up on your art. If you love what you’re drawing, that’s all that matters! If others like it too that’s just an added bonus! And do it for the right reason. Don’t do it for the likes. It’ll just get you discouraged if you do it for that reason. And finally, draw everyday. It’ll give you great practice and will help you to improve little by little. And don’t think it has to be perfect. That’s the great thing about art, each persons art is their own perfect. So don’t compare yourself to others. Practice everyday. Don’t do it for the likes. And love what you do! I think that is the best advice I can give to anyone just starting out as an artist. That advice was given to me when I first started and I think it’s what’s kept my focus in the right place with my art.
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