#just watched the ep again with my mom and. yeah
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRUSTING ME BRO I COULD CRYYYYYYYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭I hope it does not disappoint... REAL THOUGH about the drama you mentioned in your tags, that's exactly how I felt reading If My Wife Becomes An Elementary School Student's title, for example, but I'm told it's wholesome☠️☠️I would love to hear about the one you were thinking of though!
I WILL BEAR IT IN MIND TO PREPARE FOR ARACHTAGON WHENEVER THE TIME COMES... totally understandable to get frustrated with RNG on top of that, RPGs can be so evil 😭😭😭still, again, I'm glad you're back to it! Also totally understandable to want to play on the original consoles... NOTHING beats the experience... the availability of playthroughs nowadays is nice for sure to be able to experience the series without investing that much!
I would LOVE to see more Normal interactions between Ichiban and Jo for real😭they have so much potential for silly moments... ever-thankful for your content and I Can't Say Enough always looking forward to whatever you might have in store :] whether it's that or something else :]
I EXPECT YOU'RE DONE WITH EPISODE EIGHT NOW AT MINIMUM SO I WILL JUST SAY the Ohashi arc and Episode Ø [<- why the hell is ep eight called this] are peak to me I am soooo glad you enjoyed the arc... LOVE the OST too, Yugo Kanno is a legend. HOWEVER all the songs on it are titled words that start with S and P so you get titles like Scarlet Pussy 😭
OH BUT SPEAKING OF SP'S WACKASS STRUCTURE pleeeeeaaaase consider watching SP: The Motion Picture and SP: The Motion Picture: The Final Episode after you finish the show... there is A Cliffhanger and those are the true conclusions to the story... and SP Final In Specific is what blew my nuts clean off...
STOPPP NO THAT'S EXACTLY THE DRAMA I WAS TALKING ABOUT BUT I DIDNT WANNA SNITCH ON MYSELF 😭😭 it really is a cute show..... im ngl it has some of my fave tsutsumi scenes/performances like it TRULY blew my expectations out of the water. i just feel SOOO awkward about it cause.. with a title like That and a premise Like That i wouldnt blame a single person for giving me a weird ass look so i generally try not to talk about it ☠️ its my guilty treat so to speak and i cant even tell if im making it sound worse than it actually is (╯x╰ )
in any case... i finished Security Police SO !!! onto After The Rain for me when it comes to Media Thats Awkward To Talk About But Please Believe Me When I Say Its Not What You're Thinking :]
LMAO PLEASE like... so long as you have the right equipment you don't even really have to do much extra grinding by the time you get to him... it truly is just hoping RNG doesnt dick you over ☠️ i've been cruising through the game since tho ! i dont expect myself to get into anymore awkward blockades anytime soon and then i can finally say i finished this game (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
THANK YA THANK YA it aint much but its honest work..... i have been real dead this week tho and i always get scared if ill draw again durin periods like this- i HOPE to come up with something soon cause there really is an untapped well of Good Stuff to be explored :]]
THE SOUND DESIGN OF SP WAS REALLY GOOD IN GENERAL THOUGH LIKE not just music wise was it good but i really loved hos inoue's migraines gave me migraines... immersion... but also just knowing when to keep things dead silent (like finding nishijima's corpse) did SOOO well to put emphasis.. the weird as hell names are just bonus points by now like. Gotta Let Bro Have SOMETHING As A Thank You For The Sound Design (╯▽╰ ;;) OH BUT IM GLAD THERE'S MOVIE TIE-INS CAUSE THE LAST SCENE HAD ME CONCERNICUS LIKE 👁️👁️? i was only able to find the first 2010 movie on the site i usually go to but its somethin...
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Welcome back! =D
Part 2
Warning: long, long post (also a part 2 but I think y'all are used to it by now-) 😊😅
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MattMick!! Also, Beer looking between them like that and Q and Toey peeking from behind cracked me up hehe
Also, does that mean Beer is single? Wait, maybe he's aroace. That'd be really cool.
I did see some hints of a throuple of him and MattMick, but I'm happy with either option.
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Poor QToey 😭
Their romantic moment got rained on so hard-
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Exhibit: Here you can see three males from the species Homo sexuals. Two of them are already mated, and the third is in the courting process. We think the other male is interested too.
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Oh- But I thought- oh, this makes sense actually. So the others know. I mean not really surprising when you think about it, to be honest.
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With his unprecedented levels of obliviousness? Yeah, no, I get where you're coming from, Chain.
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That's your biggest concern about getting a penguin?? 😭😭
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Why does Peem look like the exasperated mom friend of the group 😭
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After all the tiny crumbs of the past *checks notes* 8262 eps, this is a lot of progress.
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HANDS. (I will never stop screaming about hands.)
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Peem, babe, he hardly ever goes to class anyways. He's too busy following you around like a puppy.
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Me, who holds handholding above everything else (yes, even sex): *DEEP BREATHS THROUGH THE NOSE* I'm fine. *SMOKE COMING OUT OF EARS* Totally fine.
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Nothing to say, just a really good shot. (Also, Phuwin's exasperated smile seemed too real and then I learned Pond improvised that scene and yeah, that explains it)
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ChainPun: only two people with matching pillow cases
QToey: missing (me?) [Sorry I couldn't resist 😭]
TanFang: peacefully asleep
PhumPeem: chronic insomnia, aggravated by Tan's snores
Matt: cuddling Mick
Beer: dreaming of him and his friends and their boyfriends all graduating with good grades
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ChainPun. <33
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Let me wrap this moment in my memory forever. (I tried to adjust the lighting a bit but it didn't really work out 😭)
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Look, we all expected this. I even said on record I wouldn't survive. And all that mental Muay Thai still didn't prepare me for this.
Till now, I have watched 60 BLs, give or take, so I've seen a lot of NC scenes. Compared to some of them, this is very PG-13, but this one really got me, like very few sex scenes have managed to. The intimacy, the palpable love, want. It all came together so beautifully in this scene.
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Them saying 'I love you' during sex is canon! Yay! I knew it in my guts (wrote a fic about it) but feels so good to be right in canon hehe.
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"I love you too, now kiss me again."
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HANDS!!!! (It's canon now, they hold hands during sex, and so I can freely write a fic about it. Not that something not being canon ever stopped me but yeah.)
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Fang: my brother is in safe hands. 😌
Also, love how Peem didn't hesitate to at the chance to kick both brothers and make it a streak 😭👍🏼
Honestly though, this scene shows that Peem is going to go to very long lengths to make sure Phum is okay, even kicking his own brother (which assures me that Peem maybe wouldn't hesitate that much to sucker punch their dad either, which is important information to have for possible future fics.)
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How can one man be so goddamn cute??
The whimpering puppy noises- 😭
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Cakes are so hard to bake, for real. This one is so cute though 😭😭🫶🏼
Puppy Phum- honestly is anyone surprised? No? Thought so.
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This smile-
It holds so much happiness and the brunt of so many years of trauma. It's so beautiful. I'm probably gonna rewatch the heck out of this scene.
I end Part 1 here, Part 2 will be out (hopefully) soon!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊 (All mistakes are mine, but in my defense, I literally fell asleep while writing this.)
Here, have a pie (of your favourite flavour) 🥧
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thesimulacrasimp · 6 months
Okay so im gonna just throw randomly my thoughts on sm6 while rewatching it cuz why not, I was doing the same thing for hazbin hotel so why not spooky month too?
Ok im just gonna say: that starting scene with thieves was kinda funny. Also rewatching it, im starting to suspect that this giant spider thing in Lilas attic have her husbands soul, IDK WHY, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, it just looks so important, it even appeared twice in the ep: in the begining n in the end.
Okay so Skid does know and remember his dad, I just was thinking that his father left/died when Skid still wasnt born or when he was very little so Skid doesnt even know that he had a father, but no he does remember his dad, so that means he presented for quite long time in Skids life.
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Also im really suprised how big Pumps house is, well i mean— he said that his parents work alot so ig i shouldnt be suprised-
Poor Ignacio just wants some peace– *watched the ep a lil longer* Oh hes kinda fucked up actually---
Also for some reason i find kinda interesting that Ross n Rob were kinda comforting Roy every time they were on the screen like "We're here for you, Roy" etc etc, so im thinking maybe something bad happened to Roy? I mean he looked kinda frustrated n angry, so maybe somethng between him n his parents?
Okay but can we talk about how Moloch look so much more scarier than before?
Okay so--- get ready for my rambleling bout my boy Dexter-- HE LIVED WITH HIS MOM N ALOT OF CATS😭😭😭 N HIS MOMS PURE GRIEF BOUT HER LOSS WAS GENIUNALY SO SAD TO WITNESS 😭😭😭😭
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Okay so looking at Skids impression when Father Gregor asked him bout his father-- yeah i think his dad actually died---- but i can be wrong ofc
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Okay- im sorry but-- why does Kevin n Radfords interactions make them look like a couple--- I AM SORRY BUT----
Also the way Father Gregor gave Kevin holy water was really funny to me, it was like: "You know these children?? Yeaahhhh i feel bad for u, kid. Here have some holy water, just in case...." ALSO the fact that ppl started coming in the store ONLY after Radford sprinkled holy water in it-- DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WERE DEMONS IN IT THAT WERE KEEPING PPL AWAY???
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Dont mind me guys, im just a little crying :')
Okay but the way how Skid n Pump were SO exited to see Moloch again was really funny n cute at the same time
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Okay... This is the part when i literally teared up. I know it was just Moloch trying to fool Father Gregor to give him kids but idk.... It still made me tear up for some reason, and i even know the reason: i just miss Dexter so much n i didnt expect him to appear so much times in this ep, I just think hes a precious boy who deserved better. I KNOW THAT HE WAS KILLING ANIMALS N I DONT APPROVE THAT AT ALL, but hes still a sweetie idfc.
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Also why would Patty need a gun so immediatly?..
Also that part when Moloch were wandering around the town n Father n spooky bois were trying to catch him was so funny and entertaining
Poor Pelo got ooffed again. Press F.
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And this is the part where i actually cried alot. Poor Skid doesnt know that its not his fault at all.. Also even if Father Gregors words were kinda mean, that Lila is irresponsible mother, I cant disagree with them. Yes, she is an alone mother, but it doesnt give her permission to just leave her child to himself n his friend n go drink n then spent time w her child drunk. Yeah i know, that she leaves him to mr Wonder n Susie, but lets be honest, were here even a single time when the kids didnt just leave the house n cause problem? No. So i think the Fathers words are make perfect sense, n Lila should think bout it. Also a lil thing i just thought bout, why would Lila throw away her husbands stuff? If he actually died why would she do this? Or hes not dead n he just left for some reason? Idk
and so ummm i think thats it. It took me 1 hour to write this lol.
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emloafs · 2 months
ep by ep thoughts (ck s6ep5)
my live thoughts from watching part one of cobra kai season 6. this ep is where shit got real in my opinion. spoilers below!!!!!
Stop manipulating tory, kreese!!!!!! She deserves friends!!!!!!! Get out of her head!!!!!!!
Im so uncomfortable
Dem didn’t tell Eli he got into MIT :(((( Dads stop fighting pls 
Oh tory really needs this tournament doesn’t she
I hate the power couples going head to head im over it like genuinely I am also over Daniel and Johnny bickering but its fine
Tbh not enough Miguel storyline so far I miss my baby
Peyton lists acting just brought tears to me eyes I feel sick fuck the writers 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck the writers
Im so fucking heartbroken
Peyton list’s acting is so impressive
I hope that when everyone realizes the SHIT that tory is going through they realize their petty karate bullshit is STUPID
Tory flashback has me sobbing fr
“I am your partner” actual line from Daniel to Johnny
Tory is either not showing up or she’s murdering whoever stands in her way
I am afraid she may go back to kreese because she’s hurting
Kiaz fight choreo is VERYY good
TORY NOOOO my baby
Robby need a win tbh but Miguel is crying  so what am I supposed to do with that
Oh im sick to my stomach about samtory fight
Genuinely no more notes because im speechless
This is Peytons season.
Everyone else go home. She’s acting circles around you. 
LETS GO ELI but im fucking heartbroken about tory she’s gonna end up with fuckinng kreese again
Like I won. dem and Eli are both going but at WHAT COST
I feel like sam and robby as captains low key are so fitting because miyagi do started with them
Those headbands are ugly… sorry someone had to say it
Miyagi fought in an international karate tournament? Are we for real? That doesn’t seem like him to meeeee
Demetri put away your shoulders in that slutty gi jesus fucking christ 
Robby man bun returns feels full circle
The venue is smaller than I imagined…..?
Oh shit cobra kai is back baby and they’re hot (not kreese vomit)
USA looks like a bunch of idiots just saying
Cobra kai never dies
What a betrayal (that I absolutely saw coming) 
so ive actually died now and i'll be thinking about this for the next 3-5 business days (4 months until pt 2)
seriously someone hold me. i gotta rewatch this to process it all.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 7 months
I wanted to talk about a topic that is interesting to me at the moment-
when me and my partner @/keebokuun bring up the subject about J x Tessa for murder drones- alot of people bring up the dynamics that may need to improve- to which we say yeah- we dont ship them in the context of the show. Tessa is still very much biased and treating drones as her slaves that dont have rights as her since shes a human. whether its cuz of her culture, her trauma or whatever else. but in the context of a human au where they all grew up together- yeah that doesnt exist, or at least we have room to improve. and people have been polite enough about this and sharing their opinions and im greatful of that. yall are really cool and gave me ideas to improve my stories on 👌
but then some OTHER people come and say "but Tessa was a minor in the FLASHBACKS- oh AND- was also their MOM"
to which... i say.... um.... So.... Tessa is a mom? [to a bajillion of those maid and butler drones that were not working at the begining of ep5] AND a minor? AAAND she asked her- CHILD DRONE- to pretend to be a RIPPING ROYAL STUD for her to practice flirting or talking with.... to yknow... HAVE A HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH-? [cuz correct me if im wrong- girls dont go looking for "ripping royal studs" just to stare at them autistcally right? they wanna talk and do human communication stuff with them right??] and uh... IM the one whos saying weird stuff here? hELLO???
once again. me and keebo will personally remove ANY INAPPROPRIATE content we have online if the creators come up and say "oh yeah that character is a minor"- i promise you all that. we are not degenerates- but first of all- yeah the thing i just said about Tessa being at least a late teen in the flashbacks for the whole stud thing- and also- she had toys in her room- for CYN! as we saw her playing with them- and she was referred to as a "robo child" ? i mean go back and watch the EP again and really look at Tessa, J and N and SAY they are at an age to play with a rocking horse and barbie/ken dolls [damn cyn was making those two naked ken dolls smooch fr]- look at me in the eyes and say a girl that big is at any age to play with those things. NO?? also- if yall actually LOOK at tessa- she has a very pronounced body/ heigh/ chest size even/ etc in the flashbacks. thats not a design youd give a MINOR. and by that logic then N and V having crushes on eachother should be incest because oh damn Tessa is the minor/teen mom to ALL those erroring drones and N and V are siblings omggg 😱!
if anything by this logic Tessa's first choice of going to J to pretend to be a hot stud for her [which probably works in my favor btw lmao] is def concerning jesus.
companies nowadays make it a point to make all characters above the age of 18 as much as they could to avoid these sorts of issues- lest i remind you all again of the fact that every classmate of Uzi in episode 3 has their age above 18 on their missing posters. companies wouldnt include shots like that unless they WANT people to know they are in the clear.
also.... being in a relationship doesnt always translate to "they are having SEX"????? you can be a kid and still hold hands and have crushes and hug and kiss-
not every couple french kiss or suck eachother off oh my God.
anyway thankyou for coming to my Ted talk- im willing to hear anyones opinions on this below cuz im genuinely curious 🤔
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
“WHY DID WE DO THAT” yes Gricko why indeed
Bit quick to jump to nudity there Torbek
Gricko is just full of great ideas today
“You are familiar with mirages” THIS ALMIRAJ IS NO MIRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikkie: “You don’t really understand how this works” Mace/Gideon, immediately: “I know exactly how this works”
This desert is getting eerily intense
I love how they’re showing Torbek gaining control of the Witchlight and the Other
“Together, as a unit, as you do everything, you decide to tackle this next obstacle” ACK MY HEART I FUCKING LOVE FOUND FAMILY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD
How are y’all interpreting Gricko’s monstrosity connection? Bc I’ve been doing it as like a really enthusiastic zoologist but what if he’s also a monsterfucker
Sorry that was a little unhinged and sudden but I think i might be right he does have a thing for monstrous women who could decimate him with one move
Love how Frost always wants to talk first but Gideon is immediately “IM GONNA GETCHU”
Gideon is going to oneshot this tricobra/cobydra if he keeps this up
“Two attacks on Frost” “no thankyou ❤️”
Rich is so good at flavoring this spell and its effects
Mace/Gideon “Don’t roll max against me” and then Rich doesn’t— that’s Kremy employing Husband Privilege right there
What is the realm they are talking about?? Ghettei? Gehettei? Whatever realm they say Kremy is bringing with Hunger of Hadar
Goddamn that’s a lot of damage at once
Torbek and Gideon and Hootsie bro moment 😎
“Torbek accidentally Longscarfed him” 😭❤️
Love how Nikkie just keeps repeating the generic desert description like an NPC in a game when you try to talk to them too much
HOLY SHIT okay 1. The immersion hell yeah 2. Why. Why is there a swamp here again. The swamp was supposed to be gone. There wasn’t supposed to be more swamp.
“Blow on my dice” there is no heterosexual explanation for this
Now I have this horrible image in my head of Kremy pulling an Entrapta and going “I just need a little more time”
“I am the thing that remains when the alphabet is gone” this is giving me such a good idea for a Tower of Babel campaign wait a minute
Ah yes just like the 1999 classic film The Mummy—- *I am forcibly removed from the stage*
Is. Is the swoose sounding like Bavlorna on purpose. Is this a plot thing. Please this is so important—- Bc there’s an hourglass on the archway, so it has to be time and also maybe the voice is important— Oh. Okay. So not like Bavlorna.
What is the realization Andy is having???? Oh my god I need to know
Does the fact that this is Nekhbet and the lion-headed guardian mean Egyptian mythology at all influences this part of the story? And maybe the Hourglass Coven in some sort of way if this temple is here? Was this temple originally of the Hourglass Coven, or was it taken over???
The emotion in Mace’s storytelling is incredible and then he has a your mom joke. Alright.
Andy and Mikey’s reactions are beautiful things to watch
“We’ve been free ever since”
Fic idea: Kremy and Gideon get married and uh. Yknow Gricko’s entire thing about getting Pa Coal to come to one of Gideon’s weddings? Somehow that happens but it’s a really sad moment bc Pa Coal is dead so it’s an urn and Gideon gets to have a moment just talking to the urn
OH SHIT THE BIRTH OF THE HAGS?!?!??? Wait wait wait I have so many questions— to be made into a hag, do they need to find this temple first?? Does this temple somehow lead to the hag hut??? What is the thing that drinks the brew in the hag hut?????? How did that being come to exist???????? How is this temple connected to the thing that makes the hags???????? Is this a temple of time or of memories and records????
What is the process of making a hag??? Do all hags come about via this process????
Wait a minute. We had a white horse and rider statue, now we have a red one— if the next one is black then these are the riders of Baba Yaga and maybe that is who makes all the hags— like a sort of Mother Hag situation??
Frost is right, I think, this is also a story or situation or whatever about choice (esp bc of the swoose at the entrance)
I need a series which is just Gricko explaining everything that’s happened in the campaign in extreme detail
“We hit rock bottom and we picked up shoooveeeelllls.”
Ayo Bavlorna what the fuck— Endolyn’s story was terrible but this is another level
So these hags are not actually sisters then? Or are they sisters because they all come from the same source? (Whatever makes the hags)
Yuuuup I was right about the riders!!!!!
Idk why but Kremy’s story hits for me
Nikkie this is so impressive. Holy shit— this isn’t in the module. She wrote these backstories herself. Wow.
And the flipped time order of everything!!! And the Granny Nightshade symbolism
Wait blue roses??? Like the ones in Twig’s eyes???????
Andy what are you doing
Oh shit. Next is the fabled Episode 46. Ohhhh lord. What’s gonna happen………
How much time has passed for the Feywild while they’re in the material plane???
Gahhhh!!!! The lore!!!!!!!!!!!! So good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait okay there’s a connection to Prime but I haven’t watched Prime and it’s 91 episodes there’s no way I can watch all that rn but I NEED TO KNOW THE AVANTRIS LORE AND WHAT THE CONNECTION IS OMFG
So much happened!!!!! Holy fuck!!!!!!!!! And next is Episode 46 I’m gonna have my brain explode
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kunimix · 5 months
prev ep | masterlist | next ep
CW; Written chapter, timestamps don’t matter unless said otherwise, Accidental confession (?), Profanity’s
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You were setting everything up for your sleepover grabbing pillows, blankets, snacks etc. Once you finished setting up you decided to wait but that didn’t last long because right as you sat down there was a knock at the door more of a bang than a knock though.
You went downstairs opened the door and Hu Tao’s fist hit you in the face so she was the one banging on the door
“Hu Tao I hate you” You said rubbing your nose
“I’m sorry!!” She said hugging you trying to apologize
“Gay” Syd said walking into the house past you two sitting down on your couch
“Also where’s your mom?”
“Your not going to hit on my mom again Syd”
“Hey you said it not me”
You just ignored the comment and let Lumine and Hu Tao in.
“So can we watch all of the halloween movies or what?” Hu Tao asked taking her shoes off and putting them into the rack.
“Hell yeah!” You and Lumine said in unison.
Your mom came downstairs and saw you four.
“Oh hello girls. Also [Name] can you guys go upstairs I have a client today and tell your siblings to stay in their rooms too” she said walking into the little storage closet.
“Oh yeah okay” you nodded to her
You ran straight to the stairs and ran up them. They all followed you running right behind you while Syd was climbing them like a dog.
“Get up you furry!” You yelled at her
“Shut up bitch!” She snapped back
Once you guys got to your room Hu Tao almost jumped into the pile of snacks. Syd was already on your bed like it was hers and Lumine was looking inside her bag for something.
“I’m bored” Hu Tao said groaning
“Congratulations?” You said shrugging
“Let’s call people”
“But why?”
“Because I made this game that whoever is calling can’t hear and the rest have to tell them what to say but the person doesn’t get to choose who to call we have to spin a wheel”
“Great idea let’s do it. It could get me some tea” Lumine said
You were the first one up and you had to call your crush aka Scaramouche. Once you called him he answered almost immediately.
“Hi” You were reading off Hu Tao’s notes app
“Did you need something?”
“No but I have something to tell you”
“What is it”
You muted the call and looked at the three.
“Bro if you make me say what I think your going to say stop”
“[Name]? Are you there?”
You unmuted and the looked back at Hu Tao’s notes app
“What did you have to tell me?”
“I” you shook your head at them
“I… have a crush on you”
He was silent for a while like dead silent
“Yeah I’m here. I’m gonna facetime you okay?”
He pressed the FaceTime button and once you accepted it he saw the other three.
“Was this a prank?” He asked he sounded a little disappointed.
“Yep!” Hu Tao said looking happy
You hung up the call and yelled at them.
“You fucking idiots what if he actually believed that he would’ve thought I was weird!”
They laughed because they thought you getting embarrassed was funny.
“I can’t believe you almost made me confessed you shitheads”
“Uh I’m still here?” His voice chimed through your phone speaker
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prev ep I masterlist I next ep
Summary; Scaramouche is "forced" to tutor you the "dumbass" of the class
A/n; we’re moving pretty fast and yes i know it’s late and yes I know this is a little cliche but Idgaf
Taglist; @featuredtofu @chemiru @veekoko @kamiboo @mercy-not-merci @sl-vega
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untowardsthoughts · 9 days
I Believe You Have A Call [dndads brothers au fic]
this is one of the fics that i mentioned in this post; a lil piece of the Glenn and Jodie Brothers AU that's been rollin around my noggin for a few months now. its basically just a rewrite of that one scene where glenn takes the phone call from morgan but brothers au
Excerpt taken from Dungeons & Daddies (Ep 28, The Bridges of Dad and Son County) Anthony: The shortest one walks up to Glenn and produces a cell phone. Shortest Robe: I believe you have a call. … Freddie: Uh… Caller ID? Nothing? Anthony: The caller ID says the name of your late wife, Morgan Freeman.
Standing face to face with the men who kidnapped their sons was bone-chilling, to say the least. Jodie stood there, ears plugged on account of Erin’s warning to their group, unable to hear anything of what was being said from the purple robes in front of them. 
Jodie and Henry watched the muffled back-and-forth between Darryl, Ron and the robed figures, until Paeden turned to the two of them, flicking his ears in a gesture of take out your earplugs. 
The tallest robe steps forward towards the dads, “You are going to answer yes or no to the following question: you will let us raise your children, in exchange we will help you leave the Forgotten Realms today. And not only that…”
The shortest one approaches Jodie, producing a small cellphone from the depths of their robe. Jodie takes a step back, hand inching towards his firearm on his holster. 
“I believe you have a call.”
… A call?
The only people capable of producing phone calls in this dimension were themselves to their wives, and Scam Likely - and seeing how the latter recently met his demise, Jodie doubts either option. 
Jodie gingerly takes the cellphone from the hooded figure and puts it to his ear.
“... Hello?”
“Hey man! How’s it hangin’?”
The phone almost slips from his hand. That can’t be him- he’s dead, he’s been dead- He steadies his breathing as he can feel himself about to choke up. 
“... Glenn? Is that- is that you?”
“Yeah dawg, did you lose my number already? I’ve been gone for, what, a month now? I woulda hoped you’d wait a bit longer than that, at least two.”
“No, no, no, no - I didn’t- What I meant was.. you’ve- I-”
“Relax dude, I was joking. Anyways, I’m calling to tell you that I’m on my way back! Dad and I are gonna be in town for a couple days and I wanted to see if you were down to hang out. I’m thinkin’ McDonalds?”
“.... What year is it?” Jodie can feel himself beginning to hyperventilate. Out of all things, a call from his late brother was the last thing he was expecting to deal with since coming into this realm and losing his kid. The thought crossed his mind when they were faced with the whole Terry Senior situation, but once all the Dads agreed that they were indeed not dead, Jodie tried not to give it any more thought. His brother’s been dead for at least a decade now, he can’t afford to spiral down that theory again. Not now. Not here, not when he was so close to getting his son back. 
“...Dude, are you okay? Don’t tell me you went through my shit, dammit. It’s like 1 in the afternoon! Did you eat anything? If it was the gummies on my desk- ”
“Glenn, answer the question - please.” 
“It's 1996. Joe, listen to me, man. You’re gonna be alright, just hang in there. Put on a movie, sit your ass down on the couch - I’ll be home in about 2 hours. Is mom home?”
“I- uhh…”
“Alright, forget about that. Just relax, you’ll be fine. Try to enjoy it! I’ll see you later.”
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#11: I See Things (S3E12)
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Something I appreciate so much is that Richonne's journey is a love story, not a fairytale. Their story feels grown and grounded, healthy, and realistic, while also feeling perfect and aspirational between two flawed people doing their best in a broken world. And through each season of their slow burn, we got to organically watch the many building blocks of what makes their love so genuinely strong and special. So I cherish these early moments that laid Rick and Michonne's foundation, especially here in my favorite scene from the masterpiece OG Richonne ep that is Clear...
Rick, Michonne, and Carl pack up to leave King County after a stellar episode with both Rick and Morgan’s storyline and Carl and Michonne’s storyline. The acting was superb all across the board in this ep. 👏🏽
The three really do look like a family as they pack up and head out. And in their own ways, this scene has Carl and Rick both telling Michonne...
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I love that it just took one trip for Carl to be completely warmed up to Michonne. And he admits this in the best possible way to his dad. Because Rick, in such a dad way, asks if everything went okay with her, and again, I always feel like Rick really really wants the answer to be yes because deep down he knows he wants Michonne around.
And to me, it isn’t just Rick asking if everything went okay on their trip but if everything is okay with Michonne as a whole. This episode was about Rick and Carl beginning to truly accept Michonne and learn that not only does she not have a problem, but in fact she is the beautiful solution to so much in their life. 
It’s also just great to watch this scene back knowing Rick is asking Carl about the woman who will become his wife and mother to all three of his children. 🥰
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And then I will forever love Carl saying, “I think she might be one of us.” Just the absolute best. 😭 That statement is the gospel truth too. And it’s so meaningful because of how much Michonne will end up being not just a vital member of tf but a true blue member and matriarch of the Grimes family.
Michonne truly belongs in this group and this Grimes family, and I love that intuitive little Carl picked up on that so quickly. That seal of approval from him is huge because it allows Rick to feel like he can slowly but surely stop fighting the clear undeniable connection between himself and Michonne. 
I also absolutely love Rick’s dramatic reaction to Carl saying Michonne is one of them. He can’t hide that this is great news to him, and you know Rick's extra side is so loved by me. 😋
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Rick acts taken aback and asks, "What?" and I think part of it is actually being surprised that Carl made such a big statement because he could have just said 'yeah she was cool' but instead Carl lets him know she’s truly meant to be with them. And also part of the reaction is because our man Rick has for sure been catching some sorta feelings, even if just the earliest stages of attraction.
I know Rick's happy to hear his son likes her as much as he deep down wants to like her too. Also I really don't think Rick would be having a low-key tickled reaction like this over just any newcomer getting a good report.
Then Carl is just the cutest when he gives a little laugh and tells Rick "Everything went okay." This is all just so precious, especially after Michonne helped Carl retrieve a photo of his family all while planting the seed of Grimes 2.0 at the very same time.
And think about it - this moment is occurring so freshly after losing his mom. Carl probably hasn’t had many smiling moments since then, so I know it means the world to Rick to see that Carl and Michonne bonded and that she brought some joy back into his son's life. She's the best. 🥰
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Then, because our lovely leading man is always expressive when it comes to his kids and Michonne, Rick has the biggest smile hearing this.
And again, we gotta be so for real for a second because this smile from him is not just cuz it in-general worked out with a newcomer. I feel this is specific to Michonne. Because like I said, Rick really wanted Michonne to check out (partly so he could keep checking her out🤭) and so he’s really glad to hear that she more than did.
I love that even this early, Michonne is putting smiles on Rick and Carl’s faces. After everything they’ve been through leading up to this ep, it’s refreshing to see.
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So Rick is happy, but then he pauses as tho he’s seeing something - likely Ghost Lori. And my theory has long been that Ghost Lori stayed showing up in moments like these to let Rick know his soulmate had now arrived and he should get with Michonne, just like Lori got with her soulmate while Rick was in a coma.💁🏽‍♀️ 😋
Like I just know in this moment Lori's ghost was looking at Rick like...
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It’s interesting how we the audience don’t see what he’s hallucinating like we have in other episodes. I like this choice tho because in just seeing Rick staring off it shows how much Michonne was able to read and understand him.
Like all Rick was doing was standing there, and from the outside looking in, it could easily be missed that he was having another hallucination - but Michonne knew Rick was having a moment of seeing things cuz she gets him. Always has. 😌
So Michonne notices it right away and her look of care and concern is really sweet. Throughout the series, Michonne so often looks at Rick like her heart is tugged by this honorable man in all his humanness.
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I also love that she brings it up. She could’ve just noticed him seeing things and not said anything, especially because it’s personal and they're still mostly strangers. But this choice to bring it up immediately established that she and him can talk on a deeper level, even this early in the relationship.
And it shows Rick that he doesn’t have to feel misunderstood or ashamed for these episodes he's been having. Someone else sees it, and not only that - relates to it too.
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So she gently asks if he saw something and Rick silently looks surprised that she could tell exactly what was happening.
Michonne says, "I know you see things - people." And then in one of the first examples of Richonne doing their signature thing of leveling with each other through being vulnerable, she tells Rick she used to talk to her dead boyfriend. Saying reassuringly, “It happens.” I repeat, Michonne is the best. 👑
It is lovely to see Michonne open up about this, and I love how innately she knew she could share this with Rick. We saw in a s3 scene by a fire with Michonne and Andrea that Michonne was not the type to fully open up about her past family, and yet here with Rick she's willing to share something personal and offer up this part of herself. It just further suggests that Rick and Michonne have a different and uniquely intrinsic connection. And I repeat - they trusted each other before they knew they trusted each other.
It’s also sweet that Michonne is willing to be vulnerable to help Rick feel less alone. This is such a big reason why their union is so special. With each other, they're never in it alone.
They are cut from the same cloth and understand each other deeply. And despite living in a world that would suggest you should always have your guard up, I love that Michonne and Rick instead allowed themselves to open up to each other, slowly but surely. 🥰
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Also, more and more, I realize that the making of Richonne was actually so obvious from season 3 forward, and especially here in Clear.
Like this episode really plants the seed of Rick, Michonne, and Carl becoming a whole family because that family theme runs all throughout.
I mean even just the fact that the episode takes place in Rick and Carl's old hometown, bringing only Michonne on this run where she gets to gain insight into the past of her future husband and son, R&M essentially co-parenting together when Michonne offers to go with Carl to get the crib, and then Carl wanting the family photo and needing Michonne's help to retrieve it, and then Michonne finally opening up a bit about her family.
Richonne was looking like Morgan's apartment in this ep because, honey...
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So then Rick is quiet for a sec after Michonne addresses him seeing things and letting him know it happens, and I know deep down he appreciates this moment from her. It's a rare moment of someone looking at him not to lead or provide an answer but simply to know he's not crazy or on his own.
And then Rick definitely gets flirty as he asks her if she wants to drive. (and again, letting Michonne drive is another establishment of trust) Also, I just love that throughout their pre-canon era, Michonne is the one Rick most wanted to be sociable with from team family.
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I adore this scene for being the first moment of flirting between them as he asks if she wants to drive and she smiles and says "yeah." Rick then says "good" and takes the scene to new levels of adorable with his playful flirty energy when he adds, “Cuz I see things”  and hands her the keys to his heart and the car. 😊
It’s a nice way for him to admit Michonne was right that he sees things but still keep things light. And it's adorable how quickly Rick would go into flirtation mode with Michonne, even this early on.
(Side note: Y'all sometimes I used to want a body language expert who has never seen TWD to analyze these pre-canon Richonne scenes because I just know they'd confirm that Rick and Michonne's pre-canon moments read as more than platonic. But truly there is no body language expert needed for it to be known that Rick's energy is flirtatious here.)
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And same for Michonne's energy afterward because I love how she smiles as she holds the keys and watches him go. #SmittenKitten 😋
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They’re both real fond of each other, y’all. Even in season 3. Like this moment lets you know Rick and Michonne really do have “common interests” lol.
And while of course Rick and Michonne are still on their own individual healing journeys atp so they aren't yet aware that they're meant to be, it's still nice that in this scene they at least now know they like each other as people.
I love that Michonne who can read people so well, knew Rick was a good man doing his best in this world as a leader and father, and as she closes the trunk she looks like she knows she might have found her new home with these people, which I love that for her. 🙌🏽
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This beautiful scene is just such a great and foundational moment in Rick and Michonne's love story and gives an excellent peek into how their dynamic will be going forward as they evolve into a husband and wife. 👏🏽
And how spoiled are we that Gimple was planting the Richonne seeds back when he was writing for Season 3 (before Richonne's journey had even aired for us to see), and now here we are 11 years later with Scott, Danai, and Andy having created a whole miniseries dedicated to Richonne and constantly confirmed to be an epic love story. 🤩🥳🤗
Like this is me and every Richonners' energy for a reason lol...
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I'm forever thankful to Danai, Andy, and Scott for loving Richonne like we do and returning to give Rick and Michonne Grimes closure. And I'm grateful that we stan a married ship that always flourishes within the actual franchise. #WinningSinceTheBeginning 🥰
There's also just something so poetic about the fact that way back during the season 3 Clear days, Scott said Danai was able to pick up on the Richonne trajectory because she was a writer - and now we'll have the privilege to watch a whole TOWL episode written by the illustrious talent Danai, herself, as she gets to help shape the final chapter of Richonne's years-long love story. What. A. Journey. 😭🙌🏽
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So as the classic and fitting 'Home' song concludes this phenomenal 3.12 ep and the three drive away, it shows how these three entered that town as strangers and left as a family more than they could ever imagine. They didn't know it entirely yet, but after Clear, Rick, Michonne, and Carl were on pace to become home to each other.
Imo, Richonne was written in the stars from the moment they laid eyes on each other at at that prison fence. But after Clear, it was set in stone, with no going back, that Richonne was bound to happen. They were too perfect together, too much passion and attraction emitting from them in these early stages for it to not eventually blossom into more.
Rick and Michonne were destined to be Mr. and Mrs. Grimes. And heartwarming scenes like this just made that so, well, clear. 😌🤍
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witchzvamp · 3 months
first of all, peem needs to start looking where he goes... bro is so smitten by phum that he can't look anywhere else i know he's gorgeous but please be careful
the ep this week was so good, even the parts i didn't like i enjoyed!!
honestly, i felt like i was disturbing tanfang when they were in bed; i'm sorry but i was like "what the hell am i doing here? watching them? on the comfort of their own home? oh my god, mom come pick me up!"
but they're also so sweet as always, love them together, they complement each other so well, it's so good to see/watch them together
qtoey i love you guys, but you cannot just like date already? i am getting anxious but it's okay, it's good to me to exercise my patience......... but 🤞 please be dating next week please be dating next week please be dating next week 🤞
when pun asked if all doctors weren't the same, the only thing that crossed my mind was "how can he be so stupid" but that what makes him loveable, also he's not stupid he's just silly and my sons o if someone talks badly about him i will throw hands!!
i am sorry, am i dreaming or they ALMOST kissed??? what do pun meant with "I'll help"? like oh my god, was he really going to kiss chain???
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and he wanted to kiss his bestie!! look at this face!!! oh my god i need them together asap!!
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ever thought that maybe SOMEONE WANT TO DO THAT??? matthew my love, i am kind hating you now, but i still love you... i will let this go bc you were drunk
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he just a boy in love
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yeah, they kissed in a pool. a pool kiss. THEY KISSED IN A POOL!!!! *whispering*(and they keep kissing on the pool again)
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peem looks so soft here 🥺
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he so lucky that i am not his friend bc i would be insufferable if he said that to me, like what do tou mean "after waking up"? like he was there with you? why? when? for what reason?
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he really likes phum, i mean he said all that with the biggest smile on his face
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i think they need to be at least a little bit yk
i would like to say that they get me fangirling a little to hard this week, i had to calm myself down a lot of times, but i love them so very much
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 702 first watch reactions
Man, IDK. Maybe I shouldn't be writing about this. I'm an Israeli. I'm currently living a continuous trauma. The end of 701 already felt a bit difficult for me. The start of 702 was even more so. And maybe I don't have the right to speak about this, being Israeli and watching a show that is American.
But then I think... yeah, it's an American show, but it is made knowing it will be aired internationally, including in Israel. It's an American show, and plenty of American Jews have family and friends in Israel, maybe they had a similar reaction to mine. It's an American show, and I am not American, I am probably not someone they keep in mind when they make it, but I am a human being, and as such, I have the right to share my experience. Even if it is unique, and not one single other viewer felt the way I did when watching 702, even if no one else reads or gets this. We are all valid as human beings, with our unique experiences, and that does include me.
It was hard for me, seeing civilians being held hostage at gun point, when 134 of our hostages are still kept in captivity, and when I heard so many testimonies from people about the many hours they spent staring down the barrel of a gun, or being under siege.
It was hard seeing people made to kneel with rifles pointed at their heads, then Norman, a character we've gotten to know more than the average vic on this show, being shot. There's a specific vid from Oct 7 that this made me think of. It was CCTV footage, showing a girl who was fleeing Hamas terrorists, and they ended up with one catching up to her, she was on her knees, the terrorist was aiming his rifle at her head, and she was begging for her life. He let her go on like that for several long and excruciating to watch seconds, where it was like... maybe it won't happen, maybe he won't shoot. Then he shot her anyway, and her body fell back from the impact of the shot, and then to the ground.
It was hard seeing Hen's decision in the field being questioned, by others and at times herself, while thinking of all the soldiers and commanders who are being questioned, and are questioning themselves, on whether they made the right calls on the day of Hamas' massacre, and the days leading up to it, which enabled the brutal, torturous murder of so many. I've even seen civilians do that, like Rami Davidian, who's being interviewed by many for being a hero, driving into the scene of carnage repeatedly to save others, most of them strangers, and at least once I heard him saying he feels guilty and sorry for all the people he failed to save.
It was hard watching Bobby and Athena saying their last goodbye to each other, when I have spent almost half a year listening to people sharing their last conversations with their loved ones, and watching too many saying their last goodbye at funerals. I just recently wrote about Libby Cohen Meguri's last phone call to her family, when she had already been shot, and all she wanted was to tell them that she loves them, but her mom was too in denial.
I feel like I should say something about the storytelling, about how great the show is again, how this is a multi-ep disaster done right, with the correct balance between the regular emergencies, the big one, and the personal lives of our protagonists with their familial love for each other, with a great build up, both from one ep to the next, and within the eps themselves... A part of me does notice and is happy about that.
But most of me just can't. That's trauma for you, I guess. And to borrow the words of one Eddie Diaz, I'm scared that I will never feel normal again.
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NOOOOO IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY ISN'T IT😭😭😭😭😭😭I wanted to be done with at least one of my Jo pieces... BUT YEAH I have definitely thought about that too I just think it's Neat when kids end up taller than their parents (<- is taller than my mom)
RIGHT THOUGH Tsutsumi's taller than average even! I feel like a lot of key figures at RGGS are just pretty damn tall.
Also... the Jo scene I included in my video... would you describe that as a smile with teeth becaaaaause...
rgg's cast consists predominantly of blokes over 6ft its only right the rgg team Also Considerably Tall 😷
when it comes to jo and smiling seeing any kind of smirk from him's already eyebrow raising BUT BUT BUT i could def count that smile toothier than his previous grins. so. 👁️👁️
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intertexts · 4 months
you know what really fucks me up. hi hello it's me again. listening to the ep again in very short bursts while I'm behind the scenes doing maintenance. right after william hits tide w the needle and david asks him if he wants to help w the . dissection. one of the things he says is "i want you to see what I'm doing here, the good I'm doing. I just don't want you to go back and tell mom and dad I'm hurting people like im some kind of monster" and that just. hit me life a fucking truck. it's like when you're playing w your sibling and they start crying and you instantly snap into placating them like "shhhh shhh stop or mom's gonna hear you" it's such an. immature thing to say in this moment and it really drives home like. yeah. these two are brothers they grew up together. even if we didn't see any of that and they barely talk to each other now. one time they were kids . ughghghghghghghghghhhhh.
it's so fucked up dude... what i'm still held up on is like-- are they like, whats the fucking word. full brothers or is it a stepsibling or half sibling thing-- did their parents remarry? how old were they both? how many years older is david? did none of that happen and david just. took what i assume is his mom's maiden name? what is the wisp family situation like i Neeeed to know neowww it is IMPORTANT....
but. YEAH. it anchors the whole situation so efficiently-- this isn't some random dude. this is his brother!! he probably remembers when he moved out for the first time. he probably has, like, a sweatshirt from his university. he's seen him leaning against the kitchen sink in their parents house eating cereal and now they're in a nightmare corporate basement and he's watching him vivisect someone. i didn't bring it up when i heard it but the fucking... "i thought you were the first thing to come out of deadwood that wasn't sick." line hit like a truck... completely unsurprisingly i, roswell intertexts, have. so many thoughts on fucked up sibling relationships all the time. some might call it my expertise! but that whole-- i thought YOU were the good one and the successful one and the normal one who made it out, and i could never live up to that because i'm one of the sick fucked up things that crawled out of deadwood. and. you're not!! its like the stairs disappeared beneath your feet!! it's a betrayal on his part too!! the way he subconsciously trusted david immediately re: the syringe and shit even though he kept saying he didn't. it's just... i don't even know if i can articulate it very well right now but it's such a surreal situation. that feeling of awkwardly having to be around your estranged older sibling... yeah you SAY you don't like them and don't give a shit but. he fucking does. he obviously does.
and it's so wretched. to me also like, david saying that also is SO fucking manipulative. this isn't you telling on dad that you're watching tv with sex in it or you have fireball under ur bed this is human rights violations!!!! this is horrific!!! he's saying "ohhh don't tell mom and dad i'm a monster or smething :eyeroll:" with his hands in someone's gaping chest cavity and a scalpel pressed to his artery. it's so jarring and it's so fucking good....
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mytalemyworld · 5 months
A little ranting and some of my thoughts about Yabani Episode 31...
Since finally I have time, I'm going to get some things off my chest. It'll be a long post, so here we go.
After having seen the writing of episode 28, I said to myself I shouldn't expect anything from this show, especially with the rating pressure it wouldn't get any better. Because the writers show they aren't competent enough to deal with that. I also said as long as it didn't affect my couple, I could ignore the rest and skip the other parts.
However I learned my lesson, if the show is going downhill, probably your couple is not safe either.
In some parts of ep 31 I rolled my eyes, in some parts I didn't understand the motives of some characters. They were trying so hard but it was neither logical nor touching. Especially some lines and some scenes didn't make any sense.
A conflict was needed between Alaz and Yaman, I can see that and of course it would be delicious if it was written well. So no problem for me. But what's this nonsense, excuse me? Serhan may be cruel, evil and a bastard, (and that's why Alaz still doesn't talk to him or expect anything from him and he's okay with going like this) however wanting your father out of your life is one thing, being okay with him dying is another thing.
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Alaz: He's my dad, unfortunately and I can't change that, Mom. But is this what he should get in return? Did he deserve this? What are we supposed to do? Should we be happy? What do you want to hear from us?
I mean, if we're talking about the worst traumas, then Elif should get her punishment too, because the girl literally tortured Yaman & Asi and Alaz even though it was for "the greater good".
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And these people who went to the hospital to be by their side, to give them comfort and support acted like Soysalan siblings shouldn't get angry because their father was a bad person. Then Yaman got involed in their argument and asked Alaz what his problem was.
I mean, what? How did all of these make sense? This was just plain stupid.
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Poor girl found herself in the middle of their conflict.
I knew he wouldn't listen to reason. Not even Asi could calm him down, I was expecting this and wrote it before. He already fought his mom and his brother so when he came to the worst conclusion I didn't think it was out of character.
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Alaz: So you're on his (Yaman's) side.
I could have understood this as well. Because even back then, while they were waiting for any good news about Çağla, Asi's first instinct was to prevent him from blaming himself although he was a bad brother to his twin sister. So I guessed he waited to see an unconditional support again, like her getting angry like himself and stopping the other people, not the other way around.
She actually wasn't on Yaman's side but he misunderstood her words.
So, yeah, even though he was acting irrational, I could understand that.
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However this…was truly unacceptable.
I think there's a line that shouldn't be crossed while trying to prove you're right about something, especially the other party is someone you deeply care about.
To me, no matter how much angry he was, he would never say that line. Especially after Zafer plot. This guy was ready to die and kill for her, cared about her traumas and pain. You may say he was also behaving like this towards his twin at the beginning of the series, so he can do anything but I beg to differ. First of all I hated him for that matter as well and that happened at the beginning, a very long time ago. He's been through a lot. If he continues acting like he has no empathy, why are we watching this show?
And I know Asi didn't have bad intentions but in order to make him to say those words, they wrote illogical lines for her too.
So why did they write it anyway? Maybe it was for this scene to happen:
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To show that she is compassionate and loves him so much despite how much he's fucked up.
Was it worth it? No. Because we already know that.
I think the director couldn't get rid of that line because of the messaging scene, however he could have shown Alaz regretted it later. But he did not.
So some directing and writing choices were really unnecessesary and disappointing.
You can especially tell this is true because after the hospital scene, Yaman said to Alaz how he wished he could have changed everything. I mean, from the beginning he could have seen what Alaz needed but no, he waited for an hour because the show should last 120 minutes.
What did the show benefit from this? Nothing. I mean, if it happened after he had learnt the truth, we could have said he did it because he tried to make her break up with him. But they didn't choose that way.
There were many good scenes but the rooftop scene literally killed my desire to talk about them.
Like this is probably one of my favorite scenes in the whole series.
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Alaz: I hate being your son. You're like a nightmare. One can't get rid of you. No matter what I do, you somehow ruin my life again. I'm tired of listening you, your making up excuses, blaming others. I went crazy thinking that something would happen to you today. I forgot all of your crap. I said he was my father no matter what. I forgot everything you did. Don't worry, I will keep silent, I will stomach it again, because I have to. I have to because of your health state, because of your daughter who is scared that something may happen to you, because of Ece. I have to because I have no choice. But you know what the most painful thing is? I will never be able to look at Yaman's face again. I know you won't like hearing this but I really loved being Yaman's brother. But as usual you forcefully took away another thing I love from me. How can I look at my mom's face now? How can I look at Asi's face now? Serhan: If you keep talking like this to me, it will be my face you can never look at. Son- Alaz: Son…Yes, I am your son. This is what's the worst. I am the devil's son. This is my curse. You took away my last hope that I could be a good person. Endless thanks to you.
And this was good too.
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Because you can literally pinpoint the moment he started dying inside. For the first time he wanted her to let him go and she said she couldn't do that.
He was always the one who couldn't let her go but this time she said his trademark lines. *fml*
The whole scene was written just like how I imagined. This was not ooc either. But it could have been more impactful if the rooftop scene hadn't happened.
I don't have any expectations right now, if they give me more beautiful scenes that make it look like they were in a delirious state while writing that scene I can try to forget it. However the first 30 episodes will always have a different place in my heart.
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domtheforestgnome · 6 months
Some moments in season 3 of Young Royals that stand out for me ep.2
Here's link when I share moments from season 1
I have some free time now, and there is ALWAYS a good time for rewatch of Young Royals, so here we go episode 2. I'm sharing outstanding moments from season 3, that made me gasped, yelped or laughed. This show is so dear to me. Hope you'll enjoy :) Have a nice Sunday :3
The beggining!
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At first I cringed a little bc I thought Wille's talking to the picture, but then we hear Simon's voice and my heart melted. Also, this whole scene made me balance on the edge of cringe bc I was with my friends while watching, but... well... Wilmon is just too lovely and soft for that, so yeah more melting body and heart from this scene.
2. I will repeat - The Music
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Always the music <3 It just flushes into my soul and meander there with whole show emotion package. Ugh! I love it.
3. The casual pretty packed racism Felice is facing from the headmistress of the school...
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It was the same kind of discrimination words as Kristina said to Wille in season 2 about him being the first one who decided to start unconventional relationship. It is said smooth and soft and It's even more disguising bc of that.
So I just screamed when I saw Felice's reaction. Go girl! They won't fvck with you! It was also very thoughful way of relieving the emotions by creators. I like that.
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4. Them
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So soft and casual <3
5. New choir member
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I'm still kicking my feet while watching this.
And then...
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Wille is so gone for Simon. My teeth are gonna decay because of the amount of the sugar this season. And it hits even more bc of how much they suffered in previous seasons.
6. The moment I realised
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that when August and Nils were 1rst years in Hillerska, Erik was a third year student. I gasped.
7. The fight
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Up until this moment the series is just walking around talking about how jokes are used as excuses of violence, yet here we go again. I burst out laughting.
And then the knowing Erik thing.
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It's just so satisfying how August repeats the sentence without any shame. It felt good. In time, extremely quick answer. Ohh, I LOVE THIS SERIES.
8. Simon being done with looking after Sara
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and being honest about it with his mom. I think this season Linda hears lots of uncomfortable words from Simon, but he needs to let it out and she need to hear it so it felt good also how is he saying that. We can hear how tired and pissed he is. I'm proud.
9. More speaking up about what we could witness in previous seasons
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I just screamed "THANK YOU!"
10. Small moment for nonbinary people.
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I felt seen. <3
I know that the show is not about that, but just this small moment of acknowledgement for us - pure bliss <3
11. Feliece the biggest support for the gays
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Idk I was just happy with this, probably bc of all the stories in fanfiction hahaha. My favourite combination :3
12. And the Rosh and Ayub!
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Like - them all in one place finally! My heart, the joy, I can't, I loved it.
13. And the Roshella - Noone expeted it, yet everyone needed. My computer can't handle it so no screeshot from this scene. But I love the way the showed it, the close ups, and the Fredrikas face. Chefs kiss :D
And then I was getting more and more angry. So, I'm ending this post here.
Haha, also I need to go to work, so that's it.
Take care!
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myechoecho · 6 months
Queen of Tears, eps 7 & 8
I watched these back to back so sticking them together. Plus I’m not entirely sure what to think of these episodes to be honest. They aren’t bad but super weirdly paced for me.
I love that Hyun Woo came completely clean with the divorce, though he also had little option. I give Hae In some slack with her reaction since I think it’s just too much for her combined with everything else. The fact that Hyun Woo deliberately does the most to make her hate him so that she would have something to live for makes my heart break.
It makes me laugh at how squeaky clean Hyun Woo is that he essentially eats dinners alone, plays at the batting cage, feeds stray cats and uses his money to gift flowers in Hae In’s name to employees.
So I guess Eun Sung had a childhood encounter with Hae In. She stood up for him and tended his wound. Which would seem sweet but he also poisoned and killed the dog that was chasing Hae In. Still sociopath behaviour. He did miscalculate with Hae In. Telling her to leave Hyun Woo and let him be the replacement was the not best move. Many couples go through rough times to the point of considering divorce. It doesn’t mean that they can’t work things out and reconcile. Hae In looked so disgusted and I am glad she left basically telling him the same thing. She reaffirms this in ep 8.
As for the memory loss but, it was a bit weird. She remembers just before Germany, and Germany is kinda where they had a breakthrough (before it fell apart again). So I’m not sure she would hug him and tell him she loves him. Hyun Woo immediately pressing her to remember the truth was such a good thing for him to do.
Now admittedly, I don’t know much about the Korean legal system and family court but even with Hae In’s wealth and it being not contested with no claims to assets, their divorce seems to take like 2 hours. It feels like it should have taken a few months.
I do love how Hae In retraced Hyun Woo’s steps - to the playground, the batting cage to the restaurant where Hyun Woo shows up. And she overhears that he wants to stay by her side. This is what gives her the strength to keep going
The fact that the grandfather’s girlfriend says the family has been blissfully happy is wild to me. It must be a line she’s telling Eun Sung because there can be no way she’s lived with that family for decades and not know that they are miserable. Ever since Hae In’s brother died they’ve been miserable. Heck, the grandfather even kicked out his eldest son. Despite having wealth, this is one deeply unhappy, dysfunctional family.
As with the divorce, the takeover also seemed to happen at a blistering pace despite being planned for years.
I’m sure hilarity will ensue now that Hae In’s family is with Hyun Woo’s (but really, would the press not think to look there?? Do they know of the divorce??) but considering Hae In is terminal it might not be good idea to be so far away from her doctors.
Really, it’s only ep 8 that the pacing felt a bit blistering. The divorce and take over feels like it should have taken a bit longer to fully settle. Then again, Hae In also has 3 months to live so it has to be fast. I am looking forward to Hyun Woo using Eun Sung’s tactics against him, as suggested in the preview.
One last point - I felt a bit more sympathy for Soo Cheol. He may be a himbo but he’s also been overprotected and coddled by his mom (I assume because she lost her first son). And yeah, he probably should have broken free long before this. But learning to ride a bike so he can teach his son is a good step, as weirdly small as it may be.
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